Speaker : Jane Newton, Guide Dogs for the Blind

Jennifer welcomed two new members, both friends of existing members.

Newsletter: Jennifer told everyone that a monthly email in newsletter format would be sent by the Secretary just before the regular meeting, informing members of details of the forthcoming meeting – speaker, raffle, fund raising table etc.

Charity Vote: Jennifer also explained that we would be voting today for our chosen charity for 2018, using macaroni in a jar to select one of three potential charities – Portishead Young Carers, Portishead Christmas Lights and Portishead Flower Show and Country Fair. Portishead young Carers had the most macaroni tokens in the jar and won the vote. Jennifer explained that we are obliged to have a local charity.

Skittles: Two of the three teams have made it through to the quarter finals, but Team B sadly did not. Team A will be playing at a future date (the scheduled match was postponed). Team C will play against and Bishop Sutton at Backwell later in the month.

Letter from WI Chairperson: a letter has been sent to all WI’s defending the recent rise in subscription rates following several negative articles in the national press. Jennifer pointed out that one of these articles and the letter were on display on the Federation table and that Alison would happily forward the emailed letter to any members upon request.

Portishead Carnival Saturday 16 June 2018: It has been decided to enter the carnival as a walking group. Members were informed of the theme, but they were asked not to divulge our theme to anyone.

Walks: three walks are planned, two for this month and one already planned for March. Wed 21 Feb – led by Sue W, meeting in Homebase at 10.30 for car sharing and driving to Clevedon, with a walk from The Little Harp and lunch there afterwards. Thurs 22 Feb - led by Barbara, meeting at 9.15 in Homebase for car sharing and driving to Weston for a walk partly along a beach with fish and chip lunch in a restaurant. Thurs 15 Mar – led by Laura, a walk in Failand, details to follow

SECRETARY’s REPORT: Alison told members about the new email address strictly for Harbourside WI matters.

It is: [email protected]

AVON FEDERATION: Sue reminded members that there were numerous sign up sheets on the table for forthcoming events, including Gig Rowing, a trip round Harbour with cream tea on The Matthew ship, and other trips. Payment is due tonight for some of them.


Gaie has organised a coach trip on July 4th 2018 leaving Portishead around 9.15, returning by 7pm, to include a tour lasting one and a half hours and free time in Poole. Members were reminded to sign up and pay a £10 deposit. LUNCH CLUB: Doreen said that there is a sign up sheet for lunch at 1pm at The Albion on March 1st.

BELMONT GROUP: Lynne explained that Belmont is a group of four local WI’s who meet together for two socials per year, one in Spring and one in Autumn. The forthcoming Spring Meeting will be on 20 April 2018 at Folk Hall, Portishead, and takes the form of a social evening with some entertainment provided by each WI, and a buffet. The cost will be £5 per person, and there is a limit of 20 members. A sign up sheet is available.

TREASURER’s report:

Lynne announced that receipts for subscriptions paid were on the table for members to collect.

Financial update:

Sep 2017-Jan 2018

Monies received: 126 subscriptions @ £20 paid = £2520 Raffles £250 Fund raising tables £145

Monies paid out: Room hire (£101.75 per month) £508 in total 40 copies of Avon News £115 Insurance £60 Miscellaneous £80 Christmas Party £73 2018 Programmes £30 Stationery £70

The bank balance at the end of January was £4015.11

Barbara introduced our speaker, Jane Newton, a trainer from Guide Dogs for the Blind charity. She came with another dog trainer and their two puppies being trained for future users, and a dog handler who has a retired dog at home. Jane gave a most informative and interesting talk. There were plenty of questions from members and vote of thanks from Chris to round off the proceedings. In addition there was a voluntary collection for their charity.