Venue Online Zoom meeting Date and time November 25th 2020 , 11:00 am Participants ACTED, CARE, , LWF, DOWO, Municipalities, PWJ, UNICEF, UNOCHA, PAH, Harikar, Seed foundation, Solidarites, SCI, CONCERN, Mentor Initiative, National WASH Co- coordinator ( information officer), Sub-national cluster/Duhok.

 The virtual meeting was started as planned through ZOOM online application. Welcomed the participants and quick introduction was made.  Action points from the last meeting:  Cluster to follow up with CARE or any interested partners the support for Solid waste & Desludging for Esyan camp after Dec. 2020.  No partner committed to support, CARE/HARIKAR agreed to continue support after Dec. till end Feb. 2021  Cluster to follow up the support for C&M for Gawilan sector F after Dec. 2020 ( phasing out of WVI)..  No partner committed to support, to discuss with UNICEF as last resort. The type of interventions and estimated cost will be shared with some interested partner for possible support..  Follow up with Municipalities/KURDS the repair of Kabertu waste water treatment plant..  Repair work started, progressing well ..

Population figures & status of camps:

 Total no. of Refugee/IDPs in Duhok: approximately 556,000  Total No. of IDPs 472,000 individuals, Inside 16 camps 143,600 (30%), outside camp 328,400 (70%).  Total No. of refugees 84,300 individuals, Inside 5 camps 51,500 (60%), outside camps 32,800 (40%).  Returnees since June for IDPs: Total: 36,600 individuals, from inside camps 24,700 & outside camps 11,900 individuals.  Total No. of operational camps: 21 (16 for IDPs and 5 for refugees).  Confirmed cases of COVID-19 for : Total (29,759) cases , active cases (13,244), Recovered cases (15,906), Death cases (609)…

Presentation on WASHApp for Water & Sanitation Treatment plants data for the assessment made by REACH Initiative throughout ….The presentation was made by the senior information officer of the National WASH cluster…

 The use of software and the template for submitting the data were clearly defined & explained to the participants. Requested the relevant WASH partners to properly fill the required/ missing data and submit them to the cluster for compilation as early as possible.. (Copy of the presentation documents is attached for reference)..

Action Point: Cluster to follow up with DOWO, Municipalities & relevant WASH partners to fill the missing data & submit to cluster…


Major highlights/ challenges:

The sub-national cluster coordinator presented an update on the status of O&M of WASH facilities in camps & response to COVID-19 outbreak . Details are reflected in the (attached matrix included with the presentation).

 During the month of November all IDPs/Refugees camps were covered with Care & Maintenance support for WASH facilities…  The cluster is tracking the status of C&M support for IDPs/Refugees camps… With the current commitment from partners the support is secured till end Dec. 2020 and for some cases till March and Dec. 2021….  For the two IDPs camps ( Dawdaya & Shekhan), LWF stated that they have approached donors for extension after Dec. 2020 … Will keep the cluster updated in case of any feedback .  For Gawilan sector F refugees camps, the cluster will share the priced BOQs for the planned activities with the interested partners for possible support ( Solidarites, ACTED & SCI)….  SCI informed that they planning to install some hand washing facilities in Gawilan camps. Queried about the C&M partner to cooperate with. The cluster responded that the WASH partner is JCC supported by UNHCR…

For COVID-19 WASH response, .

 For COVID-19 response , all IDPs camps covered with Hygiene kits distribution through MODM . For refugees, the progress is ongoing to cover all five camps through UN agencies & NGOs …UNICEF for Domiz 1&2, Solidatires for Bardarsh, ACF for , SCI for Gawilan camp. (Details are reflected in the below matrix).  Installation of Quarantine/Isolation sites in camps approved by DOH & JCC. Currently four sites are ready for installation ( Bersivy2, Kabertu, Sharya & Shekhan) IDPs camps… Some NGO partners have already prepared proposals & submitted for IHF funding…  LWF : Planning to distribute hygiene kits for both parts of Gawilan during Jan. 2021. And will start during this month distribution of kits for Dawdya, Shekahn IDPs camps & the IDPs outside Khanky camp.  ACTED: Confirmed their plan for distribution of Hygiene kits for both parts Gawilan camp for the month of December. Also informed that some PPE materials will be included with the package.  With the current commitment from partners, all refugees camps will be covered till end Dec. 2020 and some till end Jan. 2021.

Update from DOWO on water related issues for camps & host communities:.

DOWO: The C&M of WASH facilities in Domiz 1&2 refugees is ongoing with UNICEF support.. The rehabilitation of 150 septic tanks is progressing well through the maintenance team.. The construction of 100 new septic tanks with cesspools is also ongoing through a private contractor. Due to the difficult working circumstances and soil collapse, locations of some septic tanks were changed, there is need for extension of the contact duration to enable the contactor to complete the work in proper manner.

 Requested for any interested partner to support DOWO for improvement of some projects for the host communities including spare parts for water source deep wells.


 The warranty period for the project of ( Installation of solar power for water project in some selected sites throughout the governorate ) will be expired soon. Requested the implementing partner KURDS through GIZ support to carry out some maintenance work before final handing over.

Action Point : KURDS to communicate with DOWO for due arrangement ..

Update from Municipalities on the status of solid waste & desludging for camps & host communities:

 Supported by UNICEF, solid waste collection & desludging of waste water services are ongoing in the two refugee camps Domiz 1&2.  After a long negotiation & follow with the Ministry of Municipalities, the proposal for including Sumail camps with the service contact for host communities has been finally approved.. Wthin two months’ time it is expected the new contract for Sumail district to be awarded including all IDPs/Refugees camps in the district.

It has been reflected in the contact terms that in case of any partner’s support for any particular camp, the contactor will not paid for that camp .. .

Municipalities stated that the separation of waste at the source level has been included in Sumail contact .. This is the first initiative throughout Kurdistan region…

Requested partners support for this purpose in two aspects:

1- Supply of sufficient amount of garbage bins ( particularly for camps) 2- Awareness creation for communities on waste separation at household level.  There is plan to include the camps in Shekhan district also with Shekhan contact … Expected by mid of next year or later.

CARE/HARIKAR: Complained on the accumulation of garbage in Chamishku IDPs camp due to the delay of service provision from the contactor side …

Municipalities informed that the camp management is not reporting in time to Municipalities to take actions accordingly.

Action Point: Cluster to follow up with JCC & Camp management for timely reporting to Municipalities.

For the waste treatment plant in kabertu 2 camp, the repair work is ongoing by CONCERN/KURDS support… Still there is need for support for regular operation & maintenance of the plant.

UNICEF: Support for operation, care & maintenance of WASH facilities for Domz1 &2 refugees camps is ongoing through DOWO & Municipalities…

 Hygiene promotion and awareness creation in response to COVID-19 preventions measures is on going via disseminating and broadcasting messages through radio spots and household to household approaches. Distribution of hygiene kits for COVID-19 response in Domiz 1 & 2 for October completed..  With the beginning raining season, advised C&M partners in camps to take precaution measure and start cleaning campaigns for drainage channels, manholes to avoid any blockage and cause for flooding..  Celebrated the world toilet day through a number activities in Domiz 1& 2 refugees camps through DOH teams.


Presentation on PHAST approach (Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation) by CARE International:

Detailed presentation were made focusing on the identification of PHAST approach, advantage/ Disadvantage, participatory steps , etc… ( details are reflected in the attached presentation documents)..

PWJ queried if this approach has been applied in any camp. CARE responded that it has been practiced in Chamishku, Mamrashan IDPs camps & in

The contact detail for IEC material request is [email protected] cell #: 07517414258.

AOB: PWJ reported that in case of any faults/defect in the electricity supply for Sharya camp, the maintenance team of the Electricity dept. is not carrying the repair work ( due to lack of financial resources) as reported by them. This is affecting the operation of the treatment plant for drinking & waste water in the camp..

The cluster responded that subject has to be raised in CCCM cluster also as it is affecting the shelters & other services… Will approach JCC for possible follow-up / action…

Next meeting will be during December 2020 – date TBD