Archaeological Excavations at the Monastic Complex, Sevenchurches or townland, , Co.

2017 Stratigraphic Report

Ministerial Consent: C536 ext. Excavation No. E4431. Metal Detection No. R310

Glendalough Community Archaeological Excavation and Field School

UCD School of Archaeology

Matthew Seaver, Conor McDermott & Graeme Warren

June 2018


Archaeological Excavations at the Monastic Complex, Sevenchurches or Camaderry townland, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow: 2017 stratigraphic report

Glendalough Community Archaeological Excavation and Field School

Matthew Seaver, Conor McDermott, Graeme Warren,

UCD School of Archaeology

Community Excavation Supported by Wicklow County Council and the Heritage Council. [email protected]/[email protected] UCD School of Archaeology Newman Building Belfield Dublin 4

Ministerial Consent: C536

Excavation No.: extension to E4431, Sevenchurches townland, Glendalough Co. Wicklow

Metal Detection No.: R310 UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Contents Figure List ...... 3 • Acknowledgements...... 5 • Abstract ...... 7 • Background ...... 7 • Excavation Methodology ...... 9 Trench 11 ...... 11 Background and Aims ...... 11 Results ...... 12 Mid C7th– C12th Postholes and Pits ...... 13 C12th–C13th The ditch and its internal structures ...... 16 Mid C12th–Mid C13th The Backfilling of the Ditch ...... 20 C15th Cereal Drying Kiln and pits...... 24 Unphased Features excavated or uncovered in outline in the 2017 season ...... 26 Post Medieval and modern Cultivation Features ...... 27 The character of the finds assemblage from Trench 11 ...... 29 Discussion of Trench 11 ...... 35 Fieldwork in 2017: Overview ...... 39 • References cited: ...... 39 • Appendix 1: Trench 11 Context Register 2017 ...... 43 • Appendix 2: Small Finds Register ...... 73 • Appendix 3: Sample Register from Trench 11 ...... 145 • Appendix 4; Radiocarbon Dating ...... 163 • Appendix 5; SVN 17, Stratigraphical Matrix from Trench 11 ...... 170


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Figure List Figure 1: Interpretative plot showing results of geophysical survey at Glendalough (after Elliott 2011).

Figure 2: SVN 16 Magnetic Gradiometry results from 2016 survey (Discovery Programme/Dowling 2016,

Figure 3; SVN17 Sieving of soil deposits at Trench 11, Glendalough (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 4: SVN17 Extracts from Ordnance Survey 25” maps (Sheets W102-03 & -07) showing the locations of trenches 10 and 11 excavated in 2014-16 and trench 12 investigated in 2014.see full report in Appendix 6)

Figure 5: SVN17; End of excavation orthoimages overview showing area excavated to date.

Figure 6: SVN17; Trench 11F showing excavated features – work focussed on examining the large pits and posthole features (UCD School of Archaeology).

Figure 7: SVN17; The ditch showing the main stone features and the deposits removed at the end of the 2017 season of excavations. (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 8; SVN16; The western edge of the ditch at the end of excavation in 2016 showing the stone revetment and principle deposits (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 9; SVN17; The western edge of the ditch mid-excavation in 2017 showing the western façade of the ditch under excavation (UCD School of Archaeology).

Figure 10; SVN17; The western end of the ditch at the end of the 2017 season of excavation looking north (UCD School of Archaeology).

Figure 11: SVN16 South facing section through ditch deposits showing basal deposits within the ditch between the revetment C1163 and the central boulder platform within the ditch revetted by C1348. (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 12: SVN16 North facing section at the eastern end of the trench within the ditch showing the ditch deposits between the revetment C1167 at the eastern end of the ditch and the collapsed stone wall C1198. (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 13: SVN17 Detailed photographed area of Tr.11E and the newly uncovered Tr.11K & L (rear of picture) Trench 11 showing revetment C1167, Kiln deposits and pits (UCD School of Archaeology).

Figure 14: SVN16 Detail of eastern edge of the ditch and revetment C1167 showing scorching from Cereal Drying Kiln on eastern edge of the ditch looking north.

Figure 15: SVN16 Pit C1387 containing kiln waste to the east of the ditch edge looking north.

Figure 16; SVN17; The deposit C1494 excavated in 2017 and the pit C1471 looking east.

Figure 17; SVN17; Section through the pit C1471 at the western end of the trench (UCD School of Archaeology)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Figure 18; SVN 17 Cutting M showing two varieties of agricultural furrows, the linear boundary C1450 and an earlier pit C1488 at the end of the 2017 season of excavation (UCD School of Archaeology).

Figure 19; SVN17; Cultivation features and boundary/drain C1450/C1451 at the end of 2017 season (UCD School of Archaeology).

Figure 20: SVN14 Silver Short Cross Penny Sitric Silkenbeard E4431:1115:112

Figure 21: SVN16 C8th to C9th Gilded Copper-Alloy Harness Mount E4431:1123:652 mid- conservation

Figure 22: SVN15 Copper Alloy ringed pin, E4431:1101:172 following conservation

Figure 23: SVN15 Tr.11F Glass bead, E4431:1101:212 found in Tr.11F

Figure 24; SVN17 Jet Cross from Glendalough (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 25; SVN17; Rotary Grindstone fragment found within ditch deposits in 2017 (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 26; SVN17; Rounded shale fragment with central perforation (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 27; SVN16: Imported sherds of Minety Grit Ware from C1115 and C1372 (UCD School of Archaeology).


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Acknowledgements We are grateful to the Minister and the National Monuments Service of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for consents. We would like to thank the National Parks & Wildlife Service, especially Ann Fitzpatrick and Damian Clarke, for permits and support throughout the project. We are also pleased to acknowledge the OPW, especially Ana Dolan, for facilitating ongoing practical support provided to our work in Glendalough.

The first two weeks of this year’s fieldwork was a very successful community-based excavation initiative and we are very grateful to Deirdre Burns, Heritage Officer, Wicklow County Council and to the Heritage Council for providing the necessary funding. We are very grateful to all of our community volunteers (Table 1). We were also delighted to have a graduate volunteer Tom Meharg and three final year undergraduate volunteers Christine Brown, Andrew Fairbrother and Clodagh McPhelim who provided great assistance in excavation.

The project formed part of the UCD School of Archaeology undergraduate curriculum and we are very grateful to all of our students for their efforts and to our colleagues for assistance in the field. Thanks should also go to Dr Rob Sands, Dr Meriel McClatchie, Dr Jessica Smyth and other colleagues in UCD School of Archaeology. Particular thanks go to the Supervisor Niamh Kelly and trench assistants Wayne Malone and Mark Powers. We are very grateful to John Tierney of Historic Graves and Eachtra Archaeology who led the recording of the graveyard with students and community members working together as part of a Glendalough Community Forum initiative. We were also delighted with our post-excavation student volunteers; Orlaith Harford, Megan McGrath, William Sines, Eimear Ivory, Stephen Newe and Anna Binchy.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Volunteers on Community Excavation 2017 Field School Participants 2017 Patrick Beirne Jenine Lynch Anna Binchy Kathy Burger Gillian Marron Louis-John Bourdiol Jacinta Busher Aaron Martin Emma-Leigh Calhoun Luke Christoffsen Cormac McGrane John Ellis Jeanie Clonie Christine Melia Emma Finney Ciaran Craig Jamie Melia Sarah Galvin Chris Darcy Jason Melia Claudia Gentile Margaret Davis Darren Morrisson Natalie Hagar Aaron Doyle Maeve Murray Isabel Hanly Adam Fairbrother Derek Neilsen Orlaith Harford Dorothy Fairbrother Alex Nolan Eimear Ivory Wendy Fairbrother Scott Nolan Ben Howard Maura Fidgeon Wendy Nolan Alexandra Jimerson Emily Gallagher Aiden O'Leary Lauren Keogh Dara Golden Elizabeth O'Leary Dani Lister Mary Hargarden Barbara O'Meara John Lynch Therese Hicks Mary O'Neill Luke Maguire Mary Howard Aoife Patterson Marcus Mc Connell Orla Howley Pat Reid Megan Mc Grath Mick Hunt Caroline Sherwood- Adam Molloy Smith Anne Jones Margaret Stephens Chiara Morgan Marie Clare Kelly Cian Vanhaecke Sophie Murphy Marian Kelly Natasha White Dana Killalea Stephen Newe Christina Knight Julianne O Donovan Elise Knight William Sines Elizabeth Lewington Laura Smith Keith Woods Table 1; SVN17 Volunteers on the Community Excavation and Participants in the Field School


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Abstract This document outlines the results of an excavation undertaken in August 2017 in the immediate surrounds of the main Monastic Complex at Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. This project forms part of a long term UCD School of Archaeology research and teaching project in the Glendalough Valley. Part of the project in 2017 was a community excavation involving volunteers funded through Wicklow County Council with the support of Heritage Council.

Background In 2009 the UCD School of Archaeology initiated a broad research and teaching project focusing on the Glendalough Valley with a specific initial focus on the landscapes in the Upper Valley ( townland). The aim of this project is to integrate teaching and research in furthering our understanding of this landscape, which, despite its iconic status, has seen comparatively little recent archaeological fieldwork. This is especially unfortunate given key management challenges associated with such an important and popular landscape.

From 2009 to 2013 our work mainly focussed on the Upper Lake, and demonstrated considerable complexity to the evolution of landscape in this area. Two centuries of antiquarian, tourist, agricultural and industrial pressures have had very significant and poorly understood impact on the survival and current condition of archaeological features (Ní Chellaigh 2011). For example, in 2011 we excavated a stone cairn that supported a simple Latin cross carved in mica-schist (McDermott et al. 2011; 2012) Our excavations demonstrated that, far from being an original leacht, as was sometimes speculated (Harney 2011), the cairn was of mid-Twentieth century date. In the 2012– 2013 seasons during excavations at the caher we identified a large and early ditch associated with the monument which has no surface expression (Seaver et al. 2014, McDermott et al. 2013). In 2009 we excavated charcoal production platforms to the south of the Lake (09E0380; SMR: WI023- 029002-, 003-, 004-) and have been able to date this industry to the early modern period and demonstrate its impact on local woodlands (Warren et al. 2012). Our results are therefore demonstrating the extent to which modern archaeological investigation can transform our understanding of the Glendalough landscape.

In 2011–2012 we undertook the first geophysical survey in the surrounds of the main monastic complex (Figure 1). This has demonstrated the survival of a range of significant archaeological features, including possible industrial areas (kilns), the probable main monastic enclosure, rectangular buildings and a range of other features. This includes a ditched enclosure, which from its shape and size may represent an early enclosure (Elliott 2011; Elliott et al. 2014). A second phase I 2016 saw an enhanced magnetic and gradiometry survey of the field containing Trench 11. This improved definition of some of the features and revealed a range of others including a potential roundhouse/circular ditched structure, improved definition of a ‘C’ shaped enclosure to the south and a series of pits/kilns associated with high levels of burning (Figure 2).


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Figure 1: Interpretative plot showing results of geophysical survey at Glendalough (after Elliott 2011). This shows the ditch feature(s) (purple and light blue) and the potential rectangular structure (green) investigated in Trench 11 in 2014-17.

We have undertaken excavations since 2014 in the main monastic complex in two locations. The first focussed on excavations on a small area of the Pattern Bank which runs westwards from the gatehouse. This work (Trench 10) between 2014–5 was designed to investigate a damaged section of the bank and to facilitate its reconstruction. This uncovered a series of slumped stone slabs representing the remains of a boundary. The second location saw two trenches opened in the field to the west of the round tower to investigate potential features seen on the geophysical survey. Trench 12 revealed a series of ditch like anomalies and redeposited subsoil horizons.

Our most sustained excavation has taken place at Trench 11 which was placed over the large linear anomaly and potential rectangular structure. Between 2014–17 we have been expanding a 25 metre east-west cutting from 2m to 8m in width. These revealed a very substantial ditch with a complex of internal large pits and postholes to the east.

To the east a complex of large pits and postholes, some stone lined, were excavated. Initial radiocarbon dating suggests that the postholes were backfilled in the seventh to ninth century AD. The backfilling of one of the larger pits has been dated to the mid-11th to 12th century AD.

A north-south ditch corresponding to the high resistance geophysical anomaly measuring 8m in width was found in the centre of the excavated area. This anomaly ran north-south throughout the


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

field. The ditch contains a series of dry stone built revetments which define channels. The centre of the ditch contains a larger structure built from granite boulders revetted by schist walls. The channels on both side of the ditch were filled with alternating deposits of clayey-sand and charcoal rich silty-sands. These deposits contained C13th ceramics, burnt and unburnt animal bone, a broken rotary grindstone and a bullaun stone. It also contained earlier artefacts; a Hiberno-Norse Sitric Crux penny and a harness mount with chip carved gilt ornament of 8th–10th century AD date.

The remains of a very badly truncated kiln were found on the eastern edge of the ditch which heavily scorched the revetment stones. Radiocarbon dates indicate a late medieval date for this structure. These discoveries indicate a very significant part of Glendalough’s story which would have been impossible to arrive at through historical references only. Further excavation was clearly necessary to determine the function of the ditch and channels.

Figure 2: SVN16 Magnetic Gradiometry results from 2016 survey (Discovery Programme/Dowling 2016)

Excavation Methodology Excavations took place between 7th August and 1st September 2017 as part of the UCD School of Community Archaeology Excavations and Field School.

- Excavations were by hand except for the re-excavation of previous year’s backfill which was undertaken by closely supervised machine. All spoil was placed on plastic sheeting and the trench was partially reinstated following excavation in accordance with agreement with the National Park. Standardised sampling strategies and pro forma recording systems were utilised.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

- Finds retrieval was through excavation by trowel and where appropriate by sieving of excavated soils on site and flotation of samples during the post-excavation phase. A licenced metal detector was used as part of the excavation strategy to maximise the possibility of retrieval of any archaeological objects present in the ditch or in any other excavated soils.

Figure 3; SVN17 Sieving of soil deposits at Trench 11, Glendalough (UCD School of Archaeology)

- All archaeological contexts were individually recorded by written description, drawing and photography. - The locations and extents of all trenches and key features/finds were surveyed using differential GPS which was also used to provide control within the excavated areas.

The excavations focus on areas near recorded monuments including the Graveyard (WI023- 008014-), Ecclesiastical enclosure (WI023-008005-).


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Figure 4: SVN17 Extracts from Ordnance Survey 25” maps (Sheets W102-03 & -07) showing the locations of Trench 11 excavated in 2014–17, Trench 10 excavated in 2014–15 and Trench 12 investigated in 2014.

Trench 11

Background and Aims The excavation at Trench 11 in 2017 was focused on expanding the excavated area of the ditch from 5 to 8m north-south to facilitate;

• In 2016 we established that the ditch contained at least two channels revetted by drystone stone walls on either side of a centrally built stone rubble platform. It appeared from two excavated sondage trenches that while the eastern stone revetment was primary to the construction of the ditch the inner stone platform and stone wall may postdate the earliest ditch deposits. Was this the case? • To explore this in 2017 the trench was expanded to 8m north-south to expose the ditch and walls further, record them in detail and then to establish a 3m wide section which would require the deconstruction of the walls. This would allow us to determine their sequence of construction. The additional width would be necessary to create a ‘stepped’ section for health and safety reasons allowing no area to be more than 1.2m below adjacent ground level. The walls were rubble built and the Office of Public Works had no objection to this suggestion once the stone was retained for any future reconstruction. • The trench would be expanded to ten metres north-south at its northern end (and additional 5x5m area) in order to examine earlier settlement activity on the inside of the ditch comprising large postholes and large stone filled post pits. The postholes contained no artefactual evidence and two radiocarbon dates indicated 7th-9th centuries AD dates for charcoal within postholes. An early 11th century ringed pin found in 2015 in this area indicates continued occupation. One large pit contained a sample of charcoal dated to the


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

11th to mid-12th century AD. Limitations of time in the 2016 season meant that we could not complete excavation of the area at the east end of the site (Tr.11F). Therefore the aim in 2017 was to excavate this area and to open a new cutting (Tr.11M) to examine the character and dating of any pits and postholes recovered with a view to understanding the density of activity within the core of the ecclesiastical site.

To achieve these aims in 2017 we expanded the trench and exposed the full extent Tr.11C–F (5 x 5m and parts of Tr.11J–M (5 by 5m squares) (Figure 5) (Appendix 5.1). This is part of a planned eventual expansion of the excavated area to 30m east-west by 10m north-south.

Figure 5: SVN17: End of excavation orthoimages overview showing area excavated to date.

Results The earliest soil deposit uncovered was orange-yellow lightly compacted sandy-silt (C1102). This was a natural deposit, formed as part of a medial moraine (Coxon et al. 2012) and was uncovered in a number of areas throughout the trench.

All features were overlain by plough soil which was mid-brown clayey-silt which became noticeably darker within a depression at the centre of the trench (C1101). It ranged from 0.12m in thickness for the western 7m of the trench up to 0.40m for the central 6.5m where it overlay the ditch. It contained frequent artefacts including post-medieval ceramic (n=824), medieval ceramic (n=284), a large quantity of glass, iron objects (n=106), clay pipe (n=81), quartz (n=8) and flint (n=39). Local residents reported that the field had been cultivated for potatoes in recent times.

The sod and grass layer was 0.12m in thickness and extended throughout the trench (C1100). The backfill of the 2014–17 trench was also re-excavated (C1323).

Key archaeological features excavated in the 2016–17 seasons of excavation fall into five main groups for which we now have enough stratigraphic evidence to place in phased groups with a reasonable degree of confidence (future radiocarbon dating may refine these phases).


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

• Mid C7th– C10th AD Posthole complex to the east of the trench • C11th–C12th AD Pit complex to the east of the trench • C12th AD Construction of the ditch and sequence of stone features within it • Mid C13th to Mid C14th AD The backfilling of the ditch • C15th AD Cereal Drying Kiln and potentially pits • C18th/19th AD Cultivation features

Mid C7th– C12th Postholes and Pits Further east a complex series of large postholes and a cluster of large pits were found inTr.11E and Tr.11F (Figure 6). These were largely cut into natural deposits of sand (C1102). The most substantial pit, C1354, was found in the south-western corner of Tr.11F. They did not contain artefacts and were not immediately dateable. Many contained bone fragments and charcoal. Further excavations in Tr.11L and Tr.11M have identified features which may become postholes.

1362 C1332 C1403

C1346 Furrow C1349 C1196 C1434 C1389


C1368 C1354 C1432

C1346 C1448 C1356

C1424 Furrow C1302/1197

C1370 C1410

Figure 6: SVN17, Trench 11F showing excavated features – work focussed on examining the large pits and posthole features (UCD School of Archaeology). Careful cleaning of the cutting showed that archaeological deposits, primarily the fill of pits still remains.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

The large postholes were between 0.38–0.56m in depth and 0.43–0.65m in width (Table 2). Three had large packing schist and granite packing stones. One of these postholes previously contained charcoal C14 dated to cal. AD 651–866 (C1137 Corylus, short-lived; 1292±48 bp uncal.; UBA-30034). Charcoal from a second posthole was dated to 725–961 (C1328, fragment of Corylus nut shell, 1183+32 bp uncal.; UBA-34832). They indicate a large structure or structures built from earth fast posts

Posthole Dimensions Location Deposits Notes within

C1137 0.38 by 0.35 by Tr.11E 1136 Lined with substantial 0.43m schist packing stones

C1395 0.38 by 0.54 by Tr.11E 1394, 1408 0.55m

C1414 0.37 by 0.65 by Tr.11E 1412, 1413 Western edge 0.45m completely truncated

C1405 0.4 by 0.4 by Tr.11F 1392 Stone lining recorded in 0.45m plan

C1422 0.28 by 0.26 by Tr.11F 1403 0.06m

C1356 0.24 by 0.25 by Tr.11F 1328 Stone lined, cuts a gully 0.65m C1360

C1370 0.37 by 0.34m by Tr.11F 1369 0.39m

C1420 0.48 by 0.35 by Tr.11F 1409, 1410 0.54

C1376 0.83 by 0.51 by Tr.11F 1375 0.8

Table 2: large postholes found during excavations at Trench 11, 2014–2017.

Seven large pits were uncovered in close proximity in the southeast of the trench within squares Tr.11E and Tr.11 F 2014–2017. Although excavation in the adjacent Tr.11L & M are at an early stage two further substantial pits have been identified (Table 3). They did not contain any diagnostic artefacts and some contained burnt bone fragments and occasional charcoal. Some of these were interpreted as post pits although the increasing number of them suggest that they were part of a complex of refuse pits in the area. In 2017 we established that there is an as yet unclarified link between some of the postholes and the pits. It may be that some of the features thought to be postholes were actually charcoal rich deposits within larger pits.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Pit Grid Dimensions Deposits Note Square within

C1404 Tr.11E 1m by 0.8m by 0.16m C1363 Eastern and northern edge located beyond the baulk

C1158 Tr.11E 0.7m by 0.5m by 0.3m Originally interpreted as a post pit. in depth Filled with stone packing.

C1134/C1140 Tr.11E 1.4m by 0.98m by C1133/1141 Pit fill covered by stone deposit 0.43m in depth. C1121. Deposits filling the conjoined pit separated by an upright schist slab.

C1354 Tr.11F 1.62m NE-SW by 1.3m C1345, Sharp break of slope at top, concave E-W 0.78m in depth C1417 base. Upper deposit sealed by large schist stones. Slag fragment found within and animal bone. Basal deposit frequent charcoal and shattered schist.

C1424 Tr.11F 1.2 by 0.8m by 0.64m C1396 Southern edges beyond edge of in depth. trench 11. Upper deposits covered by large schist slabs (up to 0.5 by 0.1m). Deposit contained heavy charcoal flecking.

C1434 Tr.11F 1.18m by 1.24m by C1433 Oval rounded corners, sharp break of 0.92m slope at north, west and gradual at south, sharp break of slope at base. Undulating base. Cut by furrow C.1303, uncertain relationship with posthole C1368

C1448 Tr.11F 0.97m by 0.83 by C1435, Oval, rounded corners, sharp break of 0.66m C1449 slope at top, sharply sloping sides, concave base, truncates pit C1432. Not fully excavated in 2017. Cut through fluvio-glacial subsoil C.1102.

C1432 Tr.11F 1.4m 0.65m by 0.41m Oval rounded corners, sharp break of slope at top, vertical sides, sharp break of slope at the base, flat base. Cut to the west by a furrow C1196. Not fully excavated in 2017.

C1488 Tr.11M 0.72m by 0.92m by 1456, 1478 This sub rectangular cut has rounded 0.44m corners and is filled by C1478. C1456 (burnt layer) appears to fall into cut of this pit however the full extent of the relationship between these two contexts needs to be further explored


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Pit Grid Dimensions Deposits Note Square within

in the next excavation season

C1453 Tr.11L 0.43m by 0.7m by 1454 Elongated/oval pit feature - 0.3m 0.29m from C.1167 eastern façade. Rounded corners. Sharp break of slope at top. Vertical edges. Sharp break of slope at base. The deposit C1454 within contained frequent granite stones

C1479 Tr.11L Dimensions unclear as 1480, 1481, C1479 represents what appears to be yet – box section 1482, 1483, rather extensive pit located in close being excavated to 1484 proximity to northern baulk in trench determine extents 11L contains multiple fills. Box section opened up to investigate depth. Box dimensions 1.4m (n-s) Depth unconfirmed due to safety restrictions, 1.3m from baulk x 0.85m (east-west)

Table 3: Large pits excavated at the eastern end of Trench 11, 2014–2017

The postholes and pits were partially covered by a band of stones running southwest to northeast was excavated on the divide between Tr.11E and F (C1121). This was up to 3.8m in width and comprised rounded granite boulders and schist slabs. Some of the schist slabs were quite large. This deposit had been much disturbed through post medieval ploughing. A darker soil deposit like the ploughsoil but with far greater quantities of charcoal (C1103) overlay and was mixed amongst the stones of C1121.

C12th–C13th The ditch and its internal structures The ditch is a single cut feature (6.5m wide at north end of trench and 8m wide at south) containing a series of linear stone structures (Figure 7–10). In 2017 the ditch was bottomed at two points in sondages on the western and eastern edges in 2016. These indicated that the ditch is c. 1.1m in depth from the top of the surviving stone revetments. Starting from the west, the edge of a large ditch cut, C1164 was uncovered immediately west of the deposit C1122. A parallel ditch edge (C1166) was found cut into the natural boulder clay some 7.9m to the east.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

C1466 C1385


C1167 C1444


Figure 7: SVN17; The ditch showing the main stone features and the deposits removed at the end of the 2017 season of excavations. (UCD School of Archaeology)

The construction of the Western Edge of the ditch The western edge of the ditch was characterised by a sequence of stone built revetments which sat up against deposits of large boulders. These were in turn overlay by deposits of more tightly packed small stones consolidating the structure. Our work in 2017 has revealed that there were at least two phases of this construction.

The Western Boulder platform and revetment The earliest feature identified to date was the substantial packing of granite and quartzite stones which lay between the edge of the ditch cut and the quartzite revetment C1444 (C1175). This was set within a soft deposit of light-brown, soft sandy-silt. A small investigation of C1175 in 2015 showed that it overlay a deposit of smaller sub angular granite stones. A very large smithing hearth cake was found within the deposit, SF1368.

The western edge of the ditch was revetted by a well-built stone revetment (C1444). It was built from randomly coursed large sub-rectangular quartzite boulders and was partially exposed in 2017. Like all of the stone walls this structure was drystone built with the cavities in between packed with smaller spalls of stone lending it additional strength. At the base of, and up against this revetment within the ditch was a deposit of mid brown clayey-sand which contained very large fragments of


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

charcoal, possibly charred oak planking (C1474). A deposit of large stone boulders, predominantly of granite, were found overlying this deposit (C1437). These deposits were placed up against a newly constructed schist and granite revetment (C1163).

C1163 C1163 C1118

C1119 C1122 C1436 C1437

C1444 C1175 C1175

Figure 8; SVN16; The western edge of the ditch at the end of excavation in 2016 showing the stone revetment and principle deposits (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 9; SVN17; The western edge of the ditch mid-excavation in 2017 showing the western façade of the ditch under excavation (UCD School of Archaeology). Note the two facades C1444 and C1193 and a multitude of packing deposits of larger stones packed with small stones to the rear.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report



C1469 Central Boulder platform C1465 C1168=C1372 C1445


C1163 C1348

Revetment C1444


Figure 10; SVN17; The western end of the ditch at the end of the 2017 season of excavation looking north (UCD School of Archaeology). Revetment (C1444) at the western edge of the ditch (C1164=1166) with secondary later stone revetment C1163 with upright ranging rod and the Revetment C1348 (right of picture) after the removal of upper courses to allow for safe excavation.

A substantial drystone structure (C1163) was found on the eastern edge of this platform (Figure 7). The structure was 1.1m in height and 0.60m in width and comprised of four to five courses of quartzite and schist blocks. The upper stones comprised large flat schist and quartzite blocks larger than those in the lower courses (on average 0.50 x 0.25m). In the northern part of the trench the wall was well constructed while in the south, in the area excavated in 2015, it had partially collapsed. This structure was found to continue across the width of the 7m excavated area. Part of this structure was taken down to facilitate the recording of the dismantling of the adjacent stone deposits.

A series of successive deposits of smaller and larger stones in a matrix of dark yellowish brown sand were packed into the voids created by the large boulder fill C1175 behind the revetments (C1469, C1465, C1443, C1437 & C1463). To the west of these deposits excavations uncovered a thin linear deposit of charcoal rich-grey clayey-silt 0.02m in thickness (C1139) which covered a low north-south


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

bank of small (c. 10cm) granite & quartzite stones within a matrix of redeposited boulder clay C1118. This contained two sherds of medieval pottery (E4431:1118:131–132). The bank was 0.70m in width and 0.15m in height. These were covered by C1119, a compact grey-brown clayey-silt. This was overlain by a deposit of orange brown silty-sand (C1428). At the western edge of the ditch a further north-south alignment of stones was visible formed by a single line of granite and schist stones some of which were set at an angle (C1466). It ran the width of the excavated trench. Its relationship with the revetment sequence is yet unclear. These deposits were overlain by C1122=1114; dark charcoal- rich clayey-silt up to 0.22m in thickness.

Central platform and revetments A channel or gap of 0.8m in width separated the stone wall C1163 from a second significant stone wall C1348. This was of the same primarily stone construction as C1163 and was slightly stepped in profile. It was 0.8m in height and 0.6m in width and contained schist blocks up to (0.6 by 0.2 by 0.18m). It was set against a substantial deposit of granite boulders which was 1.5m in width (C1168=C1372). These granite boulders were up to 0.4 by 0.3m in size. Its depth could not be seen in the 2016 excavation but it could reasonably be suggested that it likely to be the same depth as the revetment wall C1163. This platform of boulders was again revetted on its eastern edge by a further schist built stone wall (C1373=C1165).

A further gap of 0.8m at the east separated this platform from a further north-south schist wall (C1385). This ran the full 5m north-south width of the trench, was 0.6m in width and 0.74m in depth (Figure 7). To the south part of this structure had collapsed (C1198) which had been uncovered in 2015. This wall included a fragmentary bullaun stone which was removed in 2017. The 2017 season of excavation showed that this central boulder platform

Eastern Revetment A further gap or channel of 1.4m separated this structure from a substantial stone revetment C1167. This feature lined the eastern edge of the ditch cut C1166 (Figure 7 and 13). It had at least four courses built from neatly placed elongated quartzite and schist blocks (up to 0.70 x 0.30m). Our excavations in 2015–7 showed that it extended the width of the ditch.

Mid C12th–Mid C13th The Backfilling of the Ditch The lower ditch fills were exposed in 2016 and 2017 within two narrow sondages. Excavation of these three metre wide sondages continued in 2017 The first was a narrow trench 3m in north-south width at the eastern end of the trench between the ditch edge C1167 and outer revetment and the inner stone wall C1198/1385 (Figure 10, Figure 11, Figure 12).


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Figure 11: SVN17 South facing section through ditch deposits showing basal deposits within the ditch between the revetment C1163 and the central boulder platform within the ditch revetted by C1348. (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 12: SVN16 North facing section at the eastern end of the trench within the ditch showing the ditch deposits between the revetment C1167 at the eastern end of the ditch and the collapsed stone wall C1198. (UCD School of Archaeology)

The earliest deposits filling uncovered within the western channel was a grey clayey-silt with very sparse charcoal flecks (C1426). This was only uncovered in a very small area and we cannot really say a great deal about it at this stage. It was earlier in date than the stone platform and walls C1163 and C1348 which were built upon it. This was overlain by a deposit of orange brown coarse sand and gravel up to 0.35m in depth (C1398). These early deposits appear to have been water lain. A sherd of


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Minety-Type ceramic was found within the upper 0.1m of this deposit (E4431:1398:671). This deposit is again poorly understood but also appeared to underlie the revetment C1163. In 2017 excavation of these deposits found that on excavation in plan there was a deposit of granite rocks and boulders in a matrix of dark-brown clayey-sand (C1445).

These deposits were in turn overlain by a thick deposit mid-brown silty-sand with sparse small stones up to 0.65m in thickness (C1391). It contained four sherds of medieval ceramic (E4431:1391:630, 663, 666–667).

Deposits of loose soil were removed from in between the stones of the revetment wall C1348 (during deconstruction of some of the stones for health and safety) which are likely to have originated from some of these backfilled deposits (C1447).

On the eastern side of the ditch the channel formed by the walls C1198 and C1167 contained several deposits which all sloped downwards from the revetment wall westwards (Figure 12). The lowest deposit was a patch of yellow medium sand (C1406). This was overlain by a mid-grey clayey-sand with sparse charcoal lumps and flecks (C1390). This deposit appeared to predate the collapsed wall face C1198. It contained a flint flake (E4431:1390:661). This was in turn overlain by yellowish grey clayey-sand which contained a significant number of flat schist slabs directly beneath the revetment wall C1167 (C1388). This suggests these deposits formed when the revetment was allowed to become degraded. This was overlain by a thick deposit of mid-brown clayey-silt with frequent small flecks and lumps of charcoal 0.25m in thickness (C1380). Artefacts found here included a trimmed schist fragment with a punched hole (E4431:1380:138), a corroded iron object (E4431:1380:416), four slag fragments (SF1804, 1806) and a burnt flint pebble (E4431:1380:684). This was covered by light brown clayey-sand with sparse charcoal flecks 0.1–0.3m in thickness which contained a corroded nail (E4431:1381:656) (C1381). This post-dated the collapse of revetment wall C1198.

In the centre of the ditch a deposit of dark-brown silty-sand with occasional charcoal flecks contained at least 60% of small schist and granite stones (C1372). It directly overlay the large granite platform in the centre of the ditch and was up to 0.26m in depth. It contained a single sherd of C12th–13th Minety Type Ware (E4431:1372:652).

This was in turn overlain by a substantial deposit of dark soft clayey-sand with frequent lenses of ash and charcoal (C1123). This contained large blocks of burnt schist (0.5m by 0.3m) in one 2 by 2m area. This deposit contained 68 sherds of pottery, primarily Cooking Ware and Dublin Type Ware with a small number of intrusive post medieval potsherds which are likely to have been within plough furrows which were not visible. A copper alloy gilded harness mount was found within this deposit in 2016 with an external clip for attachment (E4431:1123:652, Figure 21). It is likely to be of eighth century date. In 2017 excavation found a fractured rotary grinding stone which could have a wide ranging medieval date (E4431:1123:919). The deposit also contained moderate quantities of burnt bone.

A substantial deposit up to 0.50m deep of dark-brown clayey-silt with frequent flecks and lumps of charcoal and sparse smaller stones overlay the stone structures in the eastern part of the ditch C1163 (C1115). It contained a range of medieval artefacts including 64 sherds of Leinster Cooking Ware and Dublin Type Ware, five square headed nails, a piece of flint and a late 10th/early 11th century Hiberno Norse coin of Sitric (E4431:1115:112) discovered in the 2014 season.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

On the eastern side of the ditch the ditch was covered by a c. 0.10m deep charcoal rich deposit (C1116) which contained 1 quartz plough pebble (E4431:1116:111), 1 flint scraper, 3 sherds of medieval pottery and 2 iron nails along with burnt bone. The western and eastern part of the ditch was covered by two separate compact deposit of gritty sandy-gravel (C1117) that contained 47 sherds of medieval ceramic, occasional stones up to 0.12m in size, two iron nails (E4431:1117:310, 312) and an iron blade (SF1155). This deposit directly underlay ploughsoil and as such contained a range of ten post medieval pot sherds and four clay pipe stems. This deposit is interpreted as a dispersal of the stony deposit C1371 by ploughing.

The charcoal rich deposits which filled the ditch spilled outwards over its eastern edge with traces of them uncovered up to 3m west of the revetment C1163. A deposit of charcoal rich silty-sand extended to the west of the ditch (C1494=1344). In places these deposits had scorched the underlying sandy subsoil suggesting they were deposited when hot. It had been heavily truncated by a large pit. This was similar in character to the deposit C1122 immediately west of the revetment C1163.

C1480 C1451 REVETMENT C1385 C1405

C1404 C1414 FURROW REVETMENT c1319 C1395 C1167 C1158


C1380 FURROW C1387 KILN C1151 C1134

Figure 13: SVN17 Detailed photographed area of Tr.11E and the newly uncovered Tr.11K & L (rear of picture) Trench 11 showing revetment C1167, Kiln deposits and pits (UCD School of Archaeology).


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

C15th Cereal Drying Kiln and pits Cereal Drying Kiln

Immediately to the east of the ditch revetment C1167 and partially overlying it were a series of charcoal rich deposits and scorching which had been partially truncated by post-medieval plough furrows (Figure 13, Figure 14). Charred cereal grains were recovered from wet sieving on site and suggest that these features may be part of a kiln. A deposit of scorching measuring 0.9m east-west by 1.1m was found overlying the revetment edge (C1364). Immediately to the east was an oblong shaped deposit of charcoal rich soil 1m by 0.8m (C1377). This was contained within a pit 0.45m in depth and had an uneven side and base (C1387). To the east was another scorched area on the surface of the natural boulder clay measuring 0.8 by 0.4m (C1120). This potential kiln feature partially overlay the revetment C1167 and was covered by the upper ditch fill C1123 and radiocarbon dating has shown it to be late medieval in date, see discussion below (Figure 16, Figure 17). In 2017 a further deposit was excavated as part of this feature (C1431). It was located between C1446 originally thought to be a posthole and the kiln C1387 and on excavation it was clear that both were part of the same feature.

Figure 14: (Left) SVN16 Detail of eastern edge of the ditch and revetment C1167 showing scorching from Cereal Drying Kiln on eastern edge of the ditch looking north. (UCD School of Archaeology)

Figure 15: (Right) SVN16 Pit C1387 containing kiln waste to the east of the ditch edge looking north.

A further pit which may belong to this period was excavated to the west of the ditch in the northwest corner of the excavated trench in Tr.11J (C1471). It measured 1.7m east-west by 1.3m north-south and was up to 0.5m in depth. It had gently sloping sides and an uneven base (Figure 16, Figure 17). It extended beyond the northern edge of excavation. The lowest deposit was yellow brown crumbly sand (C1492). This was overlain by dark-brown clayey-sand (C1493). This was in turn covered by mid-brown silty-sand (C1470) which contained three slag fragments (S1520, S1521, S1526). This pit cut through some of the latest deposits related to the backfilling of the ditch such as C1494 which indicates that the pit is likely to date between the later medieval period and the eighteenth century when it was cut by plough furrows.


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C1494 Furrows C1111 and C1176

Figure 16; SVN17; The deposit C1494 excavated in 2017 and the pit C1471 looking east. (UCD School of Archaeology).

Figure 17; SVN 17; South facing section of pit C1471 at the western end of Trench 11 in 2017 (UCD School of Archaeology)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Unphased Features excavated or uncovered in outline in the 2017 season A series of features were uncovered in Tr.11L & M. Two large pits were uncovered as investigated through sondage trenches. A series of smaller features were also uncovered and time did not allow for their excavation. All of these features were covered in terram and covered in soil to allow for future excavation.

The first was a large pit in the northeast corner of the trench in Tr.11L which was explored through a sondage (C1480). It measures at least 1.6m in width east‐west by 1m north‐south. The upper fill were two variants of grey gritty coarse sand 0.9m in depth (C1481, C1482). This overlay a band of grey clay, 0.5m in depth (C1483). The lowest deposit uncovered was brown coarse sand (C1484). The entire feature was at least 1.4m in depth and has not been bottomed. While the approximate extents of the feature have been uncovered the true edges have still to be determined.

C1461 C1457

C1476 C1459 C1467

C1488 C1463

C1438 C1485



Figure 18; SVN 17 Tr.11M showing two varieties of agricultural furrows, the linear boundary C1450 and an earlier pit C1488 at the end of the 2017 season of excavation (UCD School of Archaeology).


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

The second was a pit examined through an excavated section in the north-eastern area of Tr.11M (C1488). It measured 0.72m by 0.92m and was excavated to a depth of 0.44m in depth. It contained dark-brown clayey-sand (C1478). It was not completed in 2017.

A circular feature, measuring 0.42m by 0.47m, was uncovered at the base of plough furrow C1438 (C1455). It was filled with silty light brown clay which was distinct from the natural sand deposits at the base of the furrow. It remains to be excavated. A further circular feature with a dark-brown deposit filling it was found at the base of the linear boundary/drain C1450 and was not excavated in the 2017 season (C1489).

Post Medieval and modern Cultivation Features Two different sets of archaeological features which appear to relate to cultivation have been excavated at Trench 11, Seven Churches, Glendalough separated by a linear boundary or drain.

• Southwest-northeast plough furrows which have been found in all excavated areas of the trench. • The boundary feature C1450=C1451 was a linear flat bottomed feature running south-south- west to north-north-east in Tr.11L & M • To the north of this boundary feature a series of southwest to northeast discontinuous linear features were excavated in Tr.11M and are likely to relate to ploughing (Figure 18).

Cultivation features group 1

The first type of cultivation features were concave in profile and on average 0.30m wide at their base and 0.50m at the top of their expression within natural subsoil (Figure 19, Table 4). They were set on average 0.60m – 1.0m apart but were even more closely spaced at the eastern end of the trench. They were filled by a variety of grey-brown clayey-silt deposits which included Blackware and Creamware sherds suggesting a terminus post-quem for the furrows of mid C18th. They were most noticeable at the western and eastern ends of the trench where they were cut through a deposit of natural boulder clay which was closest to the surface. They were less easy to see in the darker ploughsoil over the centre of the trench and some were only identifiable in section. In Tr.11L & M these furrows ended abruptly towards the northern end of the trench.

Cut of Plough Filled by Grid Artefacts Note Furrow C1107 C1106 Tr.11B 0.22m wide by 0.1m deep

C1105 1104 Tr.11B 0.22m wide by 0.8m deep

C1109 C1108=1172 Tr.11B 0.35m wide by 0.18m in depth

C1111 C1110 Tr.11C 0.7m wide by 0.2m in depth

C1124 C1125 Tr.11E 0.6m wide by 0.2m in depth

C1144 C1162 Tr.11C 0.54m wide by 0.18m in depth

C1142 C1143=1145 0.38m wide by 0.12m


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Cut of Plough Filled by Grid Artefacts Note Furrow C1151 C1154 0.36m wide by 0.14m in depth

C1144 C1162 Tr.11C 0.38m wide by 0.12m in depth

C1173=1109 C1172=1108 0.35m wide by 0.18m in depth

C1176 C1177, 0.4m wide by 0.12m in depth C1178 Not allocated C1180 Tr.11D 0.5m wide by 0.1m in depth

C1321 C1192 Tr.11F Iron bolt 0.4m wide by 0.13m in depth fragment

C1195 C1191 Tr.11F Slag 0.28m wide by 0.09m in depth fragment C1196 C1194 Tr.11F Medieval 0.5m wide by 0.18m in depth potsherd C1302 C1193 Tr.11F Iron bolt 0.4m wide by 0.12m in depth

C1319=C1125 C1317 Tr.11E 0.46m wide by 0.12m in depth

Undefined C1322 Tr.11E None 0.4m by 0.2m in depth identified in section face.

C1319 C1317 Tr.11E None 0.7m in width by 0.2m in depth

C1320 C1315 Tr.11C None 0.6m wide by 0.15m in depth

Table 4: SVN16 Plough Furrows in Trench 11 excavated in 2014–17.

At the eastern end of the trench these furrows were perpendicular to a further linear feature Tr.11M & L (C1450=C1451). This ran from west to east for 2.4m and was 0.8m in width and 0.27m in depth. It was filled by grey loose medium sand overlying greyish brown clayey-sand (C1452, C1446, C1472 & C1473). No artefacts were found within these deposits and therefore it cannot be phased. It appeared to be earlier than the furrows C1438 and C1485 and may be an earlier field drain/boundary.

Cultivation feature group 2

On the northern side of this boundary feature a further group of cultivation features were identified. This group of agricultural features were short linear discontinuous features trending from south-east to northwest. While they were recorded as separate entities it is likely that lines of them represent the same feature. They were rectangular in profile with a rounded base and were 0.7 to 1.2m in length and 0.2m in width and up to 0.2m in depth (C1457, C1476, C1459, C1461, C1463 and possibly C1467). They were filled with coarse sand and clayey-sand deposits (C1458, C1477, 1460, C1462, C1464 and C1468). No artefacts were located (Figure 18–19) within these features although they are likely to be post medieval in date.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Cultivation features; group 1

Cultivation features; Boundary /drain group 2 C1450=C1451

Figure 19; SVN17; Cultivation features and boundary/drain C1450/C1451 at the end of 2017 season (UCD School of Archaeology)

The character of the finds assemblage from Trench 11

Prehistoric artefacts

In addition to the 65 flint fragments which included chunks, flakes, blades and petit-tranchet arrowhead fragment found in 2015–2016 a saddle quern was found was found within the stones of C1120 at the western end of the site. This is likely to have been re-used in the construction of a linear stone bank. These artefacts will be subject to specialist analysis but initial impressions indicate prehistoric activity on the site.

Early medieval/Hiberno-Norse assemblage

While no early medieval artefacts have been found in their original contexts a series of finds indicate the important nature of the site during this period. The medieval ditch deposits have revealed two important artefacts. The first is a silver penny of Sitric Silkenbeard, a ‘Crux’ issue which was the first minted Irish coinage dating to 996–1000 AD (E4431:1115:112) found in 2014 (Figure 20). The second is an earlier small gilded copper alloy mount or plaque with a combination of chip carved ornament and a central oval with interlace design found in 2016 (Figure 21). It has a close parallel with one of the plaques from the Navan Harness Mount find, County Meath (Youngs 1989, 117–8). The Glendalough example is different as it has shorter arms but in common with the Navan artefact it has a short loop for attachment at the back. The Navan example is dated to the eighth to ninth century and is suggested to be of Irish manufacture. It was found as part of a range of artefacts which are likely to be part of a horse harness included in a Hiberno-Norse burial. A chip carved gilt


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

mount in the same decorative tradition, this time cruciform in form, was found at Ask, north County Wexford and was typologically dated to the eighth century. It had been buried as part of a group of pits containing cremations in a penannular enclosure located beside a standing stone (Stevens 2007, 35–48). These artefacts are rare and other examples, not as close in form to the Glendalough find, are found in County Armagh and can also be paralleled in C9th Norwegian burial mounds where mounts were likely to have been plundered from (Bourke 2003, 92–96). Two further examples of chip carved cross shaped mounts of Irish origin have been found in Somerton, Somerset and in Oxfordshire in England and are interpreted as evidence of Viking activity (PAS BERK-E067E3). The use of these chip carved horse ornaments in funerary contexts by Hiberno-Norse communities indicate that although they were insular they had a distinct significance for elites in a range of communities.

Figure 20: SVN14 Silver Short Cross Penny Sitric Silkenbeard E4431:1115:112

Figure 21: SVN16 C8th to C9th gilded copper-alloy harness mount E4431:1123:652 mid-conservation

Two other important early medieval artefacts came from the eastern end of the trench in 2015. A copper alloy polyhedral ringed pin (E4431:1101:172) has a saltire decoration in the head and a ring and shaft decorated with sets of paired incised lines (Figure 22). The top of the shaft below the collar has a series of vertical grooves banded by horizontal lines. It has close parallels with examples such as DRP80, DRP83 and DRP99 from Fishamble Street and suggest a date between the late tenth and early eleventh century (Fanning 1994, 71–76). A Disc shaped blue glass bead (E4431:1101:212) with


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

a close parallel to an example from the Scandinavian assemblage at Dunmore Cave, Co. Kilkenny (O’ Sullivan 2015, 181) were found on the edge of plough furrows and indicates a tenth century AD date (Figure 23). This corpus of four artefacts suggests close activity in the eighth to eleventh century with close connections to Hiberno-Norse culture. Two further blue glass fragments were found in 2017 within ploughsoil deposits which do not have a hole for perforation and are concave in shape (E4431:1101:852, E4431:1101:808). They may have been part of a glass setting within a fine piece of decorative metalwork.

Figure 22: SVN15 Copper Alloy ringed pin, E4431:1101:172 following conservation

Figure 23: SVN15Tr 11F Glass bead, E4431:1101:212 found in Trench 11F

A bullaun stone (E4431:1198:686) with a small concavity was found built into the wall C.1198 and was removed. A bullaun stone was also found during the excavations at Lugduff townland in 2012


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

built into one of the cross bases (Warren et al. 2013, 9). These are also of early medieval date and can be added to the known bullaun stones from Glendalough which include an important assemblage at the Seven Fonts. This category of artefacts has been thought to have strongly associated with the crushing and processing of iron ore for metallurgy (Dolan 2012–13, 53).

Figure 24; E4431:1101:789 Jet Cross from Glendalough (UCD School of Archaeology)

The excavations in 2017 produced another important artefact from the ploughsoil to the east of the ditch (Figure 24). A small jet cross with a suspension hole was recovered. It has punched ring and dot decoration on each arm and in the centre which is inlaid with a dull grey substance. XRD analysis of this revealed this substance to be tin (O’ Neill, forthcoming). Comparable artefacts have been mapped across the Britain and Ireland (Pierce 2013). They have shown a concentration in northwest Yorkshire suggesting they were made in Whitby in the Twelfth century. It has been suggested they were made to celebrate the founding of a new monastery at Whitby. The crosses are found associated with monastic sites as well as some urban locations. Outside of England and Scotland they are distributed in Ireland, Norway and Greenland all of which were located on Norse seaways. Three other Irish examples are known, excluding the excavated object from Glendalough, from High St in Dublin, from an unknown location in Antrim (Pierce 2013) and an excavated example from Newtownlow crannog (Bourke 2015, 90, Stevens 2017, 257). They are likely to be personal amulets providing spiritual protection for the bearer and once again indicate contact, perhaps through Dublin, with centres such as York in the twelfth century.

The bulk of artefacts from the ditch itself comprised 260 sherds of medieval pottery, nine iron artefacts which were primarily fixtures and fittings such as nails along with a smaller number of blades. A significant quantity of iron slag, frothy lighter metallurgical waste and a number of ceramic fragments of furnace lining indicate that iron working was carried out in Glendalough. A quartz plough pebble with striations, which would have been one of a series hammered into the mouldboard of a plough, indicates ploughing in the thirteenth century and was found in the top of the ditch deposits E4431:1116:111.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

An interim examination of the ceramic assemblage by Clare McCutcheon shows that the bulk of the medieval pottery was predominantly Dublin Type Ware and Leinster Cooking Ware. Smaller quantities of Dublin-type fineware were also found indicating a mid-thirteenth to mid-fourteenth century date. Imported pottery include a series of sherds from a Minety Grit Ware vessel from Wiltshire found associated with the boulder platform in the centre of the ditch (Figure 27). The assemblage also included sherds of Ham Green A imported from Bristol and two sherds of Saintonge from France.

Two further artefacts came from the ditch in 2017. A schist fragment had been chipped and shaped into an oval shape and was pierced by a hole (Figure 26). A similar example was found during Francois Henry’s excavations at Temple-na-Skellig at the Upper Lake, Glendalough. It is possible that these artefacts have been created by reducing down roofing materials. They are found in small numbers on many Irish excavations of early medieval to medieval date. Recent research at Tintagel has suggested that many of these objects are pot lids with holes pierced for knotted rope handles (Moffett 2017). A fragment of a rotary sandstone grindstone was also found which could be early medieval or medieval in date (Figure 25).

Figure 25; E4431:1123:919; Rotary Grindstone fragment found within ditch deposits in 2017 (UCD School of Archaeology)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Figure 26; E4431:1380:938; Rounded schist fragment with central perforation (UCD School of Archaeology)

Later Medieval and early Post medieval activity could be represented by sherds of Merida type ware from the Iberian peninsula and often brought as small pilgrim flasks and Transitional Ware. These were found within ploughsoil horizons. This small number of later medieval sherds can be added to our discovery of a late medieval kiln indicative of ongoing activity at Glendalough.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Figure 27: SVN17: Imported sherds of Minety Grit Ware from C1115 and C1372 (UCD School of Archaeology).

A range of post-medieval artefacts came from plough soil in 2014–17 including ceramics, metal objects, clay pipe stems and bowl fragments. A James II gunmoney shilling was one of the earliest dated post medieval artefacts uncovered (1689–90), E4431:1182:194. The most notable clay pipes included a bowl stamped with “UNITED TRADE ASSOCIATION DUBLIN” (E4431:1100:160) a later nineteenth century (1863–1877) nascent trade union movement (, a 1840–56 pipe bowl from Maurice Coyne, a pipe maker based on Thomas St, Dublin (Walstrom 2002, 3) and a pipe stem stamped with ‘McDougall Glasgow’ and ‘Volunteer’ likely to date to 1875–1900 (E4431:1101:894), (Sudbury 1980, 30). These pipes came from the large Glasgow manufacturer. A copper alloy pear drop handle (E4431:1101:176) from a drawer of late seventeenth to early eighteenth century in date (Wilkinson 1998, 71) was found in Tr.11F at the eastern end of this seasons excavations. The assemblage also included a lead window came from a glazed window (c. 1500–1800) with a characteristic H shaped section (E4431:1101:1057).

Discussion of Trench 11 Excavations and analysis from Trench 11 continues to shed light on the sequence of activity at Glendalough. At least seven periods of activity have been demonstrated by fieldwork to date;

• A possible Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age soil horizon with flint artefacts (see Seaver et al. 2015) • A group of postholes from which two C7th–C9th century AD dates have been derived. A gilt harness mount was found in a later context indicating high status activity in the ninth century.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

• A pit and posthole complex at the eastern end of the trench, some of which were filling in the eleventh to mid twelfth century. • A large ditch containing a series of stone platforms and stone lined channels. The earliest deposits filling this ditch in association with the stone structures dated to the mid C13th to mid C14th indicating the period when it into disuse. • Structure(s) with pits and postholes at the western end of unknown date (Seaver et al. 2016). • Truncated Kiln structure dating to the later Fifteenth century built close to the disused ditch. • C17th/C19th agricultural activity.

The range of large post-holes uncovered at the eastern end of the ditch indicate that the structure (s) they were connected to are far more extensive than would have been required for a palisade or bank construction and would appear to be much earlier than our present knowledge of the ditch phase. In 2015 we obtained a radiocarbon date from Corylus avelana from the posthole C1137 of C7th to C9th century date (UBA-30034). A second date was obtained in 2017 from a posthole which appeared to be cut into a large pit dated to 725–961 Cal AD (UBA-34832). Given that the large postholes and pits are not linked by any intervening stratigraphy they could be of broadly differing date ranges. The similarity between the Glendalough postholes would, however, suggest that they at least are contemporary. Artefacts do not lend any assistance in dating these features and further radiocarbon dates will be sought, pending permission from the National Museum of Ireland. This should allow us to establish whether they belong to this early medieval horizon. Early medieval structures using large earthfast posts are relatively unusual in Ireland where wattle built structures with shallow posts were the norm (O’Sullivan et al. 2014, 88–90).

The ninth century harness mount is an important artefact and, although it comes from a residual context, suggests a high status secular presence, who were displaying insular artefacts whose meaning was understood by Hiberno-Norse and Irish alike. The coin from the 2014 excavations (AD 997–1003) and the ringed-pin are later than the bulk of those found in two of the Glendalough hoards dated to c. AD 942 and c. 975 but earlier than the substantial Glendalough hoard of c.AD 1095 (Etchingham 2011, 218–219). Single find spots of coins combined with hoards indicate that coinage was being used at Glendalough. The peripheral zone around the Hiberno-Norse city of Dublin was an area in which coinage was relatively sparse with the exception of important large hoards of coins at Glendalough and Clondalkin (Andy Woods pers comm.).

These objects indicate a significant horizon of activity in the late tenth to mid-eleventh century. This period was related to strong patronage of Glendalough and an expansion of its dependent settlements and presumably its wealth (Mac Shamráin 1996, 148). The Dublin Norse raids of the late tenth century (AD 983) and plundering of the precinct (Termann Cóemgin) in AD 984 by rivals for the kingship of Leinster represented opposition to the growing power of the Uí Muiredaig lineage. These powerful rulers of a substantial kingdom to the west of the mountains and aspirant Kings of northern Leinster, increasingly asserted strong links to Glendalough by the early eleventh century and were styling themselves as Gilla Cóemgin or Servant of (Mac Shamráin 1996, 145). Further burning of Glendalough possibly related to this struggle took place in AD 1017. The collection of recumbent grave slabs with Latin crosses from the main complex at Glendalough also dates from this period in the eleventh century (Harney 2011, 124–126). The significant late tenth to early eleventh


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

century artefacts found during our Seven Churches excavations indicates the strength of the links between the Viking kingdom of Dublin and Glendalough.

The pit complex at the eastern end of the trench appears to date to the eleventh to twelfth century. A charred grain from the deposits filling the pit was radiocarbon dated to 1027–1156 Cal AD (UBA- 34831). None of these pits contained artefacts to date and other fragments of burnt bone, charcoal and small charred grains. Whatever their purpose the intensity of these pits indicate a densely occupied area in this period. The lack of Anglo-Norman pottery within these features indicate that they were backfilled in the time period before the disuse of the large ditch.

Our work in 2016–7 has significantly improved our knowledge of the large north-south ditch. We know now that it is wider than we previously thought, up to 7.9m east-west and that it contains a series of linear north-south boulder platforms revetted by schist stone walls. At least two channels separated these linear stone platforms and revetments. We also know that the earliest deposits which filled these channels, or perhaps even predating the revetments contained medieval pottery indicating that the feature was in use at this time. The identification of Dublin-Type Fineware indicates that this backfilling process was in the late 13th to mid-14th century. It is clearly necessary to excavate more in order to determine the sequence. The edge of the ditch and its base where encountered would appear to indicate a relatively flat bottomed straight sided and quite shallow ditch.

The most significant finding from the 2017 season is that the stone structures revetting the channels in the ditch were built in several phases. We have found that the internal channels splay outwards becoming wider from north to south. We have also established that the western revetment at the edge of the ditch was rebuilt at least once and that the central stone platform and its revetting walls were also built after the initial construction of the ditch.

Given the profile and construction of this ditch it is difficult to reconcile it with any known monastic enclosure ditches. It is increasingly possible that this ditch was part of an engineering project undertaken for another reason. One of these possibilities which must be explored is that the ditch was used for carrying water, possibly for the purposes of driving a mill sited somewhere near the break of slope.

The deposits filling the ditch following its abandonment contain substantial quantities of charcoal rich soil and ash deposits indicating that they came from hearths. Initial results of soil flotation do not indicate charred cereals and therefore this did not result from kiln heating. The iron slag within these deposits suggest iron-working within the main complex during this period. Iron-working relating to this period was found during test trenching associated with the Visitors centre to the east of the complex (Manning 1983–4, 342–7).

Little is known about the physical nature of the settlement at Glendalough outside of the principal church buildings in the twelfth to thirteenth century. By the mid twelfth century the abbey had been closely connected with the King of Leinster, Diarmait mac Murchada who was a brother in law to Archbishop Lorcan O’Toole, the son of the Uí Muiredaig King and uncle by marriage to the Thomas (MacShamhráin 1989, 86–87). Glendalough had become amalgamated with the diocese of Dublin by c. 1216 but the abbacy seems to have survived until c. 1230 (MacShamhráin 1996, 164–5). The last abbot was likely to have been Tadhc Ua Tuathail between 1228 and 1255 (MacShamhráin


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

1989, 88). By this time the whole complex was under the control of the Prior of Holy Trinity. Despite the assertion by the Archbishop of Tuam that Glendalough was waste and a ‘den of thieves’ the pottery from the excavations show continued settlement throughout the thirteenth century. The Archbishop’s comment may have been due to the tendency of Glendalough to form a centre for influential Leinster nobility, something contrary to his interests (MacShamhráin 1996, 164). The medieval pottery found during our excavations would have resulted from the population involved in the continued investment in building at Glendalough in the later twelfth to thirteenth century and the introduction and the establishment of a market in 1225–1226 where pots and products were sold. A very significant coin hoard of Henry III was found at Glendalough and indicates both substantial wealth and instability in the period 1216–1272 (Michael Kenny pers. comm.).

There is further evidence of large scale ditch construction in Glendalough in the C13th. During 2015 an archaeological assessment was undertaken in the field northeast of the road bounding the SVN16 field as a result of a planning application (Whitty and Melander 2016). These were undertaken to the rear of a nineteenth century stone cottage. The test trenches indicated a ditch running northwest to southeast for 16m which was 3.4m in width and 1.1m in depth. It included numerous sherds of Dublin Type Ware and Leinster Cooking Ware. The ditch contained frequent large granite boulders and at one point contained a drystone built schist surface interpreted as a possible access point. No further excavations took place at this location but a substantial thirteenth century ditch exists in the field and is further evidence of major groundworks during this period. The connection between this ditch structure and the large north-south ditch under excavation by the School of Archaeology is as yet unclear.

Our excavations in 2016–7 showed that the deposits C1118, thought to be part of a high magnetic anomaly originally interpreted as a larger rectangular structure (Seaver et al. 2016), were in fact connected to the western edge of the ditch rather than the structure and to date we have yet to find a convincing expression of this geophysical anomaly.

Excavations in 2016–17 have found evidence for later medieval occupation at Glendalough. The series of heavily burnt pits and charcoal rich spreads immediately east of the revetment were interpreted as the remains of a heavily truncated kiln. The heat from this kiln scorched some of the upper stones of the revetment. A grain from these deposits was radiocarbon dated to 1415–1612 Cal AD with a 97% probability that it dates within the period 1415–1493 Cal AD (UBA-34833). The increasing power of the O’Byrne and O’Tooles at this time saw them trying to resurrect the bishopric of Glendalough. In an increasing battle between the Geraldine House of Kildare and the mountain lordships the Dublin assembly banned the export or import of cereals from or to Glendalough in 1471 (O’ Byrne 2001, 244). Glendalough at this time clearly forms an important symbol of the power of the Gaelic Irish and attempts were being made to prevent food supplies being sold to it. Our kiln indicates that settlement at Glendalough at this time was involved in the production and drying of its own cereal crops. The crop assemblage from the kiln will be a useful counterpoint to compare with those from contemporary Anglo-Norman sites. Late medieval activity at Glendalough is also indicated by the presence of Transitional Ware pottery and sherds of Merida, a pottery type from the Iberian Peninsula likely to represent pilgrim activity, possibly from a flask.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Fieldwork in 2017: Overview The fieldwork in 2017 has greatly increased our knowledge of the character of archaeology in Trench 11. The increase in the duration of the excavation which resulted from community involvement along with the field school allowed significant progress in understanding the chronology and significance of the features discovered through geophysical survey and initial excavation.

Our work in 2017 has shown that there is a considerable complexity to the sequence of postholes and pits to the east of the ditch feature. Continual work in Trench 11F has shown a complex sequence of postholes and pits, some of which are intercutting. The combination of an absence of medieval ceramics and the radiocarbon dates obtained so far show that these features range from the late seventh to mid twelfth century in date. Excavations in Tr.11M has shown that, although this work is at an early stage, substantial features containing charcoal rich soil are being revealed and suggest that the intense activity in Trench 11F to the south.

The expansion of the excavated area of the ditch in 2017 has allowed us to see that the ditch feature expands from south to north as suggested by the geophysical survey. The central platform of stone clearly expands from north to south while the stone channels on either side remain the same width.

The deconstruction of the stone lining on the western side of the ditch has demonstrated that there were several phases in the construction of these structures. We already know that the central stone platform was not primary to the construction of the ditch. This indicates that the overall structure of the ditch was modified on several occasions. Our post excavation analysis shows that this was backfilled in the mid-13th to mid-14th century.

The recovery of small finds continues to demonstrate both the status and connections of the ecclesiastical site demonstrated through the discovery of the jet cross. This was the first artefact with an explicit Christian symbol to be recovered from our excavations.

Our future work plans to complete the three metre wide section through the ditch and its stone lining while keeping a very thorough record of its construction for any future conservation project. We also plan to complete the posthole and pit complexes in Trench 11F & M.

References cited: Anon Irish Labour History Society accessed September 23rd 2015.

Bourke, C (2003) ‘Three Early Medieval Mounts from County Armagh’, in Ulster Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 62, 92–96.

Bourke, C (2005) The Excavation of an Early Medieval Crannog at Newtownlow, County Westmeath, Privately published in PDF Format. Accessed through wnlow_County_Westmeath on 13/12/2017.

Coxon, P, Mitchell, F J G. & Wyse Jackson, P (2012) Wicklow in the Grip of an Ice Age. Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA), Dublin.


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Dolan, B (2012–2013) ‘Mysterious waifs of time’: some thoughts on the functions of Irish bullaun stones, Journal of Royal Society of Archaeologists of Ireland, Vol. 142–143 (2012–13) 42–58

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Elliott, I (2011) Report on Archaeogeophysical Survey (Licence No. 11R103) at Sevenchurches or Camaderry Td. Ballinacor North By., Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. Irish Geophysical and Archaeological Surveys report no.11#064, Drung, Cavan.

Etchingham, C (2011) The organization and function of an early Irish church settlement: what was Glendalough? In: Doherty C, Doran L, Kelly M (eds) Glendalough: City of God. Four Courts Press for the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin, pp 22–53.

Fanning T, (1994) Ringed Pins from Dublin. Medieval Dublin Excavations 1962–81 Series B, Volume 4. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.

Harney L, (2011) Medieval burial and pilgrimage within the landscape of Glendalough: the evidence of the crosses and cross-slabs. In: Doherty C, Doran L, Kelly M (eds) Glendalough: City of God. Four Courts Press for the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin, pp 112–136.

MacShamhráin, A (1989) Prosographica Glindelachensis: The Monastic Church of Glendalough and It’s Community Sixth to Thirteenth Centuries in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland , Vol. 119 (1989), pp. 79–97

MacShamhráin, A (1996) Church and Polity in Pre-Norman Ireland: The Case of Glendalough, Maynooth Monographs No.7.

MacShamhráin, A (2011) Uí Máil and Glendalough. In: Doherty C, Doran L, Kelly M (eds) Glendalough: City of God. Four Courts Press for the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin, pp 183–173.

Manning, C (1983–4) Excavations at Glendalough. Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society 16 (4):342–347.

McDermott C, Warren GM, Carlin N, Rice K (2013) Archaeological excavations at Lugduff Townland, Upper Lake, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow 2012: stratigraphical report. UCD School of Archaeology Report.

McDermott C, Warren GM, Ciuchini P, Colfer N (2011) Archaeological excavations at Lugduff Townland, Upper Lake, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow 2010 : stratigraphical report. UCD School of Archaeology Report.

McDermott C, Warren GM, Ciuchini P, Rice K (2012) Archaeological excavations at Lugduff Townland, Upper Lake, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow 2011: stratigraphical report. UCD School of Archaeology Report.


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Moffet, C (2017) Slate Discs at Tintagel Castle: Evidence for Post-Roman Mead production? The Antiquaries Journal, 97, pp 119–43.

Ní Cheallaigh M, (2011) From 'City of God' to a blueprint for the future: Glendalough in the nineteenth century. In: Doherty C, Doran L, Kelly M (eds) Glendalough: City of God. Four Courts Press for the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Dublin, pp 314–331.

O'Sullivan J (2015) The Viking glass beads from Dumore Cave, Co. Kilkenny in Johnson, R and Clarke, H (eds.) The Vikings and Beyond; Before and after the battle of Clontarf, Four Courts Press, Dublin.

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Seaver M, McDermott C, Warren GM, Kelly N (2014) Archaeological Excavations at Lugduff Townland, Upper Lake, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow 2013. Stratigraphical Report. Ministerial Consent C536. Excavation No. E4431. Metal Detection No. R310. UCD School of Archaeology Report.

Seaver, M, McDermott, C, Warren, Graeme, Kelly, N, (2016) Archaeological Excavations at the Monastic Complex, Sevenchurches or Camaderry Townland, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow: 2015 Stratigraphical Report. University College Dublin. School of Archaeology, 2016–06.

Stevens, P, (2007) Burial and ritual in late prehistory in north Wexford: excavation of a ring–ditch cemetery in Ask townland in O’Sullivan, J and Stanley, M. (eds.) New routes to the past, Archaeology and the National Roads Authority, Monograph Series 4. Wordwell, Bray. 35–47.

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Warren GM, McDermott, C, Rice K, Carlin N (2013) Archaeological excavations at Lugduff Townland, Upper Lake, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow 2012: stratigraphical report. UCD School of Archaeology Report

Whitty, Y and Melander, A (2016) Archaeological Test Excavation and Assessment Report “Gods Cottage”, Glendalough, C000729, E004652, R000407, unpublished report for National Monuments Service and Wicklow County Council.


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UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Appendix 1: Trench 11 Context Register 2017

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1100 Sod L 20m, Wth 2m, D 0.15-0.22mm Tr.11 Description: Sod. Mid-brown clayey-sand compacted through grass growth. Interpretation: Sod. C1101 Plough soil L 20m, Wth 2m, D 0.3m Tr.11 Description: Mid-brown, clayey-silt. Darker in places particularly over the ditch (C1166=1164) fill. 10% inclusions of angular and subangular pebbles and small stones (largely granite typically <0.11 by 0.13m). With some occasional schist). Interpretation: Post-medieval plough soil. Overlay all remaining cut features including a range of NE-SW orientated plough furrows containing artefacts of C18th–C19th date. C1102 Natural L 20m, Wth 2m, D 0.5+m Tr.11 Description: Orange-yellow sand at western end of trench - soft in compaction. Sharply contrasts with overlying deposits. It was not excavated in the 2014–16 seasons. Inclusions of sub-rounded pebbles <0.12m by 0.14m on average. At the base of larger features this deposit became coarser and stones more frequent. Interpretation: Natural fluvial deposits predating human occupation. On the terraces above the rivers within the valley. C1103 Archaeological soil L 5m, Wth 2m, D 0.2m Tr.11E Description: Dark-brown charcoal stained clayey-silt. Confined to the eastern end of the trench in and around the stones C1120. Interpretation: Medieval occupation deposit which accumulated in and under the stones C1121. C1104 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.22m, D 0.1m Tr.11B Description: Grey-brown clayey-silt with occasional charcoal flecks & small lumps. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1105. C1105 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.22m, D 0.1m Tr.11B Description: Linear, gentle break of slope at top. Concave in section. Interpretation: Cut of plough furrow with fill C1004. C1106 Furrow L 5m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.12m Tr.11B Description: Grey-brown clayey-silt with occasional charcoal flecks and small stones up to 0.12m in diameter. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1107. C1107 Furrow L 5m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.2m Tr.11B Description: Linear, gentle break of slope at top. Flat based Orientated NE-SW. Interpretation: Cut of plough furrow with fill C1106. C1108=1172=1442 Furrow L 1.9m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.18m Tr.11B Description: Grey-brown clayey-sand with occasional charcoal flecks and small stones up to 0.12m in diameter. Loosely compacted, sparse small granite stones. Diffuse boundary with overlying ploughsoil, sharp boundary with underlying natural sand. Sieved through 10mm mesh. Context was numbered C1442 in 2017 - artefacts recorded. Sheet amended in 2017. Equals C1172 and C1442. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1109=1173. C18th/19th century in date. C1109=1173 Furrow L 1.9m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.1m Tr.11B Description: Linear sharp break of slope at top, gentle break of slop at the base, concave base. SW-NE in orientation. Identified in section as earlier than furrow C1107. Interpretation: Cut of plough furrow with fill C1008=1172. Post medieval plough furrows.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1110 Furrow L 8m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.2m Tr.11C Description: Greyish brown clayey-silt with occasional charcoal flecks and small rounded field stones typically 0.05x0.1m. Loosely compacted. Diffuse boundary with overlying ploughsoil, sharp boundary with underlying natural sand. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1111. It had been cut at its southern end by a square pit C1113 - possibly a machine excavated modern pit. The plough furrows are likely to be of C18th/C19th date on the basis of artefacts found within. C1111 Furrow L 8m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.2m Tr.11C Description: NW-SE cut with gentle break of slope at top, concave base. Appeared to truncate the earlier furrow fill C1178 in section, also truncated the pit fill C1470 (sheet updated in 2017). Interpretation: Cut of plough furrow with fill C1110. Part of a sequence of plough furrows cutting natural subsoil, medieval deposits and the ditch. Likely to be C18th/C19th in date. C1112 Machine cut L 0.7m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.3m Tr.11B Description: Redeposited orange boulder clay. Interpretation: Fill of recent machine cut C1113. C1113 Machine cut L 0.7m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.3m Tr.11B Description: Rectangular straight edges. Sharp break of slope. Interpretation: Recent machine excavated pit with fill C1112. Cut through furrow C1111 with fill C1110. C1114=1122 Ditch L 0.8m, Wth 0.8m, D ----m Tr.11 Description: See C1122. Interpretation: See C1122. C1115 Ditch L 2.8mm, Wth 2mm, D 0.5mm Tr.11C-D Description: Dark-brown clayey-sand with frequent flecks and lumps of charcoal. Sparse smaller stones. Occasional large schist slabs. Confined to the western part of the ditch C1164=1166. By 2016 half of the available area of the deposit had been excavated within the trench (in a 2m wide sondage in the south of the trench). Interpretation: Fill of ditch C1164 overlying stone structure C1163 and rubble C1165 within the ditch. C1116 Ditch L 2.7m, Wth 2m, D 0.1m Tr.11C-D Description: Very dark charcoal rich band of lightly compacted clayey-sand soil within the eastern ditch. Contained animal bone and medieval ceramics. Interpretation: Upper fill of the ditch C1166=1164. C1117=1411 Ditch L 3.3m, Wth 2m, D 0.12m Tr.11C-D Description: Gritty sandy-gravel with frequent stones. Only excavated in sondage. Sharp boundary with overlying ploughsoil and underlying charcoal rich deposit C1116. Contained frequent granite and schist pebbles (typically >0.5 by 0.4cm), predominantly angular with some waterworn. Interpretation: Upper layer within ditch C1164. Consolidation of top ditch fills. Visible across the ditch width in a number of places. May have resulted from disturbance of the stony deposit C1372 which overlay the stone boulder platform C1371. C1118 Bank L 8m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.15m Tr.11C Description: Low bank orientated N-S comprising frequent small field stones typically 0.14x0.09m granite and quartzite. They are set within a matrix of orange-brown redeposited natural sand. They were overlying a light-brown band of the same width C1175. Disturbed by adjacent furrow C1144 to the west. Interpretation: Thought initially to be part of a substantial rectangular high resistance geophysical anomaly at the west end of the trench. 2016-7; this is clearly within the ditch fill and is likely to be a boulder fill behind the revetment 1163.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1119 Archaeological soil L 0.8m, Wth 0.6m, D ----m Tr.11C Description: Grey-brown reasonably compact clayey-silt to east of C1118. Uncertain relationship with C1118. It contained occasional larger stones 0.25x0.2m. It had a sharp boundary to the east with C1122 and to the west with C1175. It was exposed within the sondage only and not subject to further investigation in 2014 season. Interpretation: Deposit of archaeological significance between structure C1118 and edge of large ditch C1164. Unexcavated in 2014 season. Further investigated in the 2015 season - this deposit was 0.15m in thickness and clearly overlay C1122. In 2016 this was clearly seen to be part of the ditch. In 2017 this was removed within a 3m wide sondage - it overlay the small cobbling C1436. C1120 Hearth L 0.7m, Wth 0.45m, D 0.2m Tr.11E Description: Area of burning. Soil is reddened with concentrations of charcoal towards the western side of the area. It forms a rough semi-circle against the south facing section of the trench. Bounded by row of three stones on western side. Interpretation: Possible hearth. Area of burning on edge of posthole complex. Overlay and connected with a further deposit of burning C1152. This is likely to be linked to the kiln C1365 excavated in 2016. C1121 Stone surface L 1.9m, Wth 5m, D ----m Tr.11E Description: Two concentrations of stones mainly of mica schist, with some rounded granite rocks of various sizes located at eastern end of the trench. One runs N-S and contains nearly twice as many stones as the other which runs NW-SE. Deposit C1103 is located between the two concentrations. Interpretation: Packing around postholes which on excavation were found to underlie this part of the trench. This band of stone stretched across the site. Exposed in 2014-2016 seasons. C1122=1114 Archaeological soil L 0.8m, Wth 0.8m, D ----m Tr.11 Description: Dark-brown clayey-sand, sparse small granite stones, loosely compacted, frequent small flecks and lumps of charcoal. Sharp boundary with overlying ploughsoil and underlying stones C1466 and C1428. Sieved through 10mm mesh. Located between deposit C1119 and the stones of the large stone wall C1163 in ditch C1164. A 3m wide area of this deposit was excavated in 2016-17. It overlay the stony bank C1118 and the linear stone boundary C1466 as well as the stone deposit C1428. Interpretation: Deposit of archaeological significance close to ditch between C1119 and C1163. Found in 2016 to be within the ditch close to its western edge - not excavated in 2016. Excavated in 2017 in a 3m wide section in the centre of C/D. Artefacts indicate it is medieval in date with one possibly intrusive post medieval pot sherd. C1123 Ditch L 5.6m, Wth 5m, D 0.5m Tr.11 Description: Dark, soft, clayey-sand with frequent lenses of ash and charcoal and occasional large blocks of schist 0.5x0.3m. It overlay the stone revetment feature C1167 and was separated from ditch fill C1115 by the central stone structure C1165=1373. Interpretation: Upper fill of ditch C1166=1164 on eastern side of the ditch. Part of a sequence of deposits of alternating charcoal rich soil and lighter 'cleaner' clayey-sand which may have resulted from dumping from the adjacent kiln activity. Medieval pot sherds indicate the likely dating. C1124 Furrow L 0.8m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.2m Tr.11 Description: Clayey-silt with occasional charcoal flecks. Interpretation: Fill of furrow C1125. Same as C1324. C1125 Furrow L 0.8m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.2m Tr.11 Description: Linear N-S furrow, gentle break of slope at top and base with concave profile. Only noted within the sondage as highly visible against the natural C1102. Interpretation: Cut of furrow filled by C1124. C1126 Posthole L 0.12m, Wth 0.12m, D 0.15m Tr.11B Description: Dark black-brown sandy-silt with frequent small flecks and lumps of charcoal. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1179.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1127 Posthole L 0.11m, Wth 0.15m, D 0.18m Tr.11B Description: Mid-brown sandy-silt with occasional charcoal flecks. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1128. C1128 Posthole L 0.11m, Wth 0.15m, D 0.18m Tr.11B Description: Cut with sharp break of slope at top and bottom, flat base. Interpretation: Posthole with fill C1127. Part of complex of features at west of trench. C1129 Stakehole L 0.07m, Wth 0.08m, D 0.2m Tr.11B Description: Dark black-brown clayey-sandy-silt with frequent small flecks and lumps of charcoal. Interpretation: Fill of stakehole C1130. Located at western end of trench. C1130 Stakehole L 0.08m, Wth 0.08m, D 0.2m Tr.11B Description: Stakehole, sharp break of slope at top, concave base. Interpretation: Stakehole with fill C1129. Located at western end of trench. C1131 Posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.24m, D 0.4m Tr.11B Description: Mid-brown sandy-silt with sparse small rounded stones and occasional flecks and larger pieces of charcoal. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1135 in complex of posts and stakes at western end of trench. C1132 Posthole L 0.69m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.35m Tr.11E Description: Mid-brown clayey-silt with occasional flecks and lumps of charcoal and small stones. Truncated by the furrow C1125. Interpretation: Fill of large posthole C1146. C1133 Posthole L 0.8m, Wth 0.68m, D 0.43m Tr.11E Description: Redeposited orange natural (30%) in patches within darker loose sandy-clay with sparse charcoal flecks and lumps. Contained 10% small granite stones 0.14m in diam. Interpretation: Fill of post pit C1134. A large schist slab 0.3x0.33M separated it from fill C1141 of post pit C1140. C1134 Posthole L 0.8m, Wth 0.68m, D 0.43m Tr.11E Description: Large cut, sharp break of slope on eastern side at top, slightly gentler on western side. At the base of the pit was a further rectangular slot measuring 0.6m NE-SW and 0.2m NW-SE and 0.6m in depth. Interpretation: Post pit with fill C1133 and possible rectangular plank slot at base. Separated from contemporary post pit C1140 by a schist slab 0.30x0.33m. C1135 Posthole L 0.8m, Wth 0.68m, D 0.43m Tr.11E Description: Large cut, sharp break of slope on eastern side at top, slightly gentler on western side. At the base of the pit was a further rectangular slot measuring 0.6m NE-SW and 0.2m NW-SE and 0.6m in depth. Interpretation: Post pit with fill C1133 and possible rectangular plank slot at base. Separated from contemporary post pit C1140 by a schist slab 0.30x0.33m. C1136 Posthole L 0.38m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.43m Tr.11E Description: Mid-brown silty, sandy-clay with frequent and small lumps of charcoal. Interpretation: Fill of post pit C1137. Part of complex of features at SE corner of trench. C1137 Posthole L 0.38m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.43m Tr.11E Description: Rectangular with straight edges, sharp break of slope, lined with two large schist slabs and a further stone on the N side. The southern limit of the context extended beyond the limit of excavation. Interpretation: Large post pit with stone lining containing fill C1136. Part of complex of features at SE corner of trench. C1138 --- L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11 Description: Unallocated. Interpretation: Unallocated. C1139 Bank L 2m, Wth 0.5m, D 0.02m Tr.11C Description: Thin lens (0.02m in max thickness) of grey clayey-silt with frequent lumps of charcoal. Located on top of bank C1118 and partially truncated by furrow C1144. Interpretation: Possible charred timber over the bank C1118.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1140 Posthole L 0.7m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.3m Tr.11E Description: Oval cut with gentle break of slope at top and gentle break at base. The southern side of the base of the feature was not fully excavated and the schist slab was left in situ. Interpretation: Post pit with fill C1141 contemporary with post pit with C1134. Separated from contemporary post pit C1140 by a schist slab 0.30x0.33m. C1141 Posthole L 0.7m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.3m Tr.11E Description: Redeposited orange natural (30%) in patches within darker loose sandy-clay Contained sparse flecks of charcoal and burnt bone and a flat small flat schist slab at base. Interpretation: Fill of post pit C1140. A large schist slab 0.3x0.33m separated it from fill C1133 of post pit C1134. C1142 Slot L 1.59m, Wth 0.38m, D 0.24m Tr.11E Description: Curvilinear slot running SE-NW at the eastern end of the trench. It had a concave base and gentle breaks of slope on SE end. The relationship with cuts C1134 & C1140 was unclear. Interpretation: A curving slot trench with fill C1143. It was unclear whether it pre- or post- dates post pits C1134 & C1140. C1143=1145 Slot L 1.59m, Wth 0.38m, D 0.12m Tr.11E Description: Dark-brown charcoal stained clayey-silt (30%) with a large number of small to medium granite stones (70%) averaging 0.14x0.15m in size, many of which were burnt or fire reddened. Interpretation: Fill of curving slot C1142. C1144 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.54m, D 0.18m Tr.11C Description: A linear NE-SW cut with gentle break of slope at top and concave in profile. May have cut through the stone deposit C1118. Further excavated in 2017, truncated the burnt deposits C1344=1494 and appeared to cut the fills C1470 of the pit C1471. Interpretation: Furrow containing fill C1162. Plough Furrow of C18th/C19th date. C1145=1143 Furrow L 1.59m, Wth 0.38m, D 0.12m Tr.11E Description: Dark-brown charcoal stained clayey-silt (30%) with a large number of small to medium granite stones (70%) averaging 0.14x0.15m in size, many of which were burnt or fire reddened. Interpretation: Fill of curving slot C1142. C1146 Posthole L 0.42m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.35m Tr.11B Description: Large cut, sharp break of slope at top, concave base. Truncated by furrow C1125. Interpretation: Large posthole with fill C1132 located at east end of trench. The western edge was heat affected probably by activity associated with the nearby kiln remains. C1147 Posthole L 0.15m, Wth 0.13m, D 0.22m Tr.11B Description: Oval cut with sharp break of slope at top on the western edge and gentler on the east. Sharp break of slope at base on western side, gentle at east. May have been truncated by the gully C1151. Interpretation: Posthole with fill C1148=1153 located south of C1128. C1148=1153 Posthole L 0.22m, Wth 0.22m, D 0.14m Tr.11 Description: Light orange-brown clayey, sandy-silt with sparse flecks of charcoal. Interpretation: Equals C1153. Fill of posthole C1147. C1149 Stakehole L 0.09m, Wth 0.07m, D 0.2m Tr.11B Description: Mid-brown clayey, sandy-silt with sparse charcoal flecks and small pebbles. Interpretation: Fill of stake hole C1160 located at W end of trench. C1150 Stakehole L 0.1m, Wth 0.1m, D 0.25m Tr.11B Description: Dark-brown clayey-silt with occasional small stones and charcoal flecks. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1161 located at W end of the trench. C1151 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.36m, D 0.14m Tr.11B Description: Linear cut running NE-SW across the E end of the trench. It had irregular scalloped edges varying from sharp to gentle breaks of slope. Interpretation: Gully with fill C1154. Thought to be the base of a slot trench. Latterly interpreted as a furrow.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1152 Posthole L 0.22m, Wth 0.26m, D 0.12m Tr.11E Description: Fill of a concave feature comprised charcoal rich soil. The underlying natural was scorched in places. Interpretation: Heavily burnt fill of possible posthole C1181. Possibly part of the kiln complex close to the ditch edge. C1153=1148 Posthole L 0.22m, Wth 0.22m, D 0.14m Tr.11E Description: Light orange-brown clayey, sandy-silt with sparse flecks of charcoal. Interpretation: Equals C1148. Fill of posthole C1147. C1154 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.36m, D 0.14m Tr.11E Description: Dark-brown sandy-clay with frequent flecks and small lumps of charcoal. Very similar to C1103. Interpretation: Fill of gully C1151. May be the base of a slot trench. Contemporary with structure at eastern end of trench. Excavation in 2016 showed that this was a furrow. C1155 Burnt deposit L 0.28m, Wth 0.2m, D ---m Tr.11E Description: Area of charcoal and scorching around the base of the post C1152. Interpretation: Evidence of in situ burning around wooden structure. C1156 Burning L 0.3m, Wth 0.45m, D ---m Tr.11E Description: Discrete patch of heavy scorching on the surface of natural boulder clay C1102. Located between hollow C1157. Burning and posthole C1137. Interpretation: Evidence for in situ burning perhaps contemporary with C1152 and C1170. C1157 Hollow L 0.5m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.08-0.12mm Tr.11E Description: Irregular oval hollow with gentle breaks of slope at top and base. Adjacent to scorching C1156 to the E. Interpretation: Irregular hollow caused by stone removal or similar. Filled by overlying deposit of stones C1121 intervening soil C1103. C1158 Posthole L 0.7m, Wth 0.5m, D 0.3m Tr.11 Description: Cut feature oval to sub-rectangular in shape with sharp break of slope at top, gentle at the bottom and a concave base. Interpretation: Posthole with fill C1159 located at the E end of the trench. Likely to be a stone packed posthole associated with post pit C1134 and related features. C1159 Posthole L 0.4m, Wth 0.2m, D 0.3m Tr.11 Description: Dark-brown silty-sand with inclusions of redeposited natural (20%) and schist blocks and slabs 0.15m in width. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1158 located at E end of trench. Likely to be a stone packed posthole associated with post pit C1134 and related features. C1160 Stakehole L 0.09m, Wth 0.07m, D 0.2m Tr.11B Description: Oval cut with sharp break of slope at top. Interpretation: Stakehole containing fill C1149 located at W end of trench. C1161 Stakehole L 0.1m, Wth 0.1m, D 0.25m Tr.11B Description: Stakehole, sharp break of slope at top, concave base. Interpretation: Stakehole with fill C1150 located at the W end of the trench. C1162 Furrow L 8m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.2m Tr.11 Description: Mid-brown clayey-sand with lumps of redeposited orange boulder clay. Contains frequent rounded stones 0.15x0.18m which may have been disturbed from C1118. Contained sparse charcoal lumps and flecks. Further excavated in 2017 - sieved through 10mm mesh. Diffuse boundary with overlying ploughsoil, sharp boundary with underlying natural orange sod. Interpretation: Fill of furrow C1144 - probably cutting the bank C1118. See interpretation of C1144.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1163 Stone structure L 0.8m, Wth 0.5m, D 0.7m Tr.11 Description: Large collapsed stone structure at a 45° incline on W side of ditch C1164. The western edge was evident on the surface through two large schist blocks 0.5x0.25m and 0.4x0.4m. The whole structure was uncovered 0.5m E-W x 0.8m N-S. There was no external face to the structure which in the sondage was exposed to a depth of 0.70m below the top of the ditch and contained frequent voids. No mortar. Interpretation: Stone structure within the fill of ditch C1164. C1164 Ditch L 2m, Wth 5m, D 0.7m Tr.11 Description: Large cut partially excavated in the sondage. The W edge was not established as is behind stone structure C1163 and it was a minimum of 3.2m wide E-W extending the edge of stone structure C1165. Interpretation: Large ditch containing fills C1115, stone structure C1165, wall C1163 and rubble C1168. May be the same as ditch C1166. C1165=1373 Wall L 0.8m, Wth 0.5m, D 0.4m Tr.11 Description: Substantial stone structure uncovered in the centre of the overall large ditch created by C1164 and C1166. Very large schist blocks 0.7x0.25m aligned N-S the similar to C1163. No mortar. Interpretation: Stone structure at centre of ditches C1164 and C1166. Same as C1373. C1166=1164 Ditch L 2m, Wth 5m, D 1.42m Tr.11 Description: Large cut partially excavated in the sondage. The E edge was not established as is behind stone structure C1167 and it extended 4m E-W to the edge of stone structure C1165. Interpretation: Large ditch containing fill C1123 and defined by stone structure C1165 along its western side and C1167 along the eastern face. Is the same as ditch C1164. C.1167 Revetment L 0.8m, Wth 5m, D 0.5m Tr.11E Description: Two courses of large schist blocks 0.7x0.3m set neatly on top of each other without any bonding. It was set at a 30° incline into the eastern edge of ditch C1166. It was partially exposed for 0.8m N-S and 0.4m E-W within sondage and two further courses visible while recording. 2016 showed that it was six courses in depth exposed in 1m wide sondage. Interpretation: Stone wall revetment on eastern side of ditch C1166. C1168 Ditch L 0.8m, Wth 1.2m, D ---m Tr.11D Description: Stone rubble uncovered in the sondage within ditch C1164 west of the central structure C1165. Comprised of large quartzite blocks (average 0.3x0.5m) and some broken schist slabs (average 0.4x0.6m). The lower levels were not exposed during excavation. Interpretation: Collapsed rubble from structure formed by C1163 and C1165. C1169 Archaeological soil L 5m, Wth 2m, D 0.1-0.25mm Tr.11B Description: Light- to mid-brown clayey-sand with frequent charcoal flecks and orange iron and manganese mineral inclusions. There are mineralised roots within the soil. It contained occasional small rounded stones (5%) typically 0.08m in diameter which were particularly concentrated to the west of the cutting. It contrasted with the much brighter orange silty-sand natural C1102. Partially excavated to a depth of 0.04m in some locations. Soil horizon was further investigated in 2015 season found to be 0.10 and 0.25m in depth. Contained flint flake SF1313, SF 1350, SF 1345, SF 1352, SF 1376, SF1366. Interpretation: Soil horizon within potential structure indicated by high resistance in geophysical survey. Cut by multiple furrows and stake and postholes. This soil is a B-horizon; a soil profile which has been leached out containing accumulated organic material and minerals. C1170 Archaeological soil L 0.4m, Wth 0.1m, D 0.2m Tr.11E Description: A low berm of reddish sandy-silt with frequent charcoal associated with C1152 and cut by furrow C1125. It was located to the east of wall C1167. Interpretation: Scorching and in situ burning partially overlying fill C1132 of posthole C1146. C1171 Stone deposit L 0.5m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.1m Tr.11B Description: Cluster of small rounded stones averaging 0.08m in diameter set into C1169 close to NW end of trench. Interpretation: Possible metalling set into soil horizon C1169. Not fully investigated in 2014 season.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1172=1108=1442 Furrow L 1.9m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.18m Tr.11 Description: Grey-brown clayey-silt with occasional charcoal flecks and small stones up to 0.12m in diameter. Equals C1172 and C1442. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1109=1173. C1173=1109 Furrow L 1.9m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.1m Tr.11 Description: Linear sharp break of slope at top, gentle break of slop at the base, concave base. SW-NE in orientation. Identified in section as earlier than furrow C1107. Interpretation: Cut of plough furrow with fill C1008=1172. C1174 Archaeological soil L 0.1m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.1m Tr.11 Description: Thin lens of redeposited orange boulder clay at eastern edge of the trench. Interpretation: Redeposited natural boulder clay- did not appear to be fill of feature. C1175 Archaeological soil L 0.84m, Wth 0.72m, D ---m Tr.11C Description: Light-brown soft sandy-silt with a clear border with the underlying natural boulder clay. Not further investigated in 2014. In 2015 it was found to contain a large smithing hearth cake in a small area excavated. Interpretation: Underlying stone bank C1118. Possibly related to the structure indicated by the high resistance anomaly. In 2015 it seems more likely to have been a fill of the main enclosure ditch. C1176 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.12m Tr.11 Description: Shallow linear cut with a concave profile orientated NE-SW. Gentle break of slope at west (top) and gentle at base, sharp break of slope on eastern side (top and base). Possibly truncated by furrow C1111 further south in Tr.11C (interpreted in section). Interpretation: Furrow with fill C1177. Post medieval in date - part of a sequence of plough furrows likely to have been created over several ploughing seasons in the late C18th/19th century. C1177 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.12m Tr.11 Description: Grey-brown clayey-sand with occasional small rounded granite stones. Sparse inclusions of small charcoal flecks. Diffuse boundary with overlying ploughsoil, sharp boundary with underlying furrow base within natural orange sand. Interpretation: Fill of furrow C1176 - Post medieval in date appeared to have been cut by a further furrow C1111. Part of a closely spaced group of NE-SW plough furrows. C1178 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.1m Tr.11C Description: Brown clayey-silt overlying fill C1177 of furrow C1176. Bounded on the western side by furrow C1111 and truncated on the western side by furrow C1144. Interpretation: Plough soil deposit. C1179 Posthole L 0.12m, Wth 0.12m, D 0.15m Tr.11E Description: Cut with sharp break of slope at top and base, U-shaped in profile. Truncated at top by the furrow/gully C1125. Interpretation: Small posthole with fill C1126 close to much larger posthole C1146 on eastern edge of the large ditch. C1180 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.86m, D 0.11m Tr.11 Description: Grey-brown clayey-silt. Interpretation: Fill of furrow cutting through the top of the ditch deposits. Only recognised with cleaning of section. C1181 Posthole L 0.25mm, Wth 0.2mm, D 0.08mm Tr.11 Description: Oval shallow cut with concave base, gentle break of slope at top and base. Interpretation: After excavation was realised that it may be the base of a posthole with fill C1152. C1182 Topsoil L 20mm, Wth m, D m Tr.11 Description: Backfill from 2014 season. Interpretation: Backfill from 2014 season.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1183 Stone surface L 3mm, Wth 2.5mm, D 0.1m Tr.11B Description: Cobbling underlying ploughsoil in north of Tr.11B. Mostly rounded but some angular cobbles, largely granite with 2% schist. Typical dimensions 0.09m by 0.05m. It was cut by the plough furrow C1107 and also C1105. Interpretation: Stone cobbling within Tr.11B. Disturbed and uneven surface probably exacerbated by N-S ploughing. It overlay the much more tightly packed linear stone surface C1310. C1184 Ditch L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11 Description: Same as C1117. Interpretation: Same as C1117 see SVN14 description. C1185 Ditch L 0.6m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.1m Tr.11D Description: Mottled orange brown compact sandy-silt. Sparse charcoal inclusions. No significant stone content. Sharp boundary with overlying and underlying deposits. Interpretation: Patch of redeposited subsoil within the ditch fills. Similar in appearance to 1381, fully excavated in 2016. C1186 Fill of posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.25mm, D 0.2mm Tr.11B Description: medium light grey-brown loose crumby sand deposit with gravel inclusions throughout (moderate) and large subangular (4x6cm - 5x10cm) within round and flat schist stone (0.13 x 0.15m) located on the base of the cut. Interpretation: Single fill of posthole C1301. Feature not fully excavated as was at northwest corner of the baulk. C1187 Fill of posthole L 0.6m, Wth 0.33m, D 0.16m Tr.11B Description: Reddish-brown crumby medium sand - loose compaction. Moderate stone inclusions throughout (6mm to 20mm) and frequent charcoal flecks. Contained small quantity of burnt bone. Interpretation: Charcoal rich deposit (single) within oval pit feature C1197. C1188 Fill of posthole L 0.23m, Wth 0.18m, D 0.12m Tr.11B Description: Light grey-brown loose crumby medium-sand with gravel (granite) inclusions (less than 10%) throughout with larger stones (subangular). Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1305. C1189 Cut feature L 0.18m, Wth 0.18m, D 0.06m Tr.11B Description: Light grey-brown crumby medium sand occasional subangular stones. Interpretation: Stone socket resulting from cobble uprooted by ploughing. C1190 Fill of posthole L 0.56m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.16m Tr.11B Description: Dark grey loose silty-sand with moderate gravel inclusions throughout (less than 10% - 0.06mm-0.2mm). Oval in plan. Occasional flecks and small lumps of charcoal. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1199. C1191 Furrow L 6m, Wth 0.28m, D 0.09mm Tr.11F Description: Mid-brown clayey-sand with some limps of charcoal and small pebbles. Diffuse boundary with overlying ploughsoil C1102 - sharp boundary with underlying subsoil C1107. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1195. C1192 Furrow L 2.6m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.13m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown clayey-silt with moderate small flecks of charcoal - clear boundary with the overlying C1102 which separated it from the adjacent furrow fill C1193. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1321. C1193 Furrow L 3.6mm, Wth 0.4m, D 0.12m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown clayey-silt with moderate flecks and frequent lumps of charcoal and occasional small pebbles. Sharp upper boundary with plough soil but poor lower boundary with potential underlying feature. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1302.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1194 Furrow L 6.2m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.08m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown clayey-sand, frequent small flecks of charcoal flecks, frequent small pebbles and occasional granite rounded stones c. 0.06m diameter. Diffuse boundary with ploughsoil C1102. Sharp boundary with subsoil C1107. Interpretation: Fill of furrow containing C1196. C1195 Furrow L 5mm, Wth 0.2m, D 0.12m Tr.11F Description: Explored in a single section, linear, no corners, sharp break of slope at top, gentle break of slope at base, the cut was orientated N-S. Interpretation: Cut of furrow containing C1191. C1196 Furrow L 5m, Wth 0.5m, D 0.18m Tr.11F Description: Explored in a single section, linear, no corners, sharp break of slope at top, gentle break of slope at base, the cut was orientated N-S. Interpretation: Cut of furrow containing C1194. C1197 Posthole L 0.46m, Wth 0.3m, D 0.17m Tr.11B Description: Oval pit with rounded corners with concave sides, tapered rounded base. Cut through C1169 into the subsoil. Interpretation: Cut of posthole filled by C1187. C1198 Ditch L 2mm, Wth 1.4m, D 0.62m Tr.11D Description: Large deposit of angular granite (80%) and angular schist (20%). One large schist slab 0.8m by 0.2m by 0.5m. Interpretation: Not excavated in 2015 season. In 2016 this was seen to be the collapsed face of a wall C1385. C1199 Pit L 0.61m, Wth 0.27m, D 0.16m Tr.11B Description: Oval pit with rounded corners a gradual break of slope at the top, concave sides and a concave base. The base sloped slightly from S-N. Interpretation: Cut of rounded pit filled by C1190. Only 50% excavated as it ran into the western edge of Tr.11B. C1300 Fill of posthole L 3.8m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.15m Tr.11B Description: Grey brown silty-sand with 3-4% of small lumps of charcoal no larger than 1cm across. 15-20% of small angular and water rolled pebbles no larger than 5cm across. Clearly defined boundaries with overlying ploughsoil and surrounding soil deposit C1169. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1311. C1301 Posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.2m Tr.11B Description: Circular feature in the north-western corner of Tr.11B. It had a sharp break of slope at the top, vertical sides and concave base. The western and northern extents of the feature remain to be defined as it was outside the confines of the trench. Contained quartz chip SF.1378. Interpretation: Substantial post hole filled by C1186. C1302 Furrow L 1.8m, Wth 0.2m, D 0.11m Tr.11F Description: Explored in a single corner of trench. Linear, no corners, sharp break of slope at the top, straight sides and gentle break of slope at the base. Interpretation: Plough furrow filled by C1193. C1303 Cut feature L 0.6m, Wth 1.2m, D 0.12m Tr.11B Description: Mid-brown clayey-silt with occasional small lumps and flecks of charcoal. No significant stone content found within. Top of deposit found at 136.18m OD. Interpretation: Fill of cut feature C1307. C1304 Redeposited natural L 2.4m, Wth 0.6m, D ---m Tr.11F Description: Orange redeposited subsoil in the north-western corner of Tr.11F. Occasional charcoal flecks and small lumps. Sparse small granite stones. Sharp boundary with overlying plough soil. Interpretation: Redeposited subsoil in Tr.11F - unexcavated in 2015 season.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1305 Posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.19m, D 0.18m Tr.11B Description: Oval posthole with rounded corners gradual break of slope or gradual on northern and southern sides and sharp on western and eastern sides. The sides sloped gradually on northern and southern sides and were vertical on western and eastern side. The feature had a concave base. Interpretation: Posthole filled by deposit C1188. C1306 Cut feature L 0.47m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.18m Tr.11B Description: Deposit of tightly packed small subangular pebbles which filled C1307. Average size of stone 0.09m x 0.05m. They were mostly angular schist and c. 20% rolled granite. Tightly packed - exposed 50% within the sondage. Interpretation: Stone deposit on base of C1307. C1307 Cut feature L 0.9m, Wth 1.2m, D 0.16m Tr.11B Description: Linear to sub-oval cut feature found in sondage underlying deposit C1169. Sharp break of slope on eastern and western edges - very irregular western edge. It was cut through the orange sandy subsoil C1102. Interpretation: Cut feature underlying the B horizon. C1308 Archaeological soil L 0.24m, Wth 0.25m, D ---m Tr.11 Description: Charcoal rich irregular patch of soil unexcavated in 2015. Located on a raised N-S ridge on the western side of Tr.11F. Feature excavated in 2016. Mid ex. reveals burnt spread of loose sandy-silt, black charcoal rich soil with large stone inclusions. Only charcoal deposits emerging from sieving. Loosely compacted, irregular shape, overlying the upper fills of pit C1424. Under C1101 and over C1102. Interpretation: Charcoal rich deposit in the SW corner of Tr.11F. 2016 interpretation-burnt spread overlying large pit C1424. C1309 Fill of posthole L 0.3mm, Wth 0.3mm, D ---m Tr.11B Description: Light grey loose crumby medium sand with frequent small flecks and small lumps of charcoal. Interpretation: Fill within posthole C1309. Depth unknown as unexcavated in 2015 season. C1310 Stone structure L 3.7m, Wth 0.82m, D ?m Tr.11B Description: Linear cobbling, closely packed rounded granite stones typically 0.15m by 0.12m. Arcing in a NW-SE direction across the trench. Cut by the plough furrow C1107. This cobbling was more tightly packed than the overlying C1183. Interpretation: Linear cobbled feature - possibly contemporary with posthole complex including C1188. C1311 Posthole L 0.27m, Wth 0.24m, D 0.27m Tr.11B Description: Oval, rounded corners, sharp break of slope, straight sides and concave base, not inclined, not truncated. Interpretation: Posthole cut through B horizon C1169 and filled by C1300. C1312 Archaeological soil L 1.2m, Wth 0.45m, D ---m Tr.11F Description: Mottled orange grey sandy-silt cut by the plough furrows C1196 and C1195 in the south of Tr.11F. Sparse charcoal flecks visible on the surface along with sparse small pebbles. Contained 4 small slag fragments SF1387. Interpretation: Not excavated in 2015 season. C1313 Archaeological soil L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11F Description: Mid-brown sandy-silt between furrows C1196 and C1195. Interpretation: Unclear. C1314 Archaeological soil L 2m, Wth 2.2m, D 0.1m Tr.11C Description: Mottled orange grey medium sand identified in the north facing section. Occasional charcoal flecks, sparse small pebbles. Sharp boundary with overlying and underlying deposits. Projected over the edge of the ditch. Interpretation: Deposit overlying natural subsoil C1102 and ditch deposit C1318 on the western side of the ditch.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1315 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.2m Tr.11C Description: Dark-brown sandy-silt with occasional charcoal flecks and sparse small pebbles. Sharp boundary with overlying ploughsoil deposit and underlying C1314. Interpretation: Fill of furrow C1320. C1316 Archaeological soil L 2m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.23m Tr.11E Description: Grey brown sandy-silt at the rear of the revetment C1167. Contained 20% redeposited subsoil. Small flecks and occasional lumps of charcoal. Sharp boundary with upper furrow deposit and with natural subsoil 1102. No stones or pebbles. Interpretation: Fill at the rear of the revetment C1167 on the eastern side of the ditch. C1317 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.46mm, D 0.2m Tr.11E Description: Dark-brown sandy clay - sparse charcoal flecks. At 16.2m from Grid Peg 1. Diffuse boundary with ploughsoil C1102, sharp boundary with underlying deposit C1316. Sparse small granite pebbles. Located on the eastern edge of the ditch at 18m east of grid peg 1. Likely to be the same as C1124 recorded in 2014. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1125. C1318 Ditch L 2m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.31m Tr.11C Description: Dark-brown loosely compacted clayey-silt - sparse charcoal flecks and small pebbles. Sharp boundary with overlying deposit C1314, diffuse boundary with C1115. Observed in north facing section. Interpretation: Fill of ditch abutting large linear stone rubble. C1319 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.2m Tr.11E Description: Concave, linear, sharp break of slope at eastern edge, sharp break of slope at break. Interpretation: Cut of plough furrow filled by C1317. C1320 Furrow L 2m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.15m Tr.11E Description: Concave linear cut with gentle break of slope at top and imperceptible break of slope at base. Interpretation: Furrow cutting through ditch fill of C1167 - may be the same as C1180 recorded in 2014 season. Visible of south facing section. C1321 Furrow L 2.6m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.13m Tr.11E Description: Single slot dug through furrow, eastern side of furrow beyond the edge of excavation. Linear, no corners, sharp break of slope at top, gentle break of slope at base. N-S orientation. Interpretation: Plough furrow filled by C1192. C1322 Furrow L ?m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.2m Tr.11E Description: mid-brown sandy clay filling slight concave hollow identified in north facing section. Interpretation: Possible fill of plough furrow - only identified when marking out the north facing section for drawing. C1323 Topsoil L 20mm, Wth 5mm, D Varied Tr.11 Description: Backfill from 2015 season. Interpretation: Backfill from 2015 season. C1324 Furrow L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11 Description: Fill of furrow cutting C1117. Interpretation: Fill of furrow - same as C1124. C1325 Burnt deposit L 0.42m, Wth 0.28m, D 0.12m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown deposit of a loose sandy-silt. Medium compaction, some charcoal present with a small find of burnt bone and water polished pebble. No stone content. Located in the northwest of Tr.11F. Under C1101, overC1102 and fills C1325. Interpretation: Soil filling an oblong feature.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1326 Fill of posthole L 0.65m, Wth 0.2m, D 0.29m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown sandy-silt of a loose compaction and crumbly structure. Very similar to C1335 and located close to it at West end of trench. Some corroded metal and slag found. Northwest corner of Tr.11F. Medium compaction. Under C1101, over C1362 and fills C1362. Interpretation: Fill of posthole. C1327 Burnt deposit L 0.43m, Wth 0.39m, D 0.05m Tr.11F Description: Area of localised heavy burning in NW of trench. Both slag and burnt bone present. Overlaying a mid-brown soil-filled feature. Interpretation: Burnt spread overlying larger feature in the northeast corner of Tr.11F. C1328 Posthole L 0.24m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.64m Tr.11F Description: Mid-brown to grey silty-sand with charcoal present, with intermittent pebble inclusions (less than 10%). Fill of loose compaction with a crumbly structure. Sieving recovered burnt bone and slag. Located to the SE of trench. Cuts C1360/1102 and fills C1356. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1356 with large stone lining immediately east of unexcavated feature C1425. Sample of (Corylus (hazel) charcoal) was dated to 725-961 Cal AD (UBA-34832). C1331 Cut feature L 0.44m, Wth 0.1m, D 0.09m Tr.11E Description: Mid-brown grey sandy-silt with occasional charcoal flecks. Loosely compacted. Filled a hollow in the NE of trench. Remainder of deposit still within baulk. Over C1101 and underC1102. Interpretation: Fill of stone socket or non-archaeological hollow/not the fill of a posthole or pit. C1332 Cut feature L 0.3m, Wth 0.2m, D 0.1m Tr.11F Description: Fill of cut feature. Filled by charcoal rich sandy-silt with no stones. Loosely compacted. Located in northwest corner of trench. Under C1101 and over C1102. Interpretation: Stone socket-probably non-archaeological. C1333 Burnt deposit L 0.39m, Wth 0.41m, D 0.04m Tr.11F Description: Charcoal rich spread of loose compaction. Mid-brown to black silt sand. Sieved at 50%-charcoal present. Located in west of trench. Sharp boundary with overlying ploughsoil and subsoil. Likely overlays fill (C1345) of pit (C1354). Under 1101 and over C1102. Interpretation: Burnt spread overlying subsoil. C1334 Posthole L 0.26m, Wth 0.18m, D 0.14m Tr.11F Description: Fill of possible posthole producing dark-brown sandy-clay with occasional charcoal flecks and sparse small stones. Flat schist stone at base of fill measuring 0.12x 0.1x 0.02m. Located in SE corner of trench. Over C1102 and fills C1346. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1346. C1335 Fill of posthole L 0.14m, Wth 0.12m, D 0.16m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown sandy-silt of loose compaction with a crumbly structure North west corner of trench. Contained occasional charcoal flecks. Under C1101 and fills C1335. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1355. C1336 Posthole L 0.39m, Wth 0.26m, D 0.21m Tr.11F Description: Silty-sand with charcoal flecking. Well sorted with a couple of stones of 5-10 cm- angular and subangular (schist and granite). Less than 10%. Moderately compacted with a crumbly structure and sharp upper and lower boundaries. 50% sampled and 50% sieved. Fill of posthole C1368. Under C1101 and over C1353. Interpretation: Fill of posthole in NE quadrant of trench. C1337 Fill of posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.1m Tr.11E Description: Upper fill within posthole dark grey/black coarse sand deposit. Crumbly loose compaction with 10% sediment/gravel inclusions. Sharp boundary with no truncation. Under C1101, over C1338 and fills 1339. Interpretation: General filling of cut. Posthole feature. C1338 Fill of posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.11m Tr.11E Description: Lower fill of posthole. Light-brown silty-sand deposit with less than 10% inclusions. Loose compaction with a fine structure. Sharp boundary with no truncation. Under C1337, over C1102 and fills C1339. Interpretation: Natural silting process within open cut.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1339 Posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.21m Tr.11E Description: Posthole feature cut into natural subsoil C1102 and located within internal side of ditch feature between two cultivation furrows C1319/C1151. Circular in plan with sharp break of slope at top. Concave sides and sharp break of slope at base. Base tapered and round. Under C1101 and over C1102, filled by C1337/C1338 and cuts C1102. Interpretation: Regular rounded posthole feature. C1340 Posthole L 0.25m, Wth 0.16m, D 0.19m Tr.11F Description: Rectangular posthole abutting C1325. Dark-brown silty-sand with some small pebble inclusions-10%. Clay loose compaction with sparse charcoal flecks. Under C1101, over C1102 and fills 1349. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1349. C1341 Furrow L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11C Description: Same as C1111. Interpretation: Same as C1111. C1342 Furrow L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11C Description: Same as C1110. Interpretation: Same as C1110. C1343 --- L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11c Description: Unallocated. Interpretation: Unallocated. C1344 Archaeological soil L 1.8m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.11m Tr.11C Description: Deposit of clayey-sand with frequent charcoal flecks. Located at the western end of the trench. Cut on either side by plough furrows. Deposit had loose compaction and was orientated N-S. Under C1101, cut by C1177. Interpretation: Localised NE-SW spread of charcoal rich deposit cut by furrows. When viewed alongside C1494 it ran across the whole width of the excavated area exposed to date. C1345 Pit L 1.4m, Wth 1.3m, D 0.63m Tr.11F Description: Grey-brown clayey-sand loosely compacted with sparse small angular schist stones and occasional larger schist and granite stones (up to 0.26x0.22 m). Occasional charcoal flecks. Sharp boundary with underlying charcoal rich C1417. Located in the SW corner of Tr.11F. Under C1103, over C1417, fills C1345 and cut by C1389. Interpretation: Main fill of pit C1354. Rich in charred material on flotation - sample of Avena (Oat dated) to 1033-1151 cal. AD. (UBA-34831). C1346 Posthole L 0.29m, Wth 0.27m, D 0.33m Tr.11F Description: Large posthole cut by furrows (C1302). Corners soft/edges hard to define. Break of slope at top gradual/break of edge to base defined and even. Cut at SW of trench. Under C1334, over C1102, filled by C1334. Interpretation: Post hole-cut within plough furrow. C1347 Posthole L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11F Description: Duplicate of C1368. Interpretation: Duplicate of C1368. C1348 Wall L 4.2m, Wth 0.3-0.6m, D 1.22m Tr.11D Description: N-S orientated schist stone wall. Built in a stepped manner leaning against boulder infill C1371. Drystone construction, irregular coursing. Schist slabs up to 0.6m x 0.3m x 0.3m. Occasional granite boulders. Constructed within the ditch cut and associated with walls C1163 and C1198. Under C1372 and over C1371. Interpretation: Western stone wall retaining the boulder wall C1371. C1349 Posthole L 0.11m, Wth 0.09m, D 0.16m Tr.11F Description: Regular small post hole cut. Definitive edges and steep vertical sides. Base narrows to tapered edge. Located at North of trench, West of furrows C1196. Filled by C1341/cuts C1102. Interpretation: Posthole in the West of Tr.11F.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1350 Posthole L 0.21m, Wth 0.26m, D 0.14m Tr.11F Description: Cut of possible posthole in North of trench, west of furrows C1196. Definitive edges, vertical sides and even base. Some stone interrupts the sides and base (see Drawing 1447). Filled by C1340 and cuts C1102. Interpretation: Posthole in the Northwest of Tr.11F. C1351 Furrow L 6.1m, Wth 0.52m, D 0.1m Tr.11D Description: NE-SE linear cutting across the ditch fills C1123. Sharp break of slope at top on both sides and sloping break at base. Cuts into upper ditch fills. Under C1352, over C1115 and filled by C1352. Interpretation: Plough furrow cutting through ditch fills. C1352 Furrow L 6.1m, Wth 0.52m, D 0.1m Tr.11D Description: Grey silty-sand with sparse charcoal flecks. Sharp boundary with underlying ditch deposits. No other significant inclusions. Under C1101, over C1352 and fills C1351. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1351. C1353 Posthole L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11F Description: Same as C1368. Interpretation: Same as C1368. C1354 Pit L 1.48m, Wth 1.22m, D 0.7m Tr.11F Description: Oval shaped pit. Sharp break of slope at top, concave base. Uncertain boundary with pit C1424 in that it is uncertain which feature cut the other. 10% of internal deposits remained in situ at the end of 2016 season. Located in SW corner of Tr.11F. Under C1417, over C1102, filled by C1345 & C1417 and C1102. Interpretation: Large pit within pit complex. C1355 Posthole L 0.14m, Wth 0.12m, D 0.16m Tr.11F Description: Regular circular cut of posthole located at northeast of grid running into bank. Sharp break of slope at top and base, flat base. Under C1101, filled by C1335 and cuts C1102. Interpretation: Cut of posthole. C1356 Posthole L 0.24m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.64m Tr.11F Description: Regular circular shape of a substantial weight-bearing post. Substantial packing stones form part of the cut on the southern edge (24cm wide/depth 43cm). Filled by C1328, cuts C1102 and C1360. Interpretation: Cut of posthole with substantial stone lining. C1357 Burnt deposit L 0.18m, Wth 0.14m, D 0.04m Tr.11F Description: Small localised burnt spread of charcoal and inclusions of baked clay with small amounts of burnt bone. Under C1101 and over C1102. Interpretation: Burnt spread - no further information - not shown on plan. C1358 Non-archaeological L m, Wth m, D m Description: Non-archaeological. Interpretation: Non-archaeological. C1359 Non-archaeological L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11F Description: Context number given to clean back of area. Interpretation: Context number given to clean back of area. C1360 Gully L 1.09m, Wth 0.27m, D 0.26m Tr.11F Description: Large slot/gully rectilinear shaped cut. Corners and top break of slope are clean and gradual. Sides are sharp and defined. Break of slope at base is clean and defined. Base is even. Located at SW of trench, orientated E-W. Filled by C1361 and cuts C1356 & C1102. Interpretation: Slot/gully cut by Posthole. C1361 Gully L 1.09m, Wth 0.27m, D 0.26m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown silty-sand of loose and crumb-like compaction. Small to medium sized inclusions of average size 3-4 cm and 8-10 cm. charcoal flecks appear regularly. Fills C1360, cuts C1102 and cut by C1328. Interpretation: Fill of slot/gully.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1362 Furrow L 0.63m, Wth 0.1-0.2m, D 0.29m Tr.11F Description: Slightly irregular shaped feature. See context sheet C1355 for drawing detail. Edges even and definitive but there is a possibility at narrowest width it may have been two features abutting each other and edge between suffered collapse during excavation. Located at NE of trench. Filled by C1326 and cuts C1102. Interpretation: Possible post hole/furrow or two features. C1363 Burnt deposit L 2m, Wth 11m, D 0.3m Tr.11E Description: Coarse deposit comprising a spread of angular and subangular burnt stones in NE corner of 11E. Light-brown coarse sand with greater than 90% stone inclusions. Loose compaction with a crumbly structure with granite sand and degenerated stone throughout and moderate charcoal flecks. Truncated by plough furrow C1151. Under C1121 & C1103, over C1379, fills C1404 and cut by C1151. Interpretation: Deposit of small stones. C1364 Burnt deposit L 1.75m, Wth 2.03m, D 0.12m Tr.11E Description: Area of scorched and oxidised natural subsoil which indicates in situ burning. Located within area with rich charcoal deposits. Dark red/orange in colour-two areas larger and more distinctive. Under C1101/C1365, Over C1102/Cut by C1319. Reddened burnt schist stones and scorching extended over the ditch edge, scorching the stones within revetment C1167. Interpretation: WM-Heavy oxidation indicating repeated in situ burning-possible hearth feature with C1365 contemporary to feature. C1365 Burnt deposit L 1.2m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.15m Tr.11E Description: Charcoal rich spread located between eastern façade and NS furrow C1319. Heavily burned natural subsoil located NW and more significantly south of deposit. Under Clayey black and loose silt texture with greater than 20% gravel inclusions. Frequent charcoal inclusions and burnt schist stones throughout-predominantly west of spread between facade and deposit Sharp diffuse in upper and lower boundaries. Under C1101/C1123 Over C1400, C1401 and C1102. Cut by C1319. NB- Similar to upper ditch material C1115 where deposits of burning are present & possibly dumped in from C1365 area of burning. Interpretation: C1365 is in association with C1364, so may indicate in situ burning processes. Quite a lot of slag fragments from within deposit. Flotation on site revealed large quantities of charred grain, suggesting presence of a drying kiln. C1366 ---- L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11E Description: Same as C1364. Interpretation: Same as C1364. C1367 Furrow L 3.16m, Wth 0.52m, D 0.09m Tr.11F Description: Fill of shallow furrow. A silty-sand moderately sorted with some charcoal flecking (>10%). Moderately compacted with crumbly structure. 10-15% stone inclusions of subangular pebbles of 2-10 cm in size (schist and granite). Diffuse upper and lower boundaries. 2l sample taken and rest dry sieved. Under C1101 and fills C1389. Interpretation: Fill of shallow furrow running N-S through trench. Located in the north western corner of Tr.11F. C1368 Posthole L 0.34m, Wth 0.29m, D 0.46m Tr.11F Description: Square and regular in shape with rounded corners and straight vertical sides. Sharp break of slope at top and more gradual break at bottom with flat base. N-S and E-W orientation. Under C1136, over C1102 and filled by C1336. Interpretation: Substantial posthole. C1369 Posthole L 0.38m, Wth 0.33m, D 0.33m Tr.11F Description: A brown silty-sand moderately to poorly sorted. Granite and schist pebbles 1-20 cm subangular in shape. Loosely compacted with a crumb structure. Charcoal throughout (10- 15%) with a diffuse upper and sharp lower boundary. Bulk sampled with the remainder dry sieved. 4-5 layers schist and granite sub-rounded stones 10-13 cm. Under C1101 and fills C1370. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1370.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1370 Posthole L 0.37m, Wth 0.34m, D 0.39m Tr.11F Description: Sub circular (almost triangular) in plan. Sharp break of slope at top with vertical sides on the east side of feature and more curved sides on west part. Gradual break of slope on the western side of the feature and a sharper break of slope on the eastern side. Base runs down on a gentle slope from W-E. Filled by C1369 and cuts C1102. Interpretation: Cut of posthole. C1371 Stone structure L 5m, Wth 1.6m, D 0.9m Tr.11D Description: Closely packed stone rubble contained by the schist walls C1348 and C1373. Rubble comprised primarily rounded granite and quartzite boulders with sparser schist flat slabs extended across the entire width of the trench. Boulders were between 0.45 x 0.32m and 0.27 x 0.25m. The deposit was 1.6m in width. Under C1372. Interpretation: Stone packing for platform retained by walls C1348 and C1373. Depth investigated in sondage in two locations. 2m width in 2016. C1372 Stone structure L 5m, Wth 1m, D 0.41m Tr.11D Description: Bank of small schist and granite stones 0.1 x 0.006m on average with some smaller granite stones. 0.26m depth and 0.72-1m in width and extended across the width of the trench. The stones were c. 60% of a deposit in a matrix of dark-brown silty-sand with occasional charcoal flecks. Under C1101 and over C1371. Interpretation: Small bank of stones consolidating the larger stone bank C1371. C1373 Stone structure L 2.4m, Wth 0.4m, D ?m Tr.11D Description: Eastern wall of 'platform' formed by walls C1348 and C1373 and the internal boulder fill C1371. Largely built of schist one stone in width. Depth unknown as of 2016 season-retained in situ. Under C1123. Interpretation: Drystone built wall. Part of a sequence of features which form a stone platform or structure in the centre of the ditch cut. Full depth unknown in 2016. C1374 Archaeological soil L 0.19m, Wth 0.84m, D 0.12m Tr.11F Description: Moderately compacted silty-sand. Poorly sorted >10% angular and subangular pebbles 5-10cm in size (granite and schist and fine pebble gravels). Charcoal rich (c. 20%) with large pieces 2-3cm in size. Diffuse upper and lower boundaries. Bulk sample taken, with the rest dry sieved. Interpretation: Charcoal spread in the NW quadrant of trench, spreading over a moderate area and originally thought to be part of the upper fill of C1393 (the large partly excavated pit), but just lay directly over it. C1375 Fill of posthole L 0.82m, Wth 0.47m, D 0.81-0.42m Tr.11F Description: Brown/orange mottled silty-sand, moderately to loosely compacted with a crumb structure. Sharp upper and lower boundary. Granite, schist and quartz pebbles, subangular in shape 1-2cm and 5-12cm in size. A number of large stone packing stones 30-50cm in size. Heavily flecked with charcoal (1cm)-c. 20%. Under C1101 and fills C1376. Interpretation: Large slot/posthole packed with stones. Truncated by later furrow C1196? C1376 Posthole L 0.83m, Wth 0.51m, D 0.80-0.36m Tr.11F Description: Oval in plan with rounded corners. Sharp break of slope on S, W and part of its North side with the N/E part more gradual in slope. Stepped on its southern side where it drops down c. 20cm before dropping down into a post pipe in the western side. Break of slope at base of feature is sharp. The base is relatively level with some unevenness. Feature runs E-W and c. 25% of the western side has been truncated by a later furrow. Filled by C1375. Interpretation: Posthole with postpipe to its western side. C1377 Pit L 0.95m, Wth 0.74m, D 0.45m Tr.11E Description: Extensive ashy/charcoal rich deposit similar to C1365. Black, loose, clayey-silt texture with frequent charcoal inclusions. Sharp upper and lower boundaries-truncated by furrows C1319. Dr McClatchie flotation on site identified charred cereal samples (oat and barley). Under C1101 & C1317, over C1102, fills C1387 and cut by C1319. Interpretation: Large pit with substantial deposits of charcoal and ash along with cereals and burnt bone, as well as in close proximity to scorched areas may indicate in situ burning processes. Sample of one grain of Triticum (Wheat) dated to1415-1612 cal. AD, UBA-34833. Likely to indicate proximity of kiln.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1378 --- L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11F Description: See description for C1403. Interpretation: Same as C1403. C1379 Stone surface L 2m, Wth 1.1m, D 0.3m Tr.11E Description: Flat stone deposit within a coarse gravelly clay. Stone consists of mainly burnt schist irregular/subangular stone which is loose in compaction. Feature overlies C1414 and was heavily truncated by N-S furrow C1151. Stones appear to show evidence of burning and charcoal is present within the surrounding clay matrix C1365. Under C1103/C1121. Fills C1404 and cut by C1151. Interpretation: Stones within the matrix of C1363. C1380 Ditch L 1.6m, Wth 5m, D 0.12m Tr.11E Description: Mid-brown clayey-silt with frequent small flecks and lumps of charcoal and sparse angular stones. Abuts the eastern ditch revetment. Sharp boundary between C1380 and its immediate stratigraphic neighbours. Similar in composition to C1123 but separated by C1381.Under C1381 & C1407 and over C1388. Interpretation: Backfill of ditch resulting from largely charred waste. Part of repeated dumping activity across multiple deposits possibly from the same kiln/hearth. C1381 Ditch L 1.3m, Wth 5m, D 0.08-0.3m Tr.11 Description: Light-brown clayey-sand with sparse charcoal flecks. Sloped from E-W from the revetment (C1167) to the stone deposit (C1198). Extended across the full 5m of Tr.11D. Very uneven deposit in hollows and contours. Sharp distinction between it and the underlying dumped layers of charcoal rich soil. Under C1123 and over C1380. Interpretation: Clean deposit within alternating dumped charcoal rich deposits in the eastern part of the ditch between the stone platform and the eastern stone revetment. C1382 Ditch L 0.2m, Wth 0.3m, D 0.12m Tr.11D Description: Isolated patch of grey-brown sandy-silt visible as a hollow between revetment C1167 edge at the NE corner. Similar to two other deposits along the revetment edge. Sharp difference to the deposit C1123 which surrounded it. Under C1123 & C1381 and over C1380. Interpretation: Hollow caused by decayed timber? Within general backfill in the eastern edge of the ditch. C1383 Fill of posthole L 0.4m, Wth 0.3m, D 0.27m Tr.11F Description: A moderately compacted silty-sand with >10% charcoal flecking and brown with some mottling of orange. Crumb in structure with sharp upper and lower boundaries. Some larger stone structures of granite and schist (10-15cm). Poorly sorted. 2l sample taken with the rest dry sieved. Under C1101 and over C1384. Interpretation: Fill of posthole. C1384 Posthole L 0.28m, Wth 0.38m, D 0.28m Tr.11F Description: Sub-oval in plan. Sharp break in slope at the top of the feature. Vertical slopes tapering to a curved base. Base is curved with some large pebbles (5-10cm) at the interface creating an uneven surface. Roughly N-S orientation but very irregular on all sides. Interpretation: Cut of a posthole. C1385 Ditch L 5m, Wth 0.4 to 0.53mm, D 0.75m Tr.11D Description: N-S schist wall on the eastern side of the ditch. Same as C1198. Ran the width of the ditch. Built from substantial schist blocks (0.36m by 0.4m by 0.22m) a single course in width. Drystone construction. Not possible to see coursing this year as the sondage exposed a collapsed section of the walling. Not removed in 2016. Interpretation: Wall within complex of stone walls built within the ditch. Part of this wall had collapsed eastwards into the ditch and was numbered C1198. This context contained a bullaun stone which was not removed in the 2016 season. C1386 Archaeological soil L 0.8m, Wth 0.2m, D 0.12m Tr.11D Description: Charcoal rich sandy-silty deposit, likely to be part of the broader C1123 spread throughout this area. Initially suspected to be the fill of a posthole but investigation showed that it was an isolated soil spread. Interpretation: Same as C1123.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1387 Burning L 1m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.45m Tr.11E Description: An irregularly shaped pit feature located east and southeast of scorched area C1364. It had a rounded elongated shape in plan. Base of slope at the top- sharp. Sides are vertical and steep. Base of slope at base - concave. The base is irregular with a step on west and east side (see sketch on sheet). Truncated at western extent by furrow C1319. Interpretation: Area of burning relating to a cereal drying kiln. C1388 Ditch L 1.5m, Wth 5m, D 0.08 to 0.2m Tr.11D Description: Yellow-grey clayey-sand with sparse charcoal flecks and lumps within the ditch. Contained significant large schist slabs which had probably collapsed from the revetment C1167. This deposit was observed within the sondage on the southern side of the trench and was not further investigated in 2016. Interpretation: Basal silting within the ditch. C1389 Fill of posthole L 3.16m, Wth 0.52m, D 0.09mm Tr.11F Description: A broadly rectangular feature which runs N-S through most of the trench. Both ends of the feature are indistinct with no corners discernible. Gentle break of slope at top and bottom with gently tapered sides. Base of slope and sides irregular in form possibly indicating that this furrow was hand dug. The furrow truncates the top of the large pits C1354 and C1424. Possibly cuts the edge of a third incomplete excavated pit C1393. Interpretation: Shallow furrow which cuts large pits. Possibly hand cut. Probably agricultural in nature. C1390 Ditch L 1.1mm, Wth 1m+m, D 0.09mm Tr.11D Description: Mid-grey clayey-sand with sparse lumps and flecks of charcoal. Located in the eastern edge of the ditch C1166 within the sondage in the south of the cutting. Appeared to predate the collapsed wall face C1198. Post-dated the revetment C1167. Interpretation: Primary silting at the bottom of the ditch against pocket of silt C1406 which in turn abutted the façade C1167. There is a possibility that it predates C1198. C1391 Ditch L 5m, Wth 0.95m, D 0.65m Tr.11D Description: Mid-brown silty-sand between the western revetment C1163 and the western wall of the platform within the ditch, C1348. Sparse small elliptical stones (50-100mm). Sparse charcoal flecks. Diffuse boundary with overlying deposit, sharp boundary with underlying C1398. Interpretation: Primary silting deposit within western side of the ditch between the stone platform and its revetting wall and the western revetment wall C1163. C1392 Fill of posthole L 0.4m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.65m Tr.11E Description: Clayey-silt texture, gravel sediments within >30%. Dark grey, loose, moderate charcoal with sparse subangular stones within. Sharp upper boundary and diffuse lower boundary with adjacent contexts. 100% Dry sieved. Possibly truncated by C1121. Located at the NE corner of Tr.11E. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1405. C1393 Cut feature L 1.32m, Wth 0.82m, D 0.32m Tr.11F Description: Roughly oval in plan but runs under the north baulk of trench obscuring its complete shape. Rounded edges with gradual break of slope on western side. Portion excavated showed sloped sides running at a 45 degree angle to base. Gentle break of slope at base with uneven base. Orientation unclear but runs under north baulk and its widest point is its E-W axis. Truncated by two postholes, one cut directly into its fill (C1416) and another heavily truncated posthole on its eastern edge which is only suggested by a shallow dish. Also truncated by later furrows. Interpretation: Cut of large pit running under north baulk of trench. Partially excavated and truncated by later features. C1394 Fill of posthole L 0.39m, Wth 0.61m, D 0.3m Tr.11E Description: Upper fill within cut feature (posthole) C1395. Silt composition, 15% inclusion, sorting mixed throughout, stones vary from angular to subangular. It was dark grey in colour, loose in composition, occasional charcoal inclusions. Clear upper and lower boundaries with adjacent deposits. It was dry-sieved and was truncated by C1121. Interpretation: Upper deposit within posthole with disturbance of upper extent by C1121.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1395 Posthole L 0.38m, Wth 0.54m, D 0.55m Tr.11E Description: Round in plan, break of slope at top was sharp, southern side was vertical while northern side was concave, western side was vertical and eastern side was. Break of slope at the base was gradual, tapered to a point. It was truncated by C1121. Interpretation: Cut for large posthole. C1396 Pit L 1.05m, Wth 0.89m, D 0.86m Tr.11 Description: Dark grey silty-sand which is moderately compacted and crumb in structure. Fill is poorly sorted with large angular and subangular cobbles (c. 0.2-0.3m) of schist and granite found in its fill (>10%) and with small angular and sub angular pebbles (0.05-0.15m) of schist, granite and quartz. Fill is heavily charcoal flecked (15-20%) with sharp upper and lower boundaries. 2l sampled and dry mesh sieved. Interpretation: Fill of large pit in SW corner of Tr.11F. C1397 Burnt deposit L 0.28m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.17m Tr.11E Description: Charcoal rich ashy deposit within cut feature C1399, silt deposit, 10% inclusions, dark grey/black. Loose compaction, little inclusions within however small amount of burnt stone identified and frequent fleck deposits. Dry sieved with no visible truncation. Interpretation: Presence of heavily burnt stone, charcoal and bone may suggest in situ burning. C1398 Ditch L 2m, Wth 0.9m, D 0.75m Tr.11D Description: Orange brown coarse sand and gravel, frequent angular, subangular and round stones averaging 3cm. Sparse charcoal flecks. Overlay grey fine clayey-silt deposit only seen in small area. Only excavated between the walls, C1163 and C1348. Appeared to predate the wall construction sharp boundary with upper deposit C1391. Only observed within the sondage in the SW of the ditch in 2016. Interpretation: Primary silting of ditch, possibly predating walls C1163 and walls C1348 but only seen in a narrow sondage in 2016. Crucially contained medieval ceramic indicating a date after which the ditch began to silt up. C1399 Posthole L 0.28m, Wth 0.25m, D 0.17m Tr.11E Description: A relatively shallow posthole containing one single deposit C1397. Oval in plan, Base of slope at top vertical with concave sides. Base of slope at base concave. Tapered blunt point at base. Interpretation: Shallow posthole feature within close proximity to façade of C1167. C1400 Fill of posthole L 0.2m, Wth 0.3m, D 0.21m Tr.11E Description: Charcoal rich deposit which fills posthole cut C1401. Clayey black silt, 5% inclusions. Loose compaction, frequent charcoal inclusions >80%. Sharp upper boundary, diffuse lower boundary. Dry sieved. Charcoal rich deposit may indicate in situ burning or perhaps C1365 filled open cut when posthole became disused. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1401. C1401 Posthole L 0.3m, Wth 0.2m, D 0.21m Tr.11E Description: Elongated posthole, sharp break of slope at base, irregular sides, break of slope at base concave, tapered blunt point. Interpretation: Posthole cut located in area of intense burning and underlying C1365. C1402 Ditch L 2.5m, Wth 0.5m, D 0.2+m Tr.11D Description: Dark-brown medium sand with frequent small (1 x 9 cm), frequent small charcoal flecks and small lumps. This deposit was confined to the area between C1198 and wall C1373. It contained frequent small angular and subangular granite stones averaging 0.08 x 0.11m. Surface exposed but not fully excavated. Interpretation: Ditch deposit west of wall C1385 and abutting it. Much stonier and grittier than C1123. Post-dates stone walls C1373=1165 and wall C1198. C1403 Pit L 1.6m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.32m Tr.11F Description: A mottled orange/brown silty-sand. Poorly sorted with a number of large angular and subangular cobbles (20-30cm in size) of granite and schist. With smaller angular and subangular pebbles (c. 5-12cm) in size of schist, quartz and granite. Moderately compacted and crumb in structure. Some charcoal flecking (>10%) diffuse upper and lower boundary. 2l samples and the rest dry sieved. Truncated by later posthole cut into fill C1416. Interpretation: Fill of large pit (C1393?) running into the northern baulk in the north of Tr.11F.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1404 Pit L 1m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.16m Tr.11F Description: Heavily truncated cut with single edge identified south of deposit C1363 and C1379. Vertical base of slope and sharp edges with concave base of slope at base. Base sloping towards the northern baulk. Western edge cut by C1151 and eastern and northern edge undetermined and likely located beyond the baulk. Interpretation: Poorly understood cut feature in the northeast corner of Tr.11E, probably redeposited. Not fully excavated in 2016, possibly cut by the post C1414. C1405 Posthole L 0.4m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.45m Tr.11F Description: Heavily truncated posthole feature identified in north section of Tr.11E, perhaps stone lined by large schist and granite blocks captured in plan. Section edges appear vertical. Interpretation: Post hole cut heavily disturbed 0.5m north of C1414. C1406 Ditch L 0.2m, Wth 1m, D 0.1m Tr.11D Description: Localised deposit up against main C1167 revetment base - yellow medium sand - sparse small charcoal flecks - no stone content. Sharply differentiated from overlying deposit C1388. Only observed within the sondage on the southern side of the excavated area. Interpretation: Deposit at ditch base underneath revetment C1167. C1407 Ditch L 1m, Wth 0.2m, D 0.15m Tr.11D Description: Mid-brown clayey-sand, sparse charcoal fleck, loose compaction with no stones. Underlying the stone revetment C1198. Interpretation: Deposits under collapsed revetment C1198. C1408 Fill of posthole L 0.33m, Wth 0.42m, D 0.31m Tr.11D Description: Light-brown coarse sand, frequent small pebbles. Sparse small flecks charcoal. Loose compacted. Interpretation: Fill within posthole C1395 within the east facing baulk. C1409 Fill of posthole L 0.48m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.54m Tr.11F Description: A dark-brown sandy-clay, moderately compacted and crumb in structure. Several large cobbles 0.12-0.15m in diameter in size. Subangular and sub-rounded in shape composed largely of granite. Some smaller. Interpretation: Potentially a posthole at the south end of the trench possibly truncated by animal burrowing. C1410 Fill of posthole L 0.48m, Wth 0.35m, D 0.54m Tr.11F Description: A sub feature in plan with rounded corners and gradual break of slope. Sloping sides running in a south direction. Base not fully exposed as shape of feature possibly indicated animal burrowing. Not fully excavated in 2016. Interpretation: Originally thought to be cut of posthole but potentially related to the impact of animal burrowing. Not full excavated in 2016. C1411=1117 Ditch L 1.4m, Wth 5m, D 0.4m Tr.11D Description: Dark-brown fine sand with sparse charcoal flecks. Contains sparse small stone, loosely compacted. Diffuse boundary with overlying ploughsoil and underlying deposit C1123. Same as C1117 Interpretation: Deposit which accumulated following abandonment of stone structure represented by walls C1348 and C1163. C1412 Fill of posthole L 0.37m, Wth 0.31m, D 0.45m Tr.11E Description: Posthole deposit within C1414 is packed on either side by redeposited packing material C1413. Contained wooden fibres potentially from the original post identified and sampled. Medium light grey sand, >10% gravel sediment inclusions. Sharp boundary with upper deposits, diffuse boundary with lower deposits. Dry sieved. Truncated by C1121. Interpretation: Post fill of posthole with the west facing baulk between Tr.11E & F. C1413 Fill of posthole L 0.2-0.26m, Wth 0.11m, D 0.15-0.42m Tr.11E Description: Located on the northern and southern edge of cut feature C1414 and surrounds C1412 indicating packing material. Light-brown coarse sand with 80% gravel sediment. Slightly compact, frequent stone inclusions with moderate amounts of charcoal. Sharp boundary with upper deposits and diffuse with underlying deposit. Dry sieved. Truncated by C1121. Interpretation: Post packing material, re-deposited natural.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1414 Posthole L 0.37m, Wth 0.65m, D 0.45m Tr.11E Description: Relatively large posthole located at eastern baulk. Upper extent heavily truncated. Oval, base of slope at top gradual, vertical break of slope at base with concave base. Heavily truncated by C1121 on northern and western edges. Western edge completely truncated. Interpretation: Posthole to facilitate upstanding post. C1415 Fill of posthole L 0.29m, Wth 0.26m, D 0.17m Tr.11F Description: A mottled orange-brown coarse sand. Loosely compacted and crumb in structure. Fill is moderately sorted with some pebbles c. 5-10cm in size angular and subangular in shape of granite and schist. Diffuse upper and sharp lower boundary. 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1416 cut into earlier pit at the north end of the trench. C1416 Posthole L 0.29m, Wth 0.26m, D 0.17m Tr.11F Description: Circular in plan rounded on all sides. Sharp break of slope at top of feature with sides vertical near the top and then sloping gently inwards towards the base. Base is uneven but generally rounded. No apparent orientation but another post hole is present to its NE and SW. Cuts into earlier pit fill. Interpretation: Cut of small posthole into deeper pit. C1417 Posthole L 1.5m, Wth 0.95m, D 0.05m Tr.11F Description: Dark-brown clayey-silt, frequent small schist chips and charcoal lumps and flecks. Deposit was moderately compacted. Covered the base of the pit. Sharp upper and lower boundary with adjacent deposits. 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Basal fill of pit C1354. C1418 Fill of posthole L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11F Description: Fill of posthole C1419 against north facing baulk. Not described or recorded in 2016 season. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1419. C1419 Posthole L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11F Description: Cut of posthole against north facing baulk. Not described or recorded in 2016 season. Interpretation: Cut of posthole. C1420 Archaeological soil L 1.19m, Wth 0.99m, D ?m Tr.11F Description: Orange silty-sand moderately compacted and crumb in structure. Heavily charcoal flecked (10%). Other inclusions unclear. Sharp upper boundary. Located in the SE corner of Tr.11F. Not excavated in 2016. Interpretation: Redeposit of natural sand at the southern end of the trench. C1421 Fill of posthole L 0.28m, Wth 0.26m, D 0.06m Tr.11F Description: Orange-brown coarse sand, loosely compacted and crumb in structure. Small pebble inclusions (5-8cm). Angular and subangular in shape (>10%). Sparse charcoal flecks. Interpretation: Fill of posthole. C1422 Posthole L 0.28m, Wth 0.26m, D 0.06m Tr.11F Description: Circular in plan, rounded on all sides. Gentle break of slope at top and bottom with rounded base. Heavily truncated by later agricultural furrow and itself truncates large pit C1393. Shallow bowl shape. Interpretation: Heavily truncated posthole. C1423 Archaeological soil L 0.4m, Wth 0.1m, D 0.1m Tr.11F Description: Redeposited natural orange-brown sand mottled with brown patches. Frequent flecks of charcoal within. Loose compaction. Interpretation: Redeposited natural cut by posthole C1414. C1424 Pit L 1.2m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.48-0.64m Tr.11F Description: Cut of large pit which runs into SW corner of trench. Broadly circular in plan with sharp break of slope at top. Relationship with adjacent pit C1354 unknown, possibly contemporary. Interpretation: Large pit which partially extended into the trench at the SE end of the excavated area. Extends beyond the excavated area.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1425 Archaeological soil L 1.2m, Wth 1m, D 0.41m Tr.11F Description: Moderately compacted silty-sand. Mottled brown-orange in colour. Crumb in structure with diffuse upper boundary. Sharply differentiated from underlying natural sand C1102. Contained small granite stones. Interpretation: Fill of large pit towards centre of trench and adjacent to C1354. Unexcavated in 2016. Partially Excavated in 2017 (half section). C1426 Ditch L 0.45m, Wth 0.58m, D ?m Tr.11F Description: Grey clayey-silt only exposed in a small area underlying C1398. Relationship with walls C1163 and C1348 unknown. 0.42 x 0.58m within the sondage. Not excavated in 2016. Sharp difference with overlying deposit. Very sparse charcoal flecks. Interpretation: Deposit which seems to predate the walls C1163 and wall C1348. Remained unexcavated in 2017 season. Appears to be waterborne. C1427 --- L m, Wth m, D m Description: Not issued? Interpretation: Not issued? C1428 Ditch L 3m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.1m Tr.11C Description: Silty-sand, orange-brown (significant component of redeposited natural), sparse small stones and charcoal fleck. Crumb structure. Sharp boundary with C1119 and C1122. Located on the western edge of the ditch behind façade C1163. Interpretation: Part of fill postdating the construction of revetment C1163. C1429 Pit L 1.1m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.45m Tr.11F Description: Coarse sand, dark greyish brown, light compaction, crumb structure, 3-5% mixture of small flecks and larger lumps of charcoal, 10% rounded granite stones varying from 0.3- 0.3m. Sharp upper boundary with overlying ploughsoil C1101. Sharp boundary with lower subsoil C1433. 100% sieved through 5mm mesh. Uncertain relationship with posthole C1368. Interpretation: Fill of pit, relationship with posthole C1368 unclear as excavated in 2016. Cut by furrow and possibly base of pit included in excavation of furrow C1302 from 2016. C1430 Furrow L 4.2m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.15m Tr.11M Description: A very dark-brown clayey-sand. It is moderately compacted with a crumb structure with charcoal flecking throughout. It is moderately sorted with stone inclusions (>10%) throughout - angular and subangular pebbles (2-10mm) of quartz and schist and occasional angular and subangular cobbles (6-20%) of quartz, schist and granite. Sharp upper boundary. Lower boundary sharp. 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Fill of late agricultural furrow. C1431 Pit L m, Wth 0.74m, D 0.54m Tr.11E Description: Light yellow-brown medium sand, loose in structure, crumb/friable. Granite stone inclusions towards the bottom of fill, subangular stones, average size 0.14 by 0.1m (10%), moderate charcoal inclusions (25%). Dry sieved. Interpretation: Additional deposit located in the kiln feature C1387. This context was distinctly different to C1377 and C1132 and was initially interpreted as subsoil with closer inspection. Note; the deposit is located between C1446 (Which was interpreted as a posthole in 2015) and C1387 from 2016 excavation. Moderate flecks of charcoal present throughout. C1432 Pit L m, Wth 0.65m, D 0.41m Tr.11F Description: Oval rounded corners, sharp break of slope at top, vertical sides, sharp break of slope at the base, flat base. Cut to the west by a furrow C1196. Interpretation: Pit in the SE corner of Tr.11F cut by the pit C1448. Half of this pit was excavated in 2017. The relationship between this pit and the narrow cut feature C1360 and the posthole C1356 are uncertain. Both the former features were excavated in 2016 and there is a possibility that they are all part of one large pit. C1433 Pit L 0.26m, Wth 0.14m, D 0.07m Tr.11F Description: Coarse sand and 15% fine angular pebbles moderately sorted, dark-brown, light compaction, crumb, sharp upper boundary with C1429, sharp lower boundary with subsoil, dark colouration from charcoal, mixed in with soil but individual pieces indistinguishable. Interpretation: Patch of mixed soil and charcoal at base of pit cut C1434. Possibly disturbed by posthole C1368 and may have spread further.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1434 Pit L 1.3m, Wth 1.1m, D 0.92m Tr.11F Description: Oval rounded corners, sharp break of slope at north, west and gradual at south, sharp break of slope at base. Undulating base. Cut by furrow C1302, uncertain relationship with posthole C1368 (excavated in 2015). Interpretation: Large early medieval pit cut into natural sands and gravels in the eastern corner of Tr.11F. C1435 Pit L 0.96m, Wth 0.95m, D 0.68m Tr.11F Description: Orange brown silty-sand with sparse charcoal flecks and sparse granite stones and flat schist fragments generally 0.12m x 0.2m. Sharply differentiated from overlying ploughsoil and underlying natural sand C1102. Interpretation: Fill of pit C1448, a pit cutting through the pit C1432 in the western edge of Tr.11F. C1436 Ditch L 3m, Wth 1.4m, D 0.3m Tr.11C Description: Loosely compacted granite stones (0.11 by 0.1m typically) overlying the larger quartzite and granite boulder fill C1437. The stones were all rounded and unburnt. They extended N-S the full width of the trench E-W it ran for 1.4m and 0.3m in depth. Interpretation: Small cobbles packed over the C1465 at the rear of both revetment walls on the west of the ditch. To the west of C1437 - large stone boulder fill behind the revetments. C1437 Stone structure L 3m, Wth 1m, D 0.4-0.9m Tr.11C Description: Large stones immediately behind the schist revetment c. 50% granite boulders and 50% quartzite stones (up to 0.4m by 0.3m). Interpretation: Boulders filling the gap between the revetments C1163 and C1444 and extending to the western edge of the ditch. These must have accumulated after the disuse of the revetment C1444 and the construction of revetment C1163. C1438 Furrow L 4.02m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.15m Tr.11M Description: Linear feature running roughly N-S through NW quadrant of trench. Sharp break of slope at top of feature with gently sloping concave sides and a gentle break of slope at base. Base slightly inconsistent and uneven but broadly concave. Feature truncates some other features including furrow C1450. Interpretation: Late agricultural furrow. C1439 Burnt deposit L 0.75m, Wth 0.5m, D 0.01m Tr.11M Description: A moderately compacted very dark grey-brown clayey-sand. It is crumb in structure and heavily charcoal flecked. Angular and sub angular pebble inclusions (2-60mm) of quartz, schist and granite (>10%) and a small number of subangular and sub rounded cobbles mainly composed of granite. Diffuse upper boundary and sharp lower boundary 100% dry sieved. Fill has been truncated by later agricultural furrow. Interpretation: Spread of charcoal rich soil probably associated with spread of burning C1456. C1440 Pit L 0.4m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.25m Tr.11E Description: Round in plan, relatively sharp break of slope at top, sides are rather sharp, concave break of slope at base, base slopes to a deeper depth from E-W. Truncated at its N-E edge by C1395. Interpretation: Posthole or pit, possibly part of the pit C1395 excavated in 2016. C1441 Pit L 0.4m, Wth 0.6m, D 0.25m Tr.11E Description: Coarse sand, light-brown, loose friable, crumby, occasional charcoal flecks (10%), occasional angular stones (granite- 10%), dry sieved through 10mm mesh. Truncated at NE edge by posthole C1395. Interpretation: Fill of posthole C1440. C1442=1108=1172 Archaeological soil L 6mm, Wth 0.48m, D 0.15m Tr.11J Description: Same as C1108 and C1172. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow C1109 which was excavated in 2014 and 2015 in Tr.11B. C1443 Ditch L 3m, Wth 1m, D 0.4-0.9mm Tr.11C Description: Dark-brown clayey-sand, loosely compacted, crumb structure. Interpretation: This was the soil matrix which contained the larger stones C1437.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1444 Wall L 8.1mm, Wth 0.3m, D 0.9m Tr.11 Description: Stone revetment wall comprised of large granite blocks, no bonding, ran NE-SW at an angle to the later revetment C1163. Interpretation: Stone revetment wall predating the revetment C1163. C1445 Ditch L 2.8m, Wth 0.78m, D 0.4m Tr.11C Description: Clayey-sand, dark-brown, crumb structure, frequent angular schist and small granite stones (typically 0.22 by 0.08) with small number of schist stones (overall stone content 65%). Soil upper boundary relatively indistinct from C1391 although was clearly much stonier. All dry sieved. Interpretation: Secondary fill within the channel east of wall C1398 and west of wall C1163. Contained some larger granite blocks. C1446 Furrow L 3.9m, Wth 1.2m, D 0.24m Tr.11M Description: A moderately compacted brown clayey-sand. It is poorly sorted with both pebble and cobble inclusions (>10%). There are angular and subangular coarse pebbles of schist, quartz and granite (20-60mm) and a number of subangular and sub rounded cobbles of granite and schist. Interpretation: Upper fill of E-W Furrow. This is likely the same as C1452 the upper fill of cut C1451 in Tr.11L. C1447 Ditch L 0.5m, Wth 0.3m, D m Tr.11 Description: Silt-sand, mid-brown, loosely compacted crumb structure, small quantities, >5% of charcoal flecks and chunks. Sharp boundary with overlying ploughsoil. - This context was soil which had percolated down through the stone revetment. Interpretation: Soil which percolated down through the stone revetment C1348. This was exposed when we removed the upper stones of the revetment to allow for further safe excavation. Deposit was medieval but not particularly secure as it could have come from several contexts and found its way through the voids in the stones. C1448 Pit L 0.97m, Wth 0.83m, D 0.66m Tr.11F Description: Oval, rounded corners, sharp break of slope at top, sharply sloping sides, concave base, truncates pit C1432. Not fully excavated in 2017. Cut through fluvio-glacial subsoil C1102. Interpretation: Not fully excavated in 2017 - large pit cutting into the pit C1432 in the SE corner of Tr.11F. C1449 Pit L m, Wth 0.3m, D 0.8m Tr.11F Description: Orange brown, coarse sand, well sorted, medium compaction, sparse flecks and small lumps of charcoal. Strong differentiation with overlying deposit C1435. Interpretation: Lower fill at the northern edge of pit C1448. Not full excavated in 2017. C1450 Furrow L 3.9m, Wth 1.2m, D 0.29m Tr.11M Description: Linear Narrowing and shallower at eastern end. Extends into western balk and is likely the same cut as C1451 in Tr.11L. Excavated length in 2017 is 230cm but max length of 1390 as it extends across the trench. Gentle upper and lower breaks of slope. Sides at c. 45° with rounded base. Orientated E-W with eastern end running towards Tr.11F not fully traced and excavated. Contains fills C1473, C1472 and C1446. Interpretation: Wide E-W orientated furrow. Like the same cut as C1451 in Tr.11L. C1451 Cut feature L 1.14m, Wth 0.75m, D 0.27m Tr.11L Description: Linear, northern edge break of slope at top is quite steep while southern edge is more gradual. Concave break of slope at base. Orientated E-W with flat base. Truncation not apparent at the moment but relationship between pit C1479 and C1451 undetermined in 2017. Interpretation: Linear feature which continued in Cutting M - same as C1450. Feature may represent an east-west furrow earlier than the N-S furrows. Its western end runs into the pit C1479. C1452 Furrow L 1.2m, Wth 0.8m, D 0.19m Tr.11L Description: Medium sand with occasional poorly sorted stone inclusions, Grey, loose, Crumby, Moderate sized schist and granite stone inclusions 35%. Sieved. Interpretation: Same as C1446 fill of C1450. Upper fill of feature - possibly an east-west furrow.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1453 Pit L 0.43m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.29m Tr.11L Description: Elongated/oval pit feature - 0.3m from C1167 eastern façade. Rounded corners. Sharp break of slope at top. Vertical edges. Sharp break of slope at base. Quite irregular base and stepped at eastern side of the feature (see sketch). E-W on longest axis. Interpretation: Oval pit feature located in close proximity to eastern ditch revetment. Single fill contained stone inclusions, relatively large granite and schist stones. C1454 Pit L 0.43m, Wth 0.7m, D 0.29m Tr.11L Description: Coarse sand composition, gritty greater than 40%, poorly sorted poorly sorted, angular angular/subangular, dark grey, loose, crumby, frequent granite and schist stone inclusions (5 x 10cms). Dry sieved. Interpretation: Stony fill perhaps from later disturbance. C1455 Circular feature L 0.42m, Wth 0.47m, D Unknown Tr.11M Description: Not excavated in Aug 2017 excavation. Silty light-brown clay with c. 5% small stone inclusions and several large stone inclusions throughout. This context is cut by C1438. Interpretation: Unexcavated- possible pit or post hole. C1456 Burnt deposit L 0.3m, Wth 0.87m, D Unknown Tr.11M Description: This context was not excavated in 2017. This deposit is a coarse sandy burnt layer adjacent to C1478 will have to be explored in the next excavation. This context was cut by C1438 (plough furrow). Interpretation: This may be an area of localised burning in situ or it may have been cut by a pit and may require a cut number next year. C1457 shovel furrow L 0.79m, Wth 0.21m, D 0.4m Tr.11M Description: Broadly rectangular with rounded corners sharp break of slope at top with vertical sides tapering at base. Base concave. Roughly orientate E-W. Northern extent not fully excavated in balk. Interpretation: Possible spade/ shovel excavated short e/w furrow similar to C1459 but C1457 is deeper. C1458 Furrow L 0.79m, Wth 0.21m, D 0.4m Tr.11M Description: A dark yellow-brown clayey-sand. The deposit is charcoal flecked and moderately sorted. There are stone inclusions (10%) of coarse pebbles (2-6cm) of schist and granite which are angular and sub angular in form. The deposit is loosely compacted and crumb in structure. It has a diffuse upper and sharp lower boundary. 100% dry sieved. Northern extent not fully excavated in balk. Interpretation: Fill of linear cut C1457 possible spade furrow. C1459 Furrow L 1.43m, Wth 0.24m, D 0.22m Tr.11M Description: A broadly rectangular cut with rounded corners. Gentle break of slope at top with gently tapered sides. Irregular but broadly concave base. Runs E-W near the norther baulk. Interpretation: Spade dry furrow - probably agricultural. C1460 Furrow L 1.43m, Wth 0.24m, D 0.22m Tr.11M Description: A dark yellowish brown clayey-sand. Loosely compacted and crumb in structure. It is moderately sorted with some angular and sub angular coarse pebble inclusions of schist granite and quartz. Charcoal flecking throughout. Diffuse upper and sharp lower boundary. 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Fill of cut C1459 possible spade furrow running E-W. C1461 Furrow L 1.2m, Wth 0.19m, D 0.18m Tr.11M Description: Broadly rectangular in plan with rounded corners. Gentle break of slope at top with gently tapering sides down to a gentle break of slope at base. Base irregular but broadly concave. Interpretation: Possible narrow spade furrow running E-W parallel to C1459 and C1457. C1462 Furrow L 1.2m, Wth 0.19m, D 0.18m Tr.11M Description: A dark yellowish brown clayey-sand. Soil is charcoal flecked and loosely compacted. It is moderately sorted with some angular and subangular coarse pebble inclusions of schist and granite. It is crumb in structure with diffuse upper and sharp lower boundary. Interpretation: Fill of possible spade furrow C1461 running E-W parallel to C1459 and C1457.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1463 Furrow L 0.7m, Wth 0.18m, D 0.17m Tr.11M Description: A broadly rectangular cut with rounded corners. Sharp break of slope at top gently tapers at the sides towards an uneven but broadly concave base. It is roughly E-W in orientation and its full extent is unknown as it runs under the east balk of the trench. Interpretation: Possible spade furrow similar to C1461, C1459 and C1457. C1464 Furrow L 0.7m, Wth 0.18m, D 0.17m Tr.11M Description: A brown clayey-sand. The deposit is moderately sorted and crumb in structure. There are stone inclusions (.10%) of both coarse pebble (2-6cm) of angular and subangular quartz, schist and granite and cobbles (6-20cm) of angular and sub rounded granite and schist. It has a sharp upper and lower boundary and was 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Fill of possible spade furrow C1463. C1465 Ditch L 1m, Wth 0.6mm, D m Tr.11F Description: Tightly packed stones comprising 80% of a deposit on the western ditch edge - small granite and schist blocks. Poor differentiation with overlying boulder deposit - appears to overlie C1469. Interpretation: Stone deposit packing on the western edge of the ditch C1167. C1466 Ditch L 11m, Wth 0.4m, D m Tr.11C Description: Linear stone feature running N-S comprised of schist slabs - set at an angle and flatter small schist (up to 0.5m by 0.4m), rounded large granite boulders, small granite stones, one course in width - abutted to the east by C1119, to the south it was abutted by C1122. The feature ran the width of the trench. Interpretation: Low stone feature running N-S at the western edge of the ditch. Perhaps disturbed from feature which was filled by the deposit C1122. C1467 Furrow L 0.76m, Wth 0.31m, D 0.16m Tr.11M Description: Roughly figure of 8 shaped in plan with curved edges. Gentle break of slope at top. Gently tapering sides however has not been excavated in full so break of slope at base and base unknown. Interpretation: Small figure of 8 shaped pit of unknown function - potentially part of the sequence of cultivation features. C1468 Furrow L 0.76m, Wth 0.31m, D 0.16m Tr.11M Description: A dark yellowish brown clayey-sand. Moderately compacted crumb in structure. Stone inclusions (>10%) of coarse pebbles (2-6cm) composed of angular and sub angular schist and granite. Diffuse upper boundary. 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Fill of small figure of 8 shaped pit C1467 - potentially part of the sequence of cultivation features. C1469 Ditch L m, Wth m, D m Tr.11C Description: Medium brown silty-sand, sparse charcoal (less than 5%), frequent granite and schist stones. We did not complete the excavation of this deposit in 2017. Interpretation: Fill within the revetment C1444. C1470 Pit L 2m, Wth 1.3m, D 0.3m Tr.11J Description: Mid-brown medium silty-sand with sparse (less than 10%), charcoal flecks, sparse small subangular granite pebbles <20mm and several large angular stones less than 100mm, loose compaction, poor boundary with overlying C1101, sharp boundary with underlying C1102. Three large slag fragments within. Interpretation: Upper fill of pit in the north-western corner of Tr.11J. A large part of the pit remains outside the area of excavation to the north. The excavator of the pit noted that the upper fill of the pit was poorly differentiated from the overlying ploughsoil. C1471 Pit L 2m, Wth 1.3m, D 0.6m Tr.11J Description: U-shaped feature. Sharp break of slope. Top west edge. Lesser break on eastern edge, steep sides, relatively flat bottom. Located close to northwest of Tr.11J. Appears to be cut by furrows C1111 and C1177 and cuts deposit of charcoal C1493. Interpretation: Large pit in north-western area of Tr.11J. Unclear of the relationship with furrows C1111 and C1175 - original excavator suggests it cut plough furrows but appears to have been cut by them. It cut an area of intense charcoal rich spread C1493.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1472 Furrow L 2.5m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.14m Tr.11M Description: A yellow-brown silty-sand. Moderately compacted and blocky in structure. It is moderately sorted with some coarse pebble inclusions (>10%) (2-6cm) of schist and granite which are angular and sub angular and a very small number of sub angular cobbles. It has a sharp lower boundary and a slightly diffuse upper boundary. 100% dry sieved. Limited to northern side of furrow C1450. Interpretation: Intermediate fill of furrow C1450. Probably the same context as C1491 in Tr.11l. C1473 Furrow L 2.5m, Wth 0.42m, D 0.07m Tr.11M Description: A mottled grey-brown clayey-sand. It is moderately compacted and blocky in structure. It is poorly sorted with coarse pebbles (2-6cm) and cobble (6-20cm) inclusions (10%). Angular and sub angular granite, schist and quartz pebbles and angular, subangular and sub- rounded granite and shirt cobbles. Diffuse/ poor upper boundary and sharp lower boundary. 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Lowest fill of E-W Furrow C1450. probably the same context as C1479 the lowest fill of C1451 in Tr.11L. C1474 Ditch L 3m, Wth 0.4m, D 0.4m Tr.11C Description: Mid-brown clayey-sand, loosely compacted, some large lumps of charcoal (oak) up to 10% of content. Sparse small stones. Diffuse boundary with the overlying context C1469. Some very large charcoal fragments - possibly burnt planking. Interpretation: Fill between the revetment C1163 and the inner earlier revetment C1444. Not fully excavated in 2017. C1475 Pit L 1.2m, Wth 0.43m, D 0.9m Tr.11L Description: Medium sand with relatively few inclusions, light-brown loose less than 10% stone. Interpretation: Basal fill in furrow C1451. C1476 Furrow L 0.8m, Wth 0.3m, D 0.26m Tr.11M Description: Broadly rectangular in plan with rounded corners. Sharp break of slope at top with vertical sides gently tapered at base with base slightly concave. Runs E-W. Full extent unknown as it disappears under east balk of the trench. Interpretation: Spade dug agricultural furrow. Possibly C19Th/ early C20th in date. C1477 Furrow L 0.8m, Wth 0.3m, D 0.26m Tr.11M Description: A yellowish brown clayey-sand. Charcoal flecked, moderately compacted and blocky in structure. Stone inclusions (>10%) of coarse pebbles (2-6cm) and one cobble (6- 20cm). The cobble is of sub-rounded granite with granite, schist and quartz pebbles throughout. Sharp upper and lower boundaries. 100% dry sieved. Interpretation: Fill of spade dug agricultural furrow. Possibly C19th/ early C20th in date. C1478 Pit L 0.72m, Wth 0.92m, D 0.44m Tr.11M Description: This is the clayey-sand fill of C1488.There is 60% inclusion of small stones from sub-angular to rounded. The context is a dark-brown soil and is loosely compacted. This context has been sieved and is cut by C1438 (plough furrow). There are large rocks at the base of this pit in C1478. May not be bottomed thus lower boundary not known. Interpretation: Partially excavated pit - Truncation and date unknown. Further investigation needed in 2018. C1479 Pit L ?m, Wth ?m, D ?m Tr.11M Description: Description awaits 2018 Excavation as extents unknown. Interpretation: C1479 represents what appears to be rather extensive pit located in close proximity to northern baulk in Tr.11L contains multiple fills. Box section opened up to investigate depth. Box dimensions 1.4m (N-S) Depth unconfirmed due to safety restrictions, 1.3m from baulk x 0.85m (E-W). C1480 Pit L ?m, Wth ?m, D ?m Tr.11M Description: Feature located in the NE corner of Tr.11L. Upper fill identified in box section, full extent to be investigated in forthcoming season 2018. Coarse sand, gritty with frequent inclusions, dark grey, loose, crumby, frequent angular/subangular stone inclusions >30%. Sieved. Interpretation: Upper fill to be fully excavated 2018.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1481 Pit L ?m, Wth ?m, D 0.9m Tr.11M Description: Coarse sand, gritty with frequent inclusions, grey, loose, crumby, moderate stone inclusions (less than 20%). Sieved through 10mm mesh. Interpretation: Fill of pit partially explored through box section. Unknown dimensions. C1482 Pit L ?m, Wth ?m, D 0.8m Tr.11M Description: Coarse sand, grey, loose, crumby, moderate stone inclusions, sieved through 10mm mesh. Interpretation: Fill of pit partially explored through box section. Unknown dimensions. C1483 Pit L ?m, Wth ?m, D 0.5m Tr.11L Description: Grey band of clay within pit box section, grey silty-sand, loose, no visible inclusions, sieved. Interpretation: Secondary fill within the pit cut C1479, deposit not bottomed in 2017. C1484 Pit L ?m, Wth ?m, D 0.35m Tr.11L Description: C1484 identified in box section, full extent to be investigated in 2018. Coarse sand frequent stony inclusions (grit). Mottled brown yellow. Crumby loose compaction. Moderate stone inclusions. 100% sieved. Interpretation: Pending. C1485 Furrow L 2.5m, Wth 0.77m, D 0.1m Tr.11M Description: Linear, none, gentle break of slope at top, sides gently sloping at west and sharp at east, base of slope has sharp break of slope, orientated SW-NE. Cuts C1450 linear ditch. Terminates with rounded terminal at NE corner. Interpretation: Plough furrow earlier than its fill C1486. Possibly equal to C1196 in Tr.11F. C1486 Furrow L 2.5m, Wth 0.77m, D 0.1m Tr.11M Description: Clayey-sand with sparse small angular stones (less than 5%). Only excavated at the terminal of the furrow C1485, dark-brown in colour with occasional charcoal flecks (less than 10%). Area of 0.42m N-S by 0.77m E-W excavated in 2017 section. Interpretation: Fill of plough furrow of C18th/C19th date. C1487 Pit L ?m, Wth ?m, D ?m Tr.11L Description: Silty clay, brown, loose sticky wet clay, no inclusions identified as of yet. Interpretation: Deposit within the pit C1479. Excavation of this pit was undertaken through a box section. To be fully investigated in 2018. C1488 Pit L 0.72m, Wth 0.92m, D 0.44m Tr.11M Description: This sub-rectangular cut has rounded corners and is filled by C1478. C1456 (burnt layer) appears to fall into cut of this pit however the full extent of the relationship between these two contexts needs to be further explored in the next excavation season. This cut is cut by C1438. The base of this cut is sloped, with the higher end the SW end. The cut is seen on the drawing on context sheet for C1478. There is a round break of slope at the top and a sharp break of slope at the base. This is a northern orientation of this feature. (NB This cut has not been excavated in full at base in 2017). Interpretation: Partially excavated pit - function and date unknown. Further investigation needed in 2018. C1489 Posthole L 0.3m, Wth 0.26m, D Unknown Tr.11M Description: Cut by C1450. Fill is a dark-brown colour. This post hole will be properly excavated during the next digging season. Visible in section where C1450 has cut through. Unexcavated in 2017. Interpretation: Unexcavated possible posthole/small pit of unknown date/ function. Further investigation needed in 2018. C1490 Posthole L 0.3m, Wth 0.26m, D Unknown Tr.11M Description: Circular in plan but unexcavated in 2017. Appears at the base of C1450 on the southern side. If it is a posthole it was truncated by C1450. Visible in section where C1450 has cut through it. Interpretation: Unexcavated possible posthole/small pit of unknown date/ function. Further investigation needed in 2018.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Context No. Feature Dimensions Trench C1491 Ditch L 0.1m, Wth 0.15m, D 0.06m Tr.11L Description: Additional lower fill located on northern edge, coarse sand, quite gritty, light- brown-grey, loose, crumby, no apparent inclusions. All sieved through a 10mm mesh. Interpretation: Possible in wash as only confined to the northern edge of feature C1451, linear E-W feature in the NE corner Tr.11. C1492 Pit L 1m, Wth 1.4m, D 0.2m Tr.11J Description: Yellow/brown crumbly sandy soil, loosely compacted <10% inclusions - subangular less than 0.1m in diameter. Base of pit fill - redeposited natural?. Interpretation: Fill of pit C1471. C1493 Pit L 0.5m, Wth 1m, D 0.1m Tr.11J Description: Black brown sandy/humic loosely compacted soil. Possible inclusion of ferrous slag. No other inclusions. Interpretation: Lens of organic material associated with burning. C1494 Burnt deposit L 1.2m, Wth 0.7m, D ?m Tr.11J Description: Dark-brown soft clayey-sand with frequent flecks and small lumps of charcoal (c. 20%) of charcoal, patches of scorching also visible. Sharp boundary with overlying ploughsoil. Heavily truncated by furrows C1111, C1176 and C1144. Same as C1344 recorded to the south in Tr.11C in 2015. Appears to be cut by the pit C1471. Interpretation: Rake-out burnt deposit thrown on the western edge of the ditch when still hot (underlying ground scorched in places).


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Appendix 2: Small Finds Register

Excav. Museum Number Context Small Cutting Date Initials Material Description No.: Number Find No: No. : E4431 E4431:1101:01 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem (mouthpiece) E4431 E4431:1101:02 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe (bowl fragment) E4431 E4431:1101:03 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe (bowl fragment) E4431 E4431:1101:04 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:05 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:06 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:07 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:08 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:09 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 28/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:10 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One rim sherd of medieval pottery E4431 E4431:1101:11 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of red brick E4431 E4431:1101:12 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of red brick E4431 E4431:1101:13 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of post medieval glazed pottery

E4431 E4431:1101:14 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of post medieval stoneware E4431 E4431:1101:15 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1101:16 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1101:17 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One rim sherd of blackware E4431 E4431:1101:18 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of glazed stoneware E4431 E4431:1101:19 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of glazed stoneware E4431 E4431:1101:20 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of glazed stoneware E4431 E4431:1101:21 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of glazed pottery (manganese mottled) E4431 E4431:1101:22 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of glazed pottery (manganese mottled)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:23 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of glazed pottery (manganese mottled) E4431 E4431:1101:24 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of glazed pottery (border ware) E4431 E4431:1101:25 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Glass One piece of blue glass

E4431 E4431:1101:26 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 03/09/14 BR Ceramic Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1101:27 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 03/09/14 BR Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:28 C1101 SF1102 Tr.11 19/09/14 BW Ceramic One piece of red earthernware pottery E4431 E4431:1101:29 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 MD Ceramic Post medieval brown glazed vessel lid E4431 E4431:1101:30 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 MD Ceramic One piece of red earthen ware (possibly post medieval)

E4431 E4431:1101:31 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 MD Ceramic One piece of glazed pottery (possibly medieval) E4431 E4431:1101:32 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:33 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:34 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One small piece of clay pipe bowl E4431 E4431:1101:35 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One small piece of clay pipe bowl E4431 E4431:1101:36 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One small piece of clay pipe bowl E4431 E4431:1101:37 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One piece of post medieval red earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:38 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One piece of post medieval brown glazed stoneware E4431 E4431:1101:39 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1101:40 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Flint Honeycomb coloured struck flake piece E4431 E4431:1101:41 C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 WM Flint Light grey coloured struck flake piece E4431 E4431:1101:42 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Glass Rounded glass object E4431 E4431:1101:43 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic Clay pipe bowl with upper stem attached, engraved logo visible upon bowl E4431 E4431:1101:44 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:45 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:46 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:47 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:48 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1101:49 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One base sherd of blackware E4431 E4431:1101:50 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One base sherd of blackware E4431 E4431:1101:51 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1101:52 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic Ceramic roof tile E4431 E4431:1101:53 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One base sherd of (brown) glazed post medieval earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:54 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:55 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of post medieval glazed earthenware (manganese mottled) E4431 E4431:1101:56 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:57 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic One piece of Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:58 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic One medieval rim sherd - Dublin type ware

E4431 E4431:1101:59 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:60 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:61 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:62 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:63 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:64 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic One piece of medieval earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:65 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:66 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BR Ceramic One glazed rim sherd - Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:67 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Glass 18th century bottle glass (black) E4431 E4431:1101:68 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Glass 18th century bottle glass (green) E4431 E4431:1101:69 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Iron object possible latch

E4431 E4431:1101:70 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1101:71 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1101:72 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1101:73 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1101:74 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Iron wire


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:75 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Iron wire E4431 E4431:1101:76 C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 MS Iron Unidentified iron object

E4431 E4431:1101:77 C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 MS Iron Unidentified iron object

E4431 E4431:1101:78 C1101 SF1105 Tr.11 19/08/14 SOS Ceramic One piece of Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:79 C1101 SF1106 Tr.11 20/08/14 BG Flint Burnt flint E4431 E4431:1101:80 C1101 SF1107 Tr.11 20/08/14 BG Flint Flint blade E4431 E4431:1101:81 C1101 SF1108 Tr.11 20/08/14 MD Flint Flint chunk E4431 E4431:1101:82 C1101 SF1109 Tr.11 20/08/14 MD Flint Flint scraper E4431 E4431:1101:83 C1101 SF1112 Tr.11 21/08/14 MD Flint Flint flake E4431 E4431:1101:84 C1101 SF1113 Tr.11 21/08/14 MD Flint Flint chunk E4431 E4431:1103:85 C1103 SF1114 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1103:86 C1103 SF1118 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Ceramic Base sherd Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1103:87 C1103 SF1119 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Ceramic One small piece of (brown) glazed post medieval pottery (manganese mottled) E4431 E4431:1101:88 C1103 SF1120 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Flint Flint scraper E4431 E4431:1101:89 C1101 SF1121 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Flint Worked flint E4431 E4431:1103:90 C1103 SF1122 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Ceramic Dublin Type Ware Body sherd E4431 E4431:1103:91 C1103 SF1123 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Ceramic One piece of Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:92 C1101 SF1125 Tr.11 22/08/14 BG Iron Rusted Iron E4431 E4431:1101:93 C1101 SF1126 Tr.11 22/08/14 DW Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware rim sherd E4431 E4431:1104:94 C1101 SF1127 Tr.11 22/08/14 AC Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1101:95 C1101 SF1128 Tr.11 22/08/14 NH Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, fragment E4431 E4431:1114:96 C1114 SF1129 Tr.11 22/08/14 AC Clay Furnace material E4431 E4431:1101:97 C1101 SF1130 Tr.11 22/08/14 JM Ceramic Rim sherd, Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:98 C1101 SF1131 Tr.11 22/08/14 FC Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1114:99 C1114 SF1132 Tr.11 22/08/14 AC Flint Worked flint E4431 E4431:1101:100 C1101 SF1133 Tr.11 21/08/14 MS Iron Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1101:101 C1101 SF1134 Tr.11 22/08/14 JM Ceramic Small fragment of red earthenware E4431 E4431:1115:102 C1115 SF1137 Tr.11 22/08/14 MS Iron Iron fragments. E4431 E4431:1115:103 C1115 SF1138 Tr.11 22/08/14 AC Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1116:104 C1116 SF1140 Tr.11 22/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1101:105 C1101 SF1141 Tr.11 22/08/14 JM Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1116:106 C1116 SF1143 Tr.11 25/08/14 MS Iron Iron fragments. E4431 E4431:1101:107 C1101 SF1144 Tr.11 25/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1116:108 C1116 SF1145 Tr.11 25/08/14 MS Iron Iron fragment E4431 E4431:1101:109 C1101 SF1146 Tr.11 25/08/14 EG Flint Worked flint flake E4431 E4431:1116:110 C1116 SF1147 Tr.11 26/08/14 NV Flint Worked flint


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1116:111 C1116 SF1148 Tr.11 26/08/14 NV Quartz 13th century plough pebble E4431 E4431:1115:112 C1115 SF1152 Tr.11 27/08/14 JM Metal 10th century medieval (unident) coin E4431 E4431:1110:113 C1115 SF1156 Tr.11 25/08/14 MS Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1115:114 C1115 SF1157 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:115 C1115 SF1157 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:116 C1115 SF1158 Tr.11 27/08/14 SM Flint Worked flint E4431 E4431:1115:117 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:118 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:119 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:120 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:121 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:122 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Rim sherd of medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1115:123 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1115:124 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:125 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type Fine ware E4431 E4431:1115:126 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:127 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Stone fragment E4431 E4431:1115:128 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Base sherd, Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:129 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:130 C1115 SF1159 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Ceramic Sherd Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1118:131 C1118 SF1161 Tr.11 27/08/14 EG Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1118:132 C1118 SF1161 Tr.11 27/08/14 EG Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:133 C1115 SF1162 Tr.11 28/08/14 NR Iron Iron Fragment E4431 E4431:1123:134 C1123 SF1164 Tr.11 28/08/14 NH Flint Flint Scraper E4431 E4431:1100:135 C1100 SF1170 Tr.11B 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1100:136 C1100 SF1170 Tr.11B 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One thick piece of post medieval green glazed red earthenware E4431 E4431:1182:137 C1182 SF1171 Tr.11B 18/08/15 MS Ceramic Fragment of clay pipe bowl E4431 E4431:1182:138 C1182 SF1171 Tr.11B 18/08/15 MS Ceramic Fragment of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1182:139 C1182 SF1171 Tr.11B 18/08/15 MS Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking Ware body sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1182:140 C1182 SF1171 Tr.11B 18/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1182:141 C1182 SF1171 Tr.11B 18/08/15 MS Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1100:142 C1100 SF1172 Tr.11C 17/08/15 MS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1100:143 C1100 SF1172 Tr.11C 17/08/15 MS Glass Blue glass bottle neck E4431 E4431:1100:144 C1100 SF1172 Tr.11C 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of post medieval (brown) glazed pottery (manganese mottled) E4431 E4431:1100:145 C1100 SF1172 Tr.11C 17/08/15 MS Ceramic Tile fragment with engraved design with a hint of green glaze E4431 E4431:1100:146 C1100 SF1172 Tr.11C 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of post medieval pottery, red fabric and internal cream glaze E4431 E4431:1100:147 C1100 SF1174 Tr.11 17/08/15 MS Ceramic Dressed tile fragment, D glazed on each side E4431 E4431:1100:148 C1100 SF1176 Tr.11E 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of Georgian blackware E4431 E4431:1100:149 C1100 SF1176 Tr.11E 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of red earthenware (possibly medieval) E4431 E4431:1100:150 C1100 SF1176 Tr.11E 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One bae and body sherd of red earthenware (possibly medieval)

E4431 E4431:1100:151 C1100 SF1176 Tr.11E 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One small piece of (cream/yellow) internal and external glazed pottery (possibly Victorian era) E4431 E4431:1100:152 C1100 SF1176 Tr.11E 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One small piece of (cream/yellow) internal and external glazed pottery (possibly Victorian era) E4431 E4431:1182:153 C1182 SF1177 Tr.11E 18/08/15 WM Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1182:154 C1182 SF1177 Tr.11E 18/08/15 WM Ceramic One piece of post medieval glazed pottery (manganese ware)

E4431 E4431:1100:155 C1100 SF1178 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Glass Transparent glass bead. 0.07m diameter E4431 E4431:1100:156 C1100 SF1179 Tr.11F 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of post medieval (yellow) glazed ware (possibly border ware) E4431 E4431:1100:157 C1100 SF1179 Tr.11F 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of post medieval (green) glazed ware (possibly border ware) E4431 E4431:1100:158 C1100 SF1179 Tr.11F 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of post medieval (brown) glazed pottery


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1100:159 C1100 SF1179 Tr.11F 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval pottery rim sherd with slip and design E4431 E4431:1100:160 C1100 SF1180 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic Clay pipe bowl with engraving - United Trade Association Dublin 1863- 1877 E4431 E4431:1100:161 C1100 SF1180 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic Piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1100:162 C1100 SF1180 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic Piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1100:163 C1100 SF1180 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic Piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1100:164 C1100 SF1180 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic Piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1100:165 C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Flint Worked flint flake E4431 E4431:1100:166 C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of red earthen ware (possibly medieval)

E4431 E4431:1100:167 C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval pottery (manganese ware) E4431 E4431:1100:168 C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1100:169 C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1100:170 C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Ceramic One small piece of Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1100:171 C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 AP Glass Base and body fragemt of 18th century glass bottle (green) E4431 E4431:1101:172 C1101 SF1182 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AP Bronze C.9th-10th Century Ornamental Ringed Pin E4431 E4431:1101:173 C1101 SF1183 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AP Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:174 C1101 SF1184 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:175 C1101 SF1185 Tr.11F 19/08/15 MS Ceramic Body sherd Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:176 C1101 SF1186 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AP Metal Late seventeenth to (unident) eighteenth century brass pear drop cabinet handle. E4431 E4431:1101:177 C1101 SF1187 Tr.11F 19/08/15 MS Iron Corroded Iron object E4431 E4431:1100:178 C1100 SF1188 Tr.11 19/08/15 AP Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1100:179 C1100 SF1188 Tr.11 19/08/15 AP Iron Iron (unidentified) fragment E4431 E4431:1182:180 C1182 SF1190 Tr.11C 19/08/15 AW Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1182:181 C1182 SF1191 Tr.11 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe D stem E4431 E4431:1182:182 C1182 SF1191 Tr.11 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of Georgian D blackware E4431 E4431:1182:183 C1182 SF1191 Tr.11 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of post D medieval glazed pottery


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1182:184 C1182 SF1191 Tr.11 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of post D medieval glazed pottery

E4431 E4431:1182:185 C1182 SF1191 Tr.11 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of red D earthenware (possibly medieval) E4431 E4431:1182:186 C1182 SF1191 Tr.11 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of red D earthenware (possibly medieval) E4431 E4431:1182:187 C1182 SF1192 Tr.11E 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1182:188 C1182 SF1192 Tr.11E 19/08/15 AW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1182:189 C1182 SF1192 Tr.11E 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval pottery (manganese ware) E4431 E4431:1182:190 C1182 SF1192 Tr.11E 19/08/15 AW Ceramic Decorated red tile fragment E4431 E4431:1101:191 C1101 SF1193 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type Fine ware E4431 E4431:1101:192 C1101 SF1193 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:193 C1101 SF1193 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of blackware

E4431 E4431:1182:194 C1182 SF1195 Tr.11F 20/08/15 CN Metal Coin (unident) E4431 E4431:1101:195 C1101 SF1196 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of glazed tile

E4431 E4431:1101:196 C1101 SF1197 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One fragment of Dublin- type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:197 C1101 SF1198 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Ceramic Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:198 C1101 SF1199 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One rim sherd of medival Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:199 C1101 SF1300 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Iron Unidentified iron object

E4431 E4431:1101:200 C1101 SF1300 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Iron Unidentified iron object

E4431 E4431:1101:201 C1101 SF1301 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Iron Iron nail (bent profile) E4431 E4431:1101:202 C1101 SF1301 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Metal Metal object (unident) (unidentified) E4431 E4431:1101:203 C1101 SF1301 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Flint Flint flake possibly broken E4431 E4431:1101:204 C1101 SF1301 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of Georgian blackware E4431 E4431:1101:205 C1101 SF1301 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One small and thin piece of post medieval (brown) glazed pottery with red fabric E4431 E4431:1101:206 C1101 SF1302 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AP Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:207 C1101 SF1302 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AP Flint Burnt flint E4431 E4431:1101:208 C1101 SF1302 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of Georgian blackware E4431 E4431:1101:209 C1101 SF1302 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of Georgian blackware


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:210 C1101 SF1302 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AP Glass Base of 18th century glass bottle E4431 E4431:1101:211 C1101 SF1302 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:212 C1101 SF1355 Tr.11F 24/08/15 AP Glass Early medieval blue glass bead E4431 E4431:1182:213 C1182 SF1303 Tr.11C 20/08/15 AW Ceramic One sherd of Dublin- type fineware E4431 E4431:1182:214 C1182 SF1304 Tr.11 20/08/15 AW Ceramic One fragment of ceramic D tile exhibiting hint of glaze E4431 E4431:1182:215 C1182 SF1304 Tr.11 20/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe D stem E4431 E4431:1182:216 C1182 SF1304 Tr.11 20/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of Georgian D blackware E4431 E4431:1182:217 C1182 SF1304 Tr.11 20/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of Georgian D blackware E4431 E4431:1182:218 C1182 SF1304 Tr.11 20/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of (brown) D glazed post medieval pottery (manganese ware) E4431 E4431:1182:219 C1182 SF1304 Tr.11 20/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of post D medieval pottery (internal glaze) E4431 E4431:1101:220 C1101 SF1305 Tr.11 21/08/15 TOS Iron Small iron object D (unidentified) E4431 E4431:1101:221 C1101 SF1306 Tr.11C 21/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:222 C1101 SF1307 Tr.11 21/08/15 CMD Ceramic Furnace (base) material D E4431 E4431:1101:223 C1101 SF1308 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Iron Iron object (unidentified) D E4431 E4431:1101:224 C1101 SF1309 Tr.11 21/08/15 SW/N Ceramic Rim sherd Leinster D C Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1169:225 C1169 SF1313 Tr.11B 21/08/15 LB Flint Flint arrowhead (broken) Likely to be a petit tranchet arrowhead

E4431 E4431:1101:226 C1101 SF1314 Tr.11 21/08/15 SW/N Ceramic Body sherd Dublin Type D C Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:227 C1115 SF1315 Tr.11 21/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of medieval D Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:228 C1115 SF1316 Tr.11 21/08/15 SW Iron Possible iron bolt D E4431 E4431:1101:229 C1101 SF1318 Tr.11B 21/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval pottery (manganese ware) E4431 E4431:1101:230 C1101 SF1319 Tr.11B 21/08/15 LB Flint Burnt flint flake E4431 E4431:1101:231 C1101 SF1321 Tr.11 21/08/15 GW Ceramic One piece of Leinster D Cooking Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:232 C1101 SF1324 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Flint Flint chunk D E4431 E4431:1101:233 C1101 SF1327 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Ceramic One small piece of D medieval Dublin-type fineware


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:234 C1101 SF1327 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:235 C1101 SF1327 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Ceramic One piece of possible D medieval ceramic (red earthenware) E4431 E4431:1101:236 C1101 SF1328 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Iron Iron object (unidentified) D E4431 E4431:1101:237 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic Clay pipe stem D E4431 E4431:1101:238 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic Clay pipe bowl D E4431 E4431:1101:239 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D sherd E4431 E4431:1101:240 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic Body sherd Dublin Type D Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1101:241 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D E4431 E4431:1101:242 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking D Ware, body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:243 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of medieval D Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:244 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body D sherd E4431 E4431:1101:245 C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of post D medieval ceramic with brown internal glaze E4431 E4431:1101:246 C1101 SF1333 Tr.11 21/08/15 SW Ceramic One piece of medieval D Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:247 C1101 SF1334 Tr.11 21/08/15 GW Ceramic Body sherd of medieval D Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:248 C1101 SF1335 Tr.11F 21/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of Georgian blackware E4431 E4431:1101:249 C1101 SF1335 Tr.11F 21/08/15 AP Iron Iron object (unidentified)

E4431 E4431:1101:250 C1101 SF1336 Tr.11 21/08/15 AP Ceramic one rim sherd Dublin D type ware E4431 E4431:1101:251 C1101 SF1337 Tr.11F 21/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:252 C1101 SF1337 Tr.11F 21/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:253 C1101 SF1338 Tr.11F 21/08/15 AM Flint Honeycomb flint flake E4431 E4431:1100:254 C1100 SF1339 Tr.11F 17/08/15 MS Iron Iron nail or bolt E4431 E4431:1122:255 C1122 SF1340 Tr.11C 24/08/15 AW Flint Flint Flake E4431 E4431:1116:256 C1116 SF1344 Tr.11 24/08/15 JB Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1169:257 C1169 SF1345 Tr.11B 24/08/15 AW Flint Flint chunk E4431 E4431:1115:258 C1115 SF1346 Tr.11C 24/08/15 MS Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1101:259 C1101 SF1347 Tr.11F 24/08/15 CC Ceramic Post medieval glazed pottery handle E4431 E4431:1101:260 C1101 SF1348 Tr.11F 24/08/15 CC Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, medieval pottery E4431 E4431:1116:261 C1116 SF1349 Tr.11C 24/08/15 TM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. One piece of medieval pottery E4431 E4431:1169:262 C1169 SF1350 Tr.11B 24/08/15 CH Flint Flint flake. E4431 E4431:1169:263 C1169 SF1352 Tr.11B 24/08/15 AW Flint


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1116:264 C1116 SF1353 Tr.11E 24/08/15 AW Iron One piece of iron E4431 E4431:1115:265 C1115 SF1354 Tr.11C 24/08/15 AP Ceramic One body sherd of Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:266 C1115 SF1356 Tr.11C 24/08/15 CC Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin-type fineware jug handle E4431 E4431:1115:267 C1115 SF1357 Tr.11C 24/08/15 CC Ceramic One rim sherd medieval Dublin-type fineware

E4431 E4431:1115:268 C1115 SF1358 Tr.11C 24/08/15 CC Ceramic One body sherd of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:269 C1115 SF1358 Tr.11C 24/08/15 CC Ceramic One body sherd of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:270 C1115 SF1359 Tr.11C 24/08/15 CG Ceramic One piece of medieval Dublin type coarseware

E4431 E4431:1101:271 C1101 SF1360 Tr.11F 24/08/15 NC Ceramic One piece of (green) glazed post medieval ceramic (borderware) E4431 E4431:1116:272 C1116 SF1362 Tr.11E 24/08/15 AW Ceramic One piece of clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1115:273 C1115 SF1363 Tr.11 25/08/15 CG Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:274 C1115 SF1365 Tr.11 25/08/15 CG Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body D sherd E4431 E4431:1169:275 C1169 SF1366 Tr.11B 26/08/15 MH Flint One small flint flake E4431 E4431:1122:276 C1122 SF1367 Tr.11C 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One rim sherd of Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:277 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:278 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:279 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:280 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:281 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:282 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:283 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:284 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:285 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:286 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:287 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body piece of D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1115:288 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware D (glazed) E4431 E4431:1115:289 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd, Dublin D Type Ware (glazed)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1115:290 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D Sherd E4431 E4431:1115:291 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D sherd E4431 E4431:1115:292 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:293 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:294 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:295 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:296 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:297 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:298 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:299 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:300 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:301 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:302 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:303 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body sherd of D medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1115:304 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One base fragment of D medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1115:305 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Rim Sherd E4431 E4431:1115:306 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic Rim sherd Dublin type D ware E4431 E4431:1115:307 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One small sherd of D medieval glazed ware E4431 E4431:1115:308 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One relatively thick D sherd of red earthenware E4431 E4431:1115:309 C1115 SF1370 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:310 C1117 SF1374 Tr.11 26/08/15 TOS Iron One piece of corroded D nail E4431 E4431:1169:311 C1169 SF1376 Tr.11B 26/08/15 SW Flint Flint chunk


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1117:312 C1117 SF1379 Tr.11 26/08/15 LB Iron Iron nail (corroded) D E4431 E4431:1193:313 C1193 SF1380 Tr.11F 26/08/15 ML Iron Iron bolt (corroded) E4431 E4431:1192:314 C1192 SF1381 Tr.11F 26/08/15 AP Iron Iron bolt (corroded) E4431 E4431:1115:315 C1115 SF1382 Tr.11 26/08/15 LB Ceramic Rim sherd of Leinster D Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1122:316 C1122 SF1385 Tr.11C 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One body Sherd, Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1122:317 C1122 SF1385 Tr.11C 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One small piece of Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:318 C1101 SF1389 Tr.11 25/08/15 JR Ceramic One rim sherd of Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1101:319 C1101 SF1392 Tr.11F 24/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of thick clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:320 C1101 SF1392 Tr.11F 24/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval pottery (manganese ware) E4431 E4431:1122:321 C1122 SF1386 Tr.11C 27/08/15 MS Ceramic Furnace material E4431 E4431:1182:322 C1182 SF1175 Tr.11E 18/08/15 SF Ceramic One body sherd of Georgian blackware E4431 E4431:1103:323 C1103 SF1397 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:324 C1101 SF1398 Tr.11 19/08/14 SOS Ceramic One piece of red earthenware (possibly medieval) E4431 E4431:1101:325 C1101 SF1398 Tr.12 19/08/14 SOS Ceramic One small crumb of red earthenware with visible trace of glaze E4431 E4431:1100:326 C1100 SF1174 Tr.11 17/08/15 MS Ceramic One piece of medieval D red earthenware pottery

E4431 E4431:1005:327 C1005 SF1020 Tr.10 24/08/15 AM Flint One small piece of worked flint with outside context still visible

E4431 E4431:1323:328 C1323 SF1400 Tr.11F 08/08/16 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4413:1323:329 C1323 SF1400 Tr.11F 08/08/16 WM Ceramic One body sherd of Leinster Cooking Ware with visible internal oxidisation E4431 E4431:1323:330 C1323 SF1404 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Flint Cream flint flake, naturally fractured E4431 E4431:1323:331 C1323 SF1404 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Flint Cream flint flake E4431 E4431:1101:332 C1101 SF1405 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Red fabric with traces of glaze, rim sherd with incision. Dublin type ware. Quite abraded E4431 E4431:1101:333 C1101 SF1405 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Abraded red fabric with traces of glaze. Dublin- type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:334 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:335 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:336 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:337 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:338 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:339 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:340 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:341 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:342 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:343 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:344 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:345 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:346 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:347 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:348 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:349 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:350 C1101 SF1406 Tr.11E 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin type ware E4431 E4431:1101:351 C1101 SF1407 Tr.11E 09/08/16 MS Ceramic Medieval twisted handle fragment, Transition Ware? L15th-16th Century E4431 E4431:1101:352 C1101 SF1408 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic One body piece of D medieval Dublin type Fine ware E4431 E4431:1101:353 C1101 SF1409 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1101:354 C1101 SF1409 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Iron Looped implement


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:355 C1101 SF1413 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic One body piece of medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:356 C1101 SF1413 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Medieval earthenware rim sherd E4431 E4431:1101:357 C1101 SF1414 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Iron Corroded horse shoe fragment with two rectangular rivet holes E4431 E4431:1101:358 C1101 SF1414 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Iron Corroded unidentified iron object E4431 E4431:1101:359 C1101 SF1414 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Iron Flat headed iron tac E4431 E4431:1101:360 C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd, red fabric with brown glaze E4431 E4431:1101:361 C1101 SF1418 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic One body sherd of Leinster Cooking Ware E4432 E4431:1101:362 C1101 SF1419 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic One body sherd of Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1101:363 C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D sherd quite abraded

E4431 E4431:1101:364 C1101 SF1427 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron nail /D E4432 E4431:1101:365 C1101 SF1427 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Metal Tin button /D (unident) E4431 E4431:1101:366 C1101 SF1429 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Flint Struck flake /D E4431 E4431:1101:367 C1101 SF1429 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Flint natural fragment /D E4431 E4431:1101:368 C1101 SF1431 Tr.11F 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Possible Mediterranean import. Cream fabric with sandy texture

E4431 E4431:1101:369 C1101 SF1436 Tr.11C 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware /D E4431 E4431:1101:370 C1101 SF1437 Tr.11C 10/08/16 RS Stone(unid Graphite rod /D ent) E4431 E4431:1117:371 C1117 SF1439 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. D Thumb pressed rim or handle. Abraded E4431 E4431:1101:372 C1101 SF1440 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:373 C1101 SF1441 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D rim sherd E4431 E4431:1101:374 C1101 SF1441 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. D Trace of external glaze present. Abraded E4431 E4431:1101:375 C1101 SF1443 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware with trace of external glaze E4431 E4431:1101:376 C1101 SF1444 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red earthenware with D glazed incised pattern E4431 E4431:1101:377 C1101 SF1445 Tr.11 10/08/16 WM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:378 C1101 SF1446 Tr.11 10/08/16 WM Ceramic One bodysherd Dublin- D type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:379 C1101 SF1447 Tr.11 10/08/16 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D Rim sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1117:380 C1117 SF1449 Tr.11E 10/08/16 TM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:381 C1117 SF1450 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron blade D E4431 E4431:1117:382 C1117 SF1451 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body D sherd E4431 E4431:1101:383 C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware /D body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:384 C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware /D body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:385 C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Abraded red /D earthenware with trace of glaze E4431 E4431:1101:386 C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, /D body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:387 C1101 SF1455 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Iron Corroded iron nail /D E4431 E4431:1323:388 C1323 SF1457 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Glass Post medieval green glass E4431 E4431:1101:389 C1101 SF1462 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Glass Post medieval green glass E4431 E4431:1101:390 C1101 SF1464 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Flint Small flink flake E4431 E4431:1101:391 C1101 SF1466 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Bronze Bronze shoe buckle E4431 E4431:1101:392 C1101 SF1467 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:393 C1101 SF1467 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:394 C1101 SF1470 Tr.11 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Medieval body sherd, D red fabric with trace of glaze E4431 E4431:1119:395 C1169 SF1472 Tr.11C 10/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking Ware, Body sherd with incised line E4431 E4431:1101:396 C1101 SF1473 Tr.11F 11/08/16 WM Iron Corroded iron object E4431 E4431:1101:397 C1101 SF1474 Tr.11C 11/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd with external glaze. Quite abraded E4431 E4431:1169:398 C1169 SF1475 Tr.11C 11/08/16 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware Body Sherd with external glaze. Quite abraded E4431 E4431:1169:399 C1169 SF1476 Tr.11C 11/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Medieval body sherd with external glaze. Quite abraded E4431 E4431:1101:400 C1101 SF1478 Tr.11 11/08/16 DS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:401 C1101 SF1478 Tr.11 11/08/16 DS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1115:402 C1115 SF1479 Tr.11 11/08/16 IK Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:403 C1101 SF1480 Tr.11 11/08/16 DS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware rim sherd E4431 E4431:1117:404 C1117 SF1481 Tr.11 11/08/16 WM Iron Corroded Iron nail/bolt D E4431 E4431:1117:405 C1117 SF1482 Tr.11 11/08/16 WM Iron Corroded Iron object D


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1117:406 C1117 SF1483 Tr.11 11/08/16 WM Flint Indeterminate D E4431 E4431:1117:407 C1117 SF1484 Tr.11E 11/08/16 WM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:408 C1101 SF1485 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Glass Post medieval blue glass /D E4431 E4431:1101:409 C1101 SF1486 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Iron Iron Nail/Pin /D E4431 E4431:1101:410 C1101 SF1486 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Iron Nail Fragment (no head) /D E4431 E4431:1101:411 C1101 SF1488 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Base D sherd E4431 E4431:1101:412 C1101 SF1488 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D sherd E4431 E4431:1101:413 C1101 SF1488 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D bodysherd E4431 E4431:1101:414 C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body /D Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:415 C1323 SF1492 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, fragment E4431 E4431:1380:416 C1380 SF1497 Tr.11 25/08/16 JD Iron Corroded Iron object E4431 E4431:1117:417 C1117 SF1498 Tr.11 12/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body D sherd E4431 E4431:1117:418 C1117 SF1499 Tr.11 12/08/16 BmC Ceramic Medieval red D earthenware body sherd

E4431 E4431:1117:419 C1117 SF1500 Tr.11 12/08/16 BmC Ceramic Vitrified clay, possible D furnace lining E4431 E4431:1117:420 C1117 SF1501 Tr.11 12/08/16 IK Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D Sherd E4431 E4431:1117:421 C1117 SF1502 Tr.11 12/08/16 IK Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:422 C1117 SF1503 Tr.11 12/08/16 BmC Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:423 C1117 SF1504 Tr.11 12/08/16 IK Flint Flint chunk, cortex D present E4431 E4431:1317:424 C1317 SF1507 Tr.11E 12/08/16 TR Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1117:425 C1117 SF1514 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Iron Corroded object, D/E possible blade (2 pieces)

E4431 E4431:1117:426 C1117 SF1514 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Iron Corroded Iron Nail D/E E4431 E4431:1117:427 C1117 SF1514 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Iron Corroded Iron Nail D/E E4431 E4431:1117:428 C1117 SF1515 Tr.11 12/08/16 TK Ceramic Medieval red D earthenware E4431 E4431:1117:429 C1117 SF1516 Tr.11 12/08/16 DN Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D Sherd E4431 E4431:1117:430 C1117 SF1517 Tr.11 12/08/16 ML Flint Struck flint D E4431 E4431:1110:431 C1110 SF1518 Tr.11 12/08/16 IK Flint Struck flint D E4431 E4431:1110:432 C1110 SF1519 Tr.11 12/08/16 RS Metal Iron Object (unident)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:11…:433 C000 :000 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Number cancelled 2017 and to be reused in 2018

E4431 E4431:1177:434 C1177 SF1524 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body D/E sherd E4431 E4431:1177:435 C1177 SF1525 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Iron Corroded Iron Nail D/E E4431 E4431:1101:436 C1101 SF1527 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Iron Nail head /D E4431 E4431:1317:437 C1317 SF1530 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Iron Corroded Iron Nail /D E4431 E4431:1101:438 C1101 SF1532 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin type ware body /D sherd E4431 E4431:1101:439 C1101 SF1532 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin type ware body /D sherd (abraded) E4431 E4431:1101:440 C1101 SF1532 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking /D Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:11..441 C000 :000 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Number cancelled 2017 and to be reused in 2018

E4431 E4431:11..442 C000 :000 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Number cancelled 2017 and to be reused in 2018

E4431 E4431:1117:443 C1117 SF1534 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object D E4431 E4431:1117:444 C1117 SF1534 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object D E4431 E4431:1117:445 C1117 SF1534 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object D E4431 E4431:1117:446 C1117 SF1534 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object D E4431 E4431:1117:447 C1117 SF1534 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object D E4431 E4431:1117:448 C1117 SF1534 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object D E4431 E4431:1117:449 C1117 SF1534 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron nail D E4431 E4431:1117:450 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:451 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:452 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:453 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:454 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:455 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:456 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Medieval body sherd, D with trace of glaze E4431 E4431:1117:457 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:458 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:459 C1117 SF1535 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D body sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:460 C1101 SF1538 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron nail /D E4431 E4431:11..461 ------Number cancelled 2017 and to be reused in 2018

E4431 E4431:1110:462 C1110 SF1539 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Flint Flint fragment /D E4431 E4431:1110:463 C1110 SF1539 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Flint Flint fragment /D E4431 E4431:1110:464 C1110 SF1539 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Flint Flint fragment /D E4431 E4431:1110:465 C1110 SF1539 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Flint Flint fragment /D E4431 E4431:1117:466 C1117 SF1541 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. /D Medieval red earthenware (abraded) E4431 E4431:1117:467 C1117 SF1541 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body /D sherd E4431 E4431:1117:468 C1117 SF1541 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, /D bodysherd E4431 E4431:1117:469 C1117 SF1541 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body /D Sherd E4431 E4431:1117:470 C1117 SF1542 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Clay pipe stem /D E4431 E4431:1117:471 C1117 SF1544 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object E4431 E4431:1117:472 C1117 SF1544 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Iron Corroded Iron object E4431 E4431:11.:473 ------Number cancelled 2017 and to be reused in 2018

E4431 E4431:1123:474 C1123 SF1546 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Iron Iron bar object- 100mm D in length by 10mm in width E4431 E4431:1317:475 C1317 SF1547 Tr.11 15/08/16 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D Sherd E4431 E4431:1123:476 C1123 SF1548 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware with D trace of glaze (abraded)

E4431 E4431:1123:477 C1123 SF1549 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware with D trace of glaze E4431 E4431:1123:478 C1123 SF1550 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:479 C1123 SF1552 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:480 C1123 SF1553 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Ceramic Minety type ware rim D and body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:481 C1123 SF1554 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:482 C1123 SF1555 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Flint Worked flint D E4431 E4431:1317:483 C1317 SF1556 Tr.11 15/08/16 TK Ceramic Medieval Dublin-type D fineware E4431 E4431:1123:484 C1123 SF1557 Tr.11 15/08/16 DN Iron Corroded iron object D E4431 E4431:1154:489 C1154 SF1559 Tr.11E 15/08/16 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:490 C1123 SF1560 Tr.11 15/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D body sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1317:491 C1317 SF1561 Tr.11E 15/08/16 TK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:492 C1117 SF1562 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, base sherd E4431 E4431:1117:493 C1117 SF1562 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:494 C1117 SF1562 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:495 C1117 SF1562 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:496 C1117 SF1562 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1357:497 C1357 SF1565 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Other Furnace material and residue E4431 E4431:1123:498 C1123 SF1567 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Iron Iron object, square D sectioned - 54mm by 12mm with expanded head. E4431 E4431:1123:499 C1123 SF1568 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D Medieval (abraded) E4431 E4431:1110:500 C1110 SF1512 Tr.11C 12/08/16 TM Ceramic Merida Type? Body sherd, light red fabric E4431 E4431:1115:501 C1123 SF1570 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Stone(unid Burnishing stone - axe D ent) shaped 85mm by 35mm by 13mm. E4431 E4431:1317:502 C1317 SF1571 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Iron Iron object D E4431 E4431:1317:503 C1317 SF1572 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1154:504 C1154 SF1575 Tr.11C 15/08/16 IK Iron Iron nail E4431 E4431:1177:505 C1177 SF1576 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Flint Worked flint E4431 E4431:1177:506 C1177 SF1577 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Metal Industrial waste/Metal (unident) residue E4431 E4431:1177:507 C1177 SF1577 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Metal Industrial waste/Metal (unident) residue E4431 E4431:1177:508 C1177 SF1578 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Metal Metal waste (unident) E4431 E4431:1123:509 C1123 SF1580 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D E4431 E4431:1123:510 C1123 SF1580 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D E4431 E4431:1123:511 C1123 SF1582 Tr.11 15/08/16 MH Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D Sherd E4431 E4431:1123:512 C1123 SF1583 Tr.11 15/08/16 DN Ceramic Dublin-Type Ware part D of large rim sherd with 1123:513 and 1123:514 E4431 E4431:1123:513 C1123 SF1584 Tr.11 15/08/16 DN Ceramic Dublin-Type Ware part D of large rim sherd with 1123:512 and 1123:514 E4431 E4431:1123:514 C1123 SF1585 Tr.11 15/08/16 DN Ceramic Dublin Type Ware rim D sherd link with 1123:513 and 1123:512 E4431 E4431:1103:515 C1103 SF1586 Tr.11F 15/08/16 MS Metal Metal residue (unident) E4431 E4431:1123:516 C1123 SF1588 Tr.11 15/08/16 CW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Base D sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1117:517 C1117 SF1591 Tr.11 15/08/16 CW Ceramic Minety type ware. D Cream and smooth fabric with brown external glaze, shoulder and neck sherd. Incised design upon surface

E4431 E4431:1117:518 C1117 SF1592 Tr.11 15/08/16 CW Ceramic Minety type ware. D Cream and smooth fabric with brown external glaze body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:519 C1117 SF1593 Tr.11 15/08/16 CW Ceramic Minety type ware. D Imported ware. Cream and smooth fabric with brown external glaze body sherd. Incised design upon surface E4431 E4431:1123:520 C1123 SF1594 Tr.11 15/08/16 CW Flint Struck flint with visible D platform, honeycomb colour E4431 E4431:1117:521 C1117 SF1597 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Metal Corroded Iron nail D (unident) E4431 E4431:1117:522 C1117 SF1597 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Metal Iron fragment D (unident) E4431 E4431:1117:523 C1117 SF1597 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Metal Iron fragment D (unident) E4431 E4431:1117:524 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:525 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, D Medieval body sherd with trace of external glaze, red/pink fabric. Thick sherd E4431 E4431:1117:526 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin type ware body D sherd E4431 E4431:1117:527 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D with trace of glaze (abraded) E4431 E4431:1117:528 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D (abraded) E4431 E4431:1117:529 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking D Ware E4431 E4431:1117:530 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware D fragment E4431 E4431:1117:531 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware D fragment E4431 E4431:1117:532 C1117 SF1598 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D fragment E4431 E4431:1317:533 C1317 SF1601 Tr.11E 15/08/16 TK Ceramic Dublin Type fineware, red/pink fabric E4431 E4431:1317:534 C1317 SF1602 Tr.11E 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, red fabric E4431 E4431:1154:535 C1154 SF1603 Tr.11E 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1154:536 C1154 SF1604 Tr.11E 16/08/16 WM Ceramic Saintonge. Green glaze with cream fabric


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1323:537 C1323 SF1605 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Iron Iron object, possible nail fragment E4431 E4431:1323:538 C1323 SF1605 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Iron Iron object, possible nail fragment E4431 E4431:1323:539 C1323 SF1605 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Iron Iron object, possible nail fragment E4431 E4431:1323:540 C1323 SF1605 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Iron Iron object, possible nail fragment E4431 E4431:1323:541 C1323 SF1605 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Iron Iron object, possible nail fragment E4431 E4431:1123:542 C1123 SF1606 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:543 C1123 SF1607 Tr.11 16/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, red D coarse fabric, body sherd

E4431 E4431:1123:544 C1123 SF1608 Tr.11 16/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type ware body D sherd (thick). Trace of external glaze and red fabric with oxydisation visible up external body

E4431 E4431:1123:545 C1123 SF1609 Tr.11 16/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:546 C1123 SF1609 Tr.11 16/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:547 C1123 SF1609 Tr.11 16/08/16 DS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:548 C1123 SF1610 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, red D fabric, body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:549 C1123 SF1612 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body D sherd E4431 E4431:1123:550 C1123 SF1613 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Ceramic Dublin type ware strap D handle fragment E4431 E4431:1103:551 C1103 SF1614 Tr.11E 16/08/16 WM Ceramic Merida Type. Red body sherd. Late Medieval E4431 E4431:1123:552 C1123 SF1615 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin Type ware D E4431 E4431:1323:553 C1323 SF1616 Tr.11E 16/08/16 COM Iron Corroded Iron nail/bolt E4431 E4431:1123:554 C1123 SF1617 Tr.11 16/08/16 JH Ceramic Sherd, Dublin Type Ware D with possible trace of glaze E4431 E4431:1123:555 C1123 SF1618 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking D Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:556 C1123 SF1619 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Flint Honeycomb coloured D flint scraper. E4431 E4431:1123:557 C1123 SF1620 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. D Medieval (thick) body sherd. Red fabric, with external glaze E4431 E4431:1123:558 C1123 SF1621 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Stone(unid Round granite stone, D ent) possible rubbing stone.

E4431 E4431:1123:559 C1123 SF1622 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:560 C1123 SF1622 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware D body sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1123:561 C1123 SF1622 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body D sherd (abraded) E4431 E4431:1123:562 C1123 SF1622 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic body sherd, Dublin Type D Ware E4431 E4431:1123:563 C1123 SF1623 Tr.11 16/08/16 TM Ceramic Dublin type ware body D sherd E4431 E4431:1123:564 C1123 SF1624 Tr.11 16/08/16 JH Ceramic Dublin type ware body D sherd E4431 E4431:1103:565 C1103 SF1625 Tr.11E 16/08/16 WM Ceramic Dublin type ware body sherd with three incised bands E4431 E4431:1103:566 C1103 SF1626 Tr.11E 16/08/16 WM Ceramic Dublin Type fineware, external glaze with red fabric E4431 E4431:1336:567 C1336 SF1627 Tr.11E 16/08/16 JO'C Iron unknown iron object E4431 E4431:1123:568 C1123 SF1628 Tr.11 16/08/16 T.M Ceramic Dublin type Ware rim D sherd with pinched spout E4431 E4431:1123:569 C1123 SF1629 Tr.11 16/08/16 DS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:570 C1123 SF1630 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Iron Cruciform iron object, D Hinge or iron bracket, 1200mm by 30mm by 600mm by 20mm punctured with large rivet 90mm in length by 8mm

E4431 E4431:1103:571 C1103 SF1631 Tr.11E 16/08/16 WM Iron Iron object E4431 E4431:1123:572 C1123 SF1634 Tr.11 16/08/16 CW Ceramic Rim sherd Leinster D Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1123:573 C1123 SF1634 Tr.11 16/08/16 CW Ceramic Rim sherd Leinster D Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1123:574 C1123 SF1634 Tr.11 16/08/16 CW Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware D Rim sherd E4431 E4431:1123:575 C1123 SF1634 Tr.11 16/08/16 CW Ceramic Body sherd Dublin Type D Ware E4431 E4431:1336:576 C1336 SF1635 Tr.11F 16/08/16 JO'C Iron 0 E4431 E4431:1123:577 C1123 SF1636 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Ceramic Body sherd Dublin Type D Ware E4431 E4431:1123:578 C1123 SF1636 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Ceramic Body sherd Dublin Type D Ware E4431 E4431:1123:579 C1123 SF1637 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Iron 32mm in length, shaft D 30mm in length and tapering in width from 4mm to 13mm. Large oval head 23mm by 18mm E4431 E4431:1123:580 C1123 SF1638 Tr.11 16/08/16 JH Iron 0 D E4431 E4431:1123:581 C1123 SF1639 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Flint tiny flint chunk D E4431 E4431:1123:582 C1123 SF1640 Tr.11 16/08/16 IK Iron 25MM in length, 10mm D in width, round head 13mm in diameter E4431 E4431:1115:583 C1123 SF1579 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass ribbed rim D


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1123:584 C1123 SF1643 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Body sherd Dublin-type D fineware E4431 E4431:1123:585 C1123 SF1643 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Body sherd Dublin-type D fineware E4431 E4431:1123:586 C1123 SF1643 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Body sherd Dublin Type D Ware E4431 E4431:1123:587 C1123 SF1645 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Tiny body sherd of D Dublin Type Fine ware E4431 E4431:1177:588 C1177 SF1646 Tr.11C 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Body sherd Dublin Type Ware - Green glaze E4431 E4431:1177:589 C1177 SF1647 Tr.11C 16/08/16 RS Iron Possible corroded nail, in three fragments 50mm by 10mm E4431 E4431:1123:590 C1123 SF1648 Tr.11 16/08/16 KOT Iron Iron nail 60mm total D length, 10mm in width, rectangular head 20mm by 15mm E4431 E4431:1123:591 C1123 SF1651 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Rim sherd of Dublin Type D Ware with pinched out rim E4431 E4431:1123:592 C1123 SF1651 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic body sherd Dublin-type D fineware E4431 E4431:1123:593 C1123 SF1651 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic rim sherd of Dublin Type D ware E4431 E4431:1123:594 C1123 SF1651 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D sherd E4431 E4431:1123:595 C1123 SF1651 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D sherd E4431 E4431:1123:596 C1123 SF1651 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Tiny sherd of glazed red D earthernware - glazed on both sides E4431 E4431:1123:597 C1123 SF1653 Tr.11 17/08/16 ML Iron Iron awl, 50mm in D length, 0.05mm in section, rectangular tapered in section, triangular flattened working end, 0.1m by 0.08m.

E4431 E4431:1123:598 C1323 SF1655 Tr.11F 17/08/16 BC Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1323:599 C1323 SF1655 Tr.11F 17/08/16 BC Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1323:600 C1323 SF1656 Tr.11 17/08/16 MH Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Rim D sherd found in sieving E4431 E4431:1323:601 C1323 SF1657 Tr.11F 17/08/16 BC Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, grey core, green glaze E4431 E4431:1123:602 C1123 SF1658 Tr.11 17/08/16 JH Iron 55mm in D length,rectangular tapering section, rectangular head 18mm by 11m E4431 E4431:1123:603 C1123 SF1659 Tr.11 17/08/16 DN Flint Flint chunk, split pebble, D cortex remaining

E4431 E4431:1123:604 C1123 SF1660 Tr.11 17/08/16 IK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. D Orange fabric, no glaze


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1122:605 C1122 SF1661 Tr.11C 17/08/16 BC Iron bent iron nail shaft 25mm in length, rounded section E4431 E4431:1123:606 C1123 SF1667 Tr.11 17/08/16 DN Iron Heavily corroded iron D nail? 50mm in length E4431 E4431:1369:607 C1369 SF1668 Tr.11F 17/08/16 COM Flint Flint chunk E4431 E4431:1326:608 C1326 SF1669 Tr.11F 17/08/16 TK Iron Large iron bolt 50mm, large head 40mm by 30mm, round section E4431 E4431:1115:609 C1115 SF1670 Tr.11 17/08/16 RS Ceramic Minety type ware, D Imported ceramic, cream porous fabric, light grey core, brown glaze with applied external ribs, decorated with incised wavy lines.

E4431 E4431:1123:610 C1123 SF1672 Tr.11 17/08/16 DN Iron Iron nail 40mm in length, D 7mm in diameter, round head 10mm in diameter

E4431 E4431:1103:611 C1103 SF1673 Tr.11E 17/08/16 WM Stone(unid Large stone with flat ent) upper surface with some evidence for use. Probable saddle quern E4431 E4431:1103:612 C1103 SF1674 Tr.11E 17/08/16 RS Iron Thick iron fragment 12 by 60 by 10mm, oval in section E4431 E4431:1103:613 C1103 SF1675 Tr.11E 17/08/16 JM Iron Long iron tool fragment 85mm, 23mm. Round in section. E4431 E4431:1123:614 C1123 SF1677 Tr.11 17/08/16 RS Iron Iron bent bar 70mm in D length by 10mm and 5mm. Rectangular in section E4431 E4431:1115:615 C1115 SF1677 Tr.11 17/08/16 RS Iron Iron nail 45 by 5mm, D round section, corroded no head visible at present E4431 E4431:1123:616 C1123 SF1678 Tr.11 17/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, D fragments E4431 E4431:1123:617 C1123 SF1678 Tr.11 17/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cookin Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1103:618 C1103 SF1680 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body D Sherd E4431 E4431:1103:619 C1103 SF1680 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Body Sherd D E4431 E4431:1103:620 C1103 SF1680 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Ceramic Body sherd - Leinster D Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1123:621 C1123 SF1684 Tr.11 18/08/16 MD Iron heavily corroded iron D object 35mm BY 15mm E4431 E4431:1123:622 C1123 SF1685 Tr.11 18/08/16 MSt Iron 50mm in length and D 5mm in width, round in section, heavily corroded, head missing


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1123:623 C1123 SF1686 Tr.11 18/08/16 MD Iron C shaped Fragment of D iron collar 20mm in diameter, iron is 3mm in thickness E4431 E4431:1103:624 C1103 SF1687 Tr.11E 18/08/16 EH Iron Iron nail, 900mm in length, shaft 14mm in width, round flat head 30mm in diameter E4431 E4431:1372:625 C1372 SF1699 Tr.11 18/08/16 MST Ceramic Minety type ware - D Imported ceramic, cream fabric, brown external glaze, ribbed decoration below collar with some incised motifs visible

E4431 E4431:1372:626 C1372 SF1700 Tr.11 18/08/16 MST Ceramic Minety ware, Imported D ceramic, cream fabric, incised combed lines, brown glaze E4431 E4431:1372:627 C1372 SF1701 Tr.11 18/08/16 MST Ceramic Minety type ware, D ceramic, cream fabric, incised combed lines, brown glaze E4431 E4431:1372:628 C1372 SF1702 Tr.11 18/08/16 FS Ceramic Minety type ware, D Imported ceramic, cream fabric, incised combed lines, brown glaze E4431 E4431:1372:629 C1372 SF1703 Tr.11 18/08/16 EH Ceramic Minety type ware, D Imported ceramic, cream fabric, incised combed lines, brown glaze E4431 E4431:1123:630 C1123 SF1705 Tr.11 18/08/16 FS Ceramic Body sherd Saintonge D E4431 E4431:1123:631 C1123 SF1706 Tr.11 18/08/16 MD Iron 28mm in length, 8mm in D width, head not visible under corrosion E4431 E4431:1123:632 C1123 SF1710 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware D E4431 E4431:1123:633 C1123 SF1713 Tr.11 18/08/16 MS Iron Tanged blade fragment D 60mm by 13mm by 10mm E4431 E4431:1123:634 C1123 SF1716 Tr.11 18/08/16 FS Metal 46mm in length, 8mm in D (unident) width, square section, round nail head 10mm in diameter

E4431 E4431:1101:635 C1101 SF1717 Tr.11 19/08/16 GW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, green glaze, three combed lines E4431 E4431:1101:636 C1101 SF1718 Tr.11 19/08/16 GW Ceramic Unglazed small body sherd of Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1101:637 C1101 SF1719 Tr.11 19/08/16 GW Ceramic Body sherd, white glaze


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1123:638 C1123 SF1730 Tr.11 22/08/16 MKE Iron Corroded long iron D object, possibly blade 78mm in length, tapered from 13mm to 6mm in with E4431 E4431:1123:639 C1372 SF1731 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Ceramic Minety type ware, Cream calcareous fragment, brown external glaze, imported medieval pottery

E4431 E4431:1101:640 C1101 SF1733 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Flint Tiny flint fragment e4431 E4431:1101:641 C1101 SF1743 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Ceramic white fabric, white glaze

E4431 E4431:1123:642 C1123 SF1745 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Flint Chunk of flint E4431 E4431:1123:643 C1123 SF1745 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Flint Chunk of flint E4431 E4431:1101:644 C1363 SF1747 Tr.11E 24/08/16 FD Iron 64mm in length, heavily corroded head 20mm in width. Shaft seems to be rectangular in section

E4431 e4431:1123:645 C1123 SF1748 Tr.11 24/08/16 MS Iron 50mm in length, shaft D 8mm in width, rectangular in section and round head 18mm in diameter E4431 E4431:1123:646 C1123 SF1749 Tr.11 24/08/16 SW Iron Iron ring 45mm in width, D square sectioned, 10mm in width, internal oval hole 25mm in diameter

E4431 E4431:1123:647 C1123 SF1752 Tr.11 24/08/16 SW Ceramic Sieved - Dublin-type D fineware, unglazed E4431 E4431:1123:648 C1123 SF1753 Tr.11 24/08/16 SW Iron 45mm in length running D from 10mm to 4mm, rectangular profile

E4431 E4431:1123:649 C1123 SF1755 Tr.11 24/08/16 SW Iron Bent nail 30mm in D length, 9mm in width, rectangular section, bent triangular head measuring 12mm by 15mm by 10mm E4431 E4431:1123:651 C1374 SF1756 Tr.11F 24/08/16 L.J Flint Small flint chunk E4431 E4431:1123:652 C1123 SF1759 Tr.11 25/08/16 DM Bronze Bow shaped copper alloy D mount with central interlace motif. Both triangular ends of the bows decorated with chip carved diagonals. Traces of gilt. Likely to be eighth century AD in date.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1145:653 C1145 SF1760 Tr.11F 25/08/16 NK Iron Long iron bolt 65mm in length, 12mm in width, round in section, heavily corroded at the head 24mm by 15mm E4431 E4431:1101:654 C1101 SF1762 Tr.11E 25/08/16 KON Ceramic Body sherd of blackware

E4431 E4431:1159:655 C1159 SF1764 Tr.11E 25/08/16 CM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Orange fabric, brown green glaze E4431 E4431:1381:656 C1381 SF1767 Tr.11 25/08/16 SS Iron Corroded iron fragment - D possibly a nail 54mm in length, 10mm in width with bent head. E4431 E4431:1115:657 C1115 SF1771 Tr.11 25/08/16 MD Iron 50mm in length, shaft D 10mm in width and rectangular in section, rectangular head E4431 E4431:1115:658 C1115 SF1771 Tr.11 25/08/16 MD Iron 30mm in length, round D shaft, rectangular head 15mm by 15mm E4431 E4431:1115:659 C1115 SF1771 Tr.11 25/08/16 MD Iron blade fragment 50mm D by 15mm by 2mm E4431 E4431:1391:660 C1391 SF1773 Tr.11 27/08/16 ML Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking D Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1390:661 C1390 SF1777 Tr.11 00/01/00 ML Flint sieved E4431 E4431:1390:662 C1390 SF1778 Tr.11 29/08/16 ML Clay 2 fragments of baked clay object, circular in section 4mm in diameter

E4431 E4431:1391:663 C1391 SF1779 Tr.11 29/08/16 PD Ceramic Base sherd of Leinster D Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1123:664 C1123 SF1780 Tr.11 29/08/16 SS Ceramic orange fabric, Dublin- type fineware E4431 E4431:1123:665 C1123 SF1782 Tr.11 29/08/16 SS Iron Iron bar fragment, 80mm in length, 13 by 10mm in width, rectangular section E4431 E4431:1391:666 C1391 SF1784 Tr.11 30/08/16 PW Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking D Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1391:667 C1391 SF1785 Tr.11 30/08/16 SH Ceramic tiny sherd of Dublin Type Ware - sieved E4431 E4431:1123:668 C1123 SF1786 Tr.11 30/08/16 MKE Ceramic Body sherd Leinster Cooking Ware e4431 E4431:1123:669 C1123 SF1790 Tr.11 30/08/16 MKE Ceramic small fragment of Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1400:670 C1400 SF1793 Tr.11E 31/08/16 WM Iron Large rectangular headed nail 65mm in length, 12mm in width (rectangular in section) 20mm by 20mm E4431 E4431:1398:671 C1398 SF1795 Tr.11 31/08/16 ND Ceramic Minety type ware cream D fabric, grey core, buff red fabric, no glaze


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1123:672 C1123 SF1798 Tr.11 31/08/16 CM Iron bent iron nail shank 25mm inn length and rectangular in section E4431 E4431:1123:673 C1123 SF1799 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Iron 45mm in length, shaft D 35mm in length and 5mm in width tapering, rectangular head 18 by 10mm E4431 E4431:1123:674 C1123 SF1799 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Iron 30mm in length, 5mm in D width, 10mm by 10mm head E4431 E4431:1123:675 C1123 SF1800 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Ceramic post medieval pot sherd D - creamware E4431 E4431:1123:676 C1123 SF1801 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware Body D Sherd E4431 E4431:1123:677 C1123 SF1801 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Ceramic medieval pot sherd - D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1123:678 C1123 SF1801 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Ceramic medieval pot sherd - D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1123:679 C1123 SF1801 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Ceramic medieval pot sherd - D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1123:680 C1123 SF1801 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Ceramic medieval pot sherd - D Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1123:681 C1123 SF1802 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Slag 7 fragments of slag D E4431 E4431:1123:682 C1123 SF1803 Tr.11 31/08/16 CM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:683 C1123 SF1803 Tr.11 31/08/16 CM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1380:684 C1380 SF1805 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Flint Burnt flint split pebble E4431 E4431:1391:685 C1391 SF1810 Tr.11 31/08/16 KON Flint flint flake D E4431 E4431:1198:686 C1198 SF1811 Tr.11 01/09/16 MP Stone(unid Bullaun stone, granite ent) stone with small cup shaped depression. Left in situ within wall C1198 in ditch -Removed and collected E4431 E4431:1420:687 C1420 SF1812 Tr.11F 01/09/16 MD Flint 0 E4431 E4431:1101:688 C1101 SF1814 Tr.11 02/09/16 PD Flint flint flake with cortex E4431 E4431:1101:689 C1101 SF1815 Tr.11 02/09/16 PD Iron Iron hook or wire fragment E4431 E4431:1101:690 C1101 SF1817 Tr.11 02/09/16 PD Ceramic sherd, Dublin-type fineware unglazed E4431 E4431:1101:691 C1101 SF1817 Tr.11 02/09/16 PD Ceramic Medieval pot sherd, Dublin-type fineware unglazed E4431 E4431:1101:692 C1101 SF1820 Tr.11E 02/09/16 PD Clay Clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1117:693 C1117 SF1826 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RB Flint flint chunk E4431 E4431:1317:694 C1317 SF1828 Tr.11E 15/08/16 TK Ceramic Post medieval sherd - manganese mottled ware E4431 E4431:1101:695 C1101 SF1816 Tr.11E 02/09/16 LJ Ceramic Blackware E4431 E4431:1101:696 C1101 SF1816 Tr.11 02/09/16 LJ Ceramic creamware E4431 E4431:1101:697 C1101 SF1816 Tr.11 02/09/16 LJ Ceramic Red earthenware, medieval?


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:698 C1101 SF1816 Tr.11 02/09/16 LJ Ceramic Blackware E4431 E4431:1101:699 C1101 SF1816 Tr.11 02/09/16 LJ Ceramic Creamware E4431 E4431:1101:700 C1101 SF1816 Tr.11 02/09/16 LJ Ceramic Stoneware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:701 C1101 SF1816 Tr.11 02/09/16 LJ Ceramic Clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1117:702 C1117 SF1545 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware fragment E4431 E4431:1110:703 C1110 SF1540 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Tiny fragment of /D creamware E4431 E4431:1117:704 C1117 SF1827 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RB Ceramic Fragment of furnace lining (vitrified clay) E4431 E4431:1123:705 C1123 SF1768 Tr.11 25/08/16 GW Flint flint flake E4431 E4431:1101:706 C1101 SF1744 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Ceramic tiny sherd of Dublin Type Fine Ware E4431 E4431:1336:707 C1336 SF1728 Tr.11F 22/08/16 DF Flint Flint pebble fragment E4431 E4431:1101:708 C1101 SF1422 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Clay pipe stem D E4431 E4431:1101:709 C1101 SF1487 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Clay pipe stem /D E4431 E4431:1101:710 C1101 SF1487 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Clay pipe stem /D E4431 E4431:1101:711 C1101 SF1487 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Clay pipe stem /D E4431 E4431:1101:712 C1101 SF1423 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Clay pipe bowl Fragment

E4431 E4431:1117:713 C1117 SF1522 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Ceramic Clay pipe stem D/E E4431 E4431:1117:714 C1117 SF1522 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Ceramic Clay pipe stem D/E E4431 E4431:1323:715 C1323 SF1458 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1122:716 C1122 SF1663 Tr.11C 17/08/16 TC Iron 50mm long nail, rectangular section, slightly expanded head, 5mm E4431 E4431:1101:717 C1101 SF1416 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1123:718 C1123 SF1801 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Ceramic medieval pot sherd - D Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1101:719 C1101 SF1422 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Clay pipe stem D E4431 E4431:1117:720 C1117 SF1714 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, D Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:721 C1101 SF1841 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic Fine and glazed body M sherd. Red earthen ware with internal and external glaze. Possibly post medieval E4431 E4431:1101:722 C1101 SF1844 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:723 C1101 SF1844 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:724 C1101 SF1845 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic Medieval pottery sherd. M Red/orange fabric with trace of glaze visible

E4431 E4431:1101:725 C1101 SF1846 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, M body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:726 C1101 SF1847 Tr.11 08/08/17 MH Stone(unid Unidentified stone M ent) fragment - thought initially to be ceramic


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1323:727 C1323 SF1850 Tr.11 08/08/17 WM Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem E4431 E4431:1323:728 C1323 SF1851 Tr.11 08/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. Medieval pottery sherd. Red/orange fabric with trace of glaze visible

E4431 E4431:1101:729 C1101 SF1853 Tr.11 09/08/17 CMG Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. M Red earthenware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:731 C1101 SF1856 Tr.11 09/08/17 CMG Ceramic Dublin Type Fineware M body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:732 C1101 SF1859 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Thick red earthenware M fragment, possibly medieval E4431 E4431:1101:733 C1101 SF1860 Tr.11 09/08/17 CMG Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M body sherd, Possibly medieval E4431 E4431:1101:734 C1101 SF1861 Tr.11 09/08/17 GW Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. M Red/orange fabric with trace of glaze visible E4431 E4431:1101:735 C1101 SF1862 Tr.11 09/08/17 CB Ceramic Red earthenware body M sherd, Possibly medieval

E4431 E4431:1101:736 C1101 SF1863 Tr.11 09/08/17 MK Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body M sherd E4431 E4431:1101:737 C1101 SF1864 Tr.11 09/08/17 PK Ceramic Base sherd. Wheel M thrown and highly fired red earthenware. Possibly medieval E4431 E4431:1101:738 C1101 SF1866 Tr.11 09/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware. Red M fabric with trace of external glaze. Thumb print impressions visible upon external base wall

E4431 E4431:1101:739 C1101 SF1870 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:740 C1101 SF1870 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:741 C1101 SF1870 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:742 C1101 SF1870 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:743 C1101 SF1870 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:744 C1101 SF1870 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:745 C1101 SF1870 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:746 C1101 SF1852 Tr.11 08/08/17 KB Ceramic Abraded red M earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:747 C1101 SF1854 Tr.11 09/08/17 MM Ceramic Rim Sherd, Dublin Type M Ware E4431 E4431:1101:748 C1101 SF1871 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware M E4431 E4431:1101:749 C1101 SF1871 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware M


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:750 C1101 SF1871 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware M E4431 E4431:1101:751 C1101 SF1871 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware M E4431 E4431:1101:752 C1101 SF1871 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type-Ware M E4431 E4431:1101:753 C1101 SF1875 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic 0 M E4431 E4431:1101:754 C1101 SF1875 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic 0 M E4431 E4431:1101:755 C1101 SF1875 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic 0 M E4431 E4431:1101:756 C1101 SF1876 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Flint Burnt flint M E4431 E4431:1101:757 C1101 SF1876 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Flint Burnt flint M E4431 E4431:1101:758 C1101 SF1877 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, M fragment E4431 E4431:1101:759 C1101 SF1877 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:760 C1101 SF1877 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, M fragment E4431 E4431:1101:761 C1101 SF1878 Tr.11 10/08/17 DG Metal Modern perforated M (unident) button E4431 E4431:1101:762 C1101 SF1879 Tr.11K 10/08/17 AF Ceramic Medieval thick red earthenware rim sherd E4431 E4431:1101:763 C1101 SF1880 Tr.11 10/08/17 DG Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware M sherd E4431 E4431:1101:764 C1101 SF1881 Tr.11k 10/08/17 CB Iron Corroded iron nail form ploughsoil E4431 E4431:1101:765 C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd, possible medieval E4431 E4431:1101:766 C1101 SF1886 Tr.11L 10/08/17 AEM Ceramic Thick red earthenware with inscribed wavy pattern design with trace of glaze E4431 E4431:1101:767 C1101 SF1890 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment M E4431 E4431:1101:768 C1101 SF1890 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment M E4431 E4431:1101:769 C1101 SF1890 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment M E4431 E4431:1101:770 C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body M sherd, red fabric with external green glaze E4431 E4431:1101:771 C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, rim M sherd. E4431 E4431:1101:772 C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body M Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:773 C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M fragment E4431 E4431:1101:774 C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M fragment E4431 E4431:1101:775 C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:776 C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware - unidentifiable E4431 E4431:1101:777 C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:778 C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:779 C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:780 C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:781 C1101 SF1893 Tr.11 11/08/17 CMG Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. M Medieval red earthenware with faint trace of external glaze E4431 E4431:1101:782 C1101 SF1894 Tr.11 11/08/17 CSS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware M sherd E4431 E4431:1101:783 C1101 SF1895 Tr.11 11/08/17 DG Ceramic Dublin Type Ware ribbed M neck sherd, red fabric

E4431 E4431:1101:784 C1101 SF1896 Tr.11 11/08/17 DG Ceramic Rim sherd Dublin Type M Ware with trace of external glaze E4431 E4431:1101:785 C1101 SF1897 Tr.11 11/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:786 C1101 SF1897 Tr.11 11/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:787 C1101 SF1897 Tr.11 11/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:788 C1101 SF1897 Tr.11 11/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:789 C1101 SF1900 Tr.11 11/08/17 CMG Stone(unid Perforated jet-like cross M ent) with tin decoration

E4431 E4431:1101:790 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type fineware, M body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:791 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware body sherd

E4431 E4431:1101:792 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware sherd E4431 E4431:1101:793 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware sherd E4431 E4431:1101:794 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware sherd E4431 E4431:1101:795 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Medieval red M earthenware sherd E4431 E4431:1101:796 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:797 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:798 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:799 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:800 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:801 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:802 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:803 C1101 SF1901 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:804 C1101 SF1904 Tr.11L 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Cream earthenware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:805 C1101 SF1904 Tr.11L 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Cream earthenware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:806 C1101 SF1905 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem M E4431 E4431:1101:807 C1101 SF1906 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Flint Struck grey flint with M cortex E4431 E4431:1101:808 C1101 SF1907 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Glass Medieval blue glass bead fragment E4431 E4431:1101:809 C1101 SF1908 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Red earthenware with M gravel inclusions and grey fabric. Possibly imported E4431 E4431:1101:810 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. Medieval red earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:811 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:812 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Medieval red earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:813 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware with trace of external glaze E4431 E4431:1101:814 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:815 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:816 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1101:817 C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, rim E4431 E4431:1101:818 C1101 SF1910 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Clay pipe stems E4431 E4431:1101:819 C1101 SF1910 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Clay pipe stems E4431 E4431:1101:820 C1101 SF1912 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. Red medieval earthenware neck sherd

E4431 E4431:1101:821 C1101 SF1912 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:822 C1101 SF1912 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Red medieval earthenware body sherd

E4431 E4431:1101:823 C1101 SF1912 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:824 C1101 SF1913 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Flint Flint Scraper E4431 E4431:1101:825 C1101 SF1914 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Flint Burnt flint E4431 E4431:1101:826 C1101 SF1914 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Flint Flint chunk with cortex E4431 E4431:1101:827 C1101 SF1914 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Flint Flint chunk with cortex E4431 E4431:1101:828 C1101 SF1914 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Flint Honeycomb coloured flint E4431 E4431:1101:829 C1101 SF1914 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Flint Pink coloured flint E4431 E4431:1101:830 C1101 SF1914 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Flint Fractured piece of flint


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1122:831 C1122 SF1916 Tr.11C 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1122:832 C1122 SF1916 Tr.11C 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:833 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Ware M E4431 E4431:1101:834 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:835 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:836 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:837 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:838 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M E4431 E4431:1101:839 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:840 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:841 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:842 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:843 C1101 SF1918 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Unidentifiable medieval M ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:844 C1101 SF1921 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Clay pipe stem M E4431 E4431:1101:845 C1101 SF1924 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:846 C1101 SF1925 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:847 C1101 SF1925 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:848 C1101 SF1925 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:849 C1101 SF1925 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:850 C1101 SF1927 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Ham Green A Ware 1125-1160AD. Thick rim sherd with perforated handle E4431 E4431:1101:851 C1101 SF1929 Tr.11 14/08/17 MM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:852 C1101 SF1930 Tr.11 14/08/17 MM Glass Medieval blue glass bead M fragment E4431 E4431:1101:853 C1101 SF1931 Tr.11 14/08/17 DG Ceramic Dublin Type ware body M sherd E4431 E4431:1122:854 C1122 SF1932 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware strap handle sherd E4431 E4431:1122:855 C1122 SF1932 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware strap handle sherd E4431 E4431:1122:856 C1122 SF1933 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Iron Corroded iron bolt E4431 E4431:1175:857 C1175 SF1934 Tr.11C 14/08/17 MH Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware base sherd E4431 E4431:1101:858 C1101 SF1935 Tr.11 14/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body M sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:859 C1101 SF1937 Tr.11 14/08/17 MS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware M base sherd E4431 E4431:1101:860 C1122 SF1939 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:861 C1122 SF1939 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Body sherd, Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1101:862 C1122 SF1939 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body sherd with applied Rasberry motif E4431 E4431:1101:863 C1122 SF1939 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Medieval red earthenware body sherd

E4431 E4431:1101:864 C1122 SF1939 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Leinster Cookin Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:865 C1122 SF1939 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:866 C1122 SF1939 Tr.11C 14/08/17 NW Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:867 C1101 SF1944 Tr.11 14/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem M E4431 E4431:1101:868 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:869 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:870 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:871 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:872 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:873 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:874 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:875 C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:876 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron blade E4431 E4431:1101:877 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron key E4431 E4431:1101:878 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron blade E4431 E4431:1101:879 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron implement E4431 E4431:1101:880 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron implement E4431 E4431:1101:881 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron implement E4431 E4431:1101:882 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron implement E4431 E4431:1101:883 C1101 SF1953 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron nail E4431 E4431:1101:884 C1101 SF1954 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:885 C1101 SF1954 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:886 C1101 SF1954 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem E4431 E4431:1101:887 C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, fragment E4431 E4431:1101:888 C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:889 C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:890 C1101 SF1958 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:891 C1101 SF1958 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:892 C1101 SF1958 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:893 C1101 SF1959 Tr.11 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment M E4431 E4431:1101:894 C1101 SF1960 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem with volunteer stamp and McDougall inscription. From Crimean war E4431 E4431:1101:895 C1101 SF1962 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:896 C1101 SF1962 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Clay pipe bowl fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:897 C1101 SF1963 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Flint Honeycomb flint chunk with cortex E4431 E4431:1101:898 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Medieval Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:899 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Medieval red earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:900 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:901 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Medieval red earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:902 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware with trace of external glaze E4431 E4431:1101:903 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Medieval red earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:904 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:905 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, tiny fragment E4431 E4431:1101:906 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, tiny fragment E4431 E4431:1101:907 C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, tiny fragment E4431 E4431:1101:908 C1101 SF1967 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded Iron Strap E4431 E4431:1101:909 C1101 SF1967 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 E4431:1101:910 C1101 SF1967 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 E4431:1101:911 C1101 SF1967 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1101:912 C1101 SF1967 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron nail head

E4431 E4431:1101:913 C1101 SF1967 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 E4431:1101:914 C1101 SF1967 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 E4431:1101:915 C1101 SF1968 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Flint Red flint flake E4431 E4431:1441:916 C1441 SF1970 Tr.11E 19/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Ware with external glaze. E4431 E4431:1101:917 C1101 SF1971 Tr.11K 16/08/17 WM Iron Corroded Iron Implement


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1428:918 C1428 SF1973 Tr.11C 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1123:919 C1123 SF1974 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Stone(unid Fractured/Half Rotary D ent) Grinding Stone E4431 E4431:1430:920 C1430 SF1976 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Flint Burnt flint M E4431 E4431:1101:921 C1101 SF1978 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:922 C1101 SF1978 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:923 C1101 SF1978 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:924 C1101 SF1979 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type-Fineware M E4431 E4431:1428:925 C1428 SF1981 Tr.11C 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Cookin Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1175:926 C1175 SF1982 Tr.11C 21/08/17 CB Stone(unid Flat Based Granite ent) Stone, Possibly Dressed

E4431 E4431:1101:927 C1101 SF1983 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:928 C1101 SF1983 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, tiny fragment E4431 E4431:1101:929 C1101 SF1983 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Rim Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:930 C1101 SF1985 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Flint Flint flake E4431 E4431:1101:931 C1101 SF1986 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, small M sherd E4431 E4431:1101:932 C1101 SF1986 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware M small sherd E4431 E4431:1101:933 C1101 SF1991 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Flint Honeycomb struck flint M flake E4431 E4431:1101:934 C1101 SF1993 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware M E4431 E4431:1101:935 C1101 SF1993 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware M E4431 E4431:1101:936 C1101 SF1993 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, M fragment E4431 E4431:1101:937 C1101 SF1998 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1380:938 C1380 SF1999 Tr.11C 21/08/17 CB Stone(unid Modified roofing schist ent) with punched hole/thatch weight E4431 E4431:1391:939 C1391 SF2000 Tr.11C 21/08/17 WM Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 E4431:1101:940 C1101 SF2001 Tr.11K 22/08/17 CB Ceramic Medieval Glazed Earthenware, Dublin- type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:941 C1101 SF2004 Tr.11 22/08/17 NK Flint Flint chunk M E4431 E4431:1101:942 C1101 SF2005 Tr.11 22/08/17 CB Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:943 C1101 SF2006 Tr.11 22/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:944 C1101 SF2008 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:945 C1101 SF2008 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Ceramic Dublin Tyep Fineware fragment E4431 E4431:1101:946 C1101 SF2010 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Ceramic Clay Pipe Bowl Fragment

E4431 E4431:1380:947 C1380 SF2015 Tr.11 22/08/17 KW Flint Burnt flint D/E E4431 E4431:1101:948 C1101 SF2016 Tr.11L 23/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:949 C1101 SF2017 Tr.11L 23/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1101:950 C1101 SF2018 Tr.11L 23/08/17 CB Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:951 C1101 SF2020 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Ceramic Clay Pipe Bowl Fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:952 C1101 SF2023 Tr.11K 23/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, body sherd, trace of external glaze E4431 E4431:1101:953 C1101 SF2026 Tr.11K 23/08/17 IH Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:954 C1101 SF2030 Tr.11K 23/08/17 IH Ceramic Dublin Type Ware E4431 E4431:1101:955 C1101 SF2031 Tr.11K 24/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware E4431 E4431:1123:956 C1123 SF2032 Tr.11C 24/08/17 AJ Flint Flint flake with cortex E4431 E4431:1101:957 C1101 SF2033 Tr.11J 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:958 C1101 SF2034 Tr.11J 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Dublin-type fineware E4431 E4431:1101:959 C1101 SF2036 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:960 C1101 SF2036 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Dublin-type fineware Body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:961 C1101 SF2036 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:962 C1101 SF2036 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:963 C1101 SF2036 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, fragment E4431 E4431:1101:964 C1101 SF2040 Tr.11J 24/08/17 BH Ceramic Dublin Type Ware sherd

E4431 E4431:1101:965 C1101 SF2044 Tr.11L 24/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, fragment E4431 E4431:1101:966 C1101 SF2047 Tr.11K 24/08/17 BH Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1103:967 C1103 SF2049 Tr.11L 25/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin Type fineware sherd E4431 E4431:1103:968 C1103 SF2049 Tr.11L 25/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, bodysherd E4431 E4431:1101:969 C1101 SF2050 Tr.11K 26/08/17 MP Other Copper Alloy Button E4431 E4431:1447:970 C1447 SF2052 Tr.11 26/08/17 GW Ceramic Minety Type Ware, D Cream Ware with Brown/Red Glaze E4431 E4431:1447:971 C1447 SF2053 Tr.11 26/08/17 GW Iron Iron objects, 2 pieces D E4431 E4431:1101:972 C1101 SF2054 Tr.11K 28/08/17 CB Stone(unid Stone - thought initially ent) to be ceramic E4431 E4431:1101:973 C1101 SF2054 Tr.11K 28/08/17 CB Ceramic Medieval Red Earthenware body sherd

E4431 E4431:1101:974 C1101 SF2054 Tr.11K 28/08/17 CB Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:975 C1101 SF2055 Tr.11K 28/08/17 CB Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem fragment

E4431 E4431:1101:976 C1101 SF2057 Tr.11 28/08/17 NK Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, M fragment E4431 E4431:1117:977 C1117 SF2058 Tr.11K 28/08/17 AJ Ceramic Minety Type Ware, Cream Ware with Brown/Red Glaze E4431 E4431:1117:978 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware sherd

E4431 E4431:1117:979 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:980 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:981 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:982 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:983 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:984 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, Body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:985 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 E4431:1117:986 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin-type fineware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:987 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:988 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type fine Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:989 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking Ware Rim sherd E4431 E4431:1117:990 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1117:991 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin-type fineware Crumb E4431 E4431:1117:992 C1117 SF2059 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Ceramic Dublin Type Ware Crumb

E4431 E4431:1117:993 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1117:994 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1117:995 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1117:996 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1117:997 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1117:998 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1117:999 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 E4431:1117:100 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail 0 E4431 E4431:1117:100 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail 1 E4431 E4431:1117:100 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail 2 E4431 E4431:1117:100 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail 3 E4431 E4431:1117:100 C1117 SF2063 Tr.11K 28/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Nail 4 E4431 E4431:1445:100 C1445 SF2064 Tr.11B 28/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking 5 Ware body sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1154:100 C1154 SF2065 Tr.11L 28/08/17 WM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. 6 Medieval Red Earthenware rim sherd E4431 E4431:1154:100 C1154 SF2066 Tr.11L 28/08/17 CM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, 7 body sherd E4431 E4431:1154:100 C1154 SF2067 Tr.11L 28/08/17 NH Ceramic Merida Type? Creamy 8 red body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:100 C1101 SF2068 Tr.11K 29/08/17 JL Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body 9 Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:101 C1101 SF2069 Tr.11K 29/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 0 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:101 C1101 SF2070 Tr.11K 29/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, 1 fragment E4431 E4431:1445:101 C1445 SF2072 Tr.11C 29/08/17 MM Ceramic Dublin Type Cooking 2 Ware body sherd E4431 E4431:1445:101 C1445 SF2072 Tr.11C 29/08/17 MM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware 3 fragment E4431 E4431:1445:101 C1445 SF2072 Tr.11C 29/08/17 MM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware 4 fragment E4431 E4431:1445:101 C1445 SF2072 Tr.11C 29/08/17 MM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware 5 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:101 C1101 SF2074 Tr.11J 29/08/17 MM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 6 body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:101 C1101 SF2025 Tr.11L 23/08/17 SM Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 7 possible rim sherd E4431 E4431:1101:101 C1101 SF2076 Tr.11K 29/08/17 MM Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, 8 crumb E4431 E4431:1392:101 C1392 SF2078 Tr.11L 29/08/17 EC Flint Burnt Flint Flake 9 E4431 E4431:1446:102 C1446 SF2079 Tr.11 29/08/17 NH Flint Flint Flake 0 M E4431 E4431:1101:102 C1101 SF2081 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body 1 sherd E4431 E4431:1101:102 C1101 SF2081 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Ceramic Red Earthenware 2 E4431 E4431:1101:102 C1101 SF2081 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 3 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:102 C1101 SF2081 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Ceramic Clay Pipe Bowl Fragment 4 E4431 E4431:1101:102 C1101 SF2082 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Flint Flint Flake 5 E4431 E4431:1101:102 C1101 SF2082 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Flint Flint Flake 6 E4431 E4431:1101:102 C1101 SF2082 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Flint Burnt Flint Flake 7 E4431 E4431:1446:102 C1446 SF2085 Tr.11J 29/08/17 LK Iron Corroded Iron Nail or 8 Bolt E4431 E4431:1452:102 C1452 SF2086 Tr.11L 29/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 9 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:103 C1101 SF2087 Tr.11K 29/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 0 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:103 C1101 SF2087 Tr.11K 29/08/17 CB Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 1 fragment E4431 E4431:1117:103 C1117 SF2088 Tr.11K 30/08/17 MP Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware, 2 Rim Sherd E4431 E4431:1381:103 C1381 SF2090 Tr.11C 30/08/17 CB Flint Worked Flint 3


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1469:103 C1469 SF2091 Tr.11C 30/08/17 CB Iron Corroded Iron 4 Implement E4431 E4431:1101:103 C1101 SF2092 Tr.11J 30/08/17 JE Ceramic Dublin-type fineware. 5 Medieval Red Earthenware E4431 E4431:1101:103 C1101 SF2093 Tr.11L 30/08/17 JE Ceramic Dublin-type fineware 6 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:103 C1101 SF2093 Tr.11L 30/08/17 JE Ceramic Dublin-type fineware 7 E4431 E4431:1101:103 C1101 SF2094 Tr.11L 30/08/17 JE Ceramic Clay Pipe Stem Fragment 8 E4431 E4431:1445:103 C1445 SF2095 Tr.11C 30/08/17 EC Flint Burnt Flint with cortex 9 cover E4431 E4431:1380:104 C1101 SF2099 Tr.11 31/08/17 AM Iron Corroded Iron Hook 0 D E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2101 Tr.11J 01/09/17 CB Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware 1 Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2101 Tr.11J 01/09/17 CB Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body 2 sherd E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin Type Fine Ware 3 body sherd E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body 4 sherd E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin Type Ware body 5 sherd E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Body 6 Sherd E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 7 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 8 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:104 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 9 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:105 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 0 fragment E4431 E4431:1101:105 C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Dublin-type fineware, 1 fragment E4431 E4431:1478:105 C1478 SF2104 Tr.11 01/09/17 AJ Ceramic Dublin-type fineware 2 M E4431 E4431:1478:105 C1478 SF2104 Tr.11 01/09/17 AJ Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware 3 M Body Sherd E4431 E4431:1484:105 C1484 SF2107 Tr.11L 05/09/17 WM Iron Corroded Iron 4 Implement E4431 E4431:1478:105 C1478 SF2108 Tr.11 05/09/17 WM Iron Corroded Iron 5 M Implement E4431 --- C1001 SF1001 Tr.10 19/08/14 CNL Modern Three-pence coin from topsoil. Date obscured by corrosion. E4431 --- C1003 SF1002 Tr.10 21/08/14 EA Ceramic Small rectangular fragment of pottery. Red interior, grey fabric, traces of light green- yellow glaze on exterior. Possibly Dublin-type ware


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1003 SF1003 Tr.10 21/08/14 CNL Ceramic Small fragmented of abraded, unglazed pottery. Fully fired - red throughout. E4431 --- C1004 SF1004 Tr.10 21/08/14 CNL Iron Small corroded iron fragment. E4431 --- C1003 SF1005 Tr.10 21/08/14 CNL Ceramic Black/Brown glazed rim sherd. E4431 --- C1003 SF1006 Tr.10 22/08/14 EG Ceramic Multiple fragments of unglazed medieval pottery rim sherd (Leinster Cooking Ware).Very friable, mica inclusions, red on side, blackened on other. Found close to one of the stones of C.1002.

E4431 --- C1003 SF1007 Tr.10 26/08/14 EA Ceramic Well-made medieval pottery (Leinster Cooking Ware) body sherd. Blackened exterior, mid grey-brown fabric with mica inclusions, light orange interior. Found during digging of sondage in eastern part of trench.

E4431 --- C1003 SF1008 Tr.10 26/08/14 CNL Flint Round, thick flint flake. Cortex still present on most of its edges. E4431 --- C1003 SF1009 Tr.10 27/08/14 CNL Quartz Possible quartz blade, found in slight depression in the southeast corner of the trench. E4431 --- C1003 SF1010 Tr.10 27/08/14 CNL Flint Small patinated flint flake . E4431 --- C1003 SF1011 Tr.10 27/08/14 CNL Ceramic Small sherd of fully-fired pottery. Red fabric throughout. Light brown glaze on exterior covers a raised area and possible herringbone/leaf design.

E4431 --- C1003 SF1012 Tr.10 27/08/14 CNL Ceramic Small, thin sherd of unglazed pottery (Leinster Cooking Ware). Frequent mica inclusions, one side blackened, other side a light buff colour.

E4431 --- C1003 SF1013 Tr.10 21/08/14 CNL Clay Fragment of clay pipe bowl. Sondage 1.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1003 SF1014 Tr.10 21/08/14 CNL Ceramic Fragment of creamware with pale blue decoration. Sondage 1. E4431 --- C1101 SF1101 Tr.11 18/08/14 BG Mixed Assorted Small Finds - glass (53), rounded glass object (1), blue glass fragment (1), red brick fragments (2), post medieval ceramics (5), coloured ceramics (18), white ceramics (100), plastic (19), red ceramic (14), iron nails (4), iron wire (2), iron objects (2), bone (1)

E4431 --- C1101 SF1102 Tr.11 19/08/14 MD Mixed Assorted Small Finds - white ceramic (2), red earthernware sherd (1), E4431 --- C1101 SF1103 Tr.11 19/08/14 MD Mixed Assorted Small Finds - coloured ceramics (14), red ceramics (29), plastic (14), flint (2), quartz (4), white ceramic (65), glass (44), metal (11), clay pipe fragments (5), post medieval vessel lid (1), blackware sherd (1), post medieval glazed wares (2), post medieval earthen ware (1)

E4431 --- C1101 SF1104 Tr.11 19/08/14 BW Ceramic White ceramic 108 E4431 --- C1101 SF1110 Tr.11 21/08/14 MD Metal Possible Metal (unident) E4431 --- C1101 SF1111 Tr.11 21/08/14 MD Metal Metal (unident) E4431 --- C1103 SF1115 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG 0 Burnt Clay Moved to Sample Register Sample 1565 E4431 --- C1103 SF1116 Tr.11 21/08/14 BG Ceramic Burnt Clay E4431 --- C1101 SF1124 Tr.11 22/08/14 BG Mixed Assorted Finds E4431 --- C1101 SF1135 Tr.11 22/08/14 JM Ceramic Ceramic Fragment E4431 --- C1106 SF1139 Tr.11 22/08/14 NH Iron Iron Sample Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1566 E4431 --- C1112 SF1142 Tr.11 22/08/14 SOC Ceramic Post Medieval Pottery E4431 --- C1116 SF1145 Tr.11 25/08/14 MS Iron Iron nail E4431 --- C1119 SF1149 Tr.11 26/08/14 BG Slag Iron Slag Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1567 E4431 --- C1119 SF1150 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Slag Iron Slag Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1568 E4431 --- C1119 SF1151 Tr.11 27/08/14 JM Iron Iron Bar


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1133 SF1153 Tr.11 27/08/14 BG Slag Iron Slag Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1569 E4431 --- C1131 SF1154 Tr.11 27/08/14 SM Slag Iron Slag Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1570 E4431 --- C1117 SF1155 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Iron Iron blade E4431 --- C1115 SF1160 Tr.11 27/08/14 HM Slag Iron Slag Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1571 E4431 --- C1115 SF1163 Tr.12 27/08/14 NR Clay Burnt Clay Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1572 E4431 ------SF1165 Tr.11 28/08/14 JM Ceramic Pottery Fragment E4431 ------SF1166 Tr.11 28/08/14 JM Ceramic Pottery Fragment E4431 --- C1100 SF1170 Tr.11B 17/08/15 WM Ceramic 11 sherds of post medieval white ceramics

E4431 --- C1182 SF1171 Tr.11B 18/08/15 WM Other four sherds of post- medieval ceramic E4431 --- C1100 SF1172 Tr.11C 17/08/15 WM Other one piece of glass, one sherd of post medieval ceramic (cream glaze), one decorated ceramic tile, four sherds of white ceramics, one fragment of red ceramic.

E4431 --- C1182 SF1173 Tr.11C 18/08/15 WM Ceramic three sherds of post- medieval ceramic. E4431 --- C1182 SF1175 Tr.11 18/08/15 WM Ceramic One body sherd of D Georgian blackware, three pieces of modern ceramic E4431 --- C1100 SF1176 Tr.11E 17/08/15 WM Other 9 pieces of white ceramic E4431 --- C1182 SF1177 Tr.11E 18/08/15 WM Ceramic one fragment of clay pipe stem, one piece of post-medieval pottery (manganese ware), one piece of white glazed ceramic E4431 --- C1100 SF1179 Tr.11F 17/08/15 WM Other four pieces of glass, four sherds of white glazed ceramic, two sherds of possible border ware, two sherds of post medieval brown glazed wares


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1100 SF1181 Tr.11F 18/08/15 WM Other One flint flake, 18th century glass bottle fragment, two pieces of blackware, one piece of post medieval manganese ware, one piece of red earthenware, one fragment of red brick, nineteen pieces of glass (four green, one brown, one blue, thirteen clear) fifty-two pieces of early modern/modern ceramics

E4431 --- C1182 SF1189 Tr.11B 19/08/15 AW Ceramic three sherds of post medieval ceramic and one medieval. E4431 --- C1182 SF1190 Tr.11C 19/08/15 AW Ceramic Six sherds of modern ceramic, one possible medieval pottery fragment, one fragment of red earthenware E4431 --- C1182 SF1191 Tr.11 19/08/15 AW Other two pieces of glass, ten D sherds of modern ceramic, E4431 --- C1182 SF1192 Tr.11E 19/08/15 AW Other ten sherds of modern ceramic E4431 --- C1101 SF1193 Tr.11F 19/08/15 AW Other seven pieces of glass, twenty-six sherds of modern ceramic, one sherd of blackware E4431 --- C1182 SF1195 Tr.11C 20/08/15 CN Bronze one copper alloy coin. 25mm in diameter - probably halfpenny E4431 --- C1201 SF1201 Tr.12 18/08/14 HM Mixed Finds From Top Soil- coloured glass (13), stone (3), quartz (13), red ceramic (13), iron (1), flint (2), white ceramic (63), glass (21) E4431 --- C1201 SF1202 Tr.12 19/08/14 CS Flint Four flint pieces and a rounded pebble from the topsoil. E4431 --- C1201 SF1203 Tr.12 19/08/14 NK Mixed Finds From Top Soil - blackstone (14), red ceramics (9), clay pipe pieces (8), wood (2), metal (10), leather (1), glass (97), white ceramics (100), coloured ceramics (9)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1201 SF1204 Tr.12 20/08/14 AM Mixed Finds From Top Soil - clay pipe pieces (14), unidentified object (2), metal (3), black stone (13), glass (56), red clay ceramic (10), coloured ceramic (12), white ceramic (92)

E4431 --- C1201 SF1205 Tr.12 20/08/14 AM Ceramic Medieval Tile E4431 --- C1202 SF1206 Tr.12 21/08/14 PMCK Mixed Assorted Finds From Lower Top Soil - flint/stone (14), red ceramics (6), clay pipe (5), iron (5), glass (2), white ceramic (9). E4431 --- C1201 SF1207 Tr.12 21/08/14 PMCK Ceramic Two rim sherds E4431 --- C1205 SF1208 Tr.12 22/08/14 SOS Iron Possible Iron Nail E4431 --- C1202 SF1209 Tr.12 22/08/14 ML Ceramic Three sherds of medieval pottery E4431 --- C1205 SF1210 Tr.12 22/08/14 SOS Ceramic Leinster Cooking Ware E4431 --- C1202 SF1211 Tr.12 22/08/14 NK Ceramic Possible Dublin Type Ware E4431 --- C1207 SF1212 Tr.12 25/08/14 SM Slag Large piece of slag. Possible bottom of furnace due to concave base. E4431 --- C1217 SF1213 Tr.12 26/08/14 SCM Ceramic Medieval Pottery E4431 --- C1215 SF1214 Tr.12 26/08/14 MC Clay Burnt Clay E4431 --- C1217 SF1215 Tr.12 27/08/14 DW Iron Possible Nail E4431 --- C1217 SF1216 Tr.12 27/08/14 PMCK Flint Piece of Flint E4431 --- C1217 SF1217 Tr.12 27/08/14 PMCK Ceramic Medieval Pottery E4431 ------SF1218 Tr.12 27/08/14 PMCK Ceramic Uncontexted pottery sherd. E4431 --- C1222 SF1219 Tr.12 27/08/14 PMCK Slag Five pieces of slag E4431 --- C1202 SF1220 Tr.12 27/08/14 AC Ceramic Modern Pottery E4431 --- C1215 SF1222 Tr.12 28/08/14 FC Ceramic Pottery E4431 --- C1223 SF1224 Tr.12 28/09/14 DS Slag Ten pieces of slag E4431 --- C1102 SF1300 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AW Other three pieces of glass, three sherds of modern ceramic E4431 --- C1102 SF1301 Tr.11F 20/08/15 AW Ceramic seven sherds of modern ceramic, two pieces of red ceramic, two pieces of glass, fourteen pieces of pottery.

E4431 --- C1101 SF1302 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AW Other thirty-three pieces of modern pottery, three fragments of red ceramic, one fragment of quartz, nine pieces of glass E4431 --- C1182 SF1303 Tr.11C 20/08/15 AW Other one sherd of medieval pottery, five sherds of modern pottery


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1182 SF1304 Tr.11 20/08/15 AW Other one piece of post D medieval pottery (internal glaze), three pieces of modern ceramic, three pieces of red ceramic, two pieces of glass

E4431 --- C1101 SF1310 Tr.11 21/08/15 JC Slag Iron Slag Transferred to D Sample Register Sample 1575 E4431 --- C1101 SF1311 Tr.11 21/08/15 SW Ceramic one rim sherd of pottery. D E4431 --- C1101 SF1312 Tr.11 21/08/15 JC Clay Vitrified Clay Transferred D to Sample Register Sample 1576 E4431 --- C1169 SF1317 Tr.11B 21/08/15 LB Iron Mineralised Iron Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1577 E4431 --- C1101 SF1318 Tr.11B 21/08/15 WH Other one piece of post medieval ceramic (manganese ware), one pebble, seven pieces of modern ceramic, one fragment of red ceramic, five industrial waste.

E4431 --- C1101 SF1320 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Ceramic one piece of medieval D pottery. E4431 --- C1101 SF1322 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Glass Glass fragment. D E4431 --- C1101 SF1323 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Slag two pieces of slag. D E4431 --- C1101 SF1325 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Bone burnt bone. D E4431 --- C1116 SF1326 Tr.11 21/08/15 JC Bone four pieces of burnt D bone. E4431 --- C1101 SF1329 Tr.11 21/08/15 NC Clay Burnt Clay Transferred D to Sample Register Sample 1578 E4431 --- C1101 SF1330 Tr.11 21/08/15 SW Ceramic one piece of pottery. D E4431 --- C1101 SF1331 Tr.11 21/08/15 AW Other four sherds of modern D ceramic, three pieces of red ceramic, one sherd of post medieval ceramic

E4431 --- C1101 SF1332 Tr.11F 21/08/15 AW Other two pieces of ceramic china, two pieces of glass. E4431 --- C1101 SF1335 Tr.11F 21/08/15 AW Other nine sherds of modern ceramic, one piece of blackware pottery and one iron object E4431 --- C1101 SF1341 Tr.11B 20/08/15 AW Ceramic one piece of post- medieval pottery. E4431 --- C1116 SF1342 Tr.11 24/08/15 AW Glass one piece of glass. D


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1119 SF1343 Tr.11C 24/08/15 CG Ceramic One sherd of unknown pottery. E4431 --- C1115 SF1364 Tr.11 25/08/15 CG Ceramic One piece of unknown D pottery. E4431 --- C1175 SF1368 Tr.11C 26/08/15 MS Clay Smithing hearth- Furnace Material Moved to Sample Register 1581

E4431 --- C1194 SF1372 Tr.11F 26/08/15 AP Ceramic One piece of medieval pottery. E4431 --- C1115 SF1373 Tr.11 26/08/15 LB Iron Mineralised Iron D Transferred to Sample Register Sample 1583 E4431 --- SF1377 Cancelled Stone E4431 --- C1186 SF1378 Tr.11B 26/08/15 WH Stone(unid piece of ceramic ent) E4431 --- SF1384 Cancelled Stone E4431 --- Unkno SF1388 Tr.11 27/08/15 MH Ceramic One piece of post- wn medieval pottery. E4431 --- unkno SF1391 Tr.11 26/08/15 MS Ceramic One rim sherd of post- wn medieval pottery. E4431 --- C1101 SF1392 Tr.11F 24/08/15 AP Other four sherds of modern ceramic, three pieces of red ceramic, One piece of (brown) glazed post medieval pottery (manganese ware) E4431 --- C1101 SF1393 Tr.11F 24/08/15 AP Ceramic A number of pottery sherds. E4431 --- C1101 SF1394 Tr.11F 24/08/15 AP Other Registered as two pottery sherds but in fact two pieces of schist

E4431 --- C1101 SF1399 Tr.11 00/01/00 0 Ceramic Seven sherds of post medieval and modern pottery E4431 --- C1323 SF1401 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Glass 2 pieces of clear glass, 2 pieces of green glass and 1 small piece of blue glass E4431 --- C1323 SF1402 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Slag Iron Slag E4431 --- C1323 SF1403 Tr.11F 08/08/16 RS Ceramic 10 Sherds of post medieval ceramic sherds, 3 white glazed transferred print sherds, 1 yellow glazed transferred print sherd, 1 Georgian blackware sherd, 1 brown glazed (manganese) sherd

E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1410 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with brown transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1411 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Georgian Blackware body shed E4431 --- C1101 SF1411 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Georgian Blackware body shed E4431 --- C1101 SF1412 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval body sherd. Pink/red fabric brown internal and external glaze. External incision design E4431 --- C1101 SF1414 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Iron Corroded iron fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1415 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Modern Clear glass jar rim and neck fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1415 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Modern Green glass fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware rim sherd with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with brown transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with green and yellow floral transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval sherd (small fragment) with red fabric, white and brown glaze


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1417 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval manganese ware rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Georgian Blackware D body shed E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Georgian Blackware D body shed E4431 --- C1101 SF1420 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Post Medieval tile, D cream glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1421 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass ribbed rim D E4431 --- C1101 SF1421 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment D E4431 --- C1101 SF1421 Tr.11 09/08/16 RS Glass Green glass fragment D E4431 --- C1101 SF1424 Tr.11F 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1424 Tr.11F 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1424 Tr.11F 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware plate sherd with pink glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1424 Tr.11F 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1323 SF1424 Tr.11F 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1323 SF1425 Tr.11F 09/08/16 RS Glass Green Glass Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1426 Tr.11E 09/08/16 RS Stone(unid Granite, possible rubbing ent) stone E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware /D


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware fragment /D with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd /D with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval base /D sherd. Red fabric with brown internal glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1428 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval sherd. /D Brown glaze with 3 bands of cream slip E4431 --- C1101 SF1430 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1430 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1430 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1430 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1430 Tr.11C 09/08/16 RS Glass Green glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1431 Tr.11F 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware grey glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1431 Tr.11F 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware E4431 --- C1101 SF1433 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1433 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1433 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1433 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1434 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1434 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1434 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1434 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1434 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Glass Green glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1435 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1436 Tr.11C 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red earthenware. /D Abraded E4431 --- C1101 SF1436 Tr.11C 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red brick fragment /D E4431 --- C1323 SF1438 Tr.11C 10/08/16 RS Stone(unid Possible schist roof tile. /D ent) Possible notch upon edge E4431 --- C1101 SF1441 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Fragment of red brick D E4431 --- C1101 SF1441 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Abraded red D earthenware E4431 --- C1101 SF1444 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red earthenware D E4431 --- C1101 SF1444 Tr.11 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red earthenware D E4431 --- C1324 SF1448 Tr.11E 10/08/16 TM Ceramic Post medieval manganese body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red earthenware /D


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red earthenware /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Red earthenware /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval sherd red /D fabric with internal and external brown glaze

E4431 --- C1101 SF1452 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval sherd red /D fabric with internal and external brown glaze

E4431 --- C1101 SF1453 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware /D E4432 --- C1101 SF1453 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1454 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Glass Clear Glass /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1456 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1323 SF1457 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Glass Brown glass E4431 --- C1323 SF1459 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Red brick fragment E4431 --- C1323 SF1459 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Red earthenware, abraded crumb E4431 --- C1101 SF1460 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1460 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1460 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1460 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1460 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval body sherd, external and internal green lead glaze, grey fabric E4431 --- C1101 SF1461 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Abraded red earthenware fragment, possibly brick E4431 --- C1101 SF1461 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Abraded red earthenware fragment, possibly brick E4431 --- C1101 SF1461 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Abraded red earthenware fragment, possibly brick E4431 --- C1101 SF1461 Tr.11E 10/08/16 RS Ceramic Abraded red earthenware fragment, possibly brick E4431 --- C1323 SF1463 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd E4431 --- C1323 SF1463 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd E4431 --- C1194 SF1465 Tr.11F 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1467 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Red earthenware fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1467 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Abraded red earthenware crumb E4431 --- C1101 SF1467 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Abraded red earthenware crumb E4431 --- C1101 SF1467 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Abraded red earthenware crumb E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd with green glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1468 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1469 Tr.11E 10/08/16 KOT Stone(unid Flat fragment of schist. ent) Natural E4431 --- C1101 SF1471 Tr.11C 10/08/16 KOT Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1471 Tr.11C 10/08/16 KOT Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1477 Tr.11C 11/08/16 TM Ceramic Post medieval body sherd, red fabric with internal and external brown glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1488 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Red earthenware with D trace of glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1488 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic red earthenware D E4431 --- C1101 SF1488 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic red earthenware D


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1488 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic red earthenware body D fragment E4431 --- C1323 SF1489 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd with /D yellow and green slip E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd with /D blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd with /D blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware sherd with /D blue transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Georgian Blackware /D body shed E4431 --- C1101 SF1490 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Georgian Blackware base /D shed E4431 --- C1323 SF1491 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Glass Blue glass fragment D E4431 --- C1323 SF1493 Tr.11 11/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragments D E4431 --- C1101 SF1494 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Post medieval maganese D base sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1494 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Post medieval sherd D with mustard glaze and cream fabric E4431 --- C1101 SF1494 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1494 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1494 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1101 SF1495 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Slag Iron D E4431 --- C1101 SF1495 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Iron Iron, nail 60mm in D length, 5mm in thickness (shaft), rectangular section, round head 17mm in diameter.

E4431 --- C1101 SF1495 Tr.11 11/08/16 KOT Iron Iron bolt 70mm in D length, 14mm in width, round in section E4431 --- C1323 SF1496 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1323 SF1496 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1323 SF1496 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue transferred print


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1323 SF1496 Tr.11C 11/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd with blue transferred print E4431 --- C000 SF1505 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 0 E4431 --- C000 SF1506 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Cancelled E4431 --- C1317 SF1509 Tr.11E 12/08/16 WM Clay Burnt Earth E4431 --- C1110 SF1513 Tr.11C 12/08/16 TM Stone(unid Schist fragment, possible ent) roof tile with notch

E4431 --- C1117 SF1520 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Clay Furnace Material Moved D/E to Sample Register Sample 1599 E4431 --- C1117 SF1521 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd D/E E4431 --- C1117 SF1521 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd D/E E4431 --- C1117 SF1522 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Ceramic Clay pipe stem D/E E4431 --- C1177 SF1523 Tr.11 12/08/16 KOT Ceramic Post medieval body D/E sherd. Black external glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1526 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Glass Clear glass fragment /D with ribbed rim E4431 --- C1101 SF1528 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1528 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1528 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1528 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body and /D rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1528 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Plate fragment with blue /D transferred print E4431 --- C1101 SF1529 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1529 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Glass Green glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1101 SF1531 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Ceramic Georgian blackware /D body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1531 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Ceramic Georgian blackware /D body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1531 Tr.11C 15/08/16 KOT Ceramic Creamware body sherd /D E4431 --- C1117 SF1536 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1117 SF1536 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1117 SF1536 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval D manganese ware E4431 --- C1117 SF1536 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Ceramic Georgian blackware D body sherd E4431 --- C1117 SF1537 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment /D E4431 --- C1110 SF1543 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Metal Industrial residue /D (unident)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1110 SF1543 Tr.11 15/08/16 KOT Metal Industrial residue Moved (unident) to Sample Register Sample 1604 E4431 --- C1340 SF1551 Tr.11F 15/08/16 J'OC Stone(unid Water rolled pebble ent) E4431 --- C1317 SF1558 Tr.11E 15/08/16 TK Clay Furnace Material Moved to Sample Register Sample 1603 E4431 --- C1117 SF1563 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Glass Green glass fragment E4431 --- C1117 SF1563 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Glass Clear glass fragment E4431 --- C1117 SF1564 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1117 SF1564 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1117 SF1564 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd E4431 --- C1117 SF1564 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval black glaze ware E4431 --- C1123 SF1569 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval black D glaze ware E4431 --- C1317 SF1573 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Post medieval glazed ware, red fabric E4431 --- C1117 SF1574 Tr.11C 15/08/16 RS Stone(unid Stone, originally labelled ent) as slag E4431 --- C1123 SF1581 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1317 SF1587 Tr.11E 15/08/16 RS Slag Iron slag E4431 --- C1317 SF1589 Tr.11E 15/08/16 TK 0 Piece of granite labelled as a ceramic find

E4431 --- C1317 SF1590 Tr.11E 15/08/16 WM Slag Iron slag E4431 --- C1117 SF1595 Tr.11 15/08/16 CW Stone(unid Originally labelled as slag D ent) E4431 --- C1117 SF1596 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1117 SF1596 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Ceramic Creamware body sherd D E4431 --- C1117 SF1599 Tr.11 15/08/16 RS Slag Iron slag D E4431 --- C1154 SF1600 Tr.11E 15/08/16 IK Quartz Quartz flake E4431 --- C1115 SF1611 Tr. 00/01/00 RS 0 Medieval pottery to be located E4431 E4431:1123:107 C1123 SF1617 Tr.11 16/08/16 JH Ceramic Dublin Type Ware crumb 9 D E4431 --- C1154 SF1632 Tr.11E 16/08/16 WM Iron Iron slag E4431 --- C1336 SF1633 Tr.11f 16/08/16 JO'C Stone(unid Water rolled pebble ent) E4431 --- C1123 SF1641 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Stone(unid Pebble D ent) E4431 --- C1123 SF1642 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron 3 fragment of iron D E4431 --- C1123 SF1644 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron 12 fragments of iron slag D E4431 --- C1123 SF1649 Tr.11 16/08/16 KOT Iron fragment of iron slag D E4431 --- C1123 SF1650 Tr.11 16/08/16 RS Iron fragment of iron slag D


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1123 SF1652 Tr.11 16/08/16 ML Iron Tiny pebble with iron D accretion - probably not an artefact. Recovered during sieving

E4431 --- C1328 SF1654 Tr.11F 00/01/00 COM Slag Iron slag fragment E4431 --- C1328 SF1662 Tr.11F 17/08/16 COM Metal vitreous run off from (unident) metallurgy E4431 --- SF1664 Tr.11 17/08/16 Bone sample removed to D the sample register E4431 --- C1357 SF1665 Tr.11F 17/08/16 TM Slag 0 E4431 --- C1352 SF1666 Tr.11 17/08/16 IK Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1326 SF1671 Tr.11F 17/08/16 TK Ceramic Small fragment possibly metallurgical ceramic?

E4431 --- C1123 SF1676 Tr.11 17/08/16 RS Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1122 SF1679 Tr.11 17/08/16 RS Metal Unlocated D (unident) E4431 --- C1123 SF1681 Tr.11 18/08/16 MS Iron Iron bolt - not locatable D E4431 --- C1115 SF1682 Tr.11 18/08/16 MD Slag Iron slag D E4431 --- C1112 SF1683 Tr.11C 18/08/16 0 0 0 E4431 --- C1103 SF1688 Tr.11E 18/08/16 EH Slag 0 E4431 --- C1103 SF1689 Tr.11E 18/08/16 EH Slag 0 E4431 --- C1103 SF1690 Tr.11E 18/08/16 EH Slag 0 E4431 --- C1103 SF1691 Tr.11E 18/08/16 WM Slag 0 E4431 --- C1363 SF1692 Tr.11E 18/08/16 WM Slag 0 E4431 --- C1363 SF1693 Tr.11E 18/08/16 WM Slag 0 E4431 --- C1363 SF1694 Tr.11E 18/08/16 WH Iron 0 E4431 --- C1123 SF1695 Tr.11E 18/08/16 MD Slag 0 E4431 --- C1103 SF1696 Tr.11E 18/08/16 SB Slag 0 E4431 --- C1103 SF1697 Tr.11E 18/08/16 EH Slag 0 E4431 --- C1123 SF1698 Tr.11 18/08/16 FS 0 0 D E4431 --- C1103 SF1704 Tr.11E 18/08/16 FS Slag 0 E4431 --- C1123 SF1707 Tr.11 18/08/16 MS Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1708 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1709 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Iron 0 D E4431 --- C1103 SF1711 Tr.11E 18/08/16 RS Iron 0 E4431 --- C1103 SF1712 Tr.11E 18/08/16 EH Iron 0 E4431 --- C1123 SF1715 Tr.11 18/08/16 RS Iron 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1720 Tr.11 19/08/16 MD Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1721 Tr.11 19/08/16 DN Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1722 Tr.11 19/08/16 WM Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1724 Tr.11 19/08/16 WM Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1365 SF1725 Tr.11E 19/08/16 WM Clay Burnt clay fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1726 Tr.11 19/08/16 IK 0 0 E4431 --- C1123 SF1727 Tr.11 19/08/16 WM Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1729 Tr.11 24/08/16 WM Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1132 SF1732 Tr.11 23/08/16 AF Slag 0 E4431 --- C1115 SF1734 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Bone Bone fragment removed to sample register

0 --- C000 SF1735 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE 0 Numbered twice as C1364 E4431 --- C1101 SF1736 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Iron 0 E4431 --- C000 SF1737 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE 0 Numbered twice see C1365 E4431 --- C000 SF1738 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Bone Bone fragment moved to sample register E4431 --- C000 SF1739 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Other Charcoal fragment moved to sample register E4431 --- C1101 SF1740 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Iron 0 E4431 --- C1122 SF1741 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Slag Sieved E4431 --- C1172 SF1742 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Bone Bone fragment removed to sample register

E4431 --- C1123 SF1746 Tr.11 23/08/16 MKE Bone Bone fragment removed to sample register

E4431 --- C1123 SF1750 Tr.11 24/08/16 SW Slag 5 Fragments D E4431 --- C1123 SF1751 Tr.11 24/08/16 SW Iron sieved D E4431 --- C1123 SF1754 Tr.11 24/08/16 SW Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1374 SF1757 Tr.11F 24/08/16 L.J Slag 0 E4431 --- C1374 SF1758 Tr.11F 24/08/16 L.J Stone(unid listed on excavation as ent) pottery sherd but actually a piece of mica schist E4431 --- C1382 SF1761 Tr.11 25/08/16 KON Ceramic 0 D E4431 --- C1363 SF1763 Tr.11E 25/08/16 AC Slag Archaeometallurgical waste E4431 --- C1123 SF1765 Tr.11 25/08/16 KON Slag 2 Fragments D E4431 --- C1382 SF1766 Tr.11 25/08/16 KON Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1123 SF1769 Tr.11 25/08/16 MD Slag not locatable after D excavation E4431 --- C1380 SF1770 Tr.11 25/08/16 SD Slag 10 fragments of iron slag D E4431 --- C1390 SF1772 Tr.11 26/08/16 MS Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1345 SF1774 Tr.11F 29/08/16 AF Slag 0 E4431 --- C000 SF1775 Tr. 00/01/00 0 Ceramic not located E4431 --- C1390 SF1776 Tr.11 29/08/16 ML Slag Sieved E4431 --- C1123 SF1781 Tr.11 29/08/16 SS Slag 2 Fragments of slag E4431 --- C1123 SF1783 Tr.11 30/08/16 WM Slag 0


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1123 SF1787 Tr.11 30/08/16 SW Slag 4 Fragments E4431 --- C1391 SF1788 Tr.11 30/08/16 SW Iron 0 E4431 --- C1123 SF1789 Tr.11 30/08/16 MKE Slag 2 fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1791 Tr.11 30/08/16 WM Slag 4 fragments of slag E4431 --- C1391 SF1792 Tr.11 31/08/16 SH Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1398 SF1794 Tr.11 31/08/16 DM Slag 0 D E4431 --- C1398 SF1796 Tr.11 31/08/16 ND Stone(unid Schist and iron pan, D ent) probably not artefactual

E4431 --- C1402 SF1797 Tr.11 31/08/16 CM Slag 2 Slag fragments D E4431 --- C1123 SF1798 Tr.11 00/01/00 CM Iron 7 iron fragments, probably waste E4431 --- C1380 SF1804 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Slag 2 Fragments of slag E4431 --- C1380 SF1806 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Slag 0 E4431 --- C1364 SF1807 Tr.11 31/08/16 CB Slag 0 E4431 --- C1398 SF1808 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Slag 0 E4431 --- C1380 SF1809 Tr.11 31/08/16 SW Clay Burnt clay fragment E4431 --- C1365 SF1813 Tr.11E 01/09/16 NM Slag 15 Fragments of iron slag E4431 --- C1101 SF1818 Tr.11 02/09/16 PD Stone(unid Flat stone (possible flag) ent) E4431 --- C1101 SF1821 Tr.11 07/09/16 CMcD Clay Furnace Fragment Moved to Sample Register Sample 1329 E4431 --- C1101 SF1840 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Other Cancelled M E4431 --- C1101 SF1842 Tr.11 08/08/17 CC Ceramic Highly fired terracotta M fragment. Possible drain pipe fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1843 Tr.11 00/01/00 TH Iron Corroded iron nail M fragment from ploughsoil E4431 --- C1101 SF1843 Tr.11 08/08/17 TH Iron Corroded iron object M from ploughsoil E4431 --- C1101 SF1843 Tr.11 08/08/17 TH Glass Small glass fragments, M two transparent and one green fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1844 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Glass Three glass fragments M from ploughsoil. Two green body fragments, one black rim fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1844 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic 12 Modern creamware M sherds from ploughsoil E4431 --- C1101 SF1844 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic Blue transfer printed M body sherd from ploughsoil E4431 --- C1101 SF1844 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Ceramic Smallbrown glazed body M sherd from ploughsoil

E4431 --- C1101 SF1844 Tr.11 08/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron M implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1848 Tr.11 08/08/17 CMG Other Cancelled M


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1849 Tr.11 08/08/17 MH Other Red brick fragment M E4431 --- C1323 SF1850 Tr.11 08/08/17 WM Ceramic Creamware base sherd. Small bowl E4431 --- C1323 SF1850 Tr.11 08/08/17 WM Ceramic 5 Modern creamware sherds E4431 --- C1323 SF1850 Tr.11 08/08/17 WM Ceramic Georgian blackware body sherd E4431 --- C1323 SF1850 Tr.11 08/08/17 WM Ceramic Transfer printed ware body sherd E4431 --- C1323 SF1850 Tr.11 08/08/17 WM Ceramic Creamware with floral slip design E4431 E4431:1101:730 C1101 SF1855 Tr.11 09/08/17 MM Ceramic Red earthenware. Brick? M E4431 --- C1101 SF1857 Tr.11 09/08/17 CMG Ceramic Post medieval body M sherd - red fabric with brown internal glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1858 Tr.11 09/08/17 MM Other Cancelled M E4431 --- C1101 SF1865 Tr.11 09/08/17 MF Ceramic Red brick fragment M E4431 --- C1101 SF1867 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Glass Glass fragments. 11 M fragments of transparent class, 6 fragments of green glass, 1 green bottle neck fragment

E4431 --- C1101 SF1868 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Iron 3 Corroded iron M implements from ploughsoil E4431 --- C1101 SF1869 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic 20 sherds of cremware M E4431 --- C1101 SF1869 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Brown glazed handle M fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1869 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic 3 brown glazed sherds M E4431 --- C1101 SF1869 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Blue hand painted body M sherd depicting a lady

E4431 --- C1101 SF1872 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic 16 Small sherds of M creamware E4431 --- C1101 SF1873 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Glass 31 glass fragments, 5 M thick fragments of green glass, 8 fragments of blue glass, 18 fragments of transparent glass

E4431 --- C1101 SF1874 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron nail/bolt M E4431 --- C1101 SF1877 Tr.11 09/08/17 NK Ceramic Georgian blackware M sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1882 Tr.11k 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Creamware rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1883 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Georgian blackware rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1883 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Georgian blackware handle E4431 --- C1101 SF1883 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Georgian blackware sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1883 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Georgian blackware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic 2 sherds of Staffordshire brown transfer print

E4431 --- C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic 1 sherds of Staffordshire brown transfer print

E4431 --- C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic thick red earthenware with brown salted glaze

E4431 --- C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Manganese mottled ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic 6 creamware fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic Creamware im with green glaze band E4431 --- C1101 SF1884 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Ceramic 7 sherds of blue transfer print E4431 --- C1101 SF1885 Tr.11L 10/08/17 CB Glass Two brown glass fragments, 1 blue glass fragment, 12 transparent glass fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1887 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic 4 creamware/whiteware M sherds

E4431 --- C1101 SF1887 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Highly fired red M earthenware E4431 --- C1101 SF1887 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic 2 Manganese mottled M sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1888 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Glass 3 glass fragments, 1 M green bottle rim, 2 transparent fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1889 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Glass 16 Glass fragments, 11 M transparent fragments, 4 green glass fragments, 1 blue glass fragment

E4431 --- C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Georgian blackware M sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic 15 M Creamware/whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1891 Tr.11 10/08/17 CM Ceramic Brown transfer print M E4431 --- C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic 2 Manganese mottled M sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Creamware body sherd M E4431 --- C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic Brown transfer printed M body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1892 Tr.11 10/08/17 MS Ceramic 2 modern ceramic M fragments, creamware with blue glaze and black and white checkered band


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1898 Tr.11 11/08/17 AEM Glass 3 Fragments of M transparent glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1899 Tr.11 11/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 creamware sherds, 1 M handle and 1 body sherd

E4431 --- C1101 SF1902 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic 2 sherds of creamware M with brown floral design

E4431 --- C1101 SF1902 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic 5 sherds of M creamware/whiteware E4431 --- C1101 SF1902 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Blue painted ware sherd M E4431 --- C1101 SF1902 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Ceramic Thick red earthenware M with cream glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1903 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Glass 15 fragments of glass, 3 M green glass and 12 transparent glass E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic 3 Georgian Blackware body sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic 22 Creamware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic 2 Redware sherds with brown glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Blue glazed base sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Yellow glazed rim sherd

E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Manganese mottled ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Blue glazed rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Pink transfer printed ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Creamware with pink and green slip E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic Blue painted ware sherd

E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic 6 Blue transfer printed body sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1909 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Ceramic 4 Brown Staffordshire transfer printed body sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1911 Tr.11L 11/08/17 WM Glass 5 glass fragments, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green and 2 transparent fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1915 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron nail head M E4431 --- C1101 SF1915 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron M implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1915 Tr.11 11/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron M implement E4431 --- C1122 SF1916 Tr.11C 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Manganese mottled ware rim sherd with yellow band E4431 --- C1101 SF1917 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Glass 16 glass fragments, 11 M transparent fragments, 5 green glass fragments


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1919 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron nail M E4431 --- C1101 SF1919 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron nail M E4431 --- C1101 SF1919 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron nail M E4431 --- C1101 SF1919 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron nail M E4431 --- C1101 SF1919 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron M implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1919 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron M implement 3 pieces E4431 --- C1101 SF1920 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic 7 M Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1920 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic 2 Brown Staffordshire M transfer printed body sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1920 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Blue transfer printed M body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1920 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic 2 sherds of Manganese M mottled ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1920 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Post medieval sherd, red M fabric with brown glaze

E4431 --- C1101 SF1920 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Ceramic Brown glazed tea pot lid, M manganese mottled ware E4431 --- C1101 SF1922 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Glass 21 glass fragments, 6 green glass, 3 blue glass, 10 transparent glass fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1923 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Maganese mottled body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1923 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic 3 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1923 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic 2 blue painted sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1924 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Ceramic Post medieval sherd, red fabric with internal and external brown glaze

E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron nail E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron nail E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron nail E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron nail E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron nail E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron nail E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1926 Tr.11L 12/08/17 MP Iron Corroded iron implement


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1928 Tr.11 12/08/17 NK Iron Corroded iron rod M E4431 --- C1101 SF1936 Tr.11 14/08/17 MS Ceramic 17 Creamware sherds M and fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1936 Tr.11 14/08/17 MS Ceramic 2 sherds of blue painted M wares E4431 --- C1101 SF1936 Tr.11 14/08/17 MS Ceramic 1 sherd of green transfer M printed ware E4431 --- C1101 SF1938 Tr.11 14/08/17 MS Iron Corroded iron object M E4431 --- C1101 SF1940 Tr.11L 14/08/17 AEM Stone(unid Water rolled pebble Non ent) Artefact E4431 --- C1122 SF1941 Tr.11C 14/08/17 MP Quartz Quartz stone Non Artefact E4431 --- C000 SF1942 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Slag fragment moved to Sample register E4431 --- C1101 SF1943 Tr.11 14/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 Georgian Blackware M sherds, 2body and 1 rim sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1945 Tr.11 14/08/17 AEM Glass 11 glass fragments, 3 M green, 8 transparent fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1946 Tr.11 14/08/17 AEM Stone(unid Cracked pebble Non M ent) Artefact E4431 --- C000 SF1947 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Cancelled E4431 --- C1101 SF1948 Tr.11 14/08/17 AEM Iron Corroded iron M implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1949 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 7 Georgian Blackware sherds, 6 body and 1 base sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1949 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Post medieval sherd, Redware Brown-Glazed E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 41 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Red brick fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 6 Pink transfer printed ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 Blue transfer printed ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 8 Blue Painted ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 Staffordshire slipware sherds, 1 with annular design E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Pearlware green moulded edge sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 Creamware sherds with brown slip E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Manganese mottled ware body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Manganese mottled ware handle E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Redware black glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 4 Staffordshire brown transfer print ware sherds


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 cream slipware sherds

E4431 --- C1101 SF1950 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 creamware fragments with yellow slip, 1 containing a stamp (CRAW) E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 4 Red brick fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 Georgian Blackware sherds, 1 body and 1 base sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 Pearlware blue moulded edge sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Stoneware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 Blue Painted ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 cream slipware sherds, 1 pink slip, 2 blue slips

E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 13 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Redware, Slip decorated E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Staffordshire sherd, yellow glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1951 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Creamware with orange slip band with figure of 8 design E4431 --- C1101 SF1952 Tr.11J 15/08/17 AEM Glass 32 Glass fragments, 25 transparent, 6 green, 1 blue fragment. E4431 --- C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 17 Creamware/Whiteware sherds and fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Pearlware handle with pink slip E4431 --- C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 small fragments of manganese mottled ware fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Staffordshire fragment

E4431 --- C1101 SF1955 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Redware fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1956 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Glass 12 Glass fragments, 3 green and 9 transparent fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1957 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Redware sherd with brown glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 66 Creamware/Whiteware sherds and fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 Blue painted ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 Blue transfer printed ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Pearlware, blue moulded ware sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 Staffordshire brown transfer printed ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Whiteware, hand painted green floral design E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Creamware with orange slip band with figure of 8 design E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 Polychrome sherds, orange brown and green glazed bands E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 2 Staffordshire sherds, yellow glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 4 Pink Trasfer printed ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Whiteware sherd with blue slip E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Glass Ginger beer bottle fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1961 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Stamped unglazed ware

E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Staffordshire slipware, red fabric with brown glaze and yellow floral slip E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Pearlware, blue moulded ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 11 Creamware/whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Manganese mottled ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Staffordshire brown transfer printed ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Pink transfer printed ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Whiteware body sherd with red and brown slip

E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Redware base sherd with internal brown glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Georgian Blackware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 1 Thick Redware sherd, storage vessel E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Peculiar groggy cream earthenware, storage vessel E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Stamped unglazed ware

E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic Tapered Roof Tile fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1964 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 4 Red brick fragments


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1965 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Stone(unid Possible worked stone ent) E4431 --- C1101 SF1966 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Glass Green glass fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1966 Tr.11K 15/08/17 AEM Ceramic 3 Geogian Blackware sherds E4431 --- C000 SF1969 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Slag fragment moved to Sample register E4431 --- C000 SF1972 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Large Corroded Iron Slag Fragment moved to Sample Registered E4431 --- C1430 SF1975 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB 0 To Be Located M E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Tin Glazed sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic 5 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic 1 Staffordshire brown transfer printed ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Stafforshire yellow glaze sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Georgian Blackware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic 2 Blue painted ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Redware with brown glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1977 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Glass Green Glass fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1980 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Glass 15 Glass Fragments, 4 Green Glass and 11 Transparent Fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1984 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Iron Corroded Iron Nail Head

E4431 --- C1101 SF1984 Tr.11L 21/08/17 CB Iron Corroded Iron Object E4431 --- C1101 SF1987 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1988 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Ceramic 2 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1989 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Glass Blue glass fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1990 Tr.11K 21/08/17 CB Glass 23 Glass Fragments, 7 Green, 1 Yellow, 15 Transparent Glass Fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1992 Tr.11 21/08/17 CB Iron Corroded Iron M Implement E4431 --- C1101 SF1994 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Ceramic 4 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF1994 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Redware with brown glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF1995 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Glass 2 Transparent Glass Fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF1996 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Ceramic Pearlware sherd E4431 --- C1442 SF1997 Tr.11J 21/08/17 CB Glass 2 Glass Fragments, 1 Green, 1 Blue Fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 E4431:1101:108 C1101 SF2002 Tr.11K 22/08/17 CB Metal Lead fragment 0 (unident) E4431 E4431:1101:105 C1101 SF2003 Tr.11K 22/08/17 CB Metal Lead fragment - window 7 (unident) came, bent, H shaped in section dateable to 1500-1800 AD

E4431 --- C1101 SF2007 Tr.11 22/08/17 CB Iron Iron pin E4431 --- C1101 SF2009 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Ceramic 8 Creamware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2009 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Ceramic 2 Blue painted ware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2009 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Ceramic Staffordshire Brown Transfer Printed sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2009 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Ceramic Pearlware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2011 Tr.11K 22/08/17 DL Glass 4 Glass Fragments, 3 Transparent, 1 Green E4431 --- C1101 SF2012 Tr.11L 22/08/17 JE Ceramic 4 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2012 Tr.11L 22/08/17 JE Ceramic 3 Blue Hand Painted Wares E4431 --- C1101 SF2012 Tr.11L 22/08/17 JE Ceramic 2 Staffordshire Redware with Brown Glaze

E4431 --- C1101 SF2013 Tr.11L 22/08/17 JE Glass Transparent glass fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF2014 Tr.11L 22/08/17 CB Ceramic 3 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2019 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Iron Corroded Iron Object E4431 --- C1101 SF2021 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Ceramic 11 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2021 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Ceramic Stoneware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2021 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Ceramic Georgian Blackware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2021 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Ceramic Redware with brown glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF2021 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Ceramic Red Earthenware 3 pieces refitted E4431 --- C1101 SF2022 Tr.11J 23/08/17 SM Glass 7 Glass Fragments, 2 Green, 1 Brown, 4 Transparent Fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF2024 Tr.11K 23/08/17 SM Ceramic Whiteware with blue slip

E4431 --- C1101 SF2027 Tr.11L 23/08/17 LK Flint 2 Flint pebbles E4431 --- C1101 SF2028 Tr.11L 23/08/17 SM Glass 2 Transparent Glass Fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF2029 Tr.11L 23/08/17 IH Ceramic 2 Creamware/whiteware sherds, 1 containing slip

E4431 --- C1101 SF2035 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Iron Corroded Nail Fragment

E4431 --- C1101 SF2037 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Glass 3 Green Glass Fragments


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF2038 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic 3 Tin Glazed sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2038 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Manganese Mottled Ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2038 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Blue Hand Painted body sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2038 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic 2 Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2038 Tr.11K 24/08/17 AJ Ceramic Red earthenware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2039 Tr.11K 24/08/17 CB Ceramic Georgian Blackware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2040 Tr.11J 24/08/17 BH Ceramic Manganese Mottled Ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2040 Tr.11J 24/08/17 BH Ceramic 2 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2040 Tr.11J 24/08/17 BH Ceramic Pink Transfer Printed Ware E4431 --- C1101 SF2041 Tr.11J 24/08/17 BH Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 --- C1101 SF2042 Tr.11J 24/08/17 BH Glass Fragment of Transparent Glass E4431 --- C1101 SF2043 Tr.11J 24/08/17 CB Glass Glass Rod E4431 --- C1101 SF2045 Tr.11K 24/08/17 BH Glass Fragment of Transparent Glass E4431 --- C1101 SF2046 Tr.11K 24/08/17 BH Ceramic 2 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1103 SF2048 Tr.11L 25/08/17 WM Bone Whiteware rim sherd, tableware E4431 --- C1101 SF2051 Tr.11J 26/08/17 MP Iron Corroded Iron Bolt /K E4431 --- C1101 SF2056 Tr.11K 28/08/17 CB Iron Corroded Iron Bolt/Nail E4431 --- C1101 SF2056 Tr.11K 28/08/17 CB Ceramic Manganese Mottled Ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2056 Tr.11K 28/08/17 CB Ceramic 3 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C000 SF2060 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Bone moved to Sample Register E4431 --- C000 SF2061 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Bone moved to Sample Register E4431 --- C000 SF2062 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Bone moved to Sample Register E4431 --- C000 SF2071 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Metal Residue moved to Sample Register E4431 ------SF2073 ------CANCELLED E4431 --- C1101 SF2075 Tr.11J 29/08/17 MM Stone(unid Possible dressed stone ent) E4431 ------SF2077 ------0 --- Metal Residue moved to Sample Register E4431 ------SF2080 Tr. --- 0 --- Bone moved to Sample Register E4431 --- C1101 SF2081 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Ceramic 7 Creamware/Whiteware sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2081 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Ceramic Staffordshire brown glazed sherd


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF2083 Tr.11J 29/08/17 JL Glass 6 Glass Fragments, 3 Transparent, 3 Green Glass Fragments E4431 --- C000 SF2084 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Metal Residue moved to Sample Register E4431 --- C1101 SF2087 Tr.11K 29/08/17 CB Ceramic Whiteware Fragment E4431 --- C000 SF2089 Tr. 00/01/00 0 0 Slag fragment moved to Sample register E4431 --- C1101 SF2093 Tr.11L 30/08/17 JE Ceramic 3 Creamware/Whiteware sherds, 1 with yellow slip

E4431 --- C1101 SF2093 Tr.11L 30/08/17 JE Ceramic Blue Transfer Printed Ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2093 Tr.11L 30/08/17 JE Ceramic Bellarmine Sherd with Floral Relief E4431 --- C1101 SF2096 Tr.11J 30/08/17 EC Glass 2 Transparent Glass Fragments E4431 --- C1101 SF2097 Tr.11J 30/08/17 EC Iron Corroded Iron Nail, 2 pieces E4431 --- C1101 SF2098 Tr.11J 30/08/17 EC Ceramic Whiteware Sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2098 Tr.11J 30/08/17 EC Ceramic Redware, Brown Glaze E4431 --- C1101 SF2098 Tr.11J 30/08/17 EC Ceramic Abraded Red Earthenware E4431 --- C1101 SF2098 Tr.11J 30/08/17 EC Ceramic Red Brick Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF2100 Tr.11J 31/08/17 MP Iron 2 Corroded Iron Nails E4431 --- C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic 2 Creamware/Whiteware Sherds E4431 --- C1101 SF2102 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Ceramic Blue Transfer Printed Ware sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF2103 Tr.11L 01/09/17 AF Iron Corroded Iron Nail Head. Large Flat Nail Head

E4431 --- C1101 SF2105 Tr.11J 01/09/17 WM Iron Corroded Iron Nail E4431 --- C1101 SF2106 Tr.11L 05/09/17 WM Iron Corroded Iron Implement E4431 E4431:1202:105 C1202 SF1206 Tr.12 21/08/14 BW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body 6 sherd E4431 e4431:1202:105 C1202 SF1206 Tr.11 21/08/14 BW Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, body 8 sherd E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment E4431 --- C1101 SF1406 Tr.11 09/08/16 DS Ceramic Dublin Type Ware, Fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Appendix 3: Sample Register from Trench 11

Sampl Bag Trenc Conte Description Reason for Notes Date e_No. No. h xt Sampling S1101 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 20/08/14 S1102 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 21/08/14 S1103 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species In Possible Hearth 21/08/14 Area S1104 1 Tr.11 C1104 Bone Animal species At Eastern End of 21/08/14 Trench S1105 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 21/08/14 S1106 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 22/08/14 S1107 1 Tr.11 C1115 Bone Fragments Animal species 22/08/14 S1108 1 Tr.11 C1115 Tooth Fragments Animal species 22/08/14 S1109 1 Tr.11 C1116 Bone Fragments Animal species 22/08/14 S1110 2 Tr.11 C1120 Burnt Soil/Possible Bulk sample I bag sieved. Sub- 26/08/14 Hearth samples by T. Collin for DNA. <20 ml

S1111 1 Tr.11 C1116 Burnt Bone Animal species 26/08/14 S1112 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 26/08/14 S1113 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 26/08/14 S1114 1 Tr.11 C1103 Bone (Animal) Animal species 26/08/14 S1115 1 Tr.11 C1103 Charcoal Charred plant In hollow at East 26/08/14 End of Trench

S1116 1 Tr.11 C1126 Soil & Charcoal Charred plant Posthole Fill 26/08/14 S1117 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 26/08/14 S1118 1 Tr.11 C1127 Soil fill from Charred plant 26/08/14 possible posthole S1119 2 Tr.11 C1132 Soil fill from Charred plant 26/08/14 possible posthole S1120 1 Tr.11 C1129 Soil from stake Charred plant 26/08/14 hole S1121 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 26/08/14 S1122 2 Tr.11 C1131 Possible posthole Charred plant 26/08/14 soil S1123 1 Tr.11 C1119 Animal Bone Animal species 27/08/14 S1124 1 Tr.11 C1133 Soil Sample Bulk sample From Possible Kiln 27/08/14

S1125 2 Tr.11 C1133 Burnt Bone Animal species 27/08/14 S1126 1 Tr.11 C1136 Soil Sample Bulk sample 27/08/14 S1127 1 Tr.11 C1136 Bone Animal species 27/08/14 S1128 1 Tr.11 C1139 Charcoal overlying Charred plant 27/08/14 1118 S1129 1 Tr.11 C1118 Burnt Bone Animal species 27/08/14 S1130 1 Tr.11 C1149 Stakehole on W. Charred plant 27/08/14 End of Trench S1131 1 Tr.11 C1150 Stakehole Fill Charred plant 28/08/14 S1132 1 Tr.11 C1153 Soil Sample Bulk sample 28/08/14 S1133 1 Tr.11 C1159 Soil Sample Charred plant 28/08/14 Posthole S1134 1 Tr.11 C1159 Animal Bone Animal species 28/08/14 S1135 2 Tr.11 C1115 Soil Sample Bulk sample 28/08/14


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1136 2 Tr.11 C1123 Soil Sample Bulk sample 28/08/14 S1137 1 Tr.11 C1152 Soil Sample Bulk sample Area of Burning 29/08/14

S1138 2 Tr.11 C1116 Soil Sample Bulk sample originally labelled 29/08/14 as S.1112, renumbered in post excavation

S1140 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 20/08/15 Sample S1141 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 20/08/15 Sample S1142 1 Tr.11 C1152 Burnt Bone Animal species 20/08/15 Sample S1143 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 20/08/15 Sample S1144 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 21/08/15 Sample S1145 1 Tr.11 C1116 Burnt Bone Animal species Retrieved during 21/08/15 Sample sieveing

S1146 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species Registered, 21/08/15 Sample however sample to be located

S1147 1 Tr.11 C1101 Bone Sample Animal species 21/08/15 S1148 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 21/08/15 Sample S1149 1 Tr.11 C1101 Animal Tooth Animal species 21/08/15 Fragment S1150 1 Tr.11 C1101 Bone Sample Animal species 21/08/15 S1151 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species Registered, 21/08/15 Sample however sample to be located

S1152 2 Tr.11 C1169 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 24/08/15 S1153 1 Tr.11 C1101 Bone Sample Animal species 21/08/15 S1154 1 Tr.11 C1122 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/15 Sample S1155 1 Tr.11 C1119 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/15 Sample S1156 1 Tr.11 C1119 Charcoal Sample Charred plant 24/08/15 S1157 1 Tr.11 C1119 Charcoal Sample Charred plant 24/08/15

S1158 1 Tr.11 C1119 Bone Sample Animal species 24/08/15

S1159 1 Tr.11 C1115 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/15 Sample S1160 1 Tr.11 C1115 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/15 Sample S1161 1 Tr.11 C1116 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/15 Sample S1162 1 Tr.11 C1116 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/15 Sample S1163 1 Tr.11 C1116 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/15 Sample


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1164 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species Registered, 25/08/15 Sample however sample to be located

S1165 1 Tr.11 C1187 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 26/08/15 S1166 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 26/08/15 Sample S1167 1 Tr.11 C1190 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 26/08/15 S1168 1 Tr.11 C1186 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 26/08/15 S1169 1 Tr.11 C1300 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 26/08/15 S1170 1 Tr.11 C1115 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 26/08/15

S1171 1 Tr.11 C1188 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil Sieved by O.R. 26/08/15 Murray S1172 1 Tr.11 C1303 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 26/08/15 S1173 1 Tr.11 C1300 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil 26/08/15 S1174 1 Tr.11 C1316 Bulk Soil Sample Macro Fossil Sub-samples by T. 26/08/15 Collin for DNA. <20 ml S1175 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species Originally 21/08/15 Sample registered as small find (1325)

S1176 1 Tr.11 C1117 Bone Sample Animal species Originally 26/08/15 registered as small find (1375)

S1177 1 Tr.11 C1101 Bone Sample Animal species Registered during 21/08/15 post ex S1178 1 Tr.11 C1116 Bone Sample Animal species Registered during 24/08/15 post ex S1179 1 Tr.11 C1101 Bone Sample Animal species Registered during 24/08/15 post ex S1180 1 Tr.11 C1101 Hazelnut shell Plant species Registered during 24/08/15 post ex S1181 1 Tr.11 C1101 Bone Sample Animal species Registered during 24/08/15 post ex S1182 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species Registered during 24/08/15 Sample post ex S1183 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species Registered during 24/08/15 Sample post ex S1184 1 Tr.11 C1101 Animal Tooth Animal species Registered during 24/08/15 Fragment post ex S1185 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal Species Registered during 25/08/15 Sample post ex S1186 1 Tr.11 C1178 Bone Sample Animal species Registered during 25/08/15 post ex S1187 1 Tr.11 C1101 Animal Tooth Animal species Registered during 21/08/15 Fragment post ex S1010 1 Tr.10 C1013 Bone Sample 1: 0 21/08/15 S1011 1 Tr.10 C1013 Soil Sample Routine Under slab 1 21/08/15 S1012 1 Tr.10 C1013 Soil Sample Routine Under slab 2 21/08/15 S1013 1 Tr.10 C1013 Soil Sample Routine Under slab 3 21/08/15 S1014 1 Tr.10 C1013 Soil Sample Routine Under slab 4 21/08/15 S1190 1 Tr.11 C1101 Animal Tooth Animal species 09/08/16 Fragment


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1191 1 Tr.11 C1194 Burnt Bone Animal species 09/08/16 Sample S1192 1 Tr.11 C1193 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1193 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1194 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1195 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1196 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1197 1 Tr.11 C1194 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1198 1 Tr.11 C1193 Animal Tooth Animal species 10/08/16 Fragment S1199 1 Tr.11 C1323 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1200 1 Tr.11 C1193 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1201 1 Tr.11 C1194 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1202 1 Tr.11 C1193 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1203 1 Tr.11 C1324 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1204 1 Tr.11 C1324 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1205 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species Sieving 10/08/16 Sample S1206 1 Tr.11 C1194 Burnt Bone Animal species Sieving 10/08/16 Sample S1207 1 Tr.11 C1194 Charcoal Charred plant Sieving 10/08/16 S1208 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1209 1 Tr.11 C1102 Burnt Bone Animal species 10/08/16 Sample S1210 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 11/08/16 Sample S1211 1 Tr.11 C1323 Burnt Bone Animal species 11/08/16 Sample S1212 1 Tr.11 C1117 Burnt Bone Animal species 11/08/16 Sample S1213 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 11/08/16 Sample S1214 1 Tr.11 C1110 Burnt Bone Animal species 12/08/16 Sample S1215 1 Tr.11 C1154 Burnt Bone Animal species 12/08/16 Sample S1216 1 Tr.11 C1325 Burnt Bone Animal species 12/08/16 Sample S1217 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/16 Sample S1218 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/16 Sample S1219 1 Tr.11 C1177 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/16 Sample S1220 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/16 Sample S1221 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/16 Sample


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1222 1 Tr.11 C1117 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/16 Sample S1223 1 Tr.11 C1110 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/16 Sample S1224 1 Tr.11 C1308 Soil Sample Routine 15/08/16 S1225 1 Tr.11 C1333 Soil Sample Routine 15/08/16 S1226 1 Tr.11 C1325 Soil Sample Routine 15/08/16 S1227 1 Tr.11 C1334 Soil Sample Routine 15/08/16 S1228 2 Tr.11 C1340 Soil Sample Routine 15/08/16 S1229 1 Tr.11 C1341 Soil Sample Routine 16/08/16 S1230 1 Tr.11 C1177 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1231 1 Tr.11 C1154 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1232 1 Tr.11 C1117 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1233 2 Tr.11 C1334 Soil Sample Routine 16/08/16 S1234 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1235 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1236 1 Tr.11 C1337 Soil Sample Routine 16/08/16 S1237 1 Tr.11 C1338 Soil Sample Routine 16/08/16 S1238 1 Tr.11 C1345 Soil Sample Routine floated 4/08/2017 16/08/16

S1239 1 Tr.11 C1317 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1240 1 Tr.11 C1154 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1241 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1242 2 Tr.11 C1123 Soil Sample Routine Sieved by O.R. 16/08/16 Murray S1243 1 Tr.11 C1336 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1244 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1245 1 Tr.11 C1345 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1246 2 Tr.11 C1336 Soil Sample Routine floated 4/08/2017 16/08/16

S1247 1 Tr.11 C1336 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1248 1 Tr.11 C1125 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1249 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1250 1 Tr.11 C1177 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1251 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1252 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1253 1 Tr.11 C1154 Burnt Bone Animal species 16/08/16 Sample S1254 1 Tr.11 C1332 Soil Sample Routine 17/08/16


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1255 2 Tr.11 C1328 Soil Sample Routine taken by meriel 17/08/16 McClatchie for sieving 4/11/2016. Rich in charred material remains - no plant remains observed initially - on refloating appeared to be rich

S1256 2 Tr.11 C1345 Soil Sample Routine taken by meriel 17/08/16 McClatchie for sieving 4/11/2016. Sieved and rich in charred material - much remaining in retent. 1 grain Avena Oat identified

S1257 1 Tr.11 C1332 Burnt Bone Animal species 17/08/16 Sample S1258 1 Tr.11 C1328 Burnt Bone Animal species 17/08/16 Sample S1259 1 Tr.11 C1335 Soil Sample Routine 17/08/16 S1260 1 Tr.11 C1357 Soil Sample Routine 17/08/16 S1261 2 Tr.11 C1326 Soil Sample Routine 17/08/16 S1262 1 Tr.11 C1359 Burnt Bone Animal species 17/08/16 Sample S1263 1 Tr.11 C1327 Soil Sample Routine 17/08/16 S1264 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 17/08/16 Sample S1265 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 17/08/16 Sample S1266 1 Tr.11 C1352 Burnt Bone Animal species 17/08/16 Sample S1267 1 Tr.11 C1323 Burnt Bone Animal species 17/08/16 Sample S1268 1 Tr.11 C1123 Soil Sample Routine Sub-samples by T. 18/08/16 Collin for DNA. <20 ml S1269 2 Tr.11 C1123 Soil Sample Routine taken by meriel 18/08/16 McClatchie for sieving 4/11/2016

S1270 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 18/08/16 Sample S1271 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 18/08/16 Sample


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1272 1 Tr.11 C1361 Soil Sample Routine Sub-samples by T. 18/08/16 Collin for DNA. <20 ml S1273 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 18/08/16 Sample S1274 1 Tr.11 C1117 Burnt Bone Animal species 18/08/16 Sample S1275 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 18/08/16 Sample S1276 1 Tr.11 C1115 Charcoal Environmental 18/08/16 S1277 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 18/08/16 Sample S1278 1 Tr.11 C1117 Burnt Bone Animal species 18/08/16 Sample S1279 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 19/08/16 Sample S1280 2 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 19/08/16 Sample S1281 1 Tr.11 C1364 Soil Sample Routine Floated for dating - 19/08/16 1 grain of Avena sp. required second flotation

S1282 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 19/08/16 Sample S1283 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Bone Animal species 19/08/16 Sample S1284 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 22/08/16 Sample S1285 1 Tr.11 C1359 Burnt Bone Animal species 22/08/16 Sample S1286 2 Tr.11 C1327 Soil Sample Routine 22/08/16 S1287 1 Tr.11 C1336 Soil Sample Routine 22/08/16 S1288 1 Tr.11 C1365 Soil Sample Routine Sieved 22/08/16 S1289 1 Tr.11 C1367 Soil Sample Routine 22/08/16 S1290 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 22/08/16 Sample S1291 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 22/08/16 Sample S1292 5 Tr.11 C1132 Soil Sample Routine floated 4/08/2017 23/08/16

S1293 1 Tr.11 C1122 Animal Tooth Animal species 23/08/16 Fragment S1294 1 Tr.11 C1367 Burnt Bone Animal species 23/08/16 Sample S1295 1 Tr.11 C1103 Soil Sample Routine 24/08/16 S1296 1 Tr.11 C1374 Soil Sample Routine 24/08/16 S1297 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/16 Sample S1298 1 Tr.11 C1115 Charcoal Environmental 24/08/16 S1299 1 Tr.11 C1369 Soil Sample Routine 24/08/16 S1300 3 Tr.11 C1377 Soil Sample Routine Sub-samples by T. 24/08/16 Collin for DNA. <20 ml S1301 1 Tr.11 C1378 Soil Sample Routine 24/08/16 S1302 1 Tr.11 C1377 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/16 Sample


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1303 1 Tr.11 C1363 Burnt Bone Animal species 25/08/16 Sample S1304 1 Tr.11 C1368 Burnt Bone Animal species 25/08/16 Sample S1305 1 Tr.11 C1378 Burnt Bone Animal species 25/08/16 Sample S1306 1 Tr.11 C1381 Burnt Bone Animal species 25/08/16 Sample S1307 1 Tr.11 C1381 Burnt Bone Animal species 25/08/16 Sample S1308 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 25/08/16 Sample S1309 1 Tr.11 C1367 Slag Sample Industrial Iron Slag Sample 25/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1825

S1310 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal species 26/08/16 Sample S1311 1 Tr.11 C1380 Charcoal Environmental 26/08/16 S1312 1 Tr.11 C1380 Slag Sample Industrial Iron Slag Sample 26/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1819 S1313 1 Tr.11 C1392 Soil Sample Routine 26/08/16 S1314 1 Tr.11 C1383 Soil Sample Routine 27/08/16 S1315 1 Tr.11 C1375 Soil Sample Routine 27/08/16 S1316 8 Tr.11 C1377 Soil Sample Routine BAG NO 1 29/08/16 FLOATED ON SITE AND RETURNED TO UCD. Rich in charred plant remains. 1 grain triticum (wheat) S1317 1 Tr.11 C1363 Charcoal Environmental 29/08/16 S1318 1 Tr.11 C1386 Soil Sample Routine 29/08/16 S1319 1 Tr.11 C1363 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/16 Sample S1320 1 Tr.11 C1394 Soil Sample Routine 29/08/16 S1321 1 Tr.11 C1396 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/16 Sample S1322 1 Tr.11 C1396 Charcoal Environmental 29/08/16 S1323 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/16 Sample S1324 1 Tr.11 C1379 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/16 Sample S1325 1 Tr.11 C1391 Soil Sample Routine 30/08/16 S1326 1 Tr.11 C1391 Animal Tooth Animal species 30/08/16 Fragment S1327 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 30/08/16 Sample S1328 1 Tr.11 C1115 Animal Tooth Animal species 30/08/16 Fragment S1329 1 Tr.11 C1101 Slag Sample Industrial Iron Slag Sample 30/08/16


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

(Spoil) (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1821 S1330 1 Tr.11 C1397 Soil Sample Routine 30/08/16 S1331 1 Tr.11 C1400 Soil Sample Routine Sieved by O.R. 30/08/16 Murray S1332 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 30/08/16 Sample S1333 1 Tr.11 C1123 Animal Tooth Animal species 30/08/16 Fragment S1334 1 Tr.11 C1123 Animal Tooth Animal species UNLOCATABLE- 30/08/16 Fragment POSSIBLY INCLUDED IN S1333? S1335 1 Tr.11 C1396 Burnt Bone Animal species 30/08/16 Sample S1336 1 Tr.11 C1396 Charcoal Environmental 30/08/16 S1337 1 Tr.11 C1115 Charcoal Environmental 30/08/16 S1338 1 Tr.11 C1363 Burnt Bone Animal species 30/08/16 Sample S1339 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 30/08/16 Sample S1340 1 Tr.11 C1391 Charcoal Environmental 31/08/16 S1341 1 Tr.11 C1403 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1342 1 Tr.11 C1402 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1343 1 Tr.11 C1408 Soil Sample Routine 31/08/16 S1344 1 Tr.11 C1409 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1345 1 Tr.11 C1396 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1346 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1347 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1348 1 Tr.11 C1364 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1349 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1350 1 Tr.11 C1398 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1351 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal species 31/08/16 Sample S1352 1 Tr.11 C1412 Soil Sample Routine 01/09/16 S1353 1 Tr.11 C1412 Wood Fibre Environmental ARDMORE 01/09/16 Sample FRIDGE S1354 2 Tr.11 C1417 Soil Sample Routine floated 01/09/16 4/08/2017 S1355 2 Tr.11 C1396 Soil Sample Routine floated 01/09/16 4/08/2017 S1356 1 Tr.11 C1418 Soil Sample Routine 01/09/16 S1357 1 Tr.11 C1365 Burnt Bone Animal species 01/09/16 Sample


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1358 1 Tr.11 C1324 Soil Sample Routine 02/09/16 S1359 1 Tr.11 C1377 Burnt Bone Animal species 02/09/16 Sample S1360 1 Tr.11 C1323 Slag Sample Industrial Iron Slag Sample 02/09/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF.1823 S1361 1 Tr.11 C1323 Slag Sample Industrial Iron Slag Sample 02/09/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF.1822 S1362 1 Tr.11 C1323 Slag Sample Industrial Iron Slag Sample 02/09/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF.1824 S1363 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species CORRECTED POST 05/09/16 Sample EX FROM SF1746- MP S1364 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species CORRECTED POST 05/09/16 Sample EX FROM SF1734- MP S1365 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species CORRECTED POST 05/09/16 Sample EX FROM SF1738- MP S1366 1 Tr.11 C1122 Burnt Bone Animal species CORRECTED POST 05/09/16 Sample EX FROM SF1742- MP S1367 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species CORRECTED POST 05/09/16 Sample EX FROM SF1664- MP S1368 1 Tr.11 C1380 Charcoal Environmental UNLISTED ON 06/09/16 SITE S1369 1 Tr.11 C1123 Charcoal Environmental UNLISTED ON 06/09/16 SITE S1370 1 Tr.11 C1101 Charcoal Environmental CORRECTED POST 06/09/16 EX FROM SF1739- MP S1371 1 Tr.11 C1123 Charcoal Environmental CORRECTED POST 06/09/16 EX FROM DUPLICATE S1302 S1372 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal species NOT REGISTERED 15/08/16 Sample TO ORIGINAL LIST S1400 1 Tr.11 C1101 Large Fragment Industrial 10/08/17 of Iron Slag S1401 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 10/08/17 S1402 1 Tr.11 C1101 12 Iron Slag Industrial 10/08/17 Samples S1403 1 Tr.11 C1321 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 10/08/17 S1404 2 Tr.11 C1427 Soil Sample Environmental 10/08/17 S1405 1 Tr.11 C1101 8 Iron Slag Industrial 12/08/17 Samples S1406 1 Tr.11 C1122 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 14/08/17


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1407 1 Tr.11 C1122 Burnt Bone Animal Species 14/08/17 Sample S1408 1 Tr.11 C1122 2 Iron Slag Industrial 14/08/17 Samples S1409 1 Tr.11 C1101 2 Iron Slag Industrial 14/08/17 Samples S1410 1 Tr.11 C1101 2 Iron Slag Industrial 15/08/17 Samples S1411 1 Tr.11 C1101 5 Iron Slag Industrial Retrieved during 15/08/17 Samples sieveing S1412 2 Tr.11 C1425 Soil Samples Environmental 15/08/17 S1413 1 Tr.11 C1101 3 Iron Slag Industrial 15/08/17 Samples S1414 1 Tr.11 C1122 Burnt Bone Animal species 15/08/17 S1415 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 15/08/17 S1416 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt bone Animal species 15/08/17 S1417 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt bone Animal species 15/08/17 S1418 1 Tr.11 C1101 2 Iron Slag Industrial 15/08/17 Samples S1419 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 15/08/17 S1420 2 Tr.11 C1119 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 litre 16/08/17 Samples by 2 S1421 1 Tr.11 C1429 Burnt Clay Analyses Possible Furnace 16/08/17 Material S1422 1 Tr.11 C1430 3 Iron Slag Industrial 16/08/17 Samples S1423 1 Tr.11 C1429 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 16/08/17 S1424 1 Tr.11 C1429 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 16/08/17 S1425 1 Tr.11 C1429 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 16/08/17 S1426 1 Tr.11 C1428 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 16/08/17 S1427 1 Tr.11 C1431 Soil Sample Environmental 17/08/17 S1428 1 Tr.11 C1433 Soil Sample Environmental Sub-samples by T. 17/08/17 Collin for DNA. <20 ml S1429 1 Tr.11 C1428 Burnt Bone Animal Species Crushed bone 17/08/17 S1430 1 Tr.11 C1430 Burnt Bone Animal Species 17/08/17 S1431 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal Species 17/08/17 S1432 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal Species 17/08/17 S1433 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal Species 18/08/17 S1434 1 Tr.11 C1428 Iron Pan 0 Initially sampled 18/08/17 as Iron Slag S1435 1 Tr.11 C1428 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 litre 18/08/17 Samples S1436 1 Tr.11 C1175 Iron Slag Industrial 18/08/17 S1437 1 Tr.11 C1118 Soil Sample 0 00/01/00 S1438 1 Tr.11 C1381 Burnt Bone Animal Species 18/08/17 S1439 1 Tr.11 C1381 Animal Tooth Animal Species 18/08/17 Fragments S1440 2 Tr.11 C1118 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 Litre 00/01/00 Sample S1441 1 Tr.11 C1429 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 Litre 00/01/00 Sample from Pit S1442 1 Tr.11 C1441 Soil Sample Environmental 19/08/17 S1443 1 Tr.11 C1436 4 Iron Slag Industrial 21/08/17


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Samples S1444 1 Tr.11 C1443 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 Litre 21/08/17 Sample S1445 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 21/08/17 S1446 0 Tr.00 C0000 Iron find 0 00/01/00 recorded as sampled, Moved and registered as Find S1447 1 Tr.11 C1101 6 Iron Slag Industrial 18/08/17 Samples S1448 1 Tr.11 C1123 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 18/08/17 S1449 1 Tr.11 C1380 Soil Sample Environmental Sub-samples by T. 21/08/17 Collin for DNA. <20 ml S1450 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal Species 21/08/17 S1451 1 Tr.11 C1380 3 Iron Slag Industrial 21/08/17 Samples S1452 1 Tr.11 C1192 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 21/08/17 S1453 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal Species 22/08/17 S1454 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 22/08/17 S1455 1 Tr.11 C1397 Burnt Bone Animal Species 22/08/17 S1456 1 Tr.11 C1380 2 Iron Slag Industrial 22/08/17 Samples S1457 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal Species 22/08/17 S1458 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 22/08/17 S1459 1 Tr.11 C Iron Slag Sample Industrial 23/08/17 S1460 1 Tr.11 C1380 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 23/08/17 S1461 1 Tr.11 C1380 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 23/08/17 S1462 1 Tr.11 C1380 Burnt Bone Animal Species 23/08/17 S1463 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 23/08/17 S1464 1 Tr.11 C1380 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 23/08/17 S1465 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 23/08/17 S1466 1 Tr.11 C1434 Burnt Bone Animal Species 23/08/17 S1467 1 Tr.11 C1147 15 Iron Slag Industrial 23/08/17 Samples S1468 1 Tr.11 C1147 Burnt Bone Animal Species 23/08/17 S1469 1 Tr.11 C1380 4 Slag Samples Industrial 23/08/17 S1470 1 Tr.11 C1380 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 23/08/17 S1471 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 23/08/17 S1472 1 Tr.11 C1380 3 Iron Slag Industrial 23/08/17 Samples S1473 1 Tr.11 C1123 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 24/08/17 S1474 1 Tr.11 C1123 Burnt Bone Animal Species 24/08/17 S1475 1 Tr.11 C1123 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 24/08/17 S1476 1 Tr.11 C1123 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 24/08/17 S1477 1 Tr.11 C1123 3 Iron Slag Industrial 24/08/17 Samples S1478 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 24/08/17 S1479 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/17 S1480 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 24/08/17 S1481 1 Tr.11 C1446 Burnt Bone Animal species 28/08/17 S1482 1 Tr.11 C1435 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 Litre Soil 28/08/17 Sample


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1483 1 Tr.11 C1425 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 Litre Soil 28/08/17 Sample S1484 1 Tr.11 C1445 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 Litre Soil 28/08/17 Sample. Sub- samples by T. Collin for DNA. <20 ml. S1485 1 Tr.11 C1446 Soil Sample Environmental 28/08/17 S1486 1 Tr.11 C1103 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 28/08/17 S1487 1 Tr.11 C1154 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 28/08/17 S1488 1 Tr.11 C1154 Burnt Bone Animal species 28/08/17 S1489 1 Tr.11 C1392 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/17 S1490 1 Tr.11 C1445 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/09/17 S1491 1 Tr.11 C1445 Animal Teeth Animal species 29/08/17 S1492 1 Tr.11 C1445 10 Iron Slag Industrial 29/08/17 Samples S1493 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/17 S1494 1 Tr.11 C1101 2 Iron Slag Industrial 29/08/17 Samples S1495 1 Tr.11 C1380 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 29/08/17 S1496 1 Tr.11 C1380 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 29/08/17 S1497 1 Tr.11 C1392 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/09/17 S1498 1 Tr.11 C1454 Soil Sample Environmental 29/09/17 S1499 1 Tr.11 C1454 Burnt Bone Animal Species 29/09/17 S1500 1 Tr.11 C1380 Animal bone - Animal Species 28/08/17 Mandible S1501 1 Tr.11 C1380 Bone Fragments Animal Species 28/08/17 S1502 1 Tr.11 C1380 3 Iron Slag Industrial 28/08/17 Samples S1503 1 Tr.11 C1392 Burnt Bone Animal species 28/08/17 S1504 1 Tr.11 C1380 Metalic Industrial 28/08/17 Fragment / Slag S1505 1 Tr.11 C1446 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/17 S1506 1 Tr.11 C1391 Burnt Bone Animal species 29/08/17 S1507 1 Tr.11 C1101 3 Iron Slag Industrial 29/08/17 Samples S1508 1 Tr.11 C1101 Animal Bone Animal species 29/08/17 S1509 1 Tr.11 C1380 0 0 29/08/17 S1510 1 Tr.11 C1380 0 0 29/08/17 S1511 1 Tr.11 C1381 Burnt Bone Animal Species 29/08/17 S1512 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industial 29/08/17 S1513 1 Tr.11 C1460 Burnt Bone Animal Species 29/08/17 S1514 1 Tr.11 C1464 Burnt Bone Animal Species 29/08/17 S1515 1 Tr.11 C1469 Iron Slag Industrial 30/08/17 S1516 1 Tr.11 C1469 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1517 1 Tr.11 C1381 Possible Iron Analyses 30/08/17 Slag S1518 1 Tr.11 C1381 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1519 1 Tr.11 C1470 Soil Sample Environmental Large 10 Litre Soil 30/08/17 Sample. . Sieved by L. Ramierz(partly?) S1520 1 Tr.11 C1470 Slag Sample Industrial 30/08/17 S1521 1 Tr.11 C1470 Slag Sample Industrial 30/08/17


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1522 1 Tr.11 C1474 Soil Sample Environmental Sieved by L. 30/08/17 Ramierz in 7l and 3l batches S1523 1 Tr.11 C1446 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1524 1 Tr.11 C1468 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1525 1 Tr.11 C1468 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 30/08/17 S1526 1 Tr.11 C1470 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 30/08/17 S1527 1 Tr.11 C1475 Soil Sample Environmental Basal fill. Sieved 30/08/17 by L. Ramierz S1528 1 Tr.11 C1472 Soil Sample Environmental 30/08/17 S1529 1 Tr.11 C1458 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1530 1 Tr.11 C1458 Burnt Clay Analyses Possible Furnace 30/08/17 Material S1531 1 Tr.11 C1477 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1532 1 Tr.11 C1478 Soil Sample Environmental 30/08/17 S1533 1 Tr.11 C1478 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1534 1 Tr.11 C1469 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1535 1 Tr.11 C1445 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 30/08/17 S1536 0 Tr.00 C0000 Number 0 00/01/00 Cancelled and Moved to Finds Register S1537 1 Tr.11 C1445 Burnt Bone Industrial 30/08/17 S1538 1 Tr.11 C1484 5 Iron Slag Industrial 30/08/17 Samples S1539 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1540 1 Tr.11 C1484 Burnt Clay Analyses Possible Furnace 30/08/17 Material S1541 1 Tr.11 C1484 Iron Fragments / Industrial 30/08/17 Slag S1542 1 Tr.11 C1440 4 Iron Slag Industrial 30/08/17 Samples S1543 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 30/08/17 S1544 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 30/08/17 S1545 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 31/08/17 S1546 1 Tr.11 C1101 5 Iron Slag Industrial 31/08/17 Samples S1547 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Bone Animal Species 01/09/17 S1548 1 Tr.11 C1478 Animal Tooth Animal Species 01/09/17 S1549 0 Tr.11 C0000 Number 0 00/01/00 Cancelled and Moved to Finds Register S1550 1 Tr.11 C1436 2 Fragments of Analyses Possible Furnace 05/09/17 Burnt Clay Material S1551 1 Tr.11 C1381 Iron Slag Sample Industrial 05/09/17 S1552 1 Tr.11 C1117 Animal Tooth Animal Species 28/08/17 Fragments S1553 1 Tr.11 C1117 Burnt Bone Animal Species 28/09/17 S1554 1 Tr.11 C1122 3 Iron Slag Industrial 12/08/17 Samples S1555 1 Tr.11 C1436 Large Iron Industrial 21/08/17 Sample S1556 1 Tr.11 C1445 Metal Residue Industrial 29/08/17


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1557 1 Tr.11 C1101 Metal Residue Industrial 29/08/17 S1558 1 Tr.11 C1413 Metal Residue Industrial 29/08/17 S1562 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 18/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1101 S1563 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 19/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1103 S1564 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 19/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1103 S1565 1 Tr.11 C1103 Burnt Clay Analyses Burnt Clay 21/08/14 Sample (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1115 S1566 1 Tr.11 C1106 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 22/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1139 S1567 1 Tr.11 C1119 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 26/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1149 S1568 1 Tr.11 C1119 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 27/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1150 S1569 1 Tr.11 C1133 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 27/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1153 S1570 1 Tr.11 C1131 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 27/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1154 S1571 1 Tr.11 C1115 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 27/08/14 (2014) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1160 S1572 1 Tr.11 C1115 Burnt Clay Analyses Burnt Clay (2014) 27/08/14 transferred from Small Finds Register SF1163


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

S1573 1 Tr.11 C1182 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Sample 19/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1304 S1574 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Sample 20/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1318 S1575 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Sample 21/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1310 S1576 1 Tr.11 C1101 Vitrified Clay Industrial Vitrified Clay 21/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1312 S1577 1 Tr.11 C1169 Mineralised Iron Analyses Mineralised Iron 21/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1317 S1578 1 Tr.11 C1101 Burnt Clay Analyses Burnt Clay (2015) 21/08/15 transferred from Small Finds Register SF1329 S1579 1 Tr.11 C1122 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 24/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1351 S1580 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 24/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1361 S1581 1 Tr.11 C1175 Smithing Hearth Industrial Smithing Hearth 26/08/15 - Furnace Material (2015) Material transferred from Small Finds Register SF1368 S1582 1 Tr.11 C1191 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 26/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1369 S1583 1 Tr.11 C1115 Mineralised Iron Analyses Mineralised Iron 26/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1373 S1584 1 Tr.11 C1308 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 26/08/15 (2015)


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

transferred from Small Finds Register SF1383 S1585 1 Tr.11 C1312 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 27/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1387 S1586 1 Tr.11 C1116 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 24/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1395 S1587 1 Tr.11 Unstra Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 20/08/15 tified (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1386 S1588 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 18/08/15 (2015) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1181 S1590 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 09/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1417 S1591 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 09/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1427 S1592 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 10/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1432 S1593 1 Tr.11 C1193 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 10/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1442 S1594 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 10/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1455 S1595 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 11/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1486 S1596 1 Tr.11 C1154 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 12/08/16 (2016) transferred from


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Small Finds Register SF1508 S1597 1 Tr.11 C1154 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 12/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1597 S1598 1 Tr.11 C1154 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 12/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1598 S1599 1 Tr.11 C1117 Furnace Material Analyses Furnace Material 12/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1520 S1600 1 Tr.11 C1110 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 15/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1533 S1601 1 Tr.11 C1101 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 15/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1538 S1602 1 Tr.11 C1117 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 15/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1544 S1603 1 Tr.11 C1317 Furnace Material Analyses Furnace Material 15/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1558 S1604 1 Tr.11 C1110 Metal Industrial Analyses Metal Residue 15/08/16 Residues (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1543 S1605 1 Tr.11 C1177 Iron Slag Industrial Iron Slag Sample 15/08/16 (2016) transferred from Small Finds Register SF1566


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Appendix 4; Radiocarbon Dating

Four Radiocarbon dates were obtained from charcoal and charred seeds in the period 2014- 2017. These were obtained from floated soil samples from two postholes (S1126, S1255), a probable kiln (S1316) and a large pit (S1345). All charred material was exported under licence from the National Museum of Ireland to Queens University, Belfast.


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches,, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Appendix 5; SVN 17, Stratigraphical Matrix from Trench 11


UCD School of Archaeology C536 (E4431), Sevenchurches townland, Glendalough Co. Wicklow. 2017 Stratigraphic Report

Glendalough, Trench 11, 2017. Interim Stratigraphic Matrix (E4431) Ploughsoil Ploughsoil

C1182 Backfill

C1100 C1323

Ploughsoil C1101




C1104 C1106 C1108* C1111* C1162 C1315 Furrows C1180 C1352 C1317 C1322 C1124 C1154 C1192 C1194 C1191 C1193 C1430 C1485 C1457 C1460 C1477 C1462 C1468 C1464 Furrows

Furrows C1105 C1107 C1109* C1178 C1144 C1320 C1351 C1319 Unknown C1125 C1151 C1321 C1196 C1195 C1302 C1438 C1486 C1458 C1459 C1476 C1461 C1467 C1463

Furrows C1177 C1446*

C1176 C1472*

C1122* C1314 C1117* C1473*

C1139 C1428 C1318 C1116 C1450*

C1470 C1118 C1119 C1115* C1185 Ditch and structural featurers Postholes

C1183 C1493 C1436 C1391 C1402 C1123

C1310 C1492 C1466 C1437 C1445 C1198 C1381 C1382 C1365 C1377 C1120

Postholes C1300 C1190 C1189 C1187 C1186 C1188 C1149 C1129 C1131 C1150 C1171 C1471 C1443 C1407 C1407 Structure

C1311 C1199 C1197 C1301 C1305 C1160 C1130 C1135 C1161 C1465 C1447 C1380 C1364* Ditch C1387 C1480 Structure

C1344 C1469 C1372 C1388 C1479 C1328

C1348 C1406 C1390 C1316 C1481 C1356

C1175 C1474 C1163 C1398 C1168 C1165* C1385 C1103 C1482 C1361

C1444 C1426 C1167 C1121 C1483 C1360

B-Horizon C1169 C1164* C1487 C1143* C1435 C1336

C1170 C1488 C1142 C1333 C1449 C1368* Postholes

C1303 C1152 C1412 C1394 C1174 C1367 C1345 C1448 C1429 C1327 C1337 C1357 C1374 C1439 C1489

C1306 C1400 C1397 C1453 C1132 C1155 C1127 C1148* C1159 C1141 C1133 1392 C1413 C1363 C1379 C1408 1440 C1136 C1396 C1389 C1417 C1425 C1375 C1312 C1325 C1308 C1341 C1335 C1433 C1334 C1326 C1331 C1338 C1340 C1396 C1403 C1383 C1332 C1415 C1421 C1478 C1455 C1456 C1490

Postholes unexcavated C1307 C1401 C1399 C1454 C1146 C1181 C1128 C1147 C1158 C1157 C1140 C1134 1405 C1414 C1423 C1404 C1395 1441 C1137 C1424 C1354 C1432 C1376 C1349 C1355 C1434 C1346 C1362 C1339 C1350 C1370 C1393 C1384 C1416 C1420 C1422 C1148

C1102 Natural Natural

Key *Corresponding Contexts

Topsoils, natural and redeposited natural Scorched deposits C1108=1172-1442 C1148=1153 C1109=1173 C1165=1373 Fills and deposits within features Posthole fills C1110=1342 C1164=1166 C1111=1341 C1364=1366 Cut features Stone features C1122=1114 C1368=1353=1347 C1143=1145 C1446=1452 Deposits within ditch C1115=1411 C1472=1491 C1117=1184 C1473=1479 C1168=1371 C1450=1451

Appendix 5

UCD School of Archaeology