
Abortions, 143, 152, 168, 179, 180, 196, 197, Adipocytes 198,202 insulin-resistant, 373 Absorption, 389 size and number, 373 as function of age, 389 Adipose tissue, 19,22,23, 140, 160 iron status, 389 brown, 22 Acetate, 160 cell number, 138 Acetoacetylthiolase, 16 cell size, 138 Acetylcholine, 104, 105,106,107,111-116,118, cellularity, 138 120-127 Adolescent growth spurt, 79 brain, 121-123, 125-127 Adoption, 54, 55, 397 brain stem, 124 ADP, 190,387 caudate nuclei, 124 Adrenal chromaffin cells (see also Chromaffin cerebellum, 124 cells), 123 synthesis, 107, 118, 121 Adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH), 140, Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), 45, 65, 105, 106, 142,152,316 107, Ill, 115, 123 Adrenal gland, 5, 96, 123, 125, 141, 142,206, cerebellar, 115 418 Acetyl CoA, 6, 25, 121 acetylcholine, 125 carboxylase, 6, 15, 28, 29, 30 DNA content, 96 synthetase, 28 Adrenal steroids, 313 N-Acetylglucosamine, 239 Adrenalectomy, 7, 275 Acetylkynurenine, 201 Agglutinins, 357 N-Acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid), 239 Agronomics, 255 a-I-Acid glycoprotein, 314 ALA synthetase, 426, 427 i-Acid glycoprotein, 162 Alanine, 25,141,161,233,314,315,426 Aconitase, 320,412,413,416 gluconeogenesis, 314 Acrodermatitis enteropathica, 268 milk, 233 Actinomycin, 161 Alanine transaminase, 25, 28 Action potential, 105 Albumin, 135, 136, 162, 193,201,310,324 Acute intermittent hepatic prophyria, (AlP), pool,324 427 serum, 119,310 S-adenosyl-L-methionine,89 synthesis, 313, 314 S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMD), Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH), 110 73 Aldehyde oxidase, 413, 419 Adenyl cyclase, 12, 15,23 Aldosterone, 206 hepatic, 19,20 Alfalfa, 343 receptors, 32 Alkaline RNase, 66, 71, 82, 91, 184

463 464 Index

Alkalosis (respiratory), 313 Amylase, 266 Allergy to cow's milk, 250, 251 Analysis of variance, 295, 296, 297, 402 Alloxan administration, 159, 344 Anemia, 195,247,307,386,387,391,401-408, Alpha-methyl-DOPA, 119 425,429,430,431 Ameloblast, 335, 342, 343, 344, 358 AMA criteria of deficiency, 388 Amelogenesis, 335, 337 chronic, 387 mineralization, 335 copper deficiency, 268 organic matrix formation, 335 hemolytic, 197 Amenorrhea, 109 vitamin-E-responsive in premature infants, Amino acid, 3, 11, 17-21, 25, 88, 91, 106-109, 195 117-119, 120, 126, 140, 141, 161, 162, hypochromic, 386, 402 168, 185, 191, 200, 232, 233, 238, 253, iron deficiency, 268, 270, 319, 386, 387, 388, 264, 266, 270, 271, 313, 314, 390, 416, 390,391,395,398,399,400,401,425 443-446, 458 megaloblastic, 198 acidic, 106 microcytic, 402 blood levels, 21, 416 normochromic, 386 carrier system, 119 nutritional, 319 catabolism, 141,200 pernicious, 199, 200 crystalline, 458 in , 204, 388 dietary, 119 prevalence, 391, 401 essential, 117-118,232, 264, 416, 446 symptoms, 399, 400 gluconeogenic, 25, 141 Anencephaly, 152 inborn errors of metabolism, 444 Angina pectoris, 109 liver uptake, 313, 314 Angiotensin II, 206 metabolism, 17-18 Angular stomatites, 411 metabolic changes, 191 Animal House test, 297 milk, 253 Anorectigenic effect of iron deficiency, 428 cow's, 232, 233, 238 Anovulatory, 231, 247 human, 232, 233, 238 Anoxia, 309, 310, 311, 313, 320, 428 muscle, 313 perinatal, 394 neutral, 117, 119, 120, 126 Anterior pituitary, 9, 241, 247 nonessential, 233, 264 Anterior pituitary hormone, 234 placental, 162 Antibacterial properties, 320 placental transport, 161 Antibody, 263, 309, 316, 317,324,325 plasma level, 185 formation, 317, 442 restriction, 443 salivary gland, 350 reutilization, 88 humoral, 324 transport mechanisms, 18, 19,91, 119,416 Antibody response, 320 umbilical vein, 168 Antidiuretic effect of prolactin, 231 urinary excretion, 140 Antidiuretic hormone, 454 Amino acid transport systems, 161 Antigen, 324 systems A, L, ASC, 161 Antigenic stimulation, 309 Amino acidemia, 250 Antihemophilic globulin (AHG), 442 2-Amino isobutyric acid (AlB), 73, 161, 167, Antiinfective factor in breast milk, 247, 253, 168, 182 256 fetal, 182 a-I-Antitrypsin, 314 N-methyl AlB, 73, 182 Anxiety, 231 transport, 73, 168, 182 inhibition of psychosomatic reflex, 241, 255 placental, 168 Aorta, anomalies, 198 Aminopterin, 198 Apathy, 45 46, 285 Aminopyrine, 426 Apatite crystals Ammonia, 18, 25, 30 bone, 346 , 137, 158 enamel, 346 Amphetamine, 111, 126 hydration layer, 335 N-Amyl alcohol, 420 teeth, 346 Index 465

Aphthous stomatitis, 201 Attention (cont.J Apnea, 396 span, 187 Apocytochrome,427 task, 402 Appetite, 134,201,400 Auditory stimuli, 53, 398 centers, 400 pure tone, 53 control, fat and, 238 Auditory-visual integration, 51 poor, 201 Aunt, 46 pregnancy changes, 134 Autointoxication, 427 Aptitude, math, 409 Axon, 103, 104, 105 Arachidonic acid, 139, 238, 265 Arginase, 18 Arginine, 23, 140, 233 Bacteria, 316, 317, 348, 349 in milk, 233 cariogenic, 349 Arginosuccinase, 18 fermentation, 449 Arginosuccinic acid synthetase, 18 Behavior, 42, 43, 46, Ill, 249, 273, 274, 275, Arm muscle circumference, 310 279, 281, 282, 283, 285, 383, 385, 398, Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD), 403 108, 110, 112, 116, 117 abnormalities, 44, 45, 47, 51 Arterioles, 374 aggressive, 44 Ascorbic acid (see also Vitamin C), 117, 164, changes, 43 167,203,234,240,245,445 deficits, 54, 55 excretion, 203 derangements, 394, 429 placental transport, 164 in anemia, 394 Ash content, 148, 232 PKU,416 in milk, 232 development, 44, 274 Aspartate, 106 disruption, 282 Aspartic acid, 233 environmental, 45-47 Asphyxia, 394, 398 exploratory, 285 Associations, 286, 406 inadequacies, 396 Association reaction time, 405 malnutrition, 44-45 Associative reaction task, 406 maternal, 152,231,275,284 Astrocytes, 107 mechanism of, 285 Asymptotic level of performance, 280 motivational, 282 Atheroma, 238 play, 285 Atherogenic diet, 31 res pones to stress, 282 Atherosclerosis, 265, 267, 363, 364, 370, 375, sexual, 44 376 Behavior tests, 41,281,297,404 genesis of, 363, 364 Benzylamine, 420 premature coronary, 365 Beriberi, 196 primary prevention of, 364 and cardiac failure, 196 risk, 363 infantile, 239, 240 Atherosclerotic disease Beta-lactoglobulin, 236 cardiovascular, 370, 372 Beta-galactosidase, 26 premature, 363 Beta-globulin protein, 136, 152 Atherosclerotic plaques, 364 Beta-lipoproteins, 160 Atole (gruel), 293, 299 "Bifidus factor," 239, 247 ATP, 23, 190,387,425 Bile acids, 449 hydrolysis of, 165 Bile salts, 450, 451 synthesis, 190 conjugated, 450 ATPase, 158, 165 free, 450 Ca-ATPase,165 primary, 450 Atropine, 107, 125 secondary, 450 Attention, 44, 53, 294, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, in stool, 451 408,431 Biosocial deprivation, 397 deficits, 394 Biotin, 240 466 Index

Birth, 169-177, 197, 180,249 Bone (cont.J cesarian, 169 tibia, 190 complications, 184, 421 turnover, 193 singleton, 170, 230 Bottle feeding, 230, 234, 245, 250-252, 261 , 176, 177, 197, 180 Brain, 4, 10, 19,27,30,41-57,62-67,81-87, Birth weight, 52, 93, 169, 170-181, 184, 185, 90-93, 103-127, 143-146, 189-191,238, 187, 195, 197, 205, 206, 229, 254, 309, 273, 275, 281, 283, 291-303, 374, 383- 395, 420 431 Blastocyst, 148 biochemical abnormality, 46 implantation of, 152 biochemistry, 410-431 Bleeding diathesis, 401 blood flow, 423 Blood, 265, 346, 389 cell, 92 flow, 2,19,80,90,136,137,156,182 deficits of, 189, 191 brain, 423 division of, 190 peripheral, 136 cellular growths, 62-67,143,145,146,189 uterine, 156 cognitive function, 273, 275 lactate to pyruvate ratio, 387 cytochrome, 425 loss, 205, 389 damage, 159, 187,278 from menstruation, 389 development, 275, 391 from parturition, 389 DNA, 64, 65, 85, 143, 144, 145, 189, 190,428 pressure, 136, 365 function, 420, 423, 427 diastolic, 365 growth, 144, 145,189,238,275,281,398,415, systolic, 365 423,431 test, 408 cellular, 66, 185 vessel, 105 hyperplastic, 66 volume expansion, 133, 135, 136, 178, 180 insult, 394 Blood-brain barrier, 109, 121, 415 interneuron, 105 Body composition, 137, 138, 142, 147, 149, 180 lipids, 66, 112 fetal, 147, 149, 180 malnutrition and, 374 maternal, 137, 138, 142, 180 metabolism, 423 Body fluids, 346 mitochondria, 420 Body size, 170, 176, 188, 190, 197,344,428 morphological abnormality of, 428 neurotransmitters, 114, 120 Body stores, 261 oxygen consumption of, 423 maternal, 134, 137, 138, 177, 178 protein, 66, 85, 144, 145 Body surface area, 389 RNA, 85 Body weight, 34, 46, 50, 52, 56, 57, 143, 144, transport, 117 147, 149, 167, 179, 181, 190, 192,282, tryptophan, 120 308, 343, 352, 357, 373, 415, 423, 428 weight, 62-67, 116, 143, 145, 188, 414, 415, at birth, see Birth weight 428 fetal, 143, 147, 179, 181, 193,202 Brain DNA-head circumference relationship, loss of, 282 145 maternal, 169, 170, 179, 181 Brain mitochondrial aldehyde oxidase specific standards activity, 419 American, 53, 55 Brain stem, 63, 65, 87 Korean, 54 Brain weight/body weight ratio, 143 Bolivia, 348 Brazelton Neonatal Behavior Assessment, 186 Bone, 75, 192,335,411 Breast, 93, 152, 231, 241, 242, 244 alveolar, 344 Breast feeding, 229-253, 261-271,309,321,453 calcium content, 75 Breast milk, 261-271, 444 elongation, 190 composition, 232, 233, 234, 236, 256 fuse, 197 expression, 234 marrow, 317, 388, 390 production, 229, 234 resorption, 193 test feeding, 234, 235 shortening, 190, 197 volume, 234, 242, 244, 256 Index 467

Brewer's yeast, 342 Caries, 334-335, 336, 346, 347-349, 352, 353, Bromine, 165 354, 355 Brown adipose tissue, 10, 21, 22 prevalence, 348 Buccal Caries Score, 353, 357 promoting diet, 352 Buccal mucosa, 352, 400, 413 protection, 347 Bulk flow, 157 resistance, 340 Burma, 348 score, 352 severity, 348 Cajal-Retzius cells, 68 susceptibility, 337, 342, 344, 345, 351, 353, Calcification 354, 355 bone, 148 Carnitine, 16 tooth, 333, 342 octanoyl, 17 Calcitonin, 193 palmitoyl, 17 Calcium, 9, 148, 175, 193, 194, 235, 266, 268, Carnitine transferase, 6, 16, 17,28 271, 445 Carotene, 164 absorption, 238 Caruncles , 155 ATPase Casein, 233, 352, 455 placental, 165 in milk, 233 fetal content, 148, 149 Catabolism, 310, 311, 385, 456 in body, 193 Catecholamine, 18,24, 108, 113, 116, 126, 127, in bone, 75 416,423,429,430 in breast milk, 233, 237, 241, 254 biosynthesis, 108, 117, 118, 126,385,418 in cord blood, 194 CNS, 417, 421 in cow's milk, 233, 253 metabolism, 417 placental transport, 163 in neurons, 418 RDA,I94 oxidation, 314 urinary loss, 153 Catechol-o-methyltransferase, 109 Calcium palmitate, 253 Catalase, 319, 320, 412, 413, 414 Calcium/phosphorus ratio, 268, 342 Cataracts, 266 Calcium/phytate ratio, 194 "Catch-up" growth, 312, 429 Calorie intake, 24, 173, 175, 176,244,269,445 Cathepsin B inhibitor, 314 as protein, 187 Catheter dislodgement, 459 protein content, 187 Caudate nucleus, 123, 125 Candida a/bieans, 320, 410 Celiac disease, 194 Capillary, 166 Cell division, 45, 66, 76, 81, 82, 144, 189, 197, Carbamyl phosphate, 21, 25,26,27, 119,266, 422 443,455 in cerebellum, 82 diet, 119 Cell-mediated immunity (CM!), 247, 316, 317, fermentable, 348, 349 325 intolerance, 452, 455 Cell migration, 63, 82 metabolism, 4-15, 138, 142, 153 Cell number, 57, 62, 68, 81, 96, 189 nitrogen-containing, 239 brain, 81, 84, 91, 92, 94 placental transport, 159 placenta, 91 Carbon, 445 Cell size, 61, 68, 70, 79, 81, 84, 95 Carbon dioxide, 158 brain, 112 Carbon monoxide, 158 muscle, 79 Cardiac compensatory mechanism in anemia, placenta, 91 387 Cellular growth, 146, 189 Cardiac failure, 196 brain, 62-67: and beriberi, 1% and malnutrition, 81-86, 96, 143, 145, 189 Cardiac hypertrophy, 411 fetal, 84-94, 147 Cardiac output, 136, 154, 387 gastrocnemius muscle, 146, 147 Cardiac risk factor, 372, 376 heart, 146 Cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerotic, 370, hypertrophic, 147 372 kidney, 96, 146, 190 468 Index

Cellular growth (cont.) Chloride, 136, 148, 149, 233, 267,268,271,450 liver, 46, 68-72 fetal, 149 and malnutrition, 86-89 milk, 233 lung, 96 total body, 77 and malnutrition, 188 p-Chlorophenylalanine, 119 mutation, 61-% Chlorophyll, 384 periods, 63 Chloroplast, 384 placenta, 72-74, 89-94, 151, 152, 166, 168 Cholesterol, 26, 28, 29, 31, 139, 144, 160,238, proliferative, 147 265, 364-368, 371, 372, 374, 375, 385, skeletal muscle, 74-79 445 spleen, 96 catabolic systems, 374 Cellular hypoplasia, 428 content in breast and cow's milk, 368 Cellular layer placenta, 148 cord blood, 370, 371 Cellular organization in teeth, 343 dietary, 367, 368 Cellular repair mechanism, 358 effects on CNS myelination, 374 Cementoenamel junction, 335 high-density lipoprotein (C-HDL), 368 Central nervous system (CNS), 186 high serum concentration, 365 abnormalities, 420 intake, 364 anomalies, 198 early, 369 biochemistry, 42 levels in adults, 369 catecholamines,417 levels in school children, 365 development, 5, 46, 83, 103, 104, 112, 116, low-cholesterol diet, 139 238, 303, 392, 414, 416, 419, 420, 421, low-density lipoprotein (C-LDL), 368, 370, 428,429,430 371 Central noradrenergic activity, 430 plasma levels, 29, 365, 367, 368, 369, 371 Cephalin, 135 in industrial urban societies, 366 Cereals, 255, 373, 390 rich diet, 367, 368 Cerebellum, 63, 65, 144, 189, 191 serum, 366 cell number, 83, 86 synthesis, 81 cell size, 63 very low density lipoprotein, 370 DNA, 65, 82, 87 Cholesterol/DNA ratio, 66 DNA polymerase, 67 Cholestyramine, 372 Cerebral palsy, 187 Choline, 104, 111, 117, 121-126,352 Cerebro spinal fluid (CSF), 111, 430 brain, 121, 124 Cerebrosides, 82 brain stem, 124 Cerebrum caudate nuclei, 124, 125 blood flow, 423 cerebellum, 124 cortex; 123,414,425 circulating, 122 DNA content, 63, 65, 82, 84, 87, 191 covalently bound, 122 function, 408 dietary, 121 grey matter, 189 hippocampus, 125 growth, 144 intake, 124 metabolism, 408 Choline acetyltransferase (CAT), 107, 115, 118, white matter, 189 120 Ceruloplasmin, 205, 206,314 Chorionic somatomammotropin, 152, 153, 193 Cervix, 152 Chromaffin cells, 123,418 Cesarean section, 169, 194 Chromium, 233 Cheilosis, 197 Chronic diseases, 310 Chemotaxis, 318 Chronic malnutrition, 173 Child abuse, 249 Chylomicrons, 457 , 229, 231 Chyme, 265 Child-rearing practices, 49, 230, 232, 247, 249, Cigarette smoking, 375, 376 256 Circulation China, 348 maternal, 161, 182 Chlorambucil, 198 uterine, 154, 180 Index 469

Citrate, 6, 15, 28 Cord blood, 165,367,370 Cleft palate, 192, 197 calcium in, 194 Climate, 308 cholesterol in, 370, 371 Climbing, 274 fetal, 163, 164 Cobalt, 165 vitamin B'2 in, 163 Cod-liver oil, 343 Corn, 114, 173, 352 Coeliac disease, 194 diet, 114 Coffee, 349 oil, 352 Cognition, 273, 275, 281, 283, 284, 286, 292, Cornstarch, 352 301,403 Coronary heart disease (CHD), 364, 365, 366 ability, 404 risk factors, 365, 366 behavior, 398 Cortex (see also Cerebral cortex), 123,414,425 development, 394, 395, 396, 398,404 Corticosteroids, 13,31,141, 142 growth, 396 in placenta, 152, 153 malfunction, 396 Cotyledon, placenta, 155, 183, 184 Collagen, 365, 384, 413 Cow's-milk-based formula, 254 Collecting ducts, 190 Cranial circumference, 66 Colon, 449, 456 Craniofacial abnormalities Colostrum, 356 associated with vitamin A overdose, 192 Complement system, 314, 316, 318, 319 hypervitaminosis D, 195 immunoassays, 318 Creatinine excretion, 75, 77, 78, 95, 96 milk, 356 Crisis fostering, 275 serum, 356 Cultural heritage, 308 Composite score, 296-300 Curiosity, 44, 46 performance, 300 Cyanide, 161, 166 psychological test, 296-298 Cyanocobalamin, 240 Concentration ability, 409 Cycloheximide, 161 Conception, 140, 155, 192, 256, 278, 294, 337 Cystathionine synthetase, 442 Conceptus, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 179 Cysteine, 161,233,238,264 Confidence, 231 in milk, 233 Congenital malformations, 188, 192, 198, 205, Cystic fibrosis, 53, 293, 442 303 Cystinosis, 442 associated with vitamin A deficiency, 192 Cytochromes, 385, 412, 413, 416, 423, 424, 426

renal, 193 b5 , 423, 426, 427 skeletal, 192 brain, 415 Congestive heart failure, 384 c, 386, 412, 415,423 Connective tissue, 74, 148, 344 hepatic b, 414, 426 embryonic type, 344 microsomal, 423 Conservation of Area test, 297 mitochondrial, 423 Conservation of Continuous Quality test, 297 P-450, 409, 414, 423, 426, 427 Conservation of Material test, 297 Cytochrome oxidase, 413, 423, 425 Contamination Cytoglobin, 319 of food, 322 Cytopenia, 316 of milk, 322 Cytoplasmic organelles, 190 of water, 322 Cytotrophoblast, 148 Contraception, 256 oral, 200 Dairy products, 375 Convulsive disorder, 396 Deamination, 18, 19 Coombs test, 318 Death rate, 52, 310 Cooperation, 404 Decarboxylation, 127,200 Coordination, 187 Decayed, Missing, Filled index (DMF), 348 Copper, 148, 149,205,206,233 Deciduous incisor teeth deficiency, 268, 420, 424 carved out erosion, 340 fetal, 149 enamel, 194 in milk, 233 hypoplasia, 340 470 Index

Defecation, 43 Diet, 357, 425 Deformities, 201 childhood, 376 Dehydration, 200, 248, 266, 451 cholesterol- and saturated-fat-restricted, 371 25-Dehydrocholecalciferol, 164 composition, 352 Delayed hypersensitivity, 316, 410 habits, 365 cutaneous, 449 high cholesterol, 367, 368 iron deficiency, 410 iron intake, 389 Dementia, 383 low cholesterol, 371, 375 Demography, 293 polyunsaturate-rich, 375 Dendritic arborization, 45, 57, 83, 105 vegetable oil-rich, 375 Dental abnormalities, 340, 358 NIH type IV, 372 protein-calorie deficiency, 340 phytosterol-rich, 375 vitamin deficiency, 344 polyunsaturate-rich, 371 Dental development, 333-358 population-wide modification, 265 Dental dysplasia, 340, 358 quality and quantity, 390 Dental health, 333, 347, 358 saturate-poor, 371 Dental tissue, 333, 335 Dietary history, 169, 172, 173, 176, 194 Dentin, 335, 342, 343, 344, 351 Differentiation, 1, 423 Dentition, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 346, 347 nervous system, 423 deciduous, 340, 346, 347 Diffusion human chronology, 339 facilitated, 158 permanent, 337, 346, 347 simple, 158 primary, 337, 346 Digit Memory test, 296, 297 secondary, 337 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), 108, 116, 5'-Deoxyadenosyl-B12,442 117-119,126,126,189,417 Deoxycholic acid, 449, 458 Dinitrophenol, 161, 166 Depolarization, 104, 105, 110 Dipeptide hydrolase, 448 Depression, 109,201,399,421 Diphosphoglycerate (DPG), 387 B6 deficiency, 201 Directed learning, 285 in anemia, 421, 429 Discrimination learning, 280, 295 Desaturation reaction, 426 Disorder of mothering, 249 Desulfhydration reaction, 200 Disaccharides, 448, 456, 457 Development, 1,31,42,44,47,79,391 Disseminated disease, 325 in brain, 391 Distilled water, 352 mental, 47, 186 DNA content physical, 186 adrenals; 96 retarded, 53 brain, 64, 65, 66, 85, 143, 145, 190, 428 Developmental hypomineralization, 340 brain stem, 65, 87 Developmental index, 274 cerebellum, 63, 65, 82, 87 Developmental sequence, 403 cerebral cortex, 84, 191 Dextrins, 266, 352 cerebrum, 65, 82, 87 Dextrose, 352 chromosomal, 322 Diabetes, 9, 16,30, 159, 194,372,375 diaphragm muscle, 96 alloxan, 159 esophagus, 96 maternal, 268 gastrocnemius muscle, 146 Diabetic ketoacidosis, 457 glia, 144 Diapedesis, 318 heart, 96, 146 Diaphragmatic muscle, 414 kidney, 96, 146, 191 Diarrhea, 246-248, 250, 251, 254, 266, 308, 320, liver, 68, 135, 146, 428 322, 447, 460 lung, 96, 190 duovirus agents, 322 malnutrition and, 82, 85, 96 infantile, 322 mitochondrial, 86 orbivirus agents, 322 neuron, 144 weanling, 254, 255, 321 nuclear, 86 Index 471

DNA content (cant.) (cant.) placenta, 72, 73, 74,151,182-184 in famine, 52 plasmid, 322 of legs, 195 salivary gland, 355 Education, 41, 273, 396, 407 skeletal muscle, 74-77, 94, 95, 96 health professional, 252 spleen, 96 level of parents, 49, 50 submaxillary glands, 96 maternal, 396, 407 DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, 88 previous, 409 metabolism, 427 Eggs, 375 polymerase, 66, 67, 69, 72,87,91 Electric shock, 45, 157,276,282 replication, 95 Electrochemical gradient, 157 rate, 78, 79 Electrolytes, 148, 164, 246,448, 459 synthesis, 61, 63, 65, 66, 88,151,412 serum, 136 B12 deficiency, 412 Electrolyte therapy, 310 folate deficiency, 4 I 2 Electron transfer, 4 12 DNA-P content, 145 Electroshock therapy, 429 Docosahexaenoic acid, 238 Elemental diets, 456 Dominant inheritance, 371 Elimination test, 297 DOPA, see Dihydroxyphenylalanine Embedded Figures test, 296, 297 Dopamine, 106, 109-117, 126, 127, 189,419- Embryo, 3 420, 428, 429 Emotionality, 43, 44, 45, 46, 278, 282 brain, 189 and malnutrition, 44, 45 excretion, 116,414 reactivity, 281-283 receptor, 109, 110 Enamel, 334, 335, 337, 342, 344, 345, 346, 358 blocking agents, 109 deciduous teeth, 194 synthesis, 109, 117, 126, 127 development, 350, 35 I Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase, 109 formation, 194,337,342 Dopamine-beta-oxidase, 115, 117 hypocalcification, 335, 340 Double feeding, 249 hypoplasia, 194,335,337,344,346 Double isotope technique, 87 internal pigmentation, 337 Doula,231 mineralization, 336, 352 Drug metabolism, 426, 427 mottling, 340, 346, 347 Duodenal villus, 411 opacities, 337 Dutch famine, 17~178, 185-187,303,396 pellicle, 334, 355 Dyadic infant feeding, 254 surface, 334, 355 Dysentery, 308 Endocrine function, 192 Dysmature, 337 Endogenous pyrogen (EP), 313 Endogenously motivated environmental learn- Ear flap opening, 274 ing, 285 E. coli, 320, 322, 323, 442, 450 Endometrium, 148, 152, 155 and diarrhea, 450 Endoplasmic reticulum, 183 enteropathogenic, 322 Endothelial cells, 148, 150 enterotoxigenic, 322 Endurance task, 404, 405 invasiveness, 322, 323 Energy, 172, 232 virulence, 322 balance, 315 Economics, 255 metabolism and infection, 314 of breast versus bottle feeding, 256 and milk, 232 status, 232, 299, 300, 349 in sepsis, 315 and house quality, 301 requirement, 4, 423 Ectoderm, 337, 342 in differentiation and growth, 423 Ecuador, 348 nervous system, 423 Edema, 268 Enterochromaffin cells, 109 of external genitalia, 195 Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEe), 322 of eye lids, 195 serotypes, 323 472 Index

Enterotoxin, 322, 450 Exercise, 387 staphylococcal, 450 Exploratory behavior, 44-46, 284, 285 Environment External genitalia, 195 deprived,45,47,278 External granular cells, 84 and mental development, 185 Extracellular fluid, 137 enrichment, 54-57, 278, 283 Extrapyramidal structures, 415 factors, 9 Extravasation of fluid, 459 home, 293 Extrusion reflex, 231 information, 283, 284, 285 Exudate, 314 isolation, 282 Eye nonsupportive, 396 anomalies, 198 oral, 333, 334, 350, 359 eyelids, 195 organized,396 opening, 44, 274 programming, 46 psychosocial, 397, 398 social, 293, 397 stimulus, 46, 54 Face-hands test, 297 stress, 335, 350, 372 Facilitated diffusion, 157, 158, 164 thermal, 267, 315 Factor analysis, 402 Enzymes, 263, 442 Fallopian tubes, 152 Eosinophils, 136 Family Epinephrine, 18, 108, 147,429 characteris tics, 299 Epiphyseal width, 192 planning services, 248 Epithelial chords, 343 unit, 349 Epithelium, 322 variables, 302 differentiation, 343 Famine, 176-178, 185-187,243,303,396 ductal,345 effect on pregnancy, 176, 177 gut, 412 Netherlands, see Dutch famine metaplastic, 345 Fasting, 24, 25, 135, 188 nonkeratinized, 342 Fat, 15,20,24,27, 180,229,264,266,267,271, odontogenic, 343 308,443,449,455 oral, 333, 344 advantages, 25 proliferation, 343 animal,265 squamous, 343 as calories, 255 Equilibrium, 157 brown, 10, 21 Erupted tooth, 334 cells, 30 Erythroblast, 424 content in intrauterine malnutrition, 188 Erythrocytes (see also Red blood cells), 166, dietary, 27, 238 386,414 digestion, 238 glutathione reductase, 197 excretion, 448 protoporphyrin, 386-388, 426, 427 fetal, 149 transketolase activation test, 196 intake, 363 Esophageal atrophy, 411 intolerance, 452 Essential fatty acid, 250, 263-264, 269-271, malabsorption, 411, 452 443, 445 maldigestion, 448 deficiency, 456 maternal, 141 Estrogen, 91,139,141,142,152,153,156,189, milk, 232, 237, 238, 253, 254 193,200,205,247,249,421 minimum requirement, 265 urine, 152 mobilization, 310 plasma, 152 polyunsaturated, 371, 375 Estrous cycle, follicular phase, 156 retention, 246 Ethanol, 453, 454 saturated, 364, 367, 368, 445 Ethics, 273 storage, 141 Ethiopia, 348 subcutaneous, 160, 235, 238, 254, 255 Exchange, transfusion, 268 turnover, 22 Index 473

Fat-soluble vitamins, 238, 264, 452 Fetal mortality (see also Mortality), 179, 182, Father schooling, 302 187,192 Fatigue, 399, 405, 406 Fetal nutrition, 2 chronic, 399 Fetal outgrow of womb, 168 Fatty acids 8, 25,139-141,153,229,245,263- Fetal period, 4, 18 269, 426, 443 Fetal resorption, 192, 202, 205 blood levels, 16, 23, 24 Fetal size, 169 in breast milk, 238 Fetal weight, 142, 144, 148, 149, 166, 178 chain length, 160 Fetal weight/placent~ weight ratio, 166 essential, 263-264, 269, 271, 443 Fetoplacental units, 142, 153, 156 esterification, 27 , 3, 62, 144, 178, 182,229, 317, 346 even chain, 160 exterogestate, 229, 230 medium chain, 265 parasitic, 184, 229 odd chain, 160 Fever, 262, 311-313, 344 'oxidation, 2, 6, 16, 17, 19,28. metabolic cost, 312 placental transport, 15, 17, 160 Fiber/nonfiber nuclei ratio, 79 polyenoic, 238 Fibrinogen, 162 polyunsaturated, 1,238,263,266 Field articulation, 402 release, 21, 22 FIGLU (see also formiminoglutamic acid), 199, saturated, 160 422 saturated-unsaturated ratio, 139 Filiform hypertrophy, 201 short chain, 4, 265 lingu~ papilla, 201 synthetase, 6, 15, 16,27,28 Flavoprotein electron carrier, 426 unsaturated, 26, 160,271 Fluoride, 268, 337, 345, 346, 347, 348 Fatty streak, 364 availability, 348, 350 Febrile episodes, 335 cariostatic effect, 346 Fecal losses, 43, 262, 263 diet, 346 water, 262 intake, 347 Fenestrations prenatal, 346 endothilial, 72 water, 346, 350 trophoblastic, 72 Fluorosis, 346 Ferritin, 386, 387, 388, 390, 415 Fluid maintenance, 30 Ferredoxin, 384 Fluid retention during pregnancy, 138 Ferrochelatase, 427 Folate, 197, 198, 199,413,422 Ferrous iron, 412 antagonists, 198

sulfate, 420 B12-iron relationship, 422 Fertility, 52 cord blood, 164, 198 Fertilization, 2, 148 deficiency, 198, 199,422 Fet~ anomalies, 198, 202, 205 metabolism, 412 aorta, 198 in prematures, 168 central nervous system, 198 RDA,199 eye, 198 red cell, 198 gastrointestinal, 198 serum, 198, 199 kidney, 198 supplementation, 199-200 lip, 198 Folic acid, 135,233,240,267 p~ate, 198 in milk, 233 skeleton, 198 Food, 276, 277, 282 Fetal cord blood, 163, 164 availability, 312 Fet~ death, 192,205 bar pressing for, 279 vitamin A deficiency, 192 central regulation, 187 Fetal growth, 133, 138, 143, 147, 154, 155, 168, composition, 2 177, 180, 184, 187 consumption, 279 retardation, 178, 180, 185, 187, 189 customs, 229, 235 Fetal implantation, 152 deprivation, 400 Fet~ metabolism, 167 hoarding, 279 474 Index

Food (cont.) Genetics, 4, 8, 253, 308 ingestion, 274, 400 abnormalities, 441 intake, 42,133-135, 137, 141, 142, 171, 177, defects, 335, 446 187, 188, 292, 294, 309 disease, 446 motivation, 278-280 genetic code, 441 output measures, 291 genetic information, 358 production, 255 genetic potential, 261 quality, I maturation, 19 quantity, 2 timetable, 19 as reinforcement, 277-279 Geritol, 384 response to, 43, 44 Germinal centers, 316 snack, Gestation, 144, 175, 185,279,281, 282, 301,353 supply, 23 ketonemia in, 185 taboos, 307 Gestational age, 146, 164, 174, 175, 178 weaning, 309 Gingival changes, 202 Food titration technique, 280 Glia,105 Foot-shock stress, 114 cells, 84 threshold, 280 division, 64, 66, 83 Forebrain, 67, 145 DNA, 144 DNA polymerase, 67 proliferation, 144, 191 N- Formimino-tetrahydrofolic acid, 422 weight, 113 Formiminoglutamic acid (FIGLU), 422 Globulin, 162, 314, 324, 325 Formula, 23, 262, 367, 368, 457 acute phase synthesis, 314 N-Formyl-I-kynurenine, 418 gamma globulin, 162,325 Fostering technique, 355 Glomerulus, 137, 190, 192 Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin level, 386-388 Glossal atrophy, 410 Fresco, 293, 299 Glossitis, 197, 198 Fructose, 159, 266, 453, 454 Glucagon, 2, 8, 9, 10-14, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, renal threshold, 454 313,315 Fructose diphosphatase, II, 28 binding, 20 Fused ribs, 197 receptors, 20 hepatic, 2 Galactocerebroside sulfokinase, 81 release, 19, 20, 23 Galactoflavin, 197 Glucocerebrosidase, placental, 442 , 109 Glucocorticoids, 6, 7, 9, 139 Galactose, 7, 8 Glucokinase, 4, 5, restriction, 443 synthesis, 4 Galactosemia, 266, 443 Glycolysis, 6, 9,10, II, 15,27,65,430 Gallstones, 375 anaerobic, 10 Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 106, 114, Gluconeogenesis, 2, 6, 8, 9-15, 18,21,23,27, 416 28, 314, 315 Gamma globulins, 162,325 from alanine, 314 Gangliosides, 82 from amino acids, 21,25 content, 85 glycerol, 23 Gastrectomy, 80 Glucose, 3, 22-24, 140, 374,423, 453 Gastric atrophy, 411 absorption, 450 Gastrocnemius muscle, 74, 77, 94, 146, 147 blood levels, 4-9,11,15-20,23,26,27,138, cellular growth, 146, 147 139, 182, 187, 266-267 DNA content, 146 formation, 9-10 Gastroenteritis, 450, 452 from glycerol, 23 Gastrointestinal tract, 4, 19, 26-27, 198, 303, intolerance, 456 308,310,316,385,411,412,448 maternal level, 182 Gaucher's disease, 442 oxidation, 315, 423 Genes, I, 442 parenteral, 457 Index 475

Glucose (cont.) Growth (cont.) placental transfer, 167, 182, 457 microorganism, 319 placental uptake, 159 muscle, 75, 77 solutions, 22, 23 nervous system, 423 stores (see also Glycogen), 315 organ, 80, 81 transport, 73 perinatal, 189 turnover, 21, 315 physical, 186,293,294,351 Glucose-6-phosphate, 4, 6, 9-11, 13, 28 placenta, 93, 183 Glucose tolerance test, 315 proliferative, 81, 86, 189 and diabetics, 315 retardation, 188,292 Glutamate, 140, 161, 162, 233, 422 somatic, 428 Gluten intolerance, 450 Growth curve, 95 Glycerol, 21, 22, 264, 265 Growth hormone (GR), 5, 7, 13, 24, 95, 153, blood level, 22, 24 163, 192,313 a-Glycerol phosphate, 319, 425 synthesis, 192 a-Glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase, 412, 413, Growth potential, 192 423,425,430 Guatemala study, 173, 174,244,341 muscle, 430 Guinolinic acid, 201 a-Glycerol phosphate oxidase, 416 Glycine, 107, 140, 161,233,422 Hair, 152,411 in milk, 233 growth, 411 Glycogen, 2, 5-11, 15, 16, 19,20,73, 159,267 H-antibody response, 324 breakdown, 19 Haptic-Visual test, 297 formation, 25 Haptoglobin, 314 liver, 188 HassalI's corpuscles, 316 placenta, 159 Hawaii, 348 Glycogen phosphorylase, 5, 8, 12, 19 Headache, 399 Glycogen synthetase, 5, 6, 7, 12 Head circumference, 49, 66, 145 Goal directedness, 402, 403 Head Start Program, 40 I, 403 Goiter, 235 Healing, 314 Gold, 165 Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Gomez Classification, 322 (HANES), 341, 391 Goodenough Draw a Man test, 48, 50, 402 Health care, 273 Grains, formalin-treated, 368 Health status, 291 Gram-negative flora, 247 Heart, 4, 10,27,53,70,90,96, 136, 146, 188 Granulopoiesis, 314 DNA, 96,146 Grasping reflex, 44, 274 growth, 146 Greece, 348 protein content, 70 Grey matter, 189 weight, 188 Grooming, 44 Heat, 312 Growth, I, 18,24,30,51,57,62,63,65,70,72, loss, 312 79, 88, 95, 96, 112, 230, 238, 244, 246, production, 312 247,261,263,277, 284, 291, 308, 407, Hebb-Williams water maze, 277, 278, 280, 281 408,428 Height, 50, 51, 54, 77, 79, 95, 406 catch up, see "Catch-up" growth maternal, 169, 170, 174, 185 cellular, see Cellular growth Height-weight ratio, 169 cessation, 314 HeLa cells, 412 failure, 268, 320 Hematin, 427, 428 fetal, 93, 154, 155 infusion, 427 hair, 265 Hematocrit, 203, 204, 388, 389, 401 hyperplastic, 89 Hematological measurement hypertrophic, 86 hemoglobin, see Hemoglobin intrauterine, 114 hematocrit, 388 linear, 309, 311 Hematological status, 406, 422 476 Index

Heme, 412, 424, 426, 427 Host, 348 catabolism, 426 resistance, 411 intracellular, 426 factors in breast milk, 247 iron compounds, 319 tissue reaction, 316 metabolism, 427 Housing, 49, 50 precursors, 427 economic indicators of, 301 proteins, 412, 413, 424 quality, 301, 302 synthesis, 423 Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCO), 152 Hemodilution, 136, 201, 203 Human chorionic somatomammotropin (HCS), Hemoglobin, 392-395, 413 153 circulating, 387 Human chorionic thyrotropin, 152 concentration, 136, 203, 204 Human placental gonadotropins (HCO), 153 flow rate, 158 Human reovirus-like agent (HRVL), 322, 323 level, 136,314,319,384-391,399-404,407, Humoral immunity, 247 408,412,419-421,425-429 Huntington's disease, 127 mass, 384, 386, 387, 410, 411, 431 Hydroamnios, 197 urine analysis for, 196 Hydrokynurenine, 201 Hemolytic anemia, 195, 197 3-Hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase, 16 vitamin-E-responsive, 195 Hydroxyapatite crystals, 335, 337 Hemolytic complement, 318 with fluoride, 337 Hemophiliacs, 442 3-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, 17 Hemorrhagic disease, 195, 196 5-Hydroxydopamine, 420 Hemosiderin, 319, 385, 388 5-H ydroxyindoleacetaldeh yde, 419 Hepatic coma, 457 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), 110, Hepatitis, 314 114,115,119,418,421 Hepatomegaly, 266 5-Hydroxyindoles, 419, 430 Hepatotoxicity, 454 Hydroxylation reaction, 426 Hexokinase, 416 Hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA (HMO CoAl Hexose monophosphate shunt, 151 reductase, 370 High carbohydrate diet, 5, 118 synthase, 16 High density lipoproteins (HDL), 368 Hydroxyproline, 77 High-fat diet, 5, 12, 19 5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), 106, 109- High-protein diet, 30 110,114,121,126,418,419,421,428 Hindmilk, 238 gut synthesis, 116 Hippocampus, 63, 123 metabolite, 109 increased DNA content in, 82, 83 serum, 116 Histamine, 114, 115, 135 synthesis, 108, 112, 116, 118 Histidemia, 446 Hyperactivity, 187,401 Histidine, 115, 140, 232, 264, 422, 445 Hyperammonemias,446 in milk, 232 Hyperbetalipoproteinemia (type 11), 265 Histodifferentiation, 343 Hyperbilirubinemia, 196,262 Home education stimulation, 396 in premature and full term infants, 196 Homocarnosine, 114 Hypercalcemia, infantile, 195 Homocysteine, 422 Hypercholesterolemia, 366, 372, 373 Homocystinuria, 442, 446 familial, 369-372 Hormone, 133, 183, 263 monogenic, 376 Hormone-sensitive lipase, 21 pediatric, 365 fetal, 13 vertical transmission of, 371 peptide, 183 , 197 placenta, 133 Hyperglycemia, 7, 315 plasma, 154 Hyperinsulinemia, 310, 316 starvation, 8 Hyperketonemia, 141 steroid, 7, 152-154 Hyperlipidemia Homovanillic acid (HVA), 109, 126,417 active, 363 Hospitalization, 49, 50, 310, 447 familial, 370, 372 Index 477

Hyperlipidemia (cant.) Immunity (cant.) genetic, 363, 364 humoral, 324, 356 in pregnancy, 195 phagocytic, 316 pediatric, 195 Immunization, 310, 323, 357 Hyperiipoproteinemia Immunoadjuvant effects of vitamin A, 320 familial combined, 369, 370 Immunocompetence, 384 monogenic, 369 Immunoconglutinins, 318 patterns of, 370 Immunodeficiency, 311, 316, 318 Hypernatremia, 241, 250 antibody, 318 Hyperparathyroidism, 194 Immunoelectron microscopy, 323 Hyperphagia, 141,312 Immunoglobulins (lg), 270, 314, 325, 358 Hyperplasia, 62, 63, 72, 74, 147, 206 IgA, 236, 247, 317, 356 of zona glomerulosa, 206 IgG, 162, 168,356 Hyperreflexia, 187 IgM, 309, 356 Hypertension, 109, 195,268,363,364,365,372, in colostrum, 356 374, 375, 376 in milk, 356 and infant nutrition, 373 Immunological incompetence, 201 Hyperthyroid, 197 Impulses, 402, 403 Hypertriglyceridemia, 140, 376 control of, 403 familial, 369, 372 Inattention, 401, 429 genetic risk of, 372 Inborn deficiencies, 422 Hypertrophy, see Hyperplasia Inborn errors of metabolism, 267, 441-446 Hypervitaminosis D, 195 Incentive factor, 281 Hypoalbuminemia, 193 Incidental learning, 285, 296, 297 Hypocalcemia, 194, 268 Incisor teeth, 44, 335, 338, 339, 342, 343, 351 in premature infants, 194 Income, 50, 173, 395 Hypochromic anemia, 386, 402 and anemia, 395 Hypoglycemia, 12, 139, 140, 141, 153, 187,266, Incomplete Figures test, 297 456,457 India, 173,244,348 Hypokalemia, 451 Indoleamine, 106,430 Hypomagnesemia, 268 Indolealkylamine,418 Hyponatremia, 451 Indonesia, 348 Hypoparathyroidism, 268 Industrial societies, 186, 365 Hypophosphatemia, 456 Infants Hypophysectomy, 77 bottle-fed, 373 Hypopituitarism, 153 breast-fed, 229-256, 367 Hypoplasia in thymus, 201 cow's milk, 368 Hypothalamus, 32, 127 development, 401 Hypothermic, III formula, 23, 262-269, 271 Hypovitaminosis A, 340 hypercholesterolemic, 371 Hypoxemia mortality, 173 cerebral, 384 premature, see Premature infants in tissue, 387 Infantile hypercalcemia, 195 Hypoxia, 23, 24, 187 Infantile malanodontia, 340 in tissue, 387 Infection, 230, 247, 340, 357, 401 acute, 311 acute febrile, 312 Ileus, 449 anemia and, 319-320 Ilium, 449 bacterial, 311, 317, 411, 449 Immature cells, 318 with fever, 311-312 Immobilization, 49 fungal, 449 Immune response, 192,357,410 gastrointestinal, 308 Immunity intestinal, 449, 450 antibody, 316 intrauterine, 309 cell mediated, 310, 316, 356, 410 iron deficiency and, 319 478 Index

Infection (cont.) Intestinal flora, 196, 247 latent, 325 Intestinal resections, 456 malnutrition and, 307-325 Intestinal surgery, 450 maternal,396 Intestines, 30, 50, 190,449,450 measles, 325 Intraalveolar tension, 234 middle ear, 308 Intrauterine antigenic stimulation, 309 neonatal, 249 Intrauterine growth, 114 oral,357 retardation of, 30, 93, 114, 115 resistance to, 263 Intrauterine infections, 173 respiratory, 308 Intrauterine malnutrition, 11, 188 salmonella, 319 Intralipid, 458 shigella, 323 Intravascular fluids, 136 urinary tract, 308 Intravenous catheter, 311 viral, 317, 449 Intravenous sugar feeding solutions, 453 vitamin A deficiency in, 320-323 Intrinsic factor, 411 Infectious diseases, 49, 308-310 Intrinsically motivated learning paradigm, 285 Infertility and B'2 deficiency, 200 Iodine, 148, 229, 233 Inflammatory response, 318, 345 in milk, 233 Initiative, 402 Iowa test of basic skills, 407 Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Iron Panama (IN CAP), 50, 53, 56, 256, 293, absorption, 135, 389, 390 294, 301 adult, 419 INCAP preschool battery, 294, 295, 299 availability, 384, 390 intervention study, 293 B'2-folate relationship to, 422 Insulin, 3-14, 16, 18-20,23,24,26,28,30-32, behavioral influence, 387-389, 411, 423, 427 118, 120, 139, 141, 153, 159, 163,313 binding protein, 320 antagonist, 153 biochemistries, 388, 403, 411, 430 receptors, 6, 20 body iron states, 385, 387, 390,421 Insulin/glucagon ratio, 5, 12, 13, 16,29,31 bone marrow, 203, 204, 387, 390, 391 Intellectual competence, 295 in brain, 414-416 Intellectual development, 53, 303, 397, 398,401 depletion, 400 Intellectual stimulation, 299, 301, 302 catabolic role, 384 family variables, 302 chelators, 418 Intelligence chlorophyll synthesis, 384 deficits, 47, 53, 395, 396 cofactor, 412, 418 development, 303 in collagen synthesis, 384 deviancy, 394, 395 component of chloroplast, 384 function, 394, 408, 409 -containing enzyme, 385 and malnutrition, 48-57 content, 385, 390 performance, 394 deficiency, 203, 204, 250, 319-320, 382-386, potential, 402 388, 390, 391 testing, IQ, 48-55, 187,395,396,401,404- and cerebral hypoxia, 384 407 and congestive heart failure, 384 Intentional behavior, 297, 402 with anemia, 200, 265, 270, 319, 384-402, Interferon, 247 406, 425, 431 Interglobular spaces, 342 without anemia, 391 Internal granular cells, 84 demand International classification of diseases, 52 during pregnancy, 204 Interneurons, 105, 123 fetal, 389, 391 cholinergic, 123 depletion, 386 Interobserver reliability, 294 diurnal variation of serum iron, 387, 391 Interphase, 412 DNA metabolism, 422, 427 Intersensory competence, 49, 50 effect on cholesterol levels, 385 Intervillous space, 150, 155 effect on plasma triglycerides, 385 Intestinal fistula, 456 in energy metabolism of cells, 384 Index 479

Iron (cont.) Jaundice, 266, 267 enzyme cofactors, 387, 388, 412, 418 Jejunum, ferredoxin component, 384 enterocytes, 190 ferric, 416 villi, 190 ferrous, 412, 418 Juxtaglomerular cells, 206 fetal content, 149 heme bound, 390 Kahn Intelligence Test (KIT), 404-406 in host-bacterial pathogen interreaction, 385 Kernicterus, 196 in immunocompetence, 384 Ketoacidosis, diabetic, 457 insertion, 427 Ketoaciduria, 443 intermediary metabolism, 389 Ketogenesis, 26, 310 intestinal uptake, 204 Ketonemia, 185 intramuscular, 40()""402, 429 Ketones, 8, 11, 16, 17,22,24,26-29,315,316 in learning, 400 blood, 11, 22, 24, 26 in lipid metabolism, 385 metabolism enzymes, 28 menstruation loss, 389 production, 16, 17,29 in mental development, 400 use for energy, 315 metabolism, 385, 388 Ketosis, 265, 316 metalloflavoprotein, 419, 424 Kidney, 30,_70, 90, 91, 198,205,414,442 milk component, 233, 254 anomalies, 198, 205 mitochondrial, 412 cellular growth, 146, 190 in neurotransmitter synthesis, 384 cellularity, 192 nonheme, 414, 415 DNA content, 96, 146, 191 nonstorage,412 protein content, 70 normal growth, 384 Kinesthetic test, 50 overload, 388 KIT, see Kahn Intelligence Test parenteral, 403, 413, 419 Kjieldahl method, 236 in oxygen transport, 384, 385 Knox Cubes test, 2%, 297 parturition, 389 Koilonychia, 410, 411 placental transfer, 165, 168 Korean children, 54, 293, 303, 397 in redox enzyme, 384 Krebs cycle, 25, 423-425 requirement, 389 fetal, 149, 389, 391 Kwashiorkor, 48, 49, 53, 95, 114, 116,285,250, 292,307,319,325,458 RDA,390 reuse, 389 associated behavior aberrations, 383 serum, 388, 404, 410, 421, 429 neonatal, 319 in somatic growth, 385 prenatal, 325 Kynureninase, 200 stores (see also Ferritin), 386-388, 390, 391 Kynurenine, 201 supplement, 175, 204, 205, 375,409 therapy, 399, 401, 413 tissue, 411 Lactalbumin, 114 transfer, 166,385 Lactase, 266, 450 Iron dextran, 400, 401, 430 deficiency, 266 Iron porphyrin prosthetic group, 412 Lactate, 10, 11,21,25,449,452 Iron sulfur flavoprotein, 413 Lactation, 40, 70, 80, 113-115, 184,202,229- Irradiation, 344 256, 274, 275, 279-282, 293, 294, 351- 353, 356, 368 Irritability, 201, 399, 429 adoptive, 242 Islets of Langerhans, 19,31 failure, 254 Isoalloxazene ring, 412 induced, 242, 243 Isoamylamine, 420 late, 254 Isolation, 45, 46 Lactation amenorrhea, 231, 247, 248 Isoleucine, 119, 161, 162,233,443,445 Lacteals, 241 in milk, 233 Lactic dehydrogenase, II Isomaltose, 457 Lactoferrin, 236, 247 480 Index

Lactose, 26, 27, 235, 239, 245, 266, 271 Lipid/cell ratio, 66, 81, 85 in breast milk, 232, 233, 237, 245 LipidlDNA ratio, 61, 62, 66, 81 in cow's milk, 232, 233 Lipids, 66, 141 Lactose-free disaccharide diet, 457 accumulations, 63 Lactose intolerance, 450 brain, 66, 83, 112 Language, 50, 396, 398 concentrations, 369 Large and small litter technique, 80 content, 62 Latent inhibition, 285 disorders, 364 Latent learning, 285 hypothesis, 364 Lateral ventricle, 63 levels, 375 Learning, 43, 47, 49, 54, 56, 275-279, 283-286, fetal, 147 294-297,404-406,409,431 plasma, 135, 139, 363, 369 in animals, 273, 274, 276 metabolism, 142 deficit, 280 stores, 137, 153, 160 in iron deficiency, 400 synthesis, 66, 81, 82 delayed responding, 277 total, 139 directed, 255 Lipid-soluble vitamins, 61 disability, 57, 280 Lipofunden-S, 458 discrimination, 277, 295 Lipogenesis, 16, 19,28 incidental, 285 Lipolysis, 21 malnutrition and, 42, 43 Lipoprotein, 160, 195,363-370 measurement, 43, 281 beta, 160 motivation and, 43, 283, 285, 403 low-density, 368, 370 nondirected, 285 very-low-density, 160 reversal, 277 Lipoprotein lipase, 140 set formation, 277 Lipotropic activity, 265 stimUlus-response, 276 Listura, 295 water maze, 278 Liver, 4, 6, 7, 8,10-12,15,18-21,62,88,200, Lecithins, 121, 126 313,414,415 Letdown reflex, 231, 241, 245, 247, 254, 255 DNA content, 68, 135, 146, 428 Lethargy, 312 fetal, 28 Leucine, 88, Ill, Il9, 233, 443, 445 growth, 146 incorporation, 88 pregnancy changes, 135 in milk, 233 thymidine kinase, 69 Leukemia, 429 weight, 68, 415 Leukocyte endogenous mediator (LEM), 313 Locomotor activity, 43; 46, Ill, 282 Leukocyte myeloperoxidase, 412 Lofenelac, 444 Leukocytes, 136, 152,313,318,425 Longitudinal study, 293-295, 301, 346 diapedesis, 318 prospective, 346 iron deficiency, 425 Low-birth-weight infants, 169, 170, 174, 175, myeloperoxidase, 412 185, 187, 201, 246, 251, 262, 263, 265, Leukocytosis, 136 266,309,395,396,428 Lifestyles Low-cholesterol diet, 139 rural, 349, 366 Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), 368, 370 urban, 186, 349 Lung, 70, 262, 316 Lightheadedness, 399 DNA, 96,190 Linear hypoplasia of teeth, 341 protein content, 70 Lingual papilla, 201 water loss, 262 Linoleic acid, 17, 27, 139, 160, 239, 265, 266, Lymph nodes 269, 368, 445 paracortical, 316 Linolenic acid, 265, 455 periarteriolar, 316 Lip anomalies, 198 Lymphatics, 457 Lipase, 238 Lymphocytes, 136,247,314,320,410 intestinal, 27, 265 Lymphoid organs milk, 253 central, 316 pancreatic, 27, 265 peripheral, 316 Index 481

Lymphokine, 320 Manual dexterity task, 408, 409 production, 320 Map-graph reading, 407 Lysine, 140, 233, 238, 445 Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), 445, 446 in milk, 233 Marasmus, 48, 53, 83, 87, 95, 96, 248-250, 292, Lysolecithin, 139 383 Lysozyme, 236, 247 Margaric acid, 160 salivary, 344, 355 Marrow aspiration, 387 Matching Familiar Figures test, 297 Maternal adaptive mechanisms, 133 a-2-Macroglobin, 314 Maternal behavior, 152 Macrophages, 247, 270, 313, 314 Maternal body weight, 160, 170, 173, 179 in milk, 270 Maternal body composition, 137, 142, 170, 194 liver, 313 Maternal calorie reserve, 229, 254 spleen, 313 Maternal circulation, 90, 161, 182 Magnesium, 136, 148, 149, 233, 313 Maternal deaths, 179 in cow's milk, 233 Maternal-fetal exchange, 133, 182, 184 fetal, 149 Maternal height, 169, 170, 174, 185 in human milk, 233 Maternal malnutrition, 183, 187 Malabsorption, 310, 451, 453 Maternal metabolic changes, 137-142 Malaria, 314 Maternal nutrition, 169, 172, 177, 185, 186,235, Malate, 6 254 Malic dehydrogenase, 6 diet, 177 Malic enzyme, 27, 28 effect on birth weight, 169 Malnutrition, 173,273,447,448,451,453 Maternal-placental barrier, 91 behavior, 44, 45 Maternal reflexes, 241 brain, 82, 84, 113-127 Maternal stores, 134, 137, 138, 177, 178 chronic, 117 Maternal undernutrition, 243, 247, 251 DNA, 82, 84 Maternal weight gain, 133, 137, 168, 170, 173, emotionality, 43, 44 186, 187,255 gestation, 274, 281 Maxillary dentition intelligence, 48-57 canine, 338-339 intrauterine, 188 incisor, 338-339 lactation, 243-256, 274, 281 molar, 338-339 learning, 42-43 premolar, 338-339 maternal, 183-188, 191 Maze, 277, 278, 400, 409 mental development, 41-57 learning, 400 neurotransmi tters, 112-127 performance, 42 [14C]orotate incorporation, 89 water, 43 polyamine synthesizing enzymes, 89 McCollum's salt mixture, 342 placenta, 159 Mean caries, scores, 354, 357 postnatal, 319 Mean red cell hemoglobin, 386 postweaning, 280 Mean red cell volume, 386, 429 prenatal, 188, 190-191,319 Mean tibia weight, 353 weight, 84 Measles virus, 316, 317, 320 Malonyl CoA, 6 Medium chain triglycerides (MCT), 265 Maltase, 450 Megaloblastic anemia, 198 Maltose, 266 Megavitamin therapy, 443 Mammary alveoli, 231, 241 Membrane, 104, 157,411,419 Mammary glands, 137, 178,240,346 mitochondrial, 419 Mammotrophic activities, 153 mucus, 411 Mandibular dentition placental, 157 incisor, 338, 339 skin, 411 molar, 338, 339 Memory, 49, 294-297, 403, 404, 409 premolar, 338, 339, 354 for digits, 295 Manganese, 233 short-term, 409 Mania, 127 Mendelian autosomal dominant trait, 372 482 Index

Menstruation Methylpteroylglutamic acid, 198 blood loss, 389 NO Methyl-tetrahydrofolic acid, 422 cycles, 421-422 Micelle formation, 450 disorder, 391 Microbiocidal activity, 318 status, 391 Microglia, 107 Mental capacity, 185-187 Micropinocytosis, 72 and maternal malnutrition, 187 Microsome, 415, 416, 426 Mental development, 49, 185, 291-303, 401 cytochrome b, 426 deficits, 292, 293 cytochromes,423 effect of supplementation, 298, 299 Migration experimental designs, 292 cellular, 66 nutrition and, 291-303 phagocytes, 318 retardation in man, 291 Milk, 2, 3,46,231,322,350,352,353 social variables in, 292 allergy to, 250 Mental impairment, 395, 397 biochemical composition, 232-233,247 Mental retardation, 52, 195,263,394,416 calcium, 237 hyperphenylalaninemia (phenylketonuria), calories, 239 416 complement, 256 Mental tests, 295, 297-300, 429 cow's, 230-232, 256, 261-271, 368 performance, 297, 298, 300, 301 diurnal variation, 232, 238, 242 Merrill-Palmer test, 53 evaporated, 269 fat, 25, 237, 238 Messenger RNA, 183 foremilk, 234, 238 Metabolic abnormalities, 250 Metabolic acidosis, 451, 454 goat, 263, 267 hindmilk, 234, 238 Metabolism, 313 human, 230-232, 252, 256, 261-271, 368 development, 1-32 ejection, 254 endogenous pyrogen effect, 313 immunoglobulins, 270 inborn errors of, 383 macrophages, 270 rate, 184,263 production, 254 Metalloflavoproteins, 412, 419 well-nourished, 253 Metal prosthetic group, 419 lactose, 237, 239 Metanephrine-normetanephrine, 429 malnutrition effect, 254-256 Metaphase, 412 minerals, 233, 241 Metaplasia in teeth, 342 niacin, 240 Methionine, 89, 162, 238, 352, 422, 445 production, 153, 356 I-methionine, 352 protein, 24, 80, 236, 237, 245, 251 S -adenosyl-I-methionine, 89 quantity/quality, 80, 251 Methotrexate, 198 riboflavin, 240 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxymanillic acid, 109, 116 skimmed, 269, 375 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MOPEG), semiskimmed,455 109,417,430 thiamin, 239 sulfate, conjugate, 430 vitamin A, 239 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxy-mandelic acid (VMA), vitamin B,2 , 240 417,429,430 vitamin C, 240 excretion, 430 volume, 241-244, 247 a-Methyl-D-glucopyranoside (AMG), 182 Milk teeth, 230 3-Methyl histidine, 313 Mineralization, 334-347, 352, 354 ,B-Methyl-,B-hydroxyglutaryl CoA reductase, defects, 335, 337 see ,B-HydroxY-,B-methylglutaryl CoA enamel, 336 N-Methyl alanine, 161 tooth, 334, 335, 337, 347, 352, 354 N-Methyl a-aminoisobutyric acid, 161 Minerals, 9, 148, 172, 174, 175,233,241,293, O-Methylation, 109 443, 459 Methylmalonic aciduria, 442 placental transport, 164 N -methylnicotinamide excretion, 200 Minimal brain dysfunction, 187 Index 483

Mitochondria, 2, 6, 10, 16, 18, 23, 148, 206" Muscle, 10, 19,27,62,74,75,77,90-96,246, 411,412,415,420,424,425 255,312-315,384,425 Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, 416 anomalies, 205 Mitosis, 86, 412, 427, 423 catabolism, 142, 315 rehabilitation, 86 cell size, 80 Mixed function oxidase, 427 contractile protein, 315 Modernity, 301 DNA content, 146 Molars, 337-339, 344, 347, 351, 352 diaphragmatic, 96 buccal, 355 dysfunction, 430 cusps, 351 gastrocnemius, 74, 77, 94, 146, 147 mandibular, 338, 339 growth, 95, 146, 147 maxillary, 338, 339 RNA content, 96 sulcal, 355 shivering, 312 surface, 355 skeletal, 90-95, 11 I, 147,411-414 weight, 351 tone, 398 Molecular cells, 84 Myelination, 45, 57, 63, 66, 83, 86, 145, 374, Molecular size, 157 415,443 Monoamine oxidase (MAO), 109, 110,412,413, Myeloperoxidase, 320 419-421,423,429 Myocardial infarction, 365, 370 brain, 421 Myocardium, 414 cells, 66 Myoepithelial cells, 241 hindbrain, 421 Myoglobin, 319, 385, 412-414, 425 inhibitors, 127,429 Myometrium, 155 liver, 421 plasma, 421 NAD, 425, 430 platelet, 420,421,429 regeneration, 430 Monoamines, 106, 109,428,429 NADH,319 Monoiodoacetate, 10 NADH dehydrogenase, 412 Mononuclear phagocytes, 136, 313 NADH ubiquinone reductase, 423 Monosaccharide intolerance, 450 NADPH,27 Montreal study, 172, 173 dependent cytochrome, 426 Moral judgment task 403 NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, 426 Morbidity, 299, 309, 312, 316, 321,447 Nasal discharge in vitamin E deficiency, 195 diarrhea, 32 I Nausea, 134 Morphological abnormalities Neonatal reflexes, 241 brain, 416 Neonatal hepatic mitochondrocuprein, 206 Mortality, 176, 177, 179, 229, 309, 312, 316, Neonatal mortality, 170, 176, 177, 186, 188,201 321,447 Neophobic, 284 diarrhea, 321 Neoplasia, 316, 325 fetal, 187 Nephrocalcinosis, 195 maternal, 169 Nephrons, 191, 192 neonatal, 170, 176, 177, 186, 188 cellularity, 192 perinatal, 173, 179, 184, 185, 189 Nervous system, 419, 423 Morula state, 148 peripheral nervous system, 430 Mother-infant interaction, 234, 249, 256 peripheral sympathetic nervous system, 429 Mother-pup interaction, 42 Nest building, 152 Motivation, 279-281, 283, 400, 403,405, 406, Neuroglia, 107 431 Neurointegrative competence, 51 behavior, 282 Neurological diseases, 325 Motor ability, 50, 297, 398 Neurological evaluation, 400 Mottled teeth, 340, 347 Neurological status, 50 Mucus membrane, 320 Neuromuscular function, 106 Multimixes 250, 251, 255 Neuron, 63,65,84, 104-107, 111-113 Multivariate technique, 409 axon, 103 Muscarinic cholinergic receptors, 107, 125 brain, 118 484 Index

Neuron (cont.) Nucleus, 61, 69, 74, 75,94 catecholamines, 127 muscle, 76, 77 cell body, 104 Nutritional anemia cholinergic, 109, 125, 127 B'2 deficiency, 200 division, 64, 66, 83, 144, 191 folate deficiency, 198, 199,422 dopaminergic, 125, 126 iron deficiency, 268, 270, 319, 384-402,406, DNA content, 144 425,431 grey matter, 83 Nutritional rehabilitation, 51, 279, 280 postsynaptic, 105 Nutritional requirement, 3 presynaptic, 105 Nutritional status, 397 proliferative growth, 191 retardation, 189 Obesity, 30, 31, 187,249,250,251,263,270, serotonergic, 112, 127 363,364,372,373,375 Neurotransmitters, 104-120, 123,383,418,420, genetic component, 373 423,428 infantile, 250 brain, 112 in women, 177, 185 .catabolism, 115 Occlusal region, 335 CNS,418 Occult blood, 411 degradation, 113· Octanoylcarnitine, 17 function, 420 Odontoblast, 342-344 malnutrition and, 114 atrophy, 342, 344 monoaminergic, 116 depolarization, 342 quantal theory, 110 Odontoclasia, 340 related compounds, 420 Odontomas, 344 synthesis, 103, 113, 115, 117 Oleic acid, 139, 445 turnover, 109 Oligodendrocytes, 107 Neutral reinforcement, 280 Open field, 43, 282 Neutrophilic polymorphonucleocytes, 136 Operator gene, 442 Niacin, 233, 240, 383, 445 Opportunistic agents, 316 in milk, 233 Opsonins, 318 Nicotinic acid ribonucleotide synthesis, 200 Oral cavity, 333, 334, 337, 350, 356-358 Nipple, 234, 241, 275 Oral contraceptives, 200, 247, 249 Nitrogen, 147, 149, 153,312,313 Oral disease, 333-335, 350, 356 balance, 312, 313 microbial factors, 333 content of body, 147 nutritional factors, 333 deposition, 147 Oral environment, 334 excretion, 153 . Oral health, 356 fetal, 149 Oral mucosa, 344 milk, 232 Oral tissue, 333, 358 nonprotein, 232 Organ size, 63 Nondirected learning, 285 Organelles, 190 Noradrenergic neurons, 430 Organic film, 334 Norepinephrine, 18,23,106, 108, 113, 114, 117, Organic matrix amelogenesis, 335 126,417,419,428,430 Organic phosphates, 387 brain, 189 Orienting response, 53 excretion, 116, 429 Ornithine, 140 hindbrain, 421 Ornithine decarborylase (ODC), 73,88,89 Normetanephrine, 429 Ornithine transcarbamylase, 18 Normochromic anemia, 386 [14C]Orotate incorporation, 89 Nucleolus, 412 Orotic acid, 236 interphase, 412 Orotic acid incorporation, 71, 88 Nucleotides, 25, 236, 253, 422 Orotic aciduria, 442 metals, 422 Osmolarity, 262, 263 in milk, 253 Osmotic diuresis, 1?2 synthesis, 25 Osmotic pressure, 449 Index 485

Ossification, 190, 342 Pancreatitis, 450, 451 bone, 190 Pantothenic acid, 233, 240 tooth pulp, 342 in cow's milk, 233 Osteoid tissue, 342 in human milk, 233 in pulp, 344 Papaverine, 164 Osteomalacia, 195,235 Papilledema, 411 Ovaries, 231 Parasitic fetus, 90 Overcrowding, 308 Parathyroid, 268 Overnutrition, 372 Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 193 pediatric, 373 cord blood, 193 Ovulation, 148 fetal, 193 Oxaloacetate, 6, 25 Parent Oxidase cooperation, 299 copper-containing, 205 clothing, 299, 302 mixed function, 427 schooling, 302 Oxidation Parenteral fluids, 456 subcellular, 388 glucose, 457 Oxidative deamination, 116 Parity, 172, 174, 194,206 Oxidative drug metabolism, 427 Parkinson's disease, 109 Oxidative metabolic pathways, 412, 424, 427 Parturition, 140, 239 cerebral, 427 Passive avoidance behavior, 279 Oxidative phosphorylation, 385, 423-425 Pathogens Oxygen, 109, 134, 136, 384 enteric, 322 arteriovenous differences, 156 intracellular, 316 binding site, 426 Pediclelike foot process, 72 consumption, 133, 420 Pellicle, 334, 355 basal, 78, 79 Pentobarbital, 427 cerebral, 423 Pentose shunt (see also Hexose monophos- delivery, 425 phate shunt), 9, 27 fetal reserve, 159 Pentylamine, 420 hemoglobin affinity for, 387 Pepsin secretion, 135 placental transfer, 158 Perception, 408 supply, 159 ability, 49, 50, 396, 408 tissue delivery of, 387 analysis, 294 transport, 384, 385 Perceptual ability, 49, 50, 396, 408 Oxygen tension, I, 158, 166 Perceptual analysis, 294 umbilical arterial, 158 Performance, 41-43,50, 185, 187,276-281,403, Oxygenation of tissue, 387 410 Oxyhemoglobin saturation, 158 mental, 185 Oxytocin, 164 scholastic, 187 Ozena, 410, 411 Perikaryon, 104 Perinatal period, 19-24 Pagophagia, 400 complications, 187 Palate anomalies, 198 injury, 187 Palmitoylcarnitine, 17 Periodontal disease, 334 Palmitic acid, 160, 238 Peripheral nervous system, 105, 430 Palmitoyl CoA synthetase, 16 Peripheral sympathetic nervous system, 429 Palm oil, 239 Permanent dentition, 338, 339 Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Pernicious anemia, 199, 200 447 Peroxidase, 319, 412 Pancreas, 4-6, 20, 317-318 Peroxidation, 265 fetal, 6 Persistence on an Impossible Puzzle, 296, 297 hormones, 118 Personality changes, 20 I, 249 islets, 19 B12 deficiency and, 201 Pancreatic lipase, 448 Peyer's patches, 316 486 Index

Phages, 441 Placenta (cont.) Phagocytic cells, 314, 318, 410 cotyledons, 155, 183, 184 turnover, 314 cytotrophoblast (cellular layer), 148 Phenobarbital, 426 decidua, 159 Phenols, 266 diabetic, 159 Phenylalanine, 119, 126, 161,233,238,416,417, DNA, 72-74,151,182-184 444,445 endocrine function, 152 in cow's milk, 233 endoplasmic reticulum, 183 in human milk, 233 fetalis, 159 Phenylalanine hydroxylase, 412, 416, 419, 423 fluoride, 346 Phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio, 314 glucagon, 159 Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase, 108 growth, 72, 90, 150-152, 166, 180, 183 Phenylketonuria (PKU), 416, 443, 444, 446 hyperplastic, 151 Pheochromocytomas, 429 hypertrophic, 183 Phlebitis, 459 malnutrition, 183 Phosphate, 161,268,313,445 mRNA,183 Phosphorus, 148, 153, 164, 167, 193, 194,268 polysome/monosome ratio, 183 cord blood, 194 proliferation, 183 cow's milk, 194, 233 protein fetal, 149, 193 content, 73, 90, 91, 151, 182 human milk, 233 synthesis, 183 RDA,194 RNA, 73, 182, 183 Phosphoenolpyruvate, 6 messenger, 183 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), ribosomal, 183 11-13, 15, 18,21,23,28 RNase activity, 183, 184 Phospholipid/DNA ratio, 66 syncytial layer, 148 Phospholipids, 81, 139, 160,265 synthesis, 240 synthesis, 81 thickness, 167 Phototherapy, 262 transfer mechanism, 156-158 Physical activity, 173,295,430 transport Physical development index, 401 amino acid, 160-161, 183, 191 Physical environmental manipulation, 397 ascorbic acid, 167 Physical examination, 169, 401 glucose, 167, 182 Physostigmine, 107, 123 hormones, 163 Phytate, 268 iron, 165, 168 Phytohemagglutinin (PHA), 153,317 lipids, 160-161 Phytosterol, 265, 375 phosphorus, 167 plant, 375 protein, 162-163 Piagetian testing, 294 sodium, 168 Pica, 400 vitamins, 163

Pictorial calendars, 301 B6 ,168 Pinocytosis, 157, 158, 162 BIz, 163 Pituitary gland, 192 lipid soluble, 164 Pituitary gonadotropin, 32 water soluble, 164 Placebo, 172,399,401 ungulate, 166 Placenta, 2-6, 15, 17, 18,62,72-74,90-93,133, villi, 148, 150, 183, 184 134, 137, 148, 150-155, 159-168, 180- weight, 73-74, 134, 150-152, 166, 184 184, 205, 230, 240, 346 Placental insufficiency, i 94 alkaline RNase, 184 Plantaris muscle, 77 blood profusion, 155 Plaque, 334, 346, 349, 356 capillaries, 150 flora, 334 cellular growth, 151, 152, 166, 168 pathological potential, 334 circulation, 154 Plaque-dependent diseases, 334 copper content, 205 Plasma, 180 corticosteroids, 152, 153 volume, 134, 180, 204 Index 487

Plasmids, 332, 323 Potassium (cont.) extrachromosomal, 322 fetal, 149, 193 Platelet, 109,420,429 in cow's milk, 233 adhesiveness, 265 in human milk, 233 Play behavior, 56, 285 retention during pregnancy, 138 "Plethora of humors," 168 total body, 77 Plummer-Vinson syndrome, 411 Potential Pneumococcal polysaccharide, 324 action, 105 Pneumocystis carinii, 316 resting, 105 Poikilotherms, 312 Poultry, 375 Pokeweed mitogen, 317 Poverty, 49, 273, 291, 292, 397 Polio Precursor availability, 117-118 vaccine, 324 Prednisolone, 13 virus, 317 Preeclampsia/, 152, 197, 206 Polyamine, 73, 82, 88 Preeruptive period, 333 content Pregnancy, 133-206, 229, 231, 235, 254, 255, in brain, 86 293,294,297,351,391,400 in breast milk, 236, 253 anabolic, 141, 142 synthesis, 73, 88, 89 anemia, 319 Polyamine synthesizing enzymes, 89 catabolic, 141, 142 Polyenoic fatty acids complications, 240, 268 in milk, 253 diet, 168 Polymorphonuclear cells, 410 fetal phase, 133 bactericidal capacity, 410 hemodynamic changes, 135-136 Polypeptide hormone, 152-154 infections, 308 Polyploidy, 68 maternal body composition, 147 Polyribosomes/monosomes, (see also Poly• maternal metabolic changes, 134 somes), 71, 183, 184 maternal phase, 133 placenta, 183, 184 stores, 178 Polysaccharides, 270 weight gain, 137, 173 Polysomes, 183 Pregnancy risk factors, 175 Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), 1,263,266, Pregravidiol, 154 271,368,371,375 Premature birth, 143, 173, 180, 186,201 formulas, 368 folate deficiency, 199 Population hyperbilirubinemia, 196 epidemiologic, 365 kernicterus, 196 geographic, 365 vitamin B'2 level, 200 national, 365 vitamin K deficiency, 195, 196 Porphyrin, 423, 426, 427 Premolar teeth, 338, 339 erythrocyte protoporphyrin, 426, 427 , 172 precursor, 427 Prenatal malnutrition, 185 synthesis, 423 Prepregnancy height/weight ratio, 174 Postconceptional period, 3 Prepregnancy stores, 178-180 Post cricoid webs, 411 Prepregnancy weight, 137, 169, 170, 175, 178, Postdelivery problems, 184 179,181 Posteruptive period, 324 Preschool battery test, 302 Postganglionic sympathetic neurons, 108 Presynaptic neuron, 105 Postmenopausal, 390 Primary follicles, 316 Postovulatory, 152 Primary teeth, 337, 338, 339 Postsurgical patients, 324 maxillary central incisors, 337 Postsynaptic response, 430 Primigravidas, 170 Postweaning, 115,279,280,281 Primiparae, 169 protein malnutrition, 115 Primitive cells, 84 Potassium, 77,136,138,148, 149, 153, 165,267, Probenecid, 126, 127 268, 313,445,450 Product replacement, 442 488 Index

Product supplementation, 442 Protein (cont.) Progesterone, 139, 141, 152, 156, 189, 200 total body protein, 70, 142 Prolactin, 109, 153,231,234,235,241,247,254, total proteins, 63 255 vegetable, 264 production, 241, 242 whey, 232 water-sparing effect, 243 Protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM), 182, 229, Proline, 140, 161,233 249,281,291,292,310,319,324, 334, in cow's milk, 233 340, 353, 394, 449 in human milk, 233 Protein/DNA ratio, 62, 63, 70, 75, 77, 80, 91, Prostaglandins, 16, 265 94,95,96, 146, 147, 151, 152,428 Protein, 18, 20--29, 62, 63, 66, 70, 72, 73, 75, liver, 70, 71 77,80,82,85,88,89,90--96, 112-114, place!lta, 151, 152 120, 128, 136, 138, 142, 151, 153, 162, skeletal muscle, 75, 77 170, 172-175, 180, 182, 187, 232-237, Protein efficiency ratio (PER), 264 250-256, 313-315, 355, 375, 411, 422, Prothrombin levels, 1% 441,445 Prothrombin time, 135 accumulation, 63, 138 Proximal tubules, 190, 191 breakdown, 23, 142,313,314 Protocollagen, 413 circulating pool, 136 Protocollagen-proline hydroxylase, 412, 413 content, 70, 390 Protoplasm, 62 brain, 66, 85, 144, 145 Protozoa, 316 cell, 61-66, 70 Psychiatric disorders, 127,410,443 heart, 70 symptoms, 410 kidney, 70 Psychoaffective disturbances, 418 lung, 70 Psychological tests, 50, 296-298, 402, 408, 431 spleen, 70 composite scores, 296-298 thymus, 70 Psychological retardation, 51 deamination, 314, 315 Psychometric test, 53, 294 deficiency, 170 Psychomotor development, 185, 275, 284 dietary, 24, 29 Psychomotor function, 408-410 hydrolysate, 443 Psychomotor reflex, 241, 274, 275 intake, 173, 175, 187 Psychosocial status, 397 intolerance, 457 Psychosomatic letdown reflex (see also Let• loss in iron deficiency, 411 down reflex), 233, 234, 243 malabsorption, 411 Pteridine, 109 maternal tissue, 135 tetrahydropteridine, 108 milk, Pterin, 117 breast, 232, 233, 235, 237 Puerperal practices, 255 cow's, 232, 233 Puerperium, 231 quality and quantity, 251-256 Pulmonary vascular resistance, 387 muscle, 75, 255, 313, 314 Pulmonic stenosis, 195 oxygen carrying, 384 Pulp teeth, 342-344 placental, 153 cells, 343 plasma protein, 136 epithelial cord invasion, 343 pool,325 osteoid mass, 344 serum, 136, 162, 263 "Pure neonatal malnutrition," 42 stores, 315 Purines, 18,422 supplementation biosynthesis, 412 lactation, 250 Puromycin, 161 synthesis, 120, 355, 422 Putrescine, 86, 88, 89 brain, 63, 82, 112,412 Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), 108, 116, 117, 163, liver, 70, 80, 313, 314 200,201 placenta, 72, 73, 90, 91,151,182 Pyridoxamine, 163 skeletal muscle, 75 . Pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate, 200 Index 489

4-Pyridoxic acid, 200, 201 Renal function, 192 Pyridoxine, 200, 201, 233, 240 Renal plasma flow, 137 deficiency, 112, 117 Renal solute load, 262 in milk Renal threshold, 454 cow's milk, 233 Renin, 206 human milk, 233 Repair mechanism, 358 toxicity, 202 Repeat testing, 299 Pyridoxine Hel, 200, 201 Reproduction, 265, 351 Pyridoxine response apoenzyme defect, 442 cycle, 235 Pyrimidines, 18 efficiency, 192 Pyruvate, 6, 10, 18 Respiration, 423, 424 decarboxylation, 25 molecular, 387 Pyruvate carboxylase, 6, 11,23,25,28 Respiratory alkalosis, 313 Pyruvate dehydrogenase, 6, 10, 25 Respiratory illness, 320 Pyruvate kinase, 6, 10, II, 23, 27, 28 Respiratory quotient, 315 Resting metabolic expenditure (RME), 315 Quadriceps muscle, 75, 77 Restlessness, 195 Quantal theory, 110 Reticuloendothelial system, 356 Retinoic acid, 192 Reversal discrimination learning, 296, 297 Race, 172, 206 Riboflavin, 163, 197, 233, 240, 245, 412, 420, Racemization, 200 424,445 Radial hemolysis assay, 356 deficiency, 168, 349 Radial immunodiffusion, 356 excretion, 197 Rate-of-Iearning task, 280 in milk, 233 Raven Test scores, 52 plasma, 177 Reaction time task, 404, 405 Ribonucleotides, 412 Reading comprehension, 51, 407 reductase, 412, 413, 428 Rearing, 274 Ricketts, 195 Receptors, 105, 107 fetal, 195 Recombinant DNA, 442 Righting reflex, 274 Recommended dietary allowances (RDA), 176, RNA, 62, 6, 71-91,113,151,183,355,412 244, 245, 441, 444, 446 brain, 85 Red blood cells (see also Erythrocytes), 136, catabolism, 71, 72 389,411,414 content production, 204 cell, 61 senescent, 389 organ, 62, 88 volume, 203 degradation, 66, 88 Redundant learning, 285 messenger, 183 Reflexes nuclear, 88 asymmetry, 396 nucleolar, 88 development, 44 nucleoplasmic, 88 Regression analysis, 297, 299 placental, 73, 151 Regulator gene, 442 processing, 88 Reinforcement, 277-279, 285 ribosomal, 183 aversive, 278 salivary gland, 355 food, 277, 278 species, 66, 72 learning, 277 synthesis, 71, 73, 88, 89, 91 magnitude, 276 total content, 88 neutral, 280 turnover, 66, 82, 88,89, 183 water, 279 placental, 183 Remethylation, 422 RNAIDNA ratio, 62, 71, 74, 90, 91,151 Remineralization of teeth, 334 in placenta, 151 Renal anomalies, 268 RNA polymerase, 71,88 490 Index

RNase, Shigella, 321, 322, 323, 450 alkaline, 66, 71, 82, 91, 184 dysenterial, 321, 323 brain, 183 infection, 322, 323 liver, 183 Shivering, 312 placental, 183 Shock-escape response, 279 Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 314 Short-term memory, 409 Rooting, 241 Sialic acid (see also N-Acetylneuraminic acid), Rosette-forming cells, 410, 449 239 Rubidium, 165 Siblings, 293, 301, 302 Runt, 90, 201 schooling, 320 Sideropenia, 391 Saline meal, 135 Siderophores, 319 Saliva, 334, 337, 346, 350, 355 Sideros, 384 composition, 350, 355 Simple diffusion, 157, 158, 160-164 flow, 350 of placental fatty acids, 160 volume, 355 of placental vitamins, 163, 164 Salivary gland, 344-355, 358 Singleton birth, 170 abnormalities, 345 Size aCini, 345 body, 170, 190,344,428 immunoglobulins, 355 fetal, 169 lysozyme, 344-355 maternal, 170 submandibular, 355, 357 organ, 83 Salmonella typhimurium, 319, 324 Skeletal muscle, 75, 90, 92, 94, III, 147,411, Salt, 373 413,414 intake, 373 DNA, 74-77, 94-96 mix, 352 Skeleton, 197 Sampling technique, 170,241,253 abnormalities, 191,205 Sanitary condition, 41, 49, 173,273,308 riboflavin deficiency, 191 Sartorius muscle, 75 cartilagenous, 197 Saturated fat, 364-368, 445 development, 190, 191, 194 Saturated-unsaturated fatty acid ratio, 139 membranous, 197 Schizophrenia, 109, 127,427 osseous, 197 Scholastic performance, 187,407,408,429 Skin, 262, 268, 337, 411 Secotrant, 250 water loss, 411 Secular change, 299 Sleep, 234, 284 Selenium, 233 Slimming diet, 244 Semisolid food, 250 Small for date, 11,22,33,187,198,337 Semisynthetic diet, 443, 444 Small weight infants, 170 Sensorimotor development, 397, 398 Smokers, 175 in premature infants, 398 S. mutans, 356, 357 Sensory integration, 50 Social ambience, 398 Sensory modalities, 398 Social behavior, 274, 282 Sentence Memory test, 296, 297 Social conditions, 46 Sep~s, 312, 315, 450 Social deprivation, 291-293 Serine, 140, 161,233,422 Social dominance, 44 Serotonin, 104, 109, 110, 119, 416-419, 423, Social problems, 49 428,429 Social stimulation, 283, 299 catabolism, 419 Social variables, 299 diet-induced changes, 119 Socialization, 47 synthesis, I 10 Socioeconomic status (SES), 41, 48-54, 56, Serum alkaline phosphatase, 135 \73, 174, 176, 186, 194, 293, 299, 300, Serum transaminase, 135 301,390,391,396,402,403 Sex, 248, 349, 390,407 Sodium, 136, 148, 164-168,206,267,268,271, differences, 77, 295, 390 373,445,449,450 Index 491

Sodium (cont.) Stools, 266, 322 in breast milk, 233, 241 bloody, 322 in cow's milk, 233 mucus, 322 exchange, 167-206 pH,452 exchangeable, 206 Storing, information, 285 fetal, 169 Stress, 19,23,43,45,91, 188,247,250,282, placental transfer, 166, 168 311, 345, 353, 396 Sodium arsenite, 166 anorectic, 311 Sodium cyanide, 166 birth, 188 Sodium-dependent transport, 161 cariogenic, 354 Sodium/potassium ratio, 267 multiple perinatal, 396 Solid foods, 270 nutritional, 353 Solvent drag, 157, 164 psychosocial, 247 Somatic symptoms, 409 social, 250 Somatomammotropin (see also Human cho- Structural gene, 442 rionic somatomammotropin). 139 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, 325 Sorti ng tas k, 404 Submandibular gland, 355, 357 Specific dynamic action, 263, 264 Substrate loading, 442 Spelling, 407 Succinate dehydrogenase, 412, 414 Spermidine, 86, 88, 89, 236 Succinic acid, 319 in breast milk, 236 Sucking, 241, 255 Spermine, 86, 89, 236 stimulus, 24-26, 231, 242, 243, 247, 255 Sphingosine, 265 Sucrase, 450 Spinal cord, 65, 105 Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, 266 anterior horn, 65 Sucrose, 351, 352, 457 Splanchnopleure, 163 Sucrose/protein ratio, 351 Spleen, 70, 96, 201, 306 Sugars, 266-267, 271, 349 DNA content, 96 fermentable, 349 protein contein, 70 Sulcal-caries score, 353, 355, 357 Squamous metaplasia, 344, 345 Sulcal surface, 352 Standardized achievement tests,_ 295,296 Sulfur, 233 Stanford-Binet scales, 402 Supplement Starch, 266 caloric, 179 Startle, 44 cereal-legume, 250 Starvation, 5, 8, 9, II, 17, 19,52,94,141,178 cofactor, 442 Stasis, 450 "double mix," 250 Statistical calender, 229 food, 172-173,299 Stearic acid, 160 fluoride, 347 Steatorrhea, 452 iron, 409 Stellate reticulum, 343 isocaloric, 353, 354 Steroid hormone, 7, 152-154 milk, 354 Stillborn, 169, 176, 177, 192,197, 180 minerals, 171, 174, 175 Stimulus, 285, 402 "multimix," 250 adverse, 45 nutrient, 186 auditory, 53, 398 product, 442 emotional, 398 protein, 56, 172, 175,354 intellectcial, 299, 301, 398 protein-calorie, 173, 183 novel,43 protein-mineral, 186 sibling, 46 vitamins, 171, 172, 175 sucking, 231, 242, 243, 247 vitamin A, 239 visual, 45 vitamin B'2, 442 Stimulus array, 402 Supplementation centers, 299 Stimulus-response learning (S-R), 276-280 Supravalvular aortic stenosis, 195 Stomatitis, aphthous, 201 Swallowing, 241 492 Index

Sweating, 262 Temperature (cont.) Symbol forming ability, 398 cord, 312 Sympathetic nervous system, 429 environmental, 188 Synapse, 103, 105, 107 thermoneutral, 263 catecholaminergic, 107 water, 277 cholinergic, 107 Ten-State Nutrition Survey, 341, 391, 392, 393 clefts, 110 iron status, 392, 393 connections, lll, 113 Tendon xanthomas, 371 postsynapse, 104, 105, 107 Teratogenesis, 192, 205 presynapse, 104, 105, 107 zinc deficiency, 205 Synaptic transmitter (see also Neurotransmit- Test feeding, 234, 241 ter), 428 Test-retest correlations, 401 Synaptosomes, 107, ll5, 419, 430 Test-retest reliability, 295 Syncitiotrophoblast, 148 Testosterone, 32 Syndactylism, 197 Tetany, 194,268 Syndrome of tremors, 240 neonatal, 194 Synthetic/catabolic rates, 430 Tetrahydrobiopterin (see also Pterin), 117 Syphilis, 314 Tetrahydrofolic acid (THFA), 422 Thalassemia major, 429 Thermoregulation, 25, III T-cells (see also T-lymphocytes, Thymus• Thermostat, 312 derived lymphocytes), 317, 319,410 THFA formimino transferase, 412, 422 rosette formation, 317, 319, 410 Thailand, 348 T-maze,279 Thiamine, 163, 196,239,445 T-test, 402 in cow's milk, 233 Tachycardia, 387 deficiency, 340, 349 Tachypnea, 195, 312 in human milk, 233 Taurine, 140 RDA,196 Tea, 350 supplementation, 196 Teeth, 333-358 urinary excretion, 196 abnormalities, 343 Thiamine pyrophosphate, 163 amelogenesis, 335 Thirst, 2, 263 cellular organization, 343 Threonine, 161,233,445 cervical area, 335 in cow's milk, 233 chemical composition, 334 in human milk, 233 crown morphology, 346 "threshold value," 366 decay, 340 Thymic lymphoid tissue, 449 development, 334, 352 Thymidine, 69, 86,151,189,412 eruption, 334, 335, 337, 340, 354, 355 incorporation, 86 rate, 342, 351, 352 titrated, 91 germ, 343 Thymidine kinase, 69, 86, 87 growth retardation, 343 Thymidylate biosynthesis, 422 matrix formation, 337 Thymus-derived lymphocytes (see also T-cells, maturation, 335 T-lymphocytes), 316, 317 mineralization, 333, 334, 335, 337, 355 Thymus gland, 70, 201, 316 mottled, 340, 347 hypoplasia, 201 permanent, 340 protein content, 70 primary, 335 Thymal turbidity, 135 properties, 334 Thyroid hormone, 5 remineralization, 355 Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), 163 structure, 334, 355 Thyroxine, 9, 442 surface, 355 Tibia yellow, 340 length, 192 Temperature, I, 21, 188, 262, 263, 312 weight, 352 body, 312 Tidal volume, 137 Index 493

Tissue, Transport (cont.J damage, 314 water, 158 fluid, 178 water soluble vitamins, 163, 164 oxygenation, 387, 388 Trauma, 394-397 T-lymphocytes (see also T-cells, Thymus- asphyxial, 394 derived lymphocytes), 449 biological, 396, 397 Tocopherols, 195 effect on intelligence, 396 Total iron binding capacity (TIBC), 203, 204 emotional, 394 Total body chlorine, 77 later deviancy hypothesis, 395,396 Total body water, 77-79, 95, 206 nutritional, 394 Total body weight, 170 Treadmill performance, 425 Total lipids, 139 Triceps skinfold measurement, 310 Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 311, 455, 456, Triglyceride, 16,21,22,27, 139, 140, 160,264, 458,459 265, 370, 372, 375 Toxemia, 206, 268 absorption, 265 Toxins, 317, 322 breakdown, 21, 22 Toys, 301, 302 cord blood, 372 Trace elements, 269, 337, 358 fetal stores, 16 minerals, 268, 313, 323, 337,358,419 long chain, 455, 456 in milk, 333 medium chain, 266, 269, 455, 457 role in somatic and neural physiology, 383 serum level, 365 Transamination, 18, 19,200 uptake, 27 Transcobalamine II deficiency, 442 Triiodothyronine, 23 Transfer carrier, 157, 161 Trimester bleeding, 198 Transfer factor, 317 Trophoblastic layer of placenta, 72, 74, 148, Transferrin, 162, 165, 166, 168, 268, 320, 386, 159, 166 388,390,391,399,420,429 basement membrane, 150 iron, 165 Tryptophan, 104, 109-111,114,115,117-120, level of, 387, 388 200,201,233,418,430,445 molecular weight carrier, 165 brain, 119, 120 Transfer sites, 157, 161 in cow's milk, 233 Transfusion, 205 diurnal variation, 118 Transgenosis, 441 in human milk, 233, 238 Transit time, 449, 450 load test, 200, 201 Transplantation, organ, 442 metabolism, 200, 201, 418 Transport plasma, 445 amino acid, 91, 161, 183 serum, 120,445 ascorbic acid, 167 Tryptophan/competing neutral amino acid fatty acid, 160 ratio, 120 glucose, 167, 182 Tryptophan hydroxylase, 109, 110, 117, 118, hormones, 163 125,412,417,418 iron, 165-167 adrenal, 125 lipid-soluble vitamins, 164 Tryptophan pyrrolase, 320, 413, 418, 419,423 mechanism Tube feedings, 80 active transport, 157, 164, 165 Tubercu1e bacilli, 316 bulk flow, 157 Tuberculin test, 316 energy requiring, 160 Tumors, 344 pinocytosis, 157, 158, 168 Typhoid, 314, 324 placental, 158 vaccine, 324 simple/diffusion, 157, 158 Tyrosine, 108, 117, 118, 126, 127,140,189,264, minerals, 165 416,417,445 phosphorus, 167 in cow's milk, 233 protein, 162-163,442 in human milk, 233, 238 sodium, 166 Tyrosine hydroxylase, 108, 109, 111, 115, 117, sugars, 91 118,123,126,127, 189, 41~ 423 494 Index

Umbilical cord, 150 Verbal inferences, 295-298 Umbilical vein, 4, 168 Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), 160,370 Undernutrition, 169, 178,248,337 Vessels, 150 Unsaturated fatty acids, 271 Village differences, 299 Urea, 18,25,30,264,315 Villus cycle, 18, 25, 28 crest cells, 450 enzymes, 28 placental, 148, 150, 183, 184 excretion, 264 Vineland Scale of Social Maturity, 53 formation, 18 Virulence factors, 320 Uremia, metabolic, 241 Virus, 316, 317, 325 Uridine,442 measles, 3 17, 325 Urinary pregravidiol, 154 polio, 317 Urinary xanthurenic acid, 200, 201 vaccine, 324 Urine, 43, 196,262 Visual afterimage task, 408 collection, 77 Visual analysis, 297 osmolality, 262 Visual discrimination, 280 water loss, 262 Visual field, 403 Urophophyrinogen synthetase, 427 Visual-Haptic test, 49, 50 Uterine artery, 80 Visual placing, 44 Uterine cavity, 148, 155, 156, 157, 163, 178 Visual stimulation, 301 Uterine circulation, 134, 154, 156, 180 Visual system, 408 Uterine contraction, 152 Vitamin A, 164, 233, 245, 267, 341-345, 358, Uterine horn, 115 445, 452 Uterine vascularization, 134 in bone, 342 Uterine vein, 7 in breast milk, 233, 238, 239, 250, 253 Uterus, 137, 148, 152, 163, 178 in cow's milk, 233 deficiency (avitaminosis) 250, 320, 334, 340, Vaccine, 323-325 341-345, 349 BCG (bacillus Calmette-Guerin), 324, 325 during pregnancy, 192-193 efficacy of, 323 RDA,193 polio, 324, 325 replacement therapy, 343 prophylaxis, 324 teratogenic effect 192 typhoid, 324 in tooth development, 342 Vacuoles, 72, 148, 158 Vitamin Bo, 108, 117, 168,200,201,202 Vagina, 152 in cow's milk, 233 Valence states, 384 deficiency, 201 Valine, 119, 140, 161, 162,233,443,445 in human milk, 233 in cow's milk, 233 placental transport, 168 in human milk, 233 RDA,202 (Van N estyne Picture Vocabulary Test) (V APT), Vitamin B,2 , 135, 168, 199, 200, 233, 245, 413, 404, 405, 406 442 Vascular insufficiency, 91 cord blood, 168 Vascular permeability, 318 in cow's milk, 233 Vasculosyncytial membrane, 148 deficiency, 200 Vegetables, 239, 373, 375, 390 in human milk, 233 iron content, 390 placental transport, 168 Vegetarian diet, 139,200 RDA,200 Venous obstruction, 459 Vitamin C (see also Ascorbic acid), 167, 202, Ventilation rate, 136 233, 255 Ventricle catabolism, 202 lateral, 83, 84, 189 in cow's milk, 233 subiculum, 189 gingival changes, 202 third, 83, 84, 189 in human milk, 233 Verbal ability, 49, 295, 297 RDA,202 Index 495

Vitamin D, 9, 164, 193, 194,233,267,340,342 Weaning, 2, 27-29, 321, 344 in calcium metabolism, 193, 194 premature, 28, 29 in cow's milk, 233 Weanling diarrhea, 254, 255, 321 deficiency, 340 Weanling weights, 351 in human milk, 233 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children overdose, 195 (WISC), 48, 53 RDA,194 Weight, 50, 54, 55, 62, 75, 77, 83, 84, 95, 167, Vitamin E, 164, 233, 265, 267 169, 175, 177, 179, 180, 188, 193,308 in cow's milk, 233 birth, 169-180, 184, 185, 187, 195, 197, 206, deficiency, 195 307,309 in human milk, 233 brain, 116, 143, 145, 188 RDA 195 conceptus, 179 requirements, 195, 265, 267 curve, 254-256 Vitamin K, 164, 195, 233 DNA, 62,75,96 in cow's milk, 233 dry, 83 in human milk, 233 fat free, 148 parenteral, 195 fetal, 142, 148, 166, 179, 193,202,314 Vitamin mix, 352 gain, 61, 63, 246, 254, 263, 264, 376 Vitamins, 3, 163, 172, 174, 201, 235, 240, 254, during pregnancy, 137, 168-176, 186,255, 261,267,293,340,383,419,443,459 308 absorption, 450 heart, 188 deficiencies, 271 -height ratio, 310, 312 in milk, 233, 254 kidney, 188 lipid soluble, 61 liver, 188,428 placental transfer, 163, 164, 167 loss, 95, 179, 188, 235, 309, 311, 313,420 water soluble, 245, 267 lungs, 188 VMA (see also 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic malnutrition, 81, 89 acid), 114,417,429,430 maternal, 179, 180 excretion, 430 neonates, 179 Vocabulary naming, 296-298 per nucleus, 61, 70 Vocabulary test score, 301 placenta, 152, 155, 184, 314 Vomiting, 134 postpartum, 178, 181 prepregnancy, 179-181 Water, 2, 62, 135, 158, 192, 230, 263, 268, 269, reduction, 95, 179, 188 277,322,353,354,448-451 spleen, 188, 192 allowance, 261 thymus, 188, 192 bar press for, 276 total body weight, 170 conservation, 231 wet weight, 83 deprivation, 276 Wet nurses, 241-243 distilled, 352 Weymouth's medium, 3 drinking patterns, 350 Whey, proteins, 232 expenditure, 262 White matter, 189 extracellular volume, 77 Wilson's disease, 442 fetal content, 147, 149 World Health Organization (WHO), 346, 348 fluorinated, 345, 346, 350 Wound healing, 314 ingestion, 274 intracellular, 75, 77 Xanthine, 319 milk, 232 Xanthine oxidase, 412, 413 reinforcement, 279 Xanthurenic acid, 200, 201 retention, 138 Xenon clearance, 155 temperature, 277 Xerophthalmia, 307, 320, 342, 343 total body water, 77-79, 95 transport, 158 Yellow teeth, 340 Water maze, 297 Yolk sac, 163 496 Index

Zinc, 148, 149, 164,205,233, 268, 271,314,445 Zinc (cont.J in cord blood, 165 hair level, 205 in cow's milk, 233 in human milk, 233 deficiency, 205 RDA,205 fetal, 149 Zona glomerulosa, 206