t1 SO ^EK YEAf V O L . vn. NO. 16. DENVEE, COLORADO, THUR^AY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911. PRICE FIVE CEimL Memorial Tablet to Father Leo Cardinal Farley Noted Editor Dead Auxiliary Bishop Consistory Will be Memorable Receives Ovation at Shane The Catholic Historian Rt. Rev. J. M. Laval to be Unveiled by the Franciscan Friars at Saint Elizabeth’s Monday’s Spectacle of Eighteen Cardinals Receiving Ctanrch, Sunday, With Impressive Ceremonies Leslie Reception in Martin I.- J. Griffin Consecrated Nov. 29 the “Red Hats’’ Will Surpass in Magnificence the —Sermon by Father Matthew Fox, O. F. M. Carnegie Hall Passek Away in New Orleans Scene at Saint Peter’s Four Years Ago

St .IClisabeth’s church. Eleventh and children whose race on earth ia run, but The reception to Sluine Leslie, the A VETERAN ORGANIZER New Orleans. Nov. 22.—The Papal bulls Nothing indicates more, clearly the in­ the Ordinal replies with the word GKartis atreetb, ^^aB the scene of an im* whose souls are awaiting the dawn of young lecturer for ths Gaelic league of or official documents appointing Right fluence of American ideals nor gives •placet,’ or ‘non-placet (*I approve,’ or *I preeaivo ceremony Sunday night, the un­ the eternal day. She ia not like some Ireland, in Carnegie hall. New York, Rev. J. *M. Laval Auxiliary Bishop of more convincing proof of the confidence disapprove.’) which His Holiness, ., re- veiling of a gilded bronxe tablet in mem­ earthly parents, w'hose tears are soon Friday right a week ago, was equally New Orleans have arrived from “One by one all tb^ Cardinals present {>OAes in the Church in America than the ory of hViher Leo, the priest who vras dried and whose wounds, inflicted by the a reception to Cardinal-I>esignat€ Farley. Was the Lea^g Authority and are in the possession of Most Rev. are similarly interrogated, and then the recent notification that on Nov. 27 he Pope exclaims. “ Deo gratias habemus de shot by Gulseppc Alia Feb. 23, 1908, sad human law of death and bereave­ It was 8:30 o’clock when tbe Cardinal- on Catholic History Archbishop Blenk. while he aat conducUng mass at an ment, soon find a healing balm to close Designate. who was the honorary chair­ The consecration ceremonies will take would hold the long deferrcti fifth con personis creandts concordiam omnium sistory of his administration, at which early service in the church. Every seat their red Ups and to allay the throbbing man of the meeting, appeared on tbe place in the St. Louis cathedral on fratnim.’ or *majoris partis fratrunx’ in Aaierica he would create eighteen new cardinals— ; in the church was taken Sunday night, pain which the poor victims of sorrow platform with Mgr. l^avelle. The mo­ Wednesday, Nov, 20, the Feast of St. (Thank God, we have a unanimous mind and niany people stood in the aisles, in­ feared would be eternal. Farted by tbe ment. the audience saw him it began ap­ Gchisius, Pope and Confes*or. The ccre- three of the»n citizens of the United among the brethren, or a majority of the tent on heoxiitg the sermon preached by hand of death from the spiritual battle plauding and rising until everyone in moines will bring a numlier of Church States. That the Pope has always held brethren, favoring the persons to be Martin I. J. Griffin, secretary of the the Catholics of the United States in [ chosen.’ For in former reigns there have Very Rer. Matthew Fox, O. F. M„ mis- which rages on earth, severed from the tlie big auditorium was stonding. For .American Catholic^IJstorical society, a dignitaries to Now* Orleans, notably all the Bishops of the province. His Grace, the highest esteem, and regarded as a ! l>een case* of Cardinals who have niani- sLoner and actual definitpr of the prov- throng of Christlsn warriors in whose - half a minute the applause continued. historian of nota' and the founder of company tbsy have labored, fought and the lilost Reverend Archbis:,op, will be vifiible ami consoling proof of spiritual i fe*te.l sufficient intlependence to respond iiirtf of the Most Huly Kamo, St. Francis’ Finally the Cardinal-Designate doffed many church and j^mperanee organiza­ the , and Right Rev. Joseph progros.* the great religious and social ■ with a ‘non placet.’ Thereupon the church, Xew York city. siiffered-~-vanished though they be from his red hat and i-miled genially. tions, died at ip o North Elev’enth The tablet was exhibited at 7:30 the eye of flesh, they' are ever present-, Cardinal-Designate Farley was intro­ A. Lynch, D. D.. Bi.*^hop of Dallas, has development of the Church in thi/ coun- ! Pontiff at once proclaims the names of street, -Fhiladelpbi^ on Nov. 10. Mr. try is a fact well known in ecclesiastical ■ the newly elected members of the Sacred o’clock, following which there were sol­ to her memory, ever dear to her heart. , duced as president of the meeting by lieen invited to deliver the consecration Griffin wa< sixty^tfne year* old and in circles, says the Boston Republic. Strik- College with the words ‘Itaque auctori- emn memorial serviee* for the repose of With Holy Mother Church there Is no Supreme Court Justice Martin T, Keogh, sermon. After the ceremonies in the j goo*l health until ^ few days before his ing evidence of this confidence in the I tate Dei Omnipotentis, sanctorum Apos- Father Leo’s soul, oonsisting of prsyers forgetting; immorlul In her vigor and ; whoso speech was interrupted by ap­ cathedral the vi-iiting prelates and the death, when he Wd a sudden attack. clergy of the diocese w ill be entertained ' ^’^thority* and stability of the American ; tolorum Petri et Pauli, et nostra crea- by the congregation, the chanting of the \itality, she is immortal in her love.' plause at every reference to the Cardinal- His last work waslthe life of Rev. Henry at a dinner, which will Iw given in the \ Church was shown in the Apostolic <3on- mus et publicamus sanctae Romanae “ I.abeTa’’ by the friars and visiting Death may snatch her son away and ^Ve j Designate. Omwell, second nfthop of Philadelphia. Holy Family . Bishop-elect La- stitution of Nov. 3, 190S, in which His occle>iae cardinuh*s. episcopos, presby- priest*, and selections from the “ Seven his Itody to the worms, but cannot tear \ W, Burko Cockran spoke, and in part Mr, Griffin is l0|^wn throughout the him from her communion, nor call him val will wear the robes and be invested Holine*s decreed that the Lnited States teros aut diaconos quidem N N. • • * I,Ast Words of the Savior,” by St. Eliza­ said: country aa founder of numerous patri­ with the consecration ring,"’which will be .should no longer be regardt*d as a mis- ' Dispeusationibu* derogatiombus et clau- beth’s choir, under the direction of to a region where l>cr influence may not ! “ Tho English bestows on Englishmen otic, temperance tod (church organiza­ Misses Clara and Josephine Woelier. The reach him. Her arms stretch l»eyond the ' presented by the cathedral congregation sionary country, but should be under his sulU hccessariis et opportunis,* ‘There- Irish land, so that the English in Ire­ tion". He was IKkw n in Philrdclphia on grave, and gatbvr to her bosom the liv­ and friends in New Orleans. He will owK immediate supervision. On that fore by the authority of Almighty God, music was most appropriate and was land will ficht to retain it. tVt, 2.3. 1842. XIe|tr.3s[e|tr.'is the son of Ter­ also be invested with the pectoral cross date the Church orgamzation of this . f the holy .\po:*tles Peter and Paul, and very beautifully rendered. ing and the dead. By the laws of this : “ But the English government can’t rence J. Griffin a ^ ElizabethEli Doyle of land one day in each year is dedicated which is the gift of the Most Reverend ! <*ountry entered upon an era of complete our own. v.-e select and announce as car- The tablet is of Romanes<)ue style, and keep Englishmen from marrying Irish County Wicklow.. |Kl.ind. He was edu harmonizes with tbe church. In size It to the mem«iry of those who fell in our Aixhbishop; the cliain, which is the of- Jfimilar to that enjoyed by dinal biihop*. priests, or deacons of the women, and the child of every Triuh wo­ cated in the parorlClfcl-Wal schools STe . of the city country** cause. We call it “ Memorial fering of tiie cl-rgy of the diocese, and ' nations; and ha« since continued ‘ Holy Roman C?hurch—(here follow the is six feet, by two and a half feet. A man with an English sire is Irish. and WAS'AS a graduav of the Central ' high bas-relief of Father T>eo adorns the cen­ Day.” and on that day we decorate their “Tlie more Englishmen in Ireland, tbe the crorier. which is the gift of the peo to receive from the Holy Father sueces- : names)—all the necessary documents school He beganfiife as a bookkeeper, sive marks of his favor. The latest of ; and proceedings being in proper form.* ter, and there also is an inscription tell­ graves, and we recall the cause for which more Irishmen will there be to fight for pie of St. John the Baptist parish. but workedorked his w^y into journalism jr as these is the placing, of three members ' “ The Pontiff then makes the sign of ing of bis death. Sunday night the tab­ they fought and died. Today we are as­ Irish independence.” the corre*pondent tlie “Catholic Mir ARMOUR CO. HAVE STARTED of the American heirarchy in the College ; the cross thrice, saying as he does so, let was banked by palms, and surround­ sembled here to pray for the soul of - 'Then esme young ^fr. I..eslie. and he rnr” of Baltimorof the “Spectator” of Sc PENSION FUND. of CardinaU, thus affording pleasing J In nomine Patris, et FilU et Spiritua ing it were the lighted candles, so prom­ Father Leo, to unveil a t.vblet in bis was warmly received. He said he was Washington, and New York “Tab- honor, to recall the cause for which he ^ proof that he regards the twenty-five | Sancti, Amen.’ And with that the se- inent in the Oslholie service. the humble envoy of the great Gaelic let.” } .Armour A Co. Iiave starte.l a pn^ioh millions 'of Uatholi(^s now living under ■ cret portion of the consistory is at an Father Fox's subject Wat “ Irreligion, lived and died. We are not here to call | league movement in Ireland. In 1870 he wa.»appoint*'onefit of ,V».000 employes. the Stan and Stripes as among tbe most j end. the Menace of the Individtul ITome and him “saint,” to canonize him. No, that j "Tbe Iri‘ h natives.’’ he said, “ are Icgis- editor of the ‘‘Oa^nlir Standard,*’ and The company ha* set a«i«le 81.fX)0,000 >o virile, progressive and loyal adherents I “ The public portion of the consistory, Nation.” He dwelt strongly on the fact is l>eyond our power; that is beyond the | latora in alnio«t every country except began a life of litajwr^activity, coupled province of any priest or preacher. We : begin with. The 5o.n00 employe* will toric research. He branched out pay three per cent of their salaries an­ It is but -a comparatively few years i 27. on which occasion the Cardinals-elect no such religion aa that of today. He are not here to praise Father I. since the United States represented to , will receive their red hats, takes place aaid that the Franciscan monks, 17,000 "That the Irish outside of Ireland may ‘'Griffin Journal.” ^iid fifty-?-even. conserve*! the reeard-i of Mrly Catholic ; I O’Connell and Farley, but their associ- the Gestatorial chair, borne shoulder ready to Isy down bis life for his belief to profit someahst by bis death. Father language, affocted the tho.pght and activity in the ri^^tty of Phil-vddphia. ; i ate«. Cardinals Merry del A al. Vanutelli. high, and wears for the occasion not the and his religion. I.eo left all things to follow Christ, to scholarship of the civilized world. MOTHER OF FIRST AMERICAN NE and which has d o^ mtHi to give the I , Martinell^. Faleonio. \ves y Tiito. Logue,. familiar triple crown, but usually a In bis sermon Father Fox was Wiver preach the kingdom of Christ. In early “ Firft. during the Italian Kenaissanee, GRO PRIEST DEAD. Catholic settlerqacpjit for their part ia i Bourne «pd Cavalcanti, have all on of white satin, richly adorned with la bia denuodatioo of anarchy* at the youth be Isft father and mother and i wrhen classical Greek wa« restored to the early histor^TN An^erii'a’. mn'e time Impressing hit hearers wfth home and native land to consecrate his Mr* Martha ToJton. mother of the I the Atlantic, ' ahif "I&owti r^7«r l^o I^irralTM *6? whicK Ts* RdW European learning; second, when San­ Mr. Griffin w - aa iudefatigahle work- ; life to the service of (lod in the Order late Father Augu-tine Toltoii. wlm was ^ personal obesr^tion the magnifi- with crimson damask. The most om a slave in Ken­ Since the elevation of P^pe Pius X.. “ -A" he alights and takes his seat on that are lionnd up with the history of Philadelphia an 1 started a flourishing Father I>eo rang out through the entire ■ tucky and w*B« taken to Hannibal. Mo., on Augu-»t 4. 1003. he has up to the the throne, which is placed on a dais Father I>eo. whose blood stains this al­ Ireland, came to the enthii«lastic notice branch of the land liwgue. H»- !ia*l a tar. waa willing to die far It. And every world, and it told in clear ami unmis­ where she marrie*! Pi-t'er Tolton. alr *>f more ' the OtthoUc Churih t*«ward« anarchy and moved to <>iuncy. 111. cipht of other nationalities. Of these. • tine Chapel choir, from a sort of latticed «m e. if not a position, in every institution movements and societies for the spreary on the right of the throne, burst* “ Anarchy, think not that you will ter that Imasts the name of academy. .•f inten»st in churrh affairs than any I Alio, ahen you sought the strongest i fter hr the kite Father McGirr of Hi"* Holine"s to add eighteen new names forth into a triumphal welcome. The rify the Christian religion by the mur­ other Cathtdic Hyman. He was the au- fortress opposing anarchy, you came to Qiiincv. who sent him to the Franciscan to the list at the coming consjstofy will. ! Canlinals present, from their benches on der of one of her priests. Where one ■ tlior of a history of Old St. Joseph’s the right place when you came to the I DEATH OF REV. JOHN M’HALE, S. J. college and to Rome, where he was or t is»|. l*e an unprecedented record in either side of the hall, suceeoaively ap- falls. MX) will be ready to take his place. • liiirch. history St. ,Iohn*s church, life Ontbolic Ouiirh! When you looked for dained a priest in 18.87. this particular, with the result that the pmach the throne, and make their obeis- The greatest honor you can do us is to of Thomai Fitr-imoos. a Pennsylvania tlie most powerful enemy of irreligion hev. John McHale. a distinguished College of Cardinals wHll then consist of ; anres to the supreme Pontiff, and then kill us in tbe service of.Ood.” Catholic signer of the Oonstitution. pub- and anarchy, you selected the right man member of the Society of Jesus of St. FATHER REANEY IS THE UTAH’S thirty-two Italian cardinals and thirty- 1 the consistorial advocate, arrayed in his In speaking of the great number of li«h«Nl in 1885; O'mmodore John Barry, when yon selecteMuIlin. who die*! a few cross and the flag. Yes, the Cathofic stood in the very first rank. A* a I. Reaney, U. S. N-. one of the most ' they are to be created and later solemn- *^**'il stands by. but usually remains si- Ing that of which they claim their in- { year* ago. He is su^vi^ed by two daugh­ Church »■ the invincible foe of anarchy preacher he was forreful and elo»^uent. popular men in the service. F'ather j ly invested, has awakened a profound in- | For the reading of these petitions tellerta cannot convince them. The un- ; ters and two son*. Sister ^lary Dorothea, and irreligion. I say “and Irreligion.” withal simph* and din'ct. Rennev has l>oen looking after the spirit- j terest throughout Christemlom. The , merely a sort of stop-gap provided beltevem will tell you thst Christianity [ of the Immaculate Conception order. and 1 say so purp«'sely. l»ecause Irrell- uni niMvIs of the s,nilor l>oys of the vari- sp*»,*taclo of eighteen cardinals receiving : purpose of giving time for tbe la too great a mystery. But Is not the Mis* Philomcn I Griffin. Rev. Martin I. j giun is the legitimate and prolific ARCHBISHOP OF KINGSTON. ous ships of which he has been chaplain j the “re«l hats” and being invested in , Novelli porporati, or new Oirdinals, to wt>rld Itaclf full of mysteries? Fhow me J. Griffin. Jr., treasurer of St. Thomas mother of anarchy. for twenty-one years. F'ather Reaney is ! their robes of office will be a memorable ! ^ fetche*! from one of the adjoining tb« man who can explain why It Is that college. St. Paul. Minn., and Dr. ^Yil|jam The reverend preacher then proceeded Rev. Michael J, Spratt Will Be Conse­ also a most enthusiastic Knight of Co- | one. In point of grandeur and magnifi- apartments by their sponsor*. an*l ia tbe stalk of a certain plant is green in L. J. Griffin of Philadelphia. to show* the unreasonableness of infi­ crated Nov. 30. lumbu<. • cenee it will surpass the scene at Saint *4oppe*l by the Holy Father with a ref- stead of red; why soft clay hardens The funeral - rvices of Mr. Griffin delity, and pmvcil clearly that the po­ ‘ Peter's four years «go. when the oeea- <*rrnce of the matter to the Congrega- 'when placed in fire, while hard eteel took place on I'licsday of la"t w»*ek at sition of the unbeliever and anarchist Is The Pupal Bulls have arrive*! from the tion or Rites as so*>n as they appear. softens under the same condition. Too | the Church of Our Lady of Mercy. His PRESIDENT WILL ATTEND. 1 sjon was the consecration of fourteen illogical and irrational. Kternnl t’lty confirming the appoininienl bishops. “One by one they enter, each walking many men are not le»l by reasoning. In- son, the Rev. M;»rtin I. Grif.'in, was the of Rev. Micimel J. Sprstt of St. Michael s The Ihin-Anu' Tlunnksgiving day I Two distinct ceremonies will bo per- iH’t.ween two Cardinal* of older crea­ stead their hearts rule them. They are | Speaking of the evil effects of Irrcli- celebrant of tit- solemn high mass of rhiireh. Ikdieville. as .\nlibisliop of will Im? eelebral*'*! at St. Patrick's formed in Rom« on this occasion. The tion. vested in scarlet mantles and hoods. enslaved by their own corrupt passions ; iiation, he said that “by taking away requiem. and Inclinations. Ihe men who Ieaeen an- Churrh. \Vtt>hingt**n. D. C.. on Novein- j first will be in the consistory, when the •”‘1 with long sweeping trains that are noiinretl for Thiirs*lny. Nov. 30. There ber 30. Rev. F'rancis Doorv of Ridge cardinals are formallv created and pro- ! borne by train bearers, or eaudatorii. pure lives sre not denying the existence ' threats of religion it deprives tin* evil TO CHOOSE SUCCESSOR TO THE will !>o a large luimlwr of prominent Landing. Md., will sing the *nass. j claim*^! and receive the “ red hat” from Approaching the throne they bow three Of nod.” passion-* of their strongest curb, virtue LATE BISHOP VERDAGUER. Father Fox began his sermon by say- of Its most efficatious incentive, the un­ clergymen fr**m all parts of Canada and Among tho'% who are to l»e present ^ the hands of the Pope; the se*v>nd. which times, ascend the steps, kneel and kiss, ths Unite*! State** pre*ent. and also may be meutione*! the President, mem- : will be held, probably, in 8t. Peter’s. 1 time, the cross embroidere*! lag that November it the month which happy of thc4r sweetest solace, ami ao- A meeting of the conauUor* and per­ manr leading men from all parts of the Imts of the cabin»'t. Chief Justice AYhitc ! will consist of the imposition of the red slipper of the Pope’* extended tbe has act apart to manent rectors of the vicariate of countiv. ami Associate .Tustico McKenna of the | biretta and zucheito. The latter is foot, and after that, his hand. There­ osmmemorate and to aid those of her (Conelialed on I’age C.) Brownsville. Tex. was held last week at Supreme Court, representatives of all j known as the ceremony of investitxire. upon a prelate, standing on one side, the r*»i*idcnre *»f the Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. the South .American !«'gations, and His j )p de*erilung the ceremonies connected raises the hood of the new Otnlinal's Jaillct, Administnitor, in Corpus Christi. Fhninenc*' Carvlinal GibUms. , with the creation anpe, re- Kt. Ri'v. N. .\ Gallagher. 1). I)., of Gal (leating the Latin formula of eonsecra- veston. s«*nior Bi«hop of the Province, KANSAS CITY HAS A “ DIVORCE . “.Although Archbishop \ IT. 0-r..nnoll „ f Bo.ton. .long with Arch- Cirdlnaf. hat with and its objfH't was the selisi’tion of thre«* PROCTOR.” I names to Ih* -nlmiitted to the Bishops. j hi.hop John F.rloy of X.w York and i “ - fr*>m whii'h a ^lU'i-eavir to the late Bish- Kan-ois ('ity last wiH-k instrtll.>*l a ’ *li Arohhi.hon FHon.odo Fatronio. the A p «- : ■“ o)» VenlagiM'r may l»e chosen. voo'c proctor.” who*** ulnry is to l»e tolio Ih-locatr in tho VnitM Statr, and « “ ■ |iaif *.ii»te at the X’atican. has I upon )»r the 5Uerrd College, which, by 1 means *>f election, will ratify the nom- ing each of them separately. Thereupon l-wcM t*' V «r Falctmiu New Y«»rk. Nov. IS. .Ii'hn F*. Carttdl, the Pop** beatows hi* b*’«ediction upon * hief ni*l of Ri» har*t t roxcr as *i*e ? TT*sd^ hv th«» Kolv Father. This ns Apostolic Ih'lcgate to the l*nite*l the assembly, whlrti it>t:iuus'« nv» er *>f Tammany hall. di***l last night at IS done at the secret consistory which States. the ecclesiastical and lay dignitaries of Monsignor Csnslai Is about 40 yenrs tlu* Hotel Sa\uy, fr*>m acut** stomach preee*les the public constatorv set for okl. Is a nntiv*' Ixali. in th«* province trouble. Xov. 27. •nhnn th.- hat irill h» nla«d \ ">* « - upon tha h.-«d. of thn card.nal,.al«.t. i ' ’ " ‘'" d of ITmtiria. Ceiitml Itnly. and a memh*T . . . ehoaen Bursts, some of them relative* of ••.Vt the si'cret consistorv. which »s ; , ” , . *». » of an old Ilelian noble family. h«* hobling HAD FIVE DAUGHTERS NUNS, . . • . . . I the new cardinals, and other* eennst- the title of mnniuis. b* M in the so-ealle«l tiall of I onsistories, ; .ing of , royal , visttors, • ,for whom u a special • i all the members *>f the Sucre*! College Ho uas «Icvutul to the rank of mon- ’riirn* ret'*'iitly «li*t!. in .Ksh Grove. Ire- stand is erecte*! to the right af the s’gnor aliout ten yc*iw agc*. Uu;l. Thomas l.'K*tnvngo. a wealthy. in R*'me are present, ranginl along either throne. IViH'tmding from t)ie latter, tha wall St a distance out of immediate ear­ )iromin**nt. well-lov«sl and highly-rc- Ho’y Father takes his place oa tbe shot of the throne. A chair is then THE DES MOINES DIOCESE. *.p«'ct**il farnur. Seiliu fiestatoria, and 1* born*? out af th* bnnight an*! pla*****! on the right hand of His largi* family of splendiil sons and Still Regia, blessing those present with The new tUtvt't'He «f IVs .Moines ineludes daught»Ts inclu»i*Ml a phem>menal num- tin* lA'iitiff. .Advancing with the cu*- movements of the hand to the right and toniarv obeisam'C*. -the dean of the Sae- the Southwestern quarter of the state Ur »*f *x>U'**Hrat*Nl girU and wonum tt) the left. of lown. rnibnieiiig 23 counties. In this Inr of the Id daughters two are Sisters, TtMl t\»lleg*‘ plac*s* himself in the empty “1'bis, however, does not complete the •llstriet an* 54 psrishes. 25 msisions and ill the Sisters of Mercy convent, and Sit­ chair, and the Pope thereup*>n tells him. e*rns*'emtion of the new Ckrdinala. An thr**e stations iU5 priests administering ter of the Saere*l Heart imler. in Bu**no* in a low roiee. the name of each of the hour i« allo«

A RARE THANKSGIVING. ARCHBISHOP WALSH AND THE A WORD FROM THE “SUN.” EDUCATIONAU Our debt of thasiks to God for answered “CONFISCATION” BOGEY. prajTr, OUR CALENDAR □ 'rhough all too sn our grateful lips Catholic Editor and Poet Praised by New □ we stay, When the Protestant Bishop of Ossory York’s Great Journal. WOODWORTH SHORTHAND COLLEGE Rundjiy, Nov«*mb<*r 2f>.—Twenty-fifth homes. All sucli roln'ls who should ap­ "We fain acknowledge, and in part we recently raised the cry that the property has trained over 30 offleial Colorado reporters. Teaches and Smulay after reiiteeost. Gospel, St. pear within 00 days from date before ]my; of the l^rotestant Church in Ireland shows you 200 words a minute, 96% of verbatim reporters A greater debt we owe Him. unaware, The New York Sun of Nov. 4 had the write our shorthand. Every night speed class. Graham unlimited Matt. xxiv. The Abomination of any authorized d ’dl or military official wouhl be exposed to the risk of confisca­ ; For that, with boundless love and tender tion under Home Rule, he solemnly following words of praise for the poetry course, $60. Faces City Park. Healthful. Jh'Kolutiun. of the crown, and subscribe to a declara­ I care, Phone York 1888. Park Hill Car. 1720 Colorado Boulevard. pointed out that the Catholics in the of Denis A. McCarthy, associate editor “ At that time, Jesus said to his dis­ tion that tln*y wouhl remain in pcaoe- ! Tie oft refuses us and says us nay. of the Sacred lb-art Review, Boston: ciples: Wln-n you shall see the abomina­ nhle submission to King George, would The while we grieve impatient of de­ archdioion and companions of England, mar­ earthly clot. rick’s Cathedral when Ireland secures view for Civil Service I^am l- derstand; llien they that are in Judea, Shall see the beauty of His provi­ (>nol (lie was born at C^rrick-on-Suir, natlons. Grammar Oradee, etc. tyrs, Oliver Wolcott, one of the sign­ self-government, and use it, as it was Day and Evening Seaslona. Call let them flee to the mountains; and he dence. Tipperary) hymns with equal fervor and at our office or write for cata­ that is on tlie house-top, let him not ers of the Declaration of Independence, Ami learn whereto our granted suit formerly used, for Catholic services. The log. R. A. EE EOUX, Pres. Archbisliop of Dublin spoke of the Prot­ sincerity his tw'o allegiances, native and IM5’45 GLE^4ARM ST 1846 Olenarm Plaoe, Denver, come down to take anything out of his dieal had been shortened, no flesh should be THE CATHOLIC PARTY IN MEXICO. to degenerate into a typographical puz­ Manufacturer of never hafo enough competent pupils to alarm. It is quite true that the Catho­ saved; but for the sake of the elect, San Francisco is to have a world’s fair zle. a dreary waste of apostrophes and supply the dimands and we can prove it. A few days ago the Jacobine Represen­ lics were unlawfully depriveclieve liim. for is the erection of a colossal statue, to “ That the very best thing in the world, Call for useful souvenir, free. The reply came from another Liberal into the hands of Henry VIII without General Contractor. Mission Pnmltnre. there shall arise false Christs and false i remain as a permanent memorial of the day by day, Evolutionist. Senor Francisco Bulnes, the will or consent of the Archbishop, prophets, and shall show great signs and [ exposition. The question under debate To baffle tbe buffets of Fate, the ould J. D. Seerle. Jamaa Swaenay. wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if pos- wlio concludtNl his discourse with the fol­ after tlie members of the chapter had ! is what the subject of IIm* statue will bo. rogue, lowing word.s, wliich were greeted with been forcibly dctaiueil until they had Hihle) even the elect. Behold, I have Lewis Rothe. the well-known sculptor of Is a bit of tJic brogue.” The Seerie-Sweeney Cigar Co. tremendous ap]>Iause: “In conclusion, .1 given their consent. That was simply told it to you before hand; if. therefore, San Kranf'isco, proposes that Father FINEST CIGARS will say that the Catholic party has oonfiseation, but the Bisliop of Ossory SMOKING TOBACCOS they shall say to you: Behold, he is in I .luniperro Serra shall be the hero thus Business SchooL been the only one which, even under out­ ins‘d not be anxious. Catholics do not THE POLISH LANGUAGE IN 1S34 CURTIS STREET the desert, go ye not out; Behohl, he is j magnified. 1731 Arapahoe Street. side pressure, presented itself on the int(*nd to imitate Henry VIII, ami the CHICAGO. Fhona Main 4390. Danvar, Colo. in the closets, believe it not. For, as Another proposal which impresses us field «of battle to defend its principles, Most Rev, Dr. Walsh, the spiritual ruler cometh out of the cast, and ap- i as much the b<*st has been put forward ami did not allow a certain candidacy of the archdiocese, gives him, in a kind­ It is not long since some citizens of penreth even into the west, so shall also i by Bishop Nichols of the Episcopal PHONE .MAIN 7377. HENRY WARNBCKE. Propr. (the one of Pino Quaroz) to be saddled ly spirit, the assurance that the nhsi-nce this country would seriously question the coming of the Son of man be. ■Where­ I Cliurch. who thinks that not Juiiipcro on it that was contrary to its political of u Catholic ('atliedral in Dublin has no the American patriotism of any |>crsun soever the ho«iy shall he, there shall the {.Serm, but St. Francis of Assisi, shouhi creed.” This was a fine compliment paid more to do with the ea-se than the llow- who advocated teaching the children of eagles also l>e gathered together. And I b<‘ the subject of the proposed moim- The Capital City Shoe Mf g. Co. immediately after the tribulation of by a foe. But when and wliere did the ers that hloom in the spring. foreign-lKirn parents the language of Catholic party receive due credit from ’ inent'. tln*ir forefathers, says the Sacred Heart Repair Work our Specialty. Sawed Half Soles, 75c. those days, the sun -shall be darkened, Outsiilc of the Holy T^\ml.” said Bish- Review; but this is just what Ella S t . and the moon shall not give her light, the press for its splendid acluevements? \ COLUMBUS RELICS DISCOVERED. 1S11 Champa Denver, Colo. ! op Nichols, who has just returned from Flagg Young, supc‘rintendent of the Chi­ and the stars shall fall from heaven, and a trip around the world, “ the most inter­ the powers of the heavens shall be WOMAN AND HER DUTY. cago public schools, proposes to do in esting place I visited was Assisi, the A Spanish paper announces the discov- that city. There arc a large numl)cr of TBLEPHONE 237S 14,1 LARIMER S T . C-P. ItMk moved; and then shall appear the sign birthplace of St. Francis, after which 4*ry of an interesting relic of the first Epitome of Farewell Address of Car­ Poles in Chicago. Heretofore their chil­ of the Son of man in heaven, and then San Francisco is nametl. Nothing could voyage of Columbus. l*iiizon, the ship­ JOHN ANGLUM shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, dinal Designate Falconio. dren attending the public schools Iiave 1)0 more heaxitiful also in this respect if, owner of Palosde Moppier, was well had no opportunity to learn anything and they shall see the Son of man com­ like New York has the world-famous known to liave furnished the subsidies to “A woman is, first of all, a citizen of alantl the l^oltsh language. Mrs. Young ing in the clouds of heaven with much Statue of Libert}* rising in its majesty Christopher Columbus for his early voy­ Pioneer Drug Store the home. She should have in mind, wouhl change that. She says: “Children power and nmjesty; and lie .shall send from the Narrows, the Golden Gate or ages, and his account books, containing Katabllshed 47 Yaara. Praacriptlona Csrafully FraparwB nlwve all, the care of her family. If she of foreign-lK>rn parents are likely to his angels with a trumpet and a great some prominent peak of this city were tlie entries of the stim-J a«lvaiu*eil and tlu? fulfills her duties, she will have no time know nothing of the fatherland, and voice, and tliey shall gather together his crowned with a mighty image of the purchases made, have been diseoven* Martin Drug Co. farthest parts of the heavens to the ut­ Francisco gets its name,” tion lusted from August, '1402. to is no higher mission than her’s.” aHhunuNl of their alien parentage and most bounds of them. And from the fig We very mucli wish the Catholic press .March, 1403, and lier«* is what it cost The foregoing is an epitome of the [alien parents. The call*^? lies in their tree learn a parable when the branch throughout the country wouhl leml their tlie house of Pinznn. (.'olumbus, in his Drugs £ind Family Medicines farewell address to American women by I own igronance of what tlie old country thereof is now tender, and the leaves united voice in calling upon the citizens ^henaa Main 42S2 and Main 4283. Mgr. Diomede Falconio, Apostolic Dele­ ' ‘-apa^'lty as eonimander, received 1.500 , has given to the world. Poluml has an »SO 15TH 8T. ChaHaa WSe, come forth, you know that summer is of San Francisco to honor the one not ^ ]u*setas; his two iuptains received JMM) gate at Washington and Cardinal Desig- . extetiHive literature, ns well ns a long nigh. So you, also, when you shall see only after whom their city is named, but I pesetas <“.ich. and the crew wen* paid 50 nato. dictated just before bis departure ' history of eiviliz^ition. Many of its Tslaphon* 2851 all these things, know ye that it is nighr to whom the whole world, Catholic, Prot­ for Rome, at the residence of Arclibishop ; reals per head |)or month. What the ' nuMlern novels arc widely read in this even at the doors. Amen. I say to ydu, estant. ami even Mohammedan, pays the ; men ote on the voyage is not meiitiomvl. CATHOLIC 1 7 4 4 Farlev in New York. f Country in translations. I am sure that ' WORK A that this generation shall not pass till homage of universjil venerati«m. “I have nothing but sentiments oi j j but if they were satisfiisl w ith the ship j it would be l>eneficial for Polish-Amcri- SPECIALTY all these things bo done. Heaven and , fare it was fixe0. ^ Gorman’s Rest, tle of Modder Biver, 1800. any whman to go outside the sphere ’ ^B''**ionary. WE CLEAN AND REPAIB PDKNACES, COAL, GAS AND GASOLINE STOTEa Catholic mission in Decrfiohl. in the IV- Monday, 27.—St. Tx*onar«l of Port Mau­ w-hicli is assigned to her sex. .A gootion box: How inm-h I S<>rvlre second to none. Meal Ttoketa. PHONE CHAMPA 315. 1 5 1 3 Fifteenth St. money do Catholics i»ay to have their $4.40 for $4.00. Tears to serrs. bishop of Salzburg, 784. An Irishman fir««t of all a citizen of tlie home, and 'Hie moiiiinient to Il<»Hsu*'t. which w.>-’ "ins forgivr-n?” Father \VeLh waiten a who won great fame at home for his if «ihe fuIfilU tlie duties of that eitizen- unveiled n-oeiitly in the ('athetlral at minute, and. looking around the eliureh Coal, W ood, learning and virtue, and traveled into ship she will have no leisure for outside •Mi-.uix. in tin- preseiH-e uf 30 prelatt-s and for tin- smallest boy In- could find, asked France, where he was eourteoiisly re­ nffniru. In the home shouM l>e her many laymen of ili.stinctioii. is u trib- Hay, Grain, tin- little fellow to st.iml up in his place. Now js the time to pul in vour winter Grade Lignite Lump ceived by King Pepin, wbo was so deeply heart and soul. There- is no higher, . ute p.Tiil to the m em ory o f the gn*at Flour, Feed, "Uttle boy.” .said the j>riost, “ will you , ^ntiidv^upr*ly of eoal. UNION LUM^,LUMI*. $4 $4.00 OO Per 8 impresst'd by his piety that, on his rec­ holier mission than hers—in tlie care and preacher l»y the Cliristians of many ! Ton. HikkI for Furnare. Grate or Range. E tc., E tc. ari-wol t’atholii* 'Fiiues, the cere­ ! 2830 LARIMER ST. Phone M. 4319 money do Catliolic.s jmy to have their mility of St. Virgil was so great that he “ T •arnestly hope that American wo­ mony had a "i>ceial Mgmifcance Tor sins forgiven?’ ” The little boy, some­ hesitated to assunie so high an office, men. while they inherit the staUdiness . !• ranee, and the aceoiints of it ought to of the Roman matrons and the courage what nervous and embarrassed for a The Andersoo-Hanington Co3l Co. and commissioned Dolnln. a bishop who .irouie prolitiible thoughts in the minds minute. shoute«i out so every one <-ouId Tandy Furniture Co. I>itle Branch and Main Office had accompanied him from Trelaml, to of Spartan mothers, will elierisli at the j of Frenchmen. Mr. .lules Ixiiimitro of the South Side Branch, In-iir him: "^ou don’t have to pay noth­ The Furniture Exchange Houee. perform the episcopal fuuotions. reserv­ same time the noble mission assigned to ing; confession is free, but you liave to j Acadeiiiie l•■raneaise. who delivered an We take your old furniture nn'd atoves 34th & Walnut 22 S. Broadway ing to himself only tin* ofliee of preach­ tliem. that, of wifebood and motherhood. j address, gave some rllustrations of B/n- Phone Main 1074. Ik- sorry!” In exchange for new. Phone South 3116. ing and instrueting. till he was actually “ It should be the duty of women to . suet'-, niiale of dealing with th<- Frei*- Father Welsh made the hov’s answer Phone 879$. 1632 LAWRENCE 8T eompclle

HHh| HnM EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. ANGLICANS AND THE BIBLE. POLixENESS OUGHT TO | BEGIN AT HOME. Report of Eighth Annual Meeting Just In recent time.s the controversial tone i; Items of Catholic Interest Issued—A Comprehensive Volume. has not often been heard at Church Con­ One effect of the familiarity arising i gress meetings. It Las been recognized from constant companionship is to lose | Brief Extracts of Wide-World Happenings A splendid array of interesting matter that it is, for the most part, useless, sight of the very rudimentary principle T h e S e cre t is found within the ]>ages of the annual and that it. docs harm by accentuating that politeness, like charity, ought to Fair faces, like Howers, the The Catholic Indians of Canada num­ and quite able and willing if need there Veport of the Catholic Educational asso* divisions. But Canon Jh*eching, in his begin at home, writes Father Hull, S. J.. world. — Nothing so well insures a clean, ber about 40,820. were to take up arms again for the ciation, just issued by the Secretary Gen­ paper at Stoke, on “Englisli Versions of in the Bombay E.\amincr. There is of­ spotless complexion as pure Pope. eral, Rev. Francis W. Howard. The re­ the Bible,” assumed something /of the ten a painful contrast between the wny j blood; nothing can impart The Prince of Wales recently present­ port contains tlie proceedings and ad- attitude of a disputant. He admitted in which people conduct themselves to- I such a blush rose-bloom as a ed the Bishop of Menevia, Dr. ilostyn, Po}>e Pius has ap|>oiiited the Most Rev. dressca of the eight annual meeting, held that freedom of private interpretation ward society'aequaintances, visitors, etc., 1 brisk circulation; nothing wiilt his portrait, to the dismay of some Denis Schuler, O. E. M., formerly Gen­ in Chicugo last summer, and makes a lea«ia to religious dilTerences, To the and the way they treat one another in 1 can make the eyes so bright, Anglicans. eral of the , Archbishop of volume of some 600 pages. English Bible, meaning the Protestant the privacy of the family circle. In the ! the hair so glossy, the steps Nuziaroz, and made the Very Rev. Pacifi- All the papers in the volume have spe­ Bible, he said was due the fact tliat the former case all the niceties of attention ; so elastic, as a nervous svstem The Advent aennyjis in the New York cus Monza, a Venetian, General of the cial interest and imjiort for the depart­ Catholic Church of England was in ruins. and politeness are ohserveii. There is a , that fails in none of its intricate cathedral will be preached by the Very order. He also appointed, motu proprio, ments and work for wliich they were j»re- I But the deeper study of the same Bible, ; manifest desire- to please and to show j and important functions Rev. Dr. Shanahan of the Catholic uni­ a new procurator in the jierson of the pared, but some are of more general in­ I he beliered, would lead to the repair of ‘ oneself plcase

  • e hchl in Vienna. t<. m<»imn‘hi«t land ownern nr other ' tKierou* ta-k of IcKiking after it- publi- - a- almo-i to preclude the jK)--ibiIity fesekm of the gn-pel is not a self-de- • Colorado Laundry Auatria, from the 12th to the 15tli of P*»rt*igu«-^- nwiiliiig abroad for politiral J cation. t>f failure. nial?” The evil that he portrays is the September. r«*a»onK rmn*t n-turn to the country ' N'mi to In- nam«-d in the law.' CATHOLICISM IN JAPAN. of Catholic life in our great citi« - today To Ik* a “Catholic” is sometime* found In the Weiitminuter C'athe«lral tin or their projxTty will In- forfeited to the ' witlmut <-oming to the i-omluaion that an acceptable recommendation for posi­ '■Red Ma*»” of olden (atladie daya waa -tate. The t^ th o liiin .lapaii are mostly <]e- tJic »oeia] is getting the better of us in tion* of trust: to l>e a Christian is the eelehrat4>«| at the reci-nt op<>ning of the ‘-••endant* of Christian- who. pcrseruit-d r-verv in-tance. \Vr need strong men pro|)cr attitude of the man who appears law eourtR. The I>indon lawyer*, judge* In New ^'..rk it i- 'jdanin-d to build a aud prie^tles*. hande^l down the faith and well-{>ni*ed. normal wonu-n, who l>efore the eyes of the worhi. IVORY HAND LAUNDRY and lioliritor'* atleinlrd it. The ” Reil (Vnlral * ittladir high fM'b'Nil. to Ik- the . unbroken for two hundred y«-ar-. Their seek neither notoriety nor gain. We can G-t u- not deceive ourselve*. If all Finest French Hand Work in the city Ma.'*” the ma*- of the Holv t*h'‘*t. n*iHt* of 16.*) acheudn and • coitnlrynien the memory of the nm-t he- and Catholic faith can w«-ll fashion them. for fashion, as well might we expect Main 1 6 8 4 1657 BROADWAY Ancdhrr German ' holar who devoted ntudentN. The location i« mkler ' roir of their ancestor*, and. should the But they, on their p-iri. must do their happiness everlasting a* the hindu priest . 'himaelf for year* to the rnthuMaitic ron*ideration, anti it i* aaid that it will queatioD of adopting a form of ClirU- work. Sueeesa is tb« guerdon of laltor. with his limb* properly folded “ waits to i •taidy of Gaelic diet! recently. Thl* w» t«e well downtown. It will root not lf-s< , tianity again ari«e. they are most likelr and the Catholic lefder m««t seek his Ixrcomo a god.” liudwig Chriatopher Stern, keeper of than $600,000. to select that which alon*- i* iinchange- leadership by the iis<-ip}tne of toil. THE W. H. STEWART AGENCY CO. tnanuaeripta in the Royal library. Ber ' able and logical. a«le<]nate to their men- .A i(. Galhoiii' MK-irly ha* l*een The goMen jubilee of Archbishop Ire- lin. He wa* a noted Egyptologist l*efore • tal and moral ne<-il*. .''inl identical with GENERAL INSURANCE I Iniineheti in kli-Miuri. It i- railed the A FUTILE DEVICE. lanml«er 21. 1911. ! Iai«| down their live*. When some fifty 'a n d Reform atory Im»til*ition*i.” The piif- The latest - .ii»-n»e adt»pt‘*d by the ______728 Gas & Electric Building______: year* ap> .i Kr«-mh pric-t disco\cn-.l the .An item *tating tluL then- i* a parish |>o-e of the organization i* to e*tabli*h Kreneh g»»v«-rniiu-ni i«*r tin-d«H-Iiri»tianir* I Ja(»anese 1 hristlan-. they askeil him: WM. E. RUSSELL, in .St. Paul made up almost entirely of aiir) maintain a fund to Ik- u*N-t| for the mg of the t*>iintr\ i« to give m-w nan:'--* JAMES A. FLEMING, Mil if he olH‘>t-il the greati-r father In Dealer ta eonvert* ha* gt»ne the round- of lb* -pin tu nl and temp/*ra| w vlfore o f the to the oM -ire«‘t-. -ays .Aan-rica. The ;IUHne; i2) if he r»-vcicnc. il the N'irgin <>ithoIie preii* for many nmnth*. The Cathn!:. inniat-- of -uch in-titutioii* in obj.-«-L the anti ^ -aal- Imve is to t Coke, Wood - Mother of Chri-t. and (-31 if he nl-o wa- Real Estate, Loans, and Insurance C'athtibc Bulletin of that ' ‘i ' that that<-. fa,, in this way i:otn the minds of the ICOAL & Charcoal there i* not a single word of truth in , a \irgin. Tho-e who ma\ not -land *uch |K-opb- the monior * of the nation's Calh- Office. 1533 Welton St. 1536 Stout Street, Room 222 :* t«-*( can tic\cr Chti-tianire Japan; the the Ntatemcni. The eru-a.l»- in l.inierick against the "iir pa-t. Insti ‘.ii of saints’ names, for PboBea Main 586 and 587. PHONE 3131. DENVER, C0L6. .picture of St. 1 raiicis Xa%icr. publicly Tarda, 4th and X»arlmer Sta. circulation of unde-irable publication* i* example. |)«triot- will now read at str»*et exhibited by the Japaric-a* g»»yernment. Afb*r (hirtv \eurn of a*-Mluou- and kept up with iinoltated vigor. So unnni • oriiers those ,»f \oUaire. Renan. I)i«le- point* out the cns-il and character of FRANK D, McCAULLEY, THOMAS A. RYAN, uninterrupleil w«>rk. the tomb of Popt- - nioii* and i-i.iiiii-ia-tic arc the (latholie* rot. and other liglit- of fiXN*doni. But the the apc.«Uc- wilt* abuic ry to bt* blotted out . E. F. HUTTON & CO. flock in ptoua pilgrimage in great num- by any such peti\ mean* as these. “ Her ■ ARCHITECT j the *ale of which ha* IxK-n "toppetl. ha* 835 COSOVA.DO BZiDO. bera from all parU of the world, ha* ' written to a bk-al new -p«per agent. *a\ • THE CHURCH'S LAWS. pa-i. ut lea-t. »- -«-eure.” Even .since Phon* ICalB 8875. Denwr. Colorado. BROKERS received it* artistic rompfeliqn with the < ing. “I do not *re how I can do an} the “great awakening’* of *80 Revolu­ 718 Seventeenth Street addition of the la*t moaaic*. I Pill* X lift* i**ue»l iii*truction- for the tionary. Kramv ha- not had a heroine’ The Oldest and Most Reliable Agents for ; i thing unleva you can get a Brotestant. or Hotel Help In the West. MAIN 295. * MpofNly roMipb-tinn of the n«-w code of like Joan o.f Ar< . .< spiritual force like I a .lew w!n> would not Ik* amenable to Male and Female Help Sent Every­ DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST. n ., Kmim-nr. Oinlin.l (-.(hoIU. inflii.n.-,." I law* hy which the Cfttholic Church St. IterBani: a btwgiver like .st, Louis; where When K R. Fare Is Dealers in Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, all Listed and Unlisted Seenritieo. among the firat to nend congralulutory • _____ Advanced. ft I thmugbniit the Wi»rld i* to In- gmmi**ion of cur- rine. Tlie tnie-t .»nd greatest glories of EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 'Associate Members. I f oli-vntM to nirnilfr.Mp in tin- S«rrnl ; „( jnrpption ami iilinol', hav.- l.fn -orkliiK on llii. .mI.« France an* her ;ui i< nt Catholic glori*‘>. DatiTcr. Colo. t'oll'p-- pro,!..'., of tho Catlioli. Cirl.' f*"- «'»■ l‘"*> <''P'’t vnar.. Alt«-ring sign-po-i- will not change that. ' E.«tnbll*hed ISSO, Mrs. J. White. Prop. Srh(KH inovcmoiit. Tin* —*j>orL cover, thr ; Thev haw already oeeupieii Ihrv.* vear** . Main 486. 1586 Ziarimer. The ('ainndiftti gmrrnmenl intrnnumeni. to }>erpotunte the them. but. «iwing to the stinmlu* now- Do You Live in the Highlands ? ~ II I UT pupil* at the- iM'uinning of the year. 03.- If so. let u* d. hvT your goods. Kx- ^ v\m ?vJroV J Reilly. ^ memory of the Young irelntul pf»et and 42."»; numlKT of pupil* at the end of the given by Pius X. it i* exiMv($tl that tbc rress and Transferring Elicited. Also. H-'Fi . J. sell Coal, "hI and F'ecd. ______HARRINGTON BROS •uliftequmt Conftdinn a. D.. .Aecording to most roc«’nt statistic*, ArchlHahop of Dubuque. In., ha* *late**ihle to (ell just when Order Phone Champa 356 3701 Wazee SL 4.000 iTote-^nts. Forty-one .American Il seems that “|H)pi»h” and "Romish” ; the aaerrd emhlem of jiiriatlirtion will and Cannilinn societies have sratteretl were the epitlit-ta (-ummonly appUtsl to ' .reach him fnmi Rome. their missinnarie* throughout China’s the yegr lt*18. Hut about the tinu* of : 1425 provinces, and there an- a great many the marriap* m-gotiation.* .lame* 1 w.h- , LARIMER ('hristmn* will l*o (he »entenary of the Catholic- and l*ro(e-t«nt worker* in Han­ carrying on with Spain, "a mon* wur- ; NO Better BEER Brewed flrat ordination of a priest in Kentucky kow. Shanghai. Pc‘k*n. Tien T*in. Pao- teoua lone <*ame to prevail, and the ns- i Rev. Guy Ignatius Chahrnt, hy Bishop TIn-Fou and Anmy. tial term emploviHi to designate the re- [ s t r e e t Coiorado*M Favorit* B*^r. Flaget. at St. Uose’s convent of the Do­ ligioii of, the Spanish {H-ojile is 'Konmu ; N F F F ’^ Wiener Maerzen minicans, in Washington county. He The new Minister of Justice in Por­ Clatholie.' ” A* the word “ Ibunan” was . I’l L L r o afierwarda became Bi*hop-Coa*ljutor of tugal ha* deerc'ed that object* of histori­ iisetl. in in a »lese the S4’Vt-nteenlh and Kighl»*em-h centu­ South Broadway Grocery and Market Archbishop I'urley, lias lK*en appointed gathen'd into a permanent museum. ries. Blit, i-ownl by the penal laws, tlu-\ JNO. A. OBKRC;. PROP. Pure, Delicious, and Healthful apiritiia] director of tlie New York Cath .Among the gtsvis in the seminary of began to use the name themselves. 264 South Broadway. Just Call South 2159 olie eluh by the Arrlihishop. Msgr. Oporto, which was eonfiscatrtl and rb>se. Sonn* lH'longi*tl to the i-atlnalml and whirh tla-\ dcscnlMHi tnernsrives i Mncr* to n so»lnlity. hut ul) wen- scizcrl. aa Catholic*. The only p**nui.-t.*ihlc style ! OSCAR L. MALO, Socst for Year Town and Your State The Si*tine Madtunm, which derives — ---- was derlareil (<» Ih' "the Roman Catholic j Don’t Be a Knocker! ite name not from the Si*tine chapel in I.*-** than a eentiiry ng«* there were ] Archhi*h«>p and Bishop* in KngUnd." TeL Main 700. 505 I4th St., K. C. Bldg, tlu- Vatican, hut fnm i the Bene. Suffragan Bishop*. New Zealand, which | Father IhurMtou conclude* hi* pajw'r ; All Parts Imd not n single Catholic in IHOO. now j by urging hi* iwtder* to insist iqMMi Ik* i E E P R Q i L K Pilsener Beer of the Mr. 'nmniH* Noonan of London, Ont., counta, one Archbishop, three ’ ing called Catholic-* merely, to pixitest ! a t y in pt-rhiip* the only man In Canada who Bishops, eighty-five parishes and 28ft j uniformly against the u*e the name j Phone Gallup 162 was a niemher of the I’ope’a army. He churchrs and eha|Mds. These figures en- \ Roman Catholics, and to strive hy every i WATER waa rt'cruitetl in Ireland, and went able UH to realize the extruonlinary means in their p*>wer to claim the title | through the campaign under General growth of the eVtboUc ('Imreh under the whieh has Ihvu their rightful heritage I OFFICE i wonKS THE PH. ZANG BREWING CO. lyamorleierc. He i« hale and hearty yet Southern CYt>ts. from the Irnginning. I 6 1 6 DBITVSS OATSOUO KBaiBTKK. THUKSDAY, NOVEMBEK 23, 1911.

    T)!*> black Republic of Liberia needs adjustment of its AUSTRALIA’S DEAD CARDINAL Denver Catholic Register finantes and a now loan. Europe has been i^nanimous in its cf>nsent and desire that the United States sliould take charge CATHOUC EDITORS O f f i c i a l Organ of the Diocese of Denver of the nflair. Tins is a great compliment to our disinterest* (Rev. M. J. O’Reilly, C. M., in Free man’s Journal, Sydney, Australia.) Published Weekly by eilness. Did any Power in Europe, even most unselfishly, pro- Catholics are criticizing the Encyclo­ Nay, nay—it cannot be; he is not dead; BROADWAY—There is nothing par­ ;>ose itself for the office all the others would howl. Tiiey be­ And sword of Jezebel—thee, too, he pedia Brittanica, not because it is not ticularly new or startling in “ The Red The Catholic Publishing Society lieve. after all, in our unselfishness. He whose enkindling breath swept o’er loved, the plain, Catholic, but because it is anti-Catholic. Rose.” It is a potpourri of the usual Nay, loved thy glory bettre than his own. musical comedy features. It tells a Incorporated + + Where lay the mouldering bones of Is­ Thou wilt not let him die; thyself art -—Kentucky Irish American. Father l^nis Schuler, O. F. M., eighteen years ago pastor rael; story of stwlc^ life in Paris, and in­ 1936 CURTIS ST. P. 0. BOX 1577. young, troduces the familiar characters of an of St. Elizabeth’s Church, this city, and recently Master Gen­ And 1q! joint came to joint, and nerve And youth can guage the worth of a Mephooe Main 5413. Denver, Colo. to nerve. The Protestant attitude is that the American millionaire, an English lord, eral of the Friars Minor, has been elevated to the dignity of true man; And sinew came to sinew, and the flesh Men like thy pioneers, who laughed at churches need the people, while the Cath­ a German baron, and an artist’s model. SUBSCRIPTION, 11.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. the Archbishopric. He will not be an active ruler* of a see; he Fast covered all; and from the dcbcrt It is very elaborately staged. The death. olics stand is that the people need the chorus is lively, and works overtime. is an Archbishop in partibus. Ilis designated sec is Nazienzus. dust Whether it came in drout, or flood, or Church.—Catholic Messenger, Davenport. as second'Clasa matter at the post oflice at Denver, Arose a people. fire. The show is too long even for those who The place was made famous in higtory because of the illus­ like that sort of eutcrtaininent. The Colorado. trious St. Gregory; today the ancient town is the degenerate Nay, it cannot bel Giants with hearts of flame and arms of He was our noble chief, dauntless and steel, It is injustice that stands in the way company is a fairly capable one. Miss Turkish village of Nenizi.. Father Schuler is remembered with true; Who stood like Saul above the multi­ of the abolition of war os a principle. Zoo Barnett is a versatile little woman, I 9mr timea the work o f Cathello Journalism la ens ef who is a much better actress than singer. ■0 aeef ul— nav. on# mt tbs moat neoeasary—In the warm kindliness by many priests and people in Denver. How like a-king he bore him! At his tude, Universal peace is possible only when MrM.’' XllL ►f. ■ ■ glance. And scanned the broad horizon that is .She plays her role spiritedly. Mr. universal justice prevails.—Indiana Cath­ Broughton acted well th6*p*rt of a young The Queen’s Daughters, the chief organization of young Flashing to see his people wronged, there theirs, CARD FROM RT. REV. BISHOP MATZ. slunk, Who tower supreme. Such was the Car­ olic. student, Mr. Maurice Darcy and £klwiB Bishop's House, Denver, Colo. Catholic ladies in Denver, will give its amnia] dance in the As from Tthuriel’s spear, the brood of dinal. Bums, and Joseph W. Standi^h, were seen to good advantage in eftaracter W« are rejoiced to hear that The Catholic Publishing So* cause of charity on December 1. Preceding the dance Father night The groat north cliff, on Manly’s shore The newspaper which tries to please has assumed control of The Denver Catholic Register. Slianiefaccd away. Straight as a marble that stands. roles, and acceptable work was done by Malone will lecture for the benefit of their charitable cause every numskull who writes to give it Miss Depp, Mr. Lacchy, Mr. Beery and K^rwing the members of the Association to be Catholic gen* in the same building-^tlie Woman's Club—on Cutbolic Woman­ shaft One foot upon the land and one on sea, Haanen In whom we have large confidence, we recommend to Ho stood, strong as a brazen warden Lifting a front serene o’er wave and advice is only fit for cireulption in the Mr. Nunn. Next w’cek, Robert Hilliard hood. The members of the society are our finest Cb,tlioIic tower, storm, idiot asylums.—Register-Extension, To­ in “A Fool There Was.” wmx priests and people The Register, and believe it will merit OUPHEUM THEATER—The laughing ibair aaeistance both as a voice for truth and a corrector of young Indies and matrons. Their appeal to the public is for E’en as Achilles when, with Vulcan And mocking the south-easter, as be ronto. shield. springs hit of this week’s bill it “ Fresh From the poor families of our city. They have done well; they are College,” which introduces James P. Con- 4- N. C. MATZ, doing well; tliey deserve the sympathy and co-operation of ITe challenged Hector, ’mid the Trojan In headling sharge upon his ringing Bishop of Denver. host, shield. The Outlook advertises one of its con­ Ion. an extremely funny comedian and all good people. During the winter hionths the society, for He was our shield. Against him, as of Such was the Cardinal; his enemies tributors as a “liberal Catholic,” by clever pianist; Eddie Carr, a smart-look­ JOSEPH NEWMAN...... Managing Editor the sake of its own members, will promote a i^umber of free old loiy 8i>cnt in yeasty foam about his which is meant, no doubt, a Catholic ing young chap with a good voice, and -Against the Royal Achab. every slmft f<*ct. Miss IJlIisn, who is a graceful, agile lectures, which will be ven by eminent Colorado educators long since deprived of his backbone.— dancer. The three furnish a delightful in St. Jfary’s Academy. The Register will announce the lec­ Twanged from the Syrian bows, and : Australia! he was worthv to be thine; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911. every man Tliou wilt not let him die! Boston Pilot. Ifi minutes of dancing, singing and fun­ ture sufficiently timely for the benefit of its readers. Mean­ Knew ho was safe, as long ns that making. The entire program this week is given by the younger elemenL There while. we ask why are not all our'^finc-nianncred young ladies right hand Whenever a Catholic begins to ask TTpheld Its shining buckler. Tchabod! L’Envoi. wasn’t an old-tnncr on the bill. Four of Denver—at least a full thousand of them—able to boast “ What has the CTiurch ever done for of Denver’s own young ladies—Alice that they are Queen’s Daughters? The only condition to The glory is departed! Tchabod! Gotl rest thy soul. Who chose thoe as Tils priest, me!” it is safe to assume that he never Chase, Gertrude KettlngiT, Feme White- membership consists in the fact v>f sweet and clean Catholic Tie is not dead—death was not made for And set thee ruler over all His people j lias done anything for the Church.—The man Smith and Maybelle Nelson, who compose the Whiteman Ladies’ Quar­ w'omanhood—not riches, nor position—only this; I try to him; His wilt is l>est. Tidings, Los Angeles. live my Catholic ideals. A thousand spires have sworn with arm For thee the tumult of {he earth, has 1 tette—made their vaudeville debut, and uplift; ceased, j were signally auccetsfiil. They were Wo are his sons; while we hat'c might to Under the shadow of St. Mary’s What a blessing it would be if our smartly and tasetfully dressed in be­ DICKENS AND THACKERAY. stand, steeple is peace and rest. j churches could be maintained without coming black satin gowns, with hats to mutch, and presenteil a very pretty pic­ The son of Dickens will visit Denver soon to tell us wliat And raise a thousand voices to the sky, money! Yet the man who gets his re­ be remembers of his famous father. The centennary of Thack­ ^^'e'll trumpet forth his fame to all the Without, the busy city’s careless hum, ; ture. Their five sele<-tions were of a earth. ligion for nothing and at his neighbors’ high-class order, and yet were popular eray is upon us. If, by lecture and newspaper and magazine Fast by thy grand Cathedral's open j Till every breeze is freighted with his , door shall ever sweep; expense is not always the highest type • with the audience. Helen Grantley and our young people can be made aware that there were and are glory. Within, all voices of th^ earth are dumb, of Christian.—Transcript, Hartford. -Company's one-art play had little to commend it aside from its picturesque OFFICIAL. a Dickens and a Thackeray; if they can be introtlucod to the He shall not die—nor ever yet has di«l And only echoes from the Eternal A valiant chieftain of the land ho loved. Shore sound o'er thy sleep. , I setting—the Interior of a cottage in the To the Reverend Clergy of the Diocese of Denver; marvelous kingdoms w’hich they built, it will inure to the Two Niagara Fall* Protestant clergy-! Alps. The company is superior to the spiritual benefit of Denver and Colorado, The sorrow-laden, faithful Irish land. The Irremovable Rectorship of the Annunciation Church, O motherland of heroes! in thv fane. Man’s art is beggared on a monument men resigned their eftargea last Sunday j play. The Six American I>ancers are re- Leadville, has become vacant by the resignation of the Rev­ It often happens, to our jealousy and grief, that a High j Where burns the ncver-quenched altar- To wr»*ckers of the nations, or of as n result of an investigation of the *"‘1 gvnleel in their mlonial cos- erend J. J. Gibbons. school pupil will come in and ask for a loan of a “ Pickwick’’ fire tlironcB— practie, of dividing marriage fees with ! or a “ Pendennis,” a “ Little Dorrit” or “The Newcomes.” Before the shrine of honor—even there Such art is s'ain; ' , ^ I »ng >8 not extraordinary, but is none A Concursus is hereby called to fill said vacancy in accord­ Receive him as hIgh-prIest within tne hackmen. That was too unduly com- | the less pleasb g. Dave Ferguson, as an And we gave them gladly the keys to our wonder-world of Tlie voice of glory here is eloquent. ance with the prescriptions of Concil. Plcn. Balt. Ill, Cap. IV, veil, The noblest hatchment over mortal’s morclftlizing a spiritual profession.— | inebriated eluli man. told a number of N. 40 et seq. long ago; jealously, lest they will not know' and delight and The glories of thy dead to consecrate; bones Providence Viidtor. ' jokes at the ex|>ense of married life, _____ ' but secured the best applause for bis Letters of application for admission to the Concursus revel in that glorious world that was ours; gri vously for our­ Their faith, that ever saw’ the Invis­ Is this, thv fane. selves and days that are no more. ible; « « .VV.V . 'burlesque recitation of “The (Tuirge of should be in the liands of tlic undersigned not later than Their hope, that sprang immortal from More tlmei .10,000 rouverts are received th^ U^ht Brigade,” as given by an ef- When we see the infinitely stupid stuff whith c ur boys and Nor yet the noblest; there is something December 1, 1911. the dust, still into the (Nitholie Churrh in the United ^ ferninate young man. Cummings and The date of Concursus will be announced later. girls, and men and women, are reading, for recreation, we wifi- Their love of Truth, stronger than Death Siiblimer—that which money cannot States every year. These m» n and wo- i Gladyings do an ordinary song and dance or Hell. mnn . I act rleverlv. but rather noisllv. The bill By order of the Right Reverend Bishop. come everything which helps them to finer thoughts. That buy. men are uHuallv persons of education.. , , • ... .. « • *» » n « Dickens and Thackeray can still fill empty hours and bring to .\rthnr* shall come again; the night is Nor art design; . * / , .... concludes with the Seven nelforda. all of RICHARD BRADY. past; The stronc. deep love that can a people They exert a great influence f ^ the true j ^hom are agile and graceful athletes. A Loretto, Colorado, November 0, 1011. minds and hearts tender dreams and high emotions, is- all our Prophets and kings have longed and thrill. religion among their acquaintances.— j rml-haired youth waa a special favorite. belief. And W’e shall be delighteil to touch hands with our toiled to see Tenderest memories that cannot die— Catholic Columbian. Columbus. i The eldest of the seven insists on Ulk- •i- + own youth when Alfred Tennyson Dickens comes to Denver; The things wc see, hut never lived to And such are thine. ^ ing occasionally to the audience. lie i* when Thackeray the Great celebrates his centennial.. see them; , ...... ' evidently breaking in a monologue, but He st\nk on Phasga. hut his dying eyes fjod give thee rest, who never restedst K>ory nmn .lioul.l n politicinn do It in »> .thlclU- «rt. CHARLES B. KOUNTZE. 4* 4 Were kindled by the radiance of tne here. and every man* owes a portion of bit _ .. • That honor, honesty, and great wealth can be asso- OUR NEW CARDINALS. dawn. Whom ihe last bugle call foui»d at thy ] time, energy and talents to the sendee At we go to prhmild get into the politleal game. The Queen of Apples Is gone, but tbs fact, that the days of bigotry are over in the United States. He shall l»e. there to witness thy reward. On any field. Uni«in and Time*. Buffalo. King of Apiiel's .lake -is still with uo. of his example in his home and city, will not soon be Tie loved thee in thy wark and evil days. Only one paper, and that an organ of the Socialists, voiced a forgotten. We also will pray for this upright man. He hoped in thee, wln-n hoping seemed Here in Co4l'-i house wc leave only thy j discordant; note. And this fact, too, is welcome. They know forlorn; ; A serular -!f> d journal prints “A Aeronling to statistics. Denver leads where wc stand, as fully as we know their place. The Social­ lie smote thy bn«e trnducers every­ Thy spirit, which has conquered space Schiml Girl's Creed.' tlie girl In quei- the world in the consumption of water— 4- 4- ist newspaper we alludq to is the Daily People of New' York. where ; anc bitter, and only succeeded in Is with us still; niiml»er of thing* that are all very well a "tlry” town either. Theoilorc Redivivus! Txuig Hvo Theoilore! south, .Vnd n*v with laden steps we eonie away. being fatuously and transparently lying, is the following: in their way. But ite miss the first and 4" 4* •\nd flew it from the limits of the world. Turt*a theatrical advertisements free “The American Suffragette,” , which we have today received, land, elirnh lieve ill God.” SaensJ Heart Revii-w, rluirge. It’s fine for Peter, but how whom—Archbishops W. H. O’Connell of Boston and John M. Hie endless hill. and beg to assure him tliat wc will lose no time in reading it. Tl;ee. too, he lovcil. who didst in love I ------alx>Mt IHiuI--the other theater managers Farley of New York—although American citizens, have taken, receive or are about to take, the oath to protect the temi>oral power His cliildren as they fled before the '.Vrtliur is meant (hr hero of (he Celtic Pome sliamefiilly reproachful things pay the regular rate-t? Peter McCoiirt. says the Times, will not pay for his theater of the Pope ‘ufwiiie ad effiisionem sanguinis’ (to the shedding wrath IcfTond. : ar.. uritteii into the laws of thi» coun ; • advertising. Docs anyone pay for anytliing he can have for of hlood); of course, against all other temporal powers, the I try. we admit. But all of them com- L. II. GuMman of the Golden Eagle nothing? Peter knows, however, that somebody pays the L'nitod States included. And this Cardinal Gibbons considers [ DUBUQUE DIOCESE IS DULY INCOR- will take ininudiute sti ps to bring a K)« ^ l•!r^ums(anre to the —aj : ‘T «lon't care aho starts the Times. ‘a great honor to this country’.” And yet some Socialists, or i PORATED. this organization, and to ®*’'*^*’ brazen hypoerisv of the Italian pn»fe«- storei. if I ran buy tlie iHinknipt etorka.” 4 - 4 - would-be Socialii»ts persist in saying tliat the brotherhood is ; for register the names of all whom you • slot! which guarantees ’ civil imlependenr. it is - 'd that .Mr. Gitldman's favorite Senator Qwen of Oklahoma hag it all figured out that, not nnti-CuthoIic. Only this week we met an Omadhaun In ri'-iponse to the recent order from have galliered in. This latter condition ; to tlie Supreme Pontiff.

    vitatioD i£ extended to th<>«e very bash- | ienii <»nler, is so seriously il] tlmt he has > COLLEGE OF THE SACRED HEART. MAKE BAKING A DELIGHT! T A #kTT1^TV ▼ W a a It’ o IT t i ^ gentlemen to he present at the re- ' been oblige' “ "‘1 <-"™pri»ed the 1836 Logan Avenue. tion rtf i infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , pleased to learn news of her old asso- hoartl of examiners, and Ihev expressed Rev. H. L. Mc.Menamin, rector. Sun­ • * A. , I• Charlesmio tIa* Peterson AV-ann wasaa l.Ar\f«9Aabaptized mEliza- iva. I elates.aSaA..* 2Iiss 'Nixon, V '- ..a m cousin.. of Mr. themselves___ i as very well«• pleased . « with Ihanksgiving eve, Novenif>er 29, St. i v x, tt i au • _a o ! day masses at 6. 7, 8, 9, 9:45, 10:30 and rAlizabeths.... , commandory, ® Knights of , beth^ Helen by Father ODwyer •last Bun- -i Carlin’s, came from Boston with Mrs. ^ the brilliant exposition of philosophy ' High Patent 11:30 a. m. FaVening services at 7:30. Carlin, and is now their guest. i presented by the young men. By the Weekday masses at 0:30, 7:30 and 8:15. Jiilin,- , ’ will Vgive anoUier of their delight- ‘, nud Wjllinm O Hearn are the Holy Hour every i raday beginning at ful (Uitcrtaimnents. The JefTersou Dra- it i r i • i v • i i ■ presence of Rev, Father Jlarra, provincial ' 7:30 p. m. nmt.crtub, , w,)l . . presont tt .bran,l m-w pUy, ,; happy parents of a bouncing baby girl. ;I SACRED HEART CHURCH. ■ of the order, the graduates considered ^ [HUNGARIAN MILLING & ELEVATOR Z t 2760 Larimer St. themselves singularly favored, and felt . Rev. E, LaFcvre, pastor of Walson- ■TI.0 Man From the East.’ Tim Knightcelebrated the Oand 7:30 i Rev. Edwardr Barry, 6. J., pastor; ’ little pride in the fact that the dis- proimae Ihe.r many fnenda a jolly goo.1 Revs, Alovsius Brucker, S, Jv. Anthony .. • v J • a . a. a- burg, was a visitor at the rectory this time. ■■ ; rininner, S. J.: Anthony Schuler. S. j ' commented moat fay- Cathedral Parish week. aKsistents. Sunday masses at 6. 7, 9 and : success which has - Father McMenamin will celebrate a ST. LEO’S. high mass, 10:30 a. m. At lAoyola chapel, marked their efforts up to the present. Psrcell-McBreen Wedding. I high mass of requiem on next Friday Tenth and Colfax. 2550 Ogden St., masaea at 7:3n and 0:30 At the eoneluaion of the examination Miss Mary McBreen of 134G Mariposa Rev, \Vm. O’Ryan, pastor. a. m. Benediction, etc., at lioth churches f ai •»» _ • v _a. morning for the deceased members of and Mr. Joseph Parcell of I>ogantown masses at 6, 7. 9 and 10:30 a, m. Week- on Sundays and Fridays at 7:30 p. m. ^«*'*^*' a short address, con- the L. C. B. A., and on next Saturday were united in marriaee at 9 o'clock " “ ’■'’oek. Firat Fridays. Weekday masses at 8. 7 and 8 a. m„ and Rratnlaled the class of 1912 upon the for the repose of the soul of Charles W il­ i masses at _0:JO Hour at Loyola Chapel at 7:15 a. m, | high standard of efficiency that they THE STORE OF QUALITY 4 ■ ■ kins. masa on Wednesday, Xoy. 15. Miss Me ; Kx|iositinn of the Illcwd .Sacrament. Breen Is a very popular young lady of every Friday at 7:30 p. m. ] have attained, and said that from stu- MAIN 2636, 2637 On Sunday Father Mannix baptized Xext .‘iunday is communion day for dents he had neyer before heard such a Anthony, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. pnrish, but owing to the faH Hattie Richard and Palmer Va- I nieii’« sodality and aim for the Boy’s capable defense of criteriolog^^ Rev. ' that the groom was recently instructed " “ ttic. Kirhard and I aimer Va | 1 orofessor of t h ^ d n a t We are now feeding grain to our Thanksgiving Joseph Picone. and baptized by Father Pius of St. Eliza- ‘I***’ Himmson wi re v» at the • ^ tathcr Feters, professor of the gmduat- Turkeys, having selected them a week ago. We sure Oaptain ball has become the popular beth-s the ceremony ua. performed a t , home of Mrs. .1. Buros, «r2 c„r)is street, ’ " 7^ „„ ^ "■ » hiphly gratified at the got the cream of the Colorado Turkeys this year, and wport among the girls of the school. Au f ■ t t ' tliirini' the wwk ' monthl\ meeting, on Sunday, showing made bv hi« protege*. As a re- till, church by the groom's instructor. Jur ng , ' X"y. 19, of the Geutlemen's sodality ,ult „ f their fiithfiil endeayor, the and will sell them a few cents under the regular Several teams have been organized and Mr Parcell is a bdegranh onerator for •*- Hncn. who w.-is bumd from, „ , ■,• * »•>» tt iniimui endeavors the .»r. luriiii IS a uui,rugii operuivr lor t i . c- a i i ai. Father Brucker. director, and Mr. M. H, seniors were erranted a hnlMnv- Mondnv daily practicing under the auper^daion of the Denver A Rio Grande at Taoemniown .thi-* ehiirth last Saturday, was a brother- ^ , , . . , , . seniors were groniea a noiiday Alomta>. market price. Be sure to get our prices before ouy- a competent coach. One of the best ce­ I • V- - in law of Mrs' Thomas Moore a recent ' ^t«-C«rthy. prefect, unanimiMisly voted to The scientists and juniors enjoved it but and IS very popular1 among h.s assoc.- mlnw of M «. Thoma. .Mt^re. a re«nt ^ of sympathv ing elsewhere, or you will sure miss it. ment eourts in the city has l>een built ates TheI no brideuruic was dres<-edares.ea in a iraveitravel- member of the parish, now living at 10th of - the city. J^everalc. t other xu a topics • rfrom oi Bjmpatny. j^yola Debating Society. Fancy Imported Figs, per lb, 15, 20 25c during the week on the playgrounds op­ ing suit of pearl gray, with hat to Emerson, Fancy Imported Grapes, per lb...... 25c posite the school. the question box were interestingly Xhe discussion engaged in on Nov. 17 match, and was attended by her siiiter, ' Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per qt.. .15c Turkeys, Docks Mrs. l&rgaret Fulham is slowly con­ trenf**'! by the reverend director, and en- proved to be one of the most interesting Fancy Nut Meats, per lb...... 60, 70, 80c Alice, who was dressed in blue silk. The ANNUNCIATION. valescing from a serious illaess. joyed by all present. jm,j instinctive held under the auspices Fancy New Mixed Nuts, per lb...... 20c B r o i l e r s bridegroom was attended by a brother «...36th and Humboldt. « Fancy Ripe Red Tomatoes, per lb ... .10c Father Mannix has received many re­ On the 21st. feast of the Preuentation „f tj,p .oeiety ao far thi= year. It yra.. e fii 1 •#» vf »r \r II At* R*- R^'*- Msgr, Robinson, pastor. Sun Fancy Hot House Head and Leaf Let­ Roasting Hens quests for a repetition of the Toast­ or t e inde, .ir. lom . ici reen. Alter niasses at 5:39. 7:30. 9 and 10:30 of the Bles«ed Virgin, Father Brunner carried on bv member* of the iunior the ceremony at the church a wedding m. Eyening aeryire, at 7:30. tuce ...... 5c master, so Bucoessfally staged last week Week- j closed a very successful triduum to the class, and the debater^ chosen displayed Roasting Pigs breakfast was served at the bride’s home day masses at U and 8 a. m. Fauev Pascall C^lerv, per bunch...... at the Woman’s club building. It is I sisters of the Goo«l Shepherd, who on great preparation ami wonderful insight to fhe immediate relatives of the bride. - - ...... ! ...... 15, 25, 35, 50c quite probable that the members of the that day solemnly renewM (heir re- into the question of the day. which read: After a short honeymoon trip the young Ne.\t Suinliiy will l*e the luoiithly Junior IToly Name society will, in the ' ligioiis profession of vows. We bought 100 boxes prize apples from the Apple couple will be at home to their friends t-oiiinninion .Sundav for the children’s ‘■Resolved. That labor unions are bene- ’ I ■ A few davs ago the SirredSacred Heart fj^ai to the laboring classes.” The ar- Show, and they are sure beauties. Come ank see our near future, reproduce the charming lit­ at 1340 Mariposa. tle copiedy. 'rhe ladif B of tin- I. (' B K branch **•'' lionor and pleasure to re- gumentation of all of the speakers w-as display. We are selling them from $1.50 per box up to $3. Miss Maria Inguomen and John H. :l2ll, gave a very -u<. . -fill .ard party "f "!>«-’» ' f'“ 't>olie Bchool foreihle and apirifed. and although the ST. JOSEPH'S. Daugherty, recent converts, were bap­ Strawberry Short Cake for Thanksgiving Dinner Galapago and W. Sixth Aves. .Monday evtniiig. Prire. aire won by “ f Balmer Penman-.hip Pointer., negative side wa« awarde.I the decision. tized on Sunday by F'ather Mannix. Very Rev. Joseph A. Firle. C. SS. R.. Mr». Joliii Kirt.y, Mr-. E. i -i.nen, Miaa P">'iishe. the Hat of the 52 dio. of the positive de- We have ’em, 25c per box Another of the delightful parish so­ nsKtor. Sunday masses at 0. 7:30, 9 and -Marv >oian, .Mr. Koran and .Mr J. Wil- , -o-rve great praise. M e re . P. Cook and cials Is «eheduled for the evening of 10:30 a. m. Evening acrvices, 7:30 ■ tnbiite.1 among the Oathol.r grammar Murphy on the negntivc oppoaed « / Thanksgiving day, Tluir-wlar. Nov. 30th. o’clock. Weekday masse* at 0. 6:30 and Tl... Miswa Kreiner .■i„. Ttaii,..l their -T’'"" '- ‘ >>f"“ el>out. the I'niled State, by y[e-.r., D. Conway and T. ifahoney. -Fhe J. E. REAGEN, 4 0 4 -4 0 6 E. 20th Ave. H a. m. the A. N. Palmer Co., one of which wa« Rehuttal and the op^n di*eu«sion brought MiUL ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. It will be held at El Jebel Temple, and J'ivc Himdrei! club on Tliur*.eyd*-n aeti**! a>- liriile^-maid. and Mr. liMiii^ -‘Iri-et will >el<-brat< th*-ir golden Kvening aerviees at 7:30. Weekday* Huch 3fcKoe was the groom’s attendant, ilding annivcr.sary on th<- 2Stb of the r>crKvl« of hard foothnll. Coach Scheid Phone York 19 0 and 19 1 ST. LOUIS PARISH (Englewood). masses at 0. 7 and 8 a. m. Friday even iiiimth. 'riioy are one of the must high­ 1-a* no regrets, however, considering the Specials this week on Water Bottles. Inga. Stations of the Cross and Benedic­ ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. ly rcsjM-x-icd * ;;;}-;. - in pjrtsh. and fact that his pien were outweighed tion at 7 :45. 1 Services at Bivens-’ Halt. 2906 S Brnad- South Sherman, near Alameda. their many friends extend hearty ron- heavily. However, that the Boulder lads Color Rev. .1. ,T. I>onneIIy. |*a-tor. Sunday wav. Rev. I»uis Ilagu*. pastor. Low ». a ..v <-< tt • < i Next BuDtIay the meml»er* of the gratulationN. m A , yyyry .Sunday at 9 a. m.. follow,J ’y-ro nn«W. to rro.. thn Collnpan.' po.1 W . C. Ryan & Co. Experts ma«>«*s at 7:3r*. St.'Mi, 9:30 arul 10:30 a. line i« all the evidence needed of the ‘ Third Ojder of St. Kranci-- will : - ive •V daughter wa*- b .r;. t<* M.-. -r>d Mrg I by Sunday sebooL m. Vespers and Benedirtion. 7;30 p. m. ^trensrth of our defen-so. A* was ex- Artistic Wall Paper Decorations and Painting Holy C<>mmunion at the 8 o’clo«.k roa^- Weekday ma* at 0 ii’clr--’-v in Sisters’ Iliarv on Monday laM. i ^hi. parish »ill here aflvr U- known Oisp«-!. 3HK ‘ - ;tl; Mi«rn. »n. and in the .Mr. Thoma llrnry and d«u-b;,r Oram ' »* I-nu-'’ P*ri»h. St. Ixiuia i> the ,uytnd. fhr piran wn« fhr h.--rdr«t playrd "HARMONY SHOP.” Tbere will be a meeting *iti the after* Phone 8771. 1803 Z»ZVCOZ.V 8TSXST. mx)D at 4 o’clock. Next Monday there rharrh at 7 o’t lf '•k. Ifft till- w.. • f«*r il-H .'-iitiii'-fc \rk jpatron saint of our l»eloTe«l paetor. yet thi* *e**on, and it wa« due solely Bealdence Phone Sonth 3835. OElTTEm. C0X90mAX>0. Mrs. Frank M.N.*:ii. on South •« small as it wa«. One of the largest HAIR DRESSING, MANICURINC ■ung at th« request of the Tliird Order. nelly requ--*- all tl>e rhlldren to g-- i«» FACIAL TREATMENT Drugs aud PrescriptioDS The junior branch of the HiJy Name Mr* frank Midli- •• i- \i- ' ’ friends Broadway. b<’ginning 'd.iy. De- -w>wd* ever witne«ee«l a content on We are experts In hair manufacture-^ ronf*--*ion Saturd:i, aftern«*«'n. a- no in the South. ■ •ceinK-'r ceinK-'r 13. It will eomiiiue for four the College gridiron wa«5 present. 'jfjQ make up your combinK* In any style. Guau:anteed society met last Sunday afternoon and Open evenlnirs by appointment. ihild’*i -“nf« ■ n will b h«-ar«l lu the A pretty Wedding wa* anifyl on There will l>e a short program cheerin" of the Rooters* club was a fea Van Zandt's Cathedral Pharmacy, r|*rted the following offlr-'* f*ir the ■ lening. MISS HALLY, coming year: Jo«. Miller, pr«-^lcnt; MiunlaV murnin*». when Mi-- V*vv Mark- evening, to la* oqimiUuted by the ture. and. accompanied by St. Vincent 431 SAST HTHmiBHTH ATZHUB. Mr. F'raak Hyne* and wife of •.'nimgo Phone CLampa 318. COLFAX AND LOGAN. Leo Winter, vice pre ident: Anibn**-* mg \h line the bride of Mr Brainard ’ talent of Ib-nvcr. to b«* followed by Bot«* hand, they created quite a faror- are visiting Mr. Hyr--- i«n*ll»er. J«-hn •!.. Haq>er | sp<;ial forms of atti.ictioo- of a very able impres«ion. Prior to the big game CATKEDmAXk CVirlin. aecrrtary. t’ndrr the able guid­ of .Hi So. Logan. entertaining nature. the Juniors defeated the ^lanual Train J. E. B A R B £ R, ance and (nmrdianship of F'r. I'acitirus The St. 1 •'»'«‘li.i Mu-i- 'The Altar ^— •* n>* t Thm*da> after­ The young son of Mr. and Mrs. ing high school second team. 11 to 0. 604 E. SEVENTEENT HAVE. the boys, are 4itaking exc; llmt spiritual rital Woilncwlny aficrn. Hair Dressing Shop noon at the home of Mrs. Twigg. 651 CUarle* Coiiine was bipiized by Father The youngsters put up a game and The popular Capitol Hill Store. Dr>- progress. their p4lronr--. Goods and Notions. Gents* and Ladles' Hair Gooda a Specialty. Combine* .•^o, .‘Nherman. llagus la-t Smidiiv. a..d givi- the n^mo 'bowed an aceiimte knox\ ledge of new Furnishings. Household Kecessitie«. made Into any atyle. Sanitary, mesllum- The unveiling of the Esther I. o Mi- A |»arty of friend’s from B *ur- priced and fir*t-clas* work. Miss F’anny M«*!ley. Mrs. Murry and • •f Frexleriek \Villian> football agains: a mu»'li heavier team. Items are cheaper and I can meet dow morial tablet was ao event long t*> l>e I- - d Mr. and Mr-. G. N ■nty Mon- town prices. MRS. C £. McNEIL WISNER, Miss A. Mri '*v of Leadvillr n'-**ntly Seismograph Shows Earth Shock. Hext to Edward*’ Em*r Store. Phone Champa 3948. 338 S Colfax AT*k remembered by all who attend*-d. .\* day evening. ««n the t- .i----!. . Mr «Jen- visitM Ml-. Gurtler and family. HOLY FAMILY (Berkeley). .V di'turl»ance of considerable strength elation and memory lent tb>-r p<-n<-rful ly‘- birthday. Mr«. F'li/ale-th K«-nn«-dy of -31 Sher­ Utica and W. 44th Ave. was reconied on the seismograph in the Eest of Preeh Meats. Fish and Pooltry. force* towards making Ui*...... ^!- rtn Friday evening. !>• r-n. the I Oysters In Season. man entertained at a dinner parly Sun- .. Rev, I.. Fede, S. . pastor. Sunday rheniirnl lal>orafory S.icp'd Ih'.irt col- emn and imprr-.ive. The iimix'ii - auii- lad- of St. X'iiu'eni' .\i«l of I jn g ^ 55 Benediction A. V. CAZENAVE, •l.iy in honor of M: - Uulh Ncightwr* leg.- in North ^>^«n^c^ Saturday morning. Successor to John Mualler. eoce, which filled every n.-ik *nd - -xmer ' thn pari^ll will giie ciirti jxarty a t . after late mass. V»'« :-kday mass at 7 .«nd Mi«>« May Gallagher of Ixmgmont. The seismic waves m.ide their appe.vr- .\iinuuciation hall, 3t»lh an<: Humlxildt. •■Mock. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON of the !»ig ehiirrh. was gripped ami held ' » <»ver» wi-re Uiil for twcBe. At 7 o’clock .mrc at 12^49 without previou' warning spell bound by the masterful, powerful It will l*e for ih- iK-iicIlt St. \'in- 345S and 34«0 HUMBOLDT STREET Mrs. Kennedy anadie«* Aid < tv will conduct and continued until 12:.i9. *rhc main ehrquence of Father Matthew. Father • eiil'ft oiqibanage. I’HONE M.VIN 406 One block south of Annunciation Church. tertained at a :]q>cr at the home of Tlw Mon'. ,.«IaliU t n rr.nginK to « '-■'-I «nd ... ' l.incv at Knights shock la«trd only thr«- mimity. Pius. asHisted by F'ather« Egan and Mrs. M. Cotter. ' Pacifleue, unvetle«l and hlet^ed the me- , givu a grand hall at'Knight,. .,f Colum- I»»- l ri ' '.v w ning. D.- Thy rontrr of di-tnrKin«- s«m<-d to The regular • ird --- ial of the Indies’ 1ms ball on Wsdnr-lay .•, r>y«m-. '• ' ” >■ >*»■ I™ ! ' church, hnvo W n rclatncly . St. Leo*9 Parish Aid society will lie k>-ld at Da Prun* ber 0. Ihc com»iiIt.y of arr»ngrmcnU cnjoyaMe . .. ning is promised Cil.-iilations based upon the somewhat hall. 220 Broadway. Friday afternoon, ire no elTorl, to the at- ‘ *” •'t'nd. small admission lonMfnl data of the rhart plaee the een- MRS. K. CULLEN, PHONE M. 77T» Card Party and Dance Noieintier 24. Thia affair will be the last fair a succeK*. Italf*’- wHl oiil.v will be chiin.'inl. The executive ter of disturbance within a radiu* of GIVEN nv THK HOLV F.\MHaY of the series for the year, aud it is ear­ PARISH OF BERKELEY fnriii-hh the music. mniiitce consiAt* or Mr*. Marshall. 890 to 1.900 mile*. *1110 disturbance is nestly liu|>ed that every laiJy will not ! Mr*. .Mire While. Mr-. Hyde and Mr*. thought by Father A. W. Forktall to be Exclusive Millinery Friday, December 1st only attertd perMinally, hut will endeavor PARTICCLAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDER WORK CHURCH OF THE HOLY GHOST. , Baxter. a part of the same di-turKance that K. OF C. HALL, 1403 GLENARM ; to Ih* the mean*, of bringing aonie on* I960 Curtis St. j causfsl a marked earthquake in Germany Take Lhwrence S t Car to 0>lfax Ave. 1 4 6 2 U P A N S T R E E T T Atlmiaslon. 25 ('cnt«. ! «!*«. 3!r*. N. C. pM-ck. Mrs. Thomas F- Rev. G. J. Burke, pastor. Sunday It is not often that people are so rh*- Fridar. HOW LONG DID IT TAKE your great-gracdfatlH*r to cro>» the plains j Bradley and Mrs. Kitt will act ai' host- at T:I5 an.l 9:3n _V„p..n., 7:30 .y ,, Wfore the railroad days? m. \Vrek«lav ni« . esoe*. other* le*s miserable Just a-4 long, in pmportion. a* the time you can save by phoning us for your drug want-. Wo deliver anything, any time, anywhere. Ma^ will l>e .*aid Friday. th< 24tb, for The Greatest Wonder ST. JOHN’S CHURCH. all the member* of the Holy Gboat, court Paperhanging. O’Donnell A 'Thomrocn, THE JAMES CLARKE Hie Boose Of East Fifth and Josephine Sts. of Otholic Forostor., ’ IBin Trrmont. Phon. Main. 1737.______H. E. HUFFMAN, Rev. C. J. Oarr, pastor. Sunday .4mong those who wrre gucata at the * CHURCH GOODS HOUSE, MODKRN RETAIL DRUGGISTS es, 8 and 10:30 a. ni.; evening service*.. R. LIPAN A WEST COLFAX. PHONES MAIN 1066, 1067 of Animated p.mchi.1 rcidonc l«.t ««-k th. »,*• 7:30; week-day mass at 6 a. m. In- | w. .. .« X- X x> * * .. ■ f>tntc of Jutlu* Meyr. DecesjunHi 1645-47 California St Free Delivery—Any Time, Anywhere. slnictions for the children after the first Rev. rather Sebastian of IxavenworthH The undvralirned. Iiavina b*-en nppolnt- mass on Sunday. „ 1 \f:.^ r'»4 ^ t AilmlnlMirator of thi eatate of Jultu* DENVER, COLO. Picture World Kan., and Mis* Helen Cater of Stiver \j,.yrr. dec«>aaed. in th.- Town of Cen- Plumc Olio *ral *-’lty. In the State uf Colorado, here- BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS. AL STAHL, Mi** France* McCarron of 415 Jo"C- ,, __ , , , by 8tvea notlc*' that he will appear bo- Father Finn’< Ibxtkw for Boy«. 85c d 1.00 ilr*. (t. Heacker, with her son and fore the t'ountv---- - Court .. of the _ City jj. and phine atreet. who wa* opiTate.n>.b> County o f l>enVer. at. the Court llou*e FabioU Cardinal Wi-rman, l\*pular SI Joaenh’a hoM.ital Moiidav i* doing Thursday for Ncbraaka on Mon.lnv. the t6th day of EiUtion- • - ...... JiO The Up-to-Date Meat Man P ^ ^ liefore returning to her hoin«‘ in P 1911. at the hour of Fabtola .liibilae Ivditiiui Illustrut.Ml 1.00 CHOICE LINE OF GROCERIES. nicely. T\_tDakota. a - 4:30 a. m. of naid day. at which time ail Christine FaN't'- Work* ...... Free Deli\*ery to any part of the city. Orders Solicited. Uov. C. J. Carr i9 much gratiru-tl at iinkofa . pt'monn having claims niratnwt aald e*- .Mr. >nj flm. .1, K. Mr.krrr hare left I ;;gtate , are ,|;«j notltled and r«-quested to at- Little Live* of the (Jr«‘at {-«ninis. . I w Phone M ain 6 78 4 Kineaacolor the auce«>«a of the recent luirjuir, held purposi uf having the aanio 10 46 W est Colfax for LouisvilW*. Kv.. where Ihev intend to adjusted. Butler’s Lives . of the S.iint*. . 4 vol-*. -_ at Dm* Wuinan’s club for the henetit of .\ll i>eraon* Indebted to aald estate are rather Ktaii* 1 «h m*. el.ot*. ^1.8o. ♦♦♦ remain al>out a month. Henry Cordes FR ED F. FISHER (he Organ and Improvement fund, and ' rek- in print (Urban-Smith Patents) is »b*vplv gralcful*to sU who hclp*tl to ^r . iriend* oi .Mra, * , *Martin * » at Denver. Colorado,Ct this :5d A \ ' Munch will l»e very sorrv to leant of ‘lay of November. 1911 at lowest price*. Auditorium make it so. N*. C. M.KTX. BIBLES. Pharmacy C atholic G oods Only Existing Stereo­ her serious illneas. 'I'hry hope for her Administrator of tin H>«tate of Julius Opp. S t Elisabeth’s. speedy recovery. Meyer. Deceased. The Holy Bible, Small Edition. Prescriptions a Specialty. Prayer Books, Rosaries, Scapulara, Eta. scopic Life-Motion Pic- j ST. PATRICK’S. Satin Cloth, ml edg»*'*...... $1.20 Cor. 13th & Curtis Sts. Denver, Colo.' Bhone Main 8364. Pecos and West 33d Avenue. French Seal Grain, gold edges...... 2.00 1055 ELEVENTH STREET. turea, in actual colors of ; Rev, D. O'Dwryer, pastor. Sunday ST. DOMINlCa Trench Morocco, gokl title...... 2210 Grove S t and West 25th Aw. Snow Flake Bakery^ -r^ nature. masaet at C. 7:30. 9 and 10:30. Week Best Xome-Mad* Turkey Morocco, solid goM edges, .. 4 . 5 9 day m*** at K a. m. Flr*t Friday*, mass Rev. J. P. Vallcly. O. P.. pastor. Sun­ Tjcvant Morocco, calf lined...... 6.50 JUMBO FLOOR BRUSHES BBEAB, OAJESS AV2> BOZ.Z.8. Made in F>enver of best King George V at 7:30 a. \n. day masses at 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30. CaadlM. Oicars. Ijirge Family Bible-*...... 12.00 **Ru8slan Bristle.” Anything to Meud? \\ I'ckday mn** at 8 o’clock. Coronation Festivities ! H. p e t e r :^ PRAYER BOOKS, Key ffttlnir. aaw filing, aclsaor iiharp- Next Sunday i* communion Sunday 8800 BABZMEX 8TBJBBT. THE J. J. BOHN BRUSH CO. nlng. n.„,. gun,un repairing. , , We aell gas fix* for Iho Young Men’** Oitholie club and Next Smulay will Ih> the regular com- “ Key of Heaven.” a complete Prayer Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushe*. turea. New and aecund-hand blcycl nuinion day for St. Thomas' diildren's Book with epistle* and go*i>cl*: 1388 XATtSB. A. U H R I, the Young Ladies’ Mission Aid society. Turkey Moniceo, binding gilt e*lge».$l.99 BstabUsbed 1894. Fbone Main 1867 979 CX.ATI. TaUphoas Soatb 3873. Friday. Dec. 1, will lie the first Fri­ Sotlality. Denver Persian fV»lf. binding gilt e«lge*...... 1.50 — ■!■■■■ 1 1 1 n ■ 11 1 1 1 1 .... r New Tramway day of the month. The mass on tlie , On Tuestlay. November 28. there will German Calf, binding with Mother }>c given a dance and rani party at the Creamery of Pearl Cm** on inside cm*or. ... 2.00 fimt Friday kwIU be at 7:30 o’clock. ■ Other Ihwver Book* in different bind­ Auditorium The 10:30 choir ha* coramencctl to ; H« hool hall. Grove and West Twenty-fifth FOR SALE D. J. Sullivan, F lo rist "Only the Best of Dairy Product*.” ing* from 59i' up to $10.00. gI W I l B l W F m k k 534 FIFTEENTH ST. practice for CTiristma* under the leader­ avenue. The alTair will l>e under the 534 Matinees 2:30 Evenines 6:30 aiispices of the Holy Name society. A GOLD CHAIN ROSARIES, sixth Av,. Confactlon.ry and I c ; for all oci-a.imi.. Iron. ti« ship of Cliarles A. Nickerson. There U ' 4 1 6 - 1 8 E. 2 0 t h A v e . v:«.a ihoa ! Cream Parlor, opposite County Hospital, cradle to the grave. Artistic funeral de* 1 a want of male voices, and a second in- pleasant time i* prtmii-cd those who vine .lew elcti i\o*a rie* in tne loif t3ood pay Ing s tand. Mu.*t »ell at .-. once,m I _signs i — _ at , lowest price*. i,,. Phone x,,..., 2488 %f_;_.Main. will patronire it. ‘ ing stones: .\me(hy*t. garnet, opal, jet Leaving city. SULLIVAN’S BIRD STORE. • topaz, sapphire. moon*tone and onyx. 830 W. 6TX ATB. Satunlay afternoon, la-.t. Mr*. James High Grade Coal l>riet'* of alHive, $2.00. $2.59. When you arc thinking^ of getting yoof The Jefferson Dramatic Club Keogh entertuineil a numlM'r of women OF ALL KINDS ; $3..v0. SI.OO; in pun> stone. $15.00 friends in honor of Mi«s MtGrmth, a sis- . and $2r*.00. (lieaper line of Rosario* Woolen Underwear washed, call th* ITcHents a Ccstr!y i>r«m... .niitlcd CHAS. A. BOYER Howard’s Drug Store irr »»r Hart, Trhe> *• viaitln* in irom 2.V up to $l.fW. We have nl*^ Cnirifire*. Candlestick* 3212 PECOS ST. 91 l>enver. Goa!, Woe;: and Express Religion* Picture* tramen. Prescription* irom any ta BUSY HAIW LAUNDRY Mr. and Mr*. Have* of Tdoraine, 0.. 2717 LARIMER Minlal* -ilver and gold—*'tc.. 3X7 is. t/XH “ The Man from the East Main 8032. suitable , city can*fully comjKmnded' an» newcomer* to Denver. Mr. Hayes for Cbristn'^- present*. Phone York 2681. under auspices of St. Elizabeth’s Com- 'This i* the place to get your gift* at Phone CUllup 53a mandery No. 247, Knights of St. John, eomos in quest of health. They are CLEANS AND PRESSES lowe*t price*. stopping on West Thirty-thin! avenue. YOUR SUIT .Anv of the al»ove will Ih' scut, pre­ A. SCHOBER, Satunlay tho Dominican* honor the paid. on ret'cipt of money. At St. Elizabeth’s Hall, 11th and Curtis Sts. The Triangle Elgin Creamery feast of the Protectreas of their order. THE TAMES CLARKE CHURCH ThanksglvlBg Eve ., W ednesday, N ov. 2 9 , 8 :15 o’clock St. t?atherine, virgin and martyr. MILK, CREAM. BUHER, EGGS TAILOR, Cleaning & Dyeing Co. THE JAMES CLARKE SCHOOL GOODS 1 511 FOURTEENTH ST. 0«n«ral AdmlMiom 33 Onto. Mr. John Sullivan of Clay street, a 1354 COURT PLACE GOODS HOUSE Phone York 678. Rc«rv«l 8«.U, 35c and 60c. DANCINO AFTKR PKBFORMANCE brother of Sister Roonrita of the Domln- Phone Main 3399. I 1645-47 California St., Denver, Colo. , 530 BAST 17TX ATBVVB. Phone Main 6415. Dtsvtf. DENVER OATHOUO REGISTER. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1911.

    0000000000000000000000000000000006000000000000 o Besiv with the <'U»ise of foreign mission She wanted to make the retreat, and mutter.s until tlioroughly initiated into they an; ohligi**! to follow? Who has eoinpany. ami thi‘ir ediicutioii fur evil is ^ and their cnco\iragenn*nt repeatedly In the meantime, around him the when a'^ktNl wh:it wa.s to hinder lier. she the jKilicy of the Sa<*red C’oll4*gc, lasted as been able to confer upon them right* secureil. If negleetfiil pari'nts do not J. D. O’HAIRE, given to tlie directors of the work has ProU'stjint American foreign missions replied, in tears, “ I have no foml to bring long us six months, but nowadays the that their fellow men have to resyieet? rare to furnish them with a good educa­ Ix'en the secret of the uccC'«b of the So­ have built schools, churches ami u hos­ 8 with me.*’ .‘spiTitnnl exercises arc pven niuiith.s of their eminences are scarcely Who? Sur4*ly no one but He to Whom tion. hoeiety is so con^tituteil that they ciety in their respeetite archdioceses. pital. to hands of thirty people,, which is as closi*tl, only the inve.stiture with the lielongH the worltl am! its inhabitants' will Ik* ulmo)*t ei*rtain tii find a l>ad one Merchant Tailor Out of gratefulness for the interest \Vill we not try to compete in r.eal and many as can lu* accommodated in th© ring of oftice intcr\euing. before Hn*y the great rn*ator. who has brought all for thi*ni‘.elves. (’liildren’s faculties are 1019 14TH ST. sliown them, the niis.>ionarie« the world generosity with our separated brethren? hanilioo building, which has been thrown are o|>cned again. thingH out of nothing, and who rules sharqi «nd vigorouH; they will not re­ over hail with pleas\ire ainl j>ride the up close to the parochial church. The “ The re07, by the Sacred took his breath when the girl could not hat is used by the Poutilf for hutting all the rule of his eomim'lk Take awn^ i*duenHon law' on the statute liooks of rector General of onr Society: congregation. Int(*ntions ns soon as re­ compl.v with these requirements, so lie the eardinuls at the public consistory. faith, and he know-» not where good en*ls this htate, whieli. If enforced, will com- “ I thank yon a cry much for the kind ceived are imniedinti'ly transmittixl to inquired: "Have yon a father?” “Yes.” The one, however, with which they will and evil begins. Tak«* awny faith, ami p(‘l improvi4|<‘iit parents bi send their Jacques Bros. congratulations which yoii send in yoiir |iricsts. eithcT at home or ahroail, accord­ “ Where?” “Awa.v in Iloilo” (that is a he presc'iucd by the Holy Father is a you are powerless to ti'Mi him with j chihlren to scluKil, We hope it will he own name ami that agution of tin* faith, and I shall he not seinl yon money?’’ “ He sends me he Worn, and, after being placed in tlio is neither vici* nor virtue nor hop** nor ever have at heart the continued pros­ An Indian Priest. ten cents every three months.” “ Whom HOTIOB o r DI880Z.UTXOir. ffloDumeDts 4*«iflln of the canliiml at his death, there­ fear. The only motive left to him is his ' Notice is hereby given that The Hext perity of tlie noble work. I send a FaUier Alplionsemuler, an Indian priest do you live with?” “ .My gramlfather.” ' Mualc Company, a Colorado Corporation, after will lie HUM|M>utlcd f4>r all time from own interest or pleasure; there is* no has this day been dlsaolved. according to and Building Works special hlc*ising fur yourself and for all of Villnpnrnni. India, announces to us “ Do«‘s he take care of you?” “No; I the vault4*d (*eiling of his cathedral other right, save that of might. Take I law. Tho buKln«*aa will be carried on. as who aid in the work of the society. the death of his brother, who was or­ take care of him; he is old and sick, • heretofore, by Tiiomaa Hext. under the church. Thus the oflieial red hut of tlie away from men ri'Iiginn. Iielief in the : name ond style of Hext Music Co., which OfTlce and Yard* ••Sin«‘en‘ly yours in Christ, dained a priest last Deoeniher, How sometimes he finds a few cents.’’ “ Where assumes all contracts and collects all lati* C'artiinal MK'lui-key hangs suspend­ ^ triithn of riiristiaiiity, and you take notes am! accounts of said Corporation. • I). KATX:0N10, pnnid lie was of Ins much younger do you get your footl from?” “ I look 20-28 East 7th Ave ed from the i*eiling above the liigh altar I away from morality ami the social ordi*r > Dated this 7th day of Oct., 1911. “Apo.stolie Delepite.*’ hruther. following his footsteps ami for it day hy da.v.” “ How much food Thom as h e x t . in .‘■'t. Patrick’s CuHu'dral, New York, I their >«*ry foundutioii. and the inevitable ! Presldent- Phone South 73. working h.v his siile for the conversion do you hit.T a day?” “Aliout two and a Attest: ANTON J MKRTR8. ami. win*!! the v<-iicrMhle (’ar4iiiml (Bh- tendency is liomid to 1m* Hu* renewal of I Heal» Hocrotary. He that defers his charity until he is of their rare. The hloAV is a most sevt»re half cents’ worth.” “ Have you nothing DENVER. - OOLO. b«ms in yearn to «-oine is gathered t4i his the barbaric state- Uirbarity and an­ dead is, if a, man weighs it rightly, one to him. May the good Master con­ for the morrow?” “Nothing.” VOTZee o r ADJUSnCZITT DAY. father.s his red hat will hang in the -aiiie archy! Estate of Andn>w Handbi-ri;. Deci*asi*d rather liberal of another man'x good sole him in hi.s ilistress. Wo ask the H«)w is it possible for such people to I The umli’rMigiied. having h4*4*n appoint- way from the roof of his catln'dral at The reveri'nd preachi'r. in proose of guard off the pangs of hunger? They . e«] Administrator uf tiie estate o f An- Ihillimure. necessity of n*ltgi»»n for the world to­ ' 4lrew HandbiTff. I>4-c«*ased. late of the his brother's sou!. go to (he fields an0J), I c<»m*t lfous4- In said City and County, on jmn, is well known to the members of Father .Slyvci-ter Iv-*peh»ge, O. F. M., iliseases. In the month of Augxist (this Monday, the IStli 4lay of I>4s?«*mlK*r. A. Cor. 38th Ava. A Franklin Ct. 4-piseopui re-.idt*m*e^ in lioston and New eniphasiring ihe norlrait j tiT the hall* of h'gl-latlnn in-different : «iuested to make imme4.UBte payment to J. B. Garvin & Co. his youth. After building churches, con­ lution. For a few hundred dollars a hamlioo i tlie undrrslan4*d. of Hie reigning I’ontilf, under a n*d silk states; f<»||ow tin* lohhyiMt to his private Dated ot IVnver, Colorado, this Itth vents and schools, he is trying to crown A fall, pleasant., unnssnniing man. house could bo put up and sufficiently day of November. A. D. 1911. canopy, fringed with gold, and ininunli- ' room, where right.s ami privili'gea are ALT1IN E. HANDIlKna. Ilia career in building a hospital in Father Sylvester is endowed with the equipped to meet the most pressing DRUGGISTS ntely Ismeuth tin* painting, on a dias. ; iKMtghi and iK»ld; and then come back Atlminlstrator of the testate of Andrew Kurume. He lias already obtained the will |K)wer and resolution of heroes and wants, and thereby offer to tliesa poor Kamiberir. Ileceaseil. 1401 W. tld Av*. D.nv-«-, 0»l» will Ih* placed u chair of slate, revcrsetl; into the ranks of the common people John J. Willie, Attorney. consent of the Franeiscan Missionaries saints. I saw liim some years ago when IMMiple the comforts of our holy religion. that is, turned towanl the wall, thus re- land join the ery, ‘Oh. for honest men!' OmDEm TO SHOW CAUSE OV rSTl- Sisters of Mary to take cnargc of his he pnsseil through Kew [Mexico on his Had the American people aii.v idea of ; TZOM rOB SAXE Or BEAX BSTATX. sitvinI for the Unc of the Holy FaHn*r, I Go down to Washington, to tin* capital Directory of hospital. We are at heart with him in way to Chinn, and could not help admir­ the difficulties of life in the Philippines • STATE OK CUlAJUAlHJ. { ill tin* event of lii-* ever visiting the car­ j of this great nation; listen to the men ' City and County o f lienver. 1 mm. his nolile enterprise that will not fail ing and loving him. Tn this dangerous they would not hesitate to help in a no- ■ In the County Court. to win many souls to our divine Lord. hour our sympathy goes to him. and we dinal. Ill most of the 1‘iuliussies <»f , who plead for special privHege* and , In the Mutter 4>f the Estate of Anthony Attorneys-at* I ble cause like this. | spei-ial interests, for tax and franchise J.. ilos4* E . Willinm 1-1 and Itita A pray God to safeguard liim in the many iiiotiarehial |Miwers thiTc i.s a similac ar- Westland. Minor Heirs of Helen T. OF COLORADO. The society has been lending what as- Weatlaiiil. iK-ceaaed. Minors. The deceased may he enrolled as per­ trials confronting liim. rungeiiieiit for thi* use of the sovereign • and subsidy, and you will come liack sistance it couM right along, ami hopes 1 I praying that Goil may ii|M>ed the Jay Tills matter romliiK on to be heard petual memliers in the Rooioty for the to be able to continue to help through j repri'sented by the envoy; that is to say, on till* 17th day of November. A. D. wlien the money-rhangera will be 1911. upon the petition filed herein by Propagation of the Faith. They will the generosity of our Catholic jicople ‘ a ninopy, a |>ortrait <»f the ruler, anil, , William 1*1 Westland, guanllan of oald RAYMOND S. SULLIVAN...... I immediately below, a chair of state. sduipgeil from the ii*mp}e of our lilierty. estatf. for Hiu aale of the following de- Attorney *at-Law, share in the prayers and merits of more Catholic Church here in this country. j scrltMHl ri*al estate, or s portion thereof. 814 Foster Bldg. , turned toward the wall and standing on Turn from city and state and nation to , lO'Wlt: Tlie undivided one-haif Inter- than 05,000 priests, brothers and nuns, Phone Main 2085. Denver, Colo. . a iliiis. When the cardinal ilies his body the l>ank and broker’s office and the ' a-Ht in and to Ixtts One (It to Twelve who. help<*d by onr society, are working Extension Society AT THE FEET OF JESUS. ,(1 2 ). imtli liiclusivi-. I'lut Four (4). He- I lii'H in state lM>iieath thia canopy, and ! counting room. See that line of depostt- I HulMlIvIslon of |lIo4-k Thirty-three (IS). WM. F. LYMAN. for the spread of onr holy faith. > Harimsn's Addition, <7lty and County or Attornejr-at-lAW, tli<- |H>rtrait of the I’ontitT is turiieil with or§ as they Mtan.l I»4*fore the elosei] iloor [ lK*nver. KtMl<- of Colurailo. fur the pur- There are offereil yearly about ten PHE.‘een ' p<- of finying debti* and maintenance thousaml masses by otjr mis^iona^ies for PORT. O. S. F.) I its face to the wall. 4if minora. And It now app<‘artnK to the Tel. Main 2707. Denver, Ohio. their living ami deceased benefactors, j "The Consistory to lie held on Nalth !»y selling stock at par • said «lr('f*d4'nt In? anil appear before said One of the Mill Hill fathers writes us: n'or«‘ <*<*rtainly than we Mirs *lves can . his m*ci*.ssioii to the throne, eight years ; me Main M13. Drover, Oolob 4 4 which never cost a doUar. except the ex- . Court, at the court room of said (.‘ourt, • “ I was in charge of Otir Toady’s mis­ I’he board of governors of the Catbolo- know them.’’ Ht. Francis and St. An- I 'hi* fir.-t on>- took place 4>n Novem- in the City and County of l>enver. State Imt 0, IJKin. when h'e raised tw'o |>n*lat<-s penae of printing the gilded c(*rtificate* Mfuresald. on the 26th day of December, ' THOMAS p. McGo v e r n , sion Htntion at Ojohi. Ktisuma, British Extension society of the l.'nittNl States •' (Imuiv ainl mnn.v other saiiits l»efore and A. I). 1911, at the hour of 9:20 o’clock Attorney and Oounselor, upon which the ink is scarcely dry." ’ In the fun-noon of nuid day, then and Fast Africa, but just a fortnight ago f of .America ln*iil their nnniuil meeting ’ after them spent hours in h the .'■'iicrcd tbilegi-, one of tli«*ni (ar- , Suite 410, 8ymea Block. The only remoily for this widespread there to allow cans**. If. any there be. was transferred to St. Peter's M\iniias. Noveinlwr HtJi in fliicago. at whiih aliout; tion. The «onl seeking for entnrnnnion jiliiial .Merry di-I Val. his S4*«*ret4iry of I wtiy an order should not be made dlrect- ! I’bone Main 8698 Denver, O ok \ ' slat**. 'I’Jn* N**ond oe *iirr<*«! in I)«**ein- dislione*«ty» according to Judge Wade, I* ' liiX the said William K Westland. Guar­ a station among the negroes, which W‘»« thirty of the member;; were present. The j with God will soon fj«d oof the TCHtful- 4 4 4 dian. to sell tile whole nr sit mu«h of ■ ROBERT H. EANE, mt mi s revival of faith in the power and jus- ' suid r«\3l i*state as may be neceasary for opcnlafks are anxious to heconu* Christians; financial and- general re|n»rt to tlie as- meditation in (hid’., worship affords. At 'hats. «Mi« of tln*m ui>oii Archbishop .\r- It is furtlirr ordere«l that this an n. JAMES J. McFEELY, 4 ailopt his methoils. iM-lieving that, they Carey of said (.‘Ity and County uf !><*n- Attomoy-at-lBw, “ What we greatly need here, however, the financial rec**ipts amounts to over will hut eanie*.tly requc:»t. It well at cai.liaals W4*re creu tCil; while the fourth ean improve upon his methods of eon- v«-r, be and he 1* hereby ap|ioinle«l as 412*414 Kmoat mod Cranmar Bnlldtag, is n goml «ha|M*l. a large st*hool and a -?.' fl.(MMi. or about one half of the tot;il times to watch iM-forc tiie «Tticifix in ami la-t 4*4-«*in- guardian ad litem for Anth<»ny J.. Itose. 10 cealment. Nti. thi* tnie remedy, the ix y<*nr.s | tate on the Avixilom of the "wordless , t Vni-»istory, the fifth of the present ri-ign. said, and resist said iM*tl(iiin. in d<*veln|ung in the heart* of the people ' Ily tlir ( Niurt; Attomey-aLlBw. synipatiiy. of the H04-iety'«. work a total of five hook.” T will listen for Hn* voic-e of will la* ila* first ]i4*hl in four V4*urs.” JNO. It ;>IXON. 704-S Exebaoga Building. tlw virtue of honesty, Dishonett.y will t'ounty Jiidgr -Uiter I shall he glad to enter into hinnlr4*4l and thirty-.-4-ven little chapels Pbona Main 42U3. Daovar, OnlB. Jesus from the “pulpit of tin* Cross.” ; continue until men aro thoroughly Ilobert If Ksnr. Attorney. particulars with regard to this new mi»- had h«*i*ii built throngb tJie effort-^ of Have you ever trieil the experiment? A CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY FOR aroused to the great difference between MORRISSEY, MAHONEY 4 SCO- mion. The missionary needs a proper Hn* KO<*iet\'. or i.n av«*rage 4>f about two Sitrtng (|uietly in front of tin* crucifix, ! IRELAND. right an«I wrong. School* of philosophy FIELD, •Iwelling house. ei>p<*«*iully becaiwe -Mum- a week. fir where you can readily see it. have you ^ —■ ' Attomaya at I^aw. I have been foundcil. ay-iliAn of clhim ha jas Is extremely uiihe-ilthfu). Four Kuro- .-\sich* from this. anecau*e the 0pp. Court House. Phone Main lf7? was withheld. Win*!! considering the seem to come into your wnil: if lie; niittee lias l>een formcil. Tin* following JOHN H. REDDIN, nilvice, the direction or the appeal did Attorney and Couaaelor at Law, Do not leave the enterprise of giving gi4*at nnmnnt of goo«l acconiplisheect tie Hn* Iioly influence S**ms tf) enter ; appeal for nienilierK sets fgrth Uie oh- P. O. Lacroix & Son, 44 tion need* today is a revival of faith in Seventeenth and Curtla Streets, that of getting buried. of two eluii>(‘] ears working, one in the witJi it- healing ilirccting jiower. If we ; jects of the society: “ Ciitll tin* mass of Phone Main 667. Denver. Gala. the power and justice of an all-wise W<*st and the otln*r in the .Siiiith, is have said our prayers ih'voutly. if we . nnpuhlisheil doi'umontH which serve to (iod." Meat Market & Grocery T. M. MORROW, Z A Strange Testament. IfKiki'd ftirwanl to with much ph*nstire trill}' so *k divine gtiiilanci*. w<* may not I throw light u|kui the religious develop- Ws always endeavor to give th« boat 4 Father Miitthi*w conclinled his remarks g4>ods for the least mnnsy. Attomey-at-Iiaw, He hae followi'il after liis death. John was }iumlr4*il ami nixty threi* persons reci'ived patience and sin«*erity will win the bless- | <*an 1m* written. Nor can thi* publics- Tlirniighmit'llTflll his entire sermon Fath4'r not a rich man; he hn«l to work for his Hn* sacmiiM*!it in out- »f-th**-way phic«*s; Ing of help in hohl nn'ditation at the tion of these reconl* Ik* left entirely to 4 I’nx held his hearers spellhouml. He I* DUFFY’S living, and knew he could not leave murli tw«*n(y-H«-v4*ii eiiiiV4‘rts W4*r4* rei*eivelh'cti<»n of buildings in other countries that this work can he 44 could possibly he absent from services So iimny u|mH to the jKior: ulreae4‘n kept, ns ere<*t4*d an humhh* n-^iih'iiee 4>n its site. liminaries. The report »if this IkkIv was ami where thieves do not break tlmuigh. well a* the e.xi’cllent rejiort Hhown by .•Mioiit tli4* V4*ar IHU), Popi* Kiigeniits r«’- presented at the aiimial meeting in June. IJfe is not enyiyahle if Hu^n* Im» no nor steal.'' Hn*m, hiiilt it on a magnificent H<*nle. Pop<* 1911. and a «*onimittee was formed to duty, no work, no occupation, no serious The prospects nri* exceedingly Firiglit Innocent fl. n fi*w yeai- afterwar*!* gave draft Hu* rules and couHtitutioii of the employment. Uf<*’s highest ii!«*ats, Tn yr a husim**s. nr a po*itlon (o (III* idle Hu>ae ari* spiritlenM and taste- h'rnnoe 1 notice«l the piety of a young 4*h*c(ed n meniher ol the ext’culive ci»m- ; But wmui aft«T the return e* Hu* Pon- • of inlluenc*4*. It is Hu* door to eti-rnal Te**«. altar I>oy. After ma.'--- i ‘•aid ^ome words niiH#*e, nml Hev, l*!d\v.ird A. Kelly was tlfii-nl Court, of Home, an 4*vt*nt wliicli ! life. S4;uHuTti Messenger. San .\iitonlo. If were not (he best aim in life as­ of «-neourngenient to him and spoke of 4*leeted «*hnirinan of Hu* luxird of audit- | had la-en ko 4*arm*Htly ])rayi*«I for hy ------suredly to do without wnrsiiit to receive a h‘(t4*r from this ver.v ho.v. Hi»* iii(*4*plioji of the kocii-ty. Mr. Joseph ! a .^tale of r4*j»air. and again enlarged, i I'rorn “only wonl” many «pmrrels of ilreanis for pleasure. The mo^t mls4*r- .V « c i e t y X t s\ t i o r» e r y, Office- r» d nowi* a mitnionary in I'ousan, ('oi«*n. re- Daly wm; <*lec(cnport town. IBs ih an hereuh-an task. the offii'c*-of the Catholi«* Chureli E x -- ri4*lu*d it with anliiiuith-s, stntii(*s, pie- drowned; T( is said that “alnienee makes the •47 < A I. I » o R N I A A I H !••• I 1 . II I N \ V H But-emhiw'ed as he Is with nn intense t *n»ion society a few ilay* ago from a j tiire* ami lutok* until It became the “ f)iily in fun” plenils many n knave; heart grow fonder.” but presence some- 4 “ Only resist” many evil* will save. faith and daring enthusiasm, he will not very /i jiloiK worker i>i the l’hiUppin<>*. ! richest 4li*|K>*itory in the world. —Ave Maria. i timi*« makes it fondest. THUBSDAY, MOVEMBEK 23, 19U. D E im S S OATHOLIO EEOI8TKB.

    GRAND JUNCTION. AN UNJUST JUDGMENT. From Our Correspondents Death of John O'Boyle, s Pioneer. one declares that he know - ered The Murray Drug Co. Murray’s East Side Pharmacy AVithin this V*ile of Tears. the big fair for the benefit of Sucred spoke of the virtues <»f the dead. | tlie person does not confe-»s properly, or Tejon l Cache La Pondre. But love to me hath given, S 330 North Institute. Prisoners of Love. Heart orplianage, wliich begins .Saturday Few men have «lied in recent years [ el-Jp that his nature is singnlsrly callous, • Phone Main 189. Phone Main . Writtim for The IWgiwter. .Mueh better sight than they: 22 Blest Souls elect! cui>tivefl of Highest night. wIhihc* passing has Is-en marked with j siin-e ho powerful an influence religion ! To me she is an Angel — Heavon! Mrs. Henry Borroughs, formerly -Miss greater regret, or whose memories will [does n<»t render him better than most j To Heaven on her way. Fettered in strong g«>ld chains of lore Alice Kelly, is seriously ill at lier home xi*>t us long as .loliri tJ’Hoyle’s. Strong, men; or else (and this is the mo-t prob- —P. J. Monahan in .‘san Francisco Mon­ ’•HE BEST MILK, CREAM, dirine: in Montrose. stunly and agrressive in haracter, he ; able) you arc mistaken. aiiU judge liirii itor. BUTTER AND BUTTERMILK Can mortals fathom God’s eterne de* Father Wololias was confined to his still had th<> gr«*ut virtue of being able unjustly. Delivered to all parta of toe city. sign? Personal. Has anguish such to worldly souls b<*cn home last week with a ‘‘cvere attack of t«> dilT< r Hwei-tly. His poHitimiH were em­ "f would have you remember that Mrs. Hugh McNally h:i*i n*turncd to The Sinton Dairy Co. given ? brunrhitis. phatic, for liiH nature was intense, but Christians do not cease to l>e men Ik*- . •18 8. El Pa»o St. Phone Main +42. Justice in lore! Announcement has Imth made of the he gaVi* to his fellows the privilege of caust tlM*y are Christian. They retain i Spring after an .'ihoenee of two marriage of Miss Mary ^Va^t and Mr. the same e.xpre-sion. Ruggedly, stub- the weakness and incon-i-b-my be- ' months. Mrs. iMcNallv' is very much im- Through murky gloom there shines the jiroved in health. star of hope. Itoy Glaseow. .Mr. C!Iuh<-ow is a very Istrnly honest, his name will live as s longs to poor human nalim*. which has j But, oh, the torture of that burning |>opular business man of Bessemer. tower of strength, untarnished for its in lK*eii so profoundly corrupted by ain;! Rev. George Fen-ka has been called fire I About two .dozen teachers attending tegrity. and. consequently, their actions are not • East, owing to the death of a relative. Soul-thirst for God -insatiate di^Kirel the different p.arishes in the city will Mr. O’Boyle was not only a good man, always in accordance with their priiiei- I Jhiring his ab.‘fcnce the a.ssistants at St. Cast from that in durk<‘4t night ^fary’s will attend hi- mi*-ion*. they grope: l»e in IVnver for the nwetiiig of the blit a great man. He eam<> to this valley pies, their desires, their n-nse deroy, enty children Isdiig <-areeen resid­ tion. and there is a $75,000 ocoming U*tter, then , in IhSO, when he reached Colorado. He good, and then by attaining to rxcel- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hunt left last Sa’t- W . N. BURGESS i 'f t moment’. Vi.ion east . ' iirday for a trip to Cuba, !>e done in this worthy rnii'^e. By at was employed shortly afb'rwarda by the leiir*-. .Many iK'liold the m-Ue in the eve 112-114 North Tejon Street Telephene Kxehenfe H A craving, longing, naught save Hea­ . tending they will not only* help the or- Rio Grande, ami* CHnie to Grand Junc­ of their neighbor, and do not' perceive i Rev. David O'Dwyer of Ih-nver was a ven's call I phanage, but they will help tliem«e1vef tion in the spring «»f 1K83. the beam which is in tlieir own. Reli­ rwent visitor in the Spring*. Can now dispel, or n*create in light. in the same pro|»ortion. Many* new nnf. W. Purcell, who h.a* l>een quite Hark! their reijwst; ill with a severe eoM. i- r**jK>rted much , attractive things suitable for Oirintmas vid RoIktIs ill the .M**-.u flour mill, aral who hii* defect**, and yet i- a Christian. BEAUTIFY YOUR LAW N Your prayers, your alniM. kind Irienil'*, I present* hare !u*en made by the ladies opfTuttHi it f«»r -M-veral y. trH. He was Would liave *tlie-e deb-*-!- in a mueli' Iietter, 9 A — W ITH AN— and all good^ deeds, ! of the different clnirch«*«. Tin* xvmnger om- of the i-arly ijire. tors of tin; Cbainlx-r gr**ater ilegree. if he wen* not one.” I Mis- Pauline R. n.nin r. daughter of Our comfort no’w, f«ir helpl. here j set »*«n enjoy the dancing, the In—t music of CoinimTee wln-ii that Issly waa first A ]H*rson who is writhiii;' umier v«-ry -Mr-. M. S, BauriT and ni«ve of ^frl we lie Frank Prior, wa- marrl.-tl in 1»3 Angele* Id nameless torture loving, yet no pr«H-urahle having l>e«*n secure«l. Every- organirail. and wu* identified with a gToai aiinoyiinees to whi<-ii he i-i Mib- ...... mON FENCE aigh on.* attcieling will ni-eive tJirrcfoId the jerted say- “No one knows hut f>od alone Calif., to Mr. Janie- 11nier Johnstone. STRUCTURAL IRON. BRASS ANB miinlH'r of pr**gr*--«ivi- movi inent-^ in the IRON CASTINGS. Can Heaven’s men*y move but f<*r your amount exf«endeU. -■irly days, lb- .»#*rver«-nee. Colo.. h.AS Hassell Iron Works Co., Manufacturer* been visiting hi* daugh(<-r. Mi-s Mary PeraoDal. Forty-three men pk*dge«l themeelvcH ity. of no*. Hiid I might have let go at • * * . .''imilh of 724 Ea*t High -tr<*ct. Mis.s llie many friends of Mr. .lohn ('iirran **^iitiday evening in St. Ignatiu'- ('hiireh He wa* a meml>rr of th«* directorate of if I luul ind lK*<*n going to Holy ('oni- Estimates Given and Plans Furnished. | Smith is studying mu-i, under Profes.sor will be pleased to learn that he has re­ to the Holy Name MK-iety. wht»*c c>bj«*rt tin- old Fir«t Natioiiuk loinking corpora munion every day.*’ Cath"!!<--. says the All Work Promptly Attended To. Hale of Colorado Colleg*-. turned to his studies at Central high i*. b» f»r.-v«-nt bSa-plM i»y mihI profanity. tiofi, and his sterling honcKty lent Rentiuel of tlic Blessed r.iment. who The memliers of St. Mary'-. .Sewing WM. ARENDS school, after a severe attack of np{>en- There an* mitiiertue^ bmn«lu*% i>f tbi>» strength and iiillin'm'e :« tliat iDHtitu have iM-eii taught tlie cutheee<*nil>*-r. The next Contractor and Builder Mrs. Henry SbifLl lui« returned to ^ line to l*e eMtabli*>h<*d in Fueblo. Fath«‘r At the linie of hi- d*’iiii- .Tohn O’Boyle learneil. ar< N'tter than tho-e around 214 H. SX»BVCz; ST. meeting will l*e hehl on M'«'dne*dav. Jan. her borne, after a scriou« <»]»eratinn at Wolohan feel* very imirh t*m’«nirag»*d. wras j»ast t»2 y»’an» of sg*. hut when lost them: and if. through liunian frailty. Main 2975. Colorado Springs, Colo. 17. at tlie home of Mr*. L. N*. IN'peyre. St» Mary’s hospital. and in (Hinfuient that within a few •*•••11 on the •tn-ets Wa- typically hale th‘'V do wrong, they go to * n:ii’e-si<»n aiul lf**04 Colorado avenue. Ofie* T«L Mam 446 Hoom T«L 3I9A Mr. and Mrs. William .1. Mar have iiKiiilhK the iiienilM-r*>hip will reach into and hearty, lb* larric-l .ht- ,,.ars lightly, ('omniiinion. .ind rfre bett**r C hristi.iiis Star Laundry Next Siin«Iay will !m- eouimunion .Sun­ 12B M. Cascade Ave. returned from their weilding trip to (lii- the hundml*. Tin* tbir take a Ttie Hallet & Baker The “ Bachelor elub” will give their C o lla r s Rev. Father S. «T. Schimpf li!»“ goto* ing night. *!*s-ad** from hi-, term «»i life. COLORED CATHOLICS GET CARDI­ Undertaking Co. fir-t tlanee on Monday ''Veiling. Nov. 27. on a retreat at .Albihpierque, N. M. Surviving him are hi- ^-ithfii! wifeand NAL’S CHURCH. UNDEarTAKIING EMBALMINO at the .4i-aeia hot«*l. & C u ffs Mr. and Mr*. Henry McCarthy are le- Soaal Meeting of Hibernians a Great n and a daughter, dud - veral years Through the efTorls of Mother Cather- -treet I, quite ilFwitli rheumatism. ' TIm* IUo*»t nu**^->--*ful o[H n m«*«'lillg I \er ago. lie has ! relMti%.> . \<-«'pt tho**** m* l)re\el. th«* eoloretl ( atliolic» of W il­ FRANK F. CRUMP, I>oruthy PkuR- recovertsl from her 111 QUALITY AND tERVICS given by the .\nrieiit Order «»f Hite-ri^ oi hi- own lion-«*liold. mington. N. ( liave iH*w u place of wor­ Dr. and ^?rs. T»iii* lb*peyre of recent illness arw] is .'.bie t^» b«' in h<»d. C«domdi> avenue entertain«*»l at dinner Mias lU>*c Kindel of I>enver wz.. the iaii* l«Mtk placi- Krib*rrd children was Used successfully in St. Mary’s Church, j mains unrtuinged. REFORMED For Sale Bv * n-tiinrkx- hi (he chairman, the ltc\. T. .1. -.1 this y-e.-ir. ]»f- nan entertained a few friend* at their :••• prartieing f«»r .in ■'nicrtaiium-nt long. -.i. Ro I i.gli^h 517 East Pike'a Peak Avenue. never fail- to pi' *^aitg ■•K.ilhh'cii tin. n fornoT orgaiii-t in the leailing home, 317 North Clie-tniit street. hi«t Colorado Spring*. Colo. which will l.e given about the noddle f>f ' I'ekly piildi-lHtl * rtml City. Ma\«»iiri'‘«*n.” 1 In-n lotloucd a flnie ; l*n*tewi.-im «him h in Wilming- evening. ,\ nK>«t enjoyable evening wa* December. tin* Holy Fnlln • ‘»*i .a d'K-ii- SERVICE PRICE QUALITY hy Mr>. M. T.*hl, Mr. t ‘ ■ K,\|. r |ton. wa- r«*r ired. v ;th her ihibl. into spent in playing and singing, after which A . SHAPIRO, Misa Mary r »lr. nor««* <»f the South nn-nt of gn-at in -r nipofLittre Ar, All Rlilit At 4 r: .*-,-,ed Hpp!.; - for hi** v. .»| ! th«* Crtthob. Ciiurrh. the gue*t« }»artock of a Dutch supper. The Place to Trada. Ride schonln, ii rec;v«*ving froti- ='ver«* f«*r th. prji--t- I * ('.aOioi.. The Holy Name *oo:!-t-,- lielj an inter :rh^ •‘Where ihi* Itiver *^luiiinoii Fb-v.-.' w ,rld. for it v-;M Shoes, Clothing and Gents’ MEYER’S attack of thr grippe : form the esting meeting ]a«t Thur-nh'iy evening in CORN131 DRUG STORE -'>•1 .Mr. Matt t'urrau for In- .-u t r i; •*; i:. 'i- :*,' br. V .„r II*. — .o!, will, MADAME CURIE WINS NOBEL PRIZE Mm. Fred White ; ent f. •• d.s> s St. Mary’- hall. Furnishings C«p. 15th and Colorado Ava. ->|o. Fitlier J .1. Murphy * 1 iL. *-••• 1k*Ii«v*\ I..I recently visiting rcla'iv. in iVriver. .»t the be High ma-is ia*i Sunday wa* cK'lebrated 18-21 E. HUERFANO 8T. program with an i\. .lli nl .whin--- *•!» The No1m‘1 prize fi>r ih«mi*try has COLORADO CITY, COLO. _ Mrs. .Iame« Cullen wa* . aII«s| to her gmn.iig of li»|;] W . ■ I* Ivrri alih Eetab. 1897. Colorade Springe. I lieen awitrdcd to Mm-. Marie Sklodow- by Rev. ('har)e* ITagu-. Fatlier Hagu* Iri'»l» Mi-tory.” tc* I'htaiii d»*liiiit* iiiioi *. b> the Have Tour Baxxxffe Handled By hf»me it Ci^inr Rap*«i-. Town. Momlsy 1 ska Curie of the Ur''*rsiiy of Paris. gave an in*tnietive -ern'..u on “ Faith.” r ilun* ..f ll-rt- ;hw».ge t ill till' by the serious illnc - rt her f.vther. ! Jlnif. Curie i- the ehi.-f profe**or of sci- Miss Marqticrite M«j;r-,“ jmd Mr CRIPPLE CREEK DISTRICT. ••rtb . but it i-; •.. rtaiu or '***ven Wandell & Lowe , enee*i in the Uuirer-'iy of Paris. She M. W. A. Sanatorium. .tndv McGovern. .Ir.. went to Mtrtle • ir*. A y t Im-». w a- - Giought of Transfer and Storage M -r- Kdw.vrd Br-«*|v -Mitl Ralph vv.., the CO discoverer with her husband, I^•^•. Fath«T J’.irtholi'ni. w . ;i niG-inn Saturday to attend a dan<'c l••’‘ toring. .. f.vr a- p . the daily OBOTnro r^ooK b a x a a j u \V«M*«lward -ire in tli «• Fniii Mile .‘iuinl rv. Pn»f«--'or Pierre Cm.-, lu' radium, and .tt\ prir-i from Bueno- .\>re«. South WB SA-TS T o n acoirxrr. Company Mrs. Daniel M.jhoiiey ind the Mi»*>e' • 'itaUon of the Allow itig Vo. 22 V. Tejon. PhoBM ** and 2T« rahhit hunting. in 1903 sharod- with him half of the .Vnierir.i. ,n-.i '-i-ter *uperior of 110 S Tejon St, Phone M. 231. Mary Hanley ami Margaret Ferry A . .•mmi moratioii to t»H Onx Office Vever Cloaea. Mr. lUrry Harri- of (*ri|iple ( r«* k ’ NoU*l prize for phy-*.-. (he other half iJ.' Gl.-vki.'r *nii.nton‘nm. were visitor* in Trinidad last week, soliciting for the Ir.i-I ot ilu- dav. spent M*v«*ral day* in t'olora^bi Spring- l»eiiig avv.tnhi! to l’i -fe-*or Antoine , l.*-t w i.k. Fath--'r B.vrtl»olonu-w i* in- orphanage fair. They report very suc­ on H biisiiies* trip th<* pA«t week. Henri B*-, qiierel, I -J” ■ ling vnrinii- sanatorium* in the ‘ cessful campaign. MOVING PICTURES FOR Mr. J. 1 Vl^ongrhnmps wh* a hu-iric*s Kaeli of tJie fire prizes awardc-*! Utiit«\l Mute* witli n vi.'w of erecting' Mr and Mm. .lack Holland of Bhirk V DERED MINDS. visitor t*» Denver th«- |>a-t w**ek. snmtslly amount* to a large one in S*nilh .\merica. nre the proinl p****c**or<« of a m. which • Mi*s Mattie .Mi laiughlin wit- ho*‘tr«« Recent Announcement va* made of the Ib-v, Ch.irle- Hagu* of St. Mary'.* re.vd arrived la«t Wednesday. ■ the .ii;;*'. ..|in n( ,,j - ■ 'lluti - 4lf LANDSEEKERS to a large numlter of her cln- -m«tr-- at *.m-.T** of Mme. Cur *‘ • producing po- ni.a*- la*t \V.Hlne-<|.*\ .an.] deliveml .x ^t. Kli/alreth*- iiis.iii. .i-ylu The rrier>d*hip club will hold it* next her home in \ ittor on Friday evr-ning. Wa*hiiig- Ionium. new rb*ni. po**es*ing most offei'tive *cmion on “ Purgatory.'' t«in. D. C.. (he w and radio-activity *u|>erior ti radium.” T h e next will 1«- I'N'lebratod on (h«wter put up by the SPECIAL RATES The infant son of Mr. and Mr*. (»uy afforded a happy evening to the faiored ^nment will IVi. U. U «qMtietl Ditf-mlM'r J. M* P. Rhlink of 52.1 West Sevi uth was chris­ gtiest*. r. who have ARCHBISHOP KEANE GETS Dr. Wallace Father Hagu* givni year- of -tialy t. For LandseeBers and Emigration to the tened Charles by Father Wolohan .Sun­ Mis- Ethel Wotalvvard entertain«sl tlie question of RESIDENCE. that hereafter on mn-* .lay* an auto in-inily have ^e«oll•^l the . day afternoon. menilver* of the Young latdir-’ Sewing, < biHion that will lie *ent to nu'tq th.- pric-t. thu* re- the molioit joi-tiire i- a _r. Arrangements are being made h y . club at her home in t'ripple Oeek on ' -oil toward eommittee of Ihibu.pie priest* hn* lii-\ing him of the tire*«nnc trip in his' eiiring ilisordensl niiiid*. Father Wolohan to have mas* •.vid on< ThuriMiay evening in a very pleasant secun'il an option on tli»- Stout re*idenee . "one ho** *b.ay.*' a month at the insane asylum. ! manner. Thixe prcM-nf. to enjoy the afi Eleventh and Ia>. u-^t street* for n .V petition ha* been -ent to the post- , WESTERN SLOPE The many friends ««f Father Di*yle ■ pl*‘«saiit evening wi-n* Mrs. JI*ury Ten- PAYING THE PENALTY honi«‘ for Archbishop .l.ime* J. Keane, office department nt Washington, re­ will lie glsd to hear that hr is recovering neluium. Mra. E. J. Brady.^ Mr*. Uuel the e c«t.vhli«hrd W RITE US FOR BOOKLETTS AND from kts recent Illness. j .Morgan, Misses Marg.vret Smith. Pauline There an old •-'tyuig iKa.t virtue ear : w«***k ngM. It I* imder-t'-Ml that at the at this place. A pK-estoffiee i* much . ANY INFORMATION AND RATES. Mrs. Relley is gradually improving. j Friel, Mary Na«h, Nellie Jon*—, lotura ric-* it* own reward. It. is no bw* true time the deal- wa** elo-t*«l at least one npeib-Hl. and w.-- tni*t that the postal (hat vice liring- it- own pumshmenL A fraternal society wn- .Ji> kering for a autlioritii'- will n»-t favorably upon our Word has l»een received from Mi*-' ! WiKvdward, Iy*na Tennelwum. Margaret FlRST-OlJkSS FULLMANa AND DIN­ w ry foreildo argument for the common “ priei‘“ «>n it. The coii-ideration is not rtN]Ue*t. .Tewell Rodgers, telling of her safe ar ! Nash. ING CARS O.N ALL TRAINS. rival in Kansas Cll.y. Mo. Mis* UtKlgcra ■ Mr. and Mrv Thonui- Tnllmi of ('rip- Divine origin .if the univ*-rm- and the known, bnti wa* proUibly lietween $23.- Mi*s .lane Kelleher. one of our most , Is attending school there, ' pie tVoek <*nterU*im»il nt a dinner of per- ! tliristian law might indeed be drawn 000 and S25.000. |K>pulrtr nurse*, w.i* taken suddenly ill Call on as or write for reservations Rev. .Tame* Wal«h. representing ll»ej feet npiMiintment on Tluir'Mlay evening* from (he infallible eertuinty with which The Stout property w.iv formerly the a we^-k ngi'. and i - throatonol with ty- , Denver f!atholic Register, was a visitor for Mm. Beasle Kidly and Mis* .To*ie • omitiniied di*r»'pird of that law incur* home of F. 1). Stout, millionaire, lumber­ phnid fever. Her mother from Denver In the eity last week. j Ihmahvie of Vietor. i ntribiition. whether in individuul* or man. and. without a «loubt, i* the is with h. r. Mrs. John Duiilary rud ihiugbUT, Miss | Tlie ImII for the l*enefi( of the paro­ -late*. Kvample* m th.- ca*.-. of indi­ example o f the architect’* craft in the Mary, have relitrnes(eH« nt[ of a *t«te, .uiy* tbe lM(**burg Observer, 000 to build at a time when materials Miilland w Route last week’s metdiiig of the llartiiony Obituary. miw paying the penalty of contravening were more than fifty per cent cheaper We do ourselves the mo-t good when W. B. THROCKMORTON, City Passenger Agent rliib. The successful winner* of the Mr. .Tohn Gilmore. 42 years old, prom- , law. i* affonleil by Franet*. than at present. We do g«XKl to other*. prises were Mrs. George Bonier an«l Mrs. inent in polities and loilp* eirrie* of thva Ib.w low ha-« (M - eldest daughter of 17th and California Daniel Mahoney. city and a resilient of Cripple Cre«*k for (he l^uri'h fallen? The *eettM o f irre- Mr. R«)hert Rope of IVuver U stiippiiig th^ U«t twrni}- yi-nr., di«I on .-^nlnr.lny.' *''• of L D. WHITLEY, City Ticket Agent Phone Main 6280 at the ('ongress Irotet. the IRth, at hi* home In O ipple CVeek, the s«'h<>ols and leligimi* hou«es. and now "Laramie Route” Rev. Father Winta, formerly duplain after an Hines* of several years a* a the sower* are .them«elve* horrified at « 4 of Rt. Francis hospital In f’-olorado sf.fferer from snroeoma. Mr. Gilmore the abundant harvest of dninkenness, Springs, has !>ern appointed cliaplnlit ab was oouncilmnn tuider the Van Tilborg eonsnmptJon. inmiomlity am! insanity. ^ St. Mary’s hospital. adminintrafion here. He wn* n member miHlieal conimis«inn h«* just declared ^ flnlnrsflA Cnrinfvc The new commission form of govern­ of the Knighte of Pythin*, F'lk* and Red- that the increase in 4li.*«n«,(‘ and crime a The Denver, Laramie America’s wUiUluUJ wpilllgi# Low * ment went. Into effi»ct Monday. Mr. T. men. He Ira^e* a wife, who is the only Is due to tJu druiikennevfc. In view of ! ^ 1). lX>nnelly will serve ns one of the five relative here. Hi* mother, brother* and the highly significant manner in which « & Northwestern R. R. Famous Excursion eommissinners. sister*, who live In .Tersey City, N. .1., the growth o f crime has <*)iDrlile«l with the Imiii-hmeiit of ndigion from the o Show R a tes Father IMnbrnusen 5* rectivering fnun have been notified of his death. Tho now rxMd to th# Northweat la operating tralna Into Qreelay. from n seveie illness. Funeral service* were hehl at St. . KehtMils. the eommiH*ion wmild have EQUIPMENT NEW AND MODERN, Trip vfippiB v FCGK Daily Mias Margaret Walsh has moved to I-rl,r-« Oilholiocliiirrli on Xrondnv morn ! infinilolv r in-iptit if it hn.l Init nt in^nn n. ni...... oudueted.. .bv the : ff' ” ".11 " ,W rvil. t„ U>etb. same source. o Prompt pasaanger and freight aarvloo to Northern Colorado towna, —VIA— llflVi Abrieml*> avenue. i France i*. however, awakening to her Mr. .lohn Finlan lia- movivl into his Uev. William O'Mnllev. 'he fK4nil o f­ mistnk in allowing fees rein to her in $ bcautifnl new home at the Nirncr of ferings were numeroii* and honutlfiil- fidel ruler*. There have Iweii recently ^ CSr Trains Leave D., L. & N. W. (Moffat) Depot 'I’welftli an«| Ellralietti streets. Intermenl was in Mtw Pi«gnh cemetery. many indications of thi*, and It {* aaid Ib’qniem high ma»s whs eelebrat^Hl e that now’, anwing her prominent writer* jax Any Informailon In reoae^ s« etc., cheerfully given. Cripple Creek Short Line Wwlneaday In Kt. IgiuiUus ehiireh for HE’S THE MAN. fy'*v rm- nmn with the sun in hi* Them Is but one (the .*-ociaIist Agnostic,' faci Aimtole Kranet*,) who dt>es not | city TleK«t omo«, Local OfTIco,.. Fifty-one M iles of the M ost Massive, MAiestic* and M agnifies noOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOri And the shadows nil dancing liehind, lionst to Im‘ a Uatholic. The French ' •IS SEVENTEENTH ST. A BASSET STS. Scenery in the World. A Visitor to Colorado Can No! Wli6 can meet with reverse* xvlth calm­ ness and grace, rhureh ha* again and again *howed her j Afford to Miss This Wonderful Trip I Dr. Watkins! marvelous r«*euperative |Hiwera, the peo- , An«| never ftirgets to lie kind; 5 S. K. MARTIN, * FOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE WRITE For whether he’s aovereign or merchant pie are (locking almut (heir bishops, and ; O C S DENTIST § or clerk. we hope toon to ace the renaaeenee of j O Oon. Frctgnt & Passenger Agt., Denver Colo, a I have faith in the man who'a in love F.C . MATTHEWS, MESA JUNCTION Phone Miio 935 o with hia work. the glorious Church of St. Louia and the j • a SENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, Warrior Saint Joan. j %oooooooooooooooooooooS —Cliicago Int«r-OcMB. a S. A & O. B. IIY« COLORADO SPRINOS, OOLO* THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911. 8 DENVEK CATHOLIC RBOISTBB. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN. I PERSONAL. I An appeal td Taste and Economy Your Child Requires Good Sight The lonj;-looked-for |>ool tournament Jefferson Dramatic Dr. and Mtk. E«Iward Dt*Iehaiity re- to Ik* f;ivcu under the auspices of the Club Will Present , turned M«>nday from their wedding tour, to be Successful at School CoIun\huR club will be started Thanks- Play Under Or­ ■’ which iiieludcd vi?.itK to St. Louis, Flor­ without It. children cannot apply all their energy. It Is most Important fiivin^ night' It is important that all der's Aus­ ida, New York and C’iiicago. Tliey will to watch and know that your children are not straining their eyes. If you are In doubt, bring them to us. We make a specialty of examining chil­ who wish to i>lay in the tournament pices. be at liiuije to their friends at 1565 dren’s eyes, with our wonderful shadow testing system. If they need GOLDEN ROD FLOUR glasses, rest assured they are right from the start. hand in tlu*ir names as soon as possible [ Clarkson Ktrc»d, alter November 25. to J. Harry Byrne, chairniau of the com* X’ext Wedneaduy evening, Xov. 29, St. A wedding announced for tlie near fu- The Best in All the West” mittee. Eli/uibeth’s comniandery. Knights of St. S ture will be that of Miss Catherine M»nuf»ctured In Ihl* city by Tbe Swigeit Bros. Opt. Co. As was expected, the second informal John, will give another of their most de­ , O’Donnell of the cathedral, and Edmund 'Whose Sepatation and Equipment Olve dance which was given by the Columbus lightful entertainments. With the Jef­ : Hudson of Edgewater. The c*ereniony Ton the Slghest Grade of Service. Devoted Exclusively to club last evening was a great success. ferson Dramatic club presenting a new ; wdll take place at the church of St. Mary the Fitting and Kanufac- CRESCENT MILL & ELEVATOR CO. 1550 California St. Denver tnrlng of Glasses. The entertainment committee has al­ play, “Tbe Man From tbe East,” the ; Magdelenc in Edgewater. m ready begun actively preparing for a Kniglits have a rare treat in store for The Quoeii of Heaven Orphans’ Aid smoker to be given under tbe auspices their many friends. “ The Man From the society met la=it Tuesday at the lionio of of the club Tue.sday. Dec. 14.,” which has never been produced Mrs. M. J. O’FulIou, 1263 Columbine The bridge tournament is on in full in Denver, deals with western life, de­ , street. Hugh M. Woods bla'du the second game of the series liav- picting incidents and characters of the , ^The Pioneer Indies’ Aid society will HAY WOOD Our New Location ing been plnj'ed last Monday evening. early days of California. The story, ; g«Ve its twenty-first annual banquet and Great interest is l>oing manifested in the wliich contains an unusual plot, is an in­ charity ball at El Jebel temple Thurs­ GRAIN COAL CHARCOAL Is Handy for You tournament and keen rivalry exists teresting and exciting one, plentifully day evening. Dec. 7. The proceeds are Poultry Supplies a Specialty Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PAYS 4 PER CENT. We are well among the eontisiants. ! flavored with hilarious humor and com- to be used for the benefit of indigent Phone Main 5432 7 2 4 W. Colfax equipped to handle Eatatee, Trust Funds. In8urnn<‘e. Real Estate, Bonds Tlie following visiting Knights recently ; edy. Altogether is is a play that will ' pioneers. and Investments. registered at the club rooms: L. B. Mc- ! please and entertain everyone. The cast I The next minuting of the .Sacred Hoait S u m m er We invite your inspection, and will lie pleased to have you call at Xult.y, Ivcinon, S. 1).; Wm. B. Kearney, I includes all the' old well known- and ef- Aid society will be held at tbe home of Prices on Coal, $4.75 per Ton any time. Oil City. Pa.; .losepli M. K'hn. Pitts­ ficient players. Mrs. O. L. .'^niith, 1575 Race street. Of- •pea ■ a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 m. Saturday and Honday Evenings 6 to 8 p. m. burg. P:i.: .7, J. Dunn. Montreal, Canada; I The Knights are fast gaining a repu- . ficers will be elected for the coming Coke, tVood and Feed M. R. Williams, Arapahoe, XH).: G. W. ; tation as splendid entertainers, and all year. Prompt and reliable Express. Phone Main 7605 Carrol, Altoona, Pa.; E. L. McMillin, [ w ho remember the good time at the last Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Weckbach are T. P. SMITH, 526 23d Street Houston, Ter.; E. .J. Printy. (lucago. 111. [ show will look forward with pleasure to now in their new home, 638 Corona At the meeting Tiicaday evening Rev. Thanksgiving eve. And ns this will be street, where they will bo pleased to see VHBERNI4 B A I f k GaiTet J. Burk«*, rector of the Cluirch of the last, affair at St. Elizabeth’s until their friends. in t h e the Holy Ghost, gave an interesting talk after the holidays, nobody should miss Dr. and Mrs. P. V. C^arlin are now at Best of Families I5IH AND CHAMPA that, was much onjoyetl. ; it. Dancing, as usual, after the perform­ Watkin’s Glen, X, Y., which is located Accidents Happen ance. ■ Tickets can be reserved at the at the head of Seneca lake. You don’t think so much about them until they QUEEN’S DAUGHTERS TO HAVE Auditorium pbannacy, 13th and Cliampa Miss Julia Clifford and Mi»s Mary occur nt home. CurelcHMneKg in leaving drugs, medicinea and poi- t r u s t ? s EVENING AT WOMAN’S CLUB. streets. ('oughl'm have returned from a two- sonK wlicre children find them results in tbe losa of months’ visit to the Northwest and Cali­ many lives encli year. Mistaking one bottle for an­ A lecture, music, both vocal and in­ J. J. DONOVAN BACK FROM fornia. Among the points of interest other freipK'iitly proves fatal. U seems a needless MAKE THIS YOUR BANK strumental. fancy dancing ami informal IRELAND. visited wore Y’ollow.stono Park, Mount wiiHte of life. Why fiot take tbe necessary precau­ Offloers: Darry Karoney, Chairman of the Board; John E. Sesse, Pres.; dance are to be the feature^ of an en­ Rainer, Victoria, and Hie various cities of tion and install a Samuel J. Toung, Sec’y and Treas. joyable evening arranged by the Quepeurancc confirms his words. Dr. and Sirs, D. G. Monoghan have X’mas Gift Offer! Nothing will be more appreciated The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. *mous Pay Rock mine, in Clear Creek Has Rested,” F. Lohr; “Ecstacy.’’ ; He sny.K. as ho always does after one of n*turned from New York, where they ; than an appropriate magazine subeertp- Will Malone died last week at ilontrose, county. They moved to Denver, settling Morse-Rummel, I his ov(>r the-oeean journeys, that he has have been visiting for six weeks. Miss I tlon, which wifi bring the dojior to mind I each month of the year. Before sub- ■where the parents have resided for the first in Higlilands, in 1888, and about Miss Wanda Ootteslieben. ;*had “a great trip,” met many old friends, Eva Sullivan returned with them to at­ I ecrlbinc for your periodlcats and papers. ret my offer. I can save you time and past three months. The baby was a 12 years ago moved to Edge water. She 4. Hiimoroirs Song...... Joseph. Xewman and got eouipliim'iitnry notices in most tend the wedding of her brother, Robert IS A BOON AT HOUSE- ' trouble, aa well aa money, on your CLEANING TIME. ■eice of Mrs. D. F. Sullivan of this city. was a member of the Territorial Daugh­ .*5. Roof Carden Scene From “The Three of the newspapers of the Emerald Isle. A. Sullii'an, and Miss ilargnret Boyle, M zigazines The funeral of Mrs. Annie J. Kemph ters of Colorado. Mrs. Ellis is survived Twins.” Messrs John Mullen, F. which took place Wednesday morning of Fine for cleaning-xarpeta on the i Bear in mind that “ Last Chance Of- ■took place Monday morning from her by her husband and by four children, J. Grotz, J. Bott, F. Jones, if. Birch- NEW ITALIAN CONSUL HERE. last week. floor. ' fers*' expire Kov.' 1$. Ask Your Grocer. late residence, 2226 Downing street. Serv­ H. Ellis, Mrs. M. Ellis Olson and Miss ell and'the Messrs. Ahmer, Buchen, Rev, David O’Dwyer, rector of St. Pat­ M. J. tValsh, ices were held at Sacred Heart Church; Pearl I. Ellis of Edgewater, and iirs. the Misses Winters. Hodapp, Jac­ I Clievalier Oreste Da Vella, newly ap- rick’s churchy conducted the services at Maaafactnred Oal7 My Plaza Hotel, Denver interment at Mt. Olivet. Kitty V. Mclauiren of Marshfield, Ore., obs, Woeber, Soloist, Miss Dul- point<*d consul-general in Colorado for the Old Ladic»’ home last Sunday after­ XMQ CO. The remains of Rev. Julius Meyer, be­ all of whom were with her at her death. mage. I the Italian government, has arrived in noon. 14t So. Broadway. ■oath M a loved pastor of St. >Iary’s Church of 6. Soprano Solo—Selected. [ the cit.y and is staying at the Savoy At a special meeting of St. Vincent’s The Assumption of Central City, who Pioneer Police Officer Dies Suddenly. Miss Helen McGovern. j hotel. A. Rossi, former consul-general .Aid society in the Knights of Columbus 4ied Wednesday a week ago at St. Jo­ A few minutes after he entered his 7. The “Scoop”—Scene from the i here, left for Rome several days ago. Imll Sunday afterncxin the selection of seph’s ho-^pital. were shipped to Cincin- home Tuesday afternoon and announced Campus. The Misses Buchen, j Mr. Rossi is to be consul-general nt the Brown Palace hotel as the place for H. C. HAPKE, 4 0 C o n t s Bati for burial. Last Thursday morn­ that he felt ill for the first time in his Donovan, Wilkins, l>illon, Me- ' Melbourne, Australia, and will proceed to holding the Annual charity hall 'was rati­ Ladies’ and Gents’ Tailor ing solemn requiem mass for the repose life, Martin Qisey, for twenty years a Gavack, Ahmer; the Misses Win­ I his new post after reporting at the Ital- fied. The hotel has a magnificent ball Announces arrival of t'all and Winter A nt! - N hjotino OtUabmab P§$ta Samples; about 4.000 styles to select . R|S«| • ...... nf his soul was celebrated by Bishop ters. Crosta. Howard ami Diescher. room, and, of course, l as splendid faclli* T *<«• . ___, - - _ member of Hie Denver police department, • inn capital. Chavalier Da Vella comes from. Ksir prices, oorreot styles, best fcaS SmmUm SmL aMSa W • • work. Tou can ask no more, and I give i IS* iine— M* — ■ » mAm Hatz at tlic Immaculate Conception died of heart disease. He had spent the .Miss Blanche Ryan, soloist. i from CJiina. ties for serving supper. The date Is no less. Cleaning, PreNslng and Re- ! Cathedral. AH the priests of the city day with ohl acquaintance^ about the 8. luflainatus — Rossini, Chorus St. Xew Yenr's night, whicli has come to be pairing. Phone York S667, , 16m . a a e—ts •* 7Xa B. 17TM ATB. WAta aw*. 1m • -HM. M * •m •* attended. city liall before going to his home at 3.74 FlizalM'th's choir; soloist, Mrs. MISS EVA SULLIVAN GOES EAST TO the establibhed time for the St. Vincent’s ••a aatMaa M mhI (m.4 baw. S'Mtf tw* V HM The funeral of James O'Brien, former­ Harry McGraw. charity. stsa>w^si^,sUii^.»a. Inca street. STUDY MUSIC. IbTtmann A Darley, Millinery, 308 ly of 1347 Xavajo str«*et, beloved bus- Mr. .Casey entered the police depart- 9. “.TeriiBnlem”—Gonnml. Chorus .St. The New Year’s l*ook of the Good ir>th st. All the best styles in early band of Mrs. Mary O'Brien, look place ( nient April 18, 1874. He was a member Elizabeth’s choir; soloist, Miss Mi-s Eva Sullivan, 18-year (dd daugh­ Shepherd Aid association lias just been fall Felt Hata. llotiae painting. O'Donnell A Thom- men. 1619 Tremont Phone Main 1737. from Hackethal Brothers’ Chapel Satur­ and in active service until his retire­ Woeber. ter of S. J. Sullivan, tlie mining man issued in very attractive form. It is day morning. Services were held at St. ment two Yc.irs ago, with the rank of The aceomjmniKts of the evening will V ho, witli John Campion, Dennis Sulli­ printeif on extra heavy paper and l>ound lico’s Church. Members of Denver Camp sergeant. He acted in the capacity of U* the Misses Dillon, McGovern and Woe- van and otliers now conspicuous in the in brown linen. I'he liook contains a Ko. 1, W. O, W., and tbe Yeomen attend­ sergeant for twelve years, and was one Ikt. in«luKtry, was closely Identified with the brief history of the foundation of the ed in a htnly. Interment was at ilt. of tlu* familiar ebaraeters of the service. making of Leadville. rweived by order Order of Sisters of Hh* Good Shepherd, Olivet. He was the ranking officer to be retired CLEVER PLAY WAS WELL PRE­ of tlie county court Monday her sluire as well as a resume of the work done The We Are Chock Full The funeral of Bridget Rose O’Hara, under the civil service. SENTED. of her parent’s large estate. by the Good Shepherd Aid association belovetl mother <>f Reverend Mother Rose. The pioneer police officer is survived Miss Sullivan liocame of age la^t week, in Denver. Of Bargains in Sacred Heart order of Chicago, and of by hi** widow, three daughters and four The presentation of “Tlie Toastmas­ and under the terms of her father’s will, A beaiilifiilly arranged dancing party Mrs. Frank M<-Xulty of Denver, took SOUK. Mrs. Roacly Kcnchan and two ter” by the members of the .Tunior Holy the custodian of her legacy. Aliout $35,- was given Friday evening liy Mr. Thomas Money place from l>er late residence, 2449 Court Jaughtcr-i in a o»nivent in Arizona are Xame society, Wednesilay evening of last 000 worth of jiersonal property and mar­ Xust. Those who enjoyed his hospitality Pla«*e. Jlonday morning. Services were the dauglitcrs of the family. The sons week, was very creditable inde<*d. The ketable securities w'ill pass into the girl's were: Miss T^ucile Franklin, Miss Tvouiso C l o t h i n g held at the Sm-red Heart Cliurch. In­ are William, Xcil, John and Thomas pretty auditorium of the Woman’s club possession by reason of the transfer. In ; Xash. Hiss Laura Wernert, Miss Grace | was well filled with friends of the young Walsh, Miss Marjorie McBride, Miss ' You terment was at Mt. Olivet. . Casev, all of Denver. addition. MNs Sullivan wjll receive 300,- • The funeral of Patrick M.*Culloiigh actors, and the applause was continuous 000 sli.-ires of stock in various of her Tjcila Hill, Miss Mary McGowan, Miss ' and heart.y. Much of the success of the Dona Medina. Miss Lucile Charaplin, H a t s tbuk place from tlie residence of his I Death of Mrs. Sarah Curley. father’s enterprises, the value of which performance tvas due to Raymond Kirk­ ■pphew. M, .1. .McCullough, 1219 ,30th I It was with profound sorrow that the cniinot Ik* determined, Mrs. Mary T. Miss Helen Nast, Miss R. Thompson, Are patrick, who as “ Bill Morgan.” the hero street, on Monday morning. Services frii'iidK of Mrs. Sarah' Curley received Monaghan, wife of Dr. 1). G. Monaghan, ^fiss Helen Wilkins, Miss Esther May- of the play. r<*ad his lines excellently. field, Miss Marie Drescher, Miss Edna were held at Sacred Heart Church. In­ I the news of lier sudden death in Kansas has been Miss .Sullivan’s guardian for S h o e s His younger brother, Vincent, as “Buz­ Bloedt. Mr. Charles Allen, Mr. C. Smith, terment was at Mt, Olivet. I Cily. Mo., on Xov'. 16. With her when the purposes of the probate proceedings, zer,’’ the ubiquitous small Ikiv, who al­ the enorn in Wisbicht. Eng. She came of her inlieritance to the perfection of Walter Reilly convulscti tbe audience as guage is the masterpiece of the human into lots in oerYiees were conducted by Father Schu- I to America in 1884. Since tlicn she had her education. She left Denver for Clil- the stuttering college youth, wlio loved mind, the linguistic ond literary triumph FOR WINTER WEAR Ur, formerly of Georgetown, who had eago Monday, there to enter a conserva­ of nil times. A. D. T^inglois, teacher of • spent most of her time in Denver, Mrs. an«l hoped. The young Inilics who as- known }ier from his ehiidhond, and who ' Curley is survived by her liusband, lier tory. Eventually she will go to'Europo PariHian French. 634 Commonwealth is now jjricst at the Sacred Heart slslcd the boys. Miss Eugenia Cummings to st.udy. Building, Corner I5th and Stout. , father. Patrick Hadicom, her sister, Mrs. ns the professor’s .laughter, and Mi«s Cliureh. He •was a.ssisted by Father De- T. H. Ryan of Willmington, 111., her WashiDgtoD Teresa Robinson ns the imiiossiblc wife saulniers of Edgewater. Mrs- Ellis, ac- ; brothers, John M. and James Hadicom STEPHEii P. COLLINS. who never heard and who never spoke a «oni)Kinicd by three eliildren, came to j of Bennett, Colo. Shorthand in 6 to 12 Weeks word, gave splendid churaetcrizations of Denver by stage, arriving in Denver .Tune j The funeral Bcrvices wore held in Den­ ■ you ran positively learn Hnell Short- 15. I860, her husband liaving arrived in their parts. Delightful music 'was fur­ , hnnd In 8 to 12 weeks, and he qualified Park ver at St. Francis de Sales church Mon- nished by an orchestra of charming and : for an ordinary office position. Trial I day morning, Xov. 20. at 9:30 o’clock. .Week. }1. Other systems require 0 to' talented young ladies from St. Mary’s : 10 months. Cor. Larimer & 23d Sts. Theo. Hackethal Geo. Hackethal, T'hc services were conducted by Rev. academy. After the performance the i . CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, Phone Main 3834. THE MODERN PARLORS OF ; Father Donnelly. Int-ed Virgin, took jiince nt Remodeling and Pressing, luinbus hall, was one of the nlost sue- . These are good for a Merry convent*. .Sixteenth avenue and 7 S. Broadway 3 0 0 SUITS coKsfiil in the history of the organiza- j ^Milwaukee street, a most in«'pijing cere­ AND W^IRK CAU.KD FOR and DELIVEUEL home or an investment. Undertakers j tion. Much credit for the success is due ; mony. It was the first profession of The many friemis of Stephen I’. Col­ P«*rsoiial Service Day or Night. the committee of arrangements, consist- ! vow'R of three novi<‘e-« ami the reception lins will he ghul to learn that he is back OVERCOATS Private Ambulance. ing of Con K. Byrne, Frank E. M. Laugh- j from his rect-nt trip to Californiii, and is of one pell, and to the floor committee, headed ^ a X.on$> WhUo. 1451 Kalamatli Street ing ami bi*autiful ccrenmninl, wbich con­ pany, at 10th anil California Htreets. j Drug Co. AU Vzilon Mada rarmanta of tha by Martin McAndrcws and T. J. Kerri- j secrated tin* young ladies ns spouses of 'I'liis well-known firm shows its unfail- ; $10.00 per Month nsoat qnaltUaa; C x tha nsw ontn CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, COR. LARIMER & 27TH STS. for young aag oUlor man; all tba Kittredge Building, Denver. gnn. Christ, in presence of their superior, ing good taste even in tlic selection of Denver, Colo. now colon In tto popnlnv brown its men. Mr. Collins is un experienced , buys a pair of lots. o r r r k j wlztnraa, haadnomoly Mother .M. Alacocjue. their sisters and n mada and flauhod garmaatn**»w**9m thatanal large number (»f friends. Rev. Father HuIeHitmii, ami assures his friends entire ! •honld nail at _ — FOR RENT—Room in private family, Thin lot aa M. 0 ’K*-cfe, I’ roH. Walter Kerwln, Vice Pres. John Cronin, the president of St. lliomns elulhes Kutisfactiun when they buy at ! suitable for two Catholic young men; ■poollij) niBTT.” ? . , $ 1 2 leuu'tl if ilesirml. 720 31st ^t. WM CARS'? A TTJMXa MIMM OF S . OF C. FMBZ.EU OOODS. s<*minary, ])reachod nn eloquent sermon Bniman's. on tlie obligations and blessings^^of re- Write, phone or call Another Great Big Snap F O R THANKSGIVING For Rent—Suite of rooms suitable for Junt when you A are Ipoklqg ^for___ ox- ilf^. The Other clors3^-- pree' Mr. r.nd Mm:M^Allirtcr Will- \ upie I Mi»u nitiKio witii nleeitiiig. in ty a y m ’ anti xoutna' Nothlr^ will be more thankfully received by the housewife than for particulars Clothlnir we buy Btroaan aiseiUU Ix'Autlful Carving Set. ent were Rev. Father Guidu of Sacred cox entertained at an informal dinner porch; ]irivate home; reasonable, Ells­ raok B Oo’a. We have . large wolcctlon, from 14.50, In Stag, up to 112.00, in 8ter- Heart college. Rev. Father Brucker of 'I’liestlay evening. ' worth 967. liiiK Silver. B oyi’ Clothing Samples at a Big Sacred Heart ehtircli, and Rev. Father “An authority on millinery.” That’s i Knights of Ckilumhus emblems suitable Diaoount. We absolutely guarantee all our goods Hie voard; no consumptives; walk­ Phone Main 8 3 2 3 < ^ ^ e r y atyle. Ton Mva Ob»> Margaret O’Keefe. Treas. W olf C. Hansen, Secy. get vottr’s at Mrs. Cullen’s, 1462 Lipan? 81A9 and up. Work guarantenl, union ing diatanee; private family, lU>x lOn. vaud« Main 7272. labor. 1224 l4th street. Register.