Making a campaign video for Youth Parliament?

Things to consider before you make it a #DemJam guide Selling your vision

That’s you by the way…

What are you passionate about, what do you want to change and how do you plan to do it? Keep it simple and snappy. What's your message? Choose your approach break your talk into 3 parts when you are planning your talk, this helps you to remember.

➔ 1. Who you are Remember your voters are local people, ensure they know you understand the area

➔ 2. Content Explain why you & your passions

➔ 3. Closing What you will do with their vote Think of a clear message What is to you want voters to think of you? Tip This is why campaign managers think of slogans. The idea is it’ll stick in your head, all the way to the voting booth - Obama's “yes we can” for example Did you know: ’s “yes, we can” inspiration came from a Pointers Sisters song in the 70’s?

It just goes to show you can find great ideas in places you would not expect How do you want to come across? A campaign video is an expression of who you are as a person, be humble and come across human - don’t be a robot.

➔ What What do you stand for

➔ Reflection Whats do you want people who watch your video to think about you? This is what you need to consider if you want to come across passionate, caring, powerful and etc. What if you were the Leader of your Council? Exercise:

You have £1 million to spend on on thing in our region, what would you spend it on and why? Tip You know your local If you catch the ball, you have to area, what do you think could win you votes in answer in 30 seconds. your next election campaign? How others do campaign videos for their candidates? The bad…. Levi Tillemann — Democrat in the 6th congressional district of Colorado

Here’s Levi explain why guns are bad and pepper spray is good by spending his whole campaign video being sprayed in the face by said spray…. Greg Knight — Conservative Member of Parliament for East Yorkshire

Here's Greg Knight showcasing what to do if you never want a young person to vote for you again... Don Blankenship — West Virginia GOP candidate in 2018

So here’s Don, here he is being a bit racist and well, cringe. The good…. MJ Hegar — Democratic nomination for House of Representatives to

It’s very American, but in regards to narative, it has it’s all Do you know what you want to say in your video? Do you have an idea in your head of how you want do come across and how you will execute your video? You now have 20 minutes to write your script. Remember your 3 parts...

Start: Who are Middle: What are Close: How you, where are you passionate people can vote you from and why about and what for you and your do you want to be do you want to closing lines. their come across? representative? Good luck! So that is it, time to make your video, best of luck with your campaign.

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