Saturday 14th + 15th March 2020 Rhydargaeau Road, , SA32 7JH

(Grid reference –SN 47357 28107 Explorer Map 186)

Rider Rider Number Vet Time Class

Thank you for entering the Daffodil Ride🌼.!

Directions to Venue: Please follow the directions and not the sat nav, which is likely to get you stuck!

From the South Carmarthen: take the A485 towards Lampeter. It is easiest to get round Carmarthen using the dual carriageway and follow the hospital signs until you get to the A485. Stay on the A485 for about 2.5 miles. You will go through Peniel. Just after the village is a right hand turn for Horeb and Felingwm. Turn right here. If you get to the Murco garage on the left you have gone too far. Stay on this road for about 2.5 miles then turn left signposted Horeb. One mile up this road then it’s a left turn to the venue.

From the North Lampeter: take the A485 towards Carmarthen. Pass through Rhydargaeau. Just after the Murco garage on the right is a left hand turning towards Horeb and Felingwm. Turn left here. Stay on this road for about 2.5 miles then turn left signposted Horeb. One mile up this road then it’s a left turn to the venue.

Venue: Please note the venue is in a forestry car park with very limited parking space. Please park as tightly as you can and as directed by the parking stewards. Pleasure riders and helpers will be directed to turn into first car park on your left (the overflow).

The vehicular access to the venue is shared with the start / finish for the horses. It is extremely important that drivers and riders take great care when entering and exiting the venue and follow the directions of stewards on duty.

The venue will not open until 8am on the Saturday and Sunday with the first vetting at 0900am.Horses must not be left unattended whilst tied to trailers / lorries. Please DO NOT skip out trailers or lorries at the venue. Dogs must be on a lead whilst at the venue. Any PARA riders please could you contact the ride secretary before the ride. Classes

Class Distance Route Max Riding Time Min Riding Time SATURDAY

Class 1 80km GER PR 2 Day V – CP1 – CP2 – CP3 8hrs 4hrs 26mins Golden Daffodil (40/40) – CP3 – CP3A – CP4 - V (each day) Class 2 64km GER PF 2 Day V – CP1 – CP2 – CP4 6hrs 24 mins 3hrs 33mins Dancing Daffodil (32/32) - V Class 3 64km GER PF V – CP1 – CP2 – CP3 6hrs 24 mins 3hrs 33mins Torq Spring Daffodil (40/20) – CP3 – CP3A – CP4 - V V – CP1 – CP4 - V Class 4 40km GER V – CP1 – CP2 – CP3 4hrs 2hrs 13mins – CP3 – CP3A – CP4 - V Class 5 40km GER Novice V – CP1 – CP2 – CP3 5hrs 2hrs 40mins – CP3 – CP3A – CP4 - V Class 6 32km GER V – CP1 – CP2 – CP4 3hrs 12 mins 1hr 47mins - V Class 7 32km GER Novice V – CP1 – CP2 – CP4 4hrs 2hrs 8mins - V Class 8 20km Novice V – CP1 - CP4 - V 2hrs 30 mins 1hr 20mins Foundation GER SUNDAY Class 9 40km GER V – CP1 – CP2 – CP3 4hrs 2hrs 13 mins – CP3 – CP3A – CP4 - V Class 10 40km Novice GER V – CP1 – CP2 – CP3 5hrs 2hrs 40 mins – CP3 – CP3A – CP4 - V Class 11 32km GER V – CP1 – CP2 – CP4 3hrs 12 mins 1hr 47 mins - V Class 12 32km Novice GER V – CP1 – CP2 – CP4 4hrs 2hrs 8 mins - V Class 13 20km Novice V – CP1 - CP4 - V 2hrs 30mins 1hr 20mins Foundation GER Class 14 20km PR V – CP1 - CP4 - V 1hr 40mins

The Route: to date route description.

The route is primarily contained within Forest, with a short road section along a flat quiet country lane. The main tracks are generally good going although there are a few short sections of rough stone to be aware of. In some sections the tracks have been used by motorbikes so do be aware that there might be some ruts underfoot. The water crossings are fords with good access and just after the first water crossing is a very nice cut verge. PLEASE KEEP OFF this. On the two way sections please keep to the left and do not cut the corners at speed as there are a couple of blind bends. On some sections you will see the wind turbines; the closest have been marked on the map near CP3.

There is a compulsory walk section heading towards CP2 – please obey these signs as it respects the wishes of local landowners and ensures we have a route next year!

40km route – BLACK – RED – BLUE 32km route – BLACK – RED 20km route - BLACK

Block vet times

Saturday Times Sunday Times Class 3 9.00 – 9.15 Class 1 9.00 –9.15 Class 1 9.15 –9.30 Class 9 + 10 9.15 – 9.30 Class 4 + 5 9.30 – 9.45 Class 2 9.30 – 9.45 Class 2 9.45 – 10.00 Class 11 + 12 9.45 – 10.30 Class 6 + 7 10.00 – 10.30 Class 13 + 14 10.30 – 11.00 Class 8 10.30 – 11.00

Prize Giving times

Thank you to our brilliant sponsors this year! Please do remember to send them your personal thanks.

Golden Daffodil

Dancing Daffodil

Torq Spring Daffodil

Best turned out (both days)

Young Riders Award (Sunday)

Farriers Awards

Route marking : Orange tags with signage boards at appropriate sections or route diverges. IGNORE ANY SMALL ORANGE ARROWS ON POSTS – this is for a bike ride in the forest the following weekend.

Gates: None!

Checkpoints: Manned by Raynet. It is your responsibility to ensure the checkpoint steward gets your number. Facilities: We do not have caterers this year but there will be a range of drinks and snacks to purchase at the secretary.

There will be a toilet at the venue but no water so do bring your own. There is no camping and corralling at the venue but please contact the organiser for a list.

Crewing: Crew cards should be displayed in vehicles at all times and only crew at designated crew points and not on the narrow lanes.

OS Map references for crew points:

BLACK LOOP 1) SN 4807928718

BLACK LOOP 2) SN 5025530056

RED LOOP – SN 4635929442

Pre ride: Where applicable, your horses completed Endurance Logbook Mastercard (without its plastic cover please) must be given to the ride secretary when you collect your number bib. Please also bring your horse registration card and EGB membership card for the secretary to see. Please check the notice board at the venue for any last minute route changes.

Farrier: Farrier inspection, prior to the veterinary inspection is compulsory. Payment for any shoeing work is the responsibility of the horse owner concerned and must be paid for at the time. The farrier will be available both days at the venue.

Veterinary Inspection: Please keep to the allocated vet times as much as possible and then start within 30 minutes. Horses must be presented at the first veterinary inspection in a head collar or a bridle but no saddle. Pleasure riders will be required to trot-up only. * Pleasure riders may trot their horses fully tacked – to save time walking back to parking area*

Please fill in the top sections of your vet sheet before coming to the preliminary vetting.

Start procedures: You must present to the Timekeeper and it is a requirement that every rider carriers a map.

Vet Gate Procedures: On arrival at the Timekeeper, you will be given a vet gate card with your arrival time. However the clock is not stopped until you present for vetting and the vet steward will then write this time on the card as the clock stop time. You have up to 20 minutes from the Time In to present to the vet steward, remember to give them your vet gate card. Should the horse fail this presentation on pulse (64 or less to pass) you may present a second time provided it is within the 20 minutes. In the case of representation the clock stop time is that of the successful second presentation.

Once your horse has passed the vet, you will then go into the hold time. At the end of your hold time you must present again to the Timekeeper, you will need to give them your vet gate card in order to be allowed to re-start and complete the next section of the ride.

The hold time for all vet gate classes will be 40 mins unless instructed otherwise.

Two – Day Classes: If you are riding in a two-day GER your horse must vet before the start of day 2.

Hats: Hard hats must be worn at all times whilst mounted. Hats must be of the following standard ; PAS 015 1998 or 2011 standard with chin strap securely fastened.

Health and Safety: is everybody’s responsibility – the ride organisers have made every effort to risk assess the ride and take reasonable precautions to endure the safety of all those present at the event. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must follow the instructions of the Organisers, officials and stewards. The risk assessment will be displayed and by accepting your bib you are agreeing that you have read and understood the risk assessment.

Emergency Numbers: In case of accident or emergency please contact: Jane 07858 364344 Please note the Official Statement from EGB i.”This ride is run under Endurance GB Rules”. ii. β€œSave for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Organisers or anyone for whom they are in the law responsible, neither the Organisers of any event to which these rules apply, nor the Endurance GB, nor the agent, employee or representative of these bodies accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land or any other person or property whatsoever whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or any other way whatsoever.” iii. β€œRESERVATION OF RIGHT” The organiser has the right to:

Cancel the ride or any class; alter the advertised times; refuse any entry.

Please do remember to thank all the helpers at the ride as without them, the ride wouldn’t be possible. But most of all, Have a great ride!