
Day 1. Saturday, January 24th, 2015. Arrive in . The Hotel Robledal shuttle will pick you up at the airport. Depending on your time of arrival and energy, you can do an on-rope check out with one of the guides at Robledal. Day 2. Sunday, Jan 25. Breakfast at 8 am. On-rope check outs at Robledal. Depart by bus for the Talamanca Range. Lunch on the way. Check in at Lodge and enjoy the grounds. Dinner 7:30 pm. Meeting, orientation and presentation by Carlos Chavarria on conservation in Costa Rica, introduction to cloud forest oaks. Day 3. Monday, Jan 26th. 6:00 am. Morning birding, looking for the great Quetzal. 7:45 am breakfast. Tree climbing sessions with Box Lunch. 6:30 pm dinner. Day 4. Tuesday, Jan 27th. 6:00 am. Birding on the gardens, looking for the great Quetzal 7:45 am. Breakfast. Tree climbing sessions. Lunch at Savegre or box lunch. 6:30 pm dinner. Lecture: Conservation of the Quetzal in the Talamanca Range. Day 5. Wednesday, Jan 28th. 7:00 am breakfast. 8:00 am. Tree Climbing session or optional Natural History walk to the waterfall. 12:00 Lunch at Savegre. 2:00 pm optional activities: Horseback riding or Zip-Line (Not included) 5:00 pm. Return to Hotel. Free time. 7:00 pm. Dinner Day 6. Thursday, Jan 29th. 7:00 am Breakfast. 8:00 am. Depart to Area. 1:00 pm Lunch at San Vito region. 2:30 pm. Check in and free time to enjoy the Wilson Botanical Gardens 6:00 pm. Dinner at Las Cruces. Day 7. Friday Jan 30th. 6:00 am Optional Birding at the Observation Tower. 7:00 am breakfast. Arborist pruning project. 12:00 noon lunch. 1:30 pm. Guided tour through the Wilson Gardens or primary and secondary forests. Optional activities: Coffee Tour, Whitewater Rafting, or Cave exploration (not included). 6:00 pm. dinner. Lecture at Las Cruces. Optional night on the town. Day 8. Saturday, Jan 31st’. 6:00 am Optional Birding. 7:00 am Breakfast. 8:00 am. Depart to . Boat trip to Guaria. Lunch at Guaria. Assignment of cottages. Climb and/ or swim. Dinner. Discussion of activities at Guaria including optional activities for the next days: dolphin tour, snorkeling, scuba, horseback riding, surfing, San Pedro Ranger Station trip. Day 9. Sunday, Feb 1st, 2015. Optional birding 7:30 am. Breakfast. Climbing session. Box Lunch. 6:00 Dinner. Evening Bat Program. Day 10. Monday, Feb 2nd. Optional birding 7:30 am. Breakfast. Climbing session. Lunch. 6:00 Dinner. Day 11. Tuesday, Feb 3rd. 7:00 am. Breakfast. Day trip to Sirena Station at Corcovado National Park with box lunch. Day 12. Wednesday, Feb 4th, 2015 7:30 am. Breakfast. Climbing session. Lunch 6:00 Dinner. Day 13. Thursday, Feb 5th, 2015 7:00 am. Breakfast. Climbing session. Lunch. 6:00 Dinner. Day 14. Friday, Feb 6th, 2015 7:00 am. Breakfast. Day 15 Depart to Sierpe and continue to San José. Climbing session in the area. Lunch and Boat Trip at Tárcoles River: huge crocodiles and great birding. Continue to San José. Check in at El Robledal. Last group dinner at hotel. Day 16, Sunday, Feb 8th, 2015 7:30 am Breakfast. Shuttle to the Airport. Return home.

Crocodiles on Rio Tarcoles. Day 15 River Tour location, - no swimming! The itinerary is subject to changes.

Cost: $ 2700.00 for the 16 days. The amount is due 60 days before the trip, - by the week of Thanksgiving 2014 (so we can confirm and hold the reservations). What is Included: in country transportation: bus, boat to Guaria, boat tour to Corcovado from Guaria, jeep at Savegre, airport shuttle, lodging (double occupancy) three meals per day on days 2 through 15, breakfast day 16. Extra cost: optional activities, snacks, horses, alcoholic beverages. Optional activities usually need some prior notice to arrange. We will discuss what is available at the different locations and plan them within the timeframes required during the trip. Join us for one week?: We realize that 16 days is a long time to get away. If you is only able to join us for one week you can choose the mountains or . You would leave early from San Vito on Saturday, January 31st or join us at Sierpe for the boat to Guaria the same day. We can help arrange individual transportation to or from San Jose at your cost, options are public bus, taxi or local airline. The cost for joining the trip for one week is $ 1400.00. How to sign up: Please contact one of the climbing guides to pre-qualify for the trip, go over the requirements, climbing methods and guidelines and how to pay. Climbers are expected to bring their own approved climbing gear. If you don’t have climbing gear you are still very welcome to join the tour. Please contact us for options.

Travel insurance and contact information of carrier is required as well as a signed liability release and guideline agreement.