Borough Council

The Kettering Story – Kerbside Sort to Co-Mingled Our Way Forward

By Dela Moreland - July 2013 Kettering Who Are We Overview ♦ Population approximately 93,475 ♦ Servicing 42,000 properties ♦ Covers approximately 23,349 hectares ♦ 4 towns and 27 villages of varying scale. ♦ Terraced Properties, Council Stock, New Estates 70’s ♦ Kettering within the top three fastest growing towns in the UK (measured by business growth) ♦ Kettering at the centre of the largest growth area outside of ♦ 5000 homes built in the last decade and planning permission granted for a further 8000 ♦ Health in Kettering, deprivation is lower than average, however 2,900 children live in poverty – Reduction 65 Waste Partnership

♦ Kettering are a two tier authority forming part of the “Northamptonshire Waste Partnership” - Consisting of One WDA and Seven WCA

♦ Northamptonshire County Council - Disposal ♦ Borough Council - Enterprise ♦ District Council - Enterprise ♦ Council - Kier ♦ Borough Council - Kier ♦ Borough of Council - Norse (Norfolk) ♦ Council - In House ♦ Kettering Borough Council - In House


Properties within Districts Northampton - 93,475 Kettering - 42,000 South Northants - 36,070 East Northants - 37,263 Total 299,180 Wellingborough - 33,230 Daventry - 32,790 Corby - 26,500 Overview Partnership

♦ Education – Reaps Rewards ♦ Full time education team (NWP funded) 2011/12 – 2,700 Pupils received educational based waste management instruction ♦ Joint Waste Minimisation projects ♦ Joint Partnership Bids ♦ Joint Procurement ♦ Joint Resources ♦ Joint Agreements / Guidelines (clinical)

Why the Change

♦ Current Financial Climate ♦ Top recyclers ♦ Waste Composition Analysis ♦ New and Developing Technology within the area ♦ Recycling Rate Static ♦ Residents wanted to recycle more items ♦ Green Waste Issues ♦ Co-mingled would achieve increased % ♦ End of Fleet Contract ♦ Increased Pressures - Health and Safety Implications

Current Operational Working

♦ Fleet ♦ Employees ♦ Rounds ♦ Domestic/Dry/Green ♦ Kerbside v Co-mingled ♦ Landfill ♦ MRF ♦ Shuttle vehicle ♦ Operate 5 days over 4 days New Co-Mingled Operational Working

♦ Staff reduced from 54 to 45 Employees (6/4) ♦ Refuse/Green will remain the same ♦ Co-mingled round numbers like for like as Refuse/Green (1x1)

♦ New Co-Mingled Service – Split Bodied Vehicles – (9/5) ♦ 2 x 32t (8x4) ♦ 2 x 26t (6x4) ♦ 1 x 26t (6x2) with narrow bodied front pod (paper)

♦ Possibility to Reduce Green Crews in winter months with removal of cardboard. ♦ One Team Approach!

Facts and Figures

♦ Reduce Staff Numbers ♦ Reduce Overtime Costs in winter months ♦ Reduce and Standardise Fleet ♦ Reduce costs - box replacements ♦ Issue Wheeled Bins with optional sizing ♦ Reduce Health and Safety Implications for staff ♦ Encourage waste minimization with downsizing of General Waste Bin ♦ Keep Paper separate - high commodity value. ♦ Increase recycling tonnages with additional materials ♦ Estimated on-going savings of £260,000 plus per year

Residents Benefits

♦ Make Simple ♦ Recycle More ♦ Flexibility Within the Service ♦ Replace existing blue box with new wheeled bin (240 litre alt 140 litre) ♦ Red box for paper to remain ♦ Grey bin for green waste to remain free of charge ♦ Choice to down size existing garden and domestic bins to 140 litre

Communications Campaign

♦ Strong Educational Campaign ♦ Drip Feed Residents ♦ Keep Everyone Informed – step by step - Trial ♦ Ensure residents on board ♦ Surveys/Forum/Groups ♦ Taster Leaflets ♦ Media ♦ Bin Tags ♦ In House Roll Out – Local Knowledge is Key

Collection – Week One

♦ Terberg and Dennis Training ♦ Crew Training ♦ Crew Selection – Hand Picked ♦ Round Selection – Mixed Demographics ♦ Constantly Monitor Crews ♦ Green Waste Crews – Cardboard ♦ Day One - Increased Collection of dry by 96% ♦ Each Vehicle Load Inspected at MRF ♦ Each Day % collected increased Week One Stats – Kerbside to Co-Mingled

Co-mingled Service Commodity Breakdowns

Week Commencing 3rd June Week Commencing 17th June

Day Paper Cans Glass P/Botts Total Dry Paper Co-Mingled Inc/tonn % Increase

Monday 3.5 0.68 3.06 0.56 4.3 Monday 3.38 8.46 4.16 97%

Tuesday 3.4 0.68 2.76 0.6 4.04 Tuesday 3.44 8.62 4.58 113% Wednesday 2.16 0.96 2.06 0.64 3.66 Wednesday 1.94 8.26 4.6 126%

Thursday 2.28 0.74 2.02 0.72 3.48 Thursday 2.06 8.2 4.72 136%

Totals 11.34 3.06 9.9 2.52 15.48 10.82 33.54 18.06 Co-Mingled Results – Week One From Kerbside Sort to Co Mingled Collection 9


7 W/c 3rd June Kerbside Hand Sort Dry 6

5 W/c 17th June Co-Mingled 4 introduction including cardboard 3 W/c 17th June Additional 2 tonnage collected compared to Hand Sort 1

0 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Week Two Stats – Kerbside to Co-Mingled

Co-mingled Service Commodity Breakdowns

Week Commencing 10th June Week Commencing 24th June

Day Paper Cans Glass P/Botts Total Dry Paper Co-Mingled Inc/Tonn % Increase Monday 3.46 0.74 2.86 0.36 3.96 Monday 3.36 8.92 4.96 125%

Tuesday Non working 0 Tuesday Non Working Wednesday 2.1 0.62 2.82 0.84 4.28 Wednesday 2.5 8.43 4.15 97%

Thursday 3.44 0.7 2.28 1.18 4.16 Thursday 3.24 7.6 3.44 83%

Friday 2.62 0.66 2.68 0.9 4.24 Friday 2.46 7.86 3.62 85%

Totals 11.62 2.72 10.64 3.28 16.64 11.56 32.81 16.17 Co-Mingled The Results – Week Two From Kerbside Sort to Co Mingled Collection


9 W/c 10th June 8 Kerbside Hand Sort Dry 7 W/c 24th June Co- 6 Mingled introduction

5 including cardboard

4 W/c 24th June Additional tonnage 3 collected compared to

2 Hand Sort


0 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Where Are We Now And What Next

♦ Week 3 onwards ♦ Complete Roll Out ♦ Review ♦ Revise Campaign ♦ Introduce a weekly WEEE and Batteries ♦ Overhaul Bring Banks ♦ Textiles ♦ Waste Composition Analysis ♦ Results Refuse Crews “Breed of their own”

Can’t understand why the public don’t warm to us Our Future’s Bright

Waste Education and Operations – Dela Moreland [email protected] - 01536 534461