Model-Based Collaborative Filtering Analysis of Student Response : Machine-Learning Item Response Theory

∗ † ‡ Yoav Bergner , Stefan Droschler¨ , Gerd Kortemeyer , Saif Rayyan, Daniel Seaton, and David E. Pritchard Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139

ABSTRACT software packages, IRT parameter estimation is still techni- cal and goodness-of-fit analysis continues to be a subject We apply collaborative filtering (CF) to dichotomously scored of research [4; 5]. In this paper we describe an alternate student response data (right, wrong, or no interaction), find- approach to IRT parameter estimation and goodness-of-fit ing optimal parameters for each student and item based on motivated by machine learning. Our approach springs from cross-validated prediction accuracy. The approach is natu- an operationalist interpretation of the goals of IRT as stated rally suited to comparing different models, both unidimen- by Lord [6]: “to describe the items by item parameters and sional and multidimensional in ability, including a widely the examinees by examinee parameters in such a way that used subset of Item Response Theory (IRT) models which we can predict probabilistically the response of any exami- obtain as specific instances of the CF: the one-parameter lo- nee to any item, even if similar examinees have never taken gistic (Rasch) model, Birnbaum’s 2PL model, and Reckase’s similar items before.” multidimensional generalization M2PL. We find that IRT models perform well relative to generalized alternatives, and Collaborative filtering (CF) is commonly used in recom- thus this method offers a fast and stable alternate approach mender systems with the goal of recommending unfamiliar to IRT parameter estimation. Using both real and simu- items to a user based on ratings of those items by other lated data we examine cases where one- or two-dimensional users and prior rating information by the user in question IRT models prevail and are not improved by increasing the [7]. The Netflix prize, for example, drew much attention to number of features. Model selection is based on prediction the problem of movie recommendations [8]. The idea behind accuracy of the CF, though it is shown to be consistent with any collaborative filter is that when multiple users interact . In multidimensional cases the item parame- with overlapping subsets of items, information from the in- terizations can be used in conjunction with cluster analysis teractions can be extracted and used to make probabilis- to identify groups of items which measure different ability tic inferences about potential future interactions. Memory- dimensions. based CFs attempt to do this by exploiting similarity be- tween users based on a vector of their prior interactions. A naive algorithm might predict that user J will have identi- 1. INTRODUCTION cal interactions to those of the most similar user K (or to Online courses offer the prospect of large data sets of stu- cluster of similar users). This descriptive approach does not dent responses to assessment activities that occur over time attempt to model, causally or otherwise, the nature of the and under varying conditions (e.g. training, practice, graded individual interactions. By contrast, model-based CF uses homework, and tests). These present a more complex anal- the partial interaction information to model a set of param- ysis task than data recorded under constrained circum- eters for the users and the items which, taken together, can stances, but they offer the opportunity to learn about learn- reconstruct probabilistic predictions about the missing in- ing (e.g. over a semester, or from a specific intervening in- teractions. In this aspect, CF and IRT have the same end. structional activity) in the spirit of evidence-centered design The structural similarity between IRT and logistic regres- [1]. Analyzing such data will require extensions of standard sion has been noted in [9; 10]. Beck and Woolf [11] have assessment methods such as Item Response Theory (IRT), applied a linear regression machine learning algorithm to an for example when multiple attempts are allowed [2]. intelligent arithmetic tutor to predict when a student would In the context of educational measurement, item response answer a problem correctly (and in how much time). Des- models have numerous advantages over classical test theory, marais and Pu [12] have compared Bayesian modeling of and their use is widespread [3]. Despite a variety of available knowledge spaces to IRT in pursuit of examinee ability esti- mation. Whereas Bayesian knowledge tracing requires iden- ∗[email protected] tification of subject-specific knowledge components, multidi- mensional IRT is a general framework for measuring ability †also: Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences along multiple dimensions. ‡ permanent affiliation: Michigan State University This paper explores the application of model-based collabo- rative filtering (CF) to the analysis of student responses with similar goals to IRT, i.e. finding parameters for students

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 95 and items that combine to predict student performance on where we have taken the liberty of relabeling the indices for an item by item basis. From machine learning, we borrow simplicity of presentation. The bias component in a student the notion of learning the model from the data. Rather or item vector does not add parameter information but im- than assign an item response model a priori, we use the portantly allows the to be a function of the difference CF to train a class of log-linear models on the data and between student and item parameters. (Nothing is gained by select the one which performs the best in terms of predic- having more than one bias component since a sum of student tion accuracy. The model is selected for capturing maximal or item parameters defines a single alternate parameter with information from a student response matrix, with no prior the same information). The logistic function now generates knowledge about the data assumed. We show that several a probability (or expectation) matrix with the dimensions standard IRT models emerge naturally as special cases. Ns × Ni of the response matrix Usi, In the remaining sections, we describe the numerical pro- tocol for parameter estimation as well as an approach to 1 Psi = (5) goodness-of-fit based on prediction accuracy and cross-validation 1 + e−Zsi techniques standard in machine learning. The approach is naturally suited to comparing different IRT models, both The likelihood function for the observed response matrix U unidimensional and multidimensional. We apply the CF to given the parameters θ and X is given by the product two sets of student response data. One of the two, con- taining roughly 120 online homework responses in a Gen- Y Y Usi (1−Usi) L(U|θ, X) = Psi (1 − Psi) (6) eral Chemistry course with 2000 students, hints strongly at s i two dimensions of skill and discrimination for students and items respectively. We demonstrate that the items, thus and remains to be maximized by suitable assignment of stu- parametrized by the CF, cluster into the same groupings dent and item parameters. For computational benefit, one that are suggested by principal component analysis. typically uses the logarithm of the likelihood function. If we multiply the log likelihood by −1 (turning the maximum into a minimum), we can relabel the result in the convention 2. REGULARIZED LOGISTIC REGRESSION of machine learning as the “cost function” AS A COLLABORATIVE FILTER X X 2.1 Parameter Estimation J(θ, X) = − [Usi log Psi + (1 − Usi) log(1 − Psi)] We describe the collaborative filtering approach for dichoto- s i (7) mously scored responses using regularized logistic regres- Numerically maximizing the likelihood function L or (equiv- sion. Particular IRT models obtain as a special case. alently) minimizing the cost function J is quite fast on a A binary classifier of individual responses is built ab initio modern desktop with off-the-shelf optimization packages (in around a logistic function our R implementation, we use optim with method “BFGS”). Typically these min/max finders take as arguments one long 1 P = (1) parameter vector (formed by unrolling the X and θ matri- 1 + e−Z ces) and a definition of the cost function and its gradient. which provides a mapping from the real line to the probabil- As of this writing, a response matrix of 2000 students and ity interval [0,1]. We are given a response matrix Usi whose 50 items takes about 10 seconds to process on a 3.4 GHz rows represent the response vector of student s to each item Intel i7 machine. This approach to Joint Maximum Likeli- i. Each student is to be parametrized by a vector θk and hood Estimation (JMLE) no longer necessitates a stepwise each item by a vector Xk. The vectors are by design of com- update of item and student parameters as was once standard mensurate dimension (known as the number of features nf ) [13; 14; 15]. such that a scalar product can be constructed, the logit, or As the number of model features nf is increased in any data inverse of the logistic function, fitting scenario, it becomes possible to minimize the cost function with parameters that do not generalize well to new X data, i.e. to over-fit the data. Regularization terms may Z = θ · X = θkXk (2) be introduced in the cost function to reduce over-fitting. k To equation 7 we add the terms (sums exclude any bias Although student and item indices have been suppressed, Z components) is a matrix product of θ (Ns × nf ) and X (nf × Ni ). It is useful to modify the description slightly to include a bias X 2 X 2 component (fixed, equal to 1) on either the student side or λ θk + λ Xk (8) the item side, or both, by considering generalizations such k=1 k=1 as where the optimal regularization parameter λ can be deter- mined from cross-validation as discussed is section 2.3. 1 X θ∗ = X∗ = (3) θ 1 2.2 IRT Recovered as Special Cases of the CF It is now possible to show explicitly how IRT models emerge in which case from this framework. To keep track of the absence or pres- ence of the optional bias component, we label the dimension- ∗ ∗ X ality of the student or item vector as an ordered pair. The Z = θ · X = X0 + θkXk + θ0 (4) k first component refers to the number of information-carrying

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 96 parameters while the second (either a zero or a one) indi- subsampled for use as a test set, repeating 100 times. In cates whether or not a bias component is used. Thus the section 4, we discuss interpretation of the accuracy score as (operationally equivalent to the 1PL model) a goodness of fit statistic. obtains under the arrangement

dim(θ) = (1, 1) θ∗ = (1 θ)  3. SAMPLE RESULTS OF CF ANALYSIS → Z = X + θ (9) dim(X) = (1, 1) X∗ = (X 1) Rasch We analyze three data sets, two real and one simulated. The first set comes from a pre-test administration of a physics where we have used the generalized form of the logit con- instrument, the Mechanics Baseline Test (MBT) [18] at the structed in equation 4. The scalars θ and X here are iden- Massachusetts Institute of Technology over multiple years tified with the student ability and item easiness parameters from 2005-2009 (26 items and 2300 examinees). The MBT is in the Rasch model. a standard instrument used to gauge student learning gains The Birnbaum 2PL model, still unidimensional in skill, is on and competencies with essential concepts in introductory obtained as physics. A superset of these data has been described and analyzed by Cardamone et al. using (unidimensional) IRT dim(θ) = (1, 1) θ∗ = (1 θ)  [19]. → Z2PL = X1 + θX2 dim(X) = (2, 0) X = (X1 X2) To test whether the collaborative filter would indeed“discover” (10) multidimensionality of skills in student response data, we Although the slope-intercept form of the logit appears in the constructed a second data set of simulated responses to a two-skill test, assuming correlated skill-components but literature, it is common to map X1 and X2 to the discrim- unidimensional items. In other words, 2000 skill-pairs were ination and difficulty parameters α and β, where α = X2 sampled from a multivariate Gaussian distribution and a re- and β = −X1/X2, such that Z = α(θ − β). sponse matrix for 60 items simulated based on a 2PL unidi- As a final example, Reckase and McKinley [15; 16; 17] have mensional model. Responses to the first 30 items depended defined as M2PL the multidimensional extension of the 2PL only on the first skill component, while responses to the last model for m skill dimensions, which emerges here when 30 items depended only on the second component. The two skills over the sampled population were correlated with a ∗  dim(θ) = (m, 1) θ = (1 θ1 . . . θm) Pearson coefficient r = 0.58. dim(X) = (m + 1, 0) X = (X0 X1 ...Xm) The third data set comes from online homework data us- m (11) X ing LON-CAPA for a General Chemistry class at Michigan → ZM2PL = X0 + θmXm State University (MSU). The class was selected for study i=1 because it had a large student enrollment in a typical year This is a compensatory multidimensional model to the ex- (N = 2162), and because the 120 items were repeatedly ad- tent that high values of one component of θ may compensate ministered over several years between 2003-2009. Although for low values in another component. However the model is students were allowed multiple attempts on homework prob- still capable of describing items which have very low discrim- lems, the responses were scored correct/incorrect on first ination along one or more skills. The Xm item parameters try for this analysis. No prescreening of the items was per- for m > 1 should be seen as “discrimination-like” param- formed, and the data analysis was completely blind to the eters whereas a “difficulty-like” parameter along each axis content of this course. could be constructed by analogy with the 2PL model as the When the dichotomously scored response matrix contained ratio −X0/Xm. omitted responses (up to 40% in the General Chemistry homework) the sum over matrix elements in Equation 7 and 2.3 Evaluating the Model, or Goodness-of-Fit the computation of the accuracy score both excluded omit- The CF minimization procedure results in a set of parame- ted responses. ters for each student and item. These can be used to con- For each data set, the model space was scanned by starting struct item response curves (or surfaces or hyper surfaces) as with dim(X) = (1 0), dim(θ) = (1 0) and proceeding incre- a prelude to studying model-data fit. An alternate approach mentally subject to the commensurability constraint (i.e. to however, common to machine learning algorithms, is to se- construct a scalar product of θ and X). In the figures below quester a portion of the response matrix as a test set which is we denote each model by combining the dimensions of θ and not considered during parameter estimation. Once parame- X into one compact string (dim(θ) dim(X)), i.e. (1010). In ters are estimated using the remaining “training” data, these this notation, the model (2130) is read as containing two same parameters are used to predict the values in the test skill parameters plus a bias parameter and three item pa- set (where a probability value of greater than 0.5 results in rameters (no bias). The apportionment of bias parameters the prediction of a correct item response). The percentage of that both skill parameters multiply an item parame- correctly classified elements is the accuracy score. An inter- ter, but there is one item parameter that remains as a term mediate test-set can be used for cross-validation, for example by itself in the logit. to adjust the regularization parameter to avoid over-fitting Figures 1-3 display the accuracy scores of the CF models the training set. Moreover by subsampling multiple times as the dimensionality is varied. For reference, we indicate (either with disjoint partitions or random subsamples) and with shaded regions the separation of the model space by averaging the accuracy score, subsampling variability can be the dimensionality of student skills. We also indicate with controlled. vertical dashed lines the CF models corresponding to par- In the following section, we present results of data analyzed ticular IRT models. We observe that for the MBT data set, using this recipe, with 30% of the response matrix randomly accuracy increases up to the unidimensional 2PL model, but

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 97 d2Lmdli atclr efr optimally. perform simu- particular) the the in using (and model scores models 2d-2PL Two-dimensional accuracy responses. model two-skill by lated Model 2: Figure features. additional Me- 2PL by the the improved at using not peaks is scores Performance and accuracy model data. model Test by Baseline chanics Model 1: Figure Accuracy (%) Accuracy (%) Proceedings ofthe5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 77.0 77.5 78.0 78.5 79.0 79.5 80.0 80.5 67 68 69 70 71 72 ● ● dsil2dskill 1d skill (1010) 2dskill 1d skill (1010) 1PL 1PL ● (1111) ● (1111) 2PL 2PL ● (1120) ● (1120) CF Model(by parameter dimensionality) CF Model(by parameter dimensionality) ● ● Simulated Two−skill Response

(2011) (2011) Mechanics BaselinePretest ● (2020) ● (2020) ● ● 2d2PL (2121) 2d2PL (2121) ● (2130) ● (2130) ● (3021) ● (3021) 3d skill 3d skill ● (3030) ● (3030) ● (3131) ● (3131) ● (3140) ● (3140) ● (4031) ● (4031) 4d skill 4d skill ● (4040) ● (4040) ● (4141) ● (4141) ● (4150) ● (4150) ● (5041) ● (5041) ● (5050) ● (5050) notescn rnia opnn nfiue4b.Whereas fig- 4(b). figure loading) in in (factor component item plot principal each second of scree the projection onto the the plot the We show of 4(a). and analysis ure matrix factor exploratory response an simulated Chem- perform General we the data, for perceptions istry our calibrate and two-dimensional set simulated data data). the of MBT structure the the understand for To suitable was parameter choice to (the regularization due likely of most choice per- is over-fitting/sub-optimal of dimensionality degradation increasing apparent with for The formance Models over-fitting. avoid skill parame- to 1) skill. one regularization ters m larger but remaining 1 require all the dimensionality (m along for higher model M2PL 1PL hybrid as and a of component and thought 0) be Reckase m+1 could the simu- 1 which are the (m models of case performing model the better M2PL in The (except data). two lated first representing the outperform models to possible four the m among that not note and We data. data MBT simulated unidimensional two-dimensional follows the the 3) of (Fig. analysis substantive pattern Chemistry The the General is data. the CF the that the is of that result feature devised confirmation this were as learning serves of data it capable simulated but skills, the is two that This using given models. asymptotic higher-dimensional surprising by this not exceeded again not but is particular), limit in model a 2D-generalized MIRT the on (and 2PL models based two-dimensional realized data to is going improvement response by accuracy dimen- simulated an higher test, the two-skill to two-part, In going by models. achieved sional are gains significant no unidimensional outperform (and particular) models. models in model Two-dimensional Gen- 2d-2PL online the homework. using scores Chemistry accuracy model eral by Model 3: Figure Accuracy (%) kl iesos(for dimensions skill

63.0 63.5 64.0 64.5 65.0 ● (1010) 2dskill 1d skill 1PL (1111) ● 2PL (1120) ● CF Model(by parameter dimensionality) (2011) ● ●

> m (2020) MSU GeneralChem ●

(2121) 2d2PL ● )telte w oesappear models two latter the 1) (2130) (3021) ● 3d skill (3030) ● (3131) ● (3140) ● (4031) ● 4d skill (4040) ● (4141) ● ●

98 (4150) (5041) ● (5050) ● Scree plot for simulated 2−skill response data Unidimensional 2PL item parameter space

● 2 Eigenvalue ● X item parameter

●● ●●● ●●●●● ●●●●●● ●●●●●● ●●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●● ●●●● 1 2 3 4 5 ●●●● 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 −4 −2 0 2 4

Component item parameter X1

(a) (a)

Factor loadings for simulated 2−skill response data 2d 2PL item parameter space

6 ● prcomp2 > 0 ● prcomp2 < 0 ● ● ● ● kmeans clust 1 kmeans clust 2 ● ●

● ● 4 ● ● ●

3 ●● ● ● ● ●

2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

X item parameter ● ● − 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 Projection on 2nd component 0 − 0.2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1

item item parameter X2

(b) (b)

Figure 4: Simulated two-skill analysis: (a) scree plot and Figure 5: Simulated two-skill analysis: Item parameter (b) projection of items onto second principal component for space in (a) 1d- and (b) 2d-2PL IRT. Color coding is based simulated data set. Color is added in (b) to identify points on second principal component loading, and k-means cluster in later figures. analysis is superimposed using shapes in (b). the first principal component captures the variance in overall sional 2PL (the full item-parameter space is 2-dimensional, score or (unidimensional) skill, the second component spanned by X1 and X2) and the (2130) CF model, corre- will differentiate between students who may have the same sponding to 2d-2PL IRT. There are three item parameters overall score but perform proportionately better or worse on in the latter model, and we examine the reduced parame- different groups of items. ter space spanned by the two discrimination-like parameters The second principal component loadings in figure 4(b) clearly X2 and X3. The parameters plotted here come from a single distinguish two different subsets of items in the simulated run of the CF algorithm. data, the first and second half of the item set by design. The unidimensional model blurs any distinction between the In figures 5(a) and figure 5(b), we now plot the items as two known groups of items, but this distinction is manifest points in the item parameter space generated by two CF in the 2d-2PL model. The roughly orthogonal arms in fig- models: the (1120) CF model corresponding to unidimen- ure 5(b) reflect the fact that in our simulated responses, each

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 99 Scree plot for General Chemistry homework data Unidimensional 2PL item parameter space

● − 0.5 0.0 2 − 1.0

● Eigenvalue ●●● ●●● ●●●● ●●●●●

● X item parameter ●●●●●● ●●●●● ●●●●●● − 1.5 ●●●●●●● ●●●●●● ●●●●●●● ●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●● ●●●●●●● ●●●●●● ●●●● ● ●●●

● − 2.0

● ●●●●●●●●●● 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 −1 0 1 2

Component item parameter X1

(a) (a)

Factor loadings for General Chemistry homework data 2d 2PL item parameter space

prcomp2 > 0 prcomp2 < 0 ● kmeans clust 1 kmeans clust 2 3

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● X item parameter ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

Projection on 2nd component ● ● ● ● ● ● − 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 ● ● ● − 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 −2.5 −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5

item item parameter X2

(b) (b)

Figure 6: General Chemistry homework data justifies two- Figure 7: General Chemistry: (a) unidimensional 2PL item dimensional models. Scree plot (a) showing two significant parameter space shows little separation of colors (corre- eigenvalues and (b) projection of items onto second principal sponding to loading onto the second principal component). component. Color is added in (b) to identify item points in Conversely (b) 2d-2PL IRT clearly separates color-coded later figures. items in the space of two discrimination-like parameters; moreover cluster analysis in this space identifies the border. item was truly unidimensional in skill-dependence and thus does not discriminate at all with respect to the complemen- We repeat the procedure to visualize the results of the Gen- tary second skill. We superimpose the results of a k-means eral Chemistry data in figures 6(a)-7(b) with similar results. (with k = 2) clustering analysis indicated by shape on the The cluster analysis in the 2d-2PL parameter space identi- plotted points in figure 5(b). All the red (blue) points are fies the same two groups as the principal component analysis overlapped with triangles (circles), showing that the cluster- for over 90% of the items (discrepant items are those that ing algorithm finds the same two groups that were identified fall very close to the zero line in figure 6(b)). by the factor loading in figure 4(b). We have verified that We emphasize that the choice of model (2130) was driven by this clustering is manifest in three dimensions as well using the accuracy score of the CF algorithm. Given the model, a 3d-2PL model on simulated data. the two clusters of items emerge from the assignment of

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining 100 discrimination-like item parameters which best predict the tion 14, the dependence on the distribution of item difficul- response matrix. We have added no information about the ties is explicit. The accuracy score thus cannot be meaning- items nor offered any interpretation of the meaning of the fully compared for two different data sets unless the exam- two clusters in this case, though we are working with domain inees and items are drawn from very similar distributions. experts on identifying the significance. For the simulated For 2PL and M2PL models, the best score will also be a data, the two clusters emerge as expected from simulated function of the distribution of item discriminations. In fact, responses predicated on the assumption that the different we have observed that after removing two MBT items with item groups test different, though correlated, abilities of the pathological item response curves found in [19], prediction examinees. accuracy on the remaining data increased by 2 percentage points, while this gain was not observed when two randomly 4. INTERPRETATIONOF THE ACCURACY selected problems were removed. In view of the model dependence of equation 14, a cau- SCORE STATISTIC tionary flag might be raised in using the accuracy score to It may be noted that the overall accuracy differs in each compare different models on a given data set. However since of the figures 1-3, that the scores sometimes seem rather the models are designed to predict the data, we argue that unimpressively low (≈ 65%), and that in some cases the this model-dependence is justly accounted for in using the model scores for a given data set differ by only a fraction accuracy score as a goodness-of-fit statistic. of one percent. Since we claim that this score provides a In practice it is much easier to calculate the expected score in basis for preferring one model over another, it behooves us equation 12 numerically from the expectation matrix with- to discuss the meaning of the score value itself. out any integrals. Simply replace all probabilities less than Beck and Woolf also observed that in any probabilistic bi- 0.5 by one minus the probability and average over the re- nary classifier, the maximum expected accuracy score de- sulting matrix. pends on the distribution of values in the probability (or expectation) matrix [11]. For example, if all probabilities (for each student-item pairing) are equal to 0.75, then all 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS responses would be predicted by the binary classifier to be We have applied a model-based collaborative filter, i.e. a correct, though of course only 75% should be expected. Per- numerical method for analyzing a dichotomous student re- haps less intuitive, if the values in the probability matrix are sponse matrix with the goal of predicting the observed re- distributed uniformly over all values in the interval [0, 1], the sponses. Relying on readily available optimization code, the expected accuracy score will also be 75%. CF is fast, flexible and stable. We showed that CF nat- A workaround suggested in [11] is to bin the matrix elements urally parameterizes a series of models with increasing di- into probability bins before comparing with the observed mensionality and that this family contains several common responses. This indeed results in a visible one-to-one cor- unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models. respondence between expected bin-fractions and observed We showed with sample data that the CF can aid in model- bin-fractions, but bin-based statistics inevitably raise sev- selection and that the multidimensional-model capability eral concerns about the binning procedure itself. Certainly can result in improved prediction accuracy and easy investi- binning choice is not a characteristic of the model. Instead, gation of whether the data are better fit by alternate models. we probe the accuracy score formally as follows. If the dis- Practitioners of IRT will be pleased to learn that, at least tribution of p values in the expectation matrix is given by a in the cases considered here, CF was not able to improve distribution function g(p), then the expected accuracy score significantly on the quality of fit achieved using standard, is given by the following “average” but in two cases multidimensional, IRT models. Moreover, the dimensionality of models suggested by the CF and the Z 0.5 Z 1 clustering of items in the ensuing parameterizations are con- S = (1 − p)g(p)dp + pg(p)dp (12) sistent with results from exploratory factor analysis. 0 0.5 Finally, the stability, speed, close connection with IRT, and where the first term accounts for predicted-to-be-wrong and easy generalizability of CF recommends it very highly for the second term for predicted-to-be-right matrix elements. use in analyzing student response data of all sorts. The shape of g(p) in turn depends on the distribution of the student and item parameters and the function that is used 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS to model the probability. As an explicit example, for the We are grateful to MIT and NSF Grant No. DUE-1044294 Rasch or 1PL model, the probability of a correct response for supporting this work. Additionally, we thank Bob Field when the student skill is θ and the problem difficulty is β is and Sarah Seaton for their help in diagnosing chemistry given by questions.

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