
Granular Matter 6, 1–9 c Springer-Verlag 2004 Original papers DOI 10.1007/s10035-003-0151-9

The liquefaction cycle and the role of drainage in liquefaction

Roel Snieder, Annemieke van den Beukel

Abstract In this work the liquefaction cycle is introduced the susceptibility of a certain soil to liquefaction [4,5]. A as a framework to describe the coupled processes that take key issue in the onset and consequences of liquefaction is place in fluid-saturated granular media that lead to lique- played by drainage. Fluid migration suppresses variations faction. The modular formulation of liquefaction makes in the excess pore pressure. Therefore, drainage may delay it possible to test the various processes that contribute or prevent the onset of liquefaction. Laboratory experi- to liquefaction separately, and to assemble different for- ments to assess the liquefaction potential of soil under mulations of the relevant into a numerical model undrained conditions [6] may give a biased assessment of for liquefaction. This view on liquefaction is used here to the liquefaction potential of the soil. For this reason, the assess the role of drainage in liquefaction. We present a role of drainage on liquefaction is investigated in this simple scale analysis of the role of drainage. A numeri- paper. cal implementation of the liquefaction cycle shows, how- To reach the goal of better understanding the process ever, that the scale analysis is deceptive for the case when of liquefaction, roughly two types of studies have been strong spatial variations in the permeability inhibit fluid carried out in the past: experiments on soil samples and migration. As an illustration the numerical model is used modeling of field situations where liquefaction is known to to quantify the imprint of a low-permeability layer on the have occurred. An overview of laboratory test procedures liquefaction behavior. is given by Das [7]. A shortcoming of many of these experi- ments is that they deal with the relation between two fac- Keywords Liquefaction, transitions, Earthquake tors that influence liquefaction, e.g. number of cycles of hazard load application and excess pore pressure buildup, with- out linking these aspects into a physical description of liquefaction. Although this approach can be useful from a pragmatic point of view, it is not clear to what extent 1 such measurements can be generalised to the in situ con- Introduction ditions in the subsurface. The other type of study, field Liquefaction is a in a water-saturated, measurements (e.g. [8,9]), concentrate on a particular soil loosely packed granular soil that turns the initially and event with the aim to explain how and why lique- soil into a . In this coupled process, the buildup of faction has occurred. Such studies often employ empiri- excess pore pressure by the compaction of the soil causes cal relations between in situ soil engineering tests and the the shear modulus to decrease dramatically. If an earth- susceptibility to liquefaction. In some cases these relations quake strikes an area that is susceptible to liquefaction, work well and are able to predict the occurrence of lique- extensive damage to structures and buildings may occur faction given a certain event and soil. The implementation [1–3]. Testing procedures have been developed to estimate of parameterized empirical relations has led to numerical models that simulate liquefaction with great accuracy (e.g. [10]). However, the complexity of these models makes it Recieved: 15 March 2003 difficult to gain physical insight into the process of lique- R. Snieder (&), A. van den Beukel faction. Department of Geophysics and Center for Wave Phenomena, In this work the concept of the liquefaction cycle is Colorado School of Mines,Golden, CO 80401, USA introduced as a theoretical framework for liquefaction in e-mail: [email protected] which the different processes that contribute to liquefac- Tel.: +1-303-273.3456 tion can clearly be identified and are amendable to labo- Fax: +1-303-273.3478 ratory studies or a theoretical analysis. The liquefaction cycle translates into a system of coupled partial differen- We greatly appreciate our conversations with Masami Nakag- tial equations that can be solved numerically. An imple- awa and Vaughan Griffiths about this work. The critical and mentation is presented for a stratified earth model with constructive comments of two anonymous reviewers are very a vertically incident SH-wave [11]. In that case all quan- much appreciated. The visit of Annemieke van den Beukel to tities depend on one space dimension only. This simple Golden was supported by the Molengraaff fonds, the Schuur- model gives insight into the role of drainage in liquefac- man Schimmel van Outeren Stichting, the Stichting Dr. Hen- tion. The formulation employed here can easily be gener- drik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds, and the Trajectum Fonds. alised to situations where lateral variations are relevant. 2

under a static load is governed to a large extent by the pore pressure [14–16]. In contrast to this, the compac- tion during liquefaction is induced by dynamic shear [3]. Although the resulting compaction will be influenced by the pore pressure as well (link 2’ in the liquefaction cycle), we ignore this effect in this study. The compaction of soil due to the combined influence of shear and pore pressure is arguably the link in the liquefaction cycle that is most poorly understood. The compaction of soil due to shear has been modelled on a microscopic scale using the Distinct Element Method Fig. 1. The chain of events that form the liquefaction cycle. [17]. Here we use the macroscopic formulation of compac- The links indicated with solid lines have been taken into ac- tion of Knight et al. [18] who measured the compaction of count in this study, while the links indicated with dashed lines column of glass beads that was subjected to vertical tap- have been ignored ping. They found that the grain fraction ϕ was described well by the following compaction law One advantage of the modular approach taken here ϕf − ϕ0 is that it may help in obtaining a better understanding ϕ(t)=ϕf −   , (1) t which of the coupled processes that contribute to lique- 1+B ln 1+ faction is understood well, and which processes require τ more research. where ϕ0 and ϕf are the initial and final grain fraction, respectively, B and τ are material-dependent parameters, 2 and t denotes the duration of the deformation. This is The liquefaction cycle equivalent to the number of taps delivered to the column. The grain fraction is defined as the volume of the grains The liquefaction cycle as shown in Fig. 1 is based on a divided by the total volume, hence ϕ =1/(1 + e), with e reductionists formulation [12] where the complex process the void ratio (defined as the ratio of the volume of the of liquefaction is broken down into sub-processes that are pores divided by the volume of the grains). Liquefaction easier to understand and to verify experimentally. The is mostly influenced by shear motion rather than longi- process of liquefaction can be described by the following tudinal motion [19]. Nicolas et al. [20] studied the com- chain of events. The deformation of the soil leads to a paction of a system of glass beads that was subjected to change in the pore space. During liquefaction the pore a periodic shear motion. They showed that the resulting space generally decreases. This process is indicated by link compaction was described well by the compaction law (1). 1 in the liquefaction cycle. A reduction of the pore space Several theories based on different arguments account for leads to an increased pore pressure (link 2). If the fluid this compaction law [21–26]. cannot migrate, the increase in the pore pressure follows Up to this point, compaction data have been used that from the compression of the pore fluid due to reduction of were based on experiments with glass beads. In order to the pore volume as described by the bulk modulus. How- make the connection with the compaction of a soil we use ever, the fluid migration associated with drainage in gen- the compaction measurements of Youd [27] who subjected eral reduces the maxima in the pore pressure. An increased sand to a periodic shear motion with a variable strain. pore pressure reduces the shear stress the grains can sup- The resulting grain fraction for a loading of 1, 30 and 1000 port, and leads in the elastic regime to a reduction of the cycles is shown in Fig. 2 as a function of the maximum shear modulus (link 3). A change in the elastic moduli, in strain per cycle. its turn, leads to a modification of the deformation of the soil (link 4). The links (1–4) from a continuous positive feedback loop. The links (1–4) suggest a circular chain of cause-effect relations. In reality the situation may be more complex and other feedback loops may play a role. An example is shown as link 2’ in the liquefaction cycle that describes the effect of pore pressure on compaction, and link 4’ that accounts for the shear weakening or shear hardening that is caused by the deformation. In the following subsections the different links in the liquefaction cycle are described in more detail.

2.1 Link 1, compaction The compaction associated with liquefaction is induced Fig. 2. The grain fraction of sand as measured by Youd (1972) dynamically, it should not be confused with the compac- for 1, 30 and 1000 shear cycles as a function of the maximum tion of soils due to a static loading [13]. The compaction strain per cycle 3

The compaction law (1) is unsatisfactory in the sense V˙ p˙ = −κ , (3) that it gives the compaction as a function of time, or equiv- V alently, the number of deformation cycles, but it does not where κ is the bulk modulus of the fluid and V the vol- account explicitly for the strength of the deformation in ume of the pore fluid. When the pore fluid contains air, each cycle. We make the assumption that the compac- the bulk modulus of the fluid-air mixture needs to be used. tion depends on the accumulated deviatoric strain. This When the fluid migrates, the change in the volume of the t | | quantity is given by 0 ∂ε/∂t dt , where ε denotes the pore fluid is affected by the change in the available pore deviatoric strain. For this reason we generalise the com- space as well as by the fluid migration. This means that paction law (1) in the following way to include the effect the rate of change in the pore fluid volume is given by of a varying shear strength V˙ ϕf − ϕ0 = −ϕ˙ + ∇·vf . (4) ϕ(t)=ϕf −  . (2) V t | | 1+B ln(1 + C 0 ∂ε/∂t dt ) In this expression, ϕ is the grain fraction introduced in For a sinusoidally varying strain with period T and max- section 2.1 and vf is the velocity of the fluid flow. Using Darcy’s law [30], the fluid flow can be expressed in the imum εmax one finds by direct integration that nεmax = t | | pressure gradient 0 ∂ε/∂t dt /4, where the number of shear cycles is given by n = t/T . With these expressions the data of Youd K vf = − ∇p, (5) [27] can be related to the compaction law (2). A least- gρf squares fit of the data shown in Fig. 2 to the compaction with K the hydraulic conductivity of the soil and ρf the law depicted in Fig. 3 shows that the compaction of sand mass density of the pore fluid. Combining the expressions is well-described by the compaction law (2). This fit is (3)–(5) gives a diffusion equation for the pressure based on the following parameters: ϕf =0.8, ϕ0 =0.646,   B =0.09, and C =12.5. ∂p K ∂ϕ = κ ∇· ∇p + κ . (6) Note that this compaction law connects the measure- ∂t gρf ∂t ments for 1 cycle and 30 cycles well. The compaction for 30 cycles and 1000 cycles is not connected equally well. Since The equation is equivalent to expression (4.65) of Wang the strong ground motion due to earthquakes lasts usually [16]. Note that the rate of change of compaction ∂ϕ/∂t for at most a hundred cycles [28], we employ the compac- acts as a source term in this expression. tion law (2) in this study. In this law the grain fraction In the subsurface, the hydraulic conductivity K can increases monotonically with the accumulated shear. How- vary with several orders of magnitude over short distances ever, for large deformation granular media may expand [30]. It should be noted that the permeability is present due to grain sliding. This may result in ‘dilative arrest’ of within the divergence in expression (6) and that taking liquefaction [3]. In order to incorporate this phenomenon the permeability outside the divergence [31] can lead to a more complex compaction law needs to be used. significant errors.

2.2 2.3 Link 2, buildup of excess pore pressure Link 3, changing the elastic moduli Rather than using an experimental law for the excess pore Following Terzaghi’s effective stress principle [32], the pressure [29] we derive the development of excess pore increase of excess pore pressure diminishes the effective pressure from first principles. In the absence of drainage, stress σ, which reduces the shear modulus µ. In general, the change in the pore pressure is given by the relative for saturated granular soils, the change of shear modu- change in the volume of the pore fluid: lus with effective stress follows a power-law relation [33, 34], with exponent between 0 and 1. The exponent for a pure and dry sand, measured in the laboratory [7,19], is approximately 0.5: µ = Aσ0.5 , (7) where A is a constant and the effective stress is given by σ = ρdgz − p. (8)

In this expression ρd is the mass density of the dry matrix and p is the excess pore pressure. The square root rela- tion (7) falls in the range of measurements for saturated sand. The model soil will initially, in the absence of excess pore pressure (p = 0), have a shear modulus profile that increases with the square root of depth √ µ0(z)=A ρdgz . (9) Fig. 3. The grain fraction of sand as measured by Youd (1972) for 1, 30 and 1000 shear cycles as a function of the maximum When the excess pore pressure builds up, the shear mod- stain per cycle times the number of cycles. The compaction ulus decreases depending on the excess pore pressure, and described by expression (2) is shown by a solid line the shear modulus is given by 4

This solution has a complex wave number k and decays with a damping term exp(−νωz/2µc), with c = µ/ρ the shear velocity. This implies that the quality factor is related to the viscosity by µ Q = . (15) ων Note that the link described in this section describes elastic behaviour (with a simple anelastic damping), whereas the compaction treated in section 2.1 is a com- plex aneleastic phenomenon. Both processes take place at a different time scale, the period of the waves and the time scale of the compaction, respectively. The physics under- lying these processes is of a different . After the Fig. 4. The geometry of the model used in the numerical sim- onset of liquefaction, the elastic treatment of this section ulation is no more applicable and plasticity phenomena need to be incorporated into the theory.  0.5 p µ = µ0(z) 1 − . (10) ρdgz 3 The value of the exponent depends strongly on the char- Scale analysis for drainage acteristics of the soil [34] and that a different value of the Before embarking on the numerical implementation of the exponent may be appropriate for a particular soil. liquefaction cycle, it is interesting to consider the role of The consequence of a power-law relation (9) is a shear drainage with a simple scaling argument. The evolution of modulus that vanishes at the surface. This poses problems the excess pore pressure is governed by equation (6). The in numerical modelling the liquefaction cycle. We circum- first term on the right hand side accounts for the change vent these problems by assuming that the near-surface in the pressure due to the fluid flow, while the last term layer is unsaturated (Fig. 4) and has a shear modulus that account for the influence of the compaction. A dimension- is independent of depth and does not vary with time. less measure of the relative importance of the drainage is thus given by the ratio   K 2.4 ∇· ∇p gρf Link 4, deformation of the soil F = κ . (16) ∂p/∂t The deformation of the soil follows from Newton’s law u¨ ∇· When F>1 drainage is important. ρ = τ, (11) Let the thickness of the liquefying layer be denoted by where u denotes the displacement and τ the stress tensor. L, the time scale of the liquefaction process by T , then When the medium behaves elastically, the stress follows the ratio (16) is of the order by Hooke’s law ∼ κKT F 2 . (17) τij = cijkl∂kul +˜cijkl∂kvl , (12) gρf L 9 2 with cijkl the elasticity tensor. The last term is propor- Using the bulk modulus of water (κ =2.25 × 10 kg/ms ) tional to the particle velocity v, this term is introduced to and assuming the values T =5s and L =5m, it fol- include viscous dissipation. This term effectively leads to lows that F ∼ K × 4.5 × 104 s/m. Drainage is significant complex elastic moduli that account for hysteresis of the when this ratio is larger than unity, this happens when soil. The numerical implementation of section 4 is based the hydraulic conductivity is given by. on equations for the first time derivative of the velocity × −5 and the stress, respectively. Newton’s law (11) is written K>2 10 m/s (18) in component form as For clean sands the hydraulic conductivity varies from 10−5 − 10−2 m/s [30]. This means that the range of ρv˙i = ∂jτji . (13) hydraulic condictivity for clean sands is such that drainage If the elastic medium is isotropic, and if the viscous dissi- may be important, depending on the spatial and temporal pation depends on the shear stress only, the time-deriva- scales of the liquefaction zone. This implies that it is not tive of (12) is given by obvious that laboratory tests under undrained conditions on desktop-size samples give a reasonable impression of τ˙ij = λδij(∇·v)+µ(∂ivj + ∂jvi)+ν(∂iv˙j + ∂jv˙i) , (14) the onset of liquefaction in field conditions where drainage where ν denotes the viscosity. can play an important role. For this reason more detailed For a given angular frequency ω, the viscosity can be numerical models are needed to assess the role of drain- related to the quality factor Q by considering a plane shear age in liquefaction. A small amount of trapped air may wave that propagates through a homogeneous medium: lower the bulk modulus κ. Acording to expression (17) v = yˆ exp i(kz − ωt) into the equations (13) and (14). this reduces the importance of drainage in liquefaction. 5

4 A numerical model of liquefaction The numerical modelling presented here is for the sim- plest case of a soil whose properties depend on depth only, for the special case of a vertically incident SH-wave that is polarized in the y-direction [11]. The relevant dynami- cal parameters for the wave propagation are the particle velocity v in the y-direction and the stress component τyz which for brevity is denoted by τ. For this special case all quantities depend on the space variable z only. For exam- ple, the only nonzero strain components are εyz = εzy = √ Fig. 5. The staggered grid used in the numerical modelling. | | 2 2 | | 1/2∂v/∂z. This gives ε˙ = εyz + εzy = ∂v/∂z / 2. The various physical properties are evaluated at the indicated The equations (2), (6), (10), (13), and (14) are for this grid points special case given by p(z =0)=0,

ϕf − ϕ0 τ(z =0)=0, ϕ(t)=ϕf −  √ t | | ∂p (20) 1+B ln(1 + C 0 ∂v/∂z dt / 2) (z = H)=0,   ∂z ∂p K ∂ϕ − 1 = κ ∇· ∇p + κ v(z = H)=2vinc(z = H) τ(z = H) . ∂t gρf ∂t ρc The equations (19) with the boundary conditions (20)  0.5 p are solved on the staggered grid shown in Fig. 5 using the µ = µ0(z) 1 − (19) ρdgz numerical scheme of Virieux [36] where the time-stepping is carried out with a leapfrog scheme [37]. In all simula- ∂v 1 ∂τ tions the model depth was H =30m, the time step was = t =5× 10−4 s, the depth discretization z =1m, and ∂t ρ ∂z 3   the density of the dry matrix was ρd = 2000 kg/m .Inall ∂τ ∂v ∂ 1 ∂τ simulations the water table was taken at a depth of z =5 = µ + ν ∂t ∂z ∂z ρ ∂z m, the shear modulus in the unsaturated layer above that depth was set to a constant value independent of depth and time. The viscosity ν was related to the quality factor In the last expression the time derivativev ˙ has been elim- (15) where Q was, modified after Das [7], taken to be inated with Newton’s law (13). Note that the last expres-  Q0  sion is a forced diffusion equation similar to the expression Q = 0.3 , (21) in the second line for the excess pore pressure. 1 − C(ρgz − p) |ε| The computational domain runs from the surface z =0 to a depth z = H, see Fig. 4. The equations (19) need to with the following values for the parameters: Q0 =1.8567, × −6 −1 be supplemented with boundary conditions at these two and C =1.6937 10 Pa . depths. At the free surface, both the excess pore pressure p and the stress τ vanish. We assume that the saturated 5 soil overlays an impermeable layer at the bottom. In that Simulation for constant permeability situation there is no flow at the bottom and ∂p/∂z =0 The first numerical simulation shown in this section is for at that location. The last boundary condition that needs a constant hydraulic conductivity of K =5× 10−4 m/s. to be supplied is for the particle velocity at the bottom The incoming wave vinc is shown in Fig. 6 as a function of of the domain. We assume that the velocity at that loca- time. This waveform is generated synthetically by band- tion is given by the sum of an upward moving incom- pass filtering Gaussian white noise between frequencies of ing wave vinc, plus waves that are radiated downward: 1 Hz and 20 Hz. The amplitude is normalised in such a v = vinc(z + ct)+vdown(z − ct) and τ = τinc(z + ct)+ − way that the peak ground acceleration is about 0.1g,a τdown(z ct). The incoming wave vinc acts as the source realistic value for earthquake hazard studies. The result- of the motion in the soil. The last term provides a radia- ing waveform qualitatively resembles the strong motion tion boundary condition [35] for the reflected waves. − generated by earthquakes [28]. Using (19) the down going wave satisfies ∂vdown(z ct)/ The grain fraction ϕ as a function of depth at t =5.33 −1 − − −1 − ∂t = ρ ∂τdown(z ct)/∂z = (ρc) ∂τdown(z ct)/∂t. s is shown in Fig. 7. Note that the compaction varies with Integrating this identity shows that at the bottom of the −1 depth, and that the relative change in the grain fraction domain vdown = − (ρc) τdown. With a similar argument due to the compaction is of the order 10−3, so that the soil −1 one finds that vinc =+(ρc) τinc. Therefore at the bot- does not compact much. However, the associated excess −1 tom of the domain v = vinc+vdown = vinc−(ρc) τdown = pore pressure shown in Fig. 8 is comparable to the over- −1 −1 vinc − (ρc) (τ − τinc)=2vinc − (ρc) τ. Using these burden pressure for the dry matrix at a depth of about results the boundary conditions are given by 12 m. The reason for the large increase in pressure for a 6 modest amount of compaction is the large numerical value The time scale to be used for a scale analysis in sec- of the bulk modulus κ. A modest amount of air trapped in tion 3 is given by the time over which the excess pore the fluid would significantly reduce the value of the bulk pressure steadily increases, in this case about 5 s. Note modulus. that the excess pore pressure does not increase monoton- At a depth of about 12 m, the excess pore pressure is ically. The compaction law (2) prescribes a grain fraction comparable to the overburden pressure. This means that that increases monotonically with time. In the absence of about this depth the soil will liquefy. This can be seen in flow this would imply a monotonic increase of the excess Fig. 9 which shows the shear modulus before the shaking, pore pressure with time. The fluctuations of the excess and at t =5.33 s. At a depth around 12 m the shear mod- pore pressure with time that lead to short-term reductions ulus has decreased dramatically and the shear strength of of the excess pore pressure are therefore cause by fluid the soil is strongly diminished at the depth. The temporal migration. behavior of the excess pore pressure at a depth of 12 m is The scale analysis of section 3 shows that a hydrau- shown in Fig. 10. It can be seen that the excess pore pres- lic conductivity of the order of 2 × 10−5 m/s separates sure approaches the overburden pressure at t =5.33 s. the regime where drainage inhibits liquefaction from the regime where liquefaction will occur. This scale analysis is relatively crude. Here we investigate this issue in more detail by showing numerical simulation for the incoming wave of Fig. 6 for a hydraulic condictivity given by K = 10−5, 10−4, 10−3 m/s. These values are realistic for clean sand [30]. The excess pore pressure as a function of time at a depth of 8 m is shown in Fig. 11. For a hydraulic con- ductivity of 10−5 m/s the excess pore pressure steadily increases as in Fig. 8 and ultimately causes the soil to liq- uefy. For a hydraulic codictivity of 10−3 m/s the excess pore pressure increases only slightly. In that case the per- meability is sufficiently high for the drainage to keep up with the compaction, and the pore fluid migrates before it can cause a increase in pore pressure that causes lique- faction. Fig. 6. The incident SH-wave vinc used in the numerical examples that strikes the bottom of the domain

Fig. 9. The shear modulus at t =5.33 s as a function of depth Fig. 7. The grain fraction at t =5.33 s as a function of depth

Fig. 8. The excess pore pressure at t =5.33 s as a function of Fig. 10. The excess pore pressure at a depth of 12 m as a depth function of time 7

Fig. 11. The pore pressure for three values of the hydraulic Fig. 13. Excess pore pressure at t =5s as a function of depth conductivity at a depth of 8 m as a function of time for various values of the hydraulic conductivity Kmin in the −3 layer. For the hydraulic conductivity of Kmin =10 m/s the layer has the same permeability as the surrounding material These conclusions can be verified in Fig. 12 in which (no contrast) the shear modulus as a function of depth is shown at t = 1.9 s. For a hydraulic conductivity of 10−5 m/s the soil liq- −4 −3 −6 uefies, whereas for K =10 and 10 m/s, respectively, hydraulic conductivity of 2×10 m/s at a depth z0 =10 the shear modulus decreases slightly but liquefaction does m and an effective width of 5 m. Note that according to not occur. the simulation shown in Fig. 12 the soil does not liquefy when the hydraulic condictivity is 10−3 m/s throughout the soil. 6 The excess pore pressure at t =5s is shown in Fig. 13 Variations in permeability for various values of the permeability in the layer. Note that the liquefaction is about to set in when the hydrau- The numerical simulations of the previous section confirm −4 that the permeability is a key factor in controlling liq- lic conductivity in the layer is about 10 m/s or less. uefaction. When the permeability has spatial variations The physical reason for this is that the low-permeability it may have an even larger influence on the liquefaction layer prevents pore fluid migration towards the surface. behavior since an impermeable layer can enhance the in- Since the pore fluid cannot move out of the bottom of the crease in excess pore pressure. Field observations of this soil layer, the pore fluid is effectively trapped between the phenomenon have been presented by Youd [38]. bottom of the model and the low-permeability layer. This In the numerical simulation of Fig. 13 the soil has a causes the excess pore pressure to rise beyond levels that hydraulic conductivity of 10−3 m/s, except in a layer with would be found in a homogeneous soil. This confirms that a total thickness of 5 m centered at a depth of 10 m. This low-permeability layers can have a significant effect on the layer is modelled by the following profile of the hydraulic liquefaction properties of soil [38]. conductivity:   2 7 (z − z0) K(z)=Kmax − (Kmax − Kmin) exp − , Concluding remarks L2 The liquefaction cycle as introduced in section 2 provides (22) a framework to analyze the complex process of liquefac- −4 −6 where Kmax =10 m/s, Kmin =2× 10 m/s, and tion into its physical components. This is a reductionists L =2.8 m. This describes a low-permeability layer with a approach [12] that makes it possible to investigate and numerically model the different phenomena that contrib- ute to liquefaction. In this work, the simplest possible physics has been used in the description of the different links of the liquefaction cycle. The advantage of a formu- lation based on the liquefaction cycle is that one can easily replace the physical description of one of the links in the liquefaction cycle by another description. The physics of the links in the liquefaction cycle is known with a varying degree of accuracy. The liquefac- tion cycle can be used as a tool for planning research in the coupled processes that contribute to liquefaction. The dynamic compaction of granular media and the role of pore pressure in this process deserves special attention. The modelling shown here is applicable only for the on- set of liquefaction. Once liquefaction has developed, the Fig. 12. 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