Christmas God's Gift to Man THE FACT of the Incarnation commem­ The very greatness of the Prophets would revelation, and always livmg, for He re­ orated on Christmas has simply infinite po­ vanish, for they were great only inasmuch mains incarnate forever. tentialities for enrichment of soul, if we as they were the precursors of Our Lord Fmally, the mystery of God became Man make use of them. Jesus Christ. should enflame us to the highest pitch of First of all, we can believe very much charity. ] more'easily a God whom we can see than BUT WHEN a Man who at the same Through infused charity, which we re- one who is simply ineffable. Although all re­ time is God s|^aks to us in the idiom of men, . ceive m Baptism, we are called on to love ligions have adimtted the existence of an All- the infinite distance between God and man God supematurally more than ourselves. We Father, who made the world, most men un­ is bridged. are called on to love Him as our great Friend touched by revelation have naturally tended The Incarnation not only confirms our who loved us first and who is infinitely bet­ to give chief emphasis to lesser gods or spir­ faith; it also greatly arouses our hope. ter in Himself than all His blessings taken its, with whom they felt they could have in­ There is m all of us an inclmation to­ together. To love Him thus is to desire to do timate contact. ward discouragement. Our hopes and aspira­ His will as expressed in His Commandments. tions seldom survive the sharp buffets of life. WITHOUT the Incarnation, man tends to The Mystery of the Incarnation is calcu* THE THOUGHT of a God who, as God, lose touch with God. With the Incarnation, lated to revive our confidence, for it brings could know no suffering, becommg man and God draws man to- Himself in a close em­ us not only the divine assistance of grace, suffermg more than any of His creatures, all brace. He has gone far more than halfway but the Author of grace Himself. It mves us to teach us what an enormous thing sm is, to make us His mtimate friends. a standing reminder of the great love of and what an mconceivably high price was How much is our faith reinforced when God fpr us. , paid for our redemption, should enkmdle us the Word of God is made flesh and comes with the very fervor of charity. to tell us; “I am the way, the truth, and the THE INCARNATION is a CTarantee to The God-Man has taught us that we be­ life!” (John xiv, 6), us of our intimate personal relations with come great by following His example, and Let us suppose that the Incarnation had God. The Jesus whom we love, adore, and that this path is open to all, the rich and not taken place, and that the loftiest teaching serve is not a creation of the imagination. the poor, the famous and the obscure, the was that of the Prophets, of Elias or Isaias. He is an objective reality, reached through talented and the simple. Individual's Sin Slows Life of Mystical Body / I d and Learn P. 0 . Bex 1620, Denver, Colorado By Rev. J oseph A. H ughes and effectiveness. When Chris­ en souls of earth. He comes Most Catholics consider sac­ tians sin or slow down in the to recall them from disloyal­ Only Coffiellcs Savacf? ramental Confession as an ul­ life of charity, the negative, ty, to refashion their faith, to Q. In a Catholic profession of faith it states in part: tra-private affair. But in this' paralyzing effects are felt to drapen their vision, to put ‘This same Catholic Faith, outside of which nobody can judgment they are largely some exteat iin the whole steel into their renewed oath he saved.” wrong. The sacrament of Pen­ Christian organism. of allegiance. Does this mean that Catholics believe there is no salva­ Th« Birth of io sv i ance is a highly social sacra­ Sin is social. It disturbs And, when the Redeemer tion outside the ? I always thought non- ment. peace and stability in the descends from the cross into Catholics were uved if they believed in their Church. Each time the confessor whole Christian community. New it came to p au In Uwie dayi that angel of the Lord stood by them and the an active confessional, the A. This formula must be taken literally, although raises his hand in absolution there went forth a decree from Caesar Augus­ glory of God shone round about them, aad whole Christian Community is to avoid misunderstandings "without” might be a tas that a census of the whole world should they feared exceedingly. over a truly repentent soul, CHRISTIAN perfection is transfused with the life of that soul leaps from death to better word than ‘‘outside,” for the latter word be taken. This first centos took place while And the angel said to them: ‘‘Do not be also social The efforts and grace and cheered through­ life or from a state of spiri­ seems to imply that all those saved must be actual, Cytiani was governor of Syria. Aad all were afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of success of individuals to move out by the presence and the tual sluggishness to a state of g ^ g to his own town, to register. great Joy which shall be to all the people; strength of Christ. conscious members of the Catholic Church at the new vitality. But in addition to And loeeph also went from Galilee out of for th m has been bom to you today in the The sacrament of Penance time of their death, which is not Catholic teaching. that the whole Mystical Body the town of Nasareth into Judea to the town of town of a Savior, who is Christ the puts purity and joy and reson­ Non-Catholics may be saved, even when believ­ receives new life and hope David, which is called Bethlehem — because Lord. And this shall be a sign to you: Ton The ance into the whole worship­ ing to the day of their death in the truth of and spiritual impetus. he was of the bouse aad family of David will find an Infant wrapped in swaddling ing community. When a son their particular persuasion, but they are never There is no such thing as a — to register, together with Mary his espoused clothes and lying in a manger.” And sudden­ of God is relieved of the bur­ private Christian. A Christian Spiritual saved through their sect but only by virtue of such wife, who w u with child. And it came to pass ly there was with the angel a mnlUtnde of den of sin and selfishness, he is one who is caught up in the Catholicity as they possess. while they were there that the days for her the heavenly host praising God and saying: can take a more spontaneous vast community of those who Specifically, no one can be saved who does not to be delivered were fulfilled. And she brought ‘‘Glory to God in the highest, and peace Life and more contagious part are joined together in faith forth her firstborn Son, aad wrapped Him in on earth among men of good will.” among his feUows in singing have supernatural faith, informed with perfect char­ and grace and love through swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger And it came to pass, when the angels had the praises of the Blessed ity, which includes an acceptance of (jod revealing their common supernatural because there was no room for them in the departed from them into heaven, that the toward the heights of virtue Trinity. and a desire to do whatever He has revealed. Since union with Christ, the Re­ shepherds were saying to one another: ‘‘Let have telling effect on the pos­ God has not willed to save men outside the society inn. deemer. And there were shepherds in the same ns go over to Bethlehem and see this thing ture and activity of the whole THE FREQUENT confes­ He founded for that puipose, one who is saved must district living la the flelds and keeping watch that has come to pass, which the Lord has Christian community because sion and forgiveness of even have a t least an implicit desire to be Catholic, even THE BODY of Christians is of the deep, inner, unseen in­ ever their flock by night. And behold, an ' made known to us” (Luke 11,1-lS). venial sins adds new sub­ though inculpable ignorance makes this desire no a living Body, enlivened, en­ terplay of divine life and su­ stance and energy and loyal­ ergized, dominated by Christ more than implicit. pernatural charity. ty to worshipers in their and His Divine love. The cur­ The sacrament of Penance songs and prayers of praise God accepts an implicit desire to be a member rents of life and grace flow­ is a social sacrament because before the throne of the Lamb. of the Church, in the same way as He accepts an ing through this tremendous it removes or neutralizes spir­ The commitments made to implicit desire fa an adult to be baptized or con­ organism are favored or re­ itual contamination and re­ the Lord in Baptism qualify fessed, because such desire contains a good dispo­ stricted by the attitudes and verses the trends of depressed the child of God to take his sition of soul by which one wants his will to be con­ Mystery of Christmas operations of the : various supernatural vitality. Ilie sac­ members. place with fellow members of formed to God’s will. ' rament of Penance takes away the Mystical Body around the When Christians live fully sin and gives grace. It must not be imagined, however, that those and richly the life of Christ, altar of sacrifice. In the con­ with only implicit desire to be Catholic are as well Penance as a sacrament is fessional the commitments that is the life of supernatural Christ, the Mediator, coming off as those who actually are Catholic. They nec­ made in Baptism are renewed charity, the whole Mystical on the wings of mercy to the essarily miss many helps to salvation and merit. Unlocks Door of Faith Body gains vUaiity and joy after major or minor defec­ poor and struggling and striefc- tions. And the new spirit of loyalty sealed in the grace of Ancient Cucfoni THE CHRISTIAN faith is essentially nature, two forever distinct but insep­ Penance adds stature to the Q. Many timei 1 have seen people killing tbeir tbumbi one and indivisible. What then is its arable natures, the human and the m- The Catechism lllustrcrted individuals who gather in a social way at Mass to adore after crosiing Ibemaelvei. Tbii leemi to me to be klasing the central mystery, from which all in our vine, are united in one Person, so that Q. Why is Christmas so important? band that had Juit made the lign of the croii. Ii this co^ holy religion proceeds, and to which all He may in strict truth be called either the Lord God of hosts. A. Christmas commemoratet the Urth of Jesus Christ, Though sins are confessed rert? How and when did this custom originste? returns? the Son of God or the Son of Man, and who as the God-Man was to effect the redempti«m of the human in a narrow ceil, confession The early Christians originally made a small It is the mystery we celebrate on since the Son of Man is Man, and the race and reopen the gates of heaven closed by the sin of . is not a narrow process. The sign of the cross on the forehead with their thumb, Christmai day, the mystery of the In­ Son of God is God, we may call Him In the divine plan the birth of Jesus became the ffrst step in the action of grace that goes on the reason probably being to escape undue notice, in alike God or man, for He is both in one redemption, and without Christmas there would be no Good in the confessional bursts forth accordance with early discipline, which forbade a carnation, of the Word made flesh. Friday, no , no salvation. All in Christian religion either looks Person. in ail directions through the public display of sacred things. ranks of the faithful forward to the Incarnation or pro­ In His divine nature He is God; in In the middle ages, it was prescribed fa some Catholics could find healthy early rites that the priest ascending to the altar ceeds from it as its principle. His human nature He is man. He be­ motivation in the thought that before the Introit should first mark a cross upon the came man, as Augustine said, that man thd fervor and completeness JESUS CHRIST is the alpha a n d altar-cloth and then kiss the cross so tracec|. might become God. and fruitfulness of their con­ omega, the beginning and the end, the fessions have spiritual effect It would seem that the custom to which you re­ author and finisher of our faith. He is ' The Son of God became man that He on others who may be un­ fer, widely prevalent among Spanish and Italian not merely its prophet or teacher, but might complete the work of creation by known to them. All of us ought speaking ^ople, according to which a man, after its principle, the source of its life, in carrying the creative act of God to its to pray lor others that they making the sign of the cross fa the ordinary way, highest possible point, redeem or deliv­ may make fuller and richer apparently kisses his thumb, has a similar origin. whom is its very being, in as true and use oi the sacrament of Pen­ as high a sense as G ^ is Himself the er man from the bondage of sin and its ance. The thumb laid across the forefinger forms an Creator of the universe. penalty, elevate him from the natural This would give individual image of the cross to which the lips are devoutly This being so, those who reject the to the supernatural order enabled him penitents new spiritual health pressed. Hence your surmise of the origin and mean­ Incarnation reject Christianity itself, to attain the end of his existence, for and greater apostolic poten­ ing of the custom is correct. and are rather non-Christians than her­ which he was created or destined by tial. But it would also put into His Creator, and be made a partaker play a new surge of super­ etics. Since the Incarnation includes the natural power through the Restitution by Charity whole of Christianity, every heresy is of the divine nature in glory, or one with God, his last and first cause, whh- whole Christian community, Q. If one hu confeiied tbit he hu restored money ha some form of error against the Incar­ By going to confession with owes by giving the imount to charity, ii hii conKience nation. out loss of individuality, and resting fa deep sorrow aqd firm purpose cleared? Him as his supreme happiness. By the Incarnation is meant the of amendment we can help A. This is true only if reasonable efforts have been mystery of the Word made flesh. This Christmas is a commemo­ The birth of Jesus is the ourselves and our neighbor. made to find the owner, and he is not located. Giving ALL IN CHRISTIANITY is contain­ ration of the birth of Jesus center of the long history of I read an article some time means that the Second Person in the ago which suggested, in ef­ to charity is never an alternative form of restitution. Trinity, who is God like the Father and ed in that paragraph, and the Incarna­ Christ. It is the day on which the human race. Christ re­ It can satisfy a debt only when the real owner cannot tion necessarily contains the Church of stored to the human race the fect, that since sin has social the Holy Ghost, assumed flesh in the the world should rejoice in Christ. spiritual graces that Adam effects the penances given in be indemnified. womb of the immaculate Mary the Incarnation of the Son of as the father of the human confession should also have Since restitution may present numerous practi­ or took up human nature to Hipiself, Without the Church, the Man Jesus God. Although the true mean­ race lost by disobeying God. social effects. The idea was cal difficulties, the advice of a confessor should be and made it, by union with His divine Christ could not be the mediator be­ ing of the day has been ob- The miraculous conception to have confessors give peni­ asked in a particular case. Person, His own nature, as a magnet tween God and men, for as man He scared by materialistic and and birth of Jesus in no way tents penances of a social ^ves its nature to the metal it magne- could have no medium for His action atheistic propaganda, yet the detracted from the fullness of character, such as caring for Divine Child in the manger His human nature. Because he the sick, feeding the hungry, Can Ood Change? ^ e s . except to work through men with whom will reign forever and Christ­ is truly man as weQ u God, visiting the prisons, instruct­ Everything that, exists must have existed from etomlty ‘ He is mystically united, that is. His mas should be a day of rejoic­ He was able to heal the breach ing the ignorant. BY THIS INEFFABLE hypostatic Church. It follows that to deny the as an idea in the mind of God. I and the bird in the t r ^ ing for all. Christmas, concise­ of justice between God and On second thought this lore my house are, therefore, eternal as an idea in thei mind Union of the Divine Word with human Church is to deny the Incarnation. ly put, is God’s gift to men. man by a dying on the cross. seems to be a very good idea. of God—without any beginning but to be realized in time. But when God realizes His idea in time does not He bave to change? There is no time with God, for whom every-, thing is present. God knows in Himself, as fa a mir­ Used ^Second' Chance to Gain Heaven ror, all things, whether they will be realized at any time or will remain only possible. By Edward T. Smith tion was to be chatting with ting married again until a save, not the perfect, but the she served as a cour­ Although for us the first creation of the world no more than a dozen guests severe scolding from St. Jer­ imperfect. His coming gave to THE FEAST of St. Fabiola ageous and loyal friend. took place four billion years ago, for God creation at a time. And the main at­ ome persuaded her to aban­ the whole human race — and Her vast wealth she used seems a strange one to cele­ traction of a pilgrimage for don the plan. to each man and ^oman — to build churches and mona­ is realized in the eternal Now of His existence, and brated in Christmas week. Al­ Fabiola was that it gave her Yes there was little resem­ a second chance after the fail­ steries for the glory of God, was neither earlier nor later than the act whereby most the only connection be­ an exbuse to travel and to es­ blance between the poverty of ure of Eden. And Fabiola, heir to relieve the misery of the He knows Himself. tween the lively Roman ma­ cape from her domestic rou­ Bethlehem and the opulent, to most human weaknesses, poor, and to found the first In fact, the act of creation fa God is no different tron and the birth of Christ tine in . carefree life of a Fabiola. But saw the second chance and Christian hospital in Europe, was the add remark of St than God Himself, who is one eternal Act, without perhaps Fabiola herself saw took it. a hospital in which she spent that Fabiola would any before or after. FABIOLA was one of the a connection that others might For her failures she did much of her time nursing the Every creature exists from eternity as an idea have been more at home in women inspired by St. Jer­ have missed. public penances. For St. Jer­ outcasts of Rome. the festivities of the inn than ome to enter on a Ufe of holi­ ome, even in the midst of her fa the divine mind, but there are not really many in the solitude of the stable ness and heroic Chris­ FOR CHRII^ was bom to most self-indul^nt moments. ST. FABIOLA’S story is the ideas in God, but one idea. Himself. of Bethlehem. tian dharity. Still it was char­ living embodiment of the par­ Knowing Himself as the actual or potential Cre­ For Fabiola was a woman acteristic of her that she able of the prodigal son, of ator of everything that ever will be or could be, God in whom the tide of life ran soon scandalized Jerome’s the sinner whose repentance knows ever^hing He has created or could create. high. A member of fourth- group by divorcing her hus­ causes more joy In heaven A remote paraUel would be an artist who knows century Rome's snooty patri- band and going through than the sinlessness of tt just his artifact in his mind before it ever takes shape. dan set, she was beautiful, a marriage ceremony with a men. God, however, does not need to wait before His she was rich, and she thor­ second man. And this, after all, is the idea assumes re^ity. Beginning, middle, and end oughly enjoyed the popularity central message of the Child Even toward the end of her are all one to Him- that faese advantages brought life, when her two previous who was bom nearly 2,000 her. St Fabiola spouses were dead, she ap­ iuinUtidfe' years ago in a stable in Beth­ mmasaemsaemmmamsesnmmannsmmmemmemmmmmemmmmsmamsmemamamsm Her idea of silent recollec- Feast Dec. 27 parently was thinking of g ^ lehem. The Denver Catholic Register Ill U. N. fight on Birth Control Parents in Mexico Urge School Reform Discussion Catholics, Reds Together!!! Mexico Gty — The Catholic- vention and Marxist penetrathm oriented National Parents’ Un­ in education, peUttoned Presi- United Nations, N.Y.—A com­ does not appear in the resolu- ALTHOUGH the U.S. wlU not ulation data. Debate centered ion has called for wider discus­ dent Adolfo Lopez Mateos and mittee of the United Nations tion's text. suggest to any other govern­ on the interpretation of “nation­ sion of an upcoming constitu­ the senators and deputies of the The resolution was ad(^ted by tional reform that deals with national congress that parents General Assembly has passed a ment what its attitudes or poli­ al programs and projects.” a vote of 43 to 14, with 43 ab^ cies should be, said the Ameri­ The resolution’s sponsors — Mexico’s controversial public be inrtlrmed of the provisions of controversial resolution request­ can spokesman, it “believes education program. the proposed school reform. stentions, by the general As­ originally Denmark and Swe­ ing U.N. approval of techni­ sembly’s Economic Committee. that obstacles should not be The parents’ union, a group Catholic schools, although still cal assistance by the world or­ It was then scheduled to come placed in the way of other gov­ den, who were later joined by opposed to government inter- illegal, are now tolerated In ganization for national pro­ up for a vote by the Assembly ernments which, in the light of Ceylon, Ghana, Greece, Nepal, Mexico. Catholic parents main­ grams and projects dealing with as a whole Dec. 31. their own economic needs and Norway, Pakistan, Tunisia, Tur­ 30,000 Cohans tain about 3,3M primary and population problems. The U. S. voted for the pro­ cultural and religious values, key, Uganda, and the United secondary schools with about seek solutions to their popula­ S30,0M students. These programs and projects posal but emphasized that it Arab Republic — held along Bosottlod hf CBS have generally been interpreted would oppose any United Tfa- tion problems.” New York — The headquar­ with several other Middle East­ Archbishop Antonio Gulzar of as including population control tions effort to “dictate” a birth The U.S., he added, believes ters of the NCWC Catholic Re­ Chihuahua in a pastoral letter through family limitation. The control policy for its member there is'a great need for addi­ ern and Asian nations that the lief Services — has chalked up last May defended the rights of term “birth control,” however, states. tional knowledge on population “national programs” should in- its S0,000th Cuban refugee re­ parents to maintain private matters. It “can help other settled in the United States, The schools, declaring that Mexi­ countries, upon request, to find elude government-sponsored lucky number belongs to Gus­ co’s govemment cannot siagle- potential sources of information projects tor “population con­ tavo Bergnes, an automobile ac­ haadedly educate the land’s Il­ and assistance on ways and trol” or “population stabiliza­ cessory salesman, who fl^ literate lutsses. means of dealing with popula­ tion,” that is, for family limita­ Cuba last August tion problems.” tion. Restrictive laws on education Since then Bergnes has met should be^rgotten, he said, for Petro Temboury of Spain re­ In opposing the resolution, and married his wife Ana Marie, minded the committee that the Ireland, Italy, Argentina, and the sake of the thousands of also a refugee. Bergnes and his children who have no school to purpose of the U.N. program is other predominantly Catho­ wife were flown from Miami to' place economic development lic nations found themselves in go to. to Chicago, where a new home Earlier, Bishop Ignacio de Al­ at the service of man. The res­ the unusual position of being al­ and jobs awaited them. olution, he asserted, would sub­ lied with Soviet Russia and ba y Hernandez of Colima bad ject man to economic develop­ other Communist bloc countries. declared that the normal right ment The Catholic countries argued Haiti ixpolls of parents to decide on their against the resolution on the ba­ children’s education is all the THERE was an over-all agree­ 7 IBoro Priosts more vital when indoctrination sis of moral and religious Santo Domingo, Domincan ment on the need for studies grounds whereas the Communist in the public schools is Commu- Republic — Seven more French and for U.N. aid to developing nations based their arguments nist-ins{dred. priests have been expelled from countries in obtaining basic pop­ on Marxist ideology. Archbishop Octaviano Mar­ neighboring Haiti, reportedly ac­ quez Toriz of PueUa has also The magnificent Nativity paneling and then filling m cused of refusing to pray for scene on the Register’s front called upon parents to step up the outlines with varicolored President Francois Duvalier. page is a three-color repro­ crushed glass cemented to­ defense of their rights in eduoa- The ouster of the seven, whose tion. I CoatroversY Flares Over duction of an original combi­ gether. The features , of face names were not immediately nation low-relief sculpture and and bands and the like are Meanwhhile, the Mexican gov­ released, leaves the c ^ of Les ernment, observers say, is con­ crushed-glass mosaic. The carved in low relief. The par­ Gonaives without priests and five-foot by three-foot original solidating its hold on education Illinois Birth Control Plan ticular Nativity scene also brings to 30 the number of was executed for the Amer­ by organizing teachers and stu­ features a three-dimensional Catholic churchmen — three Chicago — Controversy still dents' unions. Such groups are ‘This way, you get to the ican headquarters of the Beth­ build-up of salient features, Bishops and 17 priests — forced flares over the recent decision heart of the problem," he said. lehem Fathers, a Swiss mis­ such as the Infant and the often heavily infiltrated by so­ by the Illinois Public Aid com­ out of Haiti since 105S. “The idea Is to get people jobs, sionary society, in Denver, hands of Mary and , The Holy See, in a January, cialists. Throughout Mexico mission to use public funds for so they can get off the aid rolls, Colo. and the crib, Communists have been ^speci- services and prescriptions for 1061, decree of the Sacred Con- p d keep cheaters off. Supply­ The work was executed by Mrs. Miller’s work has a sistorial Congregation, excom­ ally successful in infiltrating artificial birth control for re­ Mrs. Darline Miller, Aurora, ing birth control devices does strong symbolic overtone with municated all persons connected the teaching profession. — lief recipients. Colo., in the combination neither. It is the wrong ap­ the image of the Cross stand­ with the expulsions of the first (NCWC Wire) Commission member James proach.” medium that gives a three- ing behind the Child and its two Bishops. M. Geary, a Cathc^c, prompfly dimensional effect and has shadow falling upon the lamb Ksigned “in sorrow and in an­ GOV. FRANK B . MORRISON been called “painting with at the feet of the Child, sug­ ger” from the body after hav­ of Nebraska said his state has glass.” The young artist has gesting the future destiny of Series on ing led the fight against the never considered a birth cen­ been Working in this new me­ the Lamb of God. Even in Sydney, N.S. — A priest and Sfodking Foil of Joy Idan, charging it would encour­ tred proposal like the one passed dium for the past year, but the joy of the Nativity Mary four laymen conducted a weekly age “adultery, fornication, and here. “This is a social prob the Nativity scene is her seems to be offering her Son radio program broadcast Newborn babies at Miami’s Mercy hospital will be presented prostitution.” lem,” he said. “It is not the largest and most ambitious to the future Cross. diroughout Nova Scotia explain to their mothers In bright red Christmas stockings if they ar­ N« Im tiHUm iiom function of a political organiza undertaking. The Register is pleased to ing various high points of John rive on Christmas Day. The custom is a traditional one at the Chicago—In his first public tion to decide birth control pol­ The process involves routing present this original work as XXIII’s encyclical Mater el diocesan hospital, which is staffed by the Sisters of S t Joseph statement since he won election icies. There would be too many out the full outline of the de­ its Christmas greeting to its Magistra. The series consisted of St. Augustine. Nov. 6, State Treasurer-elect protests.” sign in highgrade hardwood many readers. of six half-hour programs broad Gov. John M. Dalton of Mis­ William J. Scott has protested i i iiiiiniiHiaiiHiiii cast on Sundays. o n d s till against the Illinois Public Aid souri said his state has a relief commission’s birth control pro­ budget of 287 million dollars gram aimed at cutting down the for the present biennium. Il­ births by mothers on public re­ linois’ proposed, biennial relief 19 Parishes Initiate Programs lief. budget is 705 million dollars. Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen “We put them in a public “I SEE NO justification for housing project and begin try­ the birth control program from ing to get them off the aid To Aid the 'Invisible 12 Per Cent' an economic or moral viewpoint, You have heard the story of the incarnation a thousand rolls,” he said. “We train them St. Louis — To help the “in­ The invisible 12 per cent, are tfaer Earl C. Poekier, pastor. at least on the evidence I have times, but have you ever heard it told in the language of a in skills and have had suc­ visible 12 per cent,” 19 parishes the senior citizens who up to “Personal visits were made to read in the newspapers,” Scott veil? Centuries iMfore the birth of Christ, God gave cess in putting them back to here have embarked on “Senior now have not been a part of each. Forms with necessary In­ said. work.” (NCWC Wire) Social Action” programs. normal parish or qommunity or­ formation were filled out. Then instructions concerning the tabernacle in the desert. In front Scott, a Protestant, empha­ ganizations. They constitute we held a get-acquainted party." of the Holy of Holies, which was th'e dwelling place of God, sized that religion was not a fac­ about 12 per cent of the total As a result, the senior citizens’ there was hung a veil of blue and purple and scarlet. This tor in his s ta n d on the matter. veil separated the sanctuary population here. group in his parish is meeting Vmigar, Immorml monthly. The program varies, from the Holy of Holies. Chicago — The birth control MEN THE PURPOSE of the “Senior but generally includes a short Once a year the High Priest, policy adopted by the Olinois Social Action” programs, ini­ business meeting, movies, after sprinkling the veil with Public Aid commission was crit­ LH tiated by the Archdiocesan coun­ games, and a light lunch. blood, was permitted to en­ icized by Gov. Elmer L. Ander­ cil of Catholic Men, is to de­ Members of the group keep PAST 40 sen of Minnesota as “vulgar and ter beyond it to the Holy of velop programs Tor the senior busy by volunteering for a host Troubled with CniiNG UP NIGHTS immoral.” Holies. This veil symbol­ (Continued From Page 1) citizens. of different projects the group Pubis in BACK, HIPS, UGS Andersen, attending the Mid­ learns about — parish socials, ized t h e humcm nature could the meaning of Christmas be preserved in the midst of In Our Lady of Good Counsel Tiredness, LOSS OF VIGOR west Governors’ conference, making hospital dressings, even which the Son of God took today’s commercialization of the feast. parish, we started with a list of If yon have Hiaae symptoms, said that supfdying birth control 250 senior members,” said Fa- amateur theatricals. upon Himself on Christmas devices to public aid recipients then your tronUes may be Day. As the veH hid the Homo of Christmas Crib traced to Glandular Inflamma­ will only promote immorality MANY PASTORS report the tion, a constitotional disease. Holy of Holies, so the Resh Bonn Gives Churches Andersen said the Illinois Franciscans since 1280 have had charge of the Church of elderly are looking for an oppor­ Medicines that give m erely or Human Nature of Our commission could cut its relief Santa Maria in Ara Coeli. It is fitting that they should foster $50 Million in ’62 tunity to do things they did not temporary relief cannot be ex­ Lord housed or tabernacled budget more by hiring more devotion to the Infant of Bethlehem, since their founder origi­ pected to remove the causes of case workers. nated the first Christmas crib. Bonn — The West German have the time to do before re­ yonr troubles. Neglect of these His Divinity. tirement. Giving them the oppor­ It was in the year 1223, late in November, that St. Francis government’s subsidies for reli­ disorders often leads to pre­ gious communities will total 350 tunity is the key to the success of Assisi trudged over the rough mountain path from Rome to mature old age and Incurable When Our Blessed Lord RUPTURED million for 1962. The allocations, of the new parish groups, conditions. died on the Cross and His Rieti, then as today a Bishop’s seat. He carried with him the not including allotments from “I think more and more,'’ said The Excelsior Medical Ginic KIRSHtOMIKUSSSUVBtf Rule of his new order, bearing the seals of Papal approval. has a New FREE BOOK that Side was pierced with a Surely you want to THROW church taxes—are roughly ac­ Robert C. Lindstrom, project di­ It had been no easy matter to obtain approval of the Roman cording to the pro|)ortions of rector of churches and aging tells how thousands of men lantje, the great veil of the AWAY 'TRUSSES FOREVER curia on his revolutionary new order of religious beggars. In­ religious adherence among the for the Health and Welfare have been successfully treated Temple of Jerusalem in the and be rid of Rapture Worries. here at Excelsior Springs by deed, only a vision by Honorius of the walls of the Lateran people: 40.8 per cent going to sanctuary was rent from Then why put up with wearing Council of St. Louis, “that the proven NON-SURGICAL a griping, chafing, unsanitary tumbling down and sustained only by the sack-clothed figure pf the Evangelical (Lutheran) role of the churches is to focus top to bottom, showing that St. Francis had finally decided the matter. METHODS. Write Today. No trussiT Church; 39.1 per cent lo the on the individual and to find out obligation. the barrier between God There is now a Modem NON- But now, at this moment of great victory, the thoughts of St. Catholic, and 12.5 per cent to what his needs are and how to IxctU Ist M«el

Ih 400 Year Period Closes With Council By W ilson prise final appearance qt the various observers and partici­ shadow of the Vatican and a ed Catholica ^throughout the —The vast Basil­ Council's last work day of the pants. prophet is never such to those world but that has cauaed non- ica o' S t Peter's belongs to the first session, used a simple “Thb Pope is a strong man,” of his own bailiwick, appear Calholic Chriatlan observers to public once again and only the phrase of gratitude to express said a Protestant observer. “He convinced that this Counsil has nod approvingly. tiers of empty scarlet and green his appreciation of what the is an able man as he proved id set the pace for the Church of When Pope John first envisag­ seats testify mutely to the Sec­ Counc^ Fathers had achieved in a long diplomatic career; he b the future. ed thb Council in January of ond Vatican Ecumenical Coun­ tho;ie eight weeks. a man of high intelligence, as is “While the Church remains 1856, ba knew he faced the ^ cil that wrote “finis” to a 400- apparent in the bases of the immutable on the theological position of virtually tbe entire year period of history known •T THANK YOU for what council's discussions. More im­ principles as revealed, desired, ultra-conservative body (rf tbe as the “Trentino era” and open­ you have done,” said the ailing portant b his ‘detachment’ from and determined by God," say Roman Curia Hierarchy. But, ed new vistas to the Catholic 81-year-old Pontiff. the spirit erf Trent." these Romans, “it no longer ap­ from his vast experience aa an Church and Christianity in gen­ What have they drne? pears to the eyes of men as the Apostolic, envoy in Bulgaria, eral. The reaction to what has been EVEN THE ROMANS, per­ isolated fortress of truth under Turkey, Greece and France, he According to impartial ob­ accomplished caii be found in haps more skeptical of Church the Council of Trent concept It w u sure he knew the senti­ servers here this council has the comments and opinions of progress because they live in the has spoken to its brother man; ments of the Bbbopa. achieved the giant step forward it has accentuated the spirit (rf envisaged by Pope John. It has l i z M i charity and attenuated that of A ROMAN REUGIOUS writ­ taken the first positive action the cnitade; it has sought that er said: “Perhaps future history to re-establish the supremacy which unites Christians of all wili concede Vatican II a of the Episcopacy under, but confessions and even with non- place alongside Trent in the alongside, the Pope since the u|> Chrutiana; it does hot appear councils of the Church. We rec­ Council of Trent ended in 1563. as ’western’ or as ’atlantic’ any ognize today that Vatican II The Bishops, for the most longer; today it is truly ecu­ tjtf closed the ’Trentino era in part, have returned home; the menical, a society of the faith­ the life of the Church and thb Holy City of Rome is preparing (Comment by Paul H. HaUett, Utt.D.) ful of all races and continents even will be forever insepar­ for Christmas celebrations and and cultural traditions.” able from the kindly face of not unnaturally, in this restored Can a Jaw Ba a Catholic? Whatever the future sessions Pope John XXIH.” fm r m g a h o Symbol atmosphere of calm and tran­ of thb Second Vatican Ecumen­ , Tercta Aatcxak, r Callforala (irl af Mexi­ Timothy Manning of Los Angeles, who pre­ quillity many are attempting to A JEW who is converted to another religion cannot auto­ ical Council may or may not Named Prof in Rome cali, PoUah, Irish descent, gases upon an image sided at his city’s annaal G nadal^ proces­ evaluate the work accomplished matically claim Jewish nationality, the Israel Supreme Court achieve. Pope John has suc­ has ruled. Rome —• Father John F. Mc­ of Onr Lady of Gnadahnie. Teresa exempli­ sion, observed that the Feast of Onr Lady of by the Council; not In detail but ceeded beyond all measure of Carthy of the Helena, Mont., The case involved Brother Daniel, a Carmelite monk and a fies the imhrersai character of devotion to Goadainpe has been extended to ail the dio­ in generic achievement. expectation in his major pur diocese, was named an assistant Onr Lady nnder this title. Anxiliary Bishop cese* in the U.S. at the request of the Bishops. Pope John XXIII, in his sur convert from Judaism, who claimed rights of cifizenship on pose; That of ensuring that the hb return to Israel on the ground of his Jewish parentage. professor at the Pontifical Lat- Bishops of the Churen, the eran University’s Institute of teachers” of Catholicism as de­ Canon and Civil Law here. He Council Postscripts THE QUESTION: What is a Jew? has been argued end­ fined by Christ and His Apos lessly by Jews themselves. Are they a nation, a race, a tradi­ b the youngest member on the ties, shall have a strong voice faculty. tion, a rriigion? On one thing, however, -there seems to be in the clarification of the general agreement. A Jew converted to Christianity ceases to Church's doctrines and dogmas h f Session Success, Say Prelates be a Jew. toward, as the Pontiff once VOUTIONS-MEN The feeling that Baptism destroys Jewishness explains all said, the “greater and fuller in­ op Thomas K. Gorman of Dal- Washington — Postscripts of though "the first session was Furthermore, he added, there the confusion. Jndabm was the tme, though unfulfilled, reli­ fallibility of both Pope and las-Fort Worth “came as a sur Q H A L L B N O li American prelates, returning to slow,” one significant accomp­ is^ “practically unanimous gion from to Christ. Christianity Is nothing but Juda­ Epbcopacy in unison.” the U. S. ^ m the Second Vati­ lishment however was brought agreement” among the Bbhops prise to many who mougbt that ism fulfilled. The Charch Is Israel, and the Old Israel is te min U te St about, namely, that “more than on many matters, including that the council was going to be kind It Christ eNerinf a can Council in Rome, have meaningless without the New. THIS ACHIEVEMENT may (hallpfle* t • y a ut praised the council’s progress in 2,0M Bishops from 135 nations of making changes in the con­ of a rubber stamp.” That grand old exemplar of the Jewish spirit, David Gold- be considered by some an in­ Writ* new ter • frto The Texas prebte abo said pamphlat h«w y«u its first session. were tranriormed into a pur­ troversial draft on Revelation. qtein, repeated time and again that passing from Judaism to tangible but it is one that has, can tarv* Him at a Cardinal Joseph Ritter, Arch­ poseful body, conscious of its Cardinal Albert Meyer, Arch­ that Protestant ^and Ortho­ Catholicity b not a denial of the faith of the fathers of old as Pope John foresaw and de­ BROTHia OR HOLY dox observers at the' council bad CROSS.* bishop of St. Louis, noted that aim.” bishop of Chicago, said that at­ in Israel. Only by so passing can Israel of old be understood. sired, already revitalized the Irt. fnari, C.I.C ar Ira. BtrM, CI.C. told him they found discussion IMA Driwta Rad It. SawarTl Uah. lA tending council sessions along Goldstein asked bis Jewish readers in Letters to Mr. Isaacs: Church, that has not only inspir- with Bbhops from all over the very enlightening.' They were “What wonld Christianity be without Jesus, the King who Ia4. Asttia, Tutt MORE CARPENTERS IN BETHLEHEM world bad given him and the abo of the opinion that there came to hnmankind from Israel? . . . What would Chrisfianity other Council Fathers “a better may be no reunion among be without the 12 Jews who became Apostles of the Messiah? Chi^tians, but a better under- THANKS TO THE SALKIAN FATHERS, IN boys in Bethle­ understanding of the catholicity . , , What would the Bible be minus the Old Testament?” or universality of the Roman stadding, as a direct result of , 7 hem are leaning t* make their living with their hands. Host These questions can be turned around: What would Catholic Church.”’ the council. and the Prophets be without their fulfillment in Jesus? What of these boys are orphans; the rest ' Looking at the council from a sense does Israel make without realization in the Church? nefiNs sonvcH come from poor families in the village THIS BROADER understand­ diHerent aspect, Archbbbop Statements made by Rabbi Shlomo Goren, chief chaplain Woifr>triS£MOAl-nfi-eBiiTop. . . . The school itself is nearly IN ing among the Bbhops, declar­ Robert E. Lucy of San Antonio, of the Israel Armed Forces, seem to look forward to a mes­ years old; the equipment won and ed Archbishop Joseph T. Mc- Tex., said that it had "made sianic development of Judaism. 'Ib F aW E A G C tM C -A lA (fyToOM. out-of-date . . . D ^ t e this, Saleslan- Gucken of San Francisco, “b a great strides” in establbh- INDMtJ BOyn’-dNO «A(jT. rfWHM basb from which we can go for­ •riM'rD~mtc& O M C o PcteM See 9 trained carpenters, cobblers, machin- ing better understanding among RABBI GOREN spoke of hopes for the creation of a reli­ OPUS. ** bts, tailors, welders and bakers are ward.” the various Christian denomina­ gious supreme court, like the ancient Sanhedrin, which he be­ reputed to be the |>est in Jordan The Archbishop went on tions. lieves will be a great unifying movement among Jews. o o t p .’A m c A . c c o M e . today. A yenng lad trained by the to predict that council progress He spoke, enigmatically, of "the erection of a jhird Temple ~in-Htcp)hn»HB CMC. trrfu*. uDut PMN in Christian unity will create a “ALTHOUGH MUCH ground­ in Jerusalem, not by man's hands, but a Temple to descend Fathers is almost certain to find a ONWtoJrirjttfH^niaatmMM*...... bond among Christians in which work for the next session was from heaven.” Job . . . The Salesian Fathers ask for »jw._ "we will work together where laid,” he added the principal kK w/CAT; TkHtfyP(Oi,riMmmA,d help because in Jordan, orphans and benefit for Catholic and non- WHATEVER this spiritual Temple may be, there b no MSAM OOHdCU we have been dbunited id the owRieaaiARi, abJTH M)«nu fmAiOhmuiOmd, poor boys cannot pay for an ednca- past.” i Catholic participants and ob­ hope of reviving the ancient Mosaic religion, for it no longer tlen. 25 cents will feed one boy for In Washington, Archbishop servers came in the creatim of has a reason of existence. The three things basic to it—priests, a day . . . $1 will help buy wrenches, shoe leather, hammers, Patrick A. O’Boyle of Washing­ a cordial atmosphere for future sacrifices, and Temple—are of the historic past. Even Rabbi needles, pots and pandl $13 will pay all costs for one boy for a ton referred to the council as interreligious dialogue. Goren does not speak