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fart i.— General. Appointments (General) by the Governor: Inoludes cancellations and resignations of Appoint- ments, authority to sign for Heads of Departments, and recognitions of Consular Appointments.. Alphabetical Appointments of Registrars do. Buddhist Temporalities Chronologioal Ceylon Defence Force do. Ceylon Medical College do. Ceylon Savings Bank do. Ceylon University College do. Church N otices.. do. Currency Commissioners, Accounts of do. Customs .. do. Department of Agriculture do. Department of Electrical Undertakings do. Department of Medical and Sanitary Services .. do. Education Department do. Forest Department .. do. General Treasury do. Government Notifications: Inoludes Orders of the King in Counoil, Aots of the Imperial Parliament, Treaties, Conventions, and Notifications by order of theJGovernor.. do. Indian Labour.. do. Irrigation Notioes do. Joint Stock Companies do. Looal Government Notices do. Mariners, Notioes relating to .. .. do. Meteorological Statistics do. Minutes ...... / do. Miscellaneous, Provincial and Distriot Notioes . .■ do. Municipal Counoils . . ; .. do. Notifications under Excise Ordinance, 1912 do. Patents, Notifications relating to Alphabetical Post and Telegraph Department Chronological Proclamations by the Governor ...... do. Publications on Sale at the Government Reoord Office, &c. do. Public Works Department .. do. Railway Department- do. Registration Department (see also “ Trade Marks ” ) do. Rent Sale Notices . . .. do. Road Committee Notices do. State Counoil .. _ do. Survey Department .. .. do. Tenders for Services, Notices oalling for Chronologioal, by Depts. Trade Marks, Applications for Registration of .. Alphabetical Unclaimed and Unserviceable Artioles, Sales of .. Chronological, by Depts. Unofficial Announcements Alphabetical Village Communities Chronologioal ( Vital Statistics.. do. INDEX TO "THE. CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE.”




Appointments, A c. Collins, E.D., Lieut.-Colonel J. V., 985 Ginige, Lieut. E., 757 La Brooy, Second Lieut. D H., 72 Abayasekara, D. R . E. P., 484 Connolly, Major F. R ., 985 Godsall, W. D., 671, 952, 986 Langran, B ., 400 Abeyagoouasekera, G. H., 275 Controller of Labour, 177 Gomis, V. I. V., 2, 37, 73,178, 401, 485, Law, R . R ., 484 Abeyasekera, D. D. H. P., 275 Coomaraswamy, C., 808 712, 757, 808 Legh, R.A., Adjutant R. F. D., 985 Abeyesinghe, N. R . D 'A., 758 Coomaraswamy, R ., 713 Gooneratne, A. P., 244 Loos, Capt. A. L., 985 Abeyawickrema, A. I. de S., 484 Coorey, M. F. S. J., 129 Gooneratne, E., 128 Lowenhard, G., 72 Abeyawira, J. D., 532, 586 Corea, J. A., 275 Gooneratne, Capt. L. V., 484 Luddington, N. J., 808 Abeyewardene, H . W ., 830 Cornish, Captain P. A., M.C., 682 Goonetilleke, A. H., 274 Lushington, R. F., 876 Aboobucker, K . U. M., 830 Cowell, H. C., 808 Goonetilleke, T. P. P., 484, 683 Macleod, N., 683, 875 Aboothahir, M. M. M., 673 Creasy, Lieut. E. B., 671 Goonewardene, E. G. M., 211, 401, 485, Madena, A ., 275 Abraham, P., 588 Croix, Lieut. G. N. de St., 671, 682 517, 683, 953, 986 Maduxawa, L. B.} 275 Adhihetty, F. A. de S., E.D.. 516 Cumaraswamy, S. D., 532 Gooncwardena, H. C., 756 Maharoof, M. M.*. 343, 517, 683 Agalawatte, Mudaliyar C. Mi, 244 Dahanaike, W ., 400, 712 Gray. P .M., 684 Mahipala, D. J. M., 178 Alcock, Lieutenant N. C., 72 Dalgetty, R. S., 986 Greene, Second Lieut. N. D. G. 671 Mallawaratchie, E. E., 275 Allegacone, M., 875 Daniell, Major E. B., 985 Grifftth, Lieut.-Colonel G., M.B.E., Manicam, V. C., 22 Aluwihare, C. B., 212 Dassanayake, E. de C., 533, 672 M.C.,756 Mann, W. R. J., 23 Alwines, Second-Lieut. C. W. D., 484 Dassanayake, Dr. W . L. P., 344 Gunaratna, A. M. I.. 633 Maralande, S.. 275 Amarapala, A. V. P., 275 D’Alwis, O. G., 986 Gunawardane, W ., 758 Marikar, M. M. M. H. M. S., 758 Amarasinghe, S., 516. Davies, C. M. W ., 683 Gunawardena, D. G. R., 73 Marikkar, S. M., 22, 517 Ambalavanar, S., 756 Davies, R . M., 22, 36, 712, 713 Gunawardene, K . T. A. de S., 830 Marikkar, S. M. I. M. H ., 533 Amerasinghe, S. F., 632, 682, 833, 952 Dayaratne, D. G., 72 Guuewardene, Lieut. H. C. P., 682, 808 Markus, F., 343 Araeresekara, M .T . de S., 400, 756,757 De Alwis, F. D. L., 586 Gunewardene, R. S. S., M.S.C., 343. 758 Marsh, N. O. C., 98 Ameresekera, E. J. S., 344 De Alwis, N., 37, 128, 211, 343, 672, Gunasekera, Lieut.-Colonel F., O.B.E., Martin, E. H., 212 Andrews, Lieut. H ., 682 683, 712, 808, 953, 986 E.D., 632 Master Attendant, , 586 Anthonisz, Lieut, and Quartermaster De Alwis, O. G., 876 Gunasekera, J. P. W ., 245 Master Attendant, Trincomalee, 586 N . W ., 985 Debeauvais, G., 36 Gunasekera, L. A., 589 Meldrum, Lieut. H. T., 672 Anthonisz, Lieut.-Colonel V. H. L., 632, De Bunnetat, J. B., 683 Gunasekera, L. G., 22 Mendis, W . P., 586 833 De Jacolvn, L. V. B., 72, 128,177, 244, Gybbon-Monypcnny, R . M., 342, 400 Merza, Lieut. A. M., 517 Anwatugoda-Polkotuwc, Mrs. S. G., 275 275, 401, 517, 632, 672, 757, 875, 953 Gylsetb, S., 952 Milne, M. S., 276 Appadurai, S. K ., 72 Deraniyagala, P . E. P., 400 Hadden, F. L., 23 Misso, D. G. L., 244 Appuhamy, G., 343 De Kretser, G. E. I., 178 Haniffa, M. I. M., 177, 343, 517, 712 Misso, Dr. N. E., 516 Appuhamy, W. A. E., 38 De Kretser, J. H. E., 212 Hankey, T. B., 683 Mitchell, F. A. W., 952 Arachchi, D. A. A., 532 De Livera, Dr. P . L. F., 129 Harasgama, W. A. W . H. W. M. R . D. Modder, V. C., 177, 953 Arndt, Brevet Colonel, C. E., 401 De Pinto, C. E ., 73, 211 B., 485 Moonesinghe, S. L., 589 Arumugam, A., 178, 211, 244 De Saram, Second Lieut. F. C., 682, Hawkeswood, R ., 683 Moss, C. B., 986 Arumugam, J. N., 177, 211 985 Heal, L. E., 484 Munasinghe, Second Lieut. T. N.,712 . Assistant Government Agent, Province De Silva, A. H ., 485 Henderson, A. K . J., 274 Municipal Commissioner, Colombo, 275 o f Uva, 99 De Silva, B. W .,7 3 He*at, H. M. P.. 633 Murphy, W . L., 36, 212, 588 Assistant Government Agent, Kandy, De Silva, Capt. V., 22 Hettiaratchi, D. P. E., 586 Murugesu, S., 22 178 De Silva, C. P., 177, 211, 484, 756 Hingley, A. C. M., 36, 98, 244, 342 Muttettuwegama, S. B., 588 Assistant Government Agent, Kurune- De Silva, D. S.,37 Hoare, H. S. M., C.C.S., 98, 274, 400 Muttukumaru, E., 589 gala, 178 De Silva, E. F ., 672 Hudson, P. J., 128 Muttukumaru, W. A., 2, 244, 401 Assistant Government Agent, Nuwara De Silva, G. M., 953 Uangantileke, J. W ., 73 Muttutamby, A., 98, 342 Eliya, 178 De Silva, K . R . R , 682 Ismail, F. M., 276 Nadarajah, Dr. V., 588 Assistant Government. Agent, Puttalam, De Silva, Lieut. W . H ., 712 Jansen, Major T. R ., 808 Nagalingam, Muhandiram V ., 586, 808 212 De Silva, N. A. W., 586 Jansz, C. J. 0., 275, 485, 953 Naheem, M. A. M., 633 Astell, W ., 245 De Silva, R. L .,673 Jansz, P. D., 23 Nalliah, R . R ., 833 Atkinson, Lieut. G., 211 De Silva, Second Lieut. J. F. L., 72 Jansze, D .,36 Namasivayam, T., 245 Attygalle. A. C. A ., 672 De Silva, W . J., 808 Jayakodi, D. W ., 2, 38 Narayanar, P., 830 Ayer, S. A. K., 486 De Silva, W . R . D., 275 Jayanetty, K. M. U., 275 Navaratnam, M'., 633 Banda, H . M. W ., 73 Devendra, Muhandiram D . C., 671 Jayaratne, D. B., 672 Navaratnam, S. S., 682, 875 Banda, M. D., 275 De Zoysa, R ., 275, 632 Jayasekera, K. J. D. A., 517 Nawaratne, W. H., 275 Banda, R . M. P , 37 De Zylva, Dr. H . K. T., 829 Jayasundara. L., 532 Nethsinghe, A. A., 36, 274 Bandaranaike, Second Lieut. C. D.,985 Dharmaratne, C. F., 401, 517, 587, 672 Jayasuriya, A. L., 517, 632, 672 Newnham, H. E., C.M.G., V.D., 274, Bartels, Major P. C., 586, 985 Dias, N. Q., 985 Jayasuriya, V. C., 400 586 Bartholomeusz, U. L., 22, 37, 401, 532, Dingiri Banda, W . S. B. M., 830 Jayatileke, E. G. P., K.C., 178, 516, 632 Oakley, Lieut.-Commander P. J. B., 177 632, 713, 757 Dircksze, Dr. H . A., 343 Jayatilleke, M. H., 37, 587, 757, 986 Obeyesekera, D., 129‘ Bartlam, Major E. R ., 985 Dissanayaka, D . D. H. S. R ., 830 Jayawardene, C. P., 36 Oldfield, Lieut. J. W ., C.M.G., O.B.E., Basnayake, H. H., 22 Dissanayaka, M. B., 682, 808 Jayawardene, Second Lieut. E. D. W., M.C.,682 Bassett, R. H., 532 Dissanayake, C. D. N., 588 985 Olegasagrem, W., 211 Bawa, Captain B. W. F., 875 Dobbs; H. A. C., 72, 244, 586 Jayawardene, P. M., 517 Ondaatje, Major P. M., 875 Beauchamp, Commander W. G., 177 Doig, D., 833 Jayawardhana, G. P. G. E. P., 830 Oorloff, C. J.; 244 Beligaswatte. J., 485 Dover, Major M. G., 985 Jayawickrema, Lieut. R . S., 128, 712 Panabokke, T. B., 37, 99, 517, 632 Benedict, J. N., 485 Duff, S. M., 128, 244 Jesuthasan, Rev. Fr. B. W m ., O.M.I., Pandita-Gunawardene, V. T ., 682, 833 Bingham, Lieufc.-Commander F. D., Dyson, E. T., 342, 588 344 Pandittesekera. C. V. M., 2, 808, 953 R .N ., 177 Ediriweera, G., 275 Jinadasa, H., 211, 671 Paramanathan, J. T., 36, 586 Biyanwila, D. W., 758 Ekanayaka, G. W ., 808 Jones, R. L., 756 Parana vithana* Dr. S., 516 Bourne, R . F., 758 Ekanayake, Lieut. H . E. I., 484, 712 Jones, Capt. T. N. W ., 985 Parker, J. C., 986 Bromley, G. H ., 400 Elapatha, S. A. I., 73 Jonklaas, Lieut. E. G., 682 Patrick, J. E., 876 Campbell, H. T., 833 Ellawela, H. A. de S., 129 Joseph, E. M. C., 683 . Patterson, Capt. R. A., E.D ., 682 Canaganayagam, S. C. N. S. N. A. T., Epps, J., 986, Joseph, J., 683, 953 Paul, Dr. M. A., 632 . 830 Evarts, A. S., 632 Kadirgamar, S. N., 486 Paul, E. C. S., 484, 682 Canagaratnam, R ., 274, 671 Farquharson, J. D., 99 Kaluhendiwela, T. B., 73 Pavey, Capt. G. H. 516 Canagaratnara, V., 177, 244, 517 Fearnley, Second Lieut. R . J. E., 177 Kanagasabapathy, A. M., 23 Petris, M. V. P., 682 Candappa, E. R . P., 587 Ferdinands, Lieut, and Quartermaster KanagasundaramjD., 830 Peiris, S. A., 38 Cassim, S., 533 O. A., 985 Kanagasundram, K ., 586, 587 Perera, B. F., 484, 712, 985 Cassim, T. K., 588 Fernando, A. C., 587 Kanapathipillai, A., 275 Perera, Capt. V. I., 587 Cathcart, Second Lieut. A. R ., C.P.R.C., Fernando, B. W ., 484 Kanakasabai, K ., 37, 244 Perera, C. L. B., 484 128 Fernando, D. W ., 36, 72, 244, 400 Kaneko. K., 98 Perera, C. T., 2 Chandrasoma, M., 244, 274, 586 Fernando, J. G., 517, 587 Kantawala, M. H ., 80S Perera, E. P., 2 Chapman, Major H . S., 985 Fernando, J. H. M., 589 Karunaratne, D. C. E. V., 758 Perera, H. A., 72, 342, 682, 952 Chanmugam, W . R ., 176 Fernando, Lieut.-Colonel P. S., 401 Kathiravetpillai, P., 1.29 Perera, I. A. D. E. P., 830 Chelvaratnam, D. W ., 275 Fernando, P. O., 177 Kay, H. de T. W ., 401 Perera, J. E., 517 Chief Clerk,. Widows’ and Orphans’ Fernando, S. C., 342, 808 Kennedy, Second Lieut. J. A., 985 Perera, J. H., 128 Pension Office, 808 Fernando, Second Lieut. E. C., 128 Kingston, Capt. A. T., M .B.E., D.C.M., Perera, J. W., 587 Chintamani, R ., 829 Fernando, T. M., 128 586 Perera, M. J., 36, 712 Christoffelsz, A. E., 22, 72 Fowke, P. B., 532 Kock, Capt’. G. E. G., 985 Perera, Second Lieut. J. A. T., 985 Christoffelsz, B. M., 342, 485 Fowke, P. F., 276, 532 Kohoban Wickrcmc, A. S., 274, 517, Peries, H. E., 22. 73, 342 Chittampalam, Dr. .7. M., 344 Foy, Capt. H . B. T., 985 587 Perimpanayagam, Lieut. S. E. R.,712 Chitty, G. E., 177, 400. 682 Frugtniet, T. R ., 829 Krishnadasan, N., 757 Perumynar, A., 275 Cocks, H . C., 274 Gibbon, A. R . T., 245 Kumarasingha, D. N. W. A., 876 Pethiyagoda, E. D. M. L. B ., 275 IV INDEX TO PART I.—JANUARY TO JUNE, 1939

Appointments, A c.— conld. Venasitamby, V., 589 Customs. Change of school managements : Vickramasinghani, F. J. B ., 343 All Boman Catholic schools in See P roclamations, 176 Philips, J. F., 517 Villiers, E. C., 22, 244 Trincomalee District, 225 Pieries, B. E. B ., 671 See Government Notifications, 40, Visvalingam, V., 400 J/Suthumalai Central T. M. (pri.) Pieris, S. G., 834 100,179, 245, 487, 593, 635, 636, 713 school, 264 Vythialingam, M., 99, 211, 244, 587, Notifying amendment to Customs Pietersz, M. C., 829 J/Kaithady Tamil mixed school, 264 Ponnampalam, S., 953 633, 672, 683, 757 Notification No. 38/4 published in Walters, J. B., 98 Gazette N o. 8,355 of February, 18, C/Visakha Vidyalaya, 264 Ponniah, B., 211, 672 J/Tirunevely T. M. (pri.) school, 308 Wanasundera, D., 586 1938, 29 Ponniah, N., 72, 98, 401, 632, 683, 757, Wanigasekera, H. W . E. Dias, 22, 98, B/Basagalla Estate No. 1 T. M. 876 Sale o f confiscated goods, Jaffna, 29, 712 school, 354 Ponmidurai, S., 875 263, 502, 539, 969 Boman Catholic schools. Trincomalee Warby, J. W., 756 Directions made by the Principal Ponnusamy, K ., 129 Watson, Second Lieut. M. D . C., 177 District, 432 Potuhera, L. A., 485 Collector o f Customs in terms of Webster, W. P. B ., 757 Begulations 4 (9) of the Begulations Church of Ceylon vernacular schools, Poulier, L. G., 37, 401 Wcerakoon, E. B ., 37, 72, 275, 683, 503 PremaTatue, H . B ., 212, 588 made undex section 9 of the Plant 757, 953 Boman Catholic schools of Galle. 539 Punchibanda, M. M., 986 Protection Ordinance, No. 10 o f 1924, Weerasekera, D. B., 713 and published in Government Gazette J/Karanavai South Venayaga Vid- Pyper, G., 758 yalayam, 613 Weerasinghe, E. W . P., 833 o f September 30, 1938, Customs Bajadurai, G., 37 Welagedera, D. B., 275 C/Polwatta St. Michael’s night school, Bajagopal, P., 830 Notification (General) No. 39/2,84 659 Weld, Acting Adjutant B . T. B. E., 586 Sale of Goods at Colombo, 84,138,194; Bajakaruna, W . F. T., 212, 343, 757, White, Lieut-Colonel B. S. M., O.B.E., J/Viddattalpalai Kamalasani T. M. 833 195, 225, 308, 353, 431, 612, 675, 693; 244 734, 893, 969,1000 ..(pri.) school, 676 Bajapatirana, D. W., 400 , J/Saiva Pragasa Vidyasalai, 676 Bajaratnam, D., 2, 517, 587, 632, 833, Wickramanayake, H . E., 672 Bevoking under Ordinance No. 17 of Wickramasinghe, B . H ., 22 1869,notiflcation published in Gazette K/Arangala S. M. (C. C.) school, &c., 876, 953, 986 Wickramasuriya, P. P., 129 694 Bajaretnam, S., 98, 953 o f May 8, 1936, appointing No. 1 Wickremesinghe, C. L., 128, 401, 485, tank as a warehouse in which Salvation Army schools, 735 Bajasingham, Capt. E. A., 587 Boman Catholic schools, 735 Bamachandran, B ., 275, 587, 633, 713, 517, 587, 876 Kerosene oil may be warehoused, Wickremesinghe, Mudlr. G., 36, 98, 516 K/Getam be St. John’s English school, 757, 808, 953 kept and secured without payment of Wijayasinha, K. A. de S. B ., 485 duty, Customs Notification (Bond)

Registering as grant-in-aid schools : Government Notifications. Appointing under Rubber- Control Rules under the Ceylon Post Office Ordinance, 1908, 77, 106 Kg/Densworth estate school. 113 Notifying convention between His Ordinance, No. 63 o f 1938, the Kl/Ambatenne estate school. 194 Deputy Financial Secretary to be the Notice warning retailers that on and Majesty in respect of the United officer authorized to issue certificates, after February 1,1939, it will be an Mt/Nikakotuwa estate school, 225 Kingdom and His Majesty the King R/Parawatta estate school No. 2, 225 42 offence under regulation 43 (2), &c., of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Pro­ Regulations under Rubber Control o f the Manufacture o f Matches Ch/Walahapitiya Sinhalese girls’ ceedings in Civil and Commercial school (R . C.), 225 Ordinance, No. 63 o f 1938, made by (Regulation) Ordinance, 1938, to sell Matters, signed in London the Executive Committee of Agri­ any box o f matches unless such box C/Pettah All Saints Tamil mixed February 27, 1936, has been school (Church o f Ceylon), 308 culture and Lands, 42 bears a Government banderol, 77 extended to Ceylon, 2 Notifying under Forest Ordinance, 1907, Granting of Efficiency Medal (Ceylon) Kg/Diinedin estate school, 353 — Hellenes, 590 C/Palliyagodella Sinhalese mixed the areas specified in schedule as 99,684 Amendment to Public Service Regul­ areas from which and the periods Granting of Efficiency Decoration school, 431 ations published in Gazette o f June 30, K/Kenilworth estate school, No. 2, within which poles and fence sticks (Ceylon), 100. 684 1931, 5, 214, 245, 344, 809, 810 of non-schcduled species may be Appointing officers to be Assistant 431 Ratifying under Motor Car Ordinance, K/Blackwater estate school, 431 removed free of charge and without Food Controllers within the meaning No. 45 o f 1938, regulations made by a licence for domestic and agri­ of the Food Control Regulations, K/Blackwater (Upper Division) the Executive Committee of Local estate school, 432 cultural purposes, Batticaloa Dis­ 1938, in addition to their'own duties, Administration and approved by the trict, 42 100, 486, 584 Kg/Morawaka Sinhalese mixed State Council. 5 school, 432 Regulations under Motor Car Ordinance; — and cancelling notification in Gazette — relating to third party risks, 237 1927: of March 31,1939, 634 G/Ahangama (Maha Vihara) — amending regulation published in Amending under Ordinance No. 17 o f Sinhalese mixed school, 432 Gazette of February 27.1939, 412 Bcruwala Urban District Council, 42 1869, Customs Notification (General) K /N ew Angamana estate school, 502 Ratifying under the Statistics Ordi­ Matale Urban District Council, 42 No. 39/1 regulations published in C/Dematagoda Madrasathul Khiriya Urban areas o f Akuressa, Deniyaya, nance, No. 44 o f 1935, regulations Gazette No. 7,801 o f September 5, Girls’ English school, 502 made by the Executive Committee and Dikwella, 42 1930,100 K/Gallebodde estate school, 503 of Labour, Industry and Commerce Defining certain areas as urban areas Notifying under Ordinance No. 17 of Mr/Mapalana mixed weaving school, and approved by the State Council; and rescinding regulations pub­ 1869, that the Customs Notification 527 6, 7 lished in Gazettes o f June 5, 1931, (Tariff) No. 39/2 relating to import K l/St. George and Annasigalla estate — and cancelling notification relating and January 22, 1932, 43 duty upon goods has been sanctioned double school, 540 to Paddy Statistics Regulation, 1938. Urban District, 249 by the Secretary of State, 100 Portion of Colombo-Pokunuwita road, •J/Thumpalai Tamil mixed school published in Gazette of January 6, Officers seconded for service : (H. B. E.), 612 1939, 299 &c., as urban area; 298 R /D um bara(Rubbcr Division) estate List of persons to whom licences have Municipality o f Colombo, 765, 991 W . C. Lester-Smith, 129 school, 613 been granted for the purpose of Municipal Council o f Galle, 816 Dr. M. Chelladore, 129 K/Singarawatta estate school, 613 issuing (a) certificates as to the fitness Sanitary Board town of Bogawan- V. C. Sellathamby, 180 K/Rondura(Florence Division) estate of boilers, r. F. G. Smith, 987 system), 185 W. J. de Silva, 987 1937, 25 — (public market), 990 G/Tittagalla Government Sinhalese Order under Ceylon (State Council) mixed school, 113 Kurunegala (age for retirement), 345 Accepting under Notaries Ordinance, Cancelling appointment, o f Rev. S. P. C. Order in Council, 1931, amending — (storing and sale o f dry fish). 814 1907 resignation1 of Mr. Manan order published in Gazette Extra- ' David as manager o f Bd/U va College, Trincomalce (rate of deductions), 406 Edward dc Silva, a notary, authorized ordinari/ No. 7,867 o f July 6,1931, 38 — (place for public recreation), 989 to practise in the English language, Badulla, 113 Appointing under Indian Labour Inviting applications for the post of Gampoia (tax on vehicles, and ani­ throughout the judicial division of Instructor in Artcrafts, Ceyltn Ordinance, No. 27 o f 1927, members mals), 766 Balapitiya, 129 of the Estate Wages Board, Moncra- — (excmi)tion from special conser­ — Mr. Joseph Gerald Fernando, Pana­ Technical College, 138 gala, Province o f Uva, 38 — Chief Instructor, Commercial Classes, vancy rate), 989 dure, 405 • Kurunegala, 38 Nuwara Eliya (exemption of water Confirming by resolution of State Ceylon Technical College, 309 ■ Puwakpitiya, Colombo, 38 Notifying that K g/Atugoda Sinhalese rate), 489 Council rule made by the Governor — Kcgalla, 38 — (exemption from special copser- under Excise Ordinance, No. 8 of mixed school is registered as a — Avissawclla, 74 Direct Payment Assisted school, 194 vancy rate), 489 1912, relating to bottling of liquor for — Kalutara, 178 — (overhanging trees),766 sale, 129 Suspension of Teachers’ Certificates, 225, Regulations under Defence Force 263 Kolonnawa (computation and assess­ — Officer Administering the Govern­ Ordinance, 1910, 39, 74, 245, 246, ment of annual value), 812 ment relating to labelling and account Notifying that the Buddhist mixed 345, 405, 877 — tax on vehicles and animals), 988 ing o f denatured spirits, 216 English school, Dodandmva, has been Publishing order under Public Revenue Weligama (supply o f electricity), 812 Extending date under Fauna and Flora transfered by the Buddhist Edu­ Protection Ordinance, N o. 33 o f 1921. Jaffna (computation and assessment Protection Ordinance, N o. 2 o f 1937, cational Society, Dodanduwa, to the Customs Notification (Tariff) of annual value), 814 to April 17, 1939, the period for Buddhist Theosophical Society, Ltd., No. 39/1 relating to import duty on Anuradliapura (licences), 815 which the declaration made by the Colombo, 432 petroleum, 40 Bandarawela (computation and District Warden, Batticaloa District, Rescission of suspension of Teacher’s — No. 39/3, relating to import duty assessment o f annual value), 816 and set out in schedule, shall be iu Certificate, 432 payable on ghee, 179 Notifying under Ceylon Telegraph force, 130 Prospectus for the Ceylon Technical — No. 39/5, relating to import duty Ordinance, 1908, that rule made by • April 24,1939,130 College session, 1939-40, 675 payable on goods, 713 the Governor was duly confirmed by •April 25, 1939,130 Scholarsliip examinations, Royal Amending notification appearing in a resolution o f the State Council, 46 — April 26,1939, 130 College, 694 Government. Gazette o f October 28, Ratifying under Savings Certificates April 27,1939, 182 Registering Kg/Gantune S. M. school 1938, respecting the pension right of Ordinance, No. 11 o f 1938, regulations April 30,1939, 182 under the management of the General Mr. C. M. Jayasekera, by the sub­ made by the Executive Committee May 2, 1939, 217 Manager, Maha Bodhi Society, 772 stitution of the word “ Depot” for of Communications and Works and May 8, 1939, Matale District, 248 “ Department ” , 40 approved by the State Council 46 — May 15,1939, Hambantota District. Sanctioning under Irrigation Ordinance, Notifying under Manufacture of 248 No. 45 o f 1917, scheme for improve­ Forest Department. Matches (Regulations) Ordinance, — August 12,1939, 852 ments of village irrigation works No. 9 of 1938, the names o f persons — May 28, 1939, Mannar District, 248 within the irrigable area of Talan- who will be allocated the maximum — May 22, 1939, Anuradliapura Dis­ See Proclamations, 874 gama tank irrigation work, Colombo See Government N otifications, 42 monthly output of matches, 46 trict, 249 District, 41 Publishing under Manufacture of — July 5,1939, Batticaloa District, 594 331, 217 — Kidapidithakulam, Mannar District, Sale at Central Timber D ep ot: Matches (Regulations) Ordinance, — July 4, 1939, 594 41 No. 9 of 1938, orders from the — June 30,1939, 594 Satinwood logs, 139, 659 Rottawewa, Batticaloa District, 41 decisions or determinations o f the — July 20,1939, 684 Notifying period of close season during — Gederagawakumburuyayawela, Director of Commerce and Industries — July 27, 1939, 763, 764 which no person shall shoot, kill or Kcgalla District, 41 and published in Gazette N o. 8,420 of July 22, 1939, 764 take any birds j or beasts, &c., — Kadawala, Puttalam District, 181 December 16, 1938, 46 August 2, 1939, 764, 765 mentioned in the prescribed list and — Talagaswcwa, North-Central Pro­ Order delegating under Ceylon (State Amending under Forest Ordinance, that the period o f close season is from vince, 182 Council) Order in Council, 1931, to 1907, regulations relating to free April 30 to October 31 in each year, — Danielwewa, Matale District, 217 the Chief Secretary those of the grants of timber or other forest 659 •Mawewa Bambaragaswewa, Matale powers vested in the Governor by produce, and published in Gazette Notifying establishment of Checking District, 247 the provisions enumerated in column o f April 17, 1936, 131 Station at Uppuveli in the Trinco- • Rajamahawewa, Matale District, 1 of the schedule, 73 — rulesrelatingto Forests and published inalcc District of the Eastern 247 — by section 8 (i.) of the Prisons in Gazette of December 11, 1936, 217 Province, 859 — Metigatwala, Hambantota District, Amendment Ordinance, 1890, relat­ Publishing under Air Navigation Sale of timber at Badagaiuuwa, Kurune- 248 ing to appointments of Assistant (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandat­ gala, 893 Superintendent o f Prisons, 213 ed Territories) (Amendment) Order, — Mabodalc, Colombo District, 295 — by section 54 o f the Courts Ordinance • Lolluwcla-DorawcIa-amuna, Matale 1938, text of Order in Council which (Chapter 6), 809 amends the Air Navigation (Colonies, District, 345 Pensionable appointments, 74, 101 Naranwita-ela, Kandy District 488 Protectorates and Mandated Terri­ General Treasury. 179, 180, 214, 215, 537, 713, 954 . tories) Order, 1927, 132 — Rajjammana-Lcnipitiya, Matale Additions and amendments to the lists — (No. 2) Order in Council, 251 District, 519 o f members o f Divisional Agricultural Comparative monthly return o f revenue — Galahctiyawawcwa, Matale District, Delegating under the Ceylon (State Associations, 74, 130, 217, 247, 405, Council) Order in Council,- 193i; to from October, 1934, to September 594 1938, 414 487, 673, 811, 991 the Executive Committee of Home — October, 1935, to November, 1938, — Kuda Pamlawcwa, Kurunegala Dis­ Amendments to the lists of members Affairs the powers vested in the 497 trict, 595 of the District Agricultural Com­ Governor by section 3 o f the Criminal — October, 1935, to February, 1939, — Kandawala-amuna, Ratnapura Dis­ mittees, 75, 346, 405, 674, 811, 991 Procedure Code, !S98, 178 820 trict, 595 Ratifying under Street Collections Sanctioning award \ of the Colonial Accounts of of Ceylou for the • Balagollc-ela, Kurunegala District, Regulation Ordinance, No. 47 of Police and Fire V Brigades Long quarter ended December 31, 1938, 811 1935, regulations made by the Exe­ Service Medal, 179 \ 721 • Godamadeamuna, Kcgalla District, cutive Committee of Local Adminis­ Notifying under the Savings Certificates tration for the administrative limits Ordinance, No. 11 o f 1938, that the Accounts of the Ceylon Government 880 Railway for the quarter ended o f the Negombo Urban District resolution set out has been approved December 31, 1938, 724 Appointing Mr. T. B. Dumbukala, Council, and approved by the State by the Governor and sanctioned by Accounts of the Department of Kachclieri Mudaliyar, Secretary of Council, 75 the Secretary o f State, 179 Electrical Undertakings for quarter the District Agricultural Committee, Nominating members of the Board of Rules under the Prevention of Crimes ended December 31, 1938, 726 42 Education, 77 Ordinance, No. 2 o f 1926,180 VI INDEX TO PART I.—JANUARY TO JUNE, 1939

Government Notifications— conld. Appointing under Tea Control Ordi­ Notifying under Small Towns Sanitary Nominating under Colombo Municipal nance, No. 12 6f 1938, Mr. J. R. Ordinance, 1892, the fixing o f a water Council (Constitution) Ordinance, Ratifying under the Colombo Muni­ Toussaint to act as Deputy Tea rate of 3 per centum on such annual No. 60 o f 1935, as applied to the cipal Council (Constitution) Ordi­ Controller, 247 value o f all houses, buildings, lands, Galle Municipal Council, members to nance, No. 60 of 1936, regulation — Mr. W. H. Gourlay to be a member and tenements within the limits of be Councillors o f the Galle Municipal made by the Executive Committee o f the Board o f Appeal, 960 Sanitary Board towns of Lunugala Council in addition to the Councillors of Local Administration, as applied and Passara and directing that that Approving under Vehicles Ordinance, elected at the general election, 486 to the Kandy Municipal Council, water rate shall come into effect — Kandy Municipal Council, 753 and approved b y the State Council, No. 4 of 1916, by-laws made for the from the 1st day of April, 1939,346 Sanitary Board towns ofW attegam a, — Mr. John A. Pye as a Councillor of the 183 Subdividing or amalgamating under Colombo Municipal Council, 759 — Galle Municipal Council, 183 Pussellawa, Ac., 249 Village Communities Ordinance, Nominating under Galle Street Collec­ Sanctioning under Housing and Town No. 9 o f 1924, such o f the Police Inviting applications from officers in tions Regulations, 1938, Mr. K . T. S. Improvement Ordinance, No. 19 of Headmen’s divisions situated in the Class III. o f the Ceylon Civil Service Gurusinghe to be a member o f the 1915, the improvement scheme, village areas of Nikaweratiya, Ac., and in the Special Class o f the Board o f Control, 183 known as a back-lane scheme, into wards with the limits specified General Clerical Service to post of Imposing under Local Government submitted for sanction by the Trinco­ in the schedule, 346 Office Assistant to the Director o f Ordinance, No. 11 o f 1920, property malee Urban District Council, 249 — Kandupalata, • Medapalata, Ac., Public'W orks, 486 rate for 1939, Moratuwa Urban • that the Nuwara Eliya Urban Dis Kandy District, 407 Sanctioning under Ordinance No. 12 of District Council, 183 trict Council has determined, with — Gangaboda pattu and Maha pattu 1938, resolution relating to an export — vehicles and animals tax, 184 the approval of the Local Govern­ (north and south), Kalutara District, duty on tea passed by the State ment Board and the Governor, that 489 Council at its public session on Resolving under Toll Ordinance, 1896, no licence duty be imposed for 1939 — Bope, Poddala, Ac., Galle District, March 29, 1939, 486 that the toll established in respect of in respect of any place used as 491 Notifying under Ordinance No. 17 of ferry across Kcpu-ela at Paragastota, petrol store or station, 249 — Village areas of Matara District, 596 1869, that the resolution, Customs Kalutara District, shall be collected Notification (Prohibitions and Res­ Regulations under Quarantine and — , Jaffna District, 597 at Paragastota, 185 — village areas of Puttalam District, trictions Outwards) No. 39/1, rela­ Making over under Toll Ordinance, Prevention o f Diseases Ordinance, ting to cinnamon passed by the 1897, 250, 298, 537 597 1896, to the District R oad Committee — village areas of Ratnapura District, State Council, and sanctioned by the of Kalutara District, the toll estab­ Regulations governing admission to the 598 Governor, has been duly submitted lished in respect o f ferry across the Ceylon University College to the • village areas of Colombo District, to and sanctioned by the Secretary the Kepu-ela'at Paragastota, Kalu­ Session, 1939-40, and conditions of 647 o f State for the Colonies, 487 tara District, 185 eligibility and scheme for the entrance • village area in the Matara District. Nominating Mr. James P. Fernando to — Jaffna District the toll established examination, 250 550 be an ex officio member of the Board in respect of the Velanai ferry in the — Batticaloa District, Eastern Pro­ of Management, Coconut Research Islands divisions, Jaffna District, 882 Notifying under Ceylon Telegraph Ordi­ Scheme, 487 nance, 1908, that rules published in vince, 714 Rule under Trade Marks Ordinance, Ratifying under Fauna and Flora Pro­ Gazette of November 18, 1938, were Publishing under Carriage by Air tection Ordinance, No. 2 o f 1937, No. 15 o f 1925, 185 confirmed by resolution of State (Parties to Convention (No. 3) Order Order relating to the removal or trans­ regulation made by the Executive Council, and that it shall have the 1938, text of Order in Council which Committee of Agriculture and Lands port of paddy grown, &c., in the force of law on and after April 11, revokes the Carriage by Air (Parties North and Vavuniya South and approved by the State Council, 1939, 250 to Convention) (No. 2) Order, 1938 487 divisions, Mullaittivu District, 185, published in Gazette of October 7 606 Ordering under R oad Ordinance, 1861, Regulations under Contagious Diseases upon application made by the Pro­ 1938, 348 (Animals Ordinance, 1909, made by — Trincomalec District, 185, 606 Appointing under Coconut Products — Batticaloa District, 299 vincial Road Committee of the the Executive Committee of Agri­ North-Western Province the new Ordinance, No. 13 o f 1935, Mr. C. H. culture and Lands, 488 — Maritime pattus, Mullaittivu Dis­ Z. Fernando as Chairman of the trict, 413 road described in schedule be opened, Ratifying under Co-operative Societies Ac., 276 Ceylon Coconut Board, 375 Ordinance, No. 16 o f 1936, rule — Nuwarakalawiya division, North- — Mr. C. H. Bois, 721 Central Province, 497 Inviting applications from officers in relating to cash credit made by the Class I. of the Clerical Service and Ratifying under Companies Ordinance, Executive Committee of Agriculture Amending under Births and Deaths from officers in Class II. who have No. 51 of 1938, regulations made by and Lands and approved by the Registration Ordinance, 1895, the passed the Second Efficiency Bar for the Executive Committee of Labour, State Council, .488 schedule to the notification published transfer to the post of Secretary, Industry and Commerce, and Sanctioning under Small Towns Sani­ in Supplement to Gazette of Septem­ District Court. Baiapitiya, 276 approved by the State Council, 375 tary Ordinance, 1892, the levy, from ber 20,1935, in that part under head­ — Chief Clerk, Mannar Kachchcri, 810 Abolishing under Births and Deaths April 1, J939, by the Sanitary Board ing “ Southern Province, Galle Registration Ordinance, 1895, the of the Hambantota District, of a D istrict" , 213 Publishing regulations, Ac., for Indian Nuwaragam North, Ac., divisions conservancy rate of 24 per centum — North-Western Province, Puttalam Civil Service and Burma Civil specified under heading “ North on annual value of every house, Ac., District, 213 Service examinations to be held in Central Province, within the limits of Hambantota, Ac., London in the summer o f 1939, 277 District", and published in Supple­ 489 Quarterly examination for Civil Ser­ Rule under Public Trustee Ordinance, ment to Gazette of September 20,1935, vants and other public officers, 213, No. 1 of 1922, relating to trust and dividing the said area in three Ratifying under Food Control Ordi­ 759 involving the management of any new divisions specified in column 2 Results of examinations prescribed nance, No. 22 of 1.037, regulation agricultural property, 292 o f schedule, 402 published in Gazette Extraordinary of under the Regulations dated January Amending under Companies Ordinance, 13, 1932, 214, 840 Directing under Excise Ordinance September 27, 1938, and approved No. 8 of 1912, the standard measures No. 51 o f 1938, the Tenth and by the State Council, 493 Amending under Ceylon State Mort­ Eleventh Schedule to the Ordinance, gage Bank Ordinance, 1931, rules o f capacity for liquor, 292 Directing under Village Communities ■ amended form o f licence for the sale 404 Amendment Ordinance, No. 60 of relating to the State Mortgage Additions to the schedule o f the Revised Provident Fund, published in Gazette o f foreign liquor shall -take effect 1938, that every preliminary notice from October 1, 1939, 293 Edition of the Legislative Enact­ or nomination paper issued by a of May 11, 1934, 215 ments, 404 Notifying under Local Government Government Agent or Assistant- Notifying under Excise Ordinance, Directing under Excise Ordinance, Government Agent for purposes of Ordinance, No. 11 o f 1920, that No. 8 of 1912, that Excise Notifica­ No. 8 of 1912, that the name of resolution relating to purchase election of member of Village Com­ tion No. 218 is amended by the Mr. P. G. S. W. K . M. Puuchi Banda mittee in the year 1939 shall be valid money or rent for exclusive privilege substitution of a new paragraph be deleted from the list of Unofficial o f selling foreign liqour by retail, notwithstanding such paper or notice relating to Refreshment room or Excise Officers, 405 is not in the form prescribed by the was passed at a public session o f the Restaurant licence, with effect from Ratifying under Village Communities rules, Ac., 518 State Council oil January 24, 1939 October 1, 1939, 294 Ordinance, No. 9 o f 1924, rules made 215 Appointing under Prisons Ordinance, Appointing certain persons to be by the Executive Committee of 1877, members of the Board o f Prison Regulations under Ordinance relating Unofficial Excise Officers, 295, 487, Local Administration and approved Visitors, 518 to Pilgrimages, No. 13 o f 1896, in 593, 673, 714, 763, 811, 879, 880 by the State Council, 406 anticipation of the customary pilgri­ Cancelling under Prisons Ordinance, Renominating Mr. J. C. K elly as one Subdividing under Village Communities 1877, Gazettes of November 13, 1936, mage to Talavillu for St. Anne’s of the representatives of the Ceylon Ordinance, No. 9 o f 1924, such o f the festival, 215 Ac., relating to appointments of Estates Proprietary Association on Police headmen’s divisions situated members of Local Visiting Committees — Kataragama Esala festival, 634 the Board of Management of the in the village area o f Kinigoda korale, — Talavillu lor St. Anne’s festival, 987 in respect o f Badulla, Ac., P r’sons Rubber Research Scheme (Ceylon), Kegalla District, 411 and appointing certain members of Declaring under Fauna and Flora Pro­ 295 - Meegama, Ittapana, Ac., Kalutara tection Ordinance, No. 2 o f 1937, Local Visiting Committee as specified Appointing under Rubber Control District, 490 v in schedule, 519 roads specified in schedule to be Ordinance, No. 63 o f 1938, members * Udugaha pattu, Ac., Kalutara Dis­ prohibited roads for purposes of the Nominating Mr. A. W. Harrison to act o f the Rubber Advisory Board, 295, trict, 490 for Mr. L. P. Gapp on the Rubber Ordinance, 217 851 - Mullaittivu District, 520 Notifying that order relating to the Research Board, 519 — to form a panel from which Boards - Otara and Gandolaha pattus, Kegalla — Mr. L. E. Russell to act for removal of paddy grown, Ac., in the of Appeal may be constituted for the District, 522 Vavuniya North and Vavuniya South Mr. Griffith, 673 purposes o f the Ordinance, 295 - Dimbula korale, Nuwara Eliya Rules under the Ceylon Telegraph divisions, Mullaittivu District has District, 595 ■ been confirmed by the Board of Approving under Game Protection Ordinance, 1908, 523 Ordinance, 1909, rules made by the — village areas of the Uva Province Report of the Public Service Mutual Ministers, 218, 688 651 — Trincomalee District, 218, 688 Ceylon Fishing Club relating to close Guarantee Association for the vear — Batticaloa District, 350 season for trout, 296 Approving under Housing and Town July 1,1937, to June 30,1938, 523 — Maritime pattus, Mullaittivu Dis­ Rules made by the Executive Com­ Improvement Ordinance, No. 19 of Amending under Excise Ordinance, trict, 497 mittee o f Local Administration under 1915, by-laws made by the Badulla No. 8 o f 1912, Excise Notification — Nuwarakalawiya division, North- Village Communities Ordinance, Urban District Council, 411 No. 312 published iu Gazette o f Central Province, 537 No. 9 o f 1924, relating to forms of Rules under the Ceylon Railways Ordi­ December 23, 1936, relating to election o f members, Ac., 296 nance, 1902, 412 tapping o f sweet toddy in Vada- Amendments to Code of Regulations Appointing under Explosives Ordi­ Order under Registrars* Proceedings marachi division, Ac., 533 for Assisted English Schools, 218 nance, 1902, officers to be Inspectors Validation Ordinance, No. 3 o f 1912, Regulation under the Medical Ordi­ — Assisted Vernacular and Bilingual of Explosives, 344 giving validity to certain births and nance, 1927, relating to unlawful Schools, 218, 606 practice o f midwifery, 537 Prohibiting under Excise Ordinance deaths registrations in the Puttalam — Assisted English Schools, 413, 606. District, 413 Conferring under Co-operative Societies 852 No. 8 of 1912, the transport Ordinance, No. 16 o f 1936, on possession of fermented toddy with - death registrations in the Chilaw Amending under Rubber Control Ordi­ District, 413 Mr. S. S. C. Fernando, an officer out permit in Vadamaradchi divisioh appointed to assist the Registrar o f nance, No. 63 o f 1938, regulations of Jaffna District, and rescinding Order under Essential Commodities published in Gazette o f December 23 Reserves Ordinauce, N o. 5 o f 1.939, Co-operative Societies, all the powers notifications published in Gazettes of o f the Registrar, under the Ordinance, 1938, 231, 232,234, 235 December 23, 1936, and September declaring the commodities specified Cancelling under Courts Ordinance, in schedule shall be essential 589 10,'1937, respectively, 344 Authorizing under Societies Ordinance 1889, the Criminal Sessions for the Amending under Air Navigation (Colo­ commodities for the purposes of Eastern Circuit to be holden at that Ordinance, 479 (Chapter 105), the purpose for which nies, Protectorates., and Mandated tiie Madampe Buddhist Society, Ltd., Batticaloa in the month of February, Territories) Order, 1937— Customs Regulations under the Essential Com­ 1939, and ordering a Criminal Ses­ modities Reserves Ordinance, N o. 5 has been formed as a purpose to Notification (General) No. 39/4— the which the powers and facilities o f sions o f the Supreme Court for the Air Navigation (Customs) Regula­ o f 1939, made by the Executive Eastern Circuit shall be holden at Committee of Labour, Industry and the Ordinauce ought to be extended, tions, 1938, published in Gazette of Ac., 589 Batticaloa commencing on the eighth August 12, 1938, 345 Commerce, 479, 721 o f May, 1939, 245 Ordering that the surplus remaining to - Ceylon Prevention of Crime Socictv, Notifying that the resolution under the Ltd., 954 Authorizing under Imperial Light­ . Prevention o f Crimes Ordinance, the credit of the Rubber Restriction house Service Goods (Rebate of No. 2 o f 1926, was passed by the Fund after paying all expenses, Ac., Appointing under Holidays Ordinance, Customs Duty) Ordinance, No. 64 State Council at its session on March may be applied for the purposes of Monday, May 1,1939, to be a public of 1938—Customs Notification 9, 1939, 345 meeting the expenditure in connec­ and bank holiday on account of the (General) No. 39/3—the Supcrin Ratifying under Rubber Control Ordi tion witli applications for and the birthday o f Prophet Mohained, 589 tendent, Imperial Lighthouse Service nance, No. 63 o f 1938, regulations issue of permits to exercise new — Wednesday, May 3, 1939, the day to issue certificates required for the made by the Executive Committee planting rights, Ac., and for that following the full moon day uf the purpose, 245 of Agriculture and Lands and pub­ purpose be credited to the Rubber Sinhalese month Wesak, to be a bank Ratifying under Aliens Registration lished in Gazette of December 23, Control Fund, 486 holiday, 589 Ordinance, No. 30 of 1935, regula­ 1938, 345 Directing under Co-operative Societies — (Chapter 135) Thursday, June 1, tion s made by the Chief Secretary Ordinance, No. 16 o f 1936, that with 1939, the full moon day o f the and approved by the State Council, — January 20, 1939, 487 • — February 25, 1939, 537 effect from March 1, 1940, the provi­ Sinhalese month Poson to be a bank 246 sions of section 34 (I) shall apply to holiday, 673 Nominating Mr. E. C. \illiors a mem Notifying that H. Jinadasa, Esq., lias Labuganui Water Works Co-opera­ •Thursday, .rune S, .1939, to be a ber of the Board of Management of been appointed to servo on the tive Store Society, Ltd., with the, public and a bank holiday in substi­ the Rubber Research Scheme Colonization Board to promote the modification that the portion of uett tution for December 14, 1939, the (Ceylon), 246 colonization o f the undeveloped areas profits be carried to a reserve fund, birthday o f His Majesty the King, — Mr. W. P. H. Dias, 851. in Pasdun korale east, 346 Ac., 486 In d e x t o t a r t i .—Ja n u a r y t o Ju n e , i939. V li

Notifying that four vacancies will be Approving under Ceylon (State Council) Approving under Village Communities Notifying that Molyncux Modes, Ltd., ofFered for competition among Order in Council, 1931, resolution! Ordinance (Chapter 198) licence not carrying on business or in Ceylonese candidates for Cadetships passed by the State Council on March/ duties Imposed by the Village Com- operation will be struck off the in the Ceylon Civil Service, 592 29,1939, 759, 834 ) mittee of the Kandapita Walakada Register of Joint Stock Companies. Notifying under Customs Ordinance Results- ' of - examination . . . prescribed ** ■* in, in village nA AMAarea, Matara T\iofrlp+.District, 9Q1881 86 (Chapter 185), Customs Notification sections 2 and 3 o f Appendix B to the Amending under M otor Car Ordinance — Rubber & Produce Traders (Ceylon), (Tariff) No. 39/4, that the resolution Public Service Regulations for clerks (Chapter 156) regulations relating to Ltd., 86 relating to import duty on ghee in Class II. o f the General Clerical highways suitable for use by motor — The Ceylon General Agency Co., passed by the State Council and Service, 760 cars published in Gazette of October Ltd., 310 sanctioned by the Governor has.been Rules under the Petroleum Ordinance 28, 1938, 882 - The United Benefit Co., Ltd., 432 duly submitted to and sanctioned by (Chapter 141), 760, 880 Regulation under Air Navigation the Secretary of State for the Approving under Thoroughfares Ordi­ (Colonies, Protectorates and Man­ Local Government Notices. Colonies, 593 nance (Chapter 148) rule made by dated Territories) Order, 1927, as — relating to import duties. 636 the Provincial Road Committee of last amended by the Air Navigation See Government N otifications, 43, Appointing members of the Excise the Central Province in respect of (Colonies, Protectorates and Man­ 44, 45, 183, 184, 185, 215, 249, 345, Advisory Committees, 593, 684 the resthouses other than the Horton dated Territories) (Amendment) 405, 406, 489, 766, 812, 814,815, 982, Appointing under Loan Board Ordi­ Plains resthouse in charge o f the (No. 2) Order, 1938, 883 988, 989, 990 nance (Chapter 280), Mr. ’B. W. Committee, 765 Notifying under Food Control Ordi­ Election of Members: Fernando, ActingFinancial Assistant Confirming under Butchers Ordinance nance (Chapter 132) order prohibiting Moratuwa, 14, 337 and Accountant, General Treasury, (Chapter 201) regulation made by the the transport or removal of paddy or Kandy, 735 to act as Secretary, Loan Board, 635 Kotte Urban District Council, 765 of rice from such paddy from the Existence of rabies: Directing under Customs Ordinance Declaring and proclaiming under But­ Maritime pattus, Mullaittivu District, Kalutara, 14, 865 (Chapter 185), that with effect from chers Ordinance (Chapter 201) the except on a permit issued b y the Dehiwala-Mt. Lavinia, 31,976 midnight of April 28/29, 1939, the building duly certified by the Deputy Food Controller has been Negombo, 31 rates and the regulations published Chairman o f the Kotte Urban District confirmed by the Board o f Ministers, Jaffna, 32 by notification in Gazette o f January Council and described in schedule to 883 Bandarawela, 32 29, 1937, be amended, 635 be a public slaughter-house, and — Nuwarakalawiya division of the Kolonnawa, 66. 942 Rules under the Excise Ordinance rescinding notification published in North-Central Province, 991 . Kotte, 66, 975 ‘ relating to bottling of liquor for sale, Gazette o f April 9, 1937, 765 Ratifying under Essential Commodi­ Nuwara Eliya, 67 Excise Notification No. 343, 637 Fixing under Labour Ordinance, No. 1 ties Reserves Ordinance, No. 5 of Batticaloa, 68 — bottling toddy for sale, Excise Noti­ of 1923. quarterly instalments of 1939, regulations made by the Exe­ Beruwala, 119 fication No. 344, 637 acreage fees payable to the Controller cutive Committee of Labour, In­ Trincomalee, 162 — licences to bottle and sell bottled of Labour by employers of Indian dustry and Commerce, 883 Moratuwa, 201 toddy, Excise Notification No. 345, Immigrant labourers on estates in General conditions applicable to all Panadure, 201 640 respect of the quarter ending June Excise Licences from and after Anuradhapura, 227, 1003 — supplement to No. 8,458 : 12 30, 1939, 810 September 30, 1938, supplement to Puttalam, 477, 665 Appointing under Essential Commo­ No. 8,458: 1 Matara, 542 Toddy rent sale conditions for 1939-40 dities Reserves Ordinance, No. 5 of Toddy tavern licence, supplement to Nawalapitiya, 665 and subsequent periods, 642 1939, certain officers to be Deputy No. 8,458: 9 Ambalaugoda, 676 — supplement to No. 8,458 ; 15 Director of Commerce and Industries Foreign liquor tavern rent sale condi­ Kegalla, 865 — supplement to No. 8,458 : 4 and Assistant Director of Industries tions for 1938-39 and subsequent Sale o f properties seized : Confirming under Village Communities for the purposes o f the Ordinance, 810 periods, supplement to No. 8,458: 28 Kurunegala, 14, 372, 975 Ordinance (Chapter 198) by-laws Approving under Local Government Form of foreign liquor tavern licence, Ratnapura, 15, 542 made by the Village Committee of Ordinance (Chapter 195) licence supplement to No. 8,'458: 32 Matale, 31, 541- the Kosgoda village area of Bentota- duties imposed by the Kurunegala Arrack taverns, 1939-40, supplement Hatton-Dickoya, 32 Walallawiti korale, Galle District, Urban District Council, 815 to No. 8,458: 33 Kotte, 66 and approved b y the Executive Com­ — Anuradhapura Urban District Toddy taverns, 1939-40, supplement to Kegalla, 68 mittee of Local Administration, 650 Council, 815 No. 8,458: 37 Negombo, 91, 508 — Bope village area, Galle District, 880 Notifying under Telegraph Ordinance Foreign liquor taverns, 1939-40, supple­ Badulla, 93 — Kosgoda village area, Galle District, (Chapter 147) that the rule published ment to No. 8,458: 40 Gampola, 267 881 in Gazette of April 5, 1939,-was duly Regulations under Game Protection Ambalangoda, 270 • — Kandapita Walakada village area, confirmed by resolution of the State Ordinance (Chapter 326) relating to Hatton-Dikoya, 476 Matara District, 881 Council on May 16, 1939, 816 the use of fishing nets within the area Nawalapitiya, 508 Notifying under the Rabies Ordinance Notifying under Shops Regulation of the territorial waters adjoining Weligama, 665 (Chapter 333), that all licences Ordinance, 1938, that it is proposed WeUgam korale and Wellaboda pattu Kegalla, 510, 704 issued in respect o f the class o f dogs to enforce “ Closing Orders ” within in the Matara District, 955 Budgets for 1939: specified in schedule shall be the Municipal limits of Colombo. Renominating Mr. O. B. M. Cheyne to Ratnapura, 14 exempted from the requirements of Kandy, and Galle, 816 represent the Planters’ Association of Badulla, 32 that sub-section, 679 Ratifying under Food Control Ordi­ Ceylon on the Board of Management Statements o f revenue and expenditure. Inviting applications from officers in nance (Chapter 132) regulation made o f the Coconut Research Scheme, 960 &c., for 1938: Class II. o f the Clerical Service for by the Executive Committee of Approving under Cemeteries and Gampola, 67 transfer to the post of Interpreter, Labour, Industry and Commerce and Burials Ordinance (Chapter 181) the Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia, 88 Vavuniya Kaclicheri, 684 approved by the State Council, 817 Crown land known as Gangelanda Ambalangoda. 91 — Second Interpreter, Jaffna Kach- Accounts of the Ceylon State Mortgage and Minipitiya, Province of Uva, to Batticaloa, 92 cheri, 954 Bank for the half-year ending March be used as a burial ground and o f the Kegalla, 94 Ordering under Cemeteries and Burials 31, 1939, 817 use o f that land as a burial ground by Kotte, 115 Ordinance (Chapter 181) that burials Notifying that the Anglo-Siamese the authorities of Alutnuwara Hos­ Moratuwa, 117 or cremations shall be wholly discon­ Treaty of Commerce and Navigation pital, 960 Bandarawela, 119 tinued in any other cemetery or signed at Bangkok on November 23, Ordering under Local Government Ratnapura, 122 burial ground within the limits o f the 1937, has been extended to Ceylon Ordinance (Chapter 195) that th e1 Kalutara, 153 Sanitary Board town of Beliatta in with effect from December 8, 1938, northern administrative limits of the Panadure, 155 the Southern Province, 685 834 Ambalaugoda Urban District Council Beruwala, 156 Approving under Minimum Wages Rescinding under Lunacy Ordinance shall be varied and that the limits of Nawalapitiya, 158 (Indian Labour) Ordinance (Chapter (Chapter 177) notification published the said Council shall be the limits Nuwara Eliya, 159 114) further variations made by the in Gazette of July 27, 1877, relating set out in column II. o f schedule, 982 Hatton-Dikoya, 161 respective Estate Wages Boards and to appointment of the building Ratifying under Prisons Ordinance Trincomalee, 102 confirmed or varied by the Board of adjoining the Government Civil (Chapter 44) rules made by the Kurunegala, 163 Indian Immigrant Labour, in the Hospital, Batticaloa, a place for the Executive Committee of Home Puttalam, 166 minimum rates o f wages for all reception of lunatics on remand aud Affairs and approved by the State Anuradhapura, 167 mid-country and low-country estates, appointing the Fiscal’s Lockup at Council, 987 Badulla, 169 685 the Railway Station approach at Approving under Small Towns Sanitary Kolonnawa, 109 Notifying under Minimum Wages Batticaloa to be a place for the Ordinance (Chapter 197) by-laws Weligama, 201 (Indian Labour) Ordinance (Chapter reception o f persons remanded, 840 made by the Sanitary Board of the Matara, 203 114) that the variation in the Arrack Rent Sale Conditions for Kegalla District for the small towns Jaffna, 205 minimum rates of wages and pub­ 1939-40 and subsequent periods, 841 of Rambukkana, Dehiowita, and Negombo, 228 lished in Gazette o f May 12, 1939, • supplement to No. 8,458, 17 Yatiyantota, 990 Matale, 267 shall take effect from the 12th day of Arrack Tavern Licence,: — Hambantota District for the small Chilaw, 270 June, 1939, 688 — supplement to No. 8,458, 25 towns of Hambantota, Tangalla, and Approving rule made by the Badulla Fixing under Colombo Municipal Renominating Mr. R. C. Kannangara Beliatta, 991 Urban District Council, 94 Council (Constitution) Ordinance to be a member of the Board of Regulation under Vehicles Ordinance — Ambalangoda Urban District (Chapter 194) as applied to the Galle Management of the Rubber Research (Chapter 155) for the Municipal town Council, 510 Municipal Council, the 6th day of Scheme (Ceylon), 851 o f Colombo, 991 — Kurunegala Urban District Council, June, 1939, as the date under which Notifying that Mr. W . H . Attfield has 676 the Municipal Council o f Galle shall been elected the representative of the — Puttalam Urban District Council. continue in office, 713 Ceylon Estates Proprietary Associa­ Indian Labour. 801 — Kandy Municipal Council, 759 tion on the Central Board of Agricul­ Dog tax for 1939: Rescinding under Petroleum Ordinance ture, 851 See Government Notifications, 23 Moratuwa, 119, 201 (Chapter 141) notification dated Order under Food Control Ordinance 38, 39, 74, 178, 592, 685, 688, 759. By-laws relating to dogs, Nawalapitiya August 11, 1904, and published in prohibiting the transport or removal 810, 834 Urban District Council, 159 Gazette o f August 12, 1904, relating of paddy or of Tice from such paddy Notice of varying of minimum rates of Withdrawal of Butcher’s licence, 528 to the substance known as Calcium from the Maritime pattus, Mullait- wages fixed, Estate Wages Board, Notifying that the cattle pound at Carbide, &c., 713 tive District, except on a permit Galle, 13,142 Beddagana has been appointed as Appointing under Criminal Procedure issued by the Deputy Food Controller, - Kalutara, 29,195 the spot in which licenced butchers Code (Chapter 16) Mr. K./Anwatu- 852 • Colombo, 140 are required to expose cattle for goda-Polkotuwa a Probation Officer Appointing under ReglstrationofDomes- - Kandy, 140 slaughter, 801 for the judicial district of/Anuradha- tic Servants Ordinance (Chpater 115) • Matale, 141 Financial rules and orders for all Urban pura, 714 / Inspector C. Lourensz to be Registrar • Nuwara Eliya, 141 District Councils made by the Local Appointing under Motor Car Ordinance, of Servants for the Trincomalee — Galle, 142 Government Board, 911 No. 45 o f 1938, Mr. VfH S. de Saram District, 852 — Matara, 142 a member of the Tribunal of Appeal Appointing a Commission to inquire — Kurunegala, 142 for the purposes of the Ordinances, intb and report upon the effect on — Puttalam, 142 Mariners, Notices relating to. 714 ' Ceylon of the textile quota and the — Ratnapura, 143 Appointing members /of the Board of preference duties, and nominating — Kegalla, 143 No. 1 o f 1939— Ceylon East Coast— Education, 721 Doctor Lakshmi Chandra Jain as Abstract of returns of Indian labourers Trincomalee Harbour— Obstruction Regulations under. Air Navigation Commissioner for the purpose, 877 on estates in the several districts in Entrance, 88 (Colonies, Protectorates and Man­ Notifying that the International Agree­ during the half-year ended December No. 2 o f 1939— Ceylon East Coast— dated Territories) Order, 1927, as ments for dispensing Bill9 o f Health 31,1938, 655 Komari Sangamankanda Point- last amended by the Air Navigation and Consular Visas on Bills o f Health , Light intended, 88 (Colonies, Protectorates and Man­ signed at Paris on December 22, No. 3 o f 1939— Ceylon Soutli Coast, 1934, have been extended to Ceylon, Galle Harbour—New Lighthouse dated Territories) (Amendment) Irrigation. (No. 2) Order,.1938, see Supplement 877 building, 199 to No. 8,454 Notifying that by the incorporation of See Government Notifications, 41, No. 4 o f 1939—Ceylon W est Coast— Appointing under Minimum Wages Austria iu the German-Reich, the 181,182, 217, 247, 248, 295, 345, 488, Colombo Wireless Station— Use o f (Indian Labour) Ordinance (Chapter Anglo-Austrian Supplementary Con­ 519, 594, 595, 811, 880 for D. F . Bearings, 478 114) Mr. E. C. Marsh Smith, a member vention regarding the extradition Inviting applications for posts ofAssist- No. 5 o f 1939— Ceylon South Coast, of the Estate Wages Board for the of fugutive criminals and published ant and Junior Assistant Irrigation Galle Harbour—New Lighthouse area comprising the revenue district in Gazette o f February 28, 1936, has Engineers, 29 building, 503 o f Nuwara Eliya, &c., 759 ceased to be in force, 879 — Mechanical Foreman, 527 No. 6 o f 1939— Ceylon East Coast— .— Mr. N. J. Bannerman for the area Approving under Savings Certificates Trincomalee Harbour—Existeuce of comprising the Province of Uva, 834 Ordinance (Chapter 292) the borro- obstruction, 503 Order under Village Communities Ordi- wal o f a sum o f Rs. 3,000,000 No. 7 o f 1939— Ceylon East Coast— . nance (Chapter 198) removing authorized by the State Council Joint Stoek Companies. Trincomalee Harbour—Existence of Mr. Paramacuddy Sinnaturai from within Ceylon by the issue of savings obstructions, 528 the office of Chairman, Village Com­ certificates and specifying the deno­ Declaring that The Rice and General No. 8 o f 1939—Ceylon South Coast, mittee of Eravur pattu south in the minations o f the savings certificates Supply Corporation, Ltd., was struck Galle Harbour— Closing o f Watering Batticaloa District of the Eastern which are to be issued and the off the register o f Joint Stock Com­ Point Berth, 665 Province on sufficient proof of wilful purchase price aiid the surrender panies, 51 No. 9 o f 1939— Ceylon South Coast—* neglect to perform the duties imposed value of each certificate of each such — The Empire Frozen Produce Co., Approaches to Galle— Wreck of m .v. on him by the Ordinance, 759 denomination, 879 Ldt., 51 “ A lsia” , 804 V m INDEX TO FART I.—JANUARY TO JUNE, 1939.

N o. 10 o f 1939— Ceylon South Coast— Notifying that the Government Gazette Appointing E. B. Peiria, Secretary, Warren, W ., 910 Gallo Harbour—Exhibition of new will be published on Wednesday, Municipal Council, Kandy, to be the W ingfoot Corporation, 372, 666 Light, 824 April 5, as April 6-to 10 are public Returning Officer of each of the Young, C. W . & W ilson, A. R ., 666 N o. 11 (T) 1939— Ceylon East Coast— holidays, 502 wards enumerated in the first sche- Zoltan Dezsoe and John Ismay & Sons Surveying operations, 910 Notifying charges for the use of the diile to the said Ordinance for the Ldt., 541 N o. 12 (T) 1939— Ceylon East Coast— Government Tug " Sinhabahu ” , 503 purpose of the general election, 528 Trincomalee Harbour— Observations Sale of 38 bags of paddy at the Court­ Notifying that the Supplemental marked by Light Buoys and a Boom house, Mullaittivu, 503 Budget for 1938, Galle Municipal Vessel 910 Notice declaring rice to be an essential Council, is open to public inspection Post and .Telegraph Department. N o..13 (T) o f 1939.— Ceylon East Coast commodity under the Essential Com­ at the Municipal Office, 541 — Survey operations, 1003 modities Ordinance, No. 5 o f 1939,527 Notifying that Mr. R . Doresamy has See .Government Notifications, 46, N o. 14 (T) o f 1939— Ceylon East Coast Issue o f free licence tor destruction of been declared elected as Councillor 77, 106, 250, 523, 816 —Trincomalee Harbour, 1004 rogue elephants, Accountant, Irrigation Department, Municipal Council, Thelmuth Leitner Badulla, 826 Ordinance shall come into operation, 226 Frederic Mack, Secretary, Municipal Puttalam, 948, 949 342 — Assistant to the Local Government Council, Galle, to be Returning Officer Resale o f toddy, &c., rents : Declaring under Tea Control Ordinance, Valuer, Colombo, 264 of the wards enumerated in schedule Ratnapura District, 870, 949 No. 12 of 1938, that the Ceylon quota — President, Village Tribunals, Mannar for the purpose of the general elec­ Kandy District, 978 of export in respect of the period of District, 540 tion, 66 Notice of local option polls : assessment commencing e first — Tenmaradchi, Pachchilaippali — George Henry Noris Saunders, Muni­ Kegalla, 871, 949 day of April, 1939, shall be 226, 429, Karachchi, &c., Chief Headman’i cipal Treasurer, Colombo Munici­ Sale of foreign liquor taverns, 1939-40 211 pounds, 342 divisions, 735 pality to be the Returning Officer Nuwara Eliya District, 947 Proclaiming under Courts Ordinance, — Field Assistant Geologist, Ceylon, of the Fort Ward, 265 Batticaloa, 979 1889, the rules made by the Judges Department o f Mineralogy, 772 — the Kandy Municipal Council for Badulla, 981 of the Supreme Court and declaring — Colonization Officer, Mineriya Deve­ the purpose of the general election, K a n d y ,1007 that the rules shall come into force lopment Scheme, 855 April 5 in place o f October 7, as the Kegalla, 1009 on the 1st day o f April, 1939, 398 — Additional President, Village Tri­ date on which the revised lists shall Cancelling notification relating to — 26th day of May, 1939, supplement bunals, West Giruwa pattu, 1001 be certified, 468 Arrack Rent Sales, Central Province, to No. 8,454 Notifying areas within which Head Destruction of Court records, Colombo published in Gazette of June 16,1939 Appointing under Essential Commodi- men’s permits are required for Municipal Court, 87 1008 'ties Reserves Ordinance, No. 5 of removal o f timber from private lands Notifying date and place when nomina­ 1939, the 24th day o f March as the Kegalla District, 113 tion papers of candidates will be date, on which that Ordinance shall Sale o f tim ber and firewood, Kalutara, received by the Returning Officer, Patents, Notifications relating to. comednto operation. 400 139 Galle, for the general election of Ordering that the Revised Edition o f Notifying the closing o f the San Sebos Councillors, 153 Aktiebolaget, A . S. E ., 30 the Legislative Enactments shall tian Locks for repairs, 195 — Kandy, 528 Aktiengesellschaft, F. & S., 207, 704 come into force from the 31st day of Sale o f firewood in the Archaeological List of Voters, Kandy Municipal Aktiengesellschaft, I. G. F., 627, .910 March, 400 Reservations, Northern Dagoba, Council, Supplement to No; 8;444 Bhappu, K . C., 115 Proclaiming, under Masters Attendant Anuradhapura, 195 Notifying Supplemental Budgets for Bolt, F. L. «fe Wallsend Slipway and Ordinance,. 1865, amended rule Sale of articles at the premises of The 1938: Engineering Co., Ltd., 310 1 framed and established .for the Port Queen's Cottage, Nuwara Eliya, 195 K andy, 199 Branwood, J., 172, 310 o f Colombo, and directing that it Declaring under Fauna and Flora Pro­ Colombo. 801 Buys, L. P. B., 910 shall be in force from the 8th day o f tection Ordinance, No. 2 of 1937, Declaring Alfred House avenue, Alfred Chan Ting Yu, 541 •May. 1939, 5L5 areas within which damage by House gardens, Ripon road, and 7th Colombo Commercial Co., Ltd., 372,027 Declaring under Oeylon Railways Ordi­ elephants is apprehended, Matale, lane, Kollupitiya, as public streets Crowden, G. P., 115 nance, 1902, that the road between .196,1001 under section 25 (8) o f Ordinance Flick, W . A., 503 Nanu-oya and* Ambawela Railway — Kurunegala, 225 No. 19 o f 1915, 227 Foulkes, T. E., 207 Stations shall be>a ” minor crossing ” Closing o f road through the Oil Installa- — Gower street, 227 Godel, A., 172 and that the said “ minor crossing ” . tion's Depot, Kolonnawa, 225 Election of a Councillor for the Fort Hoarc & Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 865 shall not be closed by gates, 516 Notice drawing attention to notification Ward 265 Holdings, Ltd., C., 026 • Peradeniya and the Gampola Rail­ published in Gazette Extraordinary of Notifying the wards, date o f polling, Mahadeva, S., 627 way Stations, 875 December 3, 1938, fixing maximum names of candidates. &c., o f the Galle- Marshall’s Tea Machinery Co., Ltd., 18 • Murunkan and the Mannar Railway and minimum wholesale ,aud retail Municipal Council elections, 265 Menon, S. R . K ., 30 Stations, 952 prices o f any grade o f matches manu­ — Kandy Municipal elections, 660 Muller, L., 627 Varying under Ceylon, Importation of factured in Ceylon, 264 j Notifying that iii case o f polling stations Naamlooze Veimootschap: Maats- Textiles (Quotas) Orders in Council, Notifying that all communcations reserved exclusively for female voters chapplj tot Exploitatie van “ ten 1934 and 1930, the definition o f the regarding the-Ceylon Royal Naval no male polling agent will be Bosch Octrooien N. V.” , 676 expression “ The British Empire ” Volunteer Reserve be addressed to admitted during the'hours o f polling, Newcon Industries, Ltd., 115 in Article 3 o f the O'rders by the the Commanding Officer, C.R.N. 372 Pandyan, A. J., 478 substitution of the words “ India, V.R., c/o the Master .Attendant’s By-election, F ort ward, Colombo, 408 Paris, Rev. Fr. T., Mis. Ap., 747 Burma ” for the word ” .India ” , 670 Boathouse Office, Colombo, 309 Publishing names of, members.,elected lleinau, E. H ., 229 Revoking under Quarantine and Pre­ Headquarters, Kochchikade 772 for the wards in the Galle Municipal " Semperit ” Osterrelchisch-Ameri- vention o f Diseases Ordinance (Chap­ Publishing order made by the Minister Council elections, 1939, 474, 508 kanische Guramiwerke A/G, 676' ter 173) Proclamations* declaring for. Labour, Industry and Commerce — Kandy Municipal Council elections, Silvia Colla and Mauro Heriitzka, 627 certain areas as “ diseased localities ” under the Manufacture o f Matches 1939, 747 Societe D’Etudes Pour La Construction and published in Gazette o f vMarch 5, Regulation, .1938, relating to Existence of rabies: Et La Reparation Dcs Gunrages 1937, and declaring that uhe said increased quota for the balance Galle, 474 Metalliques (Secrom), 804 areas shall cease to be ‘‘ 0 ’eceased period of the year, 309 Kaudy, 971 The V. D. Anderson Co., 865 localities ” , 670 > INDEX TO PART I.—JANUARY TO JUJNTE, 1939, IX

Establishing under Cemeteries and List of Registrars o f Kandyan Marriages For Post and Telegraph Department: ■ For constructing quarters for Fore­ Burials Ordinance, (Chapter 181) a in Ceylon under the Kandyan For conveyance of mails between men, Experiment Station, Vavu- general cemetery on the land called Marriage Ordinance holding office on Mirigama and Pannala Post Offices, niya, 537 U rakandemukalana, Kegalla District, December 31, 1938—supplement to 26 For rat-proofing Customs Ware- 670 No. 8,448: 29 — Matara Railway Station, — Municipal Council o f Colombo. 984 general public, 271 For Central Dressing Station, Leper For erection of a Field Post Office at Proclaiming under Masters Attendant — Kumulamimai and Puliankulam, Asylum, Hendaln, 126 Hingurakgoda. 689 Ordinance (Chapter 262) rub' < framed Mullaittivu District. 271 For Labour Room, Infectious For constructing a new Cottage and established for the Port o f Galle Diseases Hospital, Angoda, 3 26 hospital at Badalkumbura, 689 and directing that they shall be in State Council. For constructing quarters for Forest For constructing two bridges Jara- Ranger, Southern Province National ela East and West, 730 force from and after the 7th day of See Government Notifications, 38 August. 1939, Supplement to 73. 178, 213. 759, 809. S34 Reserve, Palatupana, 126 For constructing a new Village No. 8,461 Notifying that revised- registers of For the erection of two cattle sheds, Court-house. Kambarawa, 730 voters of the following electoral Polonnaruwa Farm, 126 For extension to Land Registry, For supplying and delivering halmila Anuradhapura, 730 Publications. districts have been certified and are open for inspection: logs, &c., Government Factory, For the maintenance and minor Scale o f charges, &c., for notices and Kolonnawa, 134 improvement works of Govern­ advertisements in the Ceylon Govern­ 34—Mannar-Mullaittivu, 25 For constructing Matron’s and ment buildings within the U. D. C. ment Gazette, 19. 529 29—Hambantota, 77 Nurse’s quarters, Rakwana hos­ limits o f Batticaloa, &c., 730 Statement of books printed in Ceylon 1— Colombo North, 106 pital, 134 — Kalmunai District, 731 and registered under Ordinance No. 1 2— Colombo Central, 106 For reconstruction of Maguru-oya For construction of an Arrack Ware­ of 1885, during the quarter ended 3— Colombo South, 106 bridge, Kurunegala-Puttalam house, Trincomalee, 731 December 31, 1938, supplement to roa d ,134 For works at Panadure hospital, 767 No. 8,438 Survey Department. For superstructure— a building to For purchase and demolishing of Index to Ceylon Government Gazette for Abolition of the Provincial Survey house the Department of Patho­ boundary walls, NewNursesHome, second half-year, 1938, supplement Offices ao Kandy and Ratnapura,540 logy, Ceylon Medical College, 186 General Hospital, 767 to No. 8,448 Dates for surveying and levelling exa, Forwindeningmiles 5 to 9, Anuradha- For supplying and delivering satin mination, 969 pura-Rambcwa road, 186 logs, Government Factory, Kolon­ Cancellation o f annual licence issued to For the extension to Land Registry, nawa, 767 Public Works Department. Mr. C. G. Kreltszheim o f Ampitiya to Anuradhapura, 186 For works at the new hospital, practise as a Surveyor, 970 For constructing quarters for the Kalutara, 767 Interruption to traffic on main roads : Farm School Officer, Wagolla, For Bacteriological Institute, Kalutara District, 30, 970 Tenders for services. Kegalla, 186 Colombo, 820 Badulla District. 195 For Drainage and Water Supply— For constructing a new cottage Nuwara Eliya District, 196 For Colombo Port Commission : De Soysa Lying-in Home, ad­ hospital at Madipola, 820 Peimadnlla District, 308 For purchase of wrought iron and ministration block, 218 For additions to Paddy Station, Chilaw District, 432, 694, 859 steel scrap, 11 For construction of nurses’ quarters, Tabbowa, 820 Colombo District., 527, 772 For scavenging Colombo Port Com­ Matale hospital. 218 For Headquarters for the new Anti- Galle District, 1002 mission premises, 8S4 For type quarters No. 6 and well at Aircraft Regiment, C. D. F., Guile Matara District, 1002 For loading and unloading goods at Animal Breeding Centre, Murun- Face, 852, 961 Notifying abolition of the Provincial the Wharf Railway Yard, 961 kan, 218 For construction of new cottage Engineer’s Office, P. W. D., Anu- For supply of cooked meals to the For construction of cattle shed for hospital, Hinidumma, 852 radhapnra, 195 employees of the Colombo Port dairy ^herd. Central Agricultural For constructing new quarters for — District Engineer’s Otlice, P. W . D., Commission, 961 Station, Labuduwa. Galle, 219 District Medical Officer, Namunu- , 195 For Forest Department: For construction of a Post Office and kula, 852 Notifying abolition o f sub-offices in the For cutting and delivering fence quarters for Postmaster at China For construction of a cottage Public Works Department. 1001 posts at Errebedde plantation, 11 Bay, 219 hospital at Dompe, 884 Inviting applications for training as For lining, pegging. &c., 339 For construction of a Light Construc­ For constructing a new cottage Engineering Apprentices, P. W. D., For supply o f narrow gauge sleepers, tion Ward, Puttalara hospital, 219 hospital at PallaweUa, 884 310 656 For construction of a Maternity For minor works at cottage hospital, — Temporary Engineer (Waterworks), For supply of timber to Forest De­ Ward, Anuradhapura hospital, Murunkan, 884 527 partment, 730 219 For clearing jungle, &c., at new F r supply of liora broad gauge For works at New Agricultural Infectious Diseases Hospital, at sleepers, 766 Station, Horana, 254 Trincomalee, 884 Railway Department. For Railway Department: For diviation on 39th mile, Colombo- For supply of J in. metal and river For loading and unloading goods, 11 See P roclamations, 516, 875, 952 Galle road, 254 sand in connection with the For the purchase o f 325 empty steel See Government Notifications, 412 For the construction o f the Mill widening of • Colombo-Galle road Supply of coal at the Railway coal •drums, &c., lying at the Railway House,

For Agricultural Department: Mohamed & Co., V. N., 511, 512, 748 Applications for foreign liquor licences. .Tonklaas, C. F. D .,887 For tobacco in bulk, Wariyapola Mohicleen, J., 628 84, 138, 394, 263. 308, 428, 539, 612, Kahatagaha Mines Co., Ltd.. 993 Experiment Station, 820 Moosa & Co., T. P. C.. 976 658, 692, 093, 734, 771, 822, 823, Kaloogaia (Uva) Estates, Ltd.. S53 F or supply o f seed paddy, Chilaw Radar

Tlmbrew. T. G. T>.. SS8 Uvakellie Tea Co. o f Ceylon, Ltd., 221 Wellandura Tea and Rubber Co., Ltd., Village Communities. Thiagarajali, C.. 856 Uva Ketawelia. Tea Co., Ltd., 426 221 See PROCLAMATIONS, 176 Thirunavukara'su. S., 138 Uva Trading Co., Ltd., 136 Weygalla Tea Co., Ltd., 220 See Government Notifications. 296, Torrington Tea Estates,'Ltd., 190 Vandersmagt, J. G., 48, 601 Wickramasekera, S.. 261 346, 406, 407. 411, 489, 490, 491, Udabage Tea and Rubber Co., Ltd., 690 Venasitanaby, V ., 112 tVickremesekere. A. R ., 306, 887 518, 521, 522; 595, -59G, 597, 598, Udagoda Tea and R ubber Co.. Ltd., 27 Vincit Tea and Rubber Co., Ltd., (in Wjckramasinghe, D. S., 307 647, 050, 051, 714, 759, 880, 881 liquidation), 25S, 690 Wijeyasuriya. G. G., 112 Udalagaina, G. M.. 856 Vital Statistics. Uplands Tea Estates of Ceylon, Ltd., Vogan Tea Co. o f Ceylon. Ltd., 304 Wijesekera, N. P. L., 428. 887 305 tValapane Tea Co., Ltd., 303 Wijeyeratne, V. F. P., 307 Preliminary report on the Vital Statis­ Upper Maskeliya Estates Co., Ltd., 135 Walgampaya, C. B., 856 WijcwaTdene, D. S., 83, 111, 770 tics of Ceylon, 1938, 540 Uva Highlands Tea Co.. Ltd., 426 Welknada Teh Co. o f Ceylon, Ltd., 732 Whittall & Co., 526