Federal Register/Vol. 85, No. 166

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Federal Register/Vol. 85, No. 166 52542 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 166 / Wednesday, August 26, 2020 / Notices A second outbreak was confirmed on Done in Washington, DC, this 20th day of Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 January 17, 2020, on a farm with 22,762 August 2020. between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., laying hens located approximately 300 Michael Watson, Eastern Standard Time, Monday meters from the first outbreak. The Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant through Friday. affected flock experienced a mortality of Health Inspection Service. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: [FR Doc. 2020–18690 Filed 8–25–20; 8:45 am] 220 birds, and the remaining 22,542 Purpose and Need for Action were culled. Strict movement BILLING CODE 3410–34–P restrictions were implemented, The Forest Service is responding to an including a control zone with a radius application submitted under the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of at least 3 km and a surveillance zone National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 and Ski Area Recreational with a radius of at least 10 km around Forest Service Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2011 the affected farm. The epidemiological (SAROEA) by GTR to implement investigation concluded that a vehicle Caribou Targhee National Forest; projects from their accepted MDP. In the Teton County; Wyoming; Grand used at both farms was likely the cause MDP, GTR identified a need to improve Targhee Resort Master Development of spread. The sequence analysis of the recreational experience and address Plan Projects EIS isolates showed close relationship to shortcomings in their terrain offerings viruses detected in wild birds in Russia AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. and operations in order to remain viable in 2018. ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an in the competitive destination skier/ No further outbreaks had been environmental impact statement. rider market. detected, and the cleaning, disinfection To address the growth in the Idaho and treatment of affected premises and SUMMARY: Grand Targhee Resort (GTR) and Wyoming skier markets and to of materials and equipment were has submitted a proposal to the Caribou- provide quality guest experiences for all ongoing in accordance with the Targhee National Forest (CTNF) to skier levels, GTR will need to continue procedures established by EC pursue approval of select projects from to develop and improve its terrain and regulations. Commodities from its 2018 Master Development Plan guest services offerings in direct restriction zones (protection and (MDP). The CTNF is considering this response to evolving consumer demands and the competitive regional and surveillance zones) due to HPAI or proposal and is initiating the preparation of an environmental impact destination skier markets. Newcastle disease were not allowed to statement (EIS) to analyze and disclose The CTNF, through consideration and exit zones until the restrictions were the potential environmental effects of acceptance of GTR’s MDP, has lifted. Officials certifying commodities implementing the projects. The identified a need to: from areas outside of the restriction proposed action includes: Two areas to • Provide additional undeveloped, zones must follow the certification be incorporated into the existing special minimally maintained lift-served terrain procedures enforced by Romania under use permit (SUP) boundary with new and additional traditionally cleared national legislation and by the EU under terrain and lifts; lift replacements and alpine trails to enhance terrain variety EC regulations. realignments within the existing SUP and advanced skiing experiences at As we stated in the initial notice, boundary; additional terrain and on- GTR; • HPAI and Newcastle disease are known mountain infrastructure improvements; Provide an appropriate learning to exist in wild populations in Romania. and enhancement of non-winter and progression in an uncongested beginner This can lead to periodic events such as alternative activities. area and increase the quantity of beginner, intermediate, and advanced- those detailed above. However, the DATES: Comments concerning the scope intermediate skiing terrain to enhance scope of the disease events and of the analysis must be received by September 25, 2020. the skiing experience for beginner and Romania’s response are consistent with intermediate skiers; our evaluation and do not undermine The draft EIS is expected to be • available for public review in March Improve the efficiency of the lift our conclusion that Romania can be and trail network and skier circulation added to the EUPTR. Moreover, because 2021, and the final EIS is expected October 2021. across the mountain by providing more APHIS has determined that the affected reliable and consistent snowmaking ADDRESSES: Send written comments to: birds have been depopulated, we have coverage in key areas; no reason to believe that HPAI or Mel Bolling, Forest Supervisor, c/o Jay • Update and improve facilities and Newcastle disease currently exists in Pence, Teton Basin District Ranger, guest services in the base area and on commercial bird or poultry populations Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 1405 the mountain to meet the changing Hollipark Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83401; within Romania. expectations of the local, regional, and or by email at [email protected] We are therefore adding Romania to destination skier markets; and (please include ‘‘Grand Targhee Master • Expand alternative snow-based and the list of countries in which Newcastle Development Plan Projects’’ in the non-winter activities to provide a disease is not considered to exist, subject line). variety of year-round recreational removing Romania from the list of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: options to guests and to more effectively countries in which HPAI is considered Additional information related to the utilize existing infrastructure during to exist, and adding Romania to the proposed project can be obtained from: non-winter months. EUPTR. Jay Pence, Teton Basin District Ranger, Proposed Action Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1633, 7701–7772, Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Mr. 7781–7786, and 8301–8317; 21 U.S.C. 136 Pence can be reached by phone at 208– The proposed action includes the and 136a; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, 354–6610 or by email at jay.pence@ following nine elements: • and 371.4. usda.gov. SUP boundary adjustments to Individuals who use incorporate the South Bowl and Mono telecommunication devices for the deaf Trees areas into GTR’s SUP Area. (TDD) may call the Federal Information Combined, these areas total VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:41 Aug 25, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\26AUN1.SGM 26AUN1 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 166 / Wednesday, August 26, 2020 / Notices 52543 approximately 1,200 acres, and would and the environmental consequences in be part of the public record for this provide approximately 180 acres (South order to decide the following: proposed action. Comments submitted Bowl) and 97 acres (Mono Trees) of • Whether to approve, approve with anonymously will be accepted and traditional terrain development and lift modifications, or deny the application considered as well; however, those who construction in these areas; for the adjustment of GTR’s SUP participate in the comment process • Construction of two new aerial lifts, boundary, the associated projects within anonymously will not have standing to one surface lift, two new beginner the proposed SUP boundary object. carpet lifts, the replacement of the adjustments, and the projects within Allen Rowley, Shoshone Lift, and the realignment of GTR’s existing SUP boundary; the Papoose carpet; • Whether to prescribe conditions Associate Deputy Chief, National Forest System. • Terrain enhancements including needed for the protection of the trail widening, extensions, grading, and environment on National Forest System [FR Doc. 2020–18689 Filed 8–25–20; 8:45 am] new traditional and gladed terrain lands; and BILLING CODE 3411–15–P • development that would result in Whether or not to approve a Forest- approximately 118 acres of traditional wide forest plan amendment changing terrain and 550 acres of gladed terrain; the management area boundaries for the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Implementation of a Mountain Road SUP adjustment, as well as any other forest plan amendments necessary Rehabilitation Program to improve International Trade Administration existing roads, remove unnecessary identified in the EIS. roads, and construct new roads; Permits or Licenses Required • [C–122–868, C–560–834, C–552–826] Installation of new snowmaking Amendment to the Forest Service infrastructure to provide an additional SUP. Utility Scale Wind Towers From 57 acres of snowmaking coverage; Canada, Indonesia, and the Socialist • Construction of two full-service on- Scoping Process Republic of Vietnam: Amended Final mountain guest service facilities (one at This notice of intent initiates the Affirmative Countervailing Duty the summit of Fred’s Mountain and one scoping process, which guides the Determination and Countervailing Duty at the top terminal of the Sacajawea development of the EIS. The Forest Orders Lift), a guest yurt at the top of the Service is soliciting comments from Shoshone Lift, two on-mountain Federal, State and local agencies and AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, warming cabins (one in Rick’s Basin and other individuals or organizations that International Trade Administration, the other at the top of Lightning Ridge), may be interested in or affected by U.S. Department of Commerce. and a basic warming
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