E1452 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 14, 2016 And we know at least 50 Vietnam veterans believed in. He is remembered as gracious, Her dedication to her students has earned are alive in the Northern Marianas today. kind and a friend to all, no matter an election’s her local and national recognition. Ms. Bun- Some are the indigenous Chamorro and outcome. ning was featured in 850 Magazine, ‘‘The Refaluwasch people of our islands, who en- I join several of my fellow elected of- Business Magazine of Northwest Florida,’’ be- listed or were drafted out of Guam or a U.S. ficials in offering my sincerest condolences to cause of her passion for shaping our Nation’s state. Some are veterans who later came from the members of the Denton County Repub- young minds and providing a 21st century America to the Marianas and now call our is- lican Party and all who were inspired and learning lab classroom for her students to lands their home. touched by Mr. Hoy. His commitment to fur- learn and grow. In addition, her classroom has We know, too, that even if not thering conservative ideals and his service to also been identified as a ‘‘Model STEAM citizens, soldiers from the Northern Mariana Denton, the state of Texas and our nation will Classroom’’ within the Santa Rosa County Islands served as bravely and honorably as not soon be forgotten. community and by the digital learning en- their brothers and sisters in uniform, who were f hancement service, Discovery Education. citizens. And we know that all—citizen and Ms. Bunning is a leader in early childhood KATY ATHLETES WIN AT THE AAU noncitizen alike—faced the same painful chal- education and is to be commended for the JUNIOR OLYMPICS lenges of returning home from a war whose solid foundations she has built for her stu- purpose was difficult to understand and which dents. One of four STEAM Leaders at her never resolved in victory. HON. PETE OLSON school, she has written and received numer- Yet, despite all their sacrifice and the pain OF TEXAS ous grants and coordinated training sessions endured, Vietnam veterans—in the Marianas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the X-STEM USA, solidifying Holly-Navarre and throughout America—continued to con- Monday, November 14, 2016 Primary School’s status as a truly innovative school. tribute to the peace, security, and prosperity of Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to our nation. They became teachers, entre- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to congratulate congratulate Aileen Lang, Justin Liang and Ms. Bunning on this well-earned achievement preneurs, artists, tradesmen, law enforcement Miyo Fujiwara of Katy, TX for winning 13 med- officers, healers, or advocates. They are of Hurlburt Air Force Association Chapter 398 als at the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Junior High School Teacher of the Year for 2016 and present throughout the life of our communities. Olympics. They also supported each other, mentored thank her for her commitment to service and The three students represented Katy-based dedication to the Northwest Florida commu- younger veterans coming home, and shared Rope Warriors in the jump rope competitions. their stories with civilians, who may not have nity. My wife Vicki joins me in wishing Ms. Aileen scored five gold medals and two Bunning all the best for continued success. otherwise had an understanding or apprecia- bronze medals, including a gold medal in the tion of military service, or the realities of war. All-Around competition. Eleven-year-old Justin f Indeed, it could be said that it is because of earned two silver medals, two bronze medals TRIBUTE TO BRIGADIER GENERAL the example, leadership, and advocacy of the and a fifth-place finish. And Miyo won two gold JOHN P. MCGOFF Vietnam generation of veterans that we, as a medals. Rope Warriors is a competitive jump nation, do better today at supporting our rope team with athletes ranging from 6 to 16 HON. TODD ROKITA young men and women in uniform, when they years old. OF INDIANA come home from war. But as these Vietnam On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vets would also remind us: we can do more. sional District of Texas, congratulations again Monday, November 14, 2016 So, upon this 50th anniversary of the Viet- to Aileen Lang, Justin Liang and Miyo nam War let us commit to do more to support Fujiwara for winning 13 medals at the AAU Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to America’s warriors—in times of conflict, as Junior Olympics. We are proud of them and honor a distinguished Hoosier, Brigadier Gen- well as in peace; when they put on the uni- wish them luck in their future jump rope ca- eral John P. McGoff, who retires from the Indi- form in defense of our nation, and when they reers. ana Air National Guard after thirty-four years come home. of honorable military service. f f General McGoff is the Assistant Adjutant RECOGNIZING BEVERLY ‘‘JOY’’ General for the Indiana Air National Guard. IN RECOGNITION OF TIMOTHY HOY BUNNING AS THE HURLBURT AIR Among his many responsibilities, he advises FORCE ASSOCIATION CHAPTER the Adjutant General on issues regarding the HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS 398 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 122nd Fighter Wing, 181st Intelligence Wing, OF TEXAS TEACHER OF THE YEAR FOR 2016 Indiana Air Range Complex, and 207th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Weather Flight. While attending medical school, General Monday, November 14, 2016 HON. JEFF MILLER OF FLORIDA McGoff was commissioned into the Medical Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Service Corps and assigned to the 122nd TAC honor Timothy Hoy, a committed Denton Fighter Wing in Fort Wayne. He was re- Monday, November 14, 2016 County Republican Party activist and tireless commissioned in the Medical Corps and at- defender of conservative principles. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my tended the Aerospace Medicine Primary Mr. Hoy passed away the week of October privilege to recognize Ms. Beverly ‘‘Joy’’ Bun- Course at Brooks AFB in Texas where he 31st and will be remembered as a committed ning as the Hurlburt Air Force Association earned his wings. He has served in many ca- volunteer and invaluable worker at the state, (AFA) Chapter 398 Elementary School Teach- pacities throughout the Indiana Air National local and national level. er of the Year for 2016. Ms. Bunning was se- Guard and twice led the 191st Medical Group Mr. Hoy became active in Denton County lected for this esteemed honor for her inspiring to the Theodore Marr’s Award, the Air National politics in the late 1980s, first serving as Pre- efforts to bolster her students’ interest in Guard’s highest medical award, and the cinct Chairman. He went on to be an elections science, technology, engineering, art, and Spaatz trophy, the highest Reserve Compo- judge, campaign manager for Commissioner math (STEAM) education; I am pleased to nent award. Ron Marchant and most recently campaigned honor her outstanding achievements. General McGoff served our country in Eu- for U.S. Senator in Iowa during the In her three years in the Santa Rosa County rope and was the Chief of Emergency Serv- 2016 presidential election. school district, Ms. Bunning has earned the ices at the 332nd EMDG, Joint Base Balad, From 2002 through 2010, Mr. Hoy served reputation as an outstanding 2nd grade teach- Iraq. He has also served overseas tours in on the State Republican Executive Committee er among her students and peers in the edu- Turkey, Bahrain, Jordan, Antarctica, Germany, and received an award for his achievements cation community. She teaches her students Korea, Japan, Guatemala, and Slovakia. Gen- at the close of nearly eight years spent as an crucial problem solving skills through innova- eral McGoff holds the aeronautical rating of unwavering public servant. He was also tive and creative hands-on learning experi- Chief Flight Surgeon and has logged over 600 named the Denton County Republican Party ences, and her passion for teaching has hours, including 25.6 combat hours in many Volunteer of the Year in 1998 and Precinct helped spark her students’ sense of wonder different military aircraft. He is a graduate of Chair of the Year in 2001. and interest in the world around them. Ms. the Air War College and has received numer- Mr. Hoy is revered as a keen political mind Bunning’s contributions to producing the next ous military awards and decorations. and hard worker who was always ready to generation of active participants in our society Dr. McGoff served the people of Indianap- fiercely support the candidates and ideals he cannot be overstated. olis and Marion County as County Coroner

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