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4-WD Four Wheel Drive ACEC Area of Critical Environmental Concern ASQ Allowable Sale Quantity AUM Animal Unit Month BLM Bureau of Land Management BMP Best Management Practices CC California Coastal CCC California Conservation Corps CDF California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection CDFG California Department of Fish and Game CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CFR Code of Federal Regulations CNDD California Natural Diversity Database CNPS California Native Plant Society CRMP Cultural Resource Management Plan CWA Clean Water Act DOD Department of Defense EFH Essential Fish Habitat EIS Environmental Impact Statement EO Executive Order EPA Environmental Protection Administration ESA Endangered Species Act FAA Federal Aviation Administration FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act FWS Fish and Wildlife Service GIS Geographic Information System GLO General Land Office HSU Humboldt State University IMP Interim Management Policy KRNCA King Range National Conservation Area LCIA Lost Coast Interpretive Association LCT Lost Coast Trail LSOG Late Successional Old Growth LSR Late Successional Reserve MNBMC Migratory Nongame Birds of Management Concern MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPA Multiple Pair Area MSA Magnuson-Stevens Act NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NCA National Conservation Area NCUAQMD North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic Preservation Act


NLCS National Landscape Conservation System NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOI Notice of Intent NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRHP National Register of Historic Places NWFP Northwest Forest Plan NWSRS National Wild and Scenic River System OHV Off-Highway Vehicle ORV Outstanding Resource Value PALCO Pacific Lumber Company PILT Payments in Lieu of Taxes PL Public Law RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RDM Residual Dry Matter RMP Resource Management Plan RNA Resource Natural Area ROD Record of Decision ROW Right-of-Way RR Riparian Reserve RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board S&G Standards and Guidelines S&M Survey and Manage SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer SONCC Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast SWRCB State Water Resources Control Board T&E Threatened and Endangered TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load TOT Transient Occupancy Tax TSI Timber Stand Improvement USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture USDI U.S. Department of Interior VRM Visual Resource Management WSA Wilderness Study Area

6.4 LIST OF PREPARERS This RMP/EIS has been prepared by an interdisciplinary team of resource specialists from the BLM King Range NCA Office and Arcata Field Office. EDAW, Inc., an environmental consulting firm in San Francisco, California, assisted the BLM in the preparation of these documents and in the planning process. These preparers are listed in Table 6-1.


Table 6-1: List of Preparers

NAME POSITION PLANNING ROLE BLM Staff Lynda Roush Field Manager Field Manager Dan Averill Assistant Field Manager Assistant Field Manager Gary Pritchard- King Range National Conservation King Range Manager, Wild and Scenic Peterson Area Project Manager Rivers Study Team, Wilderness Study Team Bob Wick Planning and Environmental RMP Project Lead, Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinator Study Team, Wilderness Study Team, Visual Resources, Transportation Sky Murphy Planner Assistant RMP Project Lead, Wild and Scenic Rivers Study Team Scott Adams Outdoor Recreation Planner Recreation, Wilderness Study Team, Wild and Scenic Rivers Study Team Carol Sullivan Interpretive Specialist Interpretation/Environmental Education Bruce Cann Outdoor Recreation Planner Wild and Scenic Rivers Study Team, Transportation Paul Fritze GIS Specialist Mapping Dave Fuller Fisheries Biologist Fisheries, Riparian/Aquatic Resources, Wild and Scenic Rivers Study Team Marlene Grangaard Archaeologist Cultural Resources, Native American Consultation Hank Harrison Forester Forestry, Special Forest Products Charlotte Hawks Realty Specialist Lands, Rights of Way Amy Krause Wildlife Biologist Wildlife Brad Job Engineer Facilities, Transportation, Air/Water Quality Sam Morrison Geologist Geology, Soils Tim Jones Fire Management Officer Fire/Fuels, Air Quality Jennifer Wheeler Botanist Botany, Range Management, Invasive Weeds Paul Roush Wildlife Biologist Wildlife Jeff Fontana Public Affairs Officer Public Outreach John Price Computer Specialist Website Development EDAW, Inc. Staff David Blau Principal in Charge Alternatives Development, QA/QC Laura A. Watt Project Manager, Social Scientist Project Manager, Public Outreach, Alternatives Development, Lands and Realty, Historical and Cultural Analysis Steve Nachtman Senior Recreation Planner Recreation, Special Designations, Alternatives Development, QA/QC Kevin Butterbaugh Senior Environmental Planner QA/QC Document Review Kimberly Christensen Public Involvement Program Public Outreach, Alternatives Development, Coordinator QA/QC Megan Gosch GIS Specialist GIS Mapping Mark Farman Senior Resource Planner and Socioeconomic Analysis Economist


Table 6-1: List of Preparers

NAME POSITION PLANNING ROLE Steve Pavich Resource Economist Socioeconomic Analysis Michael Morelli Senior Recreation Planner Recreation Anne Lienemann Recreation Planner Recreation Brian Ludwig Senior Archeologist Cultural Resources Mike Downs Senior Social Scientist Sociocultural Analysis Jackson Underwood Archeologist and Ethnographer Sociocultural Analysis Richard Nichols Range Management Specialist Grazing Resources Katrina Hardt Environmental Planner Transportation and Access Christine Yang Graphic Designer Graphic Design Nathan Cistone Word Processor Word Processing, Formatting Ron LeValley Mad River Biologists Terrestrial Ecology, Botany and Wildlife (subconsultant) Biology, Alternatives Development Alice Berg Independent Contractor Fisheries and Aquatic Biology Bob Solari Independent Contractor Fire Management


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