12 /6 /78______5460 E. Fall Cr««k Pkwy., N. Drive (E. 56th 6 Emerson) 547-1772 tMl lr oWill o m 119 M*FSet IUPUI News l«ck|tninon tall - The largest Mtwnon tn M n at r— sonsbi* pnoM w i n g at S « Covan tn Vtoyt. Crushed Summer session II may be in jeopardy Veto*. Conkxoy Doran. and vanoua W n c i Ona o» our aata a ar aacadanl gtn by S h irk ) A. f u l l comes from student enrollment fees be cancelled unleaa the situation were tor someone specM — or tor yom eS A decline in enrollment at IUPUI Dr Moore said, however, that can­ extrem e m ay cauae the cancellation or curtail­ cellation of classes is not imminent “ 1 feel that an optimiatic approach ment of classes (or the secood sum “There are some other options tnai should be taken with this." be con­ m er term according to the Dean of can be considered." be said “The tinued. “ I am hopeful that the spring liberal Arts Martha Francois and deficient funds might be recovered by enrollment will increase sufficient!) other administrative sources cutting the budget in other areas, such I have a strong expectation that the as the reduction of expenditures in If the enrollment continues to de­ needed funds will be recovered at that library service, and for supplies and cline at the present rate, there could tim e.” expenses Faculty position* vacated be a one million dollar deficiency in Dean Francois urges student* to during the current term might not be the budget for these classes, accord­ continue plans to enroll in summer filled resulting in an additional aphy ing to Dr Edward C Moore, ex ecu classes No decision will be made until S ? savings A mild winter might help to SEE IT DEMONSTRATED AT live dean and dean of the faculties the end of spring registration, she conserve some costs that would be said T hu money would be lost from stu used for heating." he added dent fees as enrollment for the fall Moore said if funds cannot be re ­ At that tim e the administration will semester dropped 5 SO percent from covered from other sources, an alter­ determine whether budget cuts will 21.700 to 30.S07 and approxim ately native would be to cut some summer have to be made for the next fiscal m m one-third of the income for classes class sections All classes would not year Indiana s largest photographic supplier Reserved lots for women advocated

51 Mim n n i Crete 835 5151 • H I Breed Ripple Avt 253 348! A recommendation to reserve ap­ case, the other maintained that men. rather than just the University 1788 Em St 848 772! • 223 S Pete Ufa D. Btoaenia, proximately 300 parking spaces near as well as women, are subject to Quarter. Bogan said Some problems Cavanaugh H all after 3 pm for fem ale stuck associated with enforcing the policy students and faculty has been made Questions also arose concerning were discussed as well, Bogan added I by Colonel Spurgeon D Davenport, whether, in the interest of fairness. The issue will be pursued further director of the Indiana University simiUr plans would have to be at the Parking Policy Committee's Police Department-Indianapolis initiated at lUPUI's other campuses next meeting Jan. 19 Division, to Executive Dean Dr Edw ard C Moore The lots Davenport proposed to re­ IUPUI ‘untapped so u rce ’ serve are Lots 75 and *0. which are located at Vermont and Agnes Streets west of Cavanaugh Hall and Lecture Says visiting Maj. General Hall, respectively, and a section of bv Paul Ragao cadets After discussing ROTC with Lot 7k south of University Library “ IU PU I is virtually an unlapped those attending the conference. Women could be protected more resource." said Maj General Charles Rogers opened the floor to a dis effectively if the proposal were Rogers, in reference to lU P U I's po­ cussion with the cadets adopted. Davenport said, particularly tential of providing army officers, IUPUI * ROTC program, which after the police operations move to the when he stopped here on Nov 17 en presently has over 60 cadeU. has ex Bowers Building in M arch, 1879 route to a new assignment in Europe panded over the last two years and a Moore referred the proposal to the Rogers, who was instrumental In full-time professor of MiltUry Sci Parking Policy Committe, which getting the ROTC program sUrted al ence. CapUin Robert Palmquist, ha* discussed it at ita Nov 17 meeting IUPUI while deputy chief of sUff for been assigned to the campus Palm The com mittee, which took no formal ROTC in this region, will be deputy quisl, an education major, graduated action on the proposal, was “ split into com mander of the A rm y’s 3th Corps from Cameron University in Okla­ two camps” according to Committee in Europe. homa and is a Senior A rm y Aviator Chairman Dr. Robert L Bogan While here. Rogers met with Dr Palmquist invites any interested Both sides were sympathetic with Glenn W Irwin, IU vice president studenU to visit with him in his office, the philosophy of the proposal. Bogan Indianapolis. Willard E Hanshew. located in the Non-Academ ic Coun said, but while one faction felt that sex assistant to the director of a dm mis seling Center. 419 BUckford St 3M discrimination was scceptable in this trative affairs, and several ROTC 2349


The Nea-Academic Counseling Good news for those of yes who iu p u i ( cater has moved from the base­ actually study for Anal exam * and presents ment of the University Library to 419 don't have any place to go: Both C ov er: it's a snowflake, for those of North Blackford St The center pro­ the University Library i formerly you who m ay have forgotten what "THE SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS" vide* free personal counseling and the BUke Street L ibrary > and the they look like, (old photo) testing on a selective basis to 38th Street L ibrary will extend Holiday Dinner and Concert lU P U I’s students, faculty and staff their hours during the final exam The phone number there is 334 2343 period. The libraries will be open Monday Evening-December 11 from noon until 10 pm on Sunday. Union Building Cafeteria Dec 10, and from tarn to midnight on Mooday, Dec 11 through featuring Thursday. Dec 14. The New York Street Singers IUPUI Chamber Singers 4 a.m. Indianapolis Philharmonic Orchestra IUPUI Listener's Theater Insidf Carol Sing w * IU P U I N ew *...... page 2 Letter*...... page 4 Santa Claus With Surprises ** Comment...... page* 4, 5 Festive Holiday Dinner vv * K e lly * Duke...... p a g e s * Sports...... page 6 MENU Registration...... pages 8. 9 Roasted Turkey and Dressing, Ciblet Cravey, Midwest Arts Cranberry Salad. Sweet Potatoes, Seasoned Green G a z e tte ...... p a g es 10. II The worst *m towards our/allow Beans, Hot Rolls, Beverages, Pumpkin Pie Congressional creatures is not lo hole them, but to In s ig h t...... p a g e 12 DINNER-6:30-7:3() p.m.-$2 49-Tickets at the door be indifferent to them: that i* the Classifieds...... pages 14. 15 essence of humamiv CONCERT-7:30 p m .-No admission charge G. B.Shaw V r ------\


The Indianapolu Department of Parka and Recreation will present the Annual Garfield Poinaetu Show from Dec It through Jan 1. Over 4500 pouettas of all vanetiee and colon will be displayed daily from 10 am to I pm at the Garfield Conservatory. 1450 South Shelby Street A ll plants featured are grown and propagated at the Garfield greenhouse T h e re is no admission charge and the public is invited to attend For more information, call Janice Jackaon at 704-3044


Klims By ladlaaa Filmmakers will be shown Wednesday. Dec 13. at • pm at the Herron School of Art. Museum Building Lecture Hall Admission to the program is free The films are part of a state­ wide program presented by the Indiana Film Council The pro­ gram w ill feature short non-thea trical films of a variety of for­ mats including documentaries, animation and experimental pie ces. All films have been made by Indiana residents and assembled in a MO minute program which will circuit the slate For more information about the program, contact Carol Adney at the Herron School of Art Gallery at 923 3651

Co-op Ed...

The Cooperative Education Program integrates academic studies with full-time work exper it-nee Students in the program al ternate semesters of full-time work with semesters of full-time study Opportunities are a vail­ able for' students in Liberal Arts Science and Business to begin employm ent in the Indianapolis area Intereated students can contact the Office of Professional Prac­ tice Progams. Student Union Building. Room GC2SM. or call 364-854 for further details on the program Scholarships...

Dr Richard A Fredland. of the Political Science Department, has announced that application forms for the World Trade Club of Indiana Scholarship Program are now available in the Political Science Department office. Cavanaugh Hall, Room 504K ‘Students with an interest in a carreer in international business and meet the appropriate criteria are encouraged to apply," II you re a little bored that comes to you live Fredland said. with every New Year s Irom N ew Orleans By Applicants need to be United States citizens, full tim e students, Eve turning out like radio lust check your residents of Indiana, have a 3 0 every other New Years local listing lor the time (m inim um ) grade point average Eve. we ve got some and station and have completed at least half really good news lor you Then pick up some of the course hours required for the degree progrim ui which the It s called the Rabst-Marshall Tucker Rabst Blue Ribbon And have student is involved New Year s Eve Party It s a real hand- yourselt the best New Year s you've The successful esndidate lone clapping, loot-stomping rock concert had in years this year, m ore in future years) will receive a (500 scholarship which is renewable as long as the THE PABSTMARSH ALL TUCKER NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY criteria are met. For further information, student* may contact Fredland *1264 3*55 V______4 Sogomor* 12/6/76 r move i f * now or never!1. Our View V t v ' '"'talllftllk

21,000 seats, no waiting

W ell, gee— it looks like they’ re going to change the registration process (Gosh, we’d just gotten good at the old one, too. We learned to bring plenty of provisions and warm clothing and everything.) The new process, which involves just about every facet of the university that you can think of, differs not so much in the process itself, but in the location of the various offices ( Financial Aid, Registrar, Bursar. Parking Services, Veterans, Student Services and various schools and divisions). For one thing, the Bursar is going to pretty much have the Lecture Hall all to itself—which sounds like a good idea. For another, all of the wandering around ( cards in hand) will be done inside of Cavanaugh Hall And an ID card won’t even be needed to claim your packet < Another good idea, since some of us use our IDs to scrape the frost off our windows in the morning, and that just tears the heck out of 'em. > But all of these careful, well-laid plans won't help a bit if you don’t help too. Your part in all of this is reasonably sim ple: just follow the signs and it all works out. providing you prepare your­ self and com e on time. That’s probably the best piece of advice we can give you. If you com e on tim e to claim your packet and pay your fees, then e very ­ thing flows a lot smoother. Why, by coming at your scheduled time, you get top priority and move—whizzz—right through the Credit transfers line. Come late and bring a good book To the Editor Letters Your editorial of Nov 13. 197*. entitled "Give Us Some Credit." discusses the transferability of credit hours from one Indiana University High taxes (so to speak) Editorial campus to another T hu is a very real problem, but I take exception to one of wgrour exam ples A ll undergraduate W e couldn't help but notice an article in one of the local papers business courses t Including To the Editor: the other day that said that the marijuana business is now the Sincerely yours. accounting courses) have identical Your editorial on "B u sing" is ipso nation's third largest industry. JohnT Liell course numbers, identical facto proof of the accuracy of your Ye*. let'* do hold the Fourteenth descriptions, and insofar as possible The ram ifications of such a situation are mind-boggling for introductory statement that the topic Am endm ent—to what it promise* identical content on all campuses of one thing, that means the nation’s third largest business is is rarely approached logically Your Section I, a* applied to this case. Indiana University Thus all business controlled wholly by crim inals; and for another it means that an mish-mash of "issues" is superficial would guarantee U S citisen* the courses are fully and completely and emotional, and fails even to awfully big chunk of American money is leaving the country for p rivilege of moving to a specific transferable within the IU system mention what the Indiana polu School such w arm er clim es as those of Mexico and Colom bia. school district with the assurance that Very truly yours, Desegregaion case is all about: As we Add the costs of law enforcement to already-astounding sum their children be allowed to go to W illiam C Perkins school there. The absence of busing Chairperson, lost to exporters, and you com e up with a figure in the billions of "h o ld " the Fourteenth Amendment to certainly doe* not Indicate a denial of Undergraduate Program dollars BUUooi. And all spent in behalf of an illegal weed used the Constitution of the United States? -Ed. by millions of Americans. Comparisons of pot smuggling with prohibition have been made to the point of triteness, but in many ways the shoe does Comment Star recognizes others’ needs seem to fit. It seems as though the government could solve several T s end ■ long s to r y - IP I Is mem IU P U I Is the eyes sf the Star) and the affirm ative responses on the issue received problems in one fell swoop by sim ply legalizing it and placing the from the IU Board of Trustees by Reardon The final stroke was not brought about by the Sagamore, As of Nov. 21. The Indianapolis Star decided, in the in­ same restrictions on it that have been placed on alcohol. Crime but was initiated by Reardon and Smith. The initial inter terest of clarity and to avoid unnecessary confusion, to would obviously decline (at least a little), and many bucks could view with E arly was held during the week of Nov 12 in change its style policy This information was related to be made by taxing the stuff, not to mention those that could be order to discuss the issues of the IP1/IUPUI contro­ members of the IU P U I Student Assembly (Student Body versy As a result of that meeting. E arly agreed to inves­ saved (or channeled elsewhere) that are spent in law President Mike Reardon and Senator Lou Smith) and tigate and consider the question of whether a change in The enforcement. The Sagamore (m yself) in a telephone interview with Robert Indianapolis Star style was warranted I t ’s pretty obvious at this point that a multitude of citizens are E arly, the managing editor of The Indianapolis Star. • For its final decision to recognise this campus as IU PU I, going to go right ahead and use pot regardless of what the Thus a struggle between the Sagamore and the Indiana The Indianapolis Star should be commended It proves to governm ent thinks about it. And it really doesn’t seem to do any poUs Star has com e to an end and the winner has been the me, if not to others, that The Indianapolis Star does seek to h arm —except to the economy. Why not m ake money on it identity of IUPUI. The battle was aided by the signatures meet the needs of the Indianapolis community and not just instead of losing it? received on a recent petition, the letters received from its own views, The star. interested faculty and students i some that w ere sent to the •ley

The Sagamore is published by students of Indiana University-Purdue administration or faculty of IUPUI The Sagamore is a semi weekly University at Indianapolis Views expressed are those of the editorial (weekly during the sum m er) newsm aganne published at 925 W staff or of the individual whose name appears in the byline Those Michigan S t . Indianapolis. Indiana 46202 Editorial phone. 264 4008 /cioomore view s do not necessarily reflect those of the student body, advertisement phone. 264-3456. business phone. 264 2SJ# Editor ia Chief Advertising M anager Contributors Entertainment Business Production Circulation L M a rt Finch Paul Miner Steve Cooper Bob Higgins. Jr Reginald Bentley N K Balakushna Cathy Bauters Daniel Beard Shirley Couts Tom Lanham Harry Roberson Cindy Kilmer James Hale Paul Ragan M asaglag Editor Basinets M anager John Em ley M W illiam LutholU Aaron Nolan Joann Hirata Mike Galla way Ron B erger Charles Grigsby Office Cherrie Steele Randall Redman P h o u Editor Production Manager Jill Lee Diane Adams Tim Sullivan K im berly Shae Editorial Cartoonists Dole W riter Evalds Valainis Dan Motto Photography Carrie Kilmer Karen L Wagner Jeff Zorman Credit Manager John Webster Don Gorman Tom McCain Ann M iller Bud Gunter 12/4/71 Sagamore • CHOICE Comment Our University (sorry, W.) CHOICE

out lAIVKRMTY funeral, practically shut down Hus whole side of town when i with sincere spoiogiee to Thornton WtkWri it happened ToUts thought a lot of him and they all showed Act V up to prove it CHOICE The Stage Manager II I awfully quiet tonight here in There are others up her* in the cem etery that you can see Blake Street Corner* The halo from the city » lights biota from tune to tune Some students Some professor* who Mazda G LC gives you 3 out moat of the s U rt but the moon is shining full and bright used to teach here Even a couple ef janitors Up the street you can tee the buildings, all of them, O ver on the other side, you can see some other stooee for great economy cars clumped together and dark Moat of the people have gone people who lived back when those early chancellors were home (or the night, except for some of the watchmen and still around But like moat of the older stones in the cem e­ to choose from : the people over at the hospital that keep things going all tery. moat of the writing's been worn off for years Most of through the night and into the morning hours them you can't even reed a name Just an initial or two O ver in the cem etery E m ily and George are both sleeping They say that even one of the city s newspapers buried its now So are their parents and the rest of their children Two editors over there Now they 're just a couple of initials of them graduated from here back in the '70s One of them It's quiet tonight down here at Blake Street Corners You even went on to become a law yer and. later, a Congress can hear some of the trains switching down at the station man He's over there, too. now under that big elm And they've closed up the tennis stadium for the night as There's a chancellor or two down at the fool of the well hlU names are almost all worn off the stone* by now I used to say that the dead don't stay interested in us liv ­ They were here a long tim e ago. back when they still called ing people for very long Used to think that they would all this place by three or lour different names and never could gradually let go of their hold on the earth, weaned away quite decide on one But then the whole place really hadn t from it I guest that's still true But every now and then All with fotd-Oown split rear teat, reciintng front been around for too long when these fellows were calling the when I com e through here at night, it seems like some of bucket seats, new larger 14 litre O H C engm e and mon shots these dead are still interested That big marker up on the hill, that's the first president of They've let go all right, but it fells like they still care the university, the one who really got things going One of about what happens to the places they had while they were SPEEDWAY mazoa the biggest men to com e through Blake Street Corner* in a Mill here But it's night here in Blake Street Corners and I long tune, before or since I was a boy when they nao ms guess it's tim e for some sleep. You have a good night, lao Phone 637-1 -GLC

\ String Bede f • *1WtCcom* to • \ • » y • 0 CHRISTMAS SA VINOS! • BROAD • Bring Me ad and torn 10% oft * • my purchaas Mejgh Oac >4 • tMeOwMard n D T s n s is RIPPLE * a*ead Mppie rate*. 0 • Hour* TiMO-Sol U S • by JACK MOORE S « . p . S * S > « 4 o s . g . . a

Taylor S CflRE Fr#* halr Analysis CEMBt .^^Jiopurchasa required

Custom Styling for GUYS, GALS, and KIDS M o n — Sat. la m t o ! pm Sun 1 pm to • pm 6372 N. Guilford BROAD RIPPLE VILLAGE 255-3177

AUTNEtmC MEXICAN FOOD 4 a P * ? ATMOSPHERE •COCKTAILS LOOKS U K l YOU'LL U -maviUMG alone, • STROLLM GUITARIST today SIR • OPEN 7 DAYS • CARRY OUT • PARTES 255-2477 0247 N College Ave * Sogomore 12/6/76 Women Metros gearing up for season’s opener

by Aon Miller the women Metros should have little impressed the coach Donna Shank healthy one. evenly divided between Editor’s noir: Kathy Caddie, stand With the men's program already trouble improving on the 1977 ledger has improved greatly in practice and home and away contests With in­ out IUPUI forward suffered a severe underway for a month, the IUPUI of $-9 may start at center terest in women's basketball mush fy sprained ankle during pre-season women's basketball team is now get' Experience is another plus Tucker Others promise to provide welcome rooming all over the country, IUPUI praritte and wilt be out of Ihe hneup ting in gear for their season s opener will get plenty of leadership from the depth Tucker will utilize talented Athletic Coordinator Dr. Robert /or ot least five weeks against always-formicbbk Vicennes senior backcourt of Lynn Aurelius and transfer anWormer Speedway-great Bunnell started the ball rolling on the Coach Kathy Tucker is optimistic Sue Benge, and from Patty Sullivan, Mary Ann O'Neal as a guard or small first annual Indianapolis Women's about her club's chances for a winning her off-the-bench John Laskowski forward Also figuring in the second College Basketball Tournament IUPUI host to campaign. “ We are a quick team, and type sparkplug year coaches plans is sophomore which promises to become a city Lra we should be a strong one." says a Junion Kathy Caddie, who also defensive specialist M em Puckett dition IL'PUI will host the first pleased Tucker, “ especially on the shines on the volleyball court and in With this much talent to call upon. classic, featuring Butler, Marion and b-ball tourney boards ’ ’ the classroom, should get the nod at a Tucker will be rotating her lineup Indiana Central, on Dec 8 and 9 at the IUPUI will host its first Indiana Tucker's hopeful outlook is under forward spot The steady Gaddie often Westiane Jr High School polls Womens Basketball Tourna­ siandable Rebounding, something reaped team scoring honors as a soph Freshman Vicki Came and aggres % "More top competition is down the ment on Friday and Saturday Dec 8 the squad lacked last tune around, omore with an 11 2 ppg average sive Nancy Lee need a lilUe polish but road," according to Coach Tucker and 9 This classic, which promises to should be one of this year's assests The other wingman could be sharp possess good potential and they Ball State, an upper division school be an annual event, will be held at the The Metros will be able to field a to re second-year player Judy should see action is an excellent team So is Franklin, WesUand Junior High School, 1301 W court lineup of $-11 Donna Shank. 5 10 Pluckebaum whose B 8 ppg backed up With her lanky crew hitting the with Judi W arren St Joe s has a good 73rd St Butler. Anderson. Marion, Tina Massengale. and last season's Gaddie last season in the shooting boards. Tucker plans to install a run balldub this year. «n d Indiana and IUPUI will participate in the lour tallest player 5-9 Kathy Gaddie With department Or it could be tall Tma nmg offense The women Metros will Central, whom we play in the city ney, the first of its kind in the Indi­ this sore spot remedied, and the two Ma&sengale. a transfer from Georgia be pressing man-to-man defense tournament and again later on in the anapolis metropolitan area top point producers returning as well. whose off the-ball moves have The team s 16-game schedule is a year, is always rough Butler and Anderson will kick off the action at 6 pm on Friday, Dec 8, followed by the IUPUl-Manon till at 8 THE FACTS: pm The consolation game is slated for 1 HUNDREDS Of of cases however burning or irritation pm Saiurday afternoon, and the THOUSANDS OF WOMEN has been experienced by either or both championship will be decided at 3 pm 1USE ENCARE OVAIZ partners If this occurs use should be IUPUI Athletic Coordinator Bob discontinued Bunnell, the originator and organizer Eh care Oval' was introduced to Ameri­ of the Indianapolis Women’s Basket can doctors m November 1977 Almost EASIER TO INSERT ball Tournament, calls the tourna­ immediately rt attracted widespread phy­ THAN A TAMPON. ment a milestone, not only for the sician and patient attention schools involved, but also for the city Today Encare Oval is being used by The Encare Oval * is smooth and smalt, so of Indianapolis Each participating hundreds of thousands ot women and it inserts quickly and easily— without an college will in turn host the event in users surveyed report overwhelming sat­ applicator Theres none ol the bother ot years to come isfaction Women using Encare Oval say aerosot foams and diaphragms No Tickets will be on sale at the door on they hnd it an answer t<5 their problems device inside you No pill to remember game days with the put tW V ^ Jp b ra g fn s and aero* every day Simply use as directed when you need protection sol foams You can buy Encare Oval whenever you need it it s available without a prescrip­ Metros take thirtl*' EFFECTIVENESS The I CPU l Metros took third place 2 tion And each Encare Oval is individ­ ESTABLISHED IN in the Spring Arbor Tournament, ually wrapped to tit discreetly into your which was won by the host school CUNICAL TESTS. pocket or purse In the first game of the tourney, the ’ was subjected to one of the Encare Oval Metros lost to Western Ontario 'Can most ngorouS tests ever conducted tor a BECAUSEENCARE OVAL 5 ada ■ 104-91 Four Metros scored in vaginal contraceptive Results were IS INSERTED IN ADVANCE, double figures Doug While and Kim excellent— showing that Encare Ovaf IT WONT INTERRUPT King with 20 points. Kent Van Deuson. provides consistent and extremely high 15. and Reggie Butler, 12 Bruce sperm-killing protection This recent (J S LOVEMAKING. Meikle and Kob Niro pumped m 27 report supports earlier studies in Euro­ Since theres no mess or bother Encare each for Western Ontario pean laboratories vjflBhnics Ovai gives you a measure Of freedom The ItJPUIers then trounced Mercy many contraceptives can t mate* Each Encare Oval insert contains a pre­ College in the consolation game, 96-70 cise. premeasured dose of the potent The normone-tree Encare Ovat Safer for Kim King's 26 and Doug White's 25 led sperm-killing agent nonoxynol 9 Once your system than the pill or tuP Neater the Metro effort while Kent Van properly inserted Encare Ovai melts and and simpler than traditional vaginal con­ Deuson added 12 points gently effervesces dispersing me sperm traceptives So effective and easy to use Metro forward Doug White was killing agent within the vagina that hundreds of thousands have already selected to the a 11-tournament team found it— quite simply— the prelerred The success of any contraceptive IL'PUI, now 2-5, travels to the Si contraceptive method depends on consistent and Joe Tournament in Rennsalaer on accurate use Encare Oval ~ is so conve- ; 1978 Eaton-Merz Laboratories. Inc Friday and Saturday, Dec’ 7 and 8 merit you won t be tempted to lorget »t Norwich New York 13815 t-* »tii-■ And so simple to insert it s hard io make a mistake Racquets raised : n c £ > r & it pregnancy poses a special nsk lor you The IL'PUI Student Assembly will your contraceptive method should be se- sponsors campus racquelball lourna tec ted after consultation with your doctor ment as a fund-raiser for the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation The V N O HORMONAL tournament is open to ail students and faculty, and will be held Dec 18-22 SIDE EFFECTS. from noon to 4 pm at Racquetball Encare Oval * is free of hormones so it West cannot create hormone-retaied health vagmdi cormacepiive The Down with CP’ tourney will lew owe Vernon pregnancy problems— Jike strokes and heart have intermediate and beginner cate- attacks— that have been linked to the piti gone* m both m en 's and women's di And. there is no hormonal disruption of SL visions The entry fee is S5 for partici you^menstruaf cycle pants and (3 50 for spectators, with all Most people find Encare proceeds being donated to UCPF Oval completely satisfac­ Due to time and space limitations, tory in a limited number only the first 120 applications can be The most talked accepted There will be door prizes and other awards donated by local businesses The funds will be presented at the UCP telethon on Channel 13 Dec 3» about contraceptive and 31 For further information on the tour ney or to sign up to help during the telethon, contact Lois Smith in the SA office. Cavanaugh Hall. Room 001-C. since the pilL or call 264-3419 or 264 2583 ia/w *

Documentary is he staringat rnw

A iy h ia a documentary film o( day io-day living in one of R D Laing's London communities, will be shown Tuesday, Dec l», at 7:90 pm at the School of Den Uatry, Room S lift A panel dis­ cussion will follow the film, which is sponsored by Heboa, Inc , a local alternative to psychiatric hospitalisation Admission coat is ts $ i Stink he's Giving me '*’> t kind of eW ah look ; Big magnet.. ^ . C L U j l MXXK

West Lafayette. Ind - A super cold magnet with a grasp S mil­ lion tunes the force of gravity at sea level is a the heart of a new laboratory at Purdue University Scientists use the magnet, com puters and other associated equipment to pick up '‘messages" from inside atoms that make up enzymes and other complex organic substances Their research is aimed at in­ creasing knowledge of the pro­ cesses involved in normal cells and how the processes may differ in cancer, heart disease and

other ailments . . .-Y 'Y Y Y Y Y V )-^ The sophisticated equipment is housed in the Biochemical Mag ___ _ him who make life netic Resonance laboratory, the UnpleasSnt- foi- the rest o f uS o only one of its kind in the Mid west, and used by scientists from many institutions besides Purdue The Division of Re­ search Resources of the National Institutes of Health is supporting the program with 1900,000 to be 4 5 ? / o — O 2 provided over three years

Tt™ rncC«lh ll/ » Helping Hand...

A Helping Hand Food Program for the needy will be held at Ellenberger Ice Rink from Dec. 7 through 21 t anned goods can be brought to the rink during public skating hours and a giant Christmas card can be signed Trophies will be awarded to the individual, group or organization who collects the most canned goods Last year, 19 families were helped through this program Youngsters may also visit with Santa Claus, and can have their pictures taken for 50 cents Santa will be at Ellenberger on Dec 21. 22, and 24 from 1-3 pm He will have treats for each child. For further information, call Ellenberger Rink. 253 1600, after 3pm Xmas sounds...

"The Sounds of Christmas.’ a holiday dinner and concert, will be held on Monday. Dec. 11. at the Union Building, The event will open with a Christmas dinner from 6 30 to 7 30 pm in the cafeteria, with tickets available at the door for $2 49 a person Holiday Music will follow at 7:30 pm with a concert featuring the New York Street Singers, the 1UPU1 Chamber Singers, and the Indianapolis Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Charles Manning The lupui Listener s Theater, under the direction of Bruce Wagener, will present readings, and Santa Claus will put in an appearance There it no admission charge for the concert portion of the program • Sagamore 12/6/78 18/8/78 Financial aids 'up front For those of you who have felt hauled w* die past by AM financial aid reopwnts wdl be mquved tu visa w«h the activities of the Financial Aids office, there will be the Financial Aid staff as they go through the registration some changes made for Spring Repstration that wMI process "The Financial Asds offices on the #w d floor (of help alleviate much of the inconvenience, accordmg to f a » anaugh Hail) wdl be dosed dunng recreation and Barbara SaMe of the Financial Aids Office aM of

One new aspect of the Registration^ ee Payment process for the Spnng semester is that you won t need an IUPUI student identification card to claim your registration packet After you ve paid your fees, thou^i. you'll be asked to show your card to get it validated At this time flf you don l have an K) card), you can get one made up in the Lecture Hall lor $1 ID cards will be required by some schools, departments, and services of the university and cards are useful in check-cashing, classroom testing obtaining student discounts and for admission to some student functions. But i you don't think you need an O card, you won’t be asked to procure one Another thing that's new concerning ID cards-you ve got to pay for the first one now In the past, your first ID card was free, but now your fire vmM cost SI, and duplicates wilt cost $2 (as they always have) And if you have to be billed for a duplicate, the charge is $3. so it's best to hang onto your fire card Starting the week of (an 15, students, faculty and staff can call the Student Activities Office, 264-3931. to make an appointment to have an ID card made up. Cards will be made on tw o days of each week for the benefit of those who missed the opportunity during Registration Parking tables move Parking Services will be making tom e changes m order to faofitate easier access for students during the registration process, according to Parking Coordwiator M ^or John Gilbert In the past, students would be required to go to the recreation room « the basement of Cavanaugh Hall to purchase a parking permit "Pnmanly," Gilbert said, "the change will consist of moveig the Pariung Services staff from the basement of Cavanau^i HaM to the Lecture HaM Parking Services will officially becom e a part of the reparation process this Spnng" Among the reasons for the change is that Parking Sereces wants "to catch students before they leave the repstration process," Gttiert said. "It will also be more convenient for the student body 4 pariung is part of the repstration process." K> Sagamore 12/6/76 fTlidwest Arts Gazette "Horn* o( the niimirlmnjn . . . In Indianapolla. Ind.” till EAST HMD ST. AT CASTUTOM SO - PHONE JIT til AST Tommy Hoehn worth the wait

Tom m y Hoehn s im ila r (re m e m b e r, thia is my But. at any rate, hit voice is well- REWARD Le*iag You to Sleep opinion) voice is Dan Hill, a voice I suited to the m aterial and he gives it (London PS 710 find appealing if performing the an energetic workout proper music Hoehn casta himself as The sticker on the cover by D a v y Kdy YOURSELF a man who it constantly being put recommends the following cuts “ Hey APPLY IN PERSON Tom m y Hoehn i album has been upon by women Not ordinary women, Polarity. ’Losing You to Sleep." available for approximately two mind you, but evil witches, out for “The Heat.” and "Fresh Matches FULL AND PART TIME month*, but thia is the first chance I blood Thia concept is repeated A ll four are easily the beat on the had to get ahold of a copy to liaten to throughout the album album, and given a m ore popular POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE The wait was well worth it Hoehn. "H e r eyes, they /lath the tame for artist, they would make great singles who it virtually unknown in these anybody. And f don’t want to burn And with this m aterial. I'm beginning parts, has produced an album of quite m y t e lf to wonder why this artist haan t made Tom Wright talks excellent music The music is rock, it He’s got good strong material, He is in a p red icam en t, the but not what is known as ’hard rock.’ young, blond and bearded good looks heartless creature is nearby—he will and the music it played with that are required of popular artists escape only if her eyes don’t fall upon a b o u t th e seemingly boundless energy So the and an artsy album cover, so much in him, but wait a second' Here we find album is uptempo; extremely vogue these days And he is much that he is put upon by hearties* energetic, and performed with better than tripe like Kiss and others Pioneer SX 450 receiver women because he too is just aa extremely good taste-no screaming, that are constantly being pushed on heartless raucous guitars or vocals, not is It the us. Why isn’t this man a success’ "I don’t wont to turn on myiel//But atonal, moronic noise that so many You can help. Go out and buy this I need something I can ate!And I popular groups produce for our record You may have to shop around don't want to/1(ht and late. ” dubious pleasure Ttua music la. quite to find it. or you m ay have to special simply, excellent And when he gets her he can be very order it through a shop that will order cruel; Hoehn’s voice appears to be quite records In any case, the tim e spent " just littie/Evvn well-suited to his material, as he is I puth her a looking for and waiting for the album enough to fool just her/Ooo I really convincing in the role he most often to arrive will be well worth It. If you mussed blow casts himself His voice is somewhat her/Cutchya' I'll like good music, I can almost high, dry and lacking in range and he y o u n e lf up/, such a crude guarantee that you w ill like this " often strains to hit notes that he contempt album (although I am hereby should realise are beyond his means So now. is it any wonder that the absolved of all blame if you don't like One vocalist I can think of with a women are cruel, heartless witches? Losing You to Sleep I Summer’s latest is marvelous

Donna Summer laking the place in this country of the more exciting done Itvf than the Live And M on Greatest Hits collections (elcascd original studio versions My only t Casablanca NBLP71I9) earlier this year in Europe The ihiee com pUmt is that (he m aterial is often by lis t Id U v sides also have a few new songs never shorter than before and is performed lionna Summer appears to have before released by Ms Summer, ns ns I at a much faster pace, almost as done it again She has released notably the My Man Medley Side though she wanted to get it out of the another marvelous album that four is taken up with the impressive way But. on repeated listening, this continues her long list of extrem ely M ac Arthur Suile becomes leas disturbing. popular records And it is an excellent L... ••• started off isveral Queen Donna shows her vocal album in all respects The recording years ago with Love To l-ove S ou prowess on side two with the "My is very good, the sound is excellent ‘ - - > Baby, which was, for all practical Man Medley"; "The Way We Were" and the perform ance is a striking, purposes, continuous moaning and and "Muni's Song ." She gets away near perfect performance groaning The song caused m ore than from the beat and comes alive The album is a two-record set. a few snickers and raised even more with straight pop and blues She gets containing three live sides and one eyebrows when it was released as a down right raunchy on "M y M an" and studio side. The live sides consist Tom Wright of Wright Brothers Band single Nevertheless, the song and turns in a cUssy rendition of "T h e mainly of her big hits, apparently album were huge successes and Way We Were She sings the song The Wright Brothers are a group whose time has com e Because paved the way for Summer's super much belter than Streisand could more and more people are picking up on the* style Enfoyng their stardom even imagine ( which is not to say that Streisand's version is not good) music That g r o w n g audience signals a kind Of music that works for Her next two . A Love "M im i’s Song" is a touching song people - Trilogy and Thr Lour Seasons of Love continued along merrily in a similar that Summer wrote in response to her At Graham Electronics, a good audio system means one that fashion much like the first except daughter's request that she spend iA u f S liS J more tim e with her works for you And components that work well together For great l k f l n l « Vihotul S. Rrjponal Summer did much m ore singing and a sounds Like the ones you * get from the Pioneer SX 450 stereo tolefUmmenl Ever* Night lot less moaning and groaning The All the hiU are relegated to side’ receiver Graham Electronics puts the SX 450 together with the fhun. Dec 7 albums were also a lot less successful three and they are as expertly than their predessessor executed as the first two sides, right turntable and speakers to form a tine stereo system One that Corky Siegel especially. "" (which she M stlmisuon Suddenly. Summer released Once gives you the music you want From AM.FM or records. Then turns into a ‘ gospel” number) and the fri Sat . D« 8.9 Upon a Time. This album was quite Graham adds an everyday low Green Sheet price to the whole sweeping “ Last Dance " A p paloova rem arkable for a disco album and system And that's somethmg you can be very receptive to S.’ admimun also received much critical praise and The real surprise on this album is on Mnn Dei II quite a bit more com m ercial success side four with MacArthur Park Green Sheet pricing and W oody Shaw With I Rem em ber Yesterday and her Suite," which is sim ply stunning. The risk-free stereo only at Im trumpet appearances in Thank God It's F riday song, never intended to be disco, ______i l i ! ______she had clinched the title of the stands up well under the disco Tuec . Wed . Dei 12.1) reigning queen of disco and she arrangements and works remarkably Roadmaster apparently has no intentions of losing well with the newer material it is i J SO admission her crow n And she ut finally escaping placed with. With two other songs. urnaw the “ disco tex-doll" im age created by "MacArthur Park" becomes a side­ w u «m i imisci "Love to Love You Baby " long epic that should keep the jumping A Urge portion of Once Upon a Downtown, Washington Square, Glendale Tim e appears on aide one of Live and All in all. ii Other central Indiana locations Mare. The material is of the highest enormously successful both musically Muncie, Anderson, Tippecanoe Mall In Lafayette standards and is well pUyed; almost and com m ercially It is very easy to better than the original And it la far see why 12/4/M Sogomow i The In/ide Ljne

byM Hilliam lelhoili paraphrenalia from the famous journal of the beab tube An interview with Jack Webb on the set of the first Looking for some neat stocking M u ffs ri’ Then Mart look Dragnet senes T V story of Arthur Godfrey's lilting out tng for the Indianapolis Restaurant Guide II I • ooe-ofa with tV TVpress TV "TV Guide Hose-Up of tV kind collection of menu* from area restaurants to let you do premiere of Johnny tars on on tV Tonight S h ow some armchair shopping for your neat night on the toon Also C los et p remarks for Roots and t V first Super Bow I The guide is the work of one M ike Hudnut and his game all IV gooey trivialities that make up tV company. Ad ventures M ike says he got the idee from aev underbelly ( and som etim e* t V heart) of our t n V era I other sim ilar guides that are published in other major T V real goldmine for tV hard-core trivia freak is in tV cities around the country very beck at I V book com plete fall opening schedules The concept is simple how many tim es have you gone to from IMS to present < "Quick, what show opened t v IMS a restaurant com pletely blind not really knowing what the season at 10pm on Thursday night" > T V paaaibihtaa are food i or the price list is lik e ' Now you've got a chance to damn near endless And for f IS. you can harthy nuaa find out who's serving what before you even get in your car The publication features menus from moat of the city's And if all eke fails, give them IV world T V New York better restaurants as well as coupons for price breaks at Times Atlas of the World Times Books. IB M ' Revised some of the establishments just Uus yaar. t V new atlas has t.u o updates, and MU I V guide is on sale at various stores throughout town at a new puce names, whl with all tV revohitionuingand price that will pay for itself the first night out WiU it go trouble in t V world They a lw giv e you a hefty h alrh of full over in Indy' Looks like it . Hudnut s already working on an color mapa by Bartholomew A Son R covers I V earth plus up-dated version for May! I V moon and som e of t V stars And for t V kiddies, there s t V new AaU-l'eieriag Beeh by Got some real die-hard television fanatics in the fa m ily ' Susan Striker and E dward Kim m ei < S3 *6 designed for ail The kind you can Just barely pry away from the tube long those good bberal folk out there who believe their children enough to get them to unwrap their presents' This one s for shouldn't V forced to sU y inside I V lutes whan they are them TV Guide: The First B years iSimon A Schuster. busy expressing themselves artistically So I V book simply tl4 .M ). gives i ns (ructions i pardon me. suggestions ) for "Idas As one bookstore clerk put it to me. "Sounds about as projects that t V kids can use with their crayons and their exciting as a history of the Readers Digest And. of course, imaginations he's righ t. this one is ‘ secular city " all the way Of course, you can save even more money by buyuy But it is fun' Especially if you grew up with the TV tube them an enormous sketch pad Makes you look like a skin Thu isn't a history of television It's Just a collection of flint with t V rest of t V relatives who blew their bank books reprinted articles, and photos, and covers, and other an Battleatar Galactica breakages, but t V kicB JuM love am Werewolves on pop prowl

T V Werewolves Ship of Fools is an immense record Is a subtle classic, a sleeper m Ship of Koo»i improvement over tV Werewolves' tV tame vein as Nick Lowe's Farr by Tom Lanham debut of last M ay T V recording is Pap far New People E very song hits much cleaner and a commanding home and has some tort of driving Applications There is an obvuus contradiction saxophone outweighs tV unassuming Vat. even tV Robert Palmerith apparent w V n looking at t V new vocals moat of the time Not that the instrumental, and a hit single is W erewolves album. Ship of Fools vocals are bad. mind you, t V y r e Just inevitable now being accepted understated and have to V taken in With s name like tV Werewolves T V mam question is -w h y are the one might expect some sort of punk context or t V true essence of the song Werewolves here and making tV outfit or at least a reasonable illoM .' unconventional music they are' for the 1979 editorship of the facsim ile of a dirty rock n’ roll group, Eclecticism seems to be the There*? no real answer, it can only V but to see I V band's picture on t V Werewolves’ new fetish, as IV eleven said that t V Wolves are simple but cover, with their clean-cut tunes delve into ja u . rock, country, fun. and fun but serious It s not really appearance and down home country blues, and of course, pop. at which suicide to attempt to please look, you would easily com e to V b e v e t V band is most adept and sincere everybody all t V Ume. and this group I V W erewolves make t V neatest pop- /ogcimore The accuracy of the atyle seems to have an uncanny, lupine rock around simulation might V taken by tom e as instinct for knowing I V precise time Applications and/or resumes T V truth of t V m atter is this an outright mimicry with sarcastic to strike a public gagging on farce-fed hand's musical identity lie* in n eitV r overtones, but I interpret it as m ore of Foreigner forty-lives should be delivered to Dr. Dan B. Wolf, of those two extremes, hut smack-dab an intense love for tV music tV AHH-OOO' T V Werewolves will in I V middle W erewolves IV m s e lve s listen to This conquer Cavanaugh Hall, Room 441 D, on or before December 13 An equal opportunity employer

MCAT DAT-ISA! - OCAT • VAT HMD I. II. Ill - ECFMG - FLEX- VQE NATL DENTAL BOARDS • NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs A Hours There IS • difference!!!

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T t tl PMasnsTiOSl Serving Blooming Ion Indianapolis South Band’ specialists and West Is'srsllS SMCI ISM For locations m oinor cHros caU lek troa S0O22> 17i: 1 Centsrs is Mslor US Cities Tetonlo. Fuartc Rico and lugano. S» -- 'and W e h ave m o v ed to our perm anent location IS sogomof® 12/6/76

College antics replace activism

Just a decade ago. college say they will consult before making The students are upset that since all campuses around the country were any major political decisions They the chibs went disco, they have no ubmerged in turmoil and protest also paid $125 to operate a dial a joke place to listen to hard rock They are The nation was engaged in an service For their next project, they also protesting what they call the. Social stigma attached to disco Congressional unpopular war. and the students then plan on flooding the football stadium felt it their duty to do something about and holding mock naval battles According to one BUZ coordinator.

.1 Meanwhile, at the Northern Illinois ’People who can t afford to dress up, Today, college students seem to University at De Kalb, the situation is or aren't confident doing highly have replaced activism with antics, much worse A student protest group choreographed dances, shy away and if a protest is called, it is usually calling themselves BUZ (Beta from disco clubs ” Insight of the tongue in cheek variety Omicron Zeta > has invaded the town's Observers reported the group, Take for instance the University of disco clubs demanding to hear Led wearing ripped ( shirts and other Wisconsin at Madison Ten years ago Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones and Lou punk garb, were steadily gathering it was considered to be one of the most Reed instead of Donna Summer, the supporters as they moved from disco Rep. SUvio Conte

***** Watch Phil Burton; he's off to a head start in the rules sweepstakes The ever- Eleven ambitious California Democrat will be named this week to head a Democratic caucus committee charged with broad responsibility to look into caucus rules extraordinary There also may be a move at next week's caucus to direct the new Burton panel men have earned to study all committee jurisdictions the world s most Burton, thwarted in his efforts to win a Democratic leadership poet, has been pressing caucus chairman Tom Foley (D-Wash ) to name him to the study prestigious group; it’s seen u a platform to keep alive Burton's hopes for a future run for award. Speaker or majority leader whenever the circumstances seem propitious ***** Three influential supporters of low-income public housing are leaving The defeats of Senate Housing Committee members Tom McIntyre (D-N.H ) and E d* Brooke (R-Mass ) and the retirement of John Sparkman (D-Ala.) could have an effect on urban legislation. Brooke's slated successor as ranking GOP member is Jake Garn ( R Utah). who’s considered as conservative as Brooke is liberal McIntyre's absence also will be felt in the area of savings and loan and banking legislation As Financial Institutions Subcommittee chairman, McIntyre steered the consume co-op bank bill to enactment and was planning other legislation dealing with consumer services in banks and S k Ls. An exclusive broadcast ***** Sen Birch Bayh (D-Ind.) will head Select Intelligence another year. When its TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, ON MOST first chairman, Daniel Inouye iD Hawaii), stepped down in January after two years, he set a precedent that Bayh indicated he would follow At least two sitting PUBLIC TELEVISION STATIONS Democrats, though, Bob Morgan (N.C.) and Gary Hart (Colo ), are scheduled to leave under caucus rules The committee also lost Bill Hathaway (D-Maine) and two Republicans, Clifford Case ( N.J.) and Jim Pearson ( Kan.). Made possible by a grant from e Rockwell International ***** A Carter nemesis is still weighing in at about $15 million a month. Despite the president's opposition, the Clinch River plutonium breeder reactor could receive $172 million over the next year. Congress appropriated, but did not authorise, (Check your local listings) funds for the project. So money continues to flow under existing authority. Look for the dispute to resurface early next year. 12/6/78 Sogdmore II

Catholic Student Center' 1309 W. Michigan St.



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■ • ;-,ri

Thrw Women in Fibers. a n rxhibil tea luring ihr works artists all work with fabrics, threads and dyes though of Indiana artists -Sue ( erola tan example of which each has her own unique approach (jailerv hours are » Call 264-4987 appears abo>n Lynn Ilevine and Marilyn Price is am to t pm weekdays, The exhibit is open the public at no for information showing through l>ec H at the Churchman-Fehsenleld charge 'photcbv Donirormani

(.alters of the Indianapolis Art l e a g u e K2U Y, 67Lh St T h e I Pro Tune-Up Center I I knows what it was like finding a tow last I winter, so here's a 10%off coupon for a Auditions for ‘Rosmersholm’ Dec. 6, 7 I I 1978-79 winter low charge. Save it tor a Extraordinary aiH^ 7. at 7 pm at the Christian Theological Ibsem's transition from realistic I wintry day. fascinating and so packed with Seminary 1000 W 42nd St . in Room social plays to thsoe dealing with a I hidden forces, with half statement 122 Six characters are needed more symbolic, psychological theme I Offer expires May 31,1979. u fh that it seems to constantly shift before Rebekka the powerful, passionate portrays individuals trying to cope I r ro TLine-up Center our eyes like a mirage or quicksand temptress of Rosmer, a guilt-ridden with changing limes while their pasts I technically, it is a masterpiece, former clergyman, KrolJ, a conserve make it impossible for them to pro­ I 632-7033 close to downtown, 432 Virginia Ave wrote Eva LeGallienne of the play live authoritarian headmaster gress towards self-emancipation. L "rosmersholm." to be produced by Brendel, a debauched vagabond. the Christian Theological Seminary in Mortensgaard. a pragmatic news­ The play is scheduled for perfor February paper editor, and Mrs Heiseth. a su­ mances Feb M and S-ll, at 6 pm on 0 THE f Auditions fo r the play will be held perstitious housekeeper Thursdays. Fridays and Saturdays, Wednesday and Thursday. Dec 6 and ' Rosmersholm. written during and at 3 and 7:30 pm on Sundays \ Comic Carnival \ 1 4913 N. College Avenue J 4 Indiana's Leading Specialist in Science Fiction. Fantasy! and Comic Books— Old and New, Middle-Aged, Too J 2 8 3 -4 0 1 3 \ Thurs Fn Noon 7pm Sot lOam-Spm SundayNoon 4 0

5460 E. Fall Creek Pkwy.T N. Drive (E. 56th 8 Emerson) 547-1772 11-9 M -F Qoordroom 11-6 Sat.

Chess - Staunton and stylized sets tn wood, plastic ceramic, stone and metal; magnetic travel sets, inlaid wood boards, chess clocks. Dover paper- bound chess books, and the CompuChess computer chess opponent


IUPUI SPECIAL Free Mrnnos Witn ani necklace purcfwsr l Sooomore 12/6/78

Classifieds Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

STUOENT ENGINEER—Mutt b* HELP WANTED Walter. » r t » M tuS C O M P T E R OPERATOR To kato M MANAGEMENT TRAINEE tot SHERLOCK S oI Carmel I* now ac- im* Monday— Fftoay 10 30 sm-2 pm programmer Soma computer *»p*n- Otr Fu6 and part-kma day* *nd M w g « •nca nacaaaary Second ahdt. 4 00 NR m MD Apply n pwaon. SHAFFER* to 12:00 pm or 12:00 noon to 6 00 ■ M Ranatnag. 3785 Convanky Way. across from Glands* 253-1404 pm Salary 54/hour Con lac l Qian '-*rm*l Indiana 48032 846 2538 2 and 4 989 Keystone Way (MW301 layout and aqupmanl dtadory Tam (MW30) ______Hathaway. BINDLEY WESTERN or 648-2361 (M W30)______porary position to M l during Chnat DRUGS. 4212 West 71st Saaat LUCTERS net Clerk weekend mghla. S3 OO/hour maa holiday* 8 am 4 30 pm 54/hour 298 9890 (MW30) Computer Programmer W* consider kaaaaa. barportara—must ba 21 Dak Mual b# 21 Of ovat Polygraph i CM to apply Contact Frank WMac# AAS-CPT degree or background ol help must b* 18 or over Parl Sma or raquaad 4043 N Keystone Apply m HOWARD W SAMS COMPANY STABLE INN need* tul-bm* day* bo* tot-Sme avenmga 846-7788 Asktor parson Moo — Fn baiora 1 pm 4300 W 62nd St 298 5488 boy 53 00 ptua ape; cooks start anca WB prmcvaty ua* COBOL Fu5 (M W31) 53 25 Apply m parson. 1266 W Im*. 8-5. M -F Salary commanaurat* 88th SI 848-5829 Ask tor Tarry wtto axpansnca and background Con­ EXPANSION OPPORTUMTY—Oho Chat* Kng Young Man* dothng W aon.______(MW 33| tact David Loner. 262-2474 or •tort m now haing tor pari am* tala* Lahmar LaavNI 282 2277 L S Ayr** person to work morning hours at La- Lost/Found DO YOU RUN OUT OF MONEY *Co . 1 W Washmgton Street C M to ■quare store C M 291 008 < bon* No aspanance nacaaaary Earn BEFORE YOU RUN OUT OF (MW32) over 5800 »i brat month Ful or pari (MW30I MONTH? Turn to* table* with extra LOST Brown apaal-bound Urweraity am* positions avMabl* 834-2971 income from interesting part hma noreboo* Engkah W-001 on tronl CLAIMS APP ROVER-W * tram but IMW31I______work CM between 5 to 7 pm covet Ptaaae return to Student Acs aspananc* halptul Analyia*. cMcu 293 5 0 0 8 ______(MW 33) vibaa Othc*. Room 322 Cavanaugh BRANCH SECRETARY Colacaonot lata* and authorizes payment ol M Vehicles leas Salary 52 90 par hour Contact type* ol group Cana fits Salary com CHRISTMAS HELP WANTED K you a o a i______REWARD Purse tost m Lecture HM Tom Konn DAY NURSERY ASSOCI mensural* with experience A are temporarily dtoconbnumg your ed­ 1978 Buck Regal 305 V8 angma M found return personal a fleets ATON OF INOIANAPOLIS 1107 S hour weak CM tor appomlmant Con­ ucation. or It tor any reason seeking U*t 58.000 asking 54995 CM Blama Street CM 925 8859 (MW30. tact Mr Wham KeSar or Mrs Hay 0010 247 0889 (MW30I |MW32) me* THE EQUITABLE LIFE AS tul tana position* available Aga » no Bartenders Naadad-Part hma Exper SURANCE SOCIETY 9000 Kay barrier 1 o va 18 CM 253- lane* pretarrad Sea Henry atier 8 pm slon* Crosamg tndpta IN 48240 1618— Monday thru Wednesday 9 at the VOGUE 6258 N Col*o* 844 7485 IMW31) am to 3 pm (MW32I Help Wanted Help Wanted Need time to study? EXCELLENT PART-TIME WORK Pizza Hut now Hiring Study in nice, quiet sur­ Need 4 amotions student* 3 waitresses and cooks roundings while you get paid nights 5 Saturdays Car roqueed £* Uky and Company accapbng appk Fin* Hul is now hiring to monitor alarm systems $3 - $6 per hour S3 95 hour to shart For mtarvtaw waitress** and cooks tor pari Call 925-8915 CM 257 4885 or 255 8348 (Cb* Students S3 1


For Rent For Rent For Rent Roommates Miscellaneous Wanted

Speedway Me* clean room Room tor rsnt 1 10O munte M ultttee hens WANTED t o RENT 4 or 5 be*00* Employed tamale or atudent wan paaj After T pm 638 0680 (MW3t| Send house lor target) 2 bams lor moral ------B . . I On* battMM m m 12 tor laang o« over r 000 tomes tor p o t* or munaaer s tu n ts Ante North January Cat 630 5627 days W h e n Research SuAs OOG Oepf m jo labU Must to at - 1 n 1 can One bedroom wtartmenl with al uM- >irB* lwo room *f*a *nc> ■ * Side area S ttO to S t2 6 montoy 9 250366 evonatga sen tor Jett A. SOT S Dearborn Sr Chicago ■ toon goad ...... 1 Cm lea nctoded One mia aaal of campua ^ P i l i t j wah all ______(MW 37) SOtOtt (3121922 0300 (MW33) Maly 267 i f 32 S T pm m h e U r Dai Nnnr>»*ie mrm* F.«»v.Furry un* ™ * <* tM W M l ------. . ■ , ur| ______■*»» |MW3' taned or unfumaaned Rent and term o* lease negobMIe Free moving aer . T * 1*? H*01 * * v e t Scott KMer 6 am to 4 pm Mon Roommates CM 694 7ote (MW30I Services day througn Saturday 259 1253 or ^ l *".!°.4 ? > to liy . female roommate wanted to 632-1461 anytane. (MW30) 2SS-1253. or M S M 4JM M ends or typmg pmtoaaionatty COM 7« PM word to Mu BeauHul upper rooms tor rant In ra- BeauMU XsrWhed gppw rooms tor dMtts (acuity and urwar atorad Veteran home ai Oto Norm ram ai raatorad Veteran home ai CM monte plus phone mmsdwto Occu Itota (to o month , k m rales 263 •Ry employees and that • . Percy C M 357 7906 after 5 30 Sea phone waMier f r y . C M ^ ______distance to IUPUI Smgle or douPK Wattung dMtance to IUPUI Single 01 prMly chaap (MW30)______247-0743 after 6 00 MW32) Do you have a need tor a typer” CM rooms avaaable Al ultoea included double rooms evM toe Al utenea at 1 266 0230 (after 6 pm) tor gua* Kltehen pnvaagea CM 632 211® eluded KActten pnvSagea CM 632 Female atodentnf ir $47 50 monte ptoa ui x m ______M iM JMM Miscellaneous 6SX11 double spaced St pe> page Classified Advertising 11X14 P la salt ied Advertising Deadline Noon Monday tor Wednesday FREE Doberman Two years dd No papers E.cedent watchdog Mats •rvrtKWM and 3X3 < publication and 5 00 pm Thursday tor Monday publcabon 888 6907 (MW30 ) ______S pecM ty-nien Heme (MW 324 No relund or crodtt on Clan iAad Advemaatg • givan except In caeea Services

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