NEW FORK HBRAL0, FRIDAY, /ULY 4, 1873. 5 " ' London shoemaker's apprentice) became a great bystanders were a bit inclined to poke run at them CENTRAL AMERICA. ' soldier.indeed, a Wellington.won prodigious and ask facetious questions. But I was content; 1 ENGLAND. WASHINGTON. in many climes and covered tbe British armsvictoriesmade all the notes I needed. The aces and low ProflMl of the Onmtemnlan R«b*1Ilonw THE . c»ruH are Wahuinutom, July s, lsts. Ibanuci for Iu witn glory all through a long life; and wuen he --spot-- very goou uiueea to write Aetlre happreulonw till for on Thflnfr and Influx of United St*tea Railroad Beeuritlee In Wn»nw ud was 1ST years old they knighted blm and on. but 1 will not reoommeud tbe Kingsmemorandaand Honry Timnry Teltgrapb*^ Europe. CoiU ftlMB FlBklM. he Jacks. Bullion lo the Bonk. made Ulm Constable of the Tower. Bnt Advtcee lately received from a (tentlrraan con- PANAMA. /one 34, 1K7.T. Jlark Executes His Contract HPBAKINO BY TUB CARDS. necea wua me are to Twain died next year and tbey buried him In buropcau oyuuicaw ue From Qaatemala It U learned that tieneraf Referring to the seven of heartH, 1 And that this effect that bond* of thirteen different railroad Westminster Abbey. There is no telling what fiodoy has attacked another force of rebel* of 600 and Delivers the Persian naval exhibition and journey from ustcnd to Dover Rftnnn#t to IimwHiliiti.AntftHmon (VtUhnHnn In this country have been discredited Incompanies that man might have become if he had lived. So men and tbem at place called Cnutta dm is going to coat tbe government £500,000. Got It of Independence Day. on account of non-payment or tbe July EuropeGnayaboa. in Londtn( ifiiot vuauuo 1 uau lur 1 iiarr uu uuuuv ;wu , of Interest. This has already had a beneficialInstalmentGeneral President of lusood irom a correspondent. It is a round sum. effect the sale of securities I'.arrtM, Onateinala, in the world that I have been the humble upon government a proclamation u> ail renew wiio> to the ace or I And that TREGIUM TO THE NEW TOM HERALD. offering amnesty under of the Shah." Referring diamonds, abroad, as heretofore Investments have been made would surrender before the 20th of I art. Tho*t* Providence, "Impressing Instrument, the advice of May THE along in tbe afternoon wo sighted a fresh fleet of IjONDON, July 3, 1873. in railroad bonds npen foreign caught afterwards would be Blurt. CROSSING CHANNEL. And I really believe that if the Queen comes te who them in to Knrtque men-of-war to us. rest of the The rate for money at the Stock on recommended preferencebankers, the same who the General hear of It I coming meet The Exchange purchased Palaclos, shall be made a Duke. government securities la three-quarters per oent Doited Htates securities, as they bore a higher at Asptuwall ttic otuer day, evidentlyHhermanha* diamonds, down to tbe eight spot (nines and tens rato of intorest and more to many partisans In Unatemala, bnt they are Friends intending to write will not need to be below the bank rate. yielded profit that he are no good lor notes) are takon up with details of those negotiating the sale. In consequence of the has not done something toward*dlaHatiHdcd How England's Fleets Saluted the Successorreminded tliat a Duke Is addressed as "Your The bullion in the Dank of England has increased revolutionizing the country. that spectacle. Most of the clubs and hearts reler £67,000 the week. failure to pay the Interest on the railroad iM>nds The iiepubllc, except the K&snern Department** It Is considered a offence to leave during past wax In lavor of the ;" great Tbe amount of bullion the Dank of the confidence In them has been shaken, and the government. of Cyrus. to matters immediately following that, but 1 really gone into The threatened invasion by Palaclos wan looted that off. on balance is foreign capitalists who have money to Invest now on as can hardly do anything with them because I bave England to-day £29,000. Quixotic. a FICTOTtKSQrrS nival spbctaolk. The rate of discount lor tlireo months' bills in look to government securities as the safest IKntTRTBY AWn *«T. forgotten what was a smaller rato of interest. Many Guatemalans had gone to the Vinnnt R» When we were a mile or so out from ustend trumps. the open market is one-hall per cent below the although they pay Investment,hlbltion. -A WELCOME OF THUNDERS. THB 8PBCTACLB. Bank of England rate. The Polaris Hxprdltlon. ceased, an expectant look came intoconversationall the of Salvador. But never mind. The sea scene grew little by HONOR TO THK RUSSIAN CROWN. Assuming genuineness recently published faces and opera glasses began to stand out from A was last at the extracts from a letter of Commander Greer, of the The Budget of the ItepubUc of Salvador for 187* little, nntll presently It was very Imposing. We grand banquet given evening above all noses. This impresslvo bush lasted a few Trinity House to the Czarowltch, the i'riuce of Tigress, in reference to what his conduct will be Was $1,019,857 40. Prefer drew up into the midBt of a waiting host of the Polaris and his declaration not to be The Imports through the Custom Rouse of L« Correspondents minutes, and then some one said. Wales and the Duko of Edinburgh. regarding Knormous five-masted AMBIUCAN FUKKMKM Interfered with by Commander Bralne, naval officers Llbertad for two qnartern en ling May 31 last men-of-war, greatvessels. IN UONOR OK NATIONAL amounted to anil the to in the Wardroom to "There they arel" here that he s tould have written $21,u»U 4o. exports $401,20s. Champagne turret steam INDKPKNDBNCI.expresa surprise Telegraphs are now beini{ over the ships, packets, pleasure yachts.every spread "Where?" The Amorican residents of London will celebrato such a letter, as ho bears a high reputation and doing much was with good. U»pub'.ic on Deck. sort ofcraft, Indeed.the sea thick them; the anniversary of the Declaration of the for seamanship and for caution in the expression The railroad from trie capital to the port nu Note-Taking "Away yonder ahead.straight ahead." on the yards and rigging of the warships loaded with of the United States by a dinner at the ol his sentiments. Besides, they are the more going successfully. Which was true. Three hoge shapes smothered Independence men, the packcts crowded with paonle, the bangham Hotel to-morrow. astonished at the temper of the letter as the Com I a. Rica. in the haze.the Vanguard, the Audacious and the PATKNT RIOHT character of Commander Bralne affords no rumors liave been TWAIN'S CONVENIENT ships rainbowed with brilliant (lags all over LAW. general Althongh circulated aiiroait "PACK." Devastation.all great lron-clads. They were to pleasuraTho London Wmir of this morning in an editorial ground for the assumption that he could detrimental to the good name of this ItepubUo and over.some with flags strung thick on lines do escort duty. The ofllcera and correspondents mi uuic r/uuiiurilua inu i hicui lugiii law or ine to Interfere with the command of Commanderundertakethey may be deemed premature. The railroad still from to foremast, thence to United States. who Is In full of the In and the and on the forecastle and waited for the next stretching bowsprit Greer, charge expedition progresses, government people (fathered while Commander to stand well In the eyes of the world lordesire .Diamonds tire Standing Trump Among the mainmast, thonoe to mlazenmast and thence to search of the Polaris, Bralne Is and of The act. A red ol Are Issued from the < houesty purpose. country has,industry spoilt Vanguard's - to make that atArm All fha ahlnu worn In mnMnn. rrl i«I m or FRANCE. despatched Inquiries respecting no doubt, Increased In wealth within the last feir Royal Party, but Court Cards Inconvenient side, another flashed from the Audacious. vessel on the Arctic coast. The two hither and In and and expeditions years. thither, out, mlnKllug are as are the Instructions of the The Income from varlons sources amounted to for Newt "Mrmo'i." these red tongues were against the darkBeautifulhaze. dlstlnot, *.137.707. ami the exnendltnres to ft'J37.H3a. leavimr bewildering whirl of flash and color. Oar M. Paul de Cassagnac, Pistol* and 1L Banc. commanders. Then there was a long pause.ever so long a pause parting.* respectivea balance to favor of the treasury of nearly $loo,oott, leader, the vatrt, black, ugly, but very formidable Bullion in Flow to the Bank. An Indian Fight. and not a sound, not tne suspicion or a Bound; and Official Information from the Hioux Devastation, ploughed straight through the gay country THE WEEKLY HERALD.. THE DANCE BEFORE DOVER. now, out of the stillness, came a deep, solemn TELEGRAM TO THE NEW YORK (KHALI proves beyond a doubt that the recent reported throng, our Shah-shlps following, the lines of big Lincoln Hioux "boom I boom I" it had not occurred apon Fort Abraham by fromattacksThe and Beat In the men-of-war saluting, the booming of the guns Paris, July 3, 1873. Grand lliver were not really attacks upon the fort. Cheapeit Newspaper to me that at so great a distance I It In stated that a duel In about to take Country. the islands of smoke place /%. UUIUUCI mi ivof wuum ttiu UI1I|MVJI,U 17 vuc of All and Sizes Alive drowning cheering, stately ween M. Paul The Wkkkly Hrkalu of the now Ships Shapes would not bear the report as soon as I saw de Cassagnac and M. Italic. toebet officer, and theso people arc enemies of present week, towering everywhere. And so, la this condition uuiuit)and>nk contains a Select entitled "How He with Hen and with the flash. The two crimson were THE SUPPLY OP HPBCIK. the Sioux. Some time a band of those Rco ready, Story, Gay Jets very ago Married Her," with the Latest of unspeakable grandenr, we swept into Tbe spccte in tlie Rank of France has Increased and a Sioux Indian together very and Sunshine. but not more so than the rolling volumesbeautiful,of scouts captured scalped and Ncwh from All Parts of the World Banners saw 7,000,000 franca during tbe past week. by telegraph op the harbor or and the English sent the with a hostile to the Sioux a Dover, princes scalp message to the hour or Scenes in tho white smoke that plunged after them, rested who publication; Closing and the long ranks ol red-coated soldiers waiting at Grand River, immediately organized Trial of Frank Walworth lor the Murder of hla moment over the water and then went wreathing a small war to avenge the on the pier, civilian multitudes behind them, the SPAIN. party father, with the charge of Judge Davis, and tha EIGHTYJVULES OP APPLAUSE and curling up among the webbed rigging and the and the death of their comrade. These went lofty hill front by the castle swarming with insult verdict of the Jury; full particulars of the Fatal tall masts, and left only glimpses of these things spectators, to the vicinity of the fort and tried to induce the Duel between tt. U. Khett, Jr., aud W. H. and thero was the crash of cannon and a Irreoonoilabiit Secession from the Cortes.The Keep to come but without success, and Judgo in the as if from a out, near New Orleans; Lynching at visible, high up air, projecting a about while Cooley, Salem, London and the Shah a general hurrah all through the air. It was rather Capital Peaceful, with the Troops Present large body, numbering fifty, recently Frightful Explosion in Virginia "Impressed" by fog. to draw out the scouts, were attacked Ind.; City, Nevada; a contrast to silent ostend ana the endeavoring a Horrible Murder at Sooth Oyster Bay, L. L, Genuine Bain. Now the flashes came thick and fast from the unimpresstbie the troops. The was done English TELEGRAM TO THE NEW YORK HERALD. by fighting principally and a Mysterious Murder In this city. It Flanders. at range with a and, except the black sides of both vessels. The muffled thunders 187a long howitzer, also contains the Latest News by Telegraph THE SHAH "IMPKBS8KD" AT LAST. Madbiu, July 3, capture of a lew horseB by the Indians, no damage London, June 19, 1873. of the guns mingled together in one continued roll, In consequence of tbe passage of the bill from Washington; Political, Religious, The Dnke of Edinburgh and Prince Arthnr was done. The Indians Insist upon it that they do Literary and Sporting intelligence; Obituary so mb pbrsian finery. the two ships were lost to sight, and in their places constitutional guarantees tho irreconcilableabolishingnot want to attack or fight the soldiers of the Fashionable, the Shah in state, and then all of us.receiveddeputies have withdrawn from the Cortes, which Notices; Varieties; Editorial Articles on tha Leaving Oatend we went out to sea under a clear two mountains of tumbled smoke rested upon the Great Father, and think it is not fair that soldiers of the Our princes, , ambassadors, Grand Viziers and action has scrve