Number 14 - 15 October 1981 $5.00



МУ GoD! ТИЕ Е~Т1~Е. нous~ oF ~EP~5ENTA1i\/E5 Editorial

Current Events scope of intelligeпce act1v1sm. In that respect, two com­ plemeпtary апd dangerous steps have Ьееп takeп. Оп the опе Eпough time has passed since the electioп of ап actor and а haпd there is а sharp iпcrease iп the use of covert operatioпs spy to the two top posts iп the U.S. goverпment to сопviпсе abroad accompaпied Ьу efforts to Iegalize, for the first time, еvеп the most optimistic at home апd abroad that the ideo­ CIA domestic operations. Coпcurreпtly, powerful moves are logues iп power believe what they say апd have every iпten­ uпderway to impose ап unheard-of Ievel of secrecy оп all tioп of implementiпg their visioп of reversing history-eveп activities touchiпg those areas. if it meaпs war. And iпdeed тапу signs poiпt to that terriЫe Upsurge in Covert Operations inevitability. А group of determiпed reactioпaries has taken total coпtrol It is по secret .that the Administratioп is поw committed to of the Executive braпch and substantial control of the Leg­ CIA dirty tricks оп а scale not sееп siпce the Ageпcy's islative. They already had at their service а Iargely Nixoп­ heyday. Duriпg the election campaign the. CIA complaiпed appointed Supreme Court. Мапу experienced foreigп that Presideпt Carter had tied its hands. But as Michael Getler aпalysts describe eveпts iп the United States iп terms of а пoted iп the June 15 Washington Post, the CIA is "expanding соир d' etat, а соир which most Americans don't realize has its most· secret claпdestiпe, covert ahd paramilitary opera­ occurred. There is surely а need to souпd the alarm. tioпs overseas, according to аgепсу sources." There are ob­ Several themes of this Administration have rapidly соте vious confirmations о( this, not the Ieast of which is the iпto focus: stark ecoпomic апd political repressioп at home; аппоuпсеmепt October 1 of а major new building рlап for Ыаtапt iпterveпtionism overseas, апd military апd corporate Langley to douЬ!e the size of CIA Headquarters. The рrоЬ­ coпtrol of the есопоmу. аЬ!е use of the Departmeпt of Commerce as part of а пetwork lt is impossiЬ!e for us at СА/В to deal with our primary of commercial uпdercover operatives, detailed iп the Namiпg coпcems iп а vacuum. Covert operatioпs апd the role of the Names columп this issue, is another indication of expaпded intelligeпce complex are iпextricaЫy iпtertwined with · activity. across-the.-board attacks Ьу this goverпmeпt against the peo­ Specific examples which illustrate this trend are comiпg to ple-attacks which are поt as uncoordiпated as they may at Iight with uпusual frequeпcy: first glaпce appear. There is а fundameпtal relationship be­ • Shortly before his death, Aпwar Sadat admitted to the tweeп developments iп domestic апd foreigп policy and the world the massive role played Ьу the U.S. in the Afghan

Table- of Contents

Editoria1 ...... 2 Namin~ Names 7 lndex to CAIB Number 1-Number 12 ...... •· ...... 1-1

Co\'ertA ction Jnformation Bul/etin, Number 14-15, October 1981, puЫished Ьу Covert Action PuЫications, lnc., а District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation, Р.0 .. Вох 50272, Washington, DC 20004. Telephone: (202) 2(>5-3904. All rights reserved; copyright © 1981 Ьу Covert Action PuЫications, lnc. Typography Ьу Art_for Реор/е, Washington, DC; printing Ьу Faculty Press, Brooklyn, NY. Washington Staff: Ellen Ray, William Schaap, Louis Wolf. Board of Advisors: Philip Agee, Ken Lawrence, Elsie Wilcott, Jim Wilcott. The Co11ertAction ln_formation Bulletin is availaЫe at many bookstores around the world. lnquiries from distributors and subscription services welcomed. Library subscriptions encouraged. lndexed in the Alternati\•e·Press lndex. Cover graphic Ьу Tony Auth of the Inquirer, whose permission to reprint iScg~at~ully acknowledged. ISSN 0275-309Х. -

2 CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) . ' rebellion. Не revealed, to the consternation of U .S. officials, is аЫе to say just who is working for whom, or how many that Egypt .was the conduit for U.S. arms shipments to the present or former operatives are involved. According to some rebels, suggesting а scale of paramilitary involvement even accounts, one of the fugitives actually met with CIA officials greater than had been suspected. U.S. interventioц in Afgha­ in Morocco during this period to plot the assassination of nistan even reached the "Style" section of the Washington their supposed mentor, Khadafi. The exposures to date, Post in а recent note describing а propaganda film supporting whether or not .accurate, are surely just the tip of the iceberg. the rebels. The film Ьenefit was sponsored Ьу а shadowy • The Wilson-Terpil case raised the issue whether there group called Youth for Understanding, which sends Amer­ should not Ье some restrictions placed on the employment of ican students overseas ·in highly-controlled and isolated prog­ fщmer intelligence officials Ьу foreign govemments. lroni­ rams. YFU's board includes David Abshire, Director of the cally, the first person to fear the sting of sцch proposed Center for Strategic and lntemational Studies, base for many legislation was Vemon Walters, former Deputy Director of "retired" intelligence officers. Attending the screening were the CIA. Now making hundreds of thousands of do1lars а CIA Director William Casey and disinformation speciaiist year frorn foreign corporations and govemments-especia1ly Arnaud de Borchgrave. Guatemala and Morocco--he is simultaneously functioning • Frantic efforts to repeal the Ciark Amendment, prohiblting as а "roving" Ambassador-at-Large for Alexander Haig. covert involvement in Angola, and the increased CIA pre­ There are also developments not directly in the intelligence sence in South Africa and the·front-line states, reinforce the arena which bear close watchiцg. Perhaps the most ominous knowledge that clandestine activity in S01.1them Africa, parti­ is the degree to which the Department of Defeпse is attemp­ cularly Angola, Mozamblque, Zimbabwe, and ZamЬia, is ting to gain control over areas where the military traditionally rapidly expanding. No knowledgeaЫe observer believes the had been excluded. The crushing of the Air Traffic Control­ Clark Amendment was ever fuHy complied with, but its ce­ lers strike led to the installatioп of thousands of relatively peal would aHow the U.S.-South African plan to boost the inexperienced military persoпnel in civilian airports arouпd ·fortunes of Jonas Savimbl and his small ·band of щercenaries the country. Another less kпown example поw before Con­ attempting with South Africa to overthrow _the MPLA gov­ gress is а complicated апd techпical revisioп to the Federal emment in Angola. Communications Act of 1934 which would give supervisory • Africa has ·also become а щajor focus for the Defense coпtrol of the U.S. telephoпe system to the.Peпtagoп, even Intelligence Agency, according to а startling story in the Au­ without апу declared пatioпal emergeпcy. gust 20 Christian Science Monitor. The DIA орецlу Fiпally, it should Ье пoted that the overall justificatioп for announced its preparedness to рау up to а Ь,alf million dollars these sorts of initiatives is fouпd iп the Admiпistratioп' s ореп to any university African studies program,wЩfh would allow declaratioп of а пеw Cold War-possiЫy the prelude to а hot DIA personnel to train there. As опе si'uoent observed, war. The campaigп Ьеgап with the much-maligпed, and ''what the DIA really wants is · ready-made legitimacy or much-amended, CIA report оп Soviet iпflueпce iп world­ 'cover.' " wide terrorism. Wheп the first draft did поt support the • Charges Ьу Cuba of U.S. Ьiological warfare through the · allegatioп that terrorist incideпts were dramatically risiпg in introduction of fever-bearing mosquitos, though they were number, or directed by.the Soviet Uпiоп, CIA Director Casey immediate1y countered Ьу \J.S. charges of Soviet-sponsored ordered .а further rewrite of the draft. Ultimately the defiпi­ chemical warfare in lndochina; have focused deserved atten­ tion of terrorist "iпcideпt" was ameпded from past usage to tion on greatly expanded Pentagon research and development iпclude •.•threats" and "hoaxes." Thus the statistics were of chemical-Ьiological weapons. While Cuba was experienc­ iпstaпtly douЬled. The next phase of the campaigп was the ing а serious epidemic, the U.S. charges, coming from the release of the Departmeпt of Defeпse report оп the Soviet nation which developed and used napalm, Agent Orange, and military posture--creatiпg the impression that the Soviet Uп­ other chemicals, were never substantiated. · iоп has moved ahead of the U .S. iп practically every iпdex of • The recent incrediЫe Libya-Mauritania-Mauritius con­ mЩtary preparedпess and hardware. This report, of course, troversy presented а strange spectacle of the govemment and was issued at а time when the Admiпistratioп was fightiпg iп the press arguing not over whether certain covert operations Congress for its military budget--oпe of the very few areas iп were planned, but over which plan had been leaked Ьу which which expeпditures are to go up rather thaп dowп. govemment agency. None of the scenarios were beyond the Cold War tactiCs and Cold War rhetoric сап Ье settiпg the realm of possibllity; first, а plan to assassinate Mohammar stage for а hot war, as the coпstaпt references Ьу govemmeпt Khadafi was reported Ьу Newsweek; the government's first officials to "limited nuclear war" and to "first strike capa­ denial said the documents described to Newsweek' s reporter Ьility" suggest. The ideology of the Admiпistratioп poiпts to actually referred to а plan to destabllize Mauritania, which this, as does the appareпt failure of its domestic policies. The.

~- ·_ _:--i .. had failed to support Morocco's murderous war in the Sahara есопоmу is поt, iп fact, recoveriпg, апd the Admiпistratioп against Polisario; after the predictaЫe diplomatic uproar in may well believe that there is nothiпg so good for the eco­ Mauritania, this was "corrected" to Ье а plan to intervene in notny as а war. Mauritius to prevent the progressive opposition from an ex­ pected victory in the upcoming election. These are all forms The Return to Super-Secrecy of covert operations in which Фе CIA has engaged in the past. There are so mапу moves afoot to shroud this Administra­ Most complicated of all the sensational stories of CIA tioп 's actioпs iп secrecy that we сап опlу briefly list them iп •machinations is the Wilson-Terpil case. Two former CIA this space. top~r~tives were sup~os~dly. engaged in а massive terrorist • The CIA has abolished its Office of PuЫic Affairs апd traшшg program based ш L1bya. Yet the U.S. government, appoiпted ап assistaпt to the Director to deal with the press Ьу particularly the CI~. ~as known about-and, some press what he calls '' inverse puЫic relatioпs.'' reports suggest, sanctioned-the operation for years. No one • The CIA is sharply curtailiпg its puЫicatioп of uпclassified

, Number 14-15 (October 1981) CovertAction 3 :· reports and analyses. Jщ;tice Department conceded that the ·powers recognized Ьу • In Мау, the CIA announced that it waii' eliminating the the Court were too encompassing, апd issued guidelines practice of briefing reporters going abroad, but took а mare limitiпg the extent to which prior ceпsorship would Ье im­ self-serving approach to the issue in August. They posed. The Reagaп Justice Departmeпt is now abandoпiпg announced, according to an Associated Press report of Au­ those guidelines. gust 3, that the "CIA is willing to provide 'background' • А strong move is also under way to repeal the Freedom of information to newsmen about to embark on trips abroad, Information Act, or if that is поt possiЫe to exempt com­ provided that when they return, they brief the agency оп the pletely the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, апd other iпtelligeпce countries they visited.'' lt is astonishing that this open admis­ agencies from its coverage. sion of the use of journalists as intelligence agents did not • The govemmeпt is pushiпg for 'the power to conduct war­ generate any widespread controversy in the press. ran-tless searches of newsroQms wheп officials suspect However, these housekeeping arrangements are minor пatioпal security offeпses. compared to the developments in the legislative and regula­ • Тhеп there is the strange case ofthe "Ыack-bag" warrants. tory fields . Iп 1978, Congress cr~ated the U.S. Foreign Iпtelligeпce Sur­ . • Most significant is the imminent passage of the lntelligence · veillance Court, which was to issue warrants authoriziпg sur­ ldentities Protection Act, discussed in greater detail below. reptitioцs entries for the purpose of iпstalling, repairing, and • Coupled with the finalization of that law is the news that removiпg electronic surveillance devices iп foreign iпtelli­ the third draft of the Reagan Admiпistration's proposed gence cases. lп 1980, the Carter Admiпistration Ьеgап sub­ Executive Order on domestic !>pyiпg is neaflng implementa­ mittiпg warrant requests to this court for Ыack-bag jobs - tioп. Тhat Order does not require Congressioпal apprQval, entries made for the purpose of searching for, апd photo­ only the President's signature. It would eliminate the mini­ graphiпg or seiziпg documents апd other items. The court mal l 97S Carter guidelines and authorize widespread covert gцшted three such warrants last year, but was the subject of operations Ьу the CIA within the United States. It would criticism from both the left and the right. Liberals argued that legitimize infiltration and manipulation of lawful political such eпtries required рrоЬаЫе cause that а crime was about to organizations and other activities supposedly prohibltc;:d Ьу Ье committed, which the court did not insist upon, while the CIA' s own charter ..;__ though it has repeatedly Ьееп conservatives argued that such eпtries could Ье conducted Ьу violated in the past, most notoriously in the form of Opera­ the Executive without any court approval. The conservatives tioпs CHAOS and MK-ULTRA. The new proposal goes even have поw won. The Reagan Administratioп announced that it further in. uпleashing both· the iCJ'A апd the FBI than the first was поt going to Ьother 't-o si:Ibmit suth applicatiorts to the draft, discussed in СА/В Number 12. court, and asked for а ruling that the court did поt have the • The govemment is taking further steps to stifle criticism power to issue warraпts in such cases. Оп June 23, the court and whistleЫowiпg ·ьу disillusioned preseпt апd former in­ agreed. telligence personnel. The lntelligeпce ldentities Protectioп • But the most vicious assaults оп the First Ameпdmeпt are Act is one;~the revocatioп of the so-called "Sперр guide­ found iп the Philip Agee passport decision and the Iпtelli­ liпes" is aпother. When the Carter Admiпistratioп won its geпce ldeпtities Protectioп Act. case against Franl< Snepp over the unauthorized puЫication The Supreme Court ruling iп the passport case gave the of his book, Decent lnterval, the Supreme Court decision Secretary of State the authority to revoke the passport of any was much broader than expected. Iп the wake of protest, the Americaп who travels abroad and speaks out agaiпst U.S.


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4 CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) foreign policy. But it goes Ьеуопd that. The Court·stated: suggested the orgaпizatioп should join the campaigп against the пotorious witch-huпtiпg House Uп-American Activities "Agee's disclosures, amoпg other thiпgs, have the de­ Committee. Years later the iпformer justified his actioпs Ьу clared purpose of obstructiпg iпtelligeпce operatioпs poiпtiпg out that HUAC theп refrained from issuiпg а poteп­ and the recruitiпg of iпtelligence ре1·sоппеl. They are tially damagiпg report оп the ACLU. c!early not protected Ьу the Constitutioп." Whether iп the curreпt case it was self-iпterest and а desire This effectively crimiпalized certaiп categories of speech, to appear "respectaЬ!e," or а siпcere belief that it is поt а поt еvеп based оп the сопtепt of the speech but оп the iпteпt violation of опе' s priпciples to promote the passage of an of the speaker. "Speech," which must Ье free uпder the uпcoпstitutioпal law which motivated this disastrous strategy, Coпstitutioп, was thus traпsformed iпto "coпduct," which we aII must соре with the results. Although the Ьill is clearly may Ье regulated. Coпgress coпsidered this ап ореп iпvita­ uncoпstitutioпal, condemпed Ьу more than а huпdred profes­ tioп to do likewise, which it is iп the process of doiпg. sors of coпstitutioпal law апd а growing пumber of editorial writers, the court battles will take а Joпg time апd, given the nature of the preseпt Supreme Court, а victory there is at best The Intelligence ldentities Protection Act uпcertaiп. Sadly, but поt uпexpectedly, it поw appears that the Act The Ьill makes it а crime to divulge "iпformatioп which will become law iп опе form or aпother-probaЬ!y the worst. ideпtifi~s" апу preseпt or former undercover iпtelligeпce The campaigп agaiпst the Act collapsed in part because of officer, employee, ageпt, informaпt, or ''source of operatioп­ what we believe were indefeпsiЫe actioпs, а compromising al assistaпce." It is поt restricted to "пamiпg names;" it is of the First Amendment Ьу representatives of the American not restricted to the CIA; it does поt еvеп allow the exposure Civil Lib.erties Union. Many progressive peopJe who of crimes; апd, most important, it is поt Jimited to iпforma­ opposed the bill as а violation of Freedom of Speech believed tion which comes from secret or classified sources. The that the appropriate strategy was to delay. Gaining time was negotiations between the ACLU and the CIA were over necessary to educate Jegislators, the puЬ!ic, апd especially whether the standard of guilt would Ье divulging the informa­ the press to the dangerous ramifications of the bill. We and tion "with the intent to impair or impede the intelligence our supporters had sought the opportunity to testify before the activities of the Uпited States" (the "less unconstitutional" House Judiciary Committee. version), or divulgiпg the iпformatioп "with reason to be­ It appears that. the ACLU represeпtatives - though they lieve" that it would impair or impede, etc. (the "more uп­ had puЫicly stated that all versions of the biII were unconsti­ coпstitutioпal" versioп). lп our орiпiоп, the distiпctioп is tutioпal-determined that siпce some sort of bill was going to iпsigпificaпt. The iпtelligeпce agencies have made it abuп­ pass, the correct strategy was to пegotiate over the specific dantly clear that iп their judgment апу disclosures of aпything laпguage iп an attempt to end up with а "less unconstitution­ related to their activities which they wish kept secret impairs al" version. ln furtherance ofthis strategy ACLU represeпta­ or impedes them to some degree. Few iпvestigative journal­ tives met secretly with the CIA at Langley апd agreed that in ists would fiпd it easy to conviпce а judge or jury that exchange for CIA ассерtапсе of the пarrower language which although the revelation in question might have impaired or they preferred, they would urge the Judiciary Committee not impeded iпtelligeпce activities, that was поt really why they to coпduct heariпgs and also urge people поt to delay апу puЫished the story. further а final vote оп the bill. This in fact is what happeпed, except that the ACLU was douЬ!e-crossed Ьу the CIA - About This Issue something they should have expected. When their "less uп­ As is appareпt, this is ап unusual issue of СА/В. After coпstitutiona1'' versioп was iпtroduced оп the floor of the months of paiпstakiпg effort, Daniel Tsaпg has produced the House, Rep. John Ashbrook, one of the most reactionary comprehensive ~апd detailed iпdex of our first twelve issues coпgressmen iп the country, iпtroduced an ameпdmeпt to presented here. We believe you will find it ап iпvaluaЬ!e aid reinstate the original, "more unconstitutional" Janguage. It to research work, and will uпderstand that the extraordinary was also discovered that the CIA had actively lobЬied Mem­ costs of its preparatioп necessitated this, our first douЫe bers of Coпgress апd had seпt а Jengthy memoraпdum to issue. them iп support of the Ashbrook amendmeпt. Ashbrook We also puЫish what may Ье, for the reasoпs made clear pointeci out that the CIA and the Presideпt preferred his lan­ above, our last Naming Names columп for some time. It also guage over what he described as the ACLU versioп. The represents а Jaborious effort to complete all our research iп Ashbrook ameпdmeпt was passed Ьу а comfortaЫe majority, progress at the time it became obvious that the ldeпtities Ьill апd the ameпded Ьill passed overwhelmingly. would soon become Jaw. This is not the first time ACLU actions have resulted in compromising the rights of progressives, and it is поt the first Out Future Plans time their strategy has backfired. As Victor Navasky poiпts out iп his book, Naming Names, the ACLU's "amЬiva­ We want you - especially our present and future subscri­ leпce" towards Ieftists has а long history. Iп 1938, the ACLU bers - to know that we have по iпteпtioп to cease puЫica­ had promoted its absolutist position iп а pamphlet entitled tioп. Оп the coпtrary, we believe that the rest of our maga­ "Why We Defeпd Free Speech for Nazis, Fascists апd Com­ ziпe, Ьеуопd the Namiпg Names column, represeпts the most muпists," and in 1939, Elizabeth Gurley Flупп, ап open valuaЫe coпtributioп we сап make to the struggle agaiпst member of the Commuпist Pцrty, was elected to the board of U.S. iпterveпtionism. We hope that the пеw Jaw will sооп Ье directors of the ACLU. But in 1940, she was kicked off the coпsigпed to the garbage heap of history, but regardless of board for beiпg а commuпist. lп the l 950s оле ACLU direc­ the duration or the success of that struggle, СА/В will поt tor gave the FВI the names of ACLU members who had disappear.

Number 14-15 (October 1981) CovertAction 5 , .. '


• The Ьill covers unclassified material. People believe this bill deals only with releasing information which is obtained from classified material. There is nothing in the bill which limits its scope in this way. In fact, it is specifically designed to suppress revelations derived purely from unclassified material. lt prohibits the disclosure of "any information that identifies an individual as а covert agent."This applies even ifthe information comes from а book оп а library shelf, or from а newspaper puЫished anywhere, or from а chance remark overheard in the hallway.

• The Ьill covers the FBI, military intelligence,. and other agencies, as well as the CIA. Many people think the bill applies only tu the disclosuf'e of undercovCJr ClA officers. This is not true. Most significantly, it also applies tb the "foreign counterintelligence and counterterrorism components" ofthe f'BI, as well as to the intelligence divisions of the military services, and all the other intelligence agencies, such as the NSA. This bill would prevent "ln organization fi:om exposing and ex.pelling an FBI informer discovered in its midst, even if discovered through entirely legal and open means.

• The ЬШ is not aimited to the exposure of government employees. The bill does not merely cover CIA case officers or FBI undercover agents. lt covers present and former government employees, agents, informants, and what are called "sources of operational assistance." U nder the Ьill, for example, the famous Washington fost story which disclosed that the CIA had been making annual payments to King Hussein of Jordan would Ье criminal. Many articles about the•CIA connections of the Watergate·conspirators would have been unlawful.

• The Ьill is not even limited to "names." Supporters of the Ьill suggest that since it deals with "names of agents" it should not affect mainstreamjournalists, because щ1е сап expose an illega·J or immoral operation without having to names the names of the individuals involved. This is also untrue. The Ыll speaks of ''information that identifies" an undercover operative or source. As any journalist knows, it is almost impossiЫe to present information which exposes some operation without giving away some information from which one could deduce the identities of the people involved. For example, Jast summer а number of news stories pointed. out that а supposed anti-government radio station "in Iran" was in .fact а CIA radio station being operated in Cairo. No names were given, but anyone who was watching the broadcasting facilities in Cairo would have learned from this story that the people entering and leaving the building were CIA people.

• The Ыll virtually ellmlnates "wh11tleЫowln1" ln the lntelll1ence Пeld. The experience of the last several yeara certainly teaches that if there is any area of government susceptiЬ\e to horrendous abuscs it is thc field of intelligence. This Ьill will have thc cffcct of climinating the possiЫtity of "whistleЬ\owing" Ьу anyonc in the intelligence field. because. as pointed oyt abovc. exposures of abuses, cvcn grossly illegal activitics, would invariaЫy involve "information tbat identifies" somc undercovcr реор\с.

• The alleged protectlons and limltatlons ln the Ыll are meanlnaless. М uch talk has bccn madc of thc idea tha.t. thc Ьill is real\y designed only to "gct" puЬ\ications like the Co\·~rt Anion lnformation Bull~tin. Mainstrcam. or "legitimate" journalists would not Ье affected. Вщ the J·anguagc docs not Ьсаr that out, and, obviously •. prosccutors will prosecute whom they wish when they wish. Thc House Ьill applies to "whoever. in the course of an cffort to identify and expose covert agents with thc intent to impair or impcdc the forcign intelligence activitics of thc United States ...."The Senate vcrsion applies to "whocver, in the coursc of а pattcrn of activitics intcndcd to idcntify and expose cov.ert agents and with reason to believe that-such activities would impair or impcde tbe foreign intcШgcncc activities of the U nited States.... " Neither of these clauses affords any rca\ protection. Thc CIA and other intelligence agencies have stated many times that the disclosure of апу of its personnel or operations impcdcs its effectiveness. Anyonewritingan intc\ligencc-relatcd story woulcJ bc:.-awarc ofthat. (When the fasl was considcring the King Н ussein story. the White House actually interccdcd, trying to get thc cditor to spike thc story, strcssing that its pu Ыication would impair U.S. inteiligencc in thc Middle East. U nder this Ьill, that would surcly have set the stagc for criminal prosecution.) What might constitute а ''course of an effort to identify" or а "pattern of activitics intended to identify" is unclear, but it would not take much. Researching.a serics of articles, or perhaps even а single article, would рrоЬаЫу suffice. Trying to root out the informers in onc's group woul.d surely Ье cnough. The notion that this bill has any safeguards wbatsoever is another myth.

6 CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) NamlngNames

Because of the irnщiпeпt passage of the Iпtelligeпce ldeпti" Salaarn, Тапzапiа iп late 1976, returniпg to Laпgley. There ties Protection Act, this will Ье our last "Narniпg Narnes" are по entries iп State Departrneпt puЬlicatioпs relatiпg to colurnп uпtil such tirne as the coпstitutioпality of the Act has hirn betweeп 1977 and 1980. Оп the Мау 1981 Brussels been decided Ьу the courts. Although we coпtiпue to believe Diplornatic List, Aitkeп is Iisted as Attache. Giveп his that the Act's application to the research which geпerates this seniority апd experieпce he is uпdoubtedly the new Chief colurnп is uncoпstitutioпal-siпce our sources are поt classi­ of Statioп in the city which houses N А ТО headquarters, fied rnaterial-we believe it would Ье couпter-productive to replaciпg Jarnes Lawreпce Corrigan, whose biography rnake the puЫicatioп of this colurnn uпder the пеw law the sole appearsiпDirty Work, Dirty Work2,aпd CA/BNurnber8. basis for а legal challeпge. Much other гesearch work is Accordiпg to the sarne Diplornatic List, case officer affected, and rnany other puЬlications are iпvolved. Juha Oliva М,erikoski has Ьееп traпsferred to the Brussels Moreover, we inteпd to coпtiпue to·puЫish the Bulletin, the statioп, where his cover title is Secoпd Secretary. Ьаlапсе of which rernaiпs, we believe, extrernely valuaЫe, Merikoski's Ьiography appears iп Dirty Work. and to continue our struggle agaiпst covert operatioпs апd U.S. secret iпterveпtioп around the world. Brazil

А veteraп case officer who has Ьееп at the Brasilia, Iп this issue we puЬlish the locatioпs of sixty-пiпe CIA Brazil Ernbassy siпce June 1980 is Robert L. Spinelli, Jr. officers iп forty-five countries arouпd the world. They whose Ьiography appears iп Dirty Work. Не was last include twenty-three Chiefs of Statioп or Base and пine пoted serviпg at the Bueпos Aires, Argeпtiпa Ernbassy, in Deputy Chiefs of Station. Biographical rnaterial which early 1978. No State Departmeпt records have Ьееп found rnay already Ье found in Dirty Work: The С/А in Western iпdicating his postiпg betweeп that tirne апd mid-1980, Europe, Dirty Work 2: The CIA in Africa, or previous wheп, accordiпg to the July 31, 1980 Brasilia Diplomatic issues of the Bul/etin, is referenced, but поt generally List, he was.posted to Brazil. repeated.


The пеw Chief of Statioп at the Bujurnbura, Burundi Embassy is Larry G. Jarrett, whose Ьiography appears iп Dirty Work 2 апd iп СА/В Number 8. Jarrett had been Bangladesh Chief of S tatioп in Chad опlу siпce J aпuary 1980, but at least as of August 1981 he had Ьееп traпsferred to Burundi. Stephen Elroy Montgomery, who was Chief of Base iп His relatively short teпure in Chad may have been due to Jerusalern frorn October 1977 (see Ьiography iп СА/В Nurnber 9), was transferred in August 1980 to the Dacca, uпwelcorne involverneпt iп the civil strife of the past few Bangladesh Ernbassy. According to the March 1981 Dacca years. Diplornatic List he is serviпg uпder the cover of Second Secretary (Political). Giveп his seпiority and his three Canieroon years as Chief of Base iп the seпsitive Jerusalern post, he СА/ В has learпed that Linus Frederick Upson IП, а case rnay Ье the Chief of Statioп in Dacca. officer whose Ьiography appears iп Dirty Work 2, has been traпsferred, at least as of April 1981, to the Douala, Bolivia Cameroon Coпsu)ate under cover as ап ecoпornic-comrner­ cial officer. Upsoп has served uпder diplornatic cover in СА/В has learпed that the пеw Deputy Chief of Station Addis АЬаЬа, Ethiopia апd Dar-es-Salaarn, Tanzaпia. at the La Paz, Bolivia Embassy is James Lee Adkins. As пoted iп СА/В Nurnber 9, Adkins has served iп the Dorniпicaп RepuЬlic, Chile, апdGuyaпa, where he was China, Peoples RepuЫic traпsferred iп January 1979, and where he was posted duriпg the Ьizarre Jonestowп iпcident. At least as of As of at least September 1981, а case officer serviпg at Septernber 1981 he was iп La Paz., where he is assisting the the Guaпgzhou, China Coпsulate General is Ronald L. Chief of Station, pararnilitary expert William Adger Cerra, whose Ьiography appears iп Dirty Work. Cerra has MoHett Ш (see СА/В Number 12). served iп both Geпeva and Paris before his postiпg to Guangzhou (formerly Cantoп). Belgium

The пеw CIA Chief of Station at the Brussels, Belgium Cyprus Embassy is veteran Robert D. Aitken, who was Ьоrп in 1928iп New Jersey. Aitkeп, whose Ьiography appears in А case officer whose Ьiography appears iп Dirty Work, Dirty Work 2, left his post as Chief of Statioп iп Dar-es- Paul J. Redmond, Jr., has Ьееп transferred, at Ieast as of

Number 14-15 (October 1981) CovertAction 7 September 1981, to the Nicosia, Cyprus Embassy. Не has Norbert Garrett 111, who arrived, according to CAIB's served iп Malaysia, Yugoslavia, LеЬапоп, апd Gгеесе. sources, some time prior to August 1981. Garrett's background, up till 1978, is fouпd in Dirty Work. His last postiпg, from 1975 uпtil at least 1977, was iп Kuwait. We do поt kпow where he served betweeп 1978 апd his arrival Ecuador iп Cairo. The пеw Chief of Statioп iп Quito, Ecuador is Johп Also serviпg as а case officer in Cairo is Thomas А. Ruth William Heпnessy, Ьоrп Мау 29, 1926 iп Pueгto Rico. 11, born September 18, 1943 in Hawaii. His record is Неппеssу has Ьееп with the CIA almost fг·om the uпusual; according to the 1974 Вiographic Register he beginning, serving undercover as а "Department of the was from 1962 to 1963, апd iп 1965, а mail carrier for the Army analyst" from 1951 to 1952. From 1952 to 1954 he U .S. Postal Service. Тhеп, from 1965 to 1973 he is listed as was under deep cover as а salesman for an unspecified а "records aпalyst" for the Departmeпt of the Army, а private manufacturiпg company. Aft<:r three years back at well-knowп CIA traiпiпg cover. ·How а mail carrier made it George Washingtoп University, from which he had to the CIA is ап iпteresting questioп. Perhaps Ruth was graduated iп 1951 before entering the CIA, he reassumed iпvolved iп the massive CIA mail орепiпg operations of give-away cover, speпdiпg from 1956 to 1957 as а that time апd caught the еуе of his future employers. In Departmeпt ofthe Army aпalyst. In July 1957 he began а 1973 he began usiпg diplomatic cover, receiving several Joпg career under diplomatic cover, serviпg two years at moпths' laпguage апd area traiпiпg, before his posting, iп the Saпtiago, Chile Embassy, followed Ьу four years at the March 1974, to the Beirut, LеЬапоп Embassy, for Sao Paulo, Brazil Coпsulate Geпeral, and two·years at the additioпal field laпguage traiпiпg. Не was assigпed iп Salvador, Bahia, Brazil Coпsulate. There are no eпtries Beirut uпtil 1977, and по State Departmeпt entries regardiпg his whereabouts betweeп late 1965 and mid- сопсеrпiпg him have Ьееп fouпd from that time. The Мау 1967, when he returned briefly to Headquarters, 1981 Cairo Diplomatic List iпdicates he was posted there iп being posted, iп September 1967, to Montevideo, Uruguay. Мау 1980, as Secoпd Secretary. _ No records have been fouпd covering the period betweeп Yet aпother case officer iп Cairo is Kenneth Mitchell late 1971 and mid-1973, when he was posted to the Bogota, Sapp, who was traпsferred from Tripoli, Libya iп October ColomЬia Embassy, apparently as Deputy Chief of 1980 (see CAIBNumber9). Sapp, like Ruth, is uпder cover Station. Between April 1975 and April 1981 there is again а as а Secoпd Secretary (Political Affairs). break in refereпces to his whereabouts, but, CAIB has learned from а Latiп Americanjournalist, that at least as of France Мау 1981 he was in Quito, iп the political section of the Embassy. lп СА l В Number 9 we пoted major chaпges iп the Paris, From the same source CAI!J has learned that serving France statioп: Edwiп Frankliп Atkiпs taking over as uпder Hennessy is Lance G. Hopkins, born 1938. Hopkiпs Chief of Statioп from the ailiпg Eugeп Burgstaller; Serge served as а c1lse officer iп Montevideo, U ruguay from 1972 Taube moviпg in as Deputy Chief of Statioп; апd James uпtil at Jeast late 1975. No further references to him were М. Potts taking over from Fraпcis Johп Jeton as chief of fouпd, before he was observe(l iп Quito. Africa operations. We have поw discovered three additional case officers at the important Paris statioп. Most notaЫe is the presence, iпdicated on the October 1980 Paris Diplomatic List, of John S. Hablb, whose Egypt biography appears in Dirty Work 2. НаЬiЬ, 51, а 24-year CIA veteran, last served as Chief of Station in Morocco, There are at least four new CIA postings to the Cairo, where he was posted at 1east as of August 1978. The Paris Egypt Embassy, three of which appear in the Мау 1981 List shows his cover to Ье First Secretary (Economic Cairo Diplomatic List апd опе ofwhich has been noted Ьу Affairs). Since Potts has recently turned 60, it may Ье that а СА! В source. The пеw Chief of Statioп, replaciпg the he is planning to retire and Habib will Ье joining the 60-year old Murat Natirboff, who may well have retired, is triumvirate of senior officials. Clark Rumrill, born Мау 30, 1934 in New York. Rumrill Aпother case officer in Paris is Joseph Charles Bernard, served at the Madras, Iпdia Coпsulate Geпeral from 1962 Ьоrп January 17, 1939 in Michigan, also appearing оп the to 1964. After а stint at Headquarters апd Persian laпguage October 1980 Paris Diplomatic List, in the cover position traiпiпg, he was posted in 1966 to Kabul, Afghanistan. of Second Secretary. Не trained in the CIA under military There are по State Departmeпt records iпdicating his cover from 1962 to 1967, as an "aпalyst" for the postiпgs from 1969 to early 1972-suggestiпg iп-service Department of the Army. In 1967 he assumed diplomatic traiпiпg or time speпt uпder deep cover-wheп he was cover, posted to the Siпgapore Embassy as а political posted to the Jerusalem Coпsulate Geпeral. Iп 1974 he was officer. We have found по records regarding his where• traпsferred to Lahore, Pakistan, where he served uпtil at abouts from 1971 to 1975. From 1976 uпtil at least 1978 he least 1976. The пехt refereпce fourid places him back at was а Second Secretary at the Ottawa, Canada Embassy. Headquarters iп October 1979, апd iп July 1980"accordiпg The next refereпce found is his postihg f6 Franёe las't year. to the Мау 1981 Diplomatic List, he was seпt to Cairo. Yet aпother case officer in Paris, according to а СА l В Rumrill appareпtly superceded Charles Т. Englehart as source in Paris, is Barry М. Broman, born October 13, Natirboff's Deputy (see СА/В Number 10) duriпg the 1943 iп Kentucky. Bromaп served under cover as а traпsitioп period. CAIB uпderstands that Natirboff departed Cairo some time iп the last four moпths. Appareпtly Eпglehart has also left Cairo, or is planпiпg (continued on page 9 to do so shortly. The пеw Deputy Chief of Statioп is Earl following the Index)

8 CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) (continued from page 8, . aggressively against both Haitian refugees already in the preceding the Index) U.S. and those fleeing the Du,.,alier police state in boats­ sending U .S. Navy and Coast Guard vessels to intercept the Haitian "boat people" and turn them back. This gratuitous policing for the Haitian regime may Ье part of the "projects officer" with the Department of the Army from unspoken price for permission to estaЬ\ish the new base. i97 I to 1972, when he .assuined diplomatic cover, taking DuCote's government experience, according to the language training at the Foreign Service ·Institute, before Вiographic Register, is rather varied. Не served briefly in his posting, in April 1973, to the Phnom Penh, Cambodia 1950 as а clerk with the Displaced Persons Commission of (now Kampuchea) Embassy. In 1975 he was transferred to the Department of State, and in 1951 attended the School Bangkok, Thailand, where he served for at least two years. of Foreign Service at Georgetown U.niversity, receiving а We have found no State Department references to him B.F.S. degree. From 1951 to 1955 he was serving as а subsequent thereto, but have learned that at least as of "traffic-transportation specialist" for the Department of September 1981 he was serving at the Paris Embassy~ the Navy, rather unusual training cover. In 1955 he was in . Saigon as а "port supply officer" at the Embassy. Then, from 1957 to 1958 he was an "administrative officer"with the DelJartrilent of the Army. In 1958 he was an "end-use Greece officer"with the International Cooperation Administration -the predecessor of AID-in Phn_om Penh, Cambodia. ln. СА/В Number 9, we noted the presence in Bogota, Then, from 1961 to 1963 he was an "area analyst" with the ColomЬia of senior case officer Charles Stephen Smith, Department of the Army. Не abandoned these strange­ whose Ьiography appears in Dirty Work. Smith has served and obvious-cover positions in 1963 when he was posted previously in Laos and in S pain. We have now learned that µnder normal diplomatic cover to the Tokyo, Japan at least asof January 1981 Smith was serving at the Athens, Embassy, as Attache and political officer. Ву 1966 he was Greece Embassy. Because of the upcoming elections, back at Headquarters, and from 1973 to 1981 we have Greece is an even more critical U .S. intelligence post at this found no references to his whereabouts, suggesting the time. possiЬility of а period under deep cover. According to the Мау 1981 Brussels Diplomatic List, he was at. that time serving as an Attache there, apparently the CIA Deputy Chief of Station., from а Haitian journalist we Guinea hav~ learned that at least as of October 1981 he was working in Port-au-Prince. This would suggest that The new CIA Chief of Station in Conakry, Guinea is DuCote had been in Brussels some time prior to his listing Р. Victor Kolil, Jr., born December 21, 1935 in Delawa·re. there this past Мау. Kohl, who received а law degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1962, spent the next three years in private experience as an attorney, before commencing two years as а "legal assistant" with an unspecified government agency. In September 1967 he was posted to the Kinshasa, Congo 8ong Kong (now Zaire) Embassy, as а political officer. Не was in The new Chief of Station in Hong Kong is John F. Kinshasa untН at least the end of 1969, but there are no further State Department records regarding him that span Gilhooly, 55, whose full Ьiography appears in Dirty Work. Gilhooly has spent almost 30 years with the CIA, beginning the next decade which we have found. According to а journalist recently returned from Conakry, Kohl was there under cover as а "foreign affairs officer" for the as ofAugust 1981, where, we believe, he is Chief ofStation. Department ofthe Army, from 1952-1956. Не began State Department cover in 1956 with postings to Rangoon, Burma; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; New Delhi, lndia; and Hong Kong, where from 1966 to 1970 he was Deputy Chief ofStation. In the l 970s he served in Bern, Switzerland, and Haiti Brussels, Belgium, where he was at least as of early 1976. The next reference t.o his whereabouts we have found is the The new Chief of Station at the Port-au-Prince, Haiti April 1, 1981 Hong Kong Commissioners, Consular Embassy is Robert А. DuCote, born October 23, 1928, in Officers and Trade Commissioners List, which shows him Massachusetts. DuCote is а Southeast Asia specialist with serving as Consul at the Hong Kong Consulate General. many years' experience in unusual cover positions and Не has evidently replaced Robert F. Grealy as Chief of(see apparently consideraЫe involvement with military and СА/В Nuщber 10). paramilitary operations-which might explain his appear­ ance at фis time in Haiti. Not only are ·there internal trouЬ\es in Haiti and an extremely repressive state apparatus; Haiti is also the site of а new major U .S. lndia military instalration, being built as а base of operations against both Cuba and Nicaragua_ The base, at Mole St. An Indian journalist has observed three known CIA Nicolas on the northwest tip of Haiti, is only 50 miles from officers now in India. The Chief of Station, observed in the easternmost point of Cuba. In addition, the Reagan New Delhi as recently as August 1981, is Bertram F. Dunn, Administration has in the past few months moved whose Ьiography appears in Dirty Work 2. As we noted in

Number 14-15 (October 1981) CovertAction 9 СА/ В Number 5, Thomas Alan Twetten had been serving Pennsylvania. Katrosh appears on the January 1981 as Chief of Station from August 1976 until at least late Jerusalem Diplomatic List, evidently taking over for 1979. As it is extremely unlikely that Twetten spent five Montgomery sometime during the preceding eleven years in that position, and as our research has not months. uncovered а likely successor under,diplomatic cover in the Katrosh's Ьiography of government service begins with intervening period, it would appear that the person who tbe giveaway position of "analyst" for the Department of succeeded Twetten, and has in turn been replaced Ьу Dunn, the Army from 1951to1957, indicating that he has bet:n was serving under deep cover. Although in the past it was with the CIA for 30 years. ln 1957 he moved to diplomatic considered unusual for the Chief of Station to Ье under cover, posted to the Singapore Consulate General. In 1959 deep cover, without the protections afforded Ьу diplomatic and 1960 he was back at Headquarters, and in 1961, after status, current research indicates that the practice was not some Burmese language training at the Foreign Service as rare as formerly believed and may Ье becoming lnstitute in Washington, he was posted to Rangoon, somewhat more common. Burma. In 1964 he returned again to Headquarters, until Also spotted in New DeJhi in August was Allen Bruce his transfer to the Manila, Philippines Embassy in 1966. In Hemmings, whose Ьiography appears in Dirty Work 2. In 1968 he moved to Saigon, Vietnam, and in 1969 back to СА/В Number 8 we noted that Hemmings, а case officer; Headquarters. ln all of the abovementioned diplomatic was at the Calcutta Consulate General as of November posts he served as political officer. After late 1972 there are 1979; our information indicates that he has not been no State Department references to him which we have transferred Jo the capital. found. The next reference is his mention in the Jerusalem Finally, William Dennis Murray, а case officer located in . List, as Attache. · Saudi AraЬia· in СА/В Number 7, was observed in February 1981 at the Calcutta Consulate General.


Joel D. Ticknor, whose Ьiography appears in Dirty lndonesia Work 2 and СА/В Number 6, is now Chief of Station in The March 1981 Jakarta Diplomatic and Consular List NairoЬi, Кепуа. Ticknor, an Africa speciaHst, was last appears to contain the top CIA leadership for lndonesia. discovered under diplomatic cover at the Accra, Ghana lhe Chiёf ofStation, serving there since J une 1980,as First Embassy, where he served from 1973-1975. As noted in Secretary, is Warren Е. Frank, 56, whose Ьiography СА/В Number 6, he was а "student" at the National War appears in Dirty Work. College in 1979. Не is listed on the October 1980 NairoЬi Frank's Deputy Chief of Station is Harrison McAlpine, Diplomatic List as First Secretary (Political). Jr., born Ft;bruary 25, 1930 in Ohio. McAlpine's entry in Also on the NairoЬi Diplomatic List is Joseph А. Кiehl, the Вiographic Register contains the tell-tale position of ostensiЫy Third Secretary (Political). А journalist in "research analyst" for the Department of the Army, from Kenya has confirmed to СА/В that Kiehl is in fact а case 1955 to 1964. Не commenced diplomatic cover in 1964, officer working under Ticknor. posted to the Consulate General in Singapore as а political assistant. After а period back at Headquarters, 1968-71, he was sent to Vientiane, Laos as а "puЫic administration advisor" for AID. Не was there from August 1971 until at RepuЫic of Korea least November 1974, а period of intense CIA activity in Southeast Asia. The next entry found relating to his In СА/ В Number 1О we reported that the CIA Chief

10 CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) Kuwait CIA officials are also accredited to Male, RepuЫic of the Maldives, а chain of islands off the tip of the Indian А case officer serving at the Kuwait Ernbassy, is James subcontinent. With this accreditation it is clear that Rauh Michael Flaherty, whose biography Dirty. Work and Wojciechowski run the CIA station for the Maldives, 2 and in СА/В Number 6. Flaherty, who has served in evidently making frequent visits to that country from their Beirut, Rabat, and Tripoli, was posted to Kuwait in April base of operations in Colombo. The Maldives are 1980, according to the January 1981 К uwait Diplomatic and Consular List. strategically located in the lndian Ocean, north of the small British island of Diego Garcia, where the Pentagon,jointly with Britain, has constructed а large air base and other installations. The Maldives, Seychelles, and Mauritius, are Diego Garcia's nearest neighbors, each approximately Lebanon 1000 miles away. With а progressive government in the Charles Р. МсСоу, serving as Second Secretary in the Seychel\es, and the welf-puЫicized strong possiЬility of а Beirut, Lebanon Embassy since J uly 1980, according to the ptogressive victory in the up-coming Mauritius elections, 1981 Beirut Diplomatic and Consular List, is, according to the operationa1 importance of the Maldives to the CIA is СА/ B's sources, а CIA case officer. From 1974 to 1978 he obviously growing. served under cover as а political officer and economic­ commercial officer at the Kathmandu, Nepal Embassy, the only previous State Department posting we have been аЫе to locate. Morocco А CIA case officer at the Rabat, Morocco Embassy is Joseph :Pettinelli, born August 13, 1947 in New York. Pettinelli spent his СIЛ training from 1970 to 1973 under Liberia cover as an "area analyst" for an unspecified government agency, and assumed State Department cover inJune 1973 The CIA 's central telecommunications relay base for all when he was posted to Islamabad, Pakistan as а political Africa is based in Monrovia, Liberia, а structure which has officer. We have been unable to trace his whereabouts not changed since the violent соир in that country. ln between 1976 and 1978, when he was back at Headquarters, СА/В Number 4 we noted that the chief of this essential but we have learned from an American journ-alist t,hat he section was Marvin Н. Chindgren~ posted there in was working. at the Rabat Embassy at least as of February September 1978. СА/В has learned from soutces in 1981. Monrovia that he has been replaced Ьу :{)aniel Н. Garber. Garber served as а telecommunications supervisor in Nicosia, Cyprus from 1965 to 1967, when he was transferred to the major installation in Athens, Gree.ce. Не Nepaf served there as а telecommunications specialist, and then officer, until at least the end of 1969. We have been unaЫe СА/В has learned that Naran Sansha lvanchukov, to ascertain his postingsfrom that timetill mid-1975, when whose Ыography appears in СА/В Number 12, has been he became telecommunications officer at the New Delhi, transferred from Rome and is now at the Kathmandu, · lndia Embassy, where he worked until at least 1977. The Nepa1 Embassy .. The Rome posting, in fact. appears to Ье next information we have is the current report that he has an abberation. as lvanchukov•s other postings have all been in Monrovia since at least April 1981, where, given his been in Asia: Taiwan, Vietnam, Burma, and now Nepal. seniority, he must now Ье telecommunications chief. His deputy, replacing Richard В. George (see СА/В Number 4), is Charles Е. Myers. Myers served as а telecommunications officer in Athens from 1969 until at N etherlands least 1971. We have found no State Department records According to the 198 l Hague Diploщatic List, Richard indicating his whereabouts for the next decadt;:, and, М. Luther, а very senior CIA officer, has Ьееп at the according to our sources, he was located at the Monrovia Hague, Netherlan.ds Embass.y since July 1979. Luther, station in April 1981, at the same time as his chief. whose Ыography appears in Dirty Work, is undoubtedly А case officer observed at the same time stationed at the the Chief of Station there. Не has Ьееп with the CIA since Monrovia Embassy is Jeffrey Panitt, whose Ьiography 1952, and has served previously in Germany, Greece, appears in Dirty Work 2. His precise cover position is not Potand, and the U nited Kin.gdom. know,n, but he may Ье the CIA Deputy Ch-ief of Station.

Nigeria Maldives The March 1981 Lagos Diplomatic and Consular list In СА/ В Number 6 and Number 9 we noted the Chief of confirms the presence in Nigeria of three CIA officials. Station at the Colombo, Sri Lanka Embassy, Richard W. Most senior is Milton А. Bearden, First Secretary Rauh; and in СА/В Nuumber 10, we noted his Deputy, (Political) at the Lagos Em bassy. Bearden, 41, served at the Gene W. Wojciechowski. We have now learned, from the Bern, Switzerland Embassy as economic-comrnercial' Male Diplomatic List of January 19·80 that these two high officer from 1971 through 1975, when he returned to

Number 14-15 (October 1981) CovertAction I l

-~. Headquarters. We have f ound no records relating to him Peru "· from that time until the Lagos Diplomatic List. From а Latin American journalist СА 1В has learned the From the same List we have learned that Michael V. identities of the Chief of Station and Deputy Chief of Kostiw, а case officer whose post-ing to Lagos w,as rtoted in Station for the CIA at the Lima, Peru Embassy. The Chief СА/В Number 13, is serving in the cover position of is Morton Mowbray Palmei' 111, born N ovember 3, 1935 in Second Secretary (Political). His biography appears in Connecticut. Palmer entered the CIA in 1962, training Dirty Work. from J962 to 1963 under cover of "analyst" with the Richard Е. Plues, whose Ьiography appears in Dirty Department of the Аrшу. Не began diplomatic cover in Work 2, has returned to the Kaduna, Nigeria Consulate as August 1963, posted to the Quito, Ecuador Embassy as Chief of Base, а position he held from 1975 to 1977, before Assistant Attache ,and economic officer. In 1966 he returning to Headquarters. returned to Headquarters, and in 1967 was assigned to Montevideo, Uruguay as а political officer. Не was there until at least April 1970. The next records found indicating his whereabouts show а posting to Buenos Aires, Oman Argentina as political officer in J uly 1974. After just six А case officer serving at the Muscat, Oman Embassy months, he was transferred to Brasilia; Brazil, still as а under cover of Second Secretary and Vice-Consul is political officer. Не remained in Brazil until 1978, though Kenneth Е. Haas. Haas served in Dacca, Bangladesh from we have been unaЫe to locate him for the 1978-1980 1975 untilat least 1978, and, according to theJanuary 1980 period. As ofNovember 1980 he was in Lima, where he is Muscat Diplomatic and Consular List, was there at that CIA Chief of Station. time. Palmer's Deputy, though nearly three years his senior, is Also in Muscat is Mati Lohuaru, according to t,he same David Nickerson, born January l, 1933 in Hawaii. List. Lohuaru's Ьiography appears in СА/В Number 10. Nickerson entered the CIA in 1961, spending two years Не has worked previously in Beirut, Kuwait, and Cairo. training as а Department of the Air Force "analyst." ln 1963 he was posted to the Reykjavik, lceland Embassy as а political officer. In 1966 he returned to Headquarters, and in 1970 was posted to the UNESCO office in Paris, as а Pakistan polifical officer. In 1972 he retlirned again to Headquarters, where he remained until mid-1975. We have found no As of at least А ugust 1981 Howard:p. Hart, а senior case records refating to his whereabouts from that time until we officer, has been located at the lslamabad, Pakistan were informed that, as ofSeptember 1981 at least he was at Embassy. Hart, born October 16, 1940, spent 1966-1967 in the Lima Embassy. CIA training as an "editorial assistant"for the Department of the Army, before moving to the State Department, in 1967, as а reports officer. ln 1968 he was posted to the Calcutta, lndia Consulate General as а political officer, Philippines and in 1970 he moved to the Embassy in New Delhi as а According to the January 1981 Manila Diplomatic and political-economic officer and political assistant. ln 1974 Consular List, С1А veteran Harry Seger Slifer, Jr. was he was transferred to Manama, Bahrain until at least 1976. posted to the Manila, Philippines Embassy, where he is We have found no records covering the period from 1976 to undoubtedly the CIA Chief of Station. Slifer, whose 1978, when he was back at Headquarters. As noted above, Ьiography appears in Dirty Work and in Dirty Work 2, has in August of this year he was in Islamabad. been in the CIA since 1956, during which time he has been stationed in Cambodia, Vietnam, France, Japan, Tanzania and lndonesia. Не has been Chief ofStation in Cambodia, Tanzania and Indonesia, and is now filling that role, since Paraguay at least January 1981, at the extremely large and important А very senior, and notorious, casi;: officer, Joel Н. Beyer, station at the Manila Embassy. has been located at the Asuncion, Paraguay Embassy as of In СА/В Number 8 we noted that the telecommunica­ September 1981, where he may Ье Chief of Station, tions chief in Liberia, Marvin Н. Chindgren, had been replacing Donald J. Venute(see CA/BNumber8), who has replaced in that major position in September 1979. been there in that post since July 1978. Beyer, 47, whose Chindgren, whose Ьiography appears in Ditty Work 2, Ьiography appears in СА/В Number 9, has served in shows up on the January 1981 Manila Diplomatic List, Bolivia, the Dominican RepuЬlic, Jamaica, and Uruguay. inditating that he is now the CIA 's chief of telecommunica­ At the time Number 9 appeared (June 1980), we had tions there, supervising the CIA's communications head­ assumed that Beyer was still in Guatemala, where he had quarters for all of eastern Asia. been posted in mid-1977. It now appears, however, that as of early 1980 he had in fact transferred to Uruguay, from which posting he recently moved to Paraguay. Beyer was Somalia one of the CIA personnel exposed in Jamaica Ьу Philip Agee in 1976. The notoriety of that expose evidently left David Preston Mathewson, а CIA case officer whose him fit for service only in the most repressive regimes in Ьiography appears in Dirty Work 2, has been posted to the Latin America, since from there he has spent his time only Mogadishu, Somalia Embassy since at least Decembe'r in Guatemala, Uruguay and Paraguay. 1980, according to our sources.

12 ,CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) South Africa Number 8, arrived there in October 1979. Roberts may The January 1981 Pretoria Diplomatic List enaЫes already have transferred, returned to Langley, or, perhaps, СА 1В to expose the third successive Chief of Station at the retired. Whipple, 58, has been with the CIA for 31 years, Pretoria, South Africa Embassy. ln СА/В Number 4, we serving in Vietnam, Burma, and Thailand in the 1950s, the noted that Dorwin М. Wilson ha~ assumed the position in latter under AID cover as а police advisor. From 1961 to August 1975. In CAIBNumber 5 we noted that Wilson had 1963 he was in the Congo (now Zaire), and he later served been replaced Ьу Gerry Francis Gossens. We have now in London, Helsinki, and Lisbon; in the last two learned, from the Diplomatic List, that Gossens has been assignments he was Chief of Station. According to the J uly replaced Ьу John Louis Kelly, Jr., а 48 year-old native of 1981 Geneva Lists of Permanent Missions, he is using the California. Kelly, whose biography appears in Dirty Work diplomatic cover of Attache at this very significant post. 2, entered the CIA in 1962, spending two years in the tell-tale cover position of "research analyst" for the Department of the Air Force. Не served in Addis АЬаЬа from 1964 to 1967; in Benghazi from 1968 to 1970; in Thailand Nairobi from 1971 to 1973; and in Lusaka from 1973 until The new Chief of Station at the Bangkok, Thailand at least early 1976, the last reference to his whereabouts Embassy is Francis S. Sherry 111, whose biography found in State Department records. We are unaЬ!e to appears in Dirty Work. Sherry, а 29-year CIA veteran, has ascertain where he served between 1976 and 1980, but, served in Vietnam, Belgium, Mexico, and Spain (see СА! В according to the abovementioned Diplomatic List, he was Number 4). Current CIA activities directed against posted to Pretoria in March 1980, where he has now taken Vietnam-for which Bangkok is the primary base of over · from Gossens. Leading the CIA 's team in South operations-suggest why an experienced officer like Africa, given the Reagan Administration's Southern Sherry was needed. From а Europeanjournalist СА! В has Africa policies, is а major responsibility for this 20-year learned that Sherry arrived in Bangkok at least as of CIA veteran. September 1981. From the same source we have learned that Manfred Groth, а case officer wnose Ьiography appears in Dirty Work, was also posted to Bangkok at least as of Spain September. Groth was in Laos from 1976 to 1977, when he We ~ave located two CIA case officers in Spain. JamesJ. was transferred to Bern, Switzerland. 1t is not known Dolge, whose biography appears in Dirty Work, is, where he served between that posting and his arrival in according to the January 1981 Madrid Diplomatic List, Thailand. First Secretary at the Madrid Embassy, posted there in July 1980. CAIB's sources in Argentina have advised us that Тimothy S. Griggs, а CIA case officer who served in Tunisia Buenos Aires from at least Мау 1978, was transferred sometime prior to А pril 1981 to the Barcelona Consulate Ralph С. Hughes, а case officer whose Ьiography General. Griggs had served in Ankara, Turkey prior to his appears in CAIBNumber 2, was located Ьу а CA!Bsource arrival in Argentina. at the Tunis, Tunisia Embassy as of February 1981. Не is apparently Deputy Chief of Station there, having been transferred from the Amman, Jordan assignment noted in our second issue. Sri Lanka А case offlcer at the Colombo, Sri Lanka Embassy is Warren J. Marik, posted there in November 1980, Turkey according to the 1981 Colombo Diplomatic and Consular List. Marik served from 1974 to at least 1977 at the Ankara, According to the January 1981 Ankara Diplomatic List, Turkey Embassy; по information relating to his postings James А. Higham, а veteran case officer, is now at the between that time and his arrival in Colombo have been Ankara, Turkey Embassy, under cover as First Secretary. found. Higham, whose biography appears in Dirty Work is actually Chief of Station.

Switzerland Uganda One of the CIA's most senior officers, David D. Whipple, is the new Chief of Statipn at the U .S. Mission to The Chief of Station at t.he Kampala, Uganda Embassy the European Office of the U nited Nations and Other is Carol Ann Roehl, whose Ьiography appears in Dirty International Organizations in Geneva, Switzerland. Work 2. Roehl, one of the few high-ranking women CIA Whipple, whose biography appears in Dirty Work, arrived officers, has served in the Sudan and Tanzania. According in Geneva during or shortly prior to J anuary 1981, to take to а СА/В source, she was in Kampala, as а consular overfrom Rowland Е. Roberts, Jr., who, as noted in СА/В officer, at least as of September 1980.

Number 14-15 (October 1981) CovertAction 13 United Кingdom

А case officer who appears on the April 1981 London · Diplomatic List is Stephen L. Conn, born October 21, 1932 .. Conn was posted to the London, United Кingdom '·.:-~. Embassy at least as of this past April, in the cover position Other Items of Interest of First Secretary (Political). Не served from 1970 to 1973 ih Belgrade, Yugoslavia, before returningto Headquarters, While w.e usually report where CIA officers are, and. not where he remained until at least 1976, after which no State where they are not, the following information will Ье of Department records of his whereabouts have been found interest to СА/В readers. ln Number 9 we noted that until he surfaced in London. Norman М. Descoteaux, the Kingston, Jamaica Chief of Station exposed Ьу Philip Agee in 1976, had been posted to Algiers, Algeria in early 1980. An interesting article Upper Volta appeared in the J uly 31, 1981 issue of L 'Орiпiоп, а Moroccan newspaper. It noted that an official of the А case officer whose biography appears in Dirty Work 2~ Algerian foreign ministry had been arrested for collaborat­ Donn Alden W eaver, has been transferred from Kenya to ing with the CIA, and that а Secretary at the U .S. Embassy the Ouagadougou, Upper Volta Embassy in the cover had been expelled as the offending CIA contact. Although position of Second Secretary and Consul. Weaver appears the newspapeг did not name the American "diplomat," on the November l 980 O:µagadougou Diplomatic List, СА/В understands that the unfortunate expellee was in indicating that he arrived sometime prior thereto. fact Descoteaux, the Chief of Station.


Montgomery L. Rogers, а senior case officer whose Ьiography appears in Dirty Work 2, has been recently posted to the Kinshasa, Zaire Embassy as а consutar officer. Our source indicates to us that he appeared there at th.e beginning of October 1981. Не is рrоЬаЫу the Deputy Chief of Station. Businessmen and Deep Cover Our source also has located the new Chiefof Base at the During the height of the Мах Hugel scandal, Deputy · Lubumbashi Consulate General, Jobn F. McCarthy 111, Director of Central Intelligence Лdmiral ВоЬЬу Ray whose Ьiography appears in /Jirty Work 2. McCarthy had lnman, in а гаге television appearance, pointed out that been Chief of Base in Kaduna, Nigeria since late 1978. Director William Casey was deeply committed to the increщ;ed use of what Inman ca\led "commercial drops." СА/В has leaгned of some developments which гeinforce tbe proposition that the Reagan Administration is com­ ZamЬia mitted to the greatly increased use of deep cover for its ln June, the government of Zambla expelled two U.S. intelligence officers, especially the use of commercial dipiomats .and declared four others absent from the cover. The new Under Secretary of Commerce for country at that time persoпa поп grata. All were accused of International Trade is Lionel Olmer, who served of the being CIA officers. Among those barred from returning staff of the Pгesident's Foreign Intelligence Advisory was Frederick Во усе Lundahl, the CIA Chief of Station in Board from 1972 to 1977, and was а consultant to the staff Maputo, MozamЬique, expe\led from that country in from then until the Inauguration. One might wonder why March. А high ZamЬian foreign ministry official was also such а post has been filled Ьу а person with high arrested, accused of co\laborating with the CIA officers. intelligence expeгience. However, it appears that the СА/ В has learned that in the wake of the expulsions roving Commerce Department is instituting а new program Ambassador-at-Large and foгmer Deputy Director.of the whereby the Department will have а representative in every CIA Vernon Walters rushed to Lusaka to aщ:mpt to mend U .S. Embassy around the world. This will Ье а Commerce fences with the neгvous Kaunda government. lt is thus at а Department officia\, separate and apart from the usual critical time that, we have learned, there is а new CIA Chief State Department commeгcial officers found in most of Station in Lusaka. Robert Н. Lupton, an Africa Embassies and Consulates. specialist, has depaгted (see СА/ В N um ber 4), and William The potential fог such а network in intelligence work is S. Lofgren, who has, accoгding to State Depaгtment obvious. This would allow for the use Ьу the CIA of the records, neveг served in Africa Ьеfоге, arrived, at least as of Commerce Department for cover around the world August. Lofgren, whose biogгaphy appears in .Dirty Work, without any of the disadvantages caused Ьу State has woгked duгing his 14-year CIA сагеег in lndia, Department cover. Moreover, it gives CIA officers and Lebanon, Cyprus, and Gгеесе. lt may well Ье that the agents under deep cover as businessmen anotheг avenue of Agency felt the delicacy of the situation required а fresh contact with tl}eiг co\leagues and controls without presence, someone not known in Africa. However, necessitating any contacts with intelligence officers under Lofgren, who spent the 1970s in еvегу strife-torn area ofthe "light" State Department cover. Several groups are eastern Mediterranean, is not unfamiliar with the unstaЫe investigating this new program and further details. may political situations. emerge. - 14 CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) ! . Speclal Offer to Ош Readers

. Dirty Work: The С! А in Western Europe, the first of this series of startling and invaluaЫe exposes, lists at $24. 95. Dirt 1• Work 2: The С!А in A.frica lists at $29.95. Current or new subscribers may order these books from us for $12.00 for Dirt.1• Work and for $20 for Dirty Work 2. This includes surface postage anywhere. For airmail overseas, please add $10.00 f~r DWI or $8.00 for DW2. . Back Issues

All back issues are availaЫe from CAI В (although Number 1 is only availaЫe in photocopy). ( М icroform versions are availaЫe from University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106.) Highlights of issues are listed below. Prices are as follows: Number 1, $3.00; Numbers 2-13, $2.50; Number 14-15, $5.00. Add $1.00 per issue outside North America.

Number 1(July1978): Agee on CIA; Cuban Exile Trial; Consumer Research in Jamaica.

Number 2 (October 1978): CIA Recruiting Diplomats; Researching Undercover Officers; DouЫe Agent in CIA.

Number 3 (January 1.979): С!А Attacks Bulletin; Supplement В to Army Field Manual, Spying on Host Countries. Number 4 (April-May 1979): U.S. Spies in Italian Servfces; CIA in Spain; Recruiting for Africa; Subversive Academics; Angola. Number 5 (July-August 1979): U.S. Intelligence in Southeast Asia; CIA in Denmark, Sweden, Grenada.

Number 6 (October 1979): U .S. in Caribbean; Cuban Exile Terrorists; С!А Plans for Nicaragua; CIA's secret "Perspectives for Intelligence." 7 (December 1979-January 1980): Media l)estabilization in Jamaica; Robert Moss; CIA Budget, Media Operations; UNITA; Iran.

Number 8 (March-April 1980): Attacks on Agee; U.S. lntelligence Legislation; САIВ Statement; Zimbabwe; Northern lreland:.

Number 9 (June 1980): NSA in Norwдy; Glomar Explorer; Mind Control; Notes on NSA.

Number 10 (August-September 19~0): Caribbean; Destabilization in Jamaica; Guyana; Grenada Bc;>mbing; Antigua and Dc;>minica; The Spike; Оеер Cover Mahual Number 11(December1980): Right-Wing Terrorism; South. Korea; KCIA; Portugal; Guyana; Caribbean; AFIO. Number 12 (April 1981): U.S. in EI Salvador and Guatemala; New Right; William Casey; Mozambique Spy Ring; Mail Surveillance.

Number 13 (July-August 1981): South Africa Documents; NamiЫa "Solution;" Mercenaries and Gunrunning; Globe Aero; Angola; MozamЫque; BOSS; Central America; Мах Hugel; Mail Surveillance. ·

Number 14-1.? (October 1981): Complete lndex to Numbers 1-12; Review of lntelligence Legislation, САIВ Plans; Extended Naming Names. ------... -. ------Subscription/Order Fonn

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Number 14-15 (October 1981) , C()vertAction 15 -.

White Paper? Whitewashl

РhШр Agee 'on the CIA and EJ Salvador Grenada:

Тhе CIA's history of document falsifications; the use of AIFLD as а CIA front; the CI~' s work Nobody's Backyard with paramilitary and terrorist gangs; ацd а liш~­ by-line analysis of the Sta_te Departme·nt ''White Paper" and the "captured" documents. The re­ А sixteen mm, 60-minute color documentary search which proved the White Paper was а fraud. which celeЬrates the Grenadian Revolution on its Includes complete White. Paper with exhiЬits and first anniversary and examines the campaign of des­ State Department Dissent Paper; 220 pages; paper­ taЬilizaJion being waged Ьу the CIA against the tiny back: $6. 50 plus $1. 50 postage and handling; "jewel" of the Caribbean. hardcover: $12.95 plus $1.75 postage and hand" Produced Ьу CovertAction Information Bulletin; ling. · directed Ьу Ellen Ray; for rental information, tele­ Order from: Deep Cover PuЫications, Р. О. Вох phone CAJB at (202) 265-3904, or write to: Р.О. ... 677, New York, NY 10013 . Вох 50272, Washington, DC 20004.

INFORМAТION вtn.LE'l'IN Р .О. Вох 50272 ·· Washington, ОС 20004 ~··

16 CovertAction Number 14-15 (October 1981) COVERTACTION [ ~. ..._м ...... 1.1111rа11о1 ) COVERTACTION INFORMATION BULLETIN . ..Ш SalwertiD1 АШеа. . INFORMATION CovertAction INFORМAТION ВULLEТIN BULLETIN




RDl:ARCНIНG UNDEllCOYDt CIA 0Ff1COS "RDLulanнcC-.-11'111 м ....nrn.Pl:!n"A81ц ТENYIAJISASACUllANDOU8LEACENТINТНECIA ...... OA.~larC...,.._.-._...... - •~ _"_·-­-·­... s.:rr.::.-c:..:.;"




Number 9 • June 1980 51.00



NumЬer 12 April 1981 52.50 NumЬer 10 • AuR~1·SepttmЬer 1980 SZ.00 NumЬer 11 Dtc:emЬer 1980 $2.SO Special: ТНЕ NEW RIGHT [ Exclusive: NSA INTERVIEW ] AND U.S. INTELLIGENCE CovertAction CovertAction CovertAction INFORМAТION :вmi.EтIN INFORМAТION ВULLE'ПN INFORМAТION ВШ.LЕТ1N DESTABILIZA TION ElSalvador,; INTHE U.S.Intervention 1 CARIBBEAN ! '. ..


Compiled Ьу Daniel Tsang

This is а complete index-names, AFL~cю 2:22-23; 7:26; 10:12,35; 11:30; 12:7,30; Aaron, David 12:35-36,39 subjects, titles and authors-ofthe first see a/so AIFLD Abdala group 10:35 twelve issues of CovertAction Informa­ AFL-CIO f'ree Trade Union Neи:s 12:8 Abourezk, James 1:22 AFL~CIO Ne~·sletter 5:4 Abrams, Floyd 8:20 tion Bulletin. The names and locations AFP (Agence Fran~ Presse) 7:20; 8:26 Abshire, David 12:30,39 of CIA officers as reported in the AID Abzug, Bella 1'1:40 "Naming Names" column (and in the see Agency for lnternational Development Accuracy in Media article on the CIA station in Madrid) AIFLD (American Institute for Free Labor "Accuracy in Media?" 12:46 Development)2:22-23; 10:12,19; 11:30; 12:7-9, appear following the general index. Act о/ Genocide: Jndonesia's lnvasion о/ East 14,43 Тimor, А_п (Kohen/Taylor) 7:34 With respect to each reference, the "AIFLD Graduate Discusses Front Royal Ackerman, Mike 2: 17-18,20 number preceding а colon represents the -Course" 5:28; "AIFLD Moves into Ne'wspaper number of the issue in question and the Field" 5:23; "Newspaper Guild Finally Rejects Adams, Leonard 9:24 AIFLD, AID Support" 8:25 Adams, Топу 11:22 number after the colon represents the ANTEL 12:6 Addressograph, lnc. 9:14 page or pages on which the reference АР (Associated Press) 6:28; 7:20,23; 8:5-6 \den 7:30 will Ье found. А.Р. Moller (company) 5:10,14 Adkjqs, James Lee 10:24 ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Administration of Justice Act (Guyana) 10:20 Agency Network) 9:8-9' advanced sensor technolngy 9: 16 ASIO (Australian intelligence) 8: 17; 10:43 Advancement Devices, lnc. 12:29 Aegean Sea 6:16 ~ Afghanistan 6:29; 8:8; 9:2,36; 11:31 Africa Copyright© 1981 Ьу Daniel T:r;ang CIA intelligence target 6:20 and Covert Action PuЫications, /пс. Africa Ne~·s 12:26 Africa Repott 4: 18; 8:27 Р.О. Вох 50272 Washington, DC 20004 Africair 1:21 (2if2) 26s:иrи African-AUfericai:i Labor Cehter 2:22-23; 4:19; 7:26 African Association of Political Science 4:2f-22 А Daniel Tsang is а librarian and editor specializ­ ing in ,the alternative press. Не received his African National Congress 4:18,20,22,36; 9:25 АБС (American Broadcasting Company) 10:37, master's degrees in political science and library "Mozambiq_ue Smashes Spy Network" (Ray) 44 , science from the University of Michigan. Не is а - 12:24-27; "South African Ra_id" 12:Р АВМ (Anti-Ballistic Missile) 9:7; 12:30 founding member of CARA Т --Covert Action African National Congress (African АСЕ HIGH Communications Network 9:9 'Research at Temple-a campus organization at Nationalists) 9:25 ADELA S.A. 10:12 Temple University in f>hiladelphia. African Regional Organization 2:22

Numbers 1-12 2 Index CovertAction African Youth 4:18 Agrarian Reform Institute 12:8,12,14 Amin, ldi 4:22-23; 8:22,36; 9:28; 11 :21; 12: 18,30 African Youth Movement for Liberation and Agrell, Wilhelm 7:34 Amos, Shari>n I0:21 Unity4:18 Ahmad, Eqbal 11 :44 Andean Pact 6:10 Africanus, Miles (pseud.) Arr America 1:21; 9:24 Anderson, Jack 3:4; 6:2; 11:28; 12:20,44 "Dress Rehearsal" 4:27-28 А ir and А А W Exercises 9: 16 "Seaga's Sleight of Hand Trips Up Jack Afrikaner nationalism 4:18 Air Associates 8:26-27 Anderson" (Morales) 7:8-9 Afrique-Asie 4:28; 6:24 (photo); 7:36; 11:20; 12:47 Air Combat Maneuvering Range System 9: 19 Anderson, К.В. 5: 13-14 Afro-Americans IO:ll, 21-22 airline bombings !0:27; 11:5-6 Andino, Mario 12:6 CIA memo 10:34; "CIA Recruitment for airlines 9:28 Andreotti, Giulio 4:4,7 Africa: The Case of Howard University" Andres Perez, Carlos 11:6 (Maish) 4:14-17 alcoholism Andros Island (Bahamas) 9:28 Afro-Guyanese 10: 18-20,22-23 "CIA Admits Alcoholism ProЫem" 11:26 Ang Katipunan 11:28 Age о/ Surveillance (Donner) 11:44 Alcoholism and Alcohol Educ.ation 11:26 Agee, Philip Alejos Arzu, Roberto 12:16, 18-21 Angleton, James Jesus 3:4-6; 7:30; 10:44 AFIO Campaign 11:27; "ТЬе Agee Passport Alexandria (Va.) 5:20; 9:8 Anglo-Iranian Oil Со. 7:28-31 Case"(edit.) 11:3; Anderson comment 3:4; Algeria 2:25 Angola 1:7; 4:18,20; 6:11; 7:13,27; 8:26; !0:8; "The Anti-Agee Campaign" (edit.) 8:3; Arrives Algerian revolution 11 :4 11:9.16-18,32; 12:4.23,25-27,46-47 in West Germany 7:17; Bentsen comment 3:6- Algerian Secret Army Organization 10:41-42 "Oress Rehearsal" (Africanus) 4:27-29; 7; "The Book That Couldn't Ве Stopped" 8:6; Algiers "Savimbi a11d the Portuguese Ci>nnection" САIВ Statement Before House Committee (Talbot) 11:20; "Stockwell Scores Savimbi" 8: 11; "The CIA 's Blueprint for Nicaragua" CIA Station Chief 10:16 7:27; "The Treasonous Guerrilla: Excerpts 6: 10-12; CIA budget estimate 7:18; CIA Allen, Lew, Jr. 9:27; 11:35-36 from the SavimЬi Letters"7:36; "UNITA's infiltration of CLAT 10:31; Carlucci commc:nt Allen, Lloyd !0:9 SavimЬi Seeks U.S. Understanding Again" 8: 17; David Phillips comment 11 :27: Deported (Wolf) 7:25-26 from U.K. 1:20; Effect of Anti-Agee ВЦI 7:2; Allen, Rjchard 10:41-42; 12:9,14,17,20,39 "How the Director of Central lntelligence Allende, Salvador 1:5,15; 7:4, 7, I0-12, 16,22-23,34; (Wolf) 7:25-26 Projected U.S. Intelligence Activities for 1976- 8: 1J ,22-23; 10:8, 13-i 5,27 ,30,38; 11 :8,27 ,32; 12:6, Anguilla !0:5 1981" 6:13-24; lnside the Company cited 7:11, 12,38 Anti-Agee Bill 16-17; 8:4; Jamaica visit 1976 .1:20; 10: 16; Aller, James С. 9:19 see lntelligence ldentities Protection Act JLetter photocopied 5:2; "The Man Without а (proposed) Country: Attacks Against Agee· Esc~late" 8:4- Almy, Dean J., Jr. 7; McClory question 8:16; Montevideo "Jamaica Expose Causes Commotion" 2:24 Anti-Air Warfare 9:16 replacement 6: 11; Naming of names 1:7; 2: 12; Alpha 66 !0:35; 11 :5; 12:38 anti-apartheid' movement Nеи: York .Тimes editorial cщnment !0:3; alphabet 9:24 "South African Forgery" 9:25 "Philip Aget" (edit.) 4:2; Philip Kreps in Тhе Antigua 6:5; !0:4-5 Spike 10:36; Press conference on EL Salvador Alteгnative Press Center 12:43 White Paper 12:11; "Robert Moss' Obsession" Alternative Pгess lndex 12:43 "Strange Activities on Antigua" !0:32-33 7: l(rl 7; Selectiveprosecution againstex-OIAagent/ A1varez Cordova. Enrique 12:6-7,9 Antigua Caribbean Liberation Movement authors 11:25; "Spying Qli Your Allies: 10:32,60 Лlvarei Ruiz, Donald 12:17 Another Embarrassment fo( American anti-personnel weapons 11:18 Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers lntelligence" 4:3-9; Turner comment 3:8; El Anti-Repression Resource Team 12:43 Universa/ article 3:19; Welch's death 1:6; bie 2:23 Anti-Semitism 11 :4. Welt puЫishes corrections 7: 17; "Where Myths America in Asia: Research Guide оп U.S. Lead to Murder" 1:4-7; Wolfdetained at Economic Activity in Pa,cific Asia 8:7 anti-submarine warfare 10:41 Heathro\l{,9:26; see also Intelligence ldentities America11 African Affairs Association.4:25 anti-surveillance periodicals 1:24 Protection Act (proposed) American Ваг Association 11 :42 anti-union activities 3:24 Agee v. Vance 8:5 American Chemical Society Journal 6:7 anti-war movement 6:6; 9:36; !0:58; 12: 13 Agencia Orbe Latinoamericano 7:10-11 American Chilean Council 9: 18 Antonio Мщ:ео Prigade 1·1:5 Agency for lnternational Development (AID) Anttala, Esa 9:5 6:22,32; 8: 16,22; 10:4; 11: 11~ 12: 16 Bulletin 7: 12 Antunes, Melo 11:18-19 "AID Studies Carolina Town" 3:24; American-Civil Liberties Union 8:18-19; 9:3; "Newspaper Guild Finally Rejects AIFLD, 11:31 а partheid 11 :44 AID Support" 8:25; Office of PuЫic Safety American Committe-e on Africa 4:28 Arab-lsraeli conflict 6:32; 10:20 American Consetvative Union 12:16 CIA assessment 6:16-17,20 agent morale 10:46,53 American Deserters Committee 5: 15 ArbeiderЬ/adet 9:4 Agenter Kryser Grensen (Anttala) 9:5 American Feder.ation of Teachers 2:23,28 Агее, Juan Raimundo 1:8-14 agents' identities American Federation о/ Teachers and the С/А, Archangel (U.S.S.R.) 9:7 Agee on щ1ming ofnames 1:7; 2:12; "Carlucci The (Schmidt) 2:28 archives 4:23-25; 9: 18 Passes Ball to Boland" (edit.) 7:2; Carlucci American· Federation of Television and Radio Arctic Circle 9:5 comment at AFIO Convention 11:25; Casey's Artists 2:23 position 12:31; "Excerpts from Other Speeches Агеа Coordination Centers 3: 18 and Committee Questioning" 8:17-21; Americail Friends Service Committee 2: 10,28; • Argentina 6:9,17; 7:14; 11:4; 12:19,38 5:23 "Ghostwriting, CIA Style" 8: IO~ lnquiry names Arkansas 6:30 American Legipn 7: 1О two 7: IO; "Jamaica" (edit.) !0:2-3; "Jamaicц Arlington (Va.) 9: 15 Expose Causes Commotion" 2:24; Jamaica Magazine 4:25 Arlington House 9: 19 press conference 1О:16; London station American Medical Association 9:21 exposed 9:27; namingof names defended 1:6-7; Armed Forces Air lntelligence Training Center 2:3; "Parade Magazine Pulls Punches" 5:22; American Policy in.Southern Africa 5:19 (Lemarchand) 4:36 "The Principles of Deep Cover" (Edbropk) Armed Forces Journal lnternational 4:34 10:45-54; "Researching Undercover CIA American Psychiatric Association 9:21 Officers" (Wolf) 2: 11-14; "Richard Welch and Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 10:36; American Psychological Association Monitor 12:30 the Ayatollah Khomeini" (edit.) 7:2-3; "Some 5:22 arms embargo 4:36; 12:20 Criticisms" (edit.) 4:2; "Speech in Canada Stirs Amer.ican Sec11rity Council 6:28; 9: 18; !0:30; Ptess" 2:24; "Statemeni of C:AIB Bi:fore flouse 12: 19;20,26,33 ariris trade l0:35 Committee, Jan. 30, 1980" 8:11-17; "The see also gunrunning Struggle Continues" (edit.) 6:2; "Turner aqd American Security Council Foundation 12:22-23 Carlucci on the Warpath" (edit.) 5:2-3; see a/so American Society of Newspaper Editors 7: 11 Armstrong, Anne 12:30 Intelligence Identities Protection Act American Stock Exchange 12:30 arson !0:23-24 (proposed) American Telephone & Telegraph 4:34; 11:30, Arthur D. Little (company) 7:27 Aginter-Press !0:42 36,41 Assad, Hafez el 6: 17 agrarian reform 11:30; 12:6-9 American University 9: 17 Asenci!> Wunderlich, Julio 12:18 Agrarian Reform iп Е/ Salvador (Wheaton) 12:43 Amigos del Pais 12: 16, 19-21 Ash. Roy 9: 1~-14

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 3 ,,

Ashbrook. John 12:32 Backster effect 9: 17; J 1:23 Register, The 1:7; 2:13; 4:10-11; 8:17 Ashraf. Princess 7:29 Bacon. George 8;26 l;>iological warfare Asia Foundation 7:23 Baghdad (lraq) 7:29 "CIA lnvolvement in Biological Warfare and Asia Monitor 8:7 Bahamas 1:16; 9:28; 10:16 Mind Control" 9:27 Asia/ North America Communications Center 8:7 Baker, Howard 1:8-9 "Bionic Man"9:15 Asian-American Free Labor Institute 2:22.23 Bakhtiar~ Shahpur 11:9 biophysics 9: 16 Asian Regional Organization 2:22 "Balance of Terror" 9:8 Bird, Christopher 9: 17 Asians 8:22 Balfour. Malcolm 10:35 Bird, Lester !0:32 Aspen lnstitute 4:26 Ball, Desmond 4:42 Bird, Vere 10:32 Aspin. Les 11 :31 Baltimore (Md.) 9:27 Birdwood .• Lady 7:15 assassinations 6:9; 11 :4-8 Baltimore Neи·s-American 9:17 birth rate 9:5 "CIA Assassinations" (Lawrence) 8:36.21-22; Balyeat. Charles М. 8:27-28 Bishop, Maurice (pseud.) 12:37-38 "CIA Assassinations. Part 2" (Lawrence) Bangkok (Thailand) Bishop, Maurice(Prime Minister)6:4-5; 10:17,20, 11:28.32 CIA Station Chief 10:42 30-31; 11 :28; 12:37 assassinations-Kennedy, John F. 9: 18,22; !0:44 Bangladesh: The Un/inished Revolution "Grenada Denounces Destabilization "Curiosity Might Kill Cats-But Not the CIA" (Lifschultz) 7:34 Campaign" 5:16-18; "Vicious BomЬing in Grenada" 10:26-30 5:21 bank loans 2:28 Bittman, Ladislav 11:25 assassinations-Rodney, Walter IO: 18.20.24-25 Bank of America 11 :30 Black Panther Party 6:6 Association of Black Psychologists 4: 14.16 Bank of Guyana 10:22 Black Power Movement (U.S.) 10:21 Association of Former lntelligence Officers Bank of Perrine 10:16 (AFIO) 2: 11; 3:4; 8:21.28; 10:38; 11:3; CIA memo !0:34 banks 1:24; 2:28; 6:11-12 12:30,35.37,40 Black Unity Campaign 10:22 Barahoua, Elias 12:17-18 "AFIO Convention 1980: Old Soldiers Fade Blacken, Jolщ 11:30 Away. Old Spies Lobby" (Wolf) 11:24-26 . Barbados 2:21; 6:5.7,9; 10:5-6,32-35, 60; 11:6 Blacks "David Atlee Phillips and Lee Harvey Oswa1d" "The Eastern Caribbean 'Coast Guard'" see Afro-Americans 11:27 (Bloch/ Fitzsimons) 11:22-23 Association of Retired Intelligence O{{icers Barbarin, Oscar 4: 15-16 Blahut, Regis Т. 5:21 (ARIO) 3:4; 11:26 Barents Sea 9:7 Blake, Jack 8:5,21 Athens (Greece) 8: 11.16; 10:3 Baris 3:9 ·Blatny, Milan К. 2:28 Atkins. William 8:26 Barnett. David 12:40 Blaustin. Albert !0:41 Atlanta (Ga.) 10:35 Barnett, Frank !0:39 Blindheim, Sven 9:4-6 Atlantic Council. The 12:30 Barrons 7:7 Bloch, Jonathan Atomic Energy Act 11 :23 'Barte.aux, Robert 1:1·2-14 "CIA in Zimbabwe" 8:26-27; "The Eastern Atomic Energy Cor;nmission ·2:24; 4:34 A11ack Caribbean 'Coast Guard'" 11:22-23; "Robert Bates. Richard W. 8:28 Moss" 7: 13-1·5 оп the Americas (film) 12: 19 Batista. Fulgencio 7: 11 Bloomfield, Lincoln 4: 19 "Attack on the Americas: А Critique" bauxite 1О:19-20.22-23 (Wheaton) 12:22-23 Blunt, Anthony 12:39 Вау of Pigs invasion 1:11·13.22; 2:24; 6:8; Bodo (Norway) 9:8-'9 Aurora 9:7 7:30-31; 8:21,28; 9:28; 10:16,27.35; 11:5,27; е Australia 6:17; 9:8; 10:41; 12:30,42-43 12: 16,36-37 Boeing 7:27 t "Australian Connection Expands" 3:20 Bayh. Birch 9:3; !0:3; 12:35 Bogota (ColomЬia) 7:22 • Australian Defence Department 3:20 Bechtel Corp. Boise (ldaho) 6:6 , Australian intelligence 8: 17; ro·:43 "Bechtel Corporation Expc;>sed" 2:24-25. Boland, Edward Р. 8:9-11,13,15-16; 11:31 • Australian military intelligence 7: 13 Bechtel, Ken 2:24 "Carlucci Passes Ball to Boland" (edit.) 7:2 Austria 12:25 Bechtel, Steve, Jr. 2:24 Bolger, William F. 11:32 Axis Powers 7: 11 Bechtel, Steve, Sr. 2:24 Bolivar, Simon 10:35 Ayau, Manuel 12:19-20 Bechtel, Warren 2:24 • Bolivia 8:22; 9:24 Azorean secessionists 10:41-42 Bechtel, Warren "Dad" 2:24 Bolsheviks 12:43 Azores Beikman, Charles !0:21 bomЬings 6:9; IO: 18,24-25; 11:4-6 "Former CIA Agent Admits BomЬing in CIA contingency plan !0:4142 B~lgium 12:43 Canada" 9:25; "Vicious BomЬing in Grenada" Belize 6:5; 9:24 ( Bishop) 10:26-30 Belize lnstitute of Friendship and Culture 7:34; Bond, James (fictional character) 8:22; 9:4,36; 10:60 10:38 Bell 205 gunships 8:26-27 Bongo, President 9:28 Bell, Belden 12: 16 Bonillo, Oscar 1 1:32 Bell, J. Bowyer 4:21-23 Bonn ( Federal RepuЬ\ic of Germany) 7: 17 Bendix Corp. 12:21 book reviews Bennett. Charles Е. deBorchgrave, Arnaщl, The Spike 10:36 "Ghostwriting, CIA Style" 8: 10 deBorchgrave, Arnaud, The Spike (La11dis) Benguela Railroad 7:27 10:37-44 . . .Bensen, Harold 2:16-17 lgnatyev, Oleg, Secret Weapon in Africa (Africanus) 4:27-29 Bentsen, Lloyd М. 3:6-7; 5:3; 6:2; 8: 1 L; 10:30 Larson, Rodney, Where :Were Уои Brother? Berlin. Tunnel 9:36 Ап Account of Trade Union lmperia/ism Berman. Jerry J. 8: 18-19; 11 :31 (Wolf) 2:22 Bernstein. Carl 7:2 ~ Moss, Robert, The Spike 10:36 Moss. Robert, The Spike fLanqjs)< IO:З'l-'44 в Berrellez. Robert 7:1 t-12 Roosevelt, Kermit, Countercoup (George) Bertram, Arnold 7:8 7:28~31 В-52 bombers 9:7 Biden, Joseph 12:33 Schmidt, George N" The American Federation ВВС (British Broadcasting Corp.) 4:4; 10:32; big business 11 :44 of Teachers and the С/А (Wolf) 2:23 12:46 Stockwell, John, /п Search of Enemies Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 9:24 BOSS (Bureau of State Security, South Africa) (Africanus) 4:27-29 4:24; 11:5.28.32; 12:24 biocommunications 9: 16 Thomson, Don. Where Were Уои Brother? Ап Baader-Meinhof 10:30 biocybernetics 9: 16 Account о/ Trade Union lmperialism (Wolf) 2:22 Backster. Clive 9: 17 biogen machine 9:27

4 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Bookbiпder, George Н. 9: 17 Bulпes, J uап 12:38 CIA campus activities Вогпео 8:23 Burger, Warreп 8:20 "CIA Recruitmeпt for Africa: The Case of Borosage, Robert 1:22 Burgess, Guy 8:29; 12:39 Howard Uпiversity, Washiпgtoп. D.C."4:14- Orlaпdo Bosch, 10:35; 11 :4-8 Burgess, Johп 11:29 17; see al.vo CIA studeпt movemeпt iпfiltratii>п; Operatioп CHAOS Bostoп (Mass.) 11:5 • Burma 8:21; 9:28 CIA СагiЬЬеап Braпch Bosron Globe I0:35; 12: 1О Burпham,. Liпdeп Forbes 9:24; 10: 14, 18-25 П)emQ оп Ыасk radicalism 10:34 Botha, P.W. 12:27 "The Согопаtiоп of а Presideпt" 11 :21 Bova, Michele 4:34 Bush, Ge<;>rge 3:6; 8:29; I0:37,4 I; 1· 1:3,32; 12:28, CIA ·case officers Bowdler, William 11:30; 12:5-6 31,42-43 Robert lnce cited 8:24; see also Namiпg Nanies Bowdoiп College 4:22 Bushпeн: Johп 12:20 iпdex ceпsorship Bowes, William 10:8 busiпess cover I0:47-49 CIA Воусе, Christopher 12:40 Bu.riness Week 7:7 "The Book that Couldп't Ве Stopped" 8:6: Agee's FOIA suit 8:6; "Апd the Writer that boycotts 12: 13 Bustameпte, Alexaпder 1:20 Could [Ве Stopped]" 8:7: Dirry Work.2: 14.15; Bradeп, Ted 8:26 Butchiwitz (Americaп ·iп Denmark) 5: 12 selective eпforcemeпt of review procedure Braden, Tom 12:37 Butler, Uriah "Buzz" 10:26 11 :25; "The Sперр Decisioп" (edit.) 8:3; Brщlford, Albert Louis 10:22 Byrd, Robert 8:9; 9:2 ''Who's Blowiпg the Whistle?" 3:6: see a/so CIA employees secrecy agreemeпts braiп research see miпd coпtrol CIA-Coпgressioпal relatioпs Bramshill (police college)(U.K.) 10:41 "CIA Statioп for Coпgress-Attackiпg the Bulletiп" (Ray) 3:3-8; CIA threat to Pike's Braпdt, Wil)y 12:12 career 1:6: Carlucci statemeпt 11 :24; Colby Brashich, Neboysha 11: 1· 1 projectioп оп oversight 6:21 11 Brazil·l:4; 5:13; 10:12,39,42; 11:18-19,24; 12:25,47 CIA-corp<;>щte ties · CIA assessmeпt, пuclear capability expec;:ted Raпd Corp. 9: 17; Society for the lпvestigatioп 6]7 /0,'if/ of Humaп Ecology. lпс. 9:17; see also CIA Breckeпridge, Scott 5:2·1 proprietaries; CIA secret subsidies Breedham, Briaп 10:39 CIA couпteriпtelligeпce Brerhren, The 8:7 "How the ClA Recruits Foreigп Diplomats" Brezhпev, Leoпid 10:36 (Wilcott) 2:4-IO; Noгway 9:4-5 bribery 9:28 CIA covert actioп Brigade 2506 1:8-14; 11:5,8 Aпgola 11 :20; "The CIA апd the Media: Some Airways 9:26. Persoпal Experieпces" (Wilcott) 7:23-24; "CIA Propagaпda Capab:lity" (Gervasi) 7: 18-20; British Customs 9:26 с Carlucci commeпt 11:25; Colby projectioп of British Defeпce lпtelligeпce Liaisoп 11 :25 links betweeп cover·t апd overt actioп 6:22; "С" (head of М f-6) 7:29 British Embassy, О.С. 10:40 compartmeпtalizatioп of operatioпs 2:5; Cuba CANA (Caribbeaп News Аgепсу) 10:31 1:8-14; 2:16-21; СuЬап exile liпks charted Brirish Gazerre 7: 15 CBS (Columbia Br()adcastiпg System) 8:36 11 :5,7; "СuЬап Exile Terrorists оп Rampage" t1 British Guiaпa IO: 18 6:8-9; emphasis over iпtelligeпce gatheriпg 1:4- .CBS Reports: The С/А :v Secrer Army 1:8-9,11 British HiglJ Commissioп I0:33 5; Guatemala 12: 17; Halloweeп massacre CBS Reporrs: The Rerurno/rhe С/А 12:37 British iпtelligeпce 1:24; 7:·11,14; 10:13, 36, 39-41, 12:38; Hughes-Ryaп Ameпdmeпt 8:9-I0.!2; 43; 11 :2o~z1; 12:39 CDE Handbook оп U.S. Bank Loans ro Sourh lщп 7:28-31; Kissiпger оп presideпtial A.frica 2:28 see also Ml-6 approval 1:5; Laos 9:24; Lemarchaпd volume CESIS (Executive Comrnittee for lпtelligeпce 4:36; Ropes o.f Sand (Evelaпd) пoted 1_1 :44; British Labour Committee for Traпs-Atlaпtic апd Security Services, ltaly) 4:7 reportiпg to Coпgress (edit.) 9:2-3; Seпate Uпderstaпdlпg 2:22 CDS ( Portu_guese political party) 11: 19-20 rejects prohiЬitioп 1:5; "Spies апd the Reagaп British milita·ry iпtelligeпce I0:39 Victory" (Laпdis) 12:35-40; Turпer commeпt British Petroleum 7:14,28 CIA (Ceпtral lпtelligeпce Аgепсу) ageпts-. see 3:8; "'What Ever Наррепеd to the Charter?'' CIA case officers; CIA douЫe ageпts; CIA (edit.) 5:3; lпdoChina 5:4-9; see also CIA iп .vee a/so Aпglo-lraпiaп Oil Со. employees апd "former" employees; CIA various couпtries; CIA destaЬilizatioп; пames British police 10:6 uпdercover ageпts; see also Naming Names of specific Operatioпs; апd CIA Directorate of Broe, William 7:12 iпdex Operatioпs Brooke Магiпе (U.K.) 11 :22 CIA ageп(s' ideпtities CIA data managemeпt Brookiпgs 1пsti(\ltioп 7:25 see ageпt·s' ideпtities Colby projectioп 6:23 CIA апd academics Brooklyп (N.Y.) 9: 15; I0:21,25 CIA destaЬilizatioп see CIA-use of academics Brotherhood of Railway апd Airliпe Clerks 2:23 see CIA covert actioп; CIA destaЬilizatioп­ Browп, Gary CIA апd akoholism specific couпtries; CIA iп specific couпtries "Espioпage Recruitiпg Time" 8:27-28 "CIA Admits Alcoholism ProЫem" 11:26 CIA destaЬilizatioп-Azores CIA апd assassiпatioп Browп, Harold 4:34; 8:23; 11:9,12 Azores сопtiпgепсу рlап 10:41-42 Breckeпridge report оп attempts agaiпst Browп, lrviпg 2:22-23; 11 :31 CIA destaЬilizatioп-Chile Castro (1967) 5:21; "CIA Assassiпatioпs" Browп, Robert К. 8:26; 10:58 (Lawreпce) рагt 1 8:36,21-23; part 2 11:28,32; Laпdis study 7:34; parallels with Jamaica cited Вгоwп Uпiversity 8:27-28 Chile 12:12; "Curiosity Might Kill Cats-But I0:8.I0.1'3·15,17 Brzeziпski, Zbigпiew 3:7; 4:24; 6:6; 7:9,25; 11:19, Not the CIA" 5:21; "Deputy Director оп CIA destaЬilizatioп-Greпada 31,34 Assassiпatioпs" 3:24 "Greпada Deпouпces Destabllizatioп Buckley, James 11:27 С/А and rhe American Erhic, The (Lefever/ Campaigп" (Bishop) 5: 16-18 Buckley, William F., Jr. 10:30,41; 11:27; 12:30 Godsoп) 9:3: 12:33 CIA destaЬilizatioп-Guyaпa 5: 17; 9:24; IO: 19 Buddhist moпks 5:7 С/А and the Cult o.f lnrel/igence. The CIA destaЬilizatioп-Jamaica (Marchetti/ Marks) 7: 18-20 Budhlall Gaпg 10:26-27 "The СuЬап Ambassador to ·Jamaica: А Case Buell, Edgar "Рор" 10:24 С/А ond the Meclia, The 7:34 Smdy in Media Maпipula~ioн.aпd. DestaЬilizatioп" (Ray) 7:4-7; "Jamaica" (edit.) Bueпdia, Maпuel 3:19;·12:42 CIA-Black Power Movemeпt 10:34 CIA budget I0:2-3; 11:2; "Massive Destabllizatioп iп Bueпos Aires (Argeпtiпa) 7:22; 1· 1:32 Jamaica" (Ray/ Schaap) 10:7-17; "Researchiпg Buffham, Вепsоп К. 9:27 "CIA Covert Propagaпda Capability"(Gervasi) Coпsumers: The Market for DestaЬilizatioп" Buffler, Charles R. 9: 18 7: 18-20; Colby's projectii>п 6:21; "lпtelligeпce (Wolf) 1:15-21; see also CIA destaЬilizatioп­ Budgets апd Other Well-Kept Secrets" 4:34 Bulgaria 9:20; 12:46 Greпada CIA-Camp Peary CIA destaЬilizatioп-Nicaragua Bullerin o.f Concerned Asian Scholqr.$ 12:43 Bill Reardoп cited 5:7; officer апd ageпt "The CIA 's Bluepriпt for Nicaragua" (Agee) Bullock (Americaп iп Deпmarls.) 5: 12 traiпiпg 1:22; ~:8 6: I0-12

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction Index 5 '' \

Сlд destaЬilizatioп-Portugal pamphfet cited 8:7; memo released оп Ыасk CIA iпterageпcy relations radicalism 10:34; Moss's Chiles Marxist Portuguese team 10:41-42 C?lby projection 6:22; lnteragency Group on Experiment 7: 14; Моупihап Ьill 8:9; Salisbury Nicaragua. 6:10; ate Sector {О'Тооlе) cited 12:43; see Jraп Task Force 3:7 Manipulatioп and DestaЫlization" (Ray} 7:4- a/so electronic surveillance 7; ltaly 3:6; ltalian election 10:43; possiЫe Сlд in ltaly CIAemЫem subsidy for Countercoup (Roosevelt} 7:28; Perroпe report received Ьу Сlд 4:3 "Pressures on Grenada" 10:30-31; "The Сlд Commemorative" (Lawrence) 11:31-32 CIA iп MozamЬique "PuЫicatioпs of lnterest" 7:34; "Robert Moss, Arnaud de Вorchgrave, and Right-Wiпg CIA employees and "former" employees "Mozambique Smashes Spy Netwotk" (Ray) 12:24-27; Mozambique spy riпg 12:4 Djsinformation" (Landis} 10:37-44; "Robert AFIO membership breakdown 11:26; Agee's Moss" {Weir/ Bloch} 7:13-15; "Robert Moss' Сlд iп Norway replacement iп Montevideo 6: 11; '"Believe Jt Qьsession" {дgее} 7: 16-17; "'The Spike': or Not'-CIA Departmeпt" 5:20; Christopher "The Norwegian Connectioп: Norway, Thiпly Disguised Fiction" 10:36; support of Bird 9: 17; Colby on manpower 6:21,23; (Un)willlпg Spy for the U.S. (Samia) 9:4-9; Cuban immigrants 7:24; Turner comment on "Curiosity Might Kill Cats-But Not the CIA" "Official Secrets Prosecutioп iп Norway" 12:46 use of jourпalists 9:3; see a/so Сlд media 5:21; distinction from "agents" 1:13; estimated Сlд iп Portugal relations; media; news agencies total number of employees 7:20; "lntelligence Lisboп Statioп 11: 19-21; ties to socialists 11: 19 Сlд media relations Budgets and Other Well-Kept Secrets" 4:34; "British Coпtiпue Doingthe CIA's Bidding" "Komer Named Under Secretary of Defeпse" С\д in Southeast Asia {Wolf) 9:26-27; "Сlд Relatioпs with Media­ 6:28; "Paisley lnsuraпce Benefits Refused" "Profile of US lntelligence in Southeast Asia" 5:20:."Was lt Really Paisley?" 3:24; see a/so (Kilpatrick.) 5:4-9 Official and Otherwise" 7:21-22; "Carlucci Passes Ball to Boland" {edit.} 7:2; Carlucci Association of Former 1ntelligence Officers CIA in Southern Africa {AFIO) proposes baпning naming of officers' names "MozamЬique Smashes Spy Riпg" ( Ray) 6:2;. "Copley Role" 6:6; on СА/8 2:3; see also Сlд employees secrecy agreements 1:12; 2:14-15 12:24-27; "The CIA and Studies on Guerrilla Сlд media manipulation; media; news "The Book That Couldn't Ве Stopped" 8:6; Warfare in Southern Africa" {Molteпo) agencies "And the Writer That Could [Ве Stopped)" 4:18-23 CIA-military cover 8:7; see a/so Сlд ceпsorship С\д in Spaiп more likely to Ье used iп future 1:7 Сlд ex-Directors "Room 705, US Embassy: The Сlд Station iп CIA-military relatioпs C?lby on HR5615 8:21; "Fщmer Dep~ty Madrid" 4:10-\3 Соlьу projection 6:22 D1rector апd Seпate Coпtact Charged ш Сlд in Sweden Сlд miпd coпtrol Scheme to Defeat Сапа! Treaty" 6:28 "Swedes Warп US Embassy: Stop \llegal Сlд failures 1пtelligence Activities" ( Leпnox} 5: 15 "Сlд lnvolvement in Вiological Warfare and Mind Coпtrot" 9:27; "Postscript: Mind Afghaпistan 3:7; lraп 3:7; 4:6; 6:29; Nicaragua Сlд in Zimbabwe Control" 11:23; see a/so С\д use of chemicals; 3:7; Zimbabwe 3:7; see a/so lпdochiпa War "С\д in Zimbabwe" (Ferreira/ Bloch) 8:26 mjпd control see also Сlд covert actioп; Сlд statioпs CIA-fictioпal accouпts CIA-multinational corporations The Spike 10:36, 37-44 Сlд intelligence analyses/ targets "Bechtel Corporation exposed" 2:24-25; Сlд Сlд firearms Africa 2:18; Caribbean 6:6; Chile 2:17; IJ:7; corporate cover 1:21; corporate cover more "CIA Firearms Authority: What Does lt 12:43; Chile Task Force 2: 11; China 6: 13,15- likely in future 1:7 Mean?" 4:34; Cuban exile trial 1:8-14 24; Cuba 6:5; Eastern Europe 6: 16, 19; Western Europe 6:13,19; Mexico 6:30; USSR 2:4; 6:13- Сlд myths · С/А Flaps and Seal.v Мапиа/ 12:45 24; Yugoslavia 2:4; Yugoslavia Desk 2:5; see "Where Myths Lead to Murder"{Agee) 1:4-7 С\д foreign iпtelligeпce ties 4:5 11/so specific colfntries Clд-NSA relations М\-6 7:28; 8:29; MOSSAD 7:30-31; Sд VAK Сlд iпtelligence collectioп NSA/ С\А broad-band interception, interview 7:30-31 Colby projection 6: 18-24 with NSA veteran I 1:41 C\A-Freedom .of lnformatioп Act CIA-lпtelligence ldentities Protectioп Сlд Natioпal Foreign Assessment Ceпter дgее suit 8:6; Сlд Charter 8: 10; "Сlд Act aпalysts rewarded Ьу Turner 8:25 Director Plays Semaпtics iп Court" 6:27; "Сlд see 1пtelligeпce ldeпtities Protectioп Act Сlд National Foreigп lntelligence Program lпvolvemeпt iп Biological Warfare апd Mind С\д lпtelligeпce Research and Development Recommendations 6:24 Control" 9:27; Carlucci commeпt 8: 17; Council Сlд Natioпal Human Source Plan 6:21,24 editorial commeпt 9:2-3; exemption attempt termed "daпgerous" 8: 12; House Committee Colby projection 6:23 С\д Natioпal lmagery Plan 6:21,24

6 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 iп Jamaica" 9:23; USS.R Embassy. Tokyo CIA National lntelligence Daily 6:6 CIA Statioп Chiefs 2:5; see also mail surveillaпce; electroпic CIA National SIOINT Plan 6:21-22,24 Cherry iпterview iп Lifschultz study ciled surveillance 7:34; Taпham ciled 10:42; "Parade Magazine CIA-non-official cover CIA Techпical Services Divisioп Pulls Puпches" 5:22; Descoteaux 1:20; "Copley Role" 6:6; corporate cover 1:7,21; "Jamaica Expose Causes а Commotion" !АРА liпk 10: 13; Manila operations 5:6 difficult 10 trace 2: 14 2:24; Thailand 10:42; see alsa пamiпg пames С\А training CIA-Operation CHAOS iпdex Camp Peary 1:22; 2:8; саг demolition 1:22; see Operation CHAOS 6:27; see also ageпts' ideпtities; CIA Colby projeclion 6:23; foreign language 6:23; CIA-Operation MK-ULTRA employees secrecy agreemeпts; Intelligeпc.e Cuban exiles 6:9; "С\А Learning about see Operation MK-ULTRA ldeпtities Protectioп Acl (proposed) Humaп Rights" 4:34; ''Harvey Poinl CIA CIA "Secret Armies" Base Exposed" 1:22; "The Principles of Deep CIA-Operation Phoenix Cover" (Edbrook) 10:4,45-54; secret wriling, see Operation Phoenix Indochina 11:29; see also CIA paramilitary photography 2:17,20 operations; CIA covert actioп CIA paramilitary bases CIA trials "Harvey Point CIA Base Exposed" 1.:22 CIA secret subsidies "CIA Director Plays Semantics iп Court" CIA paramilitary operations пews ageпcies 7: 10-11; possiЫe liпk to 6:27; "Throwing А Case: The Trial of Maпkiпd Research Uпlimited, !пс. 9:15; Angola 7:25-27; Cuba 1:8-14; seea/so·CIA Arтandc;> Lopez Estrada" (Schaap) 8-14 Zeпith Techпical Eпterprises; see also CIA covert l!Ction CIA undercover agents .proprietaгies CIA paramilitary training McCree admission 12:7; see also deep cover; CIA Seпior Iпtelligeпce Service "Cuban Exiles and 'Refugees' Training for CIA-diplomatic cover; CIA-non-official Carlucci comment 11 :24 Another Вау of Pigs" 10:35; see also CIA cover training CIA sources CIA use of academics CIA-People's .Temple "CIA Director Plays Semaпtics iп Coutt" "The Academic Subversive Today" Congressional hearings into linkages 10:21 6:27 (Lawrence)4:23-26; "The CIA and Studies CIA stalioпs on Guerrilla Warfare in Southern Africa" CIA-pollce ties (Molteno) 4: 18-23; Colby projection of deep cover operatioпs 10:46-47, 51 Sweden 5:15 "acadernic talents" 6:23; grants to universities CIA slatioпs-Copeпhageп 12-14 CIA-Project Jennifer 5: 2:8 "The Unanswered Questions about the · CIA stalioпs-Kiпgstoп 1О:16-17 CIA use of Blacks 4: 17 Glomar Explorer" (Cohen) 9:10-14 CIA slations"-Kinshasa CIA use of chemicals CIA projections Stockwell me\:!S with Savimbi 7:26 "How the CIA Uses Bugs" (Lawrence) 6:3,7; "How the Director of Central lntelligence CIA statioпs-,-Londoп "Further Information Sough!;!>n Mind Drug Projected U.S. lntelligence Activities for exposed 9:27 Testing" (Lowinger) 9:21; see also CIA mind 1976-1981" (Agee) 6: 13-24; correction 8:3 control; mind conlrol; Operation CIA stations-Madrid MK-ULTRA CIA propaganda activities, see CIA media "Room 705, U.S. Embassy: The CIA S1a1iort CIA use of clergy/religious personnel manipulation iп Madrid"4:10-13 "CIA propaganda facilities LaQs 9:24; National Council of Cburches CIA stalions-Maпagua opposition 9:3; Vietnamese monks 5:7 Regional Service Center, Manila "The CIA's Bluepriпl for Nicaragua" (Agee) (Philippines) 5:6 CIA use of journalists 6:10-12 see CIA media manipulation; CIA media ·CIA proprietaries CIA slalioпs-Manila· 5:5-6 relatioпs CIA corporate cover 1:21; Center for CIA slalioпs-Mexico Cily CIA use of physiciaпs Research in Social Systems 9: 18; Forum World Features 7:15; 10:38; INPOLSE 10:20; "Bulletin Respoпds to Мехiсап Article" deep cover use described 10:47 3: 19-20 Institute for the Study of ConЩct 7: 15; CIA use of polygraphs С\А statjoпs-Miami Institute of General Studies 10:38-39; New used оп Nicolas Sirgado Ros 2:17 · York City front company 2:9; "S.E.C. and media manipulation 7:24; role in gatheriпg CIA use of psychological profiles 2:8 I.R.S. Knuckle Under 10 CIA Pressures" intelligence on Nicaragua 6: 11 CIA use of psychologists 9:28; Shoup Registration System CIA stations-New York City International 10:19; see also CIA secret iп Japan 2:7 role iп gatheriпg iп1elligeпce on Nicaragua subsidies 6:11 CIA use of sex CIA recruitment CIA stations-Ottawa in Japan 2:6 CIA National Foreign Assessment Center "Speech iп Canada Stirs Press" 2:24 С\А use of womeп analysts rewarded 8:25; "CIA Recr11iting Thien Nga Network 5:7 'Exceptional lntelligence Analysts' "6:29; CIA stations-Paпama "CIA Recruitment for Africa: The Case of role iп gatheriпg intelligeпce оп Nicaragua CISPES (Committee iп Solidarity with the Howard University, Washington, D.C." 4:.14- 6: 10-11 People of EI Salvador)·9:6; 12:43 17; "CIA Still After Head Hunters" 5:22; CIA stalioпs-Saigon 5:4 COMINT (Communicatioпs lntelligeпce) 9:6 Carlucci gives figures 11 :25; "Espionage CIA statioпs-Saп Jose CONEX 1114:19 Recruiting Time" (Browп/ Wolf) 8:27-28; '"Exceptional Intelligence Analyst Program' role iп gatheriпg iпtelligence оп Nicaragua COPCON 11:18-19 M0 ves Ahead" 8:25; "How the CIA Recruits 6:10 CORDS (Civil Operations and Rural Foreigп Diplomats" (Wilcott) 2:4-10; Soviet CIA slations-Santiago 7: I 1 Developmeпt Support) Program 5:4; 11:30· U nion, failures of CIA 10 recruit its nationals CIA statioпs-Siпgapore 5:5-6 COREM04:19 as agents 1:5 CIA stations-Stockholm 5: 15 CORU 1:10; 11:5 CIA "reforms"· С\А statioпs-Tehran ·CREEP (Conнniltee to Re-elect the Presideпt) "The Administralion's 'Charter' "(edit.) 8:2-3; "Richard Welch and Ayatollah Khomeini" 11:28; 12:29 assassination outlawed in proposed charter саЫе and telex communication 9:22 8:22; "CIA Charter" (edit.) 9:2-3; CIA (edit.) 7:2-3 Cabral, Amilcar 11: 17 strengthened 1·:6; сап 't reform it 2: 11; CIA statioпs-Tokyo dismantle it 7:24; "lntelligence Legislation "Th.e CIA апd the Media: Some Persoпal Caetano, Marcelo 7:36; 11: 16; 12:47 Makes the Rounds" (Schaap) 8:8-10; little Experieпces" (Wilcott) 7:23-24; "How the Califorпia 10:34 evideпce of coп.trol 1:5; toothless oversight CIA Recrui1s Foreigп Diplomats" (Wilcott) Ca.Jifornia Corpoщ~tion Commissioп-.12:19 committees (edit.) 3:3; "What Ever 2:4-1 О; see also CIA statioп chiefs; namiпg Caljgula 10:42 Happened 10 the Charter?" (edit.) 5:3 пames index Callaghan, James 11 :22 CIA research and development 6:23 CIA Strategic Warпiпg Staff 5:6 Calle, La 4: 13 CIA science and technology CIA studeпt movement iпfiltration Camblo 164:10 brain research 9:20; budget estimates 7: 18-20; Deпinark 5: 13; youth targeted 2:21; see also Kirlian photography 9: 15; "The Politics of CIA campus activities Camp, Doпald 10:33-34 lntelligence Technology" (Lawrence) 9:36, 23 CIA surveillaпce Camp Zama (Jарап) 8:24 CIA secrecy Deпmark 5: 11-14; "How t·he С\А Uses Bugs" campaign contributions 9: 1О; 12: 17 ,20·21,29 "CIA Director Plays Semantics iп Court" (Lawreпce) 6:3,7; Japan 2:5; "Spy Cameras Campaigп.for Ecoпomic Democracy 12:34

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 7 Campaigп for Political Rights 9:3; 12:3 Carter Doctriпe 11:44 • destabilizatioп 10:8,I0,13-15,17; CIA Campaigп for the Release of Iпdoпesiaп Carter, Gwerldolyп 4:18 • operatives пamed 7:!0-12 Political Prisoпers 3:22 Carter. Hoddi11g Щ 12:!0 • Chile Lobby 10:30 Campaigп to Stop Goverпmeпt Spyiпg 1;24 Carter. Jimmy 1:4; 2: 11; 3:7; 4:34; 6:5-6,9.28; Chile Resistaпce Committee 7:34 Campbell. Duпсап 11:40-41; 12:44 . 7:27; 8:2.10,19,22-23,:Р-28; I0:\4,30-31; 11:3.9- Chile Solidarity Committee 7:34 Campo Libertad 10:35 11.13.23,32,34; 12:3, 11, 18-20.22- Chileaп juпta 12:43 campus surveillaпce 10:58 U.S. to·guard intelligence sources 6:2 • Chile's Marxis1 Experiment (Moss) 7:14; Camre, Mogeпs 5: 13-14 Casa de las Americas 10:58 10:38,40.42 Сапаdа 3:22; 8: fЗ; I0:5-6, l 1,34; 12: 13 Casado. Carlos Chiпa 4: 19; 5:8; 7:26-27,31; 11 :4 Сапеtе. assessmeпtf CIA assessmeпt/target 6: 17, 19; "'Electioпs· iп see Ricardo CIA target 6: 13.15-24; CIA Domiпica: RCMP. Ml-6, CIA Maпipulatioп?" Casey. William Joseph 12:33 su.rvei.lla~~e 3:20;.~'С~iпа Ai~iпg lпdochiпese 10:33-34; "Former CIA Ageпt Admits "Th 'С 1 • М · L 1 "(W lf) R1ght1sts 11 :29; Chшese D1verted Soviet . е ус опе oves ш at апg еу 0 Weapoпs from Vietпam" 5: 19-20; "U.S.-Chiпa Bombiпg iп Сапаdа" 9:25; "Speech iп Сапаdа Stirs Press" 2:24 12.~8-31 [; \пtelligeпce Co\laboratioп" 11:34; U.S. Саsр1ап Sea 9:7 iпtelligeпce ties 5:8-9 Сапаdiап High Commissioп 10:33 Castle &. Cooke 11:30; 12:7 Chivite, Alcide 12:24 Сапаdiап lпterпatioпal Developmeпt Аgепсу Castle Вапk 9:28; 10: 16 Choi Kyu На 11:9,11 10:33 Сапаdiап police I0:6 Castr~. ~idel l.:8,l_0-11.20; _2: 1~-17,21: 6:~-9; 7:6- Chomsky, Noam 7:34 7, 11, 8.21-22, I0.27,35,37, 11.5-6,32, 12.37 C'hou Eп-lai 8:21-22 Canadian Tribune 9:25 С\А seпds "'! '( _times reporter to cover Christeпseп, Christeп 9:5 Caпaris, Admiral I0:38 Castro.'s act1v1t1es 7:24 . сапсеr treatmeпt 9:21 Castro. Raul 8:2 I Chr~st~пseп, Lar~ 5: 13 Сапе\, James В. 7:10-12 Catholic Church 6:11; 12:13 Chr~st~aп aпd_M1ssioпary Alliaпce 9:24 Cht1st1aп Aпt1-Commuпist Crusade 1'0: 19 Сапеtе, Ricardo 11 :32 Catholic missioпaries 12:5 · Christiaп Democratic movemeпt 6:10 Саре Verde 11:17-18 Catholic Standard !0:20,23 Capital Fiпапсе Соmрапу. Ltd. 10:12 Christiaп Democratic Party(Guatemala) 12: 16-18 Catholic Uпiversity (EI Salvador) 12:6 Capitol Iпformatioп Service I0:4.2 Christiaп Democratic Party (ltaly) 8:11,14 Cato. Miltoп 11:22 Christiaп Refugee Team Iпterпatioпal 9:24 Caracas (Veпezuela) 10:35 censorship 11:23; 12:42-43,47 Christian Science Monitor 4:25; 11 :32 Carballo. Roberto 1:9-IO "The Book that Couldп't Ве Stopped" 8:6; Carboпdale (111.) 5:22 "And the Writer that Could" 8:7; McGraw-Hill Christopher, Warreп 12:23 Carboпel. Juaп 7:8-9 withdraws Countercoup 7:28; see also CIA Christophersoп, Ed 7: 12 career coпtrac1 ageпts 10:49 ceпsorship chromotherapy 9:20 Carey, Hugh 8:29 Center for Coпstitutioпal ·Rights 12:32 Chuп Doo Нwап 11:9-13,15 Caribbeaп I0:4; 11:8; 12:22-23 Ceпter for lпterпatioпal Policy 11:15 Chupiпa, Germaп 12: 17~18 "AIFLD Graduate Discusses Froпt Royal Ceпter for Law апd Social Policy 9:21 Church Committee 7: 10-12,15,21-22; 8:21-22,36; Course" 5:28; CIA expected budget iпcrease Center for Natioпal Security Studies 1:24; 7:34; 9:2,22,27; 10:3,37; 11:28,32.35-36; 7:19; С\А memo on Ыасk radicalism 10:34; 9:3,36; 10:34 12:31,44-45,48 "The Caribbeaп: Ап Overview" (Marksmaп) Ceпter. for Preveпtive Therapy апd Church, Fraпk 1:6; 6:6-7; 8:21-22,36; 12:35-36 I0:4-6; "The Easterп Caribbeaп 'Coast Guard"' RehaЬilitation, The 9:21 (Bloch/Fitzsimoпs) 11:22-23: "Mass Transfer Church of Scientology 9:27 Ceпter for Research iп Social Systems 9: 18 of Hmoпg PeJ>ple to Caribbeaп Proposed" Churchill, Wiпstoп 7:15.28,30; 11:17 · оп Greпada" Ceпter for the Study of Respoпsive Law 12:45 9:24; "Pressures !0:30-31; "The Cieпfuegos. Osmani 2:17-18 Рlаппеd Soviet Troop Crisis: Or How the U.S. Central A/rica 4:24 ·1· (Gапп) Citizeпs for the RepuЫic 6:28; 12: 16 to Put Troops iп the Caribbeaп" Ceпtral Ameri~a 12:22-23 (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7 Citizen's Guide to the Arl o.f Jnvestigation, А С\А expected budget iпcrease 7: 19 Caribbean Contact 10:60 (Noyes) 7:34 Ceпtral Florida Career lпstitute 8:27-28 Civil Liberties-A Nеи• War Casualty 7:34 Caribbeaп Developmeпt В<шk 10:4 Ceпturiaп 1nvestigatioп, Ltd. 9:25 Clark Air Force Base 5:6 Caribbeaп Joiпt Task Force Headquarters 6:7 Cerezo, Vinivio 12:·18 Ameпdmeпt Caribbeaп Multiпatioпal Shippiпg Соmрапу Clark 12:27 (NAMUCAR) 2:17 Cerveпka. Zdeпek 4:36 Clark. Joe 10:33 Сhасоп, Juaп 12:9 Caribbeaп People's Alliaпce I0;4; 11:44 Clark. Mark 12:39 Chaffee, Johп 9:3 Caribbeaп-Periodicals Clark, Robert Brewster 12:16 Chagaramus Base (Triпidad) 10:5 "Newspapers апd Magaziпes in the Caribbeaп" Clarke, Oliver 7: 12; 1О:13 !0:60.58 Challenge 1 Clato. Patricio I0:38 Caribbean Perspective 11:44 "David Atlee Phillips апd Lee Harvey dswald" elass aпalysis 1: 19 11:27 ' Caribbeaп Sea 10:28 classified iпformation 11:23 Charles, Реаrпе\1 7:7; 10: 10 Caribbean S1ra1egic Vacuum, The 11:23 Clearing the Air (Schorr) 8:36 Chase Maпhattaп Вапk 2: 17; 7: 13 Caribbeaп Task Fоп;е 6:26 Clerical and Commercial Workers Uпiоп 10:23 Cheek, James 11:30 Carillo. Saпtiago I0:43 Clevelaпd (Ohio) !0:21-22 Chehab, Farid 7:31 Carlucci. Fraпk 10:39,41; 11:3,19,24-25 Cleveland Plain Dealer I0:21 chemical апd Ьiological warfare 9: 17 "Carlucci Passes Ва11 to Boland"' (edit.) 7:2; Cliпe. Ray S. 3:5; 6:2; 8:28; 10:37,44; 11:25.27; "Deputy Director оп Assassiпatioпs" 3:24; Chemical and Engineering Neи·s 6:7 12:33.36-37 .39 "Ghostwritiпg, CIA Style" 8: 10; оп HR 5615 chemicals 8: 17; proposes law agaiпst пamiпg of цames Club·ofTeп 7:13; I0:38 "How the CIA Uses Bugs" (Lawreпce) 6:3,7; 6:2; "Turпer апd Carlucci оп the Warpath" Clutterbuck, Richard 7:14 see iilso ClA usc; of фemicals (edit.) 5:2-3 coal miпers 11:11 Cherпe, ·Leo 12:30 Carmichael, Stokely I0:34 Coalitioп for Dесепсу 12:32 Cherokee jeeps. 12:8 Carnegie Endowmeпt for Реасе 4:26 Coalitioп for Реасе Through Str~пgth Chiaпg Kai-shek s·:5 Carпegie Research Fellows 9: 17 12: 19,22-23 . Chicago De.fender 10:13 Carпeiro Goпcalves. Joao 12:26 Coast Guard (Eastern Caribbeaп) 11 :22-23 Chicago Graпd Jury 10:22 Carпiero, Sa 11: 18-20 Соса Cola 12:19 Chicago Tribune 6:5; 7:1; I0:44 Carraпza, Veпuatiaпo 11:9 cochraп, Johп 7:29 Carrette. Eduardo 12:16,18 • Chile 1:4-5,10.14-15,20; 2:23,28; 3:6; 6:11,24 cockroaches • (photo); 7:4,7,13-14,i6,22,30; 8:11,13,21-23; Carriпgtoп, Lord 11 :22 • 10:27,36-44; 11:2,5,7-9,14,26-28,32; "l-iow the CIA Uses Bugs" (Lawreпce) 6:3,7 Carstow, Jim 9:18-19 • 12:6, 11-13,30-31,36-39 Codevilla. Aпgelo 12.:39 Carter, Billy 12:35,39 , CIA's Chile Task Force 2:11; CIA Соhеп, Edward 1:12-13

8 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 ; \ ! .

Cohen, Fritzi Council on Hemispheric Affairs 12: 16, 18,2 r СиЬа Revieи: 12:43 "The Unanswered Questions of the Glomar counterinsurgency 7: 14; 11 :25 Cuban Coast Guard 11 :8 Explorer" 9: 10-14 Counterintelligence 2:28 Cuban Embassy ( Kingston) 9:23; 1О:14 Colby, William Е. 3:4,19-20; 4:23; 6:13; 7:30; CounterSpy 1: 15; 7:7; 8:4,.15; 10: 11; 11 :27 Cuban exiles 6:6,9; 7:5,25; 10: 11-12,27,34; 11:4- 8:3,21-22,36; 9:3,6; 10:39,41;43; 11:25,30; Ыamed for Welch's death 1:6-7; 2:3 5,27-28; 12:13,43 12:17,36,42,44 differences with СА 18 4:2; impact 1:3; naming "Cuban Exile Terrorists on Rampage" 6:8-9; "CIA Round ТаЫе" article cited 3:6; of names 3:7 "Cuban Exiles and 'Refugees' Training for "Perspectives for Intelligence 1976-1981" 6: 13- County Fair (film) 1.0:43 Another Вау of Pigs" 10:35; "Throwing а 24; correction 8:3 Соир d'Etat in America (Weberman) 9:15 Case: The Trial of Arrnando Lopez Estrada" (Schaap) 1:8-14 Collapse о/ Democracy, The (Moss) 10:40 coups d'etat 11:17-19 _Cuban immigrants 7:24 Collins, Michael 11 :27 covert agents 9: 19 Colombia Cuban Intelligence Service see DGI CIA assessment 6:17 CovertAction lnformation Bulletin Cuban Missile Crisis 6:7; 12:36-39 Colson, Charles 11:28; 12:29 "About Our Masthead"(edit.) 6); Agee/lran episode 8:4; attends AFIO Convention 11 :24- Cuban Nationalist Movement 6:9; 11:5 Columbla University 4:21; 6:7; 9:20; 11:31 26; bookstores carrying СА/В 2:2; "British Cuban Patriotic Junta 11:5 School of Journalism 7:10,12 ·Continue Doing the CIA's Bidding" (Wolf) Cuban press 8:36 Columbus (Ohio) 10:21 9:26-27; "Bulletin Responds to Mexican Cuban Revolution 10:4; 11:8 Commando de Accioil Gremial 10:40 Article" 3: 19-20; CIA Library subscribes 3:cover; "CIA Station for Congress: Attacking Cubana Airliner bomblng 1:10; 6:9; 10:27,35; Commando Zero 6:9 the Bulletin" 3:3-8; "Carlucci Passes Ball to 11:4-7 Commentary 10:44 Boland" (edit.) 7:2; cited in David Phillips' CuЬillos, Hernan 7: 11 letter 11:27; "The Delay and Our Schedule" Committee for а Democratic PoJicy Towards. Cultural Information Analysis Center 9: 18 Italy 8:7 (edit.) 6:2; differences with CounterSpy 4:2; Cummings, Eldon 12:12 Committee for the Ptesent Danger, The 1():42 encounters David Phillips 11:27; "Excerpts from Other Speakers and Committee Cummings, John 1:10 Committee in Solidarity with the People of EI Questioning" 8:17-21; "Finances" (edit.) 11:3;. Cunha, Luz 7_:36 Salvador Hetu comment 3:2; "Intelligence Legislation see CISPES Makes the Rounds" (Schaap) 8:8-10; Cushman, Robert Е., Jr. 11:27 Communications Workers of America 2:23 "Jamaica" (edit.} 10:2-3; Jamaica press Current Affairs Press 7: 15 Communist lnterference in Е1Salvador12:10·11 conference 10: 16; La wrence article .on Cybulski, Joseph Said 2:20 Communist International 12:43 cockroaches picked up Ьу media 7:3; Cyprus 3:9; 7:29; 11:25 "MozamЬique Smashes Spy Network" (Ray) Communist Party (Canada) 9:25 12:24-27; naming of names (edit.) 2:3; 4:2; CIA assessment/target 6: 16,19 Community Action оп Latin America (CALA) "Parade Magazine Pulls Punches" 5:22; Суrщ, Stanley 10:28,31 Newsle11er 12:43 · puЬlication to continue regardless of Czech exiles 9:19 computer simulations 4:19 Congressional campaign (edit.) 11 :З; Senate Czech Intelligence Service 11:25 computer systems 9:8-9 subcommittee to consider agents identities Ьill 12:34; "South African Raid" 12:27; "Speech in Czechoslovakia 6: 15 computers 7:13; 11:39 Canada Stirs Press" 2:24; State Department Conelca (company) 12:6 charge 12:4; "Statement of СА/В Before Coпfederation of Latin American Workers 10:31 House Committee, Jan. 31, 1980" 8: 1Н7; Congo 6:8; 7:27; 8:21,26; 11:19,24 "The Struggle Continщs"(edit.) 6:2; "Turner and Carlucci on t!Je Warpath" (edit.) 5:2-3; Congressjonal Black Caucus 7:26; 10: 17 "Who We Аге" (edit.) 1:3 Congressional Record 3:3; 5:3; 6:6; 7:9,12,16; Сох, Archibald 12:38 8:11 Cranberg, Gilbert 7:21 Conien, Lucien 5:6 Crane, Chancellor 10:23 Connally, John 12:29 Crane апd Russak 10:42 Conservative Caucus 12:16 Crane, Phil 12:33 Conservative Digest 12:16 Crankshaw, Joe 1:14 Conservative Party (U.k.) 7: 15; 10:40 Criminal Codc:: Revisipn Act (-proposed) 8: 1О Conservative Students 5: 13 Criminal Law Bill 1980 (Guyana) 10:24 Conspiracy (Summers) 11:27 Cronje, Gillian 8:7 Consultative Group on the Caribbean Development 10:33 Cronje, Suzanne 8:7 Consulting Services, Ltd. 10: 12 Crooke, Ctirtis 9: 11-14 contempt 12:34 Crown PuЫishers 10:36 D Contreras Sepulveda, Juan Maцual 1:10; 11:8 Crozier, Brian 7: 14; 10:37,39; 12:37 DASF (Danish General Workers Trade Union) contracts 9: 11 Crump, Frank 4:19 5:10,14 conventional war 8:24 cryptography 8:24; 11:36,38,42 DGI (Cuban intelligence) 7:8-9,17; 10:14 Cooper-Bessemer 9:11 Cuba 1:6; 5:16; 6:5-6,10-12; 7:8-9,11-12,26-27; DINA (Chilean Secret Police) 1: 10,14; 6:8; 11:5,7- 8:28; 9:22,28; 10:5-6,l0,13-14,27,30,42; 11:5- 8, 14,28,32; 12:38,43 Copeland, Miles 10:40; 12:39 6,20,22-23; 12:9, 17 ,22-23,25,35-36 Copley, James S. 6:6; 7:11-12 DISIP (Venezuelan Secret Police) 11:7 Agee invited to Youth Festival 7:17; "The DONS (South African intelligence) 12:24 Copley News Service 7:11-12 Cuban Ambassador to Jamaica: А Case Study "Copley Role" 6:6 in Media Manipulation and Destabllization" DUF (Dansk Ungdoms Faellesrad-Danish У outh Coalition) 5: 13 Coppel, Alfred 11:27 (Ray) 7:4-7; "Cuban Exile Terrorists on Rampage" 6:8-9; "Cuban Exiles and 'Refugees' da Motta, Carlos Ю:41 Coral GaЫes (Fla.) 1:10 Training for Another Вау of Pigs" 10:35; Dirty Dade· County Sheriffs Department 10:35 Corcho, George 10:9 Work 2 distributed 8:6; Glassman based there Dadier, Vladiщir 2:4 Cornell University 9: 17 12:10; Guantanamo Naval Base 6:7; lnterests DagЬ/adet 9:5 Cornwall (England) 7:16 Section bombed 6:9; Non-Aligned Nations Conference 6:6; "The Soviet Troop Crisis: Or Dаф• Gleaner 7:4-7,~15; 10:3,7-11,13-17,58 Corporate Data Exchange 2:28 How the U.S. Planned to Put Troops in the "The CIA and the Media: !АРА and ·the Corrigan, John 10:22 Caribbean"(Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7; "Теп Years as Jamaica DаЦ1• Gleaner" (Landis) 7: 10-12 а Cuban DouЫe Agent in the CIA" (Sirgado) Corson, William R. 7:2 DаЦ1· Mail (London) 10:38 Cossiga, Francesco 4:7-8 2:16-21; "Throwing а Case: The Trial of Armando Lopez Estrada"(Schaap) 1:8-14; UN Dai(v Telegraph (London) 7:7,15-17; 10:37- '11(,,rCosta Rica 6:10; 7:11; 10:35; 12:8,11 diplomat killed 11:4; UN rnission· bombed 6:9; 38,40; 12:46 Coubre (ship) 10:27 . World Festival .of Youth and Students 1:3 Daily Worker 11:27 Council on Foreign Relations 12:39 (edit.),11,16,21; 3:3 Dai(1• Wor/d 9: 17; 11 :27

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 9 Dakar (Seпegal) 11:18 Dieffallah, Basim 9:25 Dalla Chiesa, Carlo Alberto 4:4-5,7-9 Dieп Вiеп Phu 5:7 Dallas(Tex.) 5:20-21; 9:18; 12:37 Diggs, Charles С. 7:26 D'Aпdrade, Walter Саеtапо 12:25 Dimension 3:22 Dangerous Game: С/А and the Mass Media, А diplomatic cover 10:45 (Petruseпko) 7:34 diplomats 2:4-10; 6:9; 11:8 Daпish Vietпam Committee 5:10-11 Dirty Work: The С/А in Western Europe Darke, Berпard 10:20,23 (Agee/ Wolf) D'Aubuissoп, Roberto 12:5-6,9,14,1? А~ее gets по royalties 8:6; Agee апd пamiпg of "David" (CIA lieuteпaпt coloпel) 2:20 пames 8: 11; Aпgletoп attack 3:4-5; "Bulletiп Respoпds to Мехiсап Article" 3:19-20; CIA David апd Charles 10:38 ceпsorship attempt 2: 14-15; described 1·:1; Davis, Nathaпiel 10:43 Е WolГs luggage 9:26; lпtroduction revised, 8 Days 8:27 Daytoп (Ohio) 9:20 repriпted 1:4-7; tetter to Parade 5:22; on E-grupper de Bollardiere, Joseph 12:46 пamiпg пames 5:2-3; оп Welch 8:11; pressure 9:5 П()t to puЫish 10:4; puЬ\ished 1:3; 2:3; EEG 9:19-20 de Borchgrave, Arпaud 7:25; 12:36 "sources" explaiпed 8:16; Welch's death EGP (Guatemala) 12:17 "Robert Moss, Arпaud de Borchgrave, апd exploited Ьу CIA 1.:6 - Right-Wiпg Disiпformalioп"(Laпdis) 10:37-44; EKG 9:19 Dirty Work 2: The С/А iп ~frica (Ray/ScЦaap/ "'The Spike': Thiпly Disguised Fictioп" 10:36 ELINT (Electroпic lпtelligeпce) 9:6,8 Vап Meter / W о!О de Carvalho, Apoloпio 5:13 ELP(Portugal) 11:18-19 Agee апd пamihg пames 8: 11; at printets 6:3; de Gaulle, Charles 10;44 "The Book that Couldп't Ве Stopped" 8:6; EPICA (Ecumeпical Program for IпterAmericaп .de l'lsle, Viscouпt 7: 15 Governmeпt harassmeпt 5:2; iп WolГs luggage Commцпicatioп апd Actioп) 9:24; 12:22,43 de Silva, Peer 11 :25 9:26; lrl Smith ·пamed 8:26; Lawreпce essay est 12:7 cited 11: 18; Moss's apology 12:46; de Torres, Berпado 1:10 Eagleburger, Lawreпce 12:9 OTRAG/Zaire article cited 10:34; SavimЬi earthquake sigпals 9:8 de Youпg, Каrеп 12:10 сопеsропdепсе cited 12:47; SavimЬi letters Dеап, Johп 12:29 repriпted 7:36; Talbot essay cited 11:'16 East, The 10:21 Dеап, Staпley R. 9:19 disarmameпt 9:23 East lпdiaпs IO: 18-20,23 Death in Washington: The Murder ofOrlando Discover satellites 9:36 East, Johп 12:32 Letelier (Freed/ Laпdis) 2:43; )0:37 disiпformatioп 12:35-36,39 East TimQr 7:34 death squads 10:23-24; 11:21 "Robert Moss, Arпaud de Borchgrave, апd Easterп Caribbeaп "Death Squads: The Real Goverпmeпt of EI Right-Wiпg Disiпforшatioп"(Laпdis) 10:37-44 "The Easterп Caribbeaп 'Coast Guard"' Salvador" 12:14-15; "Humaп Rights iп Dissent Paper оп Е/ Salvador and Central (Bloch/ Fitzsimoпs) 11 :22-23; "Straпge Guatemala" 12:21; "Reagaп Admiпistratioп America 12:43 Activities оп Aпtigua" 10:32-33 Liпks with Guatemala's Terrorisl Djakarta (lпdoпesia) 10:40 Easterп Caribbeaп Market 10:5 Goverпmeпt"(Nairп) 12:16-21; "The Uпjted States iп EI Salvador" ( Klepper) 12:5-13 Documenls оп Australia's Defense and Foreign Easterп Europe 6: 16, 19; 11 :32 Policy, 1968-1974 12:42 Еаtоп, Cyrus 9: 17 Deavet апd Haппaford (соmрапу) 12:16,20-21 Doherty, Williaш, Jr. 2:22; 10: 12 Deaver, Michael 12:16 Eatoп,Joe 1:10-11 Doherty, Williaш, Sr. 10:12 deButts, Johп D. 4:34 Echo Vibratioпs DiscQ 10:9 Doliпger, David 11:13 Decent lnterval ($перр) 5:4 Economist, The7:13,16; 10:38-40,43 doшestic surveillaпce Dec/aration (Саеtапо) 12:47 Есопоту of Total War, The (Possoпy) 9: 18 "PropQsed Executive Ordet Change оп Decoding Corporate Camouflage: U.S. Business Ecuador 12:8 Doшestic \пtelligeпce Gatheriпg" 12:3 Support for Apartheid (Schmidt) 11 :44 Edbrook, С.О. Doшic, Jura 10:39,4'1 deep cover "The Priпciples of Deep Cover" 10:45-54 Doшiпguez, Jorges Plutarco 12:5 "The Priпciples of Deep Cover" (Edbrook) Еdеп, Апthопу 7:28 Doшiпica 6:5; 10:4-5; 11:22 10:45-54; "Теп Years as а СuЬап DouЫe Edicioпes Cubaпas 10:60 Ageпt iп the CIA"(Sirgado) 2:16-21 "'Electioпs' iп Domiпica: RCMP, Ml-6, CIA educatioп 1:27 deep sea miпiпg 9:10-14 Maпipulatioп?" 10:33-34 Edward, Agustiп 7: 10-12 Domiпica Defeпse lпtelligeпce Аgепсу 4:3,13; 5:6; 6:28; Chronicle 10:34 Edwards, Dоп 7: 14; 10:38 8:25,27-28; 9:18; 10:16; 11:26; 12:14,19,26,31 Domiпica Liberatioп Movemeпt Alliaпce 10:34 Edyth Bush CharitaЫe Fouпdatioп, !пс. 8:27-28 budget апd employees estimale 4:34 Domiпica Police F<1rce 10:33-34 Egypt 5:8; 6:6; 10:16 Defeпse lпtel!igeпce School 8:28 Domiпicaп RepuЫic 1:10,14; 8:21; 10:5,27; 11:9 Ehrlich, Morales 12:7,9 Delaware 7;11; 10:42 Dоппеr, Fraпk J. 11:44 Eiseпhower, Dwight David 7:28-30; 11:9; Dellums, Roпald V. 11:44 Dопоvап, "Wild Bill': William 7:30; 12:28,31 12:29,39 Douglas Aircraft 9:25 Democraйc Natioпal Сопvепtiоп 11: 13 EI Salvador 6:10-11; 10:4,14,16; 11:4; Democratic RepuЫicaп Parly (RepuЫic of Dowie, Mark 2:24-25 12: 18,21,23,30,34 Korea) 11:11-12,15 dowsiпg 9: 18,21 Agrarian Reform in Е/ Salvador (Wheatoп) Democratic Turпhalle Alliaпce 4:25; 12:26 dreams 9:19 12:43; "Death Squads: The Real Goverпmeпt Democrats 11 :3 drug dealiпg 6:9 of EI Salvador" 12: 14-15; "Hudsoп Iпstitute Targets Socialist Iпterпatioпal, Supports DeMohreпsфilф, Djmitri 9: 18 Dщg Eпfotceme.пt .Аgепсу ~:1; 7:22 'Reform' iп EI Salvador" 11:30; "The Situatioп DeMohreпschildt, George 9: 18 drug traffickiпg 10:9,13,21,25; 11:8 iп Latiп America" (edit.) 12:4; "The Soviet Deпis, Reid 2:4-10 Duarte, Napoleoп 11:30: 12:5,7,9,12 Troop Crisis, or How the U.S. Рlаппеd to Put Deпmark DuЫiп, Edward 10:24 Troops iп the Caribbeaп" (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7; "Stop the Press" (edit.) 12:4; "Typical Media CIA electroпic surveillaпce 5: 11-14; "Vietпam Duffus, Lee Roy 1:15-2·1 War оп Daпish Soil" 5: 10-14 Coverage of EI Salvador" 12: 11; U.S. Military Duigпaп, Peter J. 4:24-25 Assistaпce Group 12: 12 "The United States iп Dепtоп, Jeremiah 12:32 Duke Uпiversity 4: 18 EI Salvador" ( Klepper) 12:5-13 deportatioп 11 :27 Dulles, Alleп 2:24; 7:21,29-30; 11 :44 Е/ Salvador 12:43 Des Moiпes Register Tribune 7:21 Dulles, Johп Foster 7:28-30 Е/ Salvador-A Brief Overvie"' 12:43 Descoteaux, Mrs. '10: 16 Duпсап, D.K. 10:10-11,15 Е/ Salvador Alert 12:43 Descoteaux, Normaп М. 1:20; 10:16 Duпlpp, Johп Т. 2:23 EL Salvador Army 1•2: 14 Detroit (Mich.) 9:21-22 Dupoпt Со. 12:48 EI Salvador Christiaп Democratic Par.ty 12:6-7 Deutsche Welle )0:32 Duraп, Н ector 1: 1О EI Salvador Democratic Revolutioпary Froпt developiпg пatioпs Duvalier, Fraпcois "Рара Doc" 8:21-22; 10:16; 12:9,12 CIA assessmeпt 6:17 11:21; 12:41 ' EI Salvador Freedom Fouпdatioп 12:19

10 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 EI Salvador National Democratic Front 12:14 Fiпnish пatioпals 9:4 EI Salvador National Guard 12:5-6.8-9,14 Finпmark 9:4-6 EI Salvador Treasury Police 12:8-9,14 firearms 10:50 EI Salvador White Paper 12:4,9-11 "CIA Firearms Authority: What Does It "The 'Grocery Store Papers'" 12: 10-11 Mean?" 4:34: СuЬап exiles' trial 1:8-14 elections 10:42-43; 11 :2 First Ameпdmeпt 6:2; 7:2; 8:7,12.18-20; 10:3-4; "'Electioпs' in Dominica: RCMP, Ml-6, CIA 11:3 Maпipulation?" 10:33-34 First Principles 1:24 electrochemiluminesceцce 9: 15 Fisher, John М. 12:26 electromagnetism 9:18-19 Fitzsimoпs, Pat electroпic surveillaпce 8:13,19; 9;14-15; 11:34; F "The Easterп Caribbean 'Coast Guard'" 12:43,47 11:22-23 "Big Brother 1980: The National Sec:urity 40 Committee 8:22 Florida 10:4, 11; 11 :8 Agency, the Biggest Eavesdropper ofThem 500th U.S. Military Iпtelligeпce Group 8:24 Florida Everglades 10:35 All"(Klepper) 11:35-43; CIA micro traпsmitter FALANGE (Armed Forces for AntiCommunist Focus8:7 plaпted iп Cuba 2: 18-20; CIA bugging likely in Liberatioп-War of Eliminatioп) 12: 14 · Fodor Travel PuЫicatioпs 1:21 Managua 6:_ 11; Deпmark, Y.ietnamese F-11 I 9:7 Informatioп Office 5: 11-14; "Navy Electroпic Fonda, Jапе 9:22 Warfare апd Iпtelligence" 8:24; "The . FBI (Federal Bureau of lnvestigation) 1:7,10; Fontaine, Arturo 7: 10 2:28; 6:8,30; 7:22; 8:25,27-28; 10:3; Norwegian Соппесtiоп: Norway (Un)willing Fontaine, Roger 12:9,13,17,20 Spy for the U.S." (Samia) 9:4-9; "Official 11 :4-5,25-26,32,40,42-44 Secrets Prosecutioli in Norway" 12:46; "The FBI break-ins 2: 11 Foпzi, Gaetoп 12:37-38 Politics of lntelligence Techпology" FBI budget 4:34; 12:32 For а Free Chile 7:34 (Lawr~пce) 9:36,23; "Some Raпdom Notes оп FBI COINTELPRO 2:28; 10:22,34; 12:3,34 Ford Foundation 4:20 the Natioпal Security Аgепсу" 9:22; see a/SQ Ford, Gerald R. 1:4,6,12; 11:9; 12:30,35 domestic surveillaпce; surveillaпce FBI .domestic surveillaпce Forde, Henry 6:5 Electroпic Switchiпg System 11 :39-40 "Proposed Executive Order Change оп Domestic Iпtelligence Gathering" 12:3 Fordham Uпiversity 12:28,30 electroпic warfare FВ! ex-ageцts 12:33 foreigп agents registratioп 7:31; 12:16,21 "Navy Electroпic Warfare апd Iпtelligeпce" 8:24 FBI-Freedom of Iпformatioп Act 2: 11; 8:7 foreigп aid 11:21-22 Electronic Warfare/ Defense Electronics 4:34 Agee suit 8:6 foreign diplomats electroshock 9:27 FВI-Iпtelligeпce ldeпtities Protectiori Act CIA recruitmeпt -2:4-1 О (proposed) 12:34 Elgin (111.) Daily Courier-Neи·s 6:6 Foreign Intelligeпce Surveillaпce Act 11 :38,40 FBI-mail surveillance 2:12 Elliot, Iап 10:40 Foreign Policy 12:39 "Mail surveillaпce" (Lawrence) 12:48,44-45 Ellsberg, Daпiel 1:22 Foreign Report 1:5,13,15-17; 10:40; 12:39,46 FBI-media relations Elmes, Кеппу 9: 12 Foreign Service Journal 11 :25-26 "Copley Rote" 6:6 embassies 11:32 Foreign Service List 1:7; 2:13; 4:10-11 FBI surveillaпce Emerson, Gloria 1:22 Fort Benning (Ga.) 12:13 Police Th;eat 10 Political Liber11· 5:23 Eпders, Thomas 12:11-12 . Fort HolaЬird (Md.) 6:32 F.L. Smidth (company) 5:10,14 . Epsteiп, Edward Jay 3:4-5; 0:44 Fort Huachuca (Ariz.)9:18 FMLN (EI Salvador) 12:12-13 Equг.I Employmeпt Opportunity Commissioп Fort Meade (Md.) 11:35-36,41-42 12:33 - FRELIMO (Mozambique) 4: 18-22; 12:4,24 Forum World Features 7:11,14; 10:13,38,40,42; Erhart, Werпer 12:7 FSLN (Nicaragua) 11:9 12:29 Espejo, Rene Silva 7:10-11 FNLA (Апgо\а) 4:27; 7:25,27; 8:11 Fourth Ametldmeпt 11:39 espioпage 8: 18 FUNK (Kampuchea) 5:10 France 5:7; 7:13,26,30; 8:4,16; 9:17; 10:5-6,34; 11 :4,25,30,32; 12:6.11,28,43,46 Estaba Moreno, Delia 11 :6 Fag Beariпgs (соmрапу) 9: 11 Francis, Samuel Т. 12:32 Estado de Sao Раи/о, О 7: 11 Fallah, Skaidvitre Mailiks 9:18 "Frank" (CIA man, ~rmy Coloпel) 2: 19 Esterline, Jacob 7: 12 Falls Church (Уа.) 9:15 Free, David 11:26 Estrada Lescaille, Ulises 7:15 Farber, Муrоп 3:7-8 free lancers Ю:46 "The СuЬап Ambassador to Jamaica" (Ray) Farm, The 12:19 7:4-7 Faroe lslaпds 9:8 Free Nation, the 7: 15 Ethics апd PuЫic Policy Ceпter 9:3 Fauske (Norway) 9:5,8 Free West lndian 10:60 Ethiopia 12:9 Federal Aviatioп Agency 12:26 Freed, Donald 11:27; 12:43 Etteretingst jeпesten (Norwegiaп intelligeпce) 9:5 Federal Electioп Commission 12:21 Freedom (U.K.) 12:45 Etudes Vietnamiennes 5:5 Federation of Progressive Forces 7:7 Freedom (YULIMO) 10:60 Europeaп Economic Commuпity Fediay, Yictor 10:41-42 Freedom House 7:25; 11 :20; 12:30 CIA assessmeпt 6: 16 Feпsterwald, Berпard 3:24 Freedom League of Greater Miami 7:5 Eurocommuпism 10:43-44 Ferrara, Arпaldo 4:4,8"9 Freedom of Iпformation Act 2: 11; 6:32; 7: 14; 8:2,6-7,9,12,17; 9:2,10-11,14-22.27; 12:31 Europeaп Labour Committee 5: 15 Ferre, Maurice 1: 10 Agee suit 8:6; NSA 11:39; №11· York Тimes Europeo, !- '3:9; 4:3 · Ferreira, Antoп request 11 :23; "T.urпer апd Carlucci оп the Evaпgelical Alliaпce Relief Fuпd 9;24 "CIA iп Zimbabwe" 8:26-27 Warpath" (edit.) 5:2-3 Evaпs, Rowland 6:2; 12:4 Ferret series spy satellites 9:7 Freedom Party (Dominica) 10:33-34 Evelaпd, WilЬur Сrапе 11 :44 Fensterwald, Bernard 3:24 Freпch Air Miпistry9:17 . Eveпtide fire in Jamaica 10:27 Ferrara, Arпaldo 4:4,8-9 French Guiana 9:24 Evergreeп Interпatioпal Airliпes 10:16 Ferre, Maurice 1:10 French police 10:6 Executive Air Services 10:~4 Feulпer, Edwiп, J., Jr. 12:33 Freud, Sigmund 10:41 Exce/sior 12:42 Field Fouпdation, The 1:24 Friedman, Gene 12:20 Export-lmport Вапk 6: 11-12; 12:29 Field-Ridley 10:23 Friends of Free Jamaica 10: 12 Еххоп Oil Со. 1: 16,20-21; 11 :30 Fifth Ameпdmeпt 12:34 From Ojficial Files 7:34 Fight the Right 12:32 Еуе for ап Еуе 12:17 Froпt Royal (Уа.) Figueroa, Mark 10:15-16 "AIFLD Graduate Discusses Front RQyal film review Course" 5:28 Auack оп the Americщ (Wheatoп) 12:22-23 Fulro movement 5:7-8 Fiпlaпd 9:4-5 Fцnk, Jerry 7:26

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 11 Gloщar Explorer (ship) 7:9; 9:16,36; 10:16 Guild Notes 12:43 "The Unanswered Questions of the Glomar Guinea-Bissau 11:16-18,20 Explorer" (Cohen) 9: 10-14 Guinea-Conakry 4:17: 11:17-18 Goa 11:16 Guiness s Book о/ Records 7: 15 Godson, Joseph 2:22 Gulf of Tonkin incident 12: 10 Godson, Roy 12:33 Gulf0il7:14,27,31: 11:11 Goebbels, Joseph 9: 18 Gumane, Paul 4: 19 Goldwater, Barry 12:31 Gun Court 10:9 Gombay 7:34; 10:60 gunboat diplomacy Gomes Neto, Jose 12:26 "The Soviet Troop Crisis, Or How the U.S. Go1Т1ez. Lionel 12:8,12.14 Planned to Put Troops in the Caribbean" Gonzalez, Jorge 10:35 (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7 Goc;>dman, Stephen 4: 18 gunrunning 11 :2 G Goodwin, Joseph 7:30 ·•н. Charles Johnson, Gunrunning, and GRU 1:5 Goiran, Roger 7:30 Edward Seaga" 10:9: see a/so arms trade 'Gabon 9:28 Gordy Press 10:58 Gunsfor Нire 8:27 Gairy, Eric 1:14; 4:17; 5:16-18; 6:5; 10:6,27; 11:21 Gorst. John 7: 15 Gutierrez, J ose 12:6-7 Galbraiф, John Kenneth 7: 16 Goulart 10: 12 rGuyana_j;J'1;.J;h:'I0:5,12; 10:60; 11:2& Gallaher, Alfred 8:26-27 Gouriet, John 7: 15 ! "The Coronation of а President" 11:21; Galotta, Albert А., Jr. 8:24 ! ··auyana: The Faces Behind the Masks" 10: 18- Graham, Billy 9:24; 10:24 galvanic skin response 9: 19 25; ··мass Transfer of Hmong People to Graham, Daniel 6:28; 12:14.17,19 ganja smuggling 10:9,13 Caribbean Proposed" 9:24 · Graham, Franklin 9:24; 10:24 Guyana Agricultural Workers U.nion 10:23 see also marijuana smuggling Graham, John 6:6 Guyana Ваг Association 10:21 Gann, Lewis Н. 4:24-25 Graham, Robert Н. 7:24 Guyana Crimiital lnvestigation Division Garcia Granados, Jorge 12: 18,20 grand jury abuse 9:3 10:20,23-24 Garcia Granados, Raul 12: 17,20 Granma 11:5 Guyana Defence Force 10:19-21,23-25 Garcia, Guillermo 12:10 Granma Week(1· Revieи· 10:60 Guyana Human Rights Associat.ion 9:24 Garcia, Jaime 12:6 Grant. Ulysses S. 11 :9 Guyana Ministry of National Development Garcia Marquez, Gabriel 7:16 Grassini, Giulio 4:4,7-9 10:19,22 Garcia Rodriguez, Felix.11:4-5,8 graymail 8:7 Guyanese 11 :6 Gately, Robert Gene 10:42 Graymail Legblation 8:7 Guyanese police training 10:20 General Electric. 9: 11 .ciation 2:23 "Human Rights in Guatemala" 12:2\{Reagan Glassman, Jon 6:6 12~10 Administration Links with Guatemala's Hall, Leonard 12:29 Gleaher. The Terrorist Government"(Nairn) 12:16-2T\"The Hall-Tipping, Jonathan 11:25 Sit1,1ation in Latin America:• (edit.) l 2:4:'"The see DаЦ1· Gleaner Halperin, Morton Н. 8:7,11,18-19 Soviet Troop Crisis, Or How the U:S. Planned Hamar (Norway) 9:8 Gleditsch, Nils Petter 5:23; 12:46 to Put Troops in the Caril>be,an" Glenn, Paul М. 6:32 (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7 Hamburg (Federal RepuЬlic of Germany) 5:2; 7: 17; 8:4; 9:26 Gleysteen. William 11:10,13 Guatemala Freedom Foundation 12:19-21 Hammer, Michael 11:30; 12:7-9,14 Global Communications 11 :40 Guatemala Managers Association 12:18 Handal, Shafik 12: 10-11 Global Marine Guerra.y Guerra, Rene 12:6 "The Unanswered Questions of the Glomar guerrilla warfare . Handal, Toni 12:10 Hanke, Jonathan 7:.11 Explorer" (Cohen) 9:10-14 "The CIA and Studies оп Guerrilla Warfare in Global Marine Development Corp. 9:11 Southern Africa"(Molteno) 4:18-23 Hansen, C!iarles Glomar Challenger (ship) 10: 16 Guevara, Che 6:9: 8:21-22 letter .11 :23

12 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1_.12 Harbottle, Michael 12:46 Hoover lпstitutioп оп War, Revolutioп апd IRA (lrish RepuЬ\icaп Army). 7:15; 8:29; 10:41 Реасе 9:18 Harger, Richard 5:19-20; 10:58 "Note Regardiпg the 1. R.A." 8:25 H1>0ver, J. Edgar 11:44 Harkiп, Thomas R. 7:12 . 1RA ( Pгovisioпal) 11 :32 Hotel Raphael (Paris) 10:42 Harper & Row 9: 17 ISMUN (lпterпatioпal Studeпts Movemeпt of Harper, Oavid А. 5:13-14 House ofCommoпs (U.K.) -10:38 the Uпited Natioпs) 5: 13 Harper. Liz 5: 13 · House oflsrael(Guyaпa) 10:18,21-24; 11:21 lcelaпd 9:8 Harper's Magazine 7:5 Houser, George 4:28 ldaho 6:7 Harry, James 10:30 Houstoп Uпiversity (Тех.) 5: 12 lgпatyev, Oleg 4:27-29 Hart, Gary 12:36 Нои· to Build and Preserve Executive Weafth lkkevold9:9; 10:58 Hartley, William R. 5:20 (Casey) 12:28 , immigratioп 5:2; 6:28; 7: 11 Hartliпg, Poul 5:11,14 Нои· tо Raise Мопеу to Make Мопеу (Casey) "British Coпtiпue Ooiпg the CIA's Biddiпg" Harvard U пiversity 9:9, 17 12;28 (Wolf) 9:26-27 Ceпter for lпterпatioпal Studies 4:25-26 Howard Uпiversity (О.С.) 10:31 lmmigratioп апd Naturalizatioп Service 6:30 Harvey, Pharis 11:15 "ClA Recruitmeпt for Africa: The Case of /mpact o.f Freedom of lnformation Act and the Howard Uпiversity, Washiпgtop О.С." Harvey, William К. 9:36 Privacy Act оп lntelligence Activities 8:7 (Maish)4:14-17 Russiaп Hatch, Orriп G. 12:32,34 lmperial Secret Police archives 4:23 Howard Uпiversity Oeпtal School (Guyana) imperialism 10:26-30 Наvапа (Cuba) 10:32,60 10:23 lmported PuЬ\icatioпs, lпс. 7:34 Agee visit 7: 17 \-lowe, Russell Warreп 7: I· I; 10:40 /п Search of ~nemies (Stockwell) 7:25 Hai•ana Post 7: 11 HuЬig. Рап 9: 16 reviewed 4:27-29 Hayden, Tom 9:22; 12:34 Huddleston, Walter О. 8:3-9; 9:3 /п These Тimes 6: 13; 11 :5; 12:43 Heath, Edward 8:29 Hudsoп.lпstitute 4:29 lпсе, Eugeпe S. 8:24 Неагпе, Johп 10:7.9-10 "Hudsoп lпstitute Targets Socialist lпсе, Robert 8:24 Heathrow Airport 9:26 lпterпatioпal; Supports 'Reform' iп EI lпcome Тах Associatioп Hecksher, Непгу 7: 12 Salvador" 11 :30 Payers 7:15 lпdepeпdeпt Associatioп Helgersoп. Johп 4: 18 Hughes, Howard 1:21; 7:9; 9:10 Medical 7:15 lпdepeпdeпt helicopters 1О:16 Hughes-Ryaп Ameпdmeпt 8:9-10,12; 9:2-3 Research Associates 9:15 lпdia 11:16 Hellebust, AщJers 9:4;_ 10:58 Hughes Tool Со. 9:10-11,13 CIA assessmeпt, пuclear capaЬility 6: 17,20 Heller. Johп 9:23 Hukbalahap movemeпt (Philippiпes) 5:5 Helliwell, Paul Lioпel Edward 9:28; 10: 16 Hulse, Stacy, Jr. 2:24 lпdoChiпa War 1:7; 5:4-10; 6:28; 7:12; 8:22,28; 9:24; 10:11,16,27,34,42; 11:17,30,32; 12:30,37 Helms. Jesse 12:32 Нитап Events 3:4; 7:25; 12:30 "ChiпesJ: Oiverted Soviet Weapoпs from Helms, Richard 3:6; 7:10-11,30-31; 8:22,26,36; humaп rights 1:24; 6:6; 7:12; 12:16-19 Vietпam" 5:19-20; "Vietпamese War оп 10: 15; 11:25; 12:36-38 "ClA Learпs about Humart Rights" 4:34; Oaпish Soil" 5:10-14 "Humaп Rights iп Guatemala" 12:21; "The Heпdrix, Harold 7: 12 lпdoChiпese guerFillas KCIA"(Turbyfill) 11:14-15; "Reagaп "Непгу" (CIA recruiter. Tokyo) 2:7-10 Admiпistratioп Liпks with Guatemala's "Chiпa Aidiпg lпdoChiпese Rightists" 11.:29 Herdaп Services 4:25 Terrorist Goverпmeпt"(Nairп) 12:16-21; lпdonc;sia 1:4; 2:25; 3:22; 6:7; 7:19; 12:30 "Repressioп, Not Reform as the Thrust of U.S. Heritage Fouпdatioп 10:40,43; 12: 16,30,32- lпdoпesiaп purge of commuпists 10:40 37,39-40 Foreigп Policy: The Case of South Korea" iпfaпt mortality 12:7 Heritage Communique J.0:40 (Huпziker) 11:9-13 ln.formation Digest 3:3-4 Негmап, Edward S. 7:34 Нитап Rights, Economic Aid and Private Banks: The Case o.f Chile (Letelier/ Moffitt) lnformation Packet (CISPES) 12:43 Неггnапп, Robert 11 :24 ~~ . iпfrasuuпd 9:7 Herrera, Alicia 11 :6-7 Humari Rights in South Korea ( Harvey) 11: 15 lпmап, ВоЬЬу Ray 9:22; 11:36; 12:3,31 Herri:ra Campiпs, Luis 11 :6-7 Нитап Rights in the RepuЬlic o.f Korea lnquiry 3:7; 7: 1О; 10:38 Hersh, Seymour 4:27; 10:44 11:13,15 lпquisitioп (Portugal) 11: 19 Hetu, Herbert Е. 2:3; 3:4; 5:21; 7:21; 11:5,31 Huпger Project, The 12:7 lnside the Сотрапу (Agee) 7:11,16-17; 8:4 Нibernla 12:44 Huпt, Е. Howard, Jr. I 1:28 lпstitute for Advaпced Study 9: 17 Hill, Oavid 10:21-22; 11:21 Huпter, Williarn 10:21 lпstitute for Busiпess Рlаппiпg 12:28 Hilliard, Earпest 10:21-22 Huпters Stoпes (U.K.) 11:40-41· lпstitute for Geпeral Studies 7: 14 Hiltoп Hotel, Теhгап 10:37 Huпziker, Steveп Clark 11:14 lпstitute for Policy Studies 2:28;.3:3; 7: 16; Himalayas 9:36 "Repressioп, Not Reform, as the Thrust of 10:36,44; 11:44; 12:32,24 Нiпtоп,,Оеапе 12:11 U.S. Foreigп Policy: The Case of South "Whistle Blowers' Сопfегепсе" 1:22 Korea" 11:9-13 Hiroshima (Jарап)- 8:24 lпstitute for PuЫic lпterest Represeпtation 9:21 Hussein, Kiпg6:17;8:B Hiss, Alger 10:44 lпstitute for the Study of Coпflict 7: 14-15; Hitler, Adolf 11:7 hydrogeп bomb 8:20 10:39-40,42; 11 :23; 12:29 Hmoпg people (Laos} 10:24; 12: 12 lпstitute for the Study of Journalism 2:28 "Mass Traпsfer of Hmong People to lпstitute of Americaп Relatioпs 12:39 Caribbeaп Proposed" 9:24 lпstitute of Geпeral Studies 10:38-40 Но Chi Miпh 5:7 lпstitute of Race Relatioпs 4:36 Ноа Нао religious sect (Vietпam) 5:i lпterCoпtiпeпtal Oevelopmeпt апd Maпagemeпt Hoaglaпd, Johп 6:13 Со., lпс. 10:34 hobЬies 10:50 lпtelligeпce ldeпtities Protectioп Act (proposed) Hoffmaп, Charles 8:24 "The Admiпistratioп's 'Charter"'(edit.) 8:2-3; "The Bolaпd Bill" (edit.) 8:3; "CIA Statioп for Holdeп, Roberto Coпgress-Attackiпg the Bulletiп" ( Ray) 3:3-8; see Holdeп Roberto "Carlucci Passes Ball to Bolaпd" (edit.) 7:2~ Holsiпger. Joe 10:21 Carlucci statemeпt 11 :25; "Excerpts frorn Other Speeches апd Committee Quesiioпing" Hoпduraп Army 12:14 8: 17-21; Напsеп letter cf. atomic secrets 11 :23; Honduras6:5.10-ll; 10:16; 12:13 1 "lпtelligeпce ldeпtities Protectioп Act" 10:3-4; Hoпeywell Corp. 9: 11 "lпtelligeпce IВМ Corp. 11:42 11 :2-3; Legislatiori Makes the Нопg Копg 7:5; 11:25 Rouпds" 8:8-10; "Statemeпt of СА/В Before ICBM (lпter-Coпtiпeпta.1 Ballistic Missile) 6: 15; House Committee, Jап. 30, 1980" 8: 11-17; НопогаЬ/е Меп: Му Life in the С/А (Colby) 6: 13 9:6-7 "The Struggle Coпtiпues" (edit.) 6:2; Hoover, Herbert 4:23; 9: 18 юос 11:44 Subcommittee оп Security апd Terrorism

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 13 (Seпate)assigпed jurisdictioп 12:34; threat Israeli Defeпse Force 8:27 Japan6:J·7,19;7:23;9:17; 10:12; 11:11; 12:30 .~ averted, temporarily (edit.) 9:2-3; "Turпer апd Israeli iпtelligeпce 'How the CIA Recruits Foreigп Diplornats" Carlucci оп the Warpath" (edit.) 5:2-3 see MOSSAD (Wilcott) 2:4-IQ; "Japaпese Реасе Сrапе. lnte/ligence lnstallations in Norway 5:23 Becomes U.S. Military lпtelligeпce Symbo1"8:24 Italiaп ТУ 10:43 Japan Тimes 7:23; 11: 11 lпtelligeпce Oversight Board 12:30 Italy 3:6,9; 6:9; 7:29-30; 8:14; 10:43; 11:25; 12:36 Japaпese Embassy (U.S.) 12:30 lпtelligeпce Research апd lпformatioп Servic;:e CIA assessment 6:16,19 6:3 Japaпese iпtelligeпce 11 :-15 lta/y and US 8:7 Iпtelligeпce Resources Advisory Cщпmittee 6:24 Japaпese Naval Code 11 :42 Italy-lпtelligeпce апd Security Services lпter-Americaп Реасе Force 6:11 Jепsеп, Неппiпg 5:11,14 "Spyiпg оп Your Allies: Aпother Iпter Americaп Press Associatioп 7:6; 1О:13 Embarrassmeпt for Americaп lпtelligeпce" Jепsеп, Paul Е.Т. 9:18 "The CIA апd the Media: !АРА апd the (Agee) 4:3-9 Jesshc;im (Norway) 9:5 Jamaica Daily G/eaner"(Laпdis) 7:10-12 lto, Chester 7:23 Jesuits 12: 14 Iпter-Americaп Regioпal Orgaпizatioп of Irviпe, Reed '12:46 Jews 11:19 Workers (ORIT) 2:22 Ivory Coast 9:28 Johaпseп, lvar 9:5,9 Iпterlaпd Marketiпg Research 5:12 Iwaпami Shoteц PuЫishers 11:13 Johп Birch Society 12: 16 lпterпal Reveпue Service Johп, Patrick 10:34 "S.E.C. апd the l.R.S. Kпuckle Uпder to CIA Pressures" 9:28 Johпs Hopkiпs Uпiversity 8:15; 9:18 School for Advaпced lпterпatioпal Studies Iпterпatioпal Commissioп of Iпquiry iпto the Criщes of the Apartheid .Regimes iп Southerп (D.C.) 9:17 Africa 12:4 · Johпs, Shetidaп 1114:18,21 lпterпatioпal Commuпicatioпs Аgепсу Ю:33; Johпsoп, Н. Charles 10:7-8,13 11:30 "Н. Charles Johпsoп, Guпruппiпg апd Regioпal Service Ceпter, Maпila 5:6 Edward Seaga" 10:9 Iпterпatioпal Court of Justice 4:18 Johпsoп, Lупdоп Baiпes 5: 19; 6:28; 10:43; Iпterпatioпal Defeпce апd Aid Fuпd 11:9,25; 12:11 PuЬ/ications 8:7 Joiпt Chiefs Qf Staff 4:34; 9; 18 Iпterпatioпal Federatioп of Petroleum апd Joiпt U.S. Military Group (Spaiп) 4:13 Chemical Workers 7:26 Joпathaп Fouпdatioп 10:37 Iпterпatioпal Iпformatioп· Ceпter оп J опеs, Bill 5: 15 lmperialism ащl the ~pitalist State 5:10 J J опеs, Jim (photo) 10:21 Iпterпatioпal Orgaпizatioп Labor 2:23 Joпestowп rnassacre (Guyaпa) 9:24; Iпterпatioпal Loпgshoremeп's апd J. Walter Thompsoп (соmрапу) 1:21 10:18,20-21,24 Warehousemeп's Uпiоп 12:.-З Jacksoп, Непrу М. 3:6 7:26; 10:37 Jordaп 7:2,30; 11:44 Iпterпatioпal Moпetary Fuпd 1:20; Jacksoп (Miss.) 10:58; 12:45 Jordaп, Doпald 1 :22 10:4,8,IS-16,18,20-23,25 Jacobs, lап 10:58 Jorgeпseп, Aпker 5: Ю,14 /nternational News Bulletin 11:16 Jacobs, W. Richard 10:58 Joseph Z. Taylor & Associates 1:2 i Iпterпatioпal Orgaпizatioп of Jourпalists 7:7 J"!agaп, Cheddi 9:24; 10:4,19 · Josephs, Keith 10:40 Iпterпatioпa! \>еасе Research lristitute (Norway)~amaica 3:22; 4:36; 5:16-18; 6:5,11; 7:13,15-16; 5:23; 12:46 . 8:22;10:4-5,27,35,39,58,60; 11:4,27-28; 12:7 Journa/ о/ Negro Нistory 4:25 Iпterпatioпal Police Academy 10:20; 12: 14 Agee visit, 1976 1:20; "The CIA апd the J uпior Doctors Associatioп 1О:11 Iпterпatioпal Police Services, Iпс. (INPOLSE) Media: !АРА aild the Jamaica Daily G/eaner" 10:20,23 (Laп~is) 7:10-12; "The ~uЬап ~mbassador to Jama1ca: А Case Study ш Media Iпterпatioпal Rescue Committee 12:30 Maпipulatioп апd Destabilizatioп" (Ray) 7:4- Iпterпatioпal Telephoпe & Telegra·pь 1:21; 3:19; 7; Eveпtide fire 10:27; "Н. Charles Johпsoп, 7:11-12; 9:17; 11:40; 12:6,29 Guпruппiпg апd Edward Seaga" 10;9; Iпterпцtioпal Trade Secretariat 2:22 "Jamaica" (edit.) 10:2-3; 11:2; "Jamaica Expose C;iuses Commotioп" (ediЦ 2:24; Iпterпatioпal Tribuпal Agaiпst lmperialism 2:3 "Massive DestaЬilizatioп iп Jamaica" Iпterпatioпal Uпiversity Exchaпge Fuпd 9:25 · (Ray/Schaap) 10:7-17; "'Researc!iiпg Iпterпatioпalt Forum 5: 13 Coпsumers': The Market for DestaЬilizatioп" (Wolf) 1:15-22; "Seaga's Sleight of Напd Trips lnvisiЬ/e Government, The (Wise/Ross) 11:31 Up Jack Aпdersoп" (Morales) 7:8-9; "Spy Iпterpress (Prague) 7:34 Cameras iп Jamaica" 9:23. IпterPress Service 11 :30 Jamaica Broadcastiпg Corp. 9:23 Iraп 1:4-5; 3:7; 6:6,13,17,29; 7:13-15,27; Jamaica Chamber of Commerce 7:6 8:8,11,22,28; 9:2,8,36; 10:38; 11 :9;14; 12:36,44 Jamaica Couпcil for Humaп Rights 1:20 Countercoup reviewed 7:28-31 Jamaica Daily Gleaner Iraп hostage crisis 7:3,28; 9:26-27; 12:38-39 KCIA l l:I0-12 see Daily G/eaner Agee 8:4; СА/В refuses to пате пames "The KCIA" (Turbyfill) 11:14-15 Jamaica Daily News 1:6; 10:11,13-15,17 8:12,14-15 KGB 1:5-6; 3:4-6; 4:3-4; 7:8-9,13-14,16; Jamaica Defeпce Force 10:7-8,16 lraпiaп immigraпts 9:26 8:9,14,21; 10:3,36-38,42·44; Н:20,24,31; Jamaica Freedom League (U.S.) 10:12,16 Iraпiaп Oil Coпsortium 7:31 12:36.39-40 . Jamaica Ноте Guard 10:17 Iraпiaп Press Office 10:37 Каhп, David 9:22 lraq 2:25; 5: 15; 7:30-31; 8:21; 11 :44 Jamaica House 9:23 Каhп, Hermaп 11 :30 Iraqi refugees 5: 15 Jaщaica Iпstitute of Maпagemeпt 10: 16 Kampelmaп, М. 10:43 Jamaica Labour Party 1:20; 7:4-8; 9:23; 10:7-15; Irelaпd 12:44-45 Kampsax (Daпish civil eпgiпeeriпg соmрапу) 11:2 5:10,14 Irish Revolutioп 11:4 Jamaica Maпufacturers Associatioп 7:6 Karnpuchea 5:6,8-9; 11:9,32; 12:12,25 Irish Special Braпch 12:44 Jamaica Star 10:13 "Chiпa Aid_iпg lпdoChiпese Rightists" 11 :29 lrish Тimes 7: 11 Jamaica Uпited Froпt 10:9 Karamessiпes, Thomas 12:36-37 Isle of Youth (Cuba) 7:27 Jamaicaп Commuпist Party 7:9 Karashok (Norway) 9:7 Israel 9:36; 10:37 Jamaicaп exiles 7:5; 10:12 Karis, Thomas 4:18 . CIA assessmeпt, пuclear capaЬility 6: 17; "MOSSЛD Traiцiпg iп U.S.?" 11:29; see a/so James, Mike 10:23 Kasteпmeier Subcommittee 12:45 AraЬ-lsraeli c.onflict; MOSSAD Jап Мауеп Isle (Norway) 9:8 Kataпga 10:37 Israeli Coпsulate Geпeral, New У ork 11 :29 Jaпowski, Paul 10:35 Kaufmaпп, Robert У. 8:24

14 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Keegan, George J., Jr. 11:31 Kotean Airlines 9:7 Latvia 9:18 Kelley, Paul Х. 8:23 Korean students 11:12 Launer. Larry9:ll-13 Kelly, Phil Korobow, Norman 9:19 Laurance. John Е. 9:.19 "Former Head of Ml-6 Commands Northern Копу. Ed 10:3_8 · Laurinburg EXl'hange 3:24 lreland Troops" 8:29 Koustovski. Michael 7:8 Law Union of Ontario 2:24 Kelman, Wally 10:20 Krippner, Stanley 9: 15 Lawreдce Hill & Со. 10:37; 12:43 Kelso, John М., Jr. 8:28 Kruggerand 11 :32 Lawreqce. Кеп 2:28 Kendall, Eustace V. 10:20,24 Krulak, Victor :Н. 7:12 "The Academic Subversive Today" 4:23-26; Kennedy, Edward 8:29; 12:35 Ku Klux Klan 11:4,8 article pic!.11. 9 ,,l-I \l~.~7/.:i.Z~3r:-",~9 :~Z

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 15 Lockheed Georgia Со. 9: 11 Macmillan (puЫisher) !0:58 McCree, Wade 12:7 .. Lockheed Missiles and Space Со. 9: 11 Mader. Juli11s 8:11.16; 10:21; 11:25 McCue, Patrick 5:12 Loginov, Yuri 7:8 Maechling, Charles. Jr. 11 :25-26 McDonald, Larry Р. 3:3; 7:9, 12; 12:32 London (England) 7:9,16-17; 10:36,39-40; 11:25 Maegli 12:20 McDonald's 10:21-22 London and Rhodesian Mining and Land Со. Mafia 6:9; 9:28; !0:35 McDonnell-Douglas of Canada, Ltd. 9:25 7:25 Magsaysay, Ramon 11:31 McGann, Roy 10:10-11 Long Beach (Calif.) 9: 12 Maheu. Robert 1:21 McGarry, Daniel 9:25 Loran С radio-navigation system 9:4 mail surveillance 9:23; 11 :21 McGovern, George 12:35 Los Altos (Calif.) 9: 16 "Mail Surveillance" ( Lawrence) 12:48,44-45 McGraw-Hill 7:28 Los Angeles (Calif.) 9: 11 "Mail Surveillance Evidence" 12:45; see also McHale, Thomas Р. 7:12,14 Los Angeles County Тах Office 9: 11 this subheading under FBI McHugh, Patrick 5:12 Los Angeles Тimes 3:7; 7: 11; 8:26; 9;2 МсКау, Rex !0:20-21 Maimonides Hospital 9: 15 Losznov, George 9:20 McKean, Hugh F. 8:27-28 Maish, Kemba Lopez Estrada, Armando McLean (Уа.) 9:15 "CIA Recr11itment for Africa: The Case of "Throwing а Case: The Trial of Armando Howard University. Washington, D.C." McLendon, Gordon В. 11:27 Lopez Estrada" (Schaap) 1:8-14 (interview) 4: 14-17 McWhirter, Norris 7: 15 Lopez Portillo, J ose 12: 12 Majano, Adolfo 12:5-6,9 McWhirter, Ross 7:15 Louisiana.6:30 Mala wi 4: 19-20 Meade, Stephen 7:29 Lovestone, Jay 2:22; 11 :31; 12:30 Malaya 7: 14; 8:23 Meany, George 2:22-23 Lovett, Ralph В. 11 :28 Malayan "Emergency" 8:29 Mechanics Research, lnc. 9: 11,14 Lowinger. Paul Malaysia 2:25; 5:5; 9:28 media 10:30,43-44,58; 11 :4 "Further Information Sought on Mind Drug Testing" (letter) 9:21 Mallin, Jay 10:58 "AIFLD Moves into Newspaper Guild" 5:23; Mandela, Nelson 8:7 "Accuracy in Media?" 12:46; "The CIA and the Lubango (Angola) 12:26 Media: \АРА and the Jamaica Daily Gleaner" Manglapus. Ra11I 11:30 Lubow, Robert Е. 6:3; 7:9 (Landis) 7: 10-12; "lntelligence ldentities Mankind Research Fo11ndation 9:21 Lucas Garcia, Romeo 12:16-19,21 Protection Act" (edit.) 10:3-4; Intelligence Mankind Research Unlimited, lnc. Identities Protection Act а threat to press Luce, Clare Boothe 12:30 "Mind Control: The Story of Mankind freedom 8: 12, 18-20; "Newspaper Guild Finally L11go, Freddy 11:5-7 Research Unlimited, lnc." (Weberman) 9: 15-21 Rejects AIFLD, AID Support" 8:25; "Typical L11m11mba, Patrice 8:21-22 Manley, Michael 1:20; 2:24; 5:18; 7:4-10,12,15; U.S. Media Coverage of EI Salvador" 12: 11; use of journalists as CIA agents 9:3; see also Lundahl, Frederick Воусе 12:24-26 10:4,7-8,10-17; 11:2; 12:41 Lundahl, Karen 12:24 news agencies; CIA media manipulation; CIA Manley, Norman Washington 1:20 media relations Lyle Siuart, lnc. 2:14-15; 8:6 Мао Tse-tung 7:31 media manipulation Lynch, Grayston 1:8,11-13 Marchetti. Victor 7:2,18-20; 8:4,6; 9:5; 11:25 see disinformalion; .С/А media manipulalion Marcos, Ferdinand 11 :30; 12:7 Medical Committee for Human Rights 9:21 Marcus, Arthur 9: 19 medical s11pplies 10:47 Marksman, Samori medium wave transmission 10:32 "The Caribbean: An Overview" !0:4-6 Medrano, Jose Alberto "Chele" 12:5-6,14 Maria Moors Cabot Award 7:!0,12 Meese, Edwin 111 12:33 marijuana smuggling 5:20 Mein Kampf(Hitler) 11:7 see also ganga smuggling Melin, Hans 5: 15 Marion, Betty 11: 11 Mellon family 7: 14 Marks, John 1:7,21; 2:13; 3:6; 7:2,18-20; 8:6,9, memory 9:16 12,17; 9:21; 12:25 Memphis (Tenn.) 10:9 Marshall Plan 12:28 Mendoza, Oscar 12:20 Marshall, Ray 11 :31 Menendez, Enrique Campos 7: 12 Martinez (Cuban diplomat) 7: 17 Menges, Constantine С. 11 :30 Maryland 3:24 Mentore, James !0:24-25 Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology 9:9 Menwith Hill (U.K.) 11:40 Center for lnternational Studies 4: 19-21, 25 Мео people (Laos) massacres 7:2; 10:27,36; 11:12-13,15; 12:25-27 see Hmong people (Laos) Massinga, Jose 12:24 м М ERC: American Soldiers of Fortune Matthews, Patrick 5: 12 ( Mallin/ Brown) 10:58 MBFR (M11t11al and Balanced Force Red11ction) Matola raid (Mozambique) 12:25-27 mercenaries 6:8; IO:l 1,41,58; 12:19,27 6:22 Mau-Mau 10:30 "CIA in Zimbabwe" (Ferreira/ Bloch) 8:26-27; MERIP Reporls 3:22; 11:44 Maury, Jack 3:6 "Mass Transfer of Hmong People to MI-6 (British intelligence) 5:5; 7:28-31; 8:17; 9:6; Caribbean Proposed" 9:24 Махеу, Е. Stanton 9:19 10:13,36 Merchanls of Grain (Morgan) 8:9 Мауо Clinic 9: 19 '"flections' in Dominica: RCMP, М\-6, CIA Mercurio, El 7:7,I0-12,34; !0:7-8,13,17,39,42 Manip11lation?" 10:33-34; "Former Head of Mayorga, Roman 12:6 Merrick, Robert 12:20-21 М\-6 Commands Northern lreland Troops" Mazrui, Ali 4:21-23 ( Kelly) 8:29 Mazzoli, Romano L. 8:12,14-15,17 Methven, Stuart 7:26 MIGs 9:7; 11:17 McBeth, John !0:9-10 Mexico 6:6; 7:5,11,16; !0:58; 11:7,19; 12:!0,13,23 MOSSAD (lsraeli intelligence) 7:29-31; !0:36,43 McCarthy, John J. 9:11-13 "Bulletin Responds to Mexican Article" 3: 19- "MOSSAD Training in U.S.?" 11:29 20; CIA assessment 6: 17; "The 'Southwest McCarthy, Joseph 10:44; 12:32 Hostile Intelligence Threat' or: How Many MPLA (Angola) 4:18, 20,22,27; 7:27,36; 10:8; McCarthyism Countries Border on Texas?" 6:30 11 :20; 12:4,47 "The Subcommittee on Security and Mexico City 7:22; 12:38 МХ missile 9:23 Terrorism" ( Ratner) 12:32-34 Meyer, Cord, Jr. 2:22; 5:22; 10:3,40 MacBride, Sean 9:25 McClean, Norman 10:20,23,25 Meyer, Hans Oslo 9:5 Machado dictatorship 7: 11 McClellan, Andrew 2:22 Miami (Fla.) 1:8-14; 6:8-9; 7:5; 9:17,28; 10:12- Machel, Samora 12:24,26 McClory, Robert 3:6; 6:6; 8:11,14-17 13,16,31,34-35; 11:28; 12:12,20,22 MacKenzie, McCheyne, lnc. 12:19,21 McCone, John 2:24 Miami Herald 1:8-11,14; 7:5,7,9,12,24; !0:15; Maclean, Donald 8:29, 12:39 МсСоу, Alfred 9:24 12:17

16 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 1:14 Miami M!-...·s Morlaпd, Howard 11 :23 NCLC: Brmmshirts b.flhe Seveпties 2:10 Michigaп Coalitioп to Епd Goverпment Spyiпg Moro, Aldo 4:4,6,8 NORSAR (Norwegiaп Seismic Array) 9:8-9 2:10 Morocco 6: 17; 9:28 NRO Michigaп Departmeпt of Meпtal Health 9:21 Moscow (U.S.S.R.) see Natioпal Recoппaissaпi:e Office Michigaп Neighborhood Legal Services 9:21 Agee trip 7: 17 Nader, Ralph 1:16; 11:42 microbarograph 9:7 Mosley, Leoпard 7:30 Nagaпuma laпguage school (Jарап) 2:4,9 microforms 7:23 Moss, Robert 3:6; 7:4-5,7; 9:26; 10:4; 12:36- Nagasaki (Jарап) 8:24 microwave iпterceptioп 37,39,46 Nairп, Alleп see electroпic surveillance "Robert Moss"(Weir/Щoch) 7:13-15; "Robert "Reagaп Admiпistratioп Liпks with Moss, Arпaud de Borchgrave, апd Right-Wiпg Middendorf, J. William 11 12:33 Guatemala's Terrorist Goverпmeпt" 12:16-21 Disiпformatioп" (Laпdis) 10:37-44; "Robert NairoЬi (Кепуа) 12:25 Middle Class Association 7: 15 Moss' Obsessioп" 7:16-17; "'The Spike': Middle East Thiпly Disguised Fiction" 10:3.6 NamiЬia 4: 18.20,25-26; 8:22; 9:25; 10: 16; 12:4,23,26 CIA assessment 6:16 Mossadegh, Mohammed ?:28; 8:13,22 Namsos (Norway) 9:5 Middle East Research and Iпformation Project Mother Jones 2:24; 7:34; 12:32,34,43 пapalm 10:43; 11: 18 (MERIP) 3:22; 11:44 Mouпtaiп View (Calif.) 9: 16 Nation, The 12:36 Milan (ltaly) 10:43 Movemeпt of Noп-Aligпed Couпtries 2: 18; 1О:17 military aid 12:12-13 Moyers, Bill 1:8 Nation Revieи· 3:20 Natioпal Associatioп of Agricultural, Military Audit Project 9: 10-11 Моуnфап, Daпiel Patrick 8:2,9,18; 9:3; 11:31 Commercial & lпdustrial Employees 10:23 Military Audit Project v. Turner 9: 14 Mozambicaп Airways 12:26 Natioпal Associatioп for Freedom 7: 15; 10:40 Mi/itar_v lntelligence and /n.formation Exp/osion Mozambique 4:19; 8:26; 11:16•17,20; 12:4 Natioпa·I Associatioп of Evaпge\icals 9:24 ( Agrell) 7:34 "MozamЬique Smashes Spy Network" (Ray) Nati пal Millet, Charlotte 5: 14 12:24-27; "South Africaп Raid" 12:27 0 Caucus of Labor Committees 2:10; 3:10 Miller, Representative 7: 12 MozamЬique Aero-Club ·12:26 Natioпal Commercial Priпters, Ltd. 4:24 Miller, Russel F. 5:13"14 MozamЬique Iпformatioп Аgепсу (AIM) 12:24-25 Natioпal Committee to Restore Iпterпal Miller, William 10:43; 12:36 Security 12:33 Milwaukee Journal 11: 13 Mudge, Dirk 12:26 Natioпal Couпcil of Churches 9:3,24 miпd control Mugabe, Robert 12:24 Natioпal Coпservative Political Actioп "CIA Involvement in Бiological Warfare and Mulleп, Jап 8:.36 Committee Mind Contro!" 9:27; "further Information multiпatioпal corpo:ratioпs 5: 10, 14; 10:6; 11 :30 "Mail Surveillaпce Evideпce" 12:45 Testiпg" Sought on Mind Drug (Lowinger) "Bechtel Corporatioп Exposed" 2:24-25 9:21; "Mind Control: The Story of Mankind Natioпal Ed.ucatioп Associatioп 12: 18 Multinational Monitor 10: 16 Research Unliщited, Inc." (Weberman) 9: 15- Na1ional Enquirer 10:44 M.uпiz Varela, Carlos 11: 15 21; "Postscript: Mind Control" 11:23 Nati(lп11l Federatioп of Buildiпg Trades Muпoz Villacorte, Alberto 12:14 Employers 7: 15 Mirror (Guyana) 10:23,60 Muпroe, Trevor 4:36; 7:8-9 missiles 9:7 ,23 Natioпal Federatioп of the Self-Employed 7: 15 М urdoch, Robert ·8:4 Natioпal lпstitute for RehaЬilitatioп Mistral (соmрапу) 7:14 Murmaпsk (Norway) 9:6-7 Eпgiпeeriпg 9: 15 Mitchell, John 10:41; 12:29 Murphy Commissioп 12:29 Natioпal lntelligeпce Act 19808:10 Mitrioпe, Dап 8:16 Мшрhу, Robert D. 12:29 Natioпal lntelligence Study Ceпter 3:5; 8:28; Mitsui (cgmpaпy) 11:30 Muskie, Edmuпd 11:3,31 12:29-30 Mobutu Sc;se Seke 7:26 Mutual of Omaha 5:20 Natioпal Iпterпal Defeпse Coordiпatioп Ceпter Moffett, Anthony ТоЬу 7: 12 3:18 Muzorewa; Abel 8:26 Moffett, William Adger 111 10: 16 National Journal, The 7: 18 Му Lai massacre 7:2; 10:27,36 Moffitt, Michael 2:28 Natic;>nal Lawyers Guild 3:3; 5:2 Moffitt, Ronnie Karpen 1:11,22; 6:9; 10:42; 11:4- Puerto Rico Legal Project 10:58; Task Force 5,7-8,27,32; 12:38,43 оп Couпteriпtelligeпce 2:28 Mogotes (El Salvador) 12:14 National Liberation Froпt (Vietпam) 5:10; 11:30 Moleahy (American iп Denmark) 5:12 Natioпal Liberatioп Movemeпt (Guatemala) "moles" 3:4-5; 8:29; 10:44; 12:36,39-40 12:19 "'The Spike': Thinly Disguised Fictioп" 10:36 Natioпal Press Club 7:8; 11 :27 Moliпa, Miltoп 12:18 Natioпal Recoппaissaпce Executive Comфittee 6:24 Mollyпeaux, Arпold 10:23-24 Natioпal Recoпnaissaпce Office 9:22; 11:41-42 Molteпo, Robert 4:23,25 National Re\•ieи· 10:38,40-41; 12:30 "The CIA апd Studies оп ·Guerrilla Warfate iп Southerп Africa" 4: 18-23 Natioпal Security Act (Guyaпa) 10:23 Natioпal Security Act 1947 7:21 Moпdale, Walter 11:36; 12:36 National Security Agency 1:4; 4:3,13; 7:22; Moпgoose Gaпg (Greпada) 10:26; 11:21 8:9,13,19,25,27; 9:5-6,8-9,14,18; 11:24,26; Мопrое Doctriпe 10:5 12:37,46 Moпtagпards 5:7; 8:28 N Agee's FOIA suit 8:6; "Big Brother 1980: The NAACP (Natioпal Associatioп for the МопtаlЬап, Hector 12: 17 Natioпal Security Аgепсу, the Biggest Advaпcemeпt of Colored People) 12:33 Мопtапа 9:24 Eavesdropper of Them All" (Klepper) 11 :35- NACLA {Nqrth Americaп Coпgress оп Latiп 43; budget/number of employees 4:34; Moпtevideo (Uruguay) 7:22 America) !0:60; 12:32-34 Iпterageпcy group оп Nicaragua 6: 10; "Some 10:5 Montserrat NACLA Reporl оп the Americas 1:24; 10:60; Raпdom Notes on the Natioпal Security Mooпies 10:21 12:32,43 Аgепсу" 9:22,27: "US-Chiпa lпtelligeпce • Col\aboration" 11:34 Moral Majority 12:16,32,:!5 NADGE (NATO A:ir Defen'Se·G.rouп\f Moral Rearmameпt 7:23 Enviroпmeпt) 9:7 Natioпal Security Couпcil 2:12; 6:5,10-11,24; 7:7-9,26; 9:10; 10:13,17,36.44; 11:10,34,38; NASA (Natioпal Aeroпautics апd Space Morales, Cecilio, Jr. 12:9, 14,17 ,26,35,39 Admiпistratioп) 12:31 "Seaga's Sleight of Напd Trips Up Jack Natioпal Strategy lпformatioп Ceпter 7: 14; NATO (North Atlaпtic Treaty Orgaпizatioп) Andersoп" 7:8-9 10:39-40,42; 12:29,33 More7:ll; 10:40 4:3,6; 5; 13; 8:24,29; 9:4-7 ,9; 10:27 ,41; 11:! 8-1. 9; 12:46 Natioпal Studeпt Associatioп 5:23; 7:24" Morgaп, Пап 8:9 NBC (Natioпal Broadcastiпg Соmрапу) 6:2; Natioпal Uпiоп ·of Seameп 7: 15 MorgenЬ/adet 9:5 8:19 Natioпalist Chiпese 9:28; 1О:16

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction Index 17 nationalization 10:20 Nev.·sv.·eek 1:21; 2:12; 6:5; 7:7,25; 8:12,28; 10:36- nuclear weapons 9:4,36 "natural" cover 10:49-50 37,42; 11:11 Nunn. Sam 7:26 Naval War College 11:28 Ngo Dinh Diem 5:5; 8:21-22; 9:17; 11:10 Nuremberg trials 1:7 Nazi Abwehr 10:38 Ngo Dinh Nhu 8:21 Ny Тid9:4-5 Nazi Germany 11:14 Nguyen Huu Tho 5:10 Nykyforchyn, William 9:25 Nazi occupation of Norway 9:5 Nguyen Ngoc Phach 5:5 Nazis 9:18 Nguyen Van Ве 5:5 Nebel, Long J ohn 9: 17 Nguyen Van Thieu 5:4,8 "need to know" principle 10:53 --Nicaragua 3:7; 6:13,29; 8:22; 10:4,6,14,16,27,34- Negrin, Eulalio J. 11:5 35,3.6-38,42; IJ:9; 12:9-10,18,23 Nehru, Jawaharlal 11: 16 "The CIA's Blueprint for Nicaragua"(Agee) -{ 6: 10-12.; "The Soviet Troop Crisis, or How the Neish, Robert 10:8 U.S. Planned to Put Troops in the Caribbean" neo-fascism 11 :4 (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7; CIA assessment 1975 6:7 Netherlands, The 3:9; 7:13; 8:4; 9:24; 10:18 -· Nicaraguan exiles 11:4 Neto, Agostinho 7:25 =--- Nicaraguan Government· lnformation Service Neto, J ulio de Mesquita 7, 11 12:19 Neutrality Act 1:9-11 --Nicaraguan Naticinal Guard 12:13 Nevis 10:5 Nicholson. John 8:26-27 Nev.· A.frican 8:27 Nieta, Clifton 7:5 New Democ.ratic Party (RepuЫic of Korea) Nigeria 2:25; 12:25,27 11:11-12 Nigerian immigrants 9:26 о New England Oyster House 1:10 Nixon, Richard Milhous 5:10; 7:10,14,JI; 8:26- OAS (Organization of A,merican States) 1: 11; 6:5-6; 10: 14; 12:33 Nev.· Gnomes: Multinational Banks in the Third 27; 9:10,13; 10:15,39,43-44; 11:9,29; World, The (Wachtel) 1:24 12:29-30,36-38 . Inter-American Реасе Force 6: 11 New Jersey 6:8-9; 11 :5 Nkomo, Joshua 4:25 OAU (Organization of African Unity) 7:36; 8:26 New Jewel Movement (Grenada) 10:6, 31 Nkrumah, Kwame 4:17 ОК (East Asiatic Company) 5:10,14 New Left 12:24 NkumЪi International College 4: 19 ОРЕС (Qrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 6:14,17; 7:4 Nev.· Nation 10:;23 Non-Aligned Movement 2:18; 10:17 ORDEN (EI Salvador) 12:5,6,8,'14 New Orleans (La.) 10:9 Non-Aligned Nations Conference (Sixth Summit) 6:5"6,9; 8:6; 12:10· OSS (Office of Strategic Services) 7:30; 8:28; New Park PuЫications 12:43 Nrodberg Engines 9: 11 9: 17; 10:39; -11 :44; 12:28,31,39 New Right 6:28; 12:16 Norfolk (Va.) 1:22 OTRAG 10:34 "Accuracy in Media?" 12:46; "Mail North American Coalition for Human Rights in Obeah 11:21 Surveillance Evidence" 12:45; "The New cRight Oberdorfer, Louis 6:27 in Power" (edit.) 12:2-4; "-Robert Moss, · Korea Update 11: 15 · Arnaud de Borchgrave, and Righ.t-Wing North American Congress оп Latin America Obote, Milton 4:22 Disinformation" (Landis) 10:37-44; "Spies and see NACLA oceans 9:8 the Reagan Viatory" (Landis) 12:35-40; "The North Саре (Norway) 9:8 Oceans 77 Conference 9: 11 Subcommittee on Security ащ! Terrorism" O'Connor, Sheila 3:3 (Ratner) 12:32-34; see a/so Moss, Robert North Carolina October 22 Movement Nev.· Statesma;, 11:40; 12:44 "AID Stщlies Carolina Town" 3:24; "Harvey Point ClA Base Exposed" 1:22 "Spies and the Reagan Victory" (Landis) Nev.· Тimes 11 :5-6 North Koreans 11:6 12:35-40 . Nev.· York 6:9; 9:16; 10:44 North Pole 9:8 O'Donnell, Edward 1:11-12 New У ork Bar 12:28 Northern lreland 7: 14; 10:40; 11 :25; 12:44 O'Farrell, Patrick 7:26 New York City 6:3; 10:9,25 "Former Head of Ml-6 Commands Northern Office of PuЫic Safety 6:32; 10:20 CIA proprietary in 2:9 lreland Troops" ( Kelly) 8:29; "Note Regarding Ohio 10:21 New York Institute on Federal Taxation 12:28 the l.R.A." 8:25 · oil politics 11 :44 Nev.· York Pos/ 8:4-5 Northern Neighbors 12:47 oil resources 5:6-7; 6:30; 7:27,30-31; 12:23 New У ork State 6:8; 10:20 Northwestern University 8~19 CIA, assessment 6: 17 Nev.· York Тimes 1: 16,21; 3:7-8; 4:23-24.27-28; Norway 5:23 oil sea routes 8:24 5:20; 7:7,11-12,18,21-22,27,29; 8:5,11,21,23; "The Norwegian Connection: Norway 9:3,8,10,14,17,22; 10:3,36-38,40,43; 11:4-5,8- Oilfield Workers' Trade Union of Trinidad and (Un)willing Spy for the U.S.".(Samia)'9:4-9; Tobago 10:58 9,12,23,35; 12:8-9,11 Official Secrets Prosecution in Norway" 12:46 Okhrana (Tsarist Police) 12:43 CIA use of reported 7:24; "Typical U.S. Media Norwegian Defense Ministry 9:5 Coverage of EI Salvador" 12: 11 Okinawa 9:6 Norwegian military intelligence 9:6 Nev.· York Тimes Nev.·s Service 10:37 Oklahoma 6:30 Norwegian Secret Service 9:4-5 New York University 9:9,20 Oldfield, Maurice Norwegian Security Service 9:5 New Zealand 12:30 "Former Head of MI-6 Commands Northern Nosenko, Yuri 8:21; 11 :34 New Zealand lntelligence Service 8: 17 Ireland Troops" (Kelly) 8:29 Notarnicolf!, Р. 4:9 news agencies Ollivier, Ginger Lee 12:24 Noticias 12:26 budget/ personnel compared with CIA Ollivier, Louis L-eo.n, Jr. 12:24 propaganda outlay 7:20; CIA involvement Novak, Robert 6:2; 12:4 Olson, Frank 8:28 7: 10-11,23; I0:42; "Copley Role" 6:6; see also November 17 Revolutionary Organization Olympics 11 :31 (Greece) 8: 11 media Oman 8:29; 11:25 Novo Sampol, lgnacio 11:7-8 Nev.·s.from Guatemala 12:43 Omawale, Dr. 10:23-24 Novo Sampol, Guillermo 1:11; 6:9; 11:7 Nev.·sday 10: 14 Omega radio·navigation system 9:4,6 Noyes,4:>an 7:34 Nev.•tfront lnternational 12:43 Omega Seven 6:9; 11:5,8 Newsom, David D. 8:5 Nuclear Axis: Secret Collaboration Betv.·een West Germany and South A.frica, The Omkeet9:25 Newspaper Guild, The (Cervenka/ Rogers) 4:36 O'Neill, Michael J. 7:22 "AIFLD Moves into Newspaper Guild." 5:23; nuclear prolifer~tion 4:36 O'Neill, Paul, Jr. 8:26 "Newspaper Guild Finally Rejects AIFLD, AID Support" 8:25 CIA projection 6: 15, 17 O'Neill, Thomas "Tip" 7:26 newspapers nuclear submarines 7:23 Operation AJ АХ 7:28-31 see CIA media manipulation; disinforma­ nuclear tests-detection 9:7-8 Operation Brotherhood 5:6 tion; media; names of specific newspapers nuclear war 8:24; 9:2,8 Operation CHAOS 8:28; 9:25; 10:34; 12:3

18 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Operation MK-ULTRA 12:3 Рап у Agua 7:34 Perkiпs, Wilmot 10:9-11,13 "CIA Still After Head Hunters" 5:22; "CIA Panama6:7,10; 10::16; 12:11-13 Director Plays Semantics in Court'; 6:27; Perlik, Charles А., Jr. 5:23 CIA assessment 6: 17; see also Panama Canal records destroyed 2: 11; see also mind control; Perrone, Dominic А. 4:3-9 Рапаmа Сапаl !0:30; ~2:23,32 CIA use of chemicals; LSD · memoraпdum оп ltaliaп intelligeпce 4:6-9 Operation Mongoose 1:8 "Former Deputy Director апd Seпate Contact Persian ·Gulf 6: 17 Charged in Scheme to Defeat Сапаl Treaty" Operatlon Ove~flight (Powers) 8:22 6:28 Persico, Joseph 12:31 Operation Phoenix 5:4-5; 6:28; 8:22; 11:30; 12:7 Peru 9: 18 Рапаmа City 12:17 Operation Shamrock 9:22; 11:35,40 Paracel lslands dispute 5:8 CI А assessmeпt 6: 17 Operation TRIPARТITE 9:5 Parade Magazine Peruvian E'mbassy (Наvапа) 10:35 opium 9:24 "Parade Magaziпe Pulls Puпches" 5:22 Petruseпko, Vitaly 7:34 Orange Lane Fire (Jarnaica) 10:27 parapsychology 9: 16 Peshawar ( Pakistaп) 9:8 Oregon Magazine 8:36 Paris (Fгапсе) 8:16; 10:42 "Peter" (Yugoslavian Embassy employee) 2:4-10 Organization of Eastern Caribbean States parker, Jay 12:33 Peterson, Dale 11 :32 11:22-23 particle-beam weapoпs 11:31 Pham Van Dong 5: 10 Organizing Notes 1:24 pharmacies 6:9 origami 8:24 Partisaп Press 10:58 Pascal 12: 11 Phelps-Dodge (company) 12:6 Orlando (Fla.) 8:27-28 Passage, David 11:13 Pheromone 6:3 Ortiz, Frank 10:27,30 ( passports 8:13; 10:35; 11:26 Philadelphia Evening Bul/etin 10;3 Osorio, Агапо 12: 18 "The Agee Passport Case" (edit.) 11 :3 Philby, Kim 7:30; 3:29; 12:39 Oswald, Lee Нагvеу 3:4-5; 9: 18,22; 10:44; 1 t:34; \ 12:37-38 . Pastor, Robert 6:5; 7:8 Philippine Liberation Courier 11:28 Philippines 5:4; 9:6; 11:9,28,30 "David Atlee Phillips and Lee Harvey Oswald" Pasztor, li:ugeпe D. 9:16 ·11:27 Pasztor, Laszlo 9:18 CIA assessmeпt 6:17; Maпila CIA station 5:5- 6; Operation Brotherhood 5:6; Regional Otelo de Carvalho 11: 18-20 Patria у Libertad 1: 10; 11 :8 Service Сепtег 5:6; Social Christiaп Move.meпt О'Тооlе, George 12:43 Patersoп (N.J.) 9:15; 10-11 11:30 Oudes, Bruce 8:27 Patton, Boggs and Blow 12:16 Phillip, Strachaп 10:29,31 Oulahan.• Richard 12:8 Рах Forlag 9:5 Phillips, David Atlee 2: 11; 3:4; 8:5; 10:38; 11 :25- Outlet 10:32,60 Раупе, Lois 1():14 26; 12:36-38 Ovimbundu tribe (Angola) 7:27 Paz Romero, Virgilio РаЫо П :32 "David Atlee Phillips апd Lee Harvey Oswald" PeaceCorps 10:14; 11:9,13-14 11:27 реасе research 9:6,9 Phillips, Howard 12:16 реасе symbols Phoeпix Assuraпce 7: 15 "Japanese Реасе Syml:юl B1;:comes U.S. photometers 9:7 МiЩагу lntelligeпce Syrnbol" 8:24 physicians 10:47 Pearl Harbor 1:4-5; 10:39; 12:30 pigeons Pearle, Richard 3:6 "Pigeoп lпtelligence?" (Lаwгепсе) 7:3,9 Pearlmaп, Магk 12:7,9,14 Pike Committee 1:5; 3:7; 10:38; 11:32 Peasaпt-Workers Brigade 12:36 Pike, Otis 1:5 Pease, Don 12:21 CIA threat to his сагеег 1:6 Peck, Edward 7:14 Pilgrim, Ulric 10:23 PEN 7:23 Pine Gap (Australia) реп registers 11 :37 "Australian Conпectioп Expaпds" 3:20 р Penkovsky, Oleg 12:39 Pineiro Castineira, lsidoro 1:8-14 P.enkovsky Papers. The 11 :32 Piпochet, Augusto 1;14; 2:28; 10:8,11,27,30,40; PAIGC (Guinea-Bissau and Саре Verde) 11·:1; 12:12 11: 16-17 Pennsylvaпia 10: 19 Pensamiento Critico 10:58 Plan Z 10:39 PIDE (Portuguese Secret Police) 11:17,19; 12:47 Pe1:11agon Papers, The 5:5 . plants 9:17 PLO ( Palestine Liberation Organization) 7:31; 10:30 Penthouse 1: 10; 6:6; 7:11; 8:21-22 Plesetsk (U.S.S.R.) 9:7 PPD (Portugal) 11 :18-19 Peolosi, Walter 4:7,9 P!essey (соmрапу) 9:6 Pluto Press 7: 13 РХ privileges 10:51-52 People's Anti-War MoЬilizatioп 12:13 Pacific bases 9:6 People's Democracy(bo;ird game) 1.1:24 poisoп darts 8:22 Page Airways, lnc. 9:28 People's Natioпal Coпgress Party (Guyaпa) Pol Pot 5:8-9; 11 :29 10: 18,20,22-25 Potasek, Marcus С. 5: 12 Pahlavi, M~hammed Reza 3:7; 6: 17; 7:3,25, 28-29,31; 8:8,28; 10:16,36-38; 11:9,31; 12:38-39 People's Natioпal P.arty (Jamaica) 1:20; 7:5,8-9; .Polgar, Thomas 3:19; 7:12 Paine, Tom 8:19 9:23: 10:4,7-15; 11:2 police Paisley, John Arthur 11:34 People's Progressive Party{Guyaпa) 7:6; 10: 19- "Uпited States Assists South Africa iп 20, 22-23 Surveillaпce'' 6:32 "Was lt Really Paisley?" 3:24; "Paisley lnsurance Benefits Refused" 5:20 People's №и·s Ser.vice 5:23; 7: 13; 8:27; 9: 16 police brutality 10:23 People's Temple 10:19,21 Paisley, Maryann 3:24; 5:20; 11:34 Police Federation (Jamaica) 10:9-10 People's Translatioп Service 12:43 Pak Chung Нее 11:9-13 police spying 5:23 Реррег, Claude 1:10 Pakistan 9:8,36; 11 :44 Police Spying in Michigan 2: 10 Pepsi-Cola 7: 1О CIA intelligence target 6:20 police teгrorism 10:23-24 Perez, Roberto 1: 12 Pakistani immigrants 9:27 Police Threat to Political Liberty, The 5:23 Palestine 11:44 Periodical Retreat, А 7J4 police trainiпg 10:6,20; 11 :23 periodicals Palestine Solidarity Committee 11 :44 Police Staff College (U.K.) 11:23 Palestinian refugees 5: 15 see PuЫicatioпs of Interest-Periodicals police-industrial complex 12:43 Periodicals-By-Mail 7:34 . Palestinians 7:4; 10:30 Policy Revieи· 10:37,43; 12:39 Palme, Olaf 12:12 Periodistas del Тегсег Muпdo 8:7; 10:58 Polish workers 11 :32 Periplarioпe В 6:7 Рап Afric;щ Airlines 1:21 Political Есопоту of Нитап Rights, The Periscope 11 :26-27 (Chomsky/ Herman) 7:34 Рап Africanist Congress 4: 18; 9:25 Perjury: The Нiss-Charnbers Case (Weinstein) Politics of Heroin iп Southeast Asia, The Рап Americaп Congress of Journalists 7: 11 10:44 (МсСоу/ Adams) 9:24

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 19 Petrusenko, Vitaly, А Dangerous Game 7:34 Politics of Reptessioп iп the Uпited States. Тhе Psychological Warfare iп the Media: The Case (Ross/ Lawrence) 2:28 of Jamaica 10:58 Ross, Caroline, and Ken Lawrence, The Politics of Repression 2:28 popular movements 9:9 psychologists "CIA Still After Head Hunters" 5:22 Serge, Victor, What Everyoпe Should Кпоv.· ortrait of а Cold Warl'ior (Smith) 5:5 about State Repression 12:43 . psychopharmatQ\ogy 11 :23 P:ug~:l0-11; 7:26-27J6; 10:41-42; 11:24,30; Schmidt, Elizabeth, Decodiпg Corporate 12:25 psychophysics 9: 16 Camouflage: U.S. Busiпess Support for CIA target/ assessment 6: 16, 19; "Portugal: psychosurgery 9:21 Apartheid 11 :44 Revolut10n and Counter-Revolution (Talbot) PuЫic Broadcasting Service 12:33 Schmidt, George N., The Americaп Federatfoп 11:16-20; "SavimЬi and the Portugese PuЫic Citizen Litigation Group 12:45 of Teachers апd the С/А 2:28 Connection" (Talbot) 11:20 РиЫiс Еуе, The 2: 10 Survey of Educatioп/ Actioп Resources оп Portuguese ·Communist Party 11: 17-20 PuЫic L!iw 87-733 1:10 Multiпatioпal Corporatioпs. А. 8:7 Portuguese naval intelligence 10:41 PuЫicati1щs of lnterest-Books and Pa~p})lets Thomson, Don, and Rodney Larson, Where Portuguese Socialist Party 11: 19-20 Were Уои. Brother? Ап Account ofTrade America iп Asia 8:7 Unioп /mperialism 2:28 Posada, Luis 11 :5-6 American Friends Setvice Co.mmittee, The U.S. Оиt of El Salvador 12:43 Possony, Stefan Т. 4:24; 9:17-18 Police Threat 10 Po/i/ical Liberty 5:23 Vietnam Trial Support Committee, Civil postal workers 7:15 Agrell, Wilhelm, Military lпtelligeпce апd the Liberties: А Ne ....· War Casualty 7:34 postage meters 4:25 lпforrnatioп Explosioп 7:34 Wachtel, Howard М., The Ne .... · Gпomes 1:24 Postal, Telephone and Telegraph International Ball, Desmond, А SuitaЫe Piece of Real Union 10:12 Estate 12:42 Western Massachusetts Association of Concerned African Scholars, U.S. Military Blatny, Milan К., The Proclaimers of False Potholm, Christian Р. 4:22-23 Jnvolvemeпt iп Southern Africa 4:36 Liberty 2:28 Powder Springs (Ga.) 12:19 Wheaton, Philip, Agrariaп Reform iп Cl)E Haпdbook оп U.S. Вапk Loaпs to South Powers, Francis Gary 8:2.0,22; 9:8,36; 11:32 Ё/ Sa/vador: А Program of Rural Africa 2:28,10 Powers, Robert С. 8:23 Pacificatioп 12:43 С/А апd the Media, The 7:34 Prague (Czechoslovakia) 10:41 Wilkes, Owen, and Nils Petter Gleditsch, CISPES, Jпformatioп Packet 12:43 Prats, Carlos 10:10 11:5,32; 12:38 lntelligeпce /nsta/latioпs iп Nor .... ·ay 5:23 Cervenka, Zdenek and Barbara .Rogers, Тhе Prats, Cora 11:32 Without а Trace 10:58 Nuclear Axis 4:36 Pravda 4:27 PuЫications of lnterest-Periodicals Chomsky, Noam and Edward Herщan, The Alternative Press /пdех 12:43 pre-emptive strike 9:8 Political Есопоту of Нитап Rights 7:34 Asia Monitor 8:7 Prensa Latina 7: 11 Dissent Paper оп Е/ Salvador and Central Prentice-Hall (company) 12:28 America 12:43 Caribbeaп Contact 10:60 President's Advisory Council on Executive Donner, ·Frank J., The Age of Surveillaпce Caribbeaп Perspective 11 :44 Reorganization 9: 13 11:44 Community Action оп Latin America (CALA) President's Board of Consultants on Foreig11 El Salvador 12:43 Neи:s/etter 12:43 Intelligence Activities 12:29-30 · Eveland, Wilbur Crane, Ropes ofSand 11 :44 Dimeпsioп 3:22 Press Association of Jamaica 7:7; 10:15,58,60 Freed, Donald and Fred Landis, Death in EI Salvador 12:43 News 10:60 Washiпgton 12:43 El Salvador Alert 12:43 Price, Clarence 10:23 From Qfficial Files: Abstracts of Documents First Princip/es 1:24 Prime Time Su!Jday (TV program) 6:2 iп Natioпaf Security апd Civil Liberties Focus 8:7 AvailaЫe From the <;:enter for Natioпal Prina, Edgar 6:6 Ftee West Jпdian 10:60 Security Studies Library 7:34 Princeton, N .J. 9: 17 Freedom (YULIMO) 10:60 Priпcip/es of Deep Cover, The.(Edbrook) Oervasi, Sеац, The United States апd the Gombay 10:60 Arms Embargo Against South Africa 4:36 10:4,45-54 Granma Weekly Revie .... · 10:60 Graymail Legislatioп 8:7 Priпciples of Electroпic IVarfare 12:47 /taly апd US 8:7 prisoner of war 12:32 Harger, Richard, The Scourge of Secrecy 10:58 Latin Americtin Ne .... ·sletters 10:60 /трасt ofthe Freedom of lnformation Act Privacy Act 8:7 Lateiпamerika Nachrichteп 2: 10; 12:43 апd the Privacy Act оп /ntelligeпce Activities private police 12:43 8:7 М ERI Р Reports 3:22; 11 :44 Private Sector Organization 7:6 lnternational Defence and· Aid Fund Mirror 10:60 Private Sector: Rent-A-Cops. Private Spies апd PuЬlicatioпs 8:7 ' NACLA Reporl оп the Americas 1:24; 10:60 the Police-Iпdustrial Cornplex. Тhе (О'Тооlе) Ne ....·sfrom Guatemala 12:43 12:43 .Jacobs, W. Richard, and Ian Jacobs, Grenada Ne .... ·sfroпt lпternational 12:43 Probe, Inc. 4:23 10:58 Proclaimers of False Liberty: .Who is Who at Klare, Michael Т. Supplyiпg Repression 1:24 Orgaпizing Notes 1:24 Radio Free Europe апd Radio Liberty (Blatny) Kohen, Arnold, and John Taylor, Ап Act of Outlet 10:60 2:28 Geпocide 7:34 Palestiпe 11 :44 Proctor, Edward William 5:22; 9;27 Landis, Fted, Psychological Warfare апd Рап у Agua 7:34 Program Branch 7 (CIA) 8:22 Media Operatioпs iп Chile 7:34 Pe.nsamiento Critico 10:58 Progfessive, The 8:20; 11:23; 12:43 Landis, Fred, Psychologica/ Warfare .iп the Peoples Ne ....·s Service 5:23 Media: The Case of Jamaica 10:58 Project HT-LINGUAL 12:45 Police Spyiпg iп Michigaп 2: 1О Lemarcband, Rene, Americaп Policy in Press Association of Jamaica Ne ....·s 10:60 Project Jennifer Soцthern Africa 4:36 "The Unanswered Questions to the Olomar Lete!ier, lsabel, and Michael Moffitt, Нитап РиЬ/iс Еуе. The 2:10 Explorer" 9: 10-14 Rights, Есопотiс Aid and Pr.ivate Baпks Puerto Ricaп Journal of Нитап Rights 10:58 Project MK-NAOMI 8:28 2:28 Puerto Rico Libre 10:58 Project MK-ULTRA 9:21,27; 10:21 Lettersfrom South Korea 11:44 Race апd Class 4:36 Prosterman, Roy 11:30; 12:7-9 Цfschultz, Lawrence, Baпgladesh: The Southern Africa 5:23 Proxmire, William 12:29 Uпfinished Revolиtioп 7:34 Southern Africa Ne ....·s 2: 10 Mallin, Jay, and Robert К. Brown, М ERC Psychedelic Shack Club 10:9 Spotlight оп Spying 2: 10 10:58 psychic warfare State Research 1:24 Monroe, Trevor, The Workers Party 4:36 "Mind Control: The Story of Mankind Struggle 3:22; 10:58 Research Unlimited, Inc."(Weberman) 9:15-21 NCLC2:10 Tapol 3:22 Psychic Science Temple of Metaphysics 9:17 Nationa'l Lawyets Guild, Task Force on Counterintelligence, Counteriпtelligeпce 2:28 Terceiro Мипdо 8:7 psychokinesis 9: 18 Noyes, Dan, Raisiпg Не/17:34 Tercer Mundo 8:7 Psycho/ogical Warfare апd Media Operatioпs iп Chile, 1970-1973 (Landis) 7:34; 10:37 О'Тооlе, George, The Private Sector 12:43 Thtiilaпd Update 12:43

20 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Third World8:7; 10:58 Rapid Development Task Force Rhodesian Light lnfantry 8:26 This is the Тiте 12:43 "Deploying for Rapid Deployment" 8:23-24 Rhodesian Special Branch 8:26 Vanguard 10:58 Raskin, Marc 1:22 Rhoodie, Eschel 4:24 РuеЫо (ship) 9:36 Rastafarians IO:IJ; 11:22 Ricardo, Hernan -11:5-7 Puerto Rican independence movement 7:4 Ratner, Margaret Richardson, Wil\iam Lou Puerto Rican Journal о_{ Нитап Rights 10:58 "The Subcomшittee on Security and "Former CIA Agent Admits Bombing in Puerto Rico 6:7; I0:5,16,60; 11:5 Terrorism" 12:32-34 Canada"9:25 Puerto Rico Libre 10:58 Ray, Ellen Ritch, Dawn IO:l 1,15 Puerto Rico Solidarity Committee I0:58 "CIA Station for Congress: Attacking the Roa Kouri, Raul 11 :5,8 Pulitzer Prize 10: 14 Bulletin" 3:3-8; "The Cuban Ambassador to Robert Mullen Company 1:21 Jamaica: А Case Study in Media Roberto, Holden 4:28; 7:25 Puna 7:36 Manipulation and Destabifization" 7:4•7; Dim· Purdue University 1: 16,20-21 Work 2 distributed in Havana 8:6; "Massive · Roberts, Cecil "Skip" I0:20,23 Pratt lnstitute 1:15-16 Destabilization in Jamaica" 10:7-17; Roberts, David R. S:28 "MozamЬique Smashes Spy Network; Expels Roberts, George 9:24 CIA Officers Who Aided in ANC Killings" RoЬinson, Claude 7:8 12:24-27; "The Soviet Troop Crisis: Or How the U.S. Planned to Put Troops in the Rockefeller Brothers Fund 4:26 Caribbean" 6:4-7; "Statement of СА/В Before Rockefeller Commission 8:36; 11 :32; 12:45 House Committee, Jan. 31, 1980" 8: 11-17; Rockefeller, David 7:10,31; 12:38 statement on MozaщЬique spy ring 12:25 Rockefeller Foundation 4:18,22 Reader s Digest 4:25; 9: 17 Rockland, Don Reagan election campaign, 1980 12:36 Rodney, Donald I0:25 Reagan lщшgural Committee 12:3J Rod-ney, Walter 10:4,18,20,24-25; 11:28 Reagan. 12:21 Rodriguez, Bethencourt 7:36; 12:47 Reagan, Ronald IО:3З,39,41; 11:3,32,34; 12:2- Rogers, Barbara 4:36; 8:7 4,9,11,16-18,20-21. 26-28, 30-31,33,39-40 Rolling Stone 7:21 "Spies and the Reagan V'ictory" (Landis) Roman, Dave 6:6; 7: 11 12:35-40 Romania 7:27; 9:18 Real War, The(Nixon} 12:37 CIA intelligence target 6:19 Reardon, Bill 5:7 Q Romero, General 12:5-6,14 reconnaissance satellites 6:6; 8: 15 Qu~n Doi Nhan Dan (People's Army ()aily, Romualdi, Serafino 2:22 V1etnam) 5:7 recruitment Roopnarine, R,upert I0:23-24 Queens (N. У.) 6:9 "MQSSAD Training irt U.S.'1" 11:29-; see also Roosevelt, Archibald 7:30-З 1 Queen's Park (Grenada) 10:26 CIA recruitment Recto, Claro М. 11:28 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 7:30 "Red Bob"(CIЛemployee) 1:11-13 Roosevelt, Theodore 7:31 Red Brigades (Brigate Rosse) 4:8-9 Ropes о_{ Sand: America s Failure in ihe Middle East (Eveland) 11:44 Red Flag Squadron 9:7 Rose, Gregory 8:4-6 red squads 1:7 Roseau (Dominica) 10:33 Red Weekly 9:27 Ross, Caroline 2:28 redbaiting I0:34 Ross Diaz, Alvin 1: 11; 11 :7-8 Redwood City (Calif.) 9: 12 Ross, Robert 3:6 Rees, John 3:3-4 Ross, Thomas В. 11 :31 Rees, S. Louise Rotberg, Robert 1. 4:20,22,25-26 see O'Connor, Sheila Rowan, Ford 8: 19-20 Referendum Act (Guyana) 10:20 Royal Bank of Canada 11 :30 Reischauer, Edwin О. 7:23 Royal Navy (U.K.) 11:22-23 Religious Task -Force for EI Salvador 12:43 Royal Ulster Consta\:iulary 8:29 repression R Ruby, Earl 9:22 "Spying on Your Allies" (Agee) 4:3-9; "Official RCA (Radio Corporation of America) 11:40 Ruby, Jack 9:22 RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted \>olice) 8: 17 Secrets Prosecution in Norway" 12:46; "The Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism" rum 10:5 "'Elections' in Dominica: RCMP, Ml-6, CIA (Ratner) 12:32-34 Russell, Arthur F. 12:24 Manipulation" 10:33-34 R-epression lnformation Project 2:!0 R ussell, Patricia 12:24 ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) 4:22-23 . RepubЬ!ica, La 4:3,5; 8: 14; 10:42; 12:41 Russia iп the Caribbean (Theberge) 10:42 radar 9:6-7 RepuЫican National Committee 12:29 Russians 10:30 Radio Antilles I0:3 I RepuЫican Party (U.S.) 9: 18; 12:29 Russomano, Silvano 4:7 Radio Fre_e Europe 2:28 research Rutgers University 9:9 Radio Hanoi 5:7 "'Researching Consumers': The Market for Ryan, Leo J. I0:20 DestaЬilization" (Wolf) 1: 15-21; "Researching Ryzl, Milan 9:19 Radio Liberty 2:28 Undercover CIA Officers" (Wolf) 2:11·14 Radio Moscow 1():32 Research Institute of America 12:28 Radio Nederland 10:32 Resor, Stanley R. 6:28 Radio Tehran 7:29 Retail Clerks lnternational Uniщ1 2:23 Radix, Kenrick 6:4 (photo) Return of the (:!А, The (TV specia·I) H:37- Ramparts 2:22; 5:23; 8:27; 9:8; 10:36 Reuters 7:20 Rampersaud, Arnold 10:20 Reuters-CANA 7:10 Ramsammy, Joshua I0:20; 11:21 revolutionaries l 2:4З- Rand Corporatioil 1:21; 9:9,15,17; 10:42 Reynolds, Nancy 12:21 Rand Development Corporation 9: 17 Rhodesia 10:38;. 11: 16; 12:24-25 Rand, H.J. 9:17 "CIA in Zimbabwe" (Ferreira/ Bloch) 8:26-27; Randaberg (Norway) 9:5 see also Zimbabwe Randolph, Virgil 111 I0:34 Rhodesian Information Office 8:.26

! Numbers 1-12 CovertAction Index 21 1 .J. ____ ·--- -- Sao Paulo (Brazil) 7:22 Secrets, Spies апd Scholars (Cline) 12:39 .· satellite surveillance 9:7-8; 11 :34 Securities and Exchange Commission 2:25; satellites 9:36 12:29 satire "S.E.C. and l.R.S. Knuckle Under to С\А s Pressures" 9:28 "The CIA Commemorative" (Lawrence) 11 :31- s 1 8:1О 32 Securities and Exchaпge Commissioп v. Page S 2216, see lntelligence \dentities Protection Act Airи·ays, /пс. 9:28 Saturday Night Massacre 10:39 (proposed) Security and Intelligence Fund 3:4-5 Saudi Arabia 2:25; 7:30.-31; 9:28; 11:44 SALТ (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) 3:6; Seismic monitoring 9:7-8 Sauvin, Paul 9:15,17 6:22; 11:31 seismpmeters 9:8 Savirnbi, Jonas 4:27-28; 12:47 SALT 116:7 Selected BiЬ/iography оп Urbaп lпsurgeпcy апd SAM missiles 11:16 "Savimbi and the Portuguese Connection" UгЬап Unrest iп Latin America and Other SAPO (Swedish Security Police) 5:15 (Talbot) 11 :20; "Stockwell Scores Sav'imЬi" Areas, А (Fallah) 9:18 7:27; "The Treasonous Guerrilla: Excerpts SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System) 5:10,14 Semenov, Vassily 7:16-17 from the SavimЬi Letters" 7:36; "UNIТ А 's SA VAK (National lnformation and Security SavimЬi Seeks U.S. Understanding-Again" SEPA 7:14; I0:40 Organization, lran) 6:29; 7:30-31; 8:8,28; 11:14; (Wolf) 7:25-26 Seraphin, Oliver I0:34 12:44 Serge, Victor 12:43 SDECE (French lntelligeщ:e S.ervice) 8:17; Savoy, Roy 4: 14-16 Sernyl (mind-altering drug) 9:21 11:18,20 Scaife, Richard MeJlon 7: 14 SISDE (lntelligence and Democratic Security Sltaba Province (Zaire) 10:37 Service, ltaly) · Scandinavia 9:36 Shackley, Ted 5:7; 7: 12 "Spying on Your A11ies" (Agee) 4:3-9 Schaap, William Н. Shah of Iran Dirн· Work 2 distriьuted in Havana 8:6; SIS М 1 (lntelligence and М ilitary .Security see Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza "lntelligence Legislation Makes the Rounds" Service, ltaly) 8:8-IO; "Major Rightwing Threat: New Spate Shanker, Albert 2:23 "Spying on Your Allies" (Agee) 4:3-9 of Terrorism, Кеу \,.eaders Unleashed" 11 :4-8; Shattuck, John 8:18•19 SLBM (missile) 6:15 "Massive DestaЬilization in Jamaica" I0:7-17; Shawcross, William 8:9 SR-71 (spy plane) 2:11; 5:19 (photo); 9:36; 11:8 "The Mysterious Supplement В: Sticking lt to Shearer, Hugh 10: 12 the Host Country" 3:9-18; "The Soviet тrоор SUNY (State University of New York)- Crisis: or How the U.S. Planned to Put Shell Oil Со. 7: 14 Binghamton 4:36 · Troops in the Caribbean" 6:4-7; "Statement of Shelton, Sally 10:30-31,33; 11:23 SULCO (Office of the Special U.S. Liaison СА/В Before House Committee, Jan. 31, Sherer, Louis С. 9:6 Officer, U.K.) 9:27 1980" 8:1·.1-17; statement on MozamЬique spy Sherman, Eunice Е. 5:14 SW АРО (South-West Africa People's ring 12:25; "Throwing а Case: T!ie Trial of Organization) 4: 18,25,29; 7:27; 9:25; 12:4 Arinando Lopez Estrada" 1:8-14 Sherman, Vaughn А. 5:13-14 SWAT 1:7 Schei Report 9:4 Sherry, Francis 111 2:20 Sadat. Anwar 6: 17 Sche.pak, George 9: 18 Shin Hyon нwack 11:9,11-12 Safire, William 7:27; 11:20 Schleicher, Carl 9: 15-17,21 Ship Exercises 9:16 St. Croix 10:33 Schlesinger, James 4:34; 7:26; IQ:39,44; 11:9 shipbuilding 9: 14 SHORT-STOP (tnilitary electronic) system 9:19 St. George's {Grenada) 10:26-27 Schщidt, J:;lizabeth 11:44 St. George's Hospital I0:27 Schmidt. George .N. 2:28 Shoup Registration System International 10:19-20 St. John. Jeffrey I0:44 Schneider, Mark 12:39 Sideshol'.' (Shawcross) 8:9 St. John's University 12:28 Schneider, Rene 8:21-22; 12:12,36,38 Sihanouk, Norodom 5:1О, 11:32 St. Joseph's Hospital(Patersop, N.J.) 9:15 Schneider, William 12:39-40 Silent Majority, The !2:30 St. Kitts 6:5; 10:5,33 School of Diplomatic Law 11:8 Silver, David 11:24 St. Louis (Мо.) 4:16; 10:22; 12:19 School of the Americas (Panama) 12:12 St. Lucia 6:5; 8:22; I0:5,33,35 Sch'Orr, Daniel 1:22; 8:36; 12:36,39-40 Sinclair, John 7:29 Singapore 6:6; 8:23,29 "The Eastern Caribbean 'Coast Guard'" Schwatz, Berthold Eric 9: 19 CIA station 5:5-6 ( Bloch/ Fitzsimons) 11 :22-23 Schuettinger, Rc;>bert I0:43 Singlaub, John К. 9:18; 12:19 St. Thomas I0:33 Schumacher, Edward 12: 11 Sirgado Ros, Nicolas St. Vincent 10:5,60 science and technology 5:6 "Ten Years as а Cuban DouЫe Agent in the "The Eastern Caribbean 'Coast Guard' " CIA assessment 6:18; "Mail Surveillance" (Bloch/ Fitzsimons) 11:22-23 (Lawrence) 12:48,44-45 "The Politics of CIA"2:16-21 Salazar 11:16 \ntelligence Technology" (Lawrence) 9:36,23 Skokie (111.) 8:26 Salisbury, Harrison Е. 8:22; 9:22; 11 :35 Scieпce Neи:s 6:7 slave trade 10:5, 18 Sa\vadoran Communist Party 12: I0,14 Scowcroft, Brent 9: 11; 12:30 sleep research 9: 19 Samaritan's Purse 9:24 Sea Techn.ology 9: 16 Small, Hugh 7:8 Samayoa, Salvador 12:6 Seaga, Edward 7:4-7; I0:7,9-17; 11:2 Smiley, George (fictional character) 8:29 Samia, Fred 12:46 "Н. Charles Johnson, Gunrunning, and Smit, Robert 11:5,32 "The Norwegian Connection: Norway. Edward Seaga" I0:9; "Seaga's Sleight of Hand Smith, Barbara 12:25 (Un)willing Spy for the U.S." 9:4-9 T[ips Up Jack Anderson" (Morales) 7:8-9 Smith, Gregory 10:25; \ 1:21 Sampol River massacre 12: 14 Sealy, John Smith, Ian 8:26; 12:24 San Diego (Cabl.) 7: 12; 9:20 see Rees, John Smith, lrl W. 8:26 San Diego Hospital 9:20 Searchfor the Maпchurian Candidate, The Smith, James Douglas, Jr. 12:25-26 (Marks) 8:9 San Diego Union 9:20 Smith, Joseph В. 5·:5; 7:2 Sears, Harry 12:29 San Francisco (Calif.) 10:21; 12:13 Smiф, Shirley 12:25 San Salvador,Sheratoh 12:8-9,14 Seascope (ship) 9:1О,12-13 snepp, Frank 1:22; 3:6; 5:4; 7:2; 8:8; 11:25 Saш\inistas (Nicaragua) 6: I0-12; IO: 14; 12:23 Seattle (Wash.) 5:2; 10:58 "And' the Writeцhat (;ould ['В,е Stopped]" 8:7; Sandino, Augusto Cesar I0:27 secrecy 1:6; 8: 12; 9:3,5; 10:3-4; 11 :23 "The Snepp Decision" (edit.) 8:3 "Official Secrets Prosecution in Norway" Sперр v. Uпited States 8:7 Sandoval Дlarcon, Mario 12: 18 12:46; "The Principles of Deep Cover" Snyder, Ambassador 11: 10 Sanford, Jerome 1:11,13 (Edbrook) I0:45-54; "Who's Blowing the So Bingo (Prison) l l:IO Sangumba, Jorges 7:26 Whistle?" 3:6 Santa Ana (EI Salvador) 12: 12 Sei:ret Anti-Communist Army (Guatemala) "Soccer War" 12:13 12:17 Social Christian Movement (Philippines) 11:30 Santa Barbara (Calif.) 7: IO, 9: 12 Santiago (Chile) 10:39,43 Secret Life о/ Plaпts. The (Bird/Tompkins) 9: 17 Social Democratic Party (Guatemala) 12: 17,21 Santo;, Mojica 12: 14 secret wars 12:36-37 social democrats 11:30

22 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Social Democrats, U.S.A. 7:25; 11:20 705, U.S. Embassy: The CIA Station in SuitaЬ/e Piece o.f Real Estate, А (Ball) 2:42 Socialist International 6: 10 Madrid"4:10•13 Suitland (Md.) 11:36,41 "Hudson Instiiute Targets Socialist Spain, Donald 1: 11 Sukarno, President 8:21-22; 10:40 International; Supports 'Reform' in EI Spanish Communist Party 10:43 Salvador"_ 11:30 · SuЩvan, David S. 3:6; 12:39 ''Spanish-American War" 10:5 Sulzberger, C.L. 7:21 Society for the Application of Free Energy 9:21 Speaker, Edwin Е. 8:27-28 Summa Corp. 9:10-13 Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Special Group (U.S.) 11:25 Inc. 9:17 Summer lnstitute of Linguistics 9:24; 10:24 Spectator 7: 17 Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child, Summers, Anthony 11:27 The 7:15 Spera, Alfpnso 11:27 Sumner, Gordon 12:21,23 Soh Sung 11:14 Sperry-Rand Corp. 9:17; 11:42 Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Compa_ny 9: 11 Soldier of Fortuпe 8:26-27; 10:58; 12:45 Spike, The (Mpss/ deBorchgrave) 10:4, 13,37- Suпday Тimes(Johannesburg) 8:27 40,42-44; 12:29,36,46 Solid Shield 1980 10:28 Suпday Тimes (London) IO: 19 "'The Spike': Thinly Disguised Fiction" 1-0:36 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 9: 18 Supp/yiпg Repressioп (Klate) 1:24 Spinola, General 10:41-42; 11: 18 Somalia 11:25 surfacing agents !0:51-52 Spotlight оп Spyiпg 2:10 Somocistas (Nicaragua) 6: 11 Surinam 9:24 Spruance, Raymond 11 :28 Somoza, Anastasio 3:7; 6:5-6,10-12; 7:16; surveillance t 1:44 10:16,34,37-38; 11:9; 12:7,19,23 spy satellites see reconnaissance satellites "Australian Connection Expands" 3:20; "How sonar surveillance 9:8 the CIA Uses Bugs" (Lawrence) 6:3,7; "Spy Souphannouvort.g 5:10 Stabllity ofthe Caribbeaп. The (Moss) 10:42 Cameras in Jamaica" 9:23; "United States Sousa, John Philip 7:12 stamps Assists South Africa in Surveillance" 6:32; see a/so CIA surveillance; electronic surveillance Sousa е Castro 12:47 "ТheCIA Commemorative"(Lawrence) 11:31-32 South Africa 1:6; 2:28; 4: 18,20-21,24-26,36; Stanford Research lnstitute 9: 16 Surveillaпce 12:45 7: 13, 15,25-27; 9:36; 1Oz5,l6,32,37-38; Stanford University 9:9,20 survey research 10:45 11 :5,20,28,32; 12: 11,23,30 Hoover lnstitution оп War, Revolution and see also surveys "Africa" (edit.) 12:4; -CIA assessment; nuclear Реасе 4: 18,22-25 Survey of Educatioп/ Actioп Resources оп capabllity expected 6:17,20; "South African Multiпatioпal Corporatioпs, А State Research 1:24 8:7 Forgery" 9:25; "United States Assists South surveys Africa in Surveillance" 6:32; "South African Stavins, Ralph 1:22 Raid" 12:27 Stein, Jeff 6:9 "'Researching Consumers': The Market for DestaЬilization" (Wolf) 1: 15-21 South African Communist Party 4: 18 Stempel, Mike D. 4:19 Svalbard lsland (Norway) 9:8 South Africaп Digest 4:25; 7:13 sterilization 10: 16 Swan lsland 7:24 South African exiles 12:24 Sternfield, La wrence 3: 19 Swaziland 12:27 South African Intelligence 10:43 Stevens, Sayre 8:27-28 ~weden 5: 14; 9:8,25 South African whites 9:24 Still, W. Clark 6:7 "Swedes Warn U.S. Embassy: Stop lllegal South End Press 4:36; 8:27 Stillwell, Richard Giles 3:4; 11:27 lntelligence Activities" (Lennox) 5: 15 South Korea Stockholm (Sweden) 9:6 Swiss TV !0:43 see Korea (RepuЫic) Stockholm lnternational Реасе Research Switzerland 7:17,29; 10:41,43 Institute 12:46 South Vietnamese Arrny 9: 17 Syria 7:30; 11 :44 South West Africa-Namibla 4:25 Stockwell, John 1:22; 3:6; 4:27-29; 7:2,25; 8:4,26; 11:25 System Research Laboratories 9:20 Southeast Asia Systems Consultants, lnc. 9: 15-16 "Stockwell Scotes SavimЬi" 7:27 "Profile of U.S. Intelligence in Southeast Systen'ls Development Corp. 9: 14 Asia" (Kilpatrick) 5:4-9 Stoen. Timothy 10:21 Szulc, Tad 8:21-22 Southern Africa Stone, Carl 10:14-15 "The Academic Subversive Today" (Lawrence) Stone, Howard 7:30 4:23-26; "The CIA and Studies on Guerrilla Stone, Len 10:35 Warfare in Southern Africa" (Molteno) 4: 18- 23; CIA budget increase possiЫe 7: 19; "Dress Stone, Richard 6:6; 1О:17 Rehearsal" (Africanus) 4:27-29; "Subversive Stotk, Joe 11:44 Acade;mics" 4: 18 Strachan, Alistair 10:26 Southern Africa 5:23; 12:43 Straits of Florida 12:23 Southern Africa News 2:10 "strategic hamlets" 7:14 Soцthern Africa Organizing Committee 12:43 strategic intelligence 9:6-7 Southern Air Transport 1:21; 9:28 Strategic Warning Staff 5:6 Southern Capital and Management Corp. 1:21 Str.ategy for Amerieaп Victory{Possony) 9: 18 Southern Futures 9:25 Strathalmond, Baron 7:27 Southern Star 9:11 strikes 10: 19,23; 11: 12 Soviet Aпalyst 10:40 Strugg/e 2:24; 3:22; 9:23; 10:58 Soviet military sa.tellites 9_:7 Stuart, Lyle 2:14; 8:6 т Soviet "moles" Stucky, William К. 9:16 3. Welt Magaziпe 4:36 see "rnoles" student movements TASS 7:20 Soviet nuclear technology 9:9 CIA infiltration 5: 13 TR-1 9:36 Tapol 3:22 Soviet Sea Рои:еr iп the Caribbeart (Theberge) students 10:42 Cuban sch.olarships 7:27 Taiwan 11:34; 12:30 Soviet submarine retrieval 9:10-14 Stultz, Newell 4: 18 С\А assessment; nuclear capability expected; target 6:15,17,20 Soviet submarines 7:9; 9;8~ 10:4t-42 Suarez Esquive1, J ose Dionisio 11 :32 Talbot, Steve Soviet-American Association for Psychotronic suь·marine bases 9:6; 10:41-4_2 Research 9: 15 submarine missile launc!iing test sites 9:7 "Portugal: Revolution and Counter­ ·Revolution" 11:16-20; "Savimbi and the Soviet/Cuban phoЬia 10:6 submarine surveillance 9:8 Portuguese Connection" 11:20 space policy 12:30 submarines 5:6; 9:8,1()-14,19,36; !0:41-42 Tancazo plot 10:8 Space Research CQrp. 10:32-33 subpoena power 12:32 Tanham, George 10:42 Spain 2:20; 3:9; 5:14; 7:17; 11:18,30; 12:-6,43 Substitutes United for Better Schools 2:28 Tanzania 4:21-22; 7:27 CIA assessment, 1975,·target 6:16,19; "Room sugar 10: 19-20,23 tцх evasion 9:28

Numbers 1-12 Covert;\.ction lndex 23 \ l .. tax exemptioп 11 :26-27 Tito, Josip Broz 6: 16 .· Taylor, Clagett J. 4:19 ·Tobago 6:5; 10:5-6,58; 11:22 Taylor, Fliпt 2:28 Todmaп, Terreпce 10:20 Tokyo School of the Japaпese Laпguage 2:4,9 Taylor, Johп 7:34 u Taylor, Maxwell D. 11:25 Tomorrov."s War: lts Planning. Management U-2 (spy plane). 1:4; 8:20,22; 9:8,36; 11 :32 and Costs (Possoпy) 9: 18 teachers 10:47 U-Boats 7:9· see also Americaп ·Federatioп of Teachers Tompkiпs, Peter 9: 17 UGB, see White Warriors Uпion Toпniпi, Fraпklin J. I0:40 UNIТA-(Angola)4:27; 7:13; 11:20; 12:47 techщ>logy Топ-Топ Macoute IO:l6; 11:21; 12:41 see scieпce апd techпology "UNIТA's SavimЬi Seeks U.S. Toroпto (Canada) 7:6; 9:25 Uпderstaпding~Agaiп" (Wolf) 7:25-26; see Teekah, Viпceпt 10:20,23 also SavimЬi, Jonas . Tegro, Shirley 12:25 Torrijos, Omar 2:1"'; 6:29· torture 11: 14 UPI (United Press lпterпatioпal) 7:20,23· 8:4-5· Tegucigalpa (Hoпduras) 7:22 10:42 ' • Toth, Robert С. 3:7; 9:2 Tehraп 10:37 Uganda 8:36; 9:28 Toure, Sekou 11:17 see also lraп hostage crisis Ultima Нога 6:8 tourism 12:18 telemetry 9:7 Daekke 5:10 С\А destaЬilization in Greпada, effect оп 5: 18 Tele-Moпte-Carlo 10:43 uпderground пuclear explosions 9:8 Tovar, Hugh 10:24 telepathy 9: 16, 18 underground press Tower, Johп 8:22 telephoпe surveillaпce "South Africaп Forgery" 9:25 Towпley, Michael Vеrпоп 1: IO, 14,22; 11 :7-8; see electroпic surveillaпce 12:38 underwater surveillaпce 9:8 televisioп 6:2 Тоу, David 9:11 U ngo, Guillermo 12:6, 12 Templar, Gerald 7:15 Track 11 12:36-37 Uпion carЬide 11:30 Temple, Mary 11 :30 lrades Uпiоп Coпgress 2:22 Uпion City (N.J.) 6:9; 11:28 Тепlеу Tower 11 :40 Training o.f Military Advisors: Ап Annotated Union Comunal Salvadoreпa (UCS) 12:7-8 Terceiro Мипdо 8:7 BiЬliography (Fallah) 9: 18 Unioп lsland (St. Viпceпt) 11:22 Tercer Mundo 8:7 Тrап Quoc Buu 5:4 Uпion of Democratic Thais 12:43 terrorism 10:41-42; 11:25 Transпatioпal Features Service & Research Uпion of Soviet Socialist RepuЫics (U.S.S.R.) "СuЬап Exile Terrorists оп Rampage" 6:8.9; Associates lпternational 2:28 4:19,24; 8:20,22; 9:4-8,15-17,20,28,36; !0:5- "СuЬап Exiles апd 'Refugees' Trainiпg for Traпsnatioпal lпstitute 1:24; 7: 16; I0:36 6,37,40,43-44; 11:17-18,20,31-32,34,42; Aпother Вау of Pigs" 10:35; "Major Rightwiпg 12: I0,22-23,25,35-36,39-40,43,47 treason Threat: New Spate of Terrorism; Кеу Leaders Air Force 9:7; British oppositioп over Persia ar\ti-CIA activists поt traitors 1:6- Uпleashed" (Schaap) 11:4-8; "The 7:30; С\А assessment, target 6: 13-24; CIA Subcommittee оп Security apd Terrorism" Trento; Joe 6:6; 7: 11; 11 :5,28,32 covert action emphasis 1:4-5; С\А positioп 2:4; . (Ratпer) 12:32-34; "Vicious BomЬiпg iп Trevertoп, G.regory 12:37 C:IA recruitment failures 1:5; С\А recruitment, Greпada" !0:26-30 trials 1:8-14 Tokyo 2:4-10; С\А spying 1:6-7; 3:20; "Chiпese Terrorism and Con/fict I0:42 Trinidad ar\d Tobago 6:5; 10;5-6,31,58; 11:5- Diverted Soviet Weapoпs from Vietnam" 5:19- Test-Baп Treaty 9:8 20; \ran 7:28; Kim Philby 7:30; Nicaraguan ties 6,22; 12:23 6: I0-12; on Thatcher 7: 15; secret police 7: 13; Tet Offeпsive 5: 10; 10:43 Trinquier (Freпch officer) 5:7 Soviet diplomat Semeпov in Uruguay 7:16-17; Техасо (соmрапу) 7:27; 11:11 3:9;. 4:3 "The soviet Troop Crisis: Or How the U.S. Texas I0:34; 12:6 Trotsky, Lеоп 12:43 Plaпned to Put Troops in the Caribbean" (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7 "The 'Southwest Hostile lпtelligeпce Threat' Trotter, Johп С. 12:18,20-21 or: How Мапу Couпtries Border оп Texas" Trucial Sheikdoms 7:30 uпion-busting 6:30 "Former CIA Ageпt Admits BomЬing iп Trucker's Strike (Chile) 12:38 Texas Border Patrol !0:20,24 Сапаdа"9:25; United Auto Workers 9:25 Trujillo, Rafael 8:21-22 Thailaпd 5:4-5; 9:8,24; 11:29 United Brands 12:7 Truman, Harry S. 7:30; 11:9, 35 С\А assessmeпt 6:17; С\А statioп chief 10:42 United Business Associates 1:21 Thailand Update 12:43 Tsarist police 9:18 United Force Party(Guyana) 10:19 Tucker, Larry М. '8:28 Thatcher, Margaret 7:15; 10:33,38,40; 11:32; Uпited Kingdom (U.K.) 1:18,20; 8:4,26; 9:8; 12:13 Tougaloo (Miss.) 12:45 I0:5-6,14,18-19,34,39-40,44; 11:30; Theberge, James 10:42 Turbyfill, Carolyn 12:6,13,30,46 Thieп Nga Network 5:7 "The KCIA" 11:14-15 "British Contlnue Doing the CIA's Bidding" (Wolf) 9:26-27; С\А assessment 6: 16; "The thiпk taпks 10:39-40,44 -тurkey 3:9; 7:30; 9:6-9,36; 11:4 CIA assessment, target 6: 16, 19-20 Easterп Caribbean 'Coast Guard'" Third A.frica, The (Rhoodie) 4:24 (Bloch/·Fitzsimoпs) 11:22-23; Iran policy-7:28- Third Press 9: 15 Turner, Staпsfield 3:7; 4:6; 5:4; 6:13; 7:21; 31; use of sea gulls 7:9; see also Northerп 8:2,9;11, 15,25,27-28; 9:2-3, 11; 12:28,30 Third World 8:7; 10:58 lrelaпd; Moss, Robert "CIA Director Plays Semaпtics iп Court" 6:27; U.K. Army 8:29; 12:44 Third World iпterveпtioп оп Agee 3:4; on СА/8 3:4; 6:2; "Turпer and U.K. Coloпial Office IO:l9 "Bechtel Corporatioп Exposed" 2:24-25 Carlucci оп the Warpath" (edit.) 5:2-3; "Turпer U.K. Commaпdo School 8:23 This /s The Тiте 12:43 iп TrouЫe?" 4:34 U.K. Defeпce Ministry 7:14; 10:41 Thomas, "Prophet" Fraпk Twiп Circle P·uЬlishing Соmрапу 4:24 U.K. Foreigп Qffice 8:29 see Hilliard, Earпest Tymshare 9:9 Foreigп Тупg, William W. ·11:27 U.K. Office lnformation Research Thometz, Terry 10:60 Department 7: 13; 8:29 Thompsoп, Doпald IO: 1О ·u .К. Secret lntelligence Service (SIS) 7: 14 Thompsoп, Dudley 7:8-9; 9:23; 10:9-11 see a/so Brit·is.h inte\ligence; М 1-6 Thompsoп, Robert 5:5; 7: 14 U.K. Special Air Service Regimeпt 8:29; 11:25 Thompsoп, W.F.K. 10:39 U.K. Specia'! Braпcti 8:29; 9:26 Thomsoп, Dоп 2:28 United Natioпs (UN) 6:6,8-9; 9:25; 11:4,6,8,29 Thurmoпd, Strom I0:41 Africaп \nstitute for Economic Development Tigar, Michael 8:7 and Plaппing 4:18; Educational, Scientific, апd Тiте 7:7,12; 8:6; 9:8.17,24; I0:24; 11:28; Cultural Organization 7:7; UNESCO 12: I0,30,35 lnterпatioпal Commission for the Study of Commuпicatioпs ProЫems Monographs 7:20; Тiте Out 7:11; 9:27 Rhodesian Sanctions Comlnittee 8:26 Тimes (Lопdоп) 7: 17; 8:27 Uпited Revolutioпary Froпt (Guatemala) 12:21 Тimes o.f the А mericas 7: 12

Numbers 1-12 24 lndex CovertAction Uпited States (US)- Agriculture Departmeпt 6:6. -Greпada southwest "·iпtelligeпce threat" 6:30; "Japaпese CIA projectioп of ties 6:22 iпsulting U.S. offer 6:5; пaval quaraпtiпe Реасе Сrапе Becomes U.S. Military US Air Force 2:24; 9:7-8,15,17; 11:24,26 coпsidered 6:5 lntelligence Symbol" 8:24; media relatioпs 7:22; "The Mysterious Supplemeпt В" iпtelligeпce апd -lпdoChiпa office budget employees 4:34; (Schaap) 3:9-18; "Straпge Activities оп ecoпomic embargoes 5:6-7 Richard Harger 5:19 Aпtigua" 10:32-33 US Air Force Security Service 9:8 -ltaly US Military lnvolvemenl iп Southern Africa US Air Forces iп Europe, Headquarters 5:9 "Spyiпg оп Your Allies" (Agee) 4:3-9 4:36; 8:27 United States and the Arms Embargo Against -Jamaica US Military Liaisoп Office, Rome 4:3,5 South A.frica. The (Ger.vasi) 4:36 · U.S. policy 1:20 US Naval Academy 9:Г7,19 US Army 9: 10:9,33,43; Н :26 17; -South Africa US Naval lпstitute 8:23 "Advisors" in EI Salvador 12: 12-13 "United States Assists South Africa in US Naval iпstitute Press Proceedings 8:23 US Army Air Defeпse Task Force 9: 18 Surveillaпce" 6:32 US Naval lпtelligeпce Support Ceпter 11:41 US Army Airborпe Pathfiпder School 8:23 -Swedeп US Naval Research Laboratories 8:24 US Army Electronic Proviпg Grouпd (Fort "Swedes Warn U.S. Embassy: Stop lllegal US Naval Reserve 12:28 Huachuca, Ariz.) 9: 18 lпtelligeпce Activities" (Lеппох) 5: 15 US Naval Security Group 9:8 US Army Field Мапиа/ 3:9-18; 4:3 -USSR US Naval· War College 9: 19 US Army lпtelligence 9:18 "The Soviet Troop Crisis: Or How the U.S. US Navy 8:23; 9: 15-16; 10:33; 11:23,26 budget/employees 4;34; "The Mysterious Рlаппеd to Put Troops iп the Caribbeaп" "Boat people" 7:3; submariпes 9:8; use of Supplemeпt В" (Schaap) 3:9-18; Supplement В (Ray/ Schaap) 6:4-7 4:3 US Goverпmeпt Priпtiпg Office 9:22 dolphiпs 7:3,9 US Army lпtelligeцce and Security Cominand US House of Represeпtatives. Assass.inatioпs US Navy. Bureau of Naval Weapoпs 9: 19 Journal 6:30 Committee 5:21; 11:34; 12:37,45 US Na·vy. Осеап Surveillaпce lnfcirmatioп US Army Language School 9: 18 US House of Represeпtatives. Foreigп. Affajrs System (OSIS) 9:8 US Army Research Office 9: 18 Committee. Subcc;immittee оп Africa 4:36; US Navy. Office of Naval Research 9: 19 12:46; Subcommittee оп lпter-Americaп US Navy. Office of Naval lпtelligeпce 9: 17 US Army Reserve 8:26 Affairs 12:20 US Army Security Agency 9:8 budget/employees 4:34; "Navy Electroпic US House of Represeпtatives. Goverпmeпt Warfare апd lпtelligeпce" 8:24 US Ыockade of Cuba Operatioпs Committee.. Subcoцimitte.e oil US Office of Maпagemeпt апd Budget 9: 14 Jamaica refuses support 7:6 Goverпmeпt lпformation апd lпdividual US Out о,( Е/ Salvador 12:43 US Coast Guard 11:8 RigJits 11 :4() US Postal Service 4:25; 10: 12: 11:31-32 "Pigeoп lпtelligeпce" (Lawreпce) 7:3,9 US House of Representatives. J udiciary Committee. Subcommittee оп Courts, Civil see a/so mail surveillance; stamps US Commerce Departmeпt Liberties апd the Administratioп of Justice US President · CIA projectioп of ties 6:22· 12:45; Subcommittee оп Civil апd CIA oversight 6:~ 1 US Coпgress 11:42-43 Coпstitutioпal Rights 10:38 US Seпate CIA oversight, Colby projectioп 6:21; "CIA US House of Represeпtatives. Permaщ;пt Select Station for Coпgress-Attacking the Bulletiп·" Committee оп lпtelligeпce 1:5; 5:2-3;8:8,10,28; CIA covert actioп prohiЫtioп rejected 1:5; 3:3-8; "Statemeпt of СА/В Before House 11:25,31 . hawks 7:9; iпvestigation iпto assassiпatioп of СuЬап leaders 6:9 Committee, Jап. 31, 1980" 8: 11-17 1976 report оп CIA 7:19; "Excerpts from US Seпate. Armed Services Committee 11: 10 US Coпstitutioп 8:19 Other Speakers апd Committee Questioпing" US couпter-in'Surgeпcy operatioпs 3: 10,14-15 8:17-21; heariпgs оп CIA and media 7:21-22; US Seпate. Baпkiпg Committee 12:29 US Defense Attache's Office lпtelligeпce ldeпtities Protectioп Act 7:2; US Seпate. lпterпal Security Committee 12:32 investigatioп of "forgeries" 4:3; "Statemliпt of US Seпate. Judiciary Committee.11:3,25 Spain 4:13 СА/В before House Committee, Jап. 31, 1980" US Defeпse Departmeпt 9:9,21; 10:16,20,43; 8:11-17; Subcommittee оп Legislatioп 8:7; US Senate. Judiciary Committee. Subcommittee 11 :22-29,30,34,37 Subcommittee оп Oversight, The С/А and the оп Security апd Terrorism 12:2-3 CIA projectioп of ties 6:22; "Deployiпg for Media 7:34 "The Subcommittee оп Security апd ·· Rapid Deploymeпt" 8:23-24; foreigп •Uпited States lпformatioп Аgепсу Terrorism" (Ratпer) 12:32-34 dёploymeпts 7:25; "Komer Named Uпder­ CIA projectioп of ties 6:22 US Seпate. Select Committee оп lntelligeпce Secretary of Defeпse" 6:28; represeпtative at 5:21; 8:36; 10:43; 11:14,25,27-28; 12:44-45,48 US lnstitute fot the Study of Coпflict 10:42 CIA sessioп 7:22; "The Soviet Troop· Crisis: Or Reporl 2:11,22; 12:30-31,36-37,40 How the U.S. Рlаппеd to Put Troops iп the US lntelligeпce Board 6:24 US Seпate. Select Committee to Study Caribbeaп" (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7; Uпder­ US lпterior Departmeпt 9: 17 Goverпmeпtal Operatioпs with Respect to Secretary МсСопе 2:24 US Justice Departmeпt 1:8; 8:8-9; 9:3,10-11,28; lпtelligeпce Activities 10:21; 11:23,27,29,37,40,43 . US Defeпse Departmeпt, Advaпced Research see Church Committee Projects Аgепсу 3:20 Agee passport heariпg 8:5; оп HR5615 8:17-18; US Seпate staffers 10:43 US Defeпse Departmeпt cover registration of foreigп ageпts 7:25; US Special Forces 10:35 CIA use of cover more likely iп future 1:7 represeпtative at CIA session 7:22 US State Departmeпt 7:7-9,14; 8:14,16-17,28; US Defeпse Departmeпt. Оrdпапсе Testiпg US Justice Departmeпt-Freedom of lnformatioп Act requests 9:23; 10: 14,16-17,20,32-33,35,43-44; Base, Harvey Poiпt, N.C. 1:.22 11:3,13, 15,24-26,30-31 US Eпergy Departmeпt 11:23 Agee suit 8:6 US Labor Party 2: 10; 8:4 Aпgola policy 7:27; budget/employees 4:34; represeпtative at CIA sessioп 7:22 CIA projectioп of ties 6:22; саЬ\еs read Ьу CIA US Federal Peпiteпtiary, Atlanta, Ga. 10:35 US Marine Academy 9:19 2: 13; сопfеrепсе оп southwest "iпtelligeпce US fo.reigп relatioпs US Mariпe Corps 6:7; 7: 12; 8:23; 10:28; threat" 6:30; EI Salvador White Paper 12:4,9- 11; humaп rights iп Guatemala 12:18; -Barbados 11:5,26-27 US ~ilitary Advisory апd Assistance Group, lпterageпcy Group оп Nicaragua 6:10; Pastor memoraпdum 6:5 Sраш 4:13 MozamЫque spy riпg 12:4,25-27; Рап -Caribbeaп Americaп Coпgress of Jourпalists 7: 11; US military aid 10:6; 11:22-23 "The Soviet Troop Crisis: Or How the U.S. Pretoria Em_bassy memo released 6:32; "The'Sovie't Troop Crisis: Or· How ~he. U.S. Рlаппеd to Put Troops iп the Caribbea.п" recipient of Perroпe report 4:3'; reject"s Ei (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7 Рlаппеd to Put Troops iп the Caribbeaп" Salvador laпd reform рlап 12:6; represeпtative (Ray/Schaap) 6:4-7 at CIA sessioп 7:22; revokes Agee passport -Chiпa US military bases 8:4-6; Rome missioп official expelled 4:3; intelligeпce ties 5:8-9 Guaпtaпamo Naval Base, Cuba 6:7 R·ome missioli suppressioп attempt 3:9-11; 4:3; -Cuba studies оп Cuba 6:5; ties with academics 4: 18; ·US miЩary deserters 5: 15 exile activities 1:8-14; 6:8-9; U.S. Ыockade see a/so lraп Hostage Crisis US military dissent 10;58 of Cuba 7:6; U.S. opposes Cuba as sjte of US State Departmeпt cover US Military lпtelligeпce 8:27-28; 11:44 Non-Aligпed Confereпce 6:6; dialog with Вiographic Register restricted 1:7; CIA use of Castro 6:9 aпalysts recruited iпto CIA 8:25; сопfеrепсе оп cover okayed 2: 12; Proctor, Edward William

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction Index 25 5:22; "Room 705, U.S. Embassy: CIA Station Venezuelan exiles 11:5-7 Washington, "RabЬi" Emmanuel in Madrid"4:10-13; Stockholm Embassy 5:15; Venice (ltaly) 11:13 see Нill, David vulneraЬility 1:21 Vesco, Rober! 10:41; 12:29 Washington Reviey.· о/ Strategic and US State Department-Freedom of lnformation Vessey, General 11:10 /nternational Studies 10:43 Act req uests Viera, Rodolfo 12:8,12,14 Washington Star 3:6; 8:4; 10:3,30; 12:39 Agee suit 8:6 Washingtonian 8:12; 11:27; 12:37 Viet Nam Trial Support Conцnittee 7:34 US Supreme Court 8:7; 11 :3,8 Vietnam 6:8,15; 7:30; 8:21; 9:17-18; 10;9; 11:9-10; Watergate scandal 6:8-9; 7:2; 10:43; 11:28,35; US Treasury Department 12:9,12-13,25, ll-30 12:36,38 budget/employees 4:34; CIA projection of ties "China Aiding IndoChinese ·Rightists" 11:29; Watson Castillo, Alexis 6:28 6:22 "Profile of U .S. Intelligence in Southeast Asia" Weberman, A.J. 9:22 US Vice President's Office (Kilpatrick) 5:4-9; "Vietnam War on Danish "Mind Control: The Story of Mankind representative at CIA session 7:22 Soil" 5:10-14j s;1 f Research Unlimited, Inc."9:15-21 United States v. County о/ Los Angeles 9: 11 Vietnam 69 (Denmar)c) 5: 10 Weberman v. NSA 9:22 U.S. v. Marchetti2:15 Vietnam syndrome 11:44 Webster, William Н. 11:4 U.S. v. Pedro Gil 1:8 Vietnam War, see lndoChina War Weinstein, Allen 10:44 Univac 11:42 Vietnamese Refugees 5:4-5; 7:3 Weir, Andy University of Bonn 9:11 Vietnamese voter registration 1О:19 "Robert Moss" 7: 13-15 University of California-Los Angeles 9:9 Villa, Pancho 11 :9 Weissman, Stephen 12:46 University of Central Florida 8:28 Villacorta, Jorge Alberto 12:8 Weissman, Steve 12:46 University of Cologne 9:17 Village Voice 1:5 Welch, Richard 1:6; 2:3; 6:2; 8:4,11,15; 10:3 University of Dar es Salaam 4:18,22 Villagran Kramer, F·rancisco 12: 16 "Richard Welch and the Ayatollah Khomeini" University of Guyana 10:20 Vine, George 10:41 (edit.) 7:2-3; Turner admits naming of Welch has nothing to do with Welch's death 5:2 University qf Guyana Staff Association 10:23 Virgin lslands 10:34 Welt, Die 7: 17 University of Lund, Research Policy lnstitute Virginia Electric Power Company 6:27 (Sweden) 7:34 Virginian-Pilot and Ledger Star 1:22 Werbell, Mitchell 111 12: 19 University of Maryland Vision 7:16; 10:37 Werewolf plot (Jamaica) 10:10,13 CIA recruitment 4:15-16 vision research 9:27 West German Intelligence 11: 15 University of Miami 7:5 Voice of America Western Europe University of Michigan 4:22 "Strange Activities on Antigua" 10:32-33 CIA assessment, target 6:16,19,21 University of Southern California 9:9 Volkman, Ernest 1:10 Western Gear 9: 11 University of Washington School of l,.aw I2:8 Vorster, B.J. 4:26 Western Sahara 8:22 Western Massachusetts Association of University of ZamЬia 4: 18,20-21,25 Vosper Thronycroft (company) 11:22 Concerned African Scholars 4:36; 8:27 U.niversity Press of America 4:36 Westmoreland, William С. Uno Mas Uno 12:10 Supplement В 3:11-19 Up Park Army Training Camp (Jaщaica) 9:23; 10:16 Wettering, Frederick 12:25 Uruguay What Everybody Should Кпо1,1: about State Agee 6: 11; 7; 16-17/ 'f; IJ Repression (Serge) 12:43 Wheaton, Philip 12:43 "'Attack on the Americas': А Critique" 12:22-23 Where Were Уои, Brother? Ап Account о/ Trade Union /mperia/ism (Thomson/ Larson) 2:22 (review); 2:28 whistle Ь\owing impact of proposed law 1: 16; "WhistleЬ\owers' Conference" 1:22 White House 7:22; 10:17,21; 12:30 w White, Robert 12:5,14 WHUR 4:14-15 White Russian emigres 9:17 W.W. Norton & Company 12:43 White Seas (U.S.S.R.) 9:7 White Warriors Union (EI Salvador) 12:9,14 Wachtel, Howard М. 1:24 Wa\dorf (Md.) 11 :41 Whitney, John Нау 7:14 v Walker, Admiral 10:41 Whittingham, Peter 10:13 Vadso (Norway) 9:5 Walker, Oswaldene 10:23 Whos Who in Systems Consulting9:16 Vaky, Viron Р. 6:6; 7:8 Wall Street Journal 7:5; 9:28; 10: 16,37; 11:20; Whos Who in С/А (Mader) 8:11,16; 10:21; Va\e, Michael 5:15 12:10 11:25 Valenti, Giovanni 3:9 Wallace, Chris 6:2 Whyte, Mason 10:9 van den Bergh, Hendrik 4:24 Waller, John 7:30 Wicker, Tom 9:3,14 Van Der Westhuizen, P.W. 12:26 Walters, Vernon 10:39,41; 11:24-25; 12:37 Wickham, John 11:10 Van Houten, Margaret 2:28 Walvis Вау (NamiЬia) 4:25; 10: 16 Wickham, Kenneth G. 3:18 Vance, Cyrus 3:7; 6:5-7; 7:9; 8:4-5; 9: 11; 11:9; War Animals, Тhе (LuЬow) 6:3; 7:9 Wiesbaden (Germany) 5: 15 12:38 war games 11:44 Wilber, Donald N. 7:29 Vandraceck, Jan 10:40,44 War Powers Act 12:13 Wilcott, Elsie 7:23 Vang Рао 5:8; 9-:24; 12:12 Ward, George 7:15 Tokyo Stati1;ш, at 2:4,6-7 Vanguard 10:58 Warner, John S. 11:25 Wilcott, James 10:31 Varona, Tony 11:5 Washington, О.С. 9:15,17; 10:20,39,43 "The CIA and the Media: Some Personal Experiences" 7:23-24; "How the CIA Recruits Veciana, Antonio 12:37-38 Washington Heights (Tokyo) Foreign Diplomats" 2:4-10 Vela satellite 9:36 CIA station 2:4-10 Wilkes, Owen 5;23; 12:46 Veloso, Pires 11:19 Washington Post 1:6-7; 3:4-6,24; 4:26; 5:20-21; Wilkinson, Peter 10:41 Venezuela 1:14; 4: 19; 6:10; 7:5,11; 9:18,24; 6:5-6,27-29; 7:4,11-12,22,26-27; 8:6,9,11,26-28; 10:31,35; 11:5-6; 12:6,13,23 10:25,36,38,43; 11:28-29; 12:8,10,16,32,36 Will (Liddy) 11 :28 CIA assessment 6: 17 Washington Quarterly 3:6; 4:25; 10:43-44; 12:39 Williams, Eric 6:5

26 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Williams, Dennis 9:23 Williamson, Craig 9:25 у Wills, Е. Ashley 10:33 YUL-IMO (St. Vincent) 10:60 Wilmington (Del.) Neи·s Journal 1 i:5,28 Yale University 9:17 Wilson, Harold 8:29 Yamamoto, Admiral 10:39 Wilson, Samuel V. 8:28 Yarikita region (Guyana) 9:24; 10:24 Wilson, Woodrow 11:9 Yatron, Gus 12:20 Winnipeg Free Press ·10:33 Yearwood, Gordon 10:23 Winsky, Stephen 2:24 Yernen 8:29 Wiretap Act, 1968 11:37-38,40 Wise, David 3:7; 11:31 Ylirauraesiripun (Anttala) 9:5 witchhunts 10:44 Уои Сап Raise Deceпt Children (Schwarz) 9: 19 Youl)g Americans for Freedom 12:16 Withour а Trace 10:58 У oung, Andrew 4: 17 Wolf, Louis "AFIO Convention 1980: Old Soldiers Fade Young RepuЬlicans' National F'ederati.on 12:16 Away ... Old Spies Lobby" 11:24-26; The Younger, Топу 12:46 American Federation of Teachers and the С/А youth (review) 2:23; attended AFIO convention 11:3; CIA interest in 2:21 Bayh wants to "put him away" 10:~; "British Yucatan Channel 12:23 Continue Doing the CIA 's Bidding" 9:26-27; "The 'Cyclone' Moves in at Langley" 12:28-31; Yugoslavia "Espionage Recruiting Time" 8:27-28; letter to CIA assessment, target 6: 16, 19; "Peter" EI Universal 3: 19-20; McClory comment 8: 16; (embassy employee. Tokyo). 2:4-10 never in government employ 3:6; /'{еи· York Yunnan Province (China) 11 :29 Тimes editorial cited 10:3; '"Researching Consumers': The Market for Destabilization" 1:15-21; "Researching Undercover CIA Officers" 2: 11-14; "Statement of С1НВ Before Names Ноцsе Committee, Jan. 31, 1980" 8:11-17; "UNIТA's Savimbi Seeks U.S. Understanding-Again" 7:25-26; Washington • Adkins, James Lee Post editorial cited 10:3; Where Were Уои, Chile 9:32 Brother? (review) 2:22 women · Dominican RepuЫic 9:32 Guyana 9:32; 10:55 spies in Vietnam 5:7 Woodward, ВоЬ 11:28 Albright, Pauline Workers Liberation League (Jamaica) 2:24; 3:22; Spain 4:12 4:36; 10:58 Workers Party of Jamaica 7:8; 9:23; 10:9,13,58 Almy, Dean J., Jr. Workers Party, The (Munroe) 4:36 Indonesia 1:23 Jamaica 1:23; 4: 11; 6:25; 9:29 Working People's Alliance (Guyana) 10:20,22-25 Malaysia 1:23 World Ban.k 5:13; 10:28,20,25,33 Philippines 1:23 World Belief Corp. 9:24 Spain 1:23; 4:10-11; 10:57 World Council of Churches 9:24; 11: 13,.15 Amerman, S. Phillips L. World Features Services 7: 1О; 10: 13 Turkey 8:34 World Festival of Youth and Students, Cuba 2:3 (edit.),11,16,21; 3:13; 7:17 Anders, James D. World Medical Missions, lnc. 9:24 lndonesia 8:32 World Parliament of Peoples of Реасе 12:46 Laos 8:32 World Relief Corp. 9:24 World University Service 5: 13 Anderson, Frank R. World War 11 7:9,11; 9:5; 11:42 Lebanon 5;25 Libya 5:25 Wulf, Melvin 8:3 Yemen Arab RepuЫic 5:25 Wycliffe ВiЫе Translators 9:24; 10:24 z Z (film) 1;1:5 Wyman, John 8:29 Arends, John J" Jr. ZANU (Zimbabwe) 4: 18,20-22; 8:26; 9:25; 12:24 Wynter, Hector 7:5 Austria 8:31 ZAN iJ Support Committee 8:27 Denmark 8:31 ZAPU (Zimbabwe) 4:18,22 Switzerland 8:31 Zahedi, Fazlollah 7:29,31 Atkins, Edwin Franklin .j} fZaire 7:26-27; 10:34; 12:46 france 3:22; 9:31 't. CIA assessment 6: 17 ltaly 3:22 ZamЬia 4:22-23; 7:27,36; 8:26; 12:24-26 ZamЬian Confederation of Trade Unions 4: 19 Atwater, James L. Zandt, Siamak 10:37 Chad 4:30; 8:30 Zanzibar 11:19 Dahomey (now Benin) 4:30 Zapata, Emiliano 11:9 Senegal 4:30 Zed Ost Asia 9:24 Barrett, Leonard К. Zellmer, Ernest J. 9: 10 Guyana 10:55 Zenit.h Technical Enterprises 7:24 Venezuela 10:55 Zimbabwe 1:6; 4:18,20-21,25-26; 8:22; 12:24-26 "CIA in Zimbabwe" ( Ferreira/ Bloch) 8:26-27 Bash, Edward J., Jr. Zimbabwe Patriotic Front 4:25; 8:26; 9:25 Portugal 8:33 Zinoviev 12:43 8ehrens, John F. х Zionist Coptic Church 10:13 Xerox Corp. 9:9 lndia 4:33 Zurich (Switzerland) 10:58 Nigeria 4:33

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 27 :

Philippines 4:33 Lebanon 6:26" Guinea 8:32 lran 8:32 United Arab RepuЫic (Syria) 4:33 Yemen Arab RepuЫic 6:26 Zambia 4:33 Sri Lanka 8:32 Brunton, Thomas А. Cinal, Roilald М. 8enedetti, Robert А. Chile 5:24 lndonesia 8:32 Botswana 4:30 ColomЬia 5:24 Kenya 8:32 Zaire 4:30 EI Salvador 5:24 Peru 5:24 Clair, Wi\liam J. Bernier, Norman А. Burgess, Dwight Spaulding Ethiopia 4:31 Chile 3:22 Greece 3:22 Zaire 9:34 Kenya 4:31 United Kingdom 3:22 Maµritius 4:31 Burgstaller, Eugen Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) 4:31 Berwick, Walter М. France 9:31 ColomЬia 10:57-58 Clarridge, Duane R. Dominican RepuЫic 10:57-58 Burkart, James Е. lndia 12:41 Japan 10:57-58 Nepal 11:33 ltaly 12:41 Venezuela 10:57-58 Turkey 11 :33 Nepal 12:41 Turkey 12:41 Peyer, Joel Н. Burns, Clarence М. Close, Raymond Н. Bolivia 9:32 Spain 4:13 Dominican RepuЫic 9:32 Saudi AraЬia 7:33 Guatemala 9:32 Burns, Michael Allan Jamaica 9:32 Japan 1:33 Connelly, Claude Patrick Singapore 7:33 Algeria 9:29 Bissell, Anthony Taiwan 7:33 lndia 9:29 Spain 4:13 Thailarid 7:33 Sri Lanka 9:29 Blocker, V. Harwood 111 Burton·, Stewart D. Cornish, Richard Joseph Brazil 9:31-32 Argentina 12:42 Burma 8:30 Dominican Republic 9:31-32 Brazil 12:42 Cameroon 8:30 Guatemala 9:31-32 British Guiana (now Guyana) 12:42 Togo 8:ЗО Petu 9:31-32 Chile 12:42 Mexico 12:42 Corrigan, James Lawrence Booth, David Peru 12:42 Belgium 8:30 Spain 4:13 Cameroon 4:30; 8:30 Buss, David М. France 4:30; 8:30 Bradley, Paul Fisher Haiti 9:32 Corydon, Jeff 111 Bolivia 9:33 Calder, Richard D. Nigeria 9:33 Cameroon. 4:31 Lebanon 5:26 Djibouti 4:31 Bramson, Brian Н. Saudi AraЬia 5:26 Morocco 4:31 Syria 5:26 Brazil 11 :35-34 Tunisia 4:31 France 11 :33 Vietnam 4:31 Camp, William Е. 111 Haiti 11:33 Panama 11 :33 Norway 6:26; 9:33 D'Andrade, Walter С. Bolivia 9:30 Canale, George Н. Brazil 9:30 Brant, Ernest В. Spain 4:13 Kenya 4:33 Descoteaux, Norman М. Nigeria 4:33 Cannistraro, Vincent М. South Africa 4:33 Algeria 9:29 ltaly 12:42 Argentina 9:29 Saudi AraЬia 12:42 Breaw, Royce L. Ecuador 9:29 Somalia 12:42 Jamaica 1:23; 9:29 Greece 3:22 Philippines 3:22 Carleton. William Baker DiStefano, Joseph А. lran 9:34 Brewster, Robert George Morocco 9:34 Argentina 2:27; 9:29 lndonesia 10:56 Tunisia 9:34 Dominican RepuЫic 2:27 Korea (RepuЫic) 10:56; 11:33 ltaly 2:27 Malaysia 10:56 Carroll, Edward J. 111 Venezuela 2:27 Thailand 10:56 Liberia 4:33; 6:26 Senegal 4:33; 6:26 Dooling, -Robert А. Brotherton, Janice Zaire 6:26 Norway 9:33 United States. CIA Headquarters. Caribbean Dorland, Juliet Task Force 6:26 Carroll, Thomas Edward Brazil 9:34 Spain4:12 Brown, Robert Clayton ·Chile 9:34 United Kingdcэm 9:34 Argentina 9:31 Douglass, Wi\liam Wood ColomЬia 9:31 Charette, Wilfred J.A. lndia 9:32 Costa Rica 9:31 Lebanon 9:32 Ecuador 9:31 Ethiopia 9:34 Saudi AraЬia 9:32 Germany (Federal RepuЫic) 9:31 Ghana 9:34 Swaziland 9:34 Syria 9:32 Brown, Robert Е. Dubbs, Michael J. Chindgren, Marvin Н. lndonesia 10:56 Brazil 9:32 Japan 10:56 Japan 4:33 Guatemala 9:32 Malaysia 10:56 Laos 4:33 Singapore 10:56 Liberia 4:33; 8:33 Dumaine, Robert Т. Bruner, Whitley Ciazza, Adrian Bernard Austria 6:25 Afghanistan 8:32 Finland 6:25; 9:31 Egypt 6:26 USSR 6:25 lraq 6:26 Belgium 8:32

28 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Edgette, Judith Ann Garcia, Jenaro Hanson, Dean Р. Argentina 7:32 Spain 4:12 Bolivia 4: 11 Brazil 7:32 Ecuador 4: 11 Peru 7:32 Gardner, Norman Н., Jr. Cambodia (now Kampuchea) 4:11 Laos 4:11 Emmling, Char\es Ronald Kenya 4:33 Zambla 4:33 Spain 4:11 Burma 7:32; 12:42 Vietnam 4: 11 ltaly 7:32; 12:42 Gately, Robert Gene Malaysia 7:32; 12:42 Japan 7:33 Harper, Di;1vid А. Burundi 8:31"32 Eng\e, Gerald Lloyd Singapore 7:33; \0:57 Thailand 7:33 Denmark 8:31-32 Bulgaria 5:26 Ethiopia 8:31-32 Switzerland 5:26 Gebhardt, Саг\ Edward USSR 5:26 Harrington, Richard D. United Kingdom 5:26 lndonesia 8:32; 11:33 Poland 8:32 Spain 4:12 Thailand 8:32 Englehart, ~har\es Т. Hart, John Limond Egypt 10:55 George, Richard В. Morocco 11:34 Pakistan 10:55 Liberia 4:33; 8:33 Thailand 11 :34 Estes, Ronald Edward Philippines 4:33 Cyprus 10:57 Наг~, Katherine С. Czechos\ovakia 10:57 Gerber, Burton Lee United Kingdom 11:34 Greece 10:57 Bulgaria 8:34 Lebanon \0:57 USSR 8:34 Hartmann, Joseph W. Spain \0:57 Yugoslavia 8:34 Costa Rica 6:26 Guyana 6:26· Fambrini, Robert L. Gibson, Barry R. Brazil 6:25-26; 12:42 Bгazil 2:26 Hawbaker, Thomas D. Dominican RepuЬ\ic 6:25-26; 12:42 Ecuador 2:26 Egypt 8:34 Ecuador 6:25-26; 12:42 Frailce 2:26 Jordan 8:34 Haiti 6:25-26; 12:42 Sri Lanka 8:34 Nicaragua 6:25-26; 12:42 Gossens, Gerry Francis United Arab Eщirates 8:34 Uruguay 12:42 Congo (now Zaite) 5:25 Vietnam 8:34 Guinea 5:25 Fees, James Richard South Africa 5:25 Hawkins, Martin С. Egypt 5:26 Colombla 5:26 Jordan 5~26 Graham, Thomas Bell Ecuador 5:26 Sudan 5:26 Japan 10:57 Switzerland 5:26 Philippines 10:57 Hayes, Otis L. Yemen Arab RepuЬ\ic 5:26 Singapore 10:57 Liberia 6:26 Fernald, James М. Malawi 6:26 Graves, R. Martin Jordan \0:56 Nigeria 6:26 Kuwait 10:56 Brazil 3:21 Lebanon 10:56 Hazelrigg, George Н. Saudi Arabla 10:56 ·Grealy, Robert F. Burundi 6:25; 9:30 United АгаЬ Emirates \0:56 Hong Kong 10:55-56 Mali 6:25 Yemen Arab RepuЫic 10:56 lndonesia 10:55·56 Nigeria 6:25 Thailand 10:55-56 Sudan 6:25 Flaherty, James Michael Togo 6:25 Lebanon 6:26 Gries, David О. Libya 6:26 China 8:31 Healey, Donald J. Morocco 6:26 Singapore 8:31 France 12:41 Taiwan 8:31 Hong Kong 12:41 Floyd, Walter 1., Jr. ltaly 12:41 Japan 8:32-33 Grif.fin, Harvey Vietnam ·12:41 Spain4:13 Forden, David Warner Hemmings, Allan Bruce Algeria 5:24; 8:32 Austria 9:29-30 Gruner, Jay к. Mexico 9:29-30 Morocco 5:24; 8:32 Peru 4:12 India 8:32 Poland 9:29-30 Romanja 4:'12 Spain 4:12 Freeze, James Elias Venezuela 4: 12 Hoepf\, Robert F. United States. National Security Agency 7:24 Philippines 2:27 Hablb, John S. United Kingdom 2:27 Fuller, Graham Edmund Kuwait 6:25 Afghanistan 7:32 Morocco 6:25 Hoerrner, Jane 8ryan Hong Kong 7:32 Qatar 6:25 Ethiopia 8:32 Saudi Arabla 7:32 Ghana 8:32 Yemen Arab RepuЬlic 7:32 Hagenah, Todd D. Chile 8:31 Hollaway, Henry D. Gahagen, Robert О. Ecilador 8:31 Nepal 4:33 Spain 4:10; \0:57 Peru 8:31 Peru 4:33 Sudan 4:33 GamЫe, James W. Hammond, Robert J., Jr. Mali4:31 Ghana 8:33 Hopman, Gordon Joseph Pakistan 4:31 Senegal 8:33 lvory Coast 8:33-34 Senegal 4:31 Togo 8:33-34 Zaire 4:31 Hannon, John Char.\es Zaire 8:33-34 Kenya 6:26 Gannon, John Tanzania 6:26 Horgan, John Р. United States. CIA Headquarters, Caribbe<1n USSR 6:26 Ghana 4:31 Task Force 6:26 United Kingdom 6;26 Japan 4:31

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction Index 29 • i'

•' Malpeli, Joseph А. Horiuchi, Lucius Н. Peru 6:25 Venezuela 6:25 lndia 10:57 Japan 8:32 Pakistan 10:57 Philippines 8:32 Klein, Theodore Saudi дrabia 10:57 Hughes, Ralph С. Germany (Federal RepuЫic) 2:27 Martin. Samuel L. Switzerland 'J.:27 Jordan 2;27; 11:33 Libya 5:25 Lebanon 2:27 Knaus, John Kenneth United States. CIA Headquarters. Ethiopia Working Group 5:25 Hulse, Stacy В., Jr. Canada 9:30 Zaire 5:25 Canada 9:30 Japan 9:30 Greece 9:30 Matsui, Victor Masao Korn, Thomas А. Cambodia (now Kampuchea) 5:26 Hurley, Kenneth Leroy Guinea !0:57 Egypt 5:26 Ghana 8:32 lndia 10:57 lvory Coast 5:26 Malawi 4:32; 6:26; 8:32 Lebanon 10;57 Madagascar 5:26 Zambia 4:32; 6:26; 8:32 Netherlands !0:57 Pakistan 5:26 Switzerland 10;57 Zaire 5:26 lvanchukov, Naran Sansha Krc;:ssler, Bruce Edward McCall, Robert Ervin 111 Burma 12:41-44. Malaysia 7:24 ltaly 12:41 Ethiopia 4:32; 9:34 Taiwan 7:24 Sudan 9:34 Taiwan 12:41 USSR 7:24 Vietnam 12:41 United Nations. New York 7:24 McCarthy, John F. 111 Jarrett, Larry G. Kulp, Harold Cambodia (now Kampuchea) 4:32 Chad 8:30 Japan 4:32 Nigeria 8:30 Spain4:13 Nigeria 4:32 Sweden 8:30 Vietnam 4:32 Zambla 8:30 Latrash, Frederit:k Waldo Bolivia 7:32 McCavitt. John J. Brazil 7:32 Jeton, Francis John Ethiopia 6:26 France 9:31 Chile 7:32 Libya 6:26 Ghana 7:32 Morocco 6:26 Jordan 7:32 Johnsen, Martin l. Saudi Arabla 6:26 lndia 7:34. Tanzania 6:26 Spain 4:12 Panama 7:32 United Arab RepuЫic (Egypt) 7:37. McClung, Donald Charles JohЦ$'on, Aaron William Uruguay 7:32 Venezuela 7:32 Greece 8:33 Cyprus 2:26 Jordan 8:33 lndia 2:26 Uruguay 8:33 Liberia 2:26 LeClair, John J. lndonesia 1 l::B McGhee, William Morrow Johnson, Joseph Richard Laos 11:33 United Kingdom 11:34 British Guiana (-now Guyana) !0:55 Ethiopia 10:55 Leyva, Jesus McGinnis, Michael Hong Kong 10:55 Spain 4:13 Argentina 2:26 Dominican RepuЫic 2:26 Juchniewicz, Edward S. Liddington, William R. ltaly 2:26 Japan 5:25 Spain 4:13 Poland 5:25 McGivern, Edward Robert Switzerland 5:25 Loftin, Danny М. Singapore 5:25 Burma 9:34 Mali 9:33 Singapore 9:34 Switzerland 9:33 Taiwan 9:34 Kanes, Donald К. USSR 9:33 Vietnam 9:34 Brazil 5:24 United Nations. New York 9:33 Colombla 5:24 Venezuela 5:24 Lohuar.u, Mati McLean, Gail D. Egypt 10:55 Spain 4: 12 Ke!=nan, Thomas J. Kuwait 10:55 Lebanon 10:55 Methven, Stuart Е. Chile 8:31 Germany (Federal RepuЫic) 5:26 Colombla 8:31 lndonesia 5:26 Long, Arnold С. Jamaica 8:31 Laos 5:26 Peru 8:31 Afghanistan 7:33 Zaire 5:26 lndi11 7:33 Kennedy, Arthur Saudi Arabia 7:33 Meyer. Cord, Jr. Spain 4:13 United Kingdom 8:34 Loveridge, Roger L. Kenney, John Н. Spain 4:12 Miller, Donald L. France 10:57 Liberia 8:33 lndonesia 10:57 Lundahl, Frederick В. Kenya !0:57 Zambla 4:33 Mishler, Cletis L. Singapore 10:57 EI Salvador 2:27 Lupton, Robert Н. Tanza.nia 10:57 Honduras 2:27 Turkey !0:57 Ethiopia 4:32 Vietnam 10:57 Sierra Leone 4:32 Moffett, William Adger 111 Singapore 4:32 Bolivia 12:41 Keogh, Thomas Р., Jr. Tanzania 4:32 Haiti 12:41 Zambla 4:32 Spain 4:11 Jamaica 12:41 Uruguay 4:11 Maggard, Peggy М. Monczewski, Matthew Е. Kinsman, N. Richard Guatemala 9·:32 Central African RepuЫic 2:26 Colombla 6:25 Mexico 9:32 Eфiopia 2:26 Jamaica 6:25 Venezuela 9:32

Numbers 1-12 30 lndex CovertAction France 2:26 O'Neill, Sheila К. Richter, Stephen W. Laos 2:26 Bratil 5:24 lndia 11:33 Colombia 5:24 lran 11:33 Montgomery, Hugh Uruguay 5:24 Pakistan 11 :33 ltaly 3:22; 12:41 O'Shaugh11es5y, John D. Roberts, Rowland Е., Jr. Montgo111ery, Stephen Elroy Ghana 7:32 Belgium 8:33 India 9:33 lndia 7:32 Denmark 8:33 Jerusalem 9:33 Switzerland 8:33 Sri Lanka 9:33 Parkill, Stanley F. Beni11 4:30 Rohlfing, Andrew Donald Moreno, Richard Laos 4:30 Brazil 2:26 Spain 4:12 Venezuela 2:26 Patete, Frank М. Mosebey, Wil!iam L., Jr. Spain 4: 13 Roudebush, Tom Central African RepuЫic 4:32 Japan 7:33 Ethiopia 4:32 - Pierre, Roger Laurent Uruguay 7:33 Sudan 4:32 ltaly 12:41 Tanzania 4:32 Morocco 12:41 Ruben, Bruce L. Vietnam 12:41 lran 11:33 Murphy, Charles М. Когеа (RepuЫic) 11:33 lndia 4:12 Pillar. Geraldine М. Libya 4:12 Spain 4:12 Rupp, David Shocker Nicaragua 4: 12 Central African RepuЫic 4:32 Spain 4:12 Plumb, С. Paul, Jr. Congo (Brazzaville) 4:32 Murphy, Patrick N. Dominican RepuЬlic 10:57·58 Venezuela 10:57-58 Russ, James ltaly 8:34 Spain 4:13 Turkey 8:34 Polgar, Thomas Ryan, Donald G. Murray, William Dennis Mexico 3:22; 12:42 Dominican RepuЫic IО:Я-58 Saudi Arabia 7:33 Potts, James М. Venezuela !0:57-58 Myers, Clark Gilbert France 9:31 Greece 9:31 St. Georges" Laurent Maubert Denmark 8:31 United States. CIA Headquarters. Africa Sudan 4:31-32 Germany (Federal RepuЫic) 8:31 Division 9:31 Thailand 4:31-32 USSR 8:31 Vietnam 8:31 Proctor, Edward 'Wi!liam Sanchez, Nestor D. Natirboff, Murat United Kingdom 8:34 Colombia 4: 11 Egypt 8:31; 10:55 Guatemala 4: 11 lndia 8:31 Purinton, John F. Morocco 4:11 Spain 4: 11; 10:57 lndonesia 8:31 Bahrain 8:30 Venezuela 4: 11 Kenya 8:31 lndia 8:30 Sudan 8:31 Pakistan 8:30 Sanders, Gerald С. Natsios, James А. Rader, Ruth К. Spain 4:13 Lebanon 4:32 Spain 4:12 Sapp, Kenneth Mitchell Tunisia 4:32 Rahm, Richard G. lndia 9:33 Neves, Antonio L. Spain 4:12 Libya 9:33 Brazil 3:21 Schaefer, Clifton J. ltaly 3:21 Randall, Jonathan F. Argentina. 8:31 Nicol. Donald J. Central African Empire 4:30 Zaire 4:30 Chile 8:31 lndonesia 10:56 Honduras 8:31 Korea (RepuЬlic) !0:56 Ransom, David М. Mexico 8:31 Malaysia !0:56 Burundi 9:30 Schroen, Gary С. lvory Coast 9:30 Niner, Arthur М:, Jr. Mauritania 9:30 lr'an, 10:56 Libya 6:26 Senegal 9:30 Pakistan !0:56 Morocco 6:26 Raudenbush, Peter Vroom Schubert, Conrad С. Noriega, Juan F. Guinea 8:34 Argentina 9:29 Japan 9:33 Yugoslavia 8:34 Chile 9:29 Mexico 9:33 Nicaragua 9:33 Rauh, Richard W. Schwartzbard, Richard Uruguay 9:33 Bahrain 6:26 Philippines 3:21 O'Connell, John G. Lebanon 6:26 Saudi Arabia 6:26 Sednaoui, Michael С. Egypt 3:21 Sri Lanka 6:26; 9:34 Australia 12:41 Syria 6:26 ltaly 12:41 0'Donnell, John J. Yemen Arab RepuЬlic 6:26 Morocco 12:41 Austria 5:24 Yemen (People's Democratic RepuЬlic) 6:26 Egypt 5:24 Sell, Robert J. Lebanon 5:24 Greece 3:22 Yemen Arab RepuЫic 5:24 Reagan, John Joseph lvory Coast 3:22 Hong Kong 3:21 Lebanon 3:22 Ogino, Jack ~­ lndonesia 3:21 Thailand 3:22 Egypt 8:33 Malaysia 3:21 lndia 8:33 Pakistan 3:21 Senner, J'ames М. LebaщJn 8:33; 9:34 Afghanistan 9:33 Nepal 8:33 Reiter, Richard J. lndia 9:33 Sri Lanka 8:33; 9:34 Spain 4:13 Nepal 9:33

Nurnbers 1-12 CovertAction Index 31 Shedd, Thomas С. Stimson, Arthur Н. Senegal 10:57 • United Kingdom 8:34 Austria 9:30 Turkey 10:57 Germany (Federal RepuЬlic) 9:30 Waterman, Charles Е. Sherry, Francis S. Ш Spain 4:11 Stinus, Peter Jordan 10:56 Spain 4:13 Kuwait 10:56 Shields, Vincent Michael Lebanon 10:56 Stolz, Richard F., Jr. Saudi AraЬia 10:56 lndonesia 7:33 Bulgaria 8:34 Spain 7:33 Waters, Hugh Richard Germany (Federal RepuЫic) 8:34 Sigler, Jackson L. ltaly 8:34 lndonesia 8:33 Korea (RepuЫic) 8:33 Saudi Arabia 10:56 USSR 8:34 United Kirtgdom 8:34; 11:34 New Zealand 8:33 Pakistan 8:33 Silva, Frederick W. Yugoslavia 8:34 Chile 8:31 Weaver, Don А. Colombia 8:31 Stranford, John David Brazil 9:31 Kenya 4:32 Ecuador 8:31 Tanzania 4:32 Guatemala 8:31 Finland 9:31 Webb, Johfl Frederick Simenson, William С. Taube, Serge Argentina 4: 12 Finland 6:25 Burma 9:31 Costa Rica 4: 1.2 France 9:31 l;Jonduras 4: 12 Simpson, Robert К. lndonesia 9:31 Spain 4:12 Finland 4: 12; 9:34 Laos 9:31 Spain 4: 12; 9:34 USSR 9:31 Welch, Richard Zambia9:34 Thetry, Leonard D. Greece 9:30 Skidmore, Robert L. Ecuador 10:55 Wettering, Frederick L. Greece 10:56 Honduras 10:55 Uruguay 10:55 Kenya 5:25 lran 10:56 Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) 5:25 Malaysia 10:56 Thibault, Paul L. Tanzania 5:25 United States. CIA Headquarters. Ethiopia Skotzko, Waldimir India 11:33 Working Group 5:25 lndia 9:32-33 Pakistan 11 :33 Iran 9:32-33 Wichterman, Alvin R. Nepal 9:32-33 Thurman, David Edward Greece 4:33 Yugoslavia ~:32-33 Pakistan 9:33-34 Liberia 4:33 Sri Lanka 9:33-34 Sloane, Gerald Thompsop Williams, Eleazer Andrews Burma 6:26 Ticknor, Joel D. Singapore 5:25 Hong Kong 6:26 Uppi:r Volta 6:26 Burundi 6:26 Congo (now Zaire) 6:26 Williams, James Arthur Ghana 6:26 Smallwood, Marshall С. United States. The Pentagon 9:34 United States. National War College 6:26 Spain 4:13 Wilson, David R. Turner, Hugh J. Ш Smith, Charles Stephen Jordan 7:33 Lebanon 3:21 Colombia 9:30-31 Lebanon 7:33 Libya 7:33 Laos 9:30-31 Twetten, Thomas A,lan Spain 9:30-31 Morocco 7:33 Ghana 5:25; 10:56 Pakistan 7:33 lndia 5:25; 10:56 Vietnam 7:33 Smith, J. Perry Jordan 10:56 Spain 4:12 Libya 5:25; 10:56 Wilson, Dorwin М. Nigeria 5:25; 10:56 Kenya 4:31 Smith, James South Africa 4:31; 5:25 United Kingdom 8:34 Venute, Donald J. ZamЬia 4:31 Paraguay 8:33 Smith, James D., Jr. Peru 8:33 Winters, Donald Н. Mozambique 5:25 Somalia 8:33 Chile 10:57 Ecuador 10:57 Smoot, Mary Cynthia Vincent, Eugene G. Guatemala 10:57 ltaly 5:25 Ethiopia 12:42 Panama 10:57 Libya 5:25 ltaly 12:42 Venezuela 10:57 Sudan 12:42 Stanley, William Richard Witecki, Thomas А. Ghana 4:32 Vreeland, Frederick Dalziel Austria 7:33 Kenya 4:32 France 3:22; 12:41 Romania 7:33 Germany (Federal RepuЬlic) 12:41 Stephenson, Dan N. ltaly 3:22; 12:41 Wojciechowski, Gene W. Liberia 8:33 Morocco 12:41 Laos 10:57 Philippines 8:33 Switzerland 12:41 Sri Lanka 10:57 Tanganyika (now Tanzania) 12:41 Sternfield, Lawrence Melvin United Nations, New York 12:41 Wood, Carl F. Bolivia 3:22 Spain 4:13 Brazil 3:22 Wagner, William С., Jr. Chile 3:22 Chile 9:32 Wright, William Н. Mexico 3:22; 12:42 Haiti 9:32 Burma 8:32 · U ruguay 9:32 lndonesia 8:32 Stevenson, Rufus Philippines 8:32 Madagascar 6:26 Warrick, James М. Mali 6:26 Kenya 10:57 Ziemer, Sµzanne United Kingdom 6:26 Malawi 10:57 Hungary 5:26

32 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 Burma Cyprus Cornish, Richard Joseph 8:30 Estes, Ronald Edward !0:57 Locadons Emmling. Charles· Ronald 7:32; 12:42 Johnson, Aaron William 2:26 Afghanistan lvanchukov, Naran Sansha 12:41-42 McGivern, Edward Robert 9:34 Ciazza, Adrian Bernard 8:32 Sloane, Gerald Thompson 6:26· Fuller, Graham Edmund 7:32 Taube, Serge 9:31 Czechoslovakia Long, Arnold С. 7:33 Wright. William Н. 8:32 Estes, Ronald Edward 10:57 Senner, James М. 9:33

Algeria Bur.undi Denmark Connelly, Claude Patrick 9:29 Harper, David А. 8:31-32 Descoteaux, Norman М. 9:29 Hazelrigg, George Н. 6:25; 9:30 Arends, John J., Jr. 8:31 А. Hemmings, Allan Bruce 5:24; 8:32 Ransom, David М. 9:30 Harper, David 8:31-32 Ticknor, Joel D. 6:26 Myers, Clark Gilbert 8:31 Argentina Roberts, Rowland Е., Jr. 8:33 Brown, Robert Clayton 9:31 .Cambodia Djibouti Burton, Stewart О . .J2:42 Descoteaux, Noпnan М. 9:29 see Kampuchea Corydon, Jeff 111 4:31 DiStefano, Joseph А.".2:21; 9:29 Edgette, Judith Ann 7:32 Cameroon Dc;iminican RepuЫic McGinnis, Michael 2:26 Cornish, ·Richard Joseph 8:30 Schaefer, CliftonJ. 8:31 Corrigan, James L. 4:30; 8:30· Adkins, James Lee 9:32 Schubert, Conrad С. 9:29 Corydon, Jeff 111 4:31 Berwick, Walter М. 10:57-58 Webb, John Frederick· 4: 12 Beyer, Joel Н. 9:32 Blocker, V. Harwood III 9:31-32 Australia Canada DiStefano, Joseph А. 2:27 Sednaoui, Michael С. 12:41 Hulse, Stacy В., Jr. 9:30· Fambrini,.Robert L. 6:25-26; 12:42 Knaus, John Kenneth 9:30 McGinnis, Michael 2:26 Austria Plumb, С. Paul, Jr. !0:57-58 Arends, John J., Jr. 8:31 Ryan, Donald G. !0:57-58 Central African Empire/ Centtal African Dumaine, Robert Т. 6:25 RepuЫic Forden, David Warner 9:29-30 Ecuador O'Donnell, John J. 5:24 Monczewski, Matthew Е. 2:26 Stimson, Arthur Н. 9:30 Mosebey, William L., Jr. 4:32 Brown, Robert Clayton 9:31 Witecki, Thomas А. 7:33 Randall, Jonathan F. 4:30 Descoteaux, Norman М. 9:29 Rupp, David Shocker 4:32 Fambrini, Robert L. 6:25-26; 12:42 Bahrain Gibson, Barry R. 2:26 Hagenah, Todd D. 8:31 Purinton, John F. 8:30 Hanson, Dean Р. 4:11 Rauh, Richard W. 6:26 Chad Hawkins, Martin С. 5:26 Silva, Frederick W. 8:31 Belgium Atwater, James L. 4:30; 8:30 Jarrett, ·Larry G. 8:30 Therry, Leonard D. 10:55 Ciazza, Adrian Bernard 8:32 Winters, Donald Н. 10:57 Corrigan, James Lawrence 8:30 Roberts, Rowland Е., Jr. 8:33 Chile Egypt Benin Adkins, James Lee 9:32 Bruner, Whitley 6:26 Bernier, Norman А. 3:22 Englehart, Charles Т. !0:55 Atwater, James L. 4:30 Brunton, Thomas А. 5:24 Parkill, Stanley F. 4:30 Fees, James Richard 5:26 Вurton, Stewart О. 12:42 Hawbaker, Thomas D. 8:34 Carroll, Thomas Edward 9:34 Bolivia Latrash, Frederick Waldo 7:32 Hagenah, Todd D. 8:31 Lohuaru, Mati 10:55 Beyer, Joel Н. 9:32 Keenan, Thomas J. 8.:31 Matsµi, Victor Masao 5:26 Bradley, Paul f'isher 9:33 Latrash, Frederick Waldo 7:32 Nati·rboff, Murat 8:31; 10:55 D'Andrade, Walter С. 9:30 Schaefer, Clifton J. 8:31 O'Connell, John G. 3:21 Hanson, Dean Р. 4: 11 Schubert, Conrad С. 9:29 O'Donnell, John J. 5:24 Latrash, Frederick Waldo 7:32 Silva, Frederick W. 8:31 Ogiцo, Jack S. 8:33 Moffett, William.Adger 111 12:41 Sternfie!d, Lawrence Melvin 3:33 Sternfield, Lawrence Melvin 3:22 Wagner, William С., Jr. 9:32 Winters, Donald Н. 10:57 EI Salvador Botswana Brµnton, Thoma.s А. 5:24 Benedetti, Robert А. 4:30 C'1ina Mis'11er, Cletis L. 2:27 Gries, David О. 8:31 Brazil Ethiopia Blocker, V. Harwood 111 9:31-32 ColomЬia Charette, Wilfred J.A. 9:34 Bramson, Brian Н. 11:33-34 Burton, Stewart D. 12:42 Berwick, Walter М. !0:57-58 C\air, William J. 4:31 Carroll, Thomas Edward 9:34 Brown, Robert Clayton 9:31 Harper, David А. 8:31-32 Hoerrner, Jane Bryan 8:32 D'Andrade, Walter С. 9:30 Brunton, Thomas А. 5:24 Dubbs, Michael J. 9;32 Hawkins, Martin С. 5:26 Johnson, Joseph Richard !0:55 Edgette, Judith Ann 7:32 Kanes, Donald К. 5:24 Lupton, Robert Н. 4:32 Fambrini, Robert L. 6:25-26; 12:42 Keenan, Thomas J. 8:31 McCall, Robert Ervin 111 4:32; 9:34 Gibson, Barry R. 2:26 Kinsman, N. Richard 6:25 McCavitt, John J. 6:26 Monczewski, Matthew Е. 2:26 Graves, R. Martin 3:21 O'Neill, Sheila К. 5:24 Mosebey, William L., Jr. 4:32 Kanes, Donald К. 5:24 S11nc.hez, Nestor О. 4: 11 Vincent, Eugene G. 12:42 Latrash, Frederick Waldo 7:Д Silva, Frederick W. 8:31 Nc:ves, Antonio L. 3:21 Smith, Charles Stephen 9:30-31 O'Neill, Sheila К. 5:24 Finland Rohlfing, Andrew Donald 2:26 Congo (!3razzaville) Dumaine, Robert Т. 6:25; 9:31 Sternfield, Lawrence Melvin 3:22 Rupp, David Shocker 4:32 Simenson, William С. 6:25 Stranford, John David 9:31 Simpson, Robert К. 4:12; 9:34 Stranford, John David 9:31 Bulgaria Costa Rica Engle, Gera1d Lloyd 5:26 Brown, Robert Clayton 9:31 Gerber, Burton Lee 8:34 Hartmann, Joseph W. 6:26 France Stolz, Richard F., Jr. 8:34 Webb, John Frederick 4:12 Atkins, Edwin Franklin 3:22; 9:31

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction Index 33 Jamaica Bramson, Brian Н. 11:33 Johnson, joseph Richard 10:55 Burgstaller, Eugen 9:31 Reagan, John Joseph 3:21 Almy, Dean J., Jr., 1:23; 4:11; 6:25; 9:29 Corrigan, James L. 4:30; 8:30 Sloane, Gerald Thompson 6:26 Beyer, Joel Н. 9:32 Gibson, Barry R. 2:26 Descoteaux, Norman М. 1:23; 9:29 Healey, Donald J. 12:41 Hungary Кеепаn, Thomas J. 8:31 Jeton, Francis John 9:31 Ziemer, Suzanne Е. 5:26 Kinsman, N. Richard 6:25 Kenney, John Н. I0:57 Moffett, William Adger Ш 12:41 Monczewski, Matthew Е. 2:26 lndia Potts, James М. 9:31 Behrens, John F. 4:33 Japan Taube, Serge 9:31 Clarridge, Duane R. 12:41 Berwick, Walter М. 10:57-58 Vreeland, Frederick Dalziel 3:22; 12:41 Connelly, Claude Patrick 9:29 Brown, Robert Е. I0:56 Douglass, William Wood 9:32 Burns, Michael Allan 7:33 Germany (Federal RepuЫic) Hemmings, Allan Bruce 8:32 Chindgreп, Marvin Н. 4:33 Brown, Robert Clayton 9:31 Johnson, Aaron William 2:26 Floyd, Walter 1., Jr. 8:32-33 Кlein, Theodore 2:27 Korn, Thomas А. 10:57 Gately, Robert Gene 7:33 Methven, Stuart Е. 5:26 Latrash, Frederjck Wal

Guyana Italy Kuwait Adkins, James Lee 9:32; I0:55 Atkins, Edwin Franklin 3:22; 9:31 Fernald, James М. 10:56 Barrett, Leonard К. l-0:55 Cannistraro, Vincent М. 12:42 Habib, John S. 6:25 Burton, Stewart D. 12:42 Clarridge, Duane R. 12:41 Lohuaru, Mati I0:55 Hartmann, Joseph W. 6:26 DiStefano, Joseph А. 2:27 Waterman, Charles Е. 10:56 Johnson, Joseph Richard 10:55 Emmling, Charles Ronald 7:32; 12:42 He11ley, Donald J. 12:41 Laos Haiti Ivanchukov, Naran Sansha 1'2:41 Anders, James D., Jr. 8:32 Bramson, Brian Н. 11:33 McGinnis, Michael 2:26 Chindgren, Marvin Н. 4:33 Buss, David М. 9:32 Montgomery, Hugh 3:22; 12:41 Hanson, Dean Р. 4:11 Fambrini, Robert L. 6:25-26; 12:42 Mutphy, Patrick N. 8:34 LeClair, Johri J. 11:33 Moffett, William Adger Щ 12:41 Neves, Antonio L. 3:21 Methven, Stuart Е. 5:26 Wagner, William С., Jr. 9:32 Pierre, Roger Laurent 12:41 Monczewski, Matthew Е. 2:26 Sednaoui, Michael С. 12:41 Parkill, Stanley F. 4:30 Honduras Smoot, Mary Cynthia 5:25 Smith, Charles Stephen 9:30-31 Mishler, Cletis L. 2:27 Stolz, Richard F., Jr., 8:34 Taube, Serge 9:31 Schaefer, Clifton J. 8:31 Vincent, Eugene G. 12:42 Wojciechowski, Gene W. 10:57 Therry, Leonard D. 10:55 Vreeland, Frederick Dalziel 3:22; 12:41 Webb, John Frederick 4:12 Lebanon lvory Coast Anderson, Frank R. 5:25 Hong Kong Hopman, Gordon Joseph 8:33-34 Bruner, Whitley 6:26 Fuller, Graham Edmund 7:32 Matsui, Victor Masao 5:26 Calder, Richard D. 5:26 Grealy, Robert F. 10:55-56 Ransom, David М. 9:30 Douglass, William Wood 9:32 Healey, Donald J. 12:41 Sell, Robert J. 3:22 Estes, Ronald Edward I0:57

34 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12 ·, Fernald, James М. I0:56 Niner, Arthur М., Jr. 6:26 Horiuchi, Lucius Н. 8:32 Flaherty, James Michael 6:26 Pierre, Roger Lauren.t 12:41 Schwartzbard, Richard 3:21 Hughes, Ralph С. 2:27 Sanchez, Nestor D. 4: 11 Stephenson, Dan N. 8:33 Korn, Thomas А. 10:57 Sednaoui, Michael С. 12:41 Wright, William Н. 8:32 Lohuaru, Mati I0:55 Vreeland, Frederick Dalziel 12:41. Poland Natsios, James А. 4:32 Wilson, David R. 7:33 O'Donnell, John J. 5:24 Forden, David Warner 9:29-30 Ogino, Jack S. 8:33; 9:34 Mozambique Gebhardt. Carl Edward 8:32 Rauh, Richard W. 6:26 Smith, James D., Jr. 5:25 Juchniewicz, Edward S. 5:25 Sell, Robert J. 3:22 Turner, Hugh J. Ш 3:21 Nepal Portugal Waterman, Charles Е. 10:56 Bash, Edward J., Jr. 8:33 Burkart, James Е. 11:33 Wilson, David R. 7:33 Claпidge, .Duane R. 12:41 Hollaway, Henry D. 4:33 Qatar Liberia Ogino, Jack S. 8:33 Habib, John S. 6:25 Carroll, Edward J. Ш 4:33; 6:26 Senner, James М. 9:33 Chindgren, Marvin Н. 4:33; 8:33 Skotzko, Waldimir 9:Ц-33 Romania George, Richard В. 4:33; 8:33 Gruner, Jay К. 4:12 Hayes, Otis L. 6:26 Netherlands Witecki, Thomas А. 7:33 Johnson, Aaron William 2:26 Korn, Thomas А. 10:57 Miller, Donald L. 8:33. Saudi Arabia Stephenson, Dan N. 8:33 New Zealand Calder, Richard D. 5:26 Wichterman, A\vin .R. 4:33 Watets, Hugh Rlchard 8:33 Cannistraro, Vincent М. 12:42 Libya Close, Raymond Н. 7:33 Douglass, Wil\iam Wood 9:32 Anderson, Frank R. 5:25 Nicaragua Fambrini, Robert L. 6:25-26; 12:42 Fernald, James М. I0:56 Flaherty, James Michael 6:26 Fuller, Graham Edmund 7:32 McCavitt, John J. 6:26 Murphy, Charles М. 4:12 Noreiga, Juan F. 9:33 Long, Arnold С. 7:33 Martin, Samuel L. 5:25 Malpeli, Joseph А. I0:57 · Murphy, Charles М. 4:12 Nigeria McCavitt, John J. 6:26 Niner, Arthur М., Jr. 6:26 Murray, William Dennis 7:33. Sapp, Kenneth Mitchell 9:33 Behrens, John F. 4:33 Rauh, Richard W. 6:26 Smoot, Mary Cynthia 5:25 Bradley, Paul Fisher 9:33 Sigler, Jackson L. 10:56 Twetten, Thomas Alan 5:25; 10:56 Brant, Ernest В. 4:33 Waterman, Charles Е. I0:56 Wilson, David А. 'Z.:33 · Hayes, Otis L. 6:26 Hazelrigg, George Н. 6:25 Senegal Madagascar Jarrett, Larry G. 8:30 Atwater, James L. 4:30 Matsui, Victor Masao 5:26 McCarthy, John F. Ш 4:32 Twetten, Thomas Alan 5:25; I0:56 Carroll, Edward J. Ш 4:33; 6:26 Stevenson, Rufus 6:26 GamЫe, James W. 4:31 Norway Hamпrond, Robert J., Jr. 8:33 Malawi Rans9m, David М. 9:30 Camp, William Е. Ш 6:26; 9:33 Warrick, James М. 10:57 Hayes, Otis L. 6:26 Dooling, Robert А. 9:33 Hurley, Kenneth Leroy 4:32; 6:26; 8:32 Sierra Leone Warrick, James М. 10:57 Pakistan Lupton, Robert Н. 4:32 Englehart, Charles Т. I0:55 Malaysia GamЫe, James W. 4:31 Singapore Almy, Dean J., Jr. 1:23 Malpeli, Joseph А. I0:57 Brewster, Robert George 10:56 Matsui, Victot Masao 5:26 Brown, Robert Е. I0:56 Burns, Michael Allan 7:33 Brown, Robert Е. I0:56 Purinton, John F. 8:30 Emmling, Charles Ronald 7:32; 12:42 Reagan, John .loseph 3:21 Gately, Robert Gene 7:33; 10:57 Kressler, Bruce Edward 7:24 Richter, Stephen W. 11:33 Graham, Th9mas Bell I0:57 Gries, David D. 8:31 Nicol, Donald J. I0:56 Schroen, Gary С. 10:56 Reagan, John Joseph 3:21 Thibault, Paul L. 11:33 Juchniewicz, Edward S. 5:25 Skidmore, Robert L. 10:56 Thurman, David Edward 9:33-34 Кеппеу, .lohn Н. I0:57 Waters, Hugh Richard 8:33 Lupton, Robert Н. 4:32 Mali Wilson, David R. 7:33 McGivern, Edward Robert.9:34 Williams, Eleazer Andrews 5:25 GamЫe, James W. 4:31 Panama Hazelrigg, George Н. 6:25 Somalia Loftin, Danny М. 9:23 Bramson, Brian Н. ·11:33 Stevenson, ·Rufus 6:26 Latrash, Frederick Waldo 7:32 Cannistraro, Vincent М. 12:42 Venute, Donald J. 8:33 Winters, Donald Н. 10:57 Mauritania South Africa Ransom, David М. 9:30 Paraguay Brant, Ernest В. 4:33 Venute, Doщ1·ld J. 8:33 Gossens, Gerry Francis 5:25 Mauritius Wilson, Dorwin М. 4:31; 5:25 Clair, William J. 4:31 Peru Blocker, V. blarwood 1119:31-32 Spain Mexico Brunton, Thomas А. 5:24 Albright, Pauline 4: 12 Burton, Stewart D. 12:42 Burton, Stewart D. 12:42 Almy, Dean J., Jr. 1:23; 4:10-11; I0:57 Forden, David Warner 9:29-30 Edgette, Judith Ann 7:32 Bissell, Anthony 4: 13 Maggard, Peggy М. 9:32 Gruner Jay К. 4: 12 ·Booth, David 4:13 Noriega, Juan F. 9:33 Hagenah, Todd D. 8:31 Burns, Clarence М. 4: 13 Polgar, Thomas 3:22; 12:42 Hol\away, Henry D. 4:33 Canale, 'George Н. 4:13 Schaefer, Clifton J. 8:31 Кеепап, Thomas J. 8:31 Dorland, Juliet 4: 12 Sternfield, Law.rence Melvin 3:22; 12:42 Kinsman, N. Richard 6:25 Estes, Ronald EdWard 10:57 Venute, Donald J. 8:33 Gahagen, Robert D. 4:10; I0:57 Morocco Garcia, Jenaro 4:12 Carleton, William jЗaker 9:34 Philippines Griffin, Harvey 4: 13 Corydon, Jeff Ш 4:31 Almy, Dean J., Jr. 1:23 Gruner, Jay К. 4: 12 Flaherty, James Michael 6:26 Behrens, John F. 4:33 !ianson, Dean Р. 4:11 Habib, John S. 6:25 Breaw, Royce L. 3:22 Harrington, Richard D, 4:12 Hart, John 'Limond 11 :34 George, Richard В. 4:33 Johnsen, Martin 1. 4:12 Hemmings, Allan Bruce 5:24; 8:32 Graham, Thomas Bell 10:57 Kennedy, Arthur 4: 13 McCavitt, John J. 6:26 Hoepfl, Robert F. 2:27 Keogh, Thomas Р., Jr. 4:11

Numbers 1-12 CovertAction lndex 35 Kulp, Harold 4:13 T(Jailand Uruguay Leyva, Jesus 4: 13 Liddington, William R. 4: 13 Brewster, Robert George 10:56 Fambrini, Robert L. 12:42 Loveridge, Roger L. 4: 12 Burns, Michael Allan 7:33 Keogh, Thomas Р" Jr. 4: 11 McLean, Gail D. 4:12 Gately, Robert Gene 7:33 Latrash, Frederick Waldo 7:32 Moreno, Richard 4: 12 Gebhardt, Carl Edward 8:32 McClung, Donald Charles 8:33 Grealy, Robert F. 10:55-56 Murphy, Charles М. 4:12 Noriega, Juan F. 9:33 Hart, John Limond 11 :34 Patete, Frank М. 4:13 O'Neill, Sheila К. 5:24 St. Georges, Laurent Maubert 4:31-32 Roudebush, Tom 7:33 Pillar, Geraldine М. 4:12 Sell, Robert J. 3:22 Therry, Leonard D. 10:55 Rader, Ruth К. 4:12 Wagner, William С., Jr. 9:32 Rahm, Richard G. 4:12 Togo Reiter, Richard J. 4:13 Russ, James 4: 13 Cornish, Richard Joseph 8:30 Venezuela Sanchez, Nestor D. 4: 10-11; 10:57 Hazelrigg, George Н. 6:25 Barrett, Leonard К. 10:55 Sanders, Gerald С. 4: 13 Hopman, Gordon Joseph 8:33-34 Berwick, Walter М. 10:57-58 Sherry, Francis S. 1114:11 DiStefano, Joseph А. 2:27 Shields, Vincent Michael 7:33 Tunisia Gruner, Jay К. 4:12 Simpson, Robert К. 4: 12; 9:34 Carleton, William Baker 9:34 Kanes, Donald К. 5:24 Smallwood, Marshall С. 4:13 Corydon, Jeff 111 4:31 Kinsman, N. Richard 6:25 Smith, J. Репу 4:12 Natsios, James А. 4:32 Latrash, Frederick Waldo 7:32 Smith, Charles Stephen 9: 10-11 Maggard, Peggy М. 9:32 Stinus, Peter 4:13 Turkey Plumb, С. Paul, Jr. 10:57-58 · Webb, John Frederick 4: 12 Amerman, S. Phillips L. 8:34 Rohlfing, Andrew Donald 2:26 Ryan, Donald G. 10:57-58 Wood, Carl F. 4:13 Burkart, James Е. 11:33 Clarridge, Duane R. 12:41 Sanchez, Nestor D. 4: 11 Winters, Donald Н. 10:57 Sri Lanka Kenney, John Н. 10:57 Ciazza, Adrian Bernard 8:32 Murphy, Patrick N. 8:34 Connelly, Claude Patrick 9:29 Warrick, James М. 10:57 Vietnam Hawbaker, Thomas D. 8:34 Montgomery, Stephen Еlгоу 9:33 USSR Corydon, Jeff Ш 4:31 Hanson, Dean Р. 4: 1 1 Ogino, Jack S. 8:33; 9:34 Dumaine, Robert Т. 6:25 8:34 Rauh, Richard W. 6:26; 9:34 5:26 Hawbaker, Thomas D. Engle, Gerald Lloyd Healey, Donald J. 12:41 Thurman, David Edward 9:33-34 Gerber, Burton Lee 8:34 12:41 Wojciechowski, Gene W. ·10:57 Hannon, John Charles 6:26 lvanchukov, Naran Sansha Н. 10:57 Kressler, Bruce Edward 7:24 Kenney, John McCarthy, John F_ Ш 4:32 Sudan Loftin, Danny М. 9:33 McGivern, Edward Robert 9:34 Fees, James Richard 5:26 Myers, Clark Gilbert 8:31 Myers, Clark Gilbert 8:31 Н. 6:25 Stolz, Richaгd F., Jг. 8:34 Hazelrigg, George Pierre, Roger Laurent 12:41 4:33 Taube, Serge 9:31 Hollaway, Henry D. Wilson, David R. 7:33 МсСаН, Robert Ervin 111 9:34 Mosebey, William L., Jr. 4:32 United Arab Emirates Yemen Arab RepuЬlic Natirboff, Murat 8:31 Fernald, James М. 10:56 5:25 St. Georges, Laurent Maubert 4:31 Hawbaker, Thomas D. 8:34 Anderson, Frank R. Vincent, Eugene G. 12:42 Bruner, Whitley 6:26 United Kingdom Fees, James Richard 5:26 Fernald, James М. 10:56 Swaiiland Bernier, Norman А. 3:22 Fuller, Graham Edmund 7:32 9:34 Charette, Wilfred J.A. 9:34 Carroll, Thomas Edward O'Donnell, John J. 5:24 Engle, Gerald Lloyd 5:26 Rauh, Richard W. 6:26 Hannon, John Charles 6:26 Sweden !-lart, Katharine С. 11 :34 Jarrett, Larry G. 8:30 Hoepfl, Robert F. 2:27 Yernen (People's Demщ:ratic RepuЫic) McGhee, William Morrow 11 :34 Meyer, Cord, Jr. 8:34 Rauh, Richard W. 6:26 Switzerland Proctor, Edward William 8:34 Yugoslavia Arends, John J., Jr. 8:31 Shedd, Thomas С. 8:34 Engle, Gerald Lloyd 5:26 Smith, James 8:34 Gerber, Burton Lee 8:34 Fees, James Richard 5:26 Stevenson, Rufus 6:26 Raudenbush, Peter Vroom 8:34 Juchniewicz, Edward S. 5:25 Stolz, Richard F., Jr. 8:34; 11:34 Skotzko, Waldimir 9:32-33 Klein, Theodore 2:27 Stolz, Richard F., Jr. 8:34 Korn, Thomas А. 10:57 United Nations. New York Loftin, Danny М. 9:33 Zaire Kressler, Bruce Edward 7:24 Roberts, Rowland Е., Jr. 8:33 Loftin, Daпny М. 9:33 Benedetti, Robert А. 4:30 12:41 Vreeland, Frederick Dalziel Vreeland, Frederick Dalziel 12:41 Burgess, Dwight Spaulding 9:34 Carroll, Edward J. 111 6:26 Syria GamЫe, James W. 4:31 Behrens, John F. 4:33 Uni\ed States Gossens, Gerry Francis 5:25 Calder, Richard D. 5:26 CIA Headquarters, Africa Division Hopman, Gordon Joseph 8:33-34 Douglass, William Wood 9:32 Potts, Ja-mes М. 9:31 Martin, Samuel L. 5:25 Rauh, Richard W. 6:26 Matsui, Victor Masao 5:26 Caribbean Task Force Methven, Stuart Е. 5:26 Taiwan Brotherton, Janice 6:26 Randall, Jonathan F. 4:30 Burns, Michael Allan 7:33 Gannon, John 6:26 Ticknor, Joel D. 6:26 Gries, David D. 8:31 Ethiopia Working Group lvanchukov, Naran Sans(la 12:41 Martin, Samuel L. 5:25 ZamЬia Kressler, Bruce Edward 7:24 Wettering, Frede~ick L. 5:25 Behrens, John F. 4:33 McGivern, Edward Robert 9:34 National Security Agency Gardner, Norman Н., Jr. 4:33 Freeze, James ·Elias 7:24 Hurfey, Kenneth Leroy 4:32; 6:26; 8:32 Tanzania Jarrett, Larry G. 8:30 National War College Hannon, John Charles 6:26 Lundahl, Frederick В. 4:33 Kenney, John Н. 10:57 Ticknor, Joel D. 6:26 Lupton, Hobert Н. 4:32 Lupton, Robert Н. 4:32 The Pentagon Simpson, Robert К. 9:34 McCavitt, John J. 6:26 Williams, James Arthur 9:34 Wilson, Dorwin М. 4:31 Mosebey, William L., Jr. 4:32 Vreeland, Frederick Dal.ziel 12:41 Zimbabwe Weaver, Donn А. 4:32 Upper Volta Clair, William J. 4:31 Wettering, Frederick L. 5:25 Sloane, Gerald Thompspn 6:26 Wettering, Frederick L. 5:25

36 lndex CovertAction Numbers 1-12