196 Canadian Census Records, Hastings County, 1851 census. This source says he was 40 when the census was taken. Even though this census is called the 1851 census, the official census date was 12 Jan 1852, and the age given was the "age next birthday." This puts his probable birth year at 1812. 197 Hastings County, Madoc Village Death Records, p. 87 & p. 93. 198 Richardson, John, Headstone at Old Lakeview Cemetery, Hastings County, Madoc, , . 199 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, p.11. 200 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 16. 201 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, pp. 3-4. 202 Hastings County, Ontario Death Records, Death Record for Elizabeth Hannah, p. 372. 203 Hastings County, Ontario Death Records, Death Record for Elizabeth Hannah, p. 372. 204 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 205 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 206 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 207 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 208 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 209 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 210 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 211 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 212 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, p. 3. 213 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 214 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 215 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 216 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, p. 4. 217 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 218 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 219 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, p. 4. 220 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 221 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, p. 4. 222 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 223 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 17. 224 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, p. 4. 225 Boyce, Gerry, Eldorado, 1992, pp. 14-54. 226 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, 2004. pp.7-18, 43-60. 227 Shaw, Isabella, Quest for Gold, 2000, pp. 6-8. 228 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, pp. 1-5, 11. 229 Hastings County, Madoc Village Death Records, p. 87 & p. 93. 230 Canadian Census Record, Ontario, Hastings County, Madoc Township, John Richardson’s Agricultural Census record, 1861. 231 Lakeview Cemetery, Margrit O' Donald Richardson Tombstone, Her tombstone says she was 56 when she died, which puts her birth year at about 1811. 232 Canadian Census Records, Hastings County, 1851 census. This source says he was 40 when the census was taken. Even though this census is called the 1851 census, the official census date was 12 Jan 1852, and the age given was the "age next birthday." This puts her probable birth year at 1812. 233 The Village of Madoc, Cemetery Listings, Old Lakeview Cemetery, Code A084B, p. 94. This source says she was born in 1812. 234 Lakeview Cemetery, Margrit O' Donald Richardson Tombstone. 235 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, pp. 3-4. 236 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, pp. 3-4. 237 Boyce, Gerry, Eldorado, 1992, p. 45. 238 Inch, Jeanette Campbell, 200 Years of Richardsons, p. 44. 239 Richardson, Grace, Letter to Susan Kilbride. 240 Hastings County, Ontario, Probate Record for John Richardson. 241 Lakeview Cemetery, Margrit O' Donald Richardson Tombstone. 242 Richardson, Rev. J.D., Richardsonia, 1948, p. 3. 243 , Ontario Death Records, Elizabeth Inkster Death Record. 244 Hastings County, Ontario Death Records, John Inkster Death Record, p. 514. 245 Daniel, Mabel (Inkster), Prologue to the Blue Platter.