THE NCAA NEWS/November 5,199O
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The NCAA Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association November 5,1990, Volume 27 Number 39 Members to get 62.8 percent of record budget Analysis of the 1990-91 grneral Substantive changes have been designees. nue. Pass-through payments to in- $120,000 to a maximum of operating budget approved by the made in the format of the budget as 3. Championships revenue. Tclc- stitutions participating in the $128,000. Finally, grants to affiliated NCAA Executive Committee at its may be seen in the charts below. vision rights fees and official-ball program and NCAA operating costs organizations and royalty payments August meeting reveals that the Among them are: royalties no longer will be allocated are shown in the expense budget. have been included. Association continues to spend the 1. Television revenue. Previously, to each championship. Moneys re- 6. Distributions to members. This 7. Championships expense. In- vast majority of its revenues on rights fees were allocated to the ceived from host institutions, mer- is a new category, and it encom- cluded in this section are game member institutions, conferences, various championships. and they chandising and radio rights fees will passes the $32 million to be distri- expenses, per diem allowances, cost organizations, youth programs and formed a part of the gross receipts continue to be recorded in the in- buted on the basis of participation of transportation, and allocations student-athletes. for each meet or tournament. Now come from each championship. in the Division I Men’s Basketball to Divisions I1 and III. Distributions Of the record $160.6 million the CBS contract payments are 4. Sales and services revenue. Championship from 1985 through of net receipts have been eliminated budget for the fiscal year, 62.8 per- grouped with the football assess- This new category includes income 1990 and the $32 million to be in all sports. cent will be paid directly to ments and cable revenues. A sport- from the publishing and communi- apportioned according to the broad- 8. Membership services. Expenses members, 20.9 percent will be spent by-sport breakdown no longer will cations departments and the NCAA based-program formula. In addi- previously included in various de- on benefits for members, and 3.2 be made. Visitors Center. tion, moneys for academic enhance- partment budgets or general expense percent will benefit youth programs 2. Royalties revenue. All foreign 5. Grants. On advice of NCAA ment and to provide emergency have been grouped according to and student-athletes. The remaining and domestic licensing income has auditors, the Federal grant received funds for student-athletes are in- publications, sports sciences, pro- 13.1 percent will cover the cost of been combined with royalties from to fund the National Youth Sports cluded. Conference grants have been motion and public relations, and operating the national office. corporate partners and oflicialLbal1 Program has beer. included in reve- increased from a maximum of See Members. page 2 w ense Sports committee DirectPay- Studenl National nominations open l9Bs9B l9!3Wl Pet ol mentsto Benelitslo and Ibuth Office Budget Budget Budget Members Members Benefits Operations Nominations for NCAA sports division, district and conference committee posts, which will be filled should be provided, along with a Distributions to members at the 1991 NCAA annual Conven- brief paragraph describing the can- Division I men’sbasketball $36.227,200 19.93%$32,oaI,aIo Broad-basedprograms 19.93% 32,ooo,aIo tion in Nashville, must be forwarded didate’s qualifications. A nomina- Academicenchance- to each member’s Men’s or Women’s tion letter must be submitted for ment programs 7,300.aQ 4.55% 7,300,ooo Committee on Committees district each nominee and should indicate Conferencegrants 3,535,ooo 5.356.aQ 3.33% 3,856,oal $1.XJO,ooO representative no later than Dccem- whether the nominee would serve if Grantsto affiliates 91,700 104,500 .070/O 104,500 her 3. The nominations are for elected. Unless an unexpired term Royalties .: 1,157,ooo 974,800 .61% 974,800 vacancies that will occur September on a committee is involved, the Championships I, 1991. positions to be filled by the Conven- Division I men’sbasketball 6,527,800 9,!?25,4aJ 6.18% 6,728,4aI $3.197.m In addition, a copy of the nomi& tion are three-year terms. Commit- Other Division nations for men’s committees is be tee members who are eligible for I championships.. 11853.000 12,84l,xQ 8.00% 10,472,400 2.371.800 sent to the chair of the Men’s Com- reelection normally are reelected. Division II championships 2,997,OOO 4,219,ooo 2.63% 3,570,ooo 649,ooo mittee on Committees, Bruce A. Nominees for committee service Division Ill championships 2,806,ooO 4,672,ooO 2.91% 3,900,alo 772ooo Corrie, Director of Athletics, North- should have: National Youth western University, 1501 Central aA vital interest in, and current Sports Program 117,2M) ll,O!KKKl 6.90% 10,618,2al 470,100 Street, Evanston, Illinois 60208 (Di- knowledge of, the sport or area MembershioServices vision 1, District 4). Copies of nom- involved. S arts sci’ences inations for women’s committees Brug testing 1,760.cxxJ 3663,500 2.28% 3.663,500 l The reputation and character Drug education 45D,ooO 527.500 33% 527,500 should bc sent to the chair of the to indicate clearly that committee Other 70,oal lO5,ooO .OPlO 105,000 Women’s Committee on Commit- membership will be used to serve Publications 1,505,ooO 1,896,ooO 1.18% 1.896,ooO tees, Fern Gardner, Assistant Dim the sport and not the self-interest of General rector of Athletics, University of the member or the member’s insti- Legal services 1,7!xl,aQ 1.owo 1,6CJOSQO litah, .lon M. Huntsman Center, tution, conference or area. Scholarships 1,@5ooO do% 1.285,ooO Salt Lake City, Utah X41 I2 (I-7). aThe respect of others engaged Catastrophicinsurance.. 7a5,axl .71O/o 1,135,am In order that a complete summary in that sport. Youthclinics 542,300 46% 734500 of nominations can be prepared, a l The time and ability to perform Research 357,500 .410/o 658,ooo copy of each nomination letter is to the duties involved. Conventionand be sent to Fannie B. Vaughan, Ex- Particular attention should be honors banquet .4wo ecutive Assistant, NCAA, 6201 Col- given to eligibility requirements set Other 177,XKl .200/O lcge Boulevard, Overland Park, forth in Bylaws 21.1, 21.4,21.5 and Communications Kansas 6621 l-2422. 21.6 of the NCAA Manual. 849,ao 1,195.oal .74O/o 1,195,axl Promotion When submitting nominations. The Men’s and Women’s Com- Televisionproductions 580.m 610,000 .38olO 61O.ooO Women’sTenth the nominee’s name, title, institution, See Sports. page 2 Anniversary .28’/0 45o.aKl Televisionvideotapes : 227,000 .24% 393,ooO Public relations programs 197,5al .ZTO Other 3!X,lCQ .270/a Revenue Visitors Center 3,000,000 .a7o/o Committees 1,391,ooo .97Yo Pctol N;;;;il Office Operations !fgi -Budget’ Budget 5,505,100 6,018,2CQ 3.75Olo $6,018.200 Administration department 1,435,5Kl 1,614,000 1.owo 1.614.ooO Television $$4g,g $118,295.ooO 73&O/o Businessdepartment 1,015,ooo 1,396.M30 .a7o/o 1,336,OCQ Royalties . .. :......... :..:I I 1 5,363,500 3.34o/o Championships Champlonshtps department 1,184.aQ W%ooO 1.060/o Division I men’sbasketball 74,248,CXJJ 11,848.! Communications Other Division I cham ionships.. 7,FOOO Division II championsI+ ups department. 1,297,100 1,534,ooO .9lYO Division Ill championshlps 364.0 Complianceservices Sales and Services department.. 86D,!XO UWooO .650/O 1.050,ooO Publishing. VQ~ 1X&~ Enforcementdepartment 1,915,KlO u93,~ 1.@I0 2293KQ Communications _. 1,033,5CXl :E% Executivedepartment 1,892,ooO 2.273,ooo 1.42010 2,273,ooo Visitors Center 375:ooo .234 Legislativeservices General department l,D21,oal 1,341,oal .EWO 1,341,ooo Investments NCAAFoundation Publishingdepartment 1034,OClO 1.292,OCQ .800/O V=.ooO Visitors center Membershipdues.. _. _. .310/o 494,ooo Contributions department. 321,ODO 494,000 Other. TOTALEXPENSE _. _. 98,228,ooO 160,600,ooO 1oD,906,100 33,56!3,1K! 5,124,60021,ooO,200 Grants. Percentageof Transferfrom unallocatedsurplus 199&91Budget 1aI.owo 62.83% 20.900/O 3.19% 13.08% T(TTALREVENUE.. 98;22B;ooo 16cl,6Qo,aKl 1oD.00% 2 THE NCAA NEWS/November 5,199O Members Committee Notices Continued from pug{’ I the Visitors Center. While the staff and travel expense necessary to Member institutions are invited to submit nominations to fill interim Two-Year College Relations Committee: Six members (one man, one shepherd these programs is included vacancies on NCAA committees. Nominations to fill the following woman, four unallocated). The executive directors of the California in the appropriate department vacancies must be received by Fannie B. Vaughan, executive assistant, in Association of Community Colleges and the National Junior College budgets, the out-of-pocket costs are the NCAA office no later than December 3. Athletic Association or their designated representatives shall be ex officio indicated for the various items. Executive Committee members. Duties: Study and make policy or legislative recommendations 9. National offtce operations. The The NCAA Council, at its post-Convention meeting .lanuary I l-12, to the Council concerning relationships between the Association and its general expenses of operating the 1991, will appoint replacements for Executive Committee members whose members and the nation’s two-year colleges as represented by established national office arc included, as are terms expire in January I99 I There are live term expirations.