Tuesday 15 October 2013 10 Dhul-Hijja 1434 - Volume 18 Number 5853 Price: QR2

The Peninsula wishes all readers [email protected] | [email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Emir greets Gold bars and Arab leaders on Eid Al Adha coins back in DOHA: The Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani yesterday exchanged Eid Al Adha greetings with leaders of Arab countries. local market In telephone calls, the Emir greeted the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Prices of yellow metal decline bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, H M King Hamad bin DOHA: Gold bars and coins Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain, King of various denominations are Abdullah II bin Al Hussein of available in local market in Jordan, King Mohammed VI of sufficient quantities after the Morocco, Emir of Kuwait H H shortages witnessed during the Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber soaring demand last April. Al Sabah, UAE Vice-President, That was the time when gold Prime Minister and Ruler of rates had suddenly climbed down Dubai H H Sheikh Mohammed after being too high for about two bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Yemen’s years. Gold prices are stable now President Abd-Rabbu Mansour and, in fact, fell further in the past Hadi, Palestinian President two to three weeks. “There is no In this file picture, a man is jubilant Mahmoud Abbas, and Lebanese dearth of gold bars and coins (at having bought two 116-gm gold President Michel Suleiman. least with us) now,” said an offi- bars from a local market. Pilgrims perform noon prayers outside the Namira mosque near Mount Arafat yesterday. The Emir also exchanged cial from Gulf Exchange that also greetings with Saudi Crown deals in bullion. countries. Expatriates buy the Prince, Deputy Prime Minister The official said the demand bars and coins for two reasons— and Defence Minister Prince for the gold biscuits and coins had for investment and to make jewel- Pilgrims urged to heal divisions Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, risen after gold prices came down lery when they are home. Bahrain’s Crown Prince, Deputy recently, but as the prices have The standard 24-carat or pure MUZDALIFAH: Throngs of responding to your call, God). legal permits and had arrested Supreme Commander and First stabilized so has demand. “There gold, bar of 116 grams was selling pilgrims converged yesterday In his annual sermon, top Saudi 38,000 others for performing Haj Deputy Prime Minister Prince isn’t much demand presently.” in the local market for QR17, 600 on Muzdalifah to prepare for cleric Sheikh Abdulaziz Al Sheikh without a permit. Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Market operators said gold jew- yesterday, down QR400-QR500 Eid Al Adha feast after a day of urged Muslims to avoid divisions, Authorities have also seized as and Kuwait’s Crown Prince ellery is more in demand during in the past fortnight. The bars of prayer on Mount Arafat for an chaos and sectarianism. many as 138,000 vehicles for vio- Sheikh Nawaf Al Ahmad Al festive seasons like Eid Al Adha smaller denominations were also end to disputes and bloodshed. “Your nation is a trust with lating the Haj rules, and owners Jaber Al Sabah. as people give away gifts to their available, and same was the case The faithful will spend the you. You must safeguard its secu- will be penalised, the prince said. Earlier, the Emir received a near and dear ones. with coins of varying sizes. night in Muzdalifah to collect rity, stability and resources,” the Many pilgrims said they were congratulatory cable from the However, compared to last year Pure gold was selling at around stones which they will use a sym- cleric, who heads Saudi Arabia’s praying for peace in Muslim Speaker of the Advisory Council the craving for jewellery is also QR151 here yesterday, down from bolic ritual of stoning the devil in highest religious body, said in an nations mired in sectarian and H E Mohamed bin Mubarak Al not as high, said a salesman from a high of QR208 some 26 months nearby Mina today, the first day address to the Muslim world. political strife. “I will pray the Kholeifi. a jewellery marker. As for the ago, in August 2011. Gold rates of the feast of sacrifice. “You should know that you are whole day for God to improve The Emir, in a reply, thanked coins and bars, they are mostly began climbing down in the past Most of the pilgrims trav- targeted by your enemy... who the situation for Muslims world- Kholeifi and exchanged greet- bought by expatriate investors six months. Since early this year, elled from Mount Arafat to wants to spread chaos among you wide and for an end to disputes ings with council members. The and their demand peaks when for example, the prices are down Muzdalifah on foot, while oth- ... It’s time to confront this.” The and bloodshed in Arab countries,” Emir asked Allah The Almighty gold prices are down. more than 20 to 25 percent. ers took buses and trains, some cleric recalled the Islamic prohi- 61-year-old Algerian pensioner for the best of health and happi- “We literally have crowds lined Meanwhile, despite high riding on the roofs. Thousands bition of killing and aggression, Saeed Dherari said. ness to them and more welfare, up when gold rates plummet,” said “making” charges jewellers said of security men were deployed to while insisting there is “no salva- “I hope that God will grace all progress and prosperity for the the exchange official. Sales are the demand for gold ornaments organise the traffic flowing into tion or happiness for the Muslim Muslims with security and sta- Qatari people. also brisk when the long summer remained high. Making charges Muzdalifah. nation without adhering to the bility,” said 75-year-old Ahmad The Prime Minister and break begins as expatriates travel have gone up as much as QR30 on Earlier in the day, men, teachings of the religion.” Khader, who hails from the Interior Minister H E Sheikh home on vacations. exported jewellery while for the women and children from across Prince Khaled told the official southern Syrian province of Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Pure and 22-carat gold from local ones they remain at QR10 the Muslim world flooded the SPA news agency that authorities Daraa. “The regime is tyranni- Al Thani also exchanged greetings the GCC states carry a premium to QR15 per gramme. roads to Mount Arafat chanting had turned back 70,000 nationals cal and I pray for God to help the with a number of leaders of Arab particularly in South Asian THE PENINSULA “Labaik Allahum Labaik” (I am and expatriates for not carrying oppressed people,” he said. AFP and Islamic countries. QNA

Corniche signals open End of an era as Chemical weapons treaty IHT is rebranded International NYT comes into force in Syria UNITED NATIONS: The UN in Syria to eradicate the country’s PARIS: The International said yesterday that “the race is banned arms. UN spokesman Herald Tribune (IHT) published on” to make sure Syria keeps to Martin Nesirky said Syria was its final edition under its own deadlines to destroy its chemi- providing “good cooperation” but name yesterday, marking the cal weapons as a key treaty took the official backing of the conven- end of an era for the 125-year- effect for Damascus. tion was a key step. newspaper that was a lifeline The Chemical Weapons Nesirky said Syria’s full mem- for American expatriates. Convention came into force for bership of the 1993 Chemical The newspaper, headquartered Syria yesterday. That is a month Weapons Convention is “long in Paris but printed throughout after President Bashar Al Assad, overdue and it is obviously wel- the world, will be rebranded today in a bid to head off a Western mil- come”. “There is a lot of hard as International New York Times. itary strike, was accepted by the work that needs to be done now The New York Times Co took Organisation for the Prohibition with Syria inside that convention, full ownership of the daily in 2003. of Chemical Weapons. various obligations that need to be In a 24-page special report to The traffic signals on the Corniche Road, work on which had been on for a few months, were opened to traffic The OPCW and the UN have lived up to,” Nesirky said. AFP coincide with its final edition, the last night. The first intersection was opened at 11pm. The Corniche Road now has only one roundabout, near about 60 experts already working See also page 7 IHT’s editorial page editor Serge the Doha Sheraton. SHAIVAL DALAL Schmemann said the re-branding was only the latest in a long line of name changes. “Whatever the name, the connection between the paper and its audience has long been clear,” he wrote. Saudi Arabia to join US as shale gas producer Founded on October 4, 1887, by New York Herald publisher DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA: Opec heav- deliver them to consumers,” Saudi Aramco By unlocking its gas reserves, Saudi this decade. Oman is likely to lead the way Gordon Bennett, the newspaper yweight Saudi Arabia is preparing to be Chief Executive Khalid Al Falih said yes- could use the fuel to power its domes- with development of tight gas that could settled on its current name in among the first countries outside North terday at the World Energy Congress here. tic economy and allow more room for oil start commercial production by 2017 and 1967, after the New York Times America to use shale gas for power gen- “Only two years after launching our own sales to world markets. Saudi Oil Minister yield up to 30 trillion cubic feet. and Washington Post took stakes eration and thereby save more of its unconventional gas programme, in the Ali bin Ibrahim Al Nuaimi has given an Saudi Aramco has been mapping uncon- in the paper following the collapse crude oil for lucrative exports. northern region of Saudi Arabia, we are estimate of over 600 trillion cubic feet of ventional reserves in the hope it will help of the New York Herald Tribune. Inspired by a shale gas boom in the ready to commit gas for the development unconventional gas reserves, more than meet an expected doubling of demand by AFP United States, which has transformed of a 1,000 megawatt power plant which double its proven conventional reserves. 2030. It has carried out appraisal drilling the country from the world’s largest gas will feed a massive phosphate mining and That would put Saudi Arabia fifth in and piloting of three prospective areas for importer to a budding exporter, Riyadh manufacturing sector,” said Falih. a 32-country shale gas reserves ranking unconventional gas in the northwest, in INSIDE plans to take its first steps to commercial- The Saudi Arabian Mining Co (Maaden) compiled for the US Energy Information south Ghawar and for condensate-rich ise its own large unconventional deposits. plans to invest in a phosphate project which Administration. China tops the list. shale gas in the Rub’ Al Khali. The gas will Schedule of “We are ready to start producing our own is part of a new industrial city called Waad Al But Riyadh — hampered by scarce water feed a proposed power plant in Jizan, which Eid events at various venues shale gas and unconventional resources in Shimal City for Mining Industries, with pro- and prices fixed far below production costs will be connected to a 400,000 barrels-per- various types in the next few years and duction expected to start by the end of 2016. — is unlikely to produce much shale gas day (b/d) refinery. REUTERS

TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 04 HOME Residents complain about Qatar celebrates Eid today disparity in prices 278 mosques and prayer grounds prepared for special prayers DOHA: A number of buyers year,” he told Al Sharq. have complained about dispar- He said differences in prices DOHA: Qatar is all set to cel- ity in prices of certain goods from one shop to another can- ebrate Eid Al Adha today and in demand in retail shops and not be addressed by government the meteorology department commercial centres this Eid Al intervention alone or tight moni- has forecast pleasant weather Adha. toring of the market, but can be during the holidays. They say shops sell the same addressed by creating balance The Ministry of Awqaf and goods but their prices vary between supply, in which sup- Islamic Affairs has prepared 278 between 50 dirhams and QR5 pliers should know the most mosques and prayer grounds from one shop to another. required goods for specific occa- across the country to perform the “Why is this happening and sion and make them available. special Eid prayers. The prayers what are the concerned authori- “There is also a need to will be held at 5.47am. Special ties doing about this?” a buyer empower civic organisations to arrangements for women will be asked. protect consumers and raise available at 31 prayer venues. Dr Hosni Kholi, an economist, awareness so that they don’t Several expatriate organisa- said disparity in prices is a nor- buy more than their needs and tions have also organised Eid mal phenomenon when there is find alternative products to those prayers in collaboration with the an increase in demand for some whose prices are very high dur- ministry. Hundreds of expats are goods. ing the season.” expected to attend these congre- For instance this Eid, people He said Qatar Chamber and gations, where translation of the focus on buying clothes, per- other associations should be Eid sermons in their languages fumes, sweets and some types of active during this time and cor- will be available. food in addition to sheep, he said. rupt traders be punished by law. The grass ground at Al Price increase during Eid, Dr Khalid Al Suwaidi, business- Arabi Sports Club and a por- Kholi said, is pre-planned by man and investor, said fluctua- tion of the parking area at Lulu traders because they know what tion in prices of goods affects Hypermarket will be converted people need and want and make consumption and people lose into prayer grounds, mainly for sure they increase the supply of trust in the local market. This Indian expats, with special facili- these items during Eid. has a negative effect on the local ties for women. “Traders see Eid as a season market as buyers look to neigh- Animal sacrifice being an Traffic jam around Souq Waqif as people rush for last-minute Eid purchases yesterday. ABDUL BASIT for more sales so some items are bouring countries to purchase important ritual of Eid Al Adha, increased from 50 to 75 percent their needs at a lower price, he the livestock market in Abu Mesaimeer, close to the Industrial Corniche have been converted from other GCC countries. compared to other times of the added. THE PENINSULA Hamour and the attached slaugh- Area, and its Grand Mall into intersections, equipped with All popular festival venues in terhouses are expected to witness Hypermarket have been attract- a smart traffic control system. Doha and other places are expected huge rush today and in the fol- ing a huge number of visitors The Doha International Airport to attract huge crowds, with a lowing days. since their opening on Friday. A and the Abu Samra border post pleasant weather expected dur- Souq Waqif to host Eid Shopping malls, butcheries and musical show targeting Indian have been witnessing huge rush ing the holidays. No strong winds groceries saw huge crowds last expats will take place at the open over the past few days, with many or a sudden dip in temperature evening, with people rushing for amphitheatre at West Park this people heading to the neighbour- are forecast by the Meteorology last-minute Eid shopping. evening. ing countries for the Eid holidays. Department in the next four days. Festival from tomorrow Barber shops and beauty salons The renovated Corniche road, Dubai has emerged as the most Temperature would hover between DOHA: Over 25,000 visitors Chameleon, while a Trampoline were also bustling with visitors which is expected to be fully open favourite destination for expats an ideal 23-35 degrees Celsius in are expected to throng Souq show will be held in the area adja- until late in the night. Roads lead- to traffic by this morning, will while a number of citizens travel Doha and a dip by one or two Waqif daily to witness various cent to Al Ahmad Square. ing to all major shopping centres smoothen traffic in the city and by road to the neighbouring degrees is expected in outer areas shows during the Eid Al Adha An outdoor theatre has been were clogged for hours yesterday. add colour to Eid celebrations. Saudi Arabia. Doha has also been like Wakra and Al Khor. Festival which starts tomorrow. erected for the festival and will The West End Park in All major roundabouts on the attracting a number of visitors THE PENINSULA Leading the five-day festival is feature Circus: Mother Africa, the first-of-its-kind Snow White Ian Marchant and Live Statues, Show which will be held at Al among others. A competition will Rayyan Theatre. also be held at Al Ahmad Square. Two shows will be held daily, The festival is one of many Minister visits one from 5.30pm to 6.30pm and events to promote the souq as a Beauty parlours cashing in on Eid rush another from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. major tourism destination. Tickets are priced at QR40 and “We have a tourism promotion Qatar pilgrims’ DOHA: Some women have salons are charging too much, salon told Al Raya. It is normal for QR60. Other shows from 4pm to programme aimed at attracting complained about exorbitant with hair styling from QR150 to salons to increase prices of their 9pm are free to the public and visitors to Souq Waqif, mak- tents on Arafat charges at beauty salons, which over QR200. services during Eid, but the prob- will be held in various locations ing it one of the preferred tour- witnessed last-minute rush yes- Price for manicure has lem is there is no improvement in in the souq. The show opposite ism destinations in Doha,” said MOUNT ARAFAT: The terday as women popped in for increased from QR80 to QR120, the quality of their services, said Souq Waqif Police Station will Mohammad Al Salim, Director Minister of Awqaf and Islamic treatments in preparation for eyebrow shaping up to QR80, skin Fatima, another customer, adding feature Magician on a Stick, of Souq Waqif. Affairs and head of Qatari Haj Eid celebrations. care from QR150 to QR250 and prices were raised by 50 percent. Bjorn the Polar Bear, Titan the The festival is part of Qatar Mission, H E Dr Ghaith bin The salons had witnessed huge henna up to QR300 depending on Because of the rush, one cus- Robot, Balloonatic and Coulourful Tourism Authority’s Eid Al Adha Mubarak Al Kuwari, yesterday turnout before Eid and some the customer’s requirements. tomer, Haya, could not book Parade. Festival which runs for 12 days in resumed inspection tours and women had to book 10 days before But salons justify the price despite many attempts, so she In front of Mirqab Boutique various venues around the coun- saw accommodation sites for Eid to avoid rush which, they say, increase to hiring new employees hired a beauty salon expert for Hotel, people can watch Dave the try. THE PENINSULA pilgrims from Qatar. resulted in salons taking advan- and improving their services. home service. However, “it cost The tour covered all sites of tage of the situation by increasing “To meet the huge demand, we me double of what I pay in salons. Qatari pilgrims in Mount Arafat prices of their services. had to hire new employees and I had to pay her QR1,500,” she where the Minister inquired about Hair styling and treatment, extend working hours until late said. their conditions and was assured eyebrow shaping, and henna are night especially three days before Some women said a few salons 25 veterinarians to check of their safety and comfort by Haj the most sought-after services Eid when there is huge rush. have been charging up to QR800 officials and contractors. for the occasion characterised by Increase in prices of our services for make-up and urged the Earlier, he said the goal of the socialising and holiday trips. is reasonable. This is not exploi- Consumer Protection Department slaughtered sheep mission was to serve Qatar pil- Noor, a customer, said beauty tation,” the operator of a beauty to intervene. THE PENINSULA grims and ensure all comfort and DOHA: The Doha Municipality they will work from 5am to 7pm,” safety requirements are met to has assigned 25 veterinarians Abdullah Ahmed Al Sulaiti, head allow them to perform pilgrim- to check the slaughtered sheep of Meat Inspection Unit at Doha age smoothly, adding that this at five abattoirs in Qatar during Municipality, said reflects the interest of the Emir Eid Al Adha holidays. The animals will be tested H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Qatar ‘committed’ to empowering women Slaughterhouses are expected before and after slaughtering Al Thani in Qatar pilgrims’ safety. to receive about 10,000 animals and if found unfit for human con- He said his inspection tours, NEW YORK: Qatar has stressed that it attaches Humanitarian, Social and Cultural Affairs of the UN during the festival, since animal sumption, they will be destroyed. which began on Wednesday, great importance to the issue of empowering General Assembly by Reem Ali Al Dirham, member sacrifice is an important ritual of The abattoirs have employed aimed at ensuring preparations women to enable them to exercise their rights. of Qatar’s delegation taking part in the 68th General Eid Al Adha. more staff to meet the Eid rush, were over and learning about lat- Qatar also stressed that through the Constitution Assembly. “A duty schedule for veteri- said Al Sulaiti. The decision of est arrangements being made to and legislation, the State is committed to apply- Al Dirham said that within the framework of narians has been prepared, and the state-run livestock company ensure a successful Haj season. ing the principle of equality among all citizens in enhancing the legislative structure of human rights they will be available at the abat- Widam to sell animals before He was accompanied by Ali bin all fields and ensuring decent work for women and in general and the human rights of women in par- toirs immediately after the Eid Eid will help reduce the crowds Mubarak Al Faihani, Executive enabling them to hold senior positions. ticular, Qatar has joined international and regional prayers until 7pm on the first day at slaughterhouses this year, he Director of the mission. QNA This came in an address to the Committee on conventions devoted to women’s human rights. QNA of Eid. On the remaining days, added. THE PENINSULA Livestock buyers taken for a ride

DOHA: Buyers complained of Poor and limited-income higher this year compared to 2012. livestock sellers taking them Muslims relied on Australian They also claimed that inspec- for a ride yesterday, a day before sheep whose prices are subsi- tors from the state consumer the first day of Eid Al Adha, and dised and fixed at QR350 by the rights watchdog, the Consumer raising prices of sheep. state-backed meat and livestock Protection Department (CPD), The demand for Syrian sheep company, Widam. who keep track on sheep pricing, always soars here ahead of the However, a large number of have been conspicuous by their festival when Muslims slaughter people prefer to buy non-Austral- absence. sheep for sacrifice. Complaints ian sheep from the open market, “We haven’t seen any govern- were galore that sellers passed and that explains the chaos and ment inspectors here particularly off Jordanian and Iranian sheep alleged exploitation by traders. during rush hours, and that is to buyers as Syrian and cheated “Taking undue advantage of the why traders had a field day,” an people, charging higher prices. soaring demand for sheep during Asian buyer said, not giving his According to market sources, Eid Al Adha, traders keep rais- name. the price difference between a ing the prices until the onset of Asked about Syrian sheep, Syrian and Jordanian or Iranian the festival,” claimed a buyer who a trader said they were being sheep ranged between QR650 and refused to identify himself. transported here via Turkey and QR1,000. A trader, however, said that Lebanon due to the huge demand. While a Jordanian or Iranian was not the case. “The prices A highlight this year has been sheep was selling for up to have gone up in the countries that a lot of pick-up operators QR1,150 to QR1,200, Syrian sheep from where the animals are being have descended on the market were available for no less than imported and that’s why there is to make a fast buck transporting A pick-up seen ready to transport sheep yesterday. ABDUL BASIT QR1,800. a price rise this year. sheep to buyers’ homes. “The problem is, no one can “Animal fodder prices have “I bought a Jordanian sheep for differentiate between a Jordanian gone up worldwide to everybody’s QR1,150 and had to pay QR130 to initially budge.” These are unli- A pick-up operator said he had seen in the market this year, or Iranian sheep and those from knowledge,” he said, not wanting a Sudanese pick-up operator to censed pick-up operators, from made three trips since morning though. The market is expected Syria,” a Pakistani who gave his his name in print. drop it at my residence,” said an different nationalities, and throng (yesterday). He, however, didn’t to remain active for the first three name as Hamidullah, said. “Only Some buyers claimed sheep Indian. “I had to haggle as he first the livestock market every Eid to disclose his earnings. days of the festival. experts can do that.” prices were more than 50 percent demanded QR200 and he won’t make some extra bucks. Not many illegal porters were THE PENINSULA


Eid Al Adha festival schedule for 2013

EVENT ORGANISER ENTRY TIMING DURATION VENUE City Center Qatar Tourism 15 - 20 Free 4:30pm -9:30pm City Center Mall - Onaiza Area Eid Festival Authority October Hyatt Plaza Qatar Tourism 15 - 20 Free 4:30am - 9:30pm Hyatt Plaza - Al Aziziyah Area Eid Festival Authority October Lagoona Mall Qatar Tourism 15 - 20 Lagoona Mall - Zig Zag Tower, Free 4:30am - 9:30pm Eid Festival Authority October West Bay Landmark Mall Qatar Tourism 15 - 20 Free 4:30pm - 9:30pm Landmark Mall - Al Gharafa Area Eid Festival Authority October The Gate Mall Qatar Tourism 15 - 20 The Gate Mall - Al Abraj Street, Free 4:30pm - 9:30pm Eid Festival Authority October Onaiza Area Villagio Mall Qatar Tourism 15 - 20 Free 4:30pm - 9:30pm Villagio Mall - Al Aziziyah Area Eid Festival Authority October Al Khor Mall Qatar Tourism 15 - 20 Free 4:30pm - 9:30pm Al Khor Mall - Al Khor City Eid Festival Authority October Ministry of Culture, 15 - 18 Al Bidaa Park - Rumeilah, Cultural Village Free 6:00pm - 12:00am Arts and Heritage October opposite Al Corniche Road Tour of the State Ministry of Awqaf and 15 - 20 Al Dafna Area - Opposite Qatar Free 9:00am - 7:00pm Mosque of Qatar Islamic Affairs October Sports Club First show: Giant puppets: 5:30pm - 6:30pm n the occasion of Eid Al Adha, Katara has 15 - 18 Katara Cultural Village Ali Baba and Katara Cultural Village Free Second show: in store various activities and events for its October West Bay Ovirtuous visitors full of joy and happiness, the forty thieves 8:30pm - 9:30pm In addition to that Fireworks and water shows will be fun filled activities for the families. Katara will present an artistic show the first of its kind in Katara Cultural 15 - 18 Katara Beach - Katara Cultural Katara Cultural Village Free 9:30pm - 9:45pm Arab World, Giant Puppets “Ali Baba and the forty Village Fireworks October Village - West Bay thieves’’ will go around the Cultural Village in its streets and hallways and the final destination is the First show: Amphitheater. Entrance 5:30pm - 6:30pm 16 - 20 Al Rayyan Theater - Al Mirqab The visitors of Katara will experience everyday in Snow White Show Souq Waqif Tickets : Second show: Eid Al Adha the Adventure of one thousand night October Boutique Hotel, Souq Waqif QR40 - QR60 7:30pm - 8:30pm and night in new creative style, the visitors will witness events from Arabic heritage, through the excited stories specially the story of “Ali Baba First show: and the forty thieves’’, also acrobatic dance tilted “Dance on fire”. 4:30pm -5:00pm The shows will take place all days of Eid Al Adha, Second show: 16 - 20 Opposite Souq Waqif Police Magician on a Stick Souq Waqif Free the first performance will start from 5:30 until 6:30, 6:00pm - 6:30pm October Station, Souq Waqif the second from 8:30 to 9:30 then the fireworks will Third show: last for 15 minutes. 8:30pm - 9:00pm First show: 4:30pm -5:00pm EID @ ALKHORMALL Second show: 16 - 20 Opposite Souq Waqif Police Bjorn the Polar Bear Souq Waqif Free 6:00pm - 6:30pm October Station, Souq Waqif Day Show Start Finish 15/10 Magic Show 4:30 5:00 Third show: Shaolin Martial Arts 5:30 6:00 8:30pm - 9:00pm Traditional Parade 7:00 7:30 Lulu Caty 8:00 8:30 First show: 4:30pm Carnival Samba 9:00 9:30 -5:00pm 16/10 Over Boys 4:30 5:00 Second show: 16 - 20 Opposite Souq Waqif Police Shaolin Martial Arts 5:30 6:00 Colorful Parade Souq Waqif Free 6:00pm - 6:30pm October Station, Souq Waqif Chicago Boyz 7:00 7:30 Pink Panther 8:00 8:30 Third show: Carnival Dixi 9:00 9:30 8:30pm - 9:00pm 17/10 Carnival Samba 4:30 5:00 Talking Friends 5:30 6:00 First show: 4:30pm Carnival Samba 7:00 7:30 -5:00pm Magic Show 8:00 8:30 Second show: 16 - 20 Opposite Souq Waqif Police Bubble Show 9:00 9:30 Titan the Robot Souq Waqif Free 6:00pm - 6:30pm October Station, Souq Waqif 18/10 Pink Panther 4:30 5:00 Over Boys 5:30 6:00 Third show: Pink Panther 7:00 7:30 8:30pm - 9:00pm Lulu Caty 8:00 8:30 Shaolin Martial Arts 9:00 9:30 First show: 19/10 Magic Show 4:30 5:00 4:30pm -5:00pm Shaolin Martial Arts 5:30 6:00 Second show: 16 - 20 Opposite Souq Waqif Police Traditional Parade 7:00 7:30 Balloonatic Souq Waqif Free 6:00pm - 6:30pm October Station, Souq Waqif Bubble Show 8:00 8:30 Lulu Caty 9:00 9:30 Third show: 20/10 Over Boys 4:30 5:00 8:30pm - 9:00pm Talking Friends 5:30 6:00 Chicago Boyz 7:00 7:30 First show: Pink Panther 8:00 8:30 4:30pm -5:00pm Carnival Samba 9:00 9:30 Dave the Second show: 16 - 20 Area in front of Mirqab Boutique Souq Waqif Free Chameleon 6:00pm - 6:30pm October Hotel, Souq Waqif Third show: 8:30pm - 9:00pm

Ritz-Carlton - Eid festivities The Ritz-Carlton, Doha offers a relaxed Eid break sprinkled with plenty of fun and excitement. Guests can experience the legendary service of The Ritz-Carlton at QR 1,350 per room per night in a deluxe room with a private balcony and save up to 50% on the second room or second night. Guests staying for a minimum of three nights can enjoy a complimentary breakfast for two. The Lagoon will also host a special Eid al-Adha brunch on the first day of the festival with a lavish buffet selection of hot and cold mezzeh, followed by sumptuous choices from various live cooking stations such as the popular ouzi carving station, shawarma station and assorted Arab grills. For dessert, the traditional Umm Ali is sure to appeal to the whole family. The Eid-Al-Adha is priced at QR 280 per person inclusive of soft beverages and QR 140 for children aged 4-12 years old. Children under the age of 4 can dine for free. Reservations: +974 4484 8000 or TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013

EVENT ORGANISER ENTRY TIMING DURATION VENUE QAR 10 Souq Waqif Eid 16 - 20 Al Ahmad Square - Souq Waqif for every 4:30pm - 9:00pm MOI - Eid Fiesta Competition October Souq Waqif for Expat Workers competition First show: 4:00pm -5:00pm The Community Policing Section Second show: 7:00pm - 16 - 20 Outdoor Theater - of North Security Department Circus: Mother Africa Souq Waqif Free 8:00pm October Souq Waqif in association with Sameeksha, Third show: 9:00pm - the art and cultural wing of Qatar 10:00pm Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre ( KMCC) will be organising a First show: cultural fiesta for the expatriate 5:30pm -5:45pm workers called ‘EID KA CHAND’ Second show: 6:00pm - 16 - 20 Area Adjacent to Ahmed Trampoline Souq Waqif Free at Al Khor sports club on the 6:15pm October Square - Souq Waqif evening of first day of Eid. Third show: 9:00pm - The program is an entertainment 10:00pm Eid evening of songs by famous First show: 6:00pm local expatriate singers from -6:30pm Qatar in Malayalam, Hindi, Urdu, 16 - 20 Outdoor Theater - Live Statues Souq Waqif Free Second show: 8:30pm - Nepali and Tamil & performances October Souq Waqif 9:00pm such as Nepalese dance, Oppana, Kolkali and Magic Show at Al Khor Sports Club on first First show: 5:30pm day of Eid, Tuesday, 15/10/2013 -6:00pm Second show: 8:00pm - 16 - 20 Outdoor Theater - from 5.30 pm – 9.30 pm and the Ian Marchant Souq Waqif Free entry is free for all. 8:30pm October Souq Waqif Third show: 10:00pm - 10:30pm Sunday, Monday and Wednesday : 10:30am -5:30pm Museum of 16 - 20 Museum of Islamic Art - Doha Museum Tour Free Thursday , Saturday: Islamic Art October Corniche 12:00pm - 8:00pm Friday : 2:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday: Closed Sunday, Monday and Wednesday : 10:30am - 5:30pm Hajj - Journey through Museum of 9 October - 5 Museum of Islamic Art - Free Thursday and Saturday: Art Islamic Art January Doha Corniche 12:00pm - 8:00pm Friday : 2:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday: Closed Jazz in the Park - Museum of Museum of Islamic Art Park - Free 7:00pm - 8:00pm 16 October Etienne Charles Islamic Art Doha Corniche Sheikh Faisal Bin 9:00am - 6:00pm Al Samereya Field - 15 - 20 Museum Visit Qassim Al Thani Free Closed on Friday & Shahaneya Roundabout, Al October Museum Tuesday Rayyan Street Saturday - Thursday: Confusionism - Katara Art Center, Bldg 5, 10:00am - 10:00pm 6 October - 9 an exhibition by Katara Art Center Free Katara Cultural Village - Friday: 2:00pm - November Mahmoud Obaidi West Bay 10:00pm Sout Al Rayyan Music 16 - 20 Al Rayyan Theater, Al Mirqab Sout Al Rayyan Free 8:30pm - 12:00am Festival October Boutique Hotel, Souq Waqif Live Music 15 - 18 Porta Arabia - Parcel 2 and 4 The Pearl - Qatar Free 6:00pm -10:00pm Entertainers October - The Pearl-Qatar Water Screen 15 - 18 Porta Arabia - Marina - The The Pearl - Qatar Free 5:00pm - 10:00pm Projections October Pearl-Qatar 15 - 18 Porta Arabia aisle - Parcel 18 Kids Zone The Pearl - Qatar Free 6:00pm - 9:00pm October - The Pearl-Qatar 15 - 18 Porta Arabia aisle - Parcel 3 - Live Bubble Show The Pearl - Qatar Free 8:00pm - 9:00pm October The Pearl-Qatar Morning: 8:00am - AL Dosari Zoo 11:00am 15 - 20 Al Kheireb - 7km south of Zoo Tour and Game Free Afternoon: 3:00pm - October Shahaneya Roundabout Reserve 6:00pm Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm Aqua Park - Salwa Road, QAR 100 per 15 - 20 Eid Celebrations Aqua Park Qatar 12:00pm - 8:00pm beside Abu Nakhla Petrol person October Station QAR 100 for Qatar Shooting 25 shots 15 - 26 Lusail Shooting Club - Shooting Practice and Archery Applicable 4:00pm - 8:00pm October Al Khor Coastal Road Association for 18 years Jazz at MIA Park or older Experience a live QAR 250 per trip for performance by Trinidadian Sealine beach area - before Sealine Aerial Qatar Air Sports each person 16 - 21 12:00pm - 6:30pm Sealine Beach Resort jazz trumpeter, Etienne Paragliding Tour Committee Applicable October roundabout Charles at the Museum of for 18 years Islamic Art Park this Eid. This or older event is also part of JALC’s one year anniversary in Doha Film Institute presents screening of Qatar. Journey to Mecca Where: MIA Park Directed by American filmmakerBruce Neibaur When: October 16, 2013, Journey to Mecca is the story of young scholar Ibn Battuta who leaves his home in Morocco to traverse the 4800-kilometre long journey east to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. 7pm to 8pm Where: Museum of Islamic Arts auditorium When: Thursday and Friday, October 17 & 18, 2013, 7pm and 4pm, respectively TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013

Time DAY1 CityCenter LandmarkMall TheGateMall VillagioMall HyattPlaza LagoonaMall AlKhorMall HeritageVillage

Start Finish

4:30 5:00 Show1 CarnivalDixi OverBoys CarnivalSamba MagicShow


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 5:30 6:00 Show2 MadeintheIceAge ChicagoBoyz TalkingFriends LuluCaty ShaolinMartialArts PinkPanther Plumber'sAcademy Stage


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 7:00 7:30 Show3 MadeintheIceAge CarnivalDixi ChicagoBoyz CarnivalSamba TraditionalParade BubbleShow Plumber'sAcademy Stage


8:00 8:30 Show4 TalkingFriends PinkPanther MagicShow LuluCaty

Break CarnivalDixi

Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 9:00 9:30 Show5 MadeintheIceAge OverBoys ShaolinMartialArts BubbleShow CarnivalSamba Plumber'sAcademy Stage

Time DAY2 CityCenter LandmarkMall TheGateMall VillagioMall HyattPlaza LagoonaMall AlKhorMall HeritageVillage

Start Finish

4:30 5:00 Show1 CarnivalSamba MagicShow ChicagoBoyz OverBoys


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 5:30 6:00 Show2 MadeintheIceAge LuluCaty BubbleShow PinkPanther ShaolinMartialArts TalkingFriends Plumber'sAcademy Stage


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 7:00 7:30 Show3 MadeintheIceAge CarnivalSamba TraditionalParade CarnivalDixi ChicagoBoyz OverBoys Plumber'sAcademy Stage

Break 8:00 8:30 Show4 BubbleShow LuluCaty ShaolinMartialArts PinkPanther Katara Break CarnivalSamba

Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon Cultural 9:00 9:30 Show5 MadeintheIceAge MagicShow TraditionalParade TalkingFriends CarnivalDixi Plumber'sAcademy Stage Village

Time DAY3 CityCenter LandmarkMall TheGateMall VillagioMall HyattPlaza LagoonaMall AlKhorMall HeritageVillage Fireworks

Start Finish 4:30 5:00 Show1 CarnivalDixi ChicagoBoyz PinkPanther OverBoys CarnivalSamba 9:30pm - 9:45pm Break

Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 15 - 18 October 5:30 6:00 Show2 MadeintheIceAge TraditionalParade ShaolinMartialArts MagicShow TalkingFriends LuluCaty Plumber'sAcademy Stage


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 7:00 7:30 Show3 MadeintheIceAge ShaolinMartialArts CarnivalDixi BubbleShow CarnivalSamba PinkPanther Katara Beach Plumber'sAcademy Stage Break Katara Cultural 8:00 8:30 Show4 TraditionalParade OverBoys LuluCaty MagicShow Village Break West Bay Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 9:00 9:30 Show5 MadeintheIceAge TalkingFriends CarnivalDixi ChicagoBoyz BubbleShow Plumber'sAcademy Stage

Time DAY4 CityCenter LandmarkMall TheGateMall VillagioMall HyattPlaza LagoonaMall AlKhorMall HeritageVillage

Start Finish

4:30 5:00 Show1 CarnivalDixi CarnivalSamba LuluCaty TraditionalParade PinkPanther


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 5:30 6:00 Show2 MadeintheIceAge ShaolinMartialArts ChicagoBoyz BubbleShow OverBoys MagicShow Plumber'sAcademy Stage

The Pearl – Qatar from October 15-18 2013

Water Screen Projections Time: 5 pm – 10 pm Location: Porto Arabia Marina Kids Zone Theater Play: Aladdin & Jasmine Face Painting, Arts & Crafts Jugglers, Balloons Twisting Stilt Walkers, Kitchen Workshop Kids Cartoon Characters Inflatable Games. Time: 6 pm – 9 pm Location: Porto Arabia; Boardwalk Parcel 18 Live Bubble Show Time: 8 pm – 9 pm Location: Porto Arabia; Boardwalk Parcel 3 Live Music Entertainers Pianist, Trumpet, Guitar, Percussion Time: 6 pm – 10 pm Location: Porto Arabia; Boardwalk Parcel 2 & 4 TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013

Time DAY5 CityCenter LandmarkMall TheGateMall VillagioMall HyattPlaza LagoonaMall AlKhorMall HeritageVillage


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 7:00 7:30 Show3 MadeintheIceAge CarnivalSamba BubbleShow TraditionalParade PinkPanther TalkingFriends Plumber'sAcademy Stage


8:00 8:30 Show4 OverBoys MagicShow CarnivalDixi LuluCaty


Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon Haj: The Journey 9:00 9:30 Show5 MadeintheIceAge ChicagoBoyz CarnivalSamba TalkingFriends ShaolinMartialArts Plumber'sAcademy Stage Through Art

Until January 5 2014 Time DAY5 CityCenter LandmarkMall TheGateMall VillagioMall HyattPlaza LagoonaMall AlKhorMall HeritageVillage

Start Finish At the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar 4:30 5:00 Show1 CarnivalDixi LuluCaty OverBoys CarnivalSamba MagicShow Break

Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 5:30 6:00 Show2 MadeintheIceAge BubbleShow TalkingFriends OverBoys ShaolinMartialArts For more than 1350 years, pilgrims have Plumber'sAcademy Stage travelled to the city of Mecca in the Kingdom Break of Saudi Arabia for Haj, and today about 3 Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon million Muslims take part every year from all 7:00 7:30 Show3 MadeintheIceAge PinkPanther ChicagoBoyz CarnivalSamba TraditionalParade over the world. Plumber'sAcademy Stage Break This MIA-curated exhibition, in collaboration with the British Museum, takes visitors 8:00 8:30 Show4 TalkingFriends ShaolinMartialArts MagicShow BubbleShow on a journey exploring and illuminating the Muslim pilgrimage of Haj. It presents Break artworks from MIA and objects from Qatari Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 9:00 9:30 Show5 MadeintheIceAge CarnivalDixi PinkPanther ChicagoBoyz LuluCaty collections, many of which have never Plumber'sAcademy Stage before been displayed in public.

The exhibition examines the history of this Time DAY6 pilgrimage through the centuries, focusing CityCenter LandmarkMall TheGateMall VillagioMall HyattPlaza LagoonaMall AlKhorMall HeritageVillage on the rituals of Haj as depicted through Start Finish art, the routes taken and the experiences of pilgrims upon their return. The exhibition 4:30 5:00 Show1 CarnivalSamba ChicagoBoyz MagicShow LuluCaty OverBoys also includes a special section dedicated to the oral histories and objects of pilgrims Break from Qatar. Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 5:30 6:00 Show2 MadeintheIceAge OverBoys BubbleShow PinkPanther TalkingFriends An outdoor photography display featuring Plumber'sAcademy Stage unique visions of Haj by five international Break photographers will run in conjunction with Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 7:00 7:30 Show3 MadeintheIceAge MagicShow CarnivalDixi ShaolinMartialArts ChicagoBoyz the exhibition. Plumber'sAcademy Stage

Opening times: Sunday, Monday 10:30am Break - 5:30pm, Tuesday closed, Wednesday 10:30am - 5:30 pm Thursday 12pm - 8pm, 8:00 8:30 Show4 CarnivalDixi LuluCaty TalkingFriends PinkPanther Friday 2pm - 8pm, Saturday 12pm - 8pm, Break Last admission ½ hour before closing. Ben10Omniverse TheSmurfsLiveon 9:00 9:30 Show5 MadeintheIceAge ShaolinMartialArts TraditionalParade BubbleShow CarnivalSamba Plumber'sAcademy Stage

The Smurfs Live on stage at The Gate Mall

The American-Belgian animated comedy Smurfs will stage live shows at The Gate Mall on the first floor from the 15th till the 20th of October 2013, show timings are scheduled at 5.30, 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.

Ben 10 will perform from the 22nd to the 27th at 5.30, 7:30 and 9:00 p.m.

Al Dosari Zoo & Natural Reserves

Sealine Aerial Paragliding Tour Mohamed Al Dosari Park and Natural Reserve : A hot spot, especially on weekends, for nationals as well By Qatar Air Sports Committee as those expatriates who know the place, it is a private park located in Al Khuraib, seven kilometres from Al Shahaniya and 40 Kilometres from Doha. Owned by Mohamed Al Dosari, a Qatari, the zoo houses various kinds of animals, birds and reptiles besides a learning centre with stuffed animal carcasses and QAR 250 per trip for each person Applicable for 18 years a heritage centre. The zoo, which is spread over an area of 100,00 square metres, has over 300 animals. It is a picnic spot for many families during weekends. Entry to the farm, park and all other activities are or older 12:00pm - 6:30pm 16 - 21 October free.Every visitor to the park gets special Arabian hospitality. They are taken on a guided tour of the animal reserve. There is free tea and Arabic coffee for the visitors to the zoo. Sealine beach area - before Morning: 8:00am - 11:00am Afternoon: 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sealine Beach Resort roundabout Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 06 MIDDLE EAST Pilgrims share concerns over region’s chaos Wary of protest risk, Saudi deploys 95,000 security personnel

ARAFAT, SAUDI ARABIA: The instability brought about by the Arab actions,” Interior Ministry spokesman young Syrian ascending Mount Spring uprisings, and tried to console Mansour Al Turki said. Arafat brooded about his war-shat- each other. Badr said he was relieved Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia supports tered country yesterday, his concerns to have been able been to bring his wife the rebels fighting to overthrow Assad a common preoccupation among and children to Saudi Arabia, but that as well as the interim, military-backed Arabs in the sea of humanity making he remained worried about other family authorities who took power in Egypt the annual Muslim Haj pilgrimage in members still in Syria. after Mursi’s removal. Saudi Arabia. “We still don’t have enough secu- Saudi helicopters hovered in the Wary of regional tensions that could rity of the streets to feel safe,” said air to monitor the stream of pilgrims flare into protests at the Haj, Saudi Mohamed Zaki, the Egyptian oil trader, while police officers formed cordons in Interior Minister Prince Mohammed referring to Egypt, where regular pro- crowded areas to channel the human bin Nayef asked pilgrims last week to tests and periodic violence has plagued tide, limiting the chances of a stampede. leave their disputes at home, and he the country since the army overthrew Turki said the kingdom had imposed assigned 95,000 members of the security elected President Mohamed Mursi and no restrictive measures on pilgrims forces to keep order. his Muslim Brotherhood government coming from Arab Spring countries this “This was a very tough year for us,” earlier this year. “I don’t feel comfort- year. “We are using the quota system said Syrian Abdel Jabbar Al Badr, able knowing people get shot everyday.” which has been used for years for every speaking to an Egyptian oil trader, who In Syria, more than 100,000 people country,” he said. So far around 1.6 mil- in turn fretted about his family’s safety have been killed in fighting since 2011 lion pilgrims have come from abroad to back at a time of widespread unrest between mainly Sunni Muslim rebels perform Haj, a lower figure than last and militant violence. “I had to move and forces loyal to President Bashar Al year as authorities in the kingdom have my family to Saudi Arabia after all the Assad of the minority Alawite sect, an reduced the general quotas due to the murders in our village,” Badr said. offshoot of Shia. The Haj, among the building works at the Grand Mosque. Despite a ban on political debate world’s largest religious gatherings, In between delivering prayers for during Haj, pilgrims from Arab states has so far been proceeding without any loved ones, many of the Syrians per- shaken by popular uprisings found per- problem, despite expansion works at the forming Haj seized every opportunity to sonal security a common theme as they Grand Mosque in Makkah that forced urge Saudi Arabia and other countries climbed the rocky mountain where the Saudi authorities to cut the number of to help the anti-Assad rebels. Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon pilgrims attending this year. “We are tired, we are dying every- him) delivered his last sermon some A planned peaceful protest by young day and we are sick of empty prom- 1,400 years ago. Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood support- ises of support from Gulf countries,” The ascent by more than two mil- ers at the start of the pilgrimage on said Hassan Farouk, a student from lion pilgrims in seamless white robes up what is known as Arafat Day failed to the Syrian capital Damascus. We need the holy mountain chanting prayers for materialise and the ascent proceeded Saudi Arabia and the others to give the forgiveness, marks the spiritual cli- peacefully and without incident. (rebel) free army weapons that would max of the Haj. There was an under- “Everything is going as planned and make a difference in this war. “So far current of frustration: Disgruntled there have no political protests from everything they have done has been Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and any group, and as we said before, Saudi pointless.” Pilgrims pray as others walk towards the Mount of Mercy in Arafat near Makkah, on the second Libya expressed exasperation with the Arabia will not tolerate any of such REUTERS day of the Haj yesterday.

Mursi will never compromise: Family Egypt arrests Briton for Tunisian oppn CAIRO: The family of deposed has not been seen. He is due leaders accuse the army of stag- calls for fresh Islamist President Mohamed to face trial on November 4 on ing a coup that reversed the gains wearing police dress Mursi said yesterday he would charges of inciting violence. of the 2011 revolt against Hosni protests not enter any negotiations or “The president will not retreat, Mubarak. CAIRO: Egyptian police said yesterday they had arrested a accept any compromises follow- or negotiate or accept compro- The army says it was carry- Briton in the restive north Sinai town of El Arish in possession TUNIS: Tunisia’s opposition ing a crackdown on the Muslim mises especially after all the mar- ing out the people’s will and has of “a black jacket and trousers” similar to police uniforms. alliance yesterday called for Brotherhood by military-backed tyrs, the wounded, the arrested presented a plan it says will lead The 44-year-old also had a laptop with a picture of a man sus- country-wide protests next authorities. and missing,” his family said in a to free and fair elections. The pected of belonging to the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas that week, accusing ruling Islamists Mursi, Egypt’s first freely statement carried on the Muslim Brotherhood has refused to take rules neighbouring Gaza, a police statement said. of holding up the start of nego- elected president, was ousted by Brotherhood’s website (www. part in the transition, saying it The statement said police searched for the man after receiving tiations and delaying the forma- the military on July 3 following would legitimise a coup. reports of “a foreigner who frequents cafes and mixes with citizens”. tion of a new government. mass protests against his rule. “No matter how much they try Neither side seems prepared to “He was found in possession of a black jacket, black trousers Political activity has ground to Authorities have since launched to keep him away, the president take part in an inclusive political and a pair of shoes suspected of being a Central Security Forces a halt in Tunisia since the mur- a crackdown on his Muslim will not retreat from a return to process. uniform,” the statement said, adding he also had two mobile phones der of opposition MP Mohamed Brotherhood, killing hundreds at the democratic path, even if his In one of the bloodiest days along with the laptop. Wearing clothes that resemble police or Brahmi in July, amid a bitter stand- protest camps and marches and soul is the price of this democratic since the military took power, military uniforms can lead to arrest in Egypt. off between the ruling Islamist arresting about 2,000 Islamist path,” the family said in a state- Mursi supporters clashed with The statement came a day after an American man arrested in party Ennahda and the opposi- activists and group members. ment to mark the Muslim feast opponents and security forces last north Sinai in August hanged himself in a jail cell. tion. The National Salvation Front Mursi has been held in a secret of Eid Al Adha. week, with state media reporting . AFP (NSF), a loose coalition of opposi- location since his overthrow and Mursi and other Brotherhood that 57 were killed. REUTERS tion parties, called on Tunisians “in all regions, especially the capital” to take part in a “massive demon- stration on October 23 to demand the appointment of a competent government.” Radiation experts confirm The date marks the second anniversary of the election of the National Constitution Assembly, polonium on Arafat clothing which was tasked with promul- gating a new constitution but has failed to do so amid deep mistrust PARIS: Swiss radiation among political factions. experts have confirmed they The opposition coalition found traces of polonium on accused Ennahda of manoeuver- clothing used by Yasser Arafat ing to buy time and of aggravat- which “support the possibil- ing Tunisia’s political crisis by ity” the veteran Palestinian not sticking to its commitment leader was poisoned. to negotiate the formation of a In a report published by The cabinet of independents. Ennahda Lancet at the weekend, the agreed on October 5 to respect a team provide scientific details roadmap aimed at creating a new to media statements made in government within three weeks 2012 that they had found polo- and ending the political dead- nium on Arafat’s belongings. lock plaguing the country since Arafat died in France on Brahmi was shot dead on July 25. November 11 2004 at the age Under the blueprint, a new of 75, but doctors were unable constitution and electoral law to specify the cause of death. must be adopted and a timetable No autopsy was carried out at drawn up for fresh parliamentary the time, in line with his wid- and presidential polls. ow’s request. His remains were But the Islamists have since exhumed in November 2012 and questioned the timing of the new samples taken, partly to inves- government’s formation, saying tigate whether he had been Yasser Arafat’s widow Suha Arafat with her daughter Zahwa Arafat any countdown can only be agreed poisoned — a suspicion that (left) in front of a portrait of her late husband in Malta. upon once a national dialogue on grew after the assassination of unresolved political issues has Russian ex-spy and Kremlin cotton clothing that had been In addition, says the report, begun. A date for those negotia- critic Alexander Litvinenko in kept in an attic for 10 years and Arafat’s clinical symptoms tions has yet to be fixed, with the 2006. protected from dust. “could not rule out” polonium parties so far only holding pre- That investigation is ongoing, “Several samples containing poisoning. paratory meetings, and with the conducted separately by teams body fluid stains (blood and These include nausea, vomit- NSF insisting that they begin no in France, Switzerland and urine) contained higher unex- ing, fatigue and abdominal pain. later than October 19. Russia. In the Lancet report, plained polonium 210 activities “Since ingested polonium 210 eight scientists working at the than the reference samples,” is eliminated partly through Institute of Radiation Physics says the case report. faeces, the gastro-intestinal 2 Somali bomb-makers and University Centre of Legal “These findings support the syndrome, associated with mul- Medicine in Lausanne said they possibility of Arafat’s poisoning tiple organ failure, could be a die in Ethiopia had carried out radiological with polonium 210.” predominant cause of death,” ADDIS ABABA: Two Somali tests on 75 samples. The polonium samples were the authors suggest. nationals died when a bomb they Thirty-eight samples came measured at “several mBq,” They acknowledge, though, were making detonated in their from Arafat’s belongings, or millibecquerels, a unit of that Arafat showed no hair home in the Ethiopian capi- including underwear, a shapka radioactivity. Computer mod- loss or decline in bone marrow tal Addis Ababa, as thousands hat, toothbrush, a hospital cap elling, which calculates polo- activity — symptoms that typi- gathered to watch a football and sportswear, that were pro- nium’s very fast decay, found cally occur in radiation poison- match, officials said yesterday. vided by the Palestinian leader’s that these levels “are compat- ing. The team regret that no “They were of Somali origin,” widow Suha Arafat. ible with a lethal ingestion of post-mortem investigation was Ethiopia’s Minister of Information These were checked against several GBq,” or several billion carried out after Arafat’s death. Redwan Hussein said. 37 “reference” samples of becquerels, in 2004, they said. AFP AGENCIES TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 MIDDLE EAST 07

Nobel prize ‘should have Bomb kills 27 in Syria been mine’, jokes Assad as aid workers freed

BEIRUT: Syria’s President US steps up pressure for talks between Assad and rebels Bashar Al Assad has jok- ingly said that he should DAMASCUS: A car bomb area of the town, which is a few aid group working on both sides have been awarded the killed at least 27 people in a kilometres (a couple of miles) of the conflict, said the team had Nobel Peace Prize, a pro- rebel-held area of northwestern from the border with Turkey, on travelled to Idlib on October 10 Damascus Lebanese news- Syria yesterday as suspected the Orontes river. Four of the kid- to assess the situation at health paper reported yesterday. jihadists freed four out of seven napped aid workers were mean- facilities and deliver aid. The prize, which was given aid workers kidnapped in the while freed “safe and sound” on “We don’t have any intention to the global chemical weap- increasingly volatile region. Monday, Red Cross spokesman of stopping our activities in Syria, ons watchdog on Friday, The bombing and Sunday’s Ewan Watson said, adding that but of course this situation makes “should have been mine”, kidnapping — both carried out the group was awaiting further us reflect and take a close look Assad said, according to Al in Idlib province, where rebels information about the others. at our operations,” Watson had Akhbar newspaper. hold vast swaths of territory — The Britain-based Syrian earlier told Swiss radio. On the Assad made the remark underscored the descent into Observatory of Human Rights political front, the United States “jokingly”, the daily said, as chaos in several rebel-held areas, said the six members of the said there was an “urgent” need he commented on the award which have seen a recent spate of International Committee of the to set a date for so-called Geneva on Friday of Nobel Peace internal clashes, kidnappings and Red Cross and a member of the 2 peace talks, despite the rejec- Prize to the Organisation for other attacks. Syrian Red Crescent were kid- tion of the process this week by a the Prohibition of Chemical The United States meanwhile napped by the Islamic State of leading opposition group. Weapons, which is working stepped up its calls for a peace Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), an “We believe that it is urgent in Syria to destroy the Assad conference between President Al Qaeda-linked rebel group. to set a date to convene the con- Free Syrian Army fighters fire anti-tank missiles during clashes with forces regime’s massive chemi- Bashar Al Assad’s regime and the The ICRC has not commented ference and work toward a new loyal to President Bashar Al Assad in the eastern Hama countryside, cal arsenal by mid-2014. Al increasingly divided rebels, talks on the nationality of those Syria,” US Secretary of State John yesterday. Akhbar also reported that rejected by a leading faction of the abducted, though it had earlier Kerry said after meeting UN-Arab Assad had proposed in 2003 Western-backed opposition. said that most of the group were League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi in proposed for mid-November. if it participated. Washington that all countries in the The blast in the town of Syrian. There has been no claim London. “There has to be a tran- The call came a day after threatened military strikes in region should hand over all Darkush killed at least three chil- of responsibility. sition government,” he said. “This the Syrian National Council response to August 21 sarin gas weapons of mass destruc- dren, the Syrian Observatory for Rebels control large swathes will require all the parties to come (SNC) — a key component of the attacks in the Damascus suburbs tion. But the newspaper did Human Rights said, adding that of Idlib, and kidnappings have together in good faith.” National Coalition recognised by that killed hundreds of people, but not say when Assad made the the death toll could rise because become increasingly common in Russian Foreign Minister most Arab and Western govern- the punitive action was averted by comments about the Nobel. many of the wounded were in rebel-held parts of Syria, tar- Sergei Lavrov had earlier called ments — ruled out attending any a US-Russian deal under which The OPCW and the UN serious condition. Activists said geting both journalists and aid on Washington to bring the Geneva peace talks, and said it Syria is turning over its chemical have had a team of 60 experts the blast targeted the market workers. The Red Cross, a rare Syrian opposition to the talks would quit the umbrella group arsenal for destruction. AFP and support staff in Syria since October 1, while the civil war rages on. The team started its work after a breakthrough UN Security Council resolution last month ordering Syria’s US optimistic, but cautious about talks with Iran chemical stockpile destroyed. The resolution came after a GENEVA: World powers hope tomorrow. “No one should expect would be “targeted, proportional his hardline predecessor Mahmoud said. Iran’s Foreign Minister chemical attack in Damascus to reach an agreement with a breakthrough overnight,” the to what Iran puts on the table”. Ahmadinejad, has a mandate to Mohammad Javad Zarif said he province on August 21 that Iran that allays all international official said, speaking on condi- “I’m sure they will disagree about “pursue a more moderate course” hoped a “roadmap” for negotia- killed hundreds of people. It concerns over Tehran’s nuclear tion of anonymity. what is proportionate,” the official and has denied plans to pursue tions could be reached in nuclear also followed US threats to programme but are not “naive” The official said Washington said. “But we are quite clear about atomic weapons. But Tehran must talks with world powers this strike Assad’s regime. about the difficulty of achieving was ready to offer Iran rapid what the menu of options are and be put to the test, the official added. week but added that a higher- Syria’s war broke out after such a deal, a senior US admin- relief from economic sanctions if what will match what.” “That is what we will be doing level meeting would probably the army and security forces istration official said yesterday. Tehran moved quickly to address The official said the admin- over the coming days,” the official be needed. “I hope that we will unleashed a brutal crackdown Six world powers — the United concerns that the ultimate goal istration of President Barack said, noting that “no one is naive be able to reach a roadmap by against anti-Assad protests States, Russia, China, France, of its nuclear work was to make Obama was encouraged that about the challenges we face about Wednesday but... it will probably that erupted in March 2011. Britain and Germany — hold bombs. Iran denies having any Iran’s new President Hassan pursuing the diplomatic path.” be necessary to have a new min- AFP talks with Iran on its nuclear military intentions. Any potential Rowhani, widely seen as a prag- “We need to see concrete isterial meeting,”he wrote on his programme in Geneva today and sanctions relief, the official said, matist and more moderate than verifiable actions,” the official Facebook page. REUTERS TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 08 VIEWS





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Netanyahu’s isolation Cartoon Arts International / The New York Times Syndicate

S ISRAELI Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feeling isolated over the Iran nuclear issue? Reports coming from Israel and the US should give him sleepless nights. IFor a leader who is used to bulldozing his way into Washington’s policies over issues which are of concern to The debt distraction Israel, the setback over Iran comes as a surprise. BY LAWRENCE SUMMERS According to reports, some circles in the US are taking by 2015 and that a decade from now a dig at the Israeli prime minister by referring to him as an the debt-to-GDP ratio will be below its isolated leader. The New York Times went as far as saying ASHINGTON is consumed by current level of 75 percent. While the that his isolation is hardly surprising given Netanyahu’s lack the impasse over reopening CBO projects that under current law the government and raising the debt-to-GDP ratio will rise over the At a time when the of friends. W the debt limit. It seems likely that this longer term, the rise is not large rela- majority of the United Netanyahu is said to be furious over the latest episode, like the 1995-96 government tive to the scale of the U.S. economy. It rapprochement between Washington and Tehran over shutdowns and the 2011 debt-limit would be offset by an increase in rev- States thinks that it is the latter’s nuclear programme and has even warned his scare, will be remembered mainly by enue or a decrease in spending of 0.8 moving in the wrong ally about taking the negotiations too far, but the Obama the people directly involved. But future percent of GDP for the next 25 years direction, and family administration seems to be unconcerned and is pushing historians may well see today’s crisis as and 1.7 percent of GDP for the next the turning point at which American 75 years. incomes have been ahead with diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the Iran democracy was to shown to be dys- These figures lie well within any rea- nuclear issue. Netanyahu is not used to getting snubbed functional — an example to be avoided sonable confidence interval for deficit stagnant, a reduction in like this, but in the same way as nobody could predict the rather than emulated. forecasts. The most recent comprehen- political fighting is not current US government shutdown due to a standoff between This tragedy is compounded by the sive CBO evaluation found that, leaving enough. We have to start Obama and the Republicans, Netanyahu too will have to get fact that most of the substance being a side any errors due to policy changes, ready to absorb the shock from US rejections. debated in the current crisis is only the expected error in projections out focusing on the issues tangentially relevant to the major only five years is 3.5 percent of GDP. Netanyahu’s discomfort is understandable as he has challenges and opportunities facing Put another way, given the magnitude that actually are most invested considerable amount energy and time to get the the United States. This is the case of forecast uncertainties there is a important. international community act on with respect to the endless discussions chance of close to 40 percent that with If the Israeli the Iran nuclear threat. He even about the precise timing of continuing no new policy actions, the ratio of debt- made threats to attack Iran’s resolutions and to-GDP will decline over 25 or 75 years. Spurring growth is an area where debt-limit exten- Of course, debt problems could also neither side of the political spectrum PM is feeling nuclear facilities if US failed to sions, or the pro- be much worse than is now forecast. has a monopoly on good ideas. We need isolated over US back him, but the US refused to posals to change But in most areas, policymakers more public infrastructure investment, back him and warned him against congressional avoid strong actions without statisti- but we also need to reduce regulatory rapprochement any unilateral action. So the Future historians staff health-care cally compelling evidence. Few would barriers that hold back private infra- with Iran, he current friendly gestures between may well see packages or cut favor action to curb greenhouse gas structure. We need more investment in Washington and Tehran would a medical-device emissions without evidence establishing education but also increases in account- alone must take today’s crisis tax that repre- that substantial climate climate change ability for those who provide it. come as an insult to him because as the turning sents only about is overwhelmingly likely. Yet it is con- We need more investment in the all the blame. he still firmly believes that Iran .015 percent of ventional wisdom that urgent action basic science behind renewable energy is not serious and sincere about point at which gross domestic must be taken to cut the deficit, even technologies, but in the medium term abandoning its nuclear ambitions and is just playing tricks. American product. as prevailing short-run deficit forecasts we need to take advantage of the The lesson Netanyahu must learn from the latest democracy was More funda- suggest no problems and long-run fore- remarkable natural gas resources that developments is that he can’t make Washington dance to his mental is this: casts are within margins of error. have recently become available to the to shown to be Current and To be sure, some steps that matter United States. tunes all the time. Of course, US and Israel are inseparable future budget profoundly for the long run should be We need to ensure that govern- allies and US would go to any unspeakable extent to help dysfunctional — deficits are now priorities today. Data from the CBO ment has the tools to work effec- its ally, but when the US politics itself gets mired in slush an example to be a second-order imply that an increase of just 0.2 per- tively in the information age but also and uncertainty, when its democracy is under serious threat avoided rather problem rela- cent in annual growth would entirely to ensure that public policy promotes from the reckless actions of Tea Party members and other tive to other, eliminate the projected long-term entrepreneurship. more pressing budget gap. Increasing growth, in addi- If even half the energy that has right wingers, it will get less time support the indulgences of than emulated. issues facing the tion to solving debt problems, would been devoted over the past five years its ally. U.S. economy. also raise household incomes, increase to “budget deals” were devoted instead Netanyahu also deserves the current setback for Projections that there is a major defi- U.S. economic strength relative to to “growth strategies,” we could enjoy undermining peace efforts with Palestinians. Over the last cit problem are highly uncertain. And other nations, help state and local gov- sounder government finances and a res- years, he has done everything to sabotage the peace process policies that indirectly address defi- ernments meet their obligations and toration of the power of the American and was focusing his energies on eliminating the threat from cit issues by focusing on growth are prompt investments in research and example. At a time when the majority of sounder in economic terms and more development. the United States thinks that it is mov- Iran. There is no immediate solution to Netanyahu’s isolation plausible in political terms than the Beyond the fact that spurring growth ing in the wrong direction, and family on the Iran issue. The more obsessive he becomes, the more long-term budget deals much of the has a multiplicity of benefits, of which incomes have been stagnant, a reduc- isolated he will become. If the Middle East and US politics policy community is obsessed with. reduced federal debt is only one, tion in political fighting is not enough. can witness seismic shifts due to unpredictable forces, there The latest Congressional Budget growth-enhancing policies have more We have to start focusing on the issues is no reason US-Israel relations too should remain rock-solid Office (CBO) projection is that the fed- widely felt benefits than measures that that actually are most important. all the time • eral deficit will fall to 2 percent of GDP raise taxes or cut spending. WP-BLOOMBERG The other side Quote of Abbott must not shirk economic reform the day

T IS crunch time for the Australian disappointment with Prime Minister Beijing’s apparent willingness to reduce in particular can use its strengths to grab economy. The investment phase Tony Abbott on the political culture barriers on professional services in opportunities in Asia, especially in what of the resources boom is over, the about perks, in his first month in office a broader global trade deal - which Deloitte Access Economics calls ‘’super’’ I’m very optimistic Ijobless rate is hiding the difficulty he has offered hope that change in the is preferable in most cases but when sectors that are expected to grow more in finding work, the nation needs new economic culture will come from the top progress is slow, bilateral ones have to rapidly than the overall economy. we will reach an sources of growth and reform is needed. down. His plan for a quick decision on be pursued. But there are hurdles to overcome. Australians will have to be more open to a second airport at Badgerys Creek is In any free trade agreement, some Tourism is expected to double in size agreement this compromise to ensure the nation can long overdue. sectors will be disappointed and oth- in the next 20 years, driven by China - week to reopen the grab the significant opportunities on offer So is the acceleration of free trade ers will benefit. But the potential overall already our second-biggest source of before others beat us to them. Long- agreements with Asian partners. rewards for more trade with our region tourists and with the largest expenditure government, pay standing expectations about workplace Australia will have to cede more than are great, as Labor’s ‘’Asian century’’ per visitor. But Deloitte queries the lack the nation’s bills flexibility, the role of government, many would like in negotiations to meet research showed. of federal-state-local co-ordination of protection of agriculture and the the tight deadline of deals with China, With the background work done policy, the suitability of some infrastruc- and begin long-term importance of foreign investment need Japan and South Korea within a year. and a mandate for economic revival, ture for Asian visitors and whether the negotiations to put Harry Reid to be revised. Conflicts over Australia’s access to key Abbott is well placed to finish the job federal government is underplaying the Underlying these challenges is how Asian markets in dairy, sugar, beef and Labor couldn’t amid the political she- sector’s importance. our country on sound US Senate Majority well Australia relates to Asia. For all the services remain. But the good news is nanigans of the past three years. NSW The Sydney Morning Herald fiscal footing. Leader TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 VIEWS 09 Al Qaeda-linked groups taking root in Syria Other Syrians have embraced the jihadists and welcomed the return of civil order in towns devastated by months of fighting. BY LOVEDAY MORRIS, Mohammed Abdelaziz, an activist in the JOBY WARRICK and SOUAD city of Raqqa who says the Islamic State MEKHENNET of Iraq and Syria — popularly known as ISIS — criminalised the use of tobacco hortly before its operatives and carried out public executions. “A lot killed 14 Iraqi Shia children in of people have just escaped the city, and a school bombing this month, many more are planning to.” But other the group once known as Al Syrians have embraced the jihadists and Qaeda in Iraq sent guerrillas welcomed the return of civil order in Sinto northern Syrian villages with orders towns devastated by months of fighting. to reopen local Sunni classrooms. In a In the competition for local sympathies, series of early fall visits, the militants the advantage so far belongs to Jabhat handed out religious textbooks along with Al Nusra, an offshoot of Al Qaeda in backpacks bearing the group’s new name: Iraq that has publicly aligned itself with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Ayman Al Zawahiri, bin Laden’s longtime A four-hour drive to the east, a rival deputy and his successor as the leader of Al Qaeda faction called Jabhat Al Nusra Al Qaeda. Since its founding early last was busy setting up a jobs program in year as a Syrian rebel group, Jabhat Al Ash-Shaddadi, a desert town it has held Nusra has played down its connections since February. The Islamists restarted to the international terrorist movement production in an oil field that had been while seeking to limit collateral damage idled by fighting, and fired up the town’s from the suicide attacks and roadside natural gas plant, now a source of income bombings that are its preferred weapons for the town and its new rulers. against Syrian government forces. The two rebel groups, with their dis- A much harder challenge confronts tinct lineages to the terrorist network ISIS — the rebranded terrorist group A damaged vehicle smoulders after two mortar rounds struck the Abu Roumaneh area in Damascus on Saturday. founded by Osama bin Laden, have con- behind a campaign of savage attacks centrated Western fears of rising jihadist on Shia markets, schools and villages To Western governments, however, the that surpass those seen during earlier State of Iraq,” but it never fully recov- influences within Syria’s rebel movement. in neighbouring Iraq. The group’s jihadists’ entrenched position in Syria is conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia or Iraq, ered. Only a handful of cells remained Two and a half years after the start of the 8,000-strong Syrian contingent boasts another ominous turn in the conflict. US said Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer active in Iraq when the start of the Syrian country’s uprising, Islamists are carving a larger proportion of foreign jihadists and Middle Eastern officials say the two and adviser on the Middle East to four uprising offered a chance for the group to out fiefdoms and showing signs of dig- than any other rebel group, according are a magnet for much of the foreign US administrations. reassert itself, on a different stage. ging in. to analysts. In just six months of opera- cash as well as the majority of the foreign “Syria has become the most impor- The Islamic State sent a stream of “We all have the same aqidah [Islamic tions in the country, it has managed to fighters streaming into Syria. tant destination for aspiring jihad- operatives into Syria in the early months creed] as Al Nusra or the Islamic State,” frighten and enrage Syrians with its But what troubles Western observ- ists ever, because it is the heart of the of the uprising, and then, in early 2012, it said a 23-year-old Jordanian Palestinian extreme interpretation of Islam — includ- ers is not the groups’ fighting prowess, Muslim world on the border of Palestine,” backed the formation of new rebel group, who gave the name Abu Abdallah in an ing beatings and executions for perceived but their shared vision of a jihad that said Riedel, now a senior fellow at the Jabhat Al Nusra li-Ahl ash-Sham, or interview in Jordan and who fights for a religious infractions. extends beyond Assad’s ouster. While Brookings Institution. “For jihadists, it the Support Front for People of Greater rebel brigade allied with the Islamists. Yet in recent weeks ISIS, too, has other rebels fight to remove the Syrian is the road to Jerusalem at last.” Syria. Its leader, Abu Mohammad Al “The aim is to free the Muslim lands and sought to reform its image by reopen- dictator, former and current US and To terrorism experts, it was inevitable Golani, had been a senior member of have the Islamic flag there.” ing schools and delivering food, medicine Middle Eastern officials say, the Al Qaeda that an Al Qaeda-aligned terrorist group the Iraqi terrorist organisation, and he The prominence of the two groups — as and energy to war-weary towns and vil- groups are transforming the conflict into would arise from the brutal sectarian vio- acknowledged receiving start-up money fighters, as recruiters and, more recently, lages. It has sponsored ice-cream eating a symbolic struggle against the West and lence of Syria’s civil war. How the conflict from his comrades in Baghdad. as local administrators — appears to have contests and tug-of-war competitions for Israel, using words and images that reso- came to have two competing Al Qaeda Zawahiri himself was called upon to accelerated even as the Obama admin- children and built training camps where nate with like-minded Muslims, from the factions is a story that reflects the power mediate the dispute. The gray-bearded istration seeks to bolster moderate and teens learn fighting skills and participate Arab Peninsula to Western Europe. struggles within the jihadist movement in Egyptian issued a statement in June secularist rebels with new weapons and in singalongs calling for the destruction The formal titles adopted by both Al the decade after the September 11, 2001, declaring that the two were independ- training. Multiple independent studies of Assad and his allies, the “lowlifes and Qaeda groups include the Arabic term terrorist attacks. ent branches of Al Qaeda. Then he called as well as Western and Middle Eastern infidels.” for greater Syria — Al Sham — that radi- Both Syrian groups trace their roots to on both to cooperate. intelligence officials show the hard-line Some Syrians who disapprove of ISIS’s cal Islamists use to link their movement the organisation once commonly known Ideological spats continue on social Islamists surging ahead by almost every religious zeal said they applauded the to the ancient Islamic caliphate that as Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist fac- media websites such as Twitter and measure, undermining Western efforts to arrival of the disciplined, battle-hardened ruled a vast swath of the Middle East, tion that was founded by the Jordanian Facebook, and the two groups compete find a democratic alternative to Syrian force if it could shift the momentum in with Damascus as its capital. Its use, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi and notorious for resources. President Bashar Assad. a fight that has appeared deadlocked for the jihadists say, evokes an image of a for a string of beheadings and spectacu- Yet despite the leadership rift and The Al Qaeda affiliates have clashed months. future Middle East in which present-day lar bombings during the US occupation differences over tactics, the two jihadist with other rebel groups, and occasionally “If the Islamic State were organised boundaries and governments have been of Iraq. After Zarqawi’s death in 2006, factions now cooperate more often than with each other, and their heavy use of and didn’t interfere in people’s lives, we replaced by a single Islamic state, encom- the organisation was nearly destroyed they clash, according to US and Middle foreign fighters and attempts to impose would welcome them,” said Mahmoud passing the territories of Syria, Lebanon, through a combination of US military Eastern experts who have studied both an ultra-conservative ideology have alien- Al Hassan, a 30-year-old trader from Iraq, Jordan and Israel. pressure and a near-universal rejection groups. In some contested cites, such as ated some Syrians accustomed to secular Aleppo, who was visiting a hospital in It is the groups’ appeal to a greater of its tactics by Iraqi Sunni Muslims. Aleppo, the two groups fight as separate rule. neighbouring Turkey after his cousin was jihad that explains why foreign volunteers The group changed its name after entities, sometimes coordinating tactics. “The situation is so bad,” said shot by a sniper. continue streaming into Syria in numbers Zarqawi’s death, becoming the “Islamic WP-BLOOMBERG Tories creating a hostile environment Merkel’s coalition

and punitive. In political terms, whether any Politics is about of this will actually work is scarcely relevant. bid faces challenge After all, the existing work programme doesn’t work: thanks to the National Audit Office, we the manipulation of BY PATRICK DONAHUE now know you’ve got a better chance of finding a job if you go nowhere near it. But for now, appearances rather it doesn’t matter: more than ever, politics is hancellor Angela Merkel will confront a stiffening challenge about the manipulation of appearances rather to form a government this week even after her record elec- than any concrete than any concrete outcomes, and, in the col- tion victory as prospective coalition partners raise demands lective Conservative mind, as long as the party Cto open official talks. is coming down hard on an imagined army of With the leadership of Germany’s Greens party already casting doubt outcomes. immigrants and malingerers, all is well. on negotiations with Merkel’s Christian Democratic-led bloc, the Social This year’s Tory conference made all this Democrats are hardening in their demand for a nationwide minimum BY JOHN HARRIS plain. Everywhere you looked were pristine wage of 8.50 euros ($11.51) an hour. banners dedicating the proceedings to “hard- “It’s clear above all that there won’t be a government with the SPD” ith 18 months until the next working people”. The Conservative record without an obligatory minimum wage, SPD General Secretary Andrea election, welcome to the latest was reduced to the simplest essence: “Welfare Nahles told Bild am Sonntag in an interview Sunday. “Our members phase of Conservative politics. capped, crime down, immigration down.” won’t accept anything else.” The difficulty for Merkel of navigating WModernisation now looks like a Party conferences are seemingly designed to coalition talks belies winning the biggest election victory since German brief nightmare from which a relieved party make you feel like you are going mad, but this reunification. has awoken, and most elements of the Tory one often felt downright chilling – so cold, The vote three weeks ago put Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union agenda seem to have been signed off by their mechanical and crass that it rather brought and the Bavarian CSU five seats short of an absolute majority, render- campaigning guru Lynton Crosby. As a very to mind such dystopian films as V For Vendetta ing any negotiating party an overshadowed junior partner. After CDU, insightful piece in the current issue of the New and Children of Men. CSU and SPD negotiators met for a three-hour meeting on October 4 Statesman puts it: “No 10 aides boast that George Osborne speaks at the Conservative Amid the bathos and farce of British poli- to set the tone, the 21 interlocutors are scheduled to reconvene at 4pm campaign strategy and policymaking are now party conference. tics, that might sound alarmist. But if nasty today in central Berlin to tackle differences on issues such as labour inseparable.” In other words: plans are afoot populism meanders on and on, you run the policy and the European debt crisis. that will have a profound effect on millions of The policies won’t work. The urban demi- risk of arriving at a society that will feel hate- While SPD Chairman Sigmar Gabriel last week signalled a softening lives, but they have almost no basis in what we monde of landlordism, illicit employment ful and soulless even to the millions of peo- on the party’s demand to raise taxes, the ultimatum on the minimum once called “evidence-based policy”, and eve- and lives lived in the most precarious cir- ple who were said to be willing its creation wage underscores the difficulty of bridging differences. Merkel rejected rything to do with desperate electioneering. cumstances will balloon. Moreover, as the (including, I would imagine, plenty of Tories). a statutory minimum wage throughout the campaign, preferring an The result is a meandering popularism that Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association If you want a sense of where we might be industry-by-industry approach that allows wages to be set by collec- ignores questions about where the country has pointed out, a “hostile environment” for going, consider the fact that the Red Cross tive bargaining. Over the weekend, Merkel reiterated her support for might end up and fixates on the most cynical one part of the population will entail a pretty is to get involved in food aid in Britain for industry-determined wages, showing no hint of compromise. of political games. trying time for everyone else, and routine the first time since 1945, and imagine the “The government has introduced branch-specific minimum wages for Last week, we got Theresa May’s new immi- identity checks for the whole adult population. most likely results of these latest government more than 4 million employees in the last four years,” the chancellor said gration bill, full of moves that have been talked As the Tories’ approach to so-called wel- moves: even more desperate people, existing in a podcast ahead of a speech she’ll give on October 16 to the IG-BCE up for the last 18 months, which looks set to fare hardens to the point of institutionalised on society’s margins, and living from hand to labour union. In the Bild interview, the SPD’s Nahles raised the stakes become law in the spring. No matter that the cruelty, another election-oriented wheeze is mouth – untouchables, in all but name, there and said Monday’s meeting should be the deciding moment. number of illegal immigrants in the UK may about to arrive. In April anyone who is long- to be kicked around for other people’s politi- Merkel’s bloc “shouldn’t assume that there will automatically be a be as many as 1 million, that thousands of term unemployed will have to fall in with the cal advantage. third round of exploratory talks,” Nahles said. “We need concrete indica- them have long since had UK-raised children, regime the government has called “Help to Last week, we got a flavour of what Labour tions already yesterday on whether entering coalition talks would make and that many toil in parts of the economy Work” and, under pain of having their benefits thinks. The shadow home secretary, Yvette sense.” Still, most signals pointed to the likelihood of an eventual agree- that would crumble without their contribu- stopped, be forced to either spend 35 hours a Cooper, sounded more nuanced notes than ment between Merkel and the SPD for a “grand coalition,” reprising a tion: as well as deterring potential illegals in week in their local job centre, do indefinite Theresa May, but said moves on illegal immi- government of the rival factions that Merkel oversaw in her first term the future, May wants them either to be for- unpaid community work, or agree to “compul- grants’ bank accounts seemed “sensible”, and between 2005 and 2009. Merkel’s CDU/CSU won 311 seats out of 631 in cibly removed much more easily, or to feel the sory training”. The “sanctions” system which that the idea of checks by landlords was “sen- the Bundestag, requiring her to form a coalition to have a majority. The sharp shock of a “really hostile environment”, is already pushing people into borderline des- sible in principle”. SPD has 193, while the Greens won 63. The anti-capitalist Left Party and decide to go home, wherever that is. titution is sure to become even more arbitrary THE GUARDIAN has 64 seats. WP-BLOOMBERG TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 10 INTERNATIONAL British court Race riots: Over throws out 1,600 migrants Magnitsky libel suit held in Moscow LONDON: Britain’s High Court yesterday threw out a libel suit by a former Russian interior minis- Migrants warned of attack risk try investigator over accusations that he was involved in the death MOSCOW: Russian police On Sunday, the mob in the of whistle-blowing lawyer Sergei rounded up more than 1,600 southern neighbourhood fought Magnitsky. migrants yesterday here after with police, smashed shops and Pavel Karpov is named on a US rioting swept through a south- vending stalls and stormed the blacklist of Russians involved in ern neighbourhood a day earlier vegetable market, targeting sites the case of Magnitsky, who died over a fatal stabbing of a Russian employing migrant workers. in jail in 2009 after being detained that many residents blame on a Police arrested at least 380 people while investigating a massive theft man from the Caucasus. as they struggled to quell the vio- of state assets by Russian officials. An advocacy group warned lence, which injured several police The ex-policeman had sought migrants from the mainly Muslim and others and shone a spotlight to sue Magnitsky’s former boss, Caucasus and Central Asia of an on persistent tension between William Browder, the US-born increased risk of attacks after ethnic Russians and people from British chief executive of the the worst ethnic disturbance in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Hermitage Capital investment Moscow in three years. Russian authorities frequently The pictures of the 2013 Nobel Prize laureates in Economic Sciences (from left) Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen fund, which was the focus of the Some 1,200 people were carry out raids detaining illegal and Robert Shiller are displayed during a news conference at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. alleged embezzlement scam. detained at a wholesale vegeta- immigrants but critics say such Hermitage Capital and US law- ble market that was stormed on efforts are undermined by corrup- yer Jamison Reed Firestone, who Sunday night by rioters after a tion in law enforcement agencies. hired Magnitsky as an auditor protest over the stabbing death “We must learn to live together Nobel laureate downplays in his Moscow office, were also of an ethnic Russian man, police ... and counteract rampant cor- named in the libel suit, which cen- spokesman Alexei Shapkin said. ruption and related attempts to tred on a number of videos posted Another 450 were detained in break up our country by exploit- online about the Magnitsky case northeastern Moscow, also near ing ethnic problems,” Russia’s US debt default risk three years ago. a vegetables market employ- human rights ombudsman, But judge Peregrine Simon ing migrant workers. Police said Vladimir Lukin, told state TV. said in a written ruling: “I have they were all detained to check A group that lobbies for labour NEW YORK CITY: Nobel Shiller, 67, is a professor at Yale downplayed the prospect of an concluded that these proceedings whether they were involved in migrants in Russia warned of Economics laureate Robert University, while Fama, 74, and historic US debt default and any should be struck out as abuse of any wrongdoing, but they have an increased risk of ethnic vio- Shiller, who yesterday shared Hansen, 61, are both professors at serious economic effects as a the process and/or under the not been accused of any specific lence in Moscow yesterday. “The the prize with two other econo- the University of Chicago. result of the partial government inherent jurisdiction.” crime. Footage showed detainees nationalists are pursuing their mists, said he does not expect to The award is for work done on shutdown. “I’m thinking probably The judge said that Karpov had standing against walls or lined up political goals. This is clearly see the US default on its debt. the value of assets, such as stocks nothing big is going to happen. It failed to establish that he had a in front of camouflage-clad police. very dangerous. We are warning The Yale University profes- and bonds, and comes as the glo- should be OK,” he said. reputation in England and Wales By rounding up migrants, migrants to be careful for now sor said he was getting out of bal economy is still reeling from “I’m thinking this crisis will that could be damaged by the alle- authorities seemed to be trying in crowded areas and on public the shower and was not properly the effects of the financial mar- likely be resolved. We won’t see gations in the video, a requirement to appease residents who had ral- transportation,” said Mukhamad dressed when he heard by tele- ket crisis at the end of the last a default. Even if we do it will be in libel cases. He said the Russian lied in the Biryulyovo district to Amin, head of the Federation of phone that he had won the award. decade. The three were awarded for one day or something like that had tried to bring similar proceed- demand police find the killer of Migrants of Russia. “I didn’t want to miss the phone for “surprising and contradictory” and even if it’s longer its not the ings in his home country, “the nat- Yegor Shcherbakov, 25, and take The rioting came before Eid call so I took it,” he quipped. “It findings showing that the prices end of the world,” he said. ural forum for such a claim”, which more action to prevent crimes by Al Adha today. In Moscow, eth- was quite a surprise when it hap- of stocks and bonds and other Shiller said the most important had been unsuccessful. migrants. nic tension is often higher dur- pened. I certainly didn’t expect it.” assets are easier to predict in the problem today was rising inequality And he noted that any success Migrant labour has played ing such holidays because large The Royal Swedish Academy long term than in the short term. in the United States and elsewhere in the libel suit “would be unlikely a significant role in Russia’s numbers of Muslims gather at of Sciences said Shiller, Eugene Fama, Hansen and Shiller in the world, which risked getting to assist (let alone achieve) the transformation during an oil- the city’s few mosques. Putin has Fama and Lars Peter Hansen, who will share the prize sum of 8m worse. “We should be thinking most important of the Claimant’s fuelled economic boom that took frequently warned of the dangers are professors at the University Swedish kronor ($1.2m). about this now, not wait until after stated objectives: his removal off around the time President of ethnic and religious violence of Chicago, had won for ground- Shiller named 22 co-authors it happens,” he said, calling for a from the Magnitsky list”. Vladimir Putin came to power in in multicultural Russia, which breaking work on spotting trends around the world who contrib- contingency plan to raise taxes on But the judge said Karpov had 2000. is mostly Slavic and Orthodox in markets. uted to his work, and thanked the rich if it gets worse. achieved “a measure of vindica- But many in Moscow are uneasy Christian but has a large Muslim The three “have laid the foun- the University in general and his “I think there’s a lot more we tion as a result of the views I have at the influx of migrants from minority. Putin said this month dation for the current under- department in particular. can do and it will help make a bet- expressed on his application”, Russia’s heavily Muslim North Russia needed migrant labourers standing of asset prices. It relies “Well, I’m still in disbelief. I’m ter society,” he added. Shiller said namely that Browder and his cam- Caucasus and ex-Soviet states of in industries such as construction in part on fluctuations in risk certainly honoured by this event. finance is often misunderstood as paign were not in a position to jus- the Caucasus and Central Asia, but, in a nod to anti-migrant sen- and risk attitudes, and in part I’m starting to wonder how I can about how to get rich, when it is tify their allegations that Karpov although many do low-paying timent, suggested their numbers on behavioural biases and mar- live up to the expectations that a study of human activity at large caused, or was party to, the torture jobs, such as in construction, that could be restricted in trade. ket frictions,” the Royal Swedish people now have of me,” he said. and of making resources available. and death of Magnitsky. few local residents want. REUTERS Academy of Sciences said. In response to questions, he AFP AFP

Buckingham scare McCann probe More migrants reach Italy, issues images govt to boost sea patrols of man ‘seen ROME: A migrant boat car- area on October 3. Last Friday, at rying 137 people reached Italy least 34 more migrants drowned carrying child’ from North Africa yesterday when their boat capsized, though as the Italian government pre- the true figure may be above 200. LONDON: British detectives pared to launch new naval and Lampedusa, which lies south- investigating the 2007 disap- air patrols to prevent repeats west of Sicily and just 113km from pearance of Madeleine McCann of shipwrecks which have the coast of Tunisia, has been a in Portugal published two elec- drowned hundreds of Africans stepping stone for migrants seek- tronic images yesterday of a man this month alone. ing a better life in Europe for two they said was seen carrying a The boat docked in the port of decades. Now the Syrian civil war child on the night she vanished. the southern island of Lampedusa, and unrest in Egypt and other Police said the man was of and the refugees, mostly Syrians, Arab and African countries are “vital importance” in their quest were in good condition, a coast- fuelling the flow of refugees, many to discover what happened to the guard spokesman said. Separately, of whom have to pass through an British youngster, who disap- more than 200 migrants arrived increasingly unstable Libya. peared from her family’s holiday in ports in eastern Sicily after Italian Prime Minister Enrico apartment just a few days before being rescued on Sunday by an Letta’s government was due her fourth birthday. Italian merchant ship and by a to endorse plans to ramp up A London Metropolitan police car outside Buckingham Palace in central London yesterday. A 44-year-old The two e-fits, plus others of coastguard cutter. its surveillance capacity in the man attempted to enter the palace via the north centre gate but was apprehended by police. The man was different people, will be shown The arrivals follow the deaths Mediterranean from Tuesday to searched and found to be in possession of a knife, which was seized. He remains in custody at a police station. in a major prime time British of more than 350 people, mostly try to prevent more deaths. television appeal which will also Eritreans, in a shipwreck in the REUTERS be broadcast in Germany and The Netherlands. The BBC pro- gramme will set out a reworked Merkel party in spot over coalition time-line of events surrounding blonde-haired Madeleine’s disap- pearance on May 3, 2007, in the UK arrests four terror suspects BERLIN: Germany’s centre- “Clearly labour policy and the will need to wring other con- south coast resort of Praia da Luz. left Social Democrats (SPD) minimum wage are very central cessions in order to convince “The sighting was during the LONDON: British police were London, and a 29-year-old Briton dug in their heels yesterday issues for the SPD,” the SPD’s sec- sceptical members to partner evening of the 3rd of May around questioning four men yester- of Pakistani origin was arrested over the introduction of a mini- ond-in-command Andrea Nahles with Merkel again. A meeting of 10pm, and it was of a man walk- day on suspicion of terrorism in a street in Peckham, southeast mum wage ahead of a second told reporters. “We’re talking 200 SPD officials will decide on ing down the street with a child after a string of arrests that London. round of exploratory talks with about a blanket legal minimum October 20 whether to keep talk- in his arms,” said Detective Chief included armed officers shoot- A Metropolitan Police spokes- Angela Merkel’s conservatives wage of 8.50 for east and west.” ing to Merkel. Inspector Andy Redwood, the sen- ing out the tyres of a car near man said so-called Hatton rounds on forming a ‘grand coalition’ Conservative leaders say they Merkel’s Christian Democratic ior investigating officer in the case. the Tower of London. — special shotgun ammunition government. are willing to compromise on the Union (CDU) and its Bavarian “The child was described as Reports in British media said used to breach doors and tyres — The chancellor, who is seeking minimum wage — also demanded sister party, the Christian Social about three to four years old, with the men had been arrested in coor- were “specifically used to disable a a partner for her third term after by the Greens — but insist that Union (CSU), emerged as the blonde hair, possibly wearing pyja- dinated raids across London on car” in the arrests in east London. falling just short of a parliamen- minimum wages should vary dominant force from the election mas. That’s why we’re so inter- Sunday night that were aimed at “They were used to shoot at tyres. tary majority in an election last from sector to sector and be set but, with 311 of the 631 seats in ested in this particular incident,” preventing an alleged terror plot No one was injured.” month, is still trying to decide by unions and employers rather the Bundestag (lower house), they he told BBC television. involving the use of guns. Police The arrest took place in a whether to enter full-blown nego- than by politicians. lack a majority. The images were drawn up said they were still searching six street about 200 metres from the tiations with the SPD or the envi- The SPD came a distant second Merkel held preliminary talks based on descriptions from a premises and two vehicles yesterday. Tower of London, one of London’s ronmentalist Greens. to the conservatives on September last week with the SPD, who group of witnesses. They said the Armed officers arrested two busiest tourist attractions. Armed The SPD reiterated one red 22 but are determined to exact a have 193 seats, and the Greens, child did not seem in distress. 25-year-old men — one a British officers were involved in all of the line before talks with the conserv- high price in return for entering on 63. Neither seems desperate The witnesses described the man national of Turkish origin and the arrests. All four men were being atives: A minimum wage across the second ‘grand coalition’ under to join Merkel, whose last part- in the e-fit as being white, aged other a Briton of Algerian origin held at a police station in south all sectors of ¤8.50 per month. Merkel in less than a decade. ners, the Free Democrats, failed between 20 and 40 years old, with — in a street in east London. A London on suspicion of the com- The demand could be difficult for A compromise seems possible to get into parliament for the short brown hair, of medium build, 28-year-old British national of mission, preparation or instiga- Merkel to sell to her supporters on SPD demands for tax hikes first time since 1949. medium height and clean-shaven. Azerbaijani origin was arrested tion of acts of terrorism. in the business world. on the rich, but party leaders REUTERS AFP at a house in Notting Hill, west AFP TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 ASIA / PHILIPPINES 11 Religious gathering shuts down Manila Church of Christ says medical, charity mission part of an evangelical exercise, not political show of force

MANILA: More than 1.5 mil- the word”. Between two and three than 75 million Catholics. lion people converged on the million people attended the event Its followers are instructed to Philippine capital yesterday either as a church follower or aid vote as a bloc, so politicians often for a powerful Christian sect’s recipient, according to Manila’s seek their leaders’ anointment evangelical event, causing traf- police chief, Isagani Genade. The during election season. fic chaos that shut down large organisers estimated the crowd at Its teachings are more conserv- parts of the megacity. between 1.5 million and two mil- ative than the Catholic Church, The gathering of the secretive lion people. with its followers not allowed to and politically influential Iglesia The event is one of many marry non-members. They are ni Cristo (Church of Christ) in ostentatious displays of faith in also required to give 10 percent the historic district of Manila the mainly Catholic Philippines, of their salaries to the church. forced all schools and some gov- where religious leaders also wield When Erano Manalo, Felix’s ernment offices to close. heavy political influence. son and successor as leader of the The Supreme Court, as well However, not everyone attend- church, died in 2009, then-presi- as some basketball games in the ing was celebrating. dent Gloria Arroyo declared the highly popular college league, were In a square fronting Manila’s day of his funeral a public holiday. also suspended, while Manila’s central post office, tempers frayed In a major show of force last governing authority urged pri- during the fierce afternoon heat year, sect members held peaceful vate employers to give their staff as men, women and children jos- rallies across the Philippines to a paid day off to avoid the traffic. tled while waiting for medical protest the ouster of graft-tainted “We really apologise for those care offered by the group. Supreme Court chief justice who were inconvenienced. Maybe “This is madness. I have been Renato Corona, who had known they can just pass this off as a here since dawn to get a free med- links with its leaders. minor sacrifice to help their coun- ical check-up, but I will get more That rally was also taken as trymen,” Iglesia ni Cristo spokes- sick in this heat,” said factory a sign of a breaking of ties with man Edwin Zaballa said. worker Flor Kato, a 40-year-old President Benigno Aquino, who Iglesia ni Cristo, which is mother of five who was complain- had won the support of the believed to have about three mil- ing of chest pains. church in the 2010 elections lion members, held the event Several people fainted due to but then spearheaded Corona’s ostensibly as a medical and char- the heat, while others simply gave impeachment. ity mission, with its followers giv- up in frustration. Zaballa said yesterday’s gath- Thousands of people line up for charity packages given out by Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ), in Manila ing aid to residents of huge slums. Founded by Felix Manalo in ering was merely an evangelical yesterday. Zaballa said it was also part of 1914, Iglesia ni Cristo exerts exercise. year-long celebrations across the huge political influence in the “We do not mean it as a show a politician known in the “There is a message behind you are a fool,” Santiago posted country to mark the lead-up to its Philippines, despite being out- of force,” he said. Philippines for speaking against the INC event today. If you are on Twitter. centenary in 2014, and “to spread numbered by the country’s more But Senator Miriam Santiago, powerful interests, disagreed. a politician and you don’t get it, AFP Bodies of 10 migrants found Bangladesh garment factory workers detain boss BANGKOK: Thai authori- ties said yesterday they DHAKA: Workers at a Bangladeshi payment of their bonus for the Eid Al National Garment Workers’ Federation A series of accidents, including a build- had recovered the bod- garment factory yesterday freed a gar- Adha holiday in overwhelmingly Muslim trade union. ing collapse in April that killed more than ies of 10 migrant workers ment factory boss they had held captive Bangladesh. They forced their way into An official of the BGMEA said bonuses 1,100 people, has raised global concern over from Myanmar whose boat in his office for more than 18 hours after the office of owner Delwar Hossain and totaling 5m taka ($64,000) were paid. Each standards in Bangladesh’s $22bn garment is believed to have sunk in he paid a promised bonus. locked him in when he said no money was worker was to receive a month’s wages, industry. Garments are a vital sector for a recent storm. Myanmar The incident was the first involving the available. which can range up to the equivalent of Bangladesh and its low wages and duty- officials confirmed that the forced confinement of a factory boss in Police, relatives of the owners and $155 for an experienced employee. free access to Western markets have helped nine men and one woman months of confrontation between man- the factory owners’ group, the BGMEA, SM Mannan, a BGMEA vice-president, make it the world’s second-largest apparel were citizens of their country, agement and workers earning minimum launched talks with the protesters and a said his group had issued instructions to exporter after China. according to the governor of wages equivalent to $38 a month, half what police official said Hossain was released pay bonuses. “If any owner does blunder, we The recent accidents have put the gov- the southern Thai province of Cambodian garment workers earn. after bonuses were paid to 900 workers late cannot take responsibility for him,” he said. ernment, industrialists and the global Ranong, Cherdsak Jampathes. A trade union leader said the incident on Sunday. Workers have at times staged violent brands that use the factories under pres- “It is likely they were illegal was a “positive development” as workers “I see it as a positive movement as the protests to seek an increase in the mini- sure to reform an industry that employs immigrants who came for had achieved their aim “peacefully”. workers were not violent and were able mum wage to $100, with demonstrations four million and generates 80 percent of work. They normally travel Police said workers went to the Tuba to realise their demand peacefully,” said shutting down more than 600 factories last Bangladesh’s export earnings. in groups of 20-30 in small Group factory on Saturday to demand Amirul Haque Amin, president of the month. REUTERS boats. There was a storm and rain early this week.” Thousands of migrants from Myanmar work in the Thai fishing and other industries. Misuari has fled Last month International IAEA to advise Japan on Labour Organisation warned of “serious abuses” in the to Mideast, says kingdom’s vast fishing indus- try such as forced labour and police chief Fukushima clean-up violence. Former military- MANILA: The Philippine ruled Myanmar has also seen National Police is validating TOKYO: Experts from the environment ministry. an exodus of asylum-seekers rumours that Moro National International Atomic Energy Lentijo will lead a 16-mem- in rickety boats following a Liberation Front (MNLF) Agency (IAEA) met Japanese ber team of experts to tour pol- wave of violence since last founding chairman Nur Misuari officials yesterday as part luted areas near the stricken year, mostly targeting minor- has fled to the Middle East. of a mission to assess clean- Fukushima plant, some 220 kil- ity Muslims. Chief Director General Alan up efforts at the crippled ometres (140 miles) northeast Purisima told reporters on the Fukushima nuclear power of Tokyo Lentijo told reporters Vietnam begins sidelines of wreath-laying rites plant. the team hoped to advise on the for five slain policemen during The UN atomic agency began clean-up as well as ways of dealing evacuation the Zamboanga City stand-off at the nine-day mission at the with radioactive waste. Camp Crame, Quezon City, that request of the Japanese govern- Vice Environment Minister HANOI: Vietnam is evacu- Misuari is somewhere in the ment, as it did in 2011 following a Shinji Inoue told IAEA officials: ating tens of thousands of Middle East. He said hunt for powerful earthquake and tsunami “We have great expectations people in the path of Typhoon Misuari and his top commander, that sparked reactor meltdowns that you will provide us with sig- Nari, state media said yes- Habier Malik, continues. at Fukushima. nificant advice from international terday, after the powerful He said authorities are taking The plant’s operator has strug- and professional standpoints.” storm left 13 dead in the DNA samples from the bodies of gled to contain radioactive con- A massive earthquake and tsu- Philippines. Nari is expected MNLF fighters killed during the tamination, admitting in July that nami in March 2011 devastated to slam into central Vietnam stand-off. The military earlier highly toxic water from the site Japan’s northeast coast and today morning, after ripping announced that an identification may have leaked out to sea. sparked reactor meltdowns at off rooftops, toppling trees card of Malik was found on one of “The international commu- the Fukushima plant by knock- and triggering flash floods in the bodies recovered in the areas nity and the agency in particular ing out its cooling systems. Tens the northern Philippines over infiltrated by MNLF fighters dur- are very interested in following of thousands of people who were the weekend. “Very strong ing the 20-day stand-off. Juan Carlos Lentijo (right), Director of Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and the recovery activities in Japan,” evacuated. winds are expected later yes- Purisima said the government Waste Technology and mission leader of the International Atomic Energy Juan Carlos Lentijo, director of The plant has continued to leak, terday. There might be heavy has yet to announce a bounty for Agency, talks with Shinji Inoue, Japanese Vice Environment Minister, in the IAEA’s nuclear fuel cycle with some radioactive water sus- rains of up to 500mm over the capture of Misuari or Malik. Tokyo yesterday. and waste technology division, pected of flowing into the Pacific the next few days,” said Bui THE PHILIPPINE STAR told Japanese officials at the Ocean. AFP Minh Tang, head of Vietnam’s national weather forecast centre. Authorities in the cen- tral provinces of Thua Thien Hue and Da Nang were mov- ing roughly 66,000 people in S Korea defers Kaesong Khmer Rouge trial on track — finally vulnerable coastal area to safety, according to the state- PHNOM PENH: Cambodia’s foreign minister Ieng Sary died spokesman Lars Olsen said. controlled Tuoi Tre newspa- road show as talks sputter war crimes court will this week aged 87 in March this year, while Hundreds of Cambodians are per. Boats have been urged to edge closer to delivering justice the case against his wife Ieng expected to attend the hearing of seek shelter and food has been SEOUL: South Korea said inside the North Korean border. to Khmer Rouge victims as it Thirith, also an ex-minister, was the closing statements, although prepared for residents in case yesterday it had postponed a “The delay was inevitable due to begins hearing final statements suspended after the court ruled interest in the trial has been muted of prolonged flooding, reports planned investment road show the lack of progress at talks with in the much-delayed trial of dementia left her unfit to stand among the wider public. “The vic- said. Vietnam is hit by around aimed at drumming up foreign North Korea to enhance commu- former regime leaders. trial. tims deserve to have a sense of eight to 10 storms every year, interest in the Kaesong indus- nication, and travel to and from Nearly four decades after the Led by “Brother Number One” closure,” said Youk Chhang, direc- often resulting in loss of life trial zone run jointly with North Kaesong,” the ministry official country’s “Killing Fields” era, Pol Pot, who died in 1998, the tor of the Documentation Centre and heavy material damage. Korea. said. the UN-backed court will on communist Khmer Rouge were of Cambodia, which researches Last month Typhoon Wutip A Unification Ministry official North Korea effectively shut Wednesday enter the last phase responsible for one of the worst the regime’s atrocities. “While left a trail of destruction in the said the move reflected a recent down Kaesong when it withdrew of the trial of “Brother Number horrors of the 20th century, wip- we move on, we should not forget communist state, ripping the downturn in cross-border rela- its 53,000 workers from the com- Two” Nuon Chea, 87, and ex-head ing out up to two million people the past. Genocide is part of our roofs off nearly 200,000 houses tions and slow progress at talks plex in April, at the height of a of state Khieu Samphan, 82. through starvation, overwork and identity. It is us.” The final state- and leaving several people aimed at resuming full operations surge in military tensions on the The trial is seen as a milestone execution in the late 1970s. ments, including by the defend- dead. Forty people have been at Kaesong. Korean peninsula. The North was in the still-traumatised nation’s “Victims have been waiting ants, should be heard by the end killed in flooding in Vietnam The investment event had been notified of the postponement last quest for justice, particularly for more than 38 years to see of the month, while the court since early September. scheduled for October 31 at the Friday, he added. No new date for given the ages of the frail suspects. some kind of justice.... this wait- expects a verdict in the first half AGENCIES Kaesong complex, which lies 10km the road show has been set. AFP Another defendant, former ing period will soon end,” court of 2014. AFP TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 PAKISTAN / AFGHANISTAN 12 Taliban warn Homebound for Eid against pact on US troops ‘Deal will have serious consequences’ KABUL: Taliban leader will continue against them with Mullah Omar warned on more momentum.” Sunday any agreement between The signing of a security agree- Washington and Kabul on ment with the Americans would US military presence in give the Afghan army, which is Afghanistan after 2014 would under-equipped and plagued by have “serious consequences”. desertion, a supporting force after The US and Afghanistan are about 87,000 Nato troops with- negotiating the Bilateral Security draw by the end of 2014. Agreement (BSA) on the future Despite the sticking point of of US forces in Afghanistan when troop immunity, US officials were People travelling on the top of a carriage of a train to their hometown, ahead of Eid Al Adha, at Shahdara railway station on the outskirts of Lahore Nato’s mission ends in late 2014, upbeat about the progress of secu- yesterday. including the number of bases and rity deal negotiations on Sunday, the status of any soldiers remain- as Kerry left Kabul for London. ing there. “From our point of view, posi- After marathon talks in Kabul, tive in that we reached a basic Afghan President Hamid Karzai agreement on all key issues,” a Dobbins arrives and US Secretary of State John senior US official said. Court reopens Zardari graft cases Kerry announced on Saturday The departure of coalition in Pakistan that they had reached a partial troops will take place against a ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s anti- this ended when he stepped down government, led by Zardari’s agreement, but had been unable sensitive political backdrop, with graft court has reopened five after five years in September and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). ISLAMABAD: US spe- to fully resolve the sensitive issue Afghanistan’s presidential elec- corruption cases against former now an anti-corruption court has For more than two years PPP cial envoy for Pakistan and of immunity for US troop. tions scheduled for April 5. president Asif Ali Zardari dat- taken up the cases. ministers refused to write to Afghanistan James Dobbins “The invaders and their allies Omar reiterated that he ing back to the 1990s, officials “The accountability court has the Swiss to ask them to reopen arrived in Islamabad to final- should understand that the “rejected” the elections, which said yesterday. ordered former president Asif their probe into claims Zardari ise the agenda of a meet- strategic agreement would have he said were being manipulated The allegations against Zardari Ali Zardari to appear before the and Bhutto laundered $12 million ing between Prime Minister serious consequences for them,” by foreign powers, and called on relate to kickbacks, money laun- court on October 29,” a court offi- worth of bribes. Nawaz Sharif and President Omar said in a statement posted Afghans not to participate. dering and the illegal construc- cial said. In June Swiss prosecutors Barack Obama, officials said on a Taliban website, coinciding The hardline Taliban regime tion of a polo ground at the prime The probe includes corruption refused to reopen the cases, say- yesterday. Dobbins will hold with Eid Al Adha. was driven from power by a minister’s official residence, dur- allegations relating to customs ing no new evidence had emerged talks with Sharif’s Foreign The rebel leader also warned US-led coalition in 2001 for ing his slain wife Benazir Bhutto’s contracts given to two Swiss since they were dropped in 2008 Affairs and National Security the US that maintenance of its sheltering the Al Qaeda leaders two stints as premier. companies that were behind a and in any event the statute of Adviser Sartaj Aziz on the bases on Afghan soil “will never behind the 9/11 attacks. As president Zardari enjoyed long-running tussle between limitations had expired. agenda of the meeting in be accepted” and “armed jihad AFP immunity from prosecution, but the Supreme Court and the last AFP Washington on October 23. They will also finalise issues to be raised during the meet- ing. The two diplomats will also discuss the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan Pakistan, India by the end of 2014 following Rebels fire 12 missiles on Bagram airfield a meeting in Kabul between officials to Afghan President Hamid KABUL: Taliban militants there were no reports of casual- incurred to US military person- denied Taliban claims regard- Karzai and US Secretary of fired at least 12 missiles on ties. He said the militants fired nel. He said all missiles landed ing casualties. State John Kerry on October ease tensions US-run Bagram airfield late on the missiles from mountainous on residential rooms inside the In a statement, ISAF said, “We 13. Karzai and Kerry met to ISLAMABAD: Amidst soar- Sunday night, local authorities regions, and no suspect had been airfield, and the attacks were can confirm a rocket attack by discuss a long-delayed secu- ing tensions, senior military in northern Parwan province of arrested so far. carried out amid efforts by the enemy forces at Bagram Airfield rity deal on the future of US officials from Pakistan and Afghanistan said yesterday.. The Taliban claimed responsi- US and its allies for permanent in Parwan, Afghanistan today. forces in Afghanistan after India are expected to meet next Officials added that there were bility and said US military forces bases in Afghanistan. The enemy’s efforts were inef- withdrawal of foreign forces. month to come up with a clear no reports of casualties and dam- suffered heavy casualties. He said US war planes carried fective and there were no ISAF Last month, Dobbins had plan to restore ceasefire along age. District chief for Bagram, Zabiullah Mujahid, the out strikes following the missile casualties or infrastructure dam- acknowledged that Islamabad the Line of Control (LoC), offi- Abdul Shakoor Qadusi, confirm- Taliban spokesman, claimed in attacks, but the raids did not kill age as a result of this attack.” It had increased support to cials said yesterday. ing the report and said militants a statement that Taliban fighters any of the Taliban fighters. said: “ISAF engaged enemy forces the Afghan peace process. The decision to lower the ongo- fired nearly 12 missiles on US-run fired 20 missiles on Bagram air- The Nato-led International with a precision strike resulting “Pakistan has also particu- ing tensions at the LoC was taken Bagram air base, however, he said field, and heavy casualties were Security Assistance Force in one enemy killed.” AGENCIES larly over the last six months during a meeting between Prime or so, become active in sup- Minister Nawaz Sharif and his porting an Afghan reconcili- Indian counterpart Manmohan ation process and urging the Singh on the sidelines of the UN Afghan Taliban to participate General Assembly in New York in it.” last month. The two premiers instructed their respective direc- Ministry to probe 100,000 gratis passports 107 lawmakers tors general military operations (DGMOs) to evolve a mechanism ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s fed- of passports issued to individu- under scrutiny in both the cases. passport costs Rs3,000 and an under scrutiny to avoid a repeat of ceasefire vio- eral Interior Minister Chaudhry als - including officials of public The facility might have been mis- urgent one Rs5,000. Even if half of lations at the LoC. Nisar Ali Khan has decided to sector entities, lawmakers, judges used for the sake of money. the 104,807 passports were issued ISLAMABAD: About 107 A senior government offi- investigate whether rules were and personnel of armed forces - The official did not rule out the to unauthorised individuals one lawmakers of different par- cial said that under the existing followed in issuance of over proceeding abroad on official duty. possibility of criminals using the could well imagine financial loss ties have suspected education mechanism, the DGMOs talked 100,000 gratis passports during Only last week the minister blue passports because its holders to the exchequer, said the official. credentials, it was learnt yes- to each other through a hotline the five-year term of PPP-led ordered cancellation of over 2,000 can gain entry into a number of An investigation into the mis- terday. The Higher Education every Tuesday. “But at the New government. blue passports issued by the previ- countries without visa. use of blue passports was initi- Commission (HEC) has York summit the two prime min- An official said that the huge ous government allegedly to unau- When asked to explain how ated early this year after three received over 100 allegedly isters agreed that they [DGMOs] number of gratis passports issued thorised people in violation of rules. much time would pass before fix- people were detained at Lahore fake degrees for verification should have face-to-face talks,” he by the previous government Blue passports are issued only ing of responsibility in the mat- airport after they failed to show belonging to legislators from said on condition of anonymity (104,807) had prompted the min- to senior government officials and ter, the official said: “We have just a no-objection certificate from the National and provin- because of the sensitivity of the ister to order an inquiry into the members of parliament. The offi- started a probe which is a time- their department allowing them cial assemblies. The degrees issue. He said the mechanism and matter. cial said the role of former inte- consuming task.” to proceed abroad. either have been challenged in venue for the meeting between The government bears the cost rior minister Rehman Malik was At present, an ordinary INTERNEWS tribunals or referred to HEC the top military officials had yet by the Election Commission to be worked out. of Pakistan (ECP) after the A foreign ministry official sepa- Relief operations May 11 election. “We have rately said the situation was still received 107 cases of fake uncertain because New Delhi was or dubious degrees since the not receptive to Islamabad’s peace PTA faces challenges over poll. Of these, 25 are being overtures for now. processed, while the veri- Indian External Affairs Minister fication of some has been Salman Khurshid on Saturday spectrum licences auction completed,” HEC said, add- painted a grim picture about the ing some older cases reg- prospects of resuming stalled peace KARACHI: Following the different circumstances this time. istered before May 11 were talks with Pakistan. Pakistani government’s recent After remaining dysfunctional for being investigated. He said the two nuclear-armed progress towards auction of more than a year, PTA finally looks neighbours still had not reached next-generation mobile spec- set to revive its reputation as an Wildlife hunting a stage where they could resume trum licences, the coun- independent regulator. the process. try is once again looking for However, the success of the banned in AJK high-speed mobile broadband auction will be a challenge for services. multiple reasons, ranging from ISLAMABAD: Waking up Balochistan cop But conducting a successful strategy for spectrum auction to the threat to wildlife and auction will certainly be a chal- to market forces and regulatory migratory birds by indiscrim- gunned down lenge for the government. environment. “Conducting a suc- inate hunting and poach- ISLAMABAD: Senior police Pakistan Telecommunication cessful [spectrum] auction will ing, the Azad Jammu and officer, Nisar Mengal, was Authority (PTA), the telecom be a challenge, of course,” said Kashmir (AJK) government gunned down yesterday in sector’s regulatory body and the Parvez Iftikhar, former CEO of has imposed a blanket ban Balochistan’s restive town of agency responsible for conduct- Universal Services Fund and an on hunting for three years. Khuzdar, it was reported yes- ing the auction, had achieved a information and communication The Director of Wildlife terday. Officials said Mengal phenomenal success in spectrum technology consultant. and Fisheries Department, was targeted in the Double Road auction in 2004 when it sold 2G “Even Canada didn’t attract Chaudhry Mohammad area, where unidentified armed licences, one each to Telenor outside investors in its [spec- Razzaq, said yesterday that men on motorbikes intercepted Pakistan and Warid Telecom. trum] auction,” he said. to effectively implement the his car and opened fire at him It was able to sell a 2G licence Similarly, India and Bangladesh ban, officials of the wildlife while he was on his way to the for $291m, more than double the - the two regional countries with department, forest depart- local police station. $140m it had expected to fetch. 3G services - made some mistakes ment, police, local adminis- He died on the spot of multiple Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, head of the banned charity organisation Jamaat- The telecom regulator is once in their spectrum auctions and tration and volunteers would bullet wounds. ud-Dawa, looks at relief supplies for earthquake survivors in southwest again tasked with conducting a Pakistan can learn from them, be involved. AGENCIES AGENCIES Pakistan, in Islamabad, yesterday. spectrum auction, though under experts say. INTERNEWS TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 INDIA 13

Delhi schoolboy Over 2,000 rescued from Odisha, Andhra struck by 910km of roads in Odisha and 180km in Andhra Pradesh cleared; evacuation hailed javelin is dead

NEW DELHI: Over 2,000 storm, in what officials said was NEW DELHI: Roshan Lama, a people have been rescued from India’s largest ever evacuation Class 6 student at a government coastal Odisha and Andhra operation. school in south Delhi, who was Pradesh ravaged by tropical President Pranab Mukherjee injured 12 days ago when a jave- cyclone Phailin, the National led a chorus of praise for the lin thrown by a schoolmate hit Disaster Response Force evacuation effort and the “high him in the head, died yesterday (NDRF) said yesterday. level of preparedness” as well as while undergoing treatment, Over 1,100 people have been for the accurate forecasting of the police said. Lama was under rescued from Odisha, and more country’s weather bureaus. treatment in AIIMS Trauma than a 1,000 have been shifted to Relief agencies said govern- Centre, and on ventilator. safer places in Andhra Pradesh, a ment officials seemed to have “At around 7am, he took his statement from the NDRF said. learnt the lessons from 1999, last breath,” a police officer said. In addition, 910km of roads when a cyclone tore through the Lama was on the school have been cleared in Odisha and same region, killing more than grounds of the Government Boys 180km in Andhra Pradesh. 8,000 people and devastating Senior Secondary School in south “Our team is still working hard crops and livestock. Delhi on October 1 when a misdi- clearing roads, removing debris “The government and the com- rected javelin thrown by a Class from damaged buildings and cut- munity were more aware this 12 student hit him, piercing his ting and removing fallen electric time and better prepared, it was skull and causing a deep wound poles and trees,” NDRF chief a collective effort and a success- on his ear, police said. Krishna Chowdhary told report- ful one,” Manish Choudhary, a A witness said the boy was ers here yesterday. director of the Indian Red Cross attempting to save friends when “Our forces are still deployed Society, said. he was struck by the javelin. in both the states, bringing relief Although some reluctant residents Police arrested two physical and succour to people,” he said. were threatened with prosecution if training instructors (PTI) of the Hundreds of thousands of peo- they did not evacuate on Saturday, school, identified as Sushil Kumar ple who fled the strongest cyclone others, recalling the trauma of 1999, Sharma and Jitesh Chawla, after in 14 years returned home to packed into auto-rickshaws, trucks finding that they had been negli- scenes of devastation yesterday. and buses and fled. gent in their duties. The student One million people were forced “The government didn’t help us who hurled the javelin was also to seek refuge in shelters after the at all (in 1999),” said Gopal Behra apprehended. Police said Lama’s terrifying cyclone struck eastern from Sunapur village in Orissa’s People affected by Cyclone Phailin wait to be rescued and receive relief supplies in the Balasore district of Odisha, body was handed over to his fam- India on Saturday, killing at least hardest-hit district of Ganjam. yesterday. ily after post-mortem. 22 people and leaving a trail of “They came, took a cursory Two days after the incident, destruction along the coast. glance and left. They switched “I left everything (behind) and have fanned out across the region, mostly mud houses with thatched around 200 of Lama’s schoolmates Cyclone Phailin pounded the their phones off when we needed when I came back nothing was clearing away fallen trees from roofs,” said Tripti Paule a spokes- and relatives staged a protest in the states of Orissa and to a lesser them the most. So we took things here,” said Bhagwan, 50, who roads, mangled power poles, and woman for the National Disaster premises of the school. Authorities extent Andhra Pradesh, bring- into our own hands and left the uses one name, a coconut seller other debris in a huge relief oper- Management Authority. were forced to keep the school ing winds of more than 200km an village,” he said. from the town of Gopalpur, as he ation, officials said. “The people living there are in closed for a day. Some students hour, uprooting trees, overturning Officials in Orissa said 873,000 sat on the ground in front of his Other relief workers distributed shelters, we have the supplies and pelted stones at passing vehicles, trucks, and knocking out power people moved before the cyclone destroyed shop. food at shelters and treated the equipment ready to rebuild and damaging a school bus. Many pri- lines. made landfall on Saturday Kishor Nayak crammed into injured, while authorities worked will repair them once the rain vate vehicles were also vandalised. “The death toll from the cyclone evening, while at least another a boat with dozens of others to to restore power, water, communi- stops, so people can return to Suraj Lama, the father of the boy in Orissa has now gone up from 17 100,000 were evacuated in Andhra reach his village across a swol- cations and other services. their homes,” Paule said. and a driver, said he wanted the to 21. The deaths are mostly due Pradesh. Residents were also len river from Sunapur hamlet. Choudhary from the Red Cross Although the cyclone has dis- school principal arrested. “I want to falling walls and tree branches,” evacuated from coastal regions Villagers clutched shoes, clothes, said 3,000 volunteers were dis- sipated, heavy rain was falling in the school principal, Niranjan Lal Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra, the of West Bengal state. food and other basic possessions tributing tents and other assist- parts of Orissa and other states, Sharma, to see what it is like behind state’s special relief commissioner, Many returned home yester- in plastic bags. ance to those left homeless, many raising fears of flooding. bars. As two teachers have already said by phone. One person was day to discover their homes, many “My house is flat. I have to go of them poor farmers and fisher- Meanwhile, the coastguard been arrested and the accused juve- also killed in Andhra Pradesh, flimsy mud and thatch dwellings, back and fix it now,” Nayak said. men, while the state government yesterday rescued 18 sailors — 17 nile was also apprehended, why has officials have said. and their businesses damaged or “There is no food either. My kids announced food assistance pack- Chinese and an Indonesian — who the principal been spared? Why Loss of life was minimised destroyed. Most were resigned to have been starving, crying,” he ages for affected families. had been drifting on a lifeboat should he escape responsibility for after one million people spent the getting on with the job of rebuild- added. “Two lakh (200,000) houses since their cargo ship sank in the an incident in a school he heads,” night huddled in shelters, temples ing rather than waiting for rescue Teams from the army’s have been damaged in Ganjam Bay of Bengal during the cyclone. said Suraj Lama. and schools during the ferocious workers. National Disaster Response Force district alone in Orissa...these are AGENCIES IANS Stampede toll 111, officials suspended

BHOPAL: The toll in a hor- Chief Minister Shivraj Singh The state government later rific stampede at a Durga tem- Chouhan, who visited the spot suspended District Magistrate ple in Madhya Pradesh’s Datia and the hospital where the Sanket Bhondwe, Superintendent yesterday rose to 111, includ- injured were admitted, asserted of Police Chandrashekhar Solanki, ing 47 women and 33 children. that the guilty will be punished Tejaswi and Sub-Divisional Police The state government, which at the earliest. Officer B N Basawe after taking ordered a judicial probe, sus- “A judicial inquiry will be permission from the election pended four top district officials done... It will be completed in two commission — mandatory since after the poll panel’s nod. months. Once the report comes, the model code of conduct is in Sub-Divisional Magistrate within 15 days, the guilty will be place ahead of assembly elections (revenue) Mahip Tejaswi, who punished,” he told journalists. on November 25. announced the toll, said search He said the commission will be The stampede at the Ratangarh operations were continuing in the appointed by today. temple on the last day of the Sindh river in which a number of “Since the judicial inquiry Navratras was sparked off by a trapped people had jumped in a report will take time to come, rumour that the bridge to it had bid to escape the crushing throng. depending on the feedback, collapsed and police’s use of force The temple at Ratangarh administrative responsibility will to control the crowd. Women is located in a forested part of be fixed. We will seek the Election and children were trampled in Datia district, 390km north of Commission’s permission so that the stampede while many people the state capital and 55km from we can take action against those jumped into the river. Datia town. found guilty,” he said. IANS

Refitted Gorshkov to set sail for India Eid shopping at its peak on November 30 in Kashmir Valley MOSCOW: Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, SRINAGAR: Eid shopping at premium prices. One camel which has been refitted for the reached a feverish pitch across seller had priced his pair of the Indian Navy, will set sail for the Kashmir Valley yesterday, desert ship at Rs1.5 lakh. India on November 30, Deputy with roads in the summer capi- Well fed, fat sacrificial sheep Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin tal Srinagar choked by a sea of and goats with decorated horns announced yesterday. shoppers and motorists. are fetching sellers good prices. “On November 30, the ship Men, women and the young Although the animals are being will leave our waters for India,” hunted for hosiery items, bakery, sold at an average rate of Rs200 Rogozin said at Prime Minister poultry and mutton to celebrate per kg of their live weight, a bet- Dmitry Medvedev’s yesterday the holy Muslim festival of Eid Al ter reared animal fetches more. meeting with his deputy prime Adha which falls tomorrow. A fat, black goat was sold for ministers, according to Voice of After the pavement traders Rs20,000 at the Eidgah ground. Russia. Medvedev said that the spread their stalls virtually all According to the Muslim tradi- completion of the ship’s upgrade over Srinagar, roads in the city tion, a devout Muslim can offer a “is a question of prestige for our got choked by afternoon. Traffic goat or sheep as a sacrificial ani- shipbuilding”. policemen had a tough time regu- mal while one camel will suffice “Even though there were lating the flow of vehicles. for the vow of seven Muslims. numerous difficulties, it is impor- While queues of buyers were While children preferred to tant that this job is completed and seen outside bakery and mutton buy firecrackers and toys to add that our Indian colleagues accept shops, the most crowded places to the joy of Eid, discerning par- the ship,” Medvedev said. in the city were the makeshift ents chose to buy warm clothing The ship is to be transferred animal markets, especially at the for the ensuing winter. to India under the name of Eidgah ground in the Old City. The other main attraction as Vikramaditya. This is where sellers from dif- usual were bakery products.Some The original agreement with ferent parts of the valley and even of the better known bakery shops Russian for refitting and upgrade from far off Rajouri and Poonch in Srinagar had taken orders as of Gorshkov was signed in 2004 districts of Jammu region had long as a month back. “I had placed for $974m. The delivery of the brought their sheep and goats to my order with the baker a month modified Kiev class aircraft car- be sold as sacrificial animals. ago. Even after that, I had to queue rier commissioned by the Soviet A special attraction for up this morning to get my ordered Navy in 1987 and decommissioned Muslims buying the sacrificial goods,” said Sajad Ahmad, a resi- in 1996 was set for 2008. animals this year is a dozen odd dent of Hyderpora in Srinagar. IANS camels from Rajasthan to be sold IANS TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 14 BUSINESS

Meed meet to China’s urban complex discuss $225bn rail projects Qatar second in terms of value

DOHA: Opportunities in the study, about half of this figure in Middle East & North Africa the GCC. Meed Projects figures (Mena) region’s $225bn rail, show that Saudi Arabia alone has metro, tram and bus rapid tran- a pipeline of more than $350bn of sit (BRT) capital investment projects with a value greater than programme to 2030 will be high- $1,000m. lighted at the Meed Mena Rail The project pipeline in rail, & Metro Summit which opens in metro, tram and BRT projects is Abu Dhabi on October 29. formidable. According to Meed Meed estimates Qatar ranks Projects figures, almost $40bn of second in the region in terms of projects are under bid in the sec- Mena rail project value with more tor at present. But about $90bn than $30bn, after Saudi Arabia’s are under design and more than $50bn worth projects. 75 percent of projects under bid, Figures provided by Meed design and study are due to be Projects show that there are finished by 2020. now 108 separate railway, metro, Joining the opening keynote monorail, tram and BRT projects session at the Meed Mena Rail under bid, under design or under & Metro Summit will be repre- study in 14 Mena countries. More sentatives of major urban rail, than 50 of them with a combined tram and BRT programmes. A worker cleans an exterior of a newly built urban complex building accommodating offices and retail shops in Beijing yesterday. value of almost $140bn are in the They include Dr Mohammed GCC. Montazeri, deputy managing “Saudi Arabia has the great- director for planning and logistics est potential with projects worth at the Tehran Urban & Suburban $50bn due to be completed by Railway Company. Iran has more US oil higher on 2025. Rail, metro, tram and BRT than $15bn of major projects in ECB shoots down Greek bond plan projects in Qatar worth more the pipeline and two-thirds of this hopes of budget than $30bn are scheduled to be planned investment will be in the ATHENS: Greece floated yes- as through the state’s lumbering spending in 2014 without forcing finished by 2020, ahead of the urban rail network of the Iranian terday a proposal to roll over privatisation programme. more austerity on Greeks living solution Qatar 2022 World Cup Finals. capital by 2025. ¤4.5bn ($6.1bn) in debt next Speaking to business daily through a sixth year of recession. The third biggest rail market is Meed Projects figures show that year fill a budget gap that has Naftemporiki, Finance Minister While the troika believes the NEW YORK: US oil prices the UAE, where $27bn worth of more than $90bn of metro and sparked concern Athens will Yannis Stournaras had earlier budget shortfall is an alarming were higher yesterday as trad- projects is due for completion by light rail projects are planned in need a new bailout, but a senior said the operation would allow ¤4bn, the Greek government esti- ers covered short positions in 2030.” the Mena region by 2030. Planned ECB official immediately ruled Greece to meet ¤4.4bn ($5.4bn) mates it at about half that — some the event that US politicians Philippe Casgrain, vice presi- passenger and freight rail invest- out such a move. in 2014 loan repayments that ¤2.2bn — which Stournaras said reach a deal to fund the govern- dent for Europe, the Middle ments of a similar value are pro- Speaking ahead of a meeting EU-IMF creditors are worried could be met by measures such as ment after being unable to come East & Africa at Bombardier jected in the same period. High of eurozone finance ministers in the country cannot afford. reducing red-tape. to terms on such funding in the Transport will open the summit speed railway projects of about Luxembourg, European Central The impending financing hole, For next year, the Greek gov- last two weeks, traders said. with a presentation outlining the $15bn are under study. Monorail Bank executive board member which could rise to ¤10.9bn by ernment has forecast that it will The US Senate leader said he key challenges those involved and tram projects worth more Joerg Asmussen said there was 2015, is a big concern to the so reach a primary surplus, the bal- hopes to have a fiscal plan ready delivering hundreds of billions of than $10bn apiece are planned. “no way” the gap could be covered called troika of creditors — the ance of state spending that does to show President Obama yester- dollars of railway projects face in There is a single large-scale invest- by bond rollovers. European Union, European not include debt payments. day after weekend talks showed the Middle East region. ment in BRT, a $1,500m project “There is a financial gap for Central Bank and International Stournaras also said that he some signs of progress. One of the biggest issues is in Abu Dhabi. Prequalification the second half of 2014 of about Monetary Fund — which are in expected the ECB would extend “We’re trading back and forth pressure on the Middle East of companies wishing to work ¤5-6bn,” Asmussen said. “There is the midst of deciding further loan maturities on Greek bonds in on the changing perceptions of project supply chain and compet- on the project is now under way. no way it can be covered by bond releases to the cash-strapped its possession, as part of an EU what is happening in D C at this ing demands for steel, cement and But other cities are now seriously rollovers (which could contravene Greek government. agreement last November that point,” said Gene McGillian, oil skilled labour from other sectors considering BRT as an alternative ECB law),” he said. But with state revenue still far extends further assistance to analyst with Tradition Energy in of the region’s booming projects and supplement to new urban rail Instead, he urged Greek short of planned spending, the Greece in return for progress on Stamford, Connecticut. “You saw market. About $2.2 trillion of and tram ways. authorities to find alternative Greek government is also look- its fiscal belt-tightening. some short covering on the latest projects are under bid, design or THE PENINSULA means to cover the shortfall, such ing for ways to afford day-to-day AFP news that the Senate will have a plan. Nobody wants to be exposed if something should change.” Brent crude futures were trad- ing 44 cents lower at $110.84 a barrel at 12.49pm EDT (1649 Energy meet highlights GMT), after trading as low as $109.87. US oil was trading 39 cents higher at $102.41 a barrel, after trading down to $101.06. demand challenge The budget fight that led to a partial shutdown of the govern- DAEGU, South Korea: The access, the rate of that increase ment was expected to damage challenge of providing sustain- will remain insufficient. the global economy and dent oil able energy to a growing global Globally, between 730 million demand in the US, the world’s population at a minimal envi- and 880 million people will still largest oil consumer. International ronmental impact dominated be without access to electricity in Monetary Fund chief Christine debate at the World Energy 2030, predominantly in sub-Saha- Lagarde warned of “massive dis- Congress yesterday. ran Africa, and this figure would ruption” to the global economy “Today, less than one-third of only decrease to 319 million and if the US debt ceiling, which will the world’s seven billion people 530 million people by 2050, it said. be reached on Thursday, was not consume more than two-thirds “While there will be opportu- lifted. of its primary energy supplies,” nities in the future for a range of “Not only is the US standoff Khalid Al Falih, the president of technology solutions, the ultimate doing harm to the US economy the world’s largest oil exporter, issue is that demand continues to but the knock on effect is it will Saudi Aramco, said in a keynote grow at an unsustainable rate,” do harm to the global economy,” address. said Karl Rose, the Council’s said Stephen Schork, editor of “But by 2050, a total of nine bil- director of policy. Under both the Schork Report in Villanova, lion people will aspire to a pros- scenarios, Asia will account for Pennsylvania. perous life,” Falih said. nearly 50 percent of global energy The spread between glo- In a report released yesterday consumption by 2050. bal benchmark Brent and US FROM LEFT: Spain’s Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, Finland’s Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen and their at its triennial congress being Ensuring energy supplies will oil benchmark West Texas Belgian counterpart Koen Geens attend a eurozone finance ministers meeting in Luxembourg, yesterday. held in Daegu, South Korea, the require enormous investment Intermediate has widened in the World Energy Council (WEC)laid over the next two decades which past two weeks as the US budget out a host of challenges posed by Falih estimated at around $40 crisis has weighed more heavily EU ministers meet on US debt warnings that population growth, coupled trillion. “That’s virtually the on its domestic contract than on with accelerated urbanisation. annual GDP of China, the EU, and Brent. Brent’s premium over West LUXEMBOURG: EU finance potentially dramatic conse- ceiling and allow the government The report built two energy the US combined,” the Aramco Texas Intermediate was last trad- ministers were warned yes- quences on the world economy to borrow more funds. scenarios — labelled “Jazz” and head said. The WEC report put ing at $8.48 per barrel, after wid- terday of the “dramatic con- and on the still nascent recovery Meanwhile, a senior European “Symphony” — for the world over required investment in electricity ening to its most since early June sequences” a US debt default in Europe,” Rehn said. Central Bank official said the the next four decades. generation alone at between $19 in the previous session at $10.01. could have as they discussed Christian Noyer, governor of bloc had made progress on its Under the Jazz scenario, which trillion and $25 trillion to meet Brent oil prices were also lower how to prevent failing banks the French central bank, was Single Supervisory Mechanism envisages a market-led energy demand levels in 2050. as geopolitical tensions with Iran from ever again collapsing their blunt. “If we were to have ... an and could now speed up work on policy focused on energy access, While renewable energy is are expected to ease. Talks about own economies. accident over the American debt a wider regulatory regime for the affordability and quality of supply, projected to increase rapidly, the Iran’s nuclear program are due to “It is very important that the it would be, as the IMF has said, a banks. “This is really very good total primary energy supply could Council said fossil fuels would start in Geneva on Tuesday and US overcomes its fiscal grid- thunderbolt for the financial mar- news,” European Central Bank increase by 61 percent by 2050. continue to dominate the global will be the first since the election lock,” EU Economic Affairs kets,” Noyer told Le Figaro daily. executive board member Joerg The government-led Symphony energy mix. As a result, both of President Hassan Rouhani, Commissioner Olli Rehn said as The United States faces the Asmussen said. scenario — focused on environ- the scenarios put forward by the who has tried to improve ties with efforts continue in Washington to prospect of its first ever sov- “We are very confident that mental sustainability and energy WEC envisage CO2 emissions the West to pave the way for an find a solution before the US gov- ereign default if no agreement European Union finance minis- security — envisages an increase well-beyond the target levels end to sanctions, which have cut ernment runs out of cash to pay is found between Republicans ters can now agree the legal basis of 27 percent. deemed necessary to meeting the Iraian oil exports by more than all of its bills as soon as Thursday. and President Barack Obama’s for the SSM,” Asmussen said. But while both scenarios see UN-set target. one million barrels per day. “Otherwise it could have Democrats to raise country’s debt AFP a significant increase in energy AFP REUTERS TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 BUSINESS 15

Alitalia capital hike South Africa, Tie-up talks France sign energy accord, push Peugeot finalise rail deal PRETORIA: French President Francois Hollande announced yesterday the signing with shares down South Africa of a $2bn pact for a thermal power plant in Africa’s largest economy which suffers Indebted company fights for future from energy shortages. Hollande, on a two-day state PARIS: Talk of a capi- that none of the projects had “got visit to Pretoria Hollande, told tal increase and tie-up with to a mature stage at this point.” a joint news conference with Chinese firm Dong Fen sent Media reports suggest Dong President Jacob Zuma that an shares in French auto giant Fen and the French state could agreement had been penned PSA Peugeot Citroen plunging each subscribe to ¤1.5bn worth of between French energy firm yesterday, as the indebted com- shares in PSA. “GDF Suez and South Africa pany fights for its future. Such an increase in the number for a thermal power plant to the Peugeot shares dived 9.34 per- of shares would dilute the hold- tune of ¤1.5bn, and also for a solar cent to ¤11.21 in response to media ings of existing shareholders, and plant.” reports of a capital increase in an this has caused the price of PSA He did not give details about overall Paris market which was shares to fall. the energy deal. But rolling power nearly unchanged. One stock analyst in Paris, cuts in 2008 forced South Africa The group, a top name in who declined to be named, com- to rethink its power generation French industry, is in trouble mented: “Given the risk of such a strategies, as supply remains and struggling to carry through big dilution without the creation An Alitalia worker walks at Fiumicino international airport in Rome yesterday. Shareholders of Alitalia were under pressure owing to growing a deep restructuring with job cuts of any extra value, we continue to vote on a $407m capital increase to keep the near-bankrupt Italian airline flying. demand. and a plant closure. to think that we shall stand aside The continent’s wealthiest The deep problems at one of from the shares.” economy, has now embarked on a France’s industrial leaders comes Peugeot is the standard-bearer multi-billion-dollar building spree as the socialist-led government for a auto sector that employs to set up new power plants that has made raising the rejuvenation more than 100,000 people in Chevron goes to trial in New York would double electricity supplies of French industry a key policy France he said, and “with the over the next two decades. plank, together with reducing presence of French state capital, Heavily reliant for decades high unemployment and promot- the arrival of Dongfeng seems to on coal, it is now mulling other ing the “made in France” label. us more likely.” over $18bn Ecuador award energy sources including nuclear The company, which is France’s At brokers Aurel BGC, ana- power and shale gas. biggest auto group and Europe’s lyst Tangi Le Liboux said that NEW YORK: Chevron Corp is illegal and unenforceable Agrio, which was affected by the It plans to add more than second after Volkswagen, has “the Peugeot family, which cur- will try to convince a US because it’s a product of fraud,” pollution. The court subsequently 50,000 megawatts of electricity already linked with US auto giant rently controls 25.4 percent of the judge this week that a group said Morgan Crinklaw, a spokes- increased the award to $19bn to the grid and hope to generate General Motors in an attempt to capital, would accept to lose this of Ecuadorean villagers and man for Chevron. to cover fees. Donziger and the at least 3,725 megawatts in green develop a new business strategy. control.” their US lawyer used brib- Donziger and the villagers say Ecuadoreans have been unable energy, in its bid to lower the A government-commissioned The family controls 38.1 per- ery to win an $18bn judgement they did nothing wrong in obtain- to collect the award in Ecuador over-reliance on coal. report found that PSA was in cent of the voting rights. against Chevron from a court in ing the judgment, and they accuse because Chevron no longer has Hollande also announced the deep trouble because of decades He noted that the rumoured Ecuador, in the latest chapter in the judge in the US case, District operations there. conclusion of a $5.4bn deal by of strategic mistakes, mainly capital restructuring would ena- a long-running fight over pollu- Judge Lewis Kaplan, of bias In 2011, Chevron obtained an Alstom to overhaul South Africa’s because it had not made the most ble French interests, in the form tion in the Amazon jungle. against them. “These claims by injunction from Judge Kaplan in passenger rail service, PRASA. of globalisation, and a tie-up in of the Peugeot family and the In a trial starting today, the oil Chevron are utterly baseless,” said New York blocking enforcement Under the deal, which was first china would be a big step to rem- French state, to retain control of company is asking a federal court Chris Gowen, a spokesman for of the judgment anywhere out- announced in December last year, edy that. the company. in New York to prevent the villag- Donziger and the Ecuadoreans. side Ecuador. The 2nd US Circuit Alstom would build 600 trains PSA Peugeot Citroen has Such an arrangement would ers and their Harvard-educated The trial is the latest chapter Court of Appeals later reversed and 3,600 wagons over a 10-year already, in effect, been rescued by make less likely the chances of a lawyer, Steven Donziger, from in a dispute over environmental that ruling. period from 2015 to 2025. means of French state support for tie-up with Opel, the European using US courts to enforce the contamination between 1964 and In the lawsuit, Chevron The deal, which Hollande its credit arm through a ¤7bn in arm of GM, which would “lead to Ecuadorean judgment. 1992 at an oil field in northeast- accuses Donziger of violating described as “the largest in recent loan guarantee. job cuts and factory closures,” he A victory in the United States ern Ecuador operated by Texaco, the US Racketeer Influenced years” and an example of an The latest rumours suggest said. would likely help Chevron’s which Chevron bought in 2001. and Corrupt Organizations Act, “excellent partnership” between a new total cash injection of However, he also commented defence in other countries where Chevron says Texaco cleaned and says both he and the villag- the two countries, would create between ¤2.5 and ¤3bn ($4bn) that a structure involving “GM, Donziger and the villagers may up its share of waste before turn- ers committed fraud. Central to several thousand jobs. PSA has not said that it will the Peugeot family, Dongfeng and seek to enforce the judgment. ing the field over to state-owned Chevron’s case is the evidence of a Part of agreement is that most raise capital, repeating merely the state as shareholders, would “We believe that any jurisdic- Petroecuador. But in 2011, an former Ecuadorean judge, Alberto of the parts used in the work will that it was in negotiations with appear to be complicated.” tion that observes the rule of Ecuadorean court awarded $18bn Guerra. originate in South Africa. “different partners”, but also said AFP law will find that the judgment to people from the village of Lago REUTERS AFP

Italy’s ERG plans to Gold above three-month low; focus on US deadline LONDON: Gold firmed yes- “There is a bit of strength today were up $13.50 an ounce at by technical selling. Earlier this US debt ceiling, in 2011, gold hit expand wind terday as the US fiscal impasse because there is no deal yet, which $1,281.70. month, another big trade sent record highs. This year, sentiment remained unresolved, but was was really expected last night, but Bullion fell to its lowest since prices lower by $25 an ounce in towards bullion is much less posi- power in Brazil still close to three-month lows this is an intra-day short cover- July 10 at $1,262.14 an ounce on a short period of time. tive, analysts said. on speculation an eleventh hour ing position and not a big move,” Friday, after more than three mil- With no Commitment of The metal has lost nearly a solution to the debt crisis will be Societe Generale analyst Robin lion ounces or 26,000 lots changed Traders report on Friday, due to quarter of its value this year VIENNA: Italian energy group found. Bhar said. hands on the Comex December the US government shutdown, on expectations the US Federal ERG plans to invest in wind Senate negotiations to resolve “I’m trying to think of anything futures contract in just 15 min- it is difficult to gauge the extent Reserve will soon end its stimu- power in Brazil and Europe, the US fiscal crisis made progress that could send gold higher and utes, prompting a near $30 drop of speculative positioning and lus programme, which has kept accelerating its expansion in the on Sunday and, while there no that would be a default by the in prices and a brief trading halt. whether the move that began interest rates low and stoked sector after its recent decision guarantees of an end to the gov- US but it is unlikely to happen... Gold has not seen a lot of safe- early last week is driven by the inflation fears. to exit the refining sector. ernment shutdown, many in the they will get a temporary deal and haven bidding over the last two short or long side, ANZ said in a Many in the market now ERG, over 60 percent control- market believe a deal to raise the then they will thrash out a more weeks, when parts of the US gov- note. “We view that long liquida- expect the Fed to begin stimulus led by Italy’s Garrone family, borrowing ceiling will emerge. longer-standing deal later.” ernment have been shut down due tion would be much more harmful tapering only after the uncer- completed the acquisition of wind Congress has until October 17 Spot gold rose 0.7 percent to to the budget impasse. to sentiment.” tainties over the US budget are power assets from France’s GDF to raise the debt ceiling, or risk $1,281.96 an ounce by 1135 GMT. Instead, prices have been hurt The last time high tension resolved. Suez this year to become Italy’s defaulting. U.S. gold futures for December by large sell orders, amplified emerged over talks to lift the REUTERS largest wind energy player and one of the top ten in Europe. Presenting the group’s strategy in Vienna on Saturday, ERG chief executive Luca Bettone said ERG planned to invest in countries and Onion prices send India areas which had strong wind con- ditions and were less dependent on government subsidies, such as inflation to 7-month high South America. “This company must look to growth and, since we are now the MUMBAI: A four-fold surge in Manmohan Singh is anxious to biggest wind player in Italy, must the cost of onions helped push tame inflation and revive the try to move outside our national Indian inflation to a seven- economy as it seeks a third term borders,” Bettone said in comments month-high in September, in office with elections due by that were embargoed until Monday. data showed yesterday, fuelling May 2014. “There are opportunities in this expectations of another interest The main driver of the surge in country (Brazil) and we think we’ll rate hike as authorities strug- inflation was food prices, which enter the market with acquisitions.” gle to get the economy back on rose 18.40 percent year-on-year ERG has transformed itself track. while the cost of onions, regarded in recent years into a renewable The Wholesale Price Index hit as a cooking essential, increased energy company in order to coun- 6.46 percent last month, from 6.10 322 percent owing to a supply ter declining profits at its refinery percent in August — and much shortage. business. Last week it struck a higher than analyst forecasts of Fuel prices jumped 10 percent, deal to sell its remaining stake in 6.0 percent — driven by surging data showed. the ISAB oil refinery in Sicily to vegetable and fuel prices. Onion prices have surged due Russia’s Lukoil for around ¤400m “Rising input costs have pushed to irregular supplies, which poli- – a sale Bettone said would yield no up core inflation,” said Rupa Rege cymakers have blamed on hoard- special dividend from the proceeds. Nitsure, economist with state-run ing by a section of traders in ERG, which is now targeting Bank of Baroda. Indian states of Maharashtra and a 20 percent rise in core earn- India’s Planning Commission Madhya Pradesh. ings next year to around ¤600m deputy chairman Montek Singh The cost of a kilogram of the ($813.75m), intends to invest Ahluwalia admitted that inflation humble root vegetable—an essen- some ¤500m to 2015 to focus on was high. “I agree that inflation tial in Indian curries—spiralled to renewable energy. In Europe, rate is still on the high side, but a record 90 rupees in some Indian Bettone said, the company aimed it will soften in a month or so,” markets last month. to enter the Spanish market Ahluwalia told reporters in capi- Prices then eased to near 60 while strengthening its position tal New Delhi. rupees a kg and are expected to in Bulgaria and Romania. The scandal-tainted Congress- fall further, analysts said. REUTERS A trader counts money as he deals in onions at a wholesale market yard in Hyderabad. led government of Prime Minister AFP TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 SPORT 16

Aussies to Amla rescues South Africa keep injuries secret for Ashes, says with 20th career Test ton report SYDNEY: Australia will pro- Pakistan’s spinner Zulfiqar Babar, 34, grabs three on day one tect information about player injuries so as not to cede any competitive advantage to ABU DHABI: Pakistan, took three wickets in England in the coming Ashes notched his 20th Test century the final session to turn the match series, a report said yesterday. but three wickets for 34-year- back his side’s way after Amla had Officials will not divulge the old debutant Zulfiqar Babar led a South African fightback at Hashim Amla (right) of South Africa celebrates with nature of any injuries suffered allowed Pakistan to restrict the Sheikh Zayed Stadium. Jean-Paul Duminy during their first Test against unless the player is ruled out South Africa to 245 for eight on The seamers took three Pakistan at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium in of a Test match, according to the opening day of the first Test wickets in the opening session Abu Dhabi yesterday. Amla hit a century to take the Cricket Australia’s general in Abu Dhabi yesterday. but Pakistan lost the initiative fight to a spirited Pakistan attack on the opening day manager of team performance Amla, ranked the world’s best between lunch and tea with a Pat Howard. of the first Test. BELOW: Debutant Zulfiqar Babar batsman, provided another inno- bizarre run-out of AB de Villiers With the first Test getting celebrates one of his three wickets on day one. vative display to hit 118 their only success. underway at Brisbane’s Gabba while most of his team-mates Then, as the pitch began to Pakistan’s Asad Shafiq is also seen. on November 21, Michael showed some ring rustiness after turn, Zulfiqar ended a 95-run Clarke’s side already has play- 10 months without . partnership for the fifth ers unavailable through injury Spinner Zulfiqar, who became by dismissing JP Duminy. -- fast bowlers Mitchell Starc, the second oldest debutant for The spinner also saw Asad James Pattinson and Jackson Shafiq take a sharp catch at Bird, while the skipper has Scoreboard second slip to dismiss Faf du chronic back trouble. Plessis for one and bowled Robin But after losing the July- South Africa (I innings): Peterson for five to finish with August Ashes series 3-0 in A Petersen c Masood b Irfan ...... 3 three for 89 off 27 overs. England, Australian officials G Smith c Akmal b Irfan ...... 15 Amla, who struck 13 fours, are changing their approach, Hashim Amla (batting) ...... 118 offered an early chance for a run starting with the state of the J Kallis c Akmal b Khan ...... 5 out while risking a single but team’s injuries. A B de Villiers (run out) ...... 19 after that he proved the backbone “If a player suffers an injury J P Duminy c Shafiq b Babar ...... 57 of the innings. that rules him out of the match, F du Plessis c Shafiq b Babar...... 1 Duminy made a good return we’ll tell you,” Howard told the R Petersen b Babar ...... 5 after an 11-month injury absence Sydney Morning Herald. V Philander lbw Ajmal ...... 3 from Tests by compiling 57 before “But if it doesn’t rule him D Steyn (batting) ...... 13 skying a top edge to Shafiq. out... we’ve got a chance to get Extras (B-1, LB-4, NB-1) ...... 6 Earlier, Mohammad Irfan a player up in a day or 36 hours Total (for 8 wkts) ...... 245 had openers Alviro Petersen (3) to play. If he can play the Test Fall of wickets: 1-6, 2-19, 3-43, 4-104, and captain Graeme Smith (15) match, and keep playing but 5-199, 6-205, 7-217, 8-222. caught before Junaid Khan dis- he’s got a minor calf injury, Bowling: Irfan 16.2-3-42-2 (1nb); Khan missed Jacques Kallis for five. really should we be telling you 18.4-2-52-1; Babar 27-3-89-3; Ajmal 28-6- De Villiers (19) was removed that? Every sportsman has 57-1. after lunch when he played an seemingly deep in thought in an second session but the spinners top-ranked status. The matches got a little niggle. In a Test Pakistan: Shan Masood, Khurram Manzoor, inside edge off Zulfiqar that trick- uncharacteristic lapse of concen- came alive after tea with Saeed are being played in Abu Dhabi match, a player can play in 24 Azhar Ali, Younis Khan, Misbah-ul-Haq, Asad led to Younus Khan at first slip. tration, was still in an exagger- Ajmal also claiming a wicket. and Dubai because of the secu- hours’ time. We can turn inju- Shafiq, Adnan Akmal, Saeed Ajmal, Zulfiqar Younus threw the ball to wick- ated forward pose with his back The Test is the first in a two- rity situation in Pakistan who ries around in 24 to 48 hours... Babar, Junaid Khan, Mohammad Irfan. etkeeper Adnan Akmal to take foot not behind the crease. He match series as South Africa last hosted a Test on home soil in it’s not like some of the other off the bails while De Villiers, was Pakistan’s only victim of the face a stiff examination of their 2009. REUTERS sports.” The fact that players’ fitness problems can be turned around so quickly in a five-day match with the help of the team’s ‘Time to show faith in current batsmen’ medical staff has convinced Australian management that MELBOURNE: Australia’s “I think everybody on the out- “Take the last series by itself, Khawaja, who have struggled to the less they say the better, the selectors need to show faith side has been a little bit worried Watto (Shane Watson) and Phil convert their promise into con- newspaper said. in their top six batsmen after about what the next generation Hughes seemed to bat in every sistent form at Test level. Howard’s stance was undermining their confidence of players have got, particularly position in the order - that can’t “If the answer is not Hughes endorsed by Cricket Australia by chopping and changing the on the batting side of things,” be good for the individuals or eve- and not Khawaja and not those chief executive James order during the recent Ashes Ponting said in comments pub- ryone else because if those guys guys then what’s going to hap- Sutherland when it was series defeat, former captain lished by The Australian newspa- are moving so is everyone else. pen?” Ponting said. “If they don’t announced at a briefing with Ricky Ponting (pictured) has per yesterday. “The lack of stability and the pick them, those guys will go back senior CA officials in Sydney, said. “Everyone acknowledges we lack of confidence that some of to Sheffield Shield cricket, they it said. Australia’s 3-0 loss in England have good depth of fast bowl- our players have been taking, not will be the leading run scorers “I don’t think we should be was marked by a string of calami- ing, but where the next Michael just into each game but into each and will be the next ones picked giving up competitive advan- tous batting collapses, as selectors Clarke is going to come from in innings they play, that doesn’t again, because they are simply the tage in the middle of the game,” dropped players and moved them the batting department is what make things any easier.” best we have got and they have Sutherland said. After series up and down the order in a fruit- everyone is concerned about. Australia’s struggles, which proved that over a period of years. losses in India and England -- less search for a winning formula. “I don’t think it is as bad as a included a dismal 4-0 Test series That’s my belief, anyway. Australia have won only one With the first Test of the return lot of people might believe, I think loss away to India earlier this “The selectors have been look- of their 10 Tests this year and Ashes series starting in Brisbane they have just got to decide who year, prompted former players ing for short-term fixes and that’s that was in January against Sri next month, Ponting said there the six best batters in the country and coaches to gather in Sydney not going to happen with this cur- Lanka in Sydney -- it appears was no quick fix for Australia’s are and I reckon they have got to last week to look at ways of solv- rent group,” he said. any edge they can manage over woes and that selectors needed to back them for a while and try and ing the team’s batting woes. The first Test of the return the old enemy is being seized. decide on the nation’s best batters release some of the pressure on Ponting, a participant at the Ashes series starts in Brisbane REUTERS and nurture them. the guys when they go out to bat. forum, backed Hughes and Usman on November 21. REUTERS

South Africa’s Le Clos wins Golf: Walker wins PGA two more golds MOSCOW: South Africa’s Olympic and world champion Tour’s season opener Chad Le Clos claimed two more wins at the Moscow World Cup NEW YORK: American Jimmy excited. “I was swinging good so meeting on Sunday with victo- Walker took advantage of a late I just kept saying, ‘Let’s just keep PGA Tour ries in the 100m butterfly and collapse by overnight leader hitting good shots, putting good.’ 200 medley. Brooks Koepka to win his first Everything felt like it was in con- Open Scores The hosts meanwhile clocked PGA Tour title by two shots trol, so I just kept doing that and SAN MARTIN, United a new world record in the 4x50m at the Open in San it worked out.” States: Leading final-round mixed freestyle relay in one Martin, California, yesterday. American Koepka, also seek- scores yesterday in the $5m minute 33.01sec ahead of second- Three strokes off the pace ing a maiden victory on the PGA PGA Tour’s Open placerd Brazil (1:33.43) and third- heading into the final round, Tour, briefly led by four shots on (USA unless noted): placed Japan (1:33.48). Walker coolly birdied two of the the front nine but tumbled back- 267 Jimmy Walker 70-69-62-66 The 21-year-old Le Clos, last six holes to close with a five- wards with bogeys on four of the 269 Vijay Singh (FIJ) who won the 200m butterfly on under-par 66 on a sun-splashed last 10 holes on his way to a 72 69-67-65-68 Saturday, was also the first in afternoon at CordeValle Golf and a four-way tie for third place. 270 Kevin Na 75-67-64-64, Scott the 100m butterfly in 49.34sec. Club. Former world number one Brown 68-67-71-64, Hideki The United States’ Tom Shields The 34-year-old seized the Vijay Singh, bidding for his first Matsuyama (JPN) 70-66- finished second in 49.74, while outright lead for the first time win in five years on the PGA Tour 68-66, Brooks Koepka Pole Konrad Czerniak was third when he two-putted for birdie where he has triumphed 34 times 67-64-67-72 in 50.66. In the 200m medley, Le at the par-five 15th, then made during a Hall of Fame career, fin- 271 Brian Harman 65-74-67-65, Clos clocked one minute 53.04sec three consecutive pars to post a ished alone in second at 15 under George McNeill 68-70-62-71 to finish ahead of second-placed 17-under total of 267 in the open- after closing with a 68. 272 Billy Hurley 69-66-69-68, Australian Kenneth To and Pawel ing event of the PGA Tour’s 2013- “Obviously today wasn’t the Will MacKenzie 69-70-64- Korzeniowski of Poland, who was 14 season. day I was expecting or anything 69, Max Homa 69-68-66-69 third. “I think it will sink in after but it’s still a good tournament,” In the women’s events, Katinka a while,” an emotional Walker said the 23-year-old Koepka who 273 Charlie Wi (KOR) 67-68- Hosszu of Hungary, the 2012 told Golf Channel after earning a has triumphed four times on the 69-69, Spencer Levin 71-65- World Cup winner and current Masters invitation and a two-year lower-tier European Challenge 68-69, Robert Garrigus 70-63-68-72, Jason Kokrak leader of the 2013 series, also exemption with his maiden win on Tour since turning professional 67-65-68-73 claimed the gold in 400m induiv- the US circuit following his 188th in 2012. idual medley and 200m butterfly. career start. “You’ve got to take the bright 274 J.J. Henry 67-71-68-68, “My goal was to be in the top “I am still feeling the adrenalin side and move on to next week Andres Gonzales 74-62-69- three in every race,” Hosszu said. and everything. I feel like a relief, (for the PGA Tour’s Shriners 69, Jeff Overton 64-72-69-69 Jimmy Walker poses with the winner’s trophy after winning the “There is a new rule -- you get a release kind of, right now but Hospitals for Children Open in 274 Justin Hicks 68-68-68-70, Open at the CordeValle Golf Club in San Martin, California, yesterday. points for every medal.” AFP it feels really good. I am pretty Las Vegas).” REUTERS Ben Martin 69-68-66-71 TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 SPORT 17 Red Sox shock Tigers to level play-off series Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel of BOSTON: David Ortiz clubbed Germany takes part a grand slam in the eighth and in a TV interview on Jarrod Saltalamacchia belted his grid ahead of the the game-winning run in the Formula One Japanese ninth as Boston rallied to stun Grand Prix in Suzuka Detroit 6-5 in game two of the on Sunday. ALCS. Ortiz’s two-out, game-tying grand slam in the bottom of the eighth inning Sunday brought the Red Sox to life after the Tigers had seized a seemingly comfort- able 5-1 lead. “We never give up,” Ortiz said. “You saw that through the whole season. We found a way to get back and win the ball game.” Saltalamacchia’s walkoff single in front of a crowd of 38,029 at Fenway Park clinched the victory for the Red Sox, who evened the series at one game apiece. Boston Red Sox right fielder Shane Victorino (right) congratulates F1: Vettel on verge “I have seen some crazy things catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia (left) after defeating the Detroit Tigers in this ballpark,” said Boston’s 6-5 in game two of the American League Championship Series game Dustin Pedroia. “That was a burst at Fenway Park. The Boston Red Sox won 6-5. of emotion. He (Ortiz) just put a great swing on it. “They pitched us tough. We Boston starting pitcher Clay Ortiz greeted Detroit’s clos- of more records were just trying to pass it to the Buchholz struck out six, but also ing pitcher Joaquin Benoit with next guy and get a hit. Luckily it allowed five runs on eight hits in a grand slam on the first pitch was David.” just over five innings of work. thrown to him to tie the game 5-5. Red Bull driver eyes 60-year-old record The American League series Detroit starting pitcher Max A hard-charging Detroit right now shifts to Detroit for game Scherzer took a no-hitter into the fielder Torii Hunter tried to make three on Tuesday. The winner of sixth inning before surrendering a a catch on Ortiz’s line-drive, but SUZUKA, JAPAN: With this momentum into the last four Mark Webber and then overtaken this series will face either the Los two-out single to Shane Victorino Hunter went cartwheeling over Sebastian Vettel’s fourth succes- races. I don’t think any of us could at the start by Romain Grosjean’s Angeles Dodgers or the St. Louis of the Red Sox. Boston had just the outfield wall as both he and sive Formula One title now just have imagined that he would have Lotus while having a brush with Cardinals for the Major League one hit in a 1-0 loss in game one the ball landed in the Boston a formality, the more intrigu- had the run of success that he Mercedes’s Lewis Hamilton. Baseball championship. and they appeared to headed to bullpen. The Red Sox players hud- ing question is whether the Red has. The way he’s driving at the A two-stop strategy, with Saltalamacchia belted an oppo- the same fate yesterday. dled around an injured Hunter Bull driver can go on to match moment is quite supreme.” Webber switched to three, then site-field single past a drawn-in Scherzer fanned 13 batters and and called for a trainer but the a record that has stood for 60 Vettel is only the sixth driver brought the race to him. Tigers’ infield to score the decid- allowed just two hits in seven outfielder eventually got up and years. to win five times in succession, “He picked up a bit of damage ing run. innings.But designated hitter returned to the contest. AFP The 26-year-old should become the most recent being Michael from the incident with Hamilton the sport’s youngest quadruple Schumacher with Ferrari in 2004 that took about 20 points of down- champion in India next week when the seven-times champion force off the front wing, so he had with the German 90 points clear went on to win seven in a row. a damaged car,” said Horner. of Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso, Schumacher also holds the “And he just managed to adapt. the only man still mathemati- record of 13 wins in a season, He played the thinking game ... he Klinkhammer stars for Coyotes cally in contention, and four races another milestone that Vettel watched, he waited in that first remaining. can match after taking his cur- stint. He preserved the tyres. RALEIGH: After being out- the puck. Ward allowed three of After winning Sunday’s rent tally for the year to nine with “He knew he wasn’t going to scored 10-2 in the first two NHL Results Phoenix’s goals. Japanese Grand Prix, Vettel needs a performance that Horner hailed get priority at that first stop games of a five-game road trip, Phoenix 5 Carolina 3 “A few guys came ready to play only to finish fifth at the Buddh as exemplary. because we had discussed it before the Phoenix Coyotes had reason Los Angeles 3 Florida 0 and battle and play their game, Circuit to be sure of the title and Asked whether he would rather the race and the lead car would to wish they could pack their Winnipeg 3 New Jersey 0 but we had too many passengers will not need to score another join Schumacher and the late get priority. So he was very, very bags and return to Arizona. Anaheim 4 Ottawa 1 tonight,” said Carolina coach Kirk point if Alonso fails to finish first Argentine Juan Manuel Fangio smart in the way he handled the “It was a morgue around Muller. “We had some of our top or second. as the only drivers to have won race.” here - nobody was happy, eve- Smith made 31 saves for the guys that just didn’t bring their The champion has won the last four successive titles, or win every Sunday’s win was Vettel’s rybody was miserable,” said Rob Coyotes, who closed a five-game `A’ game tonight.” five races and is on track to close race on the calendar, Vettel said fourth in five years at Suzuka Klinkhammer. road trip by winning in Detroit, With the score tied at 3 at out the season with nine suc- he preferred the second option. and that wealth of experience The mood on the team has Philadelphia and Carolina. the start of the third period, cessive victories, a feat only one “You know, I love racing,” he also paid off. certainly changed in the course “It turns out to be a great road Carolina’s Staal gambled in the driver has ever managed - Italian said. In 2011, when he won his sec- of three games over five days. trip,” Klinkhammer said. offensive zone. He couldn’t cor- Alberto Ascari with Ferrari in “It’s incredible what has hap- ond title at the Japanese circuit, Klinkhammer scored two goals Eric Staal, Riley Nash and ral the puck, instead allowing 1952-53. pened over the last couple of years he had led only to be reeled in late Sunday, including the game-win- Jeff Skinner scored for the Klinkhammer to skate forward on “Sebastian has won every race but nothing has changed in the in the race by those who had more ner 22 seconds into the third Hurricanes. a 2-on-1. Klinkhammer decided since the summer break, which way that I still love racing. I love left in their tyres. Vettel ended period, to help the Coyotes pick Cam Ward made nine saves not to pass, snapping the puck is an incredible achievement. the challenge.” up third. up a 5-3 victory over the Carolina after coming on with 10:08 left in past Ward’s glove. There’s still four races to go,” Red The German had dropped to “We lapped slower than the Hurricanes yesterday. the second period to replace start- “That’s a tough pass to make on Bull principal Christian Horner third at the first corner of the others who were on fresh tyres Shane Doan, Mikkel Boedker ing netminder Anton Khudobin. your off side there, so I just came told reporters. race at Suzuka, after being pipped in order to push them later in the and Lauri Korpikoski had Khudobin suffered a lower-body down and shot it, and it went in,” “Our target is to try to carry to pole by Australian team mate race,” he said on Sunday. AFP Phoenix’s other goals. Mike injury when he skated out to play Klinkhammer said. AGENCIES Stakhovsky Djokovic gives perfect upsets Sousa at Kremlin Cup reply to rankings fall SHANGHAI: Shanghai season after making a phenome- MOSCOW: Ukraine’s Sergiy Juan Martin Del Masters champion Novak nal return from injury to claim 10 Stakhovsky produced an open- Potro of Argentina Djokovic said he still has unfin- titles including the French Open ing day upset at the joint ATP hits a shot during ished business this season after and the US Open. But Djokovic and WTA Kremlin Cup so far, the men’s singles delivering the perfect response has been no slouch, retaining his ousting Portuguese seventh seed final match against to being knocked off the men’s Australian Open crown, narrowly Joao Sousa in straight sets here Novak Djokovic top ranking. losing to Nadal in the semi-finals yesterday. of Serbia at the The soon-to-be-married Serb at Roland Garros and again in The 98th ranked player in the Shanghai Masters ceded the world number one spot the final at Flushing Meadows. world saw off the 24-year-old on Sunday. to Rafael Nadal, but his reac- He was beaten by Andy Murray Sousa 6-4, 6-3 in one hour 17 tion has been emphatic with an in the Wimbledon final. minutes. Sousa, 50th in the ATP unbeaten run in China adding two Djokovic’s chances of finish- rankings, started this first round titles to his collection. ing ahead of Nadal as year-end tie confidently, clinching a com- Immediately after Nadal number one are slim as the fortable 4-1 lead with a break in returned to number one by reach- Spaniard, who was out injured the fourth game. ing the China Open final, Djokovic this time last year, has no points However unseeded Stakhovsky proved he was not about to go to defend in the rolling rankings. refused to surrender and broke away by defending his title from “I put myself in a better posi- back twice to take the five con- the Spaniard in straight sets. tion right now with back-to-back secutive games and the first He then swept all before him in wins,” Djokovic said of his hopes set in 37 minutes. In the sec- Shanghai to retain a trophy for of returning to the top spot. ond Stakhovsky, who lives in Del Potro serves warning the second time in two weeks, “But the fact that if I would Bratislava, Slovakia, underlined outlasting Juan Martin del Potro win, I would put myself in a better his supremacy at the hard court SHANGHAI:Juan Martin del 25-year-old world number five He beat world David Ferrer in Sunday’s thrilling final to win position, did not affect my moti- of Moscow’s Olympic indoor arena Potro said he was playing even told reporters in Shanghai. in the Wimbledon quarter-finals his 20th consecutive match in vation. My motivation is there when producing two more breaks better than when he won the “I couldn’t win a Grand Slam before losing to Djokovic in the China. always, especially when I’m play- to take the set and the match. 2009 US Open after pushing like I did in 2009 but I have semis. Djokovic said he had not yet ing finals of such a big event. In the next round the 27-year- Novak Djokovic to the limit in a reached finals in the Masters. I In Shanghai, the stunning 6-2, contemplated next year’s Grand “I wanted this title as much as old Ukrainian will face either gripping Shanghai Masters final. have already won three tourna- 6-4 victory over Nadal -- handing Slams and was still focused on my opponent. That’s what’s going the Czech Jiri Vesely or France’s The towering Argentine won ments. I beat the top guys, which the Spaniard only his fifth defeat 2013, with the Paris Masters, to stay forever.” Edouard Roger-Vasselin. this month’s Japan Open and beat is fantastic for me,” he added. this year -- qualified del Potro for World Tour Finals and Davis Cup The six-time Grand Slam win- Among the women, France’s world number one Rafael Nadal in “I think I’m playing even better the World Tour Finals in London. final still to come. ner has won five titles this year. Aize Cornet, who is seeking her the Shanghai semi-finals, before than 2009 or 2008 or last year. He said he was still not quite “Well, I’m still in this year. It He will now defend his title at the fourth title here, saw off Ukraine’s coming up just short in a third- That’s important. That’s a good in the same league as the quar- hasn’t finished,” said the world World Tour finals and attempt to Elina Svitolina 7-5, 6-3 in one set tie-breaker with Djokovic. thing for the future. I still have tet known as tennis’s ‘Big Four’: number two, after his 6-1, 3-6, win the Davis Cup for a second hour 42 minutes on her way into But the six-foot-six inch (1.98 the same goal, which is getting Nadal, Djokovic, Andy Murray 7-6 (7/3) win over del Potro on time in next month’s decider the second round. Local favourite metre) del Potro has shown he is closer to the top guys. If I keep and Swiss great Roger Federer. Sunday. against the Czech Republic. and two-time Grand Slam title primed for another assault on the working like this, I hope I can be But del Potro, the only man “I really will try to do my best The Serb leaves China showing winner Svetlana Kuznetsova, majors with three titles this year there one day.” other than that exalted quartet till the end of the season, then no signs that his love affair with seeded eighth, advanced into the and two appearances in Masters Before Tokyo, del Potro won in to win a Grand Slam title since I’m going to start thinking about the country, and its fans, will end second round on the back of a 7-5, finals. Rotterdam and Washington this 2005, is quietly confident that he what my goals are for next year.” any time soon. It’s a formula that 6-2 victory over Ukraine’s Lesia “I think I’m playing even bet- year and lost the Indian Wells is not far away from their level. Nadal has unquestionably works well -- as seven titles in Tsurenko. AFP ter than many years ago,” the Masters final to Nadal. AFP been the stand-out player this total suggest. AFP URDU WEEKLY NEWSPAPER

TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 SPORT Available every Tuesdays in 18 all leading supermarkets and shops in Qatar & Bahrain FOR ADVERTISEMENTS CONTACT: TEL: 4465 0600 EMAIL: [email protected] Wallabies England seek World Cup want to help fallen O’Connor SYDNEY: The Wallabies said spot; Bosnia eye history yesterday they will not be abandoning fallen star James O’Connor as he battles to reha- bilitate his stalled rugby career. Spain, Russia only need one point to reach the showpiece event in Brazil Coach Ewen McKenzie said he was keen to play a role in help- PARIS: Eight teams go into the complicated with both being ing O’Connor, who had his con- final round of European zone chased by Greece and Ukraine tract torn up by the Australian 2014 World Cup qualifiers today respectively. Rugby Union (ARU) this month with hopes of securing the final England host Poland, with the for repeated discipline breaches. four automatic spots in Brazil latter now out of the reckoning The 23-year-old back was next year. for the finals but capable of pro- dumped from the national team in Holders Spain and Fabio ducing an upset similar to the one September after he was prevented Capello’s Russia look all but they achieved almost 40 years to from taking a flight because he assured of securing their berths the day. was allegedly drunk, hours after at the expense of France and Then, a 1-1 draw at Wembley Australia beat Argentina in a Portugal respectively, though, prevented the English going to Rugby Championship match in those two will get another chance the 1974 finals and brought to Perth. in the play-offs for the best eight a close the golden era under Alf It was the last straw for the runners-up. Ramsey’s management that had ARU, who announced “an early Spain need only a point at yielded the one and only major release from his national contract home to Georgia to qualify, trophy the national side have won, for 2013 and (we) will not offer regardless of France’s result at the 1966 World Cup. him a national contract for 2014”. home to Finland, while Russia, The present England side O’Connor was also released by who have a three-point lead over would not be many people’s idea his Super Rugby club Melbourne the Portuguese, also need just a of a future World Cup winner, but Rebels and only his former team, point away against Azerbaijan to Roy Hodgson’s team have at least the Perth-based Western Force, book their ticket to Brazil. developed a reputation for being are talking to him about playing French morale has hardly tough to beat. next year. been boosted by a Sunday poll Realistically they will need to McKenzie said he was inter- that found that their predeces- beat the Poles today as Ukraine, ested in helping O’Connor and sors’ past bad behaviour, largely who are just two points behind, urged the wayward test star to at the 2010 World Cup finals are away at pointless San Marino. stay in touch. where they mutinied and refused Hodgson is not taking the Poles “We’ve had some contact. He’s to train, still lingers with 82 per for granted, especially as they obviously working on his end of cent declaring they had an unfa- gave England a really tough game England’s James Milner (centre) leads his team-mates in an exercise regime during a training session at things,” McKenzie told report- vourable opinion of the national in Warsaw earlier in the qualify- Arsenal’s training complex in London Colney yesterday. England play Poland in their last World Cup qualifying ers ahead of the Wallabies’ test side and 76 per cent thought they ing competition. match at Wembley today. against the All Blacks in Dunedin were just plain rude. “I watched them (in the 1-0 this weekend. Portugal, for their part, will be defeat to Ukraine on Friday),” he “I’ll continue to have contact without captain and playmaker said. “We are capable of going Euro 2012 to eventual semi- expected to get the three points but contact’s a two-way thing. Cristiano Ronaldo and influential “In the first half they played unbeaten in the 10th one (game) finalists Portugal, but under their against the Lithuanians which “We’ve been concentrating central defender Pepe for their very well. They had the best goal- and with the backing we got from former striker Safet Susic, voted they will need as Greece, who trail on playing footy but I spoke to final game at home to minnows scoring opportunities. the fans and playing at Wembley, by France Football in 2012 the them on goal difference, host bot- him from Argentina (where the Luxembourg. “If they play as well against us I have got to back them. I would best foreign player to have played tom side Liechtenstein. Wallabies beat the Pumas a week While victory should be a for- on Tuesday as they did against be foolish not to.” in Ligue 1, they have a superb “It would be a disaster if ago). mality, the Russians are unlikely Ukraine in the first half, it will While England have graced opportunity to reach the biggest we failed now and I am con- “I’m interested in improving to slip-up away at the Azeris. be a tough game. many finals of major tournaments, tournament of them all. vinced that we will get the win him as a person so I’m happy to For Bosnia-Herzegovina and “But I always back the players. I Bosnia-Herzegovina have yet to Susic, 58, and who appeared for we need in Kaunas,” Susic, in help in that process.” perennial finals under-achievers trust them. We are still unbeaten achieve a similar breakthrough. the then Yugoslavia at the 1982 charge since 2009, told state Captain James Horwill said the England the scenario is more in this qualifying group. They fell in the play-offs for and 1990 World Cups, said that he television BHT. AFP Wallabies’ had adopted a team- first mentality over O’Connor’s situation as it could not afford to be distracted by off-field issues. Play-off seeding Newcastle United owner Former Manchester Horwill said O’Connor needed United manager Sir to sort things out for himself, but system unfair, Alex Ferguson unveils also made it clear the Wallabies Ashley gets upset and a road sign near Old would not be abandoning him. says France Trafford Stadium that “I think the guys have always PARIS: France believe the was renamed in his been available for James if he seeding system is unfair for confused: Pardew honour in Manchester, needs it,” Horwill said. the World Cup play-offs in England, yesterday. “He’s a guy who needs to make November and plan to ask NEWCASTLE: Newcastle his fortune through his sports The Scot, who retired the decisions for himself and not football’s ruling body FIFA to United manager Alan Pardew goods empire, has upset fans on in May, won 38 concern himself with other guys. review it ahead of next week’s has said controversial club a number of occasions since tak- trophies during his 26 No one can make the decision for draw. owner Mike Ashley ing over the club in 2007. years at the club. him. World and European cham- can become confused Most recently he “He needs to find out what’s pions Spain are three points and upset about the appointed former man- important to him and work from ahead in Group I and host game. ager Joe Kinnear as direc- there. He needs to work out what Georgia in their final quali- “Mike is a strong tor of football, a move that he wants on and off the field and fier today when second-placed character who has been saw only one player - loan the guys are always here if he France, who look certain to go a success in his whole signing Loic Remy - arrive Your TV guide for wants to talk.” AFP through to the play-offs, enter- business life and is a at St James’ Park in the tain Finland. genius in that world - last transfer window. live matches today The play-off seeds will be but when you come “We were after flair Aussies without determined by FIFA rankings to football, the logic players and when you Event Competition Time Channel and 25th-placed France, who doesn’t quite fit,” he said get into that market as a Alan Pardew Uzbekistan vs Vietnam AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 12:00 2 Lealiifano for All reached the 2006 World Cup in an interview on Sky Premier League club, you final, face a likely clash with television. have your league and divisions Singapore vs Syria AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 14:30 HD3 Blacks test another big footballing nation. “He loves football but he some- like the Bundesliga chasing them Hong Kong vs UAE AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 14:30 +2 Les Bleus believe the system times can’t understand because they are a rare SYDNEY: Australia cen- is flawed because fewer rank- how it works and it con- commodity, so it is diffi- Brazil vs Zambia International Friendly 14:45 +3 tre Christian Lealiifano will ing points were available in fuses and upsets him, cult to get them over the Indonesia vs China AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 15:00 HD4 miss this weekend’s Bledisloe five-nation Group I while the and when he is upset, he line,” Pardew said. Cup test against New Zealand Belarus vs Japan International Friendly 15:15 HD5 other sections all contained six does things that aren’t “Loic Remy has been a because of an ankle injury in teams. brilliant for the football great signing and given us Malaysia vs Bahrain AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 15:15 +1 a big blow to the Wallabies’ “We’re going to contact club. what we didn’t have last Lebanon vs Kuwait AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 16:30 +4 chances of upsetting the world (FIFA),” French Federation “That’s just Mike and year which is a striker champions. president Noel Le Graet told he has funded the club, who can play, build the Jordan vs Oman AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 17:00 HD3 Lealiifano has played all nine the radio station RMC. made sure we have no game and finish, while Ghana vs Egypt World Cup Qualifier 18:00 +2 matches this year since making The president added: “There debt - other than to he has a nice manner, his test debut against the British Iraq vs KSA AFC Asian Cup Qualifiers 18:30 2 is a little injustice between the himself - and supported Mike Ashley is comfortable with our and Irish Lions in June and his group of five and the groups of me, but unless we get a group and has the confi- Norway vs Iceland World Cup Qualifier 20:00 .TV assured place-kicking could be a six. billionaire from deepest Russia we dence to play for Newcastle, too. Lithuania vs Bosnia World Cup Qualifier 20:00 +4 major loss for the Wallabies on “Our rivals from other are probably not going to be able “But Mike has put in about Saturday. groups have been able to to compete with the likes of Man £200million of his own money England U21 vs Lithuania U21 International Friendly 20:00 +3 “New Zealand in their own score more points ... that’s United, Man City and Chelsea, and I don’t think he wants Portugal vs Luxembourg World Cup Qualifier 20:00 .TV back yard is a tough proposi- a fact.” REUTERS which is what our fans want.” to put any more of his own tion, it doesn’t matter when it Switzerland vs Slovenia World Cup Qualifier 21:00 .TV Media-shy Ashley, who made money in.” REUTERS is, but it’s also a great challenge Turkey vs Netherlands World Cup Qualifier 21:00 .TV and we’re looking forward to it,” England vs Poland World Cup Qualifier 21:00 HD6 coach Ewen McKenzie told a news Ex-top German coach Lattek has Parkinson’s conference yesterday. Spain vs Georgia World Cup Qualifier 21:15 HD2 “They’ve got some very strong BERLIN: Germany’s most successful domestic the final 4-2 to England at Wembley. He steered Rep. of Ireland vs Kazakhstan World Cup Qualifier 21:45 .TV bits and pieces to their game but football coach Udo Lattek, who steered Bayern Bayern to the European Cup in 1974, their first of we have an idea of how we want Faroe Islands vs Austria World Cup Qualifier 21:45 .TV Munich to their first European Cup triumph three back-to-back titles, before joining Borussia to go about it. We’ll have a couple in 1974, is suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Moenchengladbach, where he won the 1976 and 1977 Sweden vs Germany World Cup Qualifier 21:45 .TV of changes now (flanker Scott) according to reports yesterday. Bundesliga titles. San Marino vs Ukraine World Cup Qualifier 22:00 .TV Fardy’s out and Lealiifano won’t Lattek lifted a total of 16 titles in a coaching He also won the 1982 European Cup Winners’ Cup make the game either.” career spanning three decades where he worked with Barcelona, as well as the 1983 Copa del Ray, Montenegro vs Moldova World Cup Qualifier 22:00 +4 Lealiifano was seen climbing at Barcelona, Bayern, Borussia Moenchengladbach, before returning to the Bundesliga and eventually Belgium vs Wales World Cup Qualifier 22:00 +3 one of Sydney’s many steep hills Schalke, Cologne and Borussia Dortmund. retired from coaching in 2000. soon after the news conference France vs Finland World Cup Qualifier 22:00 +2 The 78-year-old won a total of eight German “My husband has Parkinson’s. If my Udo has been and said that although his right league titles, six with Bayern and two with lying down for a few days, then he normally needs Chile vs Ecuador World Cup Qualifier 02:30 .TV ankle was sore, he was certain he Moenchengladbach, and was Germany’s assist- a wheelchair,” his wife Hildegard told German daily Paraguay vs Colombia World Cup Qualifier 02:30 +3 would be available to face England ant coach at the 1966 World Cup, when they lost Bild. AFP on November 2. REUTERS TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 BREAK TIME 19

QF RADIO 91.7 FM ENGLISH Boss (2D/Hindi/Comedy) – 9.30am SHOWING AT VILLAGGIO & CITY CENTER PROGRAMME BRIEF TV LISTINGS Gravity (3D/Drama) TEL: 444933989 444517001 LIVE SHOWS Airing Programme Briefs – 12.30, 7.00 & 9.00pm Time

Daivathinte Swantham Cleetus SPIRITUAL 6:00- A time of reflection, a deeper 1 (2D/Malayalam) – 2.30pm HOUR 7:00 AM understanding of the teachings of Islam. Qalb El Asad (2D/Action) – 5.00pm RISE 7:00– Is a lighthearted 10-minute fashion bulletin 13:15 Deadliest 13:00 Do Dil Bandhe The Switch (2D/Drama) – 11.00pm 9:00AM from red carpets and popular brands around Catch Ek Dori Se the world. Diana (2D/Drama) – 10.00am 14:05 Border Security 14:00 Punar Vivah INTERNATIO- 1:00 PM The latest news and events from around 14:30 Storage 14:30 Jodha Akbar NAL NEWS the world. Machete Kills (2D/Action) – 12.30 & 2.30pm Hunters 15:00 Pavitra Rishta Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 14:55 Baggage 16:30 Qubool Hai 2 DRIVE 3:00 – Our newest offering! Drive is a daily MALL (3D/Animation) – 4.30 & 6.30pm 4:00 PM afternoon show broadcast at peak travel Battles 17:00 Punar Vivah time. This Monday Nabil zeroes in on 15:20 Yukon Men 17:30 Pavitra Rishta Escape Plan (2D/Action) – 8.30 & 11.00pm Sports with Amir Madjer from Fast Track sports agency. 16:10 American 18:00 Bollywood Badges of Fury (2D/Action) – 9.30am & 6.00pm FASHION 6:00 – Fashion, a LIVE 1-hour weekly show Chopper Business About Time (2D/Comedy) – 11.30am 7:00 PM hosted and produced by Laura Finnerty. 17:00 Ultimate 18:30 Ek Mutthi The show brings together the latest Survival Aasmaan Metallica: Through the Never (3D/Action) – 2.00pm fashion trends along with exciting The Switch (2D/Drama) – 4.00pm interviews with local and international 17:50 Dirty Jobs 19:00 Do Dil Bandhe 3 designers. Down Under Ek Dori Se Boss (2D/Hindi/Comedy) – 8.00pm REPEAT SHOW/S 18:40 Mythbusters 19:30 Jodha Akbar Daivathinte Swantham Cleetus 19:30 Sons Of Guns 20:00 Pavitra Rishta INNOVATIONS 12:00 – A weekly show hosted and produced by (2D/Malayalam) – 11.00pm 1:00 PM Scott Boyes. The show talks about all the 20:20 Storage 20:30 Sapne Suhane newest and exciting advancements in the Hunters Ladakpan Ke Boss (2D/Hindi/Comedy) – 9.30am world of science and technology. 20:45 Baggage 21:00 Qubool Hai Gravity (3D/Drama) – 12.30, 7.00 & 9.00pm LEGENDARY 7:00 – The show tells the story of a celebrity Daivathinte Swantham Cleetus ARTISTS 8:00 PM artist that has reached unprecedented fame. Throughout the episode the artists’ 1 (2D/Malayalam) – 2.30pm memorable performances/songs will be played to put listeners in the mood. Qalb El Asad (2D/Action) – 5.00pm MUSIC & Listen in the whole day as we offer a wide The Switch (2D/Drama) – 11.00pm INFORMATION array of music from Pop, to Classical, 08:00 The Legend Of 16:10 Violetta Reggae, Jazz, Funk, World/Ethnic and Sasquatch 17:00 Dog With A Blog Diana (2D/Drama) – 10.00am more! Also loads of information through QF Radio’s Factoid Series aside from our 11:30 The Land 17:20 Austin And Ally Machete Kills (2D/Action) – 12.30 & 2.30pm daily program offerings. Before Time 17:45 Gravity Falls 2 Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 (3D/Animation) 13:00 The Tooth Fairy 18:10 Shake It Up LANDMARK – 4.30 & 6.30pm 14:30 Ben 10: Alien 18:30 That’s So Raven Escape Plan (2D/Action) – 8.30 & 11.00pm Swarm 18:55 A.N.T. Farm 16:00 Wheelers 19:20 Violetta Badges of Fury (2D/Action) – 9.30am 18:00 Flicka 3 20:05 Jessie About Time (2D/Comedy) – 11.30pm 20:00 Elf 20:30 My Babysitter’s Metallica: Through the Never (3D/Action) – 2.00pm 08:45 World Of 7:30 The Stream 22:00 Ben 10: Alien A Vampire The Switch (2D/Drama) – 4.00pm Gymnastics 8:00 News Swarm 20:50 Austin And Ally 09:30 Omni Sport 8:30 News 23:30 Wheelers 21:15 Shake It Up 3 Badges of Fury (2D/Action) – 6.00pm 10:00 World Wide Sport 9:00 Al Jazeera World 01:00 The Legend Of 21:40 That’s So Raven Boss (2D/Hindi/Comedy) – 8.00pm 10:30 Trans World Sport 10:00 News Sasquatch 22:00 Jessie Daivathinte Swantham Cleetus 11:30 UEFA Champions 10:30 Inside Story 22:25 A.N.T. Farm (2D/Malayalam) – 11.00pm League Magazine 11:00 News 12:00 Tenerife vs Mallorca 11:30 The Stream Boss (2D/Hindi/Comedy) – 9.30am (R) Spanish second 12:00 News Gravity (3D/Drama) – 12.15, 7.15 & 9.15pm League - Liga 12:30 Wildlife Warzone 1 Naiyaandi (2D/Tamil/ Comedy) – 2.15 & 11.00pm Adelante 13:00 NEWSHOUR Qalb El Asad (2D/Arabic) – 5.15pm 14:45 Brazil vs Zambia (L) 14:00 News 08:00 Police Academy 15:30 Cheetah 17:00 World Of Athletics 14:30 Inside Story 4: Citizens On Kingdom Diana (2D/Drama) – 10.00am 17:30 Tennis WTA - Round 15:00 The War in October Patrol 16:30 The Most Machete Kills (2D/Action) – 12.30 & 2.30pm Moscow (L) 16:00 NEWSHOUR 10:00 I Think I Do Extreme ROYAL 2 Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 (3D/Animation) 19:30 Football’s Greatest 17:00 News 12:00 Hit List 17:25 Too Cute! – 4.30 & 6.30pm Teams Celtic 17:30 The Stream 14:00 Police Academy 18:20 Too Cute! Programmes 18:00 NEWSHOUR 5: Assignment 19:15 Monkey Life PLAZA Escape Plan (2D/Action) – 8.30 & 11.00pm 20:00 England U-21 vs 19:00 News Miami Beach 20:10 Predator’s Prey Badges of Fury (2D/Action) – 9.30am & 6.00pm Lithuania U-21 (L) 19:30 Earthrise 16:00 I Think I Do 20:35 Cheetah About Time (2D/Comedy) – 11.30am Friendly Match 20:00 News 18:00 Ernest Scared Kingdom Metallica: Through the Never (3D/Action) – 2.00pm 22:00 Belgium vs Wales 20:30 Inside Story Stupid 21:05 Big Five 3 (L) World Cup 2014 21:00 NEWSHOUR 20:00 Calendar Girls Challenge The Switch (2D/Drama) – 4.00 & 11.00pm Qualifiers 22:00 News 22:00 Venus & Vegas 22:00 Bondi Vet Boss (2D/Hindi/Comedy) – 8.00pm 00:00 Kick Boxing (R) 22:30 The Stream 00:00 How To Make 22:55 ER Vets


1234 56789 10111213 62 Substances low on 29 Speculate the 49-Across superficially 14 15 16 63 Capitol V.I.P.’s: 30 PayPal Abbr. purchaser 17 18 19 31 Gets into DOWN 32 Dominates 20 21 22 23 1 Bit of attire for Mr. 33 “Charles in 24 25 26 Monopoly Charge” star 2 “The Mary Tyler 34 Imprisoned 27 28 29 30 31 Moore Show” 37 Big name in flying co-star 38 Beats 32 33 34 35 3 Arrange 40 Subj. for a forest 36 37 38 4 Deli choice ranger Yesterday’s answer 5 Whole lot 41 Recycling ___ 39 40 41 6 Chipped in 43 Scarlett’s kin How to play Hyper Sudoku: 7 Cargo vessel 44 Futuristic weapons A Hyper Sudoku Puzzle is solved by filling the numbers from 1 to 9 into the blank cells. A Hyper 42 43 44 Sudoku has unlike Sudoku 13 regions (four regions overlap with the nine standard regions). In all 8 E.E.C. part: Abbr. 46 Gathered, as bees regions the numbers from 1 to 9 can appear only once. Otherwise, a Hyper Sudoku is solved like 45 46 47 48 9 More erotic 47 Energize a normal Sudoku. 10 Unreal 48 Olfactory ticklers 49 50 51 52 53 11 Elliptical 49 Do some online How to play Kakuro: 12 “Fat chance!” skulduggery 54 55 56 57 The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any 13 Pitcher 50 Place, as cargo size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, 58 59 60 23 Entre ___ 51 Women’s rights some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some 25 Lieutenant ___ of pioneer Elizabeth cells will contain two numbers. 61 62 63 “Forrest Gump” ___ Stanton However, in a crossword the numbers reference 52 Surcharge item in clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! 26 Command They denote the total of the digits in the row or 28 Lugs many hotels column referenced by the number. ACROSS 37 Substance in the middle of 56 Federal agcy. of Within each 1946-75 collection of cells 1 Needle holder the 49-Across - called a run - any 5 Substances high on the 38 Program CLAD UNCUT SFPD of the numbers 1 49-Across 39 Actress Long to 9 may be used YULE PIANO CRUE but, like sudoku, 10 Ring 40 Avid each number may 14 Federal watchdog agcy. 41 Lifts SALT SPR INGROLL only be used once. 15 Complete 42 Contemporary of Aeschylus TUDOR SAT RAZES 16 Swear Yesterday’s 44 N.L. East team, informally AX I S MET IME answer 17 Half an Asian capital? 45 Place for cargo 18 Cache 46 Fictional captive in STY FEDERAL NBC 19 End of a haircut? carbonite PASSFA I L GLOBAL 49 Theme of this puzzle Baby Blues by Jerry Scott and Rick Kirkman 20 ___-engine OPUS PAC NATO 21 Stick (to) 52 Mich. neighbor RECESS PUNGENCY 53 Destructive pest 22 Vixen feature TSK CULPRI T AHS 24 Leaned in one direction 54 ___-Tass news agency 26 “Typee” sequel 55 Foolable ENAMEL BOON 27 Verbalized 57 DVR system SORER NEE SNAFU 28 Won 58 Pop TWI NENG I NE T I ER 32 Delivery person 59 Hold off EL IE ST ICK AI LS 34 Programs 60 Six-Day War leader 35 Nigerian native Weizman PSIS CHILE PITA 61 Some map lines: Abbr. 36 House starter or ender ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2013 20 MORNING BREAK


Fajr (Dawn) 4:16 Shorook (Sunrise) 5:32 Zuhr (Noon) 11:20 Asr (Afternoon) 2:39 Maghrib (Sunset) 5:08 Isha (Night) 6:38


Today Wednesday Weather Thrusday Conditions: Clear Clear Clear Fine to slighty dust.

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SUNRISE | SUNSET HIGH | LOW WIND 05:34 17:05 02:15 & 14:00 07:00 & 21:00 10/3-12 KT A mural created by British street artist Banksy is seen on a side of a building in Queens, New York, yesterday. Banksy is a pseudonym for the England- based graffiti artist, political activist, film director and painter who tries to keep his identity a secret. THE REGION TODAY TOMORROW


MUSCAT 33/27 Clear 34/26 Clear Banksy sells art for $60 in New York KUWAIT 33/23 Clear 34/23 Clear NEW YORK CITY: World- Banksy said the stall was a one- A man from Chicago then bought banksyny Twitter account has more BAHRAIN 31/25 Clear 31/25 Clear famous British street artist off that would not open again, likely four to decorate his new house. By than 21,000. SANAA 26/11 Partly cloudy 26/10 Clear Banksy flogged original canvases to disappoint fans crushed at miss- 6pm, total takings for the day were The show has also included RIYADH 38/21 Clear 37/21 Clear for just $60 in Central Park over ing the chance to snap up an afford- $420, according to the video. mixed traditional stencil designs DUBAI 34/26 Clear 36/25 Clear the weekend as part of a month- able original. Banksy’s stencilled designs, with installation art. BAGHDAD 34/18 Clear 34/19 Clear long residency in New York. The white canvases with black known for their irreverent humour One of the highlights is a slaugh- While his work can sell for hun- spray-painted images were adver- and political activism, have pro- terhouse delivery truck stuffed with THE WORLD TODAY TOMORROW dreds of thousands of dollars, his tised for $60 each with another pelled him from a graffiti rebel to soft toy animals, which appeared HI/LO WEATHER HI/LO WEATHER website announced that minimal sign that said: “this is not a photo reluctant star. first in Manhattan’s uber trendy interest and sluggish sales resulted opportunity.” He has spoken out against the meatpacking district. ATHENS 25/18 Clear 24/16 Partly cloudy in takings of just $420. A short video showed the vendor exorbitant sums paid for his art and Called “The Sirens of the Lambs,” WASHINGTON 21/17 Partly cloudy 23/15 Partly cloudy The stall was set up on day 13 of — wearing sunglasses and a baseball invites people to download photo- the cuddly toy sheep, chickens and SYDNEY 30/16 Clear 35/11 Mostly cloudy his pop-up exhibition in New York, cap — yawning, then munching on graphs of his work for free from his cows are operated by puppeteers LONDON 13/07 Partly cloudy 14/12 Chance of rain announced each day on the website his lunch to pass the time before website. and will tour the city for the next PARIS 14/12 Chance of rain 17/12 Chance of rain and posted to the first sale at 3:30pm. The free New York show called two weeks. ISTANBUL 20/14 Partly cloudy 20/12 Chance of rain his instagram account. A woman who bought two small “Better Out Than In” has whipped A New York delivery truck con- The England-based graffiti maes- canvases for her children, but only up huge excitement in the city as verted into a mobile garden, fea- MANILA 31/24 Chance of storm 29/22 Chance of storm tro, who has never been formally after negotiating a 50 percent fans rush to track down the differ- turing a rainbow, waterfall and DHAKA 32/25 T-storm 31/25 Chance of storm identified, has promised to unveil a discount. ent piece of work each day. butterflies, also visits a different DELHI 30/22 Clear 31/22 Clear new piece of art on each day of the Half an hour later, a woman from His Instagram account has more place each day at dusk. ISLAMABAD 32/19 Partly cloudy 30/19 Partly cloudy month somewhere in the city. New Zealand bought two. than 152,000 followers and his @ AFP

BuzzFeed now in German ‘bling bishop’ faces grilling in Rome French eatery French, Spanish makes insect VATICAN CITY: A German big-spending and Portuguese Catholic bishop has flown to Rome to try and chocolates explain himself to humility advocate Pope NEW YORK CITY: BuzzFeed Francis as he faces multiple calls to resign LONDON: From the country announced plans yesterday for over his high-roller lifestyle. that brought the world the culi- French, Spanish and Portuguese Bishop of Limburg Franz-Peter Tebartz-van nary delights of snails in garlic, editions in a push to expand the Elst flew in with low-cost airline Ryanair -- frogs’ legs and foie gras, comes footprint of the US-based social following accusations he took a business-class another gastronomic first: news website. ticket on a trip to India and squandered money cricket and worm chocolates. BuzzFeed said it will work with on luxuries. Not to everyone’s taste, admits the language-learning platform His private quarters in a brand-new bishop’s French chocolate-maker Sylvain Duolingo to translate some of its palace are reported to have cost some €2.9m Musquar, who suggests customers content and hire editors fluent in ($3.9m) and included a 63sqm dining room and should avoid looking closely the Spanish, French, and Portuguese a €15,000 bathtub. original handmade confectionary for original news. Germany’s top Catholic cleric Robert in pride of place in his patisserie “Social is increasingly global so Zollitsch, who was also visiting Rome, said the shop in Nancy. “You mustn’t fix building new audiences who speak scandal over Limburg should not remain “with- your eyes too much on them, or different languages, and helping out consequences”. pay too much attention otherwise spread that language at the same The 53-year-old bishop is under pressure to you won’t eat them,” Musquar said. time, is a natural expansion for resign after using church funds to build himself Even coated in edible gold dust, BuzzFeed,” said Jonah Peretti, a diocese headquarters with a museum, confer- and even at a glance there is no BuzzFeed Founder and chief ence halls, a chapel and private apartments. chance of mistaking the once-liv- executive. The ostentatious project in the ancient town ing decorations perched atop the BuzzFeed claims to have some of Limburg was approved by his predecessor chocolates. Musquar, who uses a 80 million monthly unique view- and was initially valued at €5.5m euros but the pair of tweezers to delicately place ers for its news site, which has final bill ballooned to €31m. each insect or worm on the squares been moving to become a more The alleged extravagances of the cleric of chocolate “that shouldn’t be too mainstream operation after its dubbed “bling bishop” by the press have soft or too hard”, says he came up original launch, which focused on sparked furore among Catholics in Germany, with the idea while visiting Asia. offbeat stories and videos. where Martin Luther’s Reformation legacy “There, eating insects is popu- The international sites will has left many sensitive to excesses within the lar and part of the culture. I’m a use native speakers of French, Church. chocolate maker, I thought why Spanish and Portuguese who Tebartz-van Elst is also accused of giving not mix the two,” Musquar told are learning English, employ- false statements in court in a case centred on France 3 television. ing Duolingo’s algorithmic an expensive flight he took to India to visit poor He admits the and translator. communities. mealworms he uses need a lit- “As such, BuzzFeed will help Prosecutors allege the bishop twice gave false tle “make-up . . . to make them advance the spreading of culture statements under oath in a Hamburg court attractive” in the form of gold dust and language across the world by battle against news weekly Der Spiegel when before being presented to the pay- supporting Duolingo’s free lan- he denied having told the magazine’s journalist ing, consuming public. guage education platform,” the that he flew only business class. “It makes them a bit more appe- company said in a statement. Anger that taxes paid to the Church by ordi- tising and it covers the natural The statement said the nary Germans are apparently being squandered brown colour of the insects that Duolingo system “combines a vital has led to demonstrations outside his residence. might put people off,” he added. human touch and algorithm to “For heaven’s sake!” the headline on the For un-squeamish patriots ensure the veracity of the trans- nation’s largest-selling tabloid, Bild, screamed An aerial view shows Limburg cathedral (right) and to the left the ensemble of the bishop of Limburg’s heeding the siren call of the lated post. As a result, Duolingo on Friday. Over a graphic that showed the residence along the river Lahn yesterday. Made-in-France campaign, there generates translations at the bishop’s living quarters and offices, it asked, is good news: the chocolates are accuracy level of those generated “Why does the bishop need a €783,000 hilltop cathedral complex adjacent to the He has repeatedly called for the Catholic 100 percent national produce. by skilled professionals.” garden?” modernist new structure is heritage protected, Church and its faithful to rid themselves of The insects and worms are sup- In addition to offering transla- German Chancellor Angela Merkel, daughter complicating the development. earthly concerns like his name-sake, St Francis plied by MicroNutris, a Toulouse- tions, BuzzFeed will employ native of a Protestant pastor, said via her spokesman Critics within and outside the church have of Assisi, warning that “worldliness is a mur- based specialist company that speakers of the three languages to Steffen Seibert that “the government naturally contrasted the premium architectural project derer because it kills souls, kills people, kills the formed in 2011. “We began produc- “create original content and manage has no instructions or advice to give. But I can with the more humble style of Pope Francis Church.” ing insects after an United Nations translated content,” and will “study express the hope that there will be an answer and asked how much good the money could Archbishop Zollitsch has set up a commis- report on food and agriculture sug- sharing habits and look for opportu- for believers, for people’s confidence in their do if used as aid in poverty-stricken African sion to investigate the finances of Limburg gested they might be the solution to nities to expand into localized teams Church.” countries. diocese. “This weighs on us,” Zollitsch told hunger in the world,” Cedric Auriol, in the strongest markets.” Bishop Stephan Ackermann of Treves, in Pope Francis has called for a “poor Church reporters in Rome, adding that he could “not company founder, told Le Monde. BuzzFeed said its Portuguese- West Germany, told Germany’s public television for the poor” and has condemned high-roller take a position” on the procedures in Germany The crickets are raised for eight language site tailored for Brazil chain ARD that the situation has “escalated clerics. against the bishop. weeks and the mealworms, 12 will launch on October 18, its to the extent that bishop Franz-Peter can no The 76-year-old pontiff has refused to move “It is the bishop of Limburg who should take weeks, during which Auriol says Spanish site October 21 and longer on principle work in Limburg.” into the lavish papal palace in the Vatican, stay- a position,” Zollitsch said, adding that he should they are fed a “diet rich in vitamins, French site November 4. The embattled Tebartz-van Elst has defended ing instead in the Casa Santa Marta, a resi- respond “with a spirit of self-criticism”. minerals and saturated fatty acids”. AFP the costly project, saying the centuries-old dence for visiting clergy and lay people. AFP THE GUARDIAN