EMORIAL DAT nras oboerred llk ! ... r- I 1 . V . . . - - -'l- A.v . a. n 1 . 1. .... i 'v. u i , h iiiin In - . . -- --. . . . Honolulu yesterday, as It j w. 11 mi iu juu, reacn.' a mo 101- - r . W M ..---i .i t -- - ORIENT ba .b-e- n for years post, the iiwn: 01 niiqutncf. rtis inaugural m udtlriNh- - even now read like tnspted WIRELESS n ' only difference being that ; v' Me grows asooj you as time the ranks of the Grand Army I PSstJCS; his erratnrss brcoms more ap-- j nt ns the y. ars roil on. He never of the Itepuhllr were thinner Z !r. pice, a on a plane oth-- r t hhasetf above before, for the roll call of 4 mn. He was one of the people and his the dead hi Ailing op fast. There wire broad enough to take in The Chinese Court . noe tn- - were autre wfco teat year to ai slave and the master. He System marched ralizd that bcth were the creatures of Should be the cemetery and participated In the :r".im.Mtan-- t s which thpy could not con- Visits the honors to the dead whose names thin trol. A deep si ns of wrons; never in-"p- ln i him with a wrong- - year were craven upon the white h.itnd of the Fixed for Use "tone ' nocr, tor lie was a ' man and nothing hu- fa-fejeeawl- tablets. A hu-- h fell upon the multi- M man was alien to him." - Wo look In vain men Tombs. tude w.h. n- a iKTay veteran stoo la the anion of ancient or modern times for one man so widely Tuesday. The d n midst of multitude which surmund-e- arl so tenderly p-- d as was Abraham the 1 1 rand Army burial plot and Uacom. Tho crowning nlorj' of this ase s that ho Hvfd In It roil dead, snd the crown- read the roll of the and ing gl. ry of America is that ht-- was one PROGRAM OF THE team dimmed the eyes of many of the f h. r sons. WashlnRton. Lincoln and were slowly re- McKlrlry ore the most illustrious Amori-oa- n NEW comrade an the names characters. COHERERS SOUTHERN REBELS peated and no answers given. Tho private soldiers who wont to the Shortly after 2 u'rl k the First Reg-Iroen- t. wsr to maintain what they ballses I to WORK EASILY he ripht must never National (iuard or In be forgotten. Hawaii. Thouph their names are lost to the worl 1 command or Lieut. Col. McCarthy. tn lr fame can never die. To --omtne Tkt Laundry Question in Hong. With banners flying, and headed by onorations all who foil ujvni the hsM of Klory will b-- famous. band, Thtso SMD dd Arrangements Which Look Like k on 4 - A Crazy Man P ppls under the leader not go to war for personal fame. They iMp of Kappelmelster Ueryer. MOOa went for a principle. Whether nrtt- - reads Early Op ration of the Empress through Capitol of thom on the march, in the btvooac of to Japan's the grounds from the the camp, in the storm of battle and tho Armory and mar bed alone Kin-- ; ntreet shock of contending forces, they were Lines. snd up Alakea street, where It came always animated by the same hlfth im- pulse fle-h- t I to for and If need be die for f.Uow toe advices were received to a halt, the riaht resting on Here- - the cause they represented. 1RELESP messages will aaais THK iterday la tb mall brought by lanla street Soon the veterans of' The American people have a'wavs -- opnlzrd their obligations to essay the passage of the upper City of Peking George W. DeLong Puet. O. A. R . the private w ""idlers. What would Grant or Lee. airs next week, and according t ME May &w The court did oot drove past the Ions lines of Infantry. Sherman or jAokson. Sheridan or Early, KIN. hopeful by the ssen Ml Off M Mflf SS I eapaewu drawn up at present arms, and took have done without them? The rank and the view taken behind the soldiery- - At l:2v file made both armies. And now. thre who have their money In the corpora Oraad Marshal Harry Wilder save the are no officers or privates as such in the It eravo. tion there will bo never again the many sea H pa id tin OOgh the signal t" his aides. Henry Kaston and Death is the great levei'er. tltrn - We come today which caused the military body Myron lUlrd. t- advance, snd the lln to monument their dust delays and difficulties ughua Mm. The No the-- n 1 acclaim of victory can ay on aide the of marrh was tak-- n up al ns n reach failure of the first attempt to maintain erd woo lined either , now. The solemn slleneo of the tomb r 14 way from the Forbidden City, and street to Vise-yard- thence to Nuuanu warn onvelops them. Rut whether they wore electric communication between the Is- when the impvrui ramuy ram- - aad thence to the cemetery. The pa the blue or the gray the private soldiers lands. The apparatus which is osw was organized as follows: un-nam- titroed la M. rade Judge M. M. Eitee, the Pra or of Vrrm A Dy. are the heroes of the war. It vr.rking is that of Manager Cross, and it retinae Mounted Police. is a gracious custom to decorate yearly in ... - ...... - name of Marconi might easily be Orand Marshal Wilder and Aides. mm hi...... a. - the alU-n- t out of all future consideration of . bat tbO Detachment of B from Camp now In their graves, shouldered tM. pns.nl. The Grand Army of the Re-- , tw(l,0 - - t 11.. left or nty -- , ireawd op two miles oat the McKlnley. nrU inr irvni iu puns, naano rnemns in peace, aa 11 nu s O. the system. Aim. . , 01 thow who havo Ron fry ...... w ...... v. i . a Hi Ito charge. The mail LJeut. Col McCarthy and Stair. .i...n ih.i. ....j 'iiir.a in wau and it serves to keep alive in the present.'e The station at Waialae and the tel- bowling lis one who has not Um trlrd .'.In the era- - Thty are the friends of the dead whether And too went alone cart. .Government Hand. eeneratlon the flame of patriotism, nnd ephone line connecting that office with - attlag op the imperial roadway In Regimental Dram liugle Corps. elbte cf s soldier's life, who has not tl. w re the blue or the gray. They thst love of countrv which will be ready and . A f. company, are and toilsome murches. wh has r all that Is American. And thay , town office of the l and la otbera takhs abaet rate First X. O. H. First list tt lo r. "wid to the nntlcn's cnlt In her hotr the mil destlna-JL- a RKlmral. not paced the solemn sentinel's In km w that no man can light under the nC(Kj , t too direr Uoa of the dayo Major Zelgler. Second ruiit nf The lives of those men and now In condition, according to reports, tallow. ine nam anu si-r- iy n'gnt. or wno nim strip, s witnotit living tnat nag f- aril lndeid tholr deaths, n m'nd us. thit - fueolg witnessed these Major ln-tp- m-.- i needed to make a Dattallin. Camera. has not to form the first rank the country It n prosonts. can mske our and there is Utile work OWri Wmm worm an eariy r- - .... ai'r.-'.- . w( lives snb'lme. .hreh f Ambulance Corps. In Ihn At l'v rim rmn Cillw ftntipi ir.. ft. 'nut.n.... Imv.. Ih. rnl'int And dpartlng. leave behind us. the entire system over again. One of paling, but . wafh. fr.m bhlnd 'nlforTrtr funk. Knights of Pythias, whst s soldier's life mi ana f no rk a railed tloir country In Footprints on tho t:mo." tt sands of the Improvements yet to be made is tho cariosity has worn on witn tnej Kamebamehs School Band. j The man without patri t'rm is a man true if p. rll. The g.-f- Republic has - - - r.- - up- - rrowd: tbO gors ios i;rinii jrww- Kameharreha School Cadets. Major wnnom runiry. ami im- nirn- i 1 " - r sutn !! ino laitn'iu Mrs. V. W. Hnll followed with the the raising of the mast which bears ioa Is too earty roe the HrLarites. and Wlbvm. ' mns patriotism Is exhibit d when 1 Hon f f r. . inn. W.alth may aid historic and Immortal words of the the receiver on Lanai, by the addi- - i tirXtt- -l ne willingly ovr-m- ia c untry pr o.,:; 1.1 Vor k An Sundav momlnc the .!.. mr,A cnm. Ms In war. n rvlrg a nation, but It it. This will I- th-- - martyred In a manner which of some fifty feet to MtMbvA. Aa announced la .. rr the strmrlh rt a nat-- Is - lis i'o.ie i nke it ermt or fill ranks of President tion La. aaaaaaaW men. In Its ability la deferd the r.rmy. evoked plaudits from complete the working system to Maui, S-mTmZi. .wT party tea "' Itself enthusiastic the - draah Q A. R Veterans of George W. Dc lhrUKh th. lr .,.,.,., ,.. prlnc.p,r nnil w. ,. . .. ,,.v in tho nrme of T ueh-r- r . -- , of people pressing connect with Mahukona onVe, l the Tuns-- lao Just outside the L.,ne Post Mo. 45. .k,i. . , t--i .. w.. . r, . .m. amon multitudes about the and the went on a mue or -- G-- rge the Molokal Tartar city wall and .,mniJln.lrr Katn. W mutual love am PK the people for their thi i.rars of the war of the Rebellion UWm space. The roll call of the dead. thus cutting out of the line o. where they bumH incense 01 : Long Post No. S. ooantry. It was thi devot'on to principle, v h r the wore the blue or tho gray, the decorating of the graves and other office altogether. The system has been : . lempiee rw - en.-m'fs- MaTS tempie. At both these 0v,Vemor Crwp--r. Adjutant Goncial tM f so eharacti rtstlc of ad mm an- not and happily. lf hi votonnV ritnn) worked to Maui already, but pending receive them- - American p'e. called arms aOM living, lormal lealures yellow Choirs waitsd to goper Captain Hawes and that to m tne the animosities of the telephone system . 'canialn Pratt "nill.on .f An.i t leans to defend the n 1h l'. n nr nded. All wore Americans ere gone through with due solemnity. the completion of the There had been a good deal ot Jar- -' gtMff cer Captain Atherton Cap- - l'n,,R ' ' oar. and we oomc hero now. not Vhe bugles blared forth In salute to here there has been no attempt to open - rfn - ' ' besfcJa aad prtmlog stoco Uo MM PST- Whlte ,nU (.ap,m,n- Kenake. J'JPV h;hVr!;.r!!,,o,l "r t'h" s he ,a9t note exr,ri"1 for service. . ei IB' frinJSlI ?'C'JtheZr--" Xler . le . - apporru J"'" , ! - srjaomaese , rrrance. Tt Lieutenant Colonel Glrard. U. 8. A.. ,nJ In ,,, f, , f,,r ht. p,oH,. Br,. ,..v h, re M's'aken thov on the breeze the I'nlted States artil- - There yet remains the office at Ma- " h'n 1 ' ,r ,r r hnv- - n f"UKhl " l,r,v" - will 'h'y. accoatrTmentV t"1, mII? "trx , loryn.en fired the customary three vol- hukona to establish before there Vhlr. and '"V T'n w.- - fl- -1 aL rii' I" Without a nuntn w iuld have I. - r span Ro-d- .L -, . In singing Amer- working of the line. The ags were Oil aew. spick and w Wright. Hon. K. S. no horn- no fl.s. SO lM.fr..,.,m ho h. n-- The greatest name wh'ch tho Am. rloa-- T All then united be complete new. Oad the pimiosiofl loosed, rolled y,, OfttctaJs R. R. Stackable and nred grav. a to dec' rata Imaalne a coun- - reb lllon brought conileuously to the lea" and the services were closed with I Mahukona station will need some re- - nd glittered in the sunlight. Of course R ff. Chamb-rlal- n. try with no Illustrious .1. a 1 In Am rica. w.-- thnt if Abraham Lincoln, benediction said by the Rev. E. S. nd these may be made by the w ...... - ...... 'tit ...... oe Ijo wager ore who , f r Muckley. -i-- thert; a-- to sent over Thou- - "i 1 re rican patirot:m ..r i i. it or m rt times pos- - operator who is be fair chance """ ' ri ; guests, the orator Grand Army - .. I s manv great - coming week. The oat- - veterans and m their The of the R. f t T tho qualities of - the first thing the m mm m . w . . 1 . . . . a . . phr v. In the same manner as the first forma- rtLT.i 1 I imi 1 1 01 ne uay anu HBO i nnm cobii-- bi pn wm la T!rm. norn bitii'Ok; ill J nofO-- miwrj xiuhii iiuiii . u ornaoiwou. m - o"r. nv. rni Ka- - In condition city to an . I m . ... w .1 tlon, with the exception that the apparatus Is practically the ... . , CamD MrKlnloy. with the Government ho m t llhistrloua vetoran association In ti" iri'iii-- i r. bo ...fnt'ti in nit m ., wbit LI- - printed Wild . mmm'A ttmm .1 .t ....- . .k. .W I mt.'mmm f ..I w...m lie.. . . man mehOUieha cadets crossed over to jta an(j there may be nothing in . iPeeUICa. . . . ." - m nana, .... o-ir.n- ana - Ik. tt - ,w ...... Jn.liwl ...... for use niea into tne iurm- h f m . v-t- they electric bollow square around the G Ins eoldltrs if past war and It baa g'or- - all his MeodaMps amone tho llha street where took the done tnere but the pulting in of -- mm mw - flv J mm H weoa-- oooss .kle. It , i Its herclo di 'v- p. on'o p'ace he llvoil. cars to return to their school. r:.!..:IHVHf ::7o.a km.ii bbbbi Th. ....I,..,. lfid deal. It has clsred a'l of the where ,h Cherer8 a muc TT wars, ho p a of coarse. Their behavior In- - Amoriran wars wre national and sssid bmrni human'tv ROYAL DEAD HONORED. of the National Guard came singly ,h- ,. th-- .' re- - V X shocking writers or . - Atnrrfrmn v. r,n w..ta,rr- - the f anv man of h a ae. WMh a newal of some of the verv to the a ... n n . fK.. -- - Kariy yesterday morning Prince Da- - . .! of the nation. Thus by their In- - markaMe tenderness for human Tiro, anu a J more tnan a of Malt The man with the " " - ... tfrfV J r- accompanied by - - we 'i wimim. t xoi- - nu nrr provide! - reachlng srnse of s'm- - vld Kawananakoa. ready arrow who snoots Oat the eye ma"" " this (rrrnmMil has r.ir lust'ee. li's many operator, are . hameha School cadets and their band homes ror old dlvabled and i was It never permitted of the former servitors of the ' ,ir- - behold bis snd soldiers n'loitv such that - of Mausoleum h. r. hv h h'r-- i to to bo what he royal households, went to the Mauso- le ?rT - wnt "n to lh this has shown that it ipiwr other than ' rf. tKo .tom h t3r' of Heaven Rsl 1 ibibmi...... grounds and paid rspecU to the mem- - hsa not f rt tt.n the horoes of the oast, i wrs. He bad noth're to ronci al His urn grounds, bearing fl,wers and leis. " "Tl -- how most bare been OeOO taiai Oi. Kinwhanwhaa n1 t th.lr The o'd h rs represent the conserva- - 'v vi, narah'es thr'lkh Bntertn. the mausoleum, he laid the MrV kensJn -- man - Dii of the Pacific Cable f yesrs. and yet I saw an honest far, ,n priocesa Rernlce t,mm "f ,h'- rmnt an' ,ru patriotism cf which he Illustrated his Ideas. The tokens upon he caskets of all those who know a Chinaman who ate e - ne expect to have yaaterday nillh0p e Who lie there in state. A similar office aPfeeer island-- . aus n nao aaaaa monu- - Knt. lo the .various ' Don - Chairs were srranged on one side Of was performed at the granlre 01 in .h.. r eye. D i tmwm . , ,, , There is a great aoal intereal i; kjm. w w. nt" t.le - , m - - a S 99B a aw a a "', I of- - genuernao i - P itna. ha. REPUBLICANS WILL DISCUSS system from that quarter, and the too --Til the orator of tne day: Oovernor Cooper, TA VERNIER'S SHAFT. of the company believe they will enrs Journey to the asternT'.kI TederaJ ,.fflrlal, and ,nviIe., fleers wltn to hi. return The shaft ereeted by the Bohemian be able to prove the worth of their quests were seated. The veteran, sat flub over the body of the artist Taver- - system and thus Indicate the availa-- kof ralo In fathoms "od jr " opoo the curbing or the plot. Above PLANS FOR THEIR WORK aorseo baring aH been killed by wo t:ier. near the entrance to the cemetery bility of wireless messages for the work wero H floa((d B, Hari and rlpt., baif grounds, was neglected yesterday. Not which might under other circumstances aolalrrs mast, and at the foot or the flag staff a or petal upon grave conneet r.mi-r- o- v P"j leaf a fell the n.ean the laying of a cable to franco tn " w" was a cannon draped with the national . , , i - novo aireaoy neen - the renowned painter, and a kama- the various islands. This Is not what Mombors of horses .t ih w.r f I ommiH,-..- koccmn rv R Hrv lrvVAH Una who dec-- they 1 voriititfo observed of want, would wiim bv the niloarr m an . . ri.v ...... v.V lavvuuyi, v jjiuii iw uv. uuvnvu the absence the cable people as in me smas :obt ururr. uiiiiimut ot or.iti-.n- s dea of 'which can be gained from the conaariea i. remarked that theOartlsta of prefer that a lcal concern take care fact that nearly all the carts for hire Music Rand By General at Which Senator Honolulu should do something each 0f the Island business, giving to the Ptr-ut- . Gathering mem- - tho town nave been pressed into Ritual... E. A. Post Commander Dec.iration day to make green his mainland company the long haul on about ry. I the service of the pilgrims. Think of Prayer Robert Nelson. Chaplain the messapes which are intended tor ordinary cart animal, soeb as one Rltnal Post Commander Carter Will Speak. abroad. - ac-- r. going the east- Music Hand l Manager Cross has succeeded, sire In the streets, to Firm Divsolves. - ra tombs In a week, which, according Oration H n M. M. Botto rdlne to other officers of the com- Ad- - Tho letral firm of Fitch & Thompson pany. which works Is from President Lincoln's Gettysburg n in making a coherer 10 reliable Chinese information tfi wl h wl"! crt.-l- Uadrrs sis- - dress Mrs. W. W. Hal: OLITICS will be th,. theme which luti make hr! dissolved, and each of the partners tr.ore satisfactorily than those sent out fwo hundred to throe hundred and f oreanix-itle- n In 111 occupy rnorsih r the the by operated by his only a Roll Call of Dead the attention of the 1 will continue the practice of the law. here Marconi, and I: The batcher shop the a an l n th, y wl h Id r distant' tm a O W a a . . P vat d'strlcts. th v . - ): exports. part of the machinery mMv try m crymx j"nn r ranna, Atuuiam a various numbers cf the offlcl U Re- - men upon wh-- tho dtity The suits of offices which have been This ibov l'Xr nsn nslble tho tube, containing iiu kind of cruelty. There Ritual ....napiain .Ubllran body th . . re will falls. ' or upied by firm w ill in eoostott of a small psatest to thlo r.lnB Thi the remain the !;"cs re troops, fine ones, lined up in ci.e iecoriin or tiraves be a meeting held In tho re ms of the Tho f. atttris f the a'ter m tlr. will p messton of Mr. Thompson, who will vhl,h 1? road for Wm. H. Williams. Officer or the Day be a ta'k b) Mostor GMs r- - C. r r the These, rder on both sides of the Republican committee, at sli In 1 l - Territorial mainland. isanctots with himself the prartic oT the east gate- Kvery salute tn baa eoly returned from th ing& pcrtahobM. as are all sack mllea out - 1 fee ieu which thre promises to be much f In- v. . In Wnsli net r. the Senator had Mr. Flomlng. who has boon with the t,T.iir. Those of Marconi lasted for thirty or forty of those "America" - -- II- 'J hrkyade bad m - .v rs-.t- i- n p - - standards, breese Benelu tlon D.v E Muekler terest. Th mutins is one of the rxrni- cnjiivi ns with ;r nln. Srm. Col. Fttch will, on Monday, re- - fire months at times, and others gave nmn- Chinese lbs Iln r-- d th, h' tlve mmlttee. but sec rd n : t C iair- - , ih. . t" 'da move to offices. out In less time. The plan now la to enough t nil tnem. ooy c po . s other lively judge Estee delivered the oration for iiiring tniso nan ioip ri'su-i- a a n a supply the -- - m. . hoe hand sufficient of by his companions into in- - mi- wmB listened to with mm" l" w a come Into direct contact w 'h tl m' t rrrd the day and ht irs, ki r rs It is necessary they a-s- Will ' M that if dM of the mod between th staodard aMent0n. made a stirring address. I" of Repohtlesas, wh ch win be opened wh have to do with nat Ions n Patriarch Preach. h BO ly be cubtituted each month and the fell In a 1 With t as t hear rs opposite an Inn well mlng patriotism and or OOdOgy to all memtxra of th . durlne h's rrnvi rat' Smith, patriarch of e- - m with - Alexander the j: up hIgh.t.,t to inks - things Hawaiian, a m-- pf I )e thu, kept to the M aad was left for hie mother fgt th who fought for their coun- the district cmmlttie f th- - Ti rritorv l Church of Dtty 1 Latter efHKy. The small cost of the coherers 1M1-1M- h'm di cid. d ir :s rs to whst assay Sorno tlmld groups. to 3. and tr"s fla and honor ,nd thf. rb.inn.n f R,pjbocn ,. nh n?d 1- ' t. ' s. son of martyred found- - it to havo them always struck, ludicrously cranea ... Hi - done In H.m. f rs 'hs ard the wise and wonder aprlau,je. heartily st its clos. r-- . t BMtettaM party testhr. snd rt tl rno time . r of that llglous b dy. will speak ready put In place when there Is the The moitin, of the e,.eu iv commit-aM- . make It rr the prr' bre to Hall on Sunday evening evidence of Mow working on raT.TTlihVgur W o party on tt Arion at atesi -. l- -- rk In rs nance w.th the t e part or tne tine. 1 nese instrumen- man T,n . 7:39, A Hall is located be- An oecosin.l old at to 'b msin'at-d- rlon Just are of tre f rst form which has been monument In t- - 'V t.d to more than the ra,ment Of opera as of some old stone Zum.n th ,ni SiHatUI Crrirr. frrl'nsr that ho ha bnd hind the house. I ad pted hv Mr. Cross, and he is said . ir - - , -- a more quiet Wri" ac- arpMeanta d. 1 sho-T- . the IWfd. content with . poMMr dead We all for cf partme ree r t" no, s wh'ch ho at tho 1.1 hat-c- Ami tiofor form which ar - mffvr - tnan that of the con- . m,, t- - th- - There are said to N- miroh. r want d' 0- -1 ,1 .very of tho rirty. Union "nnr- - , , ,.! aai troBotT vntttude ,f rmbr tnteriai - . ;! . 1 1 1 - : mm m -m- -mA ve r d l h ug h t - m mm ." o hav.. cirtaln st. p t. k. f P.rsp'-- s f fh lllon. '. w'h tho R' fores S1 1 ; - pent - 1 i. - t"l r"? flr-- t Minis-- ones "rtil tj pr dute rsari-at- ti- - - meeting of I r-o-ole T'rjn- rm.liafo n of tr party f the nv H. r of c mmlt- The Jure the mm., bia reoulrerrenta of the Awer'ean rf"d vetod t.. ear t wt up -.e - ! resaltn, or to vl-- w ho-d- td ' bs fan. w r rreog- . la II th-- sorts hi ertcnec .l I". to be held in stand In a 1hf. rr rf tl vil Centra - was In fnll in pnnrr .1 . tli- In , - dead, wti d- -d that r.r.s wfll be a I I M m wrs . r - the rntnre iwrhsos. bnl CnVm potior Monday 1n a. m., wo'k these airs. windows and the marterrd - s--o i po- - . . rert nt company SS r..f -t- w- -r ers t t" th- - ortn.ntr-.t- r. n r t to . v Tho f.Tria'g of tho are of T owing - m'sht live; wh w l bast tvrmit Hon t.-- 11 1, tsjrerestedty ' rv , . M Tl lore Richards ppeak on reeked bin 1 r nstl 1Mb ' r proper bssls. snd tl thst th That belt . there, b w Is sr. opinion that there win be only a short th- - o. T V? d t- - - . . p is her enaltlveneso on snnjoct , , - mrtA tor lle-t- v tme la at r th's e r imntt' .1 whst Ganges li the loca Th i.grtss of the Men's Rooming IJlli - . nd-avo- r - r- - 1 . . , a.rce the bravo - Th wi.l to have its- d a m .llld l effective. Project." (Continued on Page sa Pago S t. ..,iv v,ra THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU MAY 31, ipoa NEWS OF READY TO Going Away This Summer? Your Grass Kept THE NEAR WORK THE The Right Length ORIENT WIRELESS If So You Need a New (Continued from Pare 1.) (Continued from Par l ) Suit Case or Bag might be her aide view the Dowager aat between time until the ships coming here have Keeping up the appearance of th lawa b:ue curtains far back in her chair the system installed, as in the case of within reasonable limitations, a very agreeable and Was to be aeen only by a direct the Atlantic liners and that then there front-windo- w doing way of mower. With the glance. A couple of will be something in the exercise if you choose the right thousand soldiers accompanied them the reporting of steamers bound to the WE HAVE THEM HERE IN GREAT VARIETY OF EVERY GOOD KJJs They, however, do expect help of low prices we are selling the and the Peking garrison on parade Islands. not OF LEATHER. WITH FANCY TRIMMINGS AND WITHOUT. FWLh marched back to their barracks. It that there will be any serious 'nterrup-tion- s was all over by ten o'clock three miles of the current y the steamers LEATHER LINED AND CANVAS LINED. HIGH PRICED AND LW out of the city the bedragoned mob trying to send messages all the time. PRICED; BUT NONE OF THEM OF LOW QUALITY. WE MARK THE if Royal Ball Bearing like a colony of ants scrambling on to- Their method will be to establish such AND DELIVER THEM FREE. ward Tung-cho- w, leaving us to come relations with shipping concerns that WE SELL TOURISTS' REQUISITES CHEAPER THAN REGULAR SAME IN HONOLULU. the vessels may be reported but that and the message DO. BECAUSE WITH US THAT LINE 13 MERELY AN IX Pennsylvania wrapped in thought. they will not Interrupt a then DEALERS back be- A HONGKONG. May 1. The laundry being sent, but will await the line' DENT OF OUR BUSINESS. WITH THEM IT IS SPECIALTY. question haa drawn out the following coming free for their use. California Clipper Interesting letter from a hnumwlfe: The financial condition of the corpo- JUDGE PRICES BY THESE TWO: Sir: In view of the statement made by ration Is said to be improved by the Dr. Clark in hia report on the health of latest step which has been taken in No. 17 SUIT CASE, made of finest s lected case leather, steel fram We hare ben. from $4 50 to 110 00 and hare the Colony to the effect that reaplratory regard to the debts which were hang- Holland linen lined, hand-sewe- d French edges, corners riveted - adjust te any machine. dlseasea are answerable for 1287. or 19.3 ing over the head of the corporation. and stitched, patented spring locks, brass trimmings, bag handle grass catcoersto per rent of the total Chinese deaths, and There were recently sued out against A96. 54 with brass loops riveted, four straps and shirt pocket in body, 22 that or per cent of the total deaths the company a series of judgments, and are due to phthlala alone, is it not time were by inches long. In russet and chooolate colors H the law atepped in to prevent the insan these purchased Mrs. F. J. itary ana repuiaive metnod in vogui Croas. The total of the judgments was No. 75 OXFORD BAG. extra large, .heavy stock, long grain, hand sewed. - , something like $4000 they ecome amongst the Chine- washermen of and English steel frame with polished brass lock and catches, Vienna E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. damping articles of clothing preparatory the property of an interest allied to to Ironing by spraying from the mouth? the concern, at a small figure. The handle, elegantly leather lined with pockets, stay hinge. New Building, Corner Fort and Kiag Streets. I have been told by those who have lived executions were levied upon the various there that the authorities put a stop to instruments of the company, and there Inches long 14 15 16 17 IS this disgusting practice some years ago could be no working of the system Price . 17.05 r7.4 $7.90 In Singapore. In Shanghai every laundry without a release. To effect this the la supervised: also the same supervision is claims were purchased owner employed In Japan. Why then should and the Hongkong be subjected to this benighted had the nults withdrawn and the exe- and heatheniah practice? Why. simply cutions satisfied by the making to Mrs because it Is "olo custom." should the Cross of a note for a year, for the BLOM'S OFFERINGS! dirty insanitary habits of the Chinese be amount of the combined claims. This pandered to? Imagine one's handkerchiefs gave ta her a first mortgage upon and serviettes damped In this manner and everything owned by the company ex & Marsh, Ltd. arriving Whitney Vmr flyr Veefc we gathered together my emtiem articles from the waab with stains of cepi the treasury stock and the claims htv curry, etc.. upon them. It Is useleae to Mt store at special BSBBSS prlcaa that mmm apasaJ ta tfee for unpaid assessments. As soon as wmdaw. appeal to a Chinese washerman on this the mortgage was executed the instru- axtaaflaafl Borer. tlM goods la ear subject even when shown that folding rolling ments were released and then the work MVAinV BOrtWETS and clothes tightly when slight- of restoring the system began prices raagfag ly damp, aa la the case In all laundries In Dainty n bright aa4 ok4o snaterlats: Kngland. would be an Immense saving of The officials of the company assert upward freea labor to him. as then they would be in a that there will be a rehabilitation of And Still urAimr box St state for Ironing. I know this to be a the concern, they proceeding to collect 2fc fact aa I tried It with my own washer- the amounts due on assessments and They Are Mk er whi" per pair man whom I keep on the premises, offer then refurnishing the line with all the ing him extra wages If he would adopt best instruments which are to be had. OBULMUErrS HO0E my plan. The reply was "no can. b'long Coming: upward frees 19C This will mean the elimination of Mar- olo custom: s'posee you no llkee. more coni from It. as they believe better you catchee 'nnther washerman the Cross p, instruments are superior. DRKMEi chop-cho- and I had to climb own and Prices ranging from . bbb allow him to proceed aa Recently there waa an effort made to CARLOAD AFTER before, knowing have the sugar AT TARD mat ir I dlsmuwd him his successor factories and other FAHCT RIBBONS would do the name thing. It Is plainly business houses of the Islands agree to CARLOAD of the evident then that force must be employed. use the line to a certain stipulated Celebrated that the laundries here must be licensed extent each month. This has met with SPECI AL and supervised as In places, and response money. other hearty and there is reason to Aoheaser- - Bosch Brewing Das. DaUnty Corset Corera. Extra Floe Goods far the the sooner the better for all of us. Can- believe that the sums thus guaranteed Me, lac aad Mo Each. not Professor Simpson help us In this will give tn matter? the line support upon whi5h Association to exist. The of- - TO fact the entire system OVERTHROW DYNASTY. being In the hands of a mortgagee en- Chines advice received here give the ables It t be run without fear of any PROGRESS BLOCK following aa the propaganda of (he no- - harsh action on part I els: the of some of AND Klrat the small creditors. It is understood Premium Fort The overthrowing present Pale 3 6fcet. of the rynasty. that whan the line is at work there 8. i ond The founding of a new dynas will be an Inspection made by Mr. ty, with a Chinese emperor on the throne. Dickenson, so that he may report the Third The helping of th,. oppressed a:id condition of affairs here upon his re- needy. turn to San Frnncisco. Pale Lager Beer Fourth The Introduction of reform. Fifth The protection of trail--- . In cases and barrels, quart and pint bottles. AMERICA'S STAND- Sixth The establishment of Quang-S- e. Quang-Tun- g Quei-Cho- w A BLACK BLIGHT Children's New Suits and as the three ARD BEER AT POPULAR PRICES. Don't let the warm weather seats of the government, with Canton as find you the capital, with an emperor and viceroy KILLS POTATOES without it. for Vah province of Quang-8- c and Quyi-Cho- 1 in rOncluslon. be It known that the in North Kohala District in stock of boj'i suit including Western lieople are not to be Interfered Fields H. Hat Meld & Comp'y, Ltd. Excellent and complete with; their lives are to be protn-te- j and their trade not to be meddled with. Iet Hawaii Are Suffering Prom t them go in peace. We are the enemies SOLE AGENTS for the Hawaiian Territory. only of the Manchu dynasty. We have Blight, Woolen Suits and Wash Suits spoken. WANTED A FORTUNE The Agricultural Experiment Station Erery mother who would get entire satisfaction and net YOKOHAMA. May It -- A startling in- now hunting for a In Tokyo aa officials are just much for it should come here; we have the clothes aid cident occurred yesterday potato or pay too the Empress was returning to the Pal- remedy for the black frost Co. Yon will onr new ace from the Peeress' School in o. which spread to farms Townsend Undertaking at price that will give aatulaction. tnd . Misht has the Kojlmachl-ku- Tokyo, where on Ha- she had been listening to a selection of In the North Kohala district songs sung by the pupils When the waii. Some time ago the blight was Blouses and Star Imperial carriage was approaching the reported to be doing considerable dam- JUST ARRIVED Fauntleroy official Mlnlst-- r f Fi- residence of the age on Maui, time nance at 5:30 p. m . an old man suddenly but this is the first stepped forward among the that It has been reported to Director New Goods. Fine Funeral Shirt Waists at the road aide and attempted to present 8mlth from Hawaii. The same Car to the Empress a letter which he had Jared remedies which are now being experi- - well made. fastened to one end of a long bamboo A complete improved Embalming outfit for preservation f Strictly high grade and del A policeman, standing near. Im- - nnented with on Maul will be sent to Bodies. mediately arrested the man. and he Em Judge of the in press passed on without the incident hav- Atkins Ralanona farm Corn e it Miller and Bbketania Streets. ing caused any alarm. The old man was North Kohala. where the potatoes are taken to the Kojimachlku Police 8ta.on. suffering from the blight. where on examination, he was ascertain- Judge ed to be a peasant nam. I 8ugahara Atkins writes concerning his Phon Kash Clothing Co., Ltd 5t years old. living In Kami-dat- e. trouble: "I send by parcel post a Karuyoke mura. Kuneycgori. In the package containing potato tops, in or- prefecture of Iwate-kn- . He was dressed TWO STORES In ordinary Japanese clothes, and wore der that you may investigate if possi- California Calimyrna Figs the top-kn- ot on his head. ble the reason for the potatoes turn- Hotel and Fort 8t-- . and Hotel St. near Bethel. He came to the capital last month, leav- ing bluck before they are half ma- NOW ON SALE AT Corner ing his home on the SSth ult. As the re- sult of the police examination it would tured. appear that the mar. la suffering from "The leaves turn black In spots at some mental derangement. His object first, then all the leaves turn the same 521 Kine .Street --I. In endeavoring to present the letter to the color, and the stalk dies before the Hutchlns, Empress was to get a loan of YJ0.000 from potato is more than half matured. We ClintonINBUNANOK, Her Majesty for the purpoae of making used to raise the best potatoes on the his a duplicate letter, how- du fortune. In in the Kohala district, but for WAILUKU. Maui. May 1. 1902. ever, the amount he wanted was p it at the last three years our crops have Y30O. Dear Sirs: In ray Innocence He waa examined by a doctor in been an entire failure. I used fresh the Metropolitan Police Hoard yesterdsv ...... I purchased in Honalulu a jar Ax e.m Ia1lf.ii.nln Haoa " Life evening Inanities will be made r;a i .. . . . ef your .f - but lt "nP- - relatives and th- - old man placed .n th. Ir l- '"" th Money charge. R" appearances the potatoes look Pin Pickles MIfU'KI.I.AJ 'S. a" r the black frost had struck them. R brought me great trsuble, wni Bcart. t fever. hunerto prevalent J only that the whole field turns black at and one of three things munt amongst the natives In Peking, has now j the same time. The frost generally eaour: In the European uuarters. an gins at one end of the field and In 1. You must stop staking Italian soldier having been attacked in about a week or ten days will grad-barrac- ka tham; ar by dim 3. I must get theaa at less ex- the ase. ually cover the entire field." panse; The hearing of the appeal case of Iba tak-Sota- or Assistant Director Sedgwick has 3. I am axan. who asaasslnateti Mr HSSM Tom. . ,ln th, . , a ralao4 - a,i c A-a- l Sinee my rami- off In the Tokyo urt of on Mt-ur- e first Teature I've 19th penal some remedy for the disease. bad many "Jars." My family Fire fc,LjS Marine th ult. A sentence of are now being rxiwriments conducted from early mora for life waa acain pasavd. I or "Pickles;" Admiral Alesleff. Ru avian Oovemor- - in the Kula district on Muul. and as neighbors ring the door-be- ll and - Oenrral of Port Arthur, haa left ih. r.- - a result oi me.- investigations some shout "Pickles;" relatives visit lolnerny and la T"inK Siberia on his way f-- r the 'black frost" may bo me ia expeetatiea ef "Pickles." itro. havlnc l n order d to prewnt httnwti discovered. Tour pickles are my Nemesis. 1 f r the St Petembtira" Government. PleaBe, dear sirs, quote them 508. 509. 510 It : n r lied fr m Uahon that Prtu- - by the kg. barrel, hogshead, In Cir-- . a! In fr- - m China a rec rm the circuit CetUi of the Third on ar shipload, and "preserve" m StSBfSBWSld .tine "ti mm mm m BfllldlEf f h. - ..r- - lKof. ver the Islanda in th. u:t. Territory of Hawaii At Cha- xa. Tours very truly. Wml An elaaaaa ef EagtaeeHag Work eollc nelchborho.nl of Macao and alao th.- - n. mbersIn Probate. CARROLL WHITTAKER. Koreeya taSHlahmmt f a neutral zone. P. S.: I want Gherkins. Caul- GONSTRUGTiOM CO. Red. Exasnraartnsa, and Re In the matter of the estate of K. M. iflower. Onion. Martymia. Mixed, The porta made See Waterworks. Steam and When Admiral Ito returns to Tokyo and Brownie Cameras cot M hla report on the reeent Inspection of th- - Moses Hu. late of South Kona, Ha- Peaches and Maage. only $1 and $2 and take a Electrteai Swuein Plant and Standing-- Squadron la laid before the Jap- waii, deceased. Order of notice of C. W. and FaUaatoa arepax-- ! and const roeUoe sarpartaraadad. In al. anese Emperor, a good many chances are hearing petition for administration. Te Messrs. perfect piciure. mm mi ewafaeertaa work. Centra eta solicited Sot aaJavowaw. elaotrtr aad expected to be made In the organization On reading and filing the petition of Tfe give you a little book taaaai. Bridges, buildings, blajn ways, feoasatssea pSkea. waaraaa. etc of the fleet. Mra. Kahinui Hu. widow, of South - CO. pic nasi green to aiasalnatlona, ealoatloxai asaf raeatsa of properties Japanese paper underatand that at the K.ma. Hawaii, alleging- that K. M. LEWIS & for ib asking, howirg pa conclusion of ...a mlaston to England. Moses Hu of South Kona. Hawaii, died lOSS PORT ST. l Are- - taken by the Brownie. iraitmn t will Prince Kornatau visit Ruaaia. and intestate at South Kona. Hawaii, on 4-- w F. 3 Two Talaphonas-24- and girl should Frsdbrick J. Am is. If. Al C . r.um home via the Siberian railway. Me the 2Sth day of December. A. D. 1$00. 0 wry boy ry aad Ti aaa aadS.kfaaajrer la expected to reach Port Arthur about leaving property in the Hawaiian Isl- bars one. S. pt mber 30th. ands necessary to be administered I.'Kcho de Chine way a rebellion h npoo, and praying that letters of ad- broken out at Changrhcu. near Amoy. ministration issue to William Hu; The people niled with alarm ara fleeing It Is ordered IT. HoboIoIq Photo Supply Co, escape that Thursday, the 18th T. Wait to Amoy to the robbers. The viu r September. A. D. 1902. at 10 M. Viceroy. Hon. 11-he- McK hni haa sent the Taotal Ho O'clock a. in., be and hereby is appoint- - Fori Street near Hotel. with aoidlera to protect Changtefu. ed for hearing said petition in . Contractor The Jiji says that tuere la a plan tn of this court thcourt and Bolder noei a i a aa at tKailua. Hawaii House, Sign and Decorative Painting foot to create a Japanese volunteer flct . nnirn time and place all persons after the style of the Russian volunteer coneemed may appear and show cause, Graining. Olasiag. PapgT Hanging and fleet This scneme has no connection if any they have, why said Detitlnn Dees any and all kinds f work 'alias. with that of Lieut. Ounji. on which la a should not be granted. well, repon-abl- a BEER Fipet-C'a- smatu-- r promptly and t SE4TRF ss Sign much scale than that now talked Dated at Kailua. May 21st. lMJ. Work on Glass a Specialty. f According to the Jjt the fleet I to be By the Court: prieea. composed of warships. Attest: AT THE aSaa the Government will be willing to J. P CURT8, Office 1045 Alakea street 761 Alakea Stress. r ve op at moderate terms, and which Clerk re to of the Circuit Court of the Third between Kin sad F. O. B S22 Telephene JrfBfr 2. be manned by naval officer from Circuit. Hstel. i the reserves ar.d by irr-M- ay time expired marines U. SI June 7. 14. Pbene Blue 1WI . KILL T Ithis ( ,s r ) "GIBSON" SHIRT WAISTS.

That Custejb abound We are Proud of Them AM UNHEALTHY And so will You - - - HAIR --CAUSNQu We if"? have the 'arrest v.riety of these il waists ever handled?i Honolulu, DANDRUFF bea.'if and m deg e ..r exe 11 -- n e. thej are far superior to any to be found elsewkem. ' I 1 FALLING his is .mi i lie tate rent -- VTe c uld not aff ri to m ike it if it were not so. Wb r MAI k -w he val ie and e gnc of the st ck an t want every lady to W PWAUV are s se it hi) re she will a e w th us. Of the vghenn novelties we have imported only . BALDNESS HEBE will be more or less of s one single wds-- of each sue, so you will nave something exclusive if you comt r loll In social circles the coming com i early. : ...... month and certainly during the re HERRIOIDE mainder of summer, several weddings adh the. gem, promo'ct tf; being about the only functions to break oda mrm on Sals Morning Uvt KaS. U this '' Fee ask gy the social uuletude. It Is understood fl I that there be very little calling &s numbr are preparing to go to the - B OLLISTKft DSUO CO. LTD.. Const. t other Islands and country Ladies' Pisces for their annual outings. The Love, Andrew Adams. Robert Miingle. White Shirt Woisls . K past winter has been s busy one. but Dillingham. Isaac Dllllnghit:i-- 4 ; ai" Walter lisnii" styles and all n beauty MMMttuta the glBBBte Bj too tropical for social Ceorge Fuller. Lyle DU key. Johu Flam- tf tlat f tiik Hoxourur net a nty-llv- e f- - Phll- - ill htMniiri t i 'I w SAPID ANI LANI . M rmuMty t obtain throughout the ing. J. T. Irvine. Potter. Wright. mr expe n THAIT -. j tt Esnsdal- II. McK. HaiTlson. Pr. . - PAJfT, V A. year. Is ifferent st le t- rbonse (I mII li ORDER OF 1. Ure-e-ntt-- fnnii hi Amor these who are noon to leave Me Ad ry. OrlKK H in veltii s - riiriirTN ikkmidbnt of tiik the city for their summer outing are Stokes, Wolcott. Abe Lewis. (Xsrsnce tf te h'gliest i.rder. H an- also MONULITU: RAPID ' TRANSIT .. Dow, Gree.i-woo- d, the i r. who g- - to their Pall Smith, Allsn Judd. Allen slupiinjr put elegant liBr of rolured Whists AM LAND MI'ANT h.Mi - i Harry Penhallow. Fred Damon. ,rtv in June. Mr. and Mm. A. Miftdr Zt It Wood ..re already at the Peninsula. John Austin. Captain Pierce. IT. S. A.. ttf fine jilnr. Clmnibi "yn Bd So per. Will Angus. South- her- - - The Wo hmann. as soon as the school John Sper. Jlt'iepri7ed Biaterials. : : : : ty given to the Stock- Ncwtun, V. of the H r.,ulu Ituptd Transit year U over, go to their country place ard Hoffman. Lieutenant S A . Robifl - on the Koolau le of the I land. Anderson. Cock burn. Land :mn(unr that at nine o'clock An- nu. On the ih day of June. A In fa t there will be a general -- - Arthur Wilder. Mclnery, Carl I. g, M. s snectsl meeting of the Stock- Jib. drews, Fred Berger. Campbell. Spaul-dln- Ladies1 Silk Waists holders of said c orp..ru.- - n will be held rirgf Abe Loulason. Garvin. Arthur - - at the Assembly Halt- of fasti-- Mr- - II Mackintosh. Bums. Howland. UeoiRe Tli very Bevrest fff- for Met ok.--. Limited, F. Wlchmsn's reception on tts eveftlfut r Biade corner of King and af-thron-gs Ross, Donald Boss. Usborne. Kobert Mel be! In city Thursday afternoon was s notsble . of Pos de Soie Silk and Crrfsr d CkvuB streets. the of Honolulu. well-gown- - lArve. Cuiihman Cartt-r- Silk, I fair and of ed la- Fraz.k Andrade tf stand of Osbu. Territory of Hawaii. Judge lirry. effect and i.:t- - m A tur the purpow t onaldcrtng the dis- dies were greeted by the hostess from "Gibson' the sleevs. SBiail 4 jsJUl position of cectaJn haras of th" csp-Ma- J until t o'chM k. The Wli hman home line of Puis de Soie KIbck Mlk Viscs : stock amid has rssSOtly undergone transforma- Among the arrivals from the Coast dur of the corporation, a ln were Mr. Oeorpc K. 'heretofore authorised to be. Issued, and tion and the exquisite beauty of Its In- the week Car I ' Jrh other business as may be brought ter. Miss Oenevleve Dowsctt. Miss Violet terior made the reception the more I the said meeting. Mk.. M.h-- Macfarlane. Mr. an. Mrs fre pleasurable. Pretty marquees and C. von Mamm. Dr. Mrs. Bisbop J. A. OILMAN. small tents sere arranged upon tbe l. snd Ladies' Wash imported Wash Heerelary Honolulu Rapid Transit and J.S - Real German th- - th- - M Ir- Land Company. 610 lawn in shade of residence. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Irwin an.! irn and beneath them tables were placed , win and Mrs. Ivere arrived from Ban dec.rated wiih golden brown coreopsis. Francisco In the Ventura, and will remain Sui s Materials NOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS' In Honolulu during the summer. They Linen at whl. h the guests parUok of dain READY MADS. New asd extensive line ef thes.-geed-s KETINO OP THE HONOLULU ties, in one comer of the lanal was s are at their Walklki home. In Pink and Light Blue. KAPID TRANSIT. AND LAND COM- bowl, which Mr. Oil- new in stock. LINEN CHAMBRAY, SCOTCH punch at James Hlshop and Mrs. Willis dt parted The latest cuts in White PIqus PANY BT ORDER OP T. man and Mrs. A. J. Campbell presided for LINBN. BATISTE LDCMN. MA- their new home In Tongs on the steamer ORASS LINBN DRAS LINEN, LAWNS. MKRCIB-IZE- D THURSTON. PRESIDENT OF THE with grace and dexterity. Mrs. on Wednesday. and Linen Suits; also Chambray is White. Pio man was a charming hostess. She W LAPPETS. OBdLAMDIBS Sf BOKOLULU RAPID TRANSIT at MJtJl Suits is Pink and Light Bias. and Light Blue. Preach naanufaetore. AND LAND COMPANY. assisted in rseoH lag by Mrs. F. J. Lovr Among the departures for San Francisco rey. Mrs. A. H Wood. Mrs. T. W. He- In th,. Sierra were Mr. and Mrs. B. F. bron. Mrs J. F. Hum burg. Miss Emily PI DU Ingham. Dr. Wood snd daughter Notice of Stockholders' Meeting of Halstead. Mrs. J. A. Kennedy. Mrs. M. , Dorothy. Dr. Burgess. Mrs. Mary Nott. Honolulu K.iLd Transit and Land Phillips. Mrs. Orare Wsterhouse. Mrt. ' esnpany. s corporation organised un- H. F. Lewis. Mrs. Z. K. Myers. Mrs. T. Kev. Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Bishop cele der the laws of the Republic of Hawaii. brate their golden wedding t. day st ...elr ow Territory of Hawaii: F. Lansing. Mrs. W. H. Babbitt. Mrs A. Gartley. Mrs. K. A. Jones. Mrs home on Scnool street. There will be S CO. The of PACIFIC WHEREAS. President said grnersl reception, to all IMPORT which friends of ' rpo ration did on the 9th day of May. Philip Frear. Mrs. Arthur F. Wall. the venerable couple are Invited. The 1MB. call a special meeting of the ato Mrs J. A. Oilman and Mrs. A. J. reception sdll take place from two to MODEL BLOCK. FORT STREET of said corporation to be held Campbell. At the table beneath the Is p. m. I the time and place snd for the pur- marquee Mrs. K. A. Jones poured th pose hereinafter set forth, stfd directed offee. Mrs. Arthur Wall the chocolate'" yn rs. J. 8. McOr.JJ.w was the hostess yes the Secretary of sold corporation to iiu l ne ROT i OH F SPE( , ST(KK-H0LDF.K- 8' r. v. n. imuuiii iea. ai terday afternoon of s large reception from I FLEUR-DE-L- IS ve to the stockholders thereof notice the smaller tables the guests were .o o clock. were numen-- f sold special meeting, which said or- The Kuests HEE ri (i served by the Misses Bernlce Koepke. and It was one of the most fashionable Our Soda Water Is In writing y. der of sold President snd Mary Da- f .motions of the week. The parlors and OP THE ISLAND REALTY COMPA-n- n flic Secretary cor-poratto- a; Catton. Kthel Damon. Julie with the of said mon. rey. - hallways were attractively decorated Wltn Limited, a corporation organised Ice Cream Parlors Helen Low Alice Cooke. Kath- Ha- - erlne Evelyn Nlch .Is. Madge1 the peculiar trailing parasite vines wh'ch GINGER ALE. CREAM SOCA, he "?w" of .?e ReP"bllc f Now. THEREFORE, notice is here- Smith. undf i Alakes , were run over ine arcnes and windows, "an, iiifi hit i ci i ivi Li mnaii. St. between King and Hotel. by given to the stockholders of said afcCandless. Roth Whitney. Margery 'and there was sn Whereas, the President of said cor- - . - s!so abundance of rosea. , O. E. MOKSi fz i corporsti n three o'clock p. m Peterson. Ethel Amweg. Dagma Soren- ROOT BEER, Etc. ' tiMPAM. that at 1 IOMEL, porutlon did on the 26th day of May, (th day A. D. 1MB, oirsndrr blcssnms. crn. n. nalms on so the of June. a son. Florence Hall. (Catherine Hopper. ferns to complete an effrelive decorative pure 1902, call a special meeting of the stoclr--' PHONE BLUU ltOL special meeting of the stockholders of Benny Catton snd Jessie Kennedy, all Is sweetened by the use of holders of the said corporation to be Honolulu Rapid Land scheme. Mrs McGrew was aals'el by cane sugar. We use no cheap Transit snd prettily gowned In white. I held at the time and place hereinafter b--- American Miss Jennie Olffanl. Miss Nellie Kitchen t'omptiny will held at the Assembly and flags Mrs. Harry substitute. ONE BEASON WHY I set forth, as In accordance with a re-- ) Telephone your orders, large sr dt corner of Hawaiian were gracefully Macfarlane. Mrs. May Mot Hall of Castle Cooke. Ltd.. draped from the lanals to the tents, Smith Bird. Miss Scott. Miss Campbell. our beverages are the best and quest from a stockholder owning more jmall; they will be delivered without King and Bethel street, in the City of one-thir- d extra charge. near which s quintet club rendered the Miss Crystal. Miss Bates. Mrs. A. O. the most popular. than of the total number of Territory I Honolulu. Island of Oshu. of Irm-a- rd Oll-V- capital stock, direct-- I ever-swe- et (lasts. Mss Sens. f. r Ml-- s t. shares of the and Hawaii, for the purpose of considering music of Hawaii nel. Mrs Prompt delivery anywhere and ed the Secretary of this corporation to ed M'ss Fretla White. M'ss NeP'e White, proposition bonded Wlchman. who received In the i the to create a drawlnr and the Misses Herr'n of San Francisco, everywhere In the city and give to the stockholders thereof notice Special attention gives to supplying nans of sold Honolulu Rspld room. wore a very becoming gown of of said special meeting, which said or- Receptions, Parties. Weddings asd It snd Land Company to the turquoise blue silk trimmed with bead- In the departure t der of said President Is in writing and Church Gatherings. int of one million dollars til. see, - ed lace. gowns of the members of the Hie Several other beautiful Warde Company last Tuesday, the Hono- on with the Secretary of the said In gold coin of the United States were In evidence. goers corporation, together with the written America, If bonded In- lulu theater felt a distinct lews, ;oD$'l!da(el Sod tfa iks si and that said Princess Kawananakoa was attired not enlv because of the nteasur Whieh ertf request of the said stockholder for such flect edness Is suthorlsed to be created all-ov- er special meeting; now, In an white lace; Mrs. 8. the Wardes gave foot-llshi- s therefore. tVingWo Ghan&Co that It be represented by the bonds of from behind the ( pan v, hereby given stock- M. Damon wore sn exquisite mother of but on account of the pVasure de- oB Ltd. Notice is to the ssud corporation, to bear such date as rived by Tl. holders of said corporation that at 3 Board of Directors may determine, ncarl brocaded satin, with a heliotrope social contact with them. The Telephone Mill p. m., on 3rd day the e Iv n- - 1 641 o'clock the of June. twenty-fiv- e (25) years shimmer trimmed in white chiffon and Wardes were xters'v. erit. rta dur- Works Fort stree.. 1902. Tbony to b payable ing their stay in Honolulu. A. D. a special meeting of the Furniture, stter dat. with Interest at the rate of pink and heliotrope paavrenteri. Mrs stockholders of the Island Realty Com- - Cigars Tobaccos, per per annum, payable pale snd sis cent half Klebshn 'vore s beautiful pink The Oerman p'en'cjtsgiven vv pany. Limited, will be held at the office Chinese snd Japanese Teaa, rly. said bonds to be esecut--d and pesu de scle. cameo pink. Mrs. Harry last Stindav bv HuqoIu'u iioo iks of the company at room No. 204. Judd Dr. and Mrs Hoffman was thor- - u ' Crockery, h Wnlter Mattings. i.t jur denomination or denom i.ewts more a - Building, corner of Fort and Merchant hsndsome white gw "iiehly enjoy.-t-l bv th few who were HT K A M KNOIM r.B ' Vases. Camphorwood inations as may be determined by the airs. Aiiar was as stately a Vftsii streets, in the city of Honolulu. Island Trunks, neroeri The Blte residence Is made to I Board of Directors of said corporation, a toloiil.il iari- - In BOILERS. SUOAB MILLS. COOL of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, for the Rattan Chairs. indebtei-non- e crav with a ualn biki ISS l Ml PI undji and if so crested said bonded poke- - ' BRASS AND LEAD CASTING purpose of transacting any business by a mortgage of and fetching tunnel In sray ind ill Irinc arc conducive to the rni.ivm. nt CBS. may up SILKS AND SATINS to be secured rathe-rings- . and mcchlnery of every uescrlptioi that be brought before the deed of trust upon all of the corporate white. Mr. Lowrey'g gown was white of Informs! The luncheon meeting. OF ALL KINDS. ' arr-e- l on re-- order. Particular attentlot now belonging and yel'ow Miss Schmidt wore a gray w" the lanal snd th worv made to tig-t- property and friuichlses .H-h- m , By order of the President: il Nuv corporation or which It may rreoe du chine, and Miss Lewi was in r;' rmsn and t rcn rahre. Af-- paid to ship's blacksralthlng. Job work J. A. OILMAN. to said ter the lunrhicn, and whl'e the guests on shortest notice. hereafter acquire. Plnlc. Mrs Walter Hoffmann was were Secretary. Island Realty Company, Daily By order of the President: gowned In shell pink silk poplin filled sssted on the lawn. Ices and coffee Limited. Advertiser, delivered by carrier , were served. by music snd other any A. sfILM N. sprays trlm-- S Dally Advertiser; 78 T. H., May 26th. A. to part or tne city ror 7e eent J. with of blue flowers snd entertainment In the house. The Invited Bead the cents Dated Honolulu. Meeretary Honolulu Rapid Transit and mi turquoise blue ehlffon. bsBy per month. D. lva. 6179 month. I Company. alt' were Prince snd Princess Kawan- nd blue velvet ribbons snd lace Insertion anakoa. Col. and Mrs. Samuel Parker. Mr. L. A. THURSTi N. .ever blue. Mrs. A. It. Wood wss In and Mrs President Honolulu Rspld Transit snd F. W Mr. and Mrs. Company. HM white. Mrs. Hasson In a fetehlnggown ,F. M Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Cunha. Lieut. Land of black and white. Mrs. McClanahan r..mnrand r Dourhertv. IT. 8 N.. Pay- master Tiffany and Knsim Orahnm of the wore s choro'ate colored crepe du chine. - Cir- - w-- m the Circuit Court of the Third Mrs. wore a runtv- Min". V- - Wtv. r i A r. u t Hawaii, Pstnuel Parker black Jet m W Territory of nil-ov- a'k. r. M'ss Cunha. Miss Campbell. and er lace gnwn. Mrs. Cornells in the matter of the estate of 8. H. Mrs. Ijike. M'ss Crytal. C If W N'nr-t"n- . Damon wore s sheer white mousseline M'ss M- - Mr. Mahuka of Wslmea. South Kohala. - Mr Stadtlander. Bawall. deceased. sole with btsrk lare trimmings Cunha and Mr. Heldefeld. COLLEGE .s B HILLS On reading; snd filing the petition of mMM Mrs. Panford B. Dole gave s charm After all. what makes one nsrty differ r1rrr T. Mills of South Kona. Hawaii. fr. m sllesdnsT 11. Mahuka of Setuth ng dance for Mr. Chsrles Dole on another Whv. It's Jjst the hostess FOR SALE. that f and en- L0T5 Kohala. Hawaii, died Intestate a Thursday evening. Only the unmar- the surroundings and method of on day Invited, escep-- tertaining. SSS tsS seres weeeee eee Booth Kohala, Hawaii, the llth ried set were with the Jt.st.s1 ' June. A. D. 1W1. leaving property In tlon "f Mrs. K. It. Adams and Mrs. A. necessary t be Csrds hsve been rrc rVei kgggsi bv Mr. The Trustees of the Oahn Coilego offer for sale at very low the Hawaiian Islands Hawee, who helped to entertain. and Mrs Fred Curt' a. Chef-- . China, d rf administered upon, snd praying that I -. receU-e- s to F. W. Mrs. D..le. with Charles announe-ln- the marriage of their brother. prices and od utters of administration Issue In the drawing room. Mrs. Dole was dwln ShlUltev Curtis to Frances Anne OBttBTJ slsasnrh BTTI T In black spangled n.-- t Parrv. at St Andre w's Church. Chefoo. It is ordered that Thursday, the lth on April 1903. 10 and wore diamond ornamenls She 3. The couple will h st hme E D. . FAVORABt A. Tues-lav- VFRV TERMS September. at e." .lay cf dlsUnguished appearance ster June 3 at "Ru-holm- gtSCB a m . be snd hereby Is sppednt-e- d made a most EL Mrs. f.w. Miss Parry Is we ll known In petition in th- Mrs. It Adsms and Hawes r. -- for bearing said (One-thir- d ca-- h; onw-thi- r l one orit third two years' time, enar! room of this court st K alios. were In white. Miss Nina Adsms wore jear; p are alt old rose and d 4 Hawaii, st which time snd sn Empire (own of satin Mln host Allen of the Moans SOtrl en- - witli interest at 6 per cont per annum) some very choice lots persons concerned may apesr and show Miss Lucy Adams was In psle yellow. th-- . pe- terte'ned c a"d their fr'en 's last . aose. If any they have, why said Supper was served st 11 and Cap:alu Thursday e v. nlre with a danc'nc pnrtv at (oilee Hills. The tition shoo Id not be granted Berger snd several musicians made gv. n In the parlors after the band con- Dated st Ksllus, Msy 21. 11 dancing s delight. It wss one of cert. By tie Court: dances of the season. Th- - t 4 RAPID TRANSIT i. p roe pr. Ml. M attest: were: xne uses Marion ic-oi- rf tho gows of the min- ruests -- J. P. CVRTB. Glffard. Cordelia uet last we-e- In Pr rr- ss hall were thae e Third Belle Dickey. Jennie - Company performs a twenty minute service through the property; lerh of the Circuit Coort of the Barnard. worn by the M'ssrs Wh!te. Thea- Were Circuit. Bishop. IrmKard Schaefer. of white satin snd rre old Hee. V's provided a sp'endid ar d ahundanr supply Sl-J- College has of artesian one 14. White. r s H.7 - May 24. 7. Rmhe lxel. Nellie White. Freda Whit- - we.re a c-Va- dlarron-'- M'ss the Ds-vl- s. of and Widdlfield. Dottle Wlddlfleld. Susie Freel Wh,fe superb topn- - ornnm. nt M s. reaching over the entire tract, and the charge are reasonable Cordells Csrter. Olllette. Hattle Irmrsrd Maefarlan 1st ked m t eff c Ive waer Austin. Ward. Csrrle Howland. Sarsh In p'nk evrr psle eeren. Mrs. J B W 'le This is .4. Morekin Robertson. Orsce Robertson. Alice er In bre-csele- s'lk with Dirrse tare A O wore Campbell. Chrystsl. Soper. Jordan. Ufcs l..ok! l..v.l Mr. tfawes a m MOST HEALTHY LOCATION Bophle Bycrft. Angus. Orsce P mpado-tr silk with old Ven. tlan trlnv' A Lose. M-r- Stokes. Juliet nilnrs Mrs Cti-- i wrvs s'r'V'ntr Infal Angus. Kilty Horner. '- ) and Mrs A M Bt WTI ! i entirely free from objectionable surroundings. No saloons, King. Bernlce Kopke. Thrum. Charlotte eown state- in Mary Carter. Ada Whitney, Krrn're of richest sl!k with ivnry tables, poi shtps and nuisance5 of TUnxd Brsker. Cart"r. ly graee. wash bosses, other like ftock srd lewis. Stella Love. I'ecke. Cameron. M dj.aj . allowed, and by all is Ve-sy- AlegandeT. Uly Pa:y lar.t are means the most attractive E- -t I: The rneaeemert of a ehsrmlng girl will cheiraHer Real tr and Ingnrssrs . n e. liuise tlillet. Nellie Kitchen. SS n be snnounee-d- whleh wll' se"else district near Honolulu. - uburban J-m- Irr-rs- fd aor'e-t- Sh- Walkl- 4X13 W HBiMlgg. Ma f..riane. tie. en i wnanr. lives rather near the I - ... . - - - T' i I -. : . . .. i .. tii'l... -Il.i'lu.- - - ' ki Turn. lothy Olrard. Olrsrd - E Ilrtweti. luls i 1 this will be able to nil in regard rOHT KIPLOYIKT FFH n I i Te d'n.r e'ven on Thtrrsdav evening Person- - d in lota Ita'itv puticulars Hatl. Milan Bar - Chsrlotte st the b- A'-- h' A. J V.V - I n. Hswsn 'l - by to Sir. P. JONKS or Mr. JONATH at the office lf3 B King- St. CBstls K " Daat Mrs Toure. In lienor ofhrtM s atSasV C IVt'e. toth- lott ipplyms Mott-Smit- h Bird. iliosss. Mrs May flseeee. wss m rlar--mt yet No 4"4 Judd Muil ling. I b's rh rt of the Trust Mr. Mrs. - - Mr and Mrs K. R Alams. an riven In th- r w ae-- l Ivsta b ,.- C4 We susoty cnek. waiters yard i - tjfk Atkinson. dining room. Th- - decorative;' P. JONES, Treasurer. day w rV srherre wn for heusewewk and -- i; bert fkinson. CUfford Kli srs. eeeaa snd h s . - sfs fe ini (Contln- ed on Page &.) mil. vAninn rnuvF ., - - NH I WO f l UTTLh BRfctCMEi. months of the current year. To Mex- ico the Increase during the same period i Dyspepsia The Democracy now wrestling with con-pare- d . ; with that of last year was : ciil Adiertiser j great sartorial problem anent the i hat two mIKIon do lars and to the W st What's tbe use of a pood cook if .i r.ut:. . - f King Edward. Should an Indies one million doiUxs. while, the - - - sent to that function a a:i there's a bad stomach a ntoniarh Aner.can do-rea- O. SMITH EOirOF. Stat-- s se oun-- Central American showed a anti- elf and h:e i demean h.ti of about IXDt.000 and South too weak properly to digest what MAY ry by wear.ng breeches Instead of j AT CI n America ab ut 4.O9O.W0 in pjr-- c is taken into it ? pant." That George Washington ap- - th. ir bases from the United Stat. s during The owner of such a OLD JAS. E. PEPPER rared In mall is conceded, but stomach tMIGK-NT- S. rlfthvs nine months of AMrR CW Should the the presv:.t fiscal J that was at bene, ovl abroad. year as compared, with the same period experiences distress after eating, Statement, since denied, that go custom one abroad In them the of the preceding year. nausea betwet-- meals, and is W 41 lam Waldorf Astor la to ba- - a would become monarchical. Millions Ed- The continued growth In our com- - troubled with belching and fits of title cur.frrre.j n him by Klna t us. lvUrgTS In th" country, bleyc-l.- t. ' WHISKEY w ith Cat ada Is the most rertmrk-abl- e ward, baa re erred th-- arute criticism sportsmen and golfers have ap- mrrir nervous headache he's dyspeptic In papers of what la called gar- when tt is remembered that ever 4 AnrkM peared In the abbreviated nether 1S97. and miserable. I ' m 'since A:ril. the I'nited Kingdom bis "poPtiral apoatary It la a eurl-u- over the cradle ment without tipping has enjoyed tariff advantages in the been Mbit oar people that they process: to wear 'I hare troubled with dyspepsia imnfc ..f liberty In the but and have suffered almost everything- - I r t - or j Canadian market, the discrimination tn BOOBsasM a anything of the sort at King Edward's ' have tried many different remedies, but i her favor having ranged from l2'-- i per HENRY CLAY RYE tnaitrr cf course amonf all race and would prove, per se. a fatal OOUM ret no relief until I began taking coronation ..it In fhnf war to 33 1. r mhi Hood's Sarsaparilla. After tbe use of this a except th-i- r own That our That, aa we un national" blow to liberties. nr.d after July 1. 1900. Yet the exports medicine I could eat without distress, end iw rmana. and the arsu-mcn- t. today I am as well ns ever, I KegfUhrnen. faliens derstand It. la the Democratic fr.lt.-- but always come to be clt from the States to British keep Hood's SarsapariPa on hand." Mks. OLDEST, BEST, PUREST llV abomld to America A. de-sjrs- North America have Increased year by J. Cbowell. Canaobarie. N. Y. upon with a high S re-v.- al hiena la looseJ A study of precedents, however, year, and our total exports to of and many of thein are of escape that BY favr some singular instances market in th" nine months under re- DISIll LID 0NIY raised to summits of political prefer- - calamity. John Qulncy Hood's Sarsaparilla from uch view are Ill.-'K.W- d. or 16 per cent In was. we betlere. one och Clothes for our , T.Vat Thar Adams prescribed small 'XC" of those for the same period of E. & fssrcsgaer In McKlnley'a cabinet, as envoys constitution survived and Pills JAS. PEPPER CO. and the 1900. and 3.104.&66. or 4 per cent in ex- Cure dyspepsia, strengthen and tbeaw were many :n former one, and the shock. To be sure. Andrew Jack- cess of those of the corresponding m grades of public trousers, but tone all the digestive organs, and we And th. tn all son ubsiltuted military nvnths t laat yr. to "v of Hbj 19 slfn of reproncb attaches at later tine the matter clothes comparison of our exports 'to Can- build up the whole system. 1780 resprcted with A Established efnetB; they are honored and was left to ministerial discretion ada in the first nine month of the la the decree of their Individual merit. the result that such men aa Thomas present fiscal year with those of the Distilled' under tbe same formula for over a hundred years lint let an American change l flan r. Bayard. Edward J. Phelps. James corresponding months immediately a and be Is classed as a natural Rn-- Rttse.ll Lowell. Robert Lincoln and the reduction in the Cana- to customary preceding mold who only lacks the chance J..hn Bay chose to wear the dian tariff in favor of Great Britain w1 bis country's b-o- r Ue cannot nether attire of the court to which they our exports to & ana nn j nta hoAs that Canada LOVEJOY CO. rm to his former bme were accredited. increased about 75 per j I they were, they look meantime have Everybody Sole Distributors for the Territory of Hawaii. ad friends what One of the few exceptions to that period S46.-7&.- from cent, being for the earlier t 'at M with suspicion and torn role waa supplied by James Buchanan and for the nine months end- to not so anywhere of Mas m distrust. It when he was minister to the Court ing with March, 1902. I80.999.0W. I A Oarman or an despised efse in lbs world. M James. Small clothes he The following table shows the prin- shoo'd taRe a Kagsisbman. an Irtabman or a Dane, rttfe all the fervor of a man who as- lose cipal exports from the United States a Swsdc or a Spaniard, does not pired to lead the Democratic party in during home by beeomlna. potltleaUty to British North America the easts at the next Presidential contest-- lie ending with March. 1S97. Tonic shin an alien. In fact a Kuropean nine months Malt s j. would not. so be wrote to the State ind 1KC. respectively, manufactured El-Princ- ipe . watry which sends Its people out hi Department, wear breeches "unless articles being grouped separately: ikese days for that ssa as the world's work und- - all personally requested to do so by the In Nine Months 'sgffa. lab? b pardonable pride their Queen." For some unknown reason End.ng March Latin Ideas have been spread Her Majesty neglected to apeak of 17 tired feeling continent and English Id. as this matter to the American envoy and Msnuf articles Dollars Dollars bjr such men and Spain Agrtcul- - Implements . :13.464 2.07S.flO m so be appeared, as did the servant. In Books, maps. et. 470.358 Physician; Recommend Qmi and Oreat Britain and long trousers. But he compromised o.ou; and .Vrf.' " nd tars Inssnd boast of tan achievement a ttb sn effete royalty and wore a short ! Capper nKi 91. &J l.43j way abowM they not? Irlsbmen wbo CIGARS a black hilt. - cloths i.r.7 swoid with Ncvg;fcM- Cotton i 0 m J sja Aflal P4.4S1 m i. ewsm 'he republic endured. t.oiton SBirs. umrr -- sW abroad rW a. Cycles, parte of 339.W3 !d.i7S a msn of their blood President And now comes Mr. wnueiaw iwtu. H jii.l.rv hardware 33T.S49 735. Mi MM SMaKlrt .7W 1C.7W eft g Republi. . another 11 iLwIna - The - a tlt rrencb Pibw antrr to the coronation i rr.7 i m Standard for Over Half Century 'lent of tan United States, another TSSm rlw.rd. v.ho signifies his our-- --g- ad Austria, another premier of appear there In small ciomes. nose to olhrr articl 2 nilirantother Admiral or umie. ana The obvoua comment is that this will Csttle W.'JI .r44 .? 0 wn. on Sh r 43.40"! :Zi as other w 10010; distinction be harder on the specUtors than not m. Horses st't'd th-- n i had olare.! frit Held, but so far as American liberties . . I.T70.531 m m ee Corn -- hwh was as just as It are concerned they wilt still be safe. Wheat . 2.m.:ts 3.7. .77 sny fi..ur . 2 415 519 OV.V1 was deeply seated. ! ther-- Having survived the Philippine snTair Wheat -- elmllsrty placed, hardly be Coal .173.177 will 1 wbr Americans. iKink ihir nerves Cotton 345 ZtM ah SBld feet differently t no Med over the question of the fnl Fruits snd nuts 1 34T..20J United States will not he a Embassador's breeches. Furs and fur skins w.i195, 5M The ted Plates' -- Imperial Cigar Store 'wertd-pow- sa- oil n l. er In the broadest as Democracy holds to Its doubts Cotton seed 1 But the many tongne eye will . salUd and pickled 195 24rt.!7S in tta people. speaktnc and many an anxious Bourbon Baron 3..4I9 HfjBJi and bvlns; under many flags, bring watch the keystone of the Union all Bams :" rbefr talents and aairgtes to bear upon the time Mr. Held Is on parade. Pork I71.i?13 "T: M FORT STREET binds than our. What have not Butter 194.H0 lw.217 of Oreat Brlt- - Herd 454.9W 1 AMLgg reared emigrants OUR LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Tobacco 1.034.C12 They have Trtbuj-r- o for her ideas? holiday manufactures 42.711 ptanled them n deeply In the Soli of M.mnrlal Dav a lesal la Timber 145.243 as as This ques- I..umber 183 1. ITS. 199 taw Hasted States that no others an the Territory of Hawaii? a. Distributing Agents Total exports. Including; Some day. perhaps. tion was raised yesterday In a general aowrtab here. Court room art'clva not enumerated return the service In discussion In the Circuit In the 44.7S2.9G8 Ml. 999.004 - will case shove list It a non intoxicant, la Australia. In Sooth Afiics after tbe Jury In the Hall bad parkling and highly carry those same Ideas Into the been sent out. If It waa a legal holi- Kalmukl begins to loom up as an yesterday's proceedings of concentrated liquid iAdn inlad of Sooth America. Be-- day, then Institutional center. It has acquired they may rellnquun eiuxensnip tbe court would be Illegal, but It la a hospital and soon Kawalabao Semi- Extract of Wa.t ad Hops to gain for themselves greater gastm"j conceded that Msy Soth is nary, tbe Pacific Theological Institute ELECTRIC there, puts no brand upon not s It gal holiday within the meaning and tbs Mills Institute may find their POWER raefllties or Hawaii- tot apostates but of either tbe I'nited States way to that healthful and sightly I I k I c Id. in th great majority of cases. an statutes. place. n v a u a - public buildings were closed for to nursing moth rs, ronvales- aa ptootrs. As for The ckil- - and tbe United States Tbe thing on In cent, dvspptics, week awwld be glad to see tbe afternoon first to be Insisted etc., etc The Hawaiian a peer. Indeed, so fsr has Court did not open at all. while none any civilised community is not party dren, Electric Co., Ltd. are sresared to furnish power trade for the of mo-- n of the Br1tlh no- - of the Federal offices In the city were government but good government. ALTERATIVE operating the t deligtte mashinery, such as optical American ta machinery jewelers' lathee, Wit? none by marriage, that there can opened for business. The discussion VONIC. and to the Derating of heavy con- be so objection to seeing It proceed In brought forth tbe fact that there are aruTRiTivs;, veyor and hoisting machinery. All the derricks for the hoisting Mber ways. It Is not altogether an no National holidays, strictly speak- 8trenothen;ng.' of the stone of the Young Bui'ding has been operated by the iitgiw a prince or ing, ha the sense of a general statute stimulant. Hawaiian Electric Co. with motors eold by tin dream that g The Whole Story SEDATIVK them, and all concrete who dates back to America nsas'd by Congress, though Thanks-Kitin- and fire proofing material has been mixed and hoisted by the day aK upon the nrtt.an Day Is celebrated aa a legal In one letter about same motive power. The successful operation by proclamation of the 25o Per Bottle of the Oahu Railway i holiday the A Land Co. 'a sugar conveyors is largely dne of July. Chrletmas to the reliability of President. Fourth the mo'ors and the power furnished them by the Hawaiian It has been divulged that Mr. Nixon Day. and other similar holidays are Pain-KiUe-r riertrtV Co., Ltd. eg Tammany Hall had been offered not National holidays, thougb they are Holfister M4).ssg change In the legal holidays In nesrly every State Plenty of tnver on tap for you. Tell as where to find you and to have a made (esasrr DArti'.) we tee! specifications of tbe new Brook- and Territory In tbe Cnion by legisla- will send an intelligent representative to figure with you. lyn bridge. Tbe contract called for tive enactment. Prom Papt. F. Lots, Police Station No. a. Mootrral : "We frequently aae Drug Co. te. a costly product of te There Is a statute, however, making Pxaar PaiM-Knts- ttset tensile strengtb. "roe con ttuae holidays legal ones In the Dis- Dati' a for paint a (a fen. AGENTS. tractors wanted common steel st tbe trict of Colombia, and by some it was efiWMM, nt bitm, eAO-I'uS- acid steel price. It was within Mr. thought that this statute extended to rUi,nna. sad all aflllctioaa which FORT STREET. i power as president of the Territories, though It could not be ! Nixon's the baf:i mm lo oar position. I bat e no beaV Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. Tam-snas- y leader of However. PiM-Kiu- Bridge Commission and found In the statute books. tation Is ayhijc that aa 4a (As Mall to overrule the chief engi- would not apply to Hawaii, King Street near Alakea. Tel. Main 390. the statute f4S haTe csr at baad." i neer who was supervising the work, v hlch waa admitted as a Territory aft- iwtf WW.C. IRWIN & CO.. LTD. and the contractors, thinking him er tbe passage of the law. The atatut Pact Intet allr t,A FttOMlW. X ' because he was ft friend does, however, Twogtoss ssc. Wc. botUwa X reachable' make provision for all 0 asd Wm. O- - Irwlb .President snd Manager "air MY Crvfcer's, offered him -- Vice-Preside- nt mployes In the service of the United. CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOAOOOO Claus Spreckels.. ..First $!.. Vice-Preside- Two man wbo made toe offer barely States, and they are allowed a holiday W. M. Olffard. . .Second ni David Lawrence & Co. fwaced unhurt Tbe Incident perhaps on tbes? occasions without loss of their H. M. Wbitney Jr... Treasurer and Sec. -- COMMISSIONr KS SALK OF George W. Ross throws some light on the break down J p, HI. tn Auditor U the old Brooklyn bridge, a structure The holidays in the Territory of Ha TALUAKliK KEAL KM A I K SUGAR FACTORS sjsjgsr Tsmmany auspices. waii are specially designated by AT Al CTI0N. AND section of tbe civil law of Tbe atani'a Judge wbo sentenced Wm. sn nr or an is- - Commission Agrents virtueof order H. Marshall for libel spaas of bis case Section 214S. Tbe following days of sud out tbs Circuit Court of the saw of Americanism." A r'jrt Judicisl Circuit. Hon. W. J. Rob-Insn- n Importers and as "scats eacb year are hereby set apart and presiding. In a eause at chambers ASENTS FOR THE Jobbers sssatlsr remark was printed by one of established ss National holidays, to entitled Victoria S. HufTand.au vs. A. taw Volcano editor's SSSSSjapgsj friend wit: A. afontano. equity division, the under- Oceanic Steamship Company asj tbs coast. la tbe bright tea I on of days signed will sell at public auction to tbe The first and seventeenth of highest bidder, subject to confirmation Of San Francisco. Cal. politics everything that to January, tbe eleventh day of June, the by said court, on merican Is wroaa-- Hs forgets 'ourth day of July, the third Saturday MNl Y. TUB !SD DAT OP Jl'NB. It02, 12 noon, tbat there are asttltltudes of people in of September, the twenty-elgbt- b day at o'clock at the mauka entrance to the Judiciary building In Fresh this world wbo are not fitted to absorb twenty-flff- h Havana of Xovrmber and tbe day staid Honolulu. Oahu. the following de- Health Money Cigars ed is gsssrv anlarn or any other frm of of December. politics Wbw be scribed tond. to wit: and annt Is unlikely old soldl ra Th it i piece or parcel of land wrested, one fell twist, from It not that the aely at of the city will endeavor to nave the situate at Manoa, la Honolulu. Oahu. Wirb health ysu sas ears tbeir hereditary ways and prejudloss. Territory of Hawaii, bounded and de- as ere; next legislature adopt a law making scribed as follbws: with your fasaSr Tbat Is the reason snd It to both a healthy you will pay the dee-t- sr Memorial Day a legal holiday In the Commencing at tbe north corner of less. Cheese a healthy wis snd Just ons why a survival of this piece at Hana Haalilio and run- Received by Every Steamer per- Territory. csflrtg fsr vovrr hesse. ertain forms of Spanish tow Is ning N. sv K . I ll chains along the mitted and should, for a long time, be land of Kapoahualahalna to comer of wed In Philippine TRADE WITH CANADA. this piece, thence N. M IS' U 1.M We sCer a bsuse aad 1st in tin tbe the libel chalna to the land of Klkepine. CMXXJeOB HTLLS at a bar- - rest. o th Arrordlng to tbe report of the U. H thence N. M IS' K 1 St lee and easy sassth- - chains along land of Klkepine ts a rock .nts. The S0- - Bureau of Statistics. Canada continues -- asier. Tares to no beef trust to Honolulu, marked f- st the north corner of this s savarr, Is rettwlsg ts tbe to purchases T i'AMXTO LXPBZ & CO. EDEN," HAVANA. bag there wilt be If tbs associated gra- - Increase her from the piece, thence 8. W 4' E.. 4 shams essat t'r.lwd States, despite ad- along land of Poka to the east corner BOITZ CI.YMER & CO., eeer pwt throuah their arh-m- e to the tariff PHILADELPHIA. vantages of this piece, thence S. tt W , 4.S3 tbs pries af beef up to thirty accorded Oreat Britain In the to corner Ask nt physirlaa about it. COLLINS CIGAR CO., PITTSBURG. fiscal system of tbat country. During chains tbe south of Hana Mcure the east. Let as a pound so as to get more for It Haal Urn's land, thence along land f ysu. a L. JOHNS CIGAR CO.. the nine months of tbe present fiscal Hana HsaUlls t the Initial polnL tnfk It seer with a tbe boof AND THE . year for which details are available. Area l acres. The same beins; tbe British North America showed a larg- land described ss Royal Patent (Grant) We hav.- - houses ts rest In all ANGLO EGYPTIAN If aferaortal Day bad been fixed for 702 to Kuakahaule. sane sr tnc rity; prices tr CIGARETTE WORKS. tn-- re er In purchases from last Hunday In May would increase Its the i Tcrma of sale are cash in United .0 up CAIRO. EGYPT. none of tbs danger, which now ex- - t'nlted States than any other political States gold com: that ten H9 per cent division of America, as compared with of the arm unt bid to he psld on the dsy becoming s mere date for e of its f sale: and deeds at expense of pur- Henry Water-hous- A Comp'y. those of tbe corresponding periods of chaser. For further particulars. 1M and 101. Our total exports to of the undersigned at No. T Mer-rha- ot atsctc. rtond. Insusaarc and RISDON IRON What was toft of tbs race of Carlo. British North America Increased from street. In said Honolulu. Real Estate Brskcrs. Mechanical and Hydraalia EngineersWORKS V. ILDS, mmem cannibals of tbe Spanish 90.743.59& In the nine months of 1905. CHAS KTN' MET AND MERCHANT SCS tbs Conimtsstener. E. . afain. were annihilated. It is said, by and 177.4S4.1M in the same period f ncaalaln. Oahu. May 313. JONES, Agent Dstd 2'ts.4 nprecueia Battling HObOLULl Saw firs from afoot Pelee. IfWI. to f0.sys.SS4 in the i nrreepondins. . ri-- 4 ttY AlTHORIIt.

8BALBD TENDERS. -- Head what - - Sealed tenders will be received at the office of the Sunerintendei t of Public Works, Honolulu, until 12 m. of Mon-fda- y. June 1st BBBjsb. th. for macadamlalna "WiSBl SBBBna WiMW a 5J Mr. Paul Isenben says: .aianuenue street. The Superintendent of Pub'.ie Works Honolula, T. H., April 22nd, 1901. reserves the right to reject any or a 1 bids. Plana and ensciflcatlons on n: Pacific Hardware Cs., Ltd., Honolulu, T. ri. 1 1" office of Superintendent of Public I Dbab Siai: The pMMM of the horn-fl- y peat in my herd of milch I works. Honolulu, and In office ef Mr. cowe haa been a eanae of eeriou- - apprehension to me, both on account f the j E. E. Richards. HUo. JAMES H. consequent deteriemtieo in tbe condition of the eattln and the reduced pr o- BOTD. 1S1 Superintendent of duction I a aa-e- d Public Works. of milk. at p to Inform 'you that the apil canon if the (Continued from Page S.) 80 Boe-S-o Kilfly, which 1 purcha-e-- d from an a few day ha already l sim, in yellow, carried out with ribbona and SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. rreu ud in a decided icuprevemnt in tne condition of the cattle, as wll aa an i. vital 1 in- - ctnur of tiir table wm increase of 20 per cent in tbe quantity of tbe milk produced, hefr th? appli- BUS with elictric buiba. c eared wltn L'nder and by virtue of a certain ex- cation of tbe Kilfly. Very truly your, R. I as sane. lfrtn shadte, uvtr wuicb r.pp.eU yellow ecution issued by Lyle A. Dickey. Sec- Paul tarlta. tn whole fr.ng. d w.th fepr&ya of ond District Magistrate of Honolulu. maiden hair funs a busv p.tce yellow ctntir Island of Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, on So-Bos-- So of cort opala waa a beautiful fea- the 22nd day April. D. 1902. Kilfly Is a Liquid Mixture ture. Suaper.dtd frem the two chande-Itcr- a of A. In the AGENTS by yellow ribb na wire baaketa of matter of John F. Humburg vs. Lum "saaBSBeSs I JbbtbW designed to protect aowa and horses from torture of flies. The preparai ton i- - poi-tirel- y ftrna The name cards were hand paint- Tong. Ching Lin Sung and Cha Lin. co- roR ia ed. Hawaiian acenea pr dominating, and partners name Wing harm leas It need with splendid reaulta aa a disinfectant aid germicide. the menu were attractively covered under firm of Wo or REAL 80-Boa-- -o Comparr. Tha Electric Sprayer diesharges tbe 1 Kilfly) in a fine; broad pray. with green leafleta bearing the monogram I have, on the 22nd day of sale of mi April. A. D. 1902. Prom 30 to 60 cowa e-- n be sprayed in a fw momenta. The Electric aprayer ia de- ih boat. Outalde up.n the lan Ha- levied upon and shall tachable, and thue aaay be waiian muaiclana pleased the eats of tbe expose fo.' sale at public auction, to thoroughly cleaned. dln.rs with their native melodiea The the hlgheat 80-Bos-- bidders, at the auction room yonr are ed fo knocks host sat at the head of the table If animala troaa with lice, oe (Kilfly). It them with of J. F. Morgan, Queen I 80-Boe-- Mrs. J. 8. on street. In oat. Hpray yonr pea try house with So (Kilflv). It kills lice or uny McGrew. and opposite them T. 4. LOWKKT. Prealaeat. were Mlaa Olllet and Mr. Mc- said Honolulu, 11 noon Tlce-Preslde- nt. may fewla. Sufferers should give Kilfly J. Tarn at o'clock of A. B. WOOD, vermin that infect tbe from the Horn Fly Grew. The other gueats were Dr. and Saturday. May II. A. D.. 1902. all J. A. OILMAN, Secretary and a txial. We axe sale agents far the Territory of Hawaii. Mrs. Charles B. Cooper. Dr. J. B. Mc- the right, title of urer. Grew. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Graham. Mrs. and Interest said Mott-Smit- Lum Tong. AM WEO. Aaditoe. Mary h Bird. Mr. Chlng Lin Sung and Cha F. J. Watson. Mis CHA8. H. OILMAN, Mant Macfarlane. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Macfar-lan- e. Lin. copartners under firm name of Mr. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. von Wing Wo Company, and of said Lum FLamm. Miss Anderson. Mf A le- - Olllet. Tong. in and to tha following property, MR. WILLIAM M. MINTOBf, Mrs. Mary Ounn. Robert W. Bhingle. Mr. WITH GEAR, LANS1NU A CO, and Mrs. 8. E. Damon. A. Lewis, Jr.. B. unless the Judgment amounting to two Co., 15-1- VOW ASSOCIATED WITsX Pacific Hardware Ltd. Griggs Holt. hundred and seventy-si- x and J J dollars. Interest, costs and my expenses CELLING AGENT. Mlaa Fannie De Boom Is s guest or Mrs. are previously paid: mm -- .i. .c.j.. r- - . iV t W. W. North, with whom she came on a recent boat. Boom, Goods, wares and merchandise, con- Miss De who Is a well si wM&m mm known society girt. Is resting in Honolu- sisting of provisions, lamps, agate, tin sl Jttthtmfts lu after extensive travels. She will stay and iron ware, and other goods; aopoi KMoanpooooooooBOOoqg - about six months. Ice chest, counters, show cases and J Mrs. Lewis, who has been visiting her contents: counter scale and weights, son st Walk ik I. left In the 81erra tat San letter press and tobacco qutter. Episcopal I ! I Francisco on Tuesday. MLs Schmidt did CHA3. F. CHILLING WORTH, not return, although her name tras on Deputy Sheriff. Territory of Hawaii. House Furniture the passenger list. Honolulu. Oahu. April 2C. 1902. Mrs. George Augur..and hrr sister. Mrs. 156 April 28, 29 May 8, 23. 29. : CURTAINS ' Prayer A. I H. Otis, leave for San Francisco the S", BBB " ..' B latter part of June, to be gone several We are now prepared to dl- - X month KMollTvS OF PYTHIAS. - 1 Lots new of FURNI- Books play oar line W. w F. Pfotenhauer.sVr who recently I THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF J J went to Oermany bring family I Week TURK. Tbe latest styles, direct to his back Mc- -' Curtain i Honolulu, purchased from the Renjes the charter members of Wililam AT X Kinley Lodge No. 8, K. of P., In Har- from tbe Eastern factories. while at Wiesbaden, the former Renjes mony Hall, this Saturday and home In Nuuanu valley. afternoon. at 31st Inst., at 4:00 p. m.. for the pur- -' pos ef election of members and i&iti Mrs. J. T. McDonald gives a reception ation of officers elect, not now mem- this afternoon from 3 to 6:30 at the Ha- bers of the order. Cooper Tract Hymnals. waiian hotel, in honor of her mother and There will be a meeting in the same E. W. Jordan's tbe many thlsgsAare Miss Hutchlns of California Amonr hall at 8:30 p. m. for the purpose of - jijaji Installing officers and instituting the BEAUTIFUL OENCLNK MA- 4 Mrs. M. M. Katee has cards out for a lodge. You will fiod our tock Mi CANT nRF.SSKHS AND reception on June 7th. Ail members of Oahu Lodge No. 1, J j .d and Mystic Lodge No. 2. and all visit- to be very complete and DKBSBINO TABLES. Tbese are Mr. and Mrs K. B. McCanahan will ing members, are Invited to bo present 0. 10 STORE be domiciled next week In their new home CALL AND GET OU of tbe be- -t quality. The factory, at both meetings. from a HIGH GRADE In Manoa valley. .A. N. SINCLAIR. M . books are in tbree graces and are made of elected choice .d District Deputy Supreme Chaw-61S- 3 PRICES FOR LOTS Mrs. Albert Jargar has cards out for a cellor. at prices at from wood. dance at her residence. King and Puna-ho- u streets, on June Slh. In honor of her BEFORE PURCHASING. Curtains daughter. MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF FORE 3 300 Pairs . , . CLOSURE. M - rd. lla llllman w s lh.- h'Kt. From 50c a pair op. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRO- - 25c to $3 in Saturday if ( moon at the residence oi Mr. a.rs. A. Oilman, of s party yisions of a certain mortgage made by I and J. W. Kaikainahaole ul Honolulu, desiring Chairs glvi n little D rothy Wood, who left , each. Those tbe Parlor for I n Tuesday for the Coast. Otthu. and Koolau KaikainahaoK-- his beet books for toe least if , to Samuel C. Allen of said Hon-- I Island Realty lulu, May 4th. 1S95. recorded In in the eity A. a ping-pon- g dated The heat collection money will find what Mr. and Mrs. Ahlo give I the office of the Registrar of Convey and Rockers e party this evening, to which a number of ances, Honolulu, Oahu. In Liber L3. and much lower than they want at the f rl nds have In . ii Invited. MAHOGANY". eLUuri :h pages 171, 172 and 173, notice is hereby CO., IN SOLID 4 given that the mortgagee intends to ITD. prices for Coolldge Massa-ehusf-ct- s. Mr. John Gardner of I brok- - GOLDEN' OAK AND CATH1 l foreclose the same for condition T selected for ap non-payme- who has bn en. to 'wit. th? nt of princi- 24 Judd ftiriMtax. DRAL OAK. polntmnt aa first secretary of legation pal and intetest. One Week Only at Piking, succeeding Mr. 8qu!ers, who Notice Is likewise given that after Is to be United StaNs Mln'ster at Ha- expiration, of three consecutive expe-ete- sh'-rtl- through the Monday, CO. vana. Is to pass srciVk" from of the publication Commencing If. Co-dUlg- grand-so- n the date Honolulu. Mr. Is a great of this notice, the "mortgage e name;i in ff being grandson as of Thomas J. rsvn. said mortgage Intends to and will fore-Bta- UiVaroished m f Mrs. Randolph. Jeffecs n"s daughter, said mortgage and will advertise IB end son of Thomas J ff rson of con- for sale the property covered and Facts About Morris Chairs rt Hton. John O. CoollJge ws vice con veyed therein and will soli the same at Merchant Street. sul of the Vnlted Statis at Pretoria when public auction at the auction rooms of Varovsft IN SOLID MAHOGANY. Adelbert Hay filled the rffloe of consul. Jus. F. Morgan In Honolulu on Satur- Good tSOLDKM OAK ANDWKATII-KHK- D day, the 28th day of June. A. I.. li0J. Our ailvice is ptten ack4 at twelve o'clock noon dC said day. on varui-- h OAK. DRAWN BATTLE Following Is the description oi said : tbe qtton aid property: for 11 .ors we d-- j uut Lesitale to MR. COUNTER Summer Clothing All of that piece or parcel of land sit- lecommend WITH CHOLERA uated at Kawaiahao. Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, being Royal Patent 69 2. Jeweler and X,A the cholera nor the authorities I.and Commissioner's Award 728, TEST Vrltb.tr follows: SUPRtMIS These are only a few of the se m to be able to make any substantial bounded and described as Silversmith. C n mencing of Ka- er, at the Junction in wonderful wood pre-BSrs- many thinsa that we always gain In the present light, but its restric- waiahao cemetery and these premises, It a i Patterns tion within its present limits of about thence: extremely hard. y4 keep In stock. 'While we ban twenty-tlv- e cases a day practically leaves ; s 3d' E. 3 chains So 2 ft. to a nar- elas ic. doss not Phow tJcratcSi-6- 8 die a full line of Pine Furniture, the honors with the Board. row lane on the makal side, thence A cases port ml Monday 10-1- made y booaAsftlBi REPAIRING All the Desirable Shapes There were two r N. 63 00' E. 2 chains 52 2 ft. (a nar- sic we also keep a complete aisort-a- v in Intramuros. one at 34 Calle Qulapo, th0 row runs along this bound- Han all the fceatlty of wax 7 lane also otha r at Calle Lacoste. N. E. corner, thence: s dv-ral.i- li SPECIALTY for Gentlemen, also i.l of medium and cheap fur- arrangements ary) to the finish and euTpf-.-e- it in MaJ r Maus perfetcd the N. 40 00 W. 4 chains, to aforesaid bepidts being more niture, to suit all tbd trade. for tbe establishment of a general cholera cemetery, thence v. Sec- 7-- Fine Assortment of hespltal In the premises of the old S. 52 00' W. 3 chains. 6 ft., along desirahle. Hardens with age Swell Neckwear "Punliur t pleaae everybody" ond Reserve with great dispatch, and the said cemetery to initial point. never cracks. Hawaiian Jewelry.. first patient was entered there Monday. in one (1) acre, 93 and i (, :r Containing all AT . . - motto. The present contract providea for the use square yards, 27 square feet, more or privl-!- . her-nent- s. mi of the tntire lower floor. With the less, tog-th- er with the tenements, Fort Street, Lora B'Ug. gs f securing three wards on the sec- rights, privileges and New Store, ond floor for the care of American and to the same belonging. Lewsrs&Gooke Lando's European women, should that distressing Further particulars can be had of LIMITED. mcrssity arise. Kinney, Ballou & McClanahan. Judd Oregon Block, Hotel Street The new institution is known as the Building. Honolulu. Territory of Ha- Fort street. I Santiago Cholera Hospital. Manila Amer- waii. i J.Hopp&Co. H-- ican. . May 30, A. D...... M Main SH. t. O. Bos Dated, Honolulu, T. Teleabaa LEADING rURNITURB 1902. NEW SCIENTIFIC PROCESS. 8. C. ALLEN. Hawaiian DBA LB 118 6H2 Mortgagee. Tou caa't expect half Corner Kins and Bethel Sta. A Preparation Discovered That Will Ballasting Co. Destroy the Dandruff Germ. tVILD'ti 8TB MSMA i UO. etarvtd bair to gow. Japanese For some time It has been known that dandruff Is caused by a germ that ROTICHB CXBea: up scalp little white T SHITPEKS. Growth demands . 1 " e 1 dies the into T a a "IN tL Kit Mmltb SC. near . . and by sapping the vitality of SrrjLPHtjklC. NITRIC OR OTHER Castle & Cocke the hair at the root, causes falling hair, for ' chemical acid", will be received Fe- - i hair Curbing Furnished and Set at 28c and. of course, finally baldness. For transportation by all of our steamers yur ui'h LIMITED y.-ar- of -. there have bren all kinds hair further no-tie- Per Lineal Foot stimulants and scalp tonics on the mar- on and after this date until . rrr ket, been no permane it id Is sasHy la town, accordlos the LIFE and FIRE but there has Honolulu. May 19th. 19"2. , AirvSm cure for dnndruff until the discovery C. L. WIGHT,, IB wo governMeat epecMcatioMi. of a pre:Taration tailed Newbro's Heri-I-cldc- . President. P cbeco's .frw"ElarorNT C!rm which destroys the dsnrduff germ. PiKRCE WORK aad insurance Agents I T.y the cause. th; effect will cea?e ceNCRBTR raaraateS. t i !st. Kill dandruff germ and "as. prtee. the uff killer eaeatpt at. dam at a very low v.. i ll have no itching scalp, no falling 42 P. Vineyard Street. tt-e- a Hawaii SAND oid frem H H to hair. clothes wartTS) AGENTS FOR Ladies' and children's fine H IS r cwbic yard, drnvered. dene up first class. aw t CRUSH KD MUTUAL Memorial services were held yester- White hsts anl sho cleared: also fsrtrs KW ENGLAND McKlnley noon, as clothe? v all dcrjggSfcS awl at 1 No day at Camp at Sloves. silks, and r, tlemns srea No te d. reason- - mtm Sdwa LTFK INSURANCE CO follows: Form battalion: raised flag ( laned ar d i.resp-- P: ice i. ar iwab and t mnthentf: singing of the "Star the i"ii !;ar''er M.op. CLEANED, j kOS i'KAT, as.st per oay. OF POfTON Spangled Banner;" presort arms to the WHITE PANAMA HAT? : r-- a ling s Gettysburg tS-t-o Say. of Llrcoln it j PRAT. ar Tel. ilain 232. fiTNA FIKK INBURANCS CO speech by Lieut. Behr. FENCINti TAU.iM BT No. 616. OF HARTFORD. theo. x--e rrT:' 7ING CHAN CO -- foH. cans . ONOLU1XT LOOGB J"-J 11 On hour lesson Instate Merchant Tailors S V : -a-- d street -t- moot la tboir I H. W. McGnesney & Son. and sabre. , O U atreeio. mww itetbel and Hat Sbreeta. AND IMPORTBBS PsrticuHr attenticn srwer: to insirust-1- aaS Breaala --- tesys. c Mnrr- j. - ysun - - ,mryr 1111 2fcT3.VLavaa.-- A.ver."io wsaen anitary Plumbing nr of s .r fcfjsa qua zBidAjaajper, Opposite oo Elm BSM M. htya NOTICE. and - WHOLESALE GROCERS ftote! rtt JC:e! n r M. BROCKS, K. ft- Nrit to Corner DT'P.INO M" IN ABOTTT I Sewer Connections Territory Kestaorant AMD DBALK BS 19 Dr. C L. will st- - j New Made to Order fn the l atest two months. Oer!i ' Solts bu-ine- ss rvi lend to my prae'e- - V all A SPECIALTY. JUST OPENED LEATHER A SHOE FINDINGS Styles and a Good Fit Guaranteed tnatTera tie BasMtltan Tr t r9 wil: - , EXCHANGE mbjw naiLraNS opposite stvles in r me under fu" power sf attor- WOMAN'S I,net patterns snJ ear. '. KING ETREET, tfeki aswi.Hr. Tailors' Ot c B. WOOD. Tbjheta. U M Afenta Honolala Boas Works 9m f 8t. Railroad 7 Clotbti ClttDid tad Repaired Ms 1 Ha. ?tb ' Tr sad ffotel St.. Arlinftoa Asaasai. , h 017. Honolulu, and Taaaery. tfT U-- y u siM a a pah vrxr rrvMM kRI!1A . j JAS. F. MORGAN, DOINGS OF Aoctioiifier mi Enter At Our Candy Counter

1 85 QUEEN 8 with THEJQWERS 8 REET. The ce-- that hs been met L. B. KERR & CO. P. 0. Boi 54. Telephone 72 in this department is due-entirel- y to our LIMITED. How the Crews Freh Honolulu Made Cardies Arc Coming and to ihe fact that we are particular about having SHOE STORE, Along. freph aslutelr fresh every morning. Why buy imported candies mae weeks before they arrive here and bought in puch quantities that tel nd tn OLD MEN AND THIS DAY. tome retrain weeks before they are sold, when ou ai-- kind NEW IN BOATS can get our candies fresh d delicious the Auction Sale lhat melt in your mouth Myrtles and Hcalanis Preparing OP O-A-X-- 0-3TaD"- -- T Sr O OTTiTIVEIRj for Year's Greatest Sport- THE Goods Grocer ing Event. mi in WALK-OVE- R Both the Myrtle and Healanl boat IN1 .Vr ear-ne- at & clubs have settled down to hard, N 8TI R'aY, MY 3Nt. M. CO work, the Improved form of At 10 o'clock a. m.. at my salesroom. LIMITED. showing atten- 65 Queen public the oarsmen the careful street. I will sell at 22-Telepho- nes-24 tion of the coarhers. Until recently the auction a large quantity of tailor goods, Df Myrtles been rowing as follows: consisting assorted have Suitings, linings, trimmings. Senior Crew W. stroke; W. Tailors' Irons, shear, shirts. O Soper, No. 3; Wade Armstrong. No. 2; Sewing machine and Sam Johnson, bow. Groceries, consisting of Herring. Junior Crew Geo. Crosier, stroke: T.uv.-- tongue. Epicurean delicacies, HAVE JUST BECRIVRIJ A FULL LINE reed Wright. No. .;. m Btmpaon, No. Peaches, pineapples, grapes, pears. WE 2; J. Crosier, bow. Apple, cherries, tomatoes, corn. From present Indications. Bill Al- Beans, condensed milk. EMINENT PHYSICIANS OF 1 HEE varez will steer the above crews to vic- Lobsters, shrimp, chicken, beef. tory or defeat as the case may be. For Ham. pickles, candles, tea, the past two evenings, however, Percy Soip. Sapoiio. cigarette. Have Carefully Aualysed Ltshman has taken Wade Armstrong's Clothes pins and a large quantity of place, and the probabilities are that other goods. Justly Celebrated Shoes for Men hange will be a permanent one. This Senior crew of the Reds Is a very Mr.-r.- ne. composed of the veterans JAS. ? MORGAN, of many a hard fought race, and unless AUCTIONEER, the champion Healanis get in and do much harder work than they have been ..Sanertrnnneii.. doing, they will be on the wrong end of the string on July 4th. The Myrtle Juniors are a strong, muscular lot. are rowing well together and stand at least Bottled from the famous "Koenigsquelle" in the Hara The Duke Shape an even chance for their race. Captain W. V. Harris anil Ally Sorenson are personally coaching these crews, going Mountains and have unanimously pronounced it the every roost out with them on the harbor 1 on of the night. PUREST and on account of its ngre able ttste, the MOST of the The wearers of the Blue have made popular a few changes in the personnel and re-u- lt REFRESHING OF ALL NATURAL W vi. K OV KR stvlee. placing of their men. and as a v MINERAL WATERS. th-- ? very and thoroughly have making of two fine THIS DAY. Nobby erewa. The 8enlors hardly need an The ideal dink during the months. e. public, as they won op-to-dat- Introduction to the the championship last year, and with It imp tit to the he exception of Sam Walker, have rowed in at least a half dozen races, Auction Sale V foot a cm irt, rvlieh defending the Healanl banner. Oir aparanco without We are Indebted to Captain Church for the ages and weights of the crews acritke el comfort. which are rowing, as follows: Senior Crew. Age Weight. Mora H. Hackfeld & Co., Stroke. Fred Damon 24 145 No. a. Dan Renear 22 175 Mi No. 2. Paul Jarret 22 165 Bow. Sam Walker 23 168 ON SATURDAY, MAY 3Nt Junior Crew. Age Weight. Stroke. Harry Murray 24 m At 10 o'clock s. m.. at my salesroom. 3.75 No. 3. Allan 19 178 6o Queen street. I will sell at public Sole .grerits Jean FEU PAIS. No. 2. B. F. Hellborn 19 160 auction a very large quantity of house- 155 hold furniture, consisting of Bow. C H. Tracy 24 beds, springs. 1!01 Oak double and We a'ao have thia In Paul Jarret rowed stroke and Mattresses, and wash-stand- s. Damon, bow. the present change In oak bureaus hoe in a black position having been made by the Black walnut marble top bureaus and rowlna- - committee In order that the Tici oxford at $3.75. -- KTl-ke- r, washstands. hell might trim better. A. "hairs, rockers, tables, wardrobes, welcht 79 pounds, and Jim S'elner, Bluck walnut beds. Ice boxes, count- weight about 6X pounds, are both try ers. People Who The WALK OVKR ptnt kid dres shoe is Ing for the coxswain's seat, it being Matting, granite ware, clocks. Live Well probable that they may each get one Iron beds, foldirg beds. STRICTLY CORRECT, and h the stamp of of the crt-ws- . Kitchen utensils, etc., etc. In the Junior crew Murray aid H ve as m"ch irouhl as tf er- - in thuikiig of Tr-te-v were In the winning crew las faabin's approval. An eicgnt conception for of pometi ing to o.der the i ext meal. If year, while Allan rowed In the Fresh enki ir - Regatta Day. P. MORGAN. you ha of th Following oel ft light dre e shoe. bare- on Bert JAS. cacies, Webster, who stroked the Junior crew AUCTIONEER better order them now Qu i y -- xrel e t and In 1K)1. has been forced to stop row a Change Ins: on account of business, his loss nee from the be. f and mut bing a hard blow-- to the club. Captain ton. V refer to our Mic ous I'hnrch. ln Jack Atkinson and ir I'irl Rhodes have been attending to the coaching, but every member of the PICKLED PIG'S FEET club Is in hopes that as soon at? Kle 50 bahn gets moved Into his new house PICKLED LAMB'S TOXGUE $4 finishing be will get out to put on the The WALK-OVK- R heavy f ole, extenion edge touches. A D PIG'S 13 A ClyBON E At a recent meeting of the Rowing b'ncher cut ihoe is a winner; for street or busi-e--i, Araoclatlon It was decided that the an- Tnk th - laiter f r instance . n the Mainland nual championship races be again eve yb dy thIIs for thia and cooked these nobby bluchers have the cjII. Made rowed on Pearl Harbor on the morning i.at whi of the Fourth of July. This will g:ve with gr ns it make the fit. est kind of a dish. in fine box calf. takes a pair. those who wish to see the contests an If you havm't e. tried it order no v; b rents opportunity to do so. and get back to per pou'id. town In time for lunch. A cup will be Auction Sale offered for a pair-oa- r race, the dis OF MAKB IT A POINT t come in and -- tance to be set by the tta commit tee. amme these good. YOU will I SURPRISED For th- - Myrtles. IVrt I.loyd and HoBseMu Farniture Uui4 Horn, r will probably row the Metropolitan Co. thai nch SMART and STYLISH hoes are race for their club, as they are out Meat practicing every night. It Is very X-- being sold in Honolulu for to Hitle money. doubtful whether the Healanl man ON MONDAY, .IUNE 1st. I lL agement will enter a crew for this ITED, event, as they do not feel that the club At 10 o'clock a. tn. on the premises. can afford the additional expense at second house In Chrlstley lane, off of TELEPHONE MAIN 45- - the Harbor. Their new Kngltsh shell Fort street. Juat above Ineyard street. Is expected on the 17th or 18th of Jun I will sell at public auction the entire We Have the Exclusive Agency ii- - probabilities b- - Ing that th- - crews household furniture, consisting of w in not go down to their quarters on Beds, oureaus. washstandr. the Peninsula until after Its arrival l-- t.-.- cloth, The Myrtles have had their old shell. Pillows, comforter.mattr, FOK THB as well as their new one. put In thor Rockers, tables, chairs, matting. Japanese Goods ushly good order by Walker, and as Dining table, nets, dishes, glassware. th Ir opponents will have two shells Kitchen utensils. Ice box and after the arrival of their new one. It A nearly new oil tove. American, Goods looks as If both races will be rowed In shells. In which event old Australian and CUKIOS Lapstreaks. which have rendered such JAS. F. MORfUN. sterling service, will be relegated to practice work onl. AUCTIONEKIi. WALK-- Ti- - Myrtles have obtained Judice OVER Peterson's house for their training ouurters at the Harbor, which will Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. son-ewh- 3 ! cramp.-- after the Ma. farlane house, which they have had SHOES, and they can ha bought ONLY of oa. for three years. Both clubs are making unusual ef NEW POODS received by forts this year, the Healanl to keep erry steamer from Japan. the championships that they have held since '99. the Myrtles to regain tho Te-s-r Inurels they have lost. As far as the Stora HTe"TW observer can see now. only a little over Goods five weeks from the race, there will be four crews competing as good as any JAPANESE AND AflERICAN that havr rowed on Pearl Lochs, with the natural result that the races wl 1 l be fought out from start to finish, and wil! be worth going a long distance to L. B. & Co aaa I Kerr Rowing has ever been in Hawaii an FOR SALE absolutely clean amateur sport, which MERCHANT TAILOR da serves the hearty support of the . hole community. What possible bet-t- - LIMITED. r way to spend the F urth of July Furni ure and Effects than to go down and witness these - heart stirring contests, returning to of two Fine Lodging and Boarding K- town In time for a good lunch, the Houses, centrally located. Fukurod athletic contests In the afternoon and The two houses run as one place. Rob'nson RlocV. 14 Hotel Street. the fireworks and ball In the evening? I.arKe. airy rooms, well furnished. SHOE STORE, One thing Is sure, there will be a great Rental. tl?5 per raesth. by one Twenty-eleh- t besreems. starlor. dln- - n mount of celebration club or liT :A the other. Red or Blue, which? rooms, etc. Nerve Builder. --e Preaent business shews a profit of A Thirst Qaeacher shout Sl'O per POMElJQ.n ,n u r,r.t.4at-- ts month. BP-rclis- never out Corner Hotel and Fort Streets. should start further particulars at my office. C5 without a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Queen street. Socia "Vater Flavors at the Balm In their tool bags. This liniment la excellent for all flesh wounds and nrii'-s- . 're application gives re lef. JAS. F. MORGAN HAWAIIAN SODA on WORKS It. Smith Ce., Lt . Tvfeoiaaale agents, sail It. . i AUCTIONEER. Phone Blue lt7i Emma St , near Vineyard.


- i BKEVITIfcS. AGNEW AND JACK LOCAL The l--t w . .. n uvnmriniMl flap 1 WEEDAY TRAINING ret.ry Brown of tbe T. M- - C. A. on ihe Don't trip to Tantalva yesterday. A meeting of the rsectltlve rommltna Heywood fafrst to tW sosjnsj contest een which Is arranging tbe Fourth of July celebration I scheduled for today Go on . - "n were , grswing Mrf M look M U tbs Oper. Tbe veslel in tbe harbor Adorned with many flaga. dlaplayed at Patrol Shoe half mast, yeeterdny In honor of Dec- oration Day. - -- dr tb The members of th Amateur Orehen -- Athletic Oub. tea will take notice tbat tbe plai next of firm regular reuesrsal wUl take place Be?t Tte-soa- y evenli-g- . Srd. at 46 Fhoa made for . lass exhibition of the ly art. Thr June . 7 pr cm o'clock. In tbe T. M C. A. ball. Wa'king. Dyke of Kanvhameha ' Prtocipal Calf, Water- .Kicb c h winner and A per School haa reported upon the rveult of Hery WitA inferier ar nwlass'y expensive illum'aatiaa inyottr home. . -- u lb-- tbs coorert given recently by tbe proof Sole, at Rubber oeca-io-n 4 lsrM snows in w awni achool children for the benefit of tb There is bslmiely no for it Thousaid? house- u( Tn man with tlvr MrKlolry memorial fund, showing a Heels. keepers thragnoui ht i?ani have leikoved this annoying cratoitttf at loc balance of S5S. prablecn entirely by acquainting themselves with txe ideal er-fe- ct for I K xpert Forester Ortffltbs wrltm to gas or electricity, of tb II Cnmrrlasloner Taylor that be la very light for the hnme. It is as brilliant as toto Aibiettr Clnh. busy with bis work In Manila, but baa $5 never emoks, pmells i r gives any trouble, ie iigh ed and exun-gaiahe- d Tb conditions of lb mtrh mil for not forgotten bis paomlae to aend Buys a pair ea-- i kero- - a at y as gs. and buin but little tPi OA lh am mm to w.ixh mrr tnan plant a from there tbat be thinks will .usde wbn Ibey enter lb nr. Wee-da- g be bene Octal to Hawaii. sene oil Our catalogue shows all styles ir at piOV etroay wHgbed MP pounds and Jockey Club announce up, aad is sent for the asking. ! weich in at about US pound, Th Hawaiian ,,pcta building today In another column the fun rac- pa tbat frosa now on bo will be ing prucram for the eighteenth annual Manufacturers' ir nmn y of lafcins asww meeting of the Hawaiian Jo-ke- Club, ,11 pr.,tMy w. gh tbe limit THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Limited tbey are to be held at KapicUnl Park on June for all Utb and Utb respectively. Shoe Co., Ltd. , ,.f mm wa patotopwl af i psn unouid DDepaxtaaaeaa-t- . Weeday win be will probably enter in The first of the locomobiles brought TTflTttTflTft nc r r i mil 'i aa t..r here by Norman Halitead made Ita ap-peara- 1057 Fort 8t. r. srao says tbat h win yesterday. Two fine sutreya ' Hawaii, will. In mrm mtmn hr readv to be SSt UD. and r. if aurreas cruwaa bis af-- th Locomobile company or nawwi r- - j,v 1!. ffturr, M h PSVfMi will aoon be ready for business. wJaa. and win owry fbyni wh--- n n The commencement exercises of Ka-- - , ... . 111 t tf title of middle. Weiht cham- n i.u Mr laba nla on 1 Your 10 Stop oi lb Terntary la c bailed Wednesday morning. June 4tb. at In tbs aaasmcll cmfwy wthar wypp SINES? LOCALS. ociocb. Tbs exercises win be held in SPECIAL SALE OP 6U tbe? bly rooms of tbe seminary ttm m. Agri - ti.m win niMtinr of th iilt be a meet ins of lb Stocb- cultural Seminar thla evening to tbe Headache! of tb Honolulu Rapid Transit ra wm ace am. j Baard or rleSJtn .r.y. Real Irish Table Linen A Land Co. on rrtdsy. Jon at be read by Mr Duncan of Ihe Hawaii- an Fertiliser Works, and by Mr. Coun- There is not the least reasfn :o: of children's suits at ter of tbs Experiment Station. All are Invited. why you should suffer. Per- The American Hymnal edited by tbe ana, waab, LJnea Deparkaasat be one af M come We sapset ts tato otir Table rw Hut. hlna. will 1 ttv itiai to the bualaat la tba atora Hers we have uaderprtosd an Maes and the W tjg Ahana A Co. rrverr hant into una from tomorrow. Sunday, haps you are afraid to take Economy aad Elegance torm" carry a vary fuU line of tailor St. Andrew "a cathedral Thus attend Baring to tbs ewetomer wUl be a large Item. Call and sat who desire to base cs hand In hand as an examination of the good will sasw. and we vrW Kld for this cllmat ing th services Headache Cures. Some tbexa as to quality, thssr prices. hymn booxa of their own can obtain Patent be pleased to kave you ass the goods. ITxnmlae th-- m in town. compare with bs aams gsods A fart ersbialdirid bucsv rob was from tbe book stores and If there la aar doubt, tbe lrlsas und on rtarla at feel yesterday. --rv a r Wilson, rector of of them are injurious. You know elsewhere. PwrtJraiara In ctosstfled advertisements Christ church H iuallto. Cat. arrived Special ost seat psaw. n th- - ateamer Ventura to pnu s iw to drug rouple advertbsj ataka In tbs lalanda for the benefit of it. You don't propose TABLE LINEN PRICES A good, rponaibl w.-it- K swan, unlumlwel ki ito ia iha af Caaoa SSc today for two or three valley. W lsoh. Former Prioe... Jl.tO. This seek. .. yd awltsbi for hoosshsaplna; and Mrs. Mscklntueh. Nuuanu yourself with opium and other iseh ta yd rsseas llbt - a camc-dra- l S6 to 72 Inch. ..li.ea psrterwtors aas our clsssined ada- and will preach at St. Annrw Reductions Inch 1.26 yd rr Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock. ST Inch to 7 Inek. " " Ipsji m mm si t m mm " good fr J. A. A kins, the speaker of tb IN dangerous narcotics. 72 inches In wldtk. " IM IM rd erlas. also a lot of buho.d aa-nounr- ed today at Mrwan Hovae of has MAPKIN9 ZiUtxS at 12. M don furniture. b r. h will not be a candi 2.99 doa ,rr. yu- n Hale that lSWxtSK at - atre date for Both John Wise InfantV and ChiKlreu's NAPKINS at W o'clock. who -- r rorme.ny fine eaallty of soft finished Garmas Table I.ktss. 73 inches -- a..d John Huih. Also a gn waist and smart alocks nrs roraytb Desiini i a la have announced their Head-Eas- e wide. far tbs amart aat ara of to the Horn llul party, and yd Hotel by Miae from $2 M ta n.n at tbs Hawaiian Intend to work for a nomination to tbe Dresses, Shoes, I Kduced $C.M dss . 2n. representing; Wolfs Haw ley. latalatur. NAPKINS TO MATCH. 3xJ rfafs franctaco. Cat. K in- (Extra Large Slxa.) good enough Charter member of WIMInm Mr TV Kda" dears are Lodge No. S. K of P.. will meet In VII Tby are car ky. Coals, Hats, Saques, Will relieve the most severe to KIDS reward by David tK.mnnv Mall at 4 ti m. for the variety of sixes eu Hon f members and Initiation of TABLE SETS REDUCED IJLwrence Jfc Co, the rarlusie P-- m.. Powders de ltd.. Measra. ..m.rs elect. Alan, at :w Etc. ! Headache. These rent for lb manufartoreia. the snnw- - iU . for inatallaflon and In- - do Lb. asset Rsgslsr. g.S. This weak CoOsto topss aV Co th lodge. Memr r ..r " ubu. Cloth. StxSt. Rsgulsr. tS OS. Thie wssk lltuttna viaix-Inr- f not upset the stomach nor 1 N. 1. and Mystic. No. Z. MM an doth. 71xlla. Regular. $16.0t. This week mraieiravix or mawail Knlghta. are fraternally Invited to "W NAPKINS TO MATCH. be present st both meeting. Morasses and Button cause any disturbance. They SBT INCLUDIS ONK DOBN oa Oar Bacord Coonat VOLCANO. Shoes, in all sizes and Wintsr 8 tot ma THE are safe to take. Contain no ladies nkc:kwf.ar CHIFFON BOAS anya: Woema In colors at 50c. Ruffled soliars, broad ends, TB k,w Tsrk Tribune Belief Tbat Kilauaa is Getting LATEST NOTRLTIES. of a eolor-lag-a ap-pllq- na. tbs fswdwtcb lawands are uaoallir Heady to Firs TJp Carlson Currier Fpool morphine. ASCOT TIES Neweat neatly braided with lace rarely severe. Tb of plain or mercerized local character, but ar-rl- vd Kauai, which X sol-ka- ra esrtcs Ibar-- . as It does to Clark of the Silk, 3 for Be. Cham bray, with white pique 11 isbjnii - yesterday from Punaluu and $8 to SIS. otber ptocss. to aecordncHheva- by ' Kallua. nflrms the atory brought aiKon Cnrrier Button BOc and 75c each- - th. Wslaleale that there was no Indi Tv. ist, 2 for 5c. Mokuaweoweo, Hole Waabinctoo. Inatanes. cation of an eruption at t LAVTN TIES "THE KEISFR" I fr Kilauea gave every . tiass as muck rain aa Ton but that Inatead Plain with Dainty sets ssxapriaing bet .vri Hawaii. Indication of early action. Kllauea haa Cents, land. ale., or Bnrllrmton. Vi In Price 25 line a collars. with pretty gH buckle. coUar mrfwrbrnt sto-- o been belching forth huge volumes of ,h.r are oonlsla. of na- Rcitn ints rn Nonlay : 75c each. pieces. All seatty em- per,ePuo.y am ke for eeveral day a. and tbe and cuff rt tbs prclplltt.n avwa be certain that a vio- or baj Oa tost faw monlhs. however, tives appared to Next. broidered sa Uaea. Whits n- - rmtn " - of wa i.bout BROCADED SILK TIES Irvela or lent dleturbance Kllauea eolers. Xrti w) a coaipenssllon. m'r Fanny hemstitched border. i i place. with ii drouth to tak atjiji $2 set. paPJ Information of any kind, $1.50 each. ! P--H I M No definite lhe nortnsw receivad obtained, und un- A report baa recenllr been Ito baa. however, been Htatas of acreraJ abort but til the Klnau arrives today, there can M. BRASCH & Cn. t SILK CREPE TIES LTeer. tbM have vLeltcd tr I.r or BATHING SUITS atorma ChrlptajM be po certainty as to either Kllauea with ham- - mmm Tbs aertee began on Captain Brubu tabro!dered cell ara Very flna assortment. on ftrat sCcaal. t r- - inches Mokuaweoweo. Both H' chad ends. Kre and the Bc-- ! fil'lnaide twenty-eUth- t hour and Purser Clark witnessed tbe red $2 and $2 25 each- - window display. .'eTrawraary and March ther glow to the direction of tbe volcano 9 In ihe aggrs-iZ-r morr abowers which i:ot It to an eruption wV7 Incbes at low tssafw. but did attribute disisdlad "TO AT c"- - at en It af Mokuaweoweo. TAFFETA SILK 50c aass res ss ta dtsplag wiadaw af these silks. We will Incfars. BtUl another at.rm on Marcb AH Over Tantalus see tbe is lr-h- e In arui - t the abssa prioe, rs,e lit was llmltr.l to a ..mall .V party of T. M. C. A. men a This lat elalUllon At explor- BILK SALE BEGfNS WEDNESDAT. r. n x few mil, fr. m Honolulu good pait of the day yeaterday h city auffere.1 Us. most uf the points of interest ou It that Knaineertnie rtec- - ing A csTTcepondcnt of Ihe Tar.talu. On the return trip they ve- "r asya: --pn-iorlal - r iled th Al- xander hous and wrtie'r" infoms.-'ib- Ihnt the trail Int.. Manoa valt.y. it wai re-m- iha s.-n-rat.n mentioned now hold the fgatotol nn all- - merlcr. pirty. for lalands for ibelr by no 1 1 on Ihe Hawaiian there w. te representatives of Hawaii. I B. F. EHLERS & CO ...peetive 9mmmm. ftjgJL! Kngtond. Pull rajaV .s wnen the sTounn s British Columbia. cmntry share tbe e.ward Auetral' and liuaala as well. Fong FORT STREET. raTe fmcn upward of 12 per cent, and frequent gulches, the ,t with pUce - wfgTwhlch .run off - ab. 1 . ,rent. saw won " . . w ..r hniii auichea Ladies' WOODKM RACKETS ARE NOW 1 r in - deptns rryw ui' : . annus v ridSJ - Kr. .k. n into a aeries or Summer I7SRD KX 'I.i JIVKLT BT ALL IX- IS CONCERN PKKT PINO POXO PLATKRF Healthful and Invigorating CAPITOL 5kirts Be Rendered on Pr Which WiH w;: HAVE SOME OF THEM WITH Sunday Afternoon. hand will play this morning at Thi .. f all thr .k...in ita ' KOA HANDLKS. tbe police drill, and to tbe afteraoow . iMmi. n MiMibr a.i'fwblr u sttrnd ths fwcsptlon of Mr. and .... duck. ever U . g Mrs. - n thir tden rufTls and flarina fterer wln , . -- - mt Hi sooda displayed in J" wHMIng fatlvltles. Tom-rro- w - - n .on concert will b st th splt.l "fj Rainier I enace beer I. INKS CRASH SK HT. with ..sal ' & Co., Ltd 1'AltT I a i.-- .h in. to 44 i:,inn Pearson Potter flouui. ea ! The OU HunUr-- d . vVIRT SKIKTS. rorded t- - Main rture "Tbs i: ..vl tllory" KMna brown blue and grey, all se Union and ITutel Sts. Thone Mi 1 1 T- - . Verdi , t. M . a. i " - - liKN SKIRTS - Marliana Wallace tu.h- - wud 4lrt..n HswalUn Extra quality, vertial ' V.ical Selection Four Sou i f AU sixes. ' . ... . I ..-- . .I - K SKIHT saxy .i .T .. . aaSxasMwSaMwHSHssWBwSBsHsHHHssHMSslHsHsHW ' BEER ! t f A PURE ItT II t blue and oia a. was aiwiii ' " - "iilMfda" Verdi row a of trimiming an ati' .Uir4Cgg.- -'- .vllria N VY BLIK POLKA TOT ilRTS . m - mt . II I Wear irlmmiHl W ith . al Golf for Summer Firaaie- - "utli Shirts up 44 f4.se; "Tannhousr WsnrCatlln eases to incnes Oawrtars MAmri. an Airs" DOCK SK1BTS Spangld I tanner" BLACK POLKA DOT Silk . Cotton Goods The Star with two rows of whits riwssjlng Japanese lengthe from J io I of Gent's Furnishing Goods Hnigbta ' -- ' Baaknnd aaWI was xesde sp bere. Alsu new sssortment aut poLKA DOT Dl K KIR1-1 Tbe cloth ssed hn ear ehlrte came from of of 4 raws af J C ast. We also carry a Large Stock After the return at tbe Division tr1mrT1Pd all aroand with All eur an Mean sssds abarts from the ruffl'-a- . edged with whits a4.se, : : rbs lnlfortn Bank as tbs Knlgbts of Japanese Provisions Wholesale Dealers. ser- SKIRTS, Sss-- e- Instates from tb Memorial day vVBHT asrdsd grseu. isal eords. blue, brsws. vices ycs:rday aftem.xn. there was off- R- L- ate far h- -d following galrer X alrea. a and the , rrtns Captain. J. O. SKIRTS. SBaa satamv Wa tehee. icers wre elected: LINHN axa ssry st a shert time snip sen: eff r'guisr Whlteheail. first llutnnnt. James fancy stitsbad aad asrdsd. a7LANU ATEJiUE. 4 H. SA7ECilaia1120 second lieutenant. Gile. It A Taslor: sentinel. M A Braaeh Itere: King wsd Lilila Street. 4fawaalves. rinnliT C. E Mor .aalasaf DR V COOOS aysaanrer. K. Tiss-- . These officers W 0 OO..I.TD. J. D3Cll8 4 . JSS3Bt ZZ ymna rrn 3SAO A MM

THE KAClFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU. MAY SI, THE PACIFIC HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE- - Ha!stead&Co.,Ltd. Canadian-Australi- an Royal fommerciai Advertiser ALMOST A Honolulu. May St. 10b. Catered at the 'otornce at Honolulu. - I STOCK AND Mail Steamship Company H T.. Beconrt-riu- Matter NAME OF 8TO K Capital Tal Bid Aak K aud Every More n Except Sunday BOND BROKERS be the M xacaeTILB wXlt til CANADIAN MURDER Id 1AWAMAN COMPANY, of IBs. tkovf tin ruanlna cvt"re""r, B. C and Sydney. OA.KTTrJ ' Rrewer A Co 1,000.000 100 400 'oo Hott Blork No ) Routb Kn t N 8. Sach' Dry Good o. v W Baiataeaa t O.. Ltd too at m w . ceJlang at vicsorta. PKAHf.N Manaaer 4U Money Advanced od a StJH44"R1PrirN RATR8: L. B. Kerr OBh Ltd.. KW.OuO M or the United mates oncludlna Havai' Sugar Securities. )a er ab-.u- t ln datea Termor" i T. Duncan Carved Breaa I y B. C I as t j-- Vtciori and Vancouver. mo.. lis n ..000.00O 50 M ... Jir 4 t. 4 Ewa. Sal '"f j far Brtebeae and Sydney: St Haw. Agricultural o 1.000,000 100 j 270 C--: I I year IS) A Co too Haw. t om. Bug. 2.Si2.7S ! s 4 I n,vJ ratea on Haw. -- ugarCo 2.0110.. H 20 34 021 Fort Street. Vrar. jr-- j Aovrrtlain by an Angry , A..KANOI JL'LV Hononn 10U IS 126 JUX as, AUVJ. Huuokaa ... 2.000.000 30 IS Tel. Main 188. MS 00 100 15S jui.r a ...... Haiku WKHA .... ' Kabuku 5'H.O'O W . St . . Husband. hihei flao. Co.. L'd.. 2.500. 60 10 II . n M- - aV Aorangl. dua to aall for Vancouver RAILWAY & LAND CO. tLipabulu IflO.OOO ISO 109 I" HE ONLY DIRECT LIRE Ail toieadf M Siowrra. dee ta aall for the eolonlea on June 7th k ' .... 100 .... 14" mm rmm R M tL VUm Co. Ltd. not later than Tueaday. Mt Bryde Sug. Co. L'd. JO f 6'. M TIME . W2 ItBaell at the ' ,t 1aBL. Oabu Sugar Co. l.riOU. 00 100 tol . I.OOO.iOO , '3D 24 .... FIJI. o up down voyage. W. WAS Unomra aura. both and n. PANGELLY Uukala 5O'.000 ' 9 L 00tr running dally BETWEEN VANCOUVER From and f'rv I. 1901. Olaa Sugar Co. At.. ao as. 3S i ra wtater the run without chance, xne nneet railway er-fro- Olaa l aid Pp IAS l A' 10 iss OITWARIt ; . aMi MoNTRCAL. KNkE WIELDfR Uoralu iso 000 100 .... 1S5 Daily Itaily Dalle Dallr THt Plan- - ess la the ararM. Honolulu to Canada. United State and Eu-aa- d UH kaubau Sugar Btatloaa. am. t taliD Co 5 0OO.OU0! 6 ! 10! Sun. Sua. Pai'iflr V) XK) 100 2IS general Information, apply to 7M)n. 100 160 shi all p.m. p.m ala For fr-t- a. m am am 100 179 . : 1" IS I S ft: Bu8fty Ride of Wife and Di- IS'AK Honolulu . II Piouer 2.TS0.0I0 100 76 Saan Cly .. S8 4 HAS IS) Waialua ART. Co. l'O 82X 6 - Tb(0. H. Davies & Compaiy, Ltd. Kara Mill ... 33 !- u 4 os i" sturber of Domestic Life Wallufeu . . M0.SM 100 M): ft 4f .... Waimanaio 2S2.OP 100 166 A'riiar Waituva .... ( 100 Aatalua II M ft:4S .... Ends Disastrously. l.r. Kahuku 12:9 S:lft .... TKAMHHir Co'8 INWARD Wilder S. 8. Co S00.0"0 100 HO 8 o'clock last Inter-Islan- S. S. Co. laily Dally Dally Dally At twenty minutes of 600.001' 00 m TO v- i i fltatlons. ex. ex. a woman d.-..- up to t'.ie Queen'-- MlMKLUAKBoro n!rht Sun Bun. p.m p.m adrn'l-tanc- e DENVER Co. Hospital In a hack and akeJ . 4 Oceanic Steamship Kahuku . . 6 36 .... 2 Haw'u Eli ctru l 0 MSJB0 100 88 KANSAS CITY, 2-- her. R. I'. A L. 2oci.00( 100 Walalua S:16 .... for a man who was with Hon. Co... 102S - Mutual Tel. t o 3tt.oa 10 Walanae 7:1" I " The man was bleeding- from many O. K. A L. Co 2.cmu.0ie 100 66 90 ST. LOUIS, 5 SO 7 45 1 a Kwa Mill J2 wounds about the hands, head and OMAHA, Pearl City :1S 8S 1 JO 4:6i BOKDS leave thla port Honolulu M 1:0ft shoulders, made by a keen knife blade, teamera af thle line will rre and tJt I aw. Govt. 6 p. c SB1 5T. PAUL, . P. ENISON. F. C SMITH. a sight to the Mft and presented horrible Hilo K. R- - Co. Sp c... Superintendent. O P. A T. A. L. CHICAGO, SAM FRANCISCO: hospital staff when taken into the op Hon R. T A Co. ro AAJ( FRANCISCO: FROM A p. O. e ss 100 1 ALJB ft erating room. The woman gave the Ewa Pl'n p. c. i AND ALAMEDA JUNE 11 ALAMEDA JUNE METEOROLOOICAL RECORD. O. R A L. Co 104 SIERRA JUNE IS man's name as T. H. Duncan and ier b p. O Principal loMA jurta, ii 37 Oabu I'.'r. t astern Points i nn-I t 'ALAMEDA JUNE By the Government Buryey. Published own as Mrs. Virginia Pangelly. She Olaa Pl'n 6. p. c. . boa JULT ft Waialua Ag, Ce fi p. c. 100 ri'RA iULI s nnNOMA Every Monday. any statement to the SLA ME OA JL'LT S3 ALAMEDA .JULY IS refused to make Three Trains Daily from I VENTURA JULY 3 manner BUI MR A JULT taoM hospital authorities' as to the 8AN FRANCISCO. . . A t Day. aa. I an Sin a AUO. U ALAMEDA td. IIJ 3 in which the man had been wounded. No session Decoration A . K Two Daily from tel-rphrn- Trains a & ed K K i Superintendent Eekhardt at once for Deputy Sheriff Chilllng-vort- h. Uassinco AUvcrnscmcnK PORTLAND. .1 who hastened to the hospital. THE QUICKEST TIME BY MtAMft s 17 10 1" ao.os 72 81 0 u s its a HOURS. A-- nuraea were in p os a) o S7 g2 04 7o s muz A Dr. Waterhouse and the WANTED. M I90I42SS ss a 00 S3 1 MB 2 0 stanching wounds of the man and 6-- the T 3D 10 11 OK 73 R3 01 as a N 1 TWO or three unfurnished rooms for la aaetnectlon with tn aailins af the ahaea etoemere. the Agenta are pra-t- o w 21 10 08 as 'S 72 sa 1T2 6 KB S the woman was still waiting. The Dep- light housekeeping for man and wife. UNION PACIFIC TRAIN8 paaarnarera. Coupon Through Tlcketa hy any T 22 OH SO 01 7i 05 7 S as 4 Address J., this office. 6183 laaue. to Intendlns SO OS 71 HI A a questioned the womaa ARB PALACES ON 1 m r 2S 30.10 0466 kb uty Sheriff A from Ben Pran. lao to all put nta in ini iwiw, mat New Modern Equipment hy aay ateamahlp Una te all auropeaa ports. closely and learned that Duncan waa and York 12 FOR RENT. Double Trawlng Room Palae. Barometer corrected to F. and eaa about 45 years of age, a native af level, for atandard gravity of LaL 4S era. and Britain, and was living In Ke-wa- lo COTTAGH. six room., ten minute. buffet Smoking Library Care Thla correction la .M for Honolulu Great walk from town. Inquire 1482 Emma and 973 Queen la the Free Reclining Chair Cars. at No. streeL streeL 617S Ordinary Sleeping Can. TIDES. SUN AND M')ON house of on W. Pangelly. He learned Dining Car., Mealr a la earte. A FURNISHED bungalow an Tan ta- w. o. rom fTRTHBfl PARTICULARS. APPLY TO that Duncan has been calling at the pis hy the month. Sanitary plumb d. HrrcHcocx, jl - D8 month 1 Montgomery SL, mill fh o Pangelly house for about nine ing, ideal location. P. O. Box 344. Man Trr - F S and three tveeka ago moved lata the S17S A. L. CRAIG. O. F. A T. A. o O. R, taaftvi & ! I Infelicity shortly N. , house, and domes WM. G. IRWIN CO. e a "I e r m DTJRINO mmer-T- he Beckwith after ensued bet w en Pangelly and his Otetfaa. lp m Fx. a.m. a.m T houae af Halku MauU for rent fur. LIMITED. m. Mm v.ife. Pangelly is employed la the grw summer; 7 Mob. 2 17 . 2S 1 we II I s US So 10 i- - nished, for bedrooms Ski p m eery department of T. H. Davie & Oo.. roomy water, A Co. laaai; abundant fruit (tK!f BRAL OUST" Ockanio S. S. 27' 7 17 1.4 SO I 4 .2 O? H So 10 60 sad la about 63 years of age. Duncaa and shade trees, etc. Apply to C. FI. a aa 1 FOR SALE! Wad.. t3 8 4 1.11 6 Mi JT .Jl in the pattern department Dickey. 61SS rhur BP 10 01 3'JS 2 411 . 18 a m ,t the Honolulu Iron Works. 3 - Stld. SB IS 12It 1 SS 4 14 4 26 6.17 SH W.II Pancelly went out about 2 o'clock COTTAGH in Falama, near Rapid am .ra yesterday afternoon, and shortly after- Transit Line. Apply ta C. F. Peter- - sat... S 1160 14 it 16 466 6 62 17 S SS C 60 son, 15 Kaahumanu street. S155 Al Business Preperlj II) SI. Pangelly Duncaa went Co. P Ill i wards Mrs. and Mail 1 7 OS 17 BH I Pacific Steamship 13.S6 ft 6 24 6 S2 out riaing in tne uusg, le 6on.. S 1 24 I H 0 IS 11 8.0 17 Sa 2 IS COTTAGES, furnished or unfurnished i mming to the house about 7 o'clock For particulars apply to K. C. Smith Lat quarter of the moon, 1:30 Friday BJajht The husband chide J hia Peninsula, ar H. Waterhouse, Hono morn ins. y '. lie atoilt k .nig out wnn uunian, anu lulu. 6134 (Warehouse 40x90 i n.. or tna tKBa are taken from the in.un t ok a hand in the controversy 80x90 sKiiiptv lot adjoin- - 80x90 I'nitrd Htatea Coast and Oeodetlc Bur wife, interfering & S. 8. Co. vey between husbund and ( ine, 40x9U Occidental Oriental tablca. to surh an extent aa to tell Pangelly OFFICES FOR RENT. The tldea at Kahulut and IIIlo occur A IN building. Queen hout one that it was none of his business. BREWER street, Toyo KiS9n Kaisha. hour earlier than at Honolulu ensued between the men. end- on reasonable terms. Apply to C and Hawaiian standard time la 10 hour tn Brewer & Co.. Ltd. On-enw-t ing In Pangelly going to the kitchen, compantra wilt at Honolulu and leave thla minute slower than h time, be-- Within e sv reach of wharves nt th above a" i 167 where he procured a carving knife. ar-j- t - - b-- 'ng that of he of r th- lat- low ui BUonea: AM 1 . d.ree - and down town tniRii.eBs h ui in n n it.-- The time whlatle blow at 1 ' lth whK-- he returned t where Dun- CRMCUpn ROHMQ Tfi I PT Wtm CHINA AMD JAPAN: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: p. m.. whKh ! thr aam.- - a O .rnwlch can stood. He wielded his blade with - SINGLE or en suite; suitable for gen JUNB PEKINO .MAY 2 hour 0 mtnutea. Bun aad moon are for errlb'.e effect, slaaalng Duncaa- over t local time for the whole eroup tlemen; ce.itral. Apply Advertiser $5,000 may on mortgage. HARM JUNE II OAK!.: JUK I the left shoulder, on the head, and cut office. 617s remain rviri JL .r. i it .'.rvi haku ji .r. I hia left hand In a horrible manner. The JUNB SI I CHINA JUNK 21 . r AND WAVE. palm 1b literally cut to shreds, every aartawriSioMCl HARD JULY ft DORIC J I K 2S tendon being severed. The. right hand FOR SALE. IS NIPPON MAIlU JULY f u s. Jl.XT waa cut in a similar manner out not FIVE-ROO- M t 1C COTTAGE on Walklkl gastleTuksdale SaSni JULT 9 PERU J'LT DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STA so thoroughly. When first brought toj Road. All modern improvements. JULY SI I COPTIC JULYS May 30. 10 p. m. ateena'MARlt TION. Weather the hospital Mr. K.-- iar.lt thought the Rapid Transit will pass door. Appiy AUO. ft AM Kit I) 'A MARU AUO. clo'l'ly. w ind HkIU tc 11 northeast. man would not live long. He was put to C. H. Dickey. 6173 CJDFTK: AUO. IS PEKINO Al'O 4 Real Estate. Insurance, AUO. OAHlasIC a a a a e a ee a a e e a e AUO. Jt' under anaesthetics and the wounda AMERICA MARU 1500-l- b. Investments. H' N'iKONO MARU AUO. WEATHER BUREAU. were closed aa far as practicable. ONE (fifteen hundred pound lee-maki- ng Honolulu. Alexander St.. May SO. ascer-tatne- d machine, in good order, As soon as Mr. Chllllngworth one Telephone 70 Main. 606 and 607 easessaaaeeeeeeeeeeeee Man temperature 75. who the knife wielder waa. he also turbine water wheel. For Minimum temperature 71. further particulars, apply Libue Ice otanoenwald Bldg. went to the Pangelly house. There Co.. Lihue. Kauai. 6130 Maximum temperature SO. were no lights In it, but after entering apply to P. M. S-- S. Co. Barometer at ft p. m. 30. OS. steady. Wm aweeral Information 14-ln- Pangelly was found. When a light was ONE ch condenser, 10 inches in itainraii. 24 boura up to 9 it. m. .04. officers were to Mfftn dew point for the day S3. struck the horrified diameter, and iron frame for ame. 4 HACn B It KW Kit & 4 Mean relative humidity ft?. see Pangelly almost saturated with can be seen at this office. 61u9 C8 Winda Northeast, force A His clothes were reeking with NEW YORK LINE 1 : Weather Fair, with sprinklee of rain li and it was. smeared over bjsi FOIsMMR & SCHWINO 8x10 lona t & Co., Ltd, from tne xalleya. face and hands, showing that the rocus urapnic camera; 36-in- leath- Bark Fooling Suey II. double-swin- g Ilackfeld today-Moder- ate er bellows: Forecast lor trades. Mruirgle must have been a fearful one. reversible, y Sailing from ralr weather except slight vaJ'a-- show. When the Deputy Sheriff entered the back; rising, falling and sliding AGENTS ITS. h Pangelly said: front; top and side made to open for NEW YORK to HONOLULU A LYON-Terrltorlg- l use as a short focus camera; nUBTIS J "I am all right. Mr. Chilling-worth-. level MeteorologisL finder, one plate-hold- er and tripod; About July 1st I've been waiting for you." On the also, a Bausch & Lamb teloscopic For freight rates apply to V vay up to the station houae he re- - lens for use with above oamera. Car. i.'.:rked to the deputy: (HAS. BRKWBB A CO. ARRIVED. be seen at Advertiser office. 6105 27 Kilby ' Friday. May 20. "I have stood this thing as long as I St.. Bostoh. American-Hawaiia- n Steamship Stmr. Kauai. Ilruhn. from Kallua. culc." AN 8x10 rectilinear lens; no name; of C BRKWBB A CO., V, Puualuu. Kapua. Hookena. at 9:S5 a. Els "a booked at the station for In- - with Bausch A Larab lri. diaphragm IJMITBD, HONOIiUlrj. m.. with S230 ban sugar. 2 pkgs. sun sty.itlon pending the condition of shutter. For particulars and price, dries. the wounded man. call at this office. Stmr. Nllhau. W. Thompson, from A divorce suit was pending In 7000 the ONE f Anahola, st t a. m.. with bag su "lrrnlt Court last December 5x8 Bausch A Lamb Rapid Onl- - OR. gar. between versal lenj. with Iris diaphragm. Casi RAUL'S . he Pangellys which was BETWEEN s. S. !! NI.;hi:a. from settled out of be seen at this office. CETiEBRATED PENNY TAN IMREirr MONTHLY SERVICE the OrlenL off.' port at midniKat on crurt. ThurKday. docked at 8 a. m. Am. schr. Mary K. Foster. Thompson. LOST. New York to Honolulu via Pacific Coast 23 days from Port Gamble. A PAITt of eyeglasses, about Sure Cure for all Female Irreguiarltta. ago. They week THE SPLENDID NEW BTKEL STEAMERS were in a case. rith A. DEPARTED. . N. Sanford's name on outside, Please Sold only by 9J a. biawamaw to aall about May 2 return to S.. Advertiser office. 6180 ftV & Friday. May 30. A OREGONIAN. to aall ahut July Am. bk. Mauna Ala. W. Smith, for Honolu'u Drug Co. Frasgai r etved at Company a wbarf. Forty-seoon- d .treat. South Uro k San Francisco, 1 p. m. To should bo -- at FOUND. whom all orders addroo. at ait tin a. 4s ad DUE TODAY. A FELT embroidered buggy robe on Freeman, from Hllo Beretania street. Call at 1907 Young BH Stmr. Klnau. and street, near Artesian. 6183 way porta, due about 1 p. m. 44 Supreme'y Beau ifui San lExsLrxdsco Htmr. I'hua. Napala. from Molkal THE PEN IS A LADY'S gold ring. Owner fADEB. t .May 17 Maui ports, due in can and afternoon. have by calling at 1535 Kewalo street, Tho style of Millinery work at the Fraiajat received at y a wba rf. Stewart street. Pier 20. - MIGHTIER THAN near Wilder avenue, proving property parlors of BAIL TODAY. " and paying all expenses. 617S Miss N. F. Hawley. FROM SEATTLE AND TAC02IA S. H. City of Peking. Nichols, for San THE SWORD BOSTON BLOCK. 11 CA LI F R N I AN. t aall April 1 Francisco, at a. m. Alack, there Ilea more peril THE MELROSE. IBJttCAJ. ta aall ue IS In thine PASSENGERS. eye 1444-145- 3 KINO ST. I Arrived. Than twenty of their sword.. Shake- speare. Fur farther particulars apply to Per stmr. Nllhau. May 30. from Ana Pleasant Rooms, with excellent Table 184 N. Hotel and Ibola I. II. Kahiilr.a and one deck It would seem from Shakespeare's Service. per . aee nd Moderate Prices. 168 S. Ring St. For arrivals t. I'eking. musings, there are other thlnga mlght-.e- r M. 6k paxe IX. Te Blue. licycles Exchanged, Repaired, Haokfeld Oo.t than either Pen or Sword. W Bought & p General Freight Ajrent. The power of a perfect eye Is weird and Sold. Prices IteaaoDaole, stone--f in It. mystic spell. If you would have perfect eyes and Just Received If in bad numor perfect P--y GLOBE NAVIGATION COWPANY, LTD. eyesight you must heed the the Alameda, the following goods DROP INTO THE warnings that tell of eye-strai- n Na- SOUND-HONOLUL- U WATCHES H. U Roll Oats PUOET ROUTE DURABLE ACCURATE ture's demand for help. H. Hominy and When ye help Is BOWLINfTpARLORS tma direet. mt irmnaf-- r. needed. let us he II. O. HolitrHne 101 with the O N. Ry, N. P. R. R.. and Co. rreta-b-t frora all potnta. The Keystone Watch Case the helpers. M. 4). Ria Kit CAB Baatern short rat posalble PBiladalphla.U.S.A and chuck a few lignum vitae balls at aiausesM M. . Hiick Wheat our a Bee Seattle an aa or about Apm tenpins. Tam is. America s Oldest and and also a Seattle and T on or about May 10. Largest Watch Factory a fancy lot of eardy. . . www Co. nurj, For sale by A. N. Sanford, Oahu Tailorint? AOKNT HAWAIIAN ISLANDS trohant Tallora TuTtaaaaaajy. B aa ... : The Principal Watch Tsv - - w.h P W R.rhe.,er. 90 Dealers Manufacturing Oo'tclan. a E rrmmmmmmt ana ageata or above in -- ... railroads, win fumiah ifn.. Boston una G0EASr Rnits mnde to cleaning. Re- Hawaiian Islands Port Street. Beretania and F.rnma Ordr. Over May Co. Sts Groceries pairing and pressing; corner Bere- a TeL Bins MIS. - rj tania A- Emma els., Honolulu, T. H J 16 PAGES. m rrral PAGES 9 TO 16. I ESTABLISHED JULY 9 ISM.

VOL XXXV. HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 190a. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 4 . KOFES81QMAL CAKDS. HULL JURY t P PICTORIAL X ARCHITECTS HISTORY OF THE WEEK rwaritstte A PAflR Architects Builders. Office, 3d floor. Elite built-i- n jr. Hotel street: sketches and oor-re- ct estimates furnished at short no- DISAGREED tice: Tel. 23: F. O. box 773. ATTORNFV5 FRED W. MIL.VERTON. Rooms 83-30-4 Stangenwald block; Tel. Mate 83. Notorious Case THAYER & HEMEN WAY. Office 804 Stangenwald building: Telephone S$f Results in a Main. BROKKI18. ".. J. WALKER. Coffee Broker. High- Mistrial. est prices paid for No. 1 Parehmenf Coffee. Send samples. CHIROPOTH8T. D. M. THOMSON. Expert Chiropodist. COURTS WILL NOW No. 11 Garden Lane, between Union and Beretanla streets. REST UNTIL JULY DR. W. R. BOOLE Offlce, Oregon block. Hotel and Union 8t. THt Ti laVb iAI Term Ends Today and Hut CONTRACOK3 May WM T. PATY. Contractor and Buu- - er. store ami office fitting: shop Ala-ke- a phreys Will Hold Over His St.. between King and Hotel; Special Term. res.. 1641 Anapunl. DHN1ISA. DR. H. BICKNBLL-Mclnt- yre M4fl., ikt May rm of Clrcoil Coart will rooms 2 and 14; offlce hours, t to 4. . mm today. The jury waa excused - for tlss Mra yesterday, and today will ALBERT B. CLARK. D.D.S. Pereta- nvro over by Judge Robtnaon to nia and Miller; office hours. to 4 divorce cases. 4. E. GROS8M AN. D.D.S. Alakea ft. The Iwrv Is the caac of J. W. Hail. three doors above Masonic Temple, offlce hours. 9 a m. to 4 p.m. . afjfked wit rap, failed to reach Honolulu: no .nfnntnt. and there being R. GEO. H. HUDDY. Mclntyrs bidg , af a verdict, waa discharged at rooms 1 and 3; 3 a. m. to 4 p. m. ft ' clock lJrt evening. yesterday DR. A. C. WALL. DR. O. E. WALL. Thm defenw waa cloaed Office hours. 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Lore miming, and after brief rebuttal and bidg.. Fort St.; Tel. 434. .Pnmnii the Iutv wss sent out at 3 a uses mab.he. ,r!ark Th defendant waa on the KLECTHICAL F.NCJIN KKII8. .and and maintained his Innocence of JAS. S. McKEE. Electrical, Mechanls- - m4mwet4e4mee4 al and Consulting Engineer; office, of May4eterm, hwt 11 13. Progress block. the he was In rooms and A rr .i'Jr manufactured the Islands and ,,...r,.. w that Hall had been decided now LULUAINUI scapegoat committed by not to do so until July. UIL exported to California, and It is be- WHAT THIS MAN SAYS for a crime Th- - r.;.- - n n th:-- . BNOINEERS. which the Holts ir!.-- f..r la the lieved that there msy still be a small nam else, bot for of the Supreme Court beginning next MANUFACTURE ARTHUR C. ALEXANDER. --Survey b punish factory somewhere In the Territory, as 4M bidg.; P. were determined he should Monday, following which there will be or and Engineer, Judd d. Attorney Dv Bolt la hie addr the Oil Is used In some places by the Only Reechoe the Sentiment O. box 733. a man a term of court at Maui, at which quite te th Jwry plainly chanted that a number of Honolulu attorneys wilt Mark't for Possible Hawaii natives for hair dressing. Formerly, of Tbousm'is In Our ;atton. a co.. waa the real culprit. also, the oil was In il- neill ltd. rvasaed Kent well be In attendance. All three Judges will Product in the used lamps for Bepubiie. neers. Electricians and Botlerm M o'clock the 1ury reported to the hoar chambers matters as usual from luminating purposea Honolulu. retirt and Foreman Babbitt stated that now on begins. East The greater part of the cocoanut oil until the July term The Honolulu reader Is asked to !. TAPPAN TANNATT. Civil aa the last poll showed six for and sis morning Judge Humphreys used in the of soap Is Engineer. Office. Rosas 4. This will manufacture thoroughly investigate the following. Electrical gainst convwtkm. A large number hear the chambers matters which were shipped to San Francisco from Samoa Spreckels block. Residence. 1313 Wil- oil Is sug This can readily be done as the gentle der Ave. Telephone, Main 183. of ballots had already been taken and set for yesterday. Judge Robinson will Cocoanut manufacture and from the Tongan Islands, though gSd there was any p gested as a new Industry, or a revival man whose-- statement Is published be- he not bl:ere finish up the term business, and will the greater part of the copra from the JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soo. C. E. of a change. Judge Robinson hold day. He of an old one. In a letter of Inquiry low will be only too pleased to give 304 tftmr - court all has six divorce latter place goes to Australia. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; offered to send the Jury out for addi- cases set specially for this morning which the Department of Agriculture minute particulars to anyone enquiring Judd bidg.. Honolulu; P. O. box 7M. tonal consideration of the case, but in There are stilt four or Ove has received. The Iowa Soap Co. of not out of idle curiosity but if the en criminal WHERE THS LILIES OHO W. HNfJRAVP.KS. view of the vote the Jurymen did not ies not yet heard. which will go over Burlington. la., writes: 'As we have quirer really suffers from any of the po come to an agree-mea-t. ' V. BEAKBANE. Card Engraving ant heller It ble to until July or Aurum Cofne to uae ,are q.uan,t cocoa-- KiL Bxbl-- I consequences which always attend Kinney for the proee--, Among these are the two murder First Picture at the nana Stamping; room 3, Elite building. Attorney cases or nut oil. and the supply is very nearly to Change weakened or inactive kidneys. Read De Bolt for the defense both Kerris and Klmura. bitioa Hands utlon and J carefully gentlemen THE GODFREY DECREE. exhausted In New York and Ban Tne flrat p,cture to marked as what this has to IN5IJIIANCH .creed to a discharge of the jury say: mem Judge Humphrey yesterday signed Kranclsco. It has occurred to us that j MOuKanioll,. on view at the ?HH MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE which the Court did. thanking tta - u-- e thoe the dtrte In th.- of Kldwell vs. you might give us car- CO. OF NEW YORK. In case. On the namej,onana Art oxhlbitlon was No. Mr. J. D. Conn, of this city, is a . . . for their services the Godfrey and Issued an Injunction re by employed S. B. ROSE. Agent. Honolulu. Co wot seven to straining from In any oi some manumciurer in Hawaii iromi -- by Mrs. penter trade, and is at the lurv stood the defendant Where the Lilies Grow." the Oahu railroad. "I was troubled upon way Interfering with the possession of whom we could buy. as we presume It J MUSICIANS nail waa allowed to go th Helen Kelley. says Mr. Conn, an aching back. the llanos valley property by the , "with hnd whic h he already has up In this plaintiff Is msde there freely. Thil pU.ture was particularly noted The attacks occurred periodically for COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL Love bidg.. you will kindly give our ., I will hold summer term during July ax The decree orders: "ir namej tWa mnMmm nf ,h(. nPa, viw oa years, and especially if happened to and August. NO COURT UNTIL. JULY. 1 That the said Frank Godfrey be to some manufacturer there und have the more so as It represents a spot on catch cold. There were also other s-- symptoms and he Is herbv declared to be the wim write us and nd us small sam- - which plainly showed that H May term of court r-- r - - the Walkiki road which has always A VICIA. Today will end the tn.- s jon:i . try kidneys were out order. tru .n:i ui kii- v. ..r .... r I - of short ... 1.1. ik. ...r..Ant fr..A - DR. nd all three Jodgea will take a rest Vfll in reet t to one undivided one jUralvn especial attention...... for Its tropi- time ago. I heard about Doan'a Hack W. HOFFMANN Beretanla St., ., half of said land situated at Manna, fatty acid together with prices, freight Kidney Pills ami wonderful opposite Hawaiian Hotel. Hours, t to lu'v it was the Intention of cal beauty, but which has been marked ache the 11 1 3, 7 8 p. Honolulu. Island ad (tahu. containing j a. m.; to and to m. call a special and ill Information regarding It things they were doing. 481. Humphreys to for before what is called . Jodgs destruction Pnu-eciimg- Phone White . then, t.t r & o. s Immediately upon cooelusion I we uu:u apprei late it very mui-n- Hollist. term the Wallelo. the path of modern improvement. drug store. I obtained some of these. X. Thai the said Frank Ottlfrey do use frtun fifty ti sixty tns per month. The league R. T. MITAMURA Office. 1468 Nuu- - ! to attendance at the Art Since taking these pills there is a great St.; 152: office forthwith execute and liver the which makes It a very Important Item I anu Tel. White hours, anld John Kidw. ll a dt .1 ion.ylng t xhlbltlon has thus far been quite Improvement In me. always keep 8 to 10 a. m., and 6 to 8 p. m.. except -- a.-- ; i In- - us. some of pills on now so as FOR FREE old John Kid ary and all the to lurge. It remains ; to the public the hand f Sundays. SSNO by In be provided for any contingency. terrt nciulrd him said land lr BsSSISJIl 1 of th- - Agricultural through today and ensuing week. staewv.'t ano oy virru-- ' : in- - the ei su:v ir anyone troub:- u as 1 was under Kxieriment Station has started 10 DR. J. UCHIDA. Physician and Bur rated and delivered to him by Alice should give Doan'a Backache Kidney geon: office, Beretanla. between Fort U0IES CHiiDHBPS Mrtcair. trustee, beating date the th look Into the matter, but dMs n t be- - Diarrhoea Is more to be dreaded than fills a fair trial they will not fail to and Nuuanu streets; offlce hours, 8 to day of January. ISSS. lleve there Is any factory of else ages be benefited by them." 12 a. m.. 7 to 8 p. m.; Tel. 1211 S White. 1 ' be i that diphtheria. It attacks all and is Iftlf A That a perpetual Injunction - - Issued out of nd und- - r the s al of thl ; l"r nr.- .k- Minui on i equally fatal to young and old. The i '...ins i;ackacie Kidii-- fins are court comrrandlng and strictly enjoin- - no extra, ted from the nut. Whal gre.it mortality resulting from diar- sold by all druggists and storekeeiers M0TICE ing the saHl Fran a jrr.-y. nis at- - la proper - - excess of cocoanut there Is In rhoea due to the lack of 50 t- PERSONS needing.or knowing of those .- - . . at cents per box (six boxes - or l.iriWl". u uii .'ii- who do need, protection from physi- ing any interest in aaia ianu oy. the Islands Is shipped t San Fran- - treatment at the first stages of ttw will be mailed on receipt of price by Colic. Cholera cal or moral Injury, which they are through or under him. under penalty l Cisco and then returned to Hawaii In disease. Chamberlain's the Hollister Drug Co.. Honolulu. not able to obtain for themselves, f being adjudged in contempt or this and Diarrhoea Remedy Is a rehab e may I. HISN'M L CO. any thereof, the shape of oil and feed for stock. wholesale agents for the Hawaiian consult the Legal Protection irt for dlsobdlmc to ad effective medicine, and If given In Committee of the Anti-Salao- n absolutely refrain and desist from pro In his opln'on the manufacture of the Islands. League. 9 -- time will prevent serious consequences. Mclntyre building. W. H jl AO iasco. ceeding In said action to quiet title oil would le profitable to the lalands. name. Doan'a, and! RICE. Supt. ftltfi tiled by said Frank Godfrey against This remedy never falls and Is pleas- Remember the said John Kldwell In the Circuit Court If sufficient cocoanuts were raised to ant to take. Every household should take no substitute nt the First Circuit on the 13tb day supply a factory sufficiently large to have a bottle at hand. Get It today. of January. 1WZ ' pay There will be a celebration of the for the Investment in machinery. It may save a life. Benson Smith A In ' a 4. That the complainant nave ' Holy Communion Pt "lement A good many years ago 11 M roat. to b-- taxed by the clerk cocoanut oil Co.. Ltd . wholesale agents, sells It. "hurch tomorrow at o'clock First Consideration When one denides to have their denUI AT THE AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND, WHARF work attended to, is to have It done is the beft possible manner, and the ae-- - ond consideration Is the price. Tre high class of work turned out at the NKW YORK DENTAL, PA R LO K B every day counts, and more people are itaasBB real Ixl ng that they can get better work done th.-r- e and at lower prices tilsiu anywhere else. ' ' ' h in charge of a - t. our opt rati rs are graduate aTcn- - tits of the best recognlxed schools in the United Btatea. or the world. And - have had many years of experience in (jf their f fionrn profession. NO PLATES

gBxBsftf 1 Have you seen anything j iiTrmr i r ... r tammw narl than the? r always It 4fLa iyrr t of O'der and read imn.liat --e Har ALL Full Plate of Teeth $5 V, this in f'n WM iMAhh Gold 'r'.wn 8 Pt M'D Tfc OHHONa ItNUKR All Brid : Work, per Tooth 6 KOK ONK YKAK. ..Id Fillings 1 OS AtlAk ANTKK Silver Fillings 8 I AN YOU ASK UnMI of other I If money is an object to you. come av. ! a number ind see us. We will tell you In ad- a --ft ; ..nrk. and yott can h vance exactly what your w.-r- Will uniform in I "St. No charge for examination. wiUk ou li-- d, tty re All our instruments are thoroughly sterilized. service. s e.. vft.n yoo not let a-g- iv v. u .n Hours, to Sundays, 9 to 13. U Ladles in attendance. diima'e un OHiipIrt in ti Room 4. Elit- - building. Hotel street I COTTON BROS. & CO. ' . dT; Z- - The Oceanic Gas t a Ti fjjsssE 7ftCi-:sss'.- "NGrNEERS AND GENERAL OON- - TRACTORS. Electrical Co. ; and HAIL AND PA5SF.NGER5 AT AUCKLAND UNDER THE PRESENT QUARANTINE REGULATIONS e r. : SMjrpiNG I10N0LLLU AND SAN rRAN'CISCO Pl&ns and Estimates furnished far all Alractt for every ms) !aases of Contracting Work. Block. Merchant St- - Phone ...eeeee Boston Block, MAY 31. 10 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU, 190a. . . . t lttl,lttM t ttr MHHtIMI MADAM CAMBON, WIFE OF tt1 I -- HUMOROUS i f SCIENTIFIC 1 I THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR The "water-cure- " practice will at Eucalyptus and other trees of the up -. I - " , least tend to keep the American hobo Australian deserts store wat-- , out of the Philippines. Philadelphia which the natives obtain ly cutting up Ledger. the roots and standing the pieces an end-- "Goodness! how that railroad stock rail- does fluctuate." "Yes. ifa a wise Human serum, contrary to expect. -- road stock that knows its own par." tion, has proven effective- - in counte- Philadelphia Press. racting effects of the tsetse fly bits in lower animals, and feebly active a Mr. Westside Is Brlggs still paying preventive. attention to your sister? Eastside Naw they've been married this two Though Vesuvius has Veen for ci-turie- s mont's! Brooklyn Life. discharging steam charged wi hydrochloric acid, extt-nsiv- e injury Popularity: Do you think he would vegetation in the surrounding reg be a success in politics? les. m-de- ncciiu yj ja v uia ii uuniit'hii uillll THE HIDDEN MANNA. A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE. Why. he has thoroughly master- year. ed the knack of looking interested when ly A C Benson A man tu talking to his fellow he is being bored." Chicago Post. The youthful appearani e of nat ' A tale of ton l gn-- f 'Id. travelers in a Pullman smoker, relates women of Swaziland is attributed i . Of sheltered life and dull desp. "The Kansas City Star." Elderly Lady Aren't you ashamed to secret elixir, which, like all Kaffir re Aad mm h- - spoke a raUt unrolled. "On one occasion." he said. I was In- - seen smoking cigarettes, little boy . edies, ts obtained from an herb, Slid er.gHa eorrowful and fair Little Boy Sure I am: but wot's a fel-- : which preserves plumpness, etc., th 1 ing Tennessee, oaj leaves of trees did hold down in the mountains of to do when he ain't got de price of or forty years. where everything Is primitive, and on a rigar? Philadelphia Record. Ah me' 'twas I. not espied I Baptist church. h. healing Sunday attended a Pure barium, as lately obtained y prjYertng hande. that to my surprise and interest, the - Now, who wrote Much Teacher- Ethel, the M. in if . -- tree. women were on one side of the Guntz the electric furnace, seated "Kleyy in a Country Churchyard?" ver-white freshly gel the bitter spring, beside men on I when cut, almost x TV alien t well of agony house and tbe the other. Ethel Please ma'am, it was Willie soft as lead, fuses at a low red beat; I. waa satisfied. had never seen anything of tbe kind Smif. I seen him going in the church- bright And aot be. were over I and volatilizes rapidly at a red Ca Ixmdon Spectator. before, and after services yard at recess, ma'am. Chicago Daily It oxidises rapidly in the air, often Us- e to one of the members about it News. ing lire. SECRETARY SHAW AND MALI NX as he was a pillar of tbe church and a man I knew quite well. First Boy (contemptuously) Huh! magician, recently visited " 'We have always done it that way in washin'. Second Very light plates for electric prin.y Malta, the Your mother takes cells are made by A. De Castro, yr aXvetary Shaw and bewildered blm be sand In explanation. Boy O' course; you didn't .s'pose she'd " 'Bo's worship Ood accordln' to overnight Berlin, by depositing metal on textile Ae- - to leave it hangin' out unless Sail-clot- h, several of hia magic trtcka Tit-Bit- by electrolysis. with our own consciences, as the constitu- your father was in prison, did ye? s. fabrics far to the New Tork Sun. Mallnl a instance, may be impregnated with re- tion pervldea." be replied, in matter copper the Secretary a crisp ten- - of course tone. duced for the negative elements - and with reduced zinc for the posit,' v a alar "Buffalo note." and told hint to " 'But sitting- on opposite sidea of At the Concert: Fosdiek Why do tbe church doesn't make any difference you applaud such a lon and weari- elements. "bead u tight-- " with your conscience, does it? I kept some sonata? Keedlck I've been sit- Tbe Secretary clinched according to on. ting so long that all my limbs have The preservation of fruits and veg- laatraeCona. -- 'Don't Itr be said, with emphatic, gone to sleep. I wish to restore the etables oy cold has been a subject sf In knowledge It did. eirr-nhttion- - tre. tc:.s by the makers of a French svi- - "H fm lb art aow. la it not?" the confidence the that Jinl Well. It makes all tbe difference In tbe T'hurous acid freezing machine. At t aaagldaa asked. world. Do you mean to say that a "Grandpa." said a little girl. "I saw to 40 degrees Fahr.. perfectly ripe -- Certainly." replied the Secretary. man kin set over there alongside uv this morning running across ns were kept unchanged for elgfu his wife, where she kin nudge him In 1 the kitchen floor without any Res. uaj a.nu ine ripening 01 piums. naanUy. every 4 bananas, etc., was completely --Open your hand.- - commanded the tbe short ribs with her elbow What do you think it was?" "What time tbe preacher says anything she III! was It r "Water, sm-- l tne youni;.- - r say. man Msdam 'ambon. wife of the French i billows of the Seine strike her with Post-Dispatc-h, Darwin laid great stress on tbe "sw -- HecretarV op-n- -d nis tignuy thinks fits bis case? I kin a triumphantly. St. Louis to Is to' horror. That Is why I am a wmower." viva! of the fittest" in the struggle sf rloaed band and the bill wax one. do that and worship God accordln' Ambassador. paying her first visit conscience? Not much he can't. I i nn was one reason, nut me musi A Slight Misunderstanding: Land- living forms for a place on eartn eoald aworn." eaid Mr. Shaw his the American Capital. Notwithstand- I f bare reckon, nowhere, an' pertlckler not In ureent is the delicate health of the lady I hope you slept well, sir? New in e Kropotkin. in a new work. crisp hill 1- ihoujchifully. tlsat I felt that ing this fact she already has a host of youngest child, a girl Of -. -:- i-. - y this neck uv woods.' little Sh' Boarder No. I didn't. I've been trou- that "mutual aid." a kind sf m m hand physicians -- palled cards out "The explanation end the argument friends on account of her husband's has spinal tmublo and her bled with insomnia. Landlady Look i. operation in nature, has been, like The ma lea then M. cross ocean, evoru-tlo- n. o, beyond contro- popularity. Cambon is accounted feared to have her the give you sov- competition, a leading factor in mt the Becretary'a pock-t- from down carried conviction all here, young man, I'll a up hla versy, and I bad no more to say." the most popular diplomat at Wash- and. of course, Madam Cambon could ereign for everyone you find in that aarh at hia neck, from ington, with the possible exception of not leave. There are two other chil- ateeeea and from aader hla coat, and teil. Punch. Mr. Wu. the genial Chinese. The dren: the eldest. Roger, will graduate -- then asked the Secretary to arise from THE UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH. The great dust cloud of the Km French Ambassador has received morej from the College of St. Cyr, the West Coming Out of a Women's Club: "The toa eruption in 1S83 been rej- - hla rbair. Then be pointed rrproacb usually in two years has - may you American honors than the United States Point of France, about between my husband's club explos- falls- to a balf-doae- n cards scattered "Tou think know difference duced on a small scale by an bestows on foreigners, and during his the second. Jules, is at a preparatory pretty woman in MO aaj the seat and said sorrowfully: women with advanced Ideas and un- aad mine," said the or pounds of blasting gelatine four years' sojourn he has won the college in Pari?, turquoise colore ! toque, looking at cot-- "f didn't think you'd do It. Mr. Shaw modes of living." said a the Perranporth, on the Cornwall i conventional confidence and admiration of people in Uivjam 'i:nbon" will saU from Havre aft-r-tw- o No wonder I bad no success with my her watch, "is that m:n lasts from Rain and snow falling six days member of a Philadelphia publishing every section of the country. These' nn La 8a vole on Saturday and is ex until six. and his lasts from six ward deposited a yellow sediment, even trtdrs." Arm to a local Interviewer recently, people rejoice 20th. The Secretary looked his bewlMer will to entertain the Am pected In Washington about the until two." Life. at one point 113 miles away, and this "but they are not to be compared with bassador's wife, and her stay in Amer- IS to rnna;n in this coun- mm be bad not b n out of his Her intention proves to be undoubtedly dust from th mrnl. their Kngltsh sisters. There Is nothing ica will be In a social not ac- Lka-ye-r hair since to mag1ian entered the the. nature of try about two months. She is Hard Wbtk: First How did explosion. so demure as an English girl before ovation. . companied by any of her children and yon come out in settling up oia ot- - - . she la married, but matrimony, some appearance is as to or.-- r-- -lt Madam fambon' she will be anxious tit them. rox's estate? So L i" was - - soap mined near Asa- how or other, seems m change her familiar to Washlngtonians as her She will pr- si le at the embassy daring a struggle. First LawySf iCo! The natural WARE'S NEW YORX "GRUB." may hard c roft, B. is a washing ompouan whole nature, if one Judge from characteristics. Shortly after the Am the Itochambeau celebrations; indeed. Lawyer Yes, I had work C, way During my Second hard containing borax and soda. The exui t The reoresentatlvea are full tbe she breaks Sooae. bnssador arrived at his post, he sent her visit at this time is especially to to keep the heirs from getting part of Ksna to England I was to i composition seems to be unknown, as Ware, poet laat vlait invited to France for an oil painting of his nu eclal to this period of festivity, the estate. hio State Journal. atorlea about "Oene" the dine with Mrs. Standard, who writes wife, which for many years adorned' This distinguished lady is a native of different analyses of the same sample who will become I'ominbaaoner of Pen novels under tbe nom de plume of John their home. It is the work of Carolus Paris and belongs to sn ancient and have reported 16 and 26 per cent sf The Pension Itet: Itighead The resuli-equ- al alma as soon as President Roosevelt Strange Winter. When dessert was Duran and shows a majestic woman at Istocratic family. Her home in Paris borax, but it is claimed to give two boys. sged. new Commtastoner of Pensions should to those of the common washic : caw find aomethlng equally as good for served her little nlth a face of great sweetness and bus been a center for the brainy people suit the pension grabhvi --'. Gay boy should say. about 10 and 8. were per to Ambas-- M. Cam-sad- or powders. The mixture lines the bottoms Commissioner Rvans. strength. Every visitor the ' of the French capital. Since Why so? llighead They have always come to par-me- et and sides of soda lakes, one mitted to the table. After eat would be asked If he desired to! bon's residence here she has been wanted a man of Imagination who several Itrprearntallve said today thai ing In young d. which contains 20.000 ton3. Una all the sweets sight tbe madam and then the portrait was tioularly courteous to all American could see their imaginary claims, and once laal su aimer Ware was In Msa sters each drank a glass of benedicilne It hangs in an alcove In itors. A warm friendship exists between now the President has appointed a couple h.-- r Am-curta- in a; yoew. with George It. IWk of Chicago and smoked a of Turkish the library of the embassy with a silk and the wife of the American poet. Town Topi s. The next return of the Leonides, cigarettes. Then their mother kissed draped before. M. Cambon is hassudor at Paris, General Horace lly November meteors, will mark the ose aad tThartea 8. Oared of Topeka. both - them goodnight and sent them to bed proud of his handsome t,.r. During M. t'ambon's tenure of thousandth anniversary of the first ret- -- known railroad men. Mia corn- - was I could do to believe my In the Near Future: The Cook swarm. Novembe tl It all wife, and his visitors heard all about the Governorship of Algiers Madam dlli-ga- te ord of this Last a. Oi'm sorry, mum. but the walkin' took Ware to DHmonlro her and his children. Cambon achieved quite a reputation for av th' Supreme Ordher uv Cooks on the morning of the lr.th, one Ame? -- x- "My wife from cir-an- d can observatory estimated that OWd ordered vry thing suffers 'mal de mer' t aoetal tact, and it is regretted that up 1S hov ordhered me throw me job. Ese-lan- d , i f per were falling. Ira on the bill of far-- thinking WHEN THE BISHOP rOOZLEO. she Is afraid to cross the ocean." t umstances are such she cannot conie Mrs. Subbub (tearfully) Oh. Norah! meteors hour In to astonish Ware. When tbe waiter he said to some visitors. "Indeed, the! permanently to Washington. - a number of meteors were dousf Bishop Potter Is sn enthusiastic gnlf What have I done? The Cook Naw- elgS' handed Ware the menu card Ware thin', mum; but yer foolish husbind got observed, the mean heights of player. Some time ago. a ordlng to ttttttfttffttttH e being thus calculated at eighty-on- e ts sewed at It critically for a time and non-unio- n shop shaved in a barber th' fifty-si- x ' tbe Brooklyn Eagle he was on the (The Original Scat ; day before yisterday. Brooklyn Life. miles, with visible paths twenty-tw- o to sixty-seve- n miles. "Fetch me half an apple pie. and be links at 8orna , by a of Government. sure to isars the pie in the plate In caddie who was himself a golfer of LAHAINA; According to the Atlanta Constitu- which It wan baked. Then fetch me a acknowledged skill. tion, when you give a Georgia darkey a A mysterious loss of water Is oftn MM! noticed in boilers under steam but as: BSS to eat tbe pie with and a pint The bishop made ready for a mighty I "chaw" of tobacco, you're a cap'n; give ef milk and a pint of cream mixed drive, and with one tremendous swing A H A I N A ' Yes. that name would inent of coin to China was intended. him a quarter, you become a colonel in use. The valves apiear to be tigs'. That's ntt." be topped tbe ball. O course he was have a foreign sound to many an There was a dearth of the smaller de- Paralyze him with a dollar, and you're " scaping steam is seen, but in a few 0? copper hours necessary to introduce mere "Oene. said deed, "that's no aort deprived of the consolation which In L American today: but away back nominations and private issues a general for life; throw in an old suit "Is (rub to eat la New Tork." ucb cases serves to soothe the temper were common. The expedient of chis- of two water. What becomes of the lost stee il v hen Polk was welcoming Texas into clothes and stiff "drams" of thoroughly "Maybe not. replied Ware. but I of the layman. All he aald waa: eling silver quarters Into halves was corn liquor, hil-d- r- ls a problem that could be and he raises all his ca-- e eat It at home and I'm not going to ?" It waa his way of the I'nlon. at the time when Scott was tried until the wily Chinamen took to n to you investigated with profit. In one call "governor." ac- put on airs here." Washington Corre-aptwiden- ce relieving his feeling. Then he tried establishing the Mexican boundaries shaving off the straight edges, thus it Is stated, the loss was partly of tbe New Tork World. again. This time he scooped up some for that turbulent little country, and making the bits more nearly thirds of srtaln literary critic in quest of counted for when windows over sto ublc fe-- t of sod. and once more the Fremont was acquainting the Golden quarters than halves. Provision ships expert opinions wherewith to build a boiler were opened, the cold air makias i every AN AFRICAN NIGHT. sibilant but Inoffensive and Ineffective West with the glorious stars and brought cargoes from the Atlantic birdly symposium, sent out broadcast a visible a leak of steam from protest escaped stripes." in the days when the best of ship valve. his lips. For the third ' States; stocked Lahai na's three set of nueries of which one was: "Is Prom the bash rose the death scream time the bltthop teed his ball, for the th.- - lanJ were not ashamed of sperm chandleries and her general merclian the prospect that the sale of books will ef soma animal in the grit, of its pur- third time his driver missed the mark. candles. Lahaina was nearer to the jja,. stores; to some extent sold to the be larger or smaller this year than It has been urged that doctors Kl suer. Jackals yelped In the distance, or and for the third time he unburdened American people than was San Fran-- 1 :tiinese shops, which existed in the last year?" From a prominent Now b ast should be "absolutely vaccinates his oppressed soul as above. The cad Cisco, and of vastly Import-- ' place long before the era of coolie la-- York publisher he got this brief and To show what Is meant. Dr. Arthui the prolonged bowl of a hyena broke iater I die could stand It no longer. "Hang It. une than that little town, which had nor; and supplied what foreign liquor golden opinion: "The prospect is that Maude states that, after four effect out close at hand. A wakeful "boy" man." be exclaimed, r.ot tnen outgrown its Daoy name, was consumed not openly, however. the good books will .sell better, and the vaccinations at intervals of seven to Imitated It derisively, the anorea gave won't send that ball where you want it "Terba Buena." Almost any one of the for Lahaina was nominally a prohibi-captaln- s bad ones worse." nine years, in 1892 he revaccinated him- place to a renewed murmur of ?lk. the to go." of the five hundred and up-- ; tion town. Whale oil In barrel from self four times at Intervals o a month, ward whaling ships which In those' whaling ships made up Hiiq-- effects decreasing to no reaction ft' flung log on smold- the various the Victor had a very exalted opin- the aakarl another the days cast anchor in the bay of New! return cargoes. ion all; and since that time he has regn- - ering Are. THE NEW EXHILARANT. of himself. One of his intimates Not always did the land lie Bedford. Mass., once in each four years. Every native kuleann. excepting such ailed on him once and found him larly vaccinated himself every few dent. I have known sleep made diffi "It Is not whisky In the stomach thai could, as he parted from a brother for' parts as were under cultivation for taro walkine In his annart-ntl- months. He Insists that the physicUm culty by the antica of hundreda of makes a man drunk, but its fumes in another cruise In the trying work of for home consumption, was farmed thinking deeply. The visitor asked the hould have this protection, which gi providing for ' no applies zebra, who thudded hither and thither the bead. Therefore." remarks Victor the illumination of the with a view to supplying the needs of great French noet what he was medi- - inconvenience after two world, have called to him. "I'll see you the whalers. Sweet potatoes, vegeta-lat- er tating upon. "I was wondering," re- tions. on the plain like diminutive avalry. Smith. "I have Invented a new drink He same' for burnt-ou- linings at Lahaina." of the blea of all kinds, bananas and chickens plied the poet, "what I should say to t toper, whose - -- In am n.i- 10 anow reauy wer- - high-frequen- cy and cried a cession of little have been so charred that that happy. time, who mmm sougni an touna a mantel and the Creator when 1 meet him Can The electric currea barks, worried perhaps by finding the tingling no more the history of the oil of his lamp, would raised in great quantities. While !,anai imagine what I would say?" of D'Arsonval are applied by two Ger- amp between accus- sensation is felt whnl nave iige! lu them and their nerce, liquid balls are rolled under thai rrooaoiy touna sometning today meets the local demand for Yes," answered the poet's friend; 'you man dentists instead of ordinary tomed watering place. In some dis- ,. this an outline of his story: "The fat j among ,F-- - Lahaina had the .1 1 1 . t- watermelons. :. My Application of the current tricts when on wet nights iiumr ,,i line l f u inn of a harpooned In nun bad ounces of pure water: mix: keep In an whale the Pacific j whalers an enviable reputation for the to the part is made through a moldlag. swamped the Area, a soclogkral garden anywhere from the froien waters of the! melons grown here. get is metako: " atomizer, and when you feel in thr School teachers some curious which covered inside vith "f "quieting beaeU waa apt to fore- humor spray nostrils, inhaling Behrlng sea to the hot currents 'on the A considerable source of revenue to written excuses for absence. Here is powder and a layer of tinfoil, with gather round the tents. the un up on ' Tbtia hyenas. briskly, so as to disperse the active tnea out and coopered the crown was the supplying of water one: "Mister sir. my Jason had to be additional layer of asbestos to abso-- hMfkala. three Sows hip- - a whaler, re-- , : and a bra of principle throughout the right and Ml board discharged and to the vessels. An arm of the Lahaina- - late today. It is his bizness to mill: our! heat. Out of fifteen oases of extra-:- ed Intlmatt-l- to on- - loaded on aprovlslon ship at ! ope -- halves of the rhlnencepbalon. In- Lahaina. luna stream was oiverted Into a small! cow. She kicked Jase in the back to- - of teeth with one root, thirteen S I - The Bed-- . Th-for- d." thai wot of. and a the dirk- rarrled around the Horn to New stone reservoir on what are now the day when he looking or think-- 1 tloas were completely painless. waa too thick for stant the diluted brandy reaches the etc. wasaf ' ..don. that Scbnelderian membrane hard- MrCann premises, and two numns were ine of her rrir' k.. tw Kla v,,,. natient remains in a ivaklne conditien yielded : the most cht but scant) H.;-- ened toper up. A thriving town was lahalna In kept busy there raising water to fill was broke, but it ain't. But it is black aad the usual risks and annoyan-.- are all I braces and when it at limea awkaar thina- get strikes base those days the seat of royalty, and s! the casks. These were towed ashore in and blue and the pane kept him late. are avoided. raeeted up In tbe tent rope the of the cribriform plate Import-- , mblll of the ethmoid bone, which is Pamnwicial ctnter of no mean long lines by means of ropes run We would get rid of that cow if we the ance. up-- new consura ground floor the cavity, he Its waters often weathering j through loops fastened under the hoops, could. This Is the fourth time she ki k- - Pure blue li?ht is the - . ef brain m. ex- A bleaateg m dtagul- a aor- - waru oi nan nun urea w naiers at one, men were rolled ut th- - hundred yards ed Jase. but never kicked him int.- - ho tion cure with which G. Kaiser is 1 touches tbe drunkard's heawVn. This W to hear a fox had been stealing your time "between seona" (At one time. of street past the courthouse and filled fore. So excuse him for me." perimenting In Germany. The ray 1 Intention makes a bottle of brandy last await f again. How unfortunate you In the early fifties, were eighty-fou- r from an arc lamp concentrated i we a month, and preserves the stomach there by the men at the pumps. Here he;e throus can near It. mlw thank whalers anchored at Lahaina. On were occasionally lively scenes When K. was Sec-- a lens containing methylene blue r- Patent applied between William Chandler kindly Tou aee the Slopah - Hunt for." fifty-on- e ' mntry cornea April la, 185. there were at the Portuguese sailors and the natives. r tary of the Navy, he issued an order stroyed tubercle bacilli in about thirty on our frm on nn. anchor when a heavy kona police! minutes, and, as the printing of a phe sswa, and tbe Jovkra on the other, an STRICTLY IN southern and at such times the dusky that officers should not permit their ACCURATE DETAILS. up. much-covete- we make a claim on both, and thrv sale blew Those ships nearest found the d opportunity wives to reside at the foreign stations graphic positive proved the passac - Shaea tn waif nllmpi .1 - n rlna--n h n nhn n.f a u-n- of rays pay for the oMhens?- Punch Professor Gallaudet. wbo done s-- had fur tl for Urklno- Hn,lo the afreet to to which their sHn K.a the through the human body has aeigh get way. shown to possible h toward educating anchor and out of the the "lock up." from which he was. The order was promptly rescinded upon , be to reach v deaf mutea ' Mrs Hk-ke- (who la entertaining her They all put out to sea but one. far- however, soon released, and tbe matter tne receipt by the Secretary of the nat ini in me lungs and to kill them tell this story: Owe of thr professor's thest in shore, which waa forced to re- quickly forgotten. The shore boats. following from Commodore Fyffe, in with blue light. In two advanced case - pupils, Wtnie. ana von cat raur own fanit an unuanalty precocious main. Fortunately It rode out the storm manned as they have always been by command of the Asiatic squadron: "Ir of the disease, great improvement re- tT Wlllla who la atruavtln with SaMM. as asked by bis teacher If he with little or no damage being done. native crews, than whom there are b- omos my painful duty to report sulted in six days. " knew mt that ass slate "Tea. thank vnu" the story Oeorsw Washington Kd It was the port of entry for nu- none more nearly perfect masters of an, my wife. Klisa Fyffe has. in dlsobedi- - ' with a dsns 1 1 alt aaw beef), aad tbe cherry tree fingers , i at the with his merous provision ships as well, and open in any sea. formed a consid-- to my orders, T1 artificial clay of M. Hecht e . ut nottaea tbe youngster boat ene and In the face of lootfkjrneat as this repeated tbe tale with- had a resident American Consul, under fleet a profitable regulations I Huben out a break, erable and controlled of the department, taken contains sand, carbonate s' until he came to tbe point whoae care was a I'nlted States marine patronage plying post the breakwater up her residence on th station, and ' - m", cement, liquid glu an 1 petrleuc where the elder Washington's ; j I m questions hopltaJ, Courts of several degreea and and the reef. rs:-t- ntly re fused leave.'' which are mixed in a certain way ssa fixed, said the young do. tor. bis son. "Whew George's gov- v- - father asked a police system bespeak a settled Lahaina has a mixed population. j yield a material can be gt a big ewowgh practice bo-k- ed that mou!de to keen blm who bis favorite c berry ernment, a public reading room, sea- T tn eaey eirramauvM . nr. a The district to the present time is con cot no use for Congress." asserted and givn extraordinary hardness hv your tr." continued tbe child, moving bis men's chape1, several churehee. day and sidered one of the most dlstinctl-el- y If. Lemuel Hieirir.H nrnnpiln, nf ho I heat Tt ia .iminr Into nc. In f . h.:f signaling Angers aJwxwt as rapidly as boarding schools, and a seminary owersville Grocery my bllla on awne perwms for Hawaiian localities in the group, and. and Dry Goods many for building stone, bricks, the move their tongue. j 'una iwn. mrr r y : ' m a ppw i ij r o,r,0 ;n Xtf davs of the whalers r.u ...riuin. v ny. nere s i Slmpk-n- etc Amont- - th , .... T - - v riirmt "George - - ' .- e- o-.- put hia hatrhet In hla left ua community The h!;- ...', thi tht r ittv outnumbere,! all sn c,tKin Ti- Ras rx.-- n tt . . , . . . M Oaorfc hnd" "wait a moment." lr of moat .t".d-"aiT- ap,re. fpr MS. Wbo bSS gnne said th attention of the peT'. Every Nevertheless, w fer nationalities the i .?uar liability to resLsVance pruff ssoi : bow do yon know that he veaael was allowed or to ... - i ' l j tr.,r- r .n 'ffrom cra'k. to sell barter minority, who were principally , - r- took the hatchet his t;no yn.te row tYnsrrr-.i- in' m"- "'"i .iftuenoes. in o,r1u.stia - in left hand"" the extent of free of duty. I.ngllsh t. r- - and in n.-.r- ,.. J r - Americans about equal a to (hnt T itr. and proof against moisture "Because." answered the boy. "he Mh. American and Mexican money - iu' t a gavsrament ne-d-ed numbers, controlled the important busl- don't why sugar as u ia expensive an I easily sha male that his right to tell his father : current, of- sa beats Is entitled to ww" -- that ned the Mexican dollars Swy bett. r show-- any - !t peems to fill genuine need of Atlanta constitution bo bad c ho; red the tree." ten being a shlp-- than other ras- a at premium when a itoouniren on t age eals 'Baltimore AmeHcsn. j small builder and decorator. j THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU. MAY 31, 1902. 11 OW WM. MARSHALL TOOK Strong hy not be strong? Why not have a good appctito and a good digestion? New is the Time to Biy ORIENTAL BAZAAR Wuy not feci wtll and hearty all tbs time? Yu cau just as well have it THE COURT'S JUDGMENT your own way as not, for there is strength, vitality, power, and good :..alta in every bottle of Aver s Sarsa-parJl- a, Always k.tp it on hand. Pianos K.i.iAM II. 1I AK.-I1A- LL stand like a man and pleaded guilty to this - which shows to my We m n More m .- - In answer to this formal mind that hT rreat van K- - ...... i w . 1 ...... 1. " II1BUC H-nt- nin railaf JW variety of -l Goods that " w,r - . mistake, and hat you are willlna to arose. the least' receive Pianos individual Without such punishment 1 woull make e'eeant preente as the court - rra It Its duty I tor frieode aipearanre of embarrassment or ner- to Inflict upon y ou. either here or In hand, before' rpon hased un- - We have a big stock te vousness he stood, hat . . Jhsft tamark K . w w . ' abroad. bench. him In the the Prison stared promfvutlng attorney to the erre t f elect from and are of- It will p'j ytm to call and face. The crime chanted, to wblcb he that the person libeled, that is the In eee We had pleaded rullty. mlaht be punished 1 iduallty of Judge Rohde. has In the fering them at prices oar ei.re. hsil take khl r Ia r r tka ....,.. t ai m u. unci tBO v' niiurne, ui- - h-w- Imnrlionmrnt -- in i .g d .l!h vrlr'i : 1 n 11 tii.il il.im.iR.. whatever; pUure jnu trog' thousand dollars' One. He had no that tint will pay vee to whether too i-- or not We he stands today just as high before reason to expect leniency. Neverthe- the peorle In the Philippine Islands as look inte. Tke aa have Rseh Mil sc. Embroidered less showed no trepidation and he did before you printed that copy of be paper, d-s- eye the ant that he himself did not afternoon off and in- Good ( cr f looked Judge Odlln squarely In the eery ti n d Mre a pr secutlon of this case against durlnc the reading of the sentence. you. Cired Work. Qsjitea, etr. etc Here are the wonli and tfce spect these PIANOS. HI was respectful, there photograph of attention qoVERNMENT NOT VINDICTIVE. Jsr. R. H. Archer, of liobart. TMinnasi : was no braggadocio In his attitude no "I Often flr.J cyscir weak, without appe- You will surprise yeur-te-lf But there are other circumstances to tite, and my merely came as an hon- hole gytctn all ma itwn. My cringing. He be considered rather than tbe Individ- Mood gets Impure and 1 have bo.U and erup- . sure. . . . . est man should to admit his mistake ual feeling of Judge Rohde. He Is the tions. Thoa I alw.-.;- u. e A. t - ;rparill. by ruling of the court. representative of the government here for it makes my blood j uri- - and rich. gives me and abide the lu the Philippine Islands, an strength and ii:d 1 r.u me in a and attack wonderfaUy. iiu.k, ui His attorney. Judge Terrell, upon him Is an attack upon tbe Gov- brief, statement entered the When you 66-7- forceful ernment. Inform the world 2 King Street, corner of Smith. pl-- a of guilty. He stated that the al- publicly that a Judge has passed a de-- lseed libelous article was not directed which Is a stain upon his char- -' Bergstrom had you AYER'S acalnst Judge Rohde. It shaft acter. in effert say that the Gov-- been aimed at the old Spanish uaei ernment If an unfit government. Such taw. Judge Terrell stated that his remarks unexplained are bound to Music client had no acquaintance with Judge work, or at least might work, a very Sarsaparilla irJ WOWLO RENOWNED Rohde. that It had been furthest from nerlnus Injury. My personal opinion is hi Intention, when writing the article, that the Government of the Philippine There are moi.y imiution Sarsa parilias." tn reflect on the hitler's character. His inlands does not mean to be vindictive.) lie sore you get Ayer . Company. attitude had merely b-- en that of an u appears to me that the entire policy; Keep Ayer's rilU on hand and qaiekly cor- Independent American fighting what be ,.f the Government of the United States rect any tendency to constipation. It's aa gi'aeHsrid t be an unjust law. (since It occupied the Philippine Islands, uj way u prevent sickness. of Asti Pn-cutl- ns fltobop. The Major one Wines Attorney been very ha of great humanity Prasared ky Dr. J. C. Ayw A Cs, Ussg, BSBk, WA at.ta-n- t coi-oi-rr In answer to Judge Terrell, compll- - in all lines. Some people have gone, Swiss no mented Mr. Marshall's attitude, and far as to say that that humanity OLLIRTER DRTTO OfX Airati Who owe and conduct the stated that he believed that It should was a mistake. On that subject I have Pfrlighifui Climate, be taken Into consideration by tbe nothing to say. but I do propose to eearl when making a finding; still he show that In this case the Government Vineyard In the World felt that the punishment should be v- - does not desire to he vindictive. It Lovely Views, vere enough to establish an example merely desires to Inform you and to Thoa. Q. Thrum's more make California famous than any other industry would warn others against com- - inform the world unlawful te that - that attacks milling tbe same transgression. "Ther.- upon public officials must not be con-h- as Imprint Pure Water. ia the Slate. been too much of this kind of rot tlnued in the Philippine Islands. A Stands published In Manila." exclaimed the man must be sure of his grounds be-- For Quality ul Proaecutlng Attorney, "and although fore be acts, and he must be prepared Kaimuki Tract eflsie tbe ihH particular article did not do Judge to take the consequences If It after- Rohde one whit f harm, still I be- wards turns out that his action was beat inducements to all lieve this court must take Into consid- unwarranted. classes desiring good resi- AIIM eration the precedent that this case is Wedding, v "ARRESTO MENOR." dence property. Ie TJXIFORM 1TY, PURITY AND EXCELLENCE 0P bound to establish. Judge Rohde's you 4m t. their position." continued tbe Prosecuting The court sentences to a fine of Lots 75x200 ana 100x1 54. 1 All varieUee are bottled for family use and are justly one hundred pesos, and further directs Reception, tOALITY. Attorney, "must also be taken into that you suffer the penalty of "arresto d He is not In a position saga-lodge- to be the consideration. manor" for one day. and that you pay km to man's office and horss- - Society Note Paper i,$20 oash la this one-ha- lf tbe cost of this proceeding. hip him as the ordinary indlvldua' In conformity with provision of nd$0 uld He seek other recourse." the Dl must article 117 of the penal code It Is or- AND until fully paid, poeeeasie I of world. Major Bishop then assailed Marshall's in all tke lead'og Hotel and Cafes the Intentionally dered that this sentence be executed immediate. Array y excuse that he bad not by confining tbe defendant William H. attacked tbe honesty of Judge Rohde Marshall within the court building of High Grade Tablets Trustees; Gear. Lading & Go, e Ion bel He read tbe follow Ine sentence fr Jin this court under tbe direction of the lallan the libelous article: "It Is a damnable Sheriff of tbe City of Manila for the St. 7M equality. Trade supplied on Judge who Inflicted Judd Bla., Vert On each bottle guarantee tke tain the It." period of twenty-fou- r hours. K and said: "If the defendant had ap- by following jobbers: This case will be continued as re- We aa weM peared In court to present a plea of gards the other defendant, William J. an taswiax salts eroL.Taw-WALjm- oi oex. JOS. HARTMANN a CO. Insanity. It would have been better extsaAes lias of aaad-swb- j ltd. f White, until the further order of this 99 1. co. than such a paltry excuse tn tbe :o.-o- aOMM A sfcTIOHK. a shaw a court. aste ssssr with OONBAXTBW a OO. CAM ARA a CO, this prosecution. "Hunter Judge Odlln then read his sentence esTkipe t match, six M ! as follows: styles DID NOT INJURE JUDOE ROHDE. THE WORD OP HONOUR. ef which we ssk Ton bare plead guilty to violating The men who do as they eay; your inspection. Kngrav-ii'- . 89. . 115 N. KINO (IT. PIIONK MAIN section 1 of act N 2T7 of the United the things that prove to be what sr and printing donest Htates Philippine Commission wherein at they were said to be, how It Is provided that every person who is come hort notice. Write tor Is. A checrrhg it to unon them. wilfully and with a malicious Intent to We be deceived es- tsmplei aud prlcev 1 Injure another publishes or procures, all. hate to is in- to be published any libel shall be pun- - j pecially when the deception Ksj OZAKI Ished by a fine of not exceeding two tentional. But all men are not S. tNusnd dollars, or Imprisonment noti liars, even if David did say so in exceeding one year or both. The Ian-- . his haste. If they were society G. xurtce used by you was entirely un- -' would be impossible. Everybody Thos. Thrum, reasonable and unwarranted, and in J knows business is based BoxTO. UONOLCLU. ;h- - opinion of the court without any i that Hardware, Glassware, : vsplanatlon would deserve a very ae-- on credit, on faith. Millions are vere punishment. Ton saw fit to print bought and sold daily on nothing Oils, Etc. Z tn a newspaper under your control ' more solid than the pledged pro- the l iNNAciji or paimo-noN- . Crockery, Paints, very violent word against a promi mises of mcn,-n-ot written, mere- 1 r nent offlclsl of the Government, which, ' ly verbal. The Stock Exchanges WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. while It did nt Injure him In the least. THE RESULT. might very well have that effect; are often, called nests of gamblers, 10 YEARS OLD Call and Inspect oar Complete Lines. among people who did not know him. yet nowhero is a promise held A sitter can not be pos-- d in Furthermore, such language would; in greater honour. Therefore a moment. T secure good tend to discredit the Judiciary In the. when wo say that the tried and Baltimore Rye eyes of tbe people In the Philippine called pictures one mu-- t take time to go I effective modern remedy lands If It were tn unpunished. study mood- - of Whisky GRAND SWEEPING OUT SALE Th- - natural conclusion of the Pirplnol WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION the the sitter people would be either that the Gov- - never deceives any who resort to and give him the opportunity OHM ernment was of newspapers j ww:k afraid the wo 1 ecorue j or that the Government was not pre- it in hope of benefit and cure, to at ease. aT oos t pared to stand behind Its own. courts. may expect to bo believed. For pursue Jt'DOK HATS LAW WAS 11AR8II. this assurance is given on what it We this course The very unpleasant duty now de has done and the result justifies Mschlaeger Co., ' in the past in countless Street Store. volves upon me of Imposing a sentence oases, on its record. It ia only lotel upon you. the time and patience UlfMES, ?c I nam ootutR. for and am Inclined to lay a' recommended to accomplish what SHIRTS .. Zic great deal of stress upon the state- used. King Bethel 8t. Ool.r ments of your counsel the fact it was made to accomplish. Its 25 aear W WINDOW. that f.IsrL-A-T fN OCR that you did not know Judge Rohde' action in Chlorosis, Anemia, La J and the fact that the real purpose Grippe, General Debility, Throat WILLUMS, which actuated your mind was disgut. and Lung Troubles, Blood Im- J. J. lags I might say a violent feeling of i purities, is convincing. is Port Street. Photographer. 178 Hotel Street. 'Phone Main l'J7. i hatred against a law which has since etc It THE NEW p j been repesled by this same government j palatablo as honey and contains e.eee eeee F" I jjjjiji which put this same Judge In office. I the nutritive and curative pro- I am eat sfied with urn frank to say thst I myself think perties of Pure Cod Liver Oil, ENGLAND tbe law under which Judge Rohde set- - j by us from fresh cod MADt very extracted CLOTHES ed was a harsh law. and I agree livers, combined with the Com- with you In that respect, but you over--, BT looked the fact that It would he unfair pound Syrup of Hypophosphites BAKERY to apply law to facts which facts an- and the Ktra-t- s of Malt and W. W. AHAHA A CO. tedate the change In the law. and you Wild Cherry. Dr. Austin D. Ir- is serving a iiiht break- may be thankful that the law which vine, of Canada, says: "I have Mircuant Tailors, EPICUREAN you yourself complained of n this fast and luaeh ewiiaMe newspaper used it in cases where cod liver has Itself been repealed, and oil 1038 Nuuanu Ave. for this elimate, and that your case Is to be tried by the' was indicated but could not new be taken by the patient, and the costs only K'c up, ac- has been standard. You get la'est style-- , THE HIGHEST MARK F0 QUALITY AMERICANISM TOO ACUTE. results following were very grati- cording to ths order. is elfectivo a g"od tit and the They are to I propose to upon pun-Ishme- nt fying." It from the attained by the e OKOKRIIHL sanor Inflict you a Everything served . . V1IT. URfli'KfrS which I consider extremely, first u'03e and asrroos with the prices are right. in my oineru)i e i.JDi'i aT light, and I do It for three reasons. In! most sensitive and nervous stom- generous quantity, whieh ai the place first the Government that achs. cannot deceive disap- firet-elae- c you were It or only a bakery attacking Is the Government to res- of the United States, and you are point you, and comes the em Id aff rd te de. a cue of those who h.ivo received depend on your lUfnesf itlxcn of the United States, and if any rbe lifte of yourself and family may critllm whatever Is to be placed up no benefit from any other treat- Our rooms are supplied on your citizenship It Is that your ment, it stands for the medical with electric fans, eleetric 62 King Street, Americanism Is too acute. You are triumphs of the age. At chemists. Budding:. anxious In your newspaper, as It eeemsi lights, cool, clean and &BRO. Wright to In PRED PHILP me. t accomplish a day whati prompt service. aw orr a aoie men are trying to d,i by years of hard labor. wiH Make Y ur fiioibes The Orphanae Kena Coffee la still Doors oren frees 6 a. m. that Ton can rely on Impossible snr sold for tbe fceneat of the Koaa Or ?Z&?X? 1 1 merous population and for the laws 1271 till p. m. govern phanasje. Mrs. C. A. Blalsdell sf which that nation, to suddenly avenae will au orders and change. These chanpe must b? grad Look Like New Reretania You will meet all your 30. ual: history prove that. The disease deliver prompts. Postponed to June you friends at tke are suffering from seems to me to Telephone Hs. MtS Walts. he thst of acute Americanism. ard you Closing Out Sale lost sight In that acute Americanism of 116 Nuuann t. the difficulty under Which this Gov Hawaii Sh npo Sha noo Kim, ernment has been laboring. I New England Bakery K reive I. take the IF YOU TAKE THEM TO THB Fine Stn. k o Orn I inen Tn' word of your counsel for th T your real object was to Impurn THE PIONEB JAPANESE PRINT : this office. Tbe publisher of Hawa!! Tom Beea'i Plaaia Mill ' w. and not Impugn the personality of ise paper - EAGLE only dsily Japanese z th- Judge hlnpo. the CXNTRACTOn AM FTja.Di.!: whose sworn duty It was to in tee Territory of Hawaii. n force ;,ri'l Dyeing Works. ubUehed ur that law. C. SHI02AWA, Proprietor. HAVE Ai'TKD I.IKE A MAX Fort St.. tpposlte Star Block. T. 80GA. Editor Caxper.ter ark ml all Irtwdij. Iwr Crocer'e - assortment of brseBsSs sad saoidfh? Barnard's The second reason for my determi F:?itorial and Prtntina- OfTloe 1030 am r at ays hana mmm-- . 7 o 35c Pound nation to Impose upon yiu a l!eht sen- Smith St.. ave Kie P. Box $0 C 4 WslKEW, Agent orfe i tence is that you have c m Into court Te'. Whire 362 Mate K '! anion wrraur. mv PArtPTn rnvMF.


"ARABIC"! NEWS OF THE WATERFRONT. 1 1 Patino Vehicle & Supply Co;

I (VI 1 Lb a rW cooling and pre-Mrv- ir c paint, for iron Jas. F. Morgan, E. L. Cutting, fWI s n marmtr. that baa n'oi Wn painted W. H. Hoogs, Wa guarantee "Arai-ic'- ' for loretary. tkrta j.ar.. It if -x- tn-eieely id all over the ttlaads. Call at ortice end m .aaaplee end tetini- -

California Feed Co.

Lands The O'Brien Patent Sprine Several Styles. The Finest Business Wagon in Use i For Anywhere Our vehicles are till unsurpassed for Finish, Style, and Sale. Durability. American ship Dingo. Captain Goodwin, which recently made a very lone; trip from Japan to this port. Our of carriage, ''nrmasmp constantly, below. The Palisades of tho Hudson fine Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, Oil, Dressing LOT8 IH KING 8TREE1 PEKING DELAYED VESSELS IN PORT. are believed to have been formed by such an Intrusion, the adjacent rock on the Pads, Baruess, Sundries. TRACT, frem $1,400 to $1,25 eastern face having since been worn away RV AN ACCIDENT ARMY AND NAVY. by the weather or other agents. It has Our Prices and Term better tban ever before e lot, formerly known as O. N. (J. e. 8. Iroquois. Rodman. been observed that many volcanoes aro MERCHANTMEN. distributed along aimilar faults The ex Tmj days late, the 8. 8. Peking, from istence of a chain of volcanic islands in pre I Jk mmm Wilooi'e mi ioe. - .... 1 II J IK. Ilrl.nl rfi,lil at the Pap fli- M il. kl. uui mciuue cumwi) the West Indies MiRKcst tbfl probability Go. Aetna am mi Lannr.' V,kiihmna that it follows a crack of great antiquity. Pacific Vehicle & Supply Ltd. nn eariy yeaieraay muraini. April 1C though the iiisue of lava ami ashes for . reason of bar unusually long trip wa Andrew Welch. Am. bk.. Drew, Ban s ral cent'.irles may h.i been limit.il , p'r.i 4. - Beretania St Near Fort. TWENTT L0T8 MA NO a a damagM pin or me ror- - nrlarn Mav to s few isolated spots. Just how the.- crank re-ope- IS ...... 4rch bkn cJboui San p,,. vents have been ne is one of the ALLKY, (ormerlj MuntanoV ward cylinder. The accident oc- 1 cisco. May 17. most difficult nuistions still lift for in currcd May 1. two days out from To-- ; i:arrouion. Am. oa.. uoraon. xacoma. vestigation. Given a line of weakness in $2,500 vessel was slopped. the rocks, though, and a susceptibility to Traot, a lot. The tnaiyion. Anv bfc wnier. Laysan Isl- - fresh fracture i. afforded. Professor Mc- - baft disconnected and the damage re-- and. May 5. Oee suggests that the overloading of the paired, ths steamer proceeding alth Columbia. Am. schr.. Bprague. Ballard. ocean beu bv silt from the Mississippi SPECIAL, Hi-- r INVOICE oaJy three cylinders In commission. ' or other sources may have been 19" The Peking brought 900 tons of P'rlo. Am 55w,n.- - H,l?- - M".y the immediately exciting cause of the FOUR HUNDRED LOTS IN freight, three csbln passengers for this I "yndes. Am. 8. 8.. Oarllck. 8an Fran- - recent outbreaks Other geologists have found a similar explanation acceptable in IT A TIT f . A NT 1 Yl I and a number of through pawo JUST TRACT from Irmgard. Am. bktn., Schmidt. San case of eruptions RECEIVED P" the elsewhere. The ' Sbo will Mil for Ran Franrlco Pranrlirn. Ma v ?n theory has much to commend it to favor. lra11 to $350 a lot at a. ro. today. It Is estimated lhat unrv E. Poster. Am. sclir.. Thompson. A cable repair ship has already disrov- - owing 1" . to her machinery being out of n ilai.ibli . May 30. r d that the .. an bed. formerly 1000 FROM 1VEW It will take the steamer eight M Jaa. Rolph. Am. achr., Edwardson. Kll feet below the surface, has recently sunk YORK nl days to mske Ban Francisco. llnnoo. May 13. ilrnnm . more. Whether this in- - The uMrnxpr list of the Peking is Mauna Ala. Am. bk.. Smith. San Fran- Ident la a i.tm.- - or effect of the vol-an- o WPTT LOTS IN KEKIO as mi.- -. cisco. May If. is s ipiestion which the experts will Mohican. Am. bk.. Kelly. San Francis- Be sske.l ' ile, .. New V irk Tribune TRACT, opposite For Honolulu Mrs. Holdaw. rth. co. May 22. Xttirfs. Makee Island Ml tloldsworth. Lei Sal Hln. Olympic. Am. bk.. Evans. Ran Fran- Cottars, Neckties, Through for San Fmnclscti F. Ader. cisco. May 22. Where'. Dem Ohickss.? $800 a lot Mrs. F. Ader. Master W. Ad- - r. i .- -. iu r;il U. 8. A.; Ad. T. Pactolus. Am. bk.. Dart. Newcastle. A Kansus City paper says in a re Untiencear, JEte James Allen. Andrae. April 27. Bats, Alxawa. 8. Antoldl. Dr. Ballly. General Rosamond. Am. achr., Johnson, San cent issue: A. JC Mim SEE THE DISPL4T IN OUR Bates and valet. Mlsa Rates. May is S in--- , a poultry WINDOW. K. M. Bates. K. Bcrquet. H. B. Francisco. rarload of inflow. ervla. Am. up.. Nelson. Newcastle. was shipped from to Mrs. G. Brown. Hermann Caesar. J. Slay 22. Eldorado Manila. ONE HUNDRED LOTS IN t'arroll. Mrs. J. Carroll and child. A. S. G. Wilder. Am. bkta.. Jackson. Saa There were "000 chickens In the carl hennell. P. B. Cohen. J. W. Dedmun. Francisco. May If. and they arrived at San Francisco with KAP10LANI TRACT, $50 Carl Erley. 8. Godard. Miss Godard. B. Tnmpico. Am. 8. 8.. Reed. Seattle. May HOTEL at B. Godden. F. B. Hammond. H. E. 29. no loss to speak of. There they were a Alar. Hankey. J. Hern. W. C. Kor- - W. H. Dlmond. Am. bkt.. Hanson. Saa loaded on a ship, and the Eldorado STREET. lot thai.. CoL C. Kitchener. Major R. P. May 22. Lee. Mrs. R. P. M. Levy. Major Francisco. shipper haR a letter, mailed at Hono IWAKAIVII, Lee. W. H. Marston. Am. achr.. Curtl., Saa lulu, saying Martin Maginnls. Douglas MrDougall. May IT. that the birds had reached Etc.. Etc. C. Mitchell. E. P. Oldfleld. Mr. H. I. Francisco. that port all right. What a beautiful Pearse. Mis. Ralph. P. Sarda. Mrs. H. thought It Is to fancy the far-awa- y We C. Wslrond. J. Hoyt 8mlth. E. VleR-el-man- INDIAN soldier sitting on his bunkers in somc also canty a full line of H. C Walrond. T. Toshida. WEST Impenetrable jungle of the Philippines, The following passengers are booked as he calmly gnaws on the leg of a Fee farther particular eppl y to leepart V F Mit h.ll V E H.-m- VOLCANOES Southern Kansas pullet. J. Humphreys. Charles Hall. E. W. Mitchell. Mrs. O. It. B. Hayes. Mm Foater Arrive. Japanese Provisions, R. M. Flack. H. H. White and wife. calamity which has overtaken Miss Watts. Miss M. B. Lewis. C. The Just About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon . J. group Byrne. J. R. Hik-by- Gerald Hollister. two Islands of the Windward in th the schooner Mary E. Foster. Captain W. T. Kllpatrlck. P. D. tJrenny. H. Antilles will unquesiionably lead to a fresh Plantation Supplies, C. Thompson, arrived from Port Gamble Achi Oertteh. v. dis-fjrba- n. W. causes drum discussion of the of with a load of lumber, after a trip of es All of the phenomena involv- - 23 days. Rhe is lying at Allen & Rob Ripped Her Bail. cd therein are not yet fully understood. inson's wharf. The steamer Kauai arrived from Pu .-- once' r ok some of them there ar.1 Shipping Vote. yesterday morning with 6230 bags pero ptlble differences of opinion amoi & naluu Peking for Ran Company - The sails Francisco sugar hln- one point howev. r ROACH of and eleven pieces of mar exerts On at least 11 SAULT . at o'clock this morning.' -- ' th"re K-ner- agr ment At s depth ery which, on account of bad weath r. Ala sailed for ....DESTROYS was to unload. Frl- - of about thirty miles the Internal heat The bark Mauna San ALL.... she unable Last . St. I neohahK' iveua . m. i. !i In Francisco yesterday. Seal Estate .y while cussing the channel ,., Ha- - CeV.. R. R. Hyaili-- npneu i -, The sails for Ran Fran wan ner loresau was to pieces, mv k- ..ncr.rlli.. .MM.ios. ,h, ROACHES, WATER BUGS, ETC. - i cisco via Kahului this afternoon. Th- - Nllhau arrived at 2 a. m. yester- Pii hi.-i- i lie. h. n. aih the solid Brokers. m. R. S. day from Anahola with 7000 bags of 'crust, but If an avenue of escape is once The Tamplci) sails for Ran Fran- CLEAN, ObORLESS, EFFECTIVE, Campfcell KUxk. Fort Street sugar. opened the stuff would soft.-- and ooze cisco via Kahului tomorrow afternoon. jpward There Is a growliig t n.!- A movement is on foot to have the , moreover, to recognise the lmMrtaiice .if contract for building the revenue cut SCROFULA gravitation in producttog srapclona Th ter for Hawaiian waters awarded to A weight of several miles of rock is alnio.-- i bidders. ONLY AT Dozen New j inconceivable, and It certainly ought to local compel t 1 I "potentially plastic" matter to rise IO ClirC CrOIUia lakC through any crevice that might be n.-w- i .Scott." Emulsion. forn-d- . Russell. Oiltx Tt and s me ciiier Books , uimirnirii will, am in.' cniei Jtf- - HONOLULU DRUG CO. SCnSUla may DC described as chanical ag.nrani In sn eruption at least M' many 19 m con-- IB IB - a jmr- at raadons frem the I rb, ouipounns WilHsal!i3Lff7TImaWfOT.' ' r - W V 926 Fort L. a fsu.d at m attered consumption.' Street. t - A H It is consumption of the' Z?"A 10 ,h" "xt-- t which water .p.r- LsUfi Iw JaW --fall OTIS. OTTO A. BIERBACH. THe Goldeo Role . . - mw:m nirrv in 1.1 R 01 liai moil r aYTnTHV turn in.lll Inlands Under the Skin, among vul.anlsts Rbal.r. Mlln- - and oth HmiFm hw,,l ,h1 ubstame largely, if nut mrl these hrrnlf out into mt ...ltirry responsib. f..r the trouMe. nay a jr ' by ort . COlt S liniUlSlOIl heal" lnt n 'act that manv volcano. !. Patiae. - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBVBaH Z. flr--i'ii ar- situated near the ma ost of Ir ' lav hml Bal. by Michael White. k. ""." .tlnents or on islau.ls. where Irikier frmr I . 'Tb Hour mt the Bsakerville a A , a the nn n may psslbly .n-eu- Ituss-ll- Doyle. ISUt tnereS more to the -- n the sebsr hand, regards water not as Rs - mt th- - Vm et.o 4 bv 'b- - Initial factor, The Lily is an I h.-ijre- Daitsa tor. he loss of ttoh and ,hol(th imp,.rt.nt. iiutiiuiTmi Emblem of - Rosms With toe Or-e- n Shuil weakness that comes "'r-.-t-s ,hnt when th.- moit. r.nk hes by Grace Deugisa , . - g . . rls n to a considerable distance it encoun- - Purity Wswlag mf with ?trotula ir a regular part t rs tl-n- i fluid, im rhaps In a succession teseits." b. roe. . ft! fepe f dijvease f in that in Ihi n mnl- - BOARD AN LOTS the the same a.s m - t l'p From Slavery SeKr T I. til k ral l Th rXplralvr- ffH-- xmsumpCMM of the lungs, aliiei. hMi arr f two klmls. Ily ihi I-- t Mot .JS4- - itailn i thf m.laturc hl-- sm PRIMO Pt For this a for the sores, nf th.-- lava tNHttslna th- - latt'-- r Is .l . mlun LAIE pew y.mty r. Sc 4t's HmulMon is to a state e.t-r- and thus orlainati KfNAU STkKET, jut the thf rm-rmi-U- of fine tuM which Is an Example of Purity ItnteeMlBlair, by Wm u remedy. arr fil. Shi rks of irrratfr or has KAPIOLANI and "A Salter. Lag." by Adas rat F.., vtolrnre arr slao trodurrtl. The less se-- M LUNAL1LO STREETS. O Flak and trensth arc re ones no doubt sound like the dls- - Days, br a P !. haw of art lll r . and .Ive rise t trem- gained by the use of Scott's ors in the Immediate vicinity. In ex-- t im HtrTKL. err. rente raw, enough force la quicker than in any to rend tne walls of the volcano Itself. BEAVER LUNCH other way. Huss. ll attfibutr the blowing- - up of Kra- - ROOMS katoa to at. am. Th- - cilmlnat :nr inip..!. $1500 and $1 TOO Scrofulous children improve "f ,h - felet eruption last week, thotish THE von HAMIV1-Y0UN- G IVelpflflBQlR n,, ... .S 1 sultln. so disastrously to the moun ! Co. Op. Wll4er in every way on s 11 nun tain, would aeem to be due lt the nam.-Immediat- e EACH Jits Cs .coii cause. To thla particular sion. too. It seems safe to aaa'rn the upheaval which excited s tldsl wave. H.ve Ju a full line Trunk, The precise manner in which the pi.nstic .f an. BaSs and can now rill y.ur m4 k- V 1-- ' j ecOTT a my ftmi. St . S l u are vkp msterlsl lnslde of the tern atrial ahi-l- 3 i.ten.in-- to make this suirrrrr c-'- tt acceas Is CASH . to the surface not entlrely SSB. CMICMCSTCM-- KM6UI.M clear Nevertheless. It Is poaslhle to r. f Balance on time. ome llcht on the matter. It la w. it TRUNKS BAGS rar,w .pills known thst in many place there are ! p SejL'AatB ail of eraka. or "fa-jlta.- In the earth oniM DKESS SUIT CASKal AaOMkl the cause which led to their for- samaroeiA CASES rSwsa?,' ms m w.1 mation la the wrlnkllnc of the exterior WILL E. FISHER, 'AT f the xiohe whin the Interior ahrank esirlil.V BAGS I rnmmm. mt f- - mmm 4m. AT fmmt an - , - f from coi.linr Bme are a narrow as t- Real Estate Agent and Auc-.- ' eH. A D.ST( N B 3 Co . BAG Goodyear Rubber lmp-netrahle- perhaps. Others in fie All eter. Ma Pri. eg Aflat. Preir-i- t tm Nia rtMMi. r - rrirr"t- - r"t been Wide and de-- tinfer. Alligator and Best Tanne4 no-nt- h ri. yi oil at. i a. Col, V e a to admit molten material from Cor. Merchant a;irl Alakca Sty OwK AT BFR NMNG KLiSEWHBfiai. THE PACIFIC

i GILT EDGED UNIVERSE P' i CRICKET BASEBALL r I t , m WW WITNESSED i VICTORS M' yru k ,.,. , time in three seasons abut - ! of the Pr the first i - failed yesterday after- fiaM of tbe Oabu rtmpa yeo-- w ;h.- Scotchmen - to the Rest of the World more half noon defeat aftetnoon than - played at Makikl. a men. omrn and chll- - m a cricket match h peple. T rntverse went to bat first and t,'.h-r- -! .nj..yed two I final in compiled 10"J nuu before their of f baseball which at llmM artcket felL The Scots fell short procrcao bordered on the t - w f ' - v s a l - ; y , i i 7 this acoxe by exactly fifty runs. their r r turned out In force and at every moment had X ic ericketera ir and thirteen men were played on each We wfclch make for rapid circu- customary eleven. mailt vide in place of the a were atara and there Ml the old guard were present and lation. Tere added greatly to were bars, but Le Petit CMnha "led all number of recruits the interest of the game. Yesterday the reet-- " muster is said to have been the heat of The Brat sane was one between the recent seasons and promises well for Honolulu Athletlca and the Custom the future of cricket in Honolulu. World Beardmore (23). Her- M erase, the second between the For the and (18). Captain Kelly U3) and Von moa! yw.wfvcr, bert runalmne and the hia lie Illmas. the "TentneD euT tc ears Hyde (12) were the chief scorers. pris Richards TMH.QU TM der poire splitting aa la the order named-l- a Put first, appearance on It was Herberfs fact the Brat the victory belongs to the the field for a long tithe and te A 1 the first attempt pitcher. Joy being In fettle, bavin hla FIELD DAY IN K PIOL AN PARK that he "came off' at AT THE BOYS' BRIGADE was very gratifying to his friends. . urvea with him. and the speed with t ....-- tnk s wickets at a cost of Indl-ate- d horses, to- - 4 for 31 cannoned them over Kolo-wei- Ing race for Hawaiian bred 23 ancj Anderson wickets which ba The aeventh waa opened by ir runs that be has not been growing gether with Lcahl and Madeline. The run8. pin- - pone, who hit to center and advanced GREAT HWcie hound MM seven I ....,.r BOYS BRIGADE'S old horse Is owned by W. Rice and Is in The principal acorers for the Scotch; M alv;i:1,.... hlm - . w MeOill (23).- liottoinicy (H on rvaum, a - ...v.. vvi- he si another, though himself dying at first. iraininK iuo- uoi (9). eCV.W,th --nd the tally was marked up when Tout, which will. It la said, be a starter and R. Anderson i.T.in THE PARK .1 a t lited with 7 wlcketa lowed only a f'" lhe MEETING AT race. tl fl.ll rfl Xl'l?d nt out at first. The Punahou. in the gentlemtn'a driving less than 5 runs apiece, and lb U,VZ 'there u -- -- harp nine- averaging receivingAi! end nolhJ' - Boewell Jr.. winch is eighteen or Morse captured 4 wickets foi 21 runs. " worked off on them; nor could all h7 dob,e teen years of age. has a mark of 2:19. The complete score: with the goods 880-yan- - "'J" w ...... v.. r t !a dash C. Mashke (K). 1; J. An- i - - ho Rnvi' Brlasde Coast In u- maw i eirht h which he obtained at the WORLD. - . 7 with the eye of on Kaplolanl Park yeater- W . , was thought .Jaml-son- ran like a deer, batted sw.rmed down "T" x He was bred in Hawaii and S. Bvardmore. c. McGiU. b. e game was won in tne nair - ,,r " 1 5T Aim!, r nail-- d aeverai aeemlncly iat nearly 3 . u"n , w-n- rr ' d to ast c. Bottomtey. b. R. an eagle and day morning, and until grk R (K (K), 5. good enough to be shipp. the O a. T. Milis. 6 tmpoaalbte foula In a manner wnicn T5a-Z- rc-trsc- k 200-yar- dnsh-- En Sue (K). 1; K. liimai conn, son wno nau a ln the aftcraooa owned th . ft.r racintr DUmoSeS. His ctions 12 crowd heart disease, and then Jonn watemouse. (K. . .. (K) , H. L. Hcrbirt. run out .... - Cooke, wboae not and Infield. thTnk that in this year's race the old ), c. !. b. Jam- - Sooght of their trance to ap- for Clarence .y. wai , nVh jump-- E. DnWa P). 1; O. Desha C P. Mors, (eapt McOil them oat am .1 1 Vi ... . . W . . 6 hi f f .IIH It il Hla III."- - 1 nf lhi flnv IVi IllS sttp a fast enough to 0I ,iU v S IT). : I'alul (P). 3. horse will heat Kaon willow. Loucks and Bteere hit aafe-- m brigade drill followed by p:acps Capt. Kelly, b. R. Anoeraon 13 Kunaton" Newton waa the umpire tie urn.d by a Kakiak.. took first two ln i.ie distance his c. mpi titors. 0 c IX. the first one going down the line In b th . broad jump and all the p'acca in toe p-l- u .s a 2:22, and l iicnala run out quick as ever, giving his dHll. partlclpat.d Hopw, Jr r. Marartt II.. - 0 and he waa as bag second landing A. I Al.'.. atpa.. i. uw i . aaw er the and the u vault. .,n,:, Jum 12 nUnm Juat aa be the tStmVS. by vriou conpnla The -- r,co -- by Fred Mack. 2:4.. whkA. la.t b.Andemon ...... Klley let one get and both n. nurdlc a9 ,in A-d- mm ranLdlv aa be could call off during the entertainment at ..j, bred trotUngi record. A. Jordan, c. b. er- did ,oved up. and then the scoring began enounced Kn m (JO anJ y,. dash by held the Hawaoan R. 2 !! kept the line clear and p.nlght. (K). Edith R. establislud a r.. roc r son TJlm on long fly to center and Water- - the club room Ka:iirr.al "Ja mile e ban "'""V 1 the home breda last ytar. going picker run out VV ,-- a waa over atretic sorts - J..t:-ieso- drill ii-;f.- !P T?!i .J honae aafe hit to ah..rt. This waa all After the First place countil five p.lnts. second tn o.s- i.i c Corkburn. b. I a-.- d the o T could get. but It waa enough, for held away the rivalry between - one re was weeping and wailing and b. .. 1M. however f.r iw! he called out r thru- points and third point. Tlu Brett, Jnmlson 0 Tl the Malles could not conn. t in their and Palama companUa was v.ry pre- - gnashing of am. ng a select ecterie not out members of the Punahou team Kakaako Th banner and medala will be t.th - IS first - am f yeaterday when If was learn- jstr-- s In n1'- waa that the ti y- hoiuraaeta have the ball keen, for It underatood - d evening room. T . .. i V.. .1 .1 when Davis did not nt. this at the club i . . .fc... Ir. v M..1. .1.. r il. - nitf. -- mm through- - pt-lnt- s privilege.! eu vnai ill' ' " " mu nw- at These were taken There were splendid play glaring tht moat was where an and varied program Wayboy In c. nt'e- - 109 out ganv nnqfra t atlractlve to aiiow to stat th. Total things, however, and perhaps the ht scond j,, chllenfc banmr for another v . mm. little u t to tb will be carried out men s uriving race. www SCOTLAND. any nce and artually beat lh out. i wowld not have made difference wefe Uo off, rcJ tlu ,uc. ham recently f..ltl ( . w a y o j. j. 11 J .n.-- s figured afve outa Theodore Richards, presldi nt of the - W. Bottomley. b Hatnew. in five MKeea g-- m.a commit- ' for l. and the executive - 9 In the v.r.ou. - cap field VLTSewad game waa as full of brll- - and Taylor made a circus cat, h. pick- - ceul coputors Boa" Brigade. sjh rint. r.ded yesterday's teTof Jockey Club are unkind enough R- Anderson t J- won very .sally from 1 alaraa. the 0 perform- - Ing one up off the ground alniot while Kakaako events, assisted by F. C. Atherton. lead- I n.lder that th s w,s n I . N tlmate V' ilsace a club mlnatrela' - C. McOd I. h m arae :::: s Si-- held T running and at full ateed. The score tell the tale: the score oclng ;i to Palaraa t.as er Of tl. K:.Kaako Company, and Rev. J. sale but a aourloua bwnaacttoa for the f- 3 bttinr . a m ..-- ,. i- -e Ma-Je- .r purpose smuggling the VlatfiVld maaee Lbc r ror of Wrboy V' I- Hcrberi; 7 of the kind that atara I bann. iw Krdman. captain of the Pa'.amas. ecmm'ttee - '0 ekburn c b i- :145I7II amateur event. The executive 1 -M 1 of the o o Sue a careful ti dnm - field, and me team M I. A. ... 0 0 0 tnla ytar En and d Young were the "'-'- t m- c"n-raiin- - . other -- - W m 03 Wilson Fr t ho .ineic. v are 10 . . 1 . - 1 rf . . XV e. O. p. - I A. C. . . 0 0 0 0 2 Id they sports. a . - K. Jsmieson. lltrD.Il. mi'iao It time mere ..1 "4 Kakaako' contingent t the tale and cfticlala of the im m fhn r net'nn wlilen....Ils Or. ivnt- " 1 played Vi was 1 . u A. Oarvie b. Moras loud over their ran. The team A. E. xi,r,ln's. - .! braflon th third eu one v . .. 0 P. A. A.B. R. B.H. P.O. - iiie iiii.n e n nn.l hi- shuwiTiir . ri ti .... A b Hatfield 1 y ... Ita lrlrl- - madeT botn ppo-ie- py lUf.ttli . , . Iurka. .'. 4 S S t 1 The aummu-- of eventa: T was I rum n nc ' a u.it ui 0 1 4 by the cmpanics and Individuals H((,na, sh co fleer, an. 4 2 1; . b. Sl-'is- 0 t ds w . u...... Irish, (P). " Katliifnriiirv' Thi -Rleharda . ! - 1 1 j . In turn t K,k the eye Myers. Sb 4 I 2 I 1 dash for beyn P. IXaha - dorr 1 r i . : t 1 ' .1 .1 .s mugging, each 3. waa on ...... v.., ., v.. -- - araoay. t.ji oui agitated the hands of the crowd, ooke. rf. 2 9 0 0 En 0e tK). 2; Aukal (P). stated jeMerday that a movement n,ei- i- iii s and 160-yar- 1: Ka'.hmul organise company and l qunr-ter- s Extras onlookers If. 1 0 0 0 dash En Sue (K). foot to a crack Fhe has a WOTtd of np for three a Impartial were the Watt rhouse. X e.iriilah Hi. I, m ar.rl.. first. rlaS.t sod -- 2 (Kl. 2. fi iMKha (!')...... wllh" rki of a mile, but dies away In the 59 T- aide the advan J. Mar. lino. cf. 4 : m- - -t they gave each iLm ymi hoi- -b Prlen (Kl. 1: Hutehle i:nif..rr-- and aecoutr. m nt". The m Total rooting, and enjoyed t Wl'liamson. p.. 2 2 plck- - etr. tch. of their Kopsr. lb. 2 e 14 K). 2: Broad P). 2. b rs of this company will either be Time Center has been fired and will not pulled off. e Xum fuU every good thing 1 me--mil- race K lllaa K). 1: SO from all the other companies or win llcmenway. r. . 2 0 1 2 bicycle rar for w.vf roi opened Jh-- 0 Z; h, those; men who maele '.in the banner BASKETBALL .. Th Zebras A M re lino.. If. Z 1 1 C Uomea (Punchbowl;. II. Wilhaidn Albert M. put in heat In 232, ?:3 LAST draw of two. both unearned, fn the tl e mjany of the prcvlouV year. He still fav. rs hi? off f re- ; cpl...m-bl- y r Total 4 27 12 2 but Is loomlrg up dangeroua In the GAMES TONIGHT class. This horpe ts game ir' '. baa A. 1. runner at aecowd. and It h- - H. I. A. C. A.B. ft. B.H. P.O. E H. A. C A R. R B.H. P.O. A. t:. Rases on ball Tucker. not y t shown his true Ho has , Klley. c 4 1 2 2 Price. 2b 0 0 0 i balls Gorman. 1. been unfortunate enonah to go wrong out. Wiitu i games Toung Men's baea the third Man- -. 2b 4 2 2 ss. 10 b ague games today will be be- d most and in a his bad The final ef the singles, alnaoet Wllilarrs. Th" when n.ed. rre L- - f,ue-- hit for four Kolowena. lb.. 0 0 Loula. 2b. ... 2110 100 tween the Artillery and Punahoua. and tendon Is likflv to cause Mm to erack Christian Association Basketball failure of the Zebrs 2 0 10 1 1 or- gym- - but the Davis, lb. .... 1110 unha. c. ... 211016 2 0 i'ust'ms and Kamehanithas. U the up. If he gets to and through a race wra taki B Ihta evening In the Jones, an. 4 1 1 2 4 2 Joy. p 1 2 0 2 1 anquia enow ,. . der named. ssfuily. however. h . .1 : 4 1 1 ,.f institution. The rat Hunh. rf. J Ay let t. cf. 0 The Kamehameha's team and batting h.-nt.-i h i. tl-n- n 2-- will be between he Five OC..ck I.uahlwale. If. . 4 1 1 0 0 0 Hanerran. If. 0 2 0 0 0 Is as follows: Angetae ' rterday worked hepts In s c c 1 1110 order Ios i nd Blue Streal:a. a:i'i me m net Akau. 3b 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 2:31. M. K. drove y J.-h- Drama ion . Heads. Clcason. lb Kekuewn lb.. O. Jones p.. D. d 1 s iviii l:smui:d p. 2 1 2 . 0 0 0 hts r 'lark. W Aylett. 2 0 0 ii-i- i u.--. v . he went very well owner rf l . v...iii..iio "t. . A. 2b. him and and positions: 4 1 la-hne- r. i.i. 'l.nnis Taylor, cf. .... 2 '4If. .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 IT. as.. K- t- showing but slight slr.s of his recent Vanratta 2b.. Lemon 1. Five O'CIe eks vs. BJue Streaks game, and only kti.-iv- e S. K..kl ef- F. CeK-V-t-t If. Iam c s. f. Helibraa their - Ren of the 2 24 12 4 C 1 - f!.-.-- I V- a j. a. Templeton . Total Total 11 27 R. US nlr Miimliv. drlvrn bv -' A ..mmm .in hit and a steal Subs. t'has. Iachade. Reuter. - J. B. Frtit.is ...... f.. Blackman . heat in 2:33. and with Oalt behind, s'en- opened . 1 1 .. W. E. Kerr oad an out at first. Klley the Surnn it Summary: a tl i o .m TVi vl .1 V r f ' f1 t: KwaMIso ..c... waa not T ....g.. A. E. Lutz o rater with a ameah. but he gone In 2:25. but that wff about find J. Ruase Hem-euwa- y ncrhrwrhouse. CU,k. Joy. have ....g.. J. Boyle faet .enough down the linen and Cunhs. WAYROY" RARRFD Jones. Akau. i.uamwa, rhUur.ha ' ' ' ' ' ' i vs. Diamond Heada him when trying t Stokn bases ' H. gallope d a couple "ned at arrested ble Ptay-Tayl-ortO MnM. Carter Harrison Jr...... Ben Clarke etceod seek After a fly K,rlrlr.; hi Tucker Joy. MIT AC A D ATC of mllea and brushed the last e'shth T. m Evans ....f.. purloin the Struck out Hy Wllllumson. 3. by t,nm..m I - A...... f... Geo. Desha atngles. M- fllnlon V.tei'll Jov Avlctt. owner, la expect- M. Keogo out were three but LM- t 2. smartly. O'Rourke. his . Ihere 'lark LMuoie plays xo aioore. uajr today. c. R. M' Cirr'ston alike erred and permiiwi on balls Mv Williamson. I by ncanion down frm Hilo Mililand ..g.... John Clarke his Ite 1 ,0-r.::".- ci g.. Marcallin 0 la send romra'i' e'l.irk. 1 i BoswOU . L. Kvans .... J. ...rt.. extremely probable that . ... ii-- i - Mt,' PeaM-- d s- Klley . s . i ,r.- . liv - Th- is oenvereo in . ball- j "r 'V TV,r trotting and pa1'- - Advertiser The first gnme will start at 7:30 p. m. r la their half the PunatMNM eaaayed Toe or- - by innings In the first game 2. Jr will be seen in the part of the eitj for 75 cents a month. name trick but only half tornI it. the fmmm i 1 J r, I " e J lark I ol o one, .,ut H- - n- -t i 0 2 each eent Utile jut .f ... o u o : : 0 0 0 i -- . k tallied on the last of the I. 9. cuatoma. A It i: H H v n. a. E. THE HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB Moon, ss 4 0 O 2 1 0 gasp tmw ilorman. c 4 0 2 - 0 out. Which meant the last O 1 4 4 Innings there was n- - Nowell. 5b. 4 bteere. For fur Hcanlon. lb .. 4 1 0 12 2 0 sheet. Then the score 5 I c change In the n. 0 0 A KUt-- 2b. 2 0 wae tied after some clever batting. Oay. If. 2 1 I I I Mrik-o- nt e dew lie led off and after Tucker, p 2 0 0 0 0 ! J. Marcslllno batted Myers home Bowers, cf 2 o e I e 1 Eighteenth .Addu Meeting Races Jtsnt 14th single. Th-- crowd went MM Klwa. rf. 2 1 wl h a ... FIVE-EIGHTH- S MILE of the game, mm ihe Anelermm. If. .. 1 rlRfl- - RACE! oaar thla phase : HO. th-it'- e June a:d 1902 DASH Free f..r all; puiFe. p.Mm, wmm of tb- - highest luallty and m Hih. - T-l- 3 23 I". 3 AND any.m is itt- ul BBCOND RACK TROTTING was making It still PACING. L.14 ("LAiS: Rest 2 In 3 heats: purae. $200. Races llth It A "E HAWAIIAN JOCH52 Jure THIRD ' CLl'lt CUP: To be wm twice by FIKT ItACR-UNl- ON FEED CO. CUP: sumo owner eir stable; erne ana one-- ' On.--ha-l' mile dash: purse. $100. half miles, free for all: iurse. ftt SECOND RACK TROTTING AND FOURTH RACK C A L I F 0 R N IA J TKKD CO.'B CUP: Hawaiian bred. 2:30 i lass: best 2 In 3. mile llililM" l.,.Kt iMtlMi.".iti.rt nn.l.. . i - - in heUlS: 0 b. :,t .... $: pur.--.- -. i:o. THIRD RACE POLO PONY RACK. FIFTH RACK THRKE-FOIRTH- S : purse, Three-eigh- ts mile MILK DASH Free for all; owner to ride $1C0. da--h- $00 cup. ; SIXTH RACK TROTTING AND rOUATH RACE W A I K APTJ COP: PA IN-:- . : - CLASS: ! 1 - la 3 : To h at flartellne's time. 1:16: Tbree- - lie.-ity-, one mile: purs . mile dash free for all: purse. SKVLNTII RACK-PR1- MO CUP: fonrlhn Handicap, one mile dash; free lor a.l; HMt pur-- e. $100. ri-r- il RACE RAINIER CUP: Trot- tt-- d 3 All ri.i.8 to b run eir tr und r ting pacing, free for all: best - and th.- rules of the California J.x k . '.ub tn 5 beats; purse $1. und ihe National Trotting Assoc ia: Ion. appear in ; HI.XTI1 RACE ROF ITA PHUJ-WO- E All rldtrs add drivers t" colors. l THP: Free for all one mile dah: $' At least three to enter and two to added If Viorle' time of 1:41 la beaten, start. aa puree. $2I$L All borate are expected to start un-la- 9 a. m. on S withdrawn by o'clock .SEVENTH RACE GENTLEMEN th. day previous to the race. DRIVING RACE: One mile; free for 50 cents; ' of the Jockey Club wh June 11 General admission. all members ,i side. 11.00; grand a purse, own-a- n ..r .tnd mauka Imve never driven for stand maka: aide. 50 cents. A - prlxe. $50 cup and mW 'MtyA ,' c 7- to drive. Flrat June 14 Admission, inciuuing grui.u Toomey cart: eecond prlxe. buggy, stand. $1.00. prise, aet barneaa. third Program subject to change. KKiHTH RACE FIVE-EIGHTH- S MTL.E DASH: Fr.-e- - for all: purse. Entrlea close June 3. W2. at 4 p m.. )t00 with the secretary at C. R-- Collins NINTH RACE OCEANIC S S. COS shop. harnesa - box Am Vetday TP: Thre--four- tha mile: Hawaiian Per Jatk Wceday. who is trainiig 2t Lon Branch for his coming box- Low Agnew. who b matched lo puree. $26. orgKOl,TIVE COMMITTEE Kame-hameh- a bred, Mou on ONK- - L-- CRABBE. ing contest with Lon Agnew. ten round, in the Opera TENTH HAE-O- NE AND C. Jockey Club. FOl'KTH MIL.B DASH Free for Secretary Hawaiian Day. all: purfe. $200. 1st COMMERCIAL MAY 31, 14 THE PACIFIC ADVERTISER, HONOLULU. 1902.

A PASTOR'S TROUBLE SUNDAY LAHAlNA s--o - t 1 1 ia Is Wh he--- a Minister ch Continued from Pace 10. in lu iian Teiriiory. PATTOSIENS neaa lntereata and determined the trend Big' Exposition Building SERVICES of government. Tbe king had early Furniture For many lone yeara tbe Kev. v u- - been induced to call a conatltutionat T-- . to sign Sts. I am R. Brock, of Provence. L was convention and a Declaration Cor. 16th and Mission with troubles more than fall of Right, guaranteeing security of In- bumdened dividual property: and. In 1840. the first to the lot of tne average man. but written constitution of the Islands. Mot tee for this tsurrb column finally be waa able to throw them off jrawo n accordance with the precepts by 0 p. m-s- a must b la has esBcs sc- - Anglo-Saxo- n jurisprudence, waa pro DESIRABILITY RELIABILITY Otherwise tbr and now telle entertainingly bow be of AFFABILITY FrUlj. aaya: claimed. It had been prepared In a II ill ITT will b run V the compltobed It He coral-buildin- g to no charge two story which then wesk before. There I waa a boy of about twelve on what are now public COT thrSe OOtlM. "When stood the v.-:.- i had what a boy seldom has school premises. The prime minister PATTOSIEA'S PJtTTOSIEM'S pjrrrosiEN's rheumatism. I bad been tn bad health ma usually of a different nationality Grtod Furniture Treatment Your Money's Worth and More for soma months and waa taken out of from hla sovereign and wielded a Fair t'NIOSf CHURCH Itav. I kept IHHUL. sCiaeAlsL oaator. Sunday school on account of It. But strong Influence over him. Some of the ------MMa claaa. 0 V). public getting worse and at oae time could captains, not a few mate and a groat and suppose, un- name. Square dealing worvh.n and irmon. 11; T. P. C hardly get around. Thla I many of the sailors, which latter All over the country these thoughts are associated with the Isl-end- awaaer mating. N. evening services dermined my health and was the cause usually hailed from the "Western s" it . I me. has won this nothing; more. . at hWt weakly prayer meeting, WaO f the later troubles which afflicted ( Axores), settled la Lahalna We ask your confidence in we offer, and shall prove worthy ot it by away. 7:00 p. a. "Home sixteen yeara ago I developed from time to time. Some of these sol- the Furniture a torpid liver aad an enlarged spleen diers of fortune drifted away; others the values we shall render you. ... e or general information. JT. ANDREWS CATHKDRAL--Te- which Anally caused a chronic diar- became wealthy and went elsewhere to NorK If you cannot visit our store, write us for catalogues, photos, prices Rigst Kver-o- d William Forw wicssaa, rhoea. Thla la Itself waa very spend their money: but Lahalna haa 1 , MUMiorary urn The feut 4rct af lb - weakening In addition to that, my always equally parts illustrations and prices below are tract at Honolulu, the Rv. Canon Alex- but. shared with other merely given as a stimulating suggestion and the Rav atomach refused hearty food. I had a of tbe group the reputation of being a oaSer Mackintosh sever pain to my aide almost all tbe land" from which the wayfarer, assaaai any "lotus June 1. flrt Sunday attar lima and. when I walked distance. once having reached it. la very loath to Tn n I 7 a. m . celebration of ii iy 1 became out of breath, with a feeling depart; and the town haa retained to 30 a. m . matin In na ( burning at tbe heart. My head aad the present time a very large per cent limbs would ache fearfully, especially of "old Inhabitant" na, enseal . brat. r. f Holy rom-asesUo- n my came for- A at night. Then rheumatism Whether or not the aggregate of with sermon by the Rev. oa again and. later. I aad a dry. hack Influence In good Wltoaw, reetor of Chrto Church, eign resulted ultimate C ing cough which nearly me dis- j l aung drove to the majority of the Inhabitants la awua.t o At Ihla aervlee will be I Taylor's i'omm union la F and tracted, not a queatlon to be anawered lightly. arUstoeatota to H "I waa under the care of two physi- True It la that enlightenment came IROJT BKD with brass top rod. IRON BED with brass knob, 21 gmo't otorte to fcraas asaaasBB and knobs; nizes equal in strength to any bed DININO TABLii made of solid oak, finished fag SB. p. m. rhil- - cians but. although the tonics they from arroae the sea. but aadly true aa rt is 42 inchej Hyrras sad S:0 ; ft. i 6 in, and 4 ft 6 in. Trice xaade. Price s)j.x golden extendes to 6 feet, top 7 Jo p ra.. avea.'t.g. gave ma mmia to do tne good for a well that thence came alao the seeds when closed. Price Magnificat and Nunc while, the effect waa only temporary. of death. Those who labored wltb $o5 to c Santa, iiymna. iTJcaw Finally I waa Induced to try Dr. Wll- - singleness of purpose to teach the U 40s. 471. 117 aad H. lUma Flak Pills for Pale People by an Ignorant natives the "good way." and Th flutrblna American ts-- advertisement In a paper which told those who were their leaders In the w to uaa In the cathedral from of the cttra of a caae similar to mine. grossest forma of debauchery and Thla waa four yearn ago. I took them licentiousness, spoke the same langu- aad eight boxes made me well. I am age. Time ahowa that the weaker rHAPJCI. now well strong haw. Joka U Reetor. aad and rr. Williams people, having drunk so much more Holy romm H a Pink Pitta for Pale People have made deeply of the poison than of aught else ao. go- - MBf. 7 P 4ft a mo offered by the stronger, are rapidly as. Kapit Ing to their graves and leaving their - Mr. Brock took a medicine that at ranger THXi:i- naU PARLOR SCTT. frame is made of Eastern IATENT KITCHEN TABLE, has two bins, two drawers, land to at birch 6nihed mahogany color; scats are upholstered as two kneading boards. Price tacked hie trouble at tbe root the Lahalna's moat prosperous period ex- vor otDRt, either In velour or tapestry. Write for j2.e OBRlsTTIAN CHURCH. Atoka blood aad nerves. Poor blood and dis tended through the forties and flftle an: pie coveting. Price of suit Sl.l.SO This table with sliding top to extend four feet, $1.00 extra Mav King. B tl Hockley. ordered nerves at the seat of nearly all la the early alxtlea there came a Reoidene. l.44 W:id-- r i-- nii' T-- l- change. Tbe roadstead of port, photw Mas Nil. the ailmente which afflict mankind, and the Our Carpet Department Woc-waip- though ordinarily well sheltered, waa Morning subject. "Slrver'ty tn ." Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People exposed during "southerly Now occupies over 15,000 square feet of floor space to on the blow" -- the fourth the artw bare been proven to be a certain rem Oabu's excellent harbor drew r.d ia full of bargains In all possible styles gar i lion Sg tbe afownt. Kvenlng sub- ' natural edy U -- ship masters thither, royalty a and varieties. You'll like our patterns, too. ject. Tr.rrrwnd Heroes. Blbte for all esses arising from thla built Samples sehooJ at 4ft a m . Junior. X p. in.; pretentious palace In the growing town sent free. Mwnior tt I M & n. ICvarybody wrt-caa- ae I of Honolulu and Lahalna came to be Sanford's Brussels Carpets, per yard 70c, 60c, 55c Dr. WUIUn s' Pink Pills for Pale I at any of tkwar earvlcss. looked upon aa a place of country real-- I All-wo- ol Ingraius, per yard 65c People are sold fifty bog or In-- Wool-fille- at roots a dence. Then kerosene oil began to I d Ingrains, per yard 45c LOAN Of Christtoa -- Mt8lN-- sit b . .'or ta dinars aad fifty vade the territory of whale oil and In Heavy Colombia Ingrains, per yard 30c Ckwrcw. Corner Ktwa .h.) street and ' every victorl-- . anJ may be had or ell druggists. advance It made It waa I Wilfon Velvet Carpets, per yard $1.50, $1.25, 95c ou consequent In Ready-mad- e an nations " Son day aervlrea Btbta I tool by mall from Dr. Williams The reduction tbe Carpet Rugs, in velvets, Brussels . price oil, to 6 a swan m.mi p. m . prrwnma w p. .v of added the havoc the rndaxminstcrs 19... $10.25, $8.75, $7.75 Tou are int. tea. "Wbosoevr will lao .. Schenectady. X. T. confederate cruisers wrought upon 3x11.6. $21.50, $15.50, $14.25 ty come." A. O II ushaw. stop. osse t sassaooo4 many of the whalera at home off New Sanford's Brussels Rugs 9 1 ia $13.75 Bedford during the war. liromley's Smyrna x Nnuanu street at 9 o'clock every Bun-da- y disheartened Rugs 9 ia $17.50 ROMAN CATHOLIC CATIIEDRAI morning. A Scandinavian meet thoee tollera of the sea. and Lahalna 7.6 x to.6 $14.75 the It shop of Pano poll Low maaaei ing every Wed- watched with a sad heart her trade 6x9-- $10.25 High grade DINING CHAIR DINING CH-U- to match for ladles Is held other of one polished oak; has TABLE, con- communion. and T. children a nesday afternoon, grejouk, disappear. Then, as If to add Insult to Novelty Art Rugs 9 x 12 $6.75 strongly with Kngiish sermon. 9; high ot t lu the leather seat. This beautiful structed, well braced, Mission Home. 471 Hotel street. All Injury, such whalers aa did remain in 9x9 $5.85 chair, $1.90 has cane seat. Price with native sermon. 1" 30: roan welcomo. ry. X: the Pacific chose Honolulu, and later $4.75 Arm Chair to match, $A.Z eS eta. with native Instruction. solemn Pan Francleco, becauae of the greater 9h vep. ra and benedictions, 0; week days, is brim full of Novelties at lowest prices. l-- . of to In OUR CURTAIN DEPARTMENT Curtains sent on warn. aad T. MFH'R CHRISTIAN ASSO amount amusement be found 4 elation Hotel and Alakea street Hen these ports, us their stopping; places; approval. Money back in all cases where goods are not satisfactory. ry - Brown, general eaeretary. unless. Indeed, they had made poor 4-- a- -- MRTHODIST EPISCOPAL ;I'.RCH - Corner Beretanta aad Mill- - r street. Christian worker' preparation serv- atches. when they put In at Lahalna O. fter1. e at Oahn prison. 11 ex- - Her. L Pearson, pastor. le. - where accommodations were less 4.4.4. 1 1 4 4 I 4 4444-4-v- 11 m sermon-b- the Rev. Dr. C. am- c with addre.is by pensive! By H70 the number calling V. Ar.t . f c subje.-t- . "Th- - popular speaker at 4; Bible c wifomla. ; . each year had dwindled to one or two, . at i at All men welcome. bank- two miles of the Church." 7.20 m and the last American Consul to La- something had to be dom or the Hawalians proved. themselves to be. an equal attendance; and. by the paator. "How to Itn- - halna waa called home. ruptcy was inevitable. The manager In a few years the Pioneer Mill Co. above the town, a manual traiaing rhar.Mtrr" I flM It OF JBST'S nmiST OF departure was a of the Makawao plantaUon, who was. bought the newly" erected mill, took up school for Hawaiian boys Lahainaluaa Weekly ndaya. pwbl : ..y (Mormon The of the whalers Asso- a boarding Services Salnta Church) signal for the leading citizens of Laha as previously stated, the brother of the what leases the West Maui Sugar Seminary. This seminary is worship and sermon. 11 a. m. and nbowl street. Sunday service: Mr. Spencer who had gone to Philadel- ciation held, and since then there has school supported by the government - ! . r.p- - - I r- - to of people xj h ..l. I) a. rn . lay I pool nl 10 a m . gUMI rr lna turn the attention the up Ko-ha- phia to purchase the new mill, took not been land enough left vacant for and is very old. The town has several League 11 of district to pursuits. la worth devotional aervlee. t:Jf vice, preaching, at M a. m.; Young tbe other hla plant bodily, placed It on board a any other plantations to gain a foot- general merchandise stores, and an p. m. Wednesday, prayer meet Ins;. 7 People's Mutual Improvement Associa- and Matunao were succeeding In Jap- Monthly Meet Ingo Monday. t:M tion, 7 p. ra.; sugar cane; why acbooner, landed It at Lahaina and hold, f ever increasing number of small First at primary meeting, for the cultivation of overripe crop. By anese shops. Nearly all branches of p. m.. Woman's Horn- - Missionary So- children. Friday at I p. m. : Relief So- should not Lahalna. situated on an harvested the the Succeeding years have seen several 7 bus!-aee- crop waa professions a.re ciety IS p. m . Rpwortb League a ciety meeting at 10 a. ra.. on Saturday. alluvial fan of wonderfully rich soil time the second ready the changes In the ownership of the Pioneer trade and most of the meeting: first Tuesday. 7:S0 p. m.. All are respectfully lavtted to attend and watered. Indeed not sufficiently by much delayed mill had arrived and had Mill Co. Its growth has been parallel represented. The total population ef Methodtot Men's Club: third Friday. our meetlnga and examine our doc- rain, but by three never failing moun ben installed. with that of other large sugar planta- the district is 4332. Two hotels fin it IN p. nv. Ladto Aid Society. trines. Free to all: no contributions: first mills In use on these Islands tions of the islands. What was appar- profitable to do business; the same with services in Wm. M. tain streams, produce sugar cane? The The an Hawaiian. Eldsr Investment seemed favorable and In were very unpretentious creations but ently a drawback a few years ago upward of forty hacks. There Is ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH Waddaupa. In one overcome ice and soda water factory. A greater At Kallhlwaen the early sixties the "Lahalna Sujcar none waa more so than the with scarcity of water has been Company" began operationa on local which the Pioneer Mill Co. harvested by the sinking of wella and the erection number of steamers call at Lahaina Ho- Homo-lul- u THE RAPTIST 80CIETT OF Henry Dickin- Its first crop. Three heavy wooden of pumping plants. Now the company than at any other island port, AL'OI'STirtll CHAPEL (Roman nolulu Reirular meetlnr first Sabbath and borrowed capital. excepted, thus making the connec- Catholic). M -- Every Sunday of son. Sr.. proprietor of tbe principal rollers set upright and made to revolve has only the common need of all of the i afternoon of each month at 3 o'clock. tion with the capital, seventy-tw- o miles the year at r.e a. m.. holy raa-- a with In Young Men's Chriatlan Association general merchandise store of the town, together by means of cogwheels at top Hawaiian plantations more hands for y- distant, very satisfactory. Sugar ves- sermon; at I ft m . Sunday ScSeool. ro-r- parlor A cordial Invitation is extend- was president; C. 8. Bartow, post- nnd bottom, were the crushers. A long the cane fields, and good prices for a ed to all. master and collector of customs, was lever attached at the top of one of the sugar. sels, loaded with lumber or other secretary; and P. H. Tread way. the rollers, with a pair of mules hitched Lahaina Today: The place can be freight, occasionally touch at the La- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SEP VI 'Est- end, waa described quite acurately in short haina landing, but more frequently at MEMORIAL ba sheriff of Maul, was treasurer. The at the outer the motive the ates tar services. Sunday. 11 a. as.; Blfllior. CHAPEL power. operatora were needed, expression, "one vast sugar planta- Kekaa, which is in the district, and is Wedneaday. 7:30 p. room s, Oregon Hehooto; Dr. W. B. El kin. firm of Walker A Allen were the Ho- Three as.: com-- a man to drive the mulea. and two. tion." To a person approaching from about four miles away and reached by block. ol chaplain. Sunday morning aervlee at nolulu agent The newly formed I 11 o'clock. Alumni aad friends cordially pany entered Into a contract with a crouching on opposite aides of the the sea it presents a beautiful, quiet, the plantation railway. Most of the j out. inviting scene, tree covered strip local, trade is with Honolulu Invited. Mr. Spencer, whose brother waa man-- rollers, to aend the cane in and the -- GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCIf-R- o. I a. Mr. Felmy. paator; 1033 King ager of the plantatlonr-a- t Makawao. to fTavrth piece went one way between two near the shore with its tall cocoanuts It may be asked: "Does Lahalna in "monkey-pods- " be- street M a. m . Sunday school: 11 CHURClT OF THE S ACRED purchase and bring around the horn a rollers and was returned between the and wide spreading vite enterprise other than the cultiva- lieart M srqoeoville. Pnnabou. good mill, which, contrary to their Btxl two; the Juice waa then trans- - ing very noticeable. Back and beyond tion of sugar?" In reply it can be said DlCCTSa'HK KVANURU8CII LU-Saartar- he hopes, waa destined to make a very rr-- d to the boiling kettles which con is the lighter green of the cane fields, that the town has very little outlying K Ire he. Felmy. 1033 way Pastor SEVENTH-DA- T ADVENTIST alow voyage. Meanwhile the first crop stituted the next department of the; extending several miles either territory to draw from, the tillable laad Klrg street. Son atag. 10 Uhr. Kinder-go- t CHAPEI Saturday. Sabbath school at of cane was put In. The company did mill. The kettlea were rcllca of the along the coast and from two to two of West Maui not being extensive, and tesdlenat; II Uhr. Oemelnde Oottea-diers- t. a. - 11 a. m.; Wed- w haling days, "trylnc-ou- t pots." and ! and a half miles up the hill sides; resources are fWn-.t- r - M m; preachlna- at not Intend to farm much land Itself, that therefore its limited. de Versammeloasj nach- - - en nesday, prayer aad missionary meet- but ratber to encourage the planting ere five In number, graduated in sixe higher yet is the bare red of the un- Its geographical position half way oe-twe- ing at p, m. All are welcome. J. of the numerous idle plots which had and set in a row over a sort 01 rur-nac- e. watered slopes, shading into gray in Honolulu and Hilo will always pastor. J THE RCOROAN17.ED CHURCH OF H. Bebrens. formerly been cultivated, chiefly by the smallest, being over the hot- the grassy regions; and finally come make the place important as a stopping Jesus Chrut of Latter Day Salnta Hawallans. In for the test Are and the largest next to the the tree-cover- ed summits, which are point for steamers. Some persans MSsUanl Han (rear of the Ooera House PORTUOCESB E V A N O E LI CAL whaler In pursuance of thla plan the chimney. The boiling Juice was ladled much of the time half obscured from think that eventually much of the trade O a. sa.. Book of Mormon cia m : 10 Church Corner of Miller and Punch advanced money for the purpose of from kettle to kettle and finally Into view by the clouds. Here in these of Central Maui will pass through La- . bowl Rev. A. V. Boa res. pastor. a. m Sunday school: 11 a m . streets. cooling pans. went Into heights ia source of Preaching In Portogueae at 11 a. m. purchase of aeed cane, toola and the the Thence it the the surface haina, this place being the first Maui blug p. 1 fseoa (Hawattaa): 0:90 m.. Zlon 3:30 p. like, and aa each kuleana Mtrlfugal turned by means of a water, which makes its way In never port of call from Honolulu, and having Rel gto aad Literary Society; 7:99 p. sa..i and 7:90 p. m.: Sunday school. bad a water Bow-e- n. right good small upright engine, and leaving that failing streams to the plantation a preaching. English aervlee. m.. conducted In English: W. A. guaranteeing a supply of much better sheltered harbor than superintendent. Prayer meeting. water. In the course of a year a con- It had been through the third depart- ditches and serves for the irrigation of Central Maui possesses. This can only Modi 1 ' 7 siderable crop waa in and tbe need of ment of the mill and waa sugar. The the upland cane. Here, also, ia the be. however, when a railroad twenty-fiv- e SALVATION A RMT C sugar In kegs laa-aWO- a mill soon was forwarded to the head of the abundant underground miles ef King and Nuuanu Sts --Capt. to become Imperative. But in length around the moun- n. flow - Hur-hisn- Lieutenants Katnoftoo THE KAULUWWTA SUNDAT the mill did not arrive. Honolulu agents and It "paid." even which, through the pumping sta- tains has been built to connect the two Hutcbtoaoa gad Adrlna Gordon ta SCHOOL Sunday school. 1:30 p. m. Encouraged by the success of the when produced In such a crude way. j Hon". Is made to water the lowland Places. Very little idle land and less 10 a. m . prayer meeting; 10:M Lahalna Fugar Company a aorond. the Not more than two or three crops had cane. Lahaina is on the leeward side idle water (the immense waste of water m. open if' of West Maul. a air meeting for sailors and Mew Departure for T. M. O. A. Pioneer Mill Co.. waa formed: two ben harvested by either of the la- and. consequently, the in times of freshets excepted) is to be ionxshoremen on the old Flahmarket local men. James Campbell and Harry haina plantations when, by the failure lowlands receive very light rainfall. found about Lahalna. The climate is wharf: 11 m . holiness meeting: 13:90. There are a number of young men In Turton. being the leaders In move- firm (Brooks & Co.) Thre was. however, certainly a time well aervlee to the Oaho Penitentiary; 3 p. the of a San Francisco suited to the cultivation of a large who think that there are ment. These men were one a carpenter Honolulu agents (Walker & in some past geological period when variety of sa.. Sunday school; 7 p. m . open air Honolulu their fruits and vegetables: the eervtcea corner plaree on a summer and the other a mas .n. though neither Allen) were forced to close their doors, West Maui was deluged with rain, products would find a ready Fort and Hotel streets; more attractive at I . ft . a w . market, p. - .not-- run ii.ir-- y bankruptcy. It seemed time, which cut away the mountain sides, the m.. SatvattoB mooting. All ere T. M. C. A. , i"i.oveu ir.u and for a amount of labor necessary to be cordially Invited to Sunday afternoon than the Turtnn MnK tne pr.,pr,etor pf a would be the inevitable end of the washed out deep, narrow valleys, and expended and attend. young men bI deposited the probable profit would hall. Some of thoae are( lard na, and boWunjc alley, and James young plantations. Both hung In the the fertile detritus on the compare favorably with the same in MAKIKT CHAPEL On Ktnau street. found enjoying the fresh air under the 'ampbell. according to common report. balance, aa it were, until a Mr. Pitman lowianas and in the adjacent sea. other localities, susrar Preaching a. m. way It but navs better service. tree on the outskirts of the city, and making his money from the sale of (previously mentioned an a heavy such a was made the flat part of The present need is the closer and more t thoae men the aaaoclatlon proposes liquor In a prohibition town. The com- creditor of the Pioneer Mill Co.) gave I.ahaina. which Is of considerable ex careful cultivation of smail plots where CHINESE CHURCH (Congregation-e- T to go. "taking atrong speakers and pany borrowed considerable money, a plantation an opportunity to re- tent, very rich, and comparatively free It Is Rev. Edward W. Thwtng. acting that not the intention to plant cane. enough mualc and workers to Injure certain Mr. Pitman, who had returned cover Itself by extending the time for from stones, the soil being in many Property owners now do without quick 'paator. Sunday school. 0:90; saeacbing aa attractive meeting. The first out to the States from the Islands quite the payment of money due htm and places twenty feet deep. growing ice. 11; Sunday school In Enallsh. fruits and vegetables, and t jn. evening service. 7:99; Wedneaday. door four-o'clo- ck will be on Makee wealthy, being a heavy backer of the relinquishing his clalma to any Inter- Comparatively few land owners ate bemoan the absence of them, because prayer nisatlng. 7:90. Island. Kaplolanl Park, tomorrow, and enterprise. The Honolulu agents were est In the loan. The Lahalna Sugar using their own water, and In conse- they have not learned to utilize their the Artillerymen from Camp McKlnley. those of the Lahalna Sugar Company Co.. leas fortunate, was forced to sell quence there are very few persons cul- small idle plots. will be there. President Arthur Max-- 1 Walker & Allen. The new company to rival, as most of cane tivating more JAPANESE CHURCH (Congrega- its and the than house shrubbery. It Is well known that the plantations Rev. T. Oku-mnr- a. son Smith of Oaho College will speak, began the cultivation of considerable being cultivated for company was Some scattering tional) Nuuano street. that banana patches, a of the islands are suffering from the pastor Sunday school. it; Professor Rlcharda will preside at the' land Itself, and controlled much be not under lease, nothing was realixed dozen or so gardens cultivat- need of field I hands and from the re- morning service. 11: evening service. organ, and a cornetlst la hoped for. sides, the owners working It under from this source. The Pioneer Mill Co. ed by Japanese, and a moderate sized sulting prayer aaeetlng. 7:90. Invltawt tViraa . .f increase in w.ipes. If, as many 7:90; Wedneaday The public la Inal.ail contract for the plantation. This com- was able to dictate prices and buy In lime orchard all very good, small-repre- sent pany but suppose, this condition of affairs w'll to the hall. planned with much greater saga- this cane at a handsome profit. Eventu- the total amount of local eventually JAPANESE M. E. CHURCH city for Its own on result in the division of the 10: Interests than had the ally most of the land which it Blood farming done Independent of and un- Plantations Motokawa. pastor Sunday school. first company accordingly ad- came company, into small sections to be 11: evening service, Tim and Money. Sickness causes a and Into the control of the related to the sugar industry. A flock farmed under morning aervlee. loss of both and money. Tou lose vanced no money for the private cul- nnd for a time no one entered the field of contract, then new con- ; class meeting. f M: prayer meet- time chickens or a small pen of pic; in ditions will present Kukul tbe time and have the expense of med- tivation of cane except to land owners to compete with th PI n 'er Mill, which met. but there is plenty themselves. If ing; Wedneaday. t. Services at ical attendance, entailing a double loss. who were willing grew of again, in addition to the increased ex- St. Looto College. to .bind themselves strong and prospered. room and a good market for more good penses Of street, near This can be avoided by using some re- t t c a Cultivation thpre ,oIH to produce a crop or. In default of that, Abo-i- 170 C ere were still 8"me water . o.. Japaneser are making come liable remedy at the first stage of the to turn water belong- rights by the threatened decrease Jn the KAWAIAHAO CrTURCH-lJ- ev H. sickness. purchase of a the land and the controlled individuals, snd 100.11 irom mil cows. The difficulty price of sugar, 10: The bottle of . other chances mav be Sunday school. D'ar-rhoe- ing to it over to the plantation on a Kamehameha together with his gooa green H Parker. Paator Chamberlaln'a Colic. Cho'era and a lu set feed. Cane tops expected In the plantations. Such a momma service. l:evenlng service. Remedy provea a profit- long trm lease. Hawallans were Ha- prime minister, a Scotchman named F. nre tne common feed of horses, by Rev. v. often It long but state of affairs would probably cause 7 : nreachlng tn Enollsh able Investment, for. by Its use at the wallans: was not before a largo V. Hatch in son. .and Capt. McKee of these are not so good for cows. Christian Endeavor, number of were signed up; T'lupalakua. The the relinquishment of much leased D Westervelt: first appearance of any unusual loose- leases and undertook the establish- leify branches of mimosa, which grows land: in g prayer meeting. Wedneaday. 7:90. ness bowels, a severe the next move waa to employ ment of a new plantation, v !M and Lahaina. for example, in of the attack of the land under the in gulches and has to be cut out there would be many diarrhoea or dysentery may be avert- owners themselves as day laborers un- .me of the West Maui Suear Asso- - of the cane fields, very valuable ss E ITddea-hel- d ed, compel make the test milk holdings open for PE VTKT. MTSSirce-Mt- that might otherwise a der contract. The plan was to assist the na-- M food. other cultivation aw In week's from labor. Every The place would in Meetings are caseation At the expiration of about a year the to grow the cane, the company Lahaina has a ten invite immigra- on Nuuanu street Just below household should have a bottle at Sugar Company buy considerable white tion, and its healthy climate would S-- i ti Lahalna found Itself agreeing to and grind it: a plan population, nearly ,.ati--- all being aa. rtrht Of the week. hand. It never falls and Is pleasant to a very crop plantation commend It. These, however, are take. Oct It today It save a life. pouif.ed of satisfactory that could be guaranteed to result in employes: of churches asw-- future day morning at 10 .'.leek aiay cane, long expected - thre are contingencies and not present coadi- - naeon Smith at Ltd whelesale of but the mill total failure where the land owners a or scnonls. r,TT, Su--- .v afternoon at t a?JjDO'j"! Co. o" trraderi nons. w. wmo --en It. failed to arrive. In the emergency were as more Oeterariaea labarers gtJaoat, P.caviE in Hilo Sid- - irg; whair caaani-- a - thaa and one Catholi; sehool of about Lights.

a ..8lSH0PiC0..BlNKERS ism NAVAL -; i FOB Bank of Hawaii k- a B Lit II i. 1838. What's That? LIMITED STOP Banking Depart meut. PAIN! tad MlW th the you It tells that voor Kid Tarriury of Transact business In ail department, STATION of btsklM. neys and viral organs are Celleetlaus esrefully attended to. Ptkl-U- c Capital $60.0w Bsc hangs bought and eold. breaking down. . 50.O0 9 Uadiyfdc ProHts 163 OtC When you feel a pain in your back yon and Travelers' Letters of Appropriation Not bad bettor attend to it. These pa oa are Creatt I oid ob the Bask of California meMsaifeR telliuK yon of worn-ou- t nerves, w d N. M. Botbschlld a Boas. London. weak kidneya and weak vitals. SToo High? orncni akd Cwrrwependenta: Tba Bank of Califor- To Be Asked You know the cause and you know 1 -- .... what it me ,ns. so look in Cooks nia. Commercial Banking Co- - of 8yd- - b it time. b5r. Dr. McLaughlin's Elect rio Bolt will H- - .. cnr in ton It restore, warm, C Cook das. the "Well see Tme mere Atberuao. For. healthy life to the nervta and kidnei s. saw lefa r a F. W statement doeaa't prsve AK. Oaha. II. T.. Jan 11. 1902. you are rlcUt. U. D. IMHR J. Draft and cable transfers on China Dr. M O. Mclauahlin: C. Athertoti. Ier8ir: My health ia fivatly improved by Take the matter sf cards. Tau and Japan through the Hungkunf and mm ai n a a. X Shanghai Banking the use of yo r belt, and I revominend the treat- sree tnat sur wars ts aa Krtiu Corporation and STILL CHANCE FOR ment to all persons who are afflicted wlih rheu- our Do-p-at i wa mun, auu matism. I h v spoken t several f my frienda AS THE BEST, that stock Commercial and Savings Caiaa. auiiruu who i are seen the (treat chanae in my health, Is the finest that money cad A COMPROMISE and I believe you will them under are tmerits. care. EUMMtfUtly yours. bur, and that ssr charrea KUviird B. Bik leml. but little above the lowest prices nil ehareed In the State and lower gtrlct attention given to Interval allowed on term depoeita at Kvery man who ha$ a pain or weakness should have one. It than all charges made by houses e of Banking. tha fu.iowii.g rata par annono. vis: Wilcox's Inactivity in Washington who have reputations at stake. T brancb' oven day notice, at 1 par cent. saves doctor hills and luts of trnuhle. Let me send you my book sawn 3 par IF THIS IS TRUE, shouldn't Three the. at cent. Will Lose Money Asked For describing how I cure, inclose this ad. we preference? T Fort Street His man tha. at 1 per coat. have th. jodd talMlaff Twaive man tha. at 4 par seat. shouldn't your orders all your the Army Fortifications. orders for thu necessary work Trust Department atay at home? Dr M. G. McLaughlin. comparison react it Co. A t aa trwetees uniar morti(r. abandoned Here's a Hawaii Land Maaaa aacataa. real and personal. The Navy Department haa over carefully and convince LIMIT Kl). Collect reals and dlrVdenda. all Idea of securing an additional ap- Never sold by Agents or Drug Stores. yourself aa to who makes the Valuable papers, srills. has da. eta.. from Congress this year most money, the fellow at bona keeping. propriation for safe Haror naval atatlon. or the one aoross the water. The T Department. for the Pearl war, paid for a copper plat X Accountant The failure to secure an unqueetloned printer in the States la about t Bra for aorsoraUooa and prl- - title to the band wanted for naval pur- two dollars a way. and In this T 1100.000 .1 .. V. .. M . T"r,1ii Cfcpttal Stock rata poses from the Biehop estste and the UKJ .i..-- i ruinrfnl ,i,.v. aw 7 Boaka and reported on. 116.080 eiamlaed Co. has rvaulted sand cards. Here we pay dou aortal, paid up Htatamaals of affaire prepared. Honolulu Plantation the wares, and all a ma T mm aa-- prea-n- t bl. Ti asteas bankrupt or laeolveet In an abandonment, for the at oan di In a. hard day'.-- i work is X tempt securing a a cost to us OaVw. SM Bethel street. IcasL of the st st Six Hundred carde: umount tacked onto the ap- of over Two Hundred per cent OFTIClh-e-r eufflclent Window 5avlags Department. what build- Hartshorn - - Shade8 for labor alone, to say nothinsr J propriation bill to erect of the bis her eeat of the ma- - T c. Aekl Presldan D posits received and Intarest allow- ing, sad defence, are necessary. yet vice-rrYastd-eat terial; WE CHARGas tar and SI. K. Nafcataa ed at 4 par cant per annum. In some over wit rnlM arid reaulatloni Admiral Merry received a letter I.EPS than some houses sfafcalnal . . TrsawPsrer ago Navy Departnifnt there. f. Secretary copies ef which may b obtained on time from the gnoeh Josapasa appUoatftoe. In explanation of the appeal of the Ho- AT 50 CENTS Our new prices on cards Auditor makes them as cheap t' you a. C. J Holt Insurance Department. nolulu plantation case and the refusal T dF the lowest In the States, plus the compromise. Indicating Ageota for FIRE. MARINE. LIKE. to accept hi. Dustaire. and we deliver them to ACCIDENT and EMPLOYERS LIA that this to the esse. The ress.n that Unheard of price for the best window shades. you within a day or two of the T BOARD OF DIRECTOR! BILITY INSURANCE COMPAN1 the appeal to taken Is given In the time In which you leave your X 8. Incurs nee oflics. MM Bethel street. Bishop estate case has Hartshorn rollers alone cot fifty cents, therefore order. Bum!. fact that the arguments in X J at to the Ninth Cir- There are other been taken r sliaartj you get the phades for nothing. A great ruvL-- or Keepmc t.i:s worit at cuit Court of Appesls and as the work home, "NufT I some we have as many ns a dozen but said." y will y. 1sVHf on the station 1. bounu to be delayed of cohrs, eel! la all parte of anyway. It Is deemed advisable to of one kind, others only two or three; the stock is of A an i al. ana Th!. ih Bty His .lulu fee twae. a make a test of the Honolulu rst. odds and ends but all first class. We want to :ell to sstd to be the principal reason ahy the compromise uaa refue.i. and It. them a.d mi tre wilin g to lose money. : f specie Boaim I would not be at all aurprlalng If thai M leMohoi I appeal should still be abandoned. UBdj fmn 4 th. . T. r f th- - Honolulu Planttlon( I Co. accepted. If It hapoena that the( FORT STREET. . - Titt4.6wf.0wl m Klohop eatate appeal to settled very, aan. then It can be set doan for; fairly certain that the compromise a HI on X Pus Ui CafM. ' Coyne Furniture Co , Ltd. Dtm't forget our bonk card be effevtrd. - also 4- etiiiuette. It Is fjOOd, and 1 MlO.w 1 The failure of rega:c Wile to l4vnr.e t'apltul 1 yours f.r the asking. 'push Haaall's Intere.U In the Pn t. Bl:k, corner Fort and Beretania. - HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. to re possible for so little aid belnR Internet Altawwd. I given the work at Pearl Harbor. As IS saoatha arlv mm Januarv last a for by Secretary of War tlon waa made PaOTOGhAPHIC '.eL use for an nppropiiati n of t'Ti.W 8awdPwsscMtor isatas. A ltot ' - Will Should be I f. forBflcatlooa and sa oti-- t . . '"lwMff??p- . nses In the Territory of Hawaii, but PORTRAITS Oa ' whisper been beard In re-Iga- rd . S exa Up not a has re aaj as . Sealed ! situ- - It Fine Assortment of ISLAND rsewtess iwr saw to that Important Hem r I on Send for list. ars iww Draft J US. frruurded t the nminittee VIEWS. lai roorlatloD. on Jin i try isth. letters of CredlL and ireaaacta - s tstt with th llnsvsiuti of ; 'i ' CUTI g Keeping ' The recommendation Class ork Guaranteed a t at Cs far safs lesple. Chief of Kmtln-er- s. in this mat-- ! irst ass In the fulloainK mg ! ter . . . v. t r . l fi.,.l - i PIWTI IUI luiiiin oil .,jK Marnirt' .nd sVfinoe.. Territory of llanall: r-- B-pu-btl- bi :.ng. H .nolo. M. x nrrmonl of land :. ! d as s'.t- -s forj H-ia- Co , Ltd. and s.-- 1 . atst - iiai Tnst f rtlfientlon batten lr; - II nolulu arM Cta as SpreekeMw w"- - - Irw1- the defense of IVirlj 023 Fort Straet. ll.irtMirs, fftM.IOO. & Co Baakers i N ote This estimate Is submit ted I Claoi Spreckels , the object of procuring th- - land with LIMITED r "mmended for acqttlsitloil by thai t H. T. uWttery PrPnr1r-rn- Store WOTT-SMIT- H 3IX)CK. HONOLULU. board of two engiaeora and two .irt -' First class table and poskt offlci-r.- . b) ! hit g f r tlr-- -f Hotel BtroctS Af.ENTS-TH- K lery which a constituted Bverytbing to uo in your home, rei Corner Fort and AS FBANCIS'O - US. prices. BANK OF parasraph- 27. sp ial orders No. j NEVADA NATIONAL a:, for your pariinies at Department Stor-- prices. low FRANCISCO. lieadouarters of the Army. Adjutant) CO., Ld. AN t- - many Bit stations CASTLE & COOKE General's office. Bepten bar -- '. tflM. low prioea for Gutiory--r- un deaortpUoas and gtea a HONOLULU. DRAW EXCHANGE ON 1 consider and repr: upon the sunjeel 54 59 u! ou uiami lb p ncral llXAH , r-- nse will bo found on page. and FRANCIHCO The Neva la Na- 1M sf the of Pearl ll.irbir and AN tional Hank of San Franc lace. th- - Ilnrbor of Honolulu. catalog ue for Suramor 1901. Send for free copy. CQmission Karctiants -- Union Bank af 1-- at harbors nr-- urg- LONDON The "Iffii thee abovo-Gon- uins BUg ' - Ing Sflver sett Art LkA. ently needed to protS t the Territory Carver sot as ! , NEW YRK-AmsrltsnEch- asge OFFICERS. property of Un of steel in satin-H- i rswc , FACTORS. of Hnaall nnd the PaTOlaj best quniity SUrAB 1 ij- qq Beak If. p. Baldwin President united states to - located there, nnii ooiapletosat . rter NsUoaal Vice-Preside- lnt-rfre- nce , 60 B. Castle First nt also to prevent of cable Stag Bandied Careers 12.25. S3. W AOENT3 FOR s a J. n ether Ice-Presi-dent beta-se- Company. VV. M. Alesander.Secood communication San Francis, o. ib. Ewa Plaiaitiot: LLIN-Iresos- wer Boou Bandied Careers, per sat AgricuUnral Co.. SSS T KOHAk A - J. P. Cooke Treasurer the Territory Hawaii und Manila :: ,V W0 rha Waiilua tt. (GKONG AND :' -- Company. SecrcU-r- Ifonolulu b-l- nu a st.-t- n th- - pr Ivory Fhe Kohala 8ugar W. O Smith - BUS gnd - ne ae Sugar Mill Company. lDnie Audi lor ! I Pacific subrt a-l- enh!-- - " BUeoc PUted Pinn,..- Knlvea-- of The Walmea George R Carter $ Thf Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, hta AUSTRALIA The npproprlatl- - n for the army for-- 1 AND i The Standard Oil Company. ffiuD Is n:l-'y d'"tlru-- t from that! Knives set of 8 r Pumps. tlfleations White Bone Umdlod Dinner " The Gorge F. Blak Steam i V NOOUTaTR Baa k lat-- j ' ( 1 0 V ICTOR1A N A used for auvy pwrpossA Of tba Tvory i A Verton'a Centrifugals. o British Nona Sugar factors ler iw.ere is already an approprlitlon j rbe New England Mutual Life Insur- aw fT.'-o.oM- of part of whleh was used In; Cr nt ance Company, of Boston. -j Company, ar tli j of th.; P .irl Harbor na- POCKET K:.rtr till lie Aen.a Firt; Insuranc si .;t. . KM IVES ford, Conn. r . . R.-!r- d. Loan nierciiiintb, vr.i n. Har ommisiion i- flteaasi v Company, I Sjuhlaa stasisu - lev St.tg Htindt sf " I M aa l T 17 aa K.. r fnr Tfea Aillanc. Asauraace U HI ewl I IHiM ...!..'.! JVC I all 2V . SOC, 7SC. C.".5' neces-nur- y. SI-O- uf aawatts Issued. BUM sf prel'fronary work v hlch Is still fill H London. AGENTS FOR and Sold. but nhich cannot be aecompllsh- - Sugar Co.. b--- " PROMPTLY Hawaiian Commercial and. onf'l the title to th-- ? land has COLLECTIONS Sugar Company. Driving Horses ACCOUNTED FOR. Haiku :tu d. lairertn"" aiaiiJ' fine Company. "":"",1!,r I Pala Plaatatloa ARRIVE V THE Sugar Company. TO Nahlku BUY AN ON CANDIDATES I Oil Steam CS rt CO-- , Klbel Ptoatattoa Company. 1 and (VlIKEWKIl ic Hsw llso Soear Company. Iden Boss LIMITE'. Company, and Hs Di.cusaea tft I A.pirattS Kabulul Railroad K COMING Fl'EL IS OIL. -r- TH .-cy. I Qaees Street. of th Dsm b-- at for oil that May. The burner Kdeard LINCOLN. Ntb SUy S Itryan. r wssa . of tha W. N. Best Oil Burning LJvory, Foardlng AOF.NTr' F'R Ktnlly F. Whitney. s 3 Sat' Va i m for artil dtocuxs In bro ' , sawaaaaeS1 System. and Sales .... Company. W. B. Fllat. a . m t fj a Sugar I Prvsldestud timber for th- - t- - Lambert's Steam Motor b Hoaoiuo I engine . Sri I "I shead of the ordinary STABLES , ru -. or.Liuaii F 11 b fev on imaf iar T E I f. r aonvss enre, simplicity and 118 FORT STREET. FIRST t'-n- at ak Tb Is tin dearth f t and SM is- - ..urontni Susar tf s I econ.niy. PlaatatSsa Co ntr m. . Oar b: r. J n.im.-- t MSld sit d U, Haach Compa.i eaces-Str- of UH " v a!tn d ! Kpi It" Stable Phone. 1P9 Main. re sad party sirvu-- r t t ti cU nlre 319 and 72. - Inquire af Hack Stand. Phones lUli UiiHH Vr dsl. Th. a- r t i t J Kjt partleahars C. H. FKLLISA-- I. Wiat- l'Ma...n T- - llluatrst--- . rook LTD fr . OF HAWAII. IS. SSalr f Tt r e.t. E- - fnm r w 31 W. IiOWKLL fuV'nalutpwsm aMara c s R OSS Ml JwTidT YEE HOP & CO. aSi t . f itof- - ar.' 'iv R. f. crinj c. 0. o ;- - M- - Mi' will WuSSSmToa Cumpssy. CsettaL mmr -- .ritr Bi W hat hr'tlM hat t 31 WAKKET Cod! Browa p.ibti- - ttf- - than Oraal !' and KAHIKIM I FAT . hi ' sated to LIST OF OFFV 'EHS: F. Irobtsson ch 'ae.i or Rw. Vn si. r. MOrtmo. Prei last Cecil And Brocerj. r. C Cooper ttw lroVaey. or m r. than Tlldn and j.trw. ;' lwn J1.,,.FTT.as: C at Nd Charles Aterton. e. k Kik.i wh n ?nl-a- And meretn Man- -' a V. ano iar.. Manager. AND VEGETABLES. n. emrt wh( to t)tm r wtth Bsb Taylorr Bret snd FRUITS - Street, corner Alakea. aad cai. tta- - wtl! ask "It. .id- s thrw Beretania - Ossuaar n Blue 2511. Ptr'ffp Ijrr T-nr- x asee Omars sam-- wh Phoo sasrral . ' Cartsr. . .. . ,..-.- -- . : aad uavlNOS DPOSlTS rsee.ed and I rmw H atrrasth with th. proaress Coal Honolulu Notion Store aanoal'.a st ' campaign " Stove, Blatksmiih's JUHEI ISHIZUKA interest sHswed fsr yearly r Firewood, Stam, 4H par seat per snsom. fr. , m- - rslty t Bsjaal mvA Sand. Telephone Main 295. rat f . i Aim. Bh White Merehaadlse. Oentlemen's AOEXCT or upon iTsde-,- lh-- r m. . General r i - .;ven SJr&aa, ..a reauUtiso fursi.hed . - L ...;, y.- tign to Pravr Furnishing Oaeds. Boots and Bales . miT. r j af Hw - wj Skattsnery. I - ebosl Bupplle. eta apoll m ssi i "ri all th ssv4 sjualltle. that . HIN BANK. LTD . . i r h ar--d s-'n- of th. bad .41 KEI Wert St.. Opaearits Club Stable.. j A a." NCT'CE VINEYARD ST. JOSKl'H MABTMABli 0. I rsd Is clven quit, s loag ealgv Pacific Kotdsl TH editorial ' Am ns tl.s The a.KT woman rm armr. NEBDrNfl . Ops ffvsasact Oeoerai Baaalas mllMon wh" vwted the Desjoeratio tlokat liU Vslsn St p or aavias, ia tori to (ssrnn- - The Silent Barber Shop WfinLSaALS re ami m inT- - are eaoagb Is h -- - te. either in a cr by latter. bushssaa srr ebsose . from, so tat It w-l- l aot bs Fnalgn Hatt:. Larrabee, ma-Araa- y aR BAOSl .. , . Res-bne- en Nawly ftrskskad S.as - aa.T JawPAN Biid Liauor uen'er imwr t. cm 1 ' th Wsaan'i HEAD OFFICE, TOKY. W'.ntM taeud- - th. ' Pssawi sad psoof. aleatria sfeaaw Cias street. Ho- - JOPHFPI FBBetAMBBZ Proe. , - , a.-- . w - i i r a . a at F. saw ... . m. i . w vvz-iliVf- lt ASM .. w I sslulu. IWI BMTUEL8T. stafurr- - A- WmTmlf NATIONAL BANK. TOOswa-- 16 THE PACIFIC COMMEHCTAC ADVERTISER. HONOLULU. MAY St. 190. CHAS. F. MERRICK COMPANY, Ltd. CRRICE G.F HEMIC K, PAUL K. ISFNPFW. Manager. President. HUNT FROn NOW TILL DOOMSDAY and you wont, you can't, find a better made, handsomer, smarter line of up-to-d- ate harness mm m than unitA sola DV us. CALL AND LOOK AT OUR LARGE DISPLAY of Surrey, Buggy, Track, Fxpre, Wagon, Team Dump Cirt llnn.t bIm llofe K...is. Collar. Sw-- t Pad-- , Co .er--, Hou-- i g8, CM Hal en Ma'p, Brushes. 1 np holtrs, Tit Hopes, Lamj p, rponges, in (irwtHe. 1 , turn Whip Dresig, Kir. sea ::;.::: hn ndrad NEWS, j i. i a Livery and Boarding Stables COMMERCIAL in 1 i. tint LIMITED. in ITH one holiday and anoint r d iv on which there were no transactions rr t w the week's record for the Stock Kxchar.se has been of the very light- . BERETANIA ST est- The doings showed nothing of Importance and the feWlnjr among ur i the brokers is that there will be little doing reports from National Hot VI until the capital indicate what Is the prosp ect Cuban bill getting through. The e atocK lUJH of the in and IV I price of sugar remains about the same, uithout any features to make it worth y CI"V while to guess as tp the future movements of the staple. Offer for Sale rat- There is a belief very n- that there will b; a better feeling in the market th soon. whn the economies which are promised by the introduction of fuel oil Weather STOE are apparent. reports now use of t init BL-ML-- The are that the bringing into the this D rsiO ma furl by the leading estates will be expedited and there are being made prep- and I arations for the universal use of the fuel, once it becomes certain that there nrflj be a constant supply at rates which are low enough to guarantee the V. B shaving of the price now paid for coal. The expression of Mr. O. Irwin Necessities P ROOFING Phune rr. that the saving will amount to practically one-ha- lf of price of the pres- the BUILDING PAPER m. ent fuel, has caused some Inquiry the-- plantations which Uol Main 301 for the shares of are to put into their mills and pumps the liquid, and there is considerable PBESERVATIVB PAINT I strength in the demands for the shares. BOILER AND STACK PAINT There were no changes IU in the list as from last week except in Olaa and INSULATING COMPOUND McBryde. There was a falling off in the first named stock on the sale of the 200 be- BRIDGE AND ROOF PAINT mr b!Hk of shares noted as in the market last week, the price realised Gumey Refrigerators, wlA ing only $2.75. but this did not make any material alteration In the general ini feeling In the stock, as it was known that the offering was the result of M Guroey Fee Boxes, calling of the assessments, cramped REFINED SUGARS, P.' the the holders being somewhat for rm ready cash to meet the demands. The stock at the rate quoted put the cap- Lightning Ice Cube and Granulated. rt, It! ital of the plantation at only $2,700,000. while all the reports from the estate Cream were favorable to an early dividend earning, upon the basis of the original PAINT OILS, nkx capitalization. It is felt by some of brokers not for long will there Freezers, the that Lucol be offerings of this stock at the present rate. Before leaving. B. P. Dilling- and Linseed. U ham said that only his engagements i a other directions prevented his ab- Wtter Coolers, TEAM sorbing all the stock offered, and he hoped to be able to get more of it at the PIFF COVERING, .' I What? rates prevailing. Ills faith in it. he said, was unbounded. Ice Shaves, Reed's Patent Elastic Covering. McBryde went off a half to $6. and 2 0 shares were placed at that price. The stock is not In the market In lare Mocks, but is rather closely held. Puri an Bine Flame NDURINE. ir An offering of 20 developed shares of Kihel that that stock was held at the Water-pro- usual rate and the price realized was of last previous sale. $10.50. of Cold Water mi Rock! that the Wick less Oil Stoves, Inside and outside. In white ggg White Co own In i Ewa still holds its and the shared offered two blocks found ready colors. 'T purchasers at the standing rate of $24. The prospects of early use of oil and Water Hose. the reports of the good condition of the cane and the excellent state of the FILTER PRESS CLOTH labor market have helped .to ko-- p the m-rve- s of the holders of the stock Linen and Jute. ANOTHER CARLOAD DUE steady. Honda are steady but inactive, the only transaction of the week being re- CEMENT, LIME AMD corded on Tuesday, when three bonds were sold, the rate being the usual BRICK AND FOR SALE BY . . . one of 1104.50. We have a splendid assort- . Reports from San Francisco indicate a strengthening of the market for Island securities there, though there are few new buyers coming into the ment at the very lowest prices. market. AGENTS FOR REAL K STATE. v.-- seems b.; VE8TERN SUGAR REFINING The real estate market to confined principally to Inquiry at the SAN 00b n FRANCISCO. present ilme. with the suburbs holding their own. There has b-e- some de- CAL. HI . w. c. mand In sight for Kaimukl. since the rcseate reports as to the prospects for an th extension of the Rapid Transit out to the top of the hill. The holders of W, W, D1M0N0 & CO, ALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORM, the proprty In that subdivision have been willingly subscribing to the tund PHILADELPHIA. PA. h! h Is now above $25,000. The age its who are canvassing for the fund are confident they will be secure necessary $40,000. LIMITED. & Co., Ld. that able to the and that EWELL UNIVERSAL Peacock f MILL CO., they will thus Insure the extension thi line. Dealers In Crockery. Manufacturers of The of purchase a larg on Olass National Ca talk the of tract the main road to Wuialae and House Purnishing Goods. Shredder. New Fork. for the use of the Hawaiian Board's s hoots ha acted as a steadying in- fluence, too. and there has been talk of sending other semi-publ- ic Institutions Sole agents for the celebrated to Palolo numerous In Jewel stoves and Gurney refrig- ARAPFINE PAINT COMPANT. the suburbs. The and a!Jient tracts have had 8sn ial.lt does quiries owing to the same Influences, a id there seems to be a prospect for erators. Francisco. Cal. - Som- building to the east before the su mmer is older. S3. 55. 57 Clark The actual commencement of work on the YVaik;k! extension of the Rapid HLANDT A CO.. Automatic Transit line rame too late In the we. k for It to have any effect upon the KING ST.. HONOLULU. Kan Franciaco. Cal. r Telephone System market for real estate In that portion of the city, but the two companies I Mil having tracts out King street, the Pa .va.i tract and the tract at the Sheri dan road, are making ready to take ad antage of the coming of the electric cars within the district affecting their tracts. OUY Among the reported sales of the week is one of a house and lot of the 1 OAENS, Campbell holdings, on Young street extension. In 1'awaa, to Charles Bon. Kltri- - .1 Fngineer, Another transaction is of the sale of a lot above the main Manoa road to S. Llcluive mIs Oiakl. the merchant of Hotel and King streets. He plana the building of a Fresh Today! M.iiuuer. bouse at once, to cost about I500t. t only he Fountain The business block activity Is seen In the matter of the Kapiolanl We take pleasure noti- v in Me 1 1 Kstate. The clearing of the site has n been practically completed and the . Mi Room 6, 1. re Bldg. fying our many bids for the structure will be opened today. JODA WORKS, SaSRIBAM customers All the other buildings which have been under construction recently are SI and the public generally In the last stages except the Waitey block, which still waits for we the steel Delivers to all parts of the city cbem that are now making Hono 3 Egan-Prea- r Main 63 floor beams. The concrete walla for the foundation of the build- cally pure and palatable ing are being placed. The Pacific Club contemplates an addition to the distilled ws ter ai. mauka end of the building. for drinking purposes In der tt 10 cents oer Fresh Every Day Cocoanut Taffey, Vlda. !.. lots 3 ft 4 Kewalo tract. Ho- Reduction REAL ESTATE nolulu. Oahu: con $2S00. Peanut Tatiey, Great M Sale Gear. lnnaing ft Co. by trs. to Cath-erti- DRINK H Maya, D.. lot IS blk 34 Kaimuki Strawberry Taffey, HH TRANSACTIONS t. K r, COMMKM InO MaY 24 tr.i. Honolulu. Oahu: con $500. Vanilla Taffey, SIUIAV. Kaloana ft hub to Moonohu (w). D.. Distilled Water K) c THUMB Kul 4.:43 A pc WrfcKS o.LV May 20 Waialua Agri Co. Ltd. to H. land Laiewal. Koulauloa. And avoid kidney Molars Taffey, W barton. Ex D.. tnt In Grant 1645 Oahu; con $10. troubles and rheu C-r- og Butter Chips Everything rmlocrd. egrly and the hgt sglegtion. Kamananul. Waialua. Oahu; eon SI. matism. In the Eastern States th Taffey, 11. List of deeds tiled for record May 29 ft Wharton A wf to Waialua Agri best physicians are treating kldne: All at a pound. Co Ltd. Ex D.. Ap 2 Grant 1327 Kama- Itat: tOo -- !".-- omplalnts I nanul. Waialua. Oahu: con $1. -' P.irtv Pirty. Class. entirely with Just such wa K. May 22 Thos Chrlstley ft wf to A. M. '. II binsor: D. Kaalna ... . D ter as I am offering you. These are the Best Grade of SHIM B. Wood et nl Trs.. Tr D.. various pea W. C. Achl Jno. 8. de Pa.vsos . D Ca-tl- f King Street, next to e A Cooke. land. Honolulu. Oahu; con II. .Ino. Erhncor H. S. Gricus ... . D Candies that money can make. dial P. Ftrauch Tr. & hub to M. iPAranJe H Llall. y ot al. I.. I.. Met ui.li.--- s U D.. int in no lanl Kalawea. Lahatna. M. B. Grieve L. L. McCandless.. D Ring Up 270 TRY 'J HEM J AH Maul: con 1150. for water or pure soda made UM E. C. Howe A wf to Mary H. Walty. FLOWtBS FOB from Con fectionery D.. por lots 27 A 292 of Gr. 3342. ltere-tan- la av'&lNLkY VACLT. a a ter. II II A Klr.au streets. Honolulu. Oahu; $7750. Department on Tha Martyr Preaideni'a Widow Will a-- no H. Holmes & wf to J. M. Dowsett. N FRANCISCO. HONOLDLt Bpond Tnouaands. or THE D.. of It P 1SK Kul 1325. Nuuanu. NEW YORK. Honolulu. Oahu; con 1500. CANTON. O.. May -Mrs. McKlnley Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd. yr Pllahl A hsb to L. L. McCandlens. D.. has given a Canton florist an unlimited H share in R P 44 hul land of Wal-kan- e. onler to reproduce floral pieces APi Oallfornia Wine Koolaupoko. Oahu; con $400. sent here at Um fum-ral- . S. nal An proenr-- d from Grape grow in their own gnd May 23 Nawahlne ft hsb to Caroline time of the McKlnley Grinbaoia Si Cc. Icjc fc Viievard, are K. Aplkl. D.. personal hundred wire framv I Oahu ire. real estate ft arc still at absolutely free frera adnltergtion. - mil ranti The Table Winee in rty In I nlted states, con l. th- vault in which McKinley's remains LIMITED. l. IffBgg. bt Wnwa k) to Piplne ft wf. D.. por R CO. 3635 rest, and these are to be r.fil!rl with TRK P Walomao. Kau. Hawaii; Con toy CommlssloD APi hm flowers and foliage. Already a v. rai Piters Mercbut toks WOLTERS, WALDRON Kahoolo (w) to J. Ikaaka ft wf. D.. wagon loads of blooms and Uars have Ice Delivered to any part of the r-- CO., ip Ltd. H Int In R P 6845 Kul 10119 Moaula. n used. S r. Kau. Hawaii: con $40. City. SOLE AGENTS. J. E. Emerson to B. P. Di'llngham. The pliers will be reproduced during OLE AGENTS FOB D.. 1961 2891 10.69.1 Wai- the summer and k pt Island orders promptly filled. et. sTWEtrr. . - . . R P ft R P Kul fnah at the rate of gym . h. alua. Oahu: 2 pes land Waialua. Oahu; or fifteen a week. The will honoli li t. 2 tn cost be BLANCHE BATES 5c 4i yr. con 20 yrs at $4"A yrs at $600. several thousand Pat B. P Dilllnghnm ft wf to M Itryde dollars. CIGAR. Hoffman & Markbaxs. r- -i -- Sugar Co. Ltd.. D.. Int In K- '- 1. Plan- S tation. Kauai: con $1. The Grippe. This can be avoided by felspkon Blue tliL P. O. Box A. W. ampbHI W. R. D.. taking Pain-Kil- W MILK! BUTTER! CREAM! to Castle. teaspoonful doses of l- r PHILADELPHIA Office: Kewalo. 10. 11. 19. 5 K.ipa-hul- u In h t UNDERWRITERS . P Always pore; Int in lots It ft blk water, sweetened, as well as by always good. Butter at reduced price. tract. Honolulu. Oahu: con $4v. sternal applications: full directions n ITI8H AMERICAN M M ASSURANC1 P P. nd wf to Mary Sml'h. ach bottle. A bottle of th Pain-Kill- er Y. YUEN TAI, -t COMPANT, of D lot 8 ft p.-- r lot 17. Mi i li k- t kept In Toronto. Ontario. r to the house will prove va;u-bl- e. Be. 127t Port Street, near Kukul ha Aiii4.. Honolulu. Oahu: con $2o not only for the grippe, b-i- t f. r pscuu attenUon given to conalga J. Pgwgg A w f M al. to p. Kavary. rdlnary coughs co ds. lre. and Avoid sub- ts of Coffee and I . 1 -- DU lot Mk 1 COWey Ho- Rle. Drtumaktr, . j t7s1rrwar, Honolulu Dairymen's Assn. Hills tract. stitute, there is but one Paln-Klll- er 'rbon Whi" nolulu, oahu. con $1200. Perry Davis . Price 25 60 tlrtrtS. Chaats, K(. Offio, Sheridan 24-- . cents and Read Ffrt. May K. L Vlda t widow) t P R cents. th Daily Advertiser; 71 eeets lavire line of rady-mad- e Mtosvjaltc 9mf sseatk. ts always en eand.