July 4, 5 & 6, 2019

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July 4, 5 & 6, 2019 IT’S BIG H IT’S WILD H IT’S WESTERN FREE JULY 4, 5 & 6, 2019 Admission to the Manawa, Wisconsin Rodeo Grounds! Thursday H 7:30 PM Friday H 7:30 PM Saturday H 2:00 PM H 7:30 PM 1-800-747-6336 Like us on Facebook Thursday Night Rodeo Followed by Fireworks Chicken BBQ Saturday Only th IT’S TOP PROFESSIONALST 58 Anniversary! RODEO 61 ANNIVERSARY Sponsored by Manawa Lions Club History of the Mid-Western Rodeo Manawa - The legend of was known as Rodeo City. enue to local businesses in This award is given to show the Manawa Rodeo began 60 Six weeks prior to the event, Manawa. The Manawa Lions the contestants’ appreciation years ago, when local busi- Lions Club members were re- have donated over $800,000 for the efforts of the people ness man Carl Dretzke was quired to wear western hats, to schools, the rescue squad, or organizations that put forth traveling in the western part and faced a fine of 50 cents parks, high school scholar- the extra effort to improve of Wisconsin and saw a sign and endured the ridicule ship fund, and other civic or- their sport, promote growth, advertising a Bob Barnes of their fellow Lions if they ganizations. 15,000 people increase their fan base, and Rodeo. Carl thought it might broke the rule. Local business attend the rodeo each year keep the rodeo growing as a be a good fundraiser for the people got into the act by to watch not 27 but the 350 sport. “Awards given at year community, and brought the dressing with a western flair entrants competing for not end are kind of a big deal to idea to the Manawa Lions and running rodeo specials $2,000 but a $32,000 purse us, because the contestants Club. The Lions Club formed along with ticket giveaways at plus entry fees. are the ones doing the voting, a rodeo committee and con- their establishments. The little The Mid-Western Rodeo and if they like it we must be tacted Bob Barnes, a rodeo cowpokes looked forward to was selected the Great Lakes doing something right,” stated stock contractor, who in turn seeing horses in the parade Circuit Medium Rodeo of the Peter Ziebell Mid-Western invited them to his ranch in and maybe a chance at some year in 2007, 2008, 2009, Rodeo Chairman. 2019 marks Iowa to watch a rodeo. Casey free candy. Every child in the 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, the 61st year that Rodeo City Klemm, the local barber, and rodeo audience dreamed that 2015 and 2017. Considered will proudly pull together over Carl made the trip to Iowa this might be the year they’d the largest category, the me- the 4th of July weekend, as in representing the Manawa win the free pony given away dium rodeo includes twenty the past, to bring Rodeo fans Lions. They liked what they at each performance. Over one rodeos in nine states from all over the U.S. a family saw, and agreed that Manawa the past 60 years the Mid- (Wisconsin, Michigan, Indi- show that they won’t forget. should host a Championship Western Rodeo has meant ana, Illinois, Minnesota, Ohio, And that is truly what legends Rodeo. The town of Manawa over 1 million dollars in rev- Iowa, Kentucky, and Missouri). are made of. 2 | Mid-Western Rodeo 2019 History of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Legend has it that rodeo first rodeo which evolved into community is still dependent was born on July 4, 1869, rodeo as we know it today. on his skill with a rope or his when two groups of cowboys Today’s professional rodeo ability to ride a bucking animal. from neighboring ranches met cowboy is a bit different from The cowboy code still dictates in Deer Trail, Colo., to settle an his 1800’s predecessor, but that a cowboy ought to help argument over who was the the ideals, showmanship and his fellow competitors, even best at performing everyday hard work are still valued by though they might be compet- championship - he can par- ranching tasks. That compe- today’s competitors. A cow- ing for the same paycheck. ticipate in one of many rodeos tition is considered to be the boy’s standing in the rodeo While some things have close to home each year. Over changed since the last cen- 600 are held throughout the tury, most of the changes have country year-round, from small been for the better. town venues to arenas in Las Now the cowboy travels Vegas. much of the time in custom The PRCA staff consists of made rigs or flies from one about 70 full time employees, rodeo to another either by but grows to commercial airline or charter nearly 100 during the peak plane. rodeo season. The PRCA Even if a PRCA member headquarters, established in doesn’t’ have the inclination to 1979 in Colorado Springs spend more than 200 days a also houses the Pro Rodeo year on the road in search of a Hall of Fame and Museum of berth in the Wrangler National the American Cowboy. Finals Rodeo - the sport’s Past, Present & Future of WPRA The Women’s Professional Rodeo women. Today, the fast paced event Association was formed in 1948 when of barrel racing dominates the activi- 38 cowgirls came together in San ties of most WPRA members. WPRA Angelo, Texas, to create an organiza- barrel racers compete for millions of tion dedicated to the promotion and dollars each year, culminating in 12 advancement of women in the sport circuit finals rodeos held throughout of rodeo. The earliest pioneers of the the country, the Dodge National Cir- Girl’s Rodeo Association (GRA) were cuit Finals Rodeo held in Pocatello, ropers, bronc riders and barrel racers. Idaho, in April and the Wrangler Na- They were fed up with a system, which tional Finals Rodeo held in Las Vegas did not grant them competitive oppor- each December. tunities in the arena and when it did, In addition to the traditional events, operated under unfair conditions. the WPRA has formed new programs The GRA began with 74 original to the Women’s Professional Rodeo to promote growth in the industry. members with 60 approved con- Association. It is the oldest women’s The WPRA . the past, present tests and total payout of $29,000. sports association in the country and and future of women in rodeo! In 1981, the GRA changed its name the only one governed entirely by 2019 Mid-Western Rodeo | 3 THREE HILLS RODEO DAVID Manawa – Stock Contractor for the the “thrills and spills” that Three Hills is Three Hills Ro- MOREHEAD 61st Annual Mid-Western Rodeo is known for! deo is a family Three Hills Rodeo, Inc of Bernard, Iowa. In fact, it’s a combination of strong owned and oper- It’s not your average rodeo when Three animal athletes, dedicated contestants, ated business. Hills Rodeo comes to town! For over amazing production, and most impor- With two genera- 33 years our family has made rodeo not tantly, our FANS that really makes a tions working to- just our business, but a lifelong passion Three Hills Rodeo the world-class event gether, our family to entertain and keep rodeo, America’s to attend. Aside from the best, edge is committed to ex- original sport, alive. World-class en- of your seat action, Three Hills Rodeo ceeding the high- MARLA tertainment, turn-key production, and knows how to entertain any crowd! Fans est standards for MOREHEAD award winning livestock are all part of know they can expect the best in live en- rodeo production, why we stand out in a crowd! tertainment. Stunning production, spec- animal care and most of all, a dedication The Three Hills Ranch, in Bernard, tacular specialty acts, show stopping of excellence to our fans. The proof is Iowa is where it all begins. Over 500 stunts, and great music are only the be- in our product, a nationally recognized head of bucking horses, bulls, and cow ginning of what Three Hills has to offer. breeding program and unbeatable ro- and calf pairs graze our lush green pas- We’ll light you up and leave you smokin! deo entertainment. tures! We pride our- selves in our “Born to Buck” program, where we have dedi- cated years of hard work refining blood- lines making them one of the very best in the business. It’s proven year after year, that Three Hills animal athletes are at the top of their game, winning awards and traveling the coun- try showcasing their natural abilities and talents! Our “Born to Buck” program will without a doubt pro- vide your event with 4 | Mid-Western Rodeo 2019 Rodeo Announcer Pro Rodeo Announcer Roger Mooney pede, 5-time Dodge National Circuit Fi- returns for his 23rd year at the 61st an- nals Rodeo, 10-time High School Rodeo nual Mid-Western Rodeo. Finals and the Women’s Professional Ro- Known for announcing rodeo from the deo Association Announcer of the Year. back of his horse “Flash” and calling the Roger’s wife, Ashley, joins in the pro- Manawa Rodeo the”Rose Garden of duction side of the rodeo performance Wisconsin,” Roger is a household name providing the music and setting the at- among rodeo fans. Born and raised in mosphere for “the greatest show on dirt”. Ellijay, Georgia, Mooney’s career began by accident in 1984 when in college, he When not rodeoing, Mooney can be found stepped in for the scheduled rodeo an- in the recording studio making radio and nouncer who had a heart attack.
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