THE BARROW HILL ENGINE SHED SOCIETY MAGAZINE Summer 2015 Price £2.50 Issue 48 RAIL ALE 2015 Another Fabulous Festival See page 11

Barrow Hill on Tour See page 19 DPS UPDATE See page 33 Plus MORE photos and stories INSIDE... including HLF Bid Update See page 15 OpeningOpening Shot...Shot...

Top: Barrow Hill sunset - taken during Rail Ale 2015. Photo: Nigel Atkinson Bottom: Mark Allen in the cab of the Class 03 during the filming of the “Timeshift” TV documentary on the influence that the diesel engine has had on shaping the world we live in.Photo: Eve White

Photo: James Williams CONTENTS Chairman’s Notes 4 Headline News & Newslines 6 - Award Shortlist - Old Fuel Tanks Repainted - Orient Express Arrives for Servicing - Hitachi and Vossloh - Filming at Barrow Hill - The Pennine Shield - Dave and Dale get their Blue Peter Badge Events Update 10 - “Rarities” Diesel Gala - “Rail Ale 2015” - Engine Shed Concerts Presents . . . - The London Midland Region Steam Gala of the Year Heritage Lottery Fund 15 Fundraising 18 Barrow Hill on Tour 19 Down The Line 20 Dave Darwin Remembers 26 Steam Locomotive Department Notes 30 DPS Update 33 Volunteers’ Report 36 Money Matters 38 Historical Corner 41 And Finally 44

FRONT COVER: The evening of 10th July 2015 A line up of steam - getting during a special event when 37 057 (aka D6757) ready for Rail Ale. and 26 007 top and tailed a train for diesel fans at Photo: Dale Holford Barrow Hill. Photo: Alexa Stott

HAVE YOU GOT A MEMORY By the time you get this Newsletter the All these events, the HLF activities and OF BARROW HILL IN From the Manager concerts will have happened but please the ongoing site maintenance on top of STEAM OR DIESEL DAYS? tell everyone about our fantastic LMS/ the ever increasing commercial activities Welcome to the summer steam gala on Friday here mean that we are all very busy Do you have photographs of the edition of the Barrow Hill 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th but the rewards are excellent and I’m depot which we could use in future Newsletter. September. We need as many people as pleased to say that Barrow Hill continues issues of the Newsletter? possible to attend this event and support to grow and prosper. So far 2015 has been an excellent year Please get in touch with Alexa Stott the Roundhouse. with three fabulous events under our Thank you to everyone who has played by post: Barrow Hill Roundhouse, belts: “A Day with Morayshire”, the The Heritage Lottery Fund grant team a part in our success and here’s to a Campbell Drive, Barrow Hill, “Rarities” Diesel Gala and the ever has also been busy preparing to submit fabulous September and an excellent Chesterfield, S43 2PR. popular “Rail Ale”. We now have two our 2nd stage application later this year. I finish to the year. Or email: [email protected] even bigger events to look forward to in do hope we are successful because if we September which will finish the year off are it will provide funding to enhance the Designed and printed by with a bang. site in a way we could never have done Mervyn Allcock design print web signs otherwise. So fingers crossed!! General Manager Tel: 01777 860579 2 3 CHAIRMAN’S NOTES

As I write this we are half Success with our Round 1 bid last One thing that is absolutely essential in way through the year and we November was a crucial step, but our all this is that we retain the authentic have already had four events: Round 2 bid, due to be submitted in appearance and atmosphere of Barrow Morayshire, Rail Ale, the Diesel November this year needs to show in Hill as a working depot. Whilst we do Rarities, and a car rally. All detail that we can achieve what we said we want to attract new non-rail enthusiasts, different but all take time to would. particularly families and young people, organise beforehand and lots of we must retain our core audience of volunteer time on the day. Our skilled team of consultants (largely knowledgeable rail enthusiasts. Back to paid for by the HLF) has been very busy the balancing act I mentioned at the start. We are grateful for all that help which putting together detailed proposals, and we Barrow Hill cannot continue to make ensures an enjoyable day for our visitors are very fortunate in our lead consultant progress without a new wider audience. and generates income we can spend on Anita Hollinshead who is totally committed Equally it will not survive without our maintaining and improving the site. We to Barrow Hill (even to the extent of existing customer base. need to keep that balance right. We cannot putting in a long stint at Rail Ale handing afford to run events that don’t pay their out glasses when she came to promote the So, bearing that in mind, have a look at the way, but equally we want to ensure that project!). Elsewhere in this edition Anita proposals and let us know what you think. you, the members and our visitors, find describes what our proposals are, both You can write to me at Barrow Hill or them interesting and enjoyable. The ‘spider’ water tower is very important for in terms of the new entrance/eating area email me at [email protected]. We do the steam engines. It is in a prime location for and the essential repairs to the building, want your views, preferably of support, but topping up the boilers before they go round We are now looking forward to a very to the platform but earlier this year at the and the increased range of activities that if you are not happy, say so. busy September with two music concerts Morayshire steam event the old valve sheared we propose to introduce to ensure that and the Steam Gala which will extend over off making the filling of steam engine boilers visitors coming to Barrow Hill have an I look forward to hearing from you. five days. Lots more work for volunteers! a laborious task with a hose pipe. Victoria enjoyable, fascinating and stimulating Fabrications replaced the broken water valve experience. (That’s where the need for Mike Kennedy with a new sturdier valve which will face a big In April, Don Cambridge announced his test at the September LMS gala! more volunteers comes from.) resignation from the Committee. He had Photo: Dale Holford tried earlier but we had dissuaded him, but unfortunately only for a few months. The between volunteers and the Committee, good news is that Don is staying on as an and to increase the number and range of ordinary member and continuing with his volunteers. Paul will help us do that, and activities in the Archive and as a volunteer. you can read more from him elsewhere However, Don has been on the Committee in this edition. Another change we have longer than anyone can remember and introduced is to add Jon Pridmore to our we shall miss the wealth of experience, Health and Safety team, with particular knowledge and sense that he reference to working with volunteers to brought to our discussions. To ensure that ensure their safety. the Committee stays at a viable size we have invited Paul Millington, our Volunteer The main focus of our work this year apart Coordinator, to join us. The role of from events, is our HLF bid, which will, On 1st April Intertrain helped out with volunteers is increasingly important and we if successful, bring a total of £1.5 million a little problem up the Springwell need to establish better communications Branch caused by high winds. worth of investment to the site. Photo: Dale Holford 4 5 The West Coast Railways Class 37 being used as the test bed for the ERTMS installation project. HEADLINE NEWS Photo: Dale Holford

AWARD SHORTLIST Barrow Hill has been honoured to receive several awards in the last few years. For the first time ever earlier this year we were asked to submit an entry to the East Museums Heritage Awards. From several hundred entries, we were absolutely delighted that the Jools Holland event was shortlisted for HITACHI & VOSSLOH FILMING AT BARROW HILL the Judges’ Special Award. Railway companies Hitachi and Vossloh During the last week of July a film crew OLD FUEL TANKS REPAINTED have joined the growing list of tenants of took over the upstairs storeroom to Barrow Hill. They are working on a project create the set of a Russian propaganda The two ex-BR fuel tanks which stand to fit ERTMS equipment to a West Coast radio room. A very interesting foray into next to our ticket office have received ORIENT EXPRESS ARRIVES Railways Class 37. This is a very interesting the film business for the site and hopefully a rub down and two shiny coats of grey FOR SERVICING signalling project of great importance to the the first of many. paint. They were overdue as they had future of main line operation and another Once again Barrow Hill was on hand to started to rust badly but now they look feather in the cap for Barrow Hill. service the VSOE train to Chatsworth. very impressive as you queue for your This was formed of the beautiful London tickets. Below: On 6th May a party of students from Derby University visited the Roundhouse for a ‘steam punk’ Pullman coaches top and tailed by Class 67s. themed photo shoot as part of photographer Clark’s end of year piece. The models Sophie Newton and Adam Bingham, dressed in the appropriate attire, posed alongside Barrow Hill’s steam locos. Although Derby University has a Roundhouse it lacked atmosphere as it has no locomotives. The team had a great day The VSOE at Barrow Hill on Wednesday 29th April 2015. The Orient Express arrived at the Roundhouse and loved the working feel to the engine shed. We hope to see the professional finished product and wish after dropping off its passengers at Chesterfield Station for a trip to Chatsworth. Dale Holford along Hannah the best of luck in the future. Photos: Dave Darwin with volunteers Dave Darwin, Lol Dormer, Colin Kasher and Brandon Myatt-Bennett replenished the water and disposed all the rubbish on board. The VSOE was hauled by 67005 Queens Messenger and 67026 . Photo: Dale Holford


NEWSLETTER IN ELECTRONIC As you may recall from the last and locomotive together was drawn out by FORMAT Newsletter, long-term resident one of the presenters and then the tender A2 Pacific Blue Peter left the was pulled away with a loud clang. All very The Roundhouse Newsletter is now Roundhouse in March to begin her impressive and done without a single retake! available in electronic format and, unlike long awaited overhaul at Crewe. the printed version, reproduced in Here Dave Darwin talks about the The loco was winched onto the low FULL COLOUR throughout. Delivered loader very slowly, every move recorded direct to your computer for you to departure of the locomotive… by the enthusiastic BBC team. The HNRC look through at your leisure; it will also shunting loco 08 834 which was used for help the Roundhouse to save the cost DAVE AND DALE GET THEIR this operation, driven by Dave with Dale of postage and put the savings to good BLUE PETER BADGE doing the ground work, is a celebrity use elsewhere. If you would like to engine in its own right, having just come opt to receive the Newsletter by email On Wednesday 18th March 60532 Blue back from its base at Old Dalby Test rather than post, please email: On Friday 3rd July, the photographer Drew Peter was due to leave the Roundhouse by Track for a major overhaul at the HNRC [email protected]. Gardener visited the Roundhouse to take a road and a team from the BBC television workshops here at Barrow Hill. unique 360° picture. He hopes online newspapers programme “Blue Peter” was on hand CONTACTING THE such Dailymail plus and Daily Telegraph I-pad to record the occasion. Dave and Dale The “Blue Peter” team enjoyed their visit will use his picture to show how fantastic the assisted the team in the filming, moving the to the Roundhouse and presented Dave ROUNDHOUSE TEAM Roundhouse is. His camera was on a tripod with loco as required for them. The high point a small computerised motor which moved the and Dale with the much sought after Blue In order to ensure that enquiries and camera in set positions to take a picture. Several was the parting of the tender from the Peter badges. They also very kindly did an correspondence reach the correct people, photos a few seconds apart were taken. Using locomotive for loading on to an Alleley’s impromptu video for Dale and Mervyn’s several new email addresses have been a programme on his laptop the pictures are low loader. The large iron pin which goes smart phones for their children, a lovely set up: [email protected] is for stitched together to make the 360° picture. through the draw bar holding the tender gesture and much appreciated. all queries to the Roundhouse office and Photo: Dale Holford events, [email protected] for We were delighted to welcome children from Barrow Hill Primary School on an end-of-term special new and existing members’ enquiries and visit to the Roundhouse on 16th July. As the photo shows, a good time was had by all! questions and [email protected]. bit of fun. Any member interested in joining Photo: Anita Hollinshead uk for enquiries relating to volunteering. a Barrow Hill team should contact me by email [email protected], text/telephone 07860 524879 or have a word with me THE PENNINE SHIELD QUIZ – at one of the social evenings. Questions TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED are confined to Great Britain (mainland I have been unable to find out very much UK standard gauge) and will have at least historically about the Pennine Shield Quiz one round of the following: Modern, other than that it started in 1976, being Steam, Historical, Pot Luck (can include originated by the Pennine Railway Society. Narrow Gauge, Light Rail and Tramway Over the years different local railway questions, including Isle of Man and Isle of groups and societies have fielded teams Wight) and Picture/Slide. This year Round but now numbers have dwindled to just 1 will be hosted by Dore Loco Society the Pennine Railway Society and the Dore on Thursday 26th November, Round 2 Loco Group. However, Barrow Hill has hosted by Pennine Railway Society on been invited to participate this year. Whilst Wednesday 2nd December and, if we there is a serious side to the quiz it is participate, Round 3 hosted by Barrow Hill mainly intended as a social occasion and a on Thursday 3rd December. Paul Beardsley 8 9 EVENTS UPDATE

“RARITIES” DIESEL GALA Modern and classic traction came together in an outstanding diesel event at the Roundhouse on the weekend of 11th and The Baby Deltic D5910, currently being 12th April. recreated by the Baby Deltic Project at the Roundhouse, was on display on the A GBRF Class 66, DRS Class 68 and Colas turntable and visitors were able to see and DB Schenker Class 60s were all on progress to date. display during the weekend. It was the first time the Class 66 and Class 68 locos had ever hauled passenger trains.

Representing classic traction, for the first atmosphere of the Roundhouse whilst time ever a Hymek (Class 42 D7076 from RAIL ALE 2015 – ANOTHER FABULOUS FESTIVAL! enjoying over 250 different real ales and the East Railway), a Warship 80 ciders and perries, the steam trains, (Class 42 D832 Onslaught from the West For the second year “Rail Ale” ran the live music and the food on offer. And Somerset Railway) and a Class 27 (27 066 over three days, starting on Thursday it is clearly a combination that works if which arrived on 19th February) were on afternoon with a trade session attended the number of people from near and far display at the Roundhouse. Roundhouse by many brewers and publicans and Rail making their way to the Roundhouse is to resident Class 26 26 007 was also seen in Ale sponsors. During the afternoon, the be believed – Rail Ale is definitely becoming operation with the Hymek and Warship on “Fuller’s Rail Ale” High Speed Train arrived a ‘must do’ beer festival! the passenger trains. at Roundhouse Halt, bringing over 300 The crowds gather at the “Rarities” Diesel gala to get the best shot. Photo: Dale Holford thirsty ale drinkers from more southerly Thanks must go to all the local CAMRA parts of the country. branches and members for volunteering their time to help behind the bars and Despite a chill in the air (well it wouldn’t around the Festival. Thanks go to all be Barrow Hill otherwise!), a good time the sponsors and ticket outlets for was had by all. their support of this year’s Festival and especially to the Roundhouse volunteer Over 80 beers were entered in the team for all their help. Our local CAMRA Brewer’s Selection Beer Awards which branch, Chesterfield, had a very successful were judged during the trade session on three days manning the members’ stand Thursday afternoon. Several Derbyshire which resulted in a good number of new breweries were prominent amongst the members. winners, none more so than the Beer of the Festival – “Business as Usual” Preparations are already underway for Rail from Derby Brewing Company. Ale 2016 which will be the Festival’s 15th birthday so watch out for more news on Despite the weather forecasters suggesting this later in the year. And we reckon it will the weather would continue in the same be advisable to get the dates in the diary vein, the sun shone throughout Friday now so you don’t miss out – 19th, 20th The Hymek departs Barrow Hill on 30th April and Saturday as several thousand Rail Ale and 21st May 2016! after its appearance at the Rarities Diesel Gala. visitors once again soaked up the unique Photo: Dale Holford 10 11 EVENTS UPDATE continued...

PS and to make doubly sure you don’t miss Paul Carrack commented “I’m really believe – will be a Patriot Class locomotive out on all the latest news, why not follow looking forward to playing at such an as we welcome the new build Unknown Rail Ale on its dedicated Twitter feed @ unusual and interesting venue. “This should Warrior for the first time. This will be RailAleFestival and add www.railalefestival. be a very special evening!” a unique opportunity for visitors to see com as a favourite on your internet the locomotive in a genuine working shed browser. “BARROW HILL ’65 – THE environment for the first time with every LONDON MIDLAND REGION major component in place apart from the BARROW HILL ROUNDHOUSE STEAM GALA OF THE YEAR” boiler. AND ENGINE SHED STEAM GALA – 25TH, 26TH Completing the LMS/Midland Railway CONCERTS PRESENT…. AND 27TH SEPTEMBER 2015 themed line up will be Roundhouse RICK WAKEMAN & THE ENGLISH The Roundhouse will finish off 2015 with regulars Half Cab 41708, Midland ROCK ENSEMBLE ON FRIDAY a truly special celebration steam gala Compound 1000 and Stanier Tank 2500. dedicated to the history of the Midland 11TH SEPTEMBER 2015 AND Some of the locos will be involved in PAUL CARRACK IN CONCERT ON Railway/LMS and the Roundhouse. With On Monday 27th April four young lads from cameos representing “Barrow Hill 1965” SATURDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 2015 15 engines (11 of them representing the Brussels arrived at the Roundhouse to help Midland Railway/LMS), 9 in steam, and in and around the Roundhouse and the set up for the Rail Ale festival. They were possibly another two guest locos yet to be turntable will be in action as they move in Following on from the sell-out concert also in Chesterfield for the football. All four and out of the Roundhouse. Vulcan will be by Jools Holland and his Rhythm & Blues liked football but supported rival teams so confirmed, this will be Barrow Hill’s biggest ever steam gala. seen hauling a freight train in the yard near Orchestra with guest star Melanie C in they decided to choose one team to support the signal box and Butler Henderson will September 2014, this year will see two together and their passion led them to The last steam working out of 41E took be in the bay platform on display to visitors more legends of British music perform in Chesterfield Football Club. The give themselves as they enter the gala. our historic and unique Roundhouse. the name ‘Belgium Spireites’. After a lot of place on 2nd October 1965 so what hard work Jonathan Dellicour, Sylvain Lecomte, more appropriate moment could this be Other attractions will include a real ale bar Once again a purpose-built stage will Pierre Fagnart and Jules Monnier were treated to welcome the 100th steam locomotive to a cab ride up the Springwell Branch in 03 to visit the Roundhouse since it re- and trade stalls. be constructed over the Roundhouse 066 with Mervyn Allcock driving. They really turntable and pit and some of the classic opened in July 1998. We are delighted loved their day and hope to come and help that LMS Princess Coronation Class 6233 We are also delighted to announce that steam locomotives usually on display again in the future. The Railway Magazine and will form an atmospheric backdrop. A Duchess of Sutherland will be the 100th Photo: Dale Holford steam locomotive to visit Barrow Hill Magazine are supporting the event and we substantial amount of the Roundhouse will are looking forward to working with them be opened up for the audience to enjoy Roundhouse by kind permission of the Princess Royal Class Locomotive Trust. once again on another major Barrow Hill the concert. steam gala. In conversation about his September Concerts with Rick and The English Rock The latest locomotives confirmed to join appearance, Rick commented “There are the growing stellar line up are Ivatt Class 4 There will be the usual free shuttle bus Ensemble have been very much a rarity so few opportunities for me to perform service from Chesterfield Railway Station over the last decade or so and those 43106 Flying Pig courtesy of the Ivatt Class with The English Rock Ensemble in the 4 Group and the running throughout all three days. There that have taken place have mainly been UK these days and so when the right will be plenty of free on-site parking for in South America and Europe. Their only and Jubilee Class 5690 Leander. Other opportunity does arise we grab it by the locomotives confirmed for the event are those travelling to the event by car. performance last year was at the Starmus scruff of the neck! We so look forward to Festival in Tenerife where they had two Jinty Fowler 3F 47406, Stanier 8F 8274, playing many of the old classics and adding Black 5 45305 and Black 5 45337. Advance tickets are now on sale from standing ovations from the sell-out 3,000 a few surprises as well. I love music, I love or by ringing 0871 strong crowd. This year, apart from The English Rock Ensemble and I love Another significant visitor – last seen in 220 0260 (10p per minute plus network appearing at WakemanFest at the end of trains…what more could I ask for!!!” charges). the year, Barrow Hill Roundhouse will be the Roundhouse in the early 1960s we their only live appearance. 12 13 EVENTS UPDATE continued... The Heritage Lottery Fund A booking fee will apply. The event will be Barrow Hill members can obtain open from 1000 to 1700 on all three days. discounted ticket prices by ringing the and Barrow Hill Roundhouse Those holding advance tickets will be able See Tickets number and quoting their to enter the show at 0930 on each day. membership number and postcode. PROJECT UPDATE Ticket prices are: Friday/Sunday Entry Price* Saturday Entry Price* Advance* On The Day Advance* On The Day Anita Hollinshead, our HLF Project Manager, brings us Adults & OAP £18.00 £20.00 £19.00 £21.00 up-to-date on the progress Child aged 5-16** £7.00 £8.00 £7.00 £8.00 of the project since the last (under 5s free entry) Newsletter. Family £43.00 £48.00 £45.00 £49.00 (2 adults + 2 children) Since we received our Round 1 funding of £96,400 from the Heritage Lottery Fund Barrow Hill Members £14.00 £16.00 £14.00 £16.00 in December, the project team has been *A booking fee applies. busily developing our detailed plans for the Roundhouse so that we will be ready to and will include a café and toilets. The **All children must be accompanied by an adult. submit our Round 2 bid to the Heritage existing toilets will also be refurbished to Lottery Fund in November. provide better quality facilities for visitors. Don’t forget that detailed and up-to-date information on all the Roundhouse The new extension will give us more space events can be found on the Barrow Hill website and on our Facebook and As reported in the last Newsletter, we held for new exhibitions, school visits, training Twitter pages as they draw closer. our official launch event for the project at and conferences and for the existing the Roundhouse on Friday 20th February eating area to spill into on event days. The which was attended by over 40 people existing eating area will be refurbished Class 47 head to head - 47848 and 47815 in the yard at Barrow Hill. Photo: Dale including local media, our MP Natascha (whilst retaining its character) to provide Holford Engel, the Mayor of Chesterfield and Geoff more comfortable and better equipped Nickolds, HLF Committee Member for the catering and conference facilities. East Midlands. The launch began with a series of presentations about the project The shop will be moving into the followed by a tour of the Roundhouse site, exhibition area in front of the Archive so a train ride and concluded with soup and that it is visible from the café area and the cake in the Buffet. Attendees were very Archive Team will be able to use some of supportive of the project proposals and the space currently occupied by the shop the event led to some good media cover to undertake practical work and research. including articles in the Derbyshire Times The remainder of the existing shop will be and Transport Trust Journal. part of a display to recreate the original signing on function. The plans for the new Our Project Architect, Carl Andrews extension can be seen on page 17. of Soul Architects, has now produced a programme for essential conservation One of the key documents that we needed repairs to the Roundhouse and developed for our Round 2 Bid was a Conservation a final scheme for the new extension. A Management Plan. Liz Humble of Humble planning application has been submitted Heritage was commissioned to produce to Chesterfield Borough Council. The this and the resulting document, completed extension will create a new visible, in May, is absolutely fascinating. The accessible entrance to the Roundhouse Conservation Management Plan describes 14 15 the history of the Roundhouse site, why it is safe near the railway. There will also be Forces event on 12th July. A further Roundhouse including helping at special important and gives advice on how to care programmes that support STEM – Science, performance is planned for the Steam Gala events, leading guided tours, running for the site whilst ensuring that it continues Engineering, Technology and Maths. Jim VIP day on 24th September. children’s activities, helping in the archive, to be used, enjoyed and made accessible. and Rachel have created a ‘curriculum collecting oral history, supporting school Liz had to undertake considerable research map’ which identifies how a visit to On 30th April, we hosted the Chesterfield visits, working as costumed interpreters for the plan and was very grateful to the the Roundhouse can link to all areas of Champion’s Breakfast at the Roundhouse, and supporting heritage skills training Archive Team and Dave Darwin for their learning including geography, history, STEM, an opportunity for 60 representatives of on site. As Mike Kennedy says, we would invaluable help and support with this. We music and citizenship. We will appoint a local businesses to hear about our project love to hear what you think of our plans are delighted with the final document Learning Officer and a team of education and ways in which they might support for the Roundhouse, would welcome any and have had positive feedback from the volunteers through the project. it over breakfast and a tour of the site. suggestions and are more than happy to Heritage Lottery Fund too! There was great enthusiasm for our plans discuss any concerns you might have about Kevin Fegan has been working as Writer from those present, and we received offers the project. We are absolutely committed Jim Grevatte and Gareth Moorton of in Residence at Library every of financial support. At the same time we to retaining the unique atmosphere of Grevatte & Co. have been developing Tuesday since February and has made need to raise £60,000 of ‘match funding’ the Roundhouse whilst ensuring the site proposals for the interpretation of the a number of useful contacts. He has for the project and Alexa has been working has a sustainable future through essential Roundhouse which include improving the produced a flyer inviting individuals to on several ways in which you can help us conservation work and increased use by visitor route around the site to explain share their stories and experiences of reach this figure. You can read more about local people, education groups, railway how it was managed as a working depot. the Roundhouse and life in the local our fundraising plans in her article which enthusiasts, education groups and visitors There will be new signage both inside and community and has been undertaking follows this. We were also delighted to to the area. out and different levels of information to oral history interviews. Some of these receive a donation of £2,500 from the meet the needs of all visitors from families are being used to develop a series of Duke of Devonshire’s Trust in July. Anita Hollinshead Project Manager and casual visitors to rail enthusiasts. character monologues to be performed The site will be brought to life with by local young people at events in the Another essential document that we need the stories of real people and the main Roundhouse and in other venues to raise to produce for our Round 2 Bid is an themes will be ‘A Working Roundhouse’, awareness of the project. The interviews Activity Plan. This will include activities ‘The People behind the Industry’ and the will also inform the interpretation of the for families visiting the Roundhouse, relationship between the Roundhouse, Roundhouse – bringing the site to life special events, the education programme, a Barrow Hill Village, Staveley Works and the through the voices of real people. Kevin is Community Play (find out more about this Coalfields. The Roundhouse will retain the working with Netherthorpe and Springwell in Kevin Fegan’s article about “Down the atmosphere of a working depot and more schools, Youth Services, Growth Activities Line”), projects for young people, memory of the objects from the collection will be Ltd. and Chesterfield College to recruit boxes for reminiscence sessions, practical displayed around the site. young people to participate in the project workshops for learners of all ages, tours, and is trying to draw them from as wide an talks and conferences, increasing access We are very keen to encourage school area as possible. to the collection, an on-line family history visits to the Roundhouse. Jim and Rachel resource and a range of training, including Grevatte of Grevatte & Co. have been Kevin and one of the young people opportunities to work on the conservation working with Mike Creagh, local teachers working on the project performed two of repairs of the building and locomotive and education advisors to develop a the Barrow Hill character monologues at maintenance. As the Roundhouse becomes Learning Plan. The plan explores how Staveley Library as part of the Derbyshire busier and we undertake a wider range of an educational visit to the Roundhouse Literature Festival on 12th May, these activities on site, we will need to recruit can support areas across the National were based upon the life of Vera Wright additional volunteers to work alongside Curriculum and suggests innovative who lives in the village and Constance our existing team. There will be a range and practical programmes and activities Chatterley of ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’. of volunteering opportunities at the to undertake during a visit. Potential Kevin has adapted a passage from the book programmes include ‘Keeping the wheels which appears to describe Ringwood Hall turning’, a day investigating forces, gears, and Staveley Works. The event was fully levers, cogs and power from electricity, booked and helped to raise awareness of diesel and steam in a working environment the project. Further monologues were and ‘Crash investigators’, a day investigating performed by Kevin and local young how the Roundhouse operates safely, its people at the Springwell Arts Festival on role in the local economy and how to stay 20th June and at the Poolsbrook Armed 16 17 Fundraising... HOW YOU CAN HELP Barrow Hill on Tour Hopefully some Newsletter Supporter’s Badge representing your readers will have already level of support. BY MICK HESKETH seen our very smart display • Your name on the Role of Honour to Nigel Atkinson, Peter Roberts, name of Mr Pete Waterman who joined us sponsored by Burgess Design & be displayed in the new Roundhouse for a short while and posed for photos. extension. Robin Oxborough and myself Print in the Roundhouse telling represented Barrow Hill with all our visitors more about • The first to be advised of – and able to the sales stand at the DRS event On our return journey on the Sunday we visited the high our plans for the future of the subscribe to – other special fundraising at Carlisle Kingmoor Depot on Roundhouse. opportunities for the “Moving Forward” in the hills at Alston and had a trip along Project. Saturday 18th July. the line (and left some information about Barrow Hill of course). I hope you will also have seen – and put You can download a Supporter application Everything went well with good sales and some change in – our smart new donation form from the “Support Us” page on the plenty of interest from the public, but We then continued to the Stainmore box which can be found in the shop at Barrow Hill website. the Cumbrian weather was certainly a weekends and with our HLF fundraising Railway at Kirkby Stephen East where we challenge! were greeted by the very hospitable staff, team during events. This box has already If you cannot commit to long term helped us raise several thousand pounds. many of whom know Barrow Hill and donations but would like to donate a one- Blustery showers, some sunshine, but it members of the team, and were shown off sum of money to the “Moving Forward” was the continual gusty wind all day which But (isn’t there always a but!) we still need around the site by the RO who was busy project, you can download a form necessitated contingency measures with restoring one of the items of freight stock your help. The HLF is very keen to see us complete with gift aid declaration from the both our gazebo and our sales stock. We engage in ‘sustainable’ fundraising: in other they have on site. It is an excellent site to same page of the website and send it to me had to tie the gazebo to a fence, weight visit with regular steam or diesel trains words we need your help over the next c/o the Roundhouse office. it down with brake blocks (with the few years, not just in the initial stages of currently running over a short section kind assistance of the DRS lads), use a of line. All the Stainmore volunteers are the project. As a result of this we have And that’s not all. Have you heard of pole to stop the whole lot caving in and launched the “Roundhouse Supporter” working very hard to restore what it is EasyFundraising or EasySearch? As we even accept some help from the onsite hoped in years to come will be a valued scheme, for which three levels of support move into autumn and the dreaded C word ambulance man who kindly provided a are available: preservation venture of a section of the “Christmas” starts to be mentioned with bandage to tie round the (very bowed much lamented and spectacular Trans- increasing frequency and the online shopping by then) aluminium frame supporting the Pennine Stainmore Route which closed in A Bronze Roundhouse Supporter for £10 starts, please could I encourage you to canvas roof. We took it in turns to lean 1962. take a look at the EasyFundraising website. against the frame to stop the pressure, in A Silver Roundhouse Supporter for £25 Mick Hesketh A Gold Roundhouse Supporter for £50 It is very simple to register and COSTS between covering the stock with a cover to keep the rain off and trying to All prices are per month NOTHING. Simply nominate Barrow Hill Engine Shed Society as your charity greet interested customers and chat about Barrow Hill. In return for your support you will receive: and every time you shop online or search online you will be raising money for the Needless to say by the end of the • The Barrow Hill Engine Shed Society Roundhouse. The link to the EasyFundraising day the gazebo had succumbed Newsletter published three times a year. website can also be found on the “Support Us” page of the Barrow Hill website. to the strain and didn’t return • Reduced rates of entry to the home with us; it ended up being Roundhouse’s special events. If you need any more information on any dismantled and deposited in of these fundraising initiatives or perhaps a DRS bin. Photos included as • Subscription to an email-only newsletter have a fundraising idea that we could use, evidence!! specifically dedicated to the progress of please email me at [email protected] the “Moving Forward” Project. or contact me via the Roundhouse office. However we did have a well- Barrow Hill on tour. From left to right: Peter • A specially commissioned Roundhouse Thank you for your support! known visitor to the stand in the Roberts, Pete Waterman, Mick Hesketh, Nigel Atkinson and Robin Oxborough. 18 19 “Down The Line” THE STORY SO FAR

I have been commissioned experiences, stories and characters which by Barrow Hill Roundhouse to will feed into the play. write a community play to be performed at the Roundhouse in From this research, I have written a series June 2016. The show will involve of dramatic monologues and mini-dramas, a cast of a hundred local people, which we have been performing in the a community choir, brass band, area to inspire people to take part in the rock band and of course the show. With local Theatre Director, Carole stars of the show, the engines Copeland, we have set up a group of young and trains. performers to present the material. “Vera’s Story” (based on Barrow Hill elderly Since February I have been based at resident Vera Wright) was performed by Staveley Library on Tuesdays, researching 16 year old Brooke Kennedy at Staveley the script for “Down The Line”. The title Library as part of Derbyshire Literature for the show came from a phrase used by Festival in May. Vera was in the audience local historian, Ann Lucas, who was one of to hear her life story performed by my first interviewees/researchers. Several Brooke and it was a very moving inter- Top: Class 68 68001 hauling a passenger train for the very first time at the “Rarities” diesel gala. other local people have been helping generational experience for everyone The locomotive attracted a lot of attention from diesel fans across the country. me with my research and, of course, the present. At Springwell Arts Fair in June, 16 archivists at the Roundhouse. I have been year old Rebecca Brown performed “Lady Bottom: Class 68 68001 takes a well earned break up the yard after its first ever passenger services. interviewing individuals in the area from Constance Chatterley’s Story”, which I Photos: Dale Holford a wide variety of backgrounds, collecting have loosely adapted from D H Lawrence.

Brooke Kennedy performing Kevin’s dialogue “Vera’s Story” at the Derbyshire Literary Festival. Photo: Kevin Fegan

20 Picture This. . . An impressive line up of diesel power in the Roundhouse.. Photo: Dale Holford In the piece, Constance Chatterley As part of our research, local playwright Lynn brings to life the area around Staveley Ludditt has also written a 30 minute drama clandestinely described by Lawrence in for us, “Torn”, about the Miners’ Strike, which his novel. At the Armed Forces Weekend we are hoping will be performed by a local at Poolsbrook Country Park in July both theatre group in the autumn. pieces were performed again, alongside “The Great War”, a mini-drama I’ve written A team of professional theatre artists will about local young soldiers who were killed be running a series of “taster” workshops in the conflict. in the area from November. These workshops will be in different theatre- It was performed by our youth group making skills to encourage people to have (joined by a couple of adult performers) a go and get involved in the show. If you or who have been rehearsing at Netherthorpe a group you are involved in are interested School on Wednesday evenings. in hosting one of these workshops, please contact me to discuss. I have written three other pieces: “Mick’s Story” (based on local historian Mick If you are interested in getting involved in Cherry), “Robert Keyes’ Story” (an the show as a performer, singer, designer historical character from Staveley who (set, costume, video or lighting), technical Top: The Roundhouse’s resident Peckett and Vulcan seen on the Springwell branch was one of the main conspirators in the crew or general helper, please contact me as during the Rail Ale festival. Gunpowder Plot in 1605) and a mini- soon as possible to register your interest. Bottom: Class 67 67026 Diamond Jubilee brings the Orient Express into the Roundhouse for servicing. drama, “Fear and Fascination” about the Photos: Dale Holford coming of the railways to the Staveley area. I can be contacted on 07904111671 or by We are looking for more individuals and email to [email protected] groups who are interested in performing these pieces in the autumn. Kevin Fegan, Playwright

7th April saw GBRF Class 66 66720 bring in Class 20s 20096 and 20107; it departed later the same day with Class 47 47847. Photo: Dale Holford

25 It was September 1975 and the back down the Old Road to Whittington DAVE DARWIN REMEMBERS... celebrations of 150 years of the Stockton Station. Here in the station yard the local & Darlington Railway had just ended. coal merchant Nicky Parker coaled up Two of the locos which had taken part in the locos. The ensemble was now ready Last Days of Steam the event at Shildon LMS Pacific 46201 for the run to via Derby. At Princess Elizabeth and SR Merchant Navy a signal stop at Ambergate, the inspector It is 50 years since 41E closed long downhill section through Chinley, 35028 Clan Line were returning to Tyseley riding on the first locoPrincess Elizabeth its doors to steam. Saturday South, Disley, Hazel Grove to Railway Centre at Birmingham with a was concerned about the amount of water 2nd October 1965 was the last Cheadle. The train was left in the sidings water stop and crew change at Sheffield she was using through working hard than Midland Station. she should have to. He jumped down and day. From Sunday 3rd October here and the loco taken back to Heaton went to ask the driver on Clan Line to put 41E was officially a diesel Mersey where we left it to travel home as passengers via Stockport, Manchester, The Barrow Hill crews were Driver J F a bit more effort in. depot. Earlier in the year, on Perrins and his Fireman D Nicholls on 14th June, neighbouring depot Sheffield and Chesterfield. We booked off at 9.00pm, a nice bit of overtime! Princess Elizabeth with Driver G Grocott They duly arrived at Lander St. Junction Staveley GC 41H had closed and and his Fireman P James on Clan Line. A Birmingham where another two crews the redundant footplate men, My driver, Harold Holmes, who I referred Locomotive Inspector from the LM Region took over for the short run to Tyesley, the guards, shunters and fitters from to as ‘Doggy’ was known to everyone accompanied them. Barrow Hill drivers not knowing the route. there had moved to Barrow Hill. by this nickname because of his love of After a wash up in Saltley depot, the two dog racing. He was also the Secretary The steam locomotive water columns had crews travelled home as passengers. Their The week before we closed to steam, on Treasurer of the Barrow Hill Shed Sick been taken away so the locos’ water tanks moment of glory was over but it was all 29th September, I was firing on WD 2-8-0 Club, which for a small sum paid each had to be filled using the hydrants put in part and parcel of being a loco man. Even 90220: booking on at 11.15, loco prepared, week, paid out if you were off work sick. their place to fill diesel locomotives’ boiler after a ten year gap it was no problem, off shed at 11.30 to Barrow Hill U.S. for Doggy was also a very good gardener water tanks when used on steam heated even with locos they had never worked on. our train. The guard, Terry Bingham (an and for many years was Secretary of the trains. This took longer than expected It was all in a day’s work, even if Fireman early member of BHESS until his death) Middlecroft Allotment Holders’ Society, but eventually, a little late, the locos and James called Clan Line some rather was waiting for us. My driver was the running the annual flower and vegetable support coach set off up the bank out derogatory names! late Harold Holmes (Doggy). Thirty five show. He was a very good engineman, only of Sheffield and on to Tapton Junction at As told to Dave Darwin wagons of cobble coal for Garston Docks working the loco as much as it needed, not Chesterfield where a reversal took place by Fireman Derek Nicholls. Liverpool for shipment to Ireland. We causing the fireman to work harder than took them to Cheadle exchange sidings necessary. Being a gardener, he was handy on the CLC (Chester Lines Committee). with the firing shovel himself! Drivers like Class 08 head to head - 08389 and 08685 still in EWS livery in the yard at Barrow Hill. We left Barrow Hill by propelling the train Harold made working on steam a pleasure, Photo: Dale Holford to Tapton Junction but because we were in spite of the many drawbacks. running late we lost our path up the new line to Dore and had to wait in the loop for a suitable path between passenger BARROW HILL CREWS ON trains. PACIFICS Ten years after Barrow Hill closed its We turned off the Chesterfield-Sheffield doors to steam, two sets of Barrow Hill (New Line) at Dore South Junction. Then enginemen were called upon to work on the heavy climb up Dronfield Bank to steam again for just one turn. Instead of Bradway Tunnel, onto the Hope Valley line to Manchester. The loco’s water tank was coming on duty in the standard issue of filled at Hathersage, then away we went green diesel enginemen’s uniforms, sets again up the long slog from Bamford to of overalls now only used for decorating, Edale, up the notorious Normans Bank gardening and car repairs were dusted before entering Cowbarn Tunnel, then the down for this one-off working. 26 27 the MGR; these two articles have just they wouldn’t believe it. Back in the late DAVE DARWIN REMEMBERS... scratched the surface. The wagon now at 1950s when it was first suggested that one Barrow Hill will ensure that the story will signal box at Trent would replace all the 41 not be forgotten. signal boxes being used over the 28 miles A Merry-Go-Round for between Barrow Hill and Toton the old A THANK YOU chaps said it was impossible; it was a bit like putting a man on the moon to them. I would like to thank everyone who turned PART TWO In their day it was normal to work out the Roundhouse! out on a not very pleasant January evening to Birmingham and lodge, before working for my presentation “60 years a loco man”. back the next day. Now it is Birmingham Dave continues his history of the MGR wagon. and Shirebrook area to West Since retiring from BR (later EWS) I have and back in less than 8 hours with just a Burton and Cottam starting running; with now done 12 years as an active member driver; that is what progress is all about. By the mid 1980s MGR a yellow tail lamp to identify that the train here at the Roundhouse, doing something I have always enjoyed: driving and being wagons and trains were the was DOO. As the system was rapidly I hope I do a worthwhile job at Barrow implemented in all areas the yellow tail amongst locomotives and their crews, prime movers of coal on the Hill, keeping the memories alive and helping lamp was dispensed with. whether steam or diesel traction. to record them for future generations. railway, not only to the power stations but to other major The Class 47s were replaced by the Class I find it very gratifying that people want to Thank you, Dave Darwin users of coal, such as steel 56s in 1977, leading to an increase in the listen to me talk about life on the railway, works, cement works and other number of wagons in a train, in most cases just as when I was a young man I used to listen to our old drivers telling their tales, companies using large amounts from 30 to 34. With the vast number Editor’s note: I am sure readers of this of MGR trains running in the mid 1980s, sometimes in the mess room or on the of coal delivered in bulk. One Newsletter will want to join me in thanking Class 58s were brought in. Then in 1990 footplate of a loco in a quiet moment, side effect of this was the Dave. I am in the very lucky position of came the Class 60s. Two of this class were waiting for a signal to clear or in a sidings modernisation of many railway named in honour of the men behind the somewhere. seeing Dave’s stories before they are typed sidings and plant. MGR system, 60092 Reginald Munns and up for your enjoyment in this Newsletter 60093 Jack Stirk. A small number of other I have seen a lot of changes over my career. and the amount of intricate detail and sheer An unusual system was brought into locos were modified for working MGRs: in Steam to diesel was the start, followed variety of his memories never ceases to operation at the Avenue Coking plant at Scotland the Class 26 and some Class 20s by signalling changes and then the way amaze and entertain me – thank you Dave Wingerworth for moving the wagons for and in South Wales some Class 37s. the railway is managed. If the old drivers and please keep those stories coming. emptying. The train would be stopped could come back and see these changes against a rubber-tyred wagon positioning A mention must be made of the wagons. machine (similar to a double wheeled Most remained as built HAAs with a speed lorry axle on its side) and the locomotive of 45mph loaded and 55mph empty. But removed. The wheels were then moved with the increase in long haul runs from into position against the wagon body and Scotland an increase in speed was needed when they started turning the wagons so the brake force on approximately 450 would move over the discharge hopper. wagons was increased; these were HDA, HAA wagons used on this service could able to run at 60pmh both loaded and be identified by the tyre marks down the empty. However, the increase in loaded body sides. speed meant that coal and dust blow off became a problem so canopies were fitted; In 1985 came another change with the these were HBAs. The HMA at Barrow Hill start of DOO (Driver Only Operated) indicates an increase in speed from 55mph On 31st May the Roundhouse hosted a trains. After a short period of basic empty to 60mph, remaining 45mph loaded. MG owners car rally which resulted in this training on the wagons (how to isolate Much more could be written about slightly different ‘Roundhouse line up’. a defective brake), MGR trains in the Photo: Mervyn Allcock 28 29 STEAM LOCOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT NOTES

Barrow Hill continues to Andrew Whitehead’s HL loco Swanscombe For all Midland men and women the EARLY LOCOMOTIVES (4) attract a wide range of steam had been lifted off her wheels as these September 2015 gala is going to be a real Rocket locomotives to the Roundhouse, needed the tyre profiles turning. These treat – after all, Barrow Hill always was a Furness 20 either as residents or as visitors were duly turned and the wheelsets were Midland shed – with an incredible line up Catch Me Who Can for our events. returned to the Roundhouse. Once the of LMS machines already confirmed for this Puffing Billy axle box overhaul was completed we were major event. Recent additions bring the grand total to able to re-wheel this powerful loco and INDUSTRIAL LOCOMOTIVES (13) 98 so the number is now rapidly moving she is now back in the Roundhouse with Other locos have been requested so this MW 1207 The Welshman towards the magic 100. The most recent re-assembly well underway. All the brake only gives a flavour of what is to come – MW 1210 Sir Berkeley arrivals are the ’s gear and motion has been refitted and we were asked at the “Fab Four” gala how MW 1795 No 14 Stanier 2-6-4T loco number (4)2500 and the fully tubed boiler is at the back of the we could ever hope to top that line up, Peckett 1163 Whitehead the Scottish Museum’s 4-4-0 number 246, Roundhouse ready for putting back into well this is our answer! This is a “not to be Peckett 2000 or BR 62712 Morayshire. The former is on the frames. The plan remains to have this missed” gala so please make a note in your YE 2521 Clipstone a loan agreement to Barrow Hill, but the loco back in steam again early next year diary. Hawthorn Leslie 2491 Henry D49 only called in briefly on its way from ready for the main operating season, as Hawthorn Leslie 3718 Swanscombe a visit to the and another resident operational steam loco. 60532 Blue Peter was sold to Jeremy HE Thomas (Brookes No. 1) the back home to its Time flies as they say and Peckett 2000 is Hosking and she duly left the Roundhouse Sentinel Isebrook base at Bo’ness in Scotland, home of the now almost at year nine out of a ten year on 18th March 2015 to commence a major HC MSC No. 70 SRPS. Many thanks to all concerned for cycle so we will need to prepare for her overhaul at Jeremy’s new loco works at VF 3272 Vulcan making this visit happen – it was short but next ten yearly boiler overhaul soon. Crewe. It will be truly great to see this Hudswell Clarke 1704 Nunlow enjoyable. loco back out where she really belongs, 41708 is still patiently awaiting the day in action on the main line. We used to get GWR LOCOMOTIVES (16) Work is going very well on Steve ’s we can start work on her major overhaul, asked all the time if this will ever happen 813 Hunslet Austerity loco number 68006 which hopefully will not be too long away again and now we can say a resounding 1420 and on Andrew Whiteheads HL 0-4-0ST now and the rest of the locomotives on “Yes, it will”! It has been great to have had 3440 City of Truro Swanscombe. 68006 and Peckett 2000 display are all kept clean and oiled on a Blue Peter based at Barrow Hill and we will 4936 Kinlet Hall were both taken off their wheels at the regular basis. Midland Compound 1000 miss her but we hope that 60532 will call 4953 Pitchford Hall end of October 2014 and the wheel sets is on loan to the Roundhouse courtesy in to see us from time to time once she 4965 Rood Hall for both were despatched to the South of the National Railway Museum with is back out on the main line and use our 5051 Drysllwyn Castle Devon Railway for specialist attention whom we continue to enjoy an excellent servicing facilities. 5164 – they have both got new wheel tyres working relationship. 1000 will be one of 5199 fitted now whilst the Austerity needs the stars of the show in September when Vulcan had a very busy first season in 2014 5224 her journals polishing as well. The J94’s we present our Midland themed gala to taking in appearances at various railways 5553 wheelsets have not yet returned to the commemorate 50 years since steam was but she is having a much quieter season in 5637 Roundhouse but the Peckett’s arrived withdrawn from Barrow Hill by BR on 5th 2015. We had a list of jobs we wanted to 6430 back in February 2015 and she was duly October 1965. The February visit by 62712 do on her over the winter period ready 7754 re-wheeled and re-entered service in time Morayshire also saw the very rare sight of for this season and only two minor tasks 7822 Foxcote Manor for the 2015 “Rail Ale” on 15th May where three British 4-4-0 tender locos together now remain to be done but she is in full 9600 she topped and tailed with Vulcan. She ran in a roundhouse, ie the LNER D49, the working order and available for traffic as again on 31st May for the very successful GCR Director and the MR Compound. and when required. SOUTHERN LOCOMOTIVES (6) MG Owners group visit to Barrow Hill. 662 Martello


30075 62005 Doesn’t time fly by when remained at Bury into November to cover 30096 Normandy 62712 Morayshire you’re having fun? When I a footplate experience day and feature in 30587 63601 received a reminder to write this an East Coast main line themed weekend. 30777 Sir Lamiel 65462 article I looked back at what I 55019 Royal Highland Fusilier was spending 35005 Canadian Pacific 65567 (8217) wrote last time to find that this the season at the Severn Valley Railway 68005 time last year our locos were primarily to cover the diesel turns of D821 MIDLAND/LMS LOCOMOTIVES (19) 68006 settling in at their summer which was in need of major bogie work. 41000 68009 homes. Following on from that 41312 68030 here is an update on what has As with Alycidon, 55019 performed all year 41708 68088 been happening since then. with very little trouble. At the end of a 42500 68846 slightly longer operating season than usual, 42700 69023 Throughout last summer and autumn the locos headed for home but only one 44422 69621 D9009 Alycidon was to be found operating would be staying at Barrow Hill, arriving 45110 60163 Tornado diesel day diagrams and galas at the East at the end of November. After dropping 45231 60800 Green Arrow Lancashire Railway where she performed 55019 off, Alycidon continued on to York 45407 60532 Blue Peter with very little trouble. The end of to stay at the National railway Museum. 45593 Kolhapur 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley September saw her move a convoy of In return the NRM’s Deltic, 55002, would 45690 Leander 60008 Dwight D. Eisenhower locos to the Severn Valley Railway for their move to Barrow Hill the same day, which 47298 60009 Union of South Africa end of season diesel gala from 2nd to 4th for the created the scenario of 47406 60010 (4489) Dominion of Canada October before returning to Bury with two Deltics passing through York station in 48151 60019 (4464) Bittern 55019 added to the convoy. Both locos less than one hour on the same day. 48773 60022 (4468) Mallard 49395 51218 BR STANDARD LOCOMOTIVES (8) 52322 (1300) 70000 Britannia 58850 70013 Oliver Cromwell 71000 Duke of Gloucester LNWR LOCOMOTIVES (1) 76079 1054 78019 80135 GNR LOCOMOTIVES (2) 92203 251 92214 1744 LONDON TRANSPORT LOCOMOTIVES (1) LNER (28) MET 1 1310 1506 (62660) Butler Henderson TOTAL 98 61264 55019 attacks Freshfield 61306 Martyn Ashworth Bank with a service bound for East Grinstead on 61572 Sunday 19th April 2015. 61994 Photo: Darrell Marsh 32 33 D9009 arrives at Sheffield Park on Sunday 19th April 2015. DELTIC PRESERVATION SOCIETY UPDATE continued... Photo: Darrell Marsh Once back at Barrow Hill work arriving at East Grinstead a few minutes are both being worked on in what we commenced on 55019 which required a before 11pm. The gala was a fantastic call our power unit house on Saturdays B-exam, brake equipment overall and a event for both the railway and our society predominately by our youngest volunteer, very good clean. This kept our small band with both locos performing faultlessly. Beth Marsh, under guidance from our of regular volunteers busy over the winter Tuesday 21st April saw D9009 tow 55019 experienced engineering team. June 2014 months. Meanwhile at York D9009 was to the Severn Valley Railway where she saw work start on the overhaul of a set due a C-exam but the main reason for will remain until October operating on of bogies to main line standard for D9015 taking the loco to York was so we could selected dates which can be found on to replace the life expired set by Sheaf undertake a repaint. An offer to sponsor the DPS website and Facebook page. Engineering. the repaint was received along with a Meanwhile D9009 stabled at the Severn proposal for a main line tour in April 2015. Valley Railway until 14th May before July saw the first bogie stripped to bare Unfortunately both fell through so for the returning to London to work the first components followed by the second in time being Alycidon remains in two tone of the main line tours. This would be the October. Smaller components then had green. SVR Golden Jubilee tour from Victoria to further stripping by our volunteers. The Kidderminster and return using the VSOE wheelsets have been purged with grease, During the winter months offers for stock. On return D9009 made her way axles tested and suspension tubes and our locos were considered and plans to Southall in preparation to work a tour bearings tested. agreed. Both locos were invited to the from King’s Cross to York on 2nd June for a gala in March (later which would feature A1 60163 Tornado Darrell Marsh changed to April), the Severn Valley Railway on the return. This would get D9009 requested a Deltic for the whole 2015 back north ready to work a third tour season with 55019 the chosen loco, two which had come in. This was a Derby to main line tours for D9009 were on offer Kingswear and return on Saturday 4th July which were accepted but an offer for for Pathfinder Tours. Unfortunately with 55019 to go to the Tornado not being ready the tour was was declined. postponed to July so D9009 remained in London. After a lot of hard work and planning right up to the evening of Saturday 11th Back in our depot work was taking April 2015 the locos were ready for the place on ’s power units and a set first event of the year. This was a three of bogies. On D9015 itself the re-wiring day gala featuring just our two Deltics at was progressing well, the underframe was the Bluebell Railway from 17th to 19th being cleaned of 50 years of muck ready April which unfortunately clashed with for steam cleaning and painting over the the Barrow Hill “Rarities” and Epping and summer months and internal painting was Ongar galas. The locos travelled south on complete. Three power units were being Tuesday 14th April with D9009 starting worked on in preparation for future use from York and calling in at Barrow Hill with two possibly destined for D9015. for fuel and to collect 55019 before going PU451 has been painted, hoses and The first stripped bogie north again to then onto the other small components replaced by our on 9th July 2014. ECML to Finsbury Park, across London, mid-week volunteers. PU423 and PU430 Photo: Darrell Marsh


Well I left the last report with MG rally on a Sunday which was a change (ACE) requirements remains at the COMPLIANCE MANAGEMENT FOR saying “we’ll see if it runs”. to normal duties, as most volunteers were excellent level of 90%. If you are a VOLUNTEERS What confidence the team who able to act as stewards. This meant talking volunteer and you haven’t yet attended a worked on the 03 shunter had. to people who hadn’t been before about briefing (a pre-requisite for volunteering), Jon Pridmore is now responsible for the Roundhouse, not a bad job at all. please contact me and I’m sure we can the general management of compliance The fuel system was hand primed all the Everyone seemed to leave happy. arrange a mutual time for completing a where it relates to volunteers. Many way to the injectors and when the key session, which only takes about 45 minutes. of you will know Jon from his work in was turned it wasn’t long before it fired When we had the tube wagon in to use the Roundhouse and his responsibility up, filling the Roundhouse with fumes as a stage for “Rail Ale” it was noted that I would also take this opportunity to add as training manager for the Boiler & of course, which we knew it would to it needed a wee bit of TLC so it had some that in order to improve our volunteer Engineering Skills Training Trust. Jon start off. But once it had burnt off all the of its planks replaced and after a ”muster competencies and procedures, we are will provide the safety critical and non- assembly oil, etc. it settled down and now of the troops” it was repainted over one in the process of introducing a ‘Rules safety critical training and assessment of it only emits a light haze as it should do weekend. Luckily it didn’t hold up our Exam’ based upon the ‘Rule Book’ volunteers and other staff on operational and runs very well. The shunter is a credit next project, which was to bring one of issued to all volunteers at the Induction/ safety. to everyone who worked on it over the our carriages in to the Roundhouse for Briefing sessions. We are also introducing winter months. Since the overhaul was attention. The carriage is now in situ and is volunteer identity cards, which will He will also manage the safety critical completed, it has developed a small leak having attention to windows, the braking carry photo ID as well as safety critical and non-safety critical competence of from the water pump but a seal kit has system, internal furniture and door locks. competency information where applicable. volunteers by undertaking assessments been ordered and that will be the last job. No doubt other things will need to be If anyone does not have a copy of the and inspections. These activities Dave our regular driver is very pleased done as and when they are discovered. Rule Book (formally titled “General Safety were previously undertaken by Simon with it. Anyone who would like to come in and Requirements and Instructions” and dated Hartshorne and we thank him for the role help on this project during weekends November 2014), please contact me. he carried out in that respect. Simon will “Rail Ale” has been and gone and not would be most welcome! maintain his compliance responsibilities everyone realises what a mammoth task A number of volunteers have not where they relate to the overall site and it is to prepare for it. A lot of the work is Don Cambridge responded to the invitation to complete a its tenants, and will continue to observe all done midweek during the weeks before volunteer survey form and I’m repeating compliance related activities, referring any but as the Festival gets closer more of our PAUL MILLINGTON WRITES. . . my previous plea for them to do so. It is volunteer-related matters to Jon. volunteers show up for extra duties to First of all, I’d like to add my name to the becoming more important for us to know get everything ready, some even wearing list of thanks to all of the volunteers who what skills you possess and a reply to the Paul Millington two hats and working for CAMRA during turned out for the events held earlier this survey will also help us understand what the event. Then there is the massive year: the Diesel Gala, Rail Ale and the MG work you are interested in taking part in. A big thank you goes to our clean-up operation which starts on the Owners’ meet. Once more, your help was I had hoped to be in a position to report regular contributors for their Sunday morning to get the Roundhouse invaluable in making them all successful further on the volunteer survey responses efforts with pen and paper or back to “Museum Status”. However, I and sending our visitors home with smiles in this Newsletter. I haven’t reported on keyboard and mouse. am sure everyone who attended enjoyed on their faces and good memories of the this as I would prefer to wait another themselves. Roundhouse. quarter for further responses. WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO HEAR STORIES FROM OTHER Other jobs that have been done are We now have a total of 76 members If anyone is interested in becoming a CONTRIBUTORS. WE KNOW THERE various track adjustments and a Point Box recorded as volunteers. The number of volunteer or has any questions about MUST BE MANY OUT THERE! marathon where nearly all the point boxes them who have attended the mandatory volunteering, please contact me, preferably Please get in touch with Alexa Stott by post: via the volunteers email address Barrow Hill Roundhouse, Campbell Drive, Barrow on site were stripped and greased during Health & Safety and Safeguarding briefing Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2PR. one Saturday session. Again, well done - sessions required to meet the Heritage [email protected]. Or email: [email protected] you know who you are. Recently we had an Lottery Fund and Arts Council England 36 37 MONEY MATTERS

Since the last Newsletter, This event continues to make an important been expected and has been shown as SHOP! AND CAFÉ we have held two successful contribution to our funds. Our very a designated fund in our accounts for a Both facilities are focal points for visitors, fundraising public events, work visitors also contributed an number of years, but it was nonetheless still a source of regular income for us and fully has continued on the important amazing total of £1,376.64 to our “Moving painful to part with the cheque; at least we deserving of our support. Heritage Lottery Fund bid and Forward” project. Many thanks to Lynda can reclaim the £8,000 Value Added Tax! preparations are well under way Parrish and, on Saturday night, Becky At the time of writing in late July, we have for a busy September of events. Atkinson, for collecting these donations. We have also had the oil tanks on the platform repainted at a much more modest maintained our proud record of having EVENTS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS cost. This is a job that needs doing every staffed the shop on every Saturday and few years, and to my mind it is well worth Sunday that the site has been open in this The commercial activity at Barrow Hill The April “Rarities” diesel gala was a hugely spending the money on this work because year, in other words, every weekend from continues apace. enjoyable event, our first major diesel they are quite a feature in themselves at 10th January onwards. We were even open event for some time. Visitor numbers were the events entrance to the site and an for business on the Thursday afternoon Our diesel fuelling point is now fully good although not quite as high as we important part of what we are seeking to and the Friday of the beer festival so operational offering fuel to commercial expected, but everyone attending enjoyed preserve – they help to remind visitors thanks to all our volunteer staff for their rail operators and preserved locomotive the event and we made a reasonable profit that Barrow Hill was once a BR diesel commitment. owners, as well as to our own locomotives. by keeping the costs as low as possible. I depot as well as a steam shed. was particularly delighted to see the return It is a major enhancement to our site, We have several new stock lines on sale making it even more attractive to our rail to Derbyshire of two former residents Most other spending since the last in the shop. The new version of the “BH industry customers and avoiding the need of the county, the Hymek D7076 and the Newsletter has been in connection with Barrow Hill” shed sticker type mugs to bring in a road tanker every time an Warship D832 Onslaught, both being our “Moving Forward” project Heritage arrived in time for the diesel gala, and these operator wishes to refuel a locomotive. former residents of the Railway Technical Lottery Fund bid, as another tranche of are selling well at only £4.50. Several customers have already used this Centre at Derby, plus the main line funds arrived in our bank account from Also newly arrived is an excellent book, facility and we envisage that more will locomotives which included the first public the Heritage Lottery Fund in early July. “The Railway Photographs of Keith be attracted to use it, with the profits display of a Class 68 diesel on our site. Donations are still welcome, by the way! Hudson” from On Parallel Lines Publishing, expected to cover, in a reasonably short which features plenty of local interest and Our annual “Rail Ale” festival in mid-May is time, the capital expenditure on buying the ACCOUNTS, ETC. is on sale at £15. I have it myself! always well attended and received, and this tank and installing it. The business decision year’s was no exception. It just gets bigger every time we order some diesel now is This is a busy time of year for me as I R.E.V. Gomm Ltd., the long established and better each year, the layout of the whether to order 5,000 litres or 10,000 am embroiled in preparing the annual Birmingham badge manufacturer, has Roundhouse is always excellent. We were litres, which is quite a different proposition accounts for both companies, Barrow supplied a variety of diesel and steam so busy on Saturday that we had to suspend to filling up the car! Hill Limited and Barrow Hill Engine Shed badges. We have a new stand on the shop cash admission for a while which is never Society Limited, in time to get them to our desk for displaying these items. The boxed an easy decision – a victim of our own EXPENDITURE reporting accountants, Forrester Boyd, for Coat of Arms of the Midland Railway, LMS success. I particularly enjoy the “quiet night” approval and filing with Companies House and Pullman companies look particularly Recently, our major expenditure has been on Thursday, although it was pretty busy in and The Charity Commission before the attractive. the payment of £48,000 to Chesterfield the afternoon when an East Midlands High end of September deadline. Thanks to Borough Council which was our agreed Speed Train brought in around 300 visitors my wife Christine for assisting with the To complement the “BH Barrow Hill” contribution to the Whittington Road on a charter from St. Pancras. The café and bookkeeping. The Annual Returns for both mugs, we have some blue T shirts in a bridge repairs, the bridge that provides shop were open on all three days of the companies have already been submitted to variety of sizes featuring our shed sticker, our invaluable access to the national event, and did good business. Companies House and the payroll year end priced at £12 each. rail network. This payment had long returns have been completed on line. 38 39 MONEY MATTERS continued... HISTORICAL CORNER NO. 39

After a gap of several years, I have ordered We had a very worthwhile day though, some greetings cards from John Austin, informing visitors of our September FGRA which include several beautiful GWR events, especially the steam gala, and even The Secrets of Harpur Hill scenes by the sea, particularly the famous managed to take over £200 on our sales We railway enthusiasts like comprising of captured German mustard Dawlish stretch, but also some local interest stand. Plenty of steam gala leaflets were to pride ourselves on our gas bombs, which had been evacuated from in “Millers Dale” and a personal favourite of handed out, and on the same weekend encyclopaedic knowledge of local Dunkirk after the fall of France. Harpur mine, “Fog On The Tyne”. Mervyn took some to the Gloucestershire railway history. However, many Hill quarry is located two miles south of the town of but the remoteness & Warwickshire Railway, so you could say of us might not be aware of some The cafe continues to open week we are marketing the event nationally! of the countryside made it an ideal choice of the more mysterious corners for the War Office. Plans to convert the in, week out and at every event and of Derbyshire railway folklore. Thursday social evening, and at other We are all looking forward to the event, site were signed with the civil engineering times, by arrangement! It is a facility with the highlight being the first ever With war clouds looming, the Air contractor Sir Robert McAlpine and the bunkers became operational on 15th much appreciated by volunteers and visit of a “Duchess” to Barrow Hill. The Ministry estimated in 1936 that an ideal December 1939, although the railway track visitors alike, with many listing it as one huge costs involved in assembling such a war reserve of munitions would contain 98,000 tons of bombs, 82,000 as 250 lb installation was not fully operational until of the site’s attractions. Bill and Ellen put collection of steam locomotives mean that March 1940. The total cost was £6,500,000. an extraordinary amount of work in to we may never do a gala on anything like (110 kg) and 500 lb (230 kg) bombs. The RAF decided to store these weapons The facility was served by sidings from the running the cafe, a point illustrated for this scale again, so don’t miss it! in a number of underground depots, LNWR Ladmanlow branch. On entering me by the beer festival purchases: I have each holding about 10,000 to 30,000 the site, the connecting track split into counted seven receipts for purchases See you in September... tons. The decision to store the material four reception sidings and at the far end made by them for the cafe from different underground was taken because the a single line entered the underground suppliers in the days running up to the Nigel Atkinson, ACMA, CGMA thin-walled aerial bombs were extremely storage area. Further sidings diverged off festival, plus a bread delivery organised for Treasurer vulnerable to blast, much more so than to several transhipment platforms and a first thing in the morning and deliveries artillery shells. The planning of the pre-war locomotive shed. In addition, 2’-0” narrow gauge lines served further storage areas. received at Barrow Hill of orders made Another new customer for storage was finalised in 1938, with three for food, burger boxes, napkins, chip trays, Barrow Hill is the freight principal underground depots (one each in company Colas. On the surface, building such as packing plastic forks, blue wiping paper and toilet northern, central and southern England), all sheds, a canteen block and offices rolls! This is in addition to organising the Photo: Mervyn Allcock with a capacity of around 25,000 tons each. were provided, including several pillbox staff required, sourcing any new catering Over a hundred sites had been considered emplacements for defence protection. equipment that is needed, preparing but most were rejected in the search Several of these buildings still survive the premises for visitors and tidying up for ideal storage facilities. Eventually, the intact today, together with the remains of afterwards. Very well done and thank you. RAF purchased from Imperial Chemical foundations from many more structures Industries the disused Sorrow Quarry at which were demolished. The principal design for the facility was in the form of BARROW HILL ON TOUR Harpur Hill in Derbyshire and commenced the construction of concrete storage a series of seven long tunnel-like arches, Mick Hesketh’s piece on page 19 in structures within the excavated area of the largest being 25 feet wide (7.6m) and this Newsletter covers the delights of the open air quarry. The storage bunkers a height of 17 feet (5.2m) to the centre of “summer” in Carlisle on 18th July when we were then buried in an overall covering as the arches. There were seven such tunnels, attended the biennial Direct Rail Services a camouflage and also for blast protection. each of which had a narrow gauge siding Harpur Hill had been designated the running through their length and unloading open day at Kingmoor depot, celebrating platforms were provided on both sides for their 20th anniversary. It is always a principal central store for the RAF to place aerial bombs from April 1940. The first stacking material. The floor of the original pleasure to leave home at 3.30am to get quarry sloped away at one end of the site to Carlisle before 8am to set up our stall! consignments arrived in June of that year, 40 41 HISTORICAL CORNER NO. 39 continued... and this area allowed for the building of level of the depot through the original some live munitions remain buried on site, number 6099 of 1964 was the only form a two-level structure. The lower levels quarry access tunnels, while three electric which is still constantly guarded. of motive power. Interestingly, the chosen were reached from the top tunnels by lifts transported bombs to the upper track gauge was 3’-0” which was an unusual means of electric lifts. The entire structure floor. Overhead protection was given by In the immediate post-war period, Harpur choice for an England location. Normally it was roofed over and then covered in a covering the roof with forty two feet of Hill continued to be used as the principal would be the gauge of choice for Northern thick layer of crushed stone, which was in broken slate. In response to pressure from centre in the UK for the safe rendering of Ireland and Irish Republic narrow gauge abundance locally as quarry waste. the Treasury, efforts were made to reduce surplus munitions and their eventual safe branch lines. costs and accelerate the construction. disposal. Many chemical weapons had to Between 1940 and 1941, Ruston Hornsby Unfortunately, the cost cutting had be disposed of and Harpur Hill became Following the terrorist bombings of two of Lincoln provided batches of 4-wheel disastrous consequences only six months one of the main collection centres. Bulk London Underground tube trains on 7th diesel mechanical locomotives; seven after the depot was opened. On 25th mustard gas was graded and loaded into July 2005, experiments were conducted in number for the standard gauge and January 1942, two-thirds of the structure 45 gallon drums and later dumped at sea, at the Mines Research Establishment. thirteen for the narrow gauge. The collapsed within seconds under the weight either in the Hurd Deep in the English For this purpose, two lines of standard Ordnance Survey 1:25000 scale map of of the overlaying backfill, completely Channel, or in Beaufort’s Dyke in the gauge railway tracks were laid and some 1938 shows that the connection off the engulfing a train of twenty seven wagons Irish Sea. Almost 71,000 bombs containing redundant tube cars from the Jubilee Cromford & High Peak Railway branched which was in the process of unloading. The the nerve gas Tabun had been seized in Line were delivered. These were used to off to the north side of the site. From the collapse buried over 14,000 tons of bombs Germany. These were stored until 1955- simulate the circumstances of the incident west side, the narrow gauge line ran from which at the time represented 14% of the 6 when, in Operation Sandcastle, they and to determine the structural strength of the quarry and terminated parallel to total RAF stock. A subsequent Court of were transported to Cairnryan on the the cars. An above ground simulated tube the C&HP running line. A wartime article Inquiry concluded that faulty design was west coast of Scotland and scuttled in the tunnel structure was built and Newcastle in The Railway Magazine about the rail the principal cause of the failure. Cracks Ocean in three ships 120 miles University assisted in experiments to operations appeared in the May/June 1944 had been noticed in the structure as the (190 km) north-west of Ireland. The RAF improve the designs of future tube train edition, which made reference to the then building neared completion, but these were finally left Harpur Hill in 1960 and later designs. Today, the HSE complex covers 550 current operating practices, advising that attributed to minor defects rather than the tunnels were acquired and used as a acres and this still includes the two sidings. “Explosives were carried daily”. No doubt miscalculations in the design. mushroom farm, when production began in this was as much as could be said on the the autumn of 1964, under the ownership It was not until 2007 that the Ministry subject under wartime censorship! A similar site existed at Fauld in of Wrington Vale Nurseries, who were the of Defence decided to conduct a survey , where a disused alabaster largest producer of mushrooms in Europe. on the former RAF portion of the site to Throughout World War Two, Harpur mine had been acquired. On 27th No doubt the mushrooms found the check for the presence of any remaining Hill survived unscathed and without November 1944, the entire complex stygian conditions to their liking. Freshly explosive ordinance. This project was incident. Other storage sites were not exploded, destroying two farms and much of picked mushrooms were sent out across named “Operation Cleansweep”. It was so lucky. Following the apparent success the village of Scropton, killing seventy men the country by rail to reach markets as far soon discovered that there were still old of the design employed at Harpur Hill, and women in an instant. Approximately away as Newcastle, Glasgow and Edinburgh munitions and chemical weapons in the the Air Ministry decided to use the same 4,000 tons of bombs had exploded en the same day they were picked. At its surface areas, covering an area of 104 acres. technique at Llanberis in North Wales masse in the mine, which was some ninety peak, the company was producing around These items were carefully removed and by converting a disused slate quarry into feet below ground, leaving a crater nearly 2,000lbs of mushrooms every week. the site has now reverted to nature. A an underground storage depot. However, half-a-mile in diameter. The Fauld disaster portion of the area is an industrial estate because of the great depth of this quarry still maintains the dubious distinction of Part of the site was taken over by the for parking commercial road haulage the design was adapted to produce a having been the largest and most devastating Ministry of Technology for their Safety vehicles. There are still some concrete structure with two floors throughout. explosion ever to have occurred on the in Mines Research Establishment. Later bunkers, pill boxes and ventilation shafts The lower level had a conventional flat British mainland. The crater is shown on becoming the Health & Safety Executive, visible in the surrounding area but the reinforced concrete ceiling, which also current 1:50,000 OS maps as it is still a they established a training school and underground parts are still “out of bounds” formed the floor of the upper level which very large hole, several hundred yards in testing lavatories on an open air part of the and will probably remain so indefinitely. was topped by an arched roof, similar to diameter. The explosion was the largest site. A newly built narrow gauge railway that at Harpur Hill. Standard and narrow underground explosion in the UK outside served the site and a single Greenwood Vignoles gauge railway sidings entered the lower the mining industry. It is estimated that Batley diesel electric locomotive, works 42 43 AND FINALLY . . .

IN MEMORIAM with the fireworks at the Christmas Social. He was also often to be seen helping with BERT HITCHEN AND ROGER BARKER the preparation for Roundhouse events On a sad note we have to record the and the clearing up afterwards. passing of two very good friends to Barrow Hill and the wider heritage railway A butcher by trade, he lived locally all his movement. life and as well as being a member here was also a member of the local history Bert Hitchen, who passed away on 13th group at Brimington and local walking May, owned Black 5 45231 and also a groups. His popularity was demonstrated Furness Railway 0-4-0ST undergoing by a very full Chesterfield Crematorium at overhaul at Carnforth. He had previously his funeral. owned 34027 Taw Valley and a large share of BR Standard Class 4 4-6-0 number Although he had a longstanding health 75014. Bert’s Black 5 shares a builder’s problem he never gave in, just slowed number with our turntable at Barrow Hill down a bit. He died doing something – 45231. he loved, walking in the countryside, but he will always be remembered at the On 5th June word came through that Roundhouse as the man who got the nice Roger Barker had passed away after a chairs for the café. brave battle against cancer. Roger has been associated with 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley Thank you Mike. throughout the heritage era and he carried Dave Darwin out numerous overhauls on this famous loco as well as all the routine maintenance FROM THE EDITOR required to keep her operational both on the network and on her home base railway, In the last Newsletter it was noted that the North Moors Railway. Newsletter Number 50 will appear in the course of 2016 and we would like to Both men will be greatly missed by us mark this with a ‘bumper’ all and we will miss their wit, knowledge, celebration edition of the Newsletter, expertise and resourcefulness. RIP Bert looking back through the previous 49 and Roger. editions and inviting Members, supporters Martyn Ashworth and friends of the Roundhouse to contribute their memories and thoughts. MIKE BURDETT I would be delighted to hear from all of Roundhouse member Mike Burdett also you, either in writing to the Roundhouse passed away recently. He was a regular or by email to [email protected]. So attendee of the monthly Thursday evening Roger Barker was captured in this atmospheric shot taken please get your thinking caps on – you slide shows and would help Howard Ward by Adrian Dennis during one of the Barrow Hill steam galas. haven’t got that long! Photo: Adrian Dennis 44 HNRC 01520 Purple Ronny outside the signal box. Photo: Dale Holford