From 8. F.t Korea, June 4. Fir&F.t 3:30 - China. June 3. c iff tt?? rrV From T antes vers 1! Niagara, June 21 Fax Yaaeoifert Makura, June 20.

Evening 1882, No. Bulletin. Est. ".J3. 1 1913 1G CENTO. Hawaiian Star, Vol. XX. No. f.694. PAGES. , TERRITORY ..OF , TUESDAY, JUNK 3, PAGES PRICE FIVE VIMS BOARD Band And Bond Company Admit OliMilDDAUGIIR George Thielen hill 0 CI OF KINS Liability In The Maguire Case VOICES FAr.iiLY Latest Choice v ofMrs Stewart llHIEFJIi CLA S nil r3' I I ULL ay - Mrs. Walter F. Frear Delivers Mrs. Montano Positive That u Opening Address Officers - " " - . " A Her Grandfather Was De- . , . Are Elected signer of First Hawaii- Senate Finance Committee Decides Not to Make Changes in - an 'Our thoughts naturally turn at this Meat, Flour and Wheat Wilson Conferred 'with by over time to the young people all the Mrs. Mary Fayerweather Montano, Chairman Simmons Before Announcement Was Mado United States who; In school and col- granddaughter of the late Captain lege, are having commencement, n their George Beckley, the English sea cap-lai- fAssoclated Yxm Cable j and who are making their choice of who was a popular member of showing WASHINGTON, D. C, June 3. Chairman Simmons of 'the tjni orations and avocations and the official .family of Kamehameha the finance committee announced today that the corrtmittee U now rtai t) purpose In life. What troubles Beck-le- y -- their Great, is positive that' Captain Wilson-Underwoo- d fol- end the tariff , bill to the Democratic caucus." Th s us older folk is their persistent was the originator and designer nouncemcnt was made after Simmons had had a Conference with Pre: lowing of onr Ideals and the clear of the first Hawaiian flag, and comes purpose dent Wilson, and the; senator states that the committee allow catt'i, vision of our choice and to the defense of her family's claim. meats, wheat and flour to remain on the free list though the commit.: through all the kaleidoscope effect of eventually Captain Beckley, who was favors a small duty on the finished products, . meat and flour.' It h; J king- confusing circumstances." made military commander of the been reported earlier that Ut committee had brok 1 away from t.v3 The foregoing statement was that dom, is credited bjr Mrs. Montano with Schedule G as it came from the house and were gcing to restore the duty " " n.ade by Mrs. Walter F. Frear, who, having designed the original flag In partially. . .' '. at the request of Mrs. Theodore Rich- the year, 1806 or-- 1807; the material ards, president of the Woman's Board used, being madejinto a little coat for of Missions or Central Union Church, the small members of the Beckley delivered the opening address at the family, according to, her statements. Wilson's Charges of Unfair forty-secon- d annual meeting of , Relative to the' di3cussion that has organization held in the chapel of the V resulted following the different claims morning, beginning at . set up i for priority in flag building, church this . . r Lobbying Are Falling Fl: 10:30 o'clock. In speaking of the Mrs. Montano says: '. - George P. Thielen and college v v "As the granddaughter of Capt. preparation of the school I fXsaoclatfHl Press CableJ part which they will George . Beckley.. the English sea cap- students for the WASHINGTON, D. (X, June 3. Wilson's of play through life, Mrs. Frear referred tain who': was created a chief by Ka- Former Suitor En Route to Ja- President charges "in;. mehameha gjreat the birth of cut lobbies" working here to bring unfir Influences to bear o.i con; rtss.r. to the , greater scope of work which the. at pan Wedding Bells To : of the conqoeror's daughter. Princess to defeat various features of the tariff bill have fallen, fat so far as t?-.- now lies before the .Woman's Board up. in all the maze Nabienaena. at Keau Hou, Kona, Ha- Ring Soon have been traced Mission saying that The senators examined before the special committee of the uppe of life there is a pattern which should waii, in, 1815, and having seen the Star-Bullet- in five In number, named to investigate Wilson's chargea, have unan be followed. To illustrate this she materials of which the first Hawaiian Learning from the Irr.:.. Cap- denied existence of a lobby as They fr:.-- 1 read at" length from Robert Brown- flag was made from a design of yesterday afternoon that. Charles the such Wilson described. requests to re::.v . ing's famous poem, "Rabbi Ben Ezra." EXPECT tain Beckley's, I can only say my Bruce Potter was declared to have admit that various modify this or that schedule has , no improper The meeting was attended by more slipped away to the Orient with his them; but declare that influences have been brought U t: than forty women, including members (Continued on yage four) bride last Friday, Mrs. Sadie K. upon them. Stewart a few hours later discontin- ued her $25,000 breach.of-promls- e suit "(Coptlnufd'fcn' page five) ; , . ' TO BE REPAID plausible promoter ii against . m CALLED the and o simultaneously has announced her Japan Cannot Take Legal I'll! engagement to, George P. Thielen , of Honolulu. V IERS Much' Credit Given Breckons Mr. Thielen could not be reached by BEFORE-FEDERA- Steps Against Measure for Splendid Work in Hawaii L the Star-Bullet- in today . to confirm the I": report that he is Mrs. Stewart's latest .' , . f AsaocIattKl Press Cable . Graft Investigation choice. However, to. intimate friends '."' yesterday afternoon he confided his TOKIO, Japan, June 3. Parliament has been Informed by the jsvir iMlfillCB Flushed "with Success. Special Pros intention to wed, not naming the lady. ment's legal is impossible to take legal action a;air;t t anti-alie- n 1: -- IL'ullSITOilS J August,, vv. -- -- . California land ownership bill until, next when ths : i ecutor itooeri isrecicons ana ine ffjur t- , B. , Mrs.. Stewart this morning insisted 'members of the special Investigating that they will he. married within a becomes effective and a test. case may. be brought. In, the meantims, r :. Ar ' io jionoiuiu.iruin " short time, told his friends t.atidns with Washlnjton, . afic III tcomniissionreiurneu Upper photograph shows' Ha- thielen rrTTF g their-wor- k on the county auditor ar- - ' the "It was up to the girl, and Mrs. waii county in which that i til courthouse. the That the federal prand Jury, is mak-jo- g Stewart says that she has found true -- ' 'a ' v 'cess, which the members of the coin- - county', of Hawaii was, mulcted for of the love at and will fbrget.alLAb.QUt t -- Ma-gui- last ' i below is the beautiful re lllmil, ur Jlarae'tumi , mission ireeiy aiinouie m large reports concerning social conditions Potter and his alleged faithlessness. home in Hilo and C. K. Maguire, After Strattpn's Scalp CiinV'feree to the abinty and efforts of Mr. at the Hawaiian Dance: Hail, otherwise- The discontinuance of the $25,000 Hr - OUII o who has pleaded guilty on first count breach-of-promi- se ttL.tiw.. hi ...t-- l. ur. xjeckons, may be Judged from the -known as Notley Hall, was. indi- suit' which Mrs. Associated ITeas Cable . Attorney-gener- al W. W. ; Attorney -- pLtV -- J TO Have Been statement of cated today when subpoenaes were Stewart filed here, with SAN FRANCISCO, CaU June 3. Secretary of the Treaaury McAics was en- " I served on a large number of known George Davis acting for her, 'equested an immediate resignation of Collector of the Port Strattcn. I .Unearthed at Trial minnrrmminnim habitues of. the resort, and several tered yesterday, and as to how Potter ' ' I. refuses to discuss his reasons for the action, but it it generally laid to p. J "We now believe that the entire AUVtKHStMtNI were taken before, the. inquisitors this fares, the heart of Mrs. Stewart is not '" pointing to rhrr re-Inter- nal 'tics.:;;' Dispatches from Xhlna .matter, at least so far as fixing morning. he be on his way - " concerned. Whether i disorders '.and further devei- 8ponsiDiiity and obtaining return of Among those summoned before the to Japan, as reported at his office and opments In-- the revolutionary plans xie funds embezzled are concerned, grand jury early this morning was reiterated by close acquaintances of party sum-hav- e -- nscrlbedto Dr. Sun Yat Sen's be.Settledby the end of the IN HILO Mrs. Annie GraTes; a young Porto his here, or, as has been said, he Is e PAPER by-th- - been received local Chi- and tne county of Hawaii, Rican girl who two days, ago openly hiding until the discontinuance Is ir- New Aviation Record S2t Chung Kwock lio. nese .paper. Sun ere tnat "vm nave received again the told her life story, including the de-tail- revocable, and that his disappearance message o The paper has also received a entire amount taken from the treas-t- of her career at Iwilei. and her was a hoax to bring it about these t AMOciated IH Caoie theeffect that a recent offender ha ury through Maguire's peculations.' later efforts to earn a' livelihood by questions no longer bother Mrs. Stew- BUC, FRANCE, June 3. Aviator Perreyon, carrying a paasen;;r, t punishment or I PROVES PUZZLE c been given the knclent "The First Bank of Hilo and the dancing and associating with the fre- art. In other words she says she Is riay successfully made a long flight, reaching the extraordinary height beheading and bis head is being shown United States Fidelity & Bonding too happy to think about him. 19,650 feet, which constitutes a new altitude record for a flier and pizzz,-ge- r ad-T- quenters of the Hawaiian dance hall. as a warning to father malefactors, company, of Baltimore, Md., have he Dressed in a dashing suit of brown and Is very close to the individual record. ex- - Others on whom subpoenas were dispatches are as follows: Jmitted their liability to a certain was seen this" morning leaving the . m mtm m - Com- served this morning include twelve she Wens Wirt Involved. itent for the amounts of the embezzle- Report That Brewer and executive building. She was at peace ' us, 'How women and seven men. Most of the PEKING, China, June 3. Evidence ments, and now are asking pany Contemplate a New women are known to the officials with the world, and even the name of lias been securea Dy me iocai coun ,mucn ao w uwe; only names.: Potter did not bring a frown to her ia a tentative DroDosal on their Building Denied by' their first The list Johnson Signs Big Bill Wong Hin, said to be one This : face, but she declared that he was involvine for the follows Joe Kalana. Annie Scott, In l tart, to make full settlement gone new of Dr. Sun's right hand men. the Angelina Bower, Robert Machado, and forgotten and that her - . I U . a o. I II TT1 mi Tl t Wl Cflll SHOW IBeiU IU US I V fAssociated Prew Cable .rnlonlnn f Star-Bullet- : of all. Special in Albert Machado, Cecilia, Alice, Lily, love was the best sensible for. The Bank of Hilo's re- -' was love at sight, she con. SACRAMENTO, Cal., June 3. Governor Johnson has signed the work- HSBBlUttlUJ ' : Esther, Mary, Emma, .Emma, Elsie "It first " Is payments ille 2. compensation, safety appliances V tiuhlit oHcials..nkrZThe court has issued RnnnRibilitv for the HILO, June An advertisement Scott, Pia; J. Aguirre, Lucy Perez, flded. "I met him when I came here men's state insurance and acts. bonding com- - for Wong Hin and will ex- gaily drawn, and the appearing In a local newspaper has Mrs. A. Punohu, W. O. Mokini, Ah a few" weeks ago, and knew at once a warrant pany must make good for the accounts amine him. " started a rumor to tht effect that Hoy arid Ah Sing. that I had found the only man for me. Loan. in which Maguire Is short. Between Brewer & Co. contemplate erecting a We shall be married without delay. Approve Foreign they must determine how PEKING, China, June 3. Eighteen themselves, concrete building on the As for the precise date, that I have Grasshopper Plague Hits State tele- much "each shall pay, or just how far present site of Volcano stables on Mr. but it of the twenty-on- a provinces have In the left with Thielen to settle; government ap- the responsibility of each extends Walanuenue HEAVY will not. be far off. graphed to the central . Jtreet. FALL OF Special Star-Bullet- in Cable , Five-Pow- er the matter." .The property is owned by the "I feel so happy that this is all set- proving the plans for the Delay. ROSWELL, N. June 3. A plague of grasshoppers is ' Auditing Causes Spreckels estate and the local agent tled now, that the suit is dismissed devntatir; loan. . . says only A of. pests, The attorney general the for Brewer & Co. states that he has no and Mr. Thielen and I are engaged. all this section of New Mexico. column the eighteen milii Bankers Appeal to Peking. thing remaining now, In the work of j wide and almost solid in many places, is moving steadily northwest, fa- S.Chl-rles- e knowledge of the contemplated struct- It is all. too good to be true. Dear me, HONGKONG, China, June moneys : vegetation goes. loss is very large. eettine back the due the ure..- - seems I have had to wait a vouring all the as it The bankers of Hongkong, ruined, Aud- it that paper county, rests on the shoulders of long time before meeting my Ideal they claim, by an over issue of H. Gooding Field, of the commis- itor At the ofTce of Biewer & Co. was man. But I have him now. He is currency by the 3anton governor, have who wading through the ac- it cen- sion, is morning no plans are mine, all mine. And I am very hap- wired to Peking requesting the counts of the auditor's office. This stated this that niTY government to remove Can- under way at present for the building py" , Wilson Appoints To Panama tral the J may , laDor; gov- require several weeks ton executive from office. The meantime the commission can do little of. the structure referred to. It was recently issued orders mo- stated some time ago that the owners Assodntd Press Cable ernor has adjournment to - more, and has taken HARBOR COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON, D. C, June 3- - President Wilson has appointed-Rich- bilizing the . provincial troops, and were willing to rebuild the .stables If the call of the cuirman. which, "The-Commoner,- " leg- war-n.ntin- g One and one-hal- f Metcalfe, editor of William Jennings Eryan's paper this action has caused the says, probably means it will ouitable tenants could be found, inches of rain have NAME PARKS ENGINEER ard Breckons fallen in Honolulu since 8 p. m. last to be civil governor of the Panama Canal Zone, islature to demand an explanation not convene for three or four weeks. the investment. The reason for could not be ex- evening, according to the measure- trom him. . time of expose of Ma- the advertisement At the the " by At meeting afternoon the Beheading as Punishment. plained. ; ;;:'; ments made the United States its this guire's defalcations it was stated the weather bureau. was board of harbor commissioners named NANKING. China, June 3. Kung bondine comuanv mentioned "above. It stated there "iron-blood- " .the was believed to be gen-- R. B. Parks engineer to the board, he Shi Sang, leader of an bonded the Hawaii county auditor that rain Betting Favors British Poloisfo con- lad ra.1 over the island, and likely that being chosen out of eight applicants. secret society, has been tried in for 520,000. Attorney-Genera- l Thayerj nection with the activities of his or- the storm is covering the entire terri- Parks has performed considerable NEW YORK, N. Y June 3. Although Devereaux Milburn, the No. stated today that the amount of funds; PFOTENHAUER tory. Reports came in some past, Itar ganization and sentenced to death. He found to ille- from the other work for the board for time 4 of the American international polo team, is recovering from the effects of missing and have been side of morning giving news having commis- has been executed by beheading and passed out of the office in this been detailed to this his severe accident sustained in a practice game last Saturday, the betting gally the of a heavy rain which is expect- employed by of his head displayed, in public as a matter of police payrolls alone runs there sion while the board is 10 to 7'2 in favor of the British challengers. The latter have been show- warning to others. ed to be a great benefit to the plan- public works. ing rare form practicing on field of Piping Rock Club, on up to from $70,000 to $S.",oOrt. lie was ' while the the soci- tations. , ';. Several other members of the say WILLBIVIDES Long Island, and their dashing play, combined with the class of . unable to how" much had been According, to report their ety are under arrest. taken from the road funds and in the of the State Senator Anthony Caminetti df mounts, and the loss of Milburn-t- the American team, makes the challen- weather bureau, ; ' other departments. the rainfall for the California has been appointed com. gers favorites. Copenhagen pass- month of May was 2.94 Inches, being! The parliament at of J general ... of immigration by The criminal end the affair is .CI in excess of missioner ed a bill granting ?23 to children of course, Breck- ESTATE IN the normal for the Wood row Wilson, v. not ended, of though 3 month and making the accumulated :' indigent widows. ons probably will remain Jin Hono- deficiency ' since January - 7.45 Parsimony may result in losing your " J. lulu several days attending lo details inches.: Last of 'Frisco Horse Cars friends. of the business at this end of the line. - .,... Politicians are generally apt to soak Maguire May Tell All. The vi:i of the late William MAJOR Pfotenhauer. fcrn'pr deniian and Nor- Mrs. Joseph Pern, wife of the mayor, TODAY'S SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., June 3. Mayor Rolph signalized the passing the very backbone of the town. A reriort reached the citv from Hilo horse-ca- r - vice-preside- nt of old system today when he the- pound-keep- er is recovering rapidly the drove last car to. the city There ought to be a this morning that Maguire's confession! wegian consul at. thU port and from the Illness of HackfeM & Company, which emergency ambu- scrap heap, where it will be broken up. old rabbits who cannot bear prorn-- J caused the " for all the last week to Breckons, and his now come who died several weeks was pro- lance of the, police station to rush to LEAGUE RESULTS ontrtMnir ..... to into the olace.- toe to tell all he. knows, a: a?o. to- an; iuimB carries bated in Jinlt'f Whitney's, division of Kalihi yesterday to bring strike of masters and mates, was A girl watches the styles because would i afternoon string attached, and that he s day appointed t y w-a- ess to the office of assistant t, U- - v the circuit coin est trday afternoon. her, home. She unconscious dur- J-t- BO3 UOtJOll Wauv o.ow.a not disclose any details that might in-- 1 Associated Cable CAPTAIN DICK harbor master, fill position to procession. - The estate in cf.iimated at $22r,000. ing the: trip and remained unscon-sciou- s to tht? be her In the rear of the Volve individuals; not already! 1 other Georg Rodiek. Vacated by Captain John Dick. About every four girls In ten are mentioned in the public prints as con- the Swedish consul, until this morning. She is said NATIONAL LEAGUE. named Mary, and about the same pro-,.nrinn- 'if nected with the defalcations. w'as appointed evreutor under bond to be suffering from acute gastric and At Pittsburgh Pittsburgh 7, Boston Captain Dick will, retire fronS the mpn are Johns. of ?22ri.oOO; also guardian and trustee i Questioned about it Attorney Gen- - Intestinal troubles. Mayor Fern stated 2. harfor office with the last of June." 1 two IS SUCCEEDED "u young,' i of the minor children under bond j i'.VMi rtrm't want to nromise a this morning that he believes she will At St. Louis New York 5, St. Louis During his term of office. Captain '"" -- of'$150,00(V Under the will man a murc - Maguire has he willing the vife be fully: recovered with:n a few days. Dick has filled the position with said is to one-thir- d , is to receive of estate, him a smati saiary,.uW. ttf11 a he knows. We can say no the The first indication of her illness was At Cincinnati Cincinnati 1, Brook- credit and to the general satisfaction If equal shares being granted . each of noticed Sunday, when the chief execu- 0. of vessel masters who visited more on that Fubject at this time, lyn ' this, - the children. The executor is given tive of the city," his wife a HAGLL! port. - ;:. , ; i save that no bargain has been made and fev BET. -- " thirty days in which to file an inven- JL witb Maguire nor will one be made. friends were, touring the island. Half AMERICAN LEAGUE. Captain Hagluhd comes to the local T7 tory of the estat1. way Mrs. Fern L i tlli 'came throughV.of his own free around became ill. She At Boston Boston 3, Chicago 2. I'arbor office well equipped and quali- fhrflflTinni Cl"e yas VHil 47 1 will, decided to tell all he knows and rushed to the home of her broth- At' Philadelphia Philadelphia 7, De- fied for the performance of many ex- AVIililiwil SUGAR in-la- w V. i t we have confidence that, he will keep er at Kalihi with all speed and troit 3. j. Ilaglund, former port captain acting duties that may devolve upon ' city U j remained Inter-Islan- d , Tke Iarcit stack la tie his word. there until yesterday when At New York Cleveland 8, . New for the Steam Xavigation h!m. .- - Uttfrcn. "Maguire now faces seven indict- SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 2. her condition became so critical it was York 2. Company, whose resignation was ac- Captain Ilaglund has been Identified 88 3d. 3.93 deemed necessary to 3, - - , ' Beets: analysis, 9s. Parity, mov'her to her At Washington Washington St. cepted by the local steamship com- with th gbipr!r cf tv : 1 r f :r:rr.fcK2, ltd .'''(Continued On page four) cents. Previous quotation, 93. 3 d. home. Lc"! 2. HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1013.

1 1 VESSELS JO AfJD t a TnT ft i I I firm; H vFROLI THE ISLANDS IBhcM CthU U Xerekuts' Exchange. -. '": ." EflODEI CITYTRAITSFBH CO. - Tuesday, 1138-114- JAS. H. LOVE ; I,,- pxm Jane 3. ! Fort Street SYDNEY Sailed. June 1, S. S. 'en- - v Honolulu's Largest Exclusive LEGAL tura, for Honolulu. i Clothing NOTICES. YOKOHAMA Sailed. May 31, S. S. tStore. -- - Charge IN THEdRCtTT COURT OF Till'. Manchuria: for Honolulu. . Accounts Invited. SAN FRANCISCO Sailed, June 1 Weekly and Monthly First Circuit Territory f UawaiL At " wssm vs. Chambers. Selaabnro Nakakura 2:30 p." in.. S. Sonoma, for Hono " Payment. : , lulu. , v ', Sada Nakakura. Libel for Divorce. AUCKIAND Arrived June 3. S. S. Whereas, it appears to the Court Makura. hence May 21. fixes nam that Sada Nakamura, the above-name- d COVE OF PEACEISIHPPER NELSON THE AR PORT ALLEN Arrived. June 1. S. respondent docs not reside In this mm S. Hornelen, from Newcastle. Territory but In parts unknown to YOKOHAMA Arrived. June 1, S. S. the complainant and that; the libe- Tenyo Mam. hence May 22. FIGURES lant does not know the address or SAN FRANCISCO Arrived, June 2, residence of the libellee and has nqt C051ES TO TOVN been able to ascertain either, after, AptS Willi S. S. Siberia, hence May 27. v t- - 3.7 mwm Temperatutefl a. m &9:8 at fa.. . reasonable and due Inquiry and search 72; 10 Mini- Fixing upset fig- a. m., 74; 12 noon, 63. the rentals at the ' r P1SSEXGEES JLBHITED mum last night, 68. ures set by A. W. Carter, manager of libel. ; A book The United states army mule, one Wind 6 a. m., velocity 4, N. E. ; the Parker Ranch Company, thet It was ordered and decreed by the hundred and ten of him, made a de- Per stmr. Mauna Kea, front Hilo via 8 a. m.. velocltv 2. S.: 10 a. m.. ve board of land commissioners this Court that notice be given to libellee but at Honolulu during a driving rafn G'. locity 6, N. W.; 12 noon," velocity 8, morning arranged for the renewal cf by publication thereof at least once a " ' way ports, June' 3. A . Seiner, C. - ' ' ' ' this afternoon.; Bartlett, Miss L: ' Powers, Miss E. M. N. W. Movement past 24 hours, 127 the company's leases on 50,000 acres week for six .successive weeks In the But little time will be lost In the To arrive tomorrow, morning from ' Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n, Taking a reluctant leave of the Mat : . cf land on Island of HawalL The a newspaper Duane, Rev. Tachikawa, miles. the ' removal of a small amount of per- fifty-fiv- e, E. A. C. San Francisco with cabin eon Navigation liner Lurlrne, the one Long, Barometer at 8 a. m., 29.94. Rela- present leases expire July 1. suitable for the advertisement of no- sonal effect, quartermaster supplies passengers for port, Pacific ' W. Williamson, R. W. Breck. this the hundred and thirty head of horses ons, Mrs. Sam Johnson, Mrs. John tive humidity, 8a. m., 91. Dew-poi- nt Formally of course, the renewal is tices of judlciaL proceedings published and general cargo from the . United Mall liner Korea will be awaited with ' In Territory and firules catised'an kinds of excite- Watt, Miss Watt, Mrs. q. J; Austin, at S a. m:, 69. Absolute humidity, S not granted now. The' leases inust the of , Hawaii, of the. States army transport Logan during more passing by Hono- - ' - ' than interest ment while filing down the broail C. A. Drew abd wife, V. Hurd, Geo. a. m., 7.742., Rainfall, .77. ; be put up for sale, the date of which time and place of hearing of said libel, the stay of that vessel at this port lulans in that Captain A. W. Nelson gang way s, assisted now and then by Las been set for July 7, latit in ac to-wi-t; ' July lSth.1913, af 9; o'clock i A. Cool, Sewall, Turned, Mr. The Logan same to a berth Alakea recently F. L. ' at has but flashed before the a persuasive prod from 'a delegation 1 Gay, M. cordance with the land board's ac-ttb- n a. m. of said day, or as soon there- wharf, at noon today, the voyage from spot light in Woodruffe, R. Roberts, Jno; Detor, Francis Mrs. Welcker, the role of "bard of the cf "chambermaids" who accompanied Mr. Mehener, Hollinger, Aubrey William, this morning a representative of after as counsel can be heard in the Manila having tak-eomplet- C. E. Mrs. Robinson, Waialeole, to the islands been Pacific." and writer of note. In ; ;;;;r;r;:.;v ; :; r Vl. ' " Company will Court Room, in . Honolulu, City and the stock.';,; , O. Rose and three children,: J. C. Sam KauwI. Mrs. Wright. the Parker Ranch make without startling incident, ing his pen in hand, as It were, Cap-I- t " County The 'animals stood toe voyage in' the Patrick 'and wife, H. Neustadt, strl Kilauea, for Kona arid Kau bids corresponding with the figures of Honolulu.' Territory of Ha- was not until the troopship with tain Nelson is believed to have snatch-he- r J. R. Per waii, ' publication of form. They Bald to have L. ports, 10 Mul-- accepted by the comrhissionets. an 7 the first to bo on hundreds of fnilitant passengers ed best are Coleman, L. A. Thurston, Y. IshL June Mr. and Mrs. W. May, , ( the laurel wreath of fame from the territory will accept un- the 27th day t)f 1913. . range taten everything, get before' them 'land R. Murakami, E. Kopke. J. Thom ler. Miss M. Muller, Miss F. Muller, the bid. aboard came in of the Hawaiian a brother commander, Captain Rodger less other persons or firgs should apj Done at Honolulu, T. It, May 26, - api?arehtly tfTfered no criticism at'tire as, J. Phillips, F. Park, Ceo. Craw- Mrs. G.! E. Campbell, Miss. M. Camp- ; - islands that some rather nasty Allman, who some years ago was pear and make higher bids. The 1913, ; V- , menu prepared' ty the keepers. ford, Mr. Myles, Mrs. Soyenaga, Mrs. bell, Mrs: E. "Miss ' weather was encountered. For the known around the Pacific as a Yersl-I-as- t C.udd, E. Parley, go thp. CmiPtr' '' ' One naif of the freight stowed away II .' Mundon and child, Mrs. F. M: C. W. kases of course to the highest bid- . ' Mrs. A. Farley, Mrs. H. Stdrie two days .. the vessel ..steamed ;fier and author. '. : HENRY SMITH, in the LurlJfle, hold is cori signed to the Berg and child; Master De Mellb, Mrs. den . j Sr., Todd, Mr. and Mrs.'Robt. ",. through rough seas and southerly There are not many authors who ' Francis ' ' The new States Quartermaster depart Kalwaihoa and child. Master C. Davi- ' , " leases are to be for fifteen Clerk. winds. jean gather in Vnited Wallace. : ' - ' 5.w7-Ma- y 27, the shekels while their Schcrm-berg- t 4 years' time, carrying June 3. 10. 17. 24. July L meht. ,The Vessel reached "a' berth lajt son, Mrs Geo. Free and, V. C. ,' Per Mauna Kea, for Hilo via the provision, The Logan is to be dispatched for books are still in an embryonic state. str. however; that the lands .'or any por- Hackeld wnarf kt't'.St) :;cIock today, E. vFernandet, L: Weinzhelmer, waj( 17 Mrs. San Francisco at 6 o'clock tomorrow Captain A. W. Nelson, commander of - - lKrt8, June Jeremias. tion" may - - 4" P. . Fontaine, R . Malda and wife, of thern be withdrawn by - j fringing. 122 tons carg6,Vlnclading J Mrs.' C. F. Eckart,' Charles n. 'Eckart; " ' BY AUTHORITY- morning. the Pacific Mail liner Korea, which t time1 home-steadin- g V " J Namauu, Carpen- the territory "at 'any. ,for" Is great avail--, automobiles. There' is lO&O tons W. K. C Smith T.' C. G. Eckart, .There not a deal of will arrive from the coast tomorrow, ter, P. R Dankey, H. B. Weller, Wm. Robert Eckart, Thomas' or other governmental pur- 1 freight ports. ' tble abin or intermediate passenger and who is now known as the for other island Sugfyama. . . poses. '. ! . OF ' Knight, . C. R. Collins. Geo. Copp, ' , ":; v OFFICE THE TERRITORIAL En-jera- ry , Thirty cabin and 12 steerage pas- Klnau," for' ports, left in the vessel. skipper," because of his new Copp, Rev. Per 'str. June Norie of the tracts asked for by the DOARD OF HEALTH. route to 77 sengers reached this city in the Mat-so- n Miss C. Sakaki. San. Francisco are cabin' attainment, however, doesn't have to '' E. C. Hughes, Miss N. E. Karich company now " ' ' ' ; Per U. A. T, Logan, from Ma- liMrs. ' ; r are used for 43 Swan-ticall- y liner. 8. : snd second class travelers. Prac-- j worry how hi3 book "Yankee Smith, Mrs; F. A. Kopp.' . purposes, and' niost of Is Honolulu, T. June 2, 1913. all A quantity of chickens, ducks and nila via Nagasaki, Japan, June 3. it IU branches of the military and son,'' is going to sell. Although the Per 'str. Kilauea, for Kona and Kau declared 16 be unsuited 7for: All persons . or firms havihg any poultry was received. For Honolulu G. T. Cartwright, D. ' other naval service as well as a scattering volume is just ready for the press other lines of ports; June 20 W. J. Paris, Alex. than grazing, because the! bills or claims against Board of E; Craig, J. yJ. Enos, L. L. Hallam, 1 elthtr of the from Philippine Insular government, and will not appearance tin-burea- A mail amounting to '210 sacks was " ' make Its A. Pauline, G. E. Purtell, SC. C. Paris, E. Gay, A.' W. Searle, Mr. and nature of the soil or the impractica- health for goods purchased subse- hand by local postal J. ' Alder-manr- are represented on board. j September, Captain al-- taken in the P.' ( J i. . til Nelson has Gru-be- n. Mrs. J. Curts. Misses 2 bility of obtaining irrigation. quent to Juno 30th, 1911. will present '.. Thygson; E. E. Vanakan, August Two cabin and nine second class1 ready sold and received the price of authorities." ; Master Alderinan'n, M. .Verdas-co- , The tracts, by name, acreage and same at once "at this office properly passengers left the Logan The Lurline Is scheduled to sail for Lt. Col. H. C; Benson, Capt. at Honolulu' a hundred copies, G. Bingham, arid son; Miss M. Renton, Miss E. Rentou, upset rental agreed upon, are as: fol-- , made out on the regular bill head.?, ' ving.1 on Thursday evening, return- E. wife Capt ' ' Kahtilui - this morning. Shortly lea Captain Nelson's lOWS: ; : ' after book is a tale of Willie Luis, Herman Luis, Charles 7 ( ' 3. li. PRATT, M. D.; Nagasaki, ing to Honolulu on Sunday morning, O. G. Brown, wife, son and daugh- J. the officers In the vessel the seaand those who have read the ter; Capt. W. Fuger, wife, Luis.' Honokaia, 3747 acres, upset President, Territorial Board of Health. win prepared Sea, F. three ' tucceeded in rounding tip three 'Fill . manuscript say that it has punch and then be for the 5562-6- t the sons, daughter and Miss Fricker (gov- ferital ...... 936.75 . . departure for San Francisco having " j ino stowaways who claimed they, and all the necessary romance 1 that and Tuesday erness) r, Capt H. S. Hansell, wife,' I PASSEXGERS ARKIYED Kalopa, 7440 acres, upset wanted to join i friends rela-- adventure. Is a story. In part, of been fixed at six o'clock SEALED TENDERS. their or i It ' ' ' Cap't.' rental 14 DO. 00 j his own life,, being evening. ' ' ' son and daughter; C. G: Show lives on island plantations. his experiences In and wife, "Capt C. R. Snyder land Per M. N. ,S'.V S.V Lurline, trofai San Puukapu, 11,900 acres, upset H. C. Benson, many years spent as a rover Sealed tenders will be received by lieutenant colonel of of the wife, ;lst C. Hv. Stearns, wife and Francfsco, June 3. Mrs. J. Allam, rental .. .. 317C.00 t..e general staff. Is ranting officer on teas, and containing .the color that Building Material in the Andrew Lt : son; Ware, Mrs." Ri C. Anthony and infant J. Waimea, Including Lalamilo only one .Welch. 1st Lt. J. E. 1st Lt Desh. up until 12 noon of Wednesday, toard the Logan. who had lived could have ' j Baldwin; Miss C. and . also the Puu- - i July ' Is ler Whiting, wife land 'son; 1st Loretta Blatt, J: leles of Captain "of written; The bark Andrew Welch laden to li. ' v 9, 1913, for furnishing and Installing s F. W. Fuger the Thir- John Aydelotte, 2nd C. 'Bluem-e- l, Bridwell, Mrs. J, C, Bridwell, Geo. kawaiwal, Kapla, Keonikl, v.-;- capacity with building material, liquid t. Lt ,: lighting teenth Infantry is in command of 3 ' Kauniho 14,-1- 40 electric fixtures in the Judi- J. A. Bass, A. .Bledsoe, O. W. O. Castle W. W. Concannon, Bartlett and Haleaha, ' troops. Captain Fuger Is accompanied Hay fuel and general merchandise, accord Cooper, Gibson, Miss E. acres, unset j.V. 22CC.S0 ciary .building, Honolulu.' ;'. ',. Load Sugar at Mahukona Bunker, J. C. Evans, Robert P. J. B. Hart rental ! 1 ing to report received today through - Plans, speciflcatioriJ and y his wife and three children. It is expected that the schooner Peirce, H K v; Harmon, wfie and son; ford.- Miss L. Hartford, E. R. Hend- Kawaihae I, 9630 acres, upset 'blank The In the agency of C. Brewer & Co. The ry, Harvey Hitch- -- 195";. 00 forms for proposal; are on file In the situation southern Japan is Muriel, now en route from San Fran- " M- -; Shehan,Ji' A Thompson and wife, Dickson Jlitchcock, rental .. .. windjammer is said to have , sailed - COO office of. the Superintendent Pub- reported as quiet by Logan officers cisco, will load sugar at Mahukona. J. M, Woolfolk,- A. C. YoTk and wife, cock, Miss M. Leslie, E. Magoon, E. Pauahl, acres, upset rent- of hen seen this morning. Nooutward This vessel sailed for the Hawaii port frorn San Francisco pn rJay 26, and is L. McAfthur ' Ivan Miller, Mrs. E, al V...... 242.S0 lic Worics. Capftoi iTulItirng. presumably bringing passengers. K. S. allies arid wife,, A. J. Pitt, W. ' The Superintendent a few Mrs. Mur-- Momoualoa 420 acres . -; unapt of Public demonstration of any kind was noted the last of May. A' considerable ship- Seigner, Brag Mohrig, J. T. Mowat, E. S JL Quantities powder, arid 1250 A. Sabin, G. A. S. E. ' Works reserves the right any Tvhile Logan Naga- ment of lumber Is expected to of sand u. xi. V", rental . . ., 182.501 - to reject the remained arrive ...... -- - at asphalt nave shipped to gins. F. Lewis, G. M. Rothang, John jay, rauii tt. or all tenders. ' saki; Caking on 2000 tons coal. In the Muriel. barrels been Cochrnn, J. C. Dow: J. Hunter. K: Rider Mrs. Geo. K. Rider, Red. In Captain . - - . Twenty-fou- r military prisoners are the islands this vessel. p-- a ' XTrn'n-- ff? Rarwald bers Waldron, Stanley Waldron, Ar- The Thomas Pineapple Company . - CALmVjaU ' ' ' Superintendent being transported federal prisons JTarhSngar Ready for Shipment Kelly, "master, writes that he has Bryan; Mrs. L. old Weibel will complete the enlargement of Its ..Y-of Public AYorks. td and daughter, Mrs. F. Honolulu, 2. 1913. Though hopes of celebrating June. 11th in this - canning factory within a '."fortnight. June ' on the mainland. In the hospital 36 several large steamers have - Fins: nna'daugnter. Mrs. Jw v;- jen- - ' mainland-wit- city. .;.;.;,.,,:,;i.;v- by "' CSGMOt ""''' are receiving medical attention. left Hilo for the h full ner, Mrs." F; H.vKalde and son, Miss This announcement Is made Wil grand troops en cargoes, a large amount of sugar arid liam Thomas, 'manager of the com. The total of rouli Julia LItten.'Mrs. E'J.'Peckhim : ET'OTHALlTJi irbm' Manila to San Francisco number awaits transportation, according to a Korea Here In the Morning. daughter, Mrs. S. D. Rowlands, Mrs. pany. The improvements increase SONi LTp.r :i2. ' v ' report brought to this port this morn- , The Pacific Mall liner Korea Is near-In-g F. B. Shaw, two daughters arid son ; the capacity of the factory one-thir- d, . Election . Joining the at Nagasaki were ing with Purser Phillips In the steam- the port, according to advice re F. L. ' Jones, N. Salisbury, Mrs. and It is estimated that the suinmer of Officer vessel 18,500 & J. pack be '100,000 cases. 13 25 cabin, one second class passengers. er Mauna Kea: Olaa sacks, ceived at the agency of H. Hackfeld Bragglns. will This Waiakea 2000, Hawaii Mill 3000. Hilo Co. should Alakea considerably more than that Of pre- At the annual meeting of the stock- Brigadier General Frederick: Funs-to- n and reach a berth at Per S. S. China, June 3 For Hono- Co. 15,000, 13,768, Pe-peek- eo seasons. , holders of the above company, held staff were wharf today Sugar Onomea wharf along about 10 o'clock tomor lulu: -- Dr. Genevieve Goo, Y. Ito, Mis vious . and at the 15,200: Honomu 6500, Hakalau ; in Honolulu on the 29th day of' May, LleuL-Oo- l. row morning. The Korea brings 100 E. Ladd, Lau Man'Sui;Mrs. E. Renjes, ' to extend greeting to H. B. 1913, following di- g; the 18,200, Laupahoehoe 10,510, Kaiwiki tons freight from San Francisco. Through: Mrs. C. Ahl-ber- officers and Conson, who is proceeding through to James Rock.' ,- rectors were elected to serve during 2727. Kukaiau 8150, Hamakua Mill Fifty-fiv- e cabin passengers are to leave I. Allred, Mrs. I. Allred, Master DELAYED Anton Stonge pro.- the coast, 6 the ensuing- year or until, sue-- , 1L8Q0, Paauhau 12,000, Honokaa 4000, the vessel here, is the present in R. 'Allred, Miss N. Allred, Miss H. German and their Honu-ap- o it eorifectinery fancy;tskery censors are appointed: ; n ;. Kukuihaele lfiOO, Punaluu 9740,. to dispatch the Jiner for the Allred, Dr. O. M. H. P. Bell, .for Quick Dispatch tention Babbitt Pound, citron, currant, coffee, spengt Pres. . . AcIe Johnson 3120. g, ' and Director. Mr. K'O, White 5 o'clock.. Bier-lin- home-mad- e Orient at Mrs. H. P. Bell and infant Fr and fruit cakes, choc V.-- P. Immediately following the discharge ; and Director. Mr. C. H.'Atherton E. L. Browni' Mrs. Brown, H. Reports arrived by the Mauna Kea - candies and of quantity of general cargo and lata Grmaa' Treas. arid Director. a . Sixty additional passengers can be ' '" .Mr. E.TI. Paris Interlcland Departures Today. H. Brown, Mrs. Brown and infant, morning from Hilo to the effect rye 1 merchandise at Honoipu from the to Francisco in Three this bread See. and'Dir.. Mr T1 U WruUhnnoa accommodated San Inter-Islan- d on Brown, Diak, G. Co- difficulties are S7X1 rchooner Annie Johnson, that Vessel Three steamers are R. F. Cio Lik J. that fiirther financial Mt3 Alakea. nr Petanla. Phori Aud. and Dir. Mr. G. the Pacific Mail liner Manchuria, R. Dunkeri,! M. Gauthey, Company; H, Angus L understood will be supplied with a the list for departure tb several coast vington, Miss confronting the Breakwater Director Mr. R. A. which is now reported as steaming Lflsellke, taking C. A. Gunner, Mrs. Y Hanabusa, Miss of Philadelphia, which took con- .....v.:... Cooke thipment of sugar.. The schooner is al ports today. The the Director .;...... Mr. Wm. Lanz from Japan ports to Honolulu, and up run, was dispatched Tor E. A. Hosking, Ho Fook, Mrs. Ho to build the second section of scheduled to return to San Francisco next the Iwalanl tract E. II. WODEHOUSE, Secy. ' ' should reach here on or about Kawaihae "noon, tak- Misd R. Howard, Miss the breakwater and has been in con- Silvan without much delay. Monday. The Manchuria is bringing Mahukona and at Sheend? infant Toery; 562-3-t '. ing general cargo: The Iika-hal- a, J. Howard, Mrs. U P; Kallenbarger; siderable trouble to get the work done. Pa 1800 tons Oriental cargo for discharge a large 'limited' Lr.(f rprlse on the Way to Hilo with mall, passengers and freight W.' B. Knapp, Lang Sien 'Ceng,' Miss It was said this morning that the men FOR'SXL at Honolulu. ' Lau Quey Hor, E. H. Lenthold, Miss on the had been The Matsori Navigation steamer En. : Ea for , Molokal and Lanal ports, at work breakwater "THE STORE FOB GOOD Yel- Liers, Miss A.- - Linam, Low Chin, laid report could not be terprise is now en route from San Mexican to Proceed to Hilo. will sail at 5 o'clock this eveiling. J. off, but this CLOTHES" Lt Pridgen at? Schofleld Barracks Mrs. Low Chin, J. Maclean; Mrs. Mac- confirmed. D. E. Metzger whl 13 active ' Hilo, having left the American-Hawaiia- n lowed by the KInau for Kkual ports, Elks' Building ttagr Street haa two gentle saddle'horses for sale. Francisco to The freighter McCuIlough, L. on May 31 with a quantity of also taking a fair sized list of passen- lean, Mrs. E. C Miss charge of the work, was in Phila- Address 1st Inf. 5563--1 w. coast Mexican had about completed taking " ago merchandise for Big, Island ' gers and a goodly cargo. McCullough, W. M. Miller, Mrs. W. M. delphia a few days to discuss the reneral tn. sugar, at Kahului yesterday and t 1 PROPOSAL FOR HOT MIXER Enterprise 'should Work by Local Stevedores. Miller, P. A. Millet,1 A. J." Morrison, situation. Local contractors saw that CONTRACTOR AND PAINTER.7 il'ofters. The was slated to proceed to Hilo, there Fast peatross, company ' more reach destination on or about June 8. ''Sotne fast work wds aecomplisned Mrs. E. J. 'Newman, F. R. the eastern "bit off proposals -- to finish sugar destined for Salina " G. ' Ro"bertsOfi, bidding. Sealed win be received S. Awana, house painting of e, Mrs. B. A. could In all fca by stevedores in the employ of Mc-Cab- Prescott, J. than it chew" low City County kinds; Cruz and tlience to the east coast of A. Rupp, W. Schmidt, C. Schwfn?es, It Is stated that Charles F. Wood at the office of the and rates reasonable. Work guaranteed. I! jedes jraklnff Good Time de- Hamilton Renny Co.,' in; 6ie Clerk, Mclntyre building; Honolulu, the United States. Rain served to Mrs. Schwinges, C. E. Seymour, Mrs. who represents company here, 117 Kukui nr. Nuuani , Matson Navigation rfreighter prompt dispatch df United" States the p. 17, 'St Tte loading cargo to some ex- the r, vice-presiden- t, until7:30 m. of Tuesday, June 5563-6- lay the of Seymour Miss M. Skilton, A. J. Slag-te- was its is now no -- v llyades, With much freight from San scheduled, army transport Thomas for San rari-tlsc- b. 1913, for one (1) Smith Hot" Mixer way ports, tent The Mexican is to Mrs. "Slagter, Master A, Slagter, longer at the head 'of operations. by the of Sound islands with approximately The troopsblp, an arrival at No. 12, as per catalogue In said of- leave the Master Nat: Slagter,; E. D. Smythies, Major Wooten, corps of engineers, ' " U scaring the port and due to. take a 6 Satur- .;. .: ; r 12,000 tons of the product the port shortly after o'clock A. Talambiras, Mrs. said has fice. :: ;..' FURNITURE REPAIRER". the railway wharf tomorrow discharged 1500 Tow Shee, F. this afternoon that the work ' lerth at day evening, was of Ward, F. C. White,; Wong Kee, G. A. been temporarily suspended pending Tenaers to be marked "Proposals norning. The Hyades freight in- tons quartermaster supplies and given for Smith 'Hot Mixer.: Lee Kwan Sik, furniture repairer and Honolulu, 1335 Kauai Liners Depart. Chanier, Chuch Hiing, Geo. Ely, Mrs. the getting of some eight-tor- i and cludes 1800 tons for 600 . whole Job "being . Bidders state time delivery, painter; River nr. Kukui general ; argo and planta- tons coal, the three-to- n must of St Hilo; 600 tons for Kahului, Taking Geo. Ely, A. M. Ersklne, W. D. Gar- rock for various features of tona for Inter-IsJan- d completed in time to" permit the and must submit With his proposal a Allen and 140 .tons tion supplies the steamers rison, Miss M. S. Hall, Mrs. G. W. the work and that he Is waiting to S45 tons for Port N'oeau sailed for Kauai ports Thomas to depart for San Francisco Holland, T. Metzger taking any certified check for the sum of five Kaanapali. The vessel is believed and Hall ' Kanie, K. Kashlwada, hear from before for 6 Sunday evening. . ' ' per cent of the ariiount bid, last evening. The Noeau carried cargo at b'clock Mrs. Kashlwada, James Law, C. H. action. ' will be ready for dispatch for island () ; v CHIROPODIST. only. The Hall was discharged of 5090 Massey, Mrs. Massey, tf. T. McCall, payable to ther City and County rnrtR on Thursday evening. The date r Brought Many. Mon-criff-e, Clerk. , v the coast sacks of sugar before dispatch for the Mauna. Kea Mrs. E. Moncriffe, Lieut. R. Mme. E. King, chiropody by scientific for departure from Hilo for Inter-Islan- Board Supervisors jaiauu. The d flagship Mauna Kea Mrs. E. J. Reed, II. Tominaga The of reserves methwls: 640 Beretania; Tel. 4155. has been set for June 12. uiueu 8 the right to reject any or all tenders. arrived at her wharf shortly altar and infant. Miss F. Whigham, J. Re- SVffillRACES o'clock this morning, her large list of gan, C De Chapeaurouge, E. Quesada, D. KALAUOKALANI, JR., CLEARANCE SALE. ' City, County passengers greeted by a gentle rain- Mrs. Quesada. . ? r and Clerk. 5553 May 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 23, All kinds of Dry tioods. Hardware. fall. .The vessel sailed from Hflc a 4-- 31, June 2, 3. Shoes, Hats; of goods go- half hour late, pending the arrival, of PASSENGERS HOOKED AT ALAHEA SLIP fine line the mall. At Lahalna, a score or more 4 ing creap; Kam Kec, 537 Beretania SEALED TENDERS nr. Punchbowl St. 55C3?2w;' i assengers joined the vessel. A pleas- Per str. Kinau, for Kauai ports, June . "G. E." 3 ant trip characterized the round trip Rev. H. Judd, Mrs. M. Kealoha arid Scaled tenders will be received by of the well known liner. The Mauna two linfarits,' Miss Kealoha,'' Miss G. At its meeting this afternoon, the Superintendent lost: board of grant- the of Public Works Kea is to be dispatched for Hilo and Pepppr, O. Spalding, Miss E. P.aaha, harbor commissioners up 12 noon Friday, 6, Dog, white, one ed a permit to Hawa:ian Athletic until of June brown ear, black spot way ports at 10 o'clock tomorrow E. D. Painter, C. W. Spitz, Mrs: S. the 1913, for the furnishing of rugs, car- nn hnrlr lnnc fin I r Ififrro m.nnn ; ; :. Association, the local branch of the morning. .': :' Koya arid Infant pet and canopy for offices in the 4450; cor. Kalakaua aveuuo and Per P. M. S. S. China, for San Fran- Amateur Athletic Union, to hold Its Judiciary Building, Honolulu. Kint?' K YnntnnJ r."...Lir OBJECTS TO NEWS REPORT cisco, June 3 Miss Charlotte Teggart, annual swimming races, June 11, from Plans, specifications and blank Mrs. A. S. Forces, Miss T. Vlftender, the Alakea wharf. forms for proposal are on file in the Gold K. of P. watch xharm. Finder AS HURTING HIS CLIENT . R. Keller, Scott Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. It has been understood for some office of the Superintendent of Public return to this office. Rewcnl. Callston, John W. Gilmore, P. I). Da- days past that the permission would Works, Capitol Building. 5560-3- L C. H. Young. a Korean.' will get a vidson, Walter R. Tories. Miss Chip-na- n. be granted, bnt the formal action this The Superintendent of Public jury trial as the result of the morn- Miss Lillian Boyd, A. Bnird, Miss afternoon removes all doubt as to the Works reserves the right to reject Gold bracelet set with sapphires; finder please leave . it an "oscillator" which OSCILLATES ing paper's - account of his trouble. May Ferguson, W. A. Stewart, A. S. successful conduct of the water races. any or all tenders. at this office and receive reward. iC2-3- t Young was charged with selling a Prescott, Mrs. Kipling, R. Rumcls-pache- r, J. W. CALDWELL, phonograph and then having It re. G. Ree, T. R. flarris, Miss Superintendent of Public Works. moved from the home of his customer, Julia E. Snow. Honolulu. May 22, 1913. 5554-10- t Deg-Pay- ROOM "AND BOARD. s have no terrors for those case came up in police CUBIOS " and when the Per str. Mauna Kea. for Hilo . via with the C. who lave their epidermis court today Attorney A. L. Atkin way ports, Jurie 4 Mrs. Ella Hardy, Largest Paclfle SonvenJr NOTICE. Aliiolani. cor. W'afalae and 7th Ave., cooling breezes produced by this son, representing Toung, vigorously H. L. Niebel, 3. A. Gibb, George C. Store la the World Kaimuki; room and board. Tel ac- ' objected to morning paper's The partnership of Drs. Ferguson 5561-3t.- "whirl er the Kopa, Miss G. B. Aiken. Mrs. J. S. 2909. Y - happening, whicn was Hawaii sorrn & : count of the. Aiken, M rs. H. R. Bryant W. II. k Danel having been dissolved, the J headed "Scheme Lands Music Mer SEAS CUBIO CO. business will now be conducted by Dr. Melnecke, H. S. Decker, Bert Light-foo- t TO RENT chant in Jail. Goo Wan Hoy. Youssr Rnildln&r Wm. Danel. man is being found guilty be- V WM. DANEL. "The Per str. Claudine, for Maul ports, cottage, furnished, at Cot- fore case is tried." said Atkinson : r,r.G3-2- t. ;.. : tage 5562-t- the June 6 S. IL S. G. Krauss, LOST. Grove. Inquire No. 8. f and demanded a jury trial. He also Krauss. Cottage on avenue, S. G. Krauss Jr., Mrs. F. W. Meier, 9th Kaimuki. Ring charged that someone around the po- Passboolc No. 10.780. Finder please TABLE BOARD. up 1645. 5562.1 w ver- Mrs. H. W. Mist, A. McShane, (.edrge lice station had given an unfair ' return to Bishop's Savings Bank. . sion of the story to the morning .pa- Bustard. . Ladies and gentlemen who appreciate WANTED. per, declaring that when the case first Per str. Claudine, for Lahaina and home cooking should try the Vida came up in police court yesterday, the Kahtilul ports:' June 9 E. G. Bartlett Pass Book No. 4438. Bank of Hawaii Villa," King St; phone 114 G; $25.00 Well educated Chinese over 21 years WM. GITT, Propr. morning "paper had no reporter pres- - Mr. and "Mrs. J. I Savings Dept. Finder please return per month for three meals a day. of age, for office. Address T. B. 48. - ; ; 5563-lm- 4344 .' ;; , Per str. Kjnau, ports, 5563-- 3t . 5562-3- t 1119, Fort St., Above Hotel Teh lent. for Kauai June to Bank. HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY J USE 3, 19ll 'X GlIiLS Dlfl M HOUSEWIVESTO 21 PilLE, tlERIIOOS DEWHT 04' ' El-sto- V fi n's Hfcl;; qfrfipfil Iff ,4 M May Find Hel ur Mrs. Nil 1 Letter About USE OF OAS Her Daughter. mm

Burlington, Iowa. "Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's How to use gas, and how-t- o use n Vegetable Compound had cured 1 1 It to an advantage will be the first my daughter or topic in a course of instruction now bu GET mIIIik! , k weakness. She was being outlined by the Honolulu Gas troubled almost a Company for the housewives of Ho- rrf year with it and nolulu. The company has made the Pome chronic sufferers from rheu-mstb- m w I: complained of back- announcement that, with a view to are human lrometers. ttM t? J They can rcyonize by Uegrowlinz ache, so I following the methods now being used that progressive pains in tlieir tender joints and thought rihe would in mainland cities, it has muscles the slighted increase of be an invalid. She secured the services of two expert gas moisture in the air, even a change was entirely run cooks, whose duties it will be to in the direction of the wind. the gas snpersensi-tivcnessisalwaysattend- down, pale, instruct users of Honolulu Such a condition of ed nervou3 of use and without appe- the science economics in the with thin of that fuel. poiaon-lade- n tite. was very blood. The watery, I The art of cooking with the gas fluid that fill the arteries mu?t be discouraged e much range will be one of the first lessons up purified before tlx-r- Vege- built and but heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's which the housewives of Honolulu can be any prog res? toward per- table Compound through friends' and will learn under the direction of these manent recovery. The problem of now I praise it becaus it has cured my1 experienced chefs. Just why the medicine is not to cure a single at- "-- daughter. Mrs. F. M. Elston, R. D. bread hasn't come out right or the tack of rheumatism but to cratf Ho. 3, Burlington, Idwai, roast of beef refused to be done to a cate it from the system and turn at the proper time.' are prob- strengthen the body to resist an- Brjanln Qctea Case of Another GirL . lems which have long puzzled the other attack. This cau be done by Scanloh, Minn." I used to be both- users of gas, and these problems will building up the blood. ered with nervous spells, and would cry be settled by the in em- Mr. Israel Dearborn, of Corinnt. teachers the always anyone was cross to me. got aw- ploy of the gas company. When un- Maine, says: 'I liad had if I rheumatii-- my especially in morn- able to solve these problems,; all the more or less in ful weak spells the back and in my legs from the knees ing, and my appetite was poor. also housewife now has Jo do. is to call I unon gas company. down, but it was not until a few had a tender place in my right side the Inform it of years ago began to suf- their troubles, and there will at once that I which pained when I . did any hard fer severely from the disease. Then took Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- be sent to their homes one of these such a severe attack that work. I experts. The experts say I had I Compound and my symptoms all that with was confined to the liou.e for two In etable simply ' feeling them it is a' matter of heat weeks and was unable to use my Toiv' changed and I am certainly regulation, and bid's to be re- every suffering it fair lees. I also had pains in my arms. fine. I recommend It to alized that within a very short time 1 let- Tke pains became so intense that woman or girt You may use this the. housewives, of Honolulu who cook could hardly move and I had to lie GOV ter for the good of others. "Miss ELLA with gas will be soon looking forward down most of the time. I had'been you FREAR IS Olson, 171 5th St, Virginia, Minn. with pleasure to the preparing of a sick for six months when some one hear ti::. 4 M meal. : '' : recommended Dr. Williams' Pink GA SO LI E Young Girls, Heed This Advice. Besides1 securing the services of Pills to me. They quickly relieved on sidhj " all Girls who are troubled with painful or these experts, the gas company has me and drove the disease entirely EXPECTED TO BE Irregular periods, backache, headache, announced that It will run the gas out of my system." piping from property to r Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills are an 25c per gallon dragging-dow- n sensations, fainting the line the for blootTand are , spells or indigestion, should immediately meter, up to thirty feet, without ex- excellent tonic the pense on the. part of the consumer. absolutely safe. Our booklet, Men who have zlr:r seek to health by taking. Ly- -- v restoration Bnilding tTp the Blood," i free had their cloth C3c: : Polity CAUTIOUS dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Ccmpound.' on request and should be read by Von ilajnnr-Youn-g every rheumatic sufferer. to order are . now vim n nun Get a box of Dr. Williams Pink wearing Co., Ltd. Pills today from your druggist, 60 1 ILUUU for $2.60, or marks the condition of every The, ruction between the factions IVFI v i ii cents per box, six Bcnj2mm,, Honolulu, T. H. Valley t MS order from "Alfred by of Manoa residents over the 111 111 bottle of milk delivered, ' miLtLtl i U - question of whether the old Gore lot, vl Dr. WUliams Med!cln Compny. Clothes at the Junction , of the two streetcar OiJ Schenectady, K. Y. lines in that" district, shall be con- EXPECTED AT mm m Honolulu Cyclery verted, into a public park or given Because Honolulu The Exclusive Agency for the over to. the city as the site of a fire . famous RACYCLE Bicycles for station, seems) toNg approaching a The Pacific Mill liner China, arriv- - They are made bet- Hawaiian Islands. climax. It was brought- to the at- ing' early thU afternoon from'Uhe Dairymen's tention of Governor Frear this morn- IS So. King St. Tel. 2518 Philippine islands and the coast of fJEETli IE! ter. U9 ; ing, when a. petition, containing a Asia, will remain here until ten o'clock Association large number of names of Manoa-ite- s tomorrow morning before proceeding was presented to him, asking - that 1542. The supervisors will meet this to San Francisco with her cabins rhone the tract be set aside for parking filled to capacity with passengers and Because . r-- - purposes. evening at 7i20 o'ck)c:'Although, only the hold packed to the hatches with lilMl routine business Is the thing M , Cognizant ofv the disagreement ; -- fight merchandise. They have rncrj Gold, Silver, Copper among the Citizens of the district but scheduled, it is expected that a Nickel and. Plat No war cloud decorated the Far Ing. .Oxidizing' a Specialty. as yet unaware as to whether the dis- over the city's streets .will made style. - meeting over, Supervisor Eastern horizon at the time China OAHU PLATING pute has ended,' trie chief executive before the is the r.iissicrj WORKS Pacheco leading. called at Japanese ports, say the sev- . 1914 Rates Moderate, Work Unsurpassed, probably will withhold action on the petition until he definitely ascer- City, and County ; Engineer White- - eral officers, approached this morning. Experienced Men. has mayor were progressing 214 2134 tained the general feeling of the house has asked the to recom Matters in about the Because, Beretania St. Phone mend that an additional assistant en same old way at the Japanese treaty A special meetmg Tor men and boys American Underslung people ..on the affair. '. ' was held In Kakaako mission last gineer and rodman be given- - him ports, while anything like an unfrlend-I- V the : evening auspices of re- They fit better. The Mayor Fern . has agreed to make the demonstration was conspicuous by under the the ligious department Young TAISHO VULCANISING CO., LTD. PERSONALITIES recommendation tonight. It is at this its absence. ..Vi ; work of the fight over may Men's Christian Association which Auto, Motorcycle Bicycle Tiles. time that the the roads The China brought 6 cabin, 4 sec- and C. G. BARTLETT returned this be heard. ' Pacheco, It is understood, was attended by more than sixty per Also Tube Repairing. ond classf ahd 93 Asiatic steerage sons, many of whom were new visit Because morning from a business trip to Ha will object to the rule which requires passengers,. latter, 30 were Of the . wsiii city county surveyor to ac ors to the "mission building, i ISO Merchant, nr. 2197 the and Filipinos who claim they want to try Alakea. Tel. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON was num cept as assistant engineers, etc., men The speaker of the evening, was They are guarant; S. SAlKl, Mgr. their fortunes as embryo Sugar plant Johnny Martin, honorary chaplain of bered among the passengers return Eelected'by the roads committee. . ers.-- . V:' N gave clothes. ing this morning in the Mauna Kea. It is not likely that the water and ' Oahu Prison, who one of his The liner ; met with, good weather characteristic talks which never fail ATTORNEY R. W. BRECKON3. of sewer systems will be discussed.. That on the trip. She 'carries a quarter of J to Interest. Special music was pro the senate Investigation committee, matter is In the keeping of a special a million in treasure. ; vided by Motorman Harris of the Ra May's Old Kona Coffee returned from Hilo this morning. He committee. , ; 1 - ; Because pid Transit Company, who rendered may remain here for some weeks. - BEST IN MARKET ; The property Inventory of the late ON EXHIBITION . TEE CHARLES A. DREW, a former pur several selections oh the harp, and by LOCAL AND GENERAL Annie Coyne was filed in circuit court Dr.; D. gave The patterns NOW READY FOR DELIVERY ser in the Matson ; Navigation lmer 3. Barnes, who a number Domingo Bartista, one of the two yesterday afternoon by H. C. Bruns, , Y MAY & Wilhelmina and now the Hilo repre of whistling solosr Lloyd R. Killam, newer. HEMR CO. Filipinos held by federal authorities the executor, under the will. The es- secretary of the religious work de Geo. Becliley, 1271 for steamship line, is : C. . . PHONE sentative the for burglary postoffice on consists of two lots with cottages . making a brief to city. He the of a tate partment of the association, presided-- 7 3QC1 Col Distributor visit this Maui, entered a plea or not guilty in on Magazine street, valued at $7000, Phont morn-ing- . Since the recent death of PharesVV. arrived In the Mauna Kea this ; the federal district court, this morning. and cash amounting to $11. , Rider,, head worker of the mission, Ihe Because called LeongV GEORGE A. COOL, manager of the The case was continued to be The hearing of Lee motion association has had charge of these later, when a date for its hearing will to set bail, permitting ; his freedom meetings, ajid will continue to do so The prices are 1 r ; ; Hilo Tribune, is paying a flying visit '- ' to the metropolis. be set. ;:- V pending appeal to the United States until a new headworker is appointed. one half'vLa: The SturiebaKer L. railway Jurors will be empanelled in Cir- supreme court from the local federal mm thin A. THURSTON the Hilo so-c- .1 magnate, returned from the big island cuit Judge' Robinson's court at 8:30 court, which ruled against his petition One way to keep the boys on the you pay for zll ; "mdrnlng ? ; ttxcs tiau . : o'clock tomorrow to hear the for habeas "corpus, will be heard 3y farm is to Install a motor to turn the tire lt In the Mauna Kea this morning.. v ' niade - to.- - measure H. B. WELLER, the well known case of the, three Filipinos held for Judge Dole this afternoon. ! grindstone. , Ltd. U Ma'uL impressario, is spending a few the murder of the Chinese grocer and kind. Cchumin Carrlagt Co, wife A NELSON B. LANSING, Agent. days In this city with a view to book--In- g his at Kahauikl. rumor around some stellar attractions. the court corridors today was to the CAPTAIN F. M. BERG, a former effect that the accused trio would en- deavor to . an alibi. Despite Inter-Islan- d master and mate, and establish lately with the Hilo Breakwater Com- this report, however. City and County Attorney Cathcart expressed be pany, returned to Honolulu this morn- the ! 9 ing..: lief that the trial will be a speedy one. v ;...!'! :C: R. COLLINS, who has been soon concluded. The accused men are spending some days Wailuku Domingo Rddrigues Hildo Bautista at and Miguel Lahaina, returned in the Mauna Kea and Hanigblas. , this morning. Governor Frear this morning ap ASSISTANT MANAGER W. D. pointed the tax appeal boards for Hilo ADAMS, of the Consolidated Amuse-- j and the first judicial district, Hono ment Company, is on Maui, playing lulu, accepting the nominations made j several mainland attractions over a by Territorial Treasurer Conkling ' - circuit' of theaters there. Following last week. i ; the appearance of the famous edu Attorney J. J. Britt, counsel for TEm Manuel who was cated bear, Adams will present Valen- Ferreira, arrested tine and Bell, the trick cyclists, to two weeks ago on a charge of com- Tea-drinke- plicity in an opium smuggling affair, For rs who enjoy Mauians, the act to be played at Wai- v luku, Paia, Kahului and Lahaina. this morning filed a motion in the U. jy MORE U. S. MARSHAL E. R. HENDRY, S. district court requesting that Cus- v a pleasing flavor who escorted Miss Margarite Byles, toms Collector E. R. Stackable be r the former postmistress of Bonny summoned to show cause why he Doon, California, to the coast - two should not turn back to Ferrera the DEFYING ALL COMPETITION! ago" sum of 18o, alleged to have been ta. VERY LOWEST PRICES' tea-growin- g or weeks and handed her over to the Really choice Tea, from any of the countries, ken from the prisoner and held by sections, will characteristic and usually likeable bev- custody of the postoffice offiicals at Bicycles and all acces- makc.a today Stackable. ' San Francisco, returned on the . . erage but a change from one flavor to another makes for a 1 sories sense of appreciation for the UKST. Lurlinc. Sewing Machines and keener THRUM'S, LIMITED, FILES We deliver" the finest all accessories FURNISHED ROOMS. Photographic Appara-- We strongly recommend Folger's Golden Gate Ceylon, Oolong, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION built . tuses and all acces-- " Japan, and English Breakfast Teas. Nicely furnished room for one or two machines gentlemen; "all conveniences; 276 Articles of association Were filed sories Beretania, opp. Richard. Mrs. An- today for Thrum's Limited, which In- Phonographs and Discs i'Flavor-Tifcht- " C oz paekases at 25 cents - languages They come in the derson. 5563-tf- . tends engaging a general booksellers in all. package. and photogravure business In Hono Besides, all the products of the Ger- WANTED. lulu. The concern is capitalized at $15,000; divided into 150 shares of the man small industry, such as Watches, Is well worth while keeping a paekape in the pantry, to be jewelry, manufactured articles, leath- served to guests or for tea-drinke- rs of the family. ! Goods bought.. If you wish to realize par value of 5100 each, with 113 spot, cash for your goods, we buy shares subscribed, and the maximum er, paper, iron and porcelain good3, kinds of merchandise, Ja- capitalization fixed at $50,000.. The office supplies, etc. , all also Catalogue. panese and Chinese-good- s. Call or incorporators, their official position Ask for. our free - ' 1383-85-S7-8- You will increase your profits by write Leibman's Bazaar, 9 in the company, and' the shares held Built of finest leather, on: lines, that assure maximum com- low-price- d Emma street Open evenings. by each are as follows: C. H. Ath-erto- n, fort and yet present an appearance free from bulkiness. In buying our goods. Tho - r563-lt- . " president, five shares ; Thomas tan and black. sands of references in all countries May & Co.,i Ltd. vice-presiden- Henry G. Thrum, t, thirty-seve- n at your disposaL Exporthaus M. LIEMANN Leading Grocers FURNISHED HOUSES. shares; L. J. Warren, secretary, one; D. F. Thrum, treasurer and gen- i Berlin C. 25 (Germany) Est In 1::: Two-stor- y (m premises corner Wilder manager fifty-tw- o B. eral shares; E. Turn the little disk to 1271 avenue and Kewalo street, occspied Clark, auditor; G H.;Merriam and century r- - by the undersigned. For a few W. D. Westervelt, five each ; Half a of re 'n shares V ; months. Apply to J. M. McChesnev. Lew G. Henderson' and B. F. Dllline-- STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N. TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1013.


otiiiliilir i VOICES FAMILY It i nuiiii j m RILEY H. ALLEN EDITOR Wedding Rings -- RAO CLAIMS LIABILITIES r1 Tuesday ...JUNES, 1013 not sit in Washington and see the naval station at Key West and get the large ami char .com pre !l Continued from pas one) Mather cluck your appetite than yej in debt. lnMisien of it that I could by coming and faith in the correctness cf the Berk- Should be purchased early, and from' and thoityh pennilcxs he patient. CliintM. seeing iL Moiv than that, as questions arise ley claim cannot be shaken. The our stock of many weights ani styles m as from time to time affecting this plac(' as a naval materials to which I refer bavin; '- been incorporated in the first Hawai- -1 REINFORCING THE MOSQUITO FIGHT IwLse, which 1 will 1k callel on to act uMn, ian flag, were afterwards used in the to have in in v mind a view of your har making of a little ccat for my uncle, wantnl William Malulani Beckley. eldest son A rvmilly issued iulliV;iliii by iUv (nitr:l bor; what we had here, and to get the local color of Capt. George Beckley. William and the local touch. Every man in public life, Beckley, who died in 1870. was the Btfii'M f(r;tl rxp? i im ill station hrvv luins father cf the late Governor Fred Beck- in order to 1m irvernetl bv the bn-a-l views and ley of Kauai, George C. Beck- forcihl to tlio attention the neel of KTinarient the late local tench, iiiust have it.'' ley and . Mrs. Maria Beckley Kahea. is apparent that the prosecutor has reelamatif.n work as a nuans ;f eonilattin the William Bf ckley was, born in 1S15 at quickly brought the Hawaii auditor to Star-Hulleti- ; confessing The n has already "pointnl out the Keau llou, and when about three the pMnt where he is LITTLE INTERVIEWS eTer-i)nse- nt menace of disease Au to mosqui- ears old, but before the death of everything that he can confess. It Is i advantages of getting a visit from Secretary the fla? materials were said by those familiar with the Hilo toes. I). T. Eullaway, the entomologist, up Maguire himself i has fdlrral Daniels at an earl v date. is any move made into the coat for the little situation that R. e If tlure peculations and Ws PUECKOXSr-Th- United fellow. William Beckley waj brouzht lost all tiack of his States attorneyship? Say. rejwrtH that the permanent drainage of ment on foot to alum don the Pearl harlior dry KauekeaouH for this reason the work of running district lare t'P with afterwards ":; getting m Joke, ; that's to be Isn't It projec-- t drydock on III, by Queen Keopuolani, V.' down the various items is rendered bodies of water is the logical vsiv'fo fight the dock and build in its stead a ; Looks like I resign. But I'm too the tabu queen, Tnother of x difficult ? cant and; busy with Hawaii probe pay at- t. secretary come to : this to jK-s- the Coastj the should Hawaii III. : mosquito His report contains the follow- a; tention to much else just now. first-han- d. "This ccat was preserved In our and learn the facts He is disposed to LOWER CALIFORNIA E. A. LONG That. hero tiorr ing points: family by my aunt. Mrs. Maria Bock-le-y C adoft this means of getting information. Ha KIstler, better known as Maria AGAIN REPORTED THE from Hilo has caused me & lot of trou- lias shown it is economica'ly ble. I might not have been In a mile Experience' that waii ought to extend to him a cordial invitation Beckley , who lived at SUBJECT OF A. SALE the corner of Fort!' and "Beretanta of the place. However, I want to say possible. by wc efforts to destroy large jMJSsible, that Hilo has such a fine climate and to come here as soon as and the com streets, until her death; in 1887. 1 have . By Latent Mail they treated us so well I'm getting numbers of mosquitoes in their aquatic stages bodies up. seen the coat myself many times and SAN PI EGO, Cat Asserting that fat mercial should take the matter my W. H. BABBITT'The new library so has sister, Mrs. Julia Afong, - pledged . TIh $25,000,000 has been for the is" certainly, becoming more and eonxidcrahly lessen tlicir annoyancr. pnd many members of C the Beckley California from popular purchase of Lower every, day. Our figures show tha laethod universally followed is to remove or lamily, and it was Aunt Maria's de- the Mexican government by a group that ...... ONLY HALF THE STORY light when any members of great Mc-Gimps- cards taken out far exceed those of the the Robert V. Itreckens!, special prose- - of American capitalists, W. J. ' treat the lxxlies of water in which the mosqui grand children of Captain Beckley old library. ; , , tor fer hc "awail probe wranils- - a property owner at Punta toes are found to breed. The unlimited details called to see her for ilui first Ume. Baga, across the bay from Ensenada. Attention is ealled to the comparatively shiall to slip the little ccat on them, so they Mrs. Helen D. Longstreet, widow of anti-mosquit- Lower California, eays the deal will cf o work have foundation and their numlKT of warships on the Pacific in a recent could say, when they were grown up, (Continued iiom page one) be consummated coon and annexation the late Confederate general and for- leginniug in the accomplishment of this simple that they had worn this historical to the United States will be agitated mer postmistress at Gainesville, Ga., number of the Arniv and Navv Journal. The coat, ; a? .. once the flag of Hawaii. ments, on any one of which he can be immediately. . , will have hearing before the senate purpose. It usually, however, becomes appar writer emphasizes the statement that there has "At the. dcatn of my auat her bus sent to the penitentiary for ten years; He says the plan was considered postofflce committee. indictments ent in any work of thin sort that many breeding no band, E. Kistler, disposed of all the and seventeen additional favorably by the late President heen practically development of strength Lousehold and personal ' effect and can be returned against him at any Madero, but that some difficulty with One hundred boss barbers called on places of mosquitoes have a very temporary ex since 1007. Says the service journal : It was then that the coat disappeared, time. ' ' the Huerta regime Is feared. .He de- Mayor Gaynor of New York and asked log-boo- business con- tence and are constantly being oDiiterated, re; as well as the k of Captain "How he could handle the clines to name the capitalists him to arbitrate their" controversy "In the table which wee publish from week to Beckley. Mr. Kistler went away from of the office as he did. with no more cerned. - with Jthelr striking employes. : in- - to-com-e owtxl or altered such breeding places, for Hawaii and' family thought of the reckoning is a week the has never d, giving the distribution of the ships of , our grown on the IMuw-foun- ; tunce, as tin cans, flower cups or mud puddles heard of him since. - Could he ba mystery that has it will be seen that in the Pacifiq fleet, the r "ors- - as they have proved con- navj if he is still alive, he cquld per J fnd and that these breeding places require - ther intp the maze Pacific resene fleet and the Asiatic fleet, we haps dispose of , much of the contro- warrants tent and continuous attention to effect any real versy that has arisen with regard to "ons and checks and eSi Nov that You are Coin? At;ay, ha ve only one battleship,'- the old Oregon, which '.nrfit This militates greatly against the value the Hawaiian flag. ; : ,pr0eSto act like a man with on account of its anticpiatednes is assigned to The fact that Captain Beckley was money, who, when any. i sporadic campaigns against mosquitoes.. The a room-ful- l of the reserve. A comparison in tab!e form shows appointed the first' military command- - of his friends came in with a request 1 most prohibitive expense of the repetition of er of the old fort which once stood at for money, would Eay to them: 'All . Don't forget that 'your to what extent the. voyage of the battleship floct the foot of Fort street, leads to help yourself from the papers, jew- which the right; just , valuable - ork could be done once for all time also belief Captain . p your warrants V contributed to the increase of the naval defenses that Beckley designed mcney-hea- and jiang f. elry plate and other ; nhanccs the value of rxrmanent drainage of the first flag, although, his ; flag was and' receipts --on that peg near jthe things you ; leave behind, in the Pacific. In 1907 and 1913 the distribu- 1806 1807, go would rge bodies of water. If future work of this made about and or ten years door as you out and then should ;,be placed Jn the tion of our naval vessels in the. Pacific, not before he became military commander. . forget evervto look at the slips of safe deposit vault of the rt is attempted in Honolulu it is respectfully "Captain Adams for whom I sue ' paper or make any re-cou- nt of the - counting the tugs, tenders, submarines and other the claim is made ; that he deslened i coin-- His carelessness,- according to "Tgested to the public and its authorized ' ' records V- . the first Hawaiian flag, was very his own confessions and the small ships, was as follows: '- -- ' a' - cats that part of the funds be set aside for close friend tf mv erandfather ar.d'of the office, -- was almost inconceive- - - 1907. 1913. ::itinnous permanent work, such as drainage at: my grandfather's death Captain Armored cruisers ...... 4 6 Beckley'S" will was left in Captain "Every warranty check, receipt and :.J reclamation of low land, rice fields, taro Adams', care to have its provisions car- bit of data cov ering the business of Protected cruisers ...... 9 8 ried put They were like brothers. the office throughout ' Maguire's ten- itches, etc.; "that ordinances Ik? secured mak-th- e ure has been tound. Evidently no Gunboats . ;...... V. 8- - 8 When. Abram Fayerweather, my fath- maintenance of bodies of standing water er, married Mary Beckley, Captain fear of reckoning entered his head, 31 on i tors 2 2$ nothing destroyed, and Adams' passed over n to my for has been i. ' 'the will which mosquitoes might breed on premises a : investigation has been largely a Destroyers . : 7 10 father. . '. i the ...... v. - uisance whose continuance would be punish- - matter of wading" through the books "I notice in'Thomas G. Thrum's pub- and tracing the warrants.' !e by fine; and that the funds not UFed in per--' lic letter about the 'desfgning of; Che Thayer says it looks now as though Total ...... 30 34 flag, the following: 'Adams' own log- indent or absolutely necessary emergency work ...... it is only a question of a few weeks book, while twice referring to his use before commission wiU be able "Not reckoning the bid battleship Oregon in the: ' ; conserved to provide for a regular and con-:iuou- s of the Hawaiian flag In 181 6, does not to make a complete report on the this compilation we find in the six years lay claim to Its making.' Captain ; ' force of inspectors which would attend that total amount embezzled. BEAUTIFUI U8EFUI INEXPENSIVE which mark a great naval growth in this country Beckley's flag may not have been the Praise for Breckons. ' ) the enforcement of the law as to owners and form of the present Hawaiian flag, but E. A. C. Long, member of the Ha- in Pacific his flag was the first ever made for oes.of premises and look after the otherwise our warships the have increased only waii nrohfi Tommission. elves Great Vieira Jewelry Co., Ltd. 115 lie!;! St. con- the whole group of islands as consoIi-cred- it to R. W. Breckons for the rapid by four, to which gain the small destroyers - ' ;.. attended territory to remove possible iiated Into one kingdom by Kamehame- progress in running Maguire r . all made the Popular Jewelers .,; . gunboats ha. The English jack was placed in . Ltding-place- s mosquitoes. tribute three. In monitors and the defalcations down to definite form of ' Bt-ckle- y : w one corner , because Captain and in securing a settlement that will forces of the two periods are alike, and where e - was exceedingly,, proud of 'old Eng- , largely reimburse the county for the have gained two armored cruisers we have lost land. We do not discredit the Adams money looted from its treasury. Long STIRtlED-- AT LAST one claim because we never knew h had came back from Hilo' on the Mauna protected cruiser." ; -- any. Up to the time of annexation Kea today. WHEN YOU WANT REAL : the family and friends always knew j "Breckons has made this possible," - This is correct as far as it goes, but it tells . ... . - W . ' Why should there be surprise at the latest about the Beckley flag, but; never dis- - he said, "by the fearless and thorough enly half of the story. The other half is. the pros-whe- n relations of dance-hal- l conditions? Ever cussed it In public,! and it was onlv? manner in which he went at the rapid and striking development of general mili- the Hawaiian" flag was lowered ecution and the commission and ::ce the supervisors' licensed the first resort to be replaced by the American flag Field's figures backed him up all the tary work on of which Hawaii is o .ere have been repeated complaints from many the Pacific, that it seemed fit .and proper by u'3 way through. When they saw Breck-t- naturally the most conspicuous example. In tell of the origin of the island flaejons on. the trail, they were glad to urces; there have been frequent calls for the U has always been Up ctistom smoni i"come through." 1907 our defenses were virtually nil, but the in- Long expresses BUY LOVE'S BAKERY CRACKERS t lice because of disorderly conduct; there have the old time gentry of Hawaii to not) the belief that un-whic- h' tervening five years have witnessed a steady and discuss family matters with strangers.; uch of the scandal is, still to be dance-hall-s contrib-tin- g v. vn charges that the were covered as the investigation pro-ria- altogether tremendous increase in fortifications is one of the reasons why, to- - factors in the delinquencies of young girls. so much historv roncernine all jesses but is confident that in the and gamsons, which have entirely. changed the our Hawaiian people and their affairs. end the ramifications will be traced ) long as the dance-hall-s arejun with no more do,w" aspect has been lost, and accounts for the fi.ref : e .. . .. military of the Pacific. many ' 1 " r 11 filiation than they have been mn, they will be efforts being made' to trace back V""1 h,cfnriMi 0,0n(0 v,n nf ti1ns t. "j;::"1the total shortage might be vil influences in community. The vigorous to approximate 200,000 this be-nfou- is said passed to nd .r knew them have the returning to be probably not nunciatiori of Whitney has Police Commissioner Waldo, of New York, yond. .; Juvenile Judge a; way, though im- - Kcnry rhouso A A A . A out of is ra:t 1. 11 ' far the it i tirred the community up at hist and we are would have lost his official scalp long ago had Aline ume oi annexation uenujc,,.rts8ihi tn a rlnsn Psflmat American flag succeeded the. Hawaiian ,ipw. The amount of the shortage as glatl to see action is now not Mayor Gaynor stood behind him. Long aft- - heartily that promised. flag here. Prof. W. D. Alexander, Iook- originally estimated, about $72,000, is The dance-hal- l as it is now conduct eil must go. er the sensational exposures of police graft re- ing up the history of the flag, came said to be far too low to descendants or Captain George j H. Gooding expert is 1k ade- sulting from the murder of Rosenthal, the gam Field, the And, as suggested, there must some to verify statements he had 'COuntar.t, is remaining in Hilo at work (J flag design. quate substitute for its attractions some substi- bler, ay nor insisted on declaring that the scan heard about the Beckley on the tangled skein of county ac-"- I was born, in il843, long enough ! counts, in which he will be engaged dance-hall'- s fea-ture- s. dal involved only "one little lieutenant" and tute that has not the vicious ago to nave learned from tne aps oi (for weeks and possibly months. ' " " r ';::-.- that the rest of the "higher-ups- were honest. people who had knbwn Captain Beck- Breckons, the special prosecutor, Estate for Sale Gaynor's persistent attempts to belittle the ley, Kamehameha the 'Great arid oth- declines to discuss the matter in de leal ers associated with the early develoiv tail, referring all questioners to At-- work been on something or torney-Gener- al how-th- e GETTING SECRETARY DAMEtS of reform have inexplicable any ment of the kingdom, j Thayer. He does, ground but that the mayor of America's great intimate side of the history of our .ever, express confidence that the old flag 5 frenzied finance indulged in by Ma COMMODIOUS HOUSt AND LARGE GROUNDS IN THE city fully guire- - Xavy be in- est has never recovered from the ef will be traced to the limit Secretary of the . Daniels should might more to our liking if ITreckons BARGAIN fects of the would-lK"- ! assassin's shots. Work be had a half hour session with NUUANU DISTRICT AT PRICE. vited to come to Hawaii'at' his earliest possible we didn't have to do it : Maguire yesterday afternoon and it convenience. He is already .predisposed in favor of a visit here for the reason that he intends to We are glad to learn that the house Demo- visit even navy yard and naval station in the crats have no further legislation to. propose at IMPROVED PROPERTY ON PACIFIC HEIGHTS OVER. United States and possessions before he has been this session. They have "done plenty already''! LOOKING HONOLULU HARBOR AND NUUANU VAL- in-- FOR long in office. Kwently he made a trip of r LEY. BARGAIN PRICE FOR QUICK SALE. - eetion to the station at Key AVest, Florida, and The Balkan Allies agree that to the victor be- was banqueted by the citizens of Key, West. At long the spoils, but each wants to be the chief Residence Pacific Heights.. . ,$850Q Residence Palolo V...... V.. $3500

: . . .. 7500 14th the banquet the secretary said victor. v'::"-- Residence Wilder Avenue. ... Residence Av Kaimuki.. 7500 MAKIKI, MANOA AND KAIMUKI REAL ESTATE IM- "A few days after I assumed the kluties of the Residence Anapuni Street.... 4500 Residence 13th Avej, Kaimuki.. 4500 PROVED AND UNIMPROVED. to which I was calletl t determined 'ncat office Now that President Huerta of Mexico has se- - Residence' Anapuni "Street...... 4850 Residence Young Street ... 4000 fill 1 IIT1 Ultl vinv m i.--i i w vr mm luttt iir cured a fomgu loan, the war can proceed, Residence Piikoi Street, ...... 6500 Residence Young Street ... 3000 school; was to learn all I could about the woik;. - and therefore I:4wolved, nrst of all, to visit ev--, Also building tots and residences in all parts of the city.' looks as nnrnl station anirevery navy yard owned by-.- .. Imost if Charles Bruce Potter rv a- A 1 l1 a. Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. the government. " enables them to gle'aii from blue" prints ami of-f- u Gupian Trust Co., Ltd., CORNER FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS , r iil reodrts. but.Mi'ave a sort of a single nar-- Senator Kansdell is making a good job of it, A? 1 1 J . : t" - t li'd' r objf ns. .eonld aiivwav. 6e :ond floor Bank of Hawaii Building

' Mkl twT . kln Brortlon." Tor by ftll drnri't Fmcf-- 1 'Vim i -- Good. la W ( Fnror. I )w inr 11 pa r i V tl'.TO If "T rarrrr ton!ght. the hula. lfr rnllnJ 8tt. r HONOLULU STAIMU'LLKTIN, TUKSOAY, JUNK l, 11)13. t P 3 ' NEVTHEATEK 313 n n nn V TO BE OPENED UQUUUU KoiJiin? more (iLMrrceablrt than, a home infested with verniiu. iVsitroy. more than four million worth; China are advancing over last dollars' lar (ft tliem with Steam.' Electrio liat ami STRAW of hats imported last year, only l.i2U year's figures. This is because of the AT HAT BILL worth ramo from Panama. It is one Hidden and great popularity of tagal LAHA1 lioaih Taste, the stamknl fxtcrminator of tho anomalies or the trade, that brsd made from Manila fiber for Uiirty-fi-- e year. nust Panama hats do not come from (Abaca), According to information I It kills oflfraU, niieo anl cockroachesi Panama at all. '. Y received by the bureau of foreign and A handsome new theutcr is stmn to in aVinplo night. not blow awa OF domestic commerce cpen its doors at uanaina, .Maut. lki j NATION A' The customs returns, however: show tagalbraid forms like powders; ready for use; notlunK to that we brought In from the about cne-hal- f cf the material for the (JH:rg Freeland. h has' extensive Vnlted , mix. Tlie only externunatorrntd under States of Colombia last year straw hats of women in the United States1 holdings at' the former llawaiiaui 'capi-- - Absolutely no culzziituio alxKtluto hats to the value of ll.l72.S49, which this summer. j has tal; thc proprietor of IihainaV only an guarantee of money back LARGE ONE is far more than we bought from any The raw material is grown chiefly hostelry, and retoSnUed "mayor" of if it fails. - . .. other countrv. Coinmhla is tho real In', the Pnilippines, . but is pent to. the rustling little metropolis, has Sold by drucsrists, 25c and f LPO or ! Japan and China wftei e made j financt'd pro;x;sition. and toay is homo r,f th Panama inir. ..n it is Many mixtures are offered as the sent direct, chargva prepaid, on receipt , the braid and hen exported to ; receiving the congratulations of his 5237.S26 worth cf straw' hats; Ecuador . " It may jar ,nls be f toWnsmcn over, sucevss of cf prit-e- one's Ideas cf th cost ,.f kicked In with $171 70 worth and co"ntrv to transformed into substitutes for Royal. No other fellow the - - ' living, but It isjjcne the less true that prni to hfts- - Nearly .all the imports, of the enterprise. Steanu Electric Parte ducaio, D. people contributed straw bats the j baking powder is same in C, the of the Unitel States spend value or 172.767. Most of these were, traw hat material last year from the To be known in the Island theatrical $26,000,000 was tagal ' oer each year for straw i y courtesy Panamas. tho8e countries braid. composition effectiveness, or circuit as' the Pioneer, the new houitf QUEEN MARY 1 -j or PUTS hat- - A tidy liPPi government is mak- wt'Uld Honolulu or even a rather 8um hn il Imports of straw hats from Japan .- Jh. do credit to -u- economical, . BAN ON THE TANGO 8 UcR.u iBBl ,De majority or tbfs Is are astonishingly large. Japan j being ." so wholesome and larger city. r o3a.,H, ; ... - spent on the cheaper grades scl- - .lAd,U8!Eof. n?factulng the bra,'U ' It has a seating capacity of Tin MaHI t tm . . . that second only to Colombia In amount food. ... and alP3 cloth from the same sub nor will make such fine liberally supplied-wit- new I)NI) The Daily Graphic ' r a run 8rasoa- - contributed to this country. Last st?5e is Just follow this up'with ' vr 1 stance, in the islands. By reason of and artistic settings, the handiwork of claims hlsch authority for the state . the cleaner s the Nipponese sold to. us $513.717 t. m - . the ueraand for raw material the pro-- b paint rs from ment OAt Queen Miry rejrard with in amounting to probably S3.000.000. unrtt. " hh .,r r ... one of the, st scenic -- vT .rav """" ihm , increasing enormously. j ac- for must Uri- r V duction the ; Freeland not intend most pronounced disapproval the 1- foa l?at i,nt very cheap varieties. coast dws - a h J A f av. - . ' . , -AinnMn f h Royal Is Baking Powder made of seyeral London in al- ana mm. 'inrs does liein a - - lHor " the only . that his house will be set down as oe tion hostesses uii rtDfuion against autnonty or tne ; I lowing tango, turkey and segregated uie tupying a place on the "kerosene cir the the trot not from, men's bats.'UnltPd state8t one of the pioneers from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar plant thc bunny hug in their ballrooms, and llnXhBiliotu but from thc countrie8 named above Abaca,4 cuit." for be has a fine electric OnrlLr. , In the industlT of growing which will supply the theater with has intimated her desire that none of mmt f the hat8 IraPrted have been from wnlch the braid is made, and is the royal family shall attend any ball yru for the masculine head. Prance sent .w i- - ample light. ' ?7nh possesses many advan- where such dances are permitted, : , mrJJl!JL cen?.yCU us 432'608 worth hats Ia8t,lt. large plantation. The Pioneer" JS."37 He has a lead.", ??!fk mf" .aw devoted - "Queen Mary's the Graphic f with the predatory England $428,100 worth and Italy dealt with the work during the. past tages not found in somt- cf Honolulu's .3 car. to the culture of the plant. com- says, "has ..been widely followed . by rich, for is average per cani-t- a, year playhouses. It is provided with that the $40,409 worth, and these for the of the island branches and the leaders society, many lad- figure spent for by WOMAN'S BOARD growth fortable chairs and an admirable sys- the real of a straw hat the treater part were dainty decorations second the of the mission ork les of 'the highest position. Including population of ' the United States. milady. in foreign lands. tem of ventilation has been installed. lor moving picture projection the Duchess of Devonshire, having 13. Surely, though, ycu spent more than To put It otherwise, straw hats that The report of the treasurer, present- - The best rigorous against theso that to help along COlfflS FOR JUNE apparatus cbtainable has been secured sued orders an industry which rtme to us from the more highly clvl i cd by Mrs. B. P. Dillingham, showed dances. It may be said, indeed, that no expends over $8,000,000 In labor alone, lfzed are for ma j OF MISSIONS I the mission board to-b- e in excellent and is . now ready for Installation. so- countries Jam; .those yesterday lady who .values her position In The straw hat business of the coun that come from thc regions where civi-- J financial condition with a considerable "Mayor" Freeland stated ciety venture to permit them, a3, try hoped to be to receive the will has been" growing tremendously money on During that he able -- uzauon is leua aummeu re lur inw aracunt of hand. the la view of the . queen's , attitude, it Both domestic and imported hats of members of the sex that Kipling teils BRIDES ADS past year $1434 have been received in Maul, folk by the beginning of the might lead to her removal from tho ftraw and like - substances become s is less deadly ihan the female. NOW MEETING pledges besides a large number of per- week. All the best Honolulu attrac- list of those privileged to attend court will played at Pioneer. more popular every year. Latest of Grown In Philippines i sonal' gifts. ; All moncf. which has tions be the functions." . ,'j '1 the consolidated statistics onihe man Add to the $31,b00,000 worth of ccrae into the hands of the board ufacture of the lightweight "kelleys straw hats made in this country $4, Happily for the ' June bridesmaids makes $3Sl.f0, representing the total were those contained In the census re-- 500,000 to represent the straw hats this year " the present fashions pro- - (Continued from page one) receipts for the year. The disburse- Avoid Poisonous Tablets Xukj iio lujiunru. auu uu. uaie a luuu. ui riae moaeis wnicn are aeugnuuny nnd renfesenta-- ments amounted to $3210.69. leaving a total value, of the outnut of domestic $36,000,000 as the value of the annuaj picturesque and which can also be - JfVP5V?S nurtL balance of f 470.91. The total assets - No wo straw hat factories for the twelve consumption of the. useful and some- serviceable part of a girl's; regular .f throughout tire arorunt to $9411.14. ; - Slshed rn anshould Months to $21,424,000. esti- - times ornamental article. Unofficial : - be It is wardrobe.' - ' - ef p?i5 n- by With the conclusion of readlu V V M year. J i- the addes te purchase an luatcd unofUcially that there has bvu estimates of the population this One such costume was shown re-- ifrt Frenr the resident called" for r( the reports covering the local work; h growth of from $ to $12,- - based on census returns, give the cently antisentic or at an exclusive house just off the reenrdine secretary the,, representatives of the various Hi germicide; C00.O00 since then. In bther words, country 97.000,000. Thus will Jbe seen upper Fifth avenue. It was an Im- '.lep" branches and departments presented S dnl tablet, liquid : During your shopping hours, or omservaUvely where was obtained the 37 gents as ported inter-rstin- g or sUted, American straw model In taffetas, mousseline iu'efey The report was brief and their reports. One of ihe most powder hat factories are now turning out, tne VT capita consumption of straw and lace. The silk was a charming ac- - was that, read' bv Miss Julia form, ' - ' covere d the workhicTi has been which contains any In the evening, you will find' goods to the value of about $31,500,000 , hai8 ,fQ tne United States, '.ibne'fn tiny checks of pink and white, charge during the past year by A. E. Gulick. who has of the 4 ; t . . . - Only two-third- s -- ma, - poisons. Follow your i ' about of the not sharply but blending soft- among - Japanese. year.! defined J?f0 mission work the physician's advice and specify Tyree's . the coolIng""drink Just suited Panama, V ! She of vislrs Honolulu from Columbia, snoke the to Antiseptic Powder, because It Is abso- ' - LnJf? V effect Shcefey num- - year, Japan-esemlss'.o- n to . your mood at the 'Soda . Then .must .be calculated la the lm- SL?1 laffJ8 3e pa? lr f.. Portuguese. Miss told a during the past: of several lutely harmless and positive in its re- TLJl a among ' ported hats of straw. These, to 'the , Tkoaa waneauiler of Interesting Tories thos workers, prominent sults.1; ;. : ,.'" ' - cf " - , fountain of the "XX' vu DUUUClUTi - . i value of $2,482,912, were Imported In vutti tvba workers connected with the local s hora were M'sS De Forest of Kobe dis- ;'; .. ... ; ' (" - mntprii wmcn was Tyree's Antiseptic Powder': heals 1308; $2,037,394 In RiVwoViV oaun. tnemacenai oi cIety who haVe made visits durjng the Mlege and Miss : Tsuda, founder and prevents un- -. in i eased tissues, Infection, i '' WllV 8pi2ng, year, to mainland and made rnanacer school for Janaa-es- e' ef- an? the European , brllt8 ras the of a laree. excelled as a douche and is highly J countries made up most of maids' gowns, will be used also at the -- v ' V. .. .. 4nAUifjnii.,iV,,,-w , - ona ftf th work la girfs wMci Is located - -- whh and 'women antiseptic juticaauitne balance. . i m k - t ficacious as a general for - ui,!!. - among 23-ce- nt in- Panama hat importations," you. be - ""v being carried on tne ainerent )n ;Trk,f. The work anpng the Jaoaa-- f the household. One package A great deal more straw hat ma- tendency - to veil it with chiffon, de-cJar- e. lvas Ing of analytical ! se of and is'anda mind, promptly terial comes in from the, Philippines; mcussellne. net, or lace The whit Jf ttiVdot c'tv the makes two .gallons standard solution. - i , diinne. past year at a Sold by druggists everywhere. Send '. but not being taxed it Is not figured lingerie frock (and It must be rtmtm ittaS the. Rights However, perhaps you will in the above statistics. Thin rear's y,c rSSV pte never before experienced and Ifor booklet and free sample ot the Imports of from Japan s report was reniete wun J. S. Tjree, Chemist, Washington, D.C., uron the - UT'an'interest stories add- lace) I basi . will inevitably, appear : by extending Into nft ' Its ac0pe its work tcn-rvri-p- r a number of Japanese at many weddings. Bureven with thes the - remote partsi'of Africa an1 the o : . ; addiUoniJf girdles, ' Christianity. : '.' of color in hats and Chinese republic. The speaker con-othe- r SUFFRAGETTE Officers w accessories, the general effect: cludedfby makirig reference -- to the Are Elected. X 1 S 5ffn e ImPaired, by not havin8 j several - mission workers who have : Tbe tencrarily adjourned the bride; the only, white figure. passed through Honolulu during the at J2 o'clock, at" which t:me those pres- L'JJ whIt,t l8A aecidcd on. for the , last ycar ; enroute to foreign fields, ent repaired to the parish house, LADIES HAVE bridesmaids, they should .wear also Mention was made of ,Rev, and, Mrs. where" luncheon was served. At 1 !Je v.l0wd .8,Ik. 3tukets which, arf Dean; Rockwell Wicke the ifirst o'r'ock the meeting was resumed and height of chic this season With sionarles to be sent to any foreign followf the. reading cf the- - remain- a of white Cen-belte- depart-rent- s, dress net.mousseline, 'a station under the auspipos of the. d ing reports by the heads cf jacket-o- f flowered silk, with v oncers BURIED HATCHET tral Uliion church; Rev. and Mrs: were elected to ssrve . H0LL13TER a bodet bapk, would be charming, wickes are now located in Chinaani r'tirin? the coming year. But two Co Nothing could be picturesque DRUG CO' LTD. mplete Change ofProgram Tonight noe glowing . accounts cf their work have changes were made in the list, leaving By Latest MallJ a group of girls in these cos- - Fort Street - ' Jhan been reCeived by. the local board from the. board composed of the ..following LONDON. The antlpatii ies ' of M rs. LAST FEW NIGHTS with broad flat leghorn hats, iime to time. .V T v- officers: Mrs. Theodore Richards, and carrying tall staffs. I - ,. O. H. P. Belmont and Mrs. Carrie are rd- - president; Mrs. S. R. Bishoo. Miss New in regard Not ; less lovely are the simple : P0,?4 ' Chapman Catt of York I rcc.ord-the- y M. A. O. H. Gulick draped gowns of chiffon. At any rate, Followig report of the Chamberlain, Mrs. to the suffragette campaign have evi- AMUS&M.flT3 in secretary, the reports, of the home and M rs. L. R. Coan, nonorary vico-nrcs'dcnt- s: dently been overcome since' their ar- produce an illusion - of sim- - Co, plicity, although something approach- - secretary and the foreign correspond- Mrs. G. II. Gere. Mrs. rival here, for it is announced that ing genius goes into the arrangement Mng secretary were presented by Mrs. Doremus Scuddcr. Mrs, W. J. Forbes. the mother of the Duchess of Marl- H- August In- of the draperies and the addition of - E. Webster and Miss;. Agues E. Mr3. J.'. P. Krdman, Mrs. borough and the president of the popular tiizat:: respectively. . were inter-o- f Drahrn of Ililo and Mrs. H. R Baldwin League of Woman Suffra- JlJJMLPRESENTING a contrasting color note. This touch Judd Both ternational. Y. "A. f Opp. vrce-presideh- ts; Hotel St, M..C. color must have an arresting qual- - esting from the fact that the first cf Puunene, active gists arc to appear on the same plat- form a meeting at the Women's nd ity of unexpectedness as well as of) at MONDAY and TUESDAY, Juno 2, 3. harmony. Political Union, the, militant exotic expect- At a New York wedding the brides- suffragette organization. It is a mm ngiisii LIVER ed that the American women will ex- A CATTLE RUSTLER'S DAUGHTER maids,wore green brocade charmeuse BOI'ELS SLUGGISH, TORPID; mm v '..-.'- ' Cowboy Picture; THE TEMPTRESS, press their views. t with green chiffon coats. These color-- j Strong Emotional Drama; LEON OF ed chiffon coats, by the way, are an-- J Miss M, L. Sheelcy, recording secre- THE TABLE D'HOTE, A Rip Snort-Ir-a Kali" other charming accessory to the cos- -' tary; Mrs. II. K. Webster, home Comedy; CEYOND PARDON, In- IMz tume. and nave also added recom- HEADACHY. BlfelOU S? "CASCABETS secretary Miss Agnes E. tense Western Drama; THE LUCKY use- - mendation of being subsequently secretary, BANANA SELLER, Hilarious Com- 16 fudd, foreign corresponding - WITH PEOPLE ful. The r- flowers carried with these Dillingham, treasurer; Mrs. edy; A , WOULD BE SPORTSMAN, green gowns Mrs. B. F. were jonquils. The hats W. L. Moore, assistant treasurer. A Lauh Every Second. Were of yellow, leghorn, with crowns No odds how bad your liver, storn- -' other distress; . relieve your torpid copper-colore- d of satin and trimmed ach or bowels; how much your head 'liver and constipated bowels of all the . ANNOUNCEMENT. NEW TURN BY with wheat and cloth of gold roses aches: how miserable and uncomfort- - scur bile, gases and clogged-up- . waste We take' this, mrans to apologize In this case the colors, green and , able you are from constipation, fli'di- - , which is producing the misery. to the show-goin- g public for the poor 10-ce- nt yeuow, - co-calle- were part, .of the general gestion. biliousness and sluggish intes- A box of Cascarets Keeps exhibition of, d magic by cne scheme of - decoration. tinesi you always get the desired re- - your head clear, stomach tweet, liver f lloo Yce at thi3 theater on Saturday Most; bridal bouquets; include lilies salts with Cascarets. ' and bowele regular and you feel chcr- - nfght, May 31st. of the valley. Some composed - bow- - bully Don't forget (si are Clean your stomach, liver and ful and for months. All we ; can say dn explanation Is - entirely of these flowers; .or they els tonight; end ,the headache,: MIIoub- the children their little insides need that said . Boo Yce was represented g, , K may. be combined with white orchids ncss,, dizziness, nervousness, sick, a good,, gentle-cleansin- too. adver-sour- ,A T H LETIC PAR to us a3 a first clara performer; and and a few orange blossoms. . One gaisy stomach, backache and all t'sement. JUNE 8. aa a result of his "poor, showing wo bouquet recently seen was of white have cancelled his cngagfment with "Hsrcelline's Befurn" lilacs and white roses. But, on the CANDY CATHARTIC ASAHI vs. P. A. C. us for., tonight and have substituted whole, lilies are the most satisfac- HAWAII vs. ARTILLERY. our regular good program of movlns - tory. .;; : " A ROAR A NOVELTY ';;v ;,:.; Reserved seats on sale in Sporting pictures at regular prices. At a recent wedding the bride . ( Goods Department, E. 0 HALL & POPUIAR THEATER, came down the laisle on her father's SON, LTD. By S. Achuck, Mgr. arm ,but at the proper moment her H ) I mother stepped from the pew and COMING "gave the bride away," so that she 10 CENT BOXES "ANY DRUG STORE had a share- in the actual wedding. ; ALSO 25 8t 50 CENT BOXES A bride who wishes to have some part of her wedding bouquet for her- 3i Hsurtford Sisters self as well as toss part to the brides- maids to catch, decided on a plan which met the case both ways. This was to have the bouquet made in two tfces. Just before she paused and turned on the stairs to let it fall into the upstretched hands she loosened the ribbons,: and then threw but one half of the bouquet. The other half she ept for a pot-pourr- i. L3k V tiJasUi Ui DBOmS A Ckfn of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. for the postal delivery service to be established July 1st, 1913. MA NOAITES : and KAIMUKIITES, you are particularly referred to. Re- TOMGE-H-T DR. T. Flix Oouraud'a Oriental member the Postmaster requests that receptacles be in position to ( Cream or Mafioal Beautifler. facilitate the service. :;.:; Removea Tan. Ptmolaa. Freckle, Motk Patcbea, Bub, mai bki Disrates, i RETURN OF THE FAVORITES aaa erery Diemua oi beaatf. mad o- - ! a datection. It Our Special Sale bat stood tb teat of 6$ rears. an V2 Is so Darmless l Boxes of various sizes and styles at extremely interesting prices. taste It tobesarett Is properly mads, i AccepJ no count rr- - I feU of imUsr i 50c, same. Dr. L. A. I 75c, $1.25 and famous Honey G'rli presenting . 8arr said to a : will buy a box will meet every money the Udy f tbe haut-to- n that , requirement More buys (a patient): better ones. c "As yrm ladies , wlQ dm tbem, I I reeomnend ! "Tlid Arrival of John Sullivan 3araa1'a Creata' as the least harmful t ail lbs I MM L I skin preparations." For sals by all droireirts sad francj. , 1 N. Ooods iWaiera ia tbs Ualtad Statas, Canada sad aropa. DONT FORGET TONIGHT, THE HULA. , ; BlMOND & CO., 'Ltd. r::.T.r'r:--: i v, T:v r v run a V


Honolulu Stock Exchange Half Sick DAILY REMINDERS Tuesday, June 3. Bonalows built cheap. TeL 217 MERCANTILE Did Asked advertisement. re- C. Brewer &' Co.. . Order your soft drinks from the SUGAR t liable Consolidated Soda Works. ad- Many persons have good dayJ " . 18 13 their vertisement- mm Ewa Plantation Co.;..,'. and their bad day. v Others are about I Concrete sidewalk and stone curbing Hawaiian Agric. m Co...... nau silk u mc umc 1 ucy nave put in reasonable. Telephone 2157. sd Haw. Com. & Sug. Co.. . 26 headache, backache, anS are restless Supar Co. .. . . 27 advertisemenL Hawaiian. i and nervous. Food, does not - taste buy Stamps i onoih u S uga'r Co...... 75 110 When you ask for Green good, and the digestion is poor; the take no others; they're valuable. Ilcnokaa Sugar Co...... 3!i skin is drv and disfisaired with Dim Haiku Sugar Co...... 100 115 sicepfcinssnorest advertisement. V : - ples; andworkis Wanted Two more passengers for stability by C. IJrewer Ac Co. 'Five companies, selling Hutchinson Sugar Plant. 12 of represented aburdsn. around - the - island at $G.00. Lewis Kahuku Plantation Co.. i VfcatC2n3cs"th&? Impure blood. llfstoio rimilation ami liralth at lho samp time. insurance, have been in existence that Ions. You get 510 years of ex- 123 Stables and Garage. Tel. 2141. ad- Kckana Sugar Co And the remedy? - icy. Co. . 0 vertisement. Nom ua the market brinp hatisfat'tory nuUs perience stability and kuowleU ix- villi every tir? insurance iol Koloa Sugar ...... 8 A better flavors in teas r Lovers the y McBrj'de Sugar Co...... 2 2 ti qiiM-kl- should try Fnlger's teas, sold by May as as ouisl We M'll Oahu Sugar Co...... 14 V. 14 - & Co. Tlicy coise in "Flavor- Onomea Sugar 21 22 - Co...... Tf tight" so their fine flavor Kiivtiirsat Sugar . :.. . . lv4 mm ?ir t?ar. Olaa Co.. ... 13 be lost. Four aisUnctivc fla- Paauhau Sugar Co...... 13 won't Sugar M ill : . . ... so vors. Dry (VII, l for nso where elettrioity is not Now is the time to Pacific fru-nitu- re 100 115 I hold weekly auction sales of ; Pa!a Plantation Co..... V on available), ?I5 tu ?30. . Co. F'epeekeo Sugar, Cd ...... 100 and general merchandise C. & , Brewer Mill 38 t " s f fit I Thursdays at my rooms, Sacns block. lloneer Co...... Jjr'i George V. Jakins. Waialua Agric. Co r. . . . . 76 SO 76 Beretania SL - advertisement yailuku Sugar- Co...... 120 owuu iua ij Cv x rift rtn tents, awnings, sails Sugar, Mill Co. . Cashman, for Walmea. It removes Impurities from the and tarpaulins. Fort, near Allen, Walmanalo Sugar Co.... blood and makes it rich and red. Then " Walmea Sugar MilKCo.. AdvertisemenL z nafnre takes right hold and completes Oyei! Oyez! Fresh Apricots end Benson, Smi'tihi Cec; .MISCELLANEOUS the cure. A& your doctor all about fruits) Limited. Iptcr-Islaa- d Cherries (and other California S. N. Co. . .. 170, 180 -.'. this. . Consigned - Hawaiian Electric Co.v;. ':- by the Lurline tomorrow. Fort and Hotel Streets 1.2-7-- 1. Also H. R. T. & L. Co., Pref.. No medkinc can io lt best work wfirn to Henry May & Co. Tel. the bowels arc constipated. Keep your Hver Creamery Butter. adver- & Co., Oom.. I ''Puritan" IL IL T. L. fiu M4tTi A V. m'll Krt-- " ' .;- ' - '' Mtttual Telephone Co... 22 24 f? time. U sufficient to produce a natural move I tisement. : Guild will hold its annual Oahu R. & Li. 116 120 tne next mornina. Aycrs mis arc The lojanl Co...... E . Ajl vegetaoie, , 10th, 1913. The laulau irtlo R. R .Co.. tu2aroated. sale on June Pfd....: TrepjdbyDR. will in charge of Mrs. Caro- Hilo R. R. & C, Com:;.' 4 5 P J.C ATBCO,. table be -. B XoweU. Kaas.. V. O. A. . line Clark. The delicatessen table cno Hoa. B. & M. Co. .- . . . 20 20 will In charge of Mrs. Arthur Wall J Haw. Irgtn. Co. 6s.'.'. . . . be' VnVT ) 40 40 and Mrs. J. O. Young, le: taole. Mrs. O Mary and the Muumuu tabic Tanjcng Olok R. C. ud up o I AHD Karratji .... LOCAL GENERAL - nose. Pahang , . . 17 18 Mrs. Nome ana Mrs. Rubber Co. .. -- v Hon. Gas Co., Pfd...... 105 . . . . . 105 Judge Whitney yesterday granted a To get twice as much light for much Hon. Gas Co., Com..... money, equip your home, store or in. all shades. 45c per ycrJ Haiku Frt. & Pkg. jCo. . . 35 39 divorce to Wasaburo Muremoto from less r.ffice with Westinghousa Mazdo BONDS Tomi Muremoto, whom the husband ' '.; lamps. You never'll go back to the Haw. Ter. 4 iFire CI.). accused of desertion. Y' , ; 16-c- p - Electric Haw. Ter. 4 -- The board of license commissioiiers eld lamps. Hawaiian bright lamp.. Haw. Ter. 4 Pub. Imps. will meet June 26th at 3:30 d. m. to Co. sells this "..' It seems as if there was consider- Haw. Ter. 4& . consider the applications of James any FORT ST BELOW CONVENT you Haw. 4 Jeger, .Thomas I McLean and William able of a guarantee behind firo You are never sure of your Automobile, but Ter. C. & ' ror insurance policy that Brewer Haw. Ter...... Larson second class hotel licenses they can be sure of adequate indemnity in case of Cal. Beet S.3i& l. Co. 6s. to sell Intoxicants at Puuloa. Co. issue. Five companies re present have , been jeistablished alO -- Hon. Co., I'M loo" t The Guardian Company yes- loss --just, liberal and prompt by insuring in Gas Ltd. 5s.. Trust mean stability Haw. Com. & S. Co. 104 .... terday made application in the. court jears, and that must .: 5, s and worth. the I3TIIA. . , H. R. R. Co., Issue 1901. .... 85 of land registration for registration of R. R. 85 to 6,237,181 square In 'There's no use In feeling blue, old Hilo Co Con. .... title feet the up, cigar Veil Honokaa Sugar Co. 6. 95 McCulIy tract," estimated to be worth man: buck light an Owl and 6.. : Hon. H. & 105 $38,200. . bo happy." T. U Co.6...... ' . COOKE, LTD., Every business house -'- certainly CASTLE & Kauai Ry. Co. 6s .. ,..100 Arthur C. Alexander, recently ap- We offer choice, tender BEEF and VEAL of the primest 99 pointed needs a Landers Parcel Post Scale, : Kohala Ditch Co. 6s. ... administrator of the estate of possible prices. ; requited quality at the lowest Agents, McBrj'de Sugar Co...... 100 Abigail C. Alexander, yesterday filed Tells instantly postage for any zone. Costs $3. Get : it at the Mutual Tel. 6s. 101 .... in circuit court Jan inventory of the no us to give you a CHOICE CUT becausa - Co, . . It is trouble for CO. Oahu R. & L. Co. property, showing to be a Hawaiian News . t AETNA INSURANCE 5... it worth we have them in sock. - Oahu Sugar Co. 5 ...... total of about 110,000. 6 80 During HOTEL AUBREY, HAUULA 3131, Olaa "Sugar Co...... the electrical storm . last Send us your or-'e- rs today. Our telephone number Sugar Mill Co. 92 night the " insulation on the Pac .... electric George LZ Pac. Sugar Mill Co. 6. wires In the home of En Sue Sing, Mrs. A. Newton Locke, 6.. Renton, Mr. and Mrs. Renton, Jr., Established In 1859' Pioneer Mill Co. 6 ... . v the, baseball player at present on the All-Chine- C: C. Coonley, O. V. Waialua Agric. Co. 5 . . 100 101 mainland with the se team, Mr. and Mrs. A. Coyne, Natomas Con. caught fire, and burned off for a dis- Stevens, C. Lambert, Col. 6s...... - Meat Market Hawn. Irrigation Co. 6 , tance of about 50 feet'i H. A. Somers, Father H., Valentin, Travel On. 98 ''- A )f Miss H. Schimmelfening, Miss Elvira Hamakua Ditch " o ...... reduction oiJq cent per thou- sand gallons in the water meter rates Borden, Miss Mat-ld- e de Sylvav'Miss Virginia- - ; Travelers9 Cheques ; Cald-wel- Caires, Mr. and Mrs. I H. msHOP&co. SALES is announced by Superintendent l, H. C. Bruns,1 C. A. -- Simpson, Between Boards 110 Oahu - Sug. to take effect July 1. The pres- Underwood, BANKERS Mrs. .C. McQuaid, Miss Ella Co., 14.25; 85 Oahu Sug. Co., 14.25; ent rate is seven . and one-ha- lf cents T TCUAXU VALLEY RESIDENTS and those who wish to lire tierc, d?- - 110 Oahu Sug. Co., 14.25; 16 H.' C. & per thousand gallons. On and after Johnston, George T. Brite and Miss E. Gilman, Honolulu; Mrs. Stan- mand home sites of a snperlor quality as U flerallon, dra!na??, rir They not only are safer, but, S. Coi, .26.(X:.-2- H. C- - & S. Co., 26.00; July 1 meter charges will be made F. A.-T- LSI ronadlnjrs obstruction of sea or 15 H. C. & S. Co., '26.00.-. ley, San Francisco, Cal.; Mrs. and with a frerdoni from nos!...a . because they are accepted at wherever the recording apparatus has CTtry Travelers'-Le- t Huttoa, Miss J. Townsend, Mrs. P. view. I hate property In Xuuann that answers rri!rcr:rr.t you Commercial and Session Sales 100 Olaa. 1.87; 50 been installed. v . : V lli.-- hotels, etc., at face value, . ideal those who wish to lire where nature Las made life wertli j. of Credit Issued on Olaa, 1.87; 100 Olaa, 9 Pines. Tenders1 for. the supply and instal- White, Pasadena, Cal. v for get rid of the bother of chang- tera the 1.87;- Bank of California and 40.50; 10 Honokaa, 4.00. ; lation of electric light fixtures in the ing money in every country you Sugar Quotations 88 degrees an- remodelled Judiciary building will be ' the London Joint alysis beets, 9s. 3d. 3.S3. opened visit ; Parity, at the, public works depart- Chan Stock Bank4 j 96 degrees centrifugals, 3.30. ment at noon, June 12. -- Bids will be Moraine on It would be difficult to re- opened on 20 . .Ltd-- London June for the construc- cover lost coin or currency, but Is'otice Honolulu Gas Co., common tion of steel document cases and a Oahu and Olife'led in the stock ac- Cheques are lost their pays 2 on June 30. Beginning July mezzanine tloor for the archives tivities this morning. ;:; Oahu recover- if these . 31; a dividend of 50c per share building. 4 ed slump about value may be recovered easily. from its yesteay Stpngenvald Correspondents for. the Amerl- - monthly will be paid on both common Following the action of the recent three hundred shares of it going v at " can Express Compart and and preferred stock. session of the legislature In abolishing 14.25. The return of Olaa to ; the Thos. Cook S. Son Wailuku dividends suspended after the government marketing section, sales list shows that it . changed payment, June 10, 1913. Victor '3. Clark, commissioner of im- hands at a little less price than was Honomu dividends suspended after migration, labor and ., statistics, ; ad- asked for It the last of the week.. The Ltd. 1-- Bank of Hawaii, payment, June 5, 1913. vises, the public that no consignments price it held today wasl. 87 2, hav Allowed on Term and of produce will be received ing offered a tew shares Sat-- Capital-Surplu- s ever $1,200,000. Interest after June been for - - CO., Savings Bank Deposit 30th. .. . ; BISHOP THUS?- LV. The estate of James Howell, Announcement was made that the the I j'i- .' - Are you a tired housewife? Let recluse of Kapiolani park who died Wailuku dividends; will be suspended Stearns Wine of Cod Liver Extract mysteriously in his home a year ago, after the June 10 payment, and also help you in your work, by building up is estimated at approximately 10,000. that the Honomu dividends will be the body and giving you new- - vitality. consisting principally of stock in vari- discontinued after June 5. The for- Take as good care of yourself as you ous Industrial and mining companies. mer annauncement was "probably re. Ala cinder BAMC do your house. advertisement. - Such A the statement filed in circuit sponsible for the fall of Wailuku five court yesterday by R. K. Catton, ad- points, 140 being asked for it yester- ministrator appointed by the court day. Today 120 was offered for: it, 07,500 015,000 v Surety end sole legatee under the aged man's 133 asked. .No sates were made.. Payable at date; of polic- y- making the "Pacific will.; -- :.':-. :.. A number of shares of Hawaiian Special" the greatest accident policy ever Issued. Some of the friends of Major - W. Commercial went at 25 this morning, WEEKLY' INDEMNITY HONOLULU C. half-poi- nt Baldwin Sugar 3.30cts Neville, formerly in command of a above yesterday's selling Single Double Single Double N - Ho- LIMITED the marine- battalion - here, sent price; 9 Pines sold at 40. 'SO "and ?2..00 First Year.T. $50.00 S32.50.. Fourth Year.. 153.00 Limited. V ; mtntal congratulations across the nokaa at 4. r - ;.:'. ' Year. . 53.00 23.00. . JTlfth Year.. . 70.00 on 27.50. .Second l-4- water, when the prospective retire The condition of the plantations 30.00... Third Year... 60.00 37.50... Sixth Year... 73.00 Beets 9sT3 d ment of Colonel L. Denny the other side of the island is4being f be- issue K. N. & K. Letters of Frank was im The above Weekly Indemnity for Total Disability Sugar Factors announced. Major Neville, jstanding improved by the rain which has fall- ing payable so long as the insured lives and suffers to- Credit and Travelers' Checks 1 -- No. on the list of majors, it was en there during the last forty eight One half of about amounts payable for Commission Merchants figured tal loss of time. available throughout the world. by the uninitiated that he. hours, it was stated today. . An inch partial disability for a period of 52 weeks. Cost (select iyliii would ."make his number" When Col- of rain has fallen In some places, with and Insurance Agents lit risk) $25.00 a year. . onel Denny's name was more in sight. The ground has been r ' removed from CO., LTD., 923 FORT STREET. Members Honolulu Stock and Bond the active list. Colonel dryland p. good rairi needed. ' v HAWAIIAN TRUST Agents for ill Dennv, how Exchange. ever, belongs to the staff of the ma Cable Transfers at corns, v Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS rine beinff a ouartermastpr. Telephone 1208 : and his retirement does not advance Co. officers Sugar Company Lowest Rates of the, line. The retirement BUILDING LOTS J Haiku of colonel Denny will promote Lieut. BUNGALOWS and 1'aia Plantation Col. Charles L. McCawley Major W. 1 : TELEPHONE 4071 Maul Agricultural Company J. F. Morgan Co., Ltd. B. Lemley and Capt H. L. Matthews. CECIL WHITAKER KAIMUKI SPECIALIST Hawaiian Sugar Company THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE . IN THE PACIFIC BANK, LIMITED. REAL TRANSACTIONS Kahuku Plantation Company ; STOCK BROKERS ESTATE Car Line Hear5 Office : : . Yokohama ; End of Vaialae McBrydc Sugar Company. ' Information Furnished and Loans 0ice Honolulu Office : : : : : : y Entered of 2. 1913, Kahului Uailroad Company Made. :'.:.. Record June Bear Is again 3 and Merchant Sta. The Great White Bthel R E STA R from 19:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Pacific, Kauai Railway Comnany Yen. MERCHANT ST ETr BLDG. reaching out for trade in the I ' Chun Wai . - Phone' 1572.' Fat to Pang Ing p Honolua Ranch Capital Subscribed... 48,000,000 ' .... With much maritime commerce driven Phono 2295 Bcachca ' H Hackfeld & Co Ud to J K Ke-kau- la of Haiku Fruit and Packing Cc Capital Paid Up..... 30,000,000 T from the big ocean with the close and wf .; ...... Rel the Russian-Japanes- e war, the fleet of and Land Company Reserve Fund...... 18,200,000 Hustace-Pecl- r Co.,Ltd, Kauai Fruit ' Lahaina Agrctl Co Ltd to Abigail merchant steamers flying the flag of SAM 1T0RK. General - banking business . ALL KINDS OF ROCK Afl FOB COCKETE . Kaonohi ..; ; :...... D the Little White Father, were few and transacted. .Savings accounts Theresa FIREWOOD AND COAL. and upwards. Giffard Roih ScbJemmer Tr and hsb to far between.; At the time the trans- ' P O. POX Bl fp; ?1 John G Teixeira .Tr and wf n 68 QUEEN STREET. burglar-proo- f vaults, port Thomas left the coast; Pugcf Fire and Harry B Brbwn to Mo. With Safe Deposit Boxes fox STOCK A'D BOD BROKERS Honolulu Sound business and shipping circles ; tor Supply Ltd ...... CM Fire Insurance rent at Z per year and up- Members Honolnlu Stock and Bond were making preparations to receive Sarah E Davis and hsb et al to TTOEK DRY wards. ': t Exchange the first of several Russ!an freighters, BEST LAUJiDRT AND CLEA5I50 i cases, be kept Stiingenitald Bldg, 102 Merchant St Ellen M Pratt D operated 'by the "Russian Volunteer THE . Trunks and to Ayina to von Hamm-Youn- g Co im custody at moderate rates. fleet To ply the Pacific between .R--i Air Co. YU AKAL Manager Vladivostok and Vancouver and Seat- 1.4. il mirnv B. . Dillingham t Guardian Trust Co Ltd by Attys tle, the initial voyage was expected ' f LIMITED "..-- otic by Saraton, and Anthony Lee Ahlo by Atty to Ka- - to be made the Ilericn J. ABADIE, Prop. Agent Hawaii: "? SL Petersburg. The first' sailing will General for J. HOLMBERG Duisenberg neohe Rice Mill Co Ltd ...... D 777 riaaa 1121 EG. be between July 1 and 14. the next Klar Rrrt Atlas Assurance Company of ARCHITECT Entered of Record Jnne 3, 1913. New j ' six weeks later. The line will give Lor "Jon, York Under . Estimates Furnishec on Buildings STOCKS B05DS from 8:30 a. m. to 10:30 :. m. Agency; Providence REAL ESTATE IXSCRAXCE Harry G to Mrs Mary E reduced rates to Russian immigrants. writers'' Rates Reasonable . Junkin " 76 3013 YVashiniton Insurance Co. Merchant St. Phone Kauchal . . .6 ...... D ' Fcrt St., above" Hawaiian Trust The collier Alexander,' which was Stangenwalct Bldg. Phone S666. Kane "Kaohe and wf to William THEE MOVES Ith Flier Mtg purchased for $205,000 in England at Chalmers .. .. power What about your TrelghtT John Cason ' to Emily Napaepae et the outbreak of the war with Spain! When we handle it with our new truck. als ...... D has been condemnor and will be sold Tel 3523. BUNGALOWS D N?lei to J t'we and wf Trs. ,TrD at auction at Manila; V r HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DRAY1NG CO. Horn Cowpar.y ' v.!th your, Jklc to William O ; Insure Colin;, Trepan Robinson Bldg. . . V Ki3 Street F0RCEGR0VTH AND REAL ESTATE Smith et al PA General Hnerta.: provisional presi- f V dent of Mexico, has. announced that j "Rather singular, Isn't itl" "What?" the campaign for the . suppression of V WILL DO IT . OLIVER G. LANSING HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, JI'XE 3, 1010.


IS. r i WATER SUPPLY; OROERE 1 1 1 i COULD NOT FIND INSIDIOUS i I : !, M .1- LOBBY. w J W ray CELEBRATED, lL I' VASTE IBIS m i V .HI' WAS1 1 1 XCTOX. June y. A special mMw 1 man's JyfXE ' ? lit for Ctii la - j t - infants and roi. yN. opinion is 4 took th trail pointed tmt by Prestdcrrt Celebrating simultaneously i "Ta worthy of con-- A A hitherto unsurveyed source of their Wilson, w hich would lead them, he V sideration the water-supply..-h- been definitely lo- birthdays and wedding anniversaries, said, to "the most iasidIou3 lobby ia Physicians Prescribe Caoioria. Mrs. A. F. Letsoii, mother cf Mrs. ; f opinions of fA-- cated by the water resources branch the history of congress. The ssnate ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor oa the part of physicians, I . . of the U. S. Geological Survey here rW A. Bryan, and Mrs. William Emory, Investigators followed the trail to Its C pharmaceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians V teen thousand Emory, yester- In the Kalibi Valley stream. For the mother cf Mr. Walter end and then announced that it had with results most gratifying. The extended use of Castorja is unqucsticnably mcn-i-a- ll of the them practicing firer .tlnvt. exact e8timaes of the flow day afternoon and last night frefe the J fcund nothing insidious or not legltl-- t physicians command your the stream day before central figures in a unique and result of three facts : 1st, The indisputable evidence thai it 2s harmless ; ad, of were made , mate. ' y;' That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the but assimilates tha confidence- - yesterday, when G. K. Larrison, dis- cut series cf bomo committee reported It nerv?, . ' The that hal trict engineer, and his men put a rffalrs. .; The functions took place at out- - food ; 3rd It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for castor olL It is absolutely in'cxprcssing his belief in j found no cvidcace of senatorial or pauge on the stream and ascertained the residence of Professor xind 'Mrs. improperly to af- - safe. It does not contain any opium, morphine, or other narcotic and does not " side influence used tuat even at lo water it furnishes1 W, A. Bryan on fmnahou and King cmptiat-- j ' feet pending legislation and stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc. a volume million gal- : ofa and a half street ; V.' ' . . ically denied the existence, so far as This is a good deal for a medical journal to say. Our duty, howeTer, is to expose 'Sanatoaeit lons every twenty-fou- r hours.; It wa3 forty-fourt- h anniversary FOOD- - TO Ar C ' the the members had been "able to learn. danger and record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning inno- THE The measurement was' taken at a 'Mrs;, wedding fifty-fourt- h of Letson's and the c; any loooy sucn as aiv " 48 "insidious cent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Cav foot level, high enough to furnish anniversary of Mrs. Emory's pearcd .to le meant in the president's Professor Stillman, ; Eervice for Honolulu. Engineer Lar-Iritc- n ' remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating lomaa'Br wedding, and furthermore each cele- press. ; toria is a the well-know- n interview with the 4 M.S., Ph.D., says that with comparatively a birthday -- yesterday. In the eystem-n- ot by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to the information.--Ucl- T$ Insti-j- - brated research chemist of Stevens J little difficulty this water could, be ' f afternoon there wa3 a bridge party to PORTLAND ELECTS MAYOR. Journal Health, tute writes: ". . i of J developed for city use. ; : , which two other ladles. Mrs. Phoebe Tbc cbrmlcal union of the cemttltnraU j water low "The has been atout as Hill and Mrs. Martha Owen, Were in- f Astoria teil Prsw Cablf Tho tmarantccs grnulso ef &anato?en i a true one, KpretentatlT It ever gets, and this big volume - of the hlghnt skill ia the foundation of a ias vited and in'the evening there "was a CesCvVj . . J PORTLAND. Oregon. June 3. H. 1L signature of : product containing phosphorus, in the or- she wk what a valuable, stream Is go Cluh," a ACuci Cattorla ganic phacphstvenodttico, a combined dinner jjarty for the "Clover first, Tour Castom tUnda first la its das. Ia mjr; Luvj ac4 jrmjr Ctstoria and foaal It aa sad ing to waste, he ' Albee was yesterday elected th "I commented. a v..v:r...v.vt: C'. s ' that difrsttoil iind aixinlUtioa of Saearoeea little crganization that has had new gov- thirty yt-ar- ot practice I can r I ucrer hare ouud execiient ricdy in any boasehoJd' and private are rendered complete with greatest mayor cf Portland under the ' tbe some time. The ajythlag Out ao filled the place." practice foe runy yean. The formalals excellent.' - t pleasant existence for op- . ease." .t ,...:...' ernment commission charter. His tt. . DISTRIBUTION OF $4000 gentlemen Invited in for the eveninj; m ponent was present Mayor Rushlight. Wuxux Bxuioirr, X. , J.Tatt,M.D This same general appre- ; ,' Ohio, - " Bns.IjFS,K..T. were Charles Hustace Sr., Dr. A.; B ' v . ' Cleveland, IS BY Albee received strong support from :'' mmmmmmmm ciation runs through, the DELAYED THAYER .Clark, Dr. JC. B. M. A. Emerson and women voters. "I hare used yonr Castor !a In tie ease of my vn find yonr Castoria to be standard family -- the "I . guest 15,000 letters received from ilf'ctter. At dinner each found baby and find it pteasaxt to takg, and hare obtained remedy. It Is the best thins; for In ftats and cl-dre- n Payment' of the $4,000 appropriated II practicing physicians ; who an approiniate favor Irish crocheted ucelleat reaalta from Its te.M , 1 hATs ever known and I recommend it. by the recent legislature to the ma ! ' m . t j. FREE LIST BROKEN. caru cases ior me iaaies una pocnei B. A. BrcBaJtair, X. IX, &. . EasUUMUX, M. recognize in Sanatogen the lerlalmen who supplies ' furnlshe for ; ' pod new noys notebooks for the men. After dinner t Associated Press Cable '...-''- .''.; "'",-- ' Folliiieipbis, Ta. Omaha, Kvbk ideal f for. , exhausted tne industrial school at were played. food-toni- c, Ws.9 In tecomraendiog yonr Castoria, daring past six years prescribed yo nerves-rt- he Walalee, has been ordered suspended -- WASHINGTON. June 3. The freo pkaanrt IIat!2 the you i Mr. Mrs. Emory and "I and. Walter Wilson-ITnderwoo- one in many Infantile stomach dlsordsrs, 1 tciotX by Attorney General Thayer, until he list of the d tariff bill baring recommended its Instances, and CastorU for need for your nerves. Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Bryan were pres best laxative nsed, heartily commend Its use.' The fonna'A eonUia can ascertain hbw It shall be handled. . J major consider it the that eovld be evening help cele- was broken yesterday and the Wriia for FreeCopy -- ent during the to . : deleterious to fho deUcaf e of chiUren. a ; It develops now that the claims left ity of the senate finance committee especially for children." nothjnf mct Ntv MtALTM HfcG.NfcUi unpaid by Contractor Angus P. Mc- brate the coincident anniversaries, and Natbaxol K. Khib, 31. Sn St. Loula, Ifo. J. B. Eujott, U. IX, YcrzCl'y. The oril pbrHn-i-rfTinr- . having the bill in hand gave evidence, of a Thnun. Mrs. Letson and Mrs Emory Sr. were A. lulir itlmi.tMi, containing ut Donald when he suddenly disappear- Ucu tul" startling to the administration, that It m m a4 latere to ywu. ed, to $6,500, the recipients' bf many flowers and Children Cry for Fletcher's Ca amount and the amount KIRBY SMITH, U. S. N. was ready to take action on evidence Sanaei'en is fid in Ihrte sites, SUN. set aside by legislature reim- gifts. L' S.0. SJM. the to presented to it that legitimate indus- O v burse McDonald's creditors Is not suf- - Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Bryan are In Use F o r: er Years. . Assistant Civil; Engineer Kirby would injure If evidence 30 tl not rmtinatU trim kim.unt Mrn leaving on the transport Ixgan and tries be the V flclent to cover It. j I Smith, U. S. navy, who has been sta- - be convincing. 'i will spend several weeks on. the main- Sa? Whether the claims shall be paid tioned here for nearly three years, and, The committee acted yesterday on the Huia anancAca. in the order m which they were filed land. .";- -'' ';";':,i";: '."';:' :?. ' " who has been, identified with the! various sections of Schedule G and -- tm ;:'"'' In the public worKs office' until the growth of Pearl Harbor naval sta-- 1 - ' t t- - L t . : the aereed to a number of changes, the .Li.ii' pay- 1 appropnaiion is cxnausiea, or "Father In T 'NODe." "Mother In?" linn. has. Inst rpcpivnrt calilft n'riicro to most vital of which consisted In tak- - - Gra-hows- ki, ments made pro all.' LACROSSE; VVis. Mrs. Mary rata ''to 'is the "Nope." "Sister?" "Nopev" "Brother?"! proceed to Newport, R. . I., for ., duty ing meat and flour from the free list being the principals. Canned fish, problem confronting the attorney gen wope "wen, striKes me as migntyt will evening on wife of a manufacturer jat it there. He leave this and restoring a partial duty. : scrap tin, lumber, cotton automobile eral. It Is understood that the su- strange that even you are in."I goess.he transport Logan. CLAMOR and machinery composed the more Green Bay, Wis., and Joseph Hudson, 1 preme court, ruled against the pro they wanted to play a joke on me is Civil Engineer Smith and Mrs. ohiei her confessed affinity, MANY CALIFORNIA AUTOS. Important of the other consignments, were sentenced rata method of, payment In a former the reason they didn't tell me you was Smith have been prominent figures in and the carrying capacity, 'of to the. penitentiary Waupun for one case of a somewhat similar nature. cominV . . ' tht at Service and civilian t society, and they ; was to year, Associated Press Cable steamer taxed Its utmost as the result of an elopement. will be missed by a large circle of 3. Each Is 28 years old. Office boy: you SACRAMENTO, Cal., June That FOll Mrs. Grahowskl, There are two men out Medical officer: vWhat did do friends. : prosperous summer so SEl'li Ellyson, who has been years, here, sor; who want to you; "one Ambuiance man: Gave this is a most Lient. an. American aviator, married twelve see of first of all? In list professed in court" her love for Hud them Is a ooet and the other a deAf 'im some brandy, sir. Medical officer: far for California Is shown the has brought su it for $10,000 against of new automobiles registered with son, and the couple before being sep- - j nian. Editor: Well, go out and tell the Quite right; but what would "you have railroad companies for Injuries receiv- m- - i the state registration bureau, Durinjri arated clasped hands and promised to pbet that the deaf man is the editor, done if you hadnt any brandy? ed when he slipped on a grease spot - : the month of May 3798 machines of I wed after serving their terms and aft- and let them fight It out' between bulance man (promptly) Promised mm. In the Union station at Washington. In ,er the womn'n'hn J obtained a' divorce, them. ' 'im some. various makes were entered the I records, representing an investment of $759,600.' v.: fCn lacs hnn flflftft BAwirnr Tnnfhiriea I v; o R Ii AT composed part of the cargo of the POLICE HEAD FOR RECALL. Blue Funnel liner Ixlon, Captain 0.21 Riepenhausen, which left ; Victoria n TAssociated Press Cable bound for Liverpool via Oriental ports i NEW YORK, June 3. Declaring some days ago. These machines are-fo- i ' that the recent revelations of corrup- Japan and China, and the "depart- i tion "and crime within the police de- ure of the Ixlon with such a consign- Special Star-Bullet- in x Pe!B' Correspondence J Incompeten- ment Is considered practically a real partment demonstrate his ' HILO, June 2. The grand jury cy and unfitness for office at the head proof of the awakening of the Far ' ccmpleted ; .its work Saturday after- of the department of poTice, the board East. ; v noon after a full week's session. In of city yesterday ' Besides being a record In point of Suit of washatlD its final report two more Indictments of aldermen this -- I to number, machines out by AT Wt passed a resolution, addressed the taken Clothing $12.50 were reported, the Ixlon represents the result of a at V on past Filipino .police ' Of Commissioner. Rhinelander Waldo. determined effort the of the and feel vrcll officer accused of as g a3 on, big machine-makin- companies, to In- sault a little . Spanish' girl. The duce the. Oriental women to give up man was discharged - RANK CONFERRED. dressed as the man In the district from the --Round ever stowed away In court, judge holding tes-timc- nj the that the of-th- e more the-gir- f Associated Press Cable favor modern. Pongee, of l was not sufficient in -- .This consignment, however, is but . LONDON. June 3. Literature fnd to convict ,,.but the mother; carried one example of the modernizing of E complaint;' to Attorney General the drama are represented In the lis THE"blLLI0il-BUBBl:- ler. s Japan and China, since ; practically ; of the birthday hono-- anhonnccd last I ink-luit- Thayer, who advised Judge Parsons s fJ. : every vessel 'coun- T h i material "MA, lulu , night on tbe eve' of the fortv-etehr- h which leaves this to place the matter before the grand ; consign- xri.. ' try for the cast carries a -, '. ?nnivers!iry' of the birth of King jury. ' ment of automobiles. ' phonographs, washes well, doo3 Another indictment of a young George V. 'i wa3 ' ' motonj cles or similar modern in- . Bnrorietcv Is conferred on Jf'nps Spanish woiran against whom a true ventions. ... not shrink, and the bill' for perjury was returned. The Matthew Barrie. the ccbmted Sott- playwright, whose Apari from the sewing machines, garments ?oman swore to a complaint' against ish author and the Ixion broke another record when r e t a i n a' Spanish; youth Charging rape, apd "Peter Pan" fs known throughout the she cleared the port of -- Victoria, since Erfglish-sneakin- g rrv shape. i . then later is , alleged to have stated worlds rnd whose she their H Scotch carried, the largest general cargo ihat she did so to shield another man. mances and tales in the dialect from the Sound ever stowed awan in X The woman is in a delicate condition rank among the modern classics. a Blue' Funnel liner. and is little more than sixteen years Altogether she took 16,000 - age. tons of V of She is to come up for plea CURRENCY REFORM general merchandise, wheat and flour In the circuit court and has retained - AND MONEY BILLS W. H. Smith to defend her. nounced. The program of the session The trial jury convened this morn- ; Associated Press Cable, will be confined from now on to the Styie ing and returned one conviction be- WASHINGTON, D. C, June 3. The enactment of a currency reform bill The Center fore noon.' This was of a Porto Rfcan house Democrats. In caucus yesterday, and to the passage of any emergency charged ; with burglary . committed at decided that no legislation will be at-t- - appropriation bills which may be Fort and Merchant Mountain; View. He will be" Sentenc- mpted at con- necessary " this special session cf found for the proper carry- For Ssile at All Grocers ed tomorrow, ? , " gress" other, than that already an- - ing on of the government' SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTlOn .. sau AUOTJMLE NSALE AUCTION SALE .'.-.'-'-" mmm : ' ' '.''- H ' mm : J I l v. r "'i Tomorrow Friday, June 6. 19.13 Valuable Real Estate ' School Street :': ; 10 o'clock X ml. I Wednesdajr, i ' June 4, 1913 ; ' wafeboose ' V , . At my salesroom, corner Fort and nouse and Lot " : . f J j. i. 10 o'Clock A. M. r .' '' Queen streets, I will sell on Saturday, '' '; .,'.; .,;;...;" ;..'; June 7, 1913, at 12 o'clock, Noon. Sag MF?et At my salesroom, corner of Fort and At the residence of Mrs. A. Pfotenhauer. Nuuanu avenue, opposite -- - ' Queen streets. Laimi Road, off Nuuanu street, I will sell the whole of the very ' I will sell Avenue : : Lots in Kawaiahao Street 'and Ward Avenue The First Drinking Substantial and Elegant Tyq Saturday, June 7, 1913 SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 19t3. 1913 r- - 12 o'clock Noon. 1"'5-- Saturday, June 7, Household lf - Furniture ';I15! o'clock' Min' At my salesroom, corner Fort and 12" o'clock TJoon.' Queen Streets, opixisite H. Hackfeld ' contained therein. iir ported into the' Hawaiian, islands, & Co. ';;:' located at the corner of Pauoa Road Consisting in part of: and Nuuanu Valley Road.' A HOME a bachelor man SoIiJ. Oak, Dining 20 At my salesroom, corner Fort and For Gciman Set of pieces. At my salesroom, corner Fort and Or a " Queen streets, opposite II. Hackfeld & bachelor maid Book caso.3 in Koa, - Queen streets, I will sell A rrarried couple ' Co.- 1 ; ' will a . Tables Walnut, ; sell . A clerk in a store aul Secretaries in Burled ; ; Solid Mahogany Chairs, Rockers Tables, Valuable Oid BcoKs ; A mechanic in foundry and ; . A. carpenter Desk ia Heavy Oak. 1 1 England's Rcfornaticn Henry VI .'.: A mason. . .' : ' FiniCorner Upholstered French Lounge, Handsome Rugs. .. ' 11 Corner Lot to (Jaterj Plot; printed in 171-"- . street car conductor or Mahogany Hall 2 very Motor man v ' Stand. Vols. Lcs Bijoux IndiKerets ' full-lengt- m h Very handsome 10 foot on Marblo Stand, 1201SO; area 21. C00 sq. feet tld. ;.;"",-- '. Or anyone who. works and wishes to Mirrir ' save money. Magnificent Brass Cut Electrolier, ' off School street situate ; Ore Vol. Seaman's Monitor, 1S12. and Glass Center For. a working man who sees a good Maple. : Disquisition, Bedroom Furniture In White Enamel, Walnut, and Birdseye. ne Vol. Historical thing and knows it, who knows a good 1S02. : Biass Bed, Combination Wardrobe In Cdk, King St. and Birch Si. India, ;' thing and takes advantage of it ' Tw o Vols. Mcncil's History of Kng- - ; Piano of German Exportation. here It ; . - ; 100 x 100 is: ;' near Piikci street ' - land. 1;: ;.v'; '":;.,' Choice Hand-mad- e Window Draperies,- up all around. Suitable big warehouse. - - LOT 3 ...... NUUANU TRAC T ' - Cottages going for Seven Vois. G'bhon's Roice, 1S04. Tea, Luncheon, Coffee Sr;t 3 in I):eft;i?n, - - i ISveryl bing on the jump. , Two. VoJs. Churchiiro poems. 176'J. . Area 5650 sq. ft. 'Unique Gla'Svvarc. Vcnefian, very handsimc and expensive, cot- Street, all made from waterfront and Yery suitable for several small ..' 4 ; Ktc-Et- c. ' -- House room?, veranda; chicken Bohemian Uiar.sware, Limoije Dinner Ware, V town. by Hu-- tages. Further particulars, sec me. Paintinf'. 'Southern Scene' house and wired run; 200 goad . Terms.. '".'.!. to i j 10 ; - ,': neigiibors, all workers. SALE WILL COMMENCE AT O'CLOCK PROMPT. : No sleeping in this section. '''.';:.'-"'- - ,: :'.' Etc. 1'pot price, only fC.'O.OO. . - Go and Fee them. SNAP OVA. STEVEN, Auctioneer! 0. A. STEVEN. Auctioneer 0. A. STEVEN. Auctioneer 0. A. STEVEN, Aactioneer 0. A. SfEVEN, Auctioneer O. A. Steven H&XOLULU 8TAR-tJUILETI- K, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1013.


A MONO the most startling Innova-tion- s Joy a great vogue. Another decide 31y HO remove paint from tiling.' enamel-e- d the burners are ready to be put back QOMPLATNTS of oily hair are heard strong pressure which moves the scalp y A PLEASINQeffect la ftcurt4 tn thla In parasol styles are new can- place grease. It is 'on side, Is seldom over the skull, causing accelerated cir- the unusual feature Is elongated basins and tubs take a silver coin in free from fat or but it that v frock for a young girl by cembin-in-g modt-l- s distinguish- week- we even culation and a more thorough nour- aeroplane that are opy top. In parasols of this nature two and scrape with the milled edge. The a good plan to give the burners a hear of the dry scalp, which Is a short tunic of blue line ft with ed by & long effect from front to back. sets of frames are used, each of which paint will come oft Instantly and will ly cleaning In this way. more of a menace to beauty than the ishing of the roots of the hair. This glands, , The front and back ribs axe consider- Is decorated in the center around the not hurt the coin.. . Slice lengthwise large.' Juicy appies. oily one. Luxuriance and sheen are means the facilitating of the oil ably longer than the side ribs, and the handle, v.- To clean a cas range put all the burn' preferably greenings, and cook in never features of the crown of glory which are encouraged to perform their resultant appor&nce Is decidedly out Another bizarre creation tn parasols ers into a large pan of boiling water slightly salted water till tender. Re- which has its source in the dry scalp, functions and give out the oil neces of the ordinary. ,' Is distinguished by a sunken appear- into which has been dropped a good move the skins and cover with a little and If the condition is allowed to pro- sary to maintain the health and vigor . This aeroplane !d?a Is also a marked ance at the ferrule end. which Is de- handful of washing soda. By the time butter. This makes a delicious side gress thin straggly locks or even bald- of the hair. ' ' ' ' feature In millinery this teason; there- cidedly In contrast to the extended the rest of the range has been washed dish. . - V-- ness will be the final result To encourage the action of these fore the aeroplane parasols should en- - canopy idea. In this shape the ribs Cold weather is a drying medium we glands external remedies are advisable, bulge out away from the depression at should not overlook, and especial at- for a time at least These should con- the ferrule end. In mushroom ' fashion, NOW THE CUBIST SHIRT WAIST tention should be paid to-th- dry scalp sist oT oils, creams or liquid tonira con- 1 DRAPED BATHING and then the ends curve upward. during the first cold months of spring. taining these, together with stimulat- SLITS Curling -- ing Ingredients. Petroleum products f The upcurving of the tips Is used to irons are another of the most t V give distinctive character to another frequent antagonists of natural oils in are excellent for this putpese and have advantage being- - easily fFHE vogue for drapery has Invaded much tubbed shape. This curved tip the hair, drying them out end making the, added of feature is usually emphasized by the the ha'jr stiff and brittle. Too. frequent absorbed. Sweet almond oil and castor the realm of the batning suit, mitigated by an- successfully or not Is a mat- use of a border in sharp contrast to the use of shampfKs will draw the oil from oil, their ltcavtness . whether glAnda a ingredient have been known to ter of Individual opinion. The beach parasol proper. The wristband idea so the nd reduce the flow to a other much In vogue during the last season minimum.-- Especially; Is';, this, true 'of produce speedy &jd lasting results. Is again dominant in the parasol world. v.-- any shampoo containing borax, am- Castor oil and colcne in the propor- ( -- oiir-c- tr-- C Not only Is tWls "practical, in that it en- i I .M monia or soda, all of which ingredients tion of ocf hi If of cil to four ables one to carry the parasol with tend to- increase the trouble. These of the cologrie certain to allV.vSate the, ease, but It is exceedingly important are a few of the external causes to be dryness and Improve the condition of '' from a decorative -- point of considered. The source of the trouble the hair. . , :'. ft .:' v ''.. view. af ;. , '4v- - A: fording an opportunity for establishing Is, of couse. a tight scalp.f . v ",' Quite the most satifartoiy of all harmony between the handle and the For a tight, sn.-a-lp th most effective remedies of the oily, variety is com- parasol proper. remedy In oa'Jy maSige; By massage bination of four ounces of cologne, one. Harmony between parasol and han- is not meant- - the uaiual "rubbing over half ounce of tincture of ranthartdes dle is much affected, the handles being the surface with the.ttps of the fingers. and a quarter of a dram each of oils para- To obtain rcsulu ibete 'must be a of lavender and rosemary, v colored or painted to match the ,1 sols, in many instances, almost per- ' ;. t fectly. , , i Extremely long handles that swell NEW IDEAS FOR INEXPENSIVE WEDDING GIFTS 1 into the modified bulb effect at the end ' - dl-in- have the calL 10- HEMuexpenslve weddlrg gift has al- oval sugar bowl of a larger size Is to i L ways required connldtrable thought two compartments, and the fil -- - - To Amuse the Children l I jT HBllai:A;iIlilIBIPf Sliil; 'vVV- and searching on the part of the donor. lids worl:. in tfce saxie principle- These Perhaps to meet the demand for this bowls are both 'lined 'with g!at. it Two ustfii) articlcc In pc-rf.?t- p'aln rTHIS Is welcomed class 'of gift he manufacturers have innovation always ' silver are the 4rJi'p C'jt'n, furaLhd . ; : l 1 give i as a great change from . letter llill I v' ' " deemed, it wise to their attention with a lid. and th xrlrg'dlalt' wlta blocks. It has the attraction, too, of to novelties, and many are now to be t'ie' weller tree, under which is placed being Just & little bit ."messy." though found in the shops.' V . , v .';"; a tllver tray for hctrster. 7 : not. messy enough, to disturb mother ' The butler finish is the very newest i ' at alL : ' - .7 i : . . thing . in silver. This gets "its name . . Is Mm . A ' Take an old picture alphabet which ( hi butler, who, In .keep- Needlework fNoles printed on strong paper and let the from 'the humble O' children cut out the letters, leaving a ing bright the ; family pfate.: gradually square around each. 'Then give them wears t. down; to a ?oft. dull .kind, of TEEP some ; sewing . dowitaira, so a large piece of cardboard and a sau- polish, with all the dswi worn" Just a if one of .the-famil- 'offers to th'e .""that cer of water, so that the back of each little smooth. . This silver comes Jn read aloud In tbe, evening 07. fome one letter can be dipped in water and fuirdlhner service."as wll as,in .the comes in during tUe day to make a long smoothed down on the board to make tea .and coffee sets, tbe design being call you will find something ' ready to - words. '.- a graceful colonial- one with panels and do while listening or talking." To make Each piece of paper will stick in place with, a decorative leaf motif Introduced this plan-wor- k in- - the-bos- t ,way.put because it is wet When the game is into the" corners. Flat silverjean also with the 'bft . of hand sewing you. can COMBINATION' LI. finished put the board away. The let be obtained to match the dinner set do downstairs everything you will need ' ;' VXJITZI L--. NTS. ' y ':5S v. r. ters will have dried and curled up at - The new olive ahd sandwich dish is a to finish It; then you 'will not have 'to '';''" ..: . ' Kr white the edges by next morning, so that they good suggestion .for a wedding present Interrupt the reading or conversation linen skirt.:' Ts . J. cuffs,v V t.7 can be easily peeled off and used again It is made on the same" principle as the to get something . that baa been for slashed and it'.z: : Lr . : - " ; be- gotten; ; . strappings, are when they- are needed. , r". VT cracker and cheese dish, the plate anctlx -- v .' liowr ';;; 6f ';' taJL - i X. . Here Is another quiet, game that chil- '. J ing of perforated silver. Instead, In all select trousseaux, the spring ever, of a Iow; receptacle lxtbe center the bride's, lingerie Will be marked not dren will love: Scatter a number of TRAVELfNO'CCriVI peas upon ' for the cheese, a glass saucer for the with her maiden Initials, bat with' her beans, or buttons. the table : '. v ice on a. gob-l- et entire given name. She writes It out TNCASED i leather ".' 3' i and' give every one a fairly long stick olives and cracked rests "L la and a tray or plate. . At a given signal shaped pierced silver stand, vwhich In heir own handwriting, transfers It to cannot corn:ptt; : each child begins to draw peas or but- : :" - , fits, into" the. middle of the sandwich the-garme- and embroiders it The venlences ,wtlch ev: 'pretty-on- e ex- BLUE I TAFFETA SILK. tons toward him and put them on the plate. This saucer. is generally of fne Idea Is a and is 'proving or woman eho I i IN " pursa plate. The one who manages to gain MODEL OF WHITE, COTTON CRAPE. t etched giass. . , ceedingly. popularv For those who are is a.small he! costume pictured for the model Is too the highest number in a given time Is 1 A little silver .' bowl, pail "shaped, not to be brides and yet like to be up tie for.siaelllr.j tt" except display If will offer a COLLAR, cuffs panel of this new : Vwatst are trimmed with comes to hold soft sugar. The lid must to date without the expenditure of of ammonU or t:. elaborate for anything the winner, and mother and front shirt -- and a bit of a plunge in the ocean is reward of a sweet to the lucky on the linen on which are stenciled and embroidered motifs typifying the cubist be securely placed on the bowl before valuable time the notion departments fiat case con Ulzir ; drinking CU7 " :j r ' of soft watt rproof blue taffeta, and-- ! fascination of the game will be idea, The. motifs' are in green, and brown shades, the hlouse being a smartly the handle can be lifted. This Insures are showing white with the given name " ' ' 1 crape.. :: : v - sugar being free from An woven in red. re lope, noli:: . tie eect is quite stunning. cut model of white cotton . : l.- the dust ;ir - v " - V " ' , ' Lieutenant Manard,- an army avia- .l service: one of a party of scientists Elder A; H ' ta tor; will be OW :whoci33 rr.: EIORLION CHURCH KING STREET the tLr, . ..-- a FROf,! THE FRENCH CAPITAL who sail-fro- a French port in lalaJi ti EOCCT will r3rs VP sionary, belzj h-- ty abound for South tl3 June or July the : -- Pol- -. - The fclrmen will carry aero- - Mormon. chrch anl r , fcr' its ' - first twa years cf 'ssca songs plaaes and will attempt meteorologi- h!ir:. PARIS. "fn less than ten years actress who sings about ..not. ... vvrW1 nh s Tr S IX WEEKS, connected wltlr tht chur;h cn Kauzi, y the Atlantic: ocean will be spanned being able to make her '.eyes behave ' mthe. vicinity of. the South has been chQ3en as ta zi-- by an aeroplane, and more than that, and "I wondair what'z ze mattair wix church. '.Tha church tow Laa 1 Pole. ..He, njay make a dash for the littl, the crossing will be accomplished in my eyes," is taking the 'Vest cure pole h the intense cold does a membership "of tsre f:ia ttrea as- lively if finds less than a day." Such vras the in, Paris. America is far too not top much, affect the working of EXPENSES HAVE BEEN PAID hundred, and this U ccntl .-- l'y grac- her, she says, too busy ,N too AFTERALL ing. . tounding prediction made by Count for it's the engine. , Wm- The dedication ssrvlces will de Lambert, th nobleman everything, for one to get a good, c m probably tale place in six weeia, tzl lnch -- In- I who was Wilbur "Wright's first quiet rest, so she has come here. special exercises will ,zzzit tt Krst pupil and the third passenger ever cidentally, the actress has found .time service heli la the church. taken up in a heavier-than-ai- r ma- to deliver a lecture at .the Marigny During the past several years tha chine. Count de Lambert Is cne of theater on "The Chic "American." She BOYS' Mormon church, has beccras strops la to of the declares she did not wish deliver UllltS v Hawaii, especially la"Honclula where the most conservative world's v.'.- j, airmen. His disposition is not un- the lecture, but did so for two the larger number of. church e a are like that of the Wright brothers who reasons. . The first is she wished to lftratwt .Th HftHt frnm PniiV in taught him how to fly. He weighs oblige certain theatrical : friends of C A C H E FOR Waialae, called the Honolulu confer- well his words before speaking. His hers, and secondly to correct certain ence, is probably the nost isrcrtxsL Interest In aviation is three-fold-; as a impressions regarding Americans In that district are Alea, Ptr-lc-i, Ho- sportsman, as a French patriot, and which French people erroneously en- nolulu and WaiklkL".and ia r-- 'T tha as a scientist. What he says, there- tertain. .';--- -- LOOT supervision of Elder; U. L. :::r ;r, who opinion of a prac- "The American woman Is the most has been prominent; la r r.sectloa fore, is.the stndled . tical man. independent of creatures." she de-- with the Mormon church 14 Hawaii for "I believe," said. Couni de Lambert, clared. "And she is one of the most a number of years."';. ',5 j - -- within years the sea will elegant She absolutely ; refuses to ex.- - '. that ten blindly simply IBy Lates t Maill be traversed from the Bitish Isles to follow styles because yet Fifteen-year-ol- d the United States or vice, versa, by a it is the style, she is above all NEW YORK. hydroaeroplane, and between sunrise thfngs stylish. She mixes style and Philip Aromanto of No. 223 East One s e brains admirably. Tall, short, young, street and and sunset at tnar in ere-ar- two Hundred and Seventeenth which must be overcome. old, you can distinguish an American two other boys were walking across diificulties woman among any- No. One Js that one must be able to keep a million others the roof of the apartment house at one's course, the other is to keep from where." 9 West One Hundred and Fourteenth being wrecked by. the waves in case a Futurism and Cubism and all the street when the janitor, Peter Mattass, flc .vir:n landing in the water is necessary. Of rest of the "isms" have been laid in came up and saw them. The janitor course one. would steer by compass, Qe shade by a new school of art en- jumped for the trio and captured "Orphism." ar- ave- but one would drift without being titled An "orphist" Philip. Then he called the Lenox of It if the wind came from tist thus explains his craft: nue police station and said he had a BIG DITCH conscious "Look at this cubist canvas. Wha burglar. a contrary direction. s; ' do you see? Why, a lot of paving Detectives Thompson and Kerr rush- . : v "Today, no machine could- - cross stones, bricks, nursery blocks and P'hilip over route.; And two ed to the house, looked without stopping cn what-nots- . so?; And now good Still, By Latest necessary trip. Isn't it and then had a laugh. Mill days would be for the glance at this futurist picture. After they thought - they might as well PANAMA. The . water of the. Pa- -' better-fue- petrol, or Hut with a than studying few you in- cif lc ocean have been let fntd the any we i it for a minutes can search him as long as the janitor a more efficient motor than 1 find somi thing which resembles an sisted the boy was a burglar. In Phii. Panama Canal. "A 'giant blast' com- have at preernt. I believe the journey a bl? toe, a worm or a fallen knickerbockers, which were posed of 32,750 pounds of dynamite I sure jear. ip's baggy could be made In one day. am i tree. canvas, - was shot, demolishing the dike to the earoplane The cubist calls his strapped above his knee3, the detect- these will be found, also an The Nude Lady and the futurist Ives. found one steel jimmy, two gold south of the Miraflores locks. and al- with less wind resistance. In the names picture, 'Venice by Moon- - pens, watch, gold lowing the water to flow into an ex- cross- his fountain a a locket, meantime, I consider the feat of light' But all that is mere child's several breastpins and a cheap neck- - tensive section in which excavations ocean, hydroaero- , ing the in such ';...-"- have practically . beeq completed. . play. '!,, lace. ,: ;v yirvr building completely planes as we have now, perfectly canvas. "What you '. ilormou church on King street which will not be used until and furnishing are The .was successful In every "lxok at this do Then Philip admitted he didn't have ; ' ' " - ;.:,. - blast luck, two paid for, ' ; practicable. With a little see? Nothing. That's the point ex- - all the stuff he and his companions way and the vibration wa felt In days of good weather and not too actly. It is even devoid of color. It had stolen. In fact, he said, he had ; Panama City as though there' had wind wind were Complete throughout after; more donations, the members of the congre- is in the hands of the treasurer. high a unless the . is not white, black, nor yet blue, been slight earthquake. ' ' - not the smallest share. The police have - a year of work on part of gation and elders succeeded in It is against the policy of the Mor- a at one's back the trip could be green, red or brown. Is nearly kha- - boys than the the At a meeting of Americans Crisobal It the names of the other and a long of congregation a'nd raising $400, which covered ex- mon church to hold services in any engines would probably the members the the -- made. Two jki. but it isn't. khaki. It's blank--ju-st list of places that were robbed. Voung was selected as the place for the er building lx uFed. The Gnome en- plain blank. requires great the elders in order to secure the nec- penses of erecting and painting the i.ew; church until that has celebration the Fourth Jury. It skill to Aromanto was taken to the Children's essary ser- building. They held a confer- Y$en paid for, and in keeping with of of gine for example, Is so made that mix the paints to get that effect and Society rooms. funds so that their first then cylinders can used at a vice might be held In a building en- ence and decided .that, until another tt-i- po! icy, the l9cal church will not seven 'be still greater skill to see what the pic-- t r a The 13th child was born on May 13, would probably Mi-On- tirely- tree of debt, Mormon sum of money was raised . for the even .dedicate until the seats have Also tuere be Only days country, ly the little time. ture represents when it is finished. three in this furnishing been installed and paid for, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. William II. two pilots. One could easily enough the real artists, the connoisseur guel' Martinez, a wealthy Syrian, and church: cn. south King street, a mem- and lighting of the church, and the Snow at Hackensack,'N. J. ' and rleep, or rest, while they would hold no services. JJegin- - lighting fixtures place. The con- lie down j with the trained eye, can name the his son, Manuel, succumbed to escap-- I ber of the Waikikl branch cf the wa driving." church of Christ of Day riing work again with renewed tracts for these items will be let wJth-:- n the other subject. I call it 'Stamboul' now, but ing gas in their room in a Jesus Latter their , The employes of .the Halifax tram- Saints, in less, energy, they subscriptions a few days. It is not Count de Lambert is the inventor tomorrow and there's the beauty of ton hotel. ' wilj be dedicated than solicited known a3 ways and . electric light company, 200 i 1 : .". six and until, two week3 ago, yet whether or npt the of the hydroaeroplane, or "glider" the newest school of art tomorrow, weeks. donations seats for the in number, struck recently. . - - which is now the fastest kind of perhaps, I shall call it. 'Gabys Deslys. A resolution favoring the acquisi- J The church building was completed it was found that the necessary new church can be made in Honolulu, , motor boat known. He is not In the However, 1 may think of a better lion by the state of waste and wild. miuic man a jfar agu, suu iium uiai amount had been raised. Today the and if they cannot, the church will Many vessels are being delayed at money iur-ioies- i rame for the but is simply a iiui,n ieriiigjii so 1 win not promise iauu uevejopiiieiii purposes:ilime until how it has stood with lock-- church stands free of debt; all ex- have to send to the coast for them. Philadelphia in loading and discharg- "gentleman, aviator." no hat the name will be in twenty- - was adopted by the Massachusetts 1 ed doors, no services having- - been penses ' are paid and The money for This will tend to cause another de- ing their cargoes because of a strike French-America- n i lay Anna Hold, the fouk lours. forestry association. held Jh.iL Through subscriptions and furnishing and lighting the building in the dedication and the first of longshoremen, . . ' :' '"