APRIL 21, 2019 EASTER SUNDAY Easter Greetings Without the empty tomb, our faith makes no sense. Our belief in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is what binds us together as Christians. May this be the light that guides us and keeps us going, despite whatever despairing message the world may give us. Father John Rushofsky "Hold on to the hope that no matter what lies ahead, Christ has conquered sin, death and the grave. And by conquering the grave He has given us new life for now and eternity to come. Happy Easter to all our wonderful families and all people of faith. He is risen; He is not here. Behold, the empty tomb! Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia, alleluia." Father James Dolan I wish all a very blessed Easter. Wesolego ALLEJUIA! Father Michael Maranowski

I hope your Easter isn’t like Judas’. Have a blessed and Happy Easter! Father Michael Zavage On this most holy of days, Easter Sunday, let us savor and imitate, by example, the love of Jesus Christ. My wife Sandra and I send you and your family our best wishes for Easter joy and Easter love. Deacon Rick Cessar May God richly bless you all! Thank you for sharing your journey of faith with all of us. Each one of you is a precious gift to the rest of us, in Christ our Risen Lord and Savior. Happy Easter! Deacon Gary Comer Christos Anesti! Christ is risen! Indeed, He has Risen! Let us be thankful for His unshakeable faith in humanity and immense strength. Happy Easter! Deacon Bob Koslosky Easter is a time to rejoice in the victory that Jesus won for us. His victory is our victory. Let us live lives that reflect our gratitude! Deacon Bill Palamara May the Risen Savior fill you anew with His Divine Presence and the gift of His Peace! Easter Blessings! Father Leroy DiPetro May the Risen Lord Jesus Christ bless you on this Easter Sunday and every day of your lives. Father William Dorner Dear Brothers and Sisters Thank you for your kindness to me over the course of these last years and especially these last months. I ask all the graces and blessings of our Risen Savior upon you all! Happy Easter. Father Innocent Onuh Jesus called her name, Mary! The Resurrection was proclaimed and she received new life. May you also receive new life as Jesus calls your name this Easter Day! Father Robert Norton Liturgy & Music Ministry Alleluia is Our Song As we celebrate Christ’s resurrection today, we are reminded that the Church, which is the Body of Christ, is a living, breathing, risen entity. Candidates here and around the world are being welcomed into the faith this weekend. Thus, the Body of Christ is renewed. It Ted Rybka continues to be renewed—always and forever—through the lives of its members. As we renew together the promises we made when we were baptized, we promise to proclaim the Risen Christ in our lives as the Neighbors North Catholic Community. We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song. He is risen! Let the Church say, “Alleluia!”

Stations of Light (Easter Stations) this Wednesday Years ago, Pope John Paul II decided to officially resurrect an ancient Christian custom called the Via Lucis – the Way of Light. It’s a devotional practice similar to the Stations of the Cross, but it focuses on the Easter appearances. It’s actually known by several names: The Stations of Light, The Stations of the Resurrection, or The Stations of Joy. Well suited for the 50 days of the Easter season prior to Pentecost, the Via Lucis scriptures reflect on the final chapters of the four gospels, which narrate the resurrection appearances. There are 14 Stations of Light that pick up where the Lenten Stations of the Cross leave off. This beautiful devotion was first introduced at St. Teresa of Avila about five years ago and has quickly become one of my favorite forms of prayer and reflection on the resurrection. It has been wonderful to see the crowds getting larger and larger each year with folks coming from all over the diocese. Two years ago, a small group of people came from the South Hills to pray with us. Last year, they returned with a huge group of people from the South Hills. As far as we know, we are the only grouping in the entire diocese to pray the Stations of Light. Join us this Easter Wednesday, April 24, at 7 PM in St. Teresa of Avila Church. The journey doesn’t end with the cross! There will be special music led by our Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, and Spirit Brass Band. Let us walk together as children of the light!

Music Schedule for the Octave of Easter

Easter Wednesday, April 24: 7:00 PM Stations of Light (Easter Stations) at St. Teresa of Avila—Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, Spirit Brass Band

Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy), April 28:

7:30 AM at Incarnation of the Lord—Cantor 9:00 AM Mass at St. Athanasius—Joyful Noise Ensemble (Grades 6-12) 10:00 AM Mass at St. Sebastian—Contemporary Choir 11:00 AM Mass at St. Teresa of Avila—Spirit Brass Band 2:00 PM First Communion Mass at St. Teresa of Avila—Adult Choir Parish Social Ministry Receive Easter Joy Often in this space, you read about giving. Donate food for the food pantry. Give cash donations to a Catholic Relief Services. Put clothing in the St. Vincent MaryJo Robbins de Paul blue box. But for every act of giving, there must be someone to receive. We tend to think of receiving as a passive act which does not involve much thought or intent. But, that would be incorrect. We ask God to ‘receive our prayer’. In doing so we are asking for an action or response. When we receive a gift, we take it, unwrap it, look at it, hold it, feel it. This is not passive. Some things are difficult to receive, such as criticism or help. But receiving these things, or not, requires an action (decision) on our part. So actively receive Easter Joy. The events of the past week, from Last Supper to Crucifixion to Resurrection , remind us that Jesus gave his life for us. He desires to give us joy and all of the fruits from his sacrifice. Fully accept this divine gift. Hold it in your heart. Feel its presence today and each day, and share it with family and friends. Happy Easter! Thank You: Thank you to all who participated in the Spring 40 Days for Life campaign. Recent release of the movie “Unplanned” created additional interest in this pro-life activity. For more info on the true story of “Unplanned” and how it ties in to 40 Days for Life, visit www.unplannedfilm.com. April 22 is Earth Day: The first Earth Day was in 1969. Since that time, our region has changed a great deal. With huge losses in the steel industry, our area has found ways to rebuild and thrive. This year’s theme for ’s Earth Day is From Steel to Sustainable. Did you know that the ‘burgh had many ‘green’ firsts? David L. Lawrence Convention Center was the first green convention center. Other green firsts are the Heinz History Center, the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank and the Children’s Museum. Why does this matter? Our Catholic Catechism clearly states our obligation to care for creation: Man’s dominion over inanimate and other living beings granted by the Creator is not absolute; it is limited by concern for the quality of life of his neighbor, including generations to come; it requires a religious respect for the integrity of creation. (CCC 2415) Mark Your Calendar: The Mass of Anointing of the Sick will be offered at St. Sebastian Church on Saturday, May 18 at 1:00. St. Vincent de Paul Bundle Drive will be held at St. Athanasius Church on Saturday, May 18 from 9am until Noon. Watch this page or the parish website for further details! Food Pantry Needs: Green beans (not French beans), tea, juice, pears, jar pasta sauce, spaghetti, baked beans, beef stew, condiments, toothpaste, and bath soap. Please drop off in the food collection bin in the St. Sebastian Church narthex. Thank You! Easter Blessing of Families: Each year the of the Diocese of Pittsburgh welcome families to St. Paul’s Cathedral in the afternoon on Easter Sunday. You are invited! Come meet David Zubik and auxiliary bishops William Waltersheid and William Winter. Families will receive an individual greeting, blessing and photograph. Our bishops will receive families any time between 2:00 and 5:00 pm. Join us for this beautiful Easter tradition! Faith Formation The New Marriage Ministry Initiative How important is your relationship to your family? To the Church? Well, consider the importance Pope St. John Paul II placed on the family: “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” You may have noticed the Marriage Moments section in our bulletin over the past several weeks as these articles are a result of a new Marriage Ministry initiative for Neighbors North. The vision of this ministry is to promote the Deacon Robert Koslosky Sacrament of Marriage, raise the awareness of the value and visibility of marriage and recognize the importance of marriage as the pipeline to the Sacraments. Our mission is to support your marriage, your relationship and your family with timely articles and resources that may help strengthen your relationship and, in turn, build that Sacramental sign which is important to our families and to our Church. We can use your help …. if there are any ideas or suggestions you have for how you would like this Marriage Ministry to develop and help serve the needs of married couples, please pass those along to Deacon Bob, Deacon Bill or Victor Boerio. Ideas such as a couple’s faith sharing group, presentations on topical “relationship” and family subjects, a couple’s day of reflection, etc., have been discussed. As we develop this Ministry, we may be looking at the Renew the I Do program for Neighbors North which has as its mission: To inspire marriages to THRIVE in today's culture, guided by research, science and the Holy Spirit.

The Marriage Ministry team has identified and will be using several resources that can help tie into the vision we have for this Ministry. Please take a few minutes to visit these resources which have terrific articles, videos and material related to strengthening relationship and families: www.foryourmarrage.org www.susanvogt.net/Marriage www.renewtheido.org Saint Sebastian Parish Easter Sunday ~ We are a resurrection people!

Breaking Open the Word: John 20:1-9 Listen to the Word: As you hear/read this reading, what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Look into Your Life: Children: What is good and new in your life? Youth: Resurrection reminds us that what seems bad can lead to something good. What has resurrected, or gone from bad to good, in your life over the past year? Adults: In what way have you risen from "deadness" in your life? Faith Formation DYNAMIC CATHOLICISM - ALIVE IN CHRIST "In one day the Eucharist will make you produce more for the glory of God than a whole lifetime without it." - Saint Peter Julian Eymard

We have much to celebrate this Easter. In a particular way we welcome those who have joyously and fully entered the this Easter Vigil: Jeannie Langman, Denise Iuzzolino, Sophia Tang, Megan Brink, Kathy Janeski, Amanda Neely, Kimberly Sheetz, Aodyn Marshall, Meika Marshall, Kathryn Bosomworth, Kylie Paige Regester and William Thomas Regester. Katie Giuffre STATIONS OF LIGHT-All families enrolled in Faith Formation sessions including families who Faith Formation homeschool are to attend the Stations of Light on April 24 at 7 p.m. at St. Teresa of Avila. All are welcome!

INTERIOR CASTLE COFFEE HOUSE & SPIRITUAL LIBRARY-The Interior Castle Coffee House & Spiritual Library is open on Sunday, May 5 at 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All are invited! Contact Kate at 412.367.9001 x548 or Susan x547 for additional information.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION- *Please continue to keep all First Communicants in prayer as they prepare to celebrate First Holy Communion on Sunday, April 28th at 2 p.m.

FAITH FORMATION THANK YOU - Thank you to all families for generously supporting our Lenten Mission Collection to help our brothers & sisters in need in Chimbote, Peru. Your kindness is greatly appreciated!

FAMILY FAITH FORMATION MASSES- Family Faith Formation Masses will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 5 p.m. and Wednesday, May 1 at 6 p.m. at St. Teresa of Avila. All families are to attend; we look forward to seeing you there.

LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN- Liturgy of the Word with Children (CLW) is celebrated at the 11 a.m. Mass at St. Teresa of Avila. Please prayerfully consider if the good Lord is calling you to serve on our CLW team as a catechist or assistant in this ministry. Please contact Kate at x548 for further details. “This is Resurrection Day!” The hymn, Out of Darkness ends triumphantly with “this is Resurrection Day!” a fitting and appropriate closing to the hymn. After all, in the language of the children, “Jesus crushed death.” We need to celebrate Victor Boerio Faith Easter and celebrate it big in church and in family. Here are some ideas: Formation  When the day gets quiet, sit down with Simon Peter and the Beloved Disciple at the empty tomb and ponder the extraordinary event we must believe. Read the Gospel again. The resurrection defies understanding. That’s ok, we have lifetime to contemplate its meaning.  Inform your face that it is EASTER - and smile, even laugh!  Bring a small, clean empty bottle to church and after Mass fill it with the new Easter Water. Take it home to bless the children and then sprinkle the water on the Easter feast asking God to bless the food, bless all those gathered here filling them with light and life, and to hold close the poor and the hungry.  On Easter Monday, make egg salad. Youth Ministry Katie Dorman [email protected] THANK YOU A huge thank you to every one who came to support the Saint Sebastian CYO performance of ‘Godspell’. We could not fundraise for the Diocesan Chimbote Fund and the Project HOPE Mission Trip without your support! This group of youth, representing 12 high schools and 9 local parishes, worked tirelessly with the goal of others in mind. It is truly inspiring and we are so proud of them! Happy Easter!

Susan Mohall-Szymanski What: St. Teresa & St. Athanasius CYO Softball For More Information Contact: Who: All those currently in Bill Dice at (412) 369-8829 or contact Susan Mohall- High School or entering High School may Szymanski participate. Catholic Heart Chocolate Wars Work Camp! A Middle School Summer Youth Group Special Easter Event! Mission Trip When: July 21 - July When: Sunday, May 5th from 27, 2019 12-2pm Where: The second floor of the Where: North Haldon, NJ St. Teresa’s School Building What: Be prepared to eat some Fundraising: LOOSE CHANGE COLLECTION - chocolate and get messy! There Our teens will be collecting your loose change after all will be many chocolaty games the Masses on Sat. April 27th & Sun. April ease give to and prizes! this great cause! For More Info Contact: Susan Mohall- Szymanski Saint Athanasius

Comedy Night at St. A’s May 4 in Athanasian Hall Doors open at 7:30

Buy tickets now for $25.00 / $30.00 at the door. Includes Beer and Light Snacks. Call Dolly at 412-860-1840

BYOB, snacks & desserts!

50/50 Raffle & Lottery Tickets .

Must be 21

We Need - Lottery Tickets, 12 pack of Coke, Diet Coke, Ginger ale Please Bring to Parish or Community Center. Thank you. Saint Athanasius Liturgy Schedule Date Time Location Intention Requested By

Monday 7 AM St. Athanasius Family John Lima April 22 ✞ Monday within the 12 PM St. Sebastian Family Octave of Easter Gerry Rocco ✞ 12:30 PM St. Sebastian Confessions following the 12 PM Mass

Tuesday 8 AM Incarnation of the Lord Dax/Turack Families Frank Dax April 23 ✞ Tuesday within the 8:30 AM Incarnation of the Lord Confessions following the 8 AM Mass Octave of Easter 12 PM St. Sebastian Tille Corry Don Corry ✞ Wednesday 7 AM St. Teresa of Avila Wife, Suzanne William Rowen April 24 ✞ Wednesday within the 12 PM St. Sebastian Dorothy & Charles Goetz Octave of Easter Bertha Goetz ✞

Thursday 7 AM St. Athanasius Family Robert Bomba April 25 ✞ Thursday within the 12 PM St. Sebastian Megan Stiehler Octave of Easter Richard Graf ✞

Friday 7 AM St. Teresa of Avila Emily Marrara Val Henzler April 26 ✞ Friday within the 9 AM St. Sebastian George & Mary Ann Pavlic Octave of Easter Walter & Betty Knake ✞ 12 PM St. Sebastian Julie Stiehler Jeffrey Kramer ✞ Saturday 8 AM St. Athanasius Wife Albert Foytik April 27 ✞ Saturday within the 8:30 AM St. Athanasius Confessions following the 8 AM Mass Octave of Easter

11 AM St. Teresa of Avila Confessions

4 PM Vigil St. Teresa of Avila Sanatore Family Mass G. Anthony Brungo ✞

5 PM Vigil St. Sebastian Intentions of First Communicants Mass

6 PM Vigil St. Athanasius Bill & Rita Zinno Mass Ann Gerstner ✞

Sunday 7:30 AM Incarnation of the Lord Wife Jay Nowark April 28 ✞ Second Sunday of 8 AM St. Teresa of Avila Muehlbauer/Heurich/Dohn Marie Muehlbauer Easter/Sunday of Divine Mercy Families ✞ 9 AM St. Athanasius Family Earl & Norma Wagner ✞ 10 AM St. Sebastian Intentions of First Communicants 11 AM St. Teresa of Avila The People of the Parishes 12 PM St. Athanasius Family Dolores Librecht ✞ 5 PM St. Sebastian Daughters: Karen, Janet & Barbara George Serdy ✞ Neighbors North Catholic Community Rev. John R. Rushofsky, M.S.Ed. Administrator [email protected]

Rev. Michael J. Maranowski Senior Parochial Vicar Rev. Leroy A. DiPietro In Residence [email protected] [email protected] Saint Athanasius

Rev. Michael Zavage, M.Div,STB Parochial Vicar Rev. William E. Dorner In Residence [email protected] [email protected] Saint Sebastian

Rev. James W. Dolan Parish Chaplain Rev. Innocent Onuh In Residence [email protected] [email protected] Saint Athanasius

Deacon Richard R. Cessar Saint Sebastian Deacon William R. Palamara Saint Athanasius [email protected] [email protected]

Deacon Gary L. Comer Saint Athanasius Deacon Robert Koslosky Saint Sebastian [email protected] [email protected]

Bulletin Editor: Kelly Ryan 412-364-8999 [email protected] Director of Communications: Deacon William Palamara Associate Director of Liturgical Ministry: Ginny Ambrose 412-931-4624 x226 [email protected] 412-367-9001 x549 [email protected]

Director of Facilities: Michael Stobba Parish Social Minister: MaryJo Robbins 412-367-9001 x509 [email protected] 412-364-8999 x8637 [email protected]

Director of Human Resources: John Flaherty Associate Social Minister: Sister Alice Dunlap 412-364-8999 x8114 [email protected] 412-931-4624 x212 [email protected]

Director of Liturgical Ministry: Ted Rybka Safe Environment Coordinator: Marilyn Ruffner 412-367-9001 x514 [email protected] 412-364-8999 [email protected]

Parish Secretary Faith Formation/Youth Minister MaryAnn Cooper Victor Boerio x213 Saint Athanasius [email protected] [email protected] (412) 931-4624 Pastoral Associate Community Center Organizer Deacon William Palamara x226 Sister Evelyn Dettling x222 [email protected] [email protected]

Parish Secretary Bookkeeper Incarnation of the Lord Geraldine Seidl Naomi Wells x7 [email protected] (412) 931-2911

Parish Secretary Finance Manager Director of Faith Formation Michele Hess x8410 Pat D’Amico x8436 Deacon Bob Koslosky x8521 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Saint Sebastian Secretary Administrative Assistant Faith Formation Secretary (412) 364-8999 Julie Steihler x8451 Ruth Hesidence x8419 Bette Weger x8529 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Pastoral Associate-Deacon Richard Cessar x8116 - [email protected] Youth Minister-Katie Dorman x8520 - [email protected]

Parish Secretary Bookkeeper Director of Faith Formation Saint Teresa of Barb Walkauskas x500 Naomi Wells Kate Giuffre x548 Avila [email protected] [email protected] x519 [email protected] (412) 367-9001 Youth Minister - Susan-Mohall Symanski [email protected] x547 Incarnation of the Lord Parish Information

4071 Franklin Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15214 PHONE: (412)931-2911 FAX: (412)931-2832


Naomi Wells ...... EXT 7 MONDAY ...... 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Main Office & Business Manager TUESDAY ...... Closed [email protected] WEDNESDAY ...... 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Marilyn Ruffner ...... EXT 5 THURSDAY ...... 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Safe Environment Coordinator for FRIDAY ...... Closed Neighbors North Catholic Community The office entrance is on Vinceton Street.

Any bulletin items for Incarnation of the Lord can be sent to [email protected].


PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE Incarnation Parish needs church office volunteers. HOME VISITATION PROGRAM Volunteers would answer the phone and door, takes mes- sages, receive and sort mail, and perform occasional Mary, Ark of the New light clerical duties such as stuffing envelopes. A posi- Covenant invites everyone to tive attitude and a warm smile together with good com- receive a visit of Our Lady of munication skills are key. Volunteers are needed Tues- Fatima’s statue to their homes to days and Fridays between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM. You will pray the Rosary. Visitation be asked to agree to a regular “shift,” e.g., Tuesday from prayers to welcome the statue take 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Attire is casual, but suitable to a about 30 minutes, and you may church environment. You may bring a book, magazine, keep the statue for at least two knitting for when you’re not busy. Interested? Please weeks. Share the Love, Blessings, call the parish at (412)931-2911 and leave your name, and Graces of our Blessed Mother phone number, and the best time to call. THANK YOU! as you pray the Rosary with family and friends during the visit of the Pilgrim Virgin statue. For more information, and to make arrangements for visitation, SECOND COLLECTION There will please contact the Legion of Mary be a second collection at Incarnation on at Incarnation of the Lord Parish. Sunday, April 28th for Parish Share.

[email protected] Jane Sestric - (412)841-3923 Weekly Eucharistic Adoration

Sundays at Incarnation from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy When Christ your life appears, and the Rosary start at 3:00 PM. then too you will appear with him in glory. There will be no Adoration on Easter Sunday.

- Colossians 3:4 Adoration will resume on Sunday, April 28th. Saint Sebastian Events and Scripture Cub Scout Pack 207 Scouting for Food Readings of the week: Drive - Pack 207 will be collecting food donations the weekend of May 4-5. Non- Sunday, April 21, 2019 Sunday 4/21 Happy Easter! Acts 10:34a, 37-43; perishable food donations will be Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22 Monday, April 22, 2019 -23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 collected in the Narthex following Mass 7:00PM: Financial Peace Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mt 28:1-10 at St. Sebastian Church on May 4 and 5." University Monday 4/22 Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps Tuesday, April 23, 2019 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9- 6:00PM: Project HOPE Meeting 10, 11; Mt 28:8-15 HOST FAMILY 6:30PM: Middle School youth Tuesday 4/23 Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4 Interested in being a host family? Open your Group -5, 18-19, 20 and 22; Jn 20:11-18 home to a student from China or Taiwan and Wednesday, April 24, 2019 Wednesday 4/24 make friends for a lifetime. We are looking for 1:00PM: Bereavement Support Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1 -2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9; Lk two host families from your area to host 4:30PM: First Eucharist 24:13-35 scholarship students who are looking to become Rehearsals Thursday 4/25 6:30PM: High School Youth Acts 3:11-26; Ps part of an American family from August-May. Group 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9; The students will attend Quigley Catholic High Lk 24:35-48 7:00PM: Bell Choir Practice Friday 4/26 School in the Fall. Host families will receive a 9:00PM: Women’s Volleyball Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1 stipend. If you are interested in becoming a host -2 and 4, 22-24, 25- family or to learn more about the program, Thursday, April 25, 2019 27a; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday 4/27 please contact Quigley Catholic at 724-869-2188. 3:00PM: Divine Mercy Acts 4:13-21; Ps 7:00PM: Endow 118:1 and 14-15ab, 7:00PM: OCD Support Group 16-18, 19-21; Mk 16:9-15 Friday, April 26, 2019 Sunday 4/28 Acts 5:12-16; Ps Bishop Canevin 118:2-4, 13-15, 22- Applications are still being accepted for Bishop Saturday, April 27, 2019 24; Rev 1:9-11a, 12- 7:30AM: Men’s Fellowship 13, 17-19; Jn 20:19- Canevin High School’s 2019-20 academic year. 31 Interested students may visit the school’s website, www.bishopcanevin.org, to complete and submit = Church = School: Gym an online application. = Chapel = School: Cafeteria = Rectory Conference = School: Burke For more information, please call Admissions = Haber: Mueller = School: Youth Director, Katie Stevens, at 412-922-7400, ext. 220. = Haber: Hesidence = Off-site

Little Sisters of the Poor The Little Sisters of the Poor will be joining our Neighbors North Catholic Community over the next two weekends collecting donations after Masses at the doors of our churches to help them continue the work of their foundress, Saint Jeanne Jugan, in caring for the elderly poor at their home on nearby Benton Avenue, in Pittsburgh. On the weekend of April 27th and April 28th, the Sisters will be at Incarnation of the Lord Parish and Saint Sebastian Parish. The following weekend, May 4th and May 5th, the Sisters will be at Saint Athanasius Parish and Saint Teresa of Avila Parish. Please be as generous as you can. Saint Teresa of Avila

Wait, did you say FREE?! I sure did! FORMED is an online digital platform that contains outstand- Are you looking for an ing Catholic content and is FREE to anyone reading exciting evening? this…seriously, there’s no catch! From videos and Don’t miss the best bingo around. books for the kids/grandkids to deep theological studies and everything in between. Every Thursday night in Did you attend Fr. Pivonka’s mission at St. Sebas- Henninger Auditorium tian in March? You can stream the Wild Goose se- Early Bird starts at 7 pm. ries on your computer/phone/tablet for FREE! The website contains Are you interested in earning a little extra spending FREE downloadable e-books money? Bingo is looking for people to work in the FREE audio talks that can be streamed kitchen Thursday nights. Please contact Mike Geyer FREE movies to watch (Lives of the Saints, a at 412-736-0775, or leave your name and phone large selection of Youth videos) number at St. Teresa of Avila’s rectory. FREE programs to learn more about our Catholic faith *for all ages, at all stages in

our faith walk! If you haven’t already accepted this FREE GIFT (and please share with your family, neighbors, co- St. Teresa of Avila workers), all you have to do is go to bettertogeth- er.formed.org and enter our parish code: Q 4JKXH Why not take this opportunity to do something for YOURSELF for a change! Open this gift, trust me, it will change your life. Happy Easter! Our annual Flea Market will th be on Saturday, August 10

Our Festival dates this year Alleluia! He is Risen!

DATE THE SAVE will be August 12-17

This is definitely the time to celebrate! The time that we gather with family and friends that we may not have seen for a while. Sometimes, subjects Boys Scout Troop 368 come up, that you think, “I wish I knew more about my faith.” or “I wish I could share what I love about wishes to remind everyone that we my faith with others.” Well, that’s where the kiosk are collecting aluminum. The comes in handy! Located to the LEFT, just as you money raised from the scrap alu- exit the sanctuary into the Narthex, the kiosk dis- minum is used to purchase camp- play holds many different resources (books, ing equipment CD’s, booklets). for the Troop and reduce the cost All donations placed in the kiosk collection slot of camping trips. All aluminum (outlined in red) are used to purchase future prod- can be dropped in the metal cage ucts. Thank you for your continued support and on the gravel parking lot at St. generosity of this self-sustaining, evangelization Teresa of Avila. outreach. Thank you for supporting Boy Scouts. Saint Teresa of Avila

Altar Server Schedule Sacrament of Baptism: Expectant parents must register in advance for the baptismal preparation class. Please call 412-367- 2nd Sunday of the 9001 Ext. 548 to register. Resurrection of the Lord Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples must meet with Fr. Mike Zavage prior to Saturday, April 27 setting a wedding date. A six-month preparation pe- 4:00 pm-D. Ostronic, E. Rossi, S. Taschner riod and pre-marriage course is required.

Sunday, April 28 Sacrament of Reconciliation: 8:00 am-D. Thomas, M. Turkovich, L. Turkovich Every Saturday at 11 AM.

11:00 am-V. Sciulli, H. Sciulli, S. Thornton Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of the month. Exposition after 7 AM

Rectory Office will be closed Mass. Benediction at 7 PM.

Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Normal hours will resume on Tuesday. Persons interested in becoming a Roman Catholic Christian should contact the RCIA Coordinator at 412-367-9001 Ext. 548. We WELCOME the following new members who recently registered in the parish: Weekly Offering for January through March 2019. Patricia & Joseph Wilson Hannah James $211,112 Offertory Collected Kathleen Roderus Alyssa Edwards $279,318 Budget Brittany Sullivan ($68,206) Difference Christine & Stephen D’Auria Norma & Joseph Kirby April statements for the 2019 Pledges and payments Bailey Frisco will be sent out April 26. Payments received after Jocelyn & Stephen Zoller April 7 will not be on this statement, but included Suzanne & William Clark on the May statements.

Karen & Martin Latona

Brianne Krieger God Bless Our Recently Baptized Carrie & Jason Baker and Liam Children and Their Families Kelli & Eric Campbell and Lillian Kiersten Kerr Maggie Sedgwick Child Parents Michelle & Sean Trageser and Emily Jacob Alexander Torok Jordan/Rachel Nighswander Torok Scott Pater and Delaney & Lucas Giorgia Eileen Schipper David/Rachel Wall Schipper Holden Christopher Anderson David/Karen Lawrence Anderson They are not only our new parishioners, but also Evan John Roll Corey/Antoinette Kleck Roll your neighbors, co-workers, associates and class- Callie Jo Austin Jesse/Heidi Dudley Austin mates. When you see them, please extend a warm Vayda Renee Pinkerton Jon/Chelsea Miles Pinkerton St Teresa welcome. Aiden Francis Clark Matthew/Katie Oswald Clark

The Jesus in Disguise (Homeless) ministry is seeking donations of used blankets, towels, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, men's shoes (no dress shoes please), new socks, backpacks and wheeled luggage. Seasonal clothing, pants (no dress pants please), shirts, sweaters and heavy jackets, hats and gloves are also needed. Thanks to all who have already helped with donations. For more information or for pickup of donations please call Pat at 412-366-9467. Holy Cross Academy Basketball Students in grades K-3 participated in the “Hawk’s Nest” basketball clinics this past Fall. They learned fundamental basketball skills and basics of the game to help prepare them for playing on the Developmental Team. HCA had 3 developmental teams this year- 3rd & 4th grade girls, 4th grade boys and 3rd grade boys. Each team ended the season on high note, winning all 3 divisions of our HCA Tournament! Our 5th grade Boys and Girls had a chance to play in year-end tournaments with their classmates. Both teams had a successful showing, each taking 2nd place in their respective tournaments. JV A Boys- Finished with a 10-4 record in the North section and advanced to the Diocesan Playoffs. The team showed tremendous progress and development throughout the year, defeating several teams that they lost to in the pre-season. They hosted a first-round home playoff game, vs St Therese Munhall, and won in front of a packed house! JV B Boys- Started off the season with 8 boys who did not have much basketball experience collectively. The team ended up with 6 wins and improved both individually and as a team over the season. JV A Girls- This team had a very successful season. They started the season by winning the Blessed Trinity Academy basketball tournament. They went undefeated in Section North 1A to capture the section championship and ended the season as runner up in the diocesan playoffs. JV B Girls- Their season was full lot hard work, improvement, and lots of basketball. They played in a tough East Section and held their own against some very competitive teams. Varsity Girls- Played in a very tough section but the improvement of the team overall and individuals was exciting to watch. The girls all had a great attitude and worked hard throughout the season to get better as teammates and individuals. Varsity A Boys- No team played harder than the 2018-19 varsity Hawks, which was reflected in continuous comments by opposing coaches. Ultimately that is what we want from our student athletes, give 100% at everything they do. Varsity B Boys- Finished the season on a positive note, winning their last game in the HCA tournament. The boys worked hard all season, playing in the very competitive North B section. The players all got the benefit of playing a ton of minutes and all improved their individual skills as the team improved. Soccer The Spring Soccer season “kicked off” the last weekend of March. This year, we were able to field 4 co-ed teams- Varsity, JV, Developmental 3rd & 4th and new this year, a Developmental 1st & 2nd grade team. Good luck to our soccer teams! Best of luck to our 8th grade Athletes on their future High School endeavors! Volleyball Marlena Battista, Alyssa Minton, Rylie Hanlon, Brenda Kunkle, Jeana Nicotra, Maeve O'Connell, Colleen Kilpatrick, Olivia Duty, Cecilia Miller, Elsa Schneider, Bridget Christie, Cross Country Marie Harless, Andrew Fontana, Cannon Herring, Nicholas Martocci, Anthony Ricciardelli, Nicholas Robertson, Joseph Silvaggio Basketball Alyssa Minton, Colleen Kilpatrick, Brenda Kunkel, Rylie Hanlon, Cecilia Miller, McKenna Stevick, Joey Daeschner, Nicholas Martocci, Michael Nogrady, Anthony Ricciardelli, Patrick Engelhardt, Andrew Engelhardt, Nicholas Robertson, Nick Petrunia, Andrew Fontana, Mitch Woods, Jackson Farrell Soccer Andrew Fontana, Jackson Farrell, Anthony Ricciardelli, Joseph Silvaggio, Joey Daeschner, Nicholas Giunta, Nicholas Martocci, Neill Bidlack, Brenda Kunkel Courtesy Announcements

Once again St. Athanasius Saint Vincent de Paul will have a Bundle Up clothing drive to help replenish the St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores. The drive will be on May 18 from 9 am until 12. A truck will be in the St. Athanasius parking lot for your contributions of gently worn clothing for all ages. Please bring your donations of clothing, shoes, purses, etc. in bags or boxes on that day only. People will be there to help collect your donations. This is a good time to clean out your closets while changing to summer. Also, you will be performing one of the Corporal Works of Mercy (to clothe the naked). Thank you for your support, and keep those who are less fortunate in your prayers.

Pastoral Council Forming an Interim Pastoral Council The information session for any parishioner who would like to know more as he or she discerns whether God might be calling them to service on the Neighbors North Interim Pastoral Council will be offered twice on Thursday, April 25th at 7:00 pm and on Saturday, April 27th at 9:00 am. You only need to attend one of the sessions. Both sessions will be held in Schoppol Hall at Saint Teresa of Avila Parish. For planning purposes, please call John Flaherty at 412-364- 8999 to indicate which session you plan to attend. Life in the Spirit Presented by Fr. Mike Zavage

Five Sessions Leading Us Into A Deeper Encounter with the Living God (between Easter and Pentecost) St. Teresa of Avila Church - 7:00 till 8:30 pm

Monday, April 22: “Love of the Father” For more information, contact: Monday, April 29: “Love of the Son” Gloria Maurer – [email protected] Monday, May 6: “Love of the Spirit” Rita Morasco – [email protected] Monday, May 20: “Baptism in the Spirit” Monday, June 3: “New Life in the Spirit”

Or call the “Life in the Spirit” Hotline 412-367-9001 Ext. 584

To register, click on https://www.stathanasiuswv.org/_modules/form.php?id=28"