table of

Mechanical Engineering Annual Report • 2005-2006

Message from the Chair ...... 2 Expanding Educational Opportunities ME Undergraduate Program Earns High Marks from ABET . . . . .4 Energy in the Curriculum ...... 5 Hands-On Design Curriculum Teaches Problem-Solving ...... 6 UM-SJTU Joint Institute Hosts First Students and Names First Dean ...... 8 U-M and KAIST Partnership Expands ...... 9 First International Engineering Summer School a Success . . .10 12 New Course and Textbook Make the Business Case for Responsive, Global Manufacturing ...... 11 Course Prepares Students for International Teamwork ...... 12 PhD Degrees Granted ...... 14 Accelerating Technology Development Advances in Biosystems Promise Health, Quality of Life Improvements ...... 16 A Novel Biosensing Platform for Pathogen Detection ...... 18 Rapid Prototyping for Advanced Applications in Medicine and Energy ...... 19 16 Large Advances in Small Technology ...... 20 Nano-Scale Combustion Science ...... 22 Hong Im Joins Effort to Form New Collaborative Center . . . .23 Furthering Fuel Cell Technology ...... 24 From Cells to Cars, the Heterogeneous Multiscale Materials Lab Looks at Power ...... 25 Large-Scale Friction Drag Experimentation ...... 26 Dowling, Schultz Develop Washing Machine Simulations . . . .27 Environmental Policy, Auto Design and Materials Flows Project Finds its MUSES ...... 28 20 Low Temperature Engine Combustion Consortium ...... 29 Optical Engine Yields Insights ...... 29 Automotive Research Center Advances Vehicle Modeling Technology ...... 30 GM CRL Accelerates the Development of Highly-Efficient and Ultra Clean Engine Systems ...... 31 UM/GM Form Collaborative Research Laboratory for Smart Materials and Structures ...... 32 Insights Into Elastomeric Deformation ...... 33 Creative Approaches to Vehicle Safety ...... 34 23

UMTRI Projects Accelerate ...... 35 New MEng Program off to a Quick Start ...... 36 Changes in the Guard ...... 36 Department Statistics and Trends ...... 38 Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems ERC Transfers Technology ...... 39 High School Students in Italy See Factory Testbed in Action ...... 40 Wee Wizards to Inspire Future Engineers ...... 41 33 New Directions in the S.M. Wu Manufacturing Research Center ...... 42 Center for Lasers and Plasmas Advances Manufacturing Technologies ...... 43 Achieving Excellence Galip Ulsoy Elected to NAE ...... 44 Jun Ni Honored with Sam Wu Professorship ...... 45 ME Manufacturing Sets the Pace with Awards ...... 46 Alan Wineman Receives Distinguished Faculty 47 Achievement Award ...... 47 Jwo Pan Named SAE Fellow ...... 48 Hong Im Receives Ralph R. Teetor Award ...... 48 Krishna Garikipati Completes Humboldt Fellowship ...... 49 Ellen Arruda Named Centennial Fellow ...... 49 Get to Know New ME Faculty ...... 50 Faculty Honors & Awards ...... 52 Epureanu, Ulsoy Earn Outstanding Achievement Awards . . . .53 Faculty Promotions ...... 53 Donors & Research Sponsors ...... 54 William W. Schultz Appointed to NSF Post ...... 55 58 Professor Michael M. Chen Retires ...... 55 Staff Complete 40 Years of Service ...... 56 Marcy Brighton Chosen as Finalist for Distinguished Staff Service Award ...... 57 MRacing Team Takes Third ...... 58 Undergraduate Student Honors & Awards ...... 59 Graduate Student Honors & Awards ...... 60 ME Graduates Receive Faculty Appointments ...... 62 Global Perspectives from ME’s External Advisory Board . . . . .66 ME Welcomes New EAB Members ...... 67 EAB Member Taub Elected to NAE ...... 68 Ray Wilcox Wins Alumni Society Merit Award ...... 68 Message from the Chair

t truly feels like “only yesterday” that I science curriculum. Building on our opportunities to live and work abroad, Iassumed the position of the ME successes, we have introduced a new theme- including the SJTU - UM Joint Institute that Department Chair in January 2002. As I reflect based approach to provide students with has been launched in 2006, as well as a strong on the past year — and, inevitably, the past additional opportunities in their ME 450 major partnership with the Korea Advanced Institute five years — I am filled with both pride and design experience. In response to the of Science and Technology and the 2 humility. It has been an honor to lead the ME pressing need to educate engineers to International Engineering Summer School in Department during a period filled with so address the daunting energy challenges that conjunction with TU Berlin. many accomplishments. At the same time, I the world is facing, we have developed three Paralleling the success in its educational am standing in awe of what the combined new courses on energy technologies and mission, the ME Department has been prolific talents, knowledge and dedication of the power generation. ME has also played a in research, making strides in fundamental ME entire ME team — composed of 70 central role in the successful launch of the science while extending the boundaries in professorial and research faculty members, new college-wide M.Eng. degree in Global emerging disciplines. At the same time, ME 55 staff members, 1,200 students and over Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering. has continually put theory into practice, 16,000 alumni — can achieve. It is indeed a Other courses, including Global Product “translating” laboratory breakthroughs for pleasure to reflect on some of the highlights Development and Global Manufacturing, industrial and clinical settings. The fact that of the last year in our annual report ensure that our students learn how to carry the ME department has secured once again out engineering principles in multiple, global The Mechanical Engineering undergraduate over $27 million in research funding this year, contexts and perspectives. Several program, ranked 4th in the country by US at a time of severe financial constraints and international programs also offer students News and World Report, has grown to become budget cuts, shows the strong support and the most popular choice among the students in the College of Engineering. As the ABET review committee commented in its final report last year, “the ME Program has done an outstanding job of articulating the linkages of its curriculum to its objectives and those of the College and the University. The program has in place a well-defined and vigorous plan by which its students, alumni, faculty and administrators are involved in the measurement, evaluation and improvement of its program.” Our graduate program, ranked 5th by US News and World Report, continues to enjoy a strong national reputation and to attract a diverse and extremely motivated student body from all over the world. Our all- T

R time high enrollment is a testimony to the O P strength of our curriculum and the breadth of E R our research portfolio. Students strike me as L A

U creative, enthusiastic, tireless in their N

N academic and extracurricular pursuits, and A …smart! If these are the engineers of the G N

I future, I know we are in good hands. Our R

E alumni are playing leadership roles in industry, E N

I government and academia. In fact, recent ME G

N graduates are landing faculty positions at E

L some of the nation’s and world’s top A

C engineering schools. I N A

H The ME faculty are dedicated to teaching and C

E mentoring our students through impressive M

6 and innovative curricular offerings. Hands-on 0

- Department Chair Dennis Assanis with U-M Provost Teresa A. Sullivan and

5 engineering is a hallmark of the ME

0 College Dean David C. Munson, Jr. during a visit to the W.E. Lay Automotive 0

2 Department’s design and manufacturing Laboratory. 3 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR ocuses on the development Krishna Garikipati's work f of mathematical and numerical models for growth and remodeling of biological tissue. Shown is an initially uniform medium developing distinct phases. welcome all campus master , In closing, I wish to . build upon our current foundation of excellence to Arvind, our new Associate Chairs, Professor David Dowling and Arvind, our new Associate their energy and enthusiasm to Professor Karl Grosh, bring and the ME Department’s our Academic Service Office January 2007. administrative team since productive a department as we have It is impossible to be as staff. Marcy Brighton, who served as been without dedicated Manager since 2000, was Administrative the ME Department’s 2006 Distinguished the University’s chosen as a finalist for in her new position as We wish her the best Service Award. and Management in the College Director of Financial Planning welcome on of Engineering, a well-deserved promotion. We Manager and board Merlis Nolan as the new ME Administrative And we are thrilled to look forward to working with her. their Buege, Arlene Schneider and Sue Gow on recognize Lynn many of them spent 40 years of loyal service to the University, in ME. of the Success does not come without challenges. One personnel, our consequences of our growth in enrollment and research into curricular innovations, and the expansion of our for additional emerging areas has been the increasing need space. As the and different in nature lab, classroom and office the past three culmination of strategic planning efforts over Brown years, a major addition and remodeling of GG emerged as one Laboratory at an estimated cost of $125M has of the highest two priorities in the five year plan. This planned expansion will allow the ME Department to plan. This planned expansion will allow the ME to provide remain competitive with peer institutions, continue and top-notch engineering talent, support manufacturing important fields industry in the state, and conduct research in While significant effort such as energy and nanotechnology. the first remains ahead to transform this vision into reality, step has clearly been taken. I will be stepping down from the position As many of you know, I am of ME Chair at the end of the 2006-07 academic year. grateful for the time I have served leading our Department through a period of rapid change for the world and for Mechanical Engineering education, research and practice. I feel that our collective accomplishments have strategically positioned ME to face the challenges of the future. Though the work never ends, I am confident that our ME Department will continue to sincerely thank all of you — dedicated faculty and staff, hard working students and loyal alumni — for your trust, support and collaboration all these years. Dennis N. Assanis Engineering Mechanical Chair, Jon R. and Beverly S. Holt Professor of Engineering take the lead, nationally and internationally in defining the future of Mechanical Engineering again , the 2006 , have completed , ME faculty . have earned numerous awards and distinctions. , Department expanded its horizons this year with the Department expanded ME means to enhance the competitiveness of the automotive means to enhance the their terms of service. Thanks to their fairness, sound analytical judgment and unselfishness, they have both served the ME Department and our students with a great sense of responsibility and dedication, and significantly contributed to the excellence of our academic programs. Replacing Greg and Among those honored, our colleagues in the field of Among those honored, our colleagues in the field conceiving manufacturing have been recognized for not only them as new paradigms in manufacturing and establishing them into scientific disciplines, but also for incorporating elected to the industrial practice. Professor Galip Ulsoy was National Academy of Engineering — the top honor in engineering — for his work on the dynamics of axially moving elastic materials and their implementation in automotive and manufacturing systems. Professor Jun Ni, the inaugural dean University - UM Joint Institute, was of the Shanghai Jiao Tong named the Shieng-Min (Sam) Wu Professor of Manufacturing Science. And two ME professors earned prestigious manufacturing awards from the American Society of Koren, the M. Eugene Merchant Mechanical Engineers: Yoram Manufacturing Medal; and Jyotirmoy Mazumder this year William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award. Award. Technology Ennor Manufacturing William T. two ME Associate Chairs, Professor Greg our This past year, Hulbert and Professor Arvind Atreya, who have been the Directors of our Undergraduate and Graduate Programs since June 2002 and September 2003, respectively confidence of both public and private sponsors in the work confidence of both public Committed to addressing grand done in our Department. health, quality of environment, energy, societal challenges — our faculty have pioneered research life, national security — areas, including energy systems, bio- in critical and emerging while continuing to innovate as systems, micro/nano-systems, a and manufacturing industries. The working in MEMS, bio-systems, hiring of four faculty members Kathleen Sienko focuses energy-systems and nano-technology. and in carrying- on designing MEMS-based implantable devices quantitatively out experiments involving human subjects to and human assess clinical condition, sensory substitution research ability to interact with machines. Kenn Oldham’s systems interests are in fundamentals of dynamics, control of design, and electromechanical design, and the blending interests are fabrication and controls in MEMS. Shorya Awtar’s emphasis on in precision engineering and mechatronics, with Hart creates applications at the micro and nano-scales. John new methods and machines to synthesize nano-structured of growth materials, control the underlying mechanisms of those reactions, and develop energy-related applications materials. Our new faculty will be in stellar company ME Undergraduate Program Earns High Marks from ABET

he ME department’s undergraduate undergraduate program has become the most skills among students. “The ability to work in T program earned full accreditation from popular among first-year students declaring teams is one of the two most important job the Accreditation Board for Engineering and majors in the College. Enrollment in 2005 was skills students need upon graduation and in Technology, or ABET, in 2005. The next review 573; the program conferred 229 bachelor’s the working world. Our curriculum delivers will be conducted in 2011. degrees. Based on information from alumni [those skills] through five courses where surveys, more than 75 percent of graduates students work in teams. We place a very 4 During an on-campus site visit in October earn advanced degrees within a decade of strong emphasis on helping our students get 2005 ABET reviewers spent two-and-one-half receiving their diplomas. that experience while they’re here.” days talking with faculty and staff, visiting laboratories and meeting with a cohort of Fifty one faculty members teach in the Reviewers also specifically noted that ME450, students. The process also involved a program; nine are women, and three of the Design and Manufacturing, “provides program self-assessment, curricula reviews nine are full professors, “which places it near students with an outstanding major design and evaluation of numerous other criteria. the top of the gender-friendly mechanical experience.” The final statement praised the engineering programs in the nation,” detailed lectures, the quality of guidance Although the actual on-site review takes place according to the statement. instructors provide to student teams and the once every six years, assessment and teams’ final project reports (see story on improvement are ongoing, according to Reviewers also noted that the program “has page 6, “Hands-on Design Curriculum Professor Gregory Hulbert, undergraduate done an outstanding job of articulating the Teaches Problem-Solving”). program director. “It’s not a one-time event linkages of its curriculum to its objectives and when ABET reviewers are here,” he said. to those of the College and University.” “The reviewers recognized the strengths of “We’re always evaluating and improving our our program,” said Hulbert. “It’s rewarding to “We have a set of objectives for the program — that goes on all the time.” see that the things we’ve been very deliberate undergraduate program,” said Hulbert, “and about during the past six years (since the last In its final statement ABET reviewers noted we set those in a way that they do align with review), and even longer, are visible and were several ME program strengths, including its those of the College and University.” One of recognized by the accreditation team.” continuous improvement plan. In addition the those objectives involves building teamwork T R O P E R L A U N N A G N I R E E N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5

0 ME undergraduate curriculum flowchart. 0 2 ENERGY IN THE CURRICULUM: Powering the Mechanical Engineer’s Vision for New Technologies

population of up to 9 billion people. Eighty percent of the The undergraduate course, ME499: Advanced Energy Aworld’s population inhabiting sprawling megacities. The Solutions, comprises a survey of energy technologies for future of energy needs circa 2050 poses a daunting set of undergraduates wanting to work in the energy sector. The technical challenges for the generation of engineers course taught by Wooldridge, meets a very real need for presently in school, and the generations to come. Siting of perspective, as evidenced by its popularity (40 students new power generation facilities, whether coal, nuclear or enrolled in its first semester). “Our undergraduates are 5 renewable sources, will require unprecedented efforts in new strongly motivated to be a part of global solutions to energy design, at the materials, device and power systems scales. demands,” said Wooldridge, whose expertise ranges from Mechanical engineers are at the forefront of innovation, airborne pollutant emissions to designing advanced synthetic realization and optimization of power sources, and moving fuels. “And they have been heavily recruited and have toward our shared national objective of energy independence. enthusiastically applied to jobs in the energy sector. Our core curriculum provides an excellent basis in fundamentals of thermodynamics — the study of energy transfer. This new course provides a birds-eye view for these budding energy technologists.” This phenomenon models processes during Violi, whose expertise ranges from multiscale simulations of embryogenesis in biology, nanoparticle growth and self-assembly to applied chemical planet formation in kinetics, is aiming her course, ME599: Fundamentals of cosmology, and phase Energy Conversion, at students seeking a deeper separation of alloys. understanding of the molecular basis of energy efficiency and generation rate. “Linking education in thermodynamics to our understanding of the key molecular mechanisms in energy transfer is an exciting opportunity to convey the potential of rate-based analysis in energy technologies. Barriers at this point are not only in devices, but in the fundamentals of

materials interfaces,” she said, “and building a bridge t between equilibrium and transient analyses is a key objective of the course.” e A graduate course aimed at providing students with comparative metrics for energy technologies, developed by Sastry, was taught to near-perfect evaluations by students in

the Winter ’06 semester. “Device analysis begins and ends a with a thorough understanding of energy transfer in materials,” said Sastry, who works in energy technologies ranging from engineered to biologically-based devices. “In An exploding population poses a daunting set of energy c challenges for the generations of engineers to come. ME faculty fact,” she added, “many technologies that are now receiving have developed three new courses to help find solutions. The the most attention have been around since Edison. The courses address both fundamental science and new device difference is in implementation with new materials. In this E X development in order to meet future global energy needs. h P

course, students who have elected to work in these A N

technologies are being given the analytical skills to compare D I N

technologies and not only deepen their understanding of their G At U-M our traditional curriculum is being reenergized by own work, but also to select the technologies they will work E i three faculty with active interests in the field, who are D on next.” U translating their laboratory know-how into useful coursework C A T n for the future generation: Professor Ann Marie Sastry, With its central role in engineering, ME is well-positioned to I O

Assistant Professor Angela Violi and Associate Professor coordinate offerings for the College of Engineering. A new N A Margaret Wooldridge. The three new courses developed by degree program, the Master’s in Energy Technologies, is L O these faculty are meeting the needs of the new generation for planned for discussion and implementation in the next year, P P O g

fundamental scientific understanding, coupled with device led by Sastry, with participation by at least five other R T know-how. These offerings are complemented by a new departments. “Continuing education for our students is U N degree program planned for the College of Engineering and a essential as engineers are retrained in emerging areas,” said I T I short course planned collaboratively by three departments, Sastry, “and so we are meeting this need through formal E S led by Sastry. degree programs and through shorter-term offerings.” Hands-On Design Curriculum Teaches Problem-Solving

ands-on experience is a hallmark of the HME department’s design science curriculum. In ME350: Design and Manufacturing II, students in Professor Sridhar Kota’s class were recently given two 6 springs and asked to design — and demonstrate — a novel catapult mechanism. After a lengthy analysis of spring forces, they built their prototypes and tested them in the field. Kota assigned grades based on how far the mechanism launched a tennis ball and with consistent accuracy. “In all of my other classes, the situations are scripted in a textbook,” said Claire Carpenter, a junior, who took the course in her sophomore year. “In ME350, it was real-world. As we prototyped our design, it became clear that what we thought was an ideal solution on paper was not going to give optimal results. It was up to the students to figure out the best way to solve the problem.” Kota says the course emphasizes mechanical system design rather than simply component (Above and opposite) Students in Professor Sridhar Kota’s ME350 class learn about design by design in order to provide students with disassembling orbital jigsaws, suggesting improvements and designing new parts. context. “If all that students learn is how to design parts, they just end up doing end-of- Michael Cherry and Brian Trease “really made ME450: Capstone Design and chapter problems, rather than creative it possible for the class to complete a project Manufacturing system design.” like this,” Kota said. When Associate Professor Steven Skerlos This year Kota added a second major design joined the U-M faculty in 2000, he got involved project — in addition to weekly homework ME452: Design for with the department’s capstone design and assignments and exams. He gave each Manufacturing manufacturing course right away. “The student team an orbital jigsaw, which Kota also teaches ME452, Design for program at U-M just blew me away in terms of students had to take apart, model and analyze. Manufacturing, which covers manufacturing what it tries to achieve — and does achieve. Then they had to suggest improvements and processes and engineering design guidelines It really impressed me.” T

R develop a new motor shaft bearing. Kota’s for optimal performance. The highlight of this O Skerlos wasn’t alone. During its on-site visit, P goal was for the class to understand “why E course is students’ dissection of common

R ABET reviewers found that the course products are designed the way they are — objects — from egg beaters and dishwashers L

A provides students “an outstanding major

U not only to understand the calculations but to weed whippers. They analyze the

N design experience....The attention to the

N the tradeoffs that have to be made.” components and how they’re made, review

A details in the lectures and the projects,

G patent materials, conduct customer surveys

N “My favorite project of the semester was including the quality of the guidance provided I and analyze the competition. “There’s a pretty R definitely modeling the orbital jigsaw in by the instructors, plus the quality of the E extensive analysis we go through,” said Kota. E MSC.ADAMS software,” said Andrew interim and final reports prepared by the N

I Then students design an improved version,

G Mansfield, a junior who took the class in his students, are excellent.”

N ideally with fewer parts and a shorter E second year. “We ran tests on the model to

L assembly time as well. They build a prototype, Students work in four-person teams. Seven A determine cutting power and forces felt by C

I test it and write a business plan. The project instructors assign each team one of 35

N the user, which was quite amazing to me,”

A is “intensive,” he said. And yet enrollment is sponsored projects. About half the projects

H he said.

C consistently high. are sponsored by industry, and half by faculty. E

M Students submitted papers and, at the end of Each project involves a design challenge, “a

6 The course is offered to working professionals 0

- the project, had to verify that they’d challenge that, coming into it, there’s no

5 off-campus too, thanks to the work of Adjunct 0 reassembled the jigsaw properly. The entire obvious solution,” said Skerlos. And that’s 0

2 Assistant Professor Donald Malen. class was successful. Teaching assistants the goal. 7 EXPANDING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES teaching , .” creative process, constraints.” pressure or cost a design by process. is find new projects each year, we will be able find new projects each year, “We’re trying to teach “We’re trade-offs, such as time but there are real-world That’s the lesson: design That’s everyone wins. Whatever skill set they’re interested in, they’ve got an obvious pool of talent not trained the same way anywhere else in the country The themed approach will give students additional opportunities to learn design analysis approaches. It will also engage a broader swath of faculty members. “Why not leverage the passions faculty have for their area of ME and let them develop themes within 450 to take it to the next level?” Skerlos said. Finally the theme-based approach will allow richer engagement with sponsors since projects will be able to evolve from previous work. “Rather than a shotgun approach where we to have deeper relationships with specific companies,” he said. “No one company will ever own a large number of projects, but if they can sponsor a theme and allow creativity “We’re trying to teach design by process. “We’re trying to teach the the problem. That’s Students have to solve process, but there lesson: design is a creative such as time are real-world trade-offs, Students have pressure or cost constraints.” and model a 14 weeks to develop, analyze and demonstrate concept, build a prototype that it works. introduced a new This year course instructors with each instructor theme-based approach, teaching analysis methods focused in his or her thematic area, including sustainable energy and conservation systems and compliant systems design. UM-SJTU Joint Institute Hosts First Students and Names First Dean

n April 2006, representatives from the IUniversity of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) publicly announced the establishment of The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint 8 Institute. The “Joint Institute, or JI, is based in Shanghai, a vibrant Chinese city, said Professor Jun Ni. Ni has been appointed the first dean of the Joint Institute. The goal for the new institute is to produce world-class, global leaders in engineering — and in other disciplines in the near future. “Given the emergence of this part of the world and scientific and economic developments, many of the companies hiring our students have a pressing need to support their operations globally,” said Ni. “Students also have a strong desire to gain work experience in China, to learn the language and immerse themselves in the culture. We’ve been seeing increasing numbers of students applying to our summer program, U-M representatives to the UM-SJTU Joint Institute board of directors with the visiting Chinese which is a strong indicator.” Close to 40 Vice Minister of Education in May 2006. students and nearly a dozen faculty members throughout the College of Engineering transportation, telecommunications and many Engineering and Technology certification within studied or taught in Shanghai during the other areas. The unprecedented speed of five years. Courses will be taught in English, summer of 2006. growth and rate of change raise many new but students who don’t currently speak The JI allows U-M to create an international issues and create research opportunities we Chinese will be able to learn the language education and research base for significant haven’t seen before.” through specially designed classes. “We want numbers of undergraduate and graduate students from U-M and SJTU to study side-by- The JI currently offers bachelor, master and side and even live in a shared dormitory students to conduct research, study, work and doctoral programs in engineering through on- live in China. Faculty will be able to explore environment so that they have a total site coursework and distance education. immersion experience,” said Ni. new frontiers in their research, including the Program curricula mirror those at U-M so that effects of rapid economic and technological students can attend the JI without increasing Such an experience is critical to students’ T

R development on their areas of focus. They their overall length of study. As the institute education and professional growth and O P will have increased opportunities to hits its stride in the next few years it will development. “All major U.S. companies have a E R collaborate with faculty, scientists and admit 400 undergraduates, 200 master’s presence in China,” he said, “and not only for L

A industrial engineers in China. “Rapid factory production but R&D too. These

U candidates, 100 doctoral candidates and 30

N development affects advanced energy companies are looking for the JI to be a

N post-doctoral scholars annually. A systems, environment and water resource resource they can tap into for talent.” G Faculty recruitment is underway, and it is Ni’s N

I management strategies, urban planning,

R goal to earn Accreditation Board for E E N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 U-M and KAIST Partnership Expands

he partnership between U-M’s Department of Mechanical In addition, during the 2005-2006 academic year, four KAIST T Engineering and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science students of Professor Soohyun Kim visited Associate and Technology, or KAIST, began in 2001. Five years later the Professor Edgar Mëyhofer’s lab for a one-year research program has come into its own, with high levels of collaboration. participation from both universities and many opportunities About two dozen students and faculty from both universities for faculty and student collaborations. Associate Professor participated in the annual Graduate Symposium held October 9 Hong Im of U-M serves as program coordinator along with 29, 2005. Professor Sangmin Choi from the mechanical engineering department at KAIST. Several papers resulting from joint research projects were accepted or published, including “Nonlinear Vibration of As part of some new activities underfoot, Im spent four Sheet Metal Plates Under Combined Parametric and External months at KAIST as a visiting professor. He is working on a Excitation in Sheet Metal Manufacturing” in the Journal of collaborative research project with Professor Sejin Kwon of Vibration and Acoustics; “Effects of Heat and Momentum the KAIST Department of Aerospace Engineering on the Losses on the Stability of Premixed Flames in a Narrow development of micro-combustors assisted by catalytic Channel” in Combustion Theory and Modeling; and “Sharing reaction for fuel cells and fuel processor applications. CAD Models based on Feature Ontology of Commands During Im’s stay, he also worked to solidify a student exchange History” in the International Journal of CAD/CAM. program between the two institutions. Once in place, KAIST Faculty from both universities participated in the “Fifth KAIST- undergraduates will be able to study at U-M, and U-M UM Workshop on New Opportunities in Mechanical undergraduates will be able to spend a semester or year Engineering Education,” held December 14-16, 2006, in abroad at KAIST. The first students to participate in the new Honolulu, Hawaii. U-M participants included Professors program, according to Amy Conger, U-M’s associate director of Dennis Assanis, Arvind Atreya and Ann Marie Sastry; Associate International Programs, will be heritage speakers who can Professors Hong Im and Margaret Wooldridge; and Research take courses in Korean. Students without a Korean language Associate Professor Zoran Filipi. background will be able to choose courses from a list of those offered in English. “From an International Programs Professor Huei Peng, director of the Automotive Engineering standpoint,” said Conger, “we’ve received excellent Program at U-M, met with faculty and administrators at t cooperation from KAIST staff, who are eager to host U-M KAIST’s Graduate School of Automobile Technology to discuss students, and we’ve identified several courses offered there a future collaboration in Automotive Engineering education e that would satisfy U-M degree requirements.” programs at both institutions. KAIST is also developing an English summer engineering “As is evident in these joint efforts,” said Im, “the UM-KAIST program that may be available to U-M students as early as collaboration program has matured to a significant level now, summer 2007. and we are looking forward to seeing some more visible a accomplishments in the next few years.” “This is one of our newer partnerships, and we’re looking forward to watching it grow,” said Conger. c E X h P A N D I N G E i D U C A T n I O N A L O P P O g R T U N I T I E

Participants in the Fourth Annual KAIST–UM Joint Workshop. S First International Engineering Summer School a Success

he first International Engineering and aerospace museums, a BMW motorcycle impressions about the program and discuss T Summer School (IESS) at Technische factory and public viewing areas of World Cup long-term plans for the partnership. Stacie Universität Berlin took place over a six-week soccer games. Edington, International Programs advisor, was period in June and July 2006. The program was also instrumental in recruiting and advising The program was tremendously successful, developed by ME Professor Volker Sick at prospective students on a wide range of according to Sick. The goals he and Behrendt U-M and Professor Frank Behrendt of TU topics, including credit transfer to their 10 had set for the students — learning basic Berlin. The initial three years of the program U-M degree program. A delegation from the German, gaining insight into German history, are supported by DAAD, the German DAAD international advisory board, which culture and politics, conducting engineering Academic Exchange Service. oversees ten U.S.-Germany summer school project work, making contact with companies partnerships, visited the IESS and was Eleven first and second-year undergraduate for future internships abroad — were all “favorably impressed,” Sick said. students from U-M’s College of Engineering accomplished. Some of the students are Conger says she’s particularly excited that the program is open to first- and second-year students. “It’s an extremely well-organized program that gives students a taste of overseas study early in their U-M careers and allows time to incorporate another semester or internship abroad before they graduate. Upon return, students can take additional German courses while earning their engineering degree. It’s one of those innovative programs that breaks the mold of the traditional ‘junior year abroad.’” The IESS program is the highlight of a long- standing partnership with TU Berlin. Sick has worked with professors at TU Berlin to co- supervise graduate theses and overseas research internships for students enrolled in both institutions. College of Engineering participants in the first International Engineering Summer School at Technische Universität Berlin. Sick believes that the true, full value of the IESS will continue to reveal itself for years to come, “as students recognize how much this “The IESS program in Berlin, Germany, early experience with international education, engineering and friendship determines the T was one of the best experiences of my R course of their life and career.” O P

E life... Not only did I learn a lot in

R Second-year ME major Lindsay Klick is L

A Germany, I made friendships that will already appreciating the experience. “I loved U

N the summer school at TU Berlin,” she said. N

A carry back with me to U-M.” “The German class was great because we G

N learned some basic phrases to get around the I —Michael Haigh, U-M, Engineering undeclared, 2009 R city. The engineering labs were really E

E interesting, too. It was fun getting to know N I

G other students from school and exploring

N and the College of Literature, Science, and already planning to continue their German

E Berlin together and just experiencing the city.

L the Arts participated, almost half of whom studies and return to Berlin for internships or

A The little group excursions that we were C were from the ME department. Four TU research projects. I

N taken on to BMW, Volkswagen and the Baltic

A Berlin faculty and their assistants coordinated

H Associate Dean for Graduate Education Stella Sea were probably my favorite part of the

C lab-based research projects for small groups E Pang and Associate Director of International program. It was all-around an amazing

M of students. When not in the lab or in

6 Programs Amy Conger also supported the experience and I would do it again in a 0 language training, students participated in -

5 IESS project. Pang and Conger visited TU heartbeat.” 0 numerous excursions, including visits to navy 0

2 Berlin to meet with students, get first-hand New Course and Textbook Make the Business Case for Responsive, Global Manufacturing

o better prepare today’s engineering students for the serves as a key text for the course. Both begin with a lay of the T challenges and requirements of globalization, Professor globalized manufacturing landscape, with discussions of Yoram Koren has developed a new course and written a new business models for globalization and product invention textbook. The course, Global Manufacturing (ME587 and strategies. Next come analyses of mass and lean production MFG587), was offered for the first time in the and mass customization, followed by a discussion of Winter 2006 semester. It will be a traditional manufacturing systems. Koren then covers 11 regular offering beginning with the reconfigurable manufacturing systems and reconfigurable Fall 2007 semester. machines, which allow companies to remain competitive by being agile and responsive to the Koren, who directs the changing demands of multiple markets around the National Science Foundation world. Chapters on strategic planning and Engineering Research organizational design round out the text. Center for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, Students enrolled in the course were assigned a developed the course and semester-long strategic product development book to address the myriad project. They identified products whose market issues globalization presents share could be significantly increased if designed or for engineers in the manufac- redesigned with variations that fit the needs of turing arena. Those issues relate different customers and took advantage of the cost- to three main areas: product design savings and efficiencies gained by production with a for a global marketplace, This image illustrates the reconfigurable manufacturing approach. Students took their manufacturing and business turbulent nature of global ideas all the way from conception to simple business plan. manufacturing. Fueling management, and more Koren is credited with transforming the manufacturing importantly, their integration. As a the system are rapidly changing desires and engineering field by developing a new generation of result they require new paradigms global competition. The manufacturing systems. He has been elected to the National in order for U.S. engineers to outputs are resulting Academy of Engineering and has been recognized with

compete and succeed. “Like it or challenges that must be t addressed. numerous prestigious awards and honors (see story on page not, globalization is here,” writes 46, “ME Manufacturing Sets the Pace with Awards”). He is also Koren, “and has a direct impact on the author of Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, e industry, as well as on the economy and our life.” published in 1982, which presented the fundamentals of Koren’s book, The Global Manufacturing Revolution: Product- computer numerical control. His work contributed to CNC’s Process-Business Integration and Reconfigurable Systems, emergence as both a research and educational discipline. a Students say: “Overall, as an off-campus student, I think the

course was excellent. I would strongly recommend c it to anyone. It was particularly invaluable for me because I believed in the same core philosophy before I took the course. I have been working in E X h product development for 7 years (product), and a P A N

few years ago I chose to pursue my master’s in D I manufacturing (process). Now as I am close to N graduation I am applying to business school G E i (business model). This will help me complete the D U circle of knowledge and skills I seek and lay the C A T n foundation for starting my own company.” I O N

“I really enjoyed the class. As a business student, A L

it gave me the chance to learn more about O P

manufacturing and interact with engineering P O g

students. The project was very practical and R T gave the chance to see the whole picture of a U

Graph showing changing paradigms of manufacturing through history. The course N

business case.” I starts (bottom right) with the craft paradigm where every product is made one at T I a time. Mass production expands product units made but allows for limited types E S of products. Recent and future paradigms produce fewer units but offer greater opportunities for customization. Course Prepares Students for International Teamwork

t the end of the Fall 2000 semester, the close of the semester, when they present AProfessor Deba Dutta had concerns their collaborative project. In between, team about the future of a course he had just members stay in close communication via developed and taught for the first time. The email, instant messaging and their own “We never educate course was called Global Product Realization custom-designed communication tools, 12 and, thanks to videoconferencing technology, according to Patil. he taught it simultaneously on three directly, but indirectly A product development project functions as continents. Students gave it high marks, and the centerpiece of the course. Students not by means of the Dutta knew that the occasional technological only conceive of a global product; they must glitches were surmountable. But he didn’t conduct market research, design the item, environment. Whether know if the course itself could be sustained. build a working prototype as well as propose a “I wondered if I was creating a course that we permit chance plan for large scale manufacturing, was person-specific; I didn’t know if anyone distribution and financing. The product and its else would be willing or able to devote the environments to do the plans must be applicable to two regions of the time and energy to it in the future,” he said. work, or whether we world — with two sets of cultural Six years later the course, called Global requirements that conflict. “It would not be design environments for Product Development (ME581), is stronger possible for a single version of the product to than ever. Lalit Patil, PhD, a research fellow satisfy both markets,” explained Patil. the purpose makes a and lecturer in the ME department, has Through the project, students learn how to served as course leader for the past two great difference.” work in distributed teams. Lectures from years. “The best part is that I’m not involved,” faculty and invited guests, delivered via – John Dewey (1933) said Dutta jokingly, although he does give videoconferences, cover the product How We Think occasional lectures during the semester-long development process and aspects of course. Since 2004 Dutta has been at the globalization. There is no textbook; instead National Science Foundation and the course students review and discuss case studies has involved Drs. Donald Malen, Sridhar Kota from companies, such as Whirlpool, Samsung and Kazuhiro Saitou, in addition to Patil. Electronics, Steelcase, Kodak and Hyundai, Dutta originally created the course to address that highlight issues they face in the global a need he saw: to educate engineers for the marketplace. future by training them to work in distributed, At the end of each semester, students international teams that understand the present their work in the Global Education cultural aspects and impact of engineering Forum, a public exhibition. The forum is problems. More than 250 students in the attended by academic and industry leaders as United States, Europe and Asia have taken the well as members of the media. T class since he first offered it. R

O Despite the course’s heavy workload, P In addition to U-M, participating universities E

R feedback from students has been include TU Berlin in Germany and Seoul L

A overwhelmingly and consistently positive. All

U National University in Korea. Students work in

N agree, said Patil, that taking the course has

N six-member teams, two from each university.

A changed how they look at the world. “When They participate in a week-long, in-person G

N we hear that, the purpose of the course is

I meeting at the start of the semester and get R being served and the students are learning, E together once more for an additional week at E so we know that it can sustain itself.” N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 13 EXPANDING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES teaching Global Education Forum attendees. Live lectures via video-conference prepare students for the Live lectures via video-conference prepare students collaborative development of global products. rease (2002) —Team 3 (2005) —Team 8 (2005) —Team Brian T — uotes from student teams uotes from student “All in all, it was an amazing class. More than just a class, it was an experience that did more than any textbook could to change one’s perspective on engineering design.” “Each team member learned valuable technical and personal skills. The dynamics and setting of the class are truly extraordinary and we all have had an unforgettable experience.” “Although communicating with our “Although communicating countries was teammates from other learn the great challenging, it helped us comes Teamwork benefits of global design. cultures and other from understanding other very impressed were all ways of thinking. We came from working with the new ideas that It was very good with our foreign teammates. and ways of to have different backgrounds thinking when solving our technical problems.” Q Students based on three continents meet to work on the course project. PhD Degrees Granted

Winter 2005 Jie Luo Hongseok Kim Machining of Elastomers Investigations for Warm Forming of Aristotelis Babajimopoulos Chair: Albert Shih Lightweight Sheet Materials: Process Effects of Temperature and Composition Operations Yuan-Hung Ma Stratification on HCCI Combustion Co-Chairs: Jun Ni & Muammer Koc Chair: Dennis Assanis Operation of Manufacturing Systems With 14 Work-in-Process Inventory and Production Cheng-Yu Lin Melida Chin Control Solid-fluid Mixture Microstructure Design of Electrical Contact Resistance of Anisotropic Chair: Yoram Koren Composite Materials with Application to Conductive Adhesive (ACA) Assemblies in Tissue Engineering Scaffold Design Jeremy Michalek Micro-Scale Packaging Co-Chairs: Noboru Kikuchi & Scott Hollister Co-Chairs: Jack Hu & Kaushik Iyer Preference Coordination in Engineering Design Decision-Making Pei-Chun Lin Luciana DaSilva Chair: Panos Papalambros Proprioceptive Sensing for a Legged Robot Integrated Micro Thermoelectric Cooler: Co-Chairs: Brent Gillespie & Daniel Tiffany Miller Theory, Fabrication and Characterization Koditschek Chair: Massoud Kaviany Combustion Synthesis of Metal/Metal Oxide Nanocomposite Materials Katherine Peterson Ronald Grover Chair: Margaret Wooldridge Control Methodologies for Fast and Low A Methodology for CFD Predictions of Spark- Impact Electromagnetic Actuators for Engine Volkan Patoglu Ignition Direct-Injection Engine Conical Valves Guaranteed Stability for Collision Detection Sprays Combining Improved Physical Chair: Anna Stefanopoulou Submodels and System Optimization and Simulation of Hybrid Dynamical Systems Chair: Dennis Assanis Chair: Brent Gillespie Jinzhong Wang Development of Advanced Methodology for Huan Qi Youngwon Hahn Network-Distributed Simulation Synthesis of Designed Materials by Laser- Development of Mixed Shell Element for 7- Co-Chairs: Greg Hulbert & Zheng-Dong Ma Parameter Formulation and Identification Based Direct Metal Deposition Technique: Methods of Lowest Eigenvalues Experimental and Theoretical Approaches Geng Zhang Chair: Noboru Kikuchi Co-Chairs: Noboru Kikuchi & Jyotirmoy Component-Based and Parametric Reduced- Mazumder Order Modeling Methods for Vibration Sung-Tae Hong Analysis of Complex Structures Zimin Yang Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Co-Chairs: Christophe Pierre & Matt Dynamic Maintenance Scheduling Using Honeycombs Under Multiaxial Loading Castanier Conditions Online Information About System Condition Chair: Jwo Pan Chair: Jun Ni Fall 2005 Timothy Jacobs Cetin Yilmaz Simultaneous Reduction of Nitric Oxide and Analysis and Design of Uniaxial Passive Sanghum Baik Particulate Matter Emissions From a Light- Vibration Isolators Considering Stiffness and Modeling and Design Strategies for the Duty Diesel Engine Using Combustion Bandwidth Limitations Vibration Response of Turbine Engine

T Development & Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Chair: Noboru Kikuchi Rotors R

O Chair: Dennis Assanis Co-Chairs: Matt Castanier & Christophe P Fu Zhao E Pierre R Hamed Khalkhali Microfiltration Recycling of Semi-Synthetic L A Modeling and Design of Compact Metalworking Fluids: Models, Formulation, Christos Chryssakis U

N Thermosyphons for Electronic Cooling and System Design A Unified Fuel Spray Breakup Model for N A Chair: Katsuo Kurabayashi Chair: Steve Skerlos Internal Combustion Engine Applications G Chair: Dennis Assanis N I

R Taeyong Kim

E Haseung Chung

E The Role of Jelly Coats in Sea Urchin Egg Summer 2005

N Processing and Properties of Functionally I Fertilization: A Combined Experimental and Charles Funk G Graded Polymer Composites Produced by N Numerical Investigation An In-depth Comparison of Experimental E Selective Laser Sintering L Chair: Ann Marie Sastry and Computational Turbulence Parameters A Chair: Suman Das C I Sang-Ho Lim for In-cylinder Engine Flow N A Dynamic Analysis and Design Strategies for Chair: Volker Sick Parag Dixit H

C Gradient Plasticity Model: Formulation and

E Mistuned Bladed Disks

M Co-Chairs: Christophe Pierre & Matt Implementation Using Vector Finite 6

0 Elements

- Castanier 5

0 Chair: Krishna Garikipati 0 2 15 EXPANDING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES teaching echniques Degree-of- Internal Combustion Engines eol Lee Cell Controller Design Methodology oung Rim Seo Co-Chairs: Dennis Assanis & Zoran Filipi Co-Chairs: Christophe Pierre & Matt Castanier Udeshi Kabir Generation Using On-Chip High Voltage Mechanical Oscillators Gianchandani Chair: Yogesh Bin Wu Using High-Fidelity Simulations and Artificial Neural Networks in Calibration and Control of High- Freedom Soo Y Efficient Probabilistic Vibration Analysis of Complex Structures Using Substructures and Reliability T Zhijun Li Optimal Design of Multistation Assembly System Co-Chairs: Panos Papalambros & Michael Kokkolaras Jia-Hsuan Lo On Minimizing Injury Risk in Forward and Lateral Falls: Effects of Muscle Strength, Movement Strategies, and Age Chair: James Ashton-Miller Pinder Tershia and Fuel Effect of Velocity Concentration Fluctuations on Nonpremixed Jet Flame Chair: Arvind Atreya Y Electro-Magnetic Blank Restrainer Chair: Jim Barber Kathleen Klinich Kathleen Injury Tolerance Estimating Infant Head and Impact Response & Lawrence Co-Chairs: Greg Hulbert Schneider Selin Kurnaz (Lot-Sizing, Using Operational Flexibility to Improve Scheduling and Sequencing) Customer Responsiveness in a Manufacturing System Koren & Amy Cohn Co-Chairs: Yoram Seungjoo Lee A Including Error Handling for Flexible and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Cells Chair: Dawn Tilbury Co-Chairs: Charlie Hasselbrink & Edgar Co-Chairs: Charlie Hasselbrink Mëyhofer yug Choi iomimetic Trapped Fluid Microsystems iomimetic Trapped ransient Spherical Diffusion Flames in Taesung Kim Taesung Nanomechanical Analysis of Microtubule by Biomolecular Motors in Translocation the Presence of Electric and Flow Fields Microgravity Chair: Arvind Atreya Dongchoul Kim Engineering Self-Assembled Nanostructures with Externally Applied Fields Chair: Wei Lu Kim Gap-Yong Microreactor Design and Fabrication of Micro/Meso-Features for Onboard Fuel Processing System Chair: Jun Ni Melissa Chernovsky An Experimental Study of Temperature and Radiation Characteristics of T Jaeh Dynamics and Noise Emission of Vortex Cavitation Bubbles Chair: Steve Ceccio II Charles Hoffler In Pursuit of Accurate Structural & Mechanical Osteocyte Mechanotransduction Models Chair: Steven Goldstein Winter 2006 Alexander Paul Dual Electro/Piezo Property (DEPP) Functionally Graded Piezoceramics (FGP) Co-Chairs: Diann Brei & John Halloran Chan Kuei-Yuan Activity and Sequential Monotonicity, Linearization in Probabilistic Design Optimization Co-Chairs: Panos Papalambros & Steve Skerlos Robert White B for Acoustic Sensing Chair: Karl Grosh Chunsang Yoo of Direct Numerical Simulations Strained Laminar and Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames: Computational and Physical Aspects Chair: Hong Im ong-Mo Moon ehicle Systems enyi v the Preferred Step Frequencies of the Preferred Step Frequencies Conceptual Approach to the n Ardalan Vahidi Ardalan Constrained Optimal Control Applied in Fuel Cells and V Chair: Anna Stefanopoulou Yi-Chung Tung PDMS-on-Silicon Microsystems: Integration of Polymer Micro/Nanostructure for New MEMS Device Functions Chair: Katsuo Kurabayashi Design and Reconfiguration of RMS for Part Family Koren & Derek Yip-Hoi Co-Chairs: Yoram Li Tang Szabolcs So Model-Based Cancellation of Biodynamic Feedthrough with a Motorized Manual Control Interface Chair: Brent Gillespie Interoperability of Formal Semantics of Product Data Across Product Development Systems Chair: Deba Dutta Lalit Patil Hyungpil Moon Distributed Manipulation Using Naturally Existing Force Fields Chair: Jonathan Luntz Chul Kim Effects of Pressure on the Mechanisms of Soot Formation and Oxidation in Laminar Diffusion Flames Co-Chairs: Margaret Wooldridge & Gerard Faeth A Computational Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms Co-Chairs: Sridhar Kota & Y Charles John Kim Xin He Auto- An Investigation of Iso-octane ignition Using a Rapid Compression Facility & Margaret Co-Chairs: Arvind Atreya Wooldridge Walking: Mechanics and Energetics of Walking: Mechanics and Swinging the Human Leg Chair: Art Kuo Jiro Doke Doke Jiro O Advances in Biosystems Promise Health, Quality of Life Improvements

iosystems research in the ME Bdepartment is on course to improve the health and quality of life of countless patients in the not-too-distant future. Faculty are applying mechanical engineering principles to 16 myriad biological phenomena. And they’re working at all levels — molecular, cellular, tissue and organismal.

Modeling Auditory Processes Frozen sections of normal adult myotendinous Semi thin sections of in-vitro engineered muscle Understanding the mechanics of hearing is junction with Mason’s Trichrome staining for constructs co-cultured with self-organized tendon collagen (blue), skeletal muscle fibers critical to aiding patients with hearing loss, engineered tendon constructs. The muscle fibers (red), and cell nuclei (black). Note that nuclei preventing hearing loss and developing better on the right form an interdigitated interface with (dark staining) of fibroblasts in the tendon the tendon collagen. This engineered prosthetic devices. (tenocytes) are located in parallel rows flattened myotendinous junction is also biochemically between collagen fibers. relevant and mechanically viable to strains well Professor Karl Grosh has been building in excess of physiological strains. mathematical models of the active processes of the cochlea in order to predict the effects of damage and stimulation on the tiny, spiral- outer hair cells specifically. There are some Engineering Tissue Constructs shaped structure. 12,000 of these cells inside the human In collaboration with Professor Ellen Arruda Recently his lab has been modeling processes cochlea, and each cell is about 10 microns in and Associate Professor Krishna Garikipati, that provide for the amplification and diameter. Researchers in Grosh’s lab are Grosh is studying the growth and remodeling frequency selectivity that normal-hearing modeling the experiments of others with the of collagen in soft tissue. The team is using its people have. Until his work, scientists have overall goal of putting them into a larger engineered tendon constructs as in vitro debated precisely where in the cochlea this computational framework that incorporates experimental models and then building capability originates — within the outer hair both molecular- and cell-level biomechanical computational models to understand the cell body or its stereocilia. “Because the measurements and parameters. To date, growth process, particularly the mechanical cochlea is so inaccessible, mathematical models for the linear, nonlinear and active and chemical influences within the culture models are the most effective way to test,” mechanics of the organ of Corti have been environment. The applications of such models Grosh said. His group has indeed developed a developed, tested and compared with are widespread, said Grosh, including cancer model using hybrid numerical techniques that experimental data from in vivo test data cell growth and remodeling of arterial tissue answers the question. “Our results indicate performed in close collaboration with that may result in coronary disease and heart that the cell body provides sufficient gain to investigators from Oregon Health Sciences attack. provide amplification for hearing,” he said. University and the U-M Kresge Hearing In collaboration with Lisa Larkin, PhD, research T Research Institute. R In addition to modeling the cochlea’s acoustic assistant professor with the U-M Institute of O P

E response, his group has been modeling the Gerontology, and other colleagues, Arruda is R

L engineering tissue constructs with mechanically A

U viable and physiologically relevant interfaces. N

N Recent examples include co-culturing muscle A

G and tendon cells to form a tissue system with N I a functional myotendinous junction and R E

E differentiating bone marrow stromal cells to N I form either soft (ligament) or hard (bone) G

N tissue and connecting the two tissue types to E

L form a mechanically viable enthesis. A C I N

A A cross-section of the cochlea, the active H

C processes of which Professor Karl Grosh builds E mathematical models. M 6 0

- Inset: The organ of Corti, for which Grosh’s 5

0 group has developed and tested models for 0

2 organ’s linear, nonlinear and active mechanics. Garikipati is focusing on the development of mathematical and provided little information on how kinesin works in a cell and numerical models for growth and remodeling of biological data from in vitro experiments and cell observation are tissue. These models are relevant to understanding normal contradictory. Kinesin’s job and how it is regulated in cells tissue development, as well as to diseased states, such as have been inaccessible” cancer. In related work, Garikipati collaborates with Mëyhofer is looking specifically at kinesin-1, one of many experimentalists at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, members of the kinesin superfamily. Kinesin-1 plays a key role 17 Germany, on cell mechanics, adhesion and migration. in nerve cells, where it transports neurotransmitter- The group was the first to demonstrate viable animal tendon containing vesicles to synapses. Each neuron may contain tissue engineered in vitro, without exogenous scaffolding. It is thousands of molecules of kinesin-1. also one of the few research groups worldwide that is Using a technique for following individual molecules, developing test systems as well as computational models that Mëyhofer, along with collaborators Kristen Verhey, assistant will be housed under one roof. professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, and graduate student Dawen Cai, is genetically labeling cellular kinesin Tracking Molecular Motors motors with a fluorescent tags. He then uses total internal reflection to excite the cell with limited background Associate Professor Edgar Mëyhofer has been working with fluorescence. “This technique was first pioneered by Dan colleagues in the U-M Medical School to uncover the Axelrodt, a former colleague in the Biophysics department, mechanical and biophysical properties of individual molecules but only combining recent technical and biological advances of kinesin. His goal is to learn more about how the protein has allowed us to conduct this pioneering work,” he said. The behaves inside live cells. group has now demonstrated tracking of individual kinesin-1 Kinesin is a biomolecular motor and, powered by ATP, it molecules with 10 ms temporal and ~20 nm spatial resolution. transports cargo inside cells by moving along “tracks” or “Where we want to take this,” he said, “is to understand how microtubules. Interestingly, individual kinesin molecules can transport processes occur in cells....There are a million move faithfully along microtubules without dissociating. questions.” Such questions include how kinesin “knows” Mëyhofer’s research group is studying these mechanisms which “path” to follow — or which microtubules to bind to — through a variety of in vivo and in vitro methods, including within a cell; indirect data suggest that not all microtubules one that hasn’t been successfully employed before: direct r are used with the same frequency. Mëyhofer also wants to observation of individual molecules inside living cells. know more about how kinesin interacts with its payload and Biologists have studied the mechanisms by which kinesin the scaffolding proteins involved. e functions in much detail by using purified kinesin and In continuing research he also will be looking at individual microtubules in vitro to determined the structure and microtubules and how their chemical (post-translational)

characterize the interaction of single motor molecule with s modifications modulate interactions with kinesin molecules. microtubules. “Unfortunately” he said, “these approaches “An obvious technical extension of our work is to detect two fluorescent signals with the same resolution as we can now detect one....It gets e more and more exciting.” A C C E L a Tracking single kinesin molecules in E R

vivo. A. Merged TIRFM image and A T

standard deviation map of a COS cells I N

(outlined in yellow) showing individual G

microtubule tracks and kinesins. B. T r E

Kymograph of a single, citrine-labeled C kinesin moving processively along a H N

microtubule in a live cell. C. O c L

Displacement (red) and fluorescence O

intensity (black) as a function of time G of the fluorescent spot shown in (B). Y D

D. Histogram and Gaussian fit of the E h V

in vivo speed of single kinesins (0.78 ± E L

0.11 µm/sec, N = 54). O P M E N T A Novel Biosensing Platform for Pathogen Detection

n the event of an outbreak of Since the operator can directly IH5N1 avian flu or a bioterrorist obtain plots of emission spectra by attack, public health officials and mapping the detected intensity and clinical care providers alike would the voltage-induced strain, require a rapid, high-throughput computational requirements are 18 analysis tool to identify multiple significantly reduced. “Our system biomarkers of infectious agents uses purely mechanical means, — appropriate treatment and which can be easily modeled,” response would depend on it. Kurabayashi explained. “You Optical spectral detection of correlate strain with the detected fluorescent color signatures holds signal to generate a color spectrum promise for conducting such map.” multiplexed biological analyses. To integrate the system he and his But current miniature group developed a new polymer- spectrometers have several silicon hybrid technology, Multi- drawbacks, including limited Katsuo Kurabayashi (ME associate professor), Steven Truxal (ME PhD student), and Yi-Chung Tung (former ME PhD student, now BME Scale Soft Lithographic Lift-off and resolution and the need for a postdoctoral fellow) Grafting. It allows the hierarchical dedicated computational subunit. integration of sub-wavelength Professor Katsuo Kurabayashi has developed The foundation of his system is a voltage- polymer photonic structures onto silicon an integrated MEMS-based platform that may controlled, strain-tunable nanophotonic micromachined devices across multi-scale provide a solution: a novel strain-tunable, diffraction grating device, which his group has dimensions ranging from a few tens of high-speed, single-detector spectral recently demonstrated. The grating device is nanometers to several millimeters. The measurement photonic device integrated on a nanopatterned, fabricated from technique combines polymer soft lithography, single sensor platform. His system would polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), an elastomer. nanoimprint lithography and silicon enable high-throughput, multi-analyte The grating allows the device to dynamically micromachining. tune optical wavelengths by repeatedly detection in flow-through microsphere-based Investigators in Kurabayashi’s lab have elongating and shrinking. The elastomer grating fluoroimmunoassays with simple optics and recently built a second-generation system is integrated with electrostatic microactuators without a computational subunit. with a ten-fold increase in spectrum on a silicon chip. bandwidth over the prototype. They will be testing it to validate its performance as a color differentiating device. From there they plan to fully integrate it with a cell-

T culture microfluidic channel. R O

P The system will allow E R scientists to detect — and L A differentiate among — U

N pathogens and other target N A proteins, such as cancer G N

I biomarkers. Multivariable R

E monitoring of living cells and E N

I tissue will also be possible. G

N “Hopefully we can get some E

L very interesting information A

C on how these living systems I N

A react to pathogens,” said H

C Scanning Electron Microscopy image of the voltage- Schematic of Kurabayashi’s strain-tunable Kurabayashi. E

M controlled, strain-tunable nanophotonic diffraction grating nanophotonic device with elastomeric

6 device developed by the Kurabayashi Group. nanostructures integrated. (a) device concept; (b) 0 - operational principle; (c) spectrum data acquisition. 5 0 0 2 Rapid Prototyping for Advanced Applications in Medicine and Energy

ork being done in the lab of Associate Professor Suman National Science Foundation CAREER Award, which Das WDas may soon improve the lives of many people with a received in 2003. variety of orthopedic, maxillofacial and spinal problems. Working with Pravansu Mohanty, an associate professor of Researchers in Das’ Solid Freeform Fabrication Laboratory mechanical engineering at the U-M Dearborn campus and Brett are collaborating with Professor Scott Hollister’s Scaffold Lyons, a graduate student pursuing his master’s degree in Tissue Engineering Group to develop new manufacturing mechanical engineering, Das is also developing hybrid 19 methods to produce implantable, biocompatible, manufacturing techniques for fuel cell components, including bioresorbable scaffolds to aid in bone and cartilage metallic bipolar plates. The team uses rapid prototyping regeneration. Using polycaprolactone (PCL), a bioresorbable techniques combined with thermal spray. The result is the rapid polymer, they have computationally designed scaffold fabrication of components with a high level of geometric structures and fabricated them using selective laser complexity at low cost and, therefore, the ability to sintering (SLS), a rapid prototyping investigate novel designs and materials that are technique. They then seeded the currently limited by conventional stamping scaffolds with connective tissue cells and machining techniques. The team has and growth factors to generate demonstrated deposition of new bone. The work has molybdenum on aluminium-silicon intermediate term application and fabricated a test bipolar plate for repair and reconstruction comparable to a standard plate of human spinal disks as used in industry. The prototype well as the was free of defects, with no temporomandibular joint evidence of corrosion, said Das. (TMJ). Millions of patients suffer from TMJ and disk In another NSF-funded project, problems, and many undergo Das is working with Associate reconstructive surgery. But Professor Katsuo Kurabayashi to current treatment methods, develop a novel laser including bone grafts from the nanofabrication process using a near- patient, grafts from a cadaver or field optical probe. Their method allows r titanium implants, all carry serious a laser to be focused to a spot with a T risks, such as infection, tissue rejection or her diameter of less than half of its wavelength. e mal implant failure. The Das lab’s technology would spray process This method is being applied to maskless, direct-write reduce those risks by enabling patient-specific scaffold lithography of advanced materials including polymers for design and tissue regeneration. organic optoelectronics. s Das is also using SLS of powdered materials for the layer by Das and doctoral student Haseung Chung received the 2005- layer construction of heterogeneous, multifunctional devices. 2006 Robert M. Caddell Memorial Faculty/Graduate Student

Micro- and nano-scale powders are deposited in prescribed Research Achievement Award from the Department of e patterns and consolidated to full density. Near-term device Mechanical Engineering. The two were recognized as an A

applications include not only tissue scaffolds and drug outstanding faculty/graduate student team working in the area C C delivery devices, but also solid oxide fuel cells and of materials and/or manufacturing that has made significant E L a functionally graded thermoelectric generators for energy research contributions. E R A

production, storage and conversion. The work is part of a T I N G T r E C (a) 3D CAD model of H N

bipolar plate pattern; O c L

(b) Actual gypsum O

pattern made by 3D G Y

printing; and (c) Actual D E

bipolar plate produced h V

by thermal spray E L

deposition of graded O

multilayers of Ni-Al P M

a b c and Molybdenum. E N T Large Advances in Small Technology

aculty in the ME department are turning Collaborators include Assistant Professor Fthe promise, power and potential of Max Shtein in Materials Science and nanotechnology into reality through their Engineering, Professor Tony Waas in endeavors. From conceiving of, synthesizing Aerospace Engineering, and Assistant and characterizing novel materials to refining Professor Peter Peumans in Electrical 20 micro- and nanofabrication processes, their Engineering at Stanford University. creative and innovative research programs In a National Science Foundation-funded span disciplines and break conventional project, also in collaboration with Shtein, Pipe boundaries. is using organic electronics to develop a new scheme for intrachip communications for Energy harvesting textiles, integrated circuits. The basis of the scheme intrachip communications is plasmonic waveguides, which offer small and next-generation coolants size and high bit rate. The signals in these SnO2 nanorods created by Wooldridge group waveguides degrade quickly, however, making using flame synthesis. Assistant Professor Kevin Pipe has amplification necessary. In order to create undertaken three new projects in his lab. signal gain, Pipe and Shtein are using novel developing commercial scale production In a project funded by the U.S. Air Force, structures based on organic semiconductor rates, eliminating impurities associated with fiber-shaped thermoelectric and photovoltaic heterostructures. fabrication and understanding the effects of devices are woven into energy-harvesting additives on SnO2 sensor performance. textiles for aerospace composites, allowing In response to the problem of heat “Combustion synthesis can address many of the conversion of thermal and solar energy to generation by fuel cell and hydrogen these limitations,” said Wooldridge. “We have power on-board aircraft devices. technologies, Pipe recently received a two- demonstrated a single step solvent-free year Discovery grant in process to create SnO2 nanoparticles. This collaboration with Professor Albert Shih to method greatly expands the range of control develop next-generation nanofluid-based possible over SnO2 structure, including the coolants for vehicles. The project includes synthesis of nanorod and core/mantel type characterizing the thermal and electrical structures.” These structures can have properties of suspensions of aluminum oxide significant implications with respect to nanopaticles, carbon nanotubes and other improving gas sensor performance. nanomaterials.

Optical refrigeration with Novel nanomaterials for gas sensing rare earth nanopowders Associate Professor Margaret Wooldridge and Although almost any material can be heated by her graduate students Tiffany Miller (PhD a laser, rare earth ion-doped solids are the

T ’05), Smitesh Bakrania, and Carlos Perez have only materials that have been proven R

O developed a unique approach for combustion experimentally to be cooled by lasers. The P

E synthesis of nanosized particles, including R highest cooling efficiency ever achieved in bulk

L nanocomposites, using a hybrid diffusion

A materials is about two percent, but using ion- U flame system. “Our methods represent an N doped nanopowders, Professor Massoud N

A original and exciting new avenue of research, Kaviany’s research group has found that

G where we can control the particle

N cooling can be enhanced by more than 200 I

R composition and microstructure by varying percent, to less than 150 degrees Celsius. E

E the relative physical and chemical reaction N

I The significant results were achieved by

G rates important in the combustion synthesis

N determining the optimal dopant concentration

E environment,” explained Wooldridge.

L using energy transfer theory, by facilitating a

A Specifically, her group is working on a NSF- C I funded project to develop novel tin dioxide larger photon-electron-phonon interaction N

A rate, and by photon localization in the random

H (SnO2) nanomaterials for semiconductor gas

C a) Optical image and b) light output of a powders, resulting in enhanced absorption of E microscale optical microscopy tool developed sensors. The challenges that limit progress in M the development of SnO2 gas sensors include the incident beam. The group’s findings can 6 by Pipe and Shtein (UM MSE Dept.) which is 0

- formed by fabricating an organic LED on a also be applied to bulk materials and have

5 difficulty integrating additives (which can

0 scanning probe cantilever [Appl. Phys. Lett. implications for enhancing countless 0 significantly augment sensor performance), 2 89, 111117 (2006)]. Physical Review Letters Lu demonstrated the possibility of patterning multilayers of molecules via molecular dipoles. This work established a quantitative expression and effective approach to account for the interactive energy of molecular dipoles in multi-layers and established the 21 knowledge and design tools to tune the size and ordering of molecular domains. The research suggests a novel self-assembly approach to pattern molecules into designed nanostructures, which have wide applications from organic electronic devices, sensors, to fuel cell membranes for energy applications. The work has led to the novel concept of Nanoscale self-assembly: nanotechnology lubrication, where mobile applications, from atomic clocks to medical Electric field induces molecular lubricants are directed to the contact devices. surface instability, causing surfaces with external electric field to form nanopillars to grow out of Kaviany presented the work in October 2005 at optimized configurations. Lu is collaborating with the film surface. Purdue University as part of its Hawkins Memorial the Air Force Research Laboratory to study Lecture Series in Heat Transfer. lubrication in nano and micro mechanical contacts and correlate the lubrication mechanisms to molecular structures. The work will significantly Uncovering mysteries of advance the operation condition and performance self-assembly for nanofabrication of MEMS devices. Advancing technologies demand solid structures of ever-decreasing length scales, and the critical Lu and his group have also investigated the stability challenge is how to mass produce nanoscale of polymer-air interface and electric field structures economically. According to Assistant processing of thin films. And they have developed r Professor Wei Lu, nanoscale self-assembly is a the first three-dimensional dynamic model that promising low-cost, high-throughput solution to incorporates viscous flow, diffusion and dielectric e many problems in nanotechnology. However it has mechanisms. The work on the effects of surface only been observed in limited number of material stress, applied strain field and surface chemistry systems to date, and resulting structures often on molding nanostructures in monolayers paves s suffer from nonuniformity and lack of size and the way for fabrication of uniform quantum dots position control. The work of his research group and other nanostructures. aims to develop innovative methods and design

Lu, with doctoral student David Salac, earned the e tools to control self-assembly processes by 2006 Caddell Memorial Award for excellence in manipulation of field design and systematically research. He is the 2005 and 2006 Air Force A C develop diverse material systems for C

Summer Faculty Fellow. His other awards include E L a nanofabrication. the NSF CAREER Award and the Robert J. E R

McGrattan Literature Award by the American A Lu and his students have uncovered the self- T I Society of Mechanical Engineers. N assembly mechanism in various materials systems G T r

and developed advanced computational tools to E C simulate the processes. In a recent paper in H N O c L O G Y D E h V E L O P M E N Travel of a molecular vehicle along the track in (a) T Nano-Scale Combustion Science

ssistant Professor Angela Violi, who formation of and human exposure to Ajoined the ME faculty in January 2006, has nanoparticles. already established a strong program in In another NSF-funded project, she is theoretical nano-science, with the goal of her investigating the formation of nanoparticles in research to chemically and physically combustion systems, “A fascinating characterize organic pollutants of high 22 multiscale problem,” she said, involving both molecular mass and to study their fate in the molecular science and the statistical environment. Toward that end she has mechanics of nonequilibrium self-assembly created a novel multiscale computer and nucleation over two disparate length and simulation approach. time scales. Violi is developing new Size, chemical functionalities and water computational methodologies based on novel solubility all determine the properties of coarse-graining molecular dynamics aerosols. The same parameters establish techniques. This approach bridges the length their optical properties relevant to direct and time scales in the area of nanocluster radiative forcing in the atmosphere and to self-assembly. It will contribute to the better their ability to act as cloud condensation understanding of nanoparticle self-assembly, nuclei. Violi uses multiscale methods, such as In a project funded by the National Science a topic of great interest to many researchers. the kinetic Monte Carlo technique combined Foundation, Violi is studying the problems Through Air Force Office of Scientific with molecular dynamics, to follow associated with the emission of carbonaceous Research funding, Violi is developing new fuel nanoparticle formation and growth in a nanoparticles from diesels. In particular, she breakdown mechanisms by identifying new chemically specific way. This approach is looking at the processes that govern the reaction pathways for real fuels in order to provides a connection between the various development of the absorbing properties of produce a complete description of the system time scales in the nanoparticle growth and nanoparticles and soot and the processes under investigation. Using a combination of self-assembly problem as well as an occurring between the engine exhaust valve molecular dynamics and ab initio techniques, unprecedented opportunity to understand the through the exhaust plume that have been she will examine intermediates, products, atomistic interactions underlying nanoparticle shown to be a major contributor to the kinetics, thermochemical and transport structures and growth. properties. Her work also looks at the biomedical impact of nanoparticles by gaining a detailed biophysical understanding of the long-term interactions of these particles with self- assembled biological structures, such as cell membranes. “Learning how nanoparticles penetrate and modify the structural, T

R thermodynamic, dynamical and mechanical O P properties of these biomolecular systems will E R help us comprehend their potentially harmful L A

U effects and develop methods for their N

N remediation” she said. A G

N Violi has joint appointments in the I

R Department of Biomedical Engineering and E

E Chemical Engineering. N I G N E L A

C Molecular dynamics simulations of Carbonaceous nanoparticles produced through I

N nanoparticles in lipid bilayers. (S. Izvekov, A. the proprietary Atomistic Model for Particle A Violi “A Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Inception code. (A. Violi, “Modeling of Soot H

C Study of Carbon Nanoparticle Aggregation”, J. Particle Inception in Aromatic and Aliphatic E

M Chem. Theory Comput. 2(3), 504-512 (2006)) Premixed Flames,” Combustion and Flame 139:

6 279-287 (2004)) 0 - 5 0 0 2 Hong Im Joins Effort to Form New Collaborative Center

ith the efforts of U-M vehicle concepts. The center will also support the AFRL’s Wcolleagues including ME interest in fine-scale, unsteady fluid dynamics. Associate Professor Hong Im and The investigators will establish a center that is recognized faculty members at Michigan State internationally for excellence in aeronautical sciences University, the U-M College of research and education through strong collaboration among Engineering will be home to a new faculty and students from both universities and the AFRL. 23 center: the Michigan/Air Force Team members bring tremendous theoretical, computational, Research Laboratory Collaborative experimental and simulation capabilities to the center; they Center in Aeronautical Sciences. also have a long history of successful collaborative work with The center, MACCAS, will draw the AFRL, industry and federal agencies. upon the expertise in Im will be working in the area of high-fidelity combustion and computational aeronautical reacting flow model development. Other MACCAS co- sciences throughout Michigan. “This will provide many new investigators include U-M Aerospace Engineering faculty opportunities for future research efforts in aeronautical and members Professor Wei Shyy, who is the principal investigator, aerospace applications of interest to the Air Force Research along with professors Iain Boyd, Werner Dahm, Peretz Laboratory,” said Im. Friedmann, Ken Powell, Phil Roe, Bram van Leer and Associate The team submitted its proposal for the center early in 2006 Professor Carlos Cesnik. and was selected through a competitive process. Co-investigators from Michigan State University include The center’s initial focus will be developing and integrating associate professors Giles Brereton, Farhad Jaberi and Mei the computational tools required to perform reliable, high- Zhuang, all of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. fidelity, multi-disciplinary analysis of airbreathing, hypersonic r e s e A C C E L a E R A T I N G T

Simulations of turbulent non-premixed ethylene-air flames showing, from left to right, vorticity, r E temperature and soot volume fraction. C H N O c L O G Y D E h V E L O P M E N T Furthering Fuel Cell Technology

uel cells hold much promise as an He is building a two-dimensional fuel cell Control of Water in PEM Fuel Cells.” She was Falternative source of energy, particularly model using the data obtained. The active selected as the 2005 Outstanding Young for portable power generation. These area is modeled as 15 segments, which allows Investigator by the ASME International systems offer several advantages, including the distribution of current, water and relative Dynamic Systems and Control Division. low emissions, scalability, fuel flexibility and humidity to be investigated more accurately, 24 high efficiency. Yet there are challenges to he explained. Six sub-models characterize the their adoption that must be overcome. And fuel cell cathode/anode channel, Fuel Cell Manufacturing not surprisingly, U-M researchers are cathode/anode gas diffusion layer, membrane “Manufacturing is a major area to be developing solutions. hydration and voltage. The work is ongoing. addressed in order for us to see widespread “Once we get a good model we will use it for adoption of fuel cells,” said Professor Albert Addressing Control Issues optimizing channel design as well as for the Shih. That’s because of the high costs to control of external humidifiers and overall produce them today. Working with ME Professor Huei Peng’s interest in fuel cells water management.” professors Jack Hu, Jun Ni and post-doctoral was piqued six years ago through his work in researcher Gap Kim, graduate student vehicle dynamics control. “There are a lot of Yuanyuan Zhou and Chemical Engineering Dynamics and Estimation Professor Levi Thompson, the Professor Anna Stefanopoulou co-directs the U-M manufacturing faculty are looking at fuel Fuel Cell Control Systems Laboratory with processor design, component manufacturing Peng, and her work on the technology focuses and stack assembly that will ultimately on low level control issues such as thermal decrease the costs of production. and water management of fuel cell and fuel Yuanyuan Zhou, who is co-advised by Hu and processing systems for fast and robust Shih, has developed models and is conducting reactant delivery, warm-up and high level experiments on the impact of assembly design decisions, such as sizing and optimum process on the electrical contact resistance, power split between a fuel cell and an energy gas and water transport and mechanical storage device. She presented the keynote deformation in stack assembly that will lead to lecture for the American Society of insights into the durability and performance Mechanical Engineers Third International of the PEM fuel cell stack. The research Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering group is working with ITRI, a Taiwanese and Technology. She also presented several government R&D organization, on the project. From left: Denise McKay, Antonio Reis and workshops on the control of fuel cell systems, A one kilowatt fuel test stand has been Anna Stefanopoulou conducting work on including sessions sponsored by the dynamics and estimation. provided by ITRI for testing and evaluation of American Automatic Control Council at the the fuel cell manufacturing technology. very interesting control issues for fuel cell 2006 American Control Conference and by The systems, including power tracking and water MathWorks, a technical software provider. In addition, an undergraduate student team

T management,” he said. Proper humidity has designed and built a novel hydraulic stack R Stefanopoulou is the principal investigator of O control is critical for proton transport across pre-load actuation to evenly distribute the P

E the membrane in Proton Exchange Membrane a new, three-year National Science R clamping force and reduce the local Foundation grant for the “Estimation and L (PEM) fuel cells, but sensors to monitor

A deformation and stress concentration.

U humidity levels don’t work reliably in N N

A oversaturated conditions. G N

I So Peng is conducting both experimental and R

E analytical studies related to water generation E N

I and transport phenomena inside a single-cell G

N fuel cell. He is using embedded, miniature E relative humidity sensors to provide L A

C experimental data on the distribution of water. I

N Using neutron radiography at the National A H

C Institute of Standards and Technology Center E

M for Neutron Research and subsequent photo 6

0 masking techniques, Peng is able to measure - 5

0 water distribution accurately. 0

2 A graphite plate embedded with relative humidity sensors. From Cells to Cars, the Heterogeneous Multiscale Materials Lab Looks at Power

sk what a single cell and a new hybrid electric car have in began such work. The power output, rate effects and cluster Acommon, and the answer might be the Heterogeneous properties of these organelles, which undergo fission and Multiscale Materials Laboratory. One focus of the lab, fusion in response to physiological conditions, are all critically directed by Professor Ann Marie Sastry, is the investigation of important in determining what the ultimate power generation energy-related phenomena, be they at the cellular or macro might be for biofuels. Researchers in her lab, and that of her level. The lab’s work spans several fields, including biology, collaborator, Professor Martin Philbert in the U-M School of 25 energy, nanoscale science and applied mathematics. Public Health, developed ways to not only mathematically “Understanding fundamental material behavior gives you characterize clusters of mitochondria but to use wonderful entre into many different areas,” Sastry said. electrochemical testing to sense the available capacity of mitochondrial arrays. The work has potential to contribute to Such a fundamental further mapping of the energetics of mitochondria for understanding also evaluation as a renewable source of power, particularly for allows for the rapid wireless devices. development of new power-generating In an alliance with Ford Motor Company, with the Ford team materials. In the past led by Ted Miller and Kent Snyder, Sastry and her group are year, that’s one of the using their knowledge of particulate architectures and single things Sastry’s group has particle behavior to design new materials for power packs. really focused on: The work extends an 11-year project that has been “getting research out of continuously funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. the lab, and into cars and “What’s very exciting is that those who make and use onto the grid. The rising batteries now agree this scale of computation and public awareness of the fundamental science can provide real performance true cost of energy to breakthroughs. And, working directly with Ford gives us the society is allowing us to insight we need into manufacturing and cost issues so critical make much faster to adoption of new technologies.” headway.” Those breakthroughs include simulations of how sub-micron In a project sponsored by particles behave in a battery, a departure from the r By studying cells’ own power the U.S. Air Force Office conventional approach of simulating the entire system. Given plants, mitochondria, Sastry is of Scientific Research, the surging interest in clean energy technologies for vehicles, e exploring bio-based power her research group is many materials are now being examined for their use in supplies. investigating the energy batteries. “The bottleneck now,” Sastry said, “is in output of a cellular mitochondrion, the organelle that produces synthesizing the different blends of materials into a high energy within a cell, and mitochondrial arrays. The project, part performance cell. s of a program on Biophysical Mechanisms led by Major Jennifer “It’s literally impossible to develop prototyping capabilities Gresham, is aimed at discovery of new power sources. “The

that will allow you to experimentally look at all the options, so e great unknown is what the actual capacity of a mitrochondrion advanced computation is absolutely critical in picking the is,” she said. “Because energy science is at the forefront of A

winners and bringing high-performance technology to vehicles C

the public mind right now, there’s a lot of prognostication going C

as fast as possible.” Her lab has undertaken electrochemical E on. But as researchers, it is incumbent upon us to sort through L a modeling of lithium-ion systems. Through its work, she said, E the options in a technically rigorous way.” R A

“We’re helping Ford pick the winners.” T I Indeed the capacity of the fundamental power plant in cells, N G T

mitochondria, had been unexamined until Sastry’s group r E C H N O c L O G Y D E h V E L O P M E N T Large Scale Friction Drag Experimentation

here has been renewed interest among Tthe U.S. Department of Defense and other agencies in recent years in high-speed ocean transport. But as speed increases, so does resistance. Doubling a cargo ship’s speed 26 increases its power requirement by a factor of eight, explained Professor Steven Ceccio. “That’s the motivation behind our research, to understand and reduce friction drag at high Reynolds numbers.” Ceccio works with ME Professors David Dowling and William Schultz; Professor Marc Perlin of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; Associate Professor Michael Solomon of Chemical Engineering and Professor Wei Shyy of Aerospace Engineering. The U-M team collaborates with computational teams at Stanford University, General Dynamics Corporation and Pennsylvania State University. The computational teams have developed numerous modeling and simulation tools to predict flows, explained Ceccio. The U-M group conducts large scale experiments to validate these tools. DARPA and the Office of Naval Research have been funding the work. The two methods of drag reduction being investigated include the injection of gases and polymers close to the ship’s hull. Much of the research takes place at the Navy’s William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel, the Outside view of the William B. Morgan Large Cavitation Channel (LCC). To assess the size of world’s largest water flow facility. the facility, note the people at the right and left edges of the photograph. Such large-scale experiments are necessary to understand “the richness of the physics,” thinner the boundary layer becomes. On the T

R explained Ceccio. “For gas and bubble test plate, “all the interesting flow physics O

P injection, the simple scaling rules that have

E occur within 100 microns of the plate surface,” R been successful in conventional designs are he said. The group has been able to measure L A not adequate.” To simulate the flows around U and explain the persistence of the effects of N the hull of a ship, researchers use a flat plate, N both gas and polymer injection. In addition to A 3.05 meters wide by 12.8 meters long by .18

G quantifying the polymer-turbulence transport, N

I meters thick, with an elliptical leading edge the investigators have observed molecular R

E and a tapered tail. degradation caused by near-wall turbulence E N

I under different conditions.

G Using instruments developed at U-M N

E including micro-particle image velocimetry The most recent set of experiments have L

A and planar laser induced fluorescence looked at the effect of surface roughness on C Inside the LCC’s test section (drained), looking I techniques, the team measures flow velocity, N these drag reduction technologies. From here, aft from the leading edge of the flat-plate test A

H skin friction, surface pressure and plate the Navy may commission at-sea experiments. model. The side-to-side and floor-to-ceiling C distances are both 10 feet. When a test is E acceleration measurements at multiple

M “If these technologies prove efficient,” said underway, water flows from behind the observer, 6 downstream locations to cover a Reynolds over or under the test model, and then into the 0

- Ceccio, not only will they speed travel time,

5 number range from 1 million to more than 200 dark area in the center of the picture. 0 but “they will open up the design envelope 0 million. The higher the Reynolds number, the 2 for ships.” Dowling, Schultz Develop Washing Machine Simulations

oing the laundry has taken on a whole new spin for a team The simulation software the team is currently developing Dof ME researchers. Professors David Dowling and William involves a “highly deformable flexible solid (cloth) and a lot Schultz are co-principal investigators of a five-year, $500,000 of water, an ordinary and common fluid,” explained Dowling. research project sponsored by Whirlpool Corporation. Their Whirlpool engineers have told the research group that if they objective: To develop physics-based simulations of what can reliably predict how cloth moves inside the washtub, they happens inside a washing machine so that the company can can evaluate washing effectiveness. The more cloth cycles 27 more efficiently evaluate new designs. from the top of the tub to the bottom in a top-loading machine, for example, the better; cloth trapped in a corner won’t get as clean. For the first two years of the project, said Dowling, the team worked in two dimensions. Recently the group advanced to working in three dimensions, which are “computationally and algorithmically more burdensome, but at the same time so much more interesting and realistic,” he said. The researchers have simulated multiple pieces of cloth in fluid interacting with a complex three-dimensional washer geometry. “The model at this stage assumes a fixed liquid level, impermeable cloth and a relatively low Reynolds number,” explained Akcabay. The motion of cloth and fluid are coupled, and the cloth has both membrane and bending stiffness. “We recently began benchmarking our individual cloth and fluid models with results in the literature,” he added.

Top image: A two-dimensional The team is simulating more simulation of fluid-structure densely packed wash- (cloth-water) interaction.

tubs since consumers r Center image: A CAD tend to overfill their rendering of the agitator or machines. Future

“wash plate” of a washing e machine from Whirlpool. work includes simulating front- loading machines

Doctoral candidate Deniz by changing the axis s Akcabay is working with of rotation and adding Dowling and Schultz, both bubbles and surface

specialists in fluid dynamics and waves to the simulation. e mechanics, to develop the simulations. The U-M team has worked closely A C

More than 80 million U.S. homes have washing with engineers at Whirlpool. By the end of the C E machines, which use about 40 gallons of water per load — L

project, the team will deliver software that company a E

15,000 gallons per year per typical household. That’s several engineers can then use to model various design parameters, R A T hundred pounds of water to wash a 10- to 15-pound load of such as differently shaped tubs and agitators, and agitator I N laundry. Manufacturers are designing new appliances with an rotational speed and direction, among others. Dowling G T r eye toward water — and energy — conservation, but less expects that the company also may also be able to use the E C water means clothes take more of a beating in order to get software to simulate the movement of air and cloth inside H N O clean. As a result, they may wear out faster. Design clothes dryers. Such simulation tools should reduce the c L O

parameters have to change to compensate for the effects of number of prototype machines Whirlpool engineers build and G water reduction. test. “We expect the software we deliver will save the Y D E h

company a lot of money in the long run,” Dowling said. V E L O P M E N T Environmental Policy, Auto Design and Materials Flows Project Finds Its MUSES

assenger cars and light trucks have engineers from academia, we can bring to the market interventions and Nash equilibrium Paccounted for about one-fifth of U.S. table quantitative analysis and objectivity.” engineering designs. They will apply optimal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 1990. control theory methods to the design of Skerlos is co-director of the team of nine Demand for these vehicles is also the source public policy instruments and create novel investigators with James J. Winebrake, chair of materials flows that are among the largest life cycle assessment methods that are of the Public Policy Program at Rochester known to modern society. As lawmakers predictive and dynamic. 28 Institute of Technology. Other collaborators consider public policies to address these include Gregory Keoleian, co-director of the Models do exist that explore the effects of issues, they have few if any scientific tools Center for Sustainable Systems in the U-M GHG emissions from the automotive industry, with which to predict the outcomes of School of Natural Resources; Walter but this MUSES project will be the first to proposed policies, including the unintended McManus, director of U-M’s Office for the explicitly and systematically explore the space consequences on materials flows and Study of Automotive Transportation; ME of nominally overlooked dynamics of markets, environmental emissions over the automobile Professor Panos Papalambros; and faculty material flows and environmental emissions life cycle. from RIT, University of California, Davis and as they are impacted by government policy Associate Professor Steven Skerlos and Berkeley, and Northeastern University. instruments. colleagues at several universities have The project’s three thrust areas include “Marketing researchers have developed received a National Science Foundation grant policy analysis and optimization; producer and models of market dynamics but not of to develop modeling tools and methods that consumer models; and technology and technology performance. Technology will change all that. The five-year, $1.9 million environmental performance. An external researchers have developed models of grant was awarded under the NSF Materials advisory board comprised of transportation technology performance but not of market Use: Science, Engineering and Society and environmental experts from industry, dynamics. There aren’t a lot of ‘bilingual’ (MUSES) program and builds on a $100,000 government and the not-for-profit sector as studies,” Skerlos said. “That’s where our seed grant the team received in 2005. well as an international review board will work is different. We’ll be able to look at both There are plenty of reasons to be concerned provide insight and support. and predict the outcomes to learn which with the effects of GHG emissions-reduction policies actually accomplish the mission of To achieve their goals, student and faculty policies on material flows, according to reducing GHG emissions with minimum researchers will develop a game theoretic Skerlos: over one-third of U.S. utilization of impact on consumer preferences and meta-systems model of the automotive iron, lead, platinum and rubber goes into corporate profitability.” industry and mathematical analysis methods automotive production; approximately one- to understand the relationships between fourth of the 30 million tons of worldwide aluminum production is for new vehicle )

production; about 15 percent of the 100 a (

million tons of iron and steel shipped in s e

North America in 2004 went to the automotive g Evaluation n nodes within industry; and annual production of cars a the policy- R T

accounts for some 10 percent of copper and t scenario R n

O modeling

23 percent of magnesium production. e P landscape E m R u

But while there are technologies available r L t A s

U that can lower vehicle GHG emissions, n I N

N understanding and balancing producer cost y A c i

and consumer preference and behavior is a l G o N I

challenge. For instance, if you implement a P R

E hybrid electric drivetrain for fuel economy, E N

I asks Skerlos, how will consumers change G

N their driving behavior once they realize that E

L their cost to drive per mile is reduced? If A C

I automakers make lighter vehicles in response N

A to government policy, what is the effect on Scenario Parameter Ranges (b) H

C GHG emissions from increased aluminum Scenario Matrix managed by a Computer-Aided Scenario Generator. E

M production? Right now, “there’s a lot of 6

0 confusing and argumentative debate going For more information, visit the project website: - 5

0 on,” said Skerlos. “It’s very subjective. Being 0 2 Low Temperature Combustion Consortium for Ultra-Clean Engines

U-M-led multi-university consortium to investigate low patterns, and results of modeling work done at U-M indicate Atemperature combustion (LTC) engines for automotive that controlling wall temperature through precision cooling applications has received a three-year, $5 million award from and adjusting residual gas could significantly extend both low the U.S. Department of Energy. The consortium also includes and high operating ranges. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Consortium investigators are also exploring the use of turbo- California at Berkeley, and Stanford University. or super charging in order to pack more fuel and air into the 29 The LTC concept promises 20 to 25 percent improved cylinder and obtain a higher load at low combustion efficiency and ultra-low nitrogen oxides (NOx) and temperatures; regenerative heating; and direct fuel injection. particulate emissions. Like gasoline engines it employs a U M researchers are modeling these systems, supporting the relatively uniform mixture of fuel and air to reduce soot and experimental work done at partner institutions. particulates; like diesel engines it utilizes a high compression Consortium researchers are also turning their attention to ratio to improve thermodynamic efficiency. the LTC characteristics of reformed gasoline fuels, renewable There remain significant hurdles to the implementation of fuels and blends of conventional fuels with reformed and HCCI in automobiles. Current experimental work indicates renewable fuels in order to propose viable mixtures and An evolution sequence for a that HCCI combustion can only be maintained in part of the pretreatment strategies for use in advanced engines. This relatively thick film. The required speed and load range of a typical engine. When loads work is being carried out at U-M in a Rapid Compression film continues to evolve are too high, the combustion is harsh and knock is Facility and in a newly acquired optical engine test setup (see after touching the ceiling, objectionable; when loads are too low, combustion is unstable related story below). High-speed images of the combustion leading to significant and misfires occur. The consortium is working to extend the event have been captured, showing that under some coarsening. This changes operating range of HCCI, through both experimental work on conditions combustion can be influenced by a spark even the pillar structure into full-metal and optical engines, as well as by simulation with though a flame is not observed. This suggests that some form interwoven stripe detailed engine system models. of combustion assist may be possible under low temperature structure. and low load conditions. Because combustion is initiated by autoignition, the temperature of the air-fuel mixture is critical. Work at U-M in “I’m hopeful,” said Assanis, “that it won’t be long before we a single-cylinder HCCI engine has revealed that internal wall see a viable implementation of the HCCI concept in U.S.

temperature also has a strong effect on stable ignition. Wall automobiles.” r temperatures vary continuously throughout normal driving e s Optical Engine Yields Insights e A C

ssociate Professor Margaret Wooldridge and her HCCI engines present considerable opportunity for efficiency C E L a ACombustion Laboratory group have created a new and emission gains. However, they also present challenges, E R

research engine facility to study strategies to improve internal which have limited the domain where HCCI operating modes A T I combustion (IC) engine efficiencies and improve engine are feasible. The studies at U-M explore the effects of spark N performance for next generation fuels, including high energy assist (SA) as a means to expand the HCCI operating regime. G T r E

density fuels derived from alternative fuel stocks such as High-speed imaging of the in-cylinder volume yielded direct, C H

biorenewable and synthetic crude oils. Ford Motor Company time-resolved data on key ignition and reaction phenomena N O c donated the single-cylinder research engine, equipped with occurring during HCCI operation. SA was shown to stabilize L O optical access, to initiate the project. Using the new engine HCCI combustion, which means it indeed has the potential to G Y

Wooldridge’s research group, led by graduate student Bradley extend lean operating limits. “These images are the first of D E h Zigler, set out to characterize ignition phenomena during their kind, and our analysis allows us to understand why spark V E homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) operating assist augments HCCI performance,” said Wooldridge, “and L O P

conditions. how we might be able to do better.” M E N T Automotive Research Center Advances Vehicle Modeling Technology

he Automotive Research Center, a U.S. T Army Center of Excellence, continued its rapid progress toward its overarching goal, namely, advancing technology for high fidelity simulation of military and civilian ground 30 vehicles. The Center’s mission is to develop and demonstrate flexible, agile simulation systems to significantly improve the product development process of military and commercial automotive manufacturers. Such improvements include those in the areas of fuel economy, safety, durability and human factors, and were highlighted at the 12th Annual ARC Conference. Component layout for a hybrid hydraulic U.S. Army HMMWV. The ARC is using computer simulation Energy for transportation and efficient to demonstrate the power and emissions requirements of the hybrid hydraulic concept. propulsion technologies are addressed with modeling and simulation of several new partner, and advanced diesel aftertreatment ARC researchers are using energy finite powertrain concepts for the dual-use devices, with EATON as a partner. element analysis to characterize the effects of HMMWV/ platform. Energy blast and high-frequency vibration. The center ARC modeling and simulation tools are is developing a comprehensive framework for conversion and storage options for hybrid revolutionizing not only the energy vehicles were first explored through efficiently integrating distributed models, efficiencies of civilian and military vehicles simulation codes and new design simulation studies. For instance, a series but also their safety. New technologies are hybrid hydraulic powertrain for the HMMWV methodologies for commercial and military being developed to both prevent and mitigate applications. This supports analysis and design was shown to improve fuel economy by over unsafe events. On the prevention side, the 70 percent in the federal test cycle. This of Army’s current and next generation of ARC has developed a new force-reflecting tactical vehicles. translates directly into reduction of vehicle joystick that cancels biodynamic feed-through operating cost, extension of range and and only responds to volitional driver Vehicle durability is an important attribute of reduction of the logistical burden for military commands. Such a joystick can significantly both military and commercial vehicles. applications. A state-of-the-art engine-in-the- improve vehicle system stability in harsh Structural dynamics of vehicles in the low- to loop facility was then used to couple a clean environments, and its efficacy is being mid-frequency range is a critical contributor. diesel engine to a virtual vehicle, allowing validated using human subject testing on the ARC researchers conduct vibration analyses of validation of fuel economy predictions and U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments vehicle substructures separately and then direct insight into the emission-reduction Command ride motion simulator in Warren, incorporate them into one model. When potential. Michigan. The ARC has also partnered with parameters of any one component change, the

T Additional impact on the energy picture is DaimlerChrysler to develop an algorithm entire structural response can be simulated R

O achieved through investigations of alternative capable of estimating the mass and center of faster and thus facilitates the exploration of P

E gravity height of a vehicle reliably, in real time, more configurations in less time. Additionally

R fuels for heavy-duty engines. Replacing part of

L using minimal instrumentation. Using such an other research on reliability-based design

A fossil fuels with synthetic fuels, created from

U algorithm, both military and civilian vehicles optimization tools allow for significant weight

N natural gas or coal, can greatly reduce

N reduction of vehicle components. The tools A reliance on foreign oil. ARC researchers are can adaptively calibrate their active safety

G focusing on the interplay between new fuels systems for variations in loading. help to achieve both weight savings and N I

R and advanced combustion technologies in improved fatigue life. These ARC-developed E On the mitigation side ARC modeling tools are E order to maximize the benefits. Technology software tools are transferred to the Army and N being used to make vehicles safer in the I industry to use in their diverse vehicle G transfer is pursued through partnerships with

N presence of impacts, whether due to on-road

E programs. industry. In particular, awards from the new accidents or improvised explosive devices. L

A Michigan 21st Century Jobs fund will allow

C Specifically the ARC is developing I

N transition from basic research toward revolutionary morphing structures that deploy A

H commercialization of competitive

C in the event of a crash or blast, thereby

E technologies in the area of efficient hydraulic

M absorbing the shock and protecting

6 hybrid propulsion, with Bosch-Rexroth as

0 passengers and pedestrians. Furthermore - 5 0 0 2 GM / U-M Collaborative Research Laboratory Accelerates the Development of Highly- Efficient and Ultra Clean Engine Systems

he General Motors Collaborative Research Laboratory for of deposits on knock and fuel octane rating. Since HCCI engine TEngine Systems Research (GM/U-M CRL ESR) had a strong combustion can be conceptually described as “controlled year, continuing to serve as a model of a research partnership knock”, a hypothesis was made that combustion chamber between industry and academia. “The collaborative lab at U-M deposits could directly affect the main combustion event. carries-out R&D activities in areas that are of strategic Indeed, the pioneering study at U-M documented significant importance to GM”, said Dr. Gary , Director of the acceleration of HCCI burn rates as a function of deposit layer 31 Powertrain Systems Research Lab at the General Motors growth. In addition, fast response thermocouple Research & Development Center. “GM has ambitious goals measurements on the combustion chamber metal surface regarding development and introduction of highly-efficient, provided a first glimpse into thermal properties of deposits clean powertrain technologies.” GM/U-M CRL ESR Co-Director without their removal. This insight contributes directly to Professor Dennis Assanis said, “Our partnership with GM development of robust control strategies and techniques for provides tremendous research opportunities for our graduate expansion of the HCCI operating limits. students and allows continuous In the thrust area devoted to premixed refinement of state-of-the-art diesel combustion and aftertreatment, experimental facilities in the W.E. Lay co-leaders Dennis Assanis, ME professor Automotive Laboratory.” and CRL co-director, and Pat Szymkowitz, Research in the optical diagnostics manager of diesel engine systems at GM, thrust area, co-led by Professor Volker are directing work aimed at dramatically Sick and Dr. Rodney Rask, GM reducing particulate matter and NOx combustion systems group manager emissions. To meet the U.S. and GM/U-M CRL ESR Co-Director, is Environmental Protection Agency’s focused on the development and use of regulations which go into effect in 2007- new imaging techniques. Understanding 2010, the team has developed novel the complex coupling of physics and Premixed Compression Ignition (PCI) chemistry related to ignition stability in strategies to expand the low- spray-guided spark-ignition direct- temperature combustion range using injection (SIDI) engines is crucial to retarded injection, variable geometry r develop the technology that is required turbocharging and high exhaust gas to reliably operate these efficient and Images showing alcohol fuel concentration recirculation schemes. Furthermore, the e flexible engines. Fast camera and laser near the spark plug at the time of ignition. team is combining its combustion technology is used to simultaneously Time is relative to spark initiation. strategies with aftertreatment devices image the fuel concentration, flow fields and spark discharge specially formulated to tackle unburned hydrocarbons and CO s in an optical engine so that their interplay can be understood from PCI combustion. and used to build predictive computer models for design The fourth thrust area, dedicated to modeling of engine and purposes. Combined planar laser-induced fluorescence, aftertreatment systems and co-led by Assanis and Dr. Andreas e particle image velocimetry, and plasma emission imaging at Lippert, manager of engine systems modeling at GM, is thousands of images per second also provides insight into the A intimately connected with the experimental work in the first C particular microscopic impact that the type of fuel has on C three thrust areas, but is focused on model development. E L a ignition and combustion stability. New to the group is work on E

During the past year, work concentrated on developing R computational fluid dynamics aiming at the development of A predictive models of after-treatment components that can be T I ignition models that can describe the start of combustion. N

applied to optimizing engine aftertreatment systems. In G Flexible fueling capability of spray-guided SIDI engines is T r

particular, by analyzing data acquired in lab reactors under E

currently examined in studies with alcohol fuels, such as C

controlled conditions, new models of reaction kinetics in lean H ethanol and butanol. N

oxidation catalysts have been developed and validated with O c L

In the thrust area devoted to thermal characterization of engine experiments. In addition, breakthrough work has been O G direct-injection engines, under the co-direction of Zoran carried-out to model zeolite catalysts that can absorb Y D

Filipi, research associate professor at U-M, and Paul Najt, unburned hydrocarbons during cold start. Other efforts have E h V manager of spark ignition engine systems at GM, researchers focused on modeling sprays and fuel-air mixing in PCI E L conducted an extensive experimental study to understand the combustion, as well as exploring the role of thermal and O P compositional stratification of the mixture in extending the M effects of combustion chamber deposits on homogeneous E N

charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines. Previous studies operating range of an HCCI engine, in close collaboration with T on conventional spark-ignited engines have shown the effect the work of the DOE LTC consortium. U-M/GM Form Collaborative Research Laboratory for Smart Materials and Structures

eneral Motors Corporation and the GUniversity of Michigan Department of Mechanical Engineering have established a new Collaborative Research Laboratory for Smart Materials and Structures. The nearly $3 32 million effort will focus on basic smart material research, smart device innovation and mechamatronic design methodology. Smart materials and structures (SMS) lend themselves well to numerous automotive applications including smart pumps and injectors, smart latches and locks, energy absorbing and harvesting materials and active safety systems. There are significant potential benefits to be realized including reduction in vehicle mass, added design flexibility and reduction in component size and cost. Graphic representation of the work undertaken in the new U-M/GM Collaborative Research The close collaborative relationship between Laboratory, including CAD models of a hood-lift device for pedestrian protection. The circular diagram represents the emerging field of Mechamatronics, which combines mechanical design, the SMS groups at U-M and GM began in 2002 electronics and controls, and smart materials. when Associate Professor Diann Brei spent a sabbatical year at GM Research & Development working on a single project GM will be involved on a nearly daily basis The second thrust area, Smart Material related to automotive safety. The relationship with the basic research process. Likewise, Maturity, will ease the path to grew to include other projects and other U-M researchers will take new technologies commercialization by maturing the researchers in the College of Engineering, to a higher level of prototyping than a understanding of smart materials through including ME Assistant Research Scientist university typically would so that suppliers experiments and modeling of materials Jonathan Luntz and Aerospace Associate and industry can better see the potential and behavior and durability testing. The focus will Professor John Shaw. During a project review more easily put it into production. By staying be to target those issues needed to transition in January 2006 with Dr. Alan Taub, executive involved longer, U-M researchers “will see smart material applications to market. “This director of science at the GM Research & the true basic research issues that constrain CRL is a unique opportunity to address Development Center in Warren, Michigan, it the adoption of smart materials in industry, fundamental scientific and engineering was clear to him that the Collaborative and that will feed back into our core research problems of relevance to the automotive Research Laboratory was already present in program. We’ll be able to address those industry, and I’m excited about the prospect spirit and just needed to be formalized. The issues from an academic standpoint to make of seeing smart material applications in the

T two organizations finalized their agreement the technologies viable,” said Brei. marketplace,” said Shaw. This thrust area will R

O for a new CRL in May. be co-led by Shaw and Nilesh Mankame P The CRL will be co-directed by Brei and Nancy

E of GM. R GM is actively working in mechamatronics, or Johnson, manager of Vehicle Structures at L

A GM R&D, who will oversee the three thrust The third thrust area, Mechamatronic System

U the integration of mechanical systems, smart

N areas that comprise the CRL. The first thrust Design Methodology, will focus on developing

N materials and electronics, relative to A automotive applications. The company holds area, Smart Device Technology Innovation, will design, modeling and analysis tools for G

N focus on identifying opportunities where suppliers and industry to use. The key here, I more than 35 patents and has published more R

E than 70 patent applications. “Smart materials smart materials provide a commercially said Brei, is to design sophisticated, rigorous E

N viable, competitive edge. “The full tools that engineers can use. In addition, the I and structures have been around for twenty G expectation here is that we’ll develop CRL is building up world-class experimental N years now; they’re becoming mature to the E revolutionary technologies, those that have capabilities, starting with a full car testbed.

L point where they can be transitioned to the A never been done before. We’ll lay the C This thrust will be co-led by Brei and Alan

I marketplace. But there’s still that gap

N scientific foundation so that devices from Browne of GM.

A between what happens in academic research H these novel technology families can be quickly C and getting products out there. GM and U-M To establish the necessary workforce to E transitioned to real suppliers for M are working in collaboration to narrow that support this effort, U-M is also offering 6 incorporation into automotive applications,” 0 gap,” said Brei. - several graduate courses in Smart Materials 5 said Brei. This thrust area will be co-led by 0

0 and Structures. 2 Luntz of U-M and Paul Alexander of GM, who is a recent graduate of the ME department. The CRL is a global effort with partners across the nation and world from GM’s Global Research Network, such as HRL Laboratories in California and GM’s India Science Lab in Bangalore, India. Finding additional strategic partners is a goal too, and Brei hopes to 33 involve other noncompetitive industries, small businesses and government agencies in the venture. Such a high level of collaboration is unique among university researchers and industry partnerships, said Brei, but necessary. “It will enable us to propel into the future and create leapfrog-type technology, which will advance the auto industry through use of new paradigms of design and innovation based upon a solid scientific foundation.” New U-M/GM CRL thrust area leaders, researchers and administrators. Seated in front are co-directors Nancy Johnson of GM (left) and Diann Brei of U-M (right).

Insights Into Elastomeric Deformation

E Professor Alan Wineman, working with been conducting the joint research for MProfessor John Shaw in the Department six years. r of Aerospace Engineering, is taking the study To date the duo has partially of elastomeric deformation in new directions. validated their model, and they e In research supported by Sandia National are also carrying out new Laboratories, the National Science experimental techniques to Foundation and Tenneco Automotive,

include multi-axial s Wineman and Shaw are exploring the deformations. degradation of elastomers at high environmental temperatures. In addition to automotive applications, the National e The phenomena the two are investigating Institute of Standards and A

directly affect items such as rubber tires, C

Technology estimates that the C seals in power equipment and engine mounts E deterioration of window caulk from high L a and bushings, all of which degrade over time, E temperatures, ultraviolet radiation and water An initially flat sample was R A particularly when exposed to high pressurized by glycerine at 125 T

causes some $60 million in damage annually. I degrees C for 25 hours. The N

temperatures or they self-heat. Their G “We think our approach can be used to assist glycerine was removed and the T degradation can lead to catastrophic behavior. r NIST with its building safety programs,” membrane was cooled to room E C

Wineman noted. temperature. The membrane H

The project is focused on the modeling — N

developed a permanent set. O c

and experimental validation — of materials L

The modeling of large deformations of This is explained by a process O undergoing very large deformations and consisting of the scission G

elastomeric materials under adverse Y changes in their chemical structure. It blends environmental conditions combines several of macromolecules and D E

crosslinking in the current state. h traditional mechanics with polymer science V

previously unrelated phenomena. “We hope E and involves deformation, heat transfer and L our approach provides a model for research O oxygen diffusion. These phenomena all P for other complicated interactive problems,” M interact in complicated and heretofore E Wineman said. N unexplored ways. Wineman and Shaw have T Creative Approaches to Vehicle Safety

oboru Kikuchi, the Roger L. McCarthy about five millimeters thick—can also be NProfessor of Mechanical Engineering, embedded into “active armor” on military has spent years solving problems in vehicles to reduce the effects of blast. The computational mechanics, including the U.S. Army is supporting this work, which has mechanics of composite materials and been modeled and is nearly ready for testing. structural design optimization for automotive 34 Other technology includes a bumper airbag. applications. More recently he has focused In computer simulations the device slows the almost singularly on one aspect: improving speed of impact by 50 percent. Although vehicle crashworthiness. Kikuchi has been modeling the use of Safety has improved dramatically in the past different materials, carbon fiber is proving 10 to 15 years with the use of seatbelts, the most promising. “It can sustain a fairly airbags and new designs, but “it’s not yet significant load, and it’s lightweight. The blast sufficient,” he said. “I myself have been (that deploys the airbag) can be contained working in the automotive area for 25 to 30 within the airbag so we can use more years and always paid attention to the explosive, which can decrease the speed even government regulation that crash tests be more.” done at 35 mph.” But one day several years Modifying an automobile’s front posts to ago Kikuchi was working on a computer include lattice-patterned material that simulation. He changed the crash conditions, absorbs more shock is yet another idea he is increasing the size of one of the vehicles and looking at. He has also been modeling the increasing the speed at impact. He didn’t like effects on pedestrians when the posts are the results. He has since been conceiving of filled with tiny particles, one or two and modeling advanced materials and millimeters in diameter. Upon impact the technologies to improve vehicle safety. particles, which are filled with water or a In work that is supported by the U.S. Air Force polymer, scatter on the ground and provide a and National Science Foundation he is thin “cushion” for the injured pedestrian. In designing sophisticated sensor and radar simulations the particle layer has decreased systems to detect an impending impact. “For head injury criteria (HIC) by 50 percent. passenger cars, a system that is capable but Kikuchi realizes some of his ideas may seem inexpensive is critical,” he said. Such systems unconventional, but he believes that creativity require an antenna that can manage several is necessary to solve difficult problems. So is wavelengths simultaneously in order to developing and disseminating those ideas. He receive signals from multiple sensing devices. spends much of his time talking with industry These systems also require specialized representatives. “I’m always going and talking T electronics and packaging to weather harsh R and showing,” he said. “There’s solid O environmental conditions. P research behind these technologies, and the E R He is also investigating the use of novel research has to be integrated with education L A

U devices to reduce the speed of impact, of the public, industry and government. Safety N

N including an “active bumper” released before is a common issue all over the world...we have A impact and expandable trusses. The latter— to do anything we can.” G N I R E E N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 UMTRI Projects Accelerate

ince ME Professor Tim stability and preventing SGordon was appointed rollovers. In this same area, head of the Engineering tests were recently Research Division of the conducted in Michigan’s University of Michigan Upper Peninsula using two Transportation Research instrumented trucks fitted 35 Institute (UMTRI) just three with robotic steering years ago, he’s seen several of controllers. The trucks were the institute’s projects forced into severe accelerate. maneuvers that caused them to roll over. The experiments Working with UMTRI’s Human validated the models Factors division, developed to calculate Gordon’s division impact loads related to the is leading a $25 integrity of tankers million U.S. containing hazardous Department of Making trucks roll over to materials. Transportation validate computer models. grant for the test UMTRI researchers also and development instrument the road. Gordon’s division has built a prototype of future video-based vehicle tracking system to better understand Integrated Vehicle- driver behavior with regard to braking and time spacing, Based Safety Systems. Industry partners on this project steering, acceleration and other vehicle motion include Visteon Corp., Eaton Corp., Cognex Corp., Honda R&D characteristics. Americas, Battelle Memorial Institute and the Michigan A pilot project using a first generation system concluded in Department of Transportation. 2000, and the newer system will be deployed in some The aim is to evaluate the future safety benefits of systems upcoming projects. The second generation system includes that sense conflicts and warn drivers when they are about to digital cameras and the use of multiple cameras to capture r drift off the road, collide with the vehicle in front of them or images from different positions to improve the accuracy of hit another vehicle during a lane change. Run-off-road tracking. Gordon is leading a new project in this area, working e accidents alone account for 40 percent of all vehicle fatalities with the California PATH Program at the University of in the United States, so the potential payoff is significant. California, Berkley, again with a focus on understanding the detailed factors involved in highway crashes.

“What makes this so interesting is that it involves the driver s interacting simultaneously with several vehicle systems at the same time,” said Gordon. “Research is needed in the real-

world environment to see whether this can be truly effective.” e The project builds on earlier field tests that have so-far A

gathered nearly 1 million miles of detailed driving data. C C E L

A larger study commencing in 2007 involves working with a E

Virginia Tech, Transportation Institute and others groups to R A T design a large-scale experiment to instrument and record the I N so-called naturalistic driving behavior of U.S. motorists, with G T r a focus on crash causation and risk. The largest such study E C ever conducted, it will provide a new and massive data H N O resource for crash risk analysis. Ultimately it will support new c Video-based motion L tracking of vehicles for O analyses of crash causation, and the development of safer G vehicles and safer highways. conflict analysis. Y D E h V

Over many years Gordon’s division also has conducted E L modeling and testing work on heavy truck dynamics, O P particularly in the area of truck rollovers. A new Hardware in M E the Loop Simulation lab is being set up to test and evaluate N T the effectiveness of control systems for improving truck New MEng Program Changes in the Guard Off to a Quick Start

he College of Engineering now offers a new Master of Engineering T(M.Eng.) degree program in Global Automotive and Manufacturing THANKING THEM FOR THEIR SERVICE Engineering (GAME), thanks in large part to the work of two ME faculty, Professors Huei Peng and S. Jack Hu. Peng and Hu played key leadership roles in the development of the program, in their capacities as Directors of Greg Hulbert the Automotive Engineering Program (AUTO) and the Program in Manufacturing (PIM), respectively. Professor Greg Hulbert served as 36 Undergraduate Program Director and The GAME program represents an evolution of the College’s interdisciplinary ME Associate Chair between June 2002 and professional education. ME has been a leader in this effort, pioneering and December 2006. He has been the development of the PIM Program in 1993 (Professor A. Galip Ulsoy was responsible for the annual teaching Founding Director) and the AUTO Program in 1995 (Professor Dennis plan and for coordinating the continual Assanis was Founding Director). Both grew to more than 100 students each process of assessing and improving in their peak times and have been part of the Interdisciplinary and Pro- our ME undergraduate curriculum, fessional Programs (INTERPRO) in the College of Engineering since 1998. which culminated in the very successful ABET review and More recently Hu and Peng saw the need for a new degree program that accreditation of our program until 2011. During Greg’s term, integrates elements of both automotive systems and manufacturing. “It’s student enrollment in our undergraduate program has critical that students studying design know about manufacturability, and vice returned to its all time high level (over 660 students). Despite versa,” said Peng. The two also saw the need for a program that is available to the record enrollment Greg continued to foster an professional engineers globally. In 2004 Peng and Hu began working with environment for excellence in instructional delivery, and for leaders of the General Motors Technical Education Program on the new the first time, all ME required undergraduate courses reached degree program. Collaboratively, UM and GM leaders performed global needs three-year averages above 3.0/5.0 for both the Q1 and Q2 assessment and designed the new curriculum to address these needs. They scores. envisioned a program that would cultivate a global community of technical leaders with several attributes: outstanding depth and breadth in core engineering disciplines; knowledge of related management and systems issues; the ability to work virtually and collaboratively to lead global teams. Launched in Fall 2005, GAME’s first year was a tremendous success. One hundred thirty three students from General Motors enrolled, hailing from WELCOME ON BOARD the United States, Australia, Mexico and Canada. What sets the program apart, said Hu, is how it incorporates carefully selected courses from nearly two dozen universities around the world. All David Dowling students must take a course in “High Performance Distributed Technical Professor David Dowling is the new Teams,” taught by the University of California at Los Angeles. To reflect the Associate Chair in charge of the truly global nature of education, a student can take up to 12 credits of pre- Undergraduate Program since

T approved courses from these partner universities and transfer them to UM January 2007. His research in the R

O toward their degree. “That way we can provide the best educational fields of acoustics and fluid P

E experience for these global students.” said Peng. Most engineering schools mechanics ranges from R

L allow only six transfer credits, he explained. fundamentals to their applications to A

U fans, mufflers and washing N Admission requirements are similar to other master’s programs in N

A machines. He is a demanding and Engineering, with an additional requirement of at least one year of industrial G respected teacher at the N

I experience.

R undergraduate and graduate levels. He has successfully E

E “Working with GM, we’ve done something unique,” said Peng. “It’s a one-of-a- developed and regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate N I kind partnership characterized by interdisciplinary content, multi-university courses in acoustics. He has also played a leadership role in G N

E curriculum design and delivery and our expertise in serving global audiences.” developing and revamping the required junior laboratory L

A course ME 395. He has previously served the ME Department

C Since the time the GAME degree program was launched, Professor Jack Hu I as a member of the Undergraduate Program Committee, the N and Professor Huei Peng have assumed new roles. Professor Hu is now the A Faculty Search Committee and the Advisory Committee. As part H

C Associate Director for Research in the College of Engineering, and

E of his new role he will lead the efforts to continue to improve

M Professor Peng is directing a new organization merging INTERPRO with the our undergraduate curriculum. 6

0 former Center for Professional Development (CPD). Replacing them as - 5

0 Directors of AUTO and PIM are Professor Margaret Wooldridge and 0 2 Professor Jan Shi, respectively. Arvind Atreya Marcy Brighton Professor Arvind Atreya has served as Marcy Brighton, Administrative ME Associate Chair and Director of Manager of the ME Department 37 our Graduate Program between between January 2000 and September 2003 and December 2006. September 2006, has been promoted Professor Atreya has overseen the to Director of Resource development and implementation of Management and Planning in the methods to improve the graduate College of Engineering. Marcy’s application review and recruitment contributions to the ME Department process and shared best practices will be dearly missed. Marcy has

with other departments. During been committed to excellence and Images showing flame Arvind’s term, our graduate program provided dedicated service to our Department and the progress in the combustion reached an all time high enrollment of over 500 students and College, which has been recognized by the CoE Staff chamber of an alcohol- graduated the highest number of Ph.Ds in a single year in our Excellence Award and the UM Workplace Finalist Award. She fueled spray-guided spark- history with a significant number of them accepting positions in always upheld high standards of professionalism, ignition direct-injection. academia. Arvind has led the effort to assess various perfectionism, ethics and fairness. She has had a tremendous alternatives for revamping the Ph.D. qualifying exam process, impact on improving staff morale in our department while thus laying the foundation for the major reform which is being improving the quality of staff services. implemented as of fall 2007. r e Karl Grosh Merlis Nolan Professor Karl Grosh is the new Merlis Nolan is the new Associate Chair in charge of the Administrative Manager of the ME s Graduate Program since January 2007. Department effective November His research interests are in 2006. Prior to her current position,

cochlear mechanics, the she has been the Administrator of e biomechanics of growth, and the the Department of Biological A design and fabrication of Chemistry in the Medical School C C E

electroacoustic transducers. (2003-06). Merlis projects contagious L a E

Professor Grosh is an effective energy and enthusiasm, and has great R A T

instructor, both inside and outside of communication and interpersonal I N the classroom, who is described by students as “enthusiastic,” skills. Her approachable personality G T r “animated” and employing an “extremely effective teaching and her open — and with a sense of humor — supervisory E C method.” He is particularly skilled working one-on-one with style, infuses excitement to the staff, faculty and students she H N O

students, whether in office hours for his courses or in interacts with. Merlis has had direct experience with many of c L research meetings with his graduate students. He has the elements of the typical operation of a smaller UM O G previously served on the ME and BME Undergraduate Program Department and she is ready for the challenge and growth Y D E

Committees, the ME Advisory Committee and the College’s opportunity that ME presents to her. h V E

Scholastic Standing Committee. In his new role he will L O

spearhead the revamping of our graduate core curriculum. P M E N T Department Statistics and Trends

ME Enrollment Trends ME Research Expenditure Trends 30

700 25 600 20 500

38 400 15

300 10 200

100 5

0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 FY BSE 596 538 536 531 548 604 680* 99–00 00–01 01–02 02–03 03–04 04-05 05-06 $ in MSE 192 193 235 194 211 190 193 Millions 19.1 21.8 25.6 28.1 28.9 29.0 27. 0 PhD 199 192 232 256 289 295 289

* Does not include all dual and joint degree students; only those whose primary unit is ME. ME Research Expenditures ME Degrees Conferred Trends Distribution by Source July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 Federal 350 % $

300 Federal 75.50% 20,422,356

250 Industrial 19.22% 5,197,904 Other 5.28% 1,428,729 200 Other Industrial 100.00% 27,048,989 150



0 ME Departmental Expenditures 99–00 00–01 01–02 02–03 03–04 04-05 05-06 BSE 293 258 250 242 209 229 221 MSE 85 92 115 116 127 125 198 PhD 42 39 39 27 36 47 60 July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 % $ Research3 Academic Support1 6.70% 2,547,612 Instructional2 19.50% 7,411,745 Scholarships and 2.62% 993,640 T Fellowships R 3 O Research 71.18% 27,048,989 P

E Academic 100.00% 38,001,986 R Support1

L Scholarships A Instructional2

U and Fellowships N

N 1 Funds used to support the academic mission of the department (infrastructure). A 2 Funds used to support teaching and classroom activities. G

N 3 Funds from external (federal and industrial) and internal sources used for I research support and generation. R

E Includes training grants, public service and financial aid. E N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems ERC Transfers Technology

echnology transfer is enhancing the Center’s impact on of inspection measurements required while maintaining T industry, evoking a new motto: “Taking science to the product quality. The company is looking at increasing the part factory floor.” There are now over a dozen projects conducted sampling frequency by alternating the measurements of together with industry at industry sites with the goal of feature groups. Optimal design of the method will lead to utilizing scientific methods in production plants. Results of increased part sampling frequency yet reduced inspection these projects include enhanced product quality, increased time per part. 39 productivity, and improving the speed of responsiveness to DaimlerChrysler and Ford have used the RIM for surface the customer’s needs. porosity detection. ERC-RMS students along with plant personnel at Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance (GEMA), a joint venture of which DaimlerChrylser is a member, in Dundee, Michigan, tested the porosity on some 600 parts. DaimlerChrysler has issued a request-for-proposal to vendors to build an in-line system for one of its engine block assembly lines. In addition the ERC-RMS is demonstrating an open- architecture, event-driven software system linking process and maintenance data systems to reduce unscheduled down- and repair time at the plant. Ford Motor Company has used the ERC’s Performance Analysis for Manufacturing Systems (PAMS) system design ME450 students working on a prototype parallel kinematic software to balance machine and assembly operations to device in the ERC-RMS. The device works by sliding rigid elements closer to and farther from each other along parallel reduce potential bottlenecks at its Cleveland engine facility. rails. The result is rapid, repeatable movement of a carriage connected at the bottom to all three elements. “The center is at a point in maturity where the investment in fundamental research is now paying off,” said John Cristiano, r “The Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable who served as the center’s assistant director for industry

Manufacturing Systems has been conducting fundamental relations during 2005-2006. “This is very rewarding for both e research for ten years, and now it is time for us to work with university faculty and industry participants who have worked our members to harvest,” said Professor Jun Ni, the Center’s hard over the years to build the ERC-RMS research deputy director during 2002-2006. organization.” s Successful technology transfer has been the key focus over the past academic year. “We are working e closely with industry to deploy and implement the results of our research and to build even stronger partnerships with member companies a to launch our industrially-focused A C

activities.” C E L r The ERC-RMS is working on several E R such activities with General Motors. A T I N

The company has evaluated the ERC’s c G

Reconfigurable Inspection Machine T E

(RIM) for the detection of surface C H N

porosity in its manufacturing h O environment. It has recently L O commercialized a system for its Flint G Y

Engine Plant, which was installed D E V

during 2006. E L O

GM is also validating a stream of The ERC-RMS “Arch-type” reconfigurable machine tool (RMT) is the first of a new P M variation measurement reduction generation of easily reconfigurable production machines. It was built for the Center by E Masco Machine Tool in 2002. The Arch-type is able to perform as a horizontal milling N methodology to reduce the number T center as well as diagonal in 15° intervals. High School Students in Italy See Factory Testbed in Action

n fall 2005, high school students in Italy got The high school students had plenty of For him, “It was really an honor to have the Ito see the Reconfigurable Factory Testbed questions, which spanned research being chance to set up this presentation, to give the (RFT) at work in the Engineering Research developed on the RFT to life in Ann Arbor and chance to other young students to understand Center for Reconfigurable Manufacturing at an American college. Vesentini said he that studying and working hard is worthwhile, Systems at U-M. And they had the experience thinks the U-M students learned a lot too: because really interesting things like RFT can 40 without embarking on a transatlantic field trip. “With the Internet the world is definitely be done.” smaller and easier; to communicate with other The demonstration was possible thanks to people is just a matter of will. And Europe and some widely available technology, including America are really close from a cultural point Internet telephony, instant messaging and a of view.” webcam. Students from the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico Statale E. Fermi, or State Institute for Industrial Technologies, in Mantova, also used Google Earth, “just to visualize where Ann Arbor is on the planet,” said Lorenzo Vesentini, an automation engineer in Italy. Vesentini, who works for an Italian company that develops electronic components for plant and machine automation, had sought the assistance of ME Associate Professor Dawn Tilbury while working on his thesis in 2003. At the time Vesentini was a student at Politecnico di Milano, an Italian university. Vesentini is also a graduate of the technical high school in Mantova and, having kept in touch with the school’s director and teachers, helped coordinate the RFT demonstration there. Bruno Rosignoli, a teacher at the high school also played a key role. “The RFT testbed is a great example of the application of many things that are studied at ITIS,” said Vesentini. “Since several specializations are offered by the school —

T mechanical, electrical, electronic, computer R

O science, etc. — lots of students are P

E interested in learning what can be done by R

L combining together different knowledge. So A

U that’s how the idea about doing the N N

A demonstration was born.” G N

I About 50 to 60 students watched — and R

E remotely operated — the RFT as it produced E N

I a wax engine. Their reactions to the one-of-a- G

N kind platform that combines actual and virtual E

L equipment linked by a unified software

A Students in Italy watch the ERC-RMS’ Reconfigurable Factory Testbed in Ann Arbor. Robot loaders

C architecture were “enthusiastic,” said I (yellow) pick parts from a track and place them into machine tools (white aperture) for processing. N

A Vesentini. “They liked not only the RFT, but The testbed allows for the integration of a suite of machine operations, including real and virtual

H tools, as well as facilities in other factories. It can be controlled remotely via a Web-based C also the chance to see something from the

E human/machine interface.

M U.S. live, listening to something done in 6

0 English that was from ‘everyday life’ and not - 5

0 just done as an exercise in English.” 0 2 Wee Wizards to Inspire Future Engineers

utreach to the next generation of manufacturing Oengineers is a key component of the educational mission of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (ERC- RMS). “All indications show that the current generation of young people is the most industrially illiterate we’ve seen. If 41 we’re going to retain a strong manufacturing industry in the future, we must begin educating children early,” said Professor Yoram Koren, the center’s director. Lenea Howe, the center’s education coordinator, and Rod Hill, the center’s graphic designer, were discussing this problem one day. Howe and Hill were officemates, both with backgrounds in art. “I smell a coloring book,” Hill recalled Howe saying. At the time Howe was researching manufacturing history for a textbook. She was immersed in readings about Eli Whitney and interchangeable parts, The response to the Henry Ford and his moving assembly line. The coloring book project was “tremendous,” said could incorporate manufacturing history as a way to introduce Hill. Requests came in from all over the world after the kids to some key concepts, she suggested. coloring book was featured on the U-M College of Engineering website. Assembly magazine ran a brief article about it. The project took shape over the next few months and a Industry has expressed interest. The NSF was so enthusiastic prototype earned approval — and much enthusiasm — at the about the idea that representatives requested a larger activity center’s annual visit from the National Science Foundation book aimed at elementary-age audiences. “Their request Site Review Board shortly thereafter. shows the need for education at different levels — a couple The result of Howe and Hill’s work is a 22-page activity book, of years ago the focus was middle school. Now it’s early Wee Wizards Explore Making Things: How Manufacturing elementary,” said Howe. r Works and Why It Is Important, geared toward kids in grades 5 The Kitchen Table Fun Book of Manufacturing: How Things Are through 7. Howe and Hill, working with U-M art students who Built One at a Time and by the Thousands is now in draft form. developed and drew a small cast of characters and It features a diverse ensemble of characters that include both e illustrations, also produced a corresponding teacher’s edition. kids and critters: young humans Callie and Hayward; a spider The Society of Manufacturing Engineers solicited funding to who designs; an ant who fosters teamwork; a firefly with

print and distribute a pilot run of 5,000 copies of each innovative ideas; a bee concerned about quality; and a crab s publication to science and technology teachers throughout who has mastered repetitive motion. Narrative, experiments, Michigan. word puzzles, poems and dozens of images and illustrations

comprise the 90-page workbook that is meant to engage not e only its young readers but their caregivers as well. A C

“We want it to be the most beat-up book in the kids’ C E L

library,” said Howe, who hopes its young readers will a E

realize that a career in manufacturing engineering R A T

can be exciting, rewarding and, most importantly, I N

within reach. G T r E C H N O c L O G Y D E h V E L O P Images from the Wee M E

Wizards activity book. N T New Directions in the S. M. Wu Manufacturing Research Center

he S.M. Wu Manufacturing Research consequences of hysterectomy and and activate cells to repair and heal them, TCenter has undertaken a number of new prostatectomy. The problems affect about 70 man-made manufacturing systems need to be research initiatives in the past year, according percent of men who undergo prostatectomy able to detect anomalies, isolate them and to Professor Jun Ni, the center’s director. and between 30 and 40 percent of women who self-adjust to correct them while minimizing undergo hysterectomy. The researchers’ production defects. In the area of energy device manufacturing, nerve-sparing technologies will enhance the 42 several investigations are underway, including New industry partners will be joining the post-operative quality of life. fuel processor design and manufacturing and IUCRC, noted Ni, including BorgWarner, Inc., fuel stack manufacturing. The center has its Shih and his collaborators are looking at how Baosteel, GE Aviation, ETAS and Coherix. own fuel cell laboratory and has developed a they can apply manufacturing concepts and Renewing members include General Motors process for manufacturing a heat exchanger technologies to healthcare. Shih has Corporation, Ford Motor Company and component. Improved manufacturing design developed an analogy of the hospital as a DaimlerChrysler. processes for fuel cell components and factory. In this model, he explained, “The The Wu Manufacturing Research Center applications are critical to fuel cell adoption; tissue/patient corresponds to the workpiece; continued its work in traditional manufacturing currently the time and cost involved in the surgical instrument to the machine tool; at the micro and meso scales. Recently center manufacturing fuel cell stacks are two major the hospital bed to a fixture. The fields of investigators developed novel processes and obstacles to their use. manufacturing science and engineering have equipment for micro-milling, grinding, EDM been expanded to medical and healthcare In Fall 2005, the Center’s deputy director, ME (electrical discharge machining) and forming. service and research, since many Professor Albert Shih, developed a graduate- manufacturing technologies and concepts can The Wu center again held a successful level course, Biomedical Manufacturing, be readily applied for medical, biological and international conference, the 7th Wu which will be offered again in Winter 2007. healthcare applications,” he said. Symposium on Manufacturing Science and 7th This course features extensive teaching and International Conference on Frontiers in project collaboration with U-M Medical The move into medical and biomedical Design and Manufacturing. Close to 800 School faculty and visits to medical device manufacturing is new for the center and new representatives of industry, academia and manufacturers Stryker and DePuy. Work on a nationwide, according to Ni. “Many people are government attended the meeting, which was number of promising projects will continue, doing work in the areas of instrumentation held in Guangzhou, China. The event was co- including on a new surgical thermal and imaging, but we’re focusing on the sponsored by the National Natural Science management system. Shih and co-investigator, manufacturing aspects of those applications Foundation of China, the U.S. National Science Dr. Arnold Advincula, a clinical assistant and that’s novel.” Foundation and the Shien-Ming Wu professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Also taking cues from the human model is the Foundation. In October, the Wu Manufacturing U-M Medical School, recently received a grant NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Research Center will co-host the inaugural from the U-M Medical School Translational Center for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems ASME International Conference on Research Program. Another research grant (IMS), which is affiliated with the Wu Manufacturing Science and Engineering in from the National Science Foundation has Manufacturing Research Center. The IMS Ypsilanti, Michigan, with the NSF Engineering also been awarded to Shih and co- center successfully completed its objectives Research Center for Reconfigurable T investigator, Dr. James Geiger, associate R for its first five-year period and has been Manufacturing Systems. This annual forum O professor of Pediatric Surgery at the U-M P funded by the NSF for the next five years. sponsored by the Manufacturing Engineering E

R Medical School. Together, they will explore During this time, the IUCRC will pursue an Division (MED) of the ASME is predicted to L

A novel surgical instruments for nerve sparing draw manufacturing researchers and

U additional direction in research: Immune

N surgical techniques to prevent the continence engineers from all over the world to visit U-M.

N Engineering Systems. Just as human beings

A and potency problems that are often have immune systems that detect problems G N I R E E N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 43

Front row: Milan Brandt, Raj Patel, Amitabha Ghosh, Volodymyr Kovolenko, Mary Lynn Realff, Mool Gupta, Steven Janse, Rado Kovacevic, and Jianhua Yao; Middle Row: Joonghan Shin, Todd Rockstroh, Mikhail Vasilyev, Peter Baker, Klaus Loeffler, Frank Di Pietro, Jyoti Mauzmder, William O’Neil, and Donghyuck Kam; Back Row: Guru Dinda, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Susan Sprental, Roberto Ortega-Martinez, Stefan Kairle, Magid Azer, Yuzuru Uehara, and Xiuli He High-speed imaging provides direct time- Center for Lasers and Plasmas Advances resolved data on ignition and reaction phenomena Manufacturing Technologies during HCCI combustion in single-cylinder research engine. he Center for Lasers and Plasmas for Advanced The potential impact is tremendous, Mazumder added. “A lot T Manufacturing (CLPAM) is becoming a “major voice for of high-efficiency jet engines have single crystal coatings. They lasers and plasmas in this country,” said Jyoti Mazumder, the avoid creep, but they age and the corners erode, which results center’s director and Robert H. Lurie Professor of Mechanical in a loss of thrust. For poly-crystal coatings there are all kinds Engineering. Mazumder is the most recent recipient of the of repair methods, but not for single-crystal.” Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award for his “pioneering With Professor Arvind Atreya, Mazumder is continuing his work” in laser-aided manufacturing (see story on page 46, work on the manufacture of metallic nano-crystalline surfaces r “ME Manufacturing Sets the Pace with Awards”). using high brightness diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers by rapid melt and quench technique. The team is modeling the An Industry/University Cooperative Research Center, the e CLPAM has strong connections with its industry partners. The microstructure of these surfaces and experimentally universities involved include University of Virginia, Southern quantifying their catalytic behavior to understand their effect Methodist University and Columbia University. on the gas phase. They have developed a production friendly

method to manufacture the nano-crystalline surfaces, and the s The center is transferring technology that averts porosity in work has potential application in numerous areas, particularly galvanized steel welds to Toyota Motor Manufacturing North in automotive and aircraft engines to improve hydrogen America, Inc. The technology, which includes a spectral combustion efficiency. e diagnostic technique, solves a long-standing problem in the auto industry: because of zinc’s low boiling point, it evaporates The center’s work is being applied to biomedical problems as A C violently at the weld interface and results in high-porosity well. Working with industry partner IMRA America, Inc., C E L a joints. Until now there has been no production-friendly researchers are developing techniques for the manufacture of E R solution to reduce — or to monitor — such porosity in laser- three dimensional micro-channel networks that mimic the A T I welded, zinc-coated steel. vasculature of the human lung, allowing for the development N of an artificial, implantable organ. Using a diode-pumped G T r

“Our technology offers a holistic approach,” said Mazumder. E

fundamental Nd:YAG laser, multi-depth, multi-width C

“It solves the problem of zinc explosion and provides a H

microstructures of silicon can be fabricated. Laser N O

methodology and a magic eye to tell you that the weld is OK. c

micromachining allows for semi-circular micro-channels, L There are tens of meters of welding on every car, so this will O which are difficult to achieve using lithography. G have a major impact.” Y D

Some 700,000 people annually struggle with lung disease, yet E h Center researchers are also working on a single crystal V the wait for transplants is exceedingly long. “Right now E L superalloy coating. GE Aviation is duplicating the research in nothing exists that can be implanted, so patients have to lay in O P their Cincinnati headquarters in order to hasten the bed hooked up to a ventilator,” said Mazumder. “This could M E development process. The new technique allows for the co- N

really improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands T deposition of a thermal barrier coating using epitaxial growth. of people.” Galip Ulsoy Elected to NAE

rofessor A. Galip Ulsoy has been elected the NSF Engineering Research Center for Pto the National Academy of Engineering. Reconfigurable Machining Systems, and has Academy membership recognizes engineers served as the director (1992-94) and associate who have made significant contributions to director (1990-92) of the NSF Industry- engineering research, practice or education. University Cooperative Research Center for 44 Ulsoy was selected because of his work on Dimensional Measurement and Control in the dynamics and control of axially moving Manufacturing. elastic materials and their implementation in Ulsoy has developed several new courses in automotive and manufacturing systems. the automatic control, automotive and “This is a richly deserved recognition of manufacturing areas at U-M and is the co- Professor Ulsoy’s professional author, with Warren R. DeVries, of the accomplishments throughout his textbook Microcomputer Applications in distinguished career,” said ME Department Manufacturing (Wiley, 1989). He has also Chair Professor Dennis Assanis, in published more than 200 refereed technical announcing the honor. Processing and several other international articles in journals, conferences and books. Currently the William Clay Ford Professor of journals. He has also served as editor of the During a recent leave from U-M (2003-2005), Manufacturing, Ulsoy studies the dynamics IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. He Ulsoy served as the director of the Civil and and control of mechanical systems. He has is a fellow of the ASME and the Society of Mechanical Systems Division of the National conducted fundamental research on the Manufacturing Engineers, a senior member of Science Foundation. That position gave him a dynamic analysis and control of rotating and IEEE, and a corresponding member of CIRP. In good idea of how decision-makers in translating elastic systems, as well as on the addition, he serves as vice-president, and Washington view engineering and technology. president elect of the American Automatic design of control systems. His work on the “A lot needs to be done to educate them on dynamics of band saw blades and drills and of Control Council, which is the national member organization representing the United States in the importance of technology for the economy accessory drive belts and road-departure and the nation,” Ulsoy said. “I think prevention systems is extensively cited and the International Federation of Automatic Control. He has served as the chair of the membership in NAE will give me the has been implemented by industry. He is well- opportunity to get involved in that.” He has known for his application of methods from executive committee of the Dynamic Systems and Control Division of ASME, and as the already begun. In April he moderated a panel advanced control theory to manufacturing in Ann Arbor, sponsored by the NAE, on systems, and he was an originator of the general chair, program chair and publications chair for the American Control Conference. globalization and how it is affecting the auto concept of reconfigurable manufacturing industry. systems. Included among Ulsoy’s professional honors Ulsoy has served as the founding director of and awards are the AACC 1994 O. Hugo Schuck the Program in Manufacturing and chair of the Best Paper Award and the Southwest Department of Mechanical Engineering. He Mechanics Lectureship (1995), the 2001 ASME T JDSMC Best paper Award and the ASME R served as technical editor of the American O

P Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Dynamic Systems and Control Division E R Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement Leadership (2000) and Outstanding L A and Control and is a member of the editorial Investigator (2004) Awards. Ulsoy served as U

N board of Mechanical Systems and Signal the founding deputy director (1996-2002) of N A G N I R E E N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 Jun Ni Honored with Sam Wu Professorship

rofessor Jun Ni has been appointed Shien-Ming (Sam) Wu Award and the 1999 Ministry of Education of China’s Cheung- PCollegiate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Keung Endowed Professorship award. “This prestigious honor recognizes Professor Ni’s Professor Shien-Ming (Sam) Wu outstanding contributions to (Oct. 28, 1924 – Oct. 28, 1992) manufacturing science and Professor S. M. Wu was an internationally recognized leader 45 engineering, his commitment and expert in manufacturing education and research. He was to the pursuit of excellence in the Reid and Polly Anderson Professor of Manufacturing at global research and U-M from 1986 until his death in 1992. In his three-decade educational programs, as well professional career, he made unparalleled accomplishments as his overall professional to the field of manufacturing science and engineering. He was accomplishments and a pioneer who first introduced international stature,” said advanced statistical methods to ME Department Chair manufacturing research since the Professor Dennis Assanis, in 1960s. He developed a theory announcing the professorship. known as the Dynamic Data Ni received his B.S. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University Systems and successfully applied and earned his MS and Ph.D. degrees from the University of it to diverse engineering and non- Wisconsin-Madison in 1984 and 1987, respectively. In addition engineering fields. He published to being an ME professor, he serves as Dean of the U-M SJTU book chapters, textbooks and over Joint Institute (see related story on p. 8) and director of the 300 papers in scientific journals S. M. Wu Manufacturing Research Center. He also has served and conferences. a as the deputy director of the National Science Foundation Wu mentored more than 125 Ph.D. (NSF) sponsored Engineering Research Center for students, close to 100 master’s graduates, and some 150 w Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems and the co-director of visiting scholars and post-doctoral researchers. His legacy has the NSF-sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Research been continued through this large number of former students. Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems. From 1993 Many of them are now in leadership positions in academia, a through 1998, he also served as the director of another NSF- industry and government worldwide. Beyond his significant r sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Research Center impact to the academic side of the manufacturing community, for Dimensional Measurement and Control in Manufacturing. he also had a profound impact on the manufacturing industry. d Many of his ideas, concepts, and methods have been

Ni’s research and teaching interests are in the area of s manufacturing science and engineering, with special focus on successfully implemented in manufacturing practice. precision machining, manufacturing process modeling and Included among his many honors and awards are the American control, statistical quality design and improvement, Society of Mechanical Engineering Blackall Award (1968), & micro/meso systems and manufacturing processes, and Society of Manufacturing Engineers National Education Award intelligent monitoring and maintenance systems. (1974), the Fulbright Distinguished Professorship in

Throughout his career, he has published more than 200 Yugoslavia (1975), University of California Berkeley Springer a archival technical journal and conference papers and book Professorship Award (1979), ASME Russell Richards Award chapters. He has supervised 46 doctoral and 31 master (1981), and the Chiang Manufacturing Achievement Award, c Chiang Industrial Charity Foundation of Hong Kong (1991). He graduates as a chair or co-chair. He has been responsible as a t principal investigator or co-investigator of research projects donated the entire $100,000 from his Chiang Achievement worth more than $35 million. Many of his research results Award to U-M to set up scholarship programs. i v have been successfully implemented in industrial applications A

Wu was a graduate of Jiao-Tong University, Shanghai (1945); C H

at , DaimlerChrysler, Delphi, Ford, General Motors, i the University of Pennsylvania (MBA, 1956); and the University I E

Honda, Kelsey-Hayes, Perceptron, Saginaw Machine Systems V t

of Wisconsin-Madison (PhD ME, 1962). He was a faculty I and Tecumseh Products. N member at the University of Wisconsin for more than 25 years G i E

Included among his many honors and awards are the 1991 and was recruited to U-M to reestablish its manufacturing X e C

programs in 1987. E

Outstanding Manufacturing Engineer Award from the Society L L E of Manufacturing Engineers, 1994 Presidential Faculty Fellows s N

Award by President William J. Clinton, 1999 National Natural C E Science Foundation of China’s Outstanding Oversea Scientist ME Manufacturing Sets the Pace with Awards

wo ME professors have earned prestigious bestowed by ASME upon an individual of commercialization of laser-aided Tawards from the American Society of significant influence and responsibility, who manufacturing, including the closed loop Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for their has improved productivity and efficiency — direct metal deposition process through which paradigm-shifting work in the field of through research or implementation of functional components can be made directly manufacturing engineering. Professor Yoram research — of manufacturing operations. from the computer-aided design rendering.” Koren earned the M. Eugene Merchant 46 The Ennor award is bestowed upon individuals Manufacturing Medal. Professor Jyotirmoy Like Merchant, Koren is a member of the who contribute significantly to an innovative Mazumder earned ASME’s 2006 William T. National Academy of Engineering. Koren manufacturing technology that results in Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award. founded the ERC-RMS in 1996 and led its team of 100 researchers who hail from both substantial economic and societal benefit. It Koren, who directs the National Science academia and was established by ASME in 1990 with the Foundation Engineering Research Center for industry to create Alcoa Company. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (ERC- a new generation Mazumder, who is a professor of both RMS) at the of reconfigurable Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science University of manufacturing and Engineering, is credited with the Michigan, machines and commercialization of laser-aided received the systems. His work manufacturing. He is known as a visionary and award for his allows has built one of the world’s most prominent outstanding manufacturers to university groups in laser materials contributions to improve processing. His work on the measurement the science, productivity and and modeling of laser welding ushered in education and product quality, quantitative approaches for laser-aided practice of thereby cost- manufacturing. His research on spectroscopic manufacturing effectively facilitating the changes demanded diagnostics of plasma associated with laser- through by increased competition and globalization. aided manufacturing has led to the innovations in development of sensors and resulting reconfigurable manufacturing systems, Koren teaches a course on global improvements in process reliability. robotics and manufacturing system control, manufacturing (see story on page 11, “New and for establishing reconfigurable Course and Textbook Make the Business Case The closed loop direct metal deposition manufacturing as a worldwide scientific for Responsive, Global Manufacturing”), (DMD) process that Mazumder invented has discipline. which uses a draft of his new textbook, The changed the way patient-specific bone tissue Global Manufacturing Revolution. He holds 13 is grown; bio-mimetic scaffolds are made with The M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing award U.S. patents in the areas of manufacturing DMD and genes are inserted in the scaffold to was established by ASME in 1986 to honor M. and robotics. rapidly grow the tissue. Eugene Merchant, an engineer who developed mathematical models for metal-cutting that Mazumder, founding director of the U-M Mazumder is a fellow of the Laser Institute of Center for Lasers and Plasmas for Advanced

T had significant impact on manufacturing. America and the American Society of Metals. R Manufacturing, holds the Robert H. Lurie

O Other work Merchant did led to the He won the Arthur Schawlow Award from the P Professorship in Engineering. He was E development of CAD, CAM and other Laser Institute of America in 2003. R recognized for “pioneering leadership in the L manufacturing-related software. The award is A U N N A G N I R E E N I G N E L A C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 47 ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE awards & activities Wineman , Mechanical Response of Polymers is recognized worldwide as a is recognized worldwide leader in the mechanical response of viscoelastic he is a materials. Colleagues say creative and innovative researcher. As a result of his work developing As a result of his work account viscoelastic models that for the damping characteristics and his of automotive bushings recent book, Even as well as he obviously now hold faculty positions in the College of . , wo of his former students, Drs. John A. Shaw and T . Wineman has been a part of numerous departmental, College Wineman has been a part of numerous departmental, the board of and University committees. He has served on organized directors of the Society of Engineering Science, many symposia at national conferences and co-organized several conferences held at U-M. Wineman makes time to No matter how busy he is, however, — as well as mentor students — undergraduate and graduate junior faculty Susan Montgomery to the U-M Engineering. Wineman also serves as faculty advisor He has performed with the group Gilbert and Sullivan Society. he my secret life away from the University,” since 1981. “It’s joked. “And it shows that I’m not a boring engineer.” eaching and participation in the —Susan Montgomery, PhD, PE, lecturer and undergraduate program advisor, Chemical Engineering PhD, PE, lecturer and undergraduate program advisor, —Susan Montgomery, —John A. Shaw, PhD, associate professor, Aerospace Engineering PhD, associate professor, —John A. Shaw, my memory. He always had a clear and simple explanation for hard-to-grasp concepts. He was He always my memory.

patient teacher with an engaging style, often humorous and often using everyday examples to patient teacher with an engaging style, often humorous and often using everyday was a sophomore undergraduate student in 1982 in Alan Wineman’s Strength of Materials class was a sophomore undergraduate student in 1982 in Alan Wineman’s was a student in Prof. Wineman’s ME 211 class as an undergraduate. I was very impressed by was a student in Prof. Wineman’s knew the material, he knew the problems beginners had with the subject and could speak to us knew the material, he knew the problems beginners had with the subject and and it was clear at our level. He had a sense of humor that made me look forward to his classes, I learned a lot from him about treating students with that he cared about each of us individually. lives. respect and caring.... He has been a role model in both my personal and professional I how organized he was, how he laid out the information so clearly I professor the course so much that it arguably led to my career as a university (ME 211). I enjoyed lectures remain in mechanics. He was an unforgettable character in class, and several of Alan’s in a make his point.

rofessor Alan Wineman earned a 2006 Rackham rofessor Alan Wineman from the Award Distinguished Faculty Achievement

Faculty Achievement Award Award Achievement Faculty Alan Wineman Receives Distinguished Receives Wineman Alan

University of Michigan for his significant contributions and University of Michigan research, service and mentoring. dedication to teaching, of the College of Engineering in Wineman joined the faculty has established an inimitable record of 1964. Over the years he consistently high evaluation scores teaching excellence, with Mechanical Sigma, the Pi Tau and a long list of honors: of the Term named him Professor Engineering Honor Society, the College of Engineering Teaching four times; he received Thurnau twice; he was named Arthur F. Excellence Award Society of Professor in 2000; and he earned the American in 2002. Engineering Education A. Higdon Award evident commitment to teaching excellence is also Wineman’s Learning and in his participation in Center for Research on projects and symposia, attendance at the Stanford Teaching Institute on Peer Review of T Academy. College of Engineering Teaching of His research focus is the development and application of polymeric mathematical models of the mechanical response “Insights Into solid and fluid materials (see story on page 33, published in Elastrometric Deformation”). His work is widely material top journals, and his doctoral dissertation on has become a symmetry restrictions on constitutive equations continua. standard reference in nonlinear mechanics of P Jwo Pan Named SAE Fellow

he Society of Automotive Pan, the industry has relied on conditions for implementation into TEngineers has named technicians visually inspecting commercial finite element codes for crash Professor Jwo Pan a fellow. Pan crankshaft fillets for the simulations. was one of 32 members who presence of bubbles, the tell- Ford will be incorporating the new criteria earned the designation in 2006. tale sign of fractures, during into product design in the near future, The membership grade of fellow bending fatigue testing. according to Pan. A German SAE spot weld honors those who have made a Pan and his students used finite committee is already using his analytical and significant impact on society’s element computations and computational solution to study spot weld mobility technology through 48 experimental correlations to fatigue. Currently Pan and his group are research, innovation or creative determine and validate the investigating the failure and fatigue leadership. residual stresses near the mechanisms of friction spot welds in Pan was recognized for his fundamental fillets and final failure of crankshafts. Their aluminum sheets based on different contributions to fracture mechanics, fatigue results indicated that the widely accepted processing parameters for the auto industry. and plasticity theories that are critical to the four-bubble failure criterion is too Pan is a co-author of a book entitled Fatigue design and manufacturing of sheet stamping, conservative, and they have proposed new Testing and Analysis (Elsevier, 2005) and durability prediction, crash simulation, and failure criteria. Based on Pan’s theoretical author of Mechanics Modeling Sheet Metal spot weld fatigue and separation for the framework, engineers at DaimlerChrysler Forming (SAE, forthcoming). automotive industry. have validated the new failure criteria experimentally and automated bending He says he is honored to achieve the rank of He has recently developed failure criteria for fatigue tests, saving significant labor costs SAE fellow. He is grateful to his industry co- automotive crankshafts. For many years the and time. investigators “for bringing me these difficult, auto industry has been using deep fillet unresolved engineering problems. I am happy rolling to induce compressive residual In work supported by Ford Motor Company, that our rigorous approach to solving practical stresses near stress concentration sites to Pan developed failure criteria for spot welds problems will have a long-term impact on increase crankshaft fatigue life. But too much under combined loading conditions, which engineering practices in the automotive rolling can lead to lower fatigue resistance. has been generalized for spot welds under industry.” For at least the past 50 years, according to dynamic complex, multi-axial loading

Hong Im Receives Ralph R. Teetor Award

ssociate Professor Hong G. who work on the research, He anticipates that the Teetor Award will AIm has earned the Society of design, development and enhance the recognition and visibility of his Automotive Engineers (SAE) production of land, sea, air and research activities, which will open up further

T Ralph R. Teetor Award. The award space vehicles. active collaborations for his research group R

O is bestowed by the SAE Ralph R. with governmental and industrial organizations P

E Im has been involved in a

R Teetor Educational Fund to allow doing automotive research.

L number of research projects

A educators to interact with

U directly and indirectly related Many students outside his lab will benefit as

N practicing engineers so that they

N to the automotive industry, and well: “There are a number of graduate A can in turn inspire students to students in the ME department who aspire to

G often presents at SAE

N pursue careers in mobility I conferences. His research pursue a career in the automotive industry,” R engineering. Other recent Teetor E focus is on high-fidelity he said. “My increased participation in SAE E Award winners in the ME N

I computational modeling of laminar and activities deepens my knowledge in more

G department include Associate Professor N turbulent reacting flows, with applications practical aspects of my expertise. This will E Albert Shih in 2004; Associate Professor Anna

L including internal combustion engines and help me prepare my lectures with more up-to- A Stefanopoulou in 2002; and Associate C date and practically relevant subjects and will I micro-combustors.

N Professor Margaret Wooldridge in 2001.

A guide me in future state-of-the-art research

H “Recognition of my teaching and research C The Teetor Award program brings engineering projects in modern internal combustion E activities by SAE is a great honor and a M educators to the annual SAE World Congress engines.”

6 rewarding experience for me,” said Im. 0

- and Exposition in Detroit or the SAE 5

0 AeroTech meeting held every other year. The 0 2 events attract more than 45,000 engineers Krishna Garikipati Completes Humboldt Fellowship

ssociate Professor Krishna and numerical methods for certain phenomena described by AGarikipati is completing a 16- high-order partial differential equations. month Humboldt Research At the University of Stuttgart, he has worked with Miehe to Fellowship. The prestigious and develop ideas about the microstructural basis for the competitive fellowships are given mechanical response of soft biological tissues. The tissues are by the Alexander von Humboldt organized into chain-like structures at many spatial scales and Foundation to promising bear resemblance to polymeric structures, he explained. 49 scientists in early stages of their Drawing on classical work on chain-like structures, Garikipati is careers. A small number of senior exploring the appropriateness of entropic and energetic scientists, typically having models for the elasticity of soft biological tissues, work he also completed at least 20 years of does at U-M. work in a field, are considered for Humboldt awards. Additionally, at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, Garikipati has collaborated with Professor Huajian Gao’s group in the Garikipati spent his term as fellow at the University of area of cell mechanics. Stuttgart, working with hosts Professor Christian Miehe and Professor Ekkehard Ramm. Miehe chairs the Institute of The fellowship experience has been an extremely valuable one Applied Mechanics, and Ramm recently stepped down as chair for Garikipati. “The reason I am in academics is that I like to of the Institute of Structural Mechanics. think about the physics of interesting systems, how to describe them mathematically and compute solutions to Garikipati’s work focuses on mathematical models for growth problems involving these systems. The fellowship has given and remodeling of biological materials, the physics and me an unparalleled opportunity to conduct unfettered mechanics of stress-defect interactions in semiconductors research along these lines. I believe it will change my work in a qualitative manner.” a w

Ellen Arruda Named Centennial Fellow a r

ssociate professor Ellen M. Arruda has been named a Arruda earned her Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from d ACentennial Fellow by the Pennsylvania State University Massachusetts Institute of Technology and joined the U-M

Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. The Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1992. Currently she s department is celebrating its 100th year in 2006. serves as an associate professor of both Mechanical Engineering and Macromolecular Science and Engineering.

The department selected Arruda & an “outstanding graduate” and Arruda studies the mechanical behavior of polymers, named her a Centennial Fellow elastomers and soft tissue. Her lab has developed an in vitro because her professional model for collagen growth and remodeling studies in ligament accomplishments since she left and tendon. She also conducts computational simulations to a her alma mater “have brought test hypotheses related to soft tissue mechanics that are c honor to the department.” Arruda derived from experimental observations. Her research

earned a bachelor’s degree in includes aging and disuse in tendon and the influence of t loading on tendon and ligament ruptures. She also develops Engineering Science and a i master’s degree in Engineering methodologies for testing polymers and elastomers used in v

high strain-rate applications, including automotive A

Mechanics from Penn State. C H i

crashworthiness. I The designation of Centennial Fellow “recognizes a select E V t I group from among our alumni who lead our disciplines and Arruda is no stranger to recognition. She earned an N G

Outstanding Achievement Award in 2004 from U-M and a i professions in this centennial year,” wrote Judith Todd, E X e department chair. “The Centennial Fellows provide a National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 1997. She has C E benchmark of excellence as the department enters its second held numerous leadership positions, including president and L L E vice president of the board of directors of the Society of s century. N C

Engineering Science. E Get to Know New ME Faculty

Shorya Awtar home to some of the most renowned and hiring students and doing everything in academics in their respective fields — as parallel. It’s daunting, but I know I’ll feel at Shorya Awtar has well as students, and the friendly nature of home.” joined the ME everyone that I met during my interview, were faculty as an He is also looking forward to working with all key factors in my decision.” assistant professor Shorya Awtar, who will be joining the ME 50 in January 2007. department as well. The two were lab mates A. John Hart at MIT. Although their research areas differ, Awtar earned his they worked together on a project to build bachelor’s degree A. John Hart has accepted a faculty “Magnebots,” a system for automated in mechanical appointment in the Department of Mechanical material handling using autonomous overhead engineering from Engineering. He will assume the position of vehicles, and “would be excited to have a the Indian Institute assistant professor in Magnebot cruising the halls of the G.G. Brown of Technology in Kanpur, a master’s degree in the summer of 2007. building.” mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Hart is no stranger to Polytechnic Institute and his doctoral degree Michigan, as he grew from the Massachusetts Institute of up in Royal Oak —or to Kenn Oldham Technology. His areas of research and study U-M, where he earned Kenn Oldham has accepted the position of include precision engineering, machine and his bachelor’s degree assistant professor of mechanical mechanism design, mechatronics and motion in ME in 2000. He went engineering. He will join the U-M faculty in systems. His dissertation involved the analysis on to earn a master’s September 2007. and synthesis of parallel kinematic XY flexure and doctorate from the mechanisms. Massachusetts Oldham earned his PhD in mechanical After earning his doctoral degree, Awtar Institute of Technology in 2002 and 2006 respectively. engineering from the worked for the General Electric Global University of California Research Center on advanced sealing and His research focuses on nanostructured at Berkeley. His areas actuation technologies for energy systems, materials such as carbon nanotubes, of study included such as turbines and aircraft engines. He has particularly on design of instruments and controls, also been a guest scientist at the National methods for manipulating reactions to microfabrication and Institute of Standards and Technology, where produce these materials, along with dynamics. Oldham’s he worked on the design and assembly of manufacturing processes for realizing the dissertation, “Microdevices for Dual-Stage, metrology systems for precision flexure fantastic properties of these materials at Instrumented Vibration Suppression in Hard stages. macroscopic scales. He also works in the Disk Drives,” focuses on the production of At U-M, Awtar intends to build upon his areas of precision machine design, instrumented suspensions and electrostatic experience in precision engineering and microsystems, catalysis and energy microactuators for hard disk drives. As a

T conduct research in micro and nano conversion. John has earned numerous result, his doctoral work has included MEMS R

O positioning with applications such as awards and honors, including the 2006 MIT design and fabrication, sensor and actuator P

E Senturia Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis in optimization for closed-loop system

R nanomanufacturing, biomedical imaging,

L Micro/Nano-technology; a Fannie and John performance, sensor circuit design,

A sensing and actuation. He is also interested in

U Hertz Foundation Fellowship; a MIT microdevice installation and testing and N developing technology to advance robotic

N Deshpande Center Ignition Grant; and a A surgery and bionic prosthetics. robust controller development and

G National Science Foundation Graduate evaluation. N I He will likely teach an undergraduate course Research Fellowship. R

E in design, manufacturing, mechanics or Using microactuators and microsensors in E

N At U-M, Hart will initially teach an I dynamics and controls. At the graduate level, computer hard disk drives to improve servo G undergraduate design and manufacturing N he plans to offer a course in multi-scale positioning and data storage capacity involves E course, and he plans to develop a new class integrating MEMS devices into larger control L motion systems, precision machine design, or A on the growth and processing of C systems. Oldham has built the first MEMS

I biomedical mechatronic systems.

N nanostructured materials.

A microactuator to be successfully flown in a

H Awtar says it was U-M’s position as one of the C Returning to U-M, he says, just amplifies the disk drive by an academic group. His work E top educational centers in the country that M excitement about becoming a new faculty paves the way for testing of new and novel

6 attracted him to his new job. “The University’s

0 servo control schemes. - member. “Wherever you go, there’s the 5 academic prestige, world-class research 0

0 challenge of starting your lab and teaching

2 facilities, distinguished faculty — U-M is Once he arrives at U-M, Oldham plans to postural and gait stability. At MIT she was explore in more detail how control systems involved in several startup ventures, including interact with mechanical and system design leading a team that developed a balance and expects to continue his focus on micro- prosthesis that won the MIT $50K scale engineering applications. Entrepreneurship Competition. In addition to continuing his research, Sienko says that she was drawn to the 51 Oldham will teach courses in dynamics and University of Michigan because it is “one of controls. As a graduate student instructor at only a few places that have both top UC, Berkeley, he led sections of an advanced engineering and medical schools, with a large controls course. He says he especially pool of highly talented students.” In addition, enjoyed a recent opportunity to work with she is excited by the “entrepreneurial spirit middle school students to bring standards- at the University of Michigan and the number based engineering project modules into the of startups in Ann Arbor.” She is looking classroom to help teach science and math. forward to collaborating with faculty and He has also developed and taught pre- students in both the College of Engineering engineering curricula to local middle school and the Medical School, and is planning an students enrolled in summer engineering introductory course on medical device design outreach programs. and development. “The opportunity to do research in an “At U-M, I expect to pursue my research environment with fantastic resources in interests in several different contexts,” she terms of students, other faculty members said. These areas include the design and with a tremendous breadth of expertise, and testing of wearable balance prostheses and excellent clean room facilities for micro- rehabilitation devices for the balance a scale engineering,” are three reasons impaired, the design and testing of MEMS- w Oldham is excited about the U-M position. based implantable devices to augment or “I expect this to provide great flexibility in replace vestibular function and the study of applying the ideas generated by my research the effects of long-duration spaceflight on a to new applications.” locomotion. r

She also plans to expand the scope of her d Kathleen Sienko work to include research into cardiovascular

Kathleen Sienko has joined the U-M faculty as devices, affordable medical technologies for s assistant professor in the Department of the developing world and biological sensors Mechanical Engineering on January 1, 2007. and sensing systems. She recently returned Most recently she served as a graduate from spending several weeks in India, where & research assistant at she completed clinical rotations in cardiology, the Massachusetts neurology, gastroenterology, pediatrics and community care medicine. Eye and Ear a Infirmary. Sienko earned her bachelor’s degree in c Sienko’s research materials engineering from the University of interests involve the Kentucky, her master’s degree from the t Massachusetts Institute of Technology in design and i aeronautics and astronautics, and her Ph.D.

development of v

from the Harvard University - Massachusetts A

medical devices. Her C H

Institute of Technology program in Medical i prior work has I E

Engineering and Medical Physics. V t focused on balance-related research for I N patients with vestibular deficits, the elderly G i E and astronauts. This work has included X e C developing metrics that quantify locomotor E L L E

stability for diagnosis and characterization s N purposes and developing a noninvasive C vibrotactile balance prosthesis to improve E Faculty Honors & Awards

Ellen Arruda • Branimir F. von Turkovich Outstanding • Shien-Ming (Sam) Wu Collegiate • Centennial Fellow, Pennsylvania State Young Manufacturing Engineer Award Professor of Manufacturing Science, University, 2006 Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2006 University of Michigan, 2006-2011

Dennis Assanis Bogdan Epureanu Lauro Ojeda 52 • Tau Beta Pi Professor of the Year, 2006 • Outstanding Achievement Award, • “Best of Show” Award for Personal Department of Mechanical Engineering, Odometry System demonstrated at the James Barber University of Michigan, April 2006 2006 ANS Sharing Solutions Conference • Service Award, College of Engineering, (with Johann Borenstein), 2006 University of Michigan, 2005 Krishna Garikipati • Alexander von Humbolt Foundation Jwo Pan Johann Borenstein Fellowship, May 2005-August 2006 • Fellow, Society of Automotive Engineers, • Elevated to Senior Member, Institute 2006 of Electrical and Electronics Jack Hu Engineers, 2005 • Robert Caddell Faculty/Graduate Student Noel Perkins Team Award (with Ph.D. student Guosong • Academic Challenge Award (for invention • “Best of Show” Award for Personal Lin), September 2005 of fly casting analyzer), Technical Odometry System demonstrated at the University of Munich and ISPO, 2005 2006 ANS Sharing Solutions Conference • Research Excellence Award, College of (with Lauro Ojeda), 2006 Engineering, University of Michigan, 2006 Volker Sick • Outstanding Student Group Advisor Diann Brei Hong Im Award, CoE Epeians, 2006 • Teaching Incentive Award, Department • Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Society of Automotive Engineers, 2006 Steve Skerlos Mechanics, University of Reuven Katz • Education Excellence Award, University Michigan, 2006 • Excellence in Teaching award (in two of Michigan, 2006 Matt Castanier courses) from the Technion-Israel • Elaine Harden Award for BlueLab, 2006 • Outstanding Research Scientist Award, Institute of Technology student Galip Ulsoy College of Engineering, University of association, 2005 • National Academy of Engineering, Michigan, 2005-2006 Massoud Kaviany October 2006 T R

O Steve Ceccio • Hawkins Memorial Lecture Series (Heat P • Outstanding Achievement Award, E

R • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Transfer), Purdue University, 2005

L Department of Mechanical Engineering, A Engineers, 2005 U Yoram Koren University of Michigan, 2006 N N A Dragan Djurdjanovic • Merchant Gold Medal, American Society

G Alan Wineman N I • Teaching Incentive Award, Department of of Mechanical Engineers and the Society R • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical E

E Mechanical Engineering, University of of Manufacturing Engineers, 2006

N Engineers, 2006 I

G Michigan, Winter 2005 N Jun Ni E • Distinguished Faculty Achievement L

A • Best Paper Award in the Factory • Guest Professorship, Nanjing University

C Award, University of Michigan, I

N Operations section at the 8th of Science and Technology, 2005 A October 2006 H

C Semiconductor Research Corporation

E • Best Paper Award, SRC TECHCON 2005

M (SRC) Technical Conference 6 0 -

5 (TechCon), 2005 0 0 2 Epureanu, Ulsoy Earn Outstanding Achievement Awards

ssistant Professor Bogdan Epureanu and Professor A. chosen. There are so many fine researchers and teachers in AGalip Ulsoy earned Outstanding Achievement awards the department, so it means that much more to me.” from the ME department for their significant contributions to Ulsoy’s research centers on the adaptive control of machining the area of dynamics, systems and controls. operations and the modeling and theory of axially translating Epureanu explores non-linear elastic materials. His group also developed the first dynamics and fluid-structure theoretical modal analysis of rotating shafts. 53 interactions in cutting-edge Ulsoy, who has been on the U-M faculty since 1980, was applications such as structural the founding deputy director of the NSF Engineering Research health monitoring, aerodynamics Center on Reconfigurable and aeroelasticity, computational Manufacturing Systems. He is and bio-dynamics. For example, credited, along with colleague and he has developed a novel concept, ME Professor Yoram Koren, with nonlinear feedback excitation, to developing the concept of interrogate with high performance reconfigurable manufacturing dynamical systems. This innovative systems. Their papers on the method can increase the subject are widely cited. sensitivity of sensors or damage detection by two orders of magnitude. Working with a colleague, Associate Professor Ulsoy, currently the William Clay Edgar Mëyhofer, he developed an original and advanced Ford Professor of manufacturing, mechanistic model of the cooperation of molecular motor has earned several best paper proteins, such as kinesin. awards and has advised over 30 PhD students. He founded the College’s Program in Epureanu has received an NSF CAREER Award, the American

Manufacturing and has served in nearly every leadership role a Academy of Mechanics’ 2004 Junior Achievement Award, the within the department, including as chair from 1998 to 2001. 2003 ASME-Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal Award and the ASEE 2004 He has served as a leader off campus as well, most recently as w Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award. He recently director of the NSF’s Civil and Mechanical Systems division. completed a summer faculty research program at the Air He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in a Force Research Laboratory at the Wright-Patterson Air Force October 2006 (see story on page 44 “Galip Ulsoy Elected to Base. He serves as faculty advisor of Pi Tau Sigma and

NAE”). r conducts outreach activities with the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. Honored by the Outstanding Achievement recognition, Ulsoy d said it is “rewarding to see that the basic work we do gets Of the Outstanding Achievement Award Epureanu said, “I was used and has an impact on engineering practice and the s deeply honored to be a co-recipient with Professor Ulsoy — economy.” I hold him in such high esteem. I was also surprised to be &

Faculty Promotions a c

Suman Das, to Associate Professor with Tenure Albert Shih, to Professor with Tenure t

Krishnakumar Garikipati, to Associate Professor Steven Skerlos, to Associate Professor i

with Tenure with Tenure v A C H

Karl Grosh, to Professor with Tenure Anna Stefanopoulou, to Professor i I E V

with Tenure t I

Katsuo Kurabayashi, to Associate Professor with N G

Tenure i E X e C E L L E s N C E Donors Research Sponsors

Advanced Heat Transfer ITRI International Inc. Advanced Heat Transfer LLC. Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) Albrecht, Terry Erwin Johnson & Johnson Agriculture, Department of Korean Automotive Technology Andrah Foundation KAIST Argonne National Laboratory Institute (KATECH) Applied Engineering & Kannatey-Asibu, Elijah Autospect, Inc. Michigan, State of, Michigan Technology Integration, Inc. 54 Kenworthy, James Boeing Company, The Economic Development Assanis, Dennis and Helen Corporation Kids in Danger Caterpillar, Inc. Boltinghouse, Gary Lee Minnesota Mining and Kleaveland, Dr. and Mrs. Central Intelligence Agency Manufacturing Company Bongort, Kenneth J. Andrew Commerce, Department of Modbus Organization, Inc. Brownson, Keith R. Trust Kohlmeyer, Frederick and Faye Daihatsu Co. Ltd National Aeronautics and Caddell, Doris N. Korybalski, Michael and Phyllis DaimlerChrysler Corporation Space Administration Carey, Daniel J. Lawrence Livermore National Defense, Department of-Air National Instruments Laboratory Caterpillar Force National Science Foundation Lockheed Martin ChevronTexaco Defense, Department of- Nissan Motor Company Lunchini, Dr. and Mrs. John Army Coherix Inc. Pilz Automation Safety Martelli, Robert and Nancy Defense, Department of- Cousino, Daniel and Heather Defense Advanced Research Ping Golf McElwee, Mark R. Projects Agency DaimlerChrysler Semiconductor Research Medtronic Foundation Dow Chemical Defense, Department of-Navy Corporation Mitchell, Frank J and Camilla ECO Cath-Lab Systems Inc. Delphi Automotive Systems Solidica Inc National Instruments Erway, Timothy M. Dow Chemical Company Spinal Cord Research Nobunaga, Brian N. Foundation Exxon Mobil Corporation Dynax Corporation Papalambros, Panos and Lynn The LEV Group, LLC First, Sara Babcox Eaton Corporation Proctor and Gamble Fund Toyota Motor Company, Ltd. Fisher, Mrs. Paula D. Eco Cath-Lab Systems, Inc. Purtill, Mary-Anne (ECLS) Toyota Technical Center, USA, Ford Motor Company Inc. Schildcrout, Douglas and Energy, Department of General Motors Corporation Abigail TRW Foundation Environmental Protection Gerich, Jerry W. Schlumberger Technology Agency Visteon

T Corporation R Graebel Family Trust ETAS, Inc. Volvo Car Components O

P Corporation E Gromax Enterprises Shell Oil Company

R Ford Motor Company Corporation L Whirlpool Corporation

A Topspins Inc. General Electric Company U

N Gyrus Medical

N Ulsoy, Galip

A General Motors Corporation Haberman, Dr. and Mrs. G Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. N

I Robert C. -Centers

R Raymond I. E

E Heatcraft Advanced Heat Health and Human Services,

N Winer, Ward O. I Transfer Department of-National G

N Yamatake Corporation Institutes of Health E Henkin, Dr. Alexander L

A Honda R & D Company, Ltd. C

I Hogan, Shirley Mirsky N

A Johnson & Johnson

H Hovingh, Jack C

E Johnson Controls, Inc.

M Hyundai Motor Company 6

0 Keck, W. M., Foundation -

5 Ickes, William K. 0 0 2 William W. Schultz Appointed to NSF Post

rofessor William W. Schultz and John Foss, a professor of mechanical engineering at Phas been appointed director Michigan State University and Plesniak’s predecessor, both of the Fluid Dynamics and recommended Schultz for the two-year position. Hydraulics (FDH) program of the Schultz says he is most looking forward to “learning which National Science Foundation. The research areas are hot, and since I’ll be interacting with other program falls under the auspices federal funding agencies I’ll know a lot more about the ins and of the division of Chemical, 55 outs of funding. I’m also looking forward to working with all Bioengineering, Environmental, sorts of other programs to fund joint projects.” and Transport Systems (CBET) of the NSF’s Directorate for At U-M, Schultz has several joint, ongoing research projects of Engineering. his own (see story on page 27, “Dowling, Schultz Develop Washing Machine Simulations”). “I’ll be coming back [to Ann The program Schultz will direct beginning fall 2006 supports Arbor] every few weeks to meet with the co-investigators and fundamental research into the mechanisms governing fluid the students I’m advising, plus we’ll have day-to-day email and flow phenomena. As program director, Schultz will primarily phone contact, so all of my research will continue,” he said. oversee grant programs for university faculty in the United States. Research funded by the program includes four major Schultz is also enthusiastic about spending two years in the areas of fluid flow phenomena: hydrodynamic stability, nation’s capital. “I spent one summer in Washington, D.C., and turbulence and flow control; rheology, polymers and complex that was 20 years ago with a young family. As empty nesters fluids; micro-, nano- and bio-fluid dynamics; and waves, now, we’re looking forward to experiencing the city in a hydraulics and environmental fluid mechanics. He also expects different way. All of the previous directors and colleagues from to get involved in related activities in engineering education the ME department who’ve lived there say it was a wonderful and serve as an international liaison. experience and an exciting place to be.”

Michael Plesniak, immediate past program director of FDH and a a professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University, w a r

Professor Michael M. Chen Retires d s

he Board of Regents of the method for solving two-phase moving boundary problems, and TUniversity of Michigan has he is completing a book about convection heat transfer that & named Michael M. Chen professor sets forth his methodology for formulating and solving related emeritus of mechanical problems. engineering. Chen retired from Chen has written two other books, ten book chapters, more a his faculty position as professor in than 70 papers and 80 conference publications. He was elected c the ME department on December a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and

31, 2005 after 15 years of service. he earned the organization’s prestigious Heat Transfer t

Chen’s scholarship explored the Memorial Award. Students remember him as a kind, caring i

thermo-fluid scientific disciplines teacher and mentor. Colleagues often sought his counsel on v A of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, matters both personal and professional. C H i I thermodynamics, applied mathematics and numerical analysis. Prior to joining the U-M faculty, Chen served as professor at E V t He applied the principles of these disciplines to myriad I University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1973 to 1991. N G

engineering problems, including melting, welding, radiation, i

He also held prior faculty positions at Yale University and New E optics, biological systems, transport in fluidized beds and X e York University. He earned his bachelor’s degree from C porous media. His investigations involved both theoretical and E University of Illinois in 1955, his master’s degree from L L E experimental work, conducted at a level of unusual depth and s

Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1957 and a doctorate, N breadth, say colleagues. He developed a new numerical C also from MIT, in 1961. E Staff Complete 40 Years of Service

2005 marked the 40th anniversary of three talented and dedicated ME staff members: Lynn Buege, Sue Gow and Arlene Schneider

56 Lynn Buege Sue Gow Arlene Schneider Lynn Buege, Sue Gow, Arlene mechanical undergraduate Schneider’s first engineering student advisor in job at U-M was senior supervisor, the Academic truly her first job. has never shied Services Office She was hired in away from tough has done and January 1965 as a work assignments seen a lot in her clerk in the around the 40 years with the Transcript University. He has University. department. “I was extremely assembled analog Gow began as a excited,” she said, computers, built clerk in the “because it was test stations to hospital’s Cancer Research department when my first ‘real’ job. I wanted to work for the gauge the energy necessary to fragment bone she was 17. From there she moved to the University because it offered so much: a great and devised a power supply system for retinal Personnel department, then to Central learning environment, salary, benefits, and it cameras. Campus and — for the next 15 years — was fairly close to home.” Buege joined the ME department in 1968. Rackham Graduate School, where she was “I had been looking for a position to satisfy promoted to Supervisor of Records. Schneider went on to become a secretary for the assistant director of the Dietetics my desire for more challenge and further Despite meeting Presidents Ford and Carter, department. She also held secretarial education, and this was an ideal situation.” boredom eventually set in. “I was happy at positions in Hospital Administration at the Rackham, but it was time for new challenges,” Buege served as an Engineer III for most of University of Michigan Medical Center and C.S. she said. his career and now supervises and mentors Mott Children’s Hospital. eight technical personnel. He oversees the Gow was hired in 1984 as the ME Schneider joined the ME department in July operation of the machine shop where he and department’s first and only undergraduate 2000. “It was an opportunity to see the his staff, often using numerical machine tools, student advisor. She helps new advising staff academic and research side of the University produce unique components and repair ME acclimate to the College by answering that I had not experienced, and it was also a equipment. questions, staying heavily involved in many chance to learn new skills.” Buege earned a Staff Excellence award in aspects of College policy and practices that

T 1992. He also developed and taught an relate to undergraduates and provides much As a senior secretary, she has worked in the R

O ‘history’ about how things have evolved. Automotive Research Center, providing

P elevator maintenance course for the E

R secretarial assistance to the administrative University’s Plant department. Buege’s “But the real satisfaction comes from being L

A favorite memories are less about his jobs and financial office, coordinating the ARC

U able to help students,” she said. “When a

N than about the people with whom he works. Seminar Series, assisting with the annual ARC

N student overcomes academic problems and

A conference and providing secretarial “I have been able to accomplish great things goes on to be successful, it makes the work G assistance, as needed, to faculty, students and N because I have been fortunate enough to be I all worthwhile.” R part of a superior team: my supervisors, co- staff of the Optimal Design Lab. E

E She has advised 4,963 students from their

N workers and the people I supervise,” he said.

I Schneider retired from U-M in 2006.

G “I am extremely dependent on these people, sophomore year through graduation. By 2007 N

E and they make me look good.” three of her former charges will have L

A returned to the Department as faculty. C I N A H C E M 6 0 - 5 0 0 2 Marcy Brighton Chosen as Finalist for Distinguished Staff Service Award

arcella (Marcy) Nautsch Brighton, ME department Mmanager, was chosen as a finalist for the University of Michigan Workplace 2006 Distinguished Service Award. The award honors a University staff member who “has demonstrated outstanding leadership, vision and initiative.” Brighton, who joined the University staff in 1987, has served as 57 the ME department’s administrative manager since 2000. She was nominated for the award for her “commitment to excellence; dedication to service; thorough understanding of the job; measured, steady and fair way of dealing with people, and her ability to seize every opportunity to teach and share her knowledge.” “You have to really listen and understand what the issues are and what people need. Then you have to solve their problem Fuel cell neutron imaging — or help them solve it — and try to offer alternatives that experiment at National will achieve a solution,” she said. “I’m often in the position of Institute of Standards and telling faculty that they cannot do what they want due to a Technology. regulation or policy, but I always try to be logical in explaining Dennis Assanis, Marcy Brighton and Marjorie Lesser why, and I try to offer alternatives.” When Brighton was hired for her position by Professor Galip stewardship,” she said. When she started the job, staff Ulsoy, then chair of the Department, she recalls him telling turnover was high and morale low. “I spent most of my first her that she would “never be bored” in the job. “That has six months in the job communicating with staff and assessing a been so very true!” she said. “There are always new problems the environment, that is, identifying and prioritizing the issues to be solved or questions to answer, and I find myself that would need to be resolved.” w continually learning from these challenges.” She identified staffing needs and implemented a thorough “Marcy’s contributions to the ME department will be dearly interview and selection process that would result in the a missed,” said ME Department Chair and Professor Dennis recruitment of high-quality employees. She also developed an Assanis. “During her more than six years in her current orientation and training process that involves multiple people r position, Marcy has been committed to excellence and and ensures that expectations of supervisors and the d provided dedicated service to our Department and the department are clearly communicated to those who are newly College.” hired. The programs and processes she put in place s Brighton’s management philosophy and style have served her emphasize promotion from within and professional development for staff that addresses not only the skills extremely well; she has brought about significant change & within the Department in just a few years. “I am very proud of required by their current position but their next job as well. the staff environment that has evolved under my “We are now running effectively with a staff cohort that is better trained and fewer in number,” she said. a Despite the challenges

of the job, Brighton says c the reward is great: “There is a lot of t

personal satisfaction in i

doing a good job, v A

helping others achieve C H i I

their goals and having all E V t I

of this contribute to the N G

outstanding reputation i E X e

of ME.” C E L L E s N C E ME faculty and staff bid farewell to Marcy Brighton. MRacing Team Takes Third


The 2005-2006 MRacing team with its Formula car.

he 2005-2006 year went out with a win for the MRacing The entire 30 minutes of the event is a nail-biting session,” he Tteam: the group placed third in the Formula SAE® said. “About 50 percent of the cars don’t finish — most drop competition. Held at the Ford Motor Company Proving out due to engine problems.” The U-M vehicle didn’t Grounds in Romeo, Michigan, in May, the event tested the experience any trouble, although a driver accidentally flipped a mettle of some 120 university Formula SAE racing teams from switch in the cockpit while driving. “This caused the car’s around the world. engine to momentarily sputter. Everyone gasped but then quickly sighed with relief.” The MRacing team’s vehicle is a 420-pound Formula-style racecar that uses a 600 cc motorcycle engine. About 70 The team also won the Spirit of Excellence Award, which goes percent of the car’s parts are one-of-a-kind — designed, to the top three finishers. “This is our best finish since 1994, manufactured and tested by U-M students, explained Daniel so we’re all very excited,” said Campbell. As a result of the Campbell, the 2006 MRacing team captain and project manager. podium finish, the team was invited and sponsored by the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies The U-M vehicle is unique among its competitors, he added. to attend the Japan Formula SAE race. The team won the Its low weight was attained by using aerospace materials in following nine awards during the events held on September 13- conjunction with weight-minimized designs. An advanced

T 16 at Ogasayama Sports Park, Japan: third Place, Formula SAE

R traction control system used vehicle performance parameters

O of Japan, FISITA World Cup and Godd Frame Design Award; P to reduce wheel slip through corners and straights. And E Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture Award; first place, Spirit of R custom dampers, a senior design project that minimizes tire L Static Event Award and Design Award; second place, A and road load variations, were “a must” for sound suspension U Presentation Award and Autocross Award; sixth place, JAMA N design, he said. N Chairman Award. A

G The team cars are judged in a series of static and dynamic N

I The greatest incentive for students to participate on the

R events over the course of four days. Events include technical

E MRacing team is “the unique opportunity that it provides to E inspection, cost, presentation, engineering design, solo N learn,” said Campbell. That opportunity is greater now, thanks I

G performance trials and high performance track endurance. to a new course, FSAE Tech Elective (ME499), to be offered in N E Fall 2007. Active team members will be able to earn credit for

L The U-M win was the result of several factors, said Campbell, A

C in addition to its innovative technical specs. “Group members approved vehicle-related projects. I N A were willing to learn, and we had the strong support of Fame may be one more incentive now, too: Road & Track H

C sponsoring companies and the College. The result was a

E included the MRacing team in the magazine’s own competition M racecar that was lightweight and its operations reliable and among the five most dynamic cars from the Detroit FSAE event 6

0 well understood.” - in 2005. The R&T test was featured in the November 2005 issue. 5 0

0 Not that there weren’t a few suspenseful moments. “To do 2 well at competition a team must finish the endurance event. Undergraduate Student Honors & Awards

Axel Marin Scholarship CoE General Funds Edward H. Strohm Scholarship Stephanie Beck Felix Antwi in Engineering Fund Bronson Edwards Benjamin Hagan Benjamin S. Tuthill Scholarship Rennel Melville Elobuike Oji Daniel Perez Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Patrick Quigley Brian Schielke 59 BP America Jason Riggs Karan Seth Kenya L. Agee Ralph Sudderth Muhammad Anwar Stefanie Theis F. Ernest Newbery Scholarship Brian Boss Miesha Williamson Fund Vanita Mistry Carl A., Jr. and Isabelle M. CoE Gift Funds Brauer Scholarship John Stepowski II General Motors Foundation Mark Ang Katherine Beiting Kenya L. Agee Daniel March Kelly Bryan Carl T. Doman Memorial Fund Muhammad Anwar Kristin Cermak Robert Middleton Robert Middleton Ian Hanna Lindsay Klick Carlos R. and Gloria W. Bell Cornelius and Margaret Donovan Patricia Pacheco Scholarship Scholarship Ruey-Khan Tsang Ryan Kotenko Douglas Backinger Christopher L. Liong Guidant Foundation, Inc. Caterpillar Foundation Andrew Mansfield Adam Lovit DaimlerChrysler Corporation Jonathan Quijano a Karan Seth Fund w David Ohrin Haig P. Iskenderian Engineering Chang Fund Hamed Bazaz Scholarship

Brian Loeffler Christopher Vickery a David Aspland Scholarship Clarence E. Groesbeck Memorial Miesha Williamson Harriet Eveleen Hunt r

Scholarship Jason Moscetti Scholarship Fund d Robert Knaus Iyabo Williams Makram Debbas

David Platt s Matthew Williams Delphi Automotive Helen M. Arens Scholarship Theresa DeVree Steven El Aile & Class of 1931E Scholarship Jason Moore Raymon J. Galle Michael Bohn Donald and Lucille Malloure Matthew Momon Scholarship Fund Connor Henley Elizabeth Tappan Kevin Lintjer Alisyn Malek a Paul Sarantos Howard W. and Ruth Hoff Donald B. Kennedy Engineering Sheldon Scholarship c Scholarship Nathan Cross Class of 1934E Scholarship Corwin Holmes t Bryan Hart Brandon Geiger Nicholas Lynn Brian Weinbaum i

Aaron Williams v Class of 1939E Scholarship A Donald G. Gilbert Scholarship C

Frederica Yawson H

Patricia Pacheco i Fund I E V t

Kenya L. Agee I James A. and Judith McDivitt N

Class of 1948E Scholarship G

Scholarship i E

John Czoykowski DTE Energy Endowed X e Raymond II C

Scholarship Fund E L

CoE Dean’s Discretionary Funds Jennifer Sanch continued ® L E s N

Rennel Melville C E Undergraduate Student Honors & Awards Graduate Student Honors & Awards continued

John C. Seeley Memorial Pearl Wheeler Scholarship in RACKHAM Scholarship Engineering David Ohrin Paula Harrison 2005 Distinguished Dissertation Award John Deere Foundation Ray W. and Mary Lou Judson Yi-Chung Tung 60 Kenya L. Agee Scholarship Beth Bezaire Jessica L. Katterheinrich 2005/06 International Student David Krumanaker Fellowship Richard Earhart Scholarship Abhishek Yadav John Hart Scholarship Steven LaForest 2006/07 Predoctoral Fellowship Rebecca Stoloff Xiulin Ruan Robert D. Holbrook Scholarship Joseph B. and Florence V. Cejka Stephen Jeske 2006/07 Predoctoral Fellowship Scholarship Shih-Hsun Yin Jeremy Collins Shell Oil Company Foundation Jason Call 2005/06 Non-Traditional Joseph Boyer Scholarship Elliot Harik Fellowship Jeffrey Martinez James Beyer Simon Mandlebaum Scholarship Ken K. Kohrs Scholarship Fund Fund 2005/06 Non-Traditional Dennis Lee Bronson Edwards Fellowship Robert Dodd Lawrence D. Corlett Scholarship The Boeing Company Amul Sathe REA I Fellowship David Ohrin Paul Arias Evan Quasney Ethan Daley Walter G. Mitchell Memorial Carlos Perez Scholarship Matthew J. Spence, Jr. and Evan Pineda Sarah Patterson Spence Scott Cackowski Roberto Torres Scholarship Fund Kristina Tolbert Milan Paunovic REA II Fellowship Walter Graves Scholarship Tanna Borrell May L. Lafever Scholarship Nicholas Sochacki Julianna Evans Merry Shao Ryan Stevens Stephanie Frangakis Sijia Yang Ying Jin Michael E. Korybalski Sara Wilhoit Endowment Fund Sara Young

T William E. Bandemer R David Baron Scholarship O

P Recruitment Fellowship

E Rory Fraga Emily Marks

R Ram S. Athreya

L Michael Rayle

A Matthew Chastagner

U Michigan Engineering Fund Matthew Savoy

N Jinli Feng

N Kelly Bryan Jacob Temme A Mark Gordon

G Elizabeth Coon Yang Lin N I

R Ryan Mack Elliott Morrison-Reed E

E Jason Spenny N I Paul Smith COLLEGE G N

E Joshua Titus

L Deans/Named Fellowship A C I Paul C. and Ruth M. Robertson Gaurav Bansal N

A Fund Jishnu Bhattacharya H

C Robert Halgren Gabriel Lavella E

M Mark Pankow 6

0 Benjamin Reedlunn -

5 Steve Shrader 0 0 2 61 ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE awards & activities place tie d ran place al Session - 3r d odd Lillian Fluid Mechanics and Heat Session - - Poster Transfer 3r James Smith Solid Mechanics Session - 1st place Oral David Salac place tie Session - 3rd Oral Xuan T Or Kyoo Sil Choi Biomedical Engineering Session - 1st place Poster Szushen Ho Session - 2nd place Poster T Fluid Mechanics and Heat Fluid Mechanics and Transfer place tie Session - 1st Oral James Smith place Session - 3rd Oral Rui Zhang Heat Fluid Mechanics and Session - - Poster Transfer 1st place Baoling Huang Fluid Mechanics and Heat Session - - Poster Transfer 2nd place Gi Suk Hwang and , place tie acturing d stems Sy , al Session - 1st place al Session - 2nd place al Session - 3r al Session - 2nd place al Session - 1st place WARDS oster Session - 1st place P Erin MacDonald Design and Manuf Or William Ross Morrow Or Erin MacDonald place tie Session - 3rd Oral James Allison Or Shingo Takeuchi Andreas Malikopoulos Or Kevin King Session - 1st place Poster Ersal Tulga Session - 2nd place tie Poster Kevin King Session - 2nd place tie Poster Andreas Malikopoulos Sachin Goyal Pai-Chen Lin Robert M. Caddell Memorial Award David Salac ENGINEERING GRADUATE STUDENT SYMPOSIUM A Dynamics DEPARTMENT Department Fellowship Michael Chin Naveen Gupta Li Yongqing Buzz McCain Chandresh Mehta Liang Zhou Award K. McIvor Ivor Controls Or A) ship w or ello oundation ship opulsion w ord Motor Co ord ello orres or the Education of ruxal

al Nuclear Pr

omen (CEW) F roy Lionberger roy Lionberger Microsystems and Engineering Microsystems Sciences Applications (MES T Kiram Dsouza Danese Joiner T Erin MacDonald Sara Young National Science F (NSF) Homeland Security F Robert Littrell Gregory Sommer Steven T Department of Energy (DoE) Energy Department of Nav Alexander Mychkovsky Danese Joiner Scott Norby-Cedillo National Consortium f Minorities for Degrees Graduate in Engineering and Science (GEM) PhD F Program Fellowship Roberto T EXTERNAL Diversity Foundation Ford Fellowship Edna Kollarits Diana Ma Center f W Harry Benford Award Harry Benford Ahmir Rashid Distinguished Leadership Award Distinguished Leadership Kiran Dsouoza Danese Joiner Erin MacDonald Fellow Karim Hamza James Smith Distinguished Achievement Award Regents Fellowship Yun Ju Lee Paul Teini Honors & Awards Honors ME Graduates Receive Faculty Appointments

Aris Babajimopoulos Hosam Fathy atmosphere here of camaraderie and competition, which makes it very stimulating. Assistant Assistant Another nice thing is how many people at any Research Research given time are working in any given area and Scientist Scientist the number of perspectives they have. You 62 U-M U-M can learn so much just by going to the Department of Department of seminars on campus; it’s like a perpetual Mechanical Mechanical conference.” Engineering Engineering Aris Hosam Fathy John Ferris Babajimopoulos (PhD ME ’03) (PhD ME ’05) assumed the Associate joined the U-M position of Professor Mechanical Engineering faculty in January assistant research scientist in U-M’s Virginia 2006 as an assistant research scientist in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in May Polytechnic and W.E. Lay Automotive Laboratory. 2006. State University Babajimopoulos’ main research interest is After earning his doctorate, Fathy worked with John Ferris (PhD homogeneous charge compression ignition, Emmeskay, Inc., as a consultant in the ME ’95; MS ME ’92) or HCCI. During his doctoral work he automotive R&D industry. In that role he joined the faculty of developed a methodology for modeling HCCI helped develop models and modeling tools Virginia Polytechnic combustion using computational fluid for automotive system design and hardware- and State University dynamics and a multi-zone chemistry solver in-the-loop simulation. He returned to U-M to in August 2005 as an with detailed chemical kinetics. He has also pursue postdoctoral studies in 2004. “It was associate professor in the Department of investigated the mixture formation process in amazing while I worked in industry how much Mechanical Engineering. HCCI engines, particularly in cases where of the material we were building on came out Prior to his position at Virginia Tech, Ferris advanced valve timing techniques, such as of U-M,” he said. worked as a senior technical specialist in negative overlap or re-breathing, are used to Fathy is now the associate director of Advanced Chassis Development at ZF trap large amounts of hot, residual gases. Professor Jeffrey Stein’s Automated Modeling Technologies in Northville, Michigan, where Currently he is investigating the potential of a Laboratory, where he develops algorithms he developed a virtual proving ground. His free piston linear alternator, which directly that simplify dynamic system model research program involved developing a high- converts chemical energy from fuel into development. His work has been applied to fidelity, in-vehicle, road data acquisition electricity, as a viable, cost-effective option automotive systems, including power trains system, including vehicle sensors and MEMS, for use in a series hybrid electric vehicle. The and vehicle dynamics. He also uses these analog signal conditioning and digital signal new project is funded by General Motors and modeling tools for engine-in-the-loop processing.

T involves the development of computational simulations conducted by Prof. Zoran Filipi’s R During his time at ZF Technologies, Ferris O models characterizing the entire vehicle and Prof. Dennis Assanis’s teams in U-M’s P mentored graduate students from Europe E

R system. The models are then used to evaluate Automotive Research Center. completing their internships. He also taught L

A and optimize overall system performance. technical seminars on ride quality perception,

U In earlier doctoral work with Professors

N performance and vehicle handling and tire N Babajimopoulos completed his graduate Panos Papalambros and Galip Ulsoy, Fathy A dynamics.

G studies at U-M as well as a post-doctoral optimized the design and control of a system N I research fellowship. “Being a member of simultaneously and applied his algorithms to

R Ferris says he was drawn to the Department E such an outstanding research team and passive and active vibration attenuation in E of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech, N I interacting with brilliant professors, elevators and automobile suspensions. As a “because they integrate classroom theory and G

N researchers and students has been the graduate student he worked at The United

E practical hands-on experience. They conduct

L greatest learning experience,” he said. In Technologies Research Center (UTRC, Otis

A original research in vehicle systems and C I addition, “being close to Detroit and the Division) and with Ford’s Scientific Research safety and believe in strong partnerships with N A automotive industry and working closely with Laboratory. both government and industrial partners.” It’s H

C their R&D groups provide ideal conditions for E Fathy is glad to be back at U-M. “One thing I a “perfect fit,” he added, “for my background M conducting research that is both relevant and in academia and industry.” 6 always found impressive about U-M is the 0

- cutting-edge.”

5 quality of the students. There’s an 0 0 2 63 ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE awards & activities ® Assistant Professor Bucknell University Charles J. Kim (MSE ME ’02; PhD ME ’05) joined the faculty of Bucknell University in relations provide .” Above all, he says, is the dual life of being a researcher “tremendously enjoyable educational career “tremendously enjoyable dvanced powertrain systems that contribute comfort to me, as I’m sure to stumble from time to time.” Jacobs credits his time in the ME department at U-M, where he worked with Professor Dennis Assanis, for his decision to join academia. “Without this wonderful experience, I doubt I would have stayed for a graduate degree and thus would have missed out on an opportunity to become a faculty member myself. U-M is an exciting place to be regardless of your engineering discipline, and that has influenced me to become passionate about what I do in life.” a in the to sustained energy usage Such systems could transportation sector. the use of fuel cells include hybrid designs, power units and as electrical accessory hydrogen fuel.” A sparked Jacobs’ at the University of Michigan” engineering desire to continue academic of others….In my research and the education experience, teaching makes me a better and thus vice versa.” researcher, A&M because it “effectively He chose Texas fosters the and an educator “strong collegiality” within the mechanical engineering department. “As a beginning these positive intra- young faculty member, department personal August 2005 as an assistant professor. August 2005 as an assistant professor. primary area of research is the design Kim’s synthesis of compliant mechanisms. At Bucknell he has further developed the methodologies in his doctoral dissertation, Charles J. Kim as A&M exas A&M x ofessor im Jacobs (PhD ME e 05, MSE ’02, BSE University beginning T ’ ’99) has accepted a faculty appointment at T Assistant Pr T University “My goal for long term investigate the fundamental devices. uring his first year at Virginia Tech, Ferris Tech, uring his first year at Virginia research,” he said, “is to branch into in fall 2006. He will be part of the thermal- fluid sciences group and will teach courses in combustion thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluids. Jacobs will continue his research in advanced energy systems, including internal combustion engines, gas turbines, alternative fuels and catalyst systems. More specifically he hopes to characteristics of novel modes of diesel combustion and the system interactions between diesel engines and aftertreatment catalyst Tim Jacobs D graduate class, created and taught a new He also revised and Stochastic Processes. course, Digital Signal taught another graduate member he is Processing. As a new faculty partnerships focused on building research the military with members of government, and the automotive industry. to establish the Ferris’ research goal is Performance Laboratory as a Terrain Vehicle world-recognized laboratory for improving vehicle system performance by studying the interactions between vehicles and terrain — both on- and off-road. Researchers will also incorporate haptics, bio-dynamics and psychometrics into their work. “The lab has adopted a holistic approach toward research, investigating all aspects of vehicle-terrain interactions and using a broad range of measurement, analysis and modeling tools. This allows researchers to broaden their expertise while gaining a deeper understanding of the fundamental issues involved in improving vehicle system performance,” he said. “A Conceptual Approach to the Computational in Detroit in Jeep/Truck Engineering - He is looking forward to teaching at the Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms.” Kim Powertrain CAE/Simulation. He also spent a institution where he spent his undergraduate was advised by U-M Professor Sridhar Kota year working with Ford Motor Company in years, as well as to the university’s “balanced and Yong-Mo Moon, an assistant professor of Dearborn, Mich., as a product development emphasis on teaching and research.” After mechanical engineering at Worcester engineer with Visteon’s Alternative Power completing his undergraduate studies, he Polytechnic Institute. Kim also has been Systems division. earned a master’s degree at Queen’s working on the design of surgical Li began his teaching career during his University in Kingston, Ontario. instrumentation and the design of doctoral studies at U-M, when he served as a Receiving his PhD from U-M was appropriate technologies for developing teaching assistant for Introduction to “instrumental” in helping Rideout secure his countries. Dynamics and Introduction to the Mechanics new faculty position. “I found U-M 64 Bucknell’s strong focus on undergraduate of Materials. He says he is appreciative of his professors accessible and helpful despite education was a natural fit for Kim. “At the own education at U-M in shaping the educator their status and the demands placed on them, university, college and department levels he is today. “It means a lot to me, way beyond and generally good teachers as well. The teaching is the first priority,” he said. “Among receiving a diploma. The ME faculty granted breadth of graduate course offerings was an undergraduate institutions without PhD me an opportunity to realize what I know and, advantage that U-M provided. The high-quality programs, the College of Engineering at even more importantly, what I don’t know.” infrastructure and support staff made it easy Bucknell ranks among the elite and, as a Li earned his bachelor’s degree in hydraulics to get work done. Orientation sessions were result, the quality of the students is high. and ocean engineering from National Cheng thorough, and there was always someone to Expectations of research are also high Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. help with any question. My office space as a considering the time appropriated for graduate student was also generous, in an scholarly activities.” open-concept lab where communication with Geoff Rideout other grad students was easy.” At Bucknell, Kim has taught junior-level solid mechanics and mechanical design and will Assistant When applying to the Natural Sciences and teach sophomore dynamics and the senior Professor Engineering Research Council of Canada for capstone design course in 2006-2007. During Memorial academic grants, Rideout recalled, “Some of his graduate studies at U-M he served as a University of my reviewers noted that I had U-M training, graduate student instructor for several Newfoundland and that it was a predictor of future research courses and the primary instructor of two. Geoff Rideout (PhD success.” ME ’04) has joined Chuan Li the Faculty of Xiulin Ruan Engineering and Associate Applied Science, Assistant Professor Memorial University Professor Nanyang of Newfoundland, as assistant professor. His Purdue Technological appointment became effective in January University University 2006. Xiulin Ruan (MS EE Chuan Li (PhD Rideout’s research program at Memorial ’06; PhD ME ’06) MEAM ’97; MS MEAM University encompasses investigations of joins the faculty of ’93) has been Purdue University in

T automated model generation and R promoted to the January 2007 as an

O simplification, with applications to P assistant professor in the School of E rank of associate interdisciplinary areas such as robotic, land R professor in the Mechanical Engineering. L and sea vehicles. His work more generally A

U School of Mechanical and Aerospace includes dynamic system modeling,

N “The new energy center and nanotechnology

N Engineering at Nanyang Technological automated modeling, bond graphs and vehicle A center at Purdue’s College of Engineering

G University in Singapore. dynamics.

N have been formed, and I will be affiliated with I

R Li joined the faculty of Nanyang Technological them,” said Ruan, who is looking forward to E Rideout is not new to teaching. During his E University in 2000 as an assistant professor. his appointment. “The School of Engineering N doctoral work at U-M he served as a graduate I

G His research interests include stability student instructor mentor through the Center also has an active heat transfer research N E analysis of dynamic systems, thermal- for Research on Learning and Teaching. At group, which I will participate in.” L

A mechanical coupled stability analysis, heat

C Memorial University he will teach courses in

I His area of focus is heat transfer physics.

N transfer, residual stress analysis in casting his areas of expertise: mechanical component A “With the knowledge of atomic scale behavior

H processes and power electronics packaging

C design, theory of machines and mechanisms, of energy carriers — phonon, electron, E design. The subject of his dissertation at U-M

M modeling and simulation of dynamic systems, photon, fluid particles — one can design new

6 was thermoelastic contact stability analysis.

0 and machine dynamics.

- functional materials or structures with the 5

0 Prior to joining the NTU faculty, Li worked as 0 2 an engineer for DaimlerChrysler Corporation desired size effect. These new materials will Given the interdisciplinary nature of his work, play a crucial role in energy-related encouraged by Skerlos and the U-M applications in the next decade. I will work on experience, said Zhao, Purdue presents how to enhance conversion efficiency through exciting opportunities. “Through the creation the use of nanostructures.” of nine multidisciplinary initiatives, including Ruan will teach undergraduate courses in Global Sustainable Industrial Systems, that thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat break the established boundaries among transfer and, at the graduate level, radiation engineering disciplines, Purdue Engineering heat transfer, lasers and optics. He will also gives researchers the chance to address develop a new Heat Transfer Physics course. national priorities and perform field-defining research.” 65 “My time at Michigan certainly has had a tremendous impact on me,” he said. “My At U-M, Zhao taught the senior design course advisor, Professor Massoud Kaviany, gave me twice and found it “very rewarding.” He will sufficient freedom to explore fundamental teach several design courses at Purdue and and innovative problems, while I can still will develop a new graduate course, Life Cycle benefit a lot from his expertise and insight. I and Sustainability Engineering, focused on also assisted in writing a research proposal building the conceptual, methodological and based on my work to the National Science scientific foundation for students to Foundation, and it was funded. These understand and minimize the environmental trainings, normally only available to postdocs, impact of engineering decisions. were unusually valuable for a PhD student.” “Sustainability can only be achieved if engineering students are equipped not only Fu Zhao with technologies and tools,” he said, “but knowledge about how to use them in an Assistant environmentally-friendly manner.” Professor Purdue University a

Fu Zhao (PhD ME w ’05; MS EE ’01) joins the School a of Mechanical Promotions Engineering at r

Purdue University Yong Hoon Jang (PhD ME d as an assistant ’99) has been promoted

professor in January 2007. to associate professor in s the School of Mechanical Currently Zhao is a post-doctoral research Engineering at Yonsei fellow at U-M’s Environmental and Sustainable University in Seoul, & Technologies Laboratory, headed by Associate Korea. Professor Steven Skerlos. Zhao’s research is in the area of sustainable a engineering, particularly developing

technologies to minimize the environmental c impact of industrial aqueous systems. His dissertation took metalworking fluid systems, t widely used in the machine tool industry, as a i

case study. He presented novel technologies, v A including green formulation, membrane C H i I filtration and molecular-biology-based E V t microorganism detection, to improve the I N G

sustainability of these systems. He is also i E X

interested in using supercritical carbon e C E

dioxide and ionic liquids as alternative L L E carriers to water to improve environmental s N performance. C E 66 ME External Advisory Board members at their Fall 2006 meeting, which addressed globalization and engineering education. Global Perspectives from ME’s External Advisory Board

t the EAB meeting in March 2006, members located in Japan, Germany, the ‘leaders’ of international collaboration,” said Amembers shared their insights on the United Kingdom and Sweden. “Every engineer McCarthy, “not just international collaborators. theme of “globalization in engineering that works in our shop has global interaction.” education, research and practice.” The issues “The university role in preparing engineers for While study abroad exchange programs are surrounding globalization are at the fore both the challenges of globalization boils down to for the ME department and industry alike. “extremely important,” he said, not every preparing those engineers for a role higher up engineering student can take advantage of in the engineering food chain,” he said. Alan Taub, EAB member and the executive such programs. “It’s just as important to get “Routine checking of plans and specifications director of Research & Development for students from abroad into your [degree] are simply not going to be done in the U.S. General Motors, talked about the importance programs.” The ME department’s efforts to anymore. That is also true of labor-intensive of university partnerships to GM’s global do that are evident, he says, when he walks analyses, such as those relating to stress or research and engineering efforts. For across U-M’s North Campus. “You see the temperature or code compliance. Therefore example, GM’s Collaborative Research variety, the diversity.” our universities better be preparing our Laboratory for Advanced Vehicle engineers for global leadership roles — most EAB member Roger McCarthy, chairman Manufacturing, housed in the ME department U.S. technology is still far ahead of that of the emeritus of Exponent, Inc., shared his at U-M, works with a satellite laboratory at rest of the world, and if our engineers are company’s experience with forming a wholly Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. “About properly trained to be technology leaders we owned foreign enterprise in China’s Yangtze 30 percent of our work is done through these will retain our top position.” types of collaborations,” he said. River Delta. The area is not only China’s business hub but the epicenter of the world’s EAB member Ward O. Winer, chair of the The role of engineering education, he

T manufacturing and construction, said Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at

R believes, is to — first and foremost — train

O McCarthy. Exponent clients have been asking Georgia Institute of Technology and a U-M ME P students that are “well-grounded in the E the company for Asia-Pacific support, and alumnus (PhD ’62; MS ’59; BS ’58) and former R fundamentals of engineering, with a solid

L McCarthy also sees new growth opportunities, U-M faculty member, says that preparing A technical background.” But students also U such as providing quality assurance and students for global engineering leadership N need “to be amenable — to relish — the N factory audits, intellectual property support, roles is a responsibility of major universities. A idea of working in teams and collaborating.” G design consulting and environmental Georgia Tech, he explained, “has for some N

I Collaborating with colleagues from around the

R consulting. The subsidiary, Exponent Science time emphasized international experience for

E world, that is: “Those teams are as likely to

E and Technology Consulting Co., Ltd. engineering students.” The university’s goal is

N have members that are 5,000 miles away as I (Hangzhou), is one of the first professional for 50 percent of students to study or work G 100 miles away,” said Taub. N engineering firms to serve China. abroad during their undergraduate years. E

L EAB member Gerhard believes that A

C The opportunities overseas mean future “The bottom line,” said Winer, “is that I U.S. automotive companies have been some N engineers need strong leadership skills in engineering students, especially those at A of the longest-standing global companies; they H addition to top-notch technical training. major institutions like U-M and Georgia Tech, C have a lot of heritage in global interaction. E “Engineering education in the U.S. must need to have international experience to help M

6 Ford, for example, has had a footprint in prepare U.S.-trained engineers to be the 0 them become leaders in the globalized -

5 Germany since the 1920s, he added. During a 0 engineering profession of tomorrow. ” 0

2 recent and typical staff meeting, he led team 67 ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE awards & activities au Sigma, currently serves as vice in Automotive Engineering s Stephanie LaCrosse serves as senior manager of Advanced Planning and Strategy at Nissan North America in Los Angeles. Her group is responsible for establishing the future product and powertrain line-up for the U.S. market and developing concept directions for future vehicles. Prior to joining Nissan, LaCrosse led the Advanced Electrical Technologies E. Charles Gulash and Materials president of Research Motor Engineering at Toyota Engineering and Manufacturing earned his North America. Gulash degree in mechanical bachelor’s 1972 and an engineering from U-M in MBA from U-M in 1978. He joined in 1996 as general manager of Toyota Arizona Proving Grounds the Toyota and has been vice president of College of Engineering and Computer Sciences. s ransmission Engineering. Perlick holds a bachelor’s degree in Perlick holds a bachelor’s ransmission Engineering. T from General Motors Institute mechanical engineering (Kettering University). Group at Hyundai-Kia Tech Center. There, she developed new Center. Group at Hyundai-Kia Tech vehicle technologies and strategic programs to incorporate advanced technology into Hyundai and Kia North American vehicle platforms. LaCrosse also spent three years developing telematics systems and six years at Ford Motor Company in in Silicon Valley Dearborn. She held positions at Ford Research Labs in Materials Science and Powertrain Software Development and received a U.S. patent for her research on using neural networks to predict hydrocarbon emissions. She has successfully launched vehicles in the United States and Philippine Islands. degree in mechanical LaCrosse earned her bachelor’s engineering (1997) and a master’ Vehicle Evaluation and Engineering. In his current position he is Evaluation and Engineering. In his current position Vehicle North responsible for materials development and leads laboratories in American advanced research activities at their Calif. and Akin, S.C. Cambridge, Mass., Berkeley, Ann Arbor, Gulash held various engineering and Prior to joining Toyota He management positions with General Motors Corporation. Research Institute’s also serves on the U-M Transportation at the U-M External Advisory Board and the Visiting Committee Dearborn’ (1999) from U-M, where she was inducted into Pi T Epeians Engineering Leadership Honor Beta Pi and the Tau Society. He . serves as the vice is the manager of the

Perlick spent 35 years at General , Mark Perlick returned to school in 1991 to earn and doctoral degrees in master’s mechanical engineering from U-M in for president of Technology BorgWarner Inc. He is responsible for driving the innovation process, managing the corporate technology investment and assuring a pipeline of new product development on a global basis. He is executive sponsor Council and serves of the Technology as an officer of BorgWarner Advanced Powertrain Controls Development group at DaimlerChrysler Corporation. Greg began his career with Chrysler in 1983, after earning his bachelor’s degree from Lehigh University Gregory Ohl

lose to twenty distinguished friends and alumni of the lose to twenty distinguished Engineering comprise the Department of Mechanical ME Welcomes New EAB Members New ME Welcomes Motors Corporation, starting in 1964 as a co-op student. He held numerous positions in engineering and program management. His most recent role there was chief engineer in Automatic

1992 and 1995 respectively. His research focus was the 1992 and 1995 respectively. fuel cell utilization of dynamic systems modeling for improving propulsion and other alternative powertrain technologies. Greg joined the powertrain Upon his return to DaimlerChrylser, he is systems and controls area. In his current position responsible for the advanced research and production for development of controls and associated diagnostics Chrysler Powertrain. In 2000 he initiated a research Engineering, collaboration with the Department of Mechanical number of which has led to the transfer of knowledge in a production important areas, leading to the resolution of several has authored development issues. Greg holds several patents, many technical publications and holds a Professional Engineer license in Michigan. Incorporated. Perlick joined the company in 1999 and has held several positions, each with increasing responsibility and scope. Prior to joining BorgWarner

C a valuable resource to Department External Advisory Board, the Department as a whole in shaping Chair Dennis Assanis and goals. Members represent industry, and meeting its strategic and they meet on campus twice academia and government, expertise and to advise the chair. annually to share their joined the EAB during the 2005-2006 Several new members academic year. EAB Member Taub Elected to NAE

lan Taub, EAB member and executive materials properties and processes laboratory. Adirector of Research & Development for Later he joined Ford Motor Company, General Motors, was inducted into the managing the Materials Science department. National Academy of Engineering in 2006. He He joined GM in 2001 as executive director of was recognized for his contributions to the Science Laboratories for GM Research & development of innovative electrical materials Development and was named executive and automotive technologies and leadership in director of Research & Development in 2004. the globalization of automotive research. He oversees GM’s seven science laboratories 68 Taub earned his bachelor’s degree in materials in Warren, Michigan, and Bangalore, India. The engineering in 1976 from Brown University. He labs focus on technologies, including advanced went on to earn master’s (1979) and doctoral powertrain systems; computer-based design between R&D and the rest of GM on advanced degrees (1979) in applied physics from and analysis systems for vehicle engineering; technology development and implementation. Harvard University. He spent nearly 15 years in electronics and information-based vehicle He has been an active member of the R&D with General Electric, where he earned systems; new materials and fabrication Materials Research Society and serves on 26 patents and authored more than 60 papers. processes; environmentally friendly fuels and advisory boards of several other institutions, His research focus was on the mechanical and lubricants; and emission control systems. including Harvard, Brown and Northwestern electrical properties of materials. He later led Taub also oversees GM’s technology universities, Massachusetts Institute of a superconducting materials team that led collaborations with government, industry and Technology and the National Science technology breakthroughs that were adopted university partners through many science Foundation. for commercial use by the company’s medical offices worldwide and serves as liaison group. Taub ultimately managed the GE

Ray Wilcox Wins Alumni Society Merit Award

he Department of Mechanical Engineering engineer. “The University attracts many good board of directors and the executive T has selected Raymond (Ray) I. Wilcox for prospective employers, and that was how I committee of the National Petrochemical & the 2006 Alumni found Chevron. I didn’t know much about the Refiners Association and the advisory board Society Merit company before interviewing, but I did so on of Spindletop International, a not-for-profit Award in the recommendation of a fellow student who corporation that benefits youth charities and Mechanical had done an internship the previous promotes goodwill and fellowship within the Engineering. summer,” he said. oil and gas industry. T R

O Wilcox earned a

P Since that time, he has held technical, He also is a member of the U-M College of

E bachelor’s degree

R operational, commercial, managerial and Engineering External Advisory Board. “Giving

L cum laude from

A leadership positions with the company in the back to the University is an important way to

U the Department in N United States and abroad. He has served as ensure future success for the school and N 1968. He currently A vice president of Chevron Corporation and companies that alumni work for. I have hired

G serves as

N president of Chevron North America quality students for my company, and my wife I president and R Exploration and Production Company. He has

E and I have set up a fund in the ME

E chief executive

N also held the positions of vice president of department to emphasize the critical I officer of Texas-based Chevron Phillips G Chevron Shipping Company, managing importance of communication as part of a N Chemical Company LLC. E director of Chevron Asiatic, Ltd., in technical education. The University provides a L A Alumni Society Merit Awards are bestowed by Melbourne, Australia, and chairman and worldwide standard for education and gives C I

N departmental committees to recognize managing director of Chevron Nigeria Limited me a point of common reference with fellow A

H significant professional accomplishments. in Lagos, Nigeria. He was elected to his alumni.” C

E current position in April 2006. M Wilcox began his nearly-four-decade career Wilcox is also an alumnus of the 1994 London 6 0

- with Chevron the year he graduated from U-M. Wilcox is active in many community and Business School Senior Executive Program. 5 0

0 He was hired as a design and construction industry organizations. He serves on the 2 University of Michigan Mazumder; (p. 57) U-M Photo Service; (p. 62) from left: College of Engineering Aris Babajimopoulos, Hosam Fathy, John Ferris; (p. 63) Department of Mechanical Engineering from left: Tim Jacobs, Charles Kim; (p. 64) from left: Chuan 2250 G.G. Brown Laboratory Li, Geoff Rideout, Xiulin Ruan; (p. 65) from left: Fu Zhao, 2350 Hayward Street Yong Hoon Jang; (p. 66) U-M Photo Services; (p. 67) from Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125 top left: Gregory Ohl, Mark Perlick, E. Charles Gulash, Stephanie LaCrosse; (p. 68) (top) Alan Taub and (bottom) Ray Wilcox. Phone: 734-764-2694 Series Graphics (edges of pages): Fax: 734-647-3170 (p. 3-19) Krishna Garikipati; (p. 21-35) Wei Lu; (p. 37-41) Volker Sick; (p. 43-55) Margaret Wooldridge; (p. 57-67) Executive Editor Huei Peng. Dennis N. Assanis Managing Editor Regents of the University Chris Africa Julia Donovan Darlow, Ann Arbor; Laurence B. Deitch, Writing Bingham Farms; Olivia P. Maynard, Goodrich; Rebecca Outword Professional Writing, Kim Roth McGowan, Ann Arbor; Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor; Andrew C. Richner, Grosse Pointe Park; S. Martin Taylor, Design Grosse Pointe Farms; Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor; Mary Michigan Marketing & Design Sue Coleman, ex officio Photo Credits Faculty portraits and photos not listed below were taken Affirmative Action from the ME image archive. The University of Michigan, as an equal Special thanks to the following individuals and groups opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all for their contributions: applicable federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action, including Title IX (p. 4) ME Academic Services Office; (p. 5) Ann Marie of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of Sastry; (p. 8) Jun Ni; (p. 9) Hong Im; (p. 10) Volker Sick; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The University of Michigan is (p. 11) Rod Hill, Engineering Research Center for committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems; (p. 13) Deba opportunity for all persons regardless of race, sex,* color, Dutta; (p. 16) (top) Ellen Arruda and (bottom) Karl religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, age, marital Grosh; (p. 17) Edgar Meyhöfer; (p. 18) Katsuo status, sexual orientation, disability, or Vietnam-era Kurabayashi; (p. 19) Suman Das; (p. 20) (left) Kevin Pipe veteran status in employment, educational programs and and (right) Margaret Wooldridge; (p. 21) (top) Massoud activities, and admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be Kaviany and (bottom) Wei Lu; (p. 22) William Lim; (p. 23) addressed to the Senior Director for Institutional Equity Hong Im; (p. 24) (left) Huei Peng and (right) Anna and Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator, Office of Institutional Stefanopoulou; (p. 25) Ann Marie Sastry; (p. 26) (top) Equity, 2072 Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division and Michigan 48109-1432, 734-763-0235, TTY 734-647-1388. For (bottom) Steve Ceccio; (p. 27) (top) William Schultz and other University of Michigan information call 734-764-1817. (center) Whirlpool Corporation; (p. 28) Steve Skerlos; (p. 30) Automotive Research Center; (p. 31) Volker Sick; * Includes discrimination based on gender identity and (p. 32) Diann Brei; (p. 33) (top) U-M Photo Services and gender expression. (bottom) Alan Wineman; (p. 34) Noboru Kikuchi; (p. 35) Tim Gordon; (p. 39-41) ERC-RMS; (p. 43) Jyoti MM&D 066678 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING