When a `New Day´ triggers

Ever since the high athletic , the powerhouse and the intelligent had found the faction called ‘New Day’, they have been caused a lot of attention, both positive and negative, within the WWE spheres. On the one hand there are proponents within the WWE Universe, who consider the faction around Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods as a huge asset and value to the WWE Roster. However numerous of critics and sceptics doubt the supposed reinforcement of the WWE Roster throughout the ‘New Day’. Because with their unique and unprecedented appearance in , naming just some traits like insidious match interferences or their obsessive way of clapping the worst away, they have gained both acceptance and refusal. Reaching the fever pitch as soon as they decided to target the team of the Swiss Superman and Canadian’s own . A team or better a force, that definitely has to be reckoned with in the Division and a bunch of highly skilled individuals, which is looking for prevalence in the early 2015, too. Both factions literally started their journey at the same time and confronted as well as faced each other on number of occasions before. But ever since the ‘New Day’ took away the prestigious WWE Tag Team Championships from the Swiss-/Canadian Mixture the reluctance and distaste of the WWE Universe gets heard louder and louder each and every single week, that even reliable methods of the ‘New Day’ like ‘clapping the worst away’ has plainly failed. And since Cesaro and Tyson Kidd has decided to boil up the dislike towards Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods even more by proclaiming that a ‘New Day Sucks’, their rivalry heads to a new and unpredictable level, where not only brawns but brains are decisive factors. At WWE Payback both factions will face each other for the final time. For Cesaro and Tyson Kidd it’s about redemption, but for the others it’s about silencing even the last critics to seek for fortitude for their ‘New Day’.