" 4 - \u25a0. ? ?* YjSZi .:? , .' ADVERTISING I M I . I \u25a0'X\ pyiau WANT yyvm. IS THE ROAD TO SUCCESS H H \u25a0 I \u25a0 I I \u25a0 \u25bc I . I H f 1 1 I / IV . J BUSINESS WATCH THOSE WHO TO INCREASE '?&£ ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER ADVERTISE FOR CUSTOMERS AK^p- ,


Career of the Democratic Carter of the Democratic Candidate for Preeldent. Vice Presidential Can- Bom on a hm and a farmer- didate?He Was Born on BANK a Farm and Was AAA DEPOSIT Judge Still?A Good Tenor the First u) > > > > ?*Jb?ESS i i i Millions > > > > festtoctefor College ALTON BROOKS PARKER, tbe cropa. the cattle, ihwy. plffa, chickens, In WTT, when ha waa twenty live, the C.ARSAWAY DAVIS, the ever, hla practical skill, courage end elghty-flrat year. Is as spry as a man Young / \ p..,,. -. Democratic candidate for pree- turkeys or ducka. Whether In the Democrats of Ulster county nominated OBUlocrntlc vice presidential energy overcame all difficulties. of sixty, ami a good deal sprier than Ident, la flfty-two year* peach or apple In tbe row him surrogate county, ipmlnee, U a man alth more I'ledmont waa tbe center of tbe Cutn- many. He was n delegate to the recent £^VpeaceV"?M V /\ old. six orchard. for of tbe lie tory of HX9SYn *n business and lierland bituminous region. The national convention a of I lCsUlone ordinary ? years older than Theodore Kooee- pasture. barn or sty, be la tbe maater waa elected for a all year term and lu ' -JP* coal aud member SI BALIIOH I present coal fields of part of the committee on was Music. nOtS vatt aad Dearly ten year* older thaa of all In knowledge aa well aa In IKN3 waa re-elected. great that resolutions. Fie Best. PlaceV If. C. / ajjmm. waa hla rival when be aaaumed tbe enemy. He will ply hla pitchfork or In 18H4 be waa a delegate to the nearby Mfctee be long has been regard- the country were then undeveloped, chosen as a member of the subcommit- for Yoor V_ _T'-t Ma '*"r presidential authority put hie ahoulder under a heavy load convention at Chicago that nominated ed aa a ftnanciul giant, and bis politi- and Davis perceived that that section tee that had charge of the platform, Daughter rmllial He la Jnet a little tinder six feet In with the beat of them, and It la a good (?rover Cleveland for president, and he cal llfe haa been characterised by con- was one of Immense Industrial prom- and lie stayed up all night during the - height man who can keep np with him. He helped to pall the candidate through servntiasi aad sagacity. ise. The Arm of Davis ft llroa. en- deliberations of that committee at the Ha hi braed" shouldered. deep cheated drirea his faintly to tbe cburrh of hla In the hotly coo tested campaign of Ills ninlniUon at 81. Immils confers gaged In the shipping at con I and Southern hotel. When he went to the Professional Cards. aad wat(lM 196 poonds. mn-tn-lcw. Rev. Cluuln Mercer Ilall, that year. Cleveland was elected, ami upon him the peculiar distinction of lumber for tbe producers, and Its busi- Jefferson hotel at noon the next day Hie cheeks era ruddy. and hla haael at Kingston. every Bunday and sings In Janaary ha turned ever to lieuten- being the oldest candidate eyer select- ness grew rapidly. he did not appear fatigued, aud he told l»w» eyes aperkle with tbe glow of si heartily that strangera In the con- ant Governor Hill the uncompleted ed far Ha office, Mr. Davie having la MOO Henry O. Davla organised hla fiiemls he could stand another the Itedmont Having! be- twenty-four hours of It as well as not. HlOGtf, health. gregatlaa ate apt to tarn their heads. term of office ha waa obliged to eur- bceii born In Woodstock. Md.. on Nov. bank nud OH. JOHN D. hair, on Nor does be fortrt to have hla do- render to become president. Id, 1828. Hla father waa Caleb Da- came Its president. This bank w«e sap- fie favored tite insertion of a gold Hie which le thin the tor plank platform. gprinhled gray on sides, mestic aervanta who are Roman Cath- Governor HUI waa nominated In the vis, a successful Raltlnuire men-bant, planted °»y tbe National Rank of Pied- In the When his aad with tbe la ulao name was being by na- la of an naaanel but attractive shade olics driven to their own church regu- fall. The Democratic party waa worn who died a few yeara after tbe son's mont. of which Mr. Davla the considered the guiding spirit. brothers, tional some ques- 4Hft' iEJtPIST of red, of other members larly. out with the efforts It bad made in birth, and his mother wus a Miss ten- He aud bis convention there was characteristic were originally In- as whether aup|H>rtcd llryan at the Parker family. Tbe Judge Is a vestryman In tbe the preceding year. Ms money was ex- iae Brown, whose sister waa tbe moth- whose possessions tion to be OHHICK?MAIN STKKICT usually worn Kingston church, although a ma a hausted, patience waa (ionium Maryland. significant. have since been nhle to In IKMI and IDUO. Chairman JOIICH of Be aaaetai'ha. which le and. sad Its etock of er of Senator of I'HONX 9 trimmed, of very moderate menna. prob- growing small. Judge I'nrker, Mr. Davla s|ient count their capital by millions, while the Democratic national committee put deae la a ahade darker than he la Like by aa.vlng Ma hair. ably tbe wealthiest man la the eon- 11111 was urged to select this or that Ida early days on a farm. He received their landed estate at one time approxi- It at rest that In 18U0 Selia- presided Bryan S. NKWKLL Rooeevelt, be la an practical pillar man to charge hla In hla In a village sml mated 1(10,01*I acres. tor Davis at a meeting GIOBOR W. N KWRI.I. ATWOUD Like Preetdeat crritatlaa. He hi tbe take of lnterestn education school Virginia Bryan. of tbe campaign. too, at age of twenty em- Ilefure lite wsr Mr. Davla was a in West and voted for tbe conduct He. the entered tbe At was en- had come to kaow Parker very well, ploy of the and Ohio rail- Whig, while after Its cloae he allied that time Senator I>llvis gaged in building a q GKO. W. NKWKLL Sl BKO. and he had a clear conviction of his road aa a brakeman. This waa tbe himself with the conservative wing of railroad and bad large obligation at a bank which he ' superior fltucas for difficult posi- America, and Mr. the Democratic party. LAWYERS - tbe drat railroad built In to renew. he went to tion to be occupied. He scut to King- Davla baa the distinction of having He made Ids entry Into politics In desired When Office up iitaire In New Hank Build iMtnk president said; left hand Hide, lop of ttepa. ston far I*arker. who not only over- first brakeman on any rail 18 2». when be woe elected to the Weet the the ing, been the understand you presided at a came apathy party _J "I "VILLIAMSTON N C. the of hla aad dis- Bryan meeting last night." regarded disadvantage of an CfPrictlce wherever nervicea are deatre*. the said Davis. of empty overcame "Yes." "What ltr Special attention to examining and mak nrii box. bat all tbe "Well," said the bank president, Rivrn advantages supposed to be enjoyed ing title for purchasers of timber sud tiralwt you know that the of tity Republicans aew his csndl- "don't theories amis. the and Bryan are opi>osed to all the flnanclal by 11.000 plurality In _1 -T j a. date victorious Institutions In this country? I do not t >ii\ I tbe state which had with In Cleveland see yon y 1 Jov don't and withdraw my |«trouage from tbe ernor Hill to sit with tbls new court, was only thirty seven age, bank." lie yean of 'The bank president grew alarmed at youngrst of all Judgoa the court In Case of Fire the of this, because Senator Davis Is heavily of appeals. Ha aat In this court until In operations In lie Interested financial IMUA, wbea. upoa Ita dissolution West Yirglnia.and he begged Davis to yon want to In.- protected, flower, t waa sppotsted fey Coventor recon- lit case of death you want urged many to lie a reconsider. Davis would not thereto by Judges, paid the obligation lu cash to leave your family some- general term of sider. He member of the the afternoon and cut Hist bank off thing to live ln supreme of Hie First that on. case of court district. Ills list of kindness connections. accident you want some- Uses ha ramalned until the creation of Senator Davis is many times a mil- the division of supreme thing to jive on besides ? appellate tbe lionaire. He has been an enthusiastic court, be resumed the trlsl terms when Gorman man ever since the canvass IjffiJtnviug. own be wns HIM HOME AT EROI't'S, N. T. In his district In 1807 for the Democratic nominee In 1004 JUDOS PARKER AND KOSEMONT. of Let Us Come to Your Rescue nominated to be chief Justice tbe began. At one time he said he would co*rt appeals and elected by a Of waa spend a million dollars to secure the keep* do» of tbe church and take* an active In- insure "out of door*" man. He bhi plurality of OOJM. nomination of Gorman, and It was no We can Vou agaiust and bla mlod k«n terest In Ita charities. Ita rooking and every however, re- clea hard clear and That not one. mere Idle lioast, because be had the loss from by much iietdN open sewing dancing schools, Ita phys garda Judge Delphic In tbe air. hora» and Parker aa a oracle money and would spend it. back riding, driving and walking and leal culture rlaaa and Ita basket ball la ahown by tbe following anecdote: IIBNRY (lABBAVAY DAVIS. Personally. Senator Davis Is an nf Fire, Death and Accident. farm work. game* for bora, lie la alao a cou- A very able New York attSrney who fable, genial Uian. democratic and mod energetic In bla ap trlbntor to ftinda of the local or- waa quite very aenaltlve He la alert and tbe deaf and Virginia delegates. est dis's not look Ills years, and to on* man- rood In the Culled Stales. lie was bourn- of He was He We can insure vour Boiler, pearancs, movement® and apeech. Hla phan asylum and la of tbe waa arguing a Mae baCor* tbe New would noon the position of con- a delegate froui Virginia to tlie the casual observer lie appear Glass, manner with friend* la ager* of the Kingston City hospital. court appeala. at advanced to Weat Plate Burg In aaaoctatlon York of lie dwelt national of to be not more than sixty live, lie Is tbe neighborly la be and WAN then the only railroad liemocratlc conventions i.ii \ . We also can bond affable and kindly and without aelf Hla usefulness to ductor tall, erect and In tile country. a mu* IHtW and IHTJ. while In INU7 he was more than six feet of tbe Judge \u25a0ecu on all aides. He la even tbe conductor An you lor any office requir- aaaertlveneaa legislature of atute straight us In the days of his youth. habit la to be di- freight agent of a steamboat company, lng story flltiKtrull »t tlie grip of enr- elected to Ibe Ills ing bond Hla conversational I'nlon lietng Ills shoulders are square. He Is well acrupuloosiy care- ao little private on bla ly associations on a retentive nature aa a Democrat, rf elected raet and frank and that the dock muscled. n springy heel and expressions. to In- of lilm Waahlngtou. two yeara later. In IH7I he was made He lias ful In bla choice of Usu- farm may lie iiwil for the convenience used told In Is not the slightest None But Best Companies Hepresentei well morning of l ulled Htatea aenator W. T. toe walk. There ally when hla opinion Is asked on auy of the community. It la mild tlint toward to sueceed or Wiley, being the Aral evidence of any loss of mental bodi- subject bla reply Is Instantly ready. lie la a confirmed magaxlne reader. a wearlsouie all ulKht session of the ItepubllAn. he member of that Itody froiu ly vigor. Judge Parker la one of the Imt ex- He seldom rrada poetry, but la foud of aennte Senator Hitvis won asleep. hla Democratic the youug atate of Weat Virginia. Ills face features are regular and amples of self made uisn the good la alwnya on head reat lng u|»on Ilia desk Senator then a In novels. lira. Parker bla he waa Ills nose Is n<|ullltie. Ills eyes be a new for ber hard- had |irovnknl Ji idice Tliur- At the expiration of term Isiltl. K. \l GKAWrOBD United Btatea todsy. Born poor, tlie alert for atory Kiliiiunds are gray sharply |s*iietratlng, n Kpeccli, by re elected. After Nerving twelve yeara and bill hM built up a small fortune that am- working husband. Rut hla natural ninn to ami Introduction set In the senate further |x>- withal k Irally In expression and ply provldea need*, and above taate la for Thackeray the Judge unfurled hla nil bandanna he declined 'INSURANCE ACSENT, for bla Dickens. awl preferring his apart. His face Is not deeply he to have no further am- delight* In rlgoroua out anil blew a blunt of more than uaunl lltlcal honors, to devote wide that appears Hrott. He tbe furrowed, though One appear three Mr. lin may liave been entire time to his rapidly Increasing wrinkles Go- lard Building! bition In a monetary way. Hi* of door atmosphere of "The Scottish power. via His of snowy business affairs. slsiut the eyes. lienrd fartna, on* at Cortland, another at Ac Chiefs." Jelferaon Is hla favorite pn- dreaming of his old railroad days. At In a Karly in publk' cord and tbs third at Eaopus, complete litical writer. Any book or article ou any rate, he sprnnr to Ida feet hla career he assumed catching an poaitlon on fluanclal hla land possessions, and In all his agriculture or cattle breeding la sura half dazed condition and. unequivocal algnal queatlona, he bus never de wealth la estixnatsd at not mora than to interest him. sight of the red flag?the old of from which of A6ENTS HERE FOR 9*0,000. After he has spent a morning work- danger?and seeming to Imagine that parted. AImoat at the beginning WT MI SOLE from Ids Icgtalatlre aervlce he was confront- Saving and good Judgment have ' tag on hla opinions?hours of he bad beard a shriek of alann Judicial call- eil with tb* laaue of the responsibility brought to him what be haa and not grave concentration, when no on* Is the «|ieu throttle of a locomotive < h!.' of Weat Virginia for a portion of the auy stroke of good fortune. permitted to Interrupt hla quiet?aad ing for "Down brake*!" seised (leak quick of the Old Dominion. Despite the Uoeemont. the Judge'* house at ! when be la waiting for lunch bla arc and with the britkeman's debt floor. ailrlce of frlenda who considered mo- Ksopua, la a modest but comfortable ' retary. Arthur McCauslnnd. will sit twlat wrenched It from the oa a mentary popularity rather than Justice, wooden strnctura, standing on the ' st tbe piano while the Judge In a It waa while serving conductor the lie look a bold atand lu favor of bis stone foundstlons ot a I>utch house of sweet tenor voice alnga old fashioned that Mr. Itavla met and formed waa meeting her proportion of The most famous Cod I.lver 011 prep- It Is set on the side of or bjutna. acquaintance of Henry flay. who atate'a Juat Ytnol colonial times. hallada "I Feel Just aa tlie the mother atate, when that aration known to medicine. among shsd* trees and fronta Young to Be," "Only an a passenger upon Mr. I>avla' train debt of a bill 1 aa I Uaed equitable proportion could be ascer- Contains ALT.the medicinal elements the rivar. It Is the abode of hospital- Armor Bearer," "Hold the Fort," anil while going from bU Kentucky home of cod livec oil, actually taken (rum cnpltal flay tained. By reason of bla determination ity refinement, the typical home ' ao on. to the and returnln-f. fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oil. and anal iie made a profound linpreaaton upon recognised of aa American gentleman. Tbe pic- Judge Parker waa born May 14, 1852. ISDOI ruin AND HIS OBANIMON at would hoard the train In Baltimore Delicious to the taste ai d BtMKMO.Vr It lta weateru terminus all bla aaaoclaUta. throughout as greatest at Cortland. Y., waa eon of leave at and the world the X. and tbe princi- over mountain* recently Mr. was preal a farmer. years ago his length upon a fundamental law make lb* Journey the t'ntll Davla Two hundred ple. Finally Judge Interrupted. dent of the Weat Virginia, and ancestors had come from England and Parker Into Kentucky In the old fashioned Central STRENGTH would . Durla got bla flint llttaburg railroad, which he projected settled In New England. From genera- "II aecm. Brother that atagecoach. Mr. you Infer that this la and alao the Piedmont to generation they were of cant not well of and Cuinber- CREATOR tion tlie waa one hardy farmer class, and they drew their versed In tbla elementary law polat." bind railroad. He of the dele for old people, weak, sickly woaaen Now, THE CANDIDATE IN BRIEF galea to tl.e pan-American congress and children, nursing mothers and af-1 lore of country from tbe soil to which tbe attorney didn't catch what * of the I'nlted Btutea a sickness. they had been transplanted. Judge was said, bot be made It a rule to and was a member tor severe Henry O. Davis la eighty Jrmra railway Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronlo great-grandfather waa a sol agree always with what tbe court auld; lutercoutlneutal commission Parker's old. Vlr Colds, Bronchitis and ail Throat and smiling bowing, he early as*, Today be Is known aa one of West dier In tbe ranks of Washington's so. and aakl: lyfft an orphan at an Lung Uuequalt'd lo create began superintondeni the boom Troubles. army. "Precisely. your honor; precisely. You his earner aa Hilda's "Big Four." and bad an appetite and to make those who are have stated proposition of u plantation. of Senator Uoruian materialised be was MUM STBPUKN II KI.KINH As early aa he could do ao young tbe correctly." brake-man on the Balti- too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. Became to have managed whiteness IN a that does more Parker attended school at Cortland Tbe court laughed. Judge I'arker more and Ohio at twenty and It. feature Try it on our guarantee to return IN- to denote age tluill any satisfied. academy and later got out of the Cort- \u25a0inlled. and the lawyer continued bla later waa promoted to. conductor. In 1553 married Mlaa Kate A. advanced your money IIyou are not At thirty h« waa supervisor of daughter Judge Gideon & land Normal acbool all tbe equipment argument. Bants. a of otlier. HAMik SALSBURY train a. Frederick, Md. two Ttie whole bearing of tlie man de- for life that It could give him. Hla Xooconaplctwos In tbs public eye Invested In coal landa and kdd Itautz of He has Aug. s 3m. Hamilton, N. C# <». note* nn alert, vigorous Interest In life parents were not able to send him to haa been Mrs. Mary 1). Parker, the foundation of immense fortune. sons, John T. Davla and Henry Do- Founded lbs town* daughters, md the matters that appeal to him for college or even to take cars of him wife of Jadga Patter. This Is tetana* ris. Jr.. Md three Mrs. Bte of Ilievls and Elkins. It M. O. Brown, t;iott. r- \u25a0 while be waa trying to find a foothold. she has led an unusually quiet life. during the war. T>hen r Klklns. Mrs. Was a t'ntonlat Brown. Ills daughter. Mrs. Stephen B. At aixteen he became a country school- Mrs. Parker was born st Accord, la Elected ta lower branch of \Test rife of Lieutenant Commander legislature Ulklns, one of Washington's noted TURNER THORPE teacher. the township of Rochester, In Ulster Virginia as Union-Con- V. S. N., and Mra. Arthur I>eo. Mr. Is servative IHG6 and to the senate two DarlV wife died two'years ago. lie entertainers, and her gracious woman- Reluctantly he was obliged to give icounty, and Is a daughter of the late ytara la tar. a a villa at Deer Park. Md.. liness has wou her many friends. Clothes Pressing Expert op tbe hope of a college training for | .Moses 1. Hdioonmaker. Her early life KlectMl t'nlled States senator In oil beautiful summer months, Es-Bonator Davis Is hut one of many hla profession and to think of the old was passed upon Ike farm apou which 1171 and served until lESS. -There be ptaaea the 'Crystal Shaving Parlor, been delegate to ats national Is vigorous old men who are mill active fashioned spproach to tbe liar through »he was born. Her girlhood waa pasa- Has but bla boi.e as s voter at Klklns. ronventlona. hla adjoins In public life. Here Is a list of some Suits cleaned aud pressed MBs. ALTON B rABASB. the office of a preceptor. Having aur- ed at Accord, and wss much the same W. Va.. where residence 50c. Mates Senator Stephen of the prominent old men who are still tares, the books, the furniture, the -1 rendered one cherished ambition, but as that of most American girls reared that of Called Pants cleaned and pressed 25c. hi* people active and hale like Mr. Davis: wide ball and glowing fireplace, the 1 not bis chosen profession, he was ad lu tbe country. Hbe continued to re taste fnr politic* fron: Henry flay in 15. I'iklua. BOM-tn-iaw. The cf are rery fond e* Ex-Speaker Cslusliu Ci-uw of i'enu- aunny Hi.mrj- and the dining room, initted to tb* office of Schooninaker afflc at Accord until ber marriage to hl> conversations Willi Hint Kf**U Ultlns of Senator Alt work catted for and delivered. (?avis. who very much for syjvania, 80; es-Vlce Iresident Uvi I*. with Its lo::2 uiatto.rnny table, all ahow * Harden be rgh of KlngaSon aa a atu Judge Parker. statesman during these trliia orer t> has done that town. Davla Memo- . iorion. >-0; Senator* .1 tin T. Morgan of ISatisfaction Guaranteed. «vldenve.: of intelligent taates that j dent of law. Working bis way. be SI dcs tlien Mrs. Parker has spent ber Baltimore and Ohio, anil lie cut liia He built the hospital at a coat of nearly SIOO,- Vhih.ma. M>; Seu.uor licorg' K. Hoar wet* net developed in one generation. waa at iaat enabled to enter tbe law time between Albany and Eaopua. with first ballot tor Clay for prejl lent rial