International Journal of Solids and Structures 126–127 (2017) 1–7

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Elastic wave propagation in simple-sheared hyperelastic materials with different constitutive models

∗ Linli Chen, Zheng Chang , Taiyan Qin

College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 10 0 083, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We investigate the elastic wave propagation in various hyperelastic materials which are subjected to Received 21 March 2017 simple-shear . Two compressible types of three conventional hyperelastic models are con-

Revised 17 July 2017 sidered. We found pure elastic wave modes that can be obtained in compressible neo-Hookean materials Available online 27 July 2017 constructed by adding a bulk strain energy term to the incompressible strain energy function. Mean-

Keyword: while, for the compressible hyperelastic models which are reformulated into deviatoric and hydrostatic Elastic wave parts, only quasi modes can propagate, with abnormal ray directions that can be observed for longitudinal Hyperelastic waves. Moreover, the influences of material constants, material compressibility and external deformations Stain energy function on the elastic wave propagation and refraction in these hyperelastic models are systematically studied. Compressible Numerical simulations are carried out to validate the theoretical results. This investigation may open a promising route for the realization of next generation metamaterials and novel wave manipulation de- vices. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction even subversive, distinctions in the performance of the soft de- vices. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanical Soft materials such as , gels and many biological tis- behaviors for different SEFs is essential, especially for applications sues usually exhibit rich and complex static and dynamic behav- where high-precision is demanded. iors when subjected to finite deformation. To describe the nonlin- Hyperelastic materials are usually considered to be incompress- ear mechanical behavior of such materials, hyperelasticity is usu- ible. However, compressible hyperelastic models are indispens- ally employed. Many hyperelastic models (or Strain Energy Func- able in considering the longitudinal wave motion in elastodynamic tions, SEFs) ( Simo and Pister, 1984; Arruda and Boyce, 1993; Gent, problems. There are a couple of approaches to extend an incom- 1996; Hartmann and Neff, 2003 ) are proposed based on experi- pressible hyperelastic model to a compressible form ( Boyce and Ar- mental data fitting ( Ogden, 1972; Yeoh, 1993; Boyce and Arruda, ruda, 2012 ). It has been demonstrated ( Ehlers and Eipper, 1998 ) 2012 ), and hereafter applied for theoretical and numerical anal- that these two versions of the SEFs have substantially differ- yses. Recently, soft materials with hyperelastic SEFs have drawn ent static behaviors, especially when the volume of the material considerable attention in the field of elastodynamics. In particular, changes significantly. Nevertheless, the way in which these SEFs by virtue of the high sensitivity to deformations and the remark- relate to their dynamic properties is still elusive. able capability of reversible structural instability of soft materials, Moreover, a previous study ( Chang et al., 2015 ) has proposed soft metamaterials or soft phononic crystals ( Bertoldi and Boyce, a feasible method to separate longitudinal and shear waves with a 2008; Auriault and Boutin, 2012; Wang and Bertoldi, 2012; Shim simple-sheared neo-Hookean solid. Considering the diversity of hy- et al., 2015 ) with tunable or adaptive properties have been demon- perelastic models, there remains an unmet need for understanding strated for wave applications. Moreover, a Hyperelastic Transforma- the capability of wave-mode separation for different hyperelastic tion theory ( Norris and Parnell, 2012; Parnell, 2012; Chang et al., models. 2015; Liu et al., 2016 ) has been reported, providing homogeneous To address the aforementioned issues, in this paper, we fo- soft materials with certain SEFs that can be utilized to manipulate cus on the propagation and refraction of elastic waves in simple- elastic wave paths. In all these works, it is generally revealed that sheared hyperelastic materials. In the framework of Small-on-Large subtle differences in hyperelastic models may cause significant, or theory ( Ogden, 2007 ), the dynamic behaviors of two different com- pressible types of the three conventional incompressible hyperelas- tic models are considered. We show that pure elastic wave modes ∗ Corresponding author. may propagate in a compressible neo-Hookean model which is E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Chang). 0020-7683/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 2 L. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 126–127 (2017) 1–7 constructed by adding a bulk strain energy term to an incompress- ( Ehlers and Eipper, 1998 )   ible SEF. For a compressible model reformulated from a conven- μ κ = − + 2, tional incompressible SEF into a deviatoric part and a hydrostatic W NH2 I¯1 2 ( ln J) (4) 2 2 part, only quasi wave modes exist. When considering the refraction κ = λ + μ of elastic waves which are normally incident on a plane interface where is the 2-D bulk modulus. from an un-deformed hyperelastic material to a pre-deformed one, Similarly, two typical compressible forms of the Arruda–Boyce significant differences can be observed in the refraction angle of model can also be found in previous contributions ( Boyce and Ar- ruda, 2012; Kaliske and Rothert, 1997 ), which can be written as the longitudinal wave between the two versions of SEFs. Both the-  oretical analysis and numerical simulations are carried out to con- 1 1 2 11 3 firm each other. The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 , the W = C ( I − 2) + (I − 4) + (I − 8) AB1 1 2 1 20 N 1 1050 N 2 1 approaches to extend the incompressible SEFs to the compressible  ones are briefly reviewed; the Small-on-Large theory, which de- 19 4 519 5 + (I − 16) + (I − 32) scribes linear wave motion propagation in a finitely deformed hy- 70 0 0 N 3 1 673750 N 4 1 perelastic material, is reviewed in Section 3 . Moreover, the behav- λ ior of elastic wave propagation and refraction in a simple-sheared − μ ln (J) + (J − 1) 2, (5) hyperelastic material with different SEFs is shown in Section 4 , 2 with numerical validations illustrated in Section 5 . Finally, a dis- and cussion on our results and on the avenues for future work is pro-  vided in Section 6 . 1 1 2 11 3 W = C ( I¯ − 2) + ( I¯ − 4) + ( I¯ − 8) AB2 1 2 1 20 N 1 1050 N 2 1  2. Strain energy functions for compressible hyperelastic 19 4 519 5 + ( I¯ − 16) + ( I¯ − 32) materials 70 0 0 N 3 1 673750 N 4 1  

In this section, we briefly review the two approaches λ + μ J 2 − 1 + − ln J , (6) ( Boyce and Arruda, 2012 ) for expanding an incompressible SEF into 2 2 a compressible one.

= μ/ ( + / + / 2 + / 3 + / 4) Approach I involves adding a bulk strain energy term WB to an where C1 1 2 5N 44 175N 152 875N 834 67375N existing incompressible isotropic SEF WC . Thus, the compressible and N is a material constant that denotes a measure of the limiting

SEF can be expressed as network stretch. Note that the form of C1 used here is only for 2- D SEFs. When N → ∞ , the Arruda–Boyce model degenerates to the = ( , , ) + ( ), W1 WC I1 I2 J WB J (1) neo-Hookean model.

Another commonly utilized hyperelastic model is the Gent where I1 and I2 are the first and second invariant of the right

Cauchy–Green tensor, respectively. J = det (F ) is the volumetric ra- model (Gent, 1996). Here we only consider its compressible form

= ∂ ∂ as constructed by Approach I, which can be referred from an ear- tio. Fij xi / Xj denotes the deformation gradient, in which Xj and x are the coordinates in the initial and the current configurations, lier work (Bertoldi and Boyce, 2008), namely i    respectively. μ − λ μ Jm I1 2 2 Approach II involves applying a multiplicative decomposition on W G1 = − ln 1 − − μ ln J + − (J − 1) , (7) 2 J m 2 J m the Cauchy–Green deformation tensor, and reformulating the in- compressible SEF into a deviatoric one. A hydrostatic strain energy where J m is a material constant that is related to the strain satura- term WH is then added to extend the SEF into a compressible form, tion of the material. Similar to the Arruda–Boyce model, the Gent namely model also degenerates to the neo-Hookean model when J → ∞ .   m W 2 = W D I¯ 1 , I¯ 2 + W H ( J ), (2) 3. Small-on-Large wave motion in hyperelastic materials −1 −2 where I¯ 1 = J I 1 and I¯ 2 = J I 2 are the invariants of the deviatoric stretch tensor. The Small-on-Large theory provides an ideal platform for in-

In Eqs. (1) and (2), the bulk stain energy terms WB or WH vestigating linear wave propagation in finite-deformed hypere- = can be selected from some empirical formulas, such as WH1 (J) lastic materials. For a hyperelastic solid with a certain SEF, the 2 = 2 − − = − 2 B(ln J) /2, WH2 (J) B((J 1)/2 ln J)/2, WH3 (J) B(J 1) /2, and equilibrium equation of the finite deformation can be written as = α − − α2 WH4 (J) B{cosh [ (J 1)] 1}/ , which are provided in former (Ogden, 2007) literature ( Bischoff et al., 2001; Hartmann and Neff, 2003 ). In these ( A U , ) , = 0 , (8) formulas, B and α are material parameters, which can be deter- ijkl l k i mined from the conditions ( Simo and Pister, 1984 ) of W ( F = I ) = ∂ 2 ∂ ∂ where Ui denotes the displacement, Aijkl W/ Fji Flk are the = ∂ ( = )/ ∂ = ∂ 2 ( = )/ ∂ ∂ = λδ δ + μδ δ + 0, W F I F 0 and W F I F F ij kl ik jl components of the fourth-order elastic tensor expressed in the ini- μδ δ il jk . tial configuration. Furthermore, the governing equation of the lin- Furthermore, specific examples are presented for future refer- ear wave motion ui that is superimposed on the finite deformation ence. All the SEFs proposed can be found in previous publications. Ui can be written as (Ogden, 2007) For the sake of simplicity, we consider all the SEFs to be in their (  ) = ρ , two-dimensional (2-D) forms. A0 i  jk l ul,k ,i 0 u¨ j (9)

A compressible model of a neo-Hookean SEF constructed by Ap- = − 1 ρ = − 1 ρ where A   J F  F  A and 0 J are the elastic tensor proach I can be written as ( Ogden, 1997 ) 0i jk l i i k k ijkl and mass density of the current configurations, respectively. ρ is μ λ the density of the initial material. 2 W = ( I − 2) − μ ln (J) + (J − 1) , (3) NH1 2 1 2 For a homogenously deformed hyperelastic material, incremen- tal plane waves can be expressed in the form of ( Ogden, 2007 ) where λ and μ are the first and the second Lamé constants. The   corresponding form constructed by Approach II can be found as u i = m i f k l j · x j − ωt , (10) L. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 126–127 (2017) 1–7 3 where m is a unit polarization vector, f denotes a twice continu- ously differentiable function, l is the unit vector in the wave direc- tion, ω is the angular frequency of the elastic waves and k is the wave number. By inserting Eq. (10) into (9) , the Christoffel equa- tion can be obtained as

   = 2ρ , A0 i  jk l li lk ml c 0 m j (11) where c = ω/ k is the velocity of the wave. By solving the eigenvalue problem of Eq. (11), we can obtain the phase velocities (VP and ψ ψ VS ) and polarization angles ( P and S ) of the P- and S-waves which propagate in pre-deformed hyperelastic material. The phase- slowness of the P- and S-waves can thus be yielded as S P , S = 1 /V P , S .

Moreover, at a fixed frequency, the slowness curves that give SP,S as a function of the wave direction l can be plotted. Furthermore, the ray velocities of the P- and S-waves can be obtained by the r · = rule of VP , S l VP , S (Auld, 1973). The slopes of the ray directions can be expressed as functions of the wave direction as shown in ( Chang et al., 2015 ) Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of elastic waves propagation and refraction in a hypere- lastic material under simple-shear. The black and orange frames denote the initial ϕ − ( / ϕ ) ϕ SP,S sin dSP,S d cos and deformed configurations, respectively. The material coordinates are denoted by ϕ , = , tan P S (12) γ S P,S cos ϕ + ( d S P,S / d ϕ ) sin ϕ orange grids. is the shear angle. The blue and red lines represent the paths of θ θ P- and S-waves, respectively. P and S represent the refractive angles of P- and ϕ = ( / ) ϕ = ( r / r ) where arctan ly lx is the wave direction, P arctan VPy VPx S-waves, respectively. In this case, the wave directions in the material is φ = 0. ϕ = ( r / r ) and S arctan VSy VSx denote the directions of the rays. To consider the refraction of elastic waves on a plane interface between two homogeneously pre-deformed hyperelastic materials, wave directions in a range of φ ∈ [0, π/4] have been plotted in the refraction angles of the elastic waves can be obtained by the Fig. 2(d), showing that elastic waves in material WNH1 are always graphical method proposed by a previous study ( Rokhlin et al., in pure modes, which means the polarization directions are paral- 1985 ). In this work, we particularly consider the refraction of elas- lel (or normal) to the propagation directions of the P- (or S-) wave. tic waves normally incident on a plane interface from an un- Unlike WNH1 , only quasi elastic waves can be observed in WNH2 . deformed hyperelastic material to a pre-deformed one. In this case, To examine the influences of material parameters on elastic the refraction angles are θ P,S = φP,S for any given φ. We define the wave behavior in these hyperelastic models, slowness curves of θ = θ − θ separation angle as | S P | in order to examine the differ- the three hyperelastic materials WNH1 , WG1 and WAB1 with differ- ence between the P- and S-waves. ent material constants are provided in Fig. 3 (a) and (b). The nor- malized initial parameters and the shear angle are also set to be λ= μ= ρ= γ = = 4. Elastic wave propagation in simple-sheared hyperelastic 4, 1, 1 and arctan (1/3). For WNH1 , WG1 (Jm 10) and = materials WAB1 (N 1), considerable differences are noticeable in the slow- ness curves, as demonstrated in Fig. 3 (a). However, for larger ma- We first consider the propagation of P- and S-waves in a hy- terial constants, e.g. J m = 20 and N = 3, the slowness curves almost perelastic material in a homogeneously simple-shear deformation coincide with each other. For the refraction problem described in state. For the plane-strain problem, homogeneous displacement Fig. 1 , the influence of compressibility on the three models has = = = can be defined by the deformation gradient F11 F22 1, F12 0 been plotted in Fig. 3(c). Here, the normalized initial parameters = γ γ μ= ρ= γ = and F21 tan , where denotes the shear angle of the simple- and the shear angle are set to be 1, 1 and arctan(1/3). sheared deformation. Note that in this case the volume of the ma- λ/ μ is introduced to represent the compressibility of the mate- terial is unchanged, i.e. J = 1. Moreover, we consider the refraction rial. With the increase of the material incompressibility, the refrac- of elastic waves normally incident on a simple-sheared hyperelas- tion angles of the P-waves significantly decrease, while that of the tic material, as a schematic of the problem illustrated in Fig. 1. S-waves remain almost unchanged. Among the three models, WNH1 = In this case, the plane interface is parallel to the shear direction. exhibits the largest separation angle. However, for WAB1 (N 1), the Therefore, the refraction angles of the P- and S-waves, which also corresponding separation angle is much smaller, and the two wave denote the directions of ray velocities, can be yielded from the paths almost coincide when the material is nearly incompressible. slowness curves at φ = 0. Moreover, the influence of material constants on the refraction an- To investigate the effect of two compressible versions of neo- gles of the P- and S-waves has been plotted in Fig. 3 (d). The nor- λ= Hookean models (WNH1 and WNH2 ) on the elastic wave propa- malized initial parameters and the shear angle are set to be 4, gation, the slowness curves have been plotted in Fig. 2 (a) and μ= 1, ρ= 1 and γ = arctan(1/3). For larger material constants, the (b). For both SEFs, we choose λ = 4.32 MPa, μ = 1.08 MPa, and separation angles of the three SEFs tend to be consistent, because, ρ = 3 1050 kg/m as the initial material parameters, which refer to a in this case, both WG1 and WAB1 degenerate into WNH1 . However compressible variant of material PSM-4 ( Bertoldi and Boyce, 2008 ). for smaller material constants, considerable differences in the sep- The parameters are normalized to be λ = 4, μ = 1 and ρ = 1, for aration angles are apparent for different SEFs. ease of the theoretical investigation. For the simple-shear deforma- Correspondingly, the influences of material constants and ma- γ = tion, the shear angle is set to be arctan (1/3). It can be shown terial compressibility on elastic wave behavior in materials WNH2 that the slowness curves of the S-waves turn out to have a simi- and WAB2 are demonstrated in Fig. 4. It is worth noting that the lar shape. For P-waves, however, the slowness curves exhibit differ- slowness curves of the P-waves in Fig. 4 (a) and (b) have a different ent orientations, leading to a significant difference in the directions orientation with those shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b). This reveals that of the ray velocities. As shown in Fig. 2 (c), the ray direction of P- the ray directions of the P-waves are characterized by the two ap- wave in material WNH1 is positive valued when the wave direction proaches used to construct the compressible SEFs. Considering the is in a range of φ ∈ [0, π/4]. In contrast, the ray direction is nega- refraction problem, abnormal ray directions lead to negative refrac- tive for the case of WNH2 . Moreover, the polarization angles for the tions of P-waves for both SEFs derived from Approach II, which is 4 L. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 126–127 (2017) 1–7

Fig. 2. Elastic waves propagation in simple-sheared neo-Hookean materials with the SEFs of W NH1 and W NH2 . (a) The slowness curves of the elastic waves propagating in the neo-Hookean material with SEF of W NH1 . φ denotes the wave direction. The arrows denote the directions of the ray velocities, (b) is the same as (a), but for the SEF of W NH2 , (c) the ray directions of the elastic waves with the wave direction of φ ∈ [0, π/4], (d) the polarization angles of the elastic waves with the wave direction of φ ∈ [0, π/4]. For both SEFs, the normalized initial parameters are λ= 4, μ= 1 and ρ= 1, the shear angle is γ = arctan(1/3). distinct from that of the SEFs constructed by Approach I. This will uration, together with the deformation gradient F , is imported into consequently result in a larger separation angle of WAB2 than that the second step in order to simulate the linear elastic wave mo- of WNH2 , as shown in Fig. 4(c) and (d). It also should be noted that tion governed by Eq. (9). In this step, the weak form PDE module for all of the SEFs of Approach I, only WNH1 has the property of is applied to deal with the asymmetry of the elastic tensor. pure mode propagation. Consider a square hyperelastic material with the side To study the influence of the shear angle γ on the refrac- length l = 0.12 m and the material parameters λ = 4.32MPa, tion properties of different SEFs, the separation angles are plotted μ = 1.08MPa and ρ = 1050 kg/m 3 . By applying the displacement with respect to the shear angle of the simple-shear deformation, field U y = ( x + 0.6)/30 m to the model, a homogeneous simple- as shown in Fig. 5 . The normalized initial parameters for all the sheared deformation can be obtained with the shear angle γ SEFs are λ = 4, μ = 1 and ρ = 1. The material constants are set to satisfying tan γ = 1/3. As illustrated in Fig. 1 , on the left side of = = be Jm 10 for WG1 , and N 1 for WAB1 and WAB2 . In the case of the square, a P-wave beam and an S-wave beam are normally neo-Hookean materials (WNH1 and WNH2 ), Fig. 5 clearly demon- input at the same position. Both the incident waves are set with strates the linear property of their capacity for bearing shear de- the maximum amplitude as u = 1 × 10 − 3 m, and with the angular ω = formation, unlike those of the other models (WAB1 , WAB2 and WG1 ). frequencies of the S-wave and the P-wave being S 0.3 MHz and As the shear angle increases, the SEFs constructed by the different ω P = 12.9 MHz, respectively. approaches exhibit diverse concavity. Two possible wave separa- In general, the results of the numerical simulations are in excel- tion modes can be distinguished, which are bounded by the lines lent agreement with those obtained from theoretical analyses. The with respect to WNH1 and WNH2 . Evidently, this “mode separation” total displacement fields of the P- and S-waves propagated in ma- is due to the differences in the refraction properties of the P-waves. terial WNH1 and WNH2 are illustrated in Fig. 6(a) and (b), respec- tively. Comparing these two figures, it is clearly evident that the 5. Numerical validations S-waves have similar refraction angles, whereas the P-waves ex- hibit the opposite behavior. To better observe quasi wave modes in To validate the theoretical results in Section 4 , numerical sim- material WNH2 , the x- and y-components of the displacement field ulations have been performed by a two-step finite element model are illustrated in Fig. 6 (c) and (d), respectively. The small x- (or y-) using the software COMSOL Multiphysics. In the first step, the fi- displacement on the S- (or P-) wave path (shown in the insets in nite deformation of the hyperelastic material is calculated using Fig. 6 (c) and (d)) clearly demonstrates the polarization of the wave the module. Then, the deformed geometric config- L. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 126–127 (2017) 1–7 5

Fig. 3. Elastic waves propagation and refraction in simple-sheared hyperelastic materials with the SEFs of W NH1 , W G1 and W AB1 . (a) The slowness curves of the elastic waves propagating in the hyperelastic materials with the SEFs of W NH1 , W G1 ( J m = 10) and W AB1 ( N = 1), (b) is the same as (a), but for W NH1 , W G1 ( J m = 20) and W AB1 ( N = 3). In both (a) and (b), the normalized initial parameters are λ= 4, μ= 1 and ρ= 1, the shear angle is γ = arctan(1/3), (c) the refraction angles of the elastic waves with different material compressibility λ/ μ ∈ (0.5, 10] for W NH1 , W G1 ( J m = 10) and W AB1 ( N = 1), respectively. The initial mass density is ρ= 1, the shear angle is γ = arctan(1/3) and the wave direction is φ = 0, (d) the angle between refracted P- and S-waves with different material constants J m and N . The normalized initial parameters are λ = 4, μ= 1 and ρ= 1, the shear angle is γ = arctan(1/3), and the wave direction is φ = 0.

Fig. 4. Elastic waves propagation and refraction in simple-sheared hyperelastic materials with the SEFs of W NH2 and W AB2 . (a) The slowness curves of the elastic waves propagating in the hyperelastic materials with the SEFs of W NH2 and W AB2 ( N = 1), (b) is the same as (a), but for W NH2 and W AB2 ( N = 3). In both (a) and (b), the normalized initial parameters are λ= 4, μ= 1 and ρ= 1, the shear angle is γ = arctan(1/3), (c) the refraction angles of the elastic waves with different material compressibility λ/ μ ∈

(0.5, 10] for W NH2 and W AB2 ( N = 1). The initial mass density is ρ= 1, the shear angle is γ = arctan(1/3) and the incident angle is φ = 0, (d) the angle between refracted P- and S-waves with different material constant N . The normalized initial parameters are λ= 4, μ= 1 and ρ= 1, the shear angle is γ = arctan(1/3), and the incident angle is φ = 0. 6 L. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 126–127 (2017) 1–7

are always present regardless of any SEF and material constants, as shown in Fig. 7 (c) and (d).

6. Discussion and conclusion

In this work, we have investigated the propagation and refrac- tion of elastic waves in pre-deformed hyperelastic materials with different SEFs. By conducting both theoretical and numerical analy- ses, significantly different results can be found for the models con- structed by the two SEF extension approaches. The variety of qual- itatively different wave propagation behaviors gives us the oppor- tunity to design novel architected materials with exotic functional- Fig. 5. The wave separation angle between refracted P- and S-waves with respect ities. γ to different shear angle . The shaded areas I and II represent two possible wave In particular, we have discovered that WNH1 exhibits pure mode separation modes. The normalized initial parameters are λ= 4, μ= 1 and ρ= 1, the propagation of elastic waves when the material is subjected to pre- γ = φ = = shear angle is arctan(1/3), and the wave direction is 0. Jm 10 for WG1 , and deformation. Such a behavior is anomalous for hyperelastic materi- N = 1 for W and W . AB1 AB2 als and therefore, can be beneficial for the manipulation of elastic waves on the basis of Hyperelastic Transformation theory ( Parnell, 2012; Parnell et al., 2012; Chang et al., 2015 ). It is also worth not- propagation. As expected, no similar result can be observed in ma- ing that WAB1 and WG1 with relatively large material constants terial WNH1 . have similar wave behaviors as that of WNH1 , and can also ma-

The distributions of the displacements on the right boundary of nipulate S-waves, albeit not as accurately as WNH1 . the materials (the green line in Fig. 6 (a) and (b)), are illustrated On the separation of P- and S-waves, the SEFs constructed by in Fig. 7 . Both the P- and S-wave fields, as shown in Fig. 7 (a) and Approach I and II have their own merits. The elimination of dealing

(b), are distributed on the right side of the auxiliary line denoting with polarization makes WNH1 more efficient at transmitting and the position of the incident wave. On the contrary, in Fig. 7 (c) and receiving elastic waves without energy loss. On the other hand, (d), the P- and S-wave fields are distributed in different sides, in- SEFs constructed by Approach II have the advantage of large sep- dicating the property of negative refraction. With the verification aration angles, which can be crucially important for some small- of some other SEFs, i.e. the exponentiated Hencky-logarithmic en- scale applications. The effects of material compressibility, material ergy ( Lankeit et al., 2015 ) as discussed in the Supplementary Ma- constant and shear angle on the separation angle were also inves- terial, we therefore hypothesize that such negative refraction is a tigated. The results demonstrated that for the SEFs constructed by common feature for the SEFs constructed by Approach II. More- Approach I, the higher the material incompressibility is, the larger over, in Fig. 7(a), WAB1 and WG1 demonstrate minor perturbations the separation angle is, which is contrary to the SEFs constructed of the wave fields for small material constants. The perturbations by Approach II. Moreover, for all the SEFs, larger wave separation reduce to the same level as that of WNH1 for larger material con- angles can be achieved using either smaller material constants or stants, as shown in Fig. 7 (b). These findings recall the results in larger shear angles. Section 4 where the pure mode propagation property is unique This work also promotes an interesting and challenging di- for WNH1 , and once again confirmed the similar refraction behav- rection for material fabrication. With the development of mod- ior among WNH1 , WAB1 and WG1 with large material constants. For ern chemical synthesis processes (Chen et al., 2017), more elabo- the SEFs constructed by Approach II, however, the perturbations rate theory and methodology are needed to precisely fabricate a

Fig. 6. Displacement fields in hyperelastic materials under simple shear. (a) Total displacement field in simple-sheared neo-Hookean material with the SEF of W NH1 , (b) the same as (a), but for W NH2 . Fig. (c) and (d) are the corresponding displacement components u x and u y with Fig. (b). (a) (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.). L. Chen et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 126–127 (2017) 1–7 7

Fig. 7. Total displacement on auxiliary segments (green lines in Fig. 6 ) for the different cases. The purple lines denote the position of the horizontal incident waves. (a) (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

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