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Open Access Full Text Article ORIGINAL RESEARCH Comparative efficacy of targeted maintenance therapy for newly diagnosed epithelial : a network meta-analysis

This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: Cancer Management and Research

Xiaoyu Xu1 Background: The number of published randomized clinical trials (RCTs) using targeted Songcheng Yin2,3 maintenance therapy for newly diagnosed epithelial ovarian cancer is increasing. Our Hongling Guo1 objective was to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of each maintenance therapy using Mengxiong Li1 a network meta-analysis. Zhirong Qian4 Materials and methods: A systematic search for RCTs was conducted using Medline, Xiaohui Tian1 Embase, and CENTRAL databases followed by a Bayesian network meta-analysis. The primary outcome was progression-free survival (PFS) and the secondary outcome was Tian Li1 overall survival (OS). Pooled hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% credible intervals (95% CrIs) 1Department of Gynecology, The were used to estimate outcomes. Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, People’s Republic of Results: A total of 11 RCTs involving 6631 patients were included. Network meta-analysis showed China; 2Center for Digestive Disease, that pure maintenance therapy with pazopanib resulted in a significantly better PFS compared with fi The Seventh Af liated Hospital of Sun placebo (HR, 0.77; 95% CrI, 0.65–0.92). -throughout treatment was also associated Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, People’s – Republic of China; 3Department of with a better PFS (HR, 0.76, 95% CrI, 0.69 0.84). However, anti-CA-125 monoclonal antibodies Surgical Oncology, First Affiliated (abagovomab and ) showed no significant survival benefit. Moreover, combined Hospital of China Medical University, analysis showed that targeted-throughout was not significantly superior to pure targeted mainte- Shenyang, People’s Republic of China; 4Scientific Research Center, The Seventh nance therapy for PFS and OS. Stratified analysis showed paralleled results with no significant Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen difference between pazopanib pure maintenance and bevacizumab-throughout treatments. University, Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China Conclusion: Our study showed a survival advantage conferred by pazopanib and bevaci- zumab as maintenance therapy in newly diagnosed epithelial ovarian cancer. Further clinical trials are essential to both determine the effect of bevacizumab in the maintenance stage and identify the specific subgroup(s) that benefit. Keywords: targeted treatment, maintenance therapy, ovarian cancer, network meta-analysis

Introduction Ovarian cancer represents the six most common female malignancy in the world and has the highest mortality rate among all gynecologic cancers.1 Aggressive surgery followed by platinum/taxane-based chemotherapy is the standard treatment option.2 But long-term survival remains low (10–30%), mainly because of disease recurrence and progression.3 Maintenance therapy, a strategy to delay progression or recurrence by killing residual slowly dividing cells, has been a focus in recent Correspondence: Tian Li Department of Gynecology, The Seventh years. However, multiple previous trials of cytotoxic agents in the maintenance Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen setting have not shown a clear survival advantage but rather a significant increase in University, 628 Zhenyuan Road, 4–6 Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China risk for long-term chemotherapy-related cumulative toxicity. Tel +8 607 558 120 6773 Based largely on the GOG-0218 and ICON7 trials, which demonstrated high Fax +8 607 558 120 6773 Email [email protected] efficacy and less adverse reactions compared with cytotoxic agents, tumor molecular submit your manuscript | Cancer Management and Research 2019:11 4119–4128 4119 DovePress © 2019 Xu et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License ( By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms ( Xu et al Dovepress targeted therapy has drawn much attention in regard to main- Studies had to meet the following inclusion criteria: (1) tenance therapeutic applications for ovarian cancer.7,8 prospective phase II or III RCTs; (2) patients with patho- Targeted drugs can be divided into several categories accord- logically proven newly diagnosed epithelial ovarian can- ing to their target, some of which include: anti-epidermal cer; (3) patients were pretreated with systematic growth factor receptor (EGFR) drugs such as erlotinib and chemotherapy or cytoreductive surgery; (4) the interven- gefitinib; drugs acting on the vascular endothelial growth tion group used single-agent targeted maintenance therapy, receptor (VEGFR) such as bevacizumab, pazopanib, and and the control group used the matching placebo; (5) sorafenib; and drugs specific for CA- available hazard ratios (HRs) could be calculated for out- 125 such as oregovomab and abagovomab. At present, there comes. Patients with recurrent ovarian cancer were are two main therapeutic strategies for targeted maintenance excluded in our study. Additionally, we extracted the therapy in newly diagnosed ovarian cancer: maintenance updated data for trials which were reported multiple times. therapy after first-line chemotherapy (pure targeted mainte- nance treatment) or combined with chemotherapy and long- Data extraction and quality assessment term maintenance (targeted-throughout treatment).7,9 Relevant data elements were extracted from each study, Moreover, different target maintenance drugs have per- including patient demographics (eg, region, race), baseline formed inconsistently in regard to survival outcomes.7,9,10 characteristics (eg, age, FIGO stage, median follow-up), The existing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and con- and study features (eg, first author, sample size, year of ventional meta-analyses have only partially captured evi- publication, targeted agent, outcome measures). The dence for treatment strategies for newly diagnosed ovarian Cochrane risk-of-bias tool was used to evaluate the quality cancer; the comparisons among treatment strategies remain of the original RCTs, taking into account randomization, unknown. blindness, incomplete outcome data, and any other poten- Previous studies have reported targeted maintenance tial source of bias. Two reviewers (XYX and SCY) inde- therapy for ovarian cancer.11,12 However, the optimal strat- pendently conducted the data extraction and quality egy for this remains unclear. In the current study, we assessment. present a network meta-analysis comparing the relative efficacy of all available treatments for target maintenance Statistical analysis treatment in newly diagnosed epithelial ovarian cancer. The primary outcome was progression-free survival (PFS) The advantage of this method over conventional meta- and the secondary outcome was overall survival (OS). For analysis is that it allows the assessment of treatments time-to-event outcomes, HR with 95% confidence interval that have not been compared directly or indirectly in (CI) was the preferred outcome measure. If this was una- trials.13,14 vailable, it was calculated from the survival curves using established methods.17 For direct meta-analysis, Cochran’s Methods Q statistic and I2 tests were used to assess the heterogene- This meta-analysis was performed in agreement with the ity among the studies. If the result was P<0.10 or I2>50%, recommendations of the preferred reporting items for sys- the random-effects model was conducted. In all other tematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA guidelines). cases, the fixed effects model was implemented. For indirect comparisons between regimens, a Bayesian Search strategy and selection criteria network meta-analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were sys- methods and the GeMTC package in R ( tematically searched (from the date of inception to 30 software/r-packages/gemtc) was conducted.18 The transitiv- March 2018) using methods described previously.15,16 ity assumption depended on a common treatment (placebo), The search strategy consisted of medical subject head- which was comparatively consistent among all the included ings (MeSH) terms and keywords for epithelial ovarian RCTs. Treatment effects were described by posterior means cancer and targeted therapy. Simultaneously, the refer- with corresponding 95% credible intervals (CrIs). The prob- ence lists of related articles from studies enrolled during ability of each regimen being the optimal was used to provide our initial search were retrieved manually. Two investi- a rank of treatments. The consistency test was assessed by gators (XYX and SCY) each performed a complete comparing the results generated from the network meta- literature search independently. analysis with direct pairwise comparisons. Potential

4120 submit your manuscript | Cancer Management and Research 2019:11 DovePress Dovepress Xu et al publication bias was assessed by Begg’s test and funnel plots. therapies which included tanomastat, sorafenib, abagovo- The pair-wise meta-analysis and network meta-analysis were mab, pazopanib, oregovomab, erlotinib, bevacizumab, performed with Stata 14.0 (StatCorp LLC, College Station, lonafarnib, and enzastaurin (Table 1). The sample size in TX, USA) and R 3.3.3, respectively. All statistical tests were each of the eligible studies varied from 85 to 1528. 2-sided. Because all eligible studies included patients undergoing debulking surgery, some patients had residual lesions. For Results pure maintenance studies, most patients received first-line Description of the included studies chemotherapy with no evidence of disease (eg, computed tomography and CA-125 levels) on general examination. A total of 11 RCTs involving 6631 patients were included in this meta-analysis after completion of the literature search (summarized in Figure 1).7–10,19–25 There were Network meta-analysis two targeted drug delivery strategies among the eligible Pure targeted maintenance treatment RCTs. The trial designs for six studies were purely tar- The network meta-analysis incorporated six direct compar- geted maintenance therapies, in which patients received isons for pure targeted maintenance designs; a diagram is targeted therapy after first-line treatment. Five studies con- shown in Figure 2A. Among the six comparisons, pazopa- ducted targeted-throughout treatment, in which patients nib was the only treatment with a significant improvement received chemotherapy plus concurrent targeted regimen in PFS compared with placebo (HR, 0.77; 95% CrI, 0.65– followed by single-agent targeted drug during the main- 0.92); tanomastat, sorafenib, abagovomab, oregovomab, tenance period. Patients received nine different targeted and erlotinib had no significant PFS benefit (Figure 2B).

Records identified through databse Additional records identified from searching (n = 232) systematic reviews (n = 1)

Records excluded on duplicates (n = 54)

Records retrieved for more detail evaluation (n = 179)

Irrelevant studies excluded by browsing titles and abstracts (n =133)

Full-text studies assessed for eligibility (n = 46)

Full-text studies excluded (n =35) Outdated preliminary results: n = 5 Recurrent ovarian cancer: n = 27 No extractable survival data: n = 2 Single-arm studies: n = 1

Studies included in this network meta-analysis (n =11)

Figure 1 PRISMA flowchart of the study selection process.

Cancer Management and Research 2019:11 submit your manuscript | 4121 DovePress ue al et Xu 4122 Table 1 Characteristics of the included studies

Dove manuscript your submit Study Year Region RCT FIGO Targeted Patients, No. Residual status Treatment Race Histologic Survival phase Stage agent duration subtype outcome Press Targeted Placebo (median, m)

Hirte et al13 2006 International III III-IV Tanomastat 122 121 With residual after surgery, 3.2 White Serous 75% PFS, OS <2cm after chemotherapy 87% Endometrioid | Asian 7% 2% Other 18% Other 11% Herzog et 2013 International II NA Sorafenib 123 123 With residual after surgery, 4.1 White Serous 64% PFS al14 without residual after 52% Clear cell 7% chemotherapy Asian Other 29% 39% Other 9% Sabbatini et 2013 International III III-IV Abagovomab 593 295 With residual after surgery, 11.7 White Serous 82% PFS, OS al15 without residual after 98% Endometrioid chemotherapy Other 6% 2% Other 12% Bois et al9 2014 International III II-IV Pazopanib 472 468 With residual after surgery, 8.9 White Serous 72% PFS, OS without residual after 77% Endometrioid chemotherapy Asian 6% 23% Other 22% Berek et al16 2009 USA III III-IV Oregovomab 251 120 Residual lesions ≤2cm after NA NA Serous 80% PFS surgery; without residual after Endometrioid chemotherapy 6% acrMngmn n eerh2019:11 Research and Management Cancer Other 14% Vergote et 2014 International III II- III Erlotinib 420 415 With residual after surgery 8.1 NA Serous 66% PFS, OS al17 and chemotherapy Clear cell 6% Other 28% Burger et al7 2011 International III III-IV Bevacizumab 623 625 Residual lesions < 1cm after NA White Serous 83% PFS, OS surgery 83% Clear cell 4% Asian Other 13% 6%

Other Dove 11% press (Continued) Dove acrMngmn n eerh2019:11 Research and Management Cancer press

Table 1 (Continued).

Study Year Region RCT FIGO Targeted Patients, No. Residual status Treatment Race Histologic Survival phase Stage agent duration subtype outcome Targeted Placebo (median, m)

Hainsworth 2014 USA II III-IV Sorafenib 43 42 Residual lesions ≤ 3cm after NA NA NA PFS, OS et al18 surgery Meier et al10 2012 II IIB–IV Lonafarnib 53 52 With residual after surgery NA NA Serous 66% PFS, OS Endometroid 11% Other 23% Vergote et 2013 International II IIB–IV Enzastaurin 69 73 With residual after surgery NA NA NA PFS al19 Perren et al8 2012 International III IIB–IV Bevacizumab 764 764 With residual after surgery 19.8 White Serous 69% PFS, OS 96% Clear cell 9% Other Other 22% 4%

umtyu manuscript your submit Abbreviations: OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival. | Dove Press ue al et Xu 4123 Xu et al Dovepress

Figure 2 Results of pure targeted maintenance treatment: (A) network of eligible comparisons; (B) network meta-analysis on progression-free survival; (C) network meta- analysis on overall survival.

In terms of OS, none of the treatments (pazopanib, tano- the targeted-throughout treatment studies and comparing mastat, abagovomab, and erlotinib) were superior to pla- them with placebo (Figure 4A). For PFS, pooled HRs cebo (Figure 2C). showed an advantage with targeted-throughout treatment compared with placebo (HR, 0.79, 95% CrI, 0.67–0.97, Targeted-throughout treatment Figure 4B). However, there was no significant difference Bevacizumab, sorafenib, lonafarnib, and enzastaurin were between targeted-throughout and pure targeted maintenance represented in our network meta-analysis of targeted- treatment (HR, 0.80; 95% CrI, 0.64–1.03). For OS, targeted- throughout treatment (Figure 3A). Patients who received throughout treatment had no superiority to pure targeted bevacizumab demonstrated an advantage in PFS compared maintenance treatment (HR, 0.92; 95% CrI, 0.69–1.21, with placebo (HR, 0.76; 95% CrI, 0.69–0.84); the remain- Figure 4C); this result paralleled the results for PFS. ing targeted-throughout regimens were not associated with an improved PFS (Figure 3B). Regarding OS, none of the Pazopanib versus bevacizumab intervention measures resulted in a significant improve- It is widely known that the use of bevacizumab in first-line ment in survival compared with placebo (Figure 3C). chemotherapy remains controversial. However, no RCTs have been conducted comparing bevacizumab in pure main- Pure targeted maintenance versus targeted- tenance treatment and bevacizumab-throughout treatment. throughout treatment Thus, we compared bevacizumab-throughout treatment and In order to detect the effectiveness of targeted therapy in the pure pazopanib maintenance treatment (Figure 5A). first-line chemotherapy phase, we conducted an analysis Pazopanib is an inhibitor of the VEGF pathway and thus grouping together the pure targeted maintenance studies or is similar to bevacizumab. The results indicated that

Figure 3 Results of targeted-throughout treatment: (A) network of eligible comparisons; (B) network meta-analysis on progression-free survival; (C) network meta-analysis on overall survival.

4124 submit your manuscript | Cancer Management and Research 2019:11 DovePress Dovepress Xu et al

A B Placebo 0.99 (0.86-1.15) 0.79 (0.67-0.97) Pure 1.01 (0.87-1.16) 0.80 (0.64-1.03) targeted Targeted 1.26 (1.03-1.48) 1.25 (0.97-1.55) throughout

C Placebo 1.04 (0.86-1.26) 0.95 (0.77-1.17) Pure 0.96 (0.79-1.17) 0.92 (0.69-1.21) targeted Targeted 1.05 (0.86-1.30) 1.09 (0.83-1.46) throughout

Figure 4 Comparisons between pure targeted maintenance and targeted-throughout treatment: (A) network of eligible comparisons; (B) network meta-analysis on progression-free survival; (C) network meta-analysis on overall survival.

A B Placebo 0.77 (0.65-0.92) 0.76 (0.67-0.84)

1.30 (1.09-155) Pazopanib 0.99 (0.81-1.21)

1.32 (1.19-1.46) 1.01 (0.83-1.24) Bevacizumab


Placebo 1.08 (0.87-1.33) 0.97 (0.85-1.09)

0.93 (0.75-1.14) Pazopanib 0.90 (0.70-1.15)

1.03 (0.91-1.17) 1.12 (0.87-1.42) Bevacizumab

Figure 5 Comparisons between pazopanib and bevacizumab: (A) network of eligible comparisons; (B) network meta-analysis on progression-free survival; (C) network meta-analysis on overall survival. pazopanib and bevacizumab shared equivalent efficacy, and (Figure S3, P=0.484). Sensitivity analysis indicated that there were no significant differences for all treatment out- results for PFS and OS were robust (Figures S4 and S5). comes (PFS: HR, 0.99; 95% CrI, 0.81–1.21 and OS: HR, – 0.89; 95% CrI, 0.70 1.15) (Figure 5B and C). Discussion Multiple evidence-based targeted maintenance treatments Quality of evidence have been investigated in trials of newly diagnosed ovar- No severe risk of bias was found among the majority ian cancer. However, the comparison of these regimens of studies using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. The risk has remained unclear. We constructed a network meta- of bias summary by domain is summarized in analysis including 11 RCTs to evaluate the effect of nine Figure S1. targeted regimens for maintenance therapy. The results We evaluated the consistency of network meta-analysis showed that pazopanib-pure maintenance therapy and bev- by comparison of the HRs resulting from direct analyses acizumab-throughout treatment resulted in significantly with the corresponding results from indirect analyses. The better PFS for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer patients. results are shown in Table S1; results were similar In addition, there did not appear to be any difference between pairwise and indirect comparisons, suggesting between pazopanib-pure maintenance and bevacizumab- consistency within the model. throughout treatment in terms of survival. The prognosis for advanced ovarian cancer patients is Publication bias poor. Although treatment consisting of surgical debulking Begg’s test was applied to assess publication bias. The and platinum-taxane-based chemotherapy is widely used, results of Begg’s funnel plots did not reveal any evidence it has been reported that more than 80% of patients experi- of obvious asymmetry for OS (Figure S2, P=0.805) or PFS ence disease recurrence which eventually becomes the

Cancer Management and Research 2019:11 submit your manuscript | 4125 DovePress Xu et al Dovepress main cause of their death.26 Maintenance therapy is one was not superior to pure targeted maintenance treatment. strategy that has garnered clinical attention and academic These findings suggest that target therapy plays a real role debate. In theory, maintenance agents could inhibit prolif- in delaying disease progression during the maintenance eration of the resistant cancer cell subpopulations after stage. The GOG-0218 trial compared chemotherapy plus front-line chemotherapy and sequentially delay disease bevacizumab-initiation, chemotherapy plus bevacizumab- progression. Unfortunately, there is no convincing evi- throughout, and chemotherapy alone with placebo.7 The dence that maintenance therapy with cytotoxic agents can results demonstrated that bevacizumab-throughout confer a long-term survival advantage, in fact, evidence improved PFS, whereas bevacizumab-initiation showed points to a high-risk of increased toxicity with these no significant survival improvement compared with che- agents.6,27,28 At present, maintenance therapy with cyto- motherapy alone. At present, there are no well-designed toxic agents is not recommended.29 RCTs examining pure bevacizumab maintenance therapy Given the disappointing findings from conventional for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer. To determine the agents, target maintenance agents, which have different effectiveness of bevacizumab in the maintenance treatment growth inhibiting properties than conventional cytotoxic period, we compared bevacizumab-throughout treatment drugs, are rapidly emerging in ovarian cancer treatment. and pure pazopanib maintenance treatment. Both drugs Moreover, trials tend to use one of two therapeutic strate- inhibit the VEGF pathway. The results showed no signifi- gies for targeted maintenance therapy: with or without cant different between bevacizumab-throughout and pure targeted therapy at the first-line chemotherapy phase. To pazopanib maintenance treatment for PFS or OS. These determine the effectiveness of a targeted regimen in main- results showed that the effect of bevacizumab maintenance tenance therapy, we separately analyzed the pure targeted alone may be similar to that of bevacizumab-throughout maintenance group and the targeted-throughout group. We treatment. The addition of bevacizumab to the treatment cannot rule out the possibility that exposure to targeted regimen of patients with newly diagnosed chemotherapy drugs during chemotherapy contributed to the observed should be considered. Future trials should properly evalu- survival improvement. Our results showed that improved ate bevacizumab-throughout and pure bevacizumab main- PFS was observed for pazopanib and bevacizumab in the tenance treatment. pure targeted maintenance group and the targeted-through- It was recently reported that maintenance therapy with out group, respectively. Pazopanib is a tyrosine kinase either olaparib or niraparib, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor of VEGFR and bevacizumab is anti-VEGF (PARP) inhibitors, significantly improved survival for monoclonal antibody. Thus, the results of our meta-analy- patients with platinum-sensitive, recurrent ovarian cancer sis suggest that VEGF and angiogenesis are important compared with the matching placebo.31,32 We did not promoters of ovarian cancer progression. No PFS or OS incorporate these two drugs into this analysis because of benefit was observed with abagovomab or oregovomab, the heterogeneity between recurrent and newly diagnosed both of which are monoclonal antibodies specific for CA- tumors and because PARP inhibitors cause the formation 125. Anti-CA-125 monoclonal antibody maintenance of double-strand DNA breaks that cannot be repaired, thus treatment might not be effective for newly diagnosed leading to cell death. This approach of tumor inhibition is ovarian cancer. With low expression in other tissue sites completely different from that of VEGF inhibitors. There and the modulation of proliferation and invasiveness in is currently insufficient evidence to evaluate the efficacy of ovarian cancer, CA-125 (MUC16) is ideally suited for PARP inhibitors as maintenance therapy for newly diag- targeting. Recently, studies have shown that T cells mod- nosed ovarian cancer. It remains to be seen whether con- ified to express a chimeric antigen receptor specificto sistent results could be obtained in newly diagnosed MUC16 can kill ovarian cancer cells,30 indicating that ovarian cancer. anti-CA-125 monoclonal antibody may be used in combi- In the AGO OVAR 16 trial, pazopanib as maintenance nation with immunotherapy in the future. therapy was reported to improve survival for East Asian Currently, the timing of targeted therapy is quite con- patients, but the benefit was limited in the non-East Asian troversial, particularly, it is widely debated as to whether it group.9 In addition, stratified analysis of the GOG-218 should be used throughout first-line chemotherapy and study showed that patients with a high risk of progression maintenance periods or only in the maintenance period. (stage IV disease, inoperable stage III disease, or subopti- Our results indicated that targeted-throughout treatment mally debulked stage III disease) obtained a longer

4126 submit your manuscript | Cancer Management and Research 2019:11 DovePress Dovepress Xu et al survival advantage compared with those who received English text of a draft of this manuscript. This work was bevacizumab maintenance therapy.33 These results suggest supported by National Natural Science Foundation of a need to identify biomarkers and clinicopathologic char- China (No.81872441) and Natural Science Foundation of acteristics to select patients with ovarian cancer for tar- Guangdong Province (No.2018A030313735). geted maintenance therapy. Several limitations should be acknowledged in the pre- Author contributions sent study. Our meta-analysis showed that although targeted All authors contributed to data analysis, drafting or revising maintenance treatment demonstrated an improvement in the article, gave final approval of the version to be published, fi PFS, it did not lead to an OS bene t. Notably, PFS is the and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. preferred end point for newly diagnosed cancer in the major- ity of included trials, which is in-line with recommendations from the Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup.34 In addition, the Disclosure The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work. confounding effect of post-progression therapy is inescap- able for OS. Heterogeneity among patients existed; patients received different durations of targeted therapy and the References majority of included patients were Caucasian, although 1. Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Siegel RL, Torre LA, Jemal A. Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence Asians made up a portion of the study population in some and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer reports. 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We searched Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane (13):2635–2642. doi:10.1200/JCO.2004.09.088 Library databases in our study. To our knowledge, studies 5. Pfisterer J, Weber B, Reuss A, et al. Randomized phase III trial of fi fi topotecan following carboplatin and paclitaxel in first-line treatment reporting signi cant ndings were more likely to be pub- of advanced ovarian cancer: a gynecologic cancer intergroup trial of lished in English language journals, whereas negative results the AGO-OVAR and GINECO. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006;98 were almost exclusively published in native language jour- (15):1036–1045. doi:10.1093/jnci/djj296 6. Pecorelli S, Favalli G, Gadducci A, et al. Phase III trial of observa- nals. Native language journals were difficult to obtain and tion versus six courses of paclitaxel in patients with advanced epithe- thus were excluded from our analysis. In addition to this, lial ovarian cancer in complete response after six courses of paclitaxel/platinum-based chemotherapy: final results of the After-6 there are many ongoing studies on targeted therapy for ovar- protocol 1. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27(28):4642–4648. doi:10.1200/ ian cancer the results of which may have implications for our JCO.2009.21.9691 results. 7. Burger RA, Brady MF, Bookman MA, et al. Incorporation of bev- acizumab in the primary treatment of ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med. 2011;365(26):2473–2483. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1104390 Conclusion 8. Perren TJ, Swart AM, Pfisterer J, et al. A phase 3 trial of bevacizu- fi mab in ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med. 2011;365(26):2484–2496. In conclusion, our ndings showed a potential survival 9. Du Bois A, Floquet A, Kim JW, et al. Incorporation of pazopanib in advantage conferred by pazopanib and bevacizumab- maintenance therapy of ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2014;32 – throughout as maintenance therapy for newly diagnosed (30):3374 3382. doi:10.1200/JCO.2014.55.7348 10. Meier W, Du Bois A, Rau J, et al. Randomized phase II trial of ovarian cancer patients. Clinical trials with a direct head- carboplatin and paclitaxel with or without lonafarnib in first-line to-head comparison are needed to examine the effective- treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer stage IIB-IV. Gynecol Oncol. 2012;126(2):236–240. doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2012.04.050 ness of bevacizumab maintenance alone and to identify the 11. Korkmaz T, Seber S, Basaran G. Review of the current role of specific subgroup(s) that will benefit from this therapeutic targeted therapies as maintenance therapies in first and second line approach. treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer; In the light of completed trials. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2016;98:180–188. doi:10.1016/j. critrevonc.2015.10.006 Acknowledgments 12. Qian X, Qin J, Pan S, Li X, Pan Y, Ma S. 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