r e v c o l o m b r e u m a t o l . 2 0 2 0;2 7(4):303–307


Case Report

Ergotism, a relatively unknown mimic of vasculitis:

A case report and review of literature

a,∗ e,f e,f b

Fabio Andrés Torres , Luis Alonso González , Gloria María Vásquez , Yamile Calle ,

c d e,f

Felipe Álvarez , Lina León , Daniel Jaramillo


Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia


Universidad de Antioquía, Medellín, Colombia


Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia


Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia


Departament of Rheumatology, Universidad de Antioquía, Medellín, Colombia


Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction: Ergotism is a vasospasm that affects visceral and peripheral muscle arteries.

Received 16 September 2019 Classically, symmetrical involvement of lower limb arteries is described, and is often asso-

Accepted 25 February 2020 ciated with a history of chronic consumption of derived (Cafergot).

Available online 22 May 2020 Case report: A 22 year-old healthy man with infectious mononucleosis syndrome, who pre-

sented with a sudden onset of paraesthesias in the lower limbs, as well as livedo reticularis.

Keywords: The initial diagnosis was a medium-sized vessel vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa). The symp-

Ergotism toms were preceded by the administration of Cafergot for treatment, and resolved

Vasculitis spontaneously. The magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of the lower limbs showed

Vasospasm occlusion of peroneal arteries, with filiform distal flow. Other infectious, autoimmune and

Polyarteritis nodosa cardiovascular origins were ruled out.

Vasodilators Discussion: Ergotism is an important differential diagnosis in the study of the patient with

vasculitis, especially in acute onset presentations. Its treatment is the suspension of the

causal drug, with vasodilator and surgical vascular procedures, if necessary.

Conclusions: Ergotism is an imitator of vasculitis, especially in young patients with a his-

tory of difficult to control migraine. The concomitant administration of CYP3A4 inhibitors

(mainly, protease inhibitors and macrolides) enhances the toxic effects of .

© 2020 Asociacion´ Colombiana de Reumatologıa.´ Published by Elsevier Espana,˜ S.L.U. All

rights reserved.

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (F.A. Torres).


0121-8123/© 2020 Asociacion´ Colombiana de Reumatologıa.´ Published by Elsevier Espana,˜ S.L.U. All rights reserved.

304 r e v c o l o m b r e u m a t o l . 2 0 2 0;2 7(4):303–307

Ergotismo: un imitador poco conocido de vasculitis. Reporte de caso y

revisión de la literatura

r e s u m e n

Introducción: El ergotismo es un vasoespasmo que afecta las arterias musculares periféricas

Palabras clave:

Ergotismo y viscerales. Clásicamente se describe la afectación simétrica de las arterias de las

Vasculitis extremidades inferiores, a menudo asociada con el consumo crónico de medicamentos


Vasoespasmo derivados de ergotamina (Cafergot ).

Poliarteritis nodosa Caso clínico: Varón sano de 22 anos˜ con síndrome de mononucleosis, presentó parestesias

Vasodilatadores en las extremidades inferiores y livedo reticularis de forma súbita, el diagnóstico inicial

fue una vasculitis de mediano vaso (poliarteritis nodosa). Los síntomas fueron precedidos


por la administración de Cafergot para el tratamiento de cefalea, y se resolvieron espon-

táneamente. La angiografía por resonancia magnética (ARM) de las extremidades inferiores

mostró oclusión de las arterias peroneas, con flujo distal filiforme. Se descartaron otras

etiologías infecciosas, autoinmunes y cardiovasculares.

Discusión: Los ergotismos son un diagnóstico diferencial importante en el estudio del

paciente con vasculitis, especialmente en presentaciones de inicio agudo. Su tratamiento es

la suspensión del fármaco causal, vasodilatadores y procedimientos vasculares quirúrgicos,

si es necesario.

Conclusiones: El ergotismo es un imitador de vasculitis, especialmente en pacientes

jóvenes con antecedentes de migrana˜ de difícil control. La administración concomitante

de inhibidores del CYP3A4 (principalmente, inhibidores de proteasa y macrólidos) potencia

los efectos tóxicos del ergot.

© 2020 Asociacion´ Colombiana de Reumatologıa.´ Publicado por Elsevier Espana,˜ S.L.U.

Todos los derechos reservados.

Protein (CRP) of 12.14 mg/dl (range 0–2 mg/dl) and positive het-


erophil antibodies were documented. After several days, the

initial symptoms, as well as the lymphopenia and elevation

Ergotism was initially described as an epidemic that appeared

of CRP resolved spontaneously; a diagnosis of an infectious


in medieval Europe between the 9th and 11th centuries ;

mononucleosis syndrome was made.

There were two forms: a convulsive, directly related to

A lumbar puncture was performed; after the procedure, the

the consumption of the ergot ()

patient complained of headache only present while seated or

and a gangrenous characterized by the appearance of blis-

standing up, which ameliorated in recumbent position. A diag-

ters, acral necrosis and in upper and lower

nosis of intracranial hypotension due to lumbar puncture was


limbs, referred as fire of Saint Anthony. Currently, the

made. Paracetamol 500 mg and caffeine 100 mg/ergotamine

use of ergot is not recommended as first-line

1 mg three times daily were administered. Four days after,

medications neither for migraine nor for postpartum haem-

the headache and all the initial symptoms disappeared, but

orrhage; however, their wide distribution, particularly of

he developed pressure in both flanks, and myalgia in calves,

ergotamine and methylergonovine, has led to the presence

the caffeine/ergotamine pills were suspended; two days after,

of vasospastic complications, although it remains a rare

the patient presented livedo reticularis in the feet, absence


(0.001–0.002% among patients with migraine).

of distal and severe pain (Fig. 1A). Aspirin 300 mg

The chronic use of ergotamine with other medications

orally, saline solution 500 ml in a bolus, and hydromorphone

(macrolide antibiotics, non-selective beta-blockers, protease

0.4 mg intravenously, were administered without improve-

inhibitors, nicotine and cocaine) is associated to acute arterial

ment. Blood cultures, HIV, Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C,

occlusion; the differential diagnoses are atherosclerosis, pri-

VDRL, ANAs, ENAs, ANCAs, complement and cryoglobulins

mary vasculitis, fibromuscular dysplasia and thromboembolic

were negative. The thorax radiography and the transthoracic


phenomena. We present a case of ergotism that was initially

echocardiography were normal. A computed tomographic

diagnosed as polyarteritis nodosa.

angiogram was performed, which reported occlusion of both

peroneal arteries, with filiform flow distal to them (Fig. 1B).

Clinical case Due to suspicion of vasculitis, pulses of intravenous methyl-

prednisolone 500 mg daily were administrated for three days.

A previously healthy 22-year-old man was admitted to the After the first infusion, all of vascular

hospital after 14 days of fever, asthenia, headache and sore occlusion resolved without sequelae or recurrence. A mag-

throat, without any significant findings at physical examina- netic resonance angiogram was performed 13 days after the

tion. In the admission laboratories, lymphopenia, C Reactive symptoms disappeared, which showed a completely normal

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Fig. 1 – Ergotism (A) Livedo reticularis after 4 days taking ergotamine. (B) Decreased flow of contrast in both legs in angioCT.

(C) Contrast MRI with 3D reconstruction after stopping ergotamine and recovery of normal distal perfusion.

artery system in both lower limbs, without changes in soft 3. Administration of therapeutic doses with an idiosyncratic

tissues (Fig. 1C). effect, not dose-dependent.

Due to the time closeness of administration of ergotamine,

the characteristic symptoms (pressure in both flanks, arte- The appearance of ergotism is less frequent after the

rial claudication) previous to vasospasm, the onset of vascular intravenous administration of in patients

occlusion signs, and the absence of common causes, a diag- with abnormal autonomic regulation, for thromboembolic


nosis of ergotism was made. prophylaxis or for managing intractable cases of migraine.

Vasospasm is clinically manifested acutely by headache, vom-

itus, , abdominal pain, lumbar pain and later, calf

Discussion claudication, livedo reticularis, pallor, coldness, cyanosis,

paresthesias and ischemia in multiple territories: cerebral,

carotid, ophthalmic, coronary, mesenteric, renal and more fre-

We described the case of a man who presented with diffuse

quently in pelvic arteries and lower limbs, with severe cases

lower limbs arteries vasospasm and livedo reticularis that


of ulceration, and amputation. Sometimes, pares-

was initially confused with polyarteritis nodosa, but improved


thesias in distal areas may precede the picture for weeks.

after suspending Cafergot, a potent vasoconstrictor derived

An additive effect can be seen in patients who consume

from ergotamine.

LSD (diethylamide of lysergic acid), propanolol, sumatriptan,

The ergot alkaloids are modified amino acids with central

clarithromycin, ritonavir, oral contraceptives, nicotine and

sympatholytic activity, ␣-adrenergic, dopaminergic and sero-


cocaine. Convulsive ergotism has not been reported with

tonergic agonist action together with a direct vasoconstrictor


2 the use of pure ergotamine compounds.

effect in the vascular and uterine smooth muscle. They have

The most affected are the popliteal arteries (60–70% of

a poor absorption (50%) and oral bioavailability (less than 2%),

cases) symmetrically, although unilateral involvement has

mainly due to their extensive first-pass metabolism in the liver


1,3 also been reported ; The findings described in arteriography

(90%, by CYP enzymes, especially the 3A4 isoform) ; they

are: a diffuse or pencil-shaped , collateral circulation

have an irreversible vasoconstrictor effect that is related to the

(which can be reversed with the suspension of the drug) and

greater amount of collagen and the lower presence of elastin


thrombosis. It is very rare that aneurysms appear and their

at the arterial level, so it preferentially affects muscle arteries


5 presence forces to rule out other causes of arterial occlusion.

at the visceral and peripheral levels. The maximum doses of

The diagnosis is clinical and confirmed by arteriography

ergotamine tartrate are 4–6 mg in a single dose and up to 10 mg

1 or, more recently, by non-invasive studies such as computed

per week orally.

angiotomography and angioresonance, which demonstrate

Ergotamine tartrate and dihydroergotamine have potent ␣-

reversible vascular changes unless there is extensive necro-

agonist activity in contrast to methylergonovine, which has no


sis, which correlates with more serious lesions. However,

␣-activity but has preferential constrictor properties for uter-

2,5 it requires a high suspicion and is considered a diagnosis

ine smooth muscle. Ergotism is a vasospastic condition that

1 of exclusion within the imitators of vasculitis. In the group

appears as an adverse effect in three scenarios :

of primary vasculitis, it is necessary to differentiate between

six pathologies: Buerguer’s disease, Takayasu’s arteritis and

1. Acute administration of high doses orally.

less frequently, polyarteritis nodosa, Behcet’s disease, giant

2. Chronic administration of therapeutic doses by oral route.

306 r e v c o l o m b r e u m a t o l . 2 0 2 0;2 7(4):303–307

Table 1 – Differential diagnoses of ergotism and primary vasculitis.

Disease Clinical presentation Onset y (years) Angiography findings Treatment Prognosis

Ergotism Headache, , Acute (20–65 y) Diffuse vasospasm, Vasodilators, Favorable with

abdominal pain and collaterals and antiaggregation, cessation of ergot

paraesthesia in lower thrombosis in anticoagulation with

limbs. calf pain (60–70%) popliteal arteries heparins

Buerguer‘s disease Active smoking, migratory Chronic(20–50 y) Concentric stenosis Smoking cessation Risk of amputation:

thrombophlebitis and and “corkscrew” or and vasodilators 25% at 5 y

intermittent claudication. “pigtailing” vessels 38% at 10 y

46% at 20 y

Takayasu‘s Young women with Chronic (20–40 y) Concentric stenosis Glucocorticoids and Survival: 97% at 10 y

arteritis hypertension, subclavian in abdominal aorta immunosuppressive and 86% at 15 y

bruit, carotidynia and and common iliac agents: MTX, AZA,

intermittent claudication arteries. Rarely anti-TNFs and

aneurysms Tocilizumab

Giant cell arteritis Headache, jaw claudication, Chronic ≥ 50 y Stenosis and Glucocorticoids and Stroke or miocardial

scalp tenderness, fever and aneurysms in aorta immunosuppressive infarction mortality:

elevated ESR and its branches, agents: Tocilizumab 1 to 3%

mainly in the

external carotid

artery, axillary,

subclavian and

abdominal aorta

Polyarteritis Calf myalgias, fever, weight Subacute (40–60 y) Microaneurysms Glucocorticoids and 5-year survival: 80%

nodosa loss, arthralgias and (1–5 mm) more than immunosuppressive

hypertension stenosis. agents: MTX, AZA

concomitant and CYC

affectation of renal

and mesenteric


Behcet’s disease Oral and genital ulcers, Chronic (20–40 y) Sacular aneurysms glucocorticoids and Vascular

thrombophlebitis and of abdominal aorta immunosuppressive involvement: 12.8%.

folliculitis. venous and pulmonary agents: CYC, MTX 4% of patient

thrombosis (70%), artery. rare in iliac or and anti-TNFs presents arterial

aneurysm (20%) pulmonary tibioperoneal lesions

embolism (19%) location.


cell arteritis with extracranial involvement and Kawasaki has also been described. Empirically in difficult cases with


disease (Table 1). high risk of gangrene, intraarterial papaverine and strep-

The treatment of ergotism implies an early diagnosis to tokinase has been used and there are anecdotal reports of

avoid severe and irreversible complications and is based fun- intra-arterial balloon dilation.


damentally on the withdrawal of the drug. There is no

dose-dependent relationship and, although the lesions typi- The use of surgical sympathectomy in severe cases has

cally improve over the course of 3–4 days, they may be more not shown any usefulness, since sympathetic tone is not


larvate given the accumulation of in the vessels. as important in physiopathogenesis as direct vasoconstric-


Acute attacks are treated with intravenous hydration associ- tion mediated by ␣-adrenergic receptors. It has also been


ated with a direct arterial vasodilator and anticoagulation with used successfully, pentoxifylline and hyperbaric oxygen.


heparins (preferably low-molecular-weight heparin). Nitro- The recovery of the picture is usually complete and without

prusside is recommended as a vasodilator of choice and some recurrences, with a favorable prognosis as long as it avoids


authors have considered it the antidote in by ergo- reintroducing the drug and triggering factors. The delay in

tamine with vasoocclusive manifestations, for a short course the diagnosis implies a worse prognosis and more serious arte-

2 2

of 48–72 h. rial injuries.


According to the severity, the therapeutic action can be :

1. Mild: oral vasodilators (non-dihydropyridine calcium chan- Conclusion

nel blockers-Nifedipine, ␣-antagonists- Prazosin and PDE-4

inhibitors such as Sildenafil) and anticoagulation. Clinical ergotism is a reversible vasospastic phenomenon

2. Moderate to severe: intravenous vasodilators (sodium described in young people with no history of atherosclero-

nitroprusside, prostaglandin E2 analogs such as Iloprost sis and that mimics a primary vasculitis of medium-sized

and intravenous Alprostadil) and anticoagulation with vessel, especially Buerguer’s disease, Takayasu’s arteritis and

heparins. Antiagregation with acetylsalicylic acid is also polyarteritis nodosa. Its sudden onset, as well as the preferen-

recommended for 3–6 months. The use of glucocorticoids tial involvement symmetrically with stenosis of the arteries

at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day in cases refractory to nitroprusside of the lower limbs, in patients exposed to oral ergotamine

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