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Kenyon Collegian - October 28, 1993

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This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume CXXI, Number? Established 1856 Thursday, October 28, 1993 New Students Participate in Founders' Day Celebration By Gabriel Frasca greatest effect on the students in attendance. Following the Rite, the thirteen new Phi the Scioto Brass Quartet's Recessional "Shutt's speech was really excellent," Beta Kappa students from this year's senior ushered faculty and students outside for the Kenyon College celebrated its annual first-ye- ar commented Alex Stimmel. "It class were presented to the audience. The Tree-Planti- ng Ceremony. Founder's Day Convocation and Rite speaks a of lot about this school that he didn't students are: Neil Carlson, James Carrott, Although the ceremony itself ended Matriculation on Tuesday, formally ushering feel like he had to deliver a typical address Richard Clark, Jennifer Fishman, Sarah then, one more rite of passage remained. in the Class of 1997. This class was the about going out into the world on your own, Fredriksen, Bradley Hersh,' Britt Johnsen, The matriculants were invited to visit the 169th graduating class to take the I Special Collections room ofthe Olin Library Matriculation Oath. i to sign the book that bears the name of The ceremony, held in Rosse Hall, was distinguished alums such as Rutherford B. punctuated by the poignant singing of the ... ,. . I Hayes and Paul Newman. The matriculation Kenyon - Chamber Singers and Associate ceremony dates back to 1842 when the Professor of English Timothy Shutt's Matriculation book first began.

address, "Constructing three-fourt- Truth," and It is estimated that over hs of concluded with the second-annu- al Tree the class took advantage of that opportunity Planting Ceremony, where members of the on Tuesday. Students who have not signed Class of '97 and the faculty planted a birch the book will be able to do so on future aside Rosse Hall. Founders' Days. The Scioto Brass Quartet commenced President Jordan commented, the ceremony at 11:10 a.m. with the "personally I enjoy and am proud of the way Processional, followed by an invocation by each student registers membership through Father Thomas Kessler. President Philip the matriculation book." Jordan then delivered his greeting before "I didn t sign that book yeL but I enjoyed Father Kessler read from Ecclesiasticus. The faculty wait for the ceremony to begin. (photo by Liz Kaplan) the ceremony. It was nice to be formally Arye Berk next read the Founder's welcomed to the school," said first-ye- ar Memorial, where Kenyon takes a moment or making the most of your opportunities... Amanda Meehan, Rebecca Miller, Deborah Jerome Greenwald. "And if this had to honor any valued members of the He didn't speak to us like we were freshmen; Sarpolis, Jason Searfoss, Amy Stevens and happened in the first couple ofdays it would who have passed away since the he spoke to us like we were intellectuals." Erik Zinser. have been lost in the shuffle, but here it was last Matriculation. The Chamber Singers then sang "Viri AftertheChamberSingersdelived their its own special thing." Shutt's address followed and, out of the Galilaei," after which Dean of Students led rendition of "Kokosing Farewell," Father "I liked the ceremony a loL" Arian whole ceremony, it seemed to have the the class in the Rite of Matriculation. Kessler gave the closing Benediction and Giantris, a first-ye- ar student, added. "Although parts of it were a little long, the Local School Board Elections Scheduled for Next Week way the Chamber Singers performed was beautiful, and as moving By Elizabeth Bennett Parsons, and Michael Schlemmer. Only Vemon Board of Education. Scott is the first a whole, it's a very evenL" residents of the Gambier precinct may vote resident from Gambier to run for such a On Tuesday, November 2nd elections on this issue. position for 15 to 16 years. will run in Knox County. Among the For Mt. Vernon School District Board Scott, who was on the committee which positions on the ballot for the precinct of ofEducation Members, two are to be elected recommended that the bond issue be placed Nevs Briefs Gambier and College Township are Gambier outof four candidates including, Ruth Wiley on the ballot said, "I am concerned about a Trustees Met This Weekend Counsel, Ml Vemon School District Board Cassaday, Lee C. Fair, Donna H. Scott, and quality educational system, and I want to Last weekend, the Trustees made their of Education Membership, and College Glyn Thomas. This will appear on ballots in work for an overall good system." annual fall visit to campus, during which Township Trustees. all the precincts and townships of Mount Records show that traditionally, they met with faculty, administration and Gambier Consel is the governing body Vernon. elections, which include all of Ml Vernon, students. The three issues on their agenda for Gambier, that determines issues such as Donna Scott, who previously worked tended to favor candidates from Ml Vernon included: a discussion of financial one-ho- rather than from surrounding precincts ur the vs. two-ho- ur parking, leaf-pic- k for Kenyon, is a parent ofchildren attending planning, theendowment and whatjt means up, etc. ML Vernon District schools and a concerned and townships. is to be an Episcopal college. Four positions are available for Gambier residenL The College Township the governing for the areas of Gambier which surround mm President Jordan commented that the Counsel, and there are five candidates Scott began to volunteer in the schools body Kenyon. Two people are to be elected to the weekend was, "very successful," and that running. Among them are Jim Bailey, Tom regularly, which eventually led to her College Township Trustee. There as the College moves toward dealing with Davidson, Douglas McLarnan, Sally decision to run for membership on the Mount position of are two candidates running including, Barry financial efforts, the Trustees are very Bowden and James Victor Ingerhan. interested in the quality of the school. Collegian Digest Issues on the ballot to be voted upon According to President Jordan, the Center, endowment has continued to perform well For a book which has not officially been Tom DeLuca is bringing himself and bis include, the Knox County Career the Vemon School bond issue, and At of the end of September, it's value released yet, Howard and Judith Sacks' s hypnotic skills to an encore presentation at Ml County Municipal Judge, Patricia Warren increased by approximately two million Way Up North in Dixie has gained quite a ; Kenyon this evening. seepage seven dollars and now stands at 47 million and bit ofattention. see page three Mariorono. On this year' s ballots, voters will choose 25 hundred-thousan- d dollars in rounded bettered its record Although their lecture revolved around The Lords soccer team whether they will pay higher taxes to support figures up from 45 dollars at the end of their 14-0-- 3 week with wins against choice to marry and to"come out" at to this past the Knox County Career Center, and to June, - the Marietta and a draw against peak of their careers, both Bob and Allegheny and approve the bond issue which wouldprovide Trey Dobson, head of Student Life Rod Jackson-Pari- Wesleyan. see page nine s were interesting visiting Ohio a new facility for Ml Vemon Middle School. Committee, said that the Student Life enough to provide a lecture about their Meadow Committee and the Trustees discussed the On Wednesday, both the mens and Two polls will be located at the individual lives. see page four Lane School and will be open from 6:30 surveys which the senior class completed womens soccer teams took on perennial Kenyon. a.m. to 7:30p.m. That night, after the ballots last year concerning their time at 90-minu- te Ohio Wesleyan in NCAC soccer Joy Harjo's workshop was rival Steve WatcrfiekL a senior, attended see have been counted, the results will be posted designed as a meeting between an already competition. page ten Friday in in the window. the studenttrustee lunch on established poet and those just starting Peirce, After discussing the decreased KATE LARSON rAlthough I'd been The absentee voting deadline is Saturday out. see pagefive enrollment this year and Kenyon'shousing hearing things about this book since my at 12noon.If students are registered with the policy with Trustee, Jim Nininger, he The return, I never intended to buy iL Knox County Board of Elections and annual Gambier Folk Festival will commented, "the trustees are genuinely see page three canceled at home they will be allowed to take place this weekend, see page six Kenyon and its students" vote. concerned about emotion by submitting to them, celebrating "It was a solid defensive effort. Therewas pnndenouph tn sometimes warrant a wnnH liuhtina AC fmchmpn Ac a froohnl

NEWS page two October 28, 1993 Sacks1 New Book Creates Controversy in National News : 1 .t o i r ., By JJE. Luebering probably twenty more.' Two events spurred the 11 years of uiswjvercu,j among uuier onuwuen iamii In addition, the Sacks have been research devoted to the book, according to possessions, 100 years of correspondent For a book which has not officially interviewed by NPR, and MTV, as well as Sacks: a call to a WMVO radio show in 1975 between family members. been released yet, Howard and Judith Sacks' radio stations ranging from New York City by a woman who claimed that Emmett did In the midst of their research, the Sact Way Up North in Dixie has gained quite abit to San Francisco. notactually write "Dixie," and the discovery had to tackle "six or seven different fields; of attention not only in Knox County, but The book traces the origins of the song, of the gravestone of Ben and Lew Snowden, according to Sacks, including music, ft. also across the nation. "Dixie," to Ben and Lew Snowden, members engraved with "They taught 'Dixie' to Dan Underground Railroad, sentimental poetr An Associated Press news release of the well-know- n black family from ML Emmett," by a friend in 1982. African-America- n genealogy, and slaver concerning the book was "apparently carried Vernon, who then taught Dan Emmett the "We followed the story wherever it led in Maryland. in all major newspapers," said Sociology song. Emmett, a white minstrel performer, us," said Sacks. The couple first located the "It's a controversial book," Sact Department Chair Howard Sacks. For every then went on to make the song famous on Snowden home in Mt. Vernon, and then admitted. "Here's another example of wit account the couple has seen, "there are Broadway in 1859. were able to get in contact with the folks taking credit for black work." granddaughter of the administrator of the That controversy has resulted in plenr Self-Estee- m Mathematics Advocacy Snowden estate. At her home they see DIXIE page twelve Two Cars Collide in Gambier Village z By Steve Lannen two vehicles was not very powerful. He als n said there were no skid marks at the scene c A Kenyon student was involved in a car the accident, which, ifpresent, would signif accident outside of Fair Hall last Friday that the southbound vehicle may have o b: afternoon. He was taken to Knox County speeding. Dexter believes Crispin probat! Hospital in ML Vernon after the crash, but did not have an opportunity to brake befon Q O '( had no serious injuries. The other person striking Eggers' vehicle. Though man z involved did not require medical assistance. people witnessed the accident, n According to Knox County Deputy Al Dexter has only two eye-witne- ss statement; z Dexter, a white car driven by George Crispin, "That's a very busy area," said Dexter. Q a trainer for the athletic department, was see ACCIDENT page twelve i - n heading south on Gaskin Avenue, at o approximately 3:05 p.m. Eric Eggers, a senior at Kenyon pulled Sacurity a his vehicle out from a parking space and was struck by the southbound vehicle. The Update momentum from the impact forced the By Barbara LSie Kenyon student's car to strike a car parked Ttach For America, The National Teacher PEACH FOR AMERICA next to his car. A exposed himself z . Corps, recruils dynamic individuals from all The Kenyon student's car, a black -- proceeded masturbate fc H to before V rii-.- -- iS-i . Honda, received heavy damage, while the and diverse cultural academic majors female students on the south side of il. . damage to Mr. Crispin's car was deemed ' under-resource- o Biology Building w Saturday, d Octtf backgrounds to teach in c moderate. The Kenyon student was cited for 23rdL The student saw him i. Q urban and rural public schools for at least a failure to yield. appjwdraately I l;52p,m,and descrilx : UJ According to sophomore Rudy Vemer, tro years. Education course work is not him to be about 5 10 6f medium buiJ 1 "it looked like he sustained some slight dark ,: full-tim- e (it-- , ,1 and halrTbeyrcpcfle required. Corps members become i fey f 1 1 nM whiplash and the sound of the crash was ... to Security, who advised stiufcnisto-- A A teachers and become actively almost unbearable...(Crispin) didn't have z salaried m pairs after dark, and to call Security time to stop or swerve to miss him." involved with the communities in which they inraediaJery upon seeing any susptdoui Deputy Dexter said he believes the persons. TMs incident marks the scoh.J work. Salaries range from $15,000 - $29,500 investigation is pretty cut and dry. He does ? ;;: warn: --m: Q time a man has masturbated in public at and partial cancellation (PerkinsNDSL) or Z not think the southbound vehicle was .('"'iiiv Keoyan this year, , iv'e ;' " o speeding because the impact between the (StaffordGSL) of loans is deferment possible. TV

Come hear how jou can Z n Are you considering theological education? o make a difference! ILLITERACY Special Education Writing HARVARD UNIVERSITY THE DIVINITY SCHOOL EUtors-ln-Chk- f: Ryan Helft, Amy Kov is holding general information lSfews Editors Bennett sessions Mfaibeth Come learn about our Perspective Editor; Jctwifer ChldbUvL, Jessica Mclaren master's degree programs, including Features Editors: David Frank, Grc Nock Master of Theological Studies and Master of Divinity Sports Editor. Matt Kang, Gwyneth Shaw Dual degree options and cross-registrati- on opportunities Copy Editor; Shanyn Streich with the other Harvard graduate faculties )fhotugrpliy EdUwv Elizabeth Kaplan Business Manager, Margaret Cooper Advertising Manager Geoff Tlwaapsoa Meet With A Representative: Circulation Manager: Ted Hakkr Date: Tuesday, November 2nd Production AfcUots Jeremy CoHjn, Heejrwej. Hatbr Steve tmvxu R ache J Orr Time: - EdJtoritti Board; Elizabeth Bennett, Anne Dprey, David Frank, Jwmifer Gokfblatt, Jota 10:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Hatfield, Ryan Hcfft. Elizabeth Kaplan, Jmka Mckren, Greg Nock, Nell iPtenkk, Gwyneth Shaw, ShanyjiS&ekfa Place: Career Information Day, The &--y Collegian is published every Thwsday while the College to session, except Peirce Great Hall dicing examination and vacation periods. The views expressed in the paper do not necessarily All students. All maiors. All years reflect the views of Kenyan College. Yearly subscriptions are $25.00; clicks should be made welcome payable to the Kenyan Collegian. We encourage letters to tlie ediUHS. Names can be withheld J: upon Editor's Note: request; however, we cannot accept anonymous or psewbnymous letters. Our mailing address is Kenyon CotJegum, Student Activities Center, Gambler, OH 43022. Letters can also Susan Grossman resigned from the Editorial Board before last week's issue. Due to be submitted by VAX, addressed to either of the editors, HELFT or KOVER. our error, she was listed, and thus falsey associated with, last week's editorial. October 28, 1993 page three OPINION OCS Should Maintain Current Policy LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Recently Kenyon's OffCampus S tudies Office increased the requirements necessary for a student to travel abroad their junior year. In doing so they seem to be overlooking Nichols Reacts to Last Week's Editorial the importance oftravel in a liberal arts education. For many students the semester or year I am writing in regards to the Editorial organizations in our letter, yet out of pent in a foreign country imparts upon them more knowledge than a classroom could Board's response to the episodes occurring presumption, you make that connection, a jo. Especially for language and international studies students this form of study seems on campus during National Coming Out connection which rests in generalization crucial. To limit the numbers ofpeople allowed to participate in these programs seems Week. I feel that the Editorial Board wrote and stigmatization! Honestly, your article is a counter the tradition of liberal arts which Kenyon claims to embrace. their article from an entirely non-objecti- ve a depiction of the same ignorance that I Most alarming is the mandate that students submit their applications up to a year in and defensive standpoint You make the believe fosters homophobia. Hence, your advance. This greatly limits students who are unsure about their major, or type of assumption that because both, Kristin article serves to reinforce the point that I

program in which they wish to participate. Often times that ex tra semester gives students Shrimplin and myself are members of Queer made in the e-m- ail message.

ihe necessary information to make the decision to travel overseas. To penalize a nineteen Action and Ai.S .0., our all-- student e-m- ail Secondly, you wrote that our efforts year old for not planning their life one year in advance seems absurd. message reflects and is associated with the further polarized this community, however,

In addition, the past several years have seen the GP.A. requirement rise from 2.5 views of those organizations. Does this rest as far as I am concerned and as my e-m- ail 10 todays level of2.74. Granted, the OCS office should expect students to be passing their in the assumption that just because we both message pointed out; when GayLesbian classes, and hopefully doing well in them, but holding us up to standards higher than the identify ourselves as Gay, all Gay Bisexual issues are concerned, this overseas programs do makes little sense. organizations embody our political community already is a polarized It is understandable that Kenyon would wish its students to head overseas with more approaches and methodologies? We never community and the catalyst for, or the than a desire to play for a semester. The application process previously in place, even mentioned our affiliation with those see NICHOLS page eleven includingessays and recommendations, however, does just that. The new policies seem 10 impede those wishing to go overseas, rather than dictate that they have clear and Kushner Explains Point of Protest substantial reasons. No one denies that every year thousands of American students go Members of The Kenyon Community: are scared silent And a celebration for those prancing around the world proclaiming their God given right to travel as part of their gays, lesbians and bisexuals who are openly education. By making one apply to leave campus, however, Kenyon already makes one Aspartof their commentaries on ALSO so and proud of it (My apologies to any non-ga- y dec the whole process and thcrr studies more seriously. and Queer Action's handling of National students who, like Mark, did not realize Many students come to Kenyon because of the promise its studies programs. of off Coming Out Week, the Collegian' j Editorial that they did not have to come out) Hopefully prospectives will not be deterred by these newly erected barriers. One Board and Mark Simmons called for We were prepared for a week ofpositive, wonders about the motives behind O.C.S .'s actions. It would nice to think that they were "...moderate expressions ofboth sides ofthe pleasant, eye-openi- ng activities in a created in the students best interests.but no matter how much it is denied one cannot help issue" and "guilt-fre- e, intelligent community that usually forgets or ignores but think about the financial consequences the junior class leaving the hill each of half discussion". So, let' s start at the beginning. .. that we exist, but when those signs were year. Maybe in a few years the numbers and voices ofstudents who wish to study abroad First of all, the initial posters placed removed (while posters for events that had will speak for themselves and these restriction will be loosened. For the next fewclasses, around campus to celebrate National Coming already taken place remained up), we were however, students better be prepared to plan ahead and hit the books if they wish to Out Week held completely inoffensive hurt and offended and, yes we were, in participate in die study abroad programs that they have heard about from their upperclass messages such as "Support Kenyon fact, angry! fneruls.1!!;: Diversity", "Come Out Proud, We're Proud Perhaps our next set of poster were Written by Members Editorial Board of You" and "1 in 10 (followed by the inappropriate, perhaps they weren 't Who is names of famous lesbians, gay men and truly qualified to decide? They made some Larson on Life... bisexuals)": calm, rational, guilt-fre- e, people uncomfortable and offended others, moderate expressions of support for those but that gave no one the right to rip them Kluge's Book Brings Us Back to'91-'9- 2 members of the Kenyon community who see KUSHNER page eleven By Kate Larson 1995. While that in itself sounded interesting, Roningen Responds to Hatfield, Helft I wasn't sure it was enough to make me buy Response to the editors: reduction in revenues which will in turn A few weeks ago, as my roommate the book. I didn't know any of those guys, reduce incentives to undertake the discovery Amy and I whiled away yet another evening and obviously, I didn't live there. There John Hatfield's and Ryan Helft's article, of new drugs and treatments for diseases in there, I ikering with our VAX accounts instead of wouldn't be much of my Kenyon Countering Clinton's Health Care, is based such as AIDS and Breast Cancer." But as ioing our work for the next day, the phone thought His life and mine had barely upon a highly questionable principle. When reported in FAIR magazine, major "ang. A friend of ours had returned from a touched I recall his presence in Ryn the authors aver that Clinton's proposal for pharmaceutical industries already only spend rip to the bookstore and wanted to tell us Edwards' Bio 7 class but how much of managed competition "is merely a an average of 13 of their total revenues on hat P.F. Kluge's long-await- ed new book that would he have put in there? Certainly I government intrusion on the forces of the new drug research. Instead they divert a 4&na Mater had arrived. myself would not be in there, even if he did free market upon which our society was large portion of their profit toward high Grabbing our wallets, we hurtled decide to mention a nondescript sophomore built," they are making a general argument executive salaries and advertising. The iownstairs and found a new pile of books on woman who whooshed past him in Sunset for supply side economics, a strategy that authors ignore this reality, and the possibility he front table, seemingly unnoticed by Cottage from time to time. Ronald Reagan ' s own former adviser David for the government to regulate misspending inyone else. Old Kenyon, eerily colored, Finally, there's the fact that I am not an S tockman called "A colossal blunder." Many and to directly promote research. &red up from the white paper cover. After impulsive spender these days. Yeah, I went other economists would also agree. Since Furthermore, Hatfield and Helft fail to cite fading the jacket briefly, flipping through nuts buying souvenirs in Italy, but these supply side conservatism only works in any evidence of damage which might be several pages, and examining the book's days I'm paying for my extravagance and theory, it lacks empirical evidence, and thus done unto such companies. First of all, jverall aesthetic appearance, I forked over hoarding what little cash I can get on the credibility. By advocating this conservative pharmaceutical spending caps is the least he 10-in- equivalent of three ch sausage, side. It's not a good time to shop, join principle, the authors embrace all sorts of prominent part ofClinton's proposal. Come pineapple, and cheddar cheese pizzas from Columbia Records, or buy hardback books propagandistic misconceptions. For instance, on, guys, give me a break. Is a health care he Cove, and carried this treasure away. other than the ones required for my classes. Hatfield and Helft insist that "the imposition proposal - as modest as Clinton's - really gave Let's just say right now that I have Yet, I walked into the Bookstore, of price ceilings will automatically lead to a see RONINGEN page twelve ver met P.F. Kluge. I've never taken one this spanking-ne- w book a two-minu- te Jf his classes or even had a conversation perusal, and plunked down the monetary First Step Members React to Article in or very ith him. The fact that he wrote the book equivalent of six Friday Luncheon Cafes. We. the. member nf First Sten. would service only for use emergencies, problems. We would like "Mie and the Cruisers eluded me completely The brief peek I had taken tantalized me like to respond to the article in the October extreme personal again that any matter of concern to 1 never saw the movie either) until I noticed beyond thoughts of my depleted bank 21st issue, in hopes of dispelling certain to stress student is a valid subject for a call. on the cover. account. This book was screaming my name: misperceptions it contained. We feel that a Kenyon Although we do not provide "answers," as a Because I was abroad last semester, I "I am your sophomore year, Kate the article begins in a constructive fashion caller was quoted saying, we do aim to hissed the public reading ofAlma Mater he Larson! No one has read me yet! I'm worth but then degenerates. Several of the quotes provide a supportive forum in hopes of Sve. Although I'dbeen hearing things about the money many times over! You have to in the article, particularly the one that facilitating the caller's ability to make their his book here and there from both students own me." mentions "phone-sex,- " reflect and perpetuate own decisions. We provide information and tod professors since my return, I never So I bought it. And I must say, it's the the general ignorance on this campus of the referrals to help the caller make more mtended to buy it I knew very little of what best purchase I've made all year (besides my nature of First Step's goals and objectives. educated choices. ould be discussed, other than the reflections exalted and beautiful car, of course). Although it may seem a merely semantic a '60s alumnus on living in Lewis Hall Definitely worth three deluxe sets ofblinking issue, we also disagree with the use of the Members of First Step uh freshman members of the Class of see LARSON page twelve word "hotline." The word hotline implies a powertromoverwhelmingcircumstanceand Coach O Leary seemed pleased as well: has flavor of some sort. It actually tastes Gund. Earth tones, carpeting, rece by submitting emotion to them, celebrating "It was a solid defensive effort. There was octnd p.nnnoh tnsnmp.timpis warrant a sjvnnri lidhfina Af frpshmpn Ac a froK

PERSPECTIVES pagefiour October 28, 1993 E Jackson-Pari- s Duo Encourage Others to Break the Silence By Jessica Mclaren Bob Paris was at the absolute height of Homosexuality among young adults, to grow up in communities without a spectacular body building career when he an issue which the couple brought to the common thread and with essentially r, On Tuesday, October 19th, Kenyon had decided to come out; he had just won the title forefront, holds a lot of importance on an binding ties. Both men spoke abc real live celebrities speak at Rosse Hall. of Mr. Universe. He was expected to be the undergraduate campus. The sight of these their overwhelming isolation growing Student Lectureships, ALSO (Allied Sexual youngest man ever to win the Mr. Olympia two successful men, so open and courageous and their immediate denial of the Orientations), and Queer Action sponsored contest, when in an interview with in displaying Ironman their love for one other, is vital homosexuality. As far as the lecture circ. Bob and Rod Jackson-Pari- s, a married magazine, he candidly revealed his to young adults who feel alienated and scared goes, Rod summed it up perfectly: "It's o: homosexual couple, who celebrated their homosexuality and his love for Rod Jackson. when initially dealing with their sexuality. thing to show the issue; it's another thing four-ye- ar anniversary this past June. The format in Rosse was casual; the Bob and Rod are great role models for such be the issue." They admitted to feeling Although their lecture revolved around two men sat on stage holding microphones young adults without a doubt, but what "generational responsibility," feeling their off-the-cu- choice to marry and to "come out" at and carrying on a seemingly ff about the exploitation of what they do? The strong need to help others overcome tk. the peak of their careers, both men were dialogue. However, it appeared that each table tents on this campus were indicative of fear and self-hat- e of being homosexual. interesting enough to provide a lecture about gesture, and phrase ("It's so important to be a certain "freak show" atmosphere ("Mr. Even though the atmosphere was vt their individual lives. Rod Jackson is a true to yourself") was carefully rehearsed to Universe is coming to Kenyon...and he's similar to that of an afternoon talk-sho- w, prominent model; his near-perfe- ct visage evince a particular emotion from the bringing his HUSBAND!!!"). How could lecture was both enjoyable and inspiration has graced countless posters, postcards and audience. Yet, the tactic worked. The anybody, straight or gay, possibly want their Bob and Rod said that they are grow, the last fully-cloth- ed Playgirl cover. He was sympathy, compassion, and anger in integrity violated to this degree? Rod Jackson weary of the lecture scene, which involv; nominated for Playgirl's Man of the Year, retrospect was "on cue." These men have put it succinctly when he said, "Whatever it traveling about 200 days a year, speaking butpartnerBob Paris didn't want him doing appeared on numerous talk shows, and it is takes to get our message out there." Fine. high schools and corporations all over t the frontal nudity involved in the proposed easy to see why. They are charming, Nevertheless, Bob and Rod are excellent country. spread. photogenic,- witty, and thoroughly engaging. ' o j o O at what they do. They are very honest in their They said that they hope to settle dov feelings for Kenyon Oscar-Winnin-g one another, whatever the public in their hometown of Seattle, and possit Linebacker's opinion of it may be. The fact that they raise a family. They have just established; sacrificed high-profi- le success and fame for eponymous production company and e. Film The Lunch Date Displays Humor love is admirable, and something not many currently negotiating film projects people would have the courage to do. They Hollywoodfor their By Rachel Orr granted the award that many artists of the autobiography,"Ste addressed homosexual issues with eloquence silver screen seek the Oscar. From the Heart: A Love Story." It will and intelligence, while pointing out that released Time-W- ar Upon missing her train at Grand Central Where did he ever imagine such an idea on Valentine's Day by gays do not have the same choices and Books. Sure, Station, an older wealthy woman decides to for his project? Davidson explained that the Bob and Rod are a wall self-promoti- options on as other Americans do. Furthermore, : treat herself to a salad at the cafe. When she theme of mistaken identity in a fairy tale machine, but their intent the couple asserted that homosexuals are the are returns to the table, she spies her lunch struck him as humorous, and he began to noble, and the result is a story i m only minority- group- America that is forced models - quickly disappearing into the mouth of a ponder how to convert that theme into " love,' courage,vvwiuv, UiiUand ouvisacrifice.uiv, shabby, African-America-n man. The woman modern life. Or at least he attempted to place Alvarez Combines is absolutely mortified. But, it is it in a time period relative to our own, for Technique with So: not until the Rv Ipmmnft . By KathrynKafhrvn Jemmott of rotatingrArnim nn ; after she furiously snatches pieces of lettuce scene in the film is certainly not that of the rf clouds. What appear to be large eyes, away from his plate and eventually finishes present The black and white tape may have are represented in the third pr From now until November 14, the Olin Could it, that she realizes her salad was actually been the key factor in creating that image. these be the eyes of a supreme be Art Gallery will feature the art work looking located at the table behind them! Davidson stated that he chose to portray his of down on its newly formed creatic: Candida Alvarez. The black-and-whi- exhibit contains ten The last panel This is the hysterical scenario of The story through te film so that closes the painting with i multi-panele- d pain tings done in oil, charcoal, rendition of a human body inter:.. Lunch Date, the 1989 Academy-Awar- d he could better incorporate the themes of with its and a collage which, though reminiscent winning film created by Kenyon's own black and white people into the film. Also, of structures exposed. "abstract" work, are more importantly, movie maker, Adam Davidson. Davidson, a he exclaimed that he did it simply because, A similar piece, entitled "DesarroL reflections on her own life. to 1986 history honors graduate, visited his "It's Grand Central Station in New York!" Evolve," a painting done only in bla Alvarez, Puerto-Rica-n a talented artist, and e: alma mater on Monday, October 18 and Davidson also admitted that it would have white, seems to represent creation grew up in Brooklyn, New York. presented two of his creations to interested been extremely expensive to light the entire She some kind. In the middle panel, Alvarez k attended Fordham University and graduated students. set, as he joked about being able "to pay the used images of a hand, leg, two joined rings. in 1977 with her B.A. in Davidson's films, however, were not people to make sure the light plugs stay in and an animal liberal and studio arts. always superior award winners. One of his the wall." In the end, Davidson paid the Conceivably, she is Many of Alvarez's 44 of earlier pieces, There Is No Business, an $7000 total cost from his own pocket, portraying the order paintings are colorful 'Alvarez's art ironical, ten-minu- te flick, portrays a including the proceeds from the motorcycle marriage and the works done in bright comedian who begins to lose popularity he sold to afford it The saved money turned subsequent creation of! reds, blues, and greens. has recently been with his depressing recession jokes, and out to be worth the while, for the film looked new life, though this However, many of her finally turns to suicide at the end of an act spectacular in the classic black and white. inspired by her painting is subject to pieces are completely Its The show was filmed on video primarily due The music was a vital element of the endless interpretation. made in black and white. to high expenses. Consequently, the lighting production, not only because it helped to life." abstraction allows fortius In an . article from and sound were poor in some sections. characterize the time period, but also because kind of freedom. Artnews Magazine. Davidson admitted that he was not too it created an audible background in the midst A 1 v arez's Alvarez said that because her pleased with the way the plot flowed. of very little dialogue. A composer friend of native tradition painting "Suenos te despiertanDreams is so filled with color, limiting of According to him, too many themes were Davidson 's aided him in the music selection, her work to awaken you," is a contrast in the world only black and white is forced into such a small time bracket. and the forties tune chosen seemed quite a kind of light and dark. The composition is divided "purification." Also, she does not Nevertheless, the drastically-opposin- g appropriate. Davidson noted that "it fit the use brushes into an upper and a lower panel. The upper to paint, but instead Q-tip- s, elements of comedy and horror were old lady's frame of mind." uses cotton panel theoretically represents the dream balls, and her fingers. This gives amazing. Perhaps the most impressive part of his a unique world, blending dark colors and indistinct and free texture to her paintings. Success did not come with that piece presentation was the manner in which images to produce the effect. Alvarez's art has recendy been inspired e for Davidson, nor even immediately Davidson displayed his work. The filmmaker by Etched in this panel is the Spanish poem-lik- her life. After she became following the making of The Lunch Date. was as witty as his works; his numerous pregnant, Alvarez inscription, "Today does not exist started painting scenes The filmmaker sent the short to three different remarks and anecdotes were filled with the portraying the womb. without yesterday. But I live inside the future. In the same article from film festivals, and three separate times the kind of honesty that made his film a success. Artnews, Alvarez Today does not exist, dreams awaken you." said, "I paint and I have of film was rejected. Finally, professors at the Davidson's modesty, which was revealed a baby. I'm doing The lower panel is an imbued palette what I'm supposed Columbian Film School Davidson attended when he provided the opportunity for to be doing." bright color most likely rendering reality in Most of the titles her encouraged him to send his piece to the discussion, also contributed to the creation of paintings are given this world. both in English and in Spanish. Canadian Film Festival, where it was of a more relaxed atmosphere. Perhaps the One of the Alvarez's paintings elicit many exceptions is her accepted and down-to-eart- painting "In Formation," eventually judged as the grand audience recognized his h a reactions, some favorable and some not four-panele- prize. The d, black and white Lunch Date also won the student nature. Or perhaps it was even his gumption piece done in They are not works to glance at lightly and oil and wax. The first an Oscar for short films, which made it with his work which was most impressive. panel seems to depict hastily judge. They should be studied possible a swirling vortex of nothingness. for the film to move forward to the Adam Davidson proved that when you It then carefully, with an open mind. Personal Academy leads into the second panel in Awards to be nominated and later believe in what you do, anything is possible. which dancing opinions aside, all of Candida Alveraz's human characters are surrounded by a mass works command respect. Vctober 28, 1993 page five PERSPECTIVES Harjo Promotes Own Work, Disappoints Aspiring Poets By Jennifer Lynn Boehme She attended the University of New anthology of writing by Native-America- n offered were vague and generally not helpful. Mexico as an art quasi-autobiographi- major with no intention of women and a cal book The critique was impersonal and rushed. Purple cowboy boots and amulticolored going into writing. When she endured of poems. Unfortunately, a presentation that started itive American jacket defined the presence significant psychological problems while in For most of the out on a good note Joy Harjo, who held a presentation at college, Harjo "started writing poetry to workshop Harjo spoke ended as an aowden Multicultural Center last save her life." This became the most effective about her life and the ineffective workshop ednesday. The renowned poet arrived to medium for her to vent her feelings. experiences that have that left students with fer advice and criticism for potential "Poetry transforms itself and at the same influenced her work. She "Perhaps the a feeling thatthey had ;nyon poets. This was a dream come true time, it transforms you too," she said. delighted the audience by wasted their time. i budding young poets; many anxious About seven years ago Harjo began reading and reciting three students went into It was a .Jents brought along copies of their own playing the saxophone, and she frequendy of her poems, yet most disappointment to 90-minu- te the workshop ems for Harjo to see. The sets her poems to music and performs them students were expecting those who took 90 jrkshop was designed as a meeting with her four-memb- er band. She describes to hear more. Then, with minutes out of their ;ween an already established expecting more poet and her music as a compilation of tribal, jazz , 35 minutes left in the afternoon to obtain osejust starting out and reggae sounds. workshop, she turned the than she was feedback on their In her low, even voice, Harjo captivated On leave from her English professorship time over to the audience poetry ,and instead aners with stories about her life and her at the University of New Mexico this term, and gave students the willing to offerP got one woman, xk. As a Creek Indian from the Southwest, Harjo is currently working on three major opportunity to read their talking about her life. irjo keeps the spirit of her heritage and projects. Her children's book will be on the poems aloud. The Perhaps the it alive by heavily incorporating them market as soon as the artist finishes the audience sat in a circle, students went into the "j) her work. illustrations. She is also collaborating on an and each student read one of the poems she workshop expecting more than she was he brought. Harjo took minimal notes on willing to offer. Harjo obviously was more Ani DiFranco Displays Folk Talent these and afterwards attempted to critique interested in promoting her upcoming works them all. The advice and criticisms she than in discovering new talent The Samples New Release Secures Position Among West Coast Bands By Ryan Helft the ever-troubli- ng subject of love, assisted by bassist Andy Sheldon and drummer Jeep The Samples introduced themselves to MacNichol. Their skills add a different . 1 the world in 1989 with a promising dimension to their newest music. It is a eponymous album. The group quickly courageous move in light of the fact that discovered the trick of becoming a great they did not rely on their previously band; they followed up their initial album successful format with successive work of equal quality. The The title track is the next great song of Last Drbg. their latest album, uses the same the album. The Samples employ a number style .with interesting variations. of sound effects to create the atmosphere The first song, "Little Silver Ring" opens they are trying to portray. The dog barks and up with a clever wake up call and is perhaps cow moos give almost a John Cougar feeling the best song in the collection. The piece of homey-nes- s to their '90s style, which is pumps out an upbeat version of their typical definitely another surprise from the group. style. The album does not contain any Unfortunately, the next few songs do blatandy bad music with only one minor not live up to the first track. Nevertheless, exception, "Playground." they are cozy little Samples songs that their It seems that the band may have over- By Aarron Webber lose their meaning and power. Still, she is fans will expect and enjoy. The sixth track, extended itself by putting out 16 tracks. A not the "angry young woman" she is reputed "When the Day is Done," is where the band few of them begin to run together and one Ani DiFranco arrived at Kenyon last to be. Ani DiFranco merely has an opinion surprises the audience, and inspires the cannot distinguish one Samples song from Monday night to perform at Gund that she would like to voice through music. respect they deserve. another.. Commons. Despite her reputation as "an The concert was excellent; her music The lyrics reflect the tempo and style of Overall the album is a good one. The angry young woman," she gave a concert brought a progressive sound to the folk the performance. Sean Kelly seems to be Samples have definitely taken their place sound that carried a very different message to the styles of RL. Jones and Doc Watson. writing about a universal experience: that of amongst the top groups of the '90s Kenyon audience. Students expecting this DiFranco also recited a poem, which is changing ideals in order to fit into the along with Pearl Jam and the others in the "angry young woman," were pleasantly printed in her first album, entitled "The realities of the world. West Coast genre. lyric-writin- g niche and will probably surprised by what they heard. Slant" The piece she read was vibrant with In later songs, these skills They have their the same quality Though she voiced her opinions on imagery and purpose. further reflect the problems ofcontemporary be able to put out more of for a few more years to several different issues through her work, Though the young musician declined times. Kelly's treatmentof issues like falling music of that style that work did much more: it exhibited true to reveal the true story of her beginnings, into mediocrity, the dark side ofpeople, and come. folk an admittedly-fiction- al talent she did provide AND HAVE WORKED WITH DiFranco's music displayed an anecdote about it DiFranco said that it all PEOPLE WHO KNOW effortless control of voice and an amazing started in a New York cafe, where she was talent on the acoustic guitar. Her voice attempting to become "multiculturally DONNA SCOTT was reminiscent of Rickie Lee Jones, and aware" by learning to play the zither. When URGE YOU TO VOTE FOR HER FOR SCHOOL BOARD her instrumental performance was a man approached her and asked if she exceptional. would like to play the guitar, she leaped at DiFranco's songs involved some the opportunitity because "it sounded Joan Cadden, Ryn Edwards, John Elliott, Barry Gunderson social despite the fact that she had no commentary; she sang about "social interesting," Peele, Jackie Robbins, Don Rogan, norms," and commented on "missed idea of what a guitar was. The stranger Jim Keeler, Jami opportunities," unpursued chances to fall promised to make her a star if she could Micah Rubenstein, Judy Smith, Linda Smolak, in love and afterwards regretted, musing learn to play it well. She did, and the rest is Jane Wemhoener, Ruth Woehr about "lovers whose eyes I've only seen at history. a glance." Though the truth of her origins is still At one point in the performance, a secret, the fact seems arbitrary in light of VOTE SCOTT NOV. 2 DiFranco spoke about "insulting her fantastic performance, as well as the Scott for School Board Committee language." She pointed out that when cruel immense talent she displayed last Monday Paid for by Carolyn Smith, Treas., 105 Allen Drive, Gambier, OH 43022 language is over -- used, the words often night. power from overwhelmingcircumstanceand Loacnu Leary seemed pieaseu as wen: has tlavor ot some sort, it actually tastes uunu. tarin tones, carpeting, rece a y-- i r i a " i 11 emotion by submitting to them, celebrating "It was a solid defensive effort. There was good enough to sometimes warrant a tprnnr liohtina

FEATURES page six October 28, 1993 h Annual Gambier Folk Festival to Focus on Ethnic Dance h By James Parr a concert in Rosse Hall featuring Kevin will be Lakota Sioux Kevin Locke, an After the dancing and music in Rosse at Locke and the Irish All-Star- s. Exemplifying acclaimed master ofthe Plains and Woodland 8:00 p.m., members of the Kenyon The annual Gambier Folk Festival will the "vibrancy of Irish America's music," the courting flute and hoop dance. A Hunkpapa community can cross over to Lower take place this weekend beginning Friday all-sta- rs include fiddler Liz Carroll, Sioux of the Standing Rock Reservation, he Dempsey Hall for a square dance party with fr0n evening, and running through the weekend concertina-playe- r, accordionist, and whistle-play- er currently resides in Mobridge, South Dakota. Kenny Sidle and Fnends as well as Lynn until Sunday afternoon. Celebrating its John Williams, and guitarist John Locke regards himself as a preservationist Frederic. The annual square dance has twenty-secon- d successive year, the Folk become a staple of the Folk Festival, and this Festival will once again bring music, dance, year's promises to be as entertaining as ever. and craftsmanship from a number ofcultures. As always, the dance is for beginners or This year's festival will include regional (7 experts. All ofthe musicians are Ohio-nativ- es and international talent Sponsored by many '2 as well as nationally acclaimed and awarded

Kenyon and non-Keny- on groups, the Festival performers. is organized and coordinated mainly by the Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Gambier Folklore Society. Society member Gund Commons, there will be workshops and sociology professor Howard Sacks with all of the Festival performers. Audience commented that a goal of the Society is to members will hear impromptu performances "integrate the festival with the Kenyon by the musicians and be able to ask questions. community as a whole to really make it a Saturday evening at 8:00 p.m. in Rosse, part of the life of Gambier." LeRoy Troy and Odadaa! will perform. The organizers of the Festival wish to Originally from Goodlettsville, Tennessee, bring together the various elements that Troy is known as the 'Tennessee Slicker." compose the Kenyon-Gambi- er community He has been fiddling since the age of twelve from other parts of America and and has since developed a one-ma- n show with those " ; 1 . . 1 --. I ! the world. They wish to foster "close contact based on his singing and banjo playing. He between artists and their audience," while sights Uncle Dave Macon, Muddy Waters, : "celebrating important cultural traditions " - and John Lee Hooker as his inspirations. that are often overlooked in our society." Many may remember Troy as the character Each Festival in the history of the event Billy Bob from the highly lauded series

has usually carried some sort of general Hee-Ha- w. A faculty member of the theme. Last year, the Festival presented Tennessee Banjo Workshop, he has toured Odadaa! will be featured as pari of the FolkFestival (photo courtesy Public Affairs) music from ethnic and cultural backgrounds of the world from Holland to Lebanon, as diverse as gospel, bluegrass, blues, and Dewan, all of whom hail from Chicago and of his music rather than a creator of it. In Tennessee. Andean folk music. This year's Festival New Jersey Irish-Americ- an communities, addition he is one of the few remaining The music and dance troupe Odadaa! promises the same assortment of musical Performing with the group will be champion Lakota who has learned the instrument He bears a name used by the Ga people from styles, but with an emphasis on ethic dance stepdancer John Timm of Dayton, who was one of the youngest recipients of the Ghana for the traditional rhythm played in particular. recently won first place in Ireland at the National Heritage Fellowship Award and is annually to begin the festivities of harvest This Friday at 8:00 p.m., the twenty-secon- d Worldwide Stepdance Competition. pursuing a doctorate at the University of season. Band leader Yacub Addy is the son annual Folk Festival will begin with Also performing in Rosse that night South Dakota. see FESTIVAL page twelve 111. b 1 1 rr n i a a 1 1 ii a y y i Ilxjuixlliulllos 1b D

Friday, October 29, Young Frankenstein, his wife and two daughters into little pieces lines like "Honey, I'm not gonna hurt ya, the re-maki- ng of a monster results through 8:00 p.m., Biology Auditorium. with an axe, and that the hotel is built on an I'm just gonna bash your brains in," and the discovery of the original Frankenstein's ancient Indian burial ground. Regardless of "Heeeeere' sJohnny!"itiseasyto understand books. Adventures abound in the creation, Saturday, October 30, The Shining, 8:00 these rumors, they accept the contract and why. But don't stop yourself from seeing escape, and general action of the monster. p.m., Biology Auditorium. move into the hotel with their son Danny this cinematic feat again. Nicholson's Young Frankenstein takes the elements (Danny Lloyd), unaware that they are convincing performance as a man gone of gothic horror and comically interprets Wednesday, November 3, Toto Les Hews, entering a realm in which they will be completely insane often overshadows the them. The comedy in the film is word play 10:00 p.m. Rosse Hall. dominated by supernatural forces beyond well -- crafted progression of King's story and and action parody. Jokes such as "werewolf By Ian Rowan their control. In addition, the viewer is given Kubrick's film. Duvall and Lloyd also being interpreted as "where wolf?" leading an extra taste of what is to come when deserve to be watched again as they portray to "there wolf are told throughout the film. Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining is Danny, with the aid of his "shining" ability, the seemingly helpless victims of forces The humor is very low and the jokes, bad. arguably the most successful and renowned has horrific visions of slaughtered little girls greater than themselves. All ofthis combined Wilder provides his typical lunatic adaptation of a Stephen King novel ever to and a couple-hundre- d gallons of "O" with an unconventional and haunting musical performance with wild eyes, crazy hair and hit the screen. Before our present era of gushing through hallways, sensing the evil score make this a timeless and tireless lots of shouts. As his fussy fiancee, Kahn, special effects and sci-- fi techno plots, there at the Overlook and room 237. masterpiece. Don't miss this suspenseful does a commendable job, ultimately ending was a time of solid story lines combined The reason for the film's tremendous thriller, unless you are also insane. up in the arms of the monster. At one point, with down-hom- e madness. success is not only due to superb Gene Hackman even makes a quick Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall performances by Nicholson, Duvall, and appearance, as a blind man the monster portray Mr. and Mrs. Torrence who have Lloyd, but also the ability of director By Darnell Preaus stumbles upon in his wanderings. recently moved out to Denver, Colorado producer Kubrick to tell the story. He reveals The actual filming is filled with fadeouts, from Vermont Jack Torrence is a school to the audience all of the crucial elements Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein is a wipes and much attention to lighting. teacher who applies for theposition ofwinter before they fall into place and leaves the 1975 screwball comedy starring Gene According to The New York Times Brooks caretaker at the Overlook hotel which is a audience waiting in expectancy. The viewer Wilder, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman and paid particular attention to the settings in summer resort, isolated deep in the Rocky is not aware till much later how all sites Madeline Kahn. A black and white spoof of order to "produce the kind of slightly fake mountains. The hotel shuts down from toured on the Torrence's first day at the the nineteen-thirtje- s horror films, it tells the details you'll find only in studio made 30 15 October to May and the Torrences Overlook will play their respective roles in tale of the grandson of the original Baron movies." Brooks was meticulous in his comic agree to move into the sprawling hotel and the maniacal plot. But when they all solidify von Frankenstein. recreation of the thirties horror film. watch it through the winter. Jack is hoping into a panic stricken finale, the immense and The movie begins with the brain Ultimately one's enjoyment of the filtf that this is the quiet seclusion he needs to cavernous hotel seems to collapse into an surgeon, young Dr. Frankenstein (Gene depends on whether you like this sort of rejuvenate his writing career. amazingly small cage containing a madman, Wilder), being notified he has been willed tlung or not For me, the humor wears thin The Torrences are forewarned by the an axe, and his prey. his grandfather's Transylvanian estate and and there is much suffering involved in hotel manager about one previous caretaker When one thinks of The Shining one must go to Germany to claim it As he between the "jokes". But, there seems to be who suffered from "cabin fever" during a usually remembers the stair scene, or one of arrives, Igor (the grandson of the original) is a large group of Young Frankenstein long winter, killing himself after chopping the two bathroom scenes, and with catchy there to serve him. He goes to the castle, and supporters. )ctober28,1993 page seven FEATURES Hypnotist Tom DeLuca Returns to Mesmerize Kenyon By Joshua Lawrence (including the famous Chicago's Second hypnotism, a cross between a stand-u- p comic parts, the mind reading demonstration and City). Soon after hitting the college circuit, and a practitioner of imaginism. If last year's the hypnosis act, DeLuca displayed his ability Subconsciously, everyone knows that DeLuca established himself as one of the show is any indication, this year's should be to control the human mind and revealed the m DeLuca is going to be a hit. But for all more unusual and popular performers. In at least an interesting example of the power subconscious character of 15 student who are in with your u not touch additon he has been named College of persuasion. Dividing the show into two see HYPNOTIST page eleven conscious or haven' t heard what a success Entertainer ofthe Year twice by the numerous Lit year s snow was, l om DeLuca is colleges that comprise the National --jiging himself and his hypnotic skills to Association forCampus Activities (NACA). The Changing Faces of Kenyon j encore presentation on the Kenyon DeLuca has also been featured in such T.V. What do you think Kenyon's .npus this evening programs as L 8:00 p.m. "CBS seventy percent admission? "Combining the Nightwatch" Lauren Grossman '94 wer of suggestion and "Live "I think they usually do a good job of 1 DeLucaisasortofPenn i - his volunteers' with Regis r- admitting people who are qualified." :aate creativity, & Teller ofhypnotism, a and Cathy suits in a delightful Lee." His ;nd of fantasy," cross between a stand-u-p shows are ;id his winning J. Jvertisement. comic and a rave ;:Luca coaxes reviews rticipants into practitioner ofimaginism. from 1 making like aliens Variety , distant worlds; People, " ' )sing in body Elle, and - Jlding competitions; or really believing Rolling Stone Magazine. : at they are the world's greatest dancers. "His approach is to forgo the gimmickry DeLuca earned a masters degree in to revel the fun and wonder hidden in the iychology from Sangamon State attics of his volunteers' minds... there are -- .aiversity. After appearing before several moments of joy and happiness on stage," il I - xal civic groups, DeLuca quit his job as a said Rolling Stone. "The first truly hip Robert Milt '97 .rapist and went on to refine his skills and hypnotist." "It's not a reflection of student quality, it's i ' s act in night clubs in the Midwest DeLuca is a sort of Penn & Teller of the number that apply. We need to increase enrollment." Renowned Scientist to Lecture on (he Origins, Future of AIDS Virus By Kari Kutina Cal ifomia at Los Angeles where she became interested in molecular biology. In the early - -

On Monday, November 1, at 7:30 p.m. 1 970s after post-gradua- te work, Wong-- S taal Sarah Slater '96 J the Biology Auditorium, Dr. Flossie began studying retroviruses, a mysterious "It's going to have bad

'ong-Sta- consequences for getting into al will present her lecture "AIDS: group of viruses that would come 1983 fliere Did It Come from, Where Is It include HIV itself. grad school." joing?" In 1984, while performing HIV research Dave Pilgrim '94 "There's a lot fewer students that can't Wong-Staa- l, who heads an AIDS-searc- h at the National Cancer Research Institute, i afford tuition, so we must increase laboratory at the University of Wong-Sta- al had the opportunity to work ilifomiaat San Diego, is one of theforemost with Dr. Robert Gallo, one of the first enrollment to help pay. It's a tragedy - - - - ientists scientists to identify the existence of HTV. of private education." in the field of AIDS research. photos by Sarah Michael Her landmark work to determine the Today, Wong-Sta- al feels the need to "put molecular structure of the Human Immuno- - the knowledge we've gained to use and sficiency Virus gained her national contribute to vaccine development" CDCfs Career Information Day to Mention. She was heralded by The Scientist HIV establishes a permanent residence induces those cells one of the ten women super-star- s of in the cells it infects and Provide Assistance in Job Search science." more HTV. Care must be taken to produce By Greg Nock representatives. al volatile nature of Wong-Sta- is particularly interested in with vaccines due to the A large group of professional schools k protein coat of HIV which confers its the virus. The Career Development Center (CDC) like DePaul School of Accounting and Wong-Staal- 's lab is creating HTV mutants ignition of human immune system cells will once again offer students help in thejob Northwestern Medical School will also send the immune system to liich serve to destroy the system through which will stimulate search process. On Tuesday, November 2, representatives. Also attending will be a without causing an infection. mimicry. defend the body CDC and the Senior Class Committee will number of Kenyon Alumni, like Jim Keyes

Wong-Sta- al Chinese-America- Wong-Sta- al that "It's a constant n states Un-Agenc- is a born hold Career Information Day, a chance for '63, representing the y, an a virus versus the scientists. HTV China and brought to the U.S. to escape battle of the employers and graduate programs to come advertising firm, and Michael Nuzzo '92, virus with all kinds of evasive communist government. Born Lee Ching is a smart answer questions that students might have. representing Medimetrix Group. ong, she had the more western name of mechanisms." Information Daywillberuninthe Great Last year's information day proved to revolutionary work has provided a fossie hastily chosen for her by her father Her Hall of Peirce from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. be a success, and the CDC received positive from information about AIDS and a list ofrecent hurricanes in the Orient surplus of new Approximately 40 employers and feedback from students concerning the lead to a cure. In 1965, she entered the University of will hopefully professional school representatives will be experience they gained in talking to the present at tables, offering their input into the representatives, and in making business quest for employment. contacts. Assistant Director of the CDC Vicki "Andersen Consulting came back after JODY'S interviews, and a couple RESTAURANT Carney said she is most impressed with the last year for a day of diversity Kenyon managed to attract this of job offers were made," said Carney. 1 09 S. MAIN, MOUNT VERNON, OHIO year. "This year, businesses like American Turnout for Information Day '92 was Fifth-Thir- d Bank, around 200 students, a number Carney said (614) 397-957- 3 Greetings, Foot Locker, with. "The and Enterprise Rent-a-C- ar will be present," she was extremely pleased MONDAY SATURDAY - a.m. to 7:00 p.m. thru 6:00 she said. employers were impressed that many - p.m. SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 Chubb Insurance, Merck Human Health students attended, but stressed that they DELIVERY SERVICE MON. - FRI. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Division, Teach for America, and the Ohio would like to see even more," she said. DISCOVER. AMERICAN EXPRESS. MASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTED Departmentof Transportation will also send see INFO page twelve L10l4111l U1LU nas navor or some son. it actually tastes uuna. tartn tones, carpeting, recc by submitting emotion to them, celebrating "It was a solid defensive effort. There was priori enough to srmp.timp.: warrant a ewrinrl liahtina Af frpchmpn Ac q frAoK,

FEATURES page eight October 28, 1993 CDCfs Extern Program to Enlighten Students About Jobs By Sarah Weyland aspects of life. Kenyon connection." careers are personally the best choices. The The program involves the pairing of This year the Extern Program celebrates experience provided through the program

The Career Development Center is students with its 20 year can make decision an easier and running an extern program that aids students adults who are anniversary. The more confident one. in selecting a career. The program is an established The extern program is "an program Said Gensemer, "I think that when opportunity for sophomores, juniors, and in the working currently targets you're a senior and you're confronted by opportunity to look in on seniors to spend a week getting an inside world. The things sophomores. career recruiters and work and tests, it's a look at an occupation. The program will students spend that you won't in many cases Although scary time if you haven't done any career spring vacation, semester externships are take place during a week have a opportunity to actually exploring...there's a difference in the level break, and in late May. participating in also open to of confidence in those who have done some "I think the great advantage of it is that the working do untilaftergraduate school" juniors and exploring. The intern program is one way of you get to take a peek at an occupation," said doing environment, --Barbara Gensemer, CDC Director seniors, it" Director Barbara Gensemer. Gensemer learning about an Gensemer claims To become an extern, students may fill stated that the aim of the program is to give occupation. The the aim focuses out Extern Request Forms available at the students the opportunity to observe and extern program is on sophomores, Career Development Center. These forms discover what an occupation is like for a "an opportunity to look in on things that you because most people find the occupation must be returned to the CDC no later that week. Not only is the program "a chance to won't in many cases have a opportunity to they want during sophomore year. October 31. For students unsure about whai go look and see" what a job is like, but it is actually do until after graduate school," said Seniors, who have at some point gone on occupation they wish to extern in, the CDC also an opportunity to "get into the work Gensemer. Most of the adults participating an externship, can draw upon their extern holds one-ho- ur workshops on Would-B- e environment." Students are able to in the program are alumni, but all of them experience in selecting a job. The program Externs. Said one participant: "Nothing understand how an occupation affects all have, said Gensemer, "some traceable aims at helping students to decide what beats a 'reality check.'" Storyteller Terry Schupbach-Gordo- n to Hold Workshop on Range ofIssues Graduate By Amy Rich will be enhanced with slides and examples of books that she and her husband have Creation stories, disabilities, art produced. Management Studies publishing, and storytelling: though "Storytelling," the final workshop in seemingly unrelated, all four are the passions the series, will be held on November 5 at of Terry Schupbach-Gordo- n, who will 4:15 p.m. in Weaver Cottage. At this time, in France discuss them in a series of lectures and Schupbach-Gordo- n will explain the many workshops next week. techniques involved in the art of storytelling. The first presentation entitled "Stories One notable example is her use of puppets. of Creation" will be held on November 3 at She also tells very interactive stories, said The Consortium of leading French "Grandes Ecoles" 7:00 p.m. in Weaver Cottage. The stories to Associate Professor of Religion, Royal of Management is seeking to recruit June '94 graduates be told include not only a diverse collection Rhodes. for 2-ye- ar oflegends and myths ofcosmic creation.but He explains further, saying that she a International Management Program also the tales of people who creatively invent may stop in the middle of a story and ask the in French andor English. and discover. Thus, the emphasis of the children listening, "What do you think evening spreads from creation to creativity. happened next?" Inevitably, someone will For further information the Schools Another of Schupbach-Gordon'- s wager a guess, to which Schupbach-Gordo- n about interests, "Disabilities and Accessibility," will reply "How did you know? That's and the programs they offer, will be brought to the forefront in a lecture exactly what happened," and continue her please meet our representative: at 1 1:10 a.m. on November 4 in Ascension story by incorporating the child's suggestion. room 25. The problem of accessibility for "It's remarkable," Rhodes added, "At first disabled people holds personal significance kids may be put off by the wheelchair, but Mrs. Joan FENET at the: for Schupbach-Gordo- n because spina bifida end up climbing all over her." has confined her to a wheelchair at some Schupbach-Gordon'- s love for times, and at others has allowed her to walk storytelling and the visual arts began during CAREER INFORMATION DAY only with the help ofcrutches and leg braces. her Kentucky childhood which led her to at: In response to her own disability, she has attend Indiana University, where she earned become a consultant on the needs of the both bachelor's and master's degrees in the disabled, fighting for changes in attitudes fine arts. From there, this love brought her to and improved accessibility. Kenyon where she taught printmaking and KENYON COLLEGE Yet another of Schupbach-Gordon- 's puppet making as an associate professor Career Development personal interests, "Art Publishing" will be from 1979 to 1983. To show off puppets Center discussed on November 4 at 4:00 p.m. in made in the puppet making class, a puppet on November 2, 1993 Ascension room 1 26. This workshop centers parade was held in which, as Rhodes said, on the experience that she and her husband, everyone "ended up carrying on in the middle from: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Toby Gordon, have acquired in operating of Gambier." Catbird Press, their own printmaking The creative spirit next took Schupbach-se- e workshop and artist book studio. Her insights STORYTELLER page twelve

S I DOK'T IT! WHY STUPit ib&A Was SIOH; ! HATE-M0NMY- A.T IT'S T believe whose OH.waL. LEAfT CAN'T BEUEVS 1 t)IBTHEy STMT CLASSES IT, ANYWAY?! Ww -- - I tLMtfST 'I: 15. CAN MY A Just 5Ait that. on a TwwKMy yR?r PR0BA8LY (rONMA Lfl5E MEAN-THURSD- AYS LOOK pJRWARbTo this A v - OF CoagSE- 'M 60UHA CrO S?0T IN THE CLASS! .. NICE LUNCH... to wY Monday class r r X3 0 r October 28, 1993 SPORTS page nine Lords Post Impressive 2-- 2 Draw with 1 Ohio Wesleyan By William Heywood no one really likes it, me included. I guess throw in. "Guest threw the thing about three DeSchryver (injured foot), and Marshall it's because no one really likes them," miles. Ijust touched it in. I still can't believe Chapin (separated shoulder) out, the bruised The Lords soccer team, ranked ninth commented Andrew Guest. I scored against OWU!" cried a tearful Lords came out flat against the Gators and 14-0- -3 nationally, bettered its record to this 1- Before five minutes were gone, OWU Zweig. Shortly thereafter, Wayne Albertyn found themselves -0 down at half-tim- e. past week with wins against Allegheny and had shot twice, scored twice, and were calling delivered a wonderful through-bal- l to Greg "The second half was a whole nother Marietta and a draw against visiting Ohio to mind last year's 5-- 0 trouncing. "They Kanzinger who showed great patience in ball game," said DeSchryver. Mark Phillips Wesleyan. intimidated us a bit, I think," said Tom finishing. Kanzinger converted to put the scored two goals and Tony Mohammed

Last Wednesday an enormous crowd Frick. "We 3-- made a mistake or two that Lords back in the game. At the end ofjust drilled one to put the Gators away 1 and

braved the cold and rainy weather to see normally 2-- wouldn't happen. After that five fifteen minutes, the score was tied at 2. pull the Lords further within reach of the Kenyon take on the number one team in the minutes we got back into out rhythm." Said reserve Nick Hailey, "The first fifteen NCAC conference title. "Excellent second .ountry and Lord nemesis, Ohio Wesleyan. Kenyon showed it wasn't quite out of minutes was a game in itself. Wow! Four half," said Guest "We got our play back up OWU has, with the exception ofone game in the game, nearly missing several good great goals and back to tie-scor- e, I just and executed much to my satisfaction." 1990, continually beaten Kenyon in the past scoring chances. Finally, relatively speaking, looked at coach Faust and said, 'I don't Kenyon rounded out the week by hosting few years. "They have a great program and Eric Zweig scored off an Andrew Guest believe it!'" Marietta College on a spring-lik- e Monday. 105 minutes of great soccer followed Kenyon won a sound 7-- 0 victory in this, the Kenyon Cross Country Teams Endure with many good chances for both teams. seniors' last home game. Greg Kanzinger, Marshall Chapin was in a form reminiscent Wayne Albertyn, Mark Phillips, Andrew Two Week Preparation for NCACs of his rookie seasom as he stopped several Guest, and Geoff Thompson all scored as excellent Bishop shots, including a close the Lords picked apart the Pioneer off-sid-e By Tad Reynes going to nationals will not be easy. However, range barrage from OWU's Ail-Americ- an trap. a couple of individuals should definitely Up to now, the efforts of both the mens make the cuts, and a strong overall womens cross country teams have been performance could carry the entire team important, but their entire season will ride there." O. jpon their performances at the conference Such a final accomplishment for the K,. .hampionships this weekend. This event womens team would certainly prove to be an iias served as the goal strived towards by apt finish for the placings they have brought V 1 V both teams throughout the season. They home with them. each have high hopes heading into the meet, The Lords, while not as dominant as the and they both have the potential to place Ladies over the weeks, have undoubtedly

I .ell. shown proven talent. While rookies have Both teams have had the last two weeks injected the Ladies with new strength this ff, so they should definitely be well rested season, it has been the improved ".eading into this weekend. Last weekend effectiveness of the upperclassmen which

-- . hey did not have a meet scheduled because has carried the Lords.

i -- hey had planned to rest before conferences, The quicker times of such runners as

I ad the breakdown ofthe team van prevented Ryan McNulty, Aaron Deny, Eric King, competing in a meet two weeks ago. and Brett Ayliffe have really carried the however, the last week has involved hard team through the difficulties which they Junior tri-capta- in Tom Frick lacks an OWU (photo by Jane Schluter) aining for both teams, and with a gradual have encountered with a smaller team this past defender. aper this week, they should be in top season. Chris Duff. "Chapin was out of his mind!" A scary incident in the second half :ondition for the meet Coach Gomez admitted that the Lords exclaimed Geoff Thompson. ended the game a bit early. Leigh Sillery, ! The Ladies, who have run in strong will have "a tough shot" to make regionals, "Thanks to great defense, I haven't going for a header, dislocated his shoulder fashion the entire season, are looking forward predicting that "it will all depend on a team been getting so much action as far as shots and went into immediate shock. An EMS lo great possibilities from this weekend. An effort." lately," reported Chapin. "I was glad to get unit took the defenseman away for treatment

inspired senior co-capt- ain Nancy Notes Similarly, Gerard Solis mentioned that some key saves and glad to be a part of such and the game was called with fifteen minutes i related that she just "wanted to win the "everybody will be happy if they've run a great game." remaining. After the game the team and ' hole thing." their race well, and a good overall effort Kenyon's offense, despite the loss of spectators were visibly upset "It's a scary She felt that the two weeks off have put should give us a strong shot at making flu-ridd- en Mark Phillips, threatened the thing to see," said Guest, "I hope he's okay." 'he team in the right physical and mental regionals." Their position in the conference OWU goal numerous times. An overtime The Lords finish the regular season at state ofmind. The past weeks have served as allows them to go into the conference a bit flurry ofshots had the crowd thinking victory, Wooster this Saturday. Barring a major upset J positive sign of things to come, but more relaxed according to Solis, and only to be stopped by the OWU keeper. by the Scots, the team should finish inferences are a totally different event. hopefully that will pay off. "This close," announced Thompson with undefeated for the second time in four years

I a in co-capt- pinched together, high the NCAA Senior ain Aline Kelley thought In reflecting upon the events of the his thumb and forefinger and have seed 'hat the environment would be a good test to season McNulty saw this meet as a good end "this close and I would have been a legend." tournament. Jie rookies on the team because, "they will to the team 's struggles. As a senior, McNulty It was a legendary day, though, as Kenyon "If all goes well, we might get a wed to step up and show the mental stamina saw the meet as his chance to live up to the hosted an incredible soccer game. tournament game here," reports Frick. ( ' crowd :hey have come up with at other critical nickname given to him by his teammates. Kenyon looked a bit drained the "We'd love to get one so we can see a practice, following S aturday at Allegheny . With Leigh like the OWU one here. I love it when people , moments during the year." "You know they call me Tiger in it I While going to regionals is the and I really want to run this race like a tiger. Sillery (red card against OWU), Dave watch us, gets me so pumped." mmediate concern for the team, the I plan to run hard and approach every runner possibility of going to nationals is hanging in front of me as prey to be conquered." If as a major achievement for all to capture. McNulty's teammates approach the meet Give Yourself Coach Gomez noted that "our region is with the same attitude, regionals should be considered as the toughest in the country, so well within the Lords' grasp. a Break!

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SPORTS page ten October 28, 1993 Ladies Edge Allegheny Gators 2-- 1 but Fall to OWU 2-- 0

By Mark Haggarty athletic rival of the Kenyon Lords and Ladies. the game, but at the half the score was tied at for their final game on Saturday, Octob: It was there that the Kenyon Ladies took on one all, after Allegheny converted on a 30, at home on Mavec Field at 1 p.m. in an NCAC penalty kick for the score. Kenyon took the On Wednesday, October the 20th, both the OWU Lady Bishops The Ladies take on The College . the mens and womens soccer teams took on matchup last Wednesday. According to lead for good, however, when co-capt- ain Wooster, yet another NCAC adversary,; perennial rival Ohio Wesleyan in NCAC Assistant Coach Zach Morford, the team Maura Connolly switched feet, scoring with close out the regular season. A win. soccer competition. The men had the "was too afraid of losing, instead of going a rare shot offofher left foot, giving the team essential if the Ladies are to have any chan; fortunate home field advantage, tying the out and trying to win." Kenyon's defense what would prove to be the winning goal, 2-- 1, of continuing on to the National playofl OWU Bishops 2-- 2 in a breath-takin- g game did not play exceptionally well, allowing with a mere ten minutes remaining in the even with the win, chances are slim. As: attended by several hundred cheering fans. OWU to penetrate and score two unanswered game. Solid play continued from sophomore now, the team's record is 12-5-- 1, goc In a less publicized but just as important goals. 2--0 was the final score, handing the defenderElisa Niemack, and seasoned rookie enough to put them in second place in tt road-trippe- d season and a ride Jamie Clarke. affair, the Kenyon Ladies to Ladies their fifth loss ofthe region, but possibly not good enough k OWU to play the Lady Bishops on their back to The Hill without the satisfaction of In the opinion of Morford, both OWU allow them to advance any further. home turf. defeating their rival school. and Allegheny were similar opponents; the However, sophomore striker Hilr Kenyon' s women did not fare as well as On Saturday, however, things proved outcomes of each respective game hinged Marx continues to be a goalkeeper's k the men, losing 2-- 0; however, the Ladies brighter for the Ladies. The team was up and on the Kenyon defense. "Both games were dream, now way ahead of the competition:

50-50- redeemed themselves in their final away out before most people at Kenyon even ," says Morford. "Ether team could the quest for the regional scoring crown. C game of the regular season on Saturday, made signs of stirring, travelling four hours have won." Against Allegheny, Kenyon's course, it goes without saying that i defeating Allegheny College, 2-- 1. to Allegheny College to play their final defense played more convincingly, and the attendance at home games is great Ohio's Route 36 is lined on either side away game of the 1993 season. It was a difference showed positively on the appreciated, and the team hopes to setL with farms and corn fields, crooked red "long, long drive," sophomore Laura Goins scoreboard. many Kenyon fans as possible enjoying t barns and the occasional cow, accented in said bluntly. The trip to neighboring It has now come down to the last week Ohio autumn from the vantage point: autumn by colorful falling leaves and Pennsylvania was worth it, however, as the of the regular season for several ofKenyon' s Mavec Field on Saturday, cheering on t harvesting farmers. Nestled in this bucolic Ladies' defense picked it up and held on to fall sports teams, Ladies' Soccer included. Ladies against Wooster. SograbthoseBr setting, just past the Flying J truck stop, is win the game, 2--1. A great goal from Meg For the first time this fall, the team has a Jackets, your favorite baseball cap, and hcf Ohio Wesleyan University, a longtime Moriarity gave the Ladies a 1 -- 0 lead early in break from weekday competition, resting up to see you there at one o'clock. KC Volleyball Drops Matches to Conference Foes and Ohio Dominican By Evan Diamond ODC made a run at the Ladies by smacking Game four wasn't quite the fireworks respectively. carefully hit balls into the scant holes of the display of excitement as seen in game three. The other match of the day was Case. L The Kenyon women's volleyball team Ladies' ever improving defense, by Both teams were emotionally exhausted and the past these two teams have had son ended another tough week fighting more shortening the lead to four with the score physically wrecked with plenty of volleyball excellent matches with victories spread ot North Coast Athletic Conference foes, as nine to five. Then the Ladies delivered the left to go. The momentum changed hands almost evenly between the two.

well as Ohio Dominican College. final blow, scoring the final six points once again as ODC rolled 15-- 7. Games one and two were no better tk The first match of the week for the unanswered and closing game one with a Game five was a true battle of those against OWU as the Ladies fough: Ladies solid victory at 15-- 5. competitors. The Ladies came out on fire, and scored points against a Case club wfc: w a s singeing ODC with torrential downpour of was clearly not invulnerable. Despite tt:

against Game two had a hits led by co-capt- ain Gwynn Evans. After improved play by the Ladies they still fa Ohio different tone as ten points of play, amazingly the score read both games by scores of 15-1- 0 and 15-- 8, Dominican W ODC was the first 10-- 0 in favor of Kenyon. The Ladies Game three was rebirth to a team fc College to jump the gun and appeared to be headed to sure victory with had been in a fog since late Thursday nigh'. at home. take a six to nothing only five points left to score. The ODC Simply sick of mediocrity, the Ladies tool The lead. The Ladies did coach called for time as the Ladies prepared chances hitting the ball extra hard and taldn. Ladies make a valiant to deliver the blow. What they didn' t expect, risks on several plays with complicate,

are very attempt to salvage was that co-capt- ain Meghan Brady would hitting and passing schemes. Victory task',

familiar game two with a fall shortly after the time-o- ut with a severe like wine for the Ladies winning 15-- 8. with this briefcomeback, but knee injury. Game four was outright warfare. IT ever this duel belonged In addition, the Ladies fell victim to a two teams batded each other to a stalemat; iinpioving to ODC as they site I tireless ODC squad which never gave up with sideouts preventing points on all rolled 15-- 6. ouia team : and really stole a sure win from Kenyon, With the game tied at ten, Kenyon ran who they Thus far the 15-1- line-u- p suits r two robbing the Ladies 2 and winning the subs and was left with a not played '- teams had been match. for hitting backrow setnttj i -i but for and earlier 7 rv., sparring for the title On Saturday the Ladies traveled to Case purposes. This turned out to be the deciding this year. with each club Western Reserve to face both Case and Ohio factor as Kenyon fell victim once a;

While taking jabs and Wesleyan in conference play. It would turn losing a heartbreaker 15-1- 2. the this throwing punches. out to be a poor day all around for the Ladies, The past two weeks have been difficult early Game three was who were still unnerved by their loss to ones for the Ladies. In each week they season surely to be the ODC. short by minute margins. At this point in the match round where the The first match was against an ever season it would be easy for them topackitif was won victor was to be left consistent OWU team which never allows and look towards next year. While it woldfe by ODC, standing and the for defeat. Saturday would be no exception simple, it would by a crying shame, becaus -- both v. : loser sniffing as they defeated the Ladies in three games this team has more heart and talent than games r smelling salts. by scores of 15-- 6, 15-- 8, and 15-- 9 see VOLLEYBALL page eleven went The game down to opened up once Nikola Vogel blocks the ball . the wire again with ODC (photo by Liz Kaplan ) HI with drawing first blood Kenyon three to nothing. Athlete of Week losing by a total of four points in the two Soon after, Kenyon rallied back, throwing the games combined. This past Thursday, the powerful hits thatODC was simply incapable Marshall Chapin Ladies were determined to take revenge on ofdefending. With the score seven to four in Senior tri-capta- in Marshall Chapin provided some key saves for the Lords soccer a team that is evenly matched with Kenyon favor of the Ladies, the final rounds team against the formidable forwards from Ohio Wesleyan. Chapin Only allowed Ik'

in all aspects 120-minu- & of play. approached with the victory clearly at stake. number one Division III team two goals in this tc battle. "Although Chapin Game one was an sublime performance In a surge of confidence, Kenyon brawled not play against Allegheny or Marietta due to injury; he will reUirn to the lineup tfs by the Ladies. The game opened with Kenyon their way to a 1 2-- 4 lead and full control over Saturday against Wooster. taking a seven to two lead behind the hitting the outcome of game three. ODC didn't lay of the ever consistent Nicola Vogel and the down easy - in fact they were knocked down

back row 15-1- play of transfer junior Tracy Jones. as the Ladies stormed to victory 2. - - TkTX? 1 A .4.

October 28, 1993 SPORTS page eleven Kenyon Field Hockey Drops Tough Contest to OWU, 3-- 1 By Gwyneth Shaw was ready to give OWU a good match, and losing to OWU. Earlier in the season, we month ago, the game is not a sure thing for they accomplished that Although one parent would have been happy with the tie, but now the Ladies. "The trip to Earlham is very Coming off a 3-- 0 weekend, the Ladies commented that the Ladies were "clearly we want more than that. so hard It's to play difficult, and we usually play very flatly if field hockey were looking to their last outmatched," the team fared much better for 100 minutes and not come out victorious." when we go there," said Eichner. "This four games with hope and confidence. against the Lady Bishops than they had six The Ladies face Earlham on Saturday week we'll be practicing our game, because Unfortunately, tough Oberlin and Ohio weeks ago. to end their season. Although they defeated this is a must-wi- n situation for us." A'esleyan teams got in the way of the team's Amanda Moser had an excellent game, Earlham for their only conference win a aspirations, handing the Ladies two defeats. denying two of the conference's leading Phe team looked to add another win against scorers chances toadd to their totals. OWU's Football Falls to Wittenberg Tigers ;he University of the South, but could only Nina Bradley (of "Prime Time Live" fame) By Gwyneth Shaw yards, they lost 85,giving the team a statistic ;ome with a tie in double was up overtime. also frustrated in her attempts to wreak of -- 6 for net yards rushing. The passing Last Wednesday, the Ladies took on revenge on Kenyon. Rookie Meghan Nealis Kenyon football suffered another loss game fared a little better, with both Colby

ing Oberlin, an up-and-com- team in the tallied the team's only goal, energizing the last Saturday, bowing to the Wittenberg Penzone and Ted B rockman receiving for .onference. The Yeowomen had defeated Ladies and enabling them to fend off a late Tigers, 32-- 0. While the Tigers dominated over forty yards. Penzone led the team in OWU and Denison and were ranked second offensive thrust. the Lords in almost every aspect, the team receptions for the game with five. Brockman in the NCAC going into the game. Playing at Tired but hungry for a win, the Ladies put up a good fight against a tough Wittenberg had three, with Adam Myers, Tim Barry, Oberlin is always difficult for the Ladies, returned to Waite Field on Sunday to take on team. Morgan Hudson, Johnson and Hensley all and this outing did not change things. While the University of the South. Fatigue was a Witt won the toss and received the adding catches of their own. t.e team did some good things on the field, huge factor for the team, and the double kickof f from junior John Cunningham. The Although the defense did not have one Jiey came away with a disheartening 5-- 1 overtime didn't help. But the Ladies Tigers' opening drive set the tone for the of its best days, it did work hard to prevent loss. remained strong, fighting to the end to game with only 1:37 gone in the first a blowout by the Tigers. Matt Harwood led Senior Wendy Fritzel scored the team's prevent Sewanee from scoring. Lindsay quarter, the score was 3-- 0 Tigers. The Lords the team with ten tackles, followed closely lone goal late in the second half, but it was Buchanan added another goal to her total, responded with a drive of their own, but by Matt Friedman, Chris Ball and Joe to no avail. Mental errors and plainly flat and the offense pounded Sewanee's goalie were not as successful. Quarterback Brad Gucanac. play did the Ladies in, as Oberlin played but simply could not put another one in. Hensley was intercepted on his own 28-ya- rd Junior Brett Brownscombe and smart and refused to let up. However, the Penalty comers went badly, and often the line, an interception which was returned 45 sophomore Simon Mahler had the Lords Ladies never gave up, and played hard until team seemed to wait for Sewanee to make a yards to give the Tigers another seven points. two sacks, and Mylin Johnson sparked the theendofthegame.Said head coach S usan move before trying to get the ball. It was simply that kind of day for the team with a blocked punt in the fourth Eichner, "I never stopped believing that we The defense played with great poise, Lords, who were unable to find their rhythm quarter.S ims Weymuller also made a big could win that game, and neither did the frustrating the Sewanee offense. Sophomore on the turf field. Hensley went 14 for 36 and play for the Lords, recovering a fumble. team. It's a step forward for us that we didn't Sarnie Kim had an excellent game, making was intercepted three times. In total net While the Lords did not expect a win fold after Oberlin scored their third goal." some great plays for the Ladies. Senior co-capt- ain yards, the Lords had 177 to the Tigers' 323. over the Tigers, it was a disappointing On Saturday, the team was ready to face Ellen Ladner also played very well, While Kenyon had more offensive plays, showing for the team. Hensley was sacked Ohio Wesleyan, a strong team that is always coming up with two stellar defensive saves. the team was never able to convert any of nine times, for a total loss of 72 yards. a difficult game for the Ladies. While OWU The offensive unit had one of their better their opportunities and put points on the Rushing was almost nonexistent, and the defeated Kenyon 4-- 1 in their first game of games, and the midfield moved the ball and board. . passing was only marginally more the season, the home field advantage is a big swung the field well. Overall, "it was a The day's rushing game was a disaster. successful. The team has tough contests factor for the Ladies. With the support of disappointment for us," said Jen Bigelow. While the combination of Derrick Johnson, ahead of them, including Oberlin for many parents and fans on hand, the team "We really wanted a win, especially after Ben Jump and Brad Hensley gained 79 Homecoming on November 6.

VOLLEYBALL NICHOLS KUSHNER because they are inherently discriminated continued from page ten continued from page three continued from page three against." Marginal groups are marginal most in their conference. With a victory furthering of this polarization, is not from down. If those members of the community because they can not say what they want over Woosterthe Ladies will enter the NCAC my actions. Again, I want to stress that there who objected to the second set of posters When marginal voices try to get heard, they tournament in a poor, but not impossible are many heterosexuals who support Gay had 'moderately' and 'intelligently' are told to settle down and not get so angry. position. Coach Kern was quoted earlier this LesbianBisexual rights, however, a expressed their views (as we are being asked As far as I can see, anger is not year stating, "This team could finish first or substantial amount of homophobia exists to do) we may have willingly removed them necessarily a bad thing and neither is last in tournament play." Tournament play here and we cannot afford to any longer veil ourselves. No One Asked. In fact, no one disagreement, but we need to come to an has yet to begin, and with some collective it under the myth that Kenyon is politically said much of anything. understanding of what forms of

multi-cultura- consideracceptable. fire this team could easily turn some heads correct and l. The whole point Our next strategy was the ribbons. The communication we will with a few upsets, and leave this season with of National Coming Out Week was to ribbons were intended to visually represent In a single week, it was determined that a feeling of real accomplishment celebrate GayLesbianBisexual identity. the amount of support gays, lesbians and posters (pieces of paper with word printed This being crucial because our society does bisexuals and their families have at Kenyon. on them) are too loud and ribbons (pieces of HYPNOTIST not welcome the idea of a multiplicity of We did not want the angry actions of several fabric attached to clothing) are too Kenyon, where do we continued from page seven sexual orientations. students to overshadow the support existing offensive Tell me, volunteers. American culture perpetuates on campus. Wearing a ribbon was viewed as go from here? During the first part of the act, DeLuca heterosexism. The reality is that completely optional by those distributing Perhaps what we as an academic work on is creating an set his watch to a particular time, and then heterosexuality abides in all realms of our them, however I do question why anyone community need to can all express our asked two students to read his mind. The culture, as seen in the media, on the street, who claims to not be homophobic would environment where we constructively. first student guessed the correct hour, three, and everywhere one looks leading many have refused to wear a piece of ribbon that angers and our frustrations we all think before we act and the second the approximate minutes, 30. to believe that it is the only legitimate form was completely symbolic of that very This requires that and listen after we have had our chance to The watch was set to 3 : 32. In the second part of sexuality. GaysLesbiansBisexuals are acceptance. of the act, 15 students were placed under almost forced to become aggressive about Either you acknowledge the right of talk. then getting caught up in the hypnosis and given various instructions by their sexual identity, or else it is denied. gays, lesbians and bisexuals to be who they Rather a ribbon controversy we need to DeLuca. Some of the volunteers were Anger is not a wrong approach in doing so, are as freely and openly as other people or logistics of to angry. you We merely wanted to create a sit down and have conversations (this means instructed to say "shut-up- " whenever asked and I feel that I have every right be don't talking and listening and doing some thinking their name, others could not say their name Anger does not necessarily equate to sense of unity among those who shared a in between). And rather then ripping down without stuttering, while some ofthe students something that is dangerous or destructive, common view. we need to ask ourselves why it is were convinced that they were body builders. however, I feel that apathy and indifference Here is what it all comes down to: Most posters that we wish they weren't there. "Looking more like your homeroom do. of you could probably count on your hands know to The small changes, the changes that teacher than a sinister molder of minds," as I stress these points to you because it is the number of men and women you Now effect day to day life, are the truly important Elle magazine described him, DeLuca was obvious to me that you very know little of be gay, lesbian or bisexual at Kenyon. they are not ones. So, even if you don't want to talk careful not to humiliate his participants. the social implications or the experience of let me be the first to tell you that about it, don ' t assume in not talking about it Ifyou don't have any pressing scholastic being GayLesbianBisexual in a society the only ones. issues here is that gay issues don ' t effect you or the person obligations or prior social engagements, where it is not accepted. One of the primary was right when sitting next to you because in some way, come down to Rosse Hall and see your silencing. Mark Simmons fallacy when stated, large or small, they might. friends and fellow classmates unwittingly Sincerely, he said that it is a can say what they want Mikhel Kushner '95 prove the power of persuasion. Kevin Nichols "marginal groups VY VI 1.1 Will 1 1111 11 11 1 I'Ul'LUllOUlllW OiiU vuutnv iu y aiiuiAJ yinKi do well. nas navor oi some son. ii actually tastes uunu. .arui tones, carpeting, rece; emotion by submitting to them, celebrating "It was a solid defensive effort There was eood enough tn sometimes warrant a sernnrl liohlina AC frehmpn Ac a frokn. II

ET CETERA page twelve October 28, 1993

ACCIDENT "Well, I was on that philosophy search towards or perhaps regretful ofour freshman clotting America's bleeding wound. ; continued from page two committee...." and sophomore years, respectfully, page Alexander Cockburn of The Nati Eric Eggers (driver of the black Honda) "I wasn't on that hall, but I remember through Alma Mater with memories both frequently stresses, Clinton and st

wrote an all student e-m- ail on October 25th seeing him around Lewis a lot...." fond and not so fond, I wonder what kind of constitute nothing short of a disguis looking for a witness to the accident. "I think I know the guy he's talking effect this book will have on those who are continuity of the pro-busine- ss Br.. Discussing his interaction with the Sherriff s about." here now, but were not then. And how about Administration. To fear Clinton is inde department he wrote, "when I raised the I myself remember Ryn's Bio 7 class. the book-buyin-g public? Will they care? justified, but Hatfield and Helft are fear question about the speed the other vehicle Probably one of the classes that affected me Will they read it? him for the wrong reasons. was travelling, I was given an unsatisfactory most in my time here, its inclusion in the I believe they will. While they don't reply. I was told jokingly by the officer who book was a big factor in my impulse buying. have the familiarity aspect, or the knowledge Nels Roninp reported the accident, 'I know (Crispin), and At the time, I thought Kluge was auditing it that they were there at the time, the book will he wouldn't speed around here. He's like or something, one of a handful of older stand on its own for them. The Kenyon they STORYTELLER me, he just pokes around." students taking classes with the rest of us. imagine out of the words they read may be continued from page eight DIXIE He sat a few rows down and across the aisle, even more wonderful than the real thing. Gordon to Minnesota, where she became: one of seven males in a class of eighty-som- e And PJ7. Kluge? When he returns, it associate professor of art and printmakir; continued page two from people. I often watched him during lectures will be to scores of enthused fans, people the Minneapolis College of Art and Desir local and national response even before of to see how he was reacting to the current who want to make a mark on him in the way This migration occured before 1988, t. the official release, scheduled for book's topic. He took notes like anyone else. Most his book preserved our marks for the world. she and her husband moved with their Cai. November 2nd. of the time he seemed impervious to the I myself don't want to turn into an obnoxious Press to North Carolina. Throughout t "The interesting thing," said Sacks, "is fervor that sometimes erupted during a autograph-seekin- g paparazza, but I would time, her award-winnin- g art was display the local response." On the whole, it has discussion, but judging from his perceptive like to meet this man, just to tell him how countrywide in numerous exhibitions. been positive, according to Sacks, but there recollections of the class, these were times remarkably well his words accompanied my 'Terry is an amazing person, vr are some people "who just refuse to believe ofsharp observation. I'mgladldidn'tknow memory, and that of countless others. It's student-oriente- d, whose life and art r it" risk-ta- at the time that we were fodder for his book. romantic in a way. Of course, I'm biased. testimonies to a free, humane, t The national coverage resulted in two I'm not sure ifanyone knew at that point, but But you've got to forgive me. spirit," Rhodes said. "I'm sure students, days of chaos for the Sacks'. It reached the I'm sure things would have been more tense Don 't forget, I couldbeusing that money enjoy meeting her." point of"general insanity ."saidSacks, when if we had. for three tanks of gas at the Kwik-Fi- ll or five WABC (New York City) woke the couple I was afraid that his viewpoint would be Happy Meals at McDonald's... INFO up at 6:00 a.m. on September 13th with a skeptical of what went on in the Bio continued from page seven request for a live interview. From 6:25 to Auditorium that spring. As an older male RONINGEN To encourage students to utilize r 6:35 a.m.,"we were talking to the entire city and an alumnus returning to find his all-ma- le continued from page three Information Day this year, a list of poss: of New York." alma mater burgeoning with women going to do in these major corporations? questions will be handed out at the dec The MTV coverage, broadcast on and their opinions, how unbiased would he Especially after having witnessed the Students are encouraged to dress for: September 13th and 14th, was the most be? However, I was pleased to find an chemical and steel companies (under the interview situation, because somebusinei "surprising" for Sacks. He also expressed honest, discerning, and very likeable voice SuperFund Coalition) lobby to wiggle their may be hiring for summer, or for a m; amazement at his "sudden credibility" among remembering what I remembered: the way out of the major EPA. regulations and permanent basis. Carney also stressed if. students after the news story airing, which growing pains we all went through, group fines of the mid 1980's? As columnist those seeking employment should bn included a close-u- p ofthe Sacks' and ofBen presentations and journals, the day the William Grieder wisely points out, the guys resumes with them, to give to tf and Lew Snowden. discussion exploded, Ryn's hospital cart with the bucks al ways manage to marginalize representatives. In addition, Sacks recently discovered and activist jacket, and the final ceremony the dissent of their opponents and to lobby CDC's Career Information Day is op: that an Australian newspaper carried a story of each member of the class standing up as for the de facto nullification of adversarial to all students, to provide a fairly case- - concerning the book. his or her name was called. laws. Let the multi-billionai- re dollar opportunity to investigate possif "All of this hoopla is very exciting," I remembered the ice storm and the corporations vouch for themselves - they've suggestions for life after graduatio Sacks observed, but the most satisfying exhilaratingly bizarre transformerexplosion, got the money. Instead of producing their Information on preparation, as well as aspect has been the personal contact he has power failure, and people wandering the own convincing argument, the authors resort more complete list participants, experienced from people across the country. of halls because it was too exciting to sleep. to invoking the specter of big government -- available at the CDC. Currently, the original "hoopla" has Kluge's words mirrored the frenetic a threat just about as shabby as that of the in-dep- given way to more th interviews and combination offear, release from the normal Sandanistas invading Texas in 1986. Hatfield FESTIVAL analyses of the took, according to Sacks. routine, and the strange beauty of the and Helft try to warn us of the ruinous continued from page six The couple has "several shows lined up" for aftermath. It brought back every power economic results which will plague us after of a Ga medicine man, or wonche. He t the coming months. off-nati- failure we've ever had in my time here, we graduate and try to find a job. It's the studied and learned not only the music ve "I guess I'll go on to 'Oprah' next," every disruptive crisis that left us wondering oldest gimmick in the book - corporations Ghana, but also the music of ot

commented Sacks with a smile. Ivor-Coast- . for a few hours if classes, papers, and insisting that job loss will entail if the African nations such as Togo and the responsibilities in general were to be government tries to create jobs or to play the Yacub settled in the U.S. in 1975$ LARSON i blissfully postponed. role of the great equalizer. Well, history flies in 1982 formed Odadaa! The members continued from page three Most of all, I reveled in Kluge's inside in their face. Look at the New Deal. It was the group play a number of Ghanaian dniE Christmas lights from Odd Lots, and much scoop on the politics, emotions, and struggles the unregulation of business in 1920's and instruments in a traditional style. much more. that that made Kenyon what it was that year. lead to the Great Depression, prompting the Sunday from noon to4:00p.m.inGus Amy purchased a copy as well (which ' Though I didn t know Mike S tone, and only government to step into the playing field. It Commons, the annual craft demonstrate she had been planning to do all along), and saw him a few times, I remember the prayers was the reckless borrow and spend policies and sale will take place. The fair will incltf we returned to our room . Instead of work or that were said for him and the tributes he was of Bush and Reagan which helped to sink us musical instrument making, quita! e-m- ail, we read the book. She started out at given. A clearer picture of him emerges into the current recession - gunsmithing, Hmong needlework, pean-- the beginning. I skipped around. We read prompting from the pages of the book, enabling those Clinton's new taxes - against butter pie, and herbal medicine. At passages aloud about people we both knew which of us who didn 't know him personally to see businesses ( like the included will be presentations by the Kw or knew of, opinions that caughtour attention, S&L's, whose why he was special. irresponsibility we are for) now County Historical S ociety , the Knox Count events we remembered. We could almost paying After reading through much ofthe book, complain about. Agricultural Museum and & hear violins and Barbara Streisand singing I got a better sense of many people; I, for one, am no big fan Frederickstown Historical Society. "The Way We Were". Even though we of Clinton professors, administrators, other students. or his supposed, "health The Gambier Folk Festival is bu didn't know the man, his voice got to us. It proposal." It is Many things were elucidated that I had only probably nothing more than possible with the support of Kenyon CoDc? was personal, familiar, collegial. Despite a political partially grasped or wondered about before. gambit, something which will Faculty Lectureships, Office ofMulucultn'- - impending morning classes, we stayed up become so A living, breathing Kenyon that I know and watered down by the time Aflairs, Social Board, Office of the Preside! until 2 a.m. Our friend who had been the it goes into effect understand emerged from the combination that it will produce nothing more Office of the Chaplain.Larwill Lectureship informer and his roommate were up reading than the of my experiences and Kluge's words. Like most minimal changes. But Hatfield and in Religion, Department of Anthropoid it until 4. Art tea and madeleines together, this mixture at Helft take the opposite view, insisting and Sociology, and the Dramatic The next few days, it was all we could that once threw me into a kind of harmonic Clinton's desire for change is real Ministry, Inc. Members of the commuju1) talk about. Other people had read some of it, and that ecstasy. The best part of the book is that it the consequences will be and Kenyon students provide addition or even most of it Many had stayed up late devastating. Instead complements almost anyone's experience of rallying for a solution support. or not done work because they couldn't put better (like the here. If you completely escaped its scope, Single Payer The evening events are free to Ken) it down. And then there was the trading of system which 67 of you must have been asleep the entire year. Americans students with identification but cost f' experiences documented in the book. prefer), the authors see it as their As we juniors and seniors, nostalgic duty to rip off the only potential band-ai- d dollars for others.