
whether Mr. B. Ihtenda to preserve a spiral one eflbotedbyan index wheel. Meat Mnrket—H. Peters. Lcgnl. Legal. tlTiS the hide, we are unable to Bay. The boojis as out from the log fall on to a carrier wliioh takes them to the OUTOAGK SALE,—DEFAULT HAVING STATK OK OEa ^W^ 11UTI.EII, I)E. sticker whore they are assorted, the H-0-O-P-E-E. tieuii mitilo In tbo iiayiniiiit of two liundrvil E ecceasedu , StuteofMlcblKan.cnnutyofloKham, Ij i).VNSyiLLE. miMd thirty-niio dollars nnd nlncty-olshtcuntiinuw as. At a scsiion of the probate ciinrt for tho coun­ tbutaij^j, June aO( 1881. lierfeot ones run through and coiled claimed tu bu duo and unnnid ii|>oii a cortain ty of Inxhani, holdeii iit tho probate otilce, in tbo Zioat—Tnrn Oat iiiiil CelebrAle—Bowerjr and the culls thrown out. The capac­ iiiortgiiKu buitrliiK diito tlio itlxth day of Docuiiiliur cltyuf Mason, on tbc 2:id day of Juno, in tho ,;/ nauco.. ity of the machine is from 18,000 to A. D. 1,S79, and uxuciitud by Mntllda J. Updlku, year one tlioiisaiid ei;;lit liiiiKlred and eii;lity-ono. • UNADILLA. of MuHon, Micliit'nn, to Bariioy C, Jliiyiiur, of I'i'csont, Uoo, K. Ulllain.lndKenriirohate, Bemeiiibcr the celebration at Dans- 20,000 a day, and in this section where Vovay, Michigan, iinu rucnrilud tlio Hnmu day It lu the nintturof thu estate of Ucu, W, IJutlcr, vllle. some 15,0ur cent, and nil Te^'ni canainK a copy of this order to be published in the qua some time this month. terian church next Sunday morning other story to his thermometer. Only IjODOH, Hosiery and alt kinds of Goods at all delivered at the largo and commo­ liist week. Cause, poor whisky. Come to co.l>Kn EVCBV TnVBSDAY, Bv Mrs. Sherman boasts of liaving a uiid evening. 90° in the shade. H. H. Dakin and W. B. Bowe were described in and covered by said inortKa;;u is cussivc weeks jirevious to saidI da''"y o"f" hearinff *'" ." Mr. Jas. Dean, of Parma, Is visiting adilla village, price ' aid, from 30 to in Detroit attending the meeting of the lots one and two in block six in Grillln's addl- V. J. TEPFT. moilel husband, and bases her claims Bev. W. Doust of the M. E. church, "AVhere is that comet?" shouted an Section knives and rlvots for all kinds of 30} cents per pound. It is the finest Tuesday's Lansing Jiepublican con­ linn to llio City of Mason, In Iiigbnni County, {.•V true copy,) OUO. 1ostofIlce. this city and afterwards was proprietor Jlaled Jlasou, .liiuu i'L', l.SSl, TL'wl:) coiuiuou council of the city of Mason, htdu nttlie ADVCHTISINO RATES. rnrnllnre I rarailure t Choice Meats constantly on iineil roiMiis uf said clly, on Monday evening, Our ndvertlHlnsratoH made known iitoinco. One of Muson'.s proud fathers con­ E.x-.Senator John J. Koblson, of As a loving pair were promenading he dodged around the corner. ner, of Dexter township,of 1400 pounds, We should think our merchants of the Michigan Central eating house .7nue.0.I.SSl,lhefollowIii!,'preamble and resolution BusinosH cnrdH $1 a lino par year. Uy buying furniture of mo, parties are sura samples of which were five inches in would advertise in Tirii: NKW.S, i\s it was adopted; BuHlnoHH Inunis llvo coiitu |ior line each and gratulates his wife on the fact that Sharon, Washtenaw county, was in the other evening, she looked up slyly Mrs. Reeves, motherof Henry Reeves to get new goods as I do not keep second hand. at Lansing: hand. By the way, if you Medical. ]ly Aid. Jlelian ; length, • ^ has a large circulation at this place, Some person has sent to the Itc}mbl!- every Inxortlon. , baby was a girl. "Because, you see, If the city this week. into his face and softly murmured, "if of this city, died, after a lingering Ill­ I sell now furniture cheiiper than can be and surrounding townsliips. WiiKiiK.is.Tliucoiniunn council of tho cltyof Marrlsfte, birth, nnd death notlceii flreo. bought at any other store In tho county. Ex­ cnn a copy of the Peoria (III,) Journal happen to have the money at Mason has been petitioned byticori^cG. Mead and Obituary notlcoH, rosolutlona of roHpoct, It had been a boy, it might have been Miss Minnie Catly returned, last you love me as I love you, no ice cream ness, at tho residence of her son, on LESLIE. others owiiersi>tlaiidln the viciiiityof block niitii- amine tho quality of my goods nnd get prices. A 3'ag peddler stayed in town one of June 22, containing information of physlelallB anil tbey will tell you tbo cardH of tliniikM, etc., llvo conta a line, president of the United .States, and Thursday, from Oberlln, where she has spoon ciiii cut our love in two." Ho Tuesday nt half past 11 o'clock. Mrs. night last week, and he claimed that two former residents of Lansing wliieli hand he won't be mad if you roinodles In HUVH ANI> MAI.T lier sl.\°,of the ori),'liial plat of said city of Mason, to W. B. HUNTI-Er. Sew I''lrni — KHlertnlninciit—Alumni vacate Ibealley platted In saldbloclc, for reasons been as.sa.ssinated." been studying music. took the hint. Reeves was one of tho oldest residents he was minus a gold watch and charm, may be of interest to tlieir acquain­ ASK!niTTGIl! ^ nlwnyn roijulato tho set fortli in said pelltion, and it aiipearinu to Pine Iiumber Fur tinle Ckeap. Soolnl.eto. pay him for your meat. 1,1 vrr, Kldnnyiii and Urlnnr)- Ornan*. this eoiincll that said alley be vacated; tlierefoi'c TSE NBWS JOB BOOM and §17.50 in money the next morning. tances here. It states that H, H. Cor­ Mrs. Elizabeth Tate, of Harrlsville, The Hon, Mark ,S. Brewer, former of the city. Her funeral took place at Or will oxchniigo for wood. Enquire of E. School closes this week. renderinrcn tie ringg tbo «yi! briuliti iiihid chourfuli Jx'rxnIrnI, 'I'hat the lei^ular lueelin;,' of tills Anexchangesays: "In a block of ice nell (late projirietor of the Miclilgan Is Hiipplioa with tho boHt machinery that coiigressinan from this district, has tho M. E. church, AVednesday, at 4 A.Webster at U. P. Henderson's law office. SO Miss Lena Calkins Is visiting in KINSIEVILLH. Central eating-house here) Imd left tiie HENRY PETERS. nuilrttuniiil ntu|>p iclnitllc , ciniiicll on the third Moiidavof.luly. iie.\t, to-wit: money can buy, flttoti for steam power, a largo which melted In Charles IJartlne's ice- Mich., mother of ex-Mayor John Say- On Monday oveninL', the el$;hteeiilh day of .Inly, been appointed by tho president, con- o'clock. Jackson. Ingersnll house in Peoria, and his tbn blindrcrl>' iiicnt- goods had been attached. Kot (iiuling South side Court-House. Imvo been cured If IIOI'.S ANI> coiiiiuon council room 111 said city of Mason, be dci'.s, etc,, enabling U8 to'do .Job Printing on contain a frog weighing a (juarter of a sul-general at Berlin. Mr. Brewer On long time. C. H. SACKRIDEIt. Miss Mary I-Iaiichitt, of Charlotte, is intr—New (<)niii<>, t!l tliuis that may be niaile to ihe proposed vacation in this olllce, but now of Grand Baplds, ished head before tlie approach of the wife in charge and took to the road, $30,000 in Ingham County i-ciiioily foi lower house of congress, and his ajj- Wood, Logs nnd Lumber. Any person having Prof. C. K. Perrlne has been visiting a lino eloclc for tlieir oluirch. with a nartner named Fox, and to­ lulow CoiiipliixluiiCom . ofsalil alley alsivo relerred to, and that notice of BEST PO.S.SIBLE MANNER! it good cool frog story. .spent the Fourth in this city. Criocerls Asparagi. This Is hls"swell" in this place. lnv«>.Ht<>il ill iiNol<.NH I.ii'c IiiNiiriiiicn. said meetlntt, lo-wit: A copy of this resolution pointment will give great satisfaction Ash, Cherry, or Walnut, logs or lumber, will .S. Stctler has pui'chased a horse team. gether they went over inlo Iowa and do pliyslelnii.=t nnd clorf;.v* ••HHI be jiubllshed at least ,'onr successive weeks in Wo do an good workn-s can bo obtained nny- Over 400 extra copies of the Detroit ^Irs. .fudge ]k>nnett, of Helena, Ar­ name. AVhen ho is at homo in his do well to see us, Wood contracted for future G. Sigleris moving his family into set up a medical college, willi their one of Hie newspapers piililisbeil hi this city, lie- to his former constituents. He is getting ready for business. nion use and recommend IIUPS fore the time appidnied for such meelliiy, as ^vhoro, and parlioH in need of conunorelnl or Monday morning papers containing kansas, is h-pending a few weeks witli shirt sleeves he allows folks to call him delivery, OUIco at N, A, Cunning's store, or his now house on Main street. olVice on the street. WHAT SHARE HAVE YOU IN IT? WHY AN» MALT HITTERS? Do- fancy Job I'rlntliitf of any ileacription are L, Byruni has rented his farm and There Is a nione.v value In your liip.scd life In­ aforesaid. the account of tho as.sassination of the A fatal accident occurred at Stock- ibsparagus beetle. Ho is warranted to Ellsworth & Go's. E. E. KKBI:.EB d: Co. The Alumni mombor.s give their an­ catiscausDe thotbey nro not a boveroKo but n niedlclno i^requostud to call, examine styles, and obtain her sister, Mrs. Chas. Kendall. moved in tlio house witli liis father-in- Cornell llgures under tlie alia.s of Dr, surance p(diey, Xii mailer how loii'i siniie Notice is also ^Iveii that a ineetin;; of the briilge,oii Friday night, which resulted withstand tho ravages of hcatandeold, nual iniblle social on Friday evening. law, C, C, Patrick, Franklin, while Fox has no otlier any premium has been paid, 'I'oiletcrmlin^ that BIU'(M!1mueilll! y euros nil illsordiiri) of tho coiiimiui council to hear ob,jectloiis to the pro­ prices before placing tboir orders. president, were disposed of tit Mason Walter W. Wicks, of Leslie, Is vis­ Hudson ii Beed. BenI Estate Asents. that value, and lunv to sei'uro It, consult'Phe SlonincliSloiimclii, LIvur and ntiwulN. posed vacation ofsaid alley, will lie held at Ihe in the death of a colored man, rain, frost and snow, and attend to Mason, Mich, fiStf. The menibor.sor the lyceum give an .•SJ-l.OO is tlio amount rcali/.ed at the alias. Going on (he street, "Dr. I,lie Insuraiiee I'olley Holders' A^^soclatliui ol coiiiicil rooms on Monday evening;,,I illy J8,I.S.SI, AVE arAll.VNrKB I'EUFKCT .SATISFACTION. and Dansvillo by our eiiterprlsing iting Mrs. .Tohii Chiklsforashorttime. at.S o'clock, named John Depew. It seems that business with unfailing regularity, on entertainment at Union hall tliis even­ donation given Thursday evening, June Franklin" rakes a ilruni, which (lie sudor from Dynpopsln, ••^•i news dealer, G, JM. Wood. Mr. Wicks will teach the Dansville Eien-IlHUded Hhearm ing. 23, for the bencllt of Uev. W. W. Smitli. JournalHtxys he beats like (he original t^lck Ilonilncbi!) NorvoiiHiioaiior 70>v3 \VM. M. VA> VHANKKN, C'lly Clerk, Depew was taking care of the horse, eibsy terms to large and small purchas­ At CAKNOM & DUBOIS, "drumiiier boy of tliePiappahaniiock," WHY;ExhaiiNtlDn . wlien a remedy so OItTOAGK SALK.- -DKl'AUl.T HAVING NEWS NOTES. Quite a (larty gathered at A. Mer- school next year. Mr. T. Alien and a little grand-oliikl Quite a number of farmers about LIFESANCECUIMS Of ALL KINDS nBroeahlo nnd so effectlvo as IIOI'.S AND Harry H., owned by Mr. Higgins, ers. He comes dressed in black, red Come One, Come All, will start this week for WaKeenoy, and after attracting a crowd, the imisi- M. been niado In the conditions ofa certain ritt's, on Friday evening, and tripped Mrs. L. Frank Clark, in company and yellow, like a foreign prince or a here are cauglit witli considerable hay cal "Dr." (doctor or debtor are equally COLLECTED. IHAI.T BITTERS la within tho reach ot nU. luortKatte made and e.^cecnted by Klijali V, Ssn- ~ TJiAVEl7EBS» GUI1)E7 the light fantastic toe to the music of of Leslie. While passing behind both great and small, and settle up your no* Kansas. out, Ibrougli the rain storms of tlie past I'ordanil Maria A. Kanl'ord, Ids wife, bile of the with her sisters, Mrs, HoUister anil circus clown, and fattens on Paris counts at oweo, for I vmat have the money. apiiropriate) harangues them on every Knelose twolhree-cent siiimpslolnsure aii.s- cltyof l.anshi),', Ini:liaiu county, Mlchi^nn, to piano and violin. All thegucstsseem- hint on tho night in question, H. Barnard has sold his iutcrost in few days. malady under lieaven, and "Dr, Fox" wer, and we will nlve our ilmo In auswcrint; TDSninHiiBc mnnivMARK*. ,„,.'^"'•""'"""'"'••••. M,>v,-n la bottioi . •lohii Powers of the same place, bearing'date the J., I.. A S. IlivlNlon !M. C. Rnllronil. Davis, jiassed Sunday and the Fourth green and "plzens" of all kinds. Bait. C. G. HuNTlJfOTOlf. your letters, uml ojn'iilini /'irr. nth dsv of March, KSTII, and recorded in the olllce Trains leavo Mason as follows, by Chlengo the horse suddenly commenced the hardware store to P. Earl. Tlie Quarterly meetingat thoM. E,church pulls in the suckers. IILACIC label and RED iirluting. Ask for ed to enjoy the lio.si)ltality which their with friends in Marshall, firm is now known as Shnfer & ISarl. Address, of the tfcKlstiir of Deeds id' Iie.'haiii ciuinly, Mich time, wlileli is soventoon minutessloworthan kicking at another stallion, hitting FarinerMaad nrovem. next Saturday and Sunday, .July Sand Wiien some [loor creature, who litis Fre» Snmplo liotllc. iL-aii, iMi the 2lili ibiy id' .May. lK7(i, in l.iher -13 of Mason time. Tlirongb tickets oast or west host and lioste.xs knew so well how to The editor of TJIK NKW.S is away on Callnt.SiiyorsiI: Fhelps and soo something Mr. Barnard will go to Dakota. 3, Tlie presiding elder will be present C. V. BRINKERHOFF & CO. ^tortita;jes, luij^e -t-N, ou wliicb mortjxaire and note for sale by M. 3. Murray, ticket a«ent Mrs. Alex. Bush, of .Saginaw City, Depew three times in the chest nnd ab­ (or tlilnl:.') he has) a deadly 'Ini; the saiue, there is claimed to be dispense. the Evening New» excursion and tho new for marUIng nnd registering cattle, sheep on Saturday, proaches the college, he is examined 4>y the "(lean of the faculty," and be­ eleven (Sill) dollars. ..Vnii Ihe saiil morti;aj;e Mail ftO'-' a.m. Mall 10:0.1 p.m. "Before I'd marry a man who chews Dunn, of White Oak, for the past two the horse. He was picked up and med­ Our spring term of.sohool closed Fri­ ]SU^V.•lshln^loll .Wo., I.A.\SI.\«. MIt;iI. and note liavhii; been, on ihe ,'!d day of Auunsi, Express .'i:I3 p.m. Kxpre.ss lOilO a,m. the boys. This perhaps would be all Ntore lu Onondaga for Bent. day, Juno 24. The teaelier, Mr, No- fore he leaves he receives widi his (h'CJ. JI. WCMin, I.ncal Aucnl.Ma.son, Way frolghl... Ii;;l0 a.m. Way freight.. S;03 p.m. tobacco, I'd stay an old maid till I got Ooiio ViMiliiiif—Accltlent, ate. I.STibdiily as.^lKued bysald.Iobn Poweisto lllram Tbro' fr'Klit..l2;Wnoon Jackson ft 6;30p.in, weeks. .She will visit her friends in ical aid summoned, but his injuries well enough if they wore all of the Largo wooilon building; tlrst-rnte point for ble Hunter has given pretty good sat- medicine the following contract. Mich, rosloillcelinllilhi},', II. Snilili.oftheclty of.lacksun,,1ackson county, black in tho face," exclaimed a Bridge- jiroved fatal, and he expired at six H. J. Bond is having his house paint­ islaction so far as we have been able to For valno recolviul from Micliif,'an, which asslnuiiicnt was recorded In the Ma.son a short time and then return same political faith but such Is not tho dry goods store. Cheap. Inquire of ed. said re;,dsl,er's olllce on the 12ili day of August, Drew Aavt-rtlNrcdictlons are not made Short Horns For Sale. last Monday, to visit the sceneiD of tlicir wish tlieni a long and pleasant future. The iiorlh sixty (iK)) acicis of the east halfof the addressed and bore the words: "We fiat heresy. The democrats wanted to childhood in Genesseo county, N. Y. No, 20G Slate M., ClilcaKO, III. BI3&ASES succciafully treated. Sani fur Olreuliir All niacfiHoflof thnStoinncIi, llnvcl.^. l^loocj, Lost—J. C. Oaniion. like those of the Signal Bureau, for a Seven cows from two to llvo years old, flvo Our village fallicrs have started a ••Vthiclied to this contract is the fol­ giTlng full particular*, Ltvur. KliIiH'y.H.iuiil IJrlmiryOrKiirirt. NtT* northeast euarler of si'dion twenly-nliie (W, in are hungry," The box contained two About 200,000 pounds of wool were water that stock u little, or. In other bulls, IVom one year old and upwards. In- Mrs. Henry Thompson while in a new game to wliile away the sixteen yuuduuHH, sliM>nlt!sxiii!ri.tiii)il cijiucially lowtisliip ttiree (.'b, north of range one (1) east, few hours in advance of the time of lowing, wliieli (lie greeny signs, ills Feiiiulu Cuiiiplulitu. liighitni eoniity, .^il('lllgaIl. or so much thereof as CHimiilE^ WANTED. bear cubs and a card with the words; bought by the Mason wool buyers this words, to split the difference and fuse. qulr« of C. n, B.VCKUS, Wllliamston, fointing spell lately, fell from thccliMir long hours of clay liglit, and liave Joined to tlu' Ih'st lilje the 'stubstipened al Will bo pnl)l for n cnno tln'V will not cum c. also ilie costs and e.\peilses uT foreclosure ami look attends her. Judge from the wai'lioops that ascend sale. The above'sale Is for accrued Interest aiitl' all (lio vhcrricK wc c.nn (ir.t picked with The little one is 'Me Too,' " chased about 0,'{,000 ; Geo, Ismon, 4,5,- who, in their wrath, declared that the Enquire nt N. A. Dunnlng's store, or of A. theolil mimlicr, ll- Woodward Ave, Del roll. hiilp.ur fur liny tliliiK'tiii|)tiruurlujurluu]i to warrant confidence in those that are Ellsworth & Co. 1150 On last Sabl>ath morning l^ev. A.L. at sbort intervals during the long days after dati! promise to payio .\ cordial InvllallDii Is e.Meiided to all In look fulllltt lit ttlL-Ill. will be made sali.iect toilie lieu of said mortgage, 000 ; Dunning, 40,000 ; Eaton, 21,000. pajjer should contain nothing but the that tbey weie highly iiieased wi'tli the order of IiO(T(11f.s KoX ANli Flt.WK. MiroiiKli and exainlne our new and (di'.i;aiil Apfc your (inipKl.st fur ll'iji lllrtiTsnti'l try for Ihe prhicipat sum of Sl.liUfl thereby secured .tho .^tonn on. IfUNTA ELLIS. The premium list of the Ingham niado concerning the future. The fol­ Thurston, the pastor of the Presljyler- tlieir discovery. M.S'. the sum of Dollar.s, sIo(.|i. N('W novellles received dully. tliuiu bufuru yim ulut'p, Tuku uu uihur* with interest al'ten per cent, per auuuni, payable County Agricultural Society will be MiLSOii has proved to be one of (ho lowing are his predictions for July: stauiichest republican doctrine, and l(iirber Shop. ian cliurch, pre.aciied a very aliie'aiid for value received. aiiiiiially, IIIKAM II. IjMITII, Assignee. Henry Roow.\llli C.tllll.l., Allinney for .Assignee. I''!>i'iiier.s arc lui.sy. dle of this month. The list.s are attrac­ prices averaging Jis high as they were wet, and give agreat deal of rain, gen­ and fusion sliould have no space of raham said unto God, O! that Tslwiiael following oiTicers the lirst, it forms ti iiognlialile )iroinis- Susi* run CiKCULAiu I Dated Mny.M.18Sl. (illwl!!. in Jtickson or Lansing. any kind. Being in the majority, they 80 Aere Fvrin For Sale. last Monday even­ sory note. This scheme has captured Why eoinpliiln that .vou are hlllioiis, or of Olil iia|)oi'.s for sale ut, this olUeo. tive, and every efl'ort Is being made to erally over a large portion of the United Within two and one-hnlf miles of Mnson, on might live before thee." A (lourisli- liidlKcstlon.slcl; hcailachi, or iiHrvonsdchlllty All ntiov* loM !iy t1rtiui.'l%ti, U'Alil)IAN',S SA1,|.;. — liY VIKTUU OF .V The stato teacher's institute opened carried the day and henceforth—well ing Sunday-school is sustained in con­ ing : the rural lowaiis, and tlie ./uiiriKtlaixys when one box rif I ir. ICcrmoirs pills will ctiri* Hl.p tliltrMMf" t " U.N-hr,UT, N. V.,AT.ir rilo^Oul. QV_. Ileense , to me graiiti-d, on the sl.\-teeiiili make this exhibition siirpa.ss tiny that .Stales and Canada, Avhile in Great ono of tho best roads Icitding out of tho city. iJliMiilor—A. n. Ifnylios. you. 7l)wlii ilay (d'May. ISSl, by ileorge K. Gllbini,.|ii(Ige of Tlio Mitson wool iiiurkct has clo.-ie(l. let the paper speak for itself. nection with tlio church. Vice Jiletiuor—S, U. Ciii'iT. they ai'u Inlying pby.sic by the qiiaVt probate ol the county of Ingham, and "Stale of has ever been held by the.soeiety. Let at Lansing at 2 v. -v,, July 5,witli about Brilnin, the weather will in all proba­ Only a small payment required down, tho bal­ Ass.—rrol'. J). I'. Sliiimoii.s. and giving these notes. .MIebigaii, I shall sell al public aitetlou, on the The IVisky iiio.siiiilto is on the war­ everybod.v turn out and have a good •iO leading instructors in attendance, bility be likewi.sostormy and wet. The ance on long time at n low rate of Interest. Hop.—J, C, Caiinnii. Homer estimates tlie medicine liusi- ,'itb day of,Inly, ISSI, at one o'clock In Ihe after- Apply to WKun'i&MEAD, CLOTHIEISS, AL.IIEUOIV. l''iii. Hop.—.r, !•;, Coy. tiiioii.al the front door of the court.house, in path. time. I'apers were presented by I'rofs, Ftiir- heaviest rains for New York nntl vicin­ Gillilu-A KUswoiili. iicss ti) be worth.Ji'Ja day, and with J. C. Steves.—Aanicnltural Iiiiplemeuts. Mason, In said county, all the right, title and in­ lleld, of Tecumseh; and I'titiiam, of BUSINESS LOCALS, •*'>ii MASON, MICH. SoiiMm.'1-W. M. (nine. such a "lead," he does not care to (VIDI terest of ,lohn O. Thayer, a lulmir, in and tocer- This Is the season for (jhorry pics. As the news boy jumped from one of ity, I would locate alwut the 20th, 21st, -larcw 1'''—ScllOOlM Clmpliiln—C. .S. C'iiiT.v, talii real estate In Onondaga, In said county, Ypsilantl, wliicli elieited very inter­ Honey to Iioan CioNluK—I'crNOiialN, vtc. away his valuable time and medical (?) described as ihe undivided oiie.lll'lh pari of the Look out for worms. the trains on tho I), L, & N. B. K, at or 22(1. Between the ]2tli and 20th NolicfuvniterthUhead will be innericdnl the On real estate nt the olllce of J. M. Dresser, School closes in district number one lore in a luitel. He has therefore elo.s- north fraetlonal'lialfid' the norlliwc.l (piarter of esting discu.ssions. .Siipt. Cocliraii is an excessively hot term is jirobablo rata o/Jlve cenl.iper line, each insertion. No no- Probate (Joiirt. seciloii two ('.>), and the northeast tractloiial Fanners expeettocoininunce harvest­ Wllliamston, tho other day, someone lice iiuerletl/ur fcv,« than twenty-jlve eentu. over Lowe, Smend ii Co.'s bank. 05tf 3iext l^rJday, ed up tind departed. in charge and has things e.xcelleiitly throughout Canada and the United Tlie "Dr, Fox" spoken of is well quarter of the northeast (piarter of seijtlou three ing wheat this week, of the crowd snatched his bundle of Physicians claim Hops nnd Mnlt bitters are (;!) In township one (1), north of range two (2) arranged for a successful session, LoMf. Master Eddie Brewster, froniTecuni- Following are tlie proceedings in liic known here. He was on lbes(reeta west. II. II. KI.LIOTT, V. T. Uai'iiiiiii's fjreat circus exhibits papers, and before the boy realized States, Where storms have been se­ tho best. • seh, visitetl last week at Isaac Drew's, DONT FORGET verely felt In western and south-west­ On Jiiduy, ii jjold watcli cliarm, Willi tlio mon- probate court up to and including great deal iluriiig the summer of IHSO, Uuaidian of said minor. at Laiisiiig, July lath. wliiit had liapiioned, every jiaper had Tho Dansville celebration of the ORrain of tlio K. of H. Tho flnilor will bo lib«r- RendG. W. Glynn's "nd" In another col­ Mrs. B, S, Youngs, 7icc Anna Branch, June2.S: witii a new catiurli speeilic, to be used Dated MayJO.lS^I. Ii7w7. ern states during June, there again umn—I'To the tmveling public." is visiting friends in Ann Arbor. in a tin hiliaier. He left in October, Thtit I am still on liaiiil with a full line of Fami rniplemeiita, eoiisi.stng of Mibsoii not Imvili),' celebi-titetl this disaiijieared among the crowd greeily Fourth was disgraced by tlie ally rewarded by loavliig tho same at this onico. •Iiiiio'Jl!.-Inllio p.stiito ot I'hllo Diiii.snioro, 1,-^.STATH OV .KMiN" C. ILVNI.;.'^^ Dlil fact that intoxicating lltjuors were will the severest storms of Jul.y be ex­ Mrs. O, B. C.ill spent a few days (loc'oiiscil, Tliu.'ulmliil.stmlor IIICM iiiinuiil lu:- Koing to Grand Ledge, and now turns IJj ceased. State of Michigan, connty of Ing­ year, justice courts have no busiiie.'is. for the last new.s of the crime at Wash­ Crahaiu C'rackers, Milk (!rackera and Ginger Scales!Scales! cuiint. up with his eipially well informed pal, ham, ss. At a session of the probate court openly and freely sold, in direct viola­ perienced. Notwithstanding however Siinptf, at Howard's Central Grocery, I have tuksn the agency for tho Buffalo last week with her daughter in Lan­ for said county, holden at the iirobate olllce, Mtiiiy of our farriier.s celebrated the ington. sing, Jiwio'Jl!,—Ill tlicesliitunrKphnilmW. Wimil- "Dr, FranUlln-Cornell," swindling the in the city of Mason, on the 1st day tion of law. It was rumored that the these frequent and severe storms dur­ Scales, and will furnish nny size Scale at man­ nnl, ili-'wasctl, Tlicoomiiils.slonor.s on cliilni.s sick in Iowa, That state should give of ,lune, la the year luie tlioiisand eight Fourth by sttiyiiife' at home anil gottintf Chester Cook hail an exaniiiuttion ing July, frequent alternations of fine Strayed or Sloleii. ufacturer's Priuo. Farmer's platform scales Tlie discouraged haymakers of the tUc tlidr ivpoi'l. them a free ride to l^'ort Mailison, hundred and eigbty-iuic. I'reseul, Geo. i'. Gil- before .Tu.stice Hammond, Friday, on a selling wiis done by the sanction of the From the residence of It, P. lliilleiibock, one nlwnys on hand, c, E, EATON. past week have retired from the lield, •iHiioi!!.—lIuaiiiiK lind amliillowniicool'tlio D. M. OSBORNE'S lam, Judge of Probate. in their hay. corporation authorities, which, how­ hot weather will jirobably counteract, mile south of the Phillips school liauso.ln Alaie- final aruonnl o( Uoo. Moipin, oxcciiloi' of tlio charge of enticing .Vllce Hawkins from quietly (•?) submitting to (he "reign" In the matter of the estate of John C Ilanes, W. W. Terwilliger Is buililliiKa new ever, we can hardly credit. With this to a great extent, the damage done to dun, on ,Iniiu Llltb, a small brown mare, about For Sale. liusi, will oCTanics Haniion, UCCOIINOU, Tlie Ma.soii JCKW.S tell.s of u "White deceased. home I'orpui'po.ses of prostitution. The twelve yeiiri old. HUH a bunch on tho side of the Three (liio Work or Road Horses, I new gen­ of the showers. .THMOQ,').-In tlio cslato of Addlo 11, niul Kl- On reailing and tiling Ihe petllloii, duly verb barn, 18.\2(l and two stories high, on exception, and the drunken rows re­ grain and other crops in the West. A new wire fence has been construct­ nicr.I.Slovi's, mliinr.s. J.c'liorut'h'iinrcllanslilp Oak iiiiiii having -IS sliee]i, .SO of which lied, of Samuel tikadan, adnilnlstrator ofsalil es­ evideiK.'o SI) tar indicates a state of de­ head behind the right unr, caused by pole uvll. uine BrowsterSlde-Uur Top Buggy, Harness, l.s.sueil to Win, Huiina, ICsi), tate, praying thai the time for disposlngof tho his lot, corner A and -Vsli streets, sulting from it, the celebration was it Any one giving Information or returning the Robes, Cutter, etc. Inquire of W, Bf. CLINE, ed in front of .T. M. Hudson's residence areewe.s. Do tell,— WilUiiiniiloii Kntcr- eil'ects ol said eslate, and for Kellling said estate, pravity existing in the vicinity of Ma­ .Tiuio L'.'i.-Inventory flloil ol tlio cstato of IM-jiyers were odl'rod in the ililt'erent Leaving Mivson, there was little to mare to her owner will be liberally rcwardud- nt the marble works. 1162tf and various other improvements made 2'jrinc. Self-Bind- may be e.vi ended one year from the date hereid'. son, that is disgusting. The examinti- success. about the place. IJoljorali I''ori'Is, doooii.sod, appiul.sod ftt$800,00, Thereu|ion It Is ordered, thai Friday, the Si li day churches all over the state on .Sumltiy, interest a weary newspaper publisher, "iHlp H. P. IlALLENnEOK. .TIIIIIJ2",—In tlio estate of .lames and Clara of ,Iuly next, at one o'clock in the after- tloii was iidjoiiriied till July .Sth, at ten We recently Imd tlie pleajure of a Piano's and Wricans. Mr. and Mrs, Sherman, from Shia­ Osliornc, minors, Annual account of guar­ M.V.SON jMARKElS. noon, he assigned for Hie hearing of said petition, for the recovery of J'resident Clarlleld. talving a short vacation, to try, jierhaps Carrlaire Shop. We shall soil more pianos nnd organs this dian lllml. and tlial Ihe heirs at law cu'salil deceaseij, ami o'clock. lively chat with Dr. Bandall, of Dans­ year than over before, for wo are determined wassee county, are visiting at thelionic all oilier persons interested In said cistate, are re- ' The celebration in many parts of the vainly, to make a fresh compilation of I wlKli to inform tho farniera In tho vicinity of ,Tnno 2,S.—Inventory lllod of tlio ostato of €iirrri!CtcMl Up t« TlinrNiliiy ers with ville, about his recent visit to tlie state Kden, that I huvo opened a tint-class Carriage toundcrsell them nil, nnil that Is the key note of Mrs. Sherman's daughter, Mrs, Charley .Mills, a minor. .Vppral.scd at 8129.00. ipilred to aiipear at a si'sslon of said court, tben The Methodi.sts of this city hcUi an his scattered faculties. Before rc.iching ^'o»ii of KiMtli W<^<^k. to be holden at Ihe probate olllce In the city of stato was almost forgotten in the anx­ and Wagon Shop In connection with my Black­ to success. Organs from tSO and Pianos ftom Melvin Haight. . .-tf--. icecream festival at tho residence of of Texas. The doctor was so well jileas- Detroit, the only circumstance worth GII.MX, .Mason, and show cause, If any ihere be, why the iety for bulletins of the condition of smith Sbop, and will koep a large stock of every­ 3105 upwards. Write to us for terms. Katie Black closes a three months' Tlic Wilson Hoop Mncliinc. WHi'ivr prayer of the pelltloner should not be granted; the jjastor, .Inly'1, The weather was ed with the Lone .Star state that he has mentioning occurred at Jackson. term of school in the Bobbins' district m 10 Cord and It Is furtherordered.tbalacopyorthis order bo the president. thing in tbe Hue of Uupalra. Good work nud BAKER & TUATER, COllN, In tlie ear, per liushol.... . 'S>& is or published III TiiK I.\OII.V.M COUSTV NEWS, a pleasant and the company enjoyed concluded tfi take up his residence AVhile standing on the depot steps low prices. O. I, IIAVLKSS, 151 Mead Block, Lansing. next Friday, • and has been engaged Sunday's Saginaw Courier contains OAra, white, per bushel . iof!? .'W newspaper printed and circnialeil In said county An ad.iouriied term of the circuit for tlie fall term. for three successive weeks jirevioiis to said themselves out of doors, where Chinese there. AVe hope the doctor may never talking with that attcr.uatcd Bohemi­ 7Iwlp Eden, Mich. J. L. Bomont is tho authorized agent for the following description ofa hoop ma- O.VTB, mixed, per bushel . ai.ffl ,'«l day of Uearing. GEO. V. Oil.LAM, court wiis held Tuesday afternoon. have reason to regret his decision, but Mnson. Misses Mattio Hillman and Liliie TIMOTHY SI'IKD sells at . if." •JO lanterns lighted up the grounds, and an, Frank Bower, of the Hastings Ean- 501)o.\cs Jliignetic Suap, 8 cunts a bar, at cliiiie jii.st invented Ijy Fitzland L. Wive, Money to I.oan. Tooker, the former from Holt, the lat­ .Mi.seui.i,.\Ni;ot'.s. .--''\.^!!-.': V'l'y' _.'^''"'' Judge of Probate. Hut little business was transacted and refreshments were .served from ti ro­ it seems to us that our own stato oU'ers vvr, a cadaverous, hungry-looking 7Iir Howard's Central Grocery. Wilson, who formerly ran the wash­ l^iJTATK Ol-' MAltY E. llOOVEU,~Uir- on fnrm property, nt low rate of Interest. In­ ter from Lansing, spent the Sabbath SALT, Snylninv, per barrel .1 2-|@il ,'t.5 court adjourned till Thursday. mantic little tent, erected under an all the advantages to be found in the specimen of tho genua homo approach­ .it the home of your correspondent. board factory near this city: JZi ceased. St ate of.AlIchlgan, county of Ingham, Mtrayed. quire ofCuAS. FiTOH, Abstract office. BEAN.S, white, per bushel .1 ,M®i 23 ss. At a session of the jirobate coiii.t for The Fourth in Mii.soii Avas an o.NCCcd- ajiplo tree. .South-west, while, for those intending ed, and inquired, with an anxiety, evi­ Broke into my premises, two miles east of An- POTATOKB, per bushel . ,'iO@ said county holden al Ihe probate olllce, Several cases of scarlet fever have "F. L, Wilson, the superintendent m In the city of Mason, on the M day of June, iiigly i|uiet dtiy. Everybody out of to engage in iigrieulture, no state in roliiis Centre, tliu 20th of Juno, a large spotted Wanted 100 Men. been reported in district number one, of the Saginaw Barrel Works, inv(Siitor EGCiS, fresh, per dozen . IL'O SINGLE REAPERS, The noble and heroic character of dently Ixn-ii of tho iieces.sities of the Wo want 180 men to use Hall's Catarrh Cure. ill the year one thousand eight hun­ sow, which tho owner can have by identifying but as no precautionary measures have of the Wilson jmtent washboard, man­ I.AIID, per pouiul . .Srm 10 dred and eighty-one, Present, Geo. K Gllhim, town attending celebrations, and the Union od'ers as many or.so great In­ case, whether they were .selling half- For sale everywhere at 75 cents per bottle. Judge of probate. Mrs. G aril eld will be the admiration property and paying damages, been taken to prevent the spreading of ufactured at the works, conceived a liUTTKll, per pound . la® —WITH— places of business were nearly nil olo.sed. ducements to settlers as does the'Peii- Ill thu matter of the estate of Mary Hoover, of the American people for a long time fare tickets to tho greenback camp- Tlwilp M. O. MKAD. No Hospital Needed. plan a little more than a year ago, of a BUXTJOIt, eholeo tub, per pound this infectious malady, there seems to . latTji deceased. The mayor of Montreal made ail ofll- Insular state. meeting at Lansing. AVe confessed ig­ Ho palatial bospttal needed for Hop Bttterg macliine to cut hoops directly from the ArPI.ES, sroon, por barrel to come. The way she bore up under .'Vll kinds oi Suit Fish cheap, at bo some doubt as to the real nature of .1 000 On reading and llllng the peUtion, duly verltlod. norance, when, raising his voice to the patients, nor largu-salaried talented puffers to log with a knife, thus savingthe waste AlUn,K.S, dried, per pound (ill a of .Melissa Jloovur, pr.iyiug that the last will of clal call on the Evcnlnfj j^^6'(f« excur­ her terrible grief while in her hus­ Better views are being obtained of •atr HuNi' &. ELLIS. the disease. BOTH REAR AND FRONT OUT MOWERS, said deceased may be proved and iidtultled to tell what Hop Bitters will do or cure, as thoy tell of the saw calf in sawed hoops, and by CHEIIUIES, dried, ])or pound sionists, and expressed syniptitliy with band's presence, was enough to touch the place the school should occupy. altitude and loudness rwiuired by the making the hoops of uniform grain, @ ,s probate, and that Ihe e.xecutlon of Ihe sniue may Wxeu for Male. their own S. I.IVK .STOOIC ANB .MKAT.S, appear at a session of said court, then to bo oil' on an excursion and our devil is general government cannot just as well a discaso to reduce tho tystom, causing a Ions The comet is now the topic of the pany were induced to take hold of it. Plows, Spring- The secrettiry of the Ingham County The best line of cofl'oes ever shown In tho city C.VTTLE, per UJO pounds a 50®,') 00 holden at the iirobate olllce, in the city of Mason, linproving this opportunity to give forming a sound practical jutlgment of issue all the money, as to rcl-c-gate (the Illness, and largo doctor hills, when hops nnd The machino was built, and aftermany •1 00(50 ilO and shinv cause. If any there be, why Ihe prayer Agricultural .Society In forms us that he nt Howard's Central Grocery, malt blttors will help and cure yon. Ask for a day. BIjEI'', dressed, per lOi) pounds of Hie pelltloner should not be granted; anil it the circumstances by which they are minor alterations, proves a success, HOGS, per 100 pounds •1 DC® 3 00 vent to her irrepressible mischief. expects to treat those who attend the word was the pet nnd pride of the free bottio. F, H, Fitch has bought H, Cross's and Is now running at the works, mak­ Is further orilereil, that said petitioner give no­ surrounded." If this be true, theiiucs- (1110,000 Bankrupt Nioek, POUK, dre.nd warding otrdlionses, no tnodlclne potsoigos opemted by means of a screw and gear 7Uw4 Judge of Probate. and tbo dufeailnnt released on liail. in nswainj) near Dansvllle. management of the children. We More now Goods at Ford's 5 & lOcU Bitatar. P. j\L Etcheil has taken out a drug­ which is positive and very strong. A PLA.STEHING HAIU, per bushel © ISO "Notes, promls.sory notes," we rc- auch cfllcacy at Baxter's Mandrake Blttcra. gist's license. N. Wliipple intends to SinNGLE.S, per tliou.sniul 1 S0®;I 30 Jackson Wagons. I^IJTATE 01.' Ll'^MUEL .MOKEY, DECEAs"- hold that tho children do not get what single knife docs all tlie cutting. It Is .lli ed. .State of .Michigan, county of Ingham, The wife of George Gales, of Aurelius, Tho greenback jubilee at Lansing ])lied, with n sort of general impression Berries and Cherries for Canning. As a Itnamcnt for horaoa, Henry and Johnsou'a do the same. Then we will have three placed in a cross head, sliding between LI.MK, per barrel @1 10 ss. -At a session of the probate court for thu coun­ has proved a disappointment. There they need. Leave your orders with Howard de Son, A, drug stores. LATH, per tlinu.sanil ft,.... 4 2.')(&I 50 ty of Ingham, holden at the jirohato olllce, in presented her husband with twin girls that his next roninrk would decapitate Arnica and Oil Llnamont la anequtUed. It cnre9 ways, and is given an advancing and Ill fact nnything in the -Mason, on the Slst day of May, In tlie year • on Friday la«t. The two weighed 15 was at no time over one-tenth of the Vnndorcook, or Frazel A Mehnn, nnd I will Sprains, Bruises and Lameneas, at once. B. B. Poxson will rebuild his shop. receding motion by means of a crank, one thousand eight hundred and uighly-oiie .n No event since tho death of President us. deliver them at your houses. 1172tf. He has received nearly four hundred shaft and pitman. The knife is about I'resent, Geo. F. (illlani, Judgu of probate. pounds, and tho fond pater families number of j)eople on the grounds that Lincoln has afloctcd our comniunity as "Humph!" be .said, "the general WM. H. OVEItllOLT, Varions Causes- COinMBIA BICYCLE. Ill thomatterof the estate of Lemuel -Morey, de­ dollars in money and about CO days' 18 inches long, one-eighth of an incii Tho liloyido, us a per­ ceased. can liardly contain himself for joy. M'lis eonlldcntly predicted by the man­ Advancing years, cnro, slckncsa, disappoint* work towards building. thick, and one and five-eighths inches manent, practical road did tho announcment of the attempted government issues money, doesn't it?" Ilentlstry. mcnt, nnd hereditary predisposition — nil volilolo, is an aelcnnwl- Ou reading and llllng tho petition, duly verltled Well done, George. » agers. The terrific tornado of Fiatisin as,sussinatlon of President Garfield, "It coins money," said we. Best Upper or Lower sets Teeth, (Celluloid Three loads of wool went to Grass wide at the widest end. It tapers to a cdi;0(l fact, nnd tho of Eliza J. Morey, e-\ecntrU of the last will and which it was prophesied would sweep operate to turn the hair gray, and either of point. The jjolnt enters the log first. tliousiinds in daily iiso lestanieul ofsaid deceased, praying forllceiise to Henry McLearii, of Srason, on Sun­ Moil were scon gathered in little grouiis "Coins," he shouted, "Ain't green­ or Itiibbcr Plates) only $S Cash. them Inclines Ittoahedprematurely. ATBR'B ; Lake last Tuesday. They weighed sell real eslate. In order to pay Ihe jiisl dnbts of over tho land, has dwindled down to a A. P. VAN DEUSKN, ! 2,400 pounds each ; they were sold by The knife gradually cuts in till it iii'o oonstantly Increa.s- said deceased, and the legacies in said will lueii- day morning, while endeavoring to about the streets discussing the aflhii', backs money?" HAIR Viooii will restore faded orKray,Jlght reaches tlic depth rerjuired for the Ini? innunibor.s, Itconi- Houed, also the charges of administering his es­ mere zephyr, scarcel,y causing a rlpplo Dnrrow Block. 7Itl Mnson. or red hair to n rich brown or deep block, na T. P. Hawloy, and bought by Geo. blnes speed and ciidur- tate. catch a horse belonging to Mr. Clatlin, while everybody, irrespective of party "Certainly not," said we, "only gov­ Lord of Q rass Lake. The price paid width ofa hoop. The wide end is bent aiieo tliat no liorsn can on the surface of public opinion. No use talking, can't boat them soiling miiy bo doslred. It sonons and .cleanses tlie oqual, and for pleasnro Thereupon ll is ordered, that Thursday, the received a severe kick In the face which afilliations, seemed to feel as though he ernment notes, promissory notes." scalp, giving it a healthy octton. It removes we were unable to learn. down at right angles, making as it or licaltli isfarHuporior 7lli day (dJnly ne.xl, at ten o'clock lu tlio fore­ Goods cheap at Ford's 5 A lOct, Bazaar. 7;.'tf were, a second knife, which is flve-slx- to any otiior outdoor pinisiiMiiiii noon be assigned for the hearing of said broke several of his lower front teeth, At the Presbyterian church, on Fri- had sull'ered n personal loss. An ar­ "Yes, sir," exclaimed tbestudentof nnd cures dnndrulf and humors. By its uso Jolin Gee of Jackson, and John P. tcentbs of an inch wide at the widest sport, Tlio art of rldl lis; pelltion, and that the heirs al law of said and cut several bad wounds In his rangement was Immediately made, by financial lunacy, "greenbacks are mon­ dale Plow Points. falling hair la checked, and a new growth will I-Iawley of this place, are buying wool, end. Is oiisily acquired, and deceased, and all other persons hilercslod ilay evening last, Uev. .Tas. Quick de­ Can bo bblalned at the Foundry. Warranted be produced In nil coses where tho folllole* are tho o.\orciso is recoiii- III said estate, are required to appear at a face. which all telegrams were to bo brought ey. They pny debts, and nnything for which they pay from 33 to 85 cents, montled by tho mndlcal session of said court, then to be liidilen In livered an interesting lecture on tho to nt every time. 71W.1 BEECH iSt SOH. not destroyed, or tho glands decayed. Its ef­ up to date.. Mr. Gee Informs us he has The hoo2« are cut from steamed logs profession as a iiieans E. W. BECKEH, Salesman Ihe probate olllce in thu city of Mason nnd Luther C. Adklns, a former resident people of India, their habits, customs, from thetelegraph oflficeand announced that pays debts, is money." fects nro boautlfully shown on btashy.wcak, of ronowlnf; hoaltli and show cause, if any there be, wliy I ho praver of II e House to Bent. oralokly hnlr, on whioh a few applloattons jjought over 9,000 pounds, and Hawley six and a half feet long. They are HtroiiKth ns It brings in­ of Mason, ha.s returned with his family dress and tho progress of missionary to the crowd. Everybody retired .Satur­ "Suppose," wo insinuated, "you , about the ^ame, making a totidoflS,- peiitloncrshould iioi be granted; and it'is further Inquire nt Donnelly House. None hut re­ will produce tho glosa and iroshnesaoryontli. steamed in an immense vat provided to action almost every Opposite Clark House. Mason, Mich. ordered, that said potlllouer give notice toihu work among them. Mr. Quick has day night expecting to hoar the an- should pny a debt by transferring n sponsible parties need npply. ' pOOpoundii.';',., . ^ for the purpose. Taken from the vat mUHCIo of tlio body. persons Interested In said estate of the nemloncv from Illinois, where he has been living Hnrmlesaand auro in. its operation, it is in- Send :i-conl stAmii lor ofsaid petition and tho hearing thereof by caus­ lived in India 12 years ns a missionary nouncmentof tho presldent'Hdeath Sun­ liors^ to your creditor, would the horse Gomparablo as n droasins, and ti eapaoially One of the wonders of the nineteenth tlicy are peeled and placed in the frame 21-pnBo illnstratod eata- for several years. Mr. Adkinssays that Hewlnv Mnebiaes. ing a copy of this order to be publlahed In Ti r • day morning. At tho present writing, valued for tho soft lustre nnd rlehiiiMa of tone century is a calf dropped by a cow be­ of the machine, securely dogged at loBiio, contftiningpi'ioo- iNuiiisi COUNTY NBWS, a newsjiaper printed and ' Ma-son suits him the best of any town and his vivid pictures of incidents and be money?" Any one wishing to purchase a good, relia­ longing to Geo. Bachelor, which bad each end, and tben moved up to the llNtsaml lull informalloii, circulated in said county, for four succoasivo personal experlenco among the inhab­ there Is reason to feel encouraged, but "Yes, sir," snld ho triumphantly, ble and easy running aewingmnohlne, should it imparts. It oontnlna neither-oli noir dye, weeks previous to Bald day of lioarlnc. wUcro he lias ever lived. "Welcome and wUI not Boll or color white mmbrie; yet I two bodies, eight legs, and two heads. knife, which trims the log down until THE POPE SIF'G CO., itants of that country, was a real treat all nro anxiously awaiting further news "the horse would bo money." cnll nt W, B. Huntley's furniture store and perfect hoops may be cut. The feed is J. C. STEVES. (A true copy), ' GEO. R QILLAM, back to Mason" Is the reception he re­ examine the Domestic, which la kept there itiastalong on the holr, and keeps ItfTetb The calf was dead when found, and 00w5 from Washington. • fi07 WiiHhlngtoii ii)t„ Uoaton, Ma.sii. Judge of rrobato. ceives from his many old friends here. to ills audience. This was too much, nud wo subsided. for aalo by lilm. and vigorous. For sale l>y all doslen. !). MK ^Se ^S

•o nervniw and 'oxottM wia tbli gtMt trienil of Uiii ToaKN. SHKBMAH: I baveiuRt ahnt tha Pre tbat Ihe people or the United Btatea would at once my fiolng ^1 rohool, might have prevented ina from b^xalement—falling to turn.over money whichhft tfi* Pn Rldc'iifa wife. Sent, I ahut him mveral tmaa, M I wlMhed him to oomuencs a war of oxtermluatlnii aHalnat every beonndnc Pra-hlent" Tlie Prevldent'a mind during bad:bean-«nph9fd^i.oal)ecV'«»awu Mtit ^, th* ' M», KdaanooouiHnl tbBjP'Vlllnii of niirae. fba {o M eaaUy aa poiialhia, Hla death waa a nolltioal aociatiat in the country who i-b.-mld Indorse tlie the night waa couatantly on pleaaant thinga of tbla OQuaiyi jAllf 'tmt;j«M.'rt!loaae(l timrTthe^asth ii|i;um viuiiiiiij ^luuy. wax not rooniniKed hy thn ifnotora diirhin thn cnn- ufuenHity. Iain a Uwyor, theologian and pmltiolan. deed. Every American center in London waa )M- Bort, and he e nvvrred cheerful y, in aU bia waking UiramWarn^ Chief Jnstioe •IRO extenM Into Ponnaylvania, and in th^ ••Vv^v;t MOBATCS. compoRed oqiinl piufts of nmnacment and of July,., the grand Jury fafllng to PI/DUUHKO TIIVKSOA Va. : HiiltaUoii, It waa •bai wlio huhaluol • arealanti^rl I am Htalwart of iha »ta\vtAVt*. I w a with Oen. aiened hy Amancuna to tfet Ibu latest now-'. Uitorva'a. during the nigbt find an indictment agalnat biiu, After ^ 0&«ia., died' *t KiMs tfter » long Ul- vioii^ty pr^JE^tUaburgh aovpaal bouaeawwe nu deprooation the, linbiit annoying bore is I^EBBY DAVIS' of ,tli« time by tlie Oenarafa llailMde,"'u'vl)ty JH'ant and the roat of our men in New York diirinff Theofllceof the Amurieau .'citation waa tbrong'id OonimlNNioner ^f Penalona Dudley paaaed tha that be again delivered hla leoturea at varjnua polnta AMniTtoN ia the evil shndowr'ot oapii^^ no«f nnd tboii leaving tlia room aod rnabiniitn tbi Jiooanvaaa. I am M'>1»K to Jail. Pluaaa order out by orowdK, anxioiiB t/igot thnlaoit nuw< and per- night wi h tbu Prealdent The lattar, in all bla wftk- throughout tbe;oouut^,' and tn • Bapteiubar, 1877, lMtl^««0mM..borii-in^t,^iUU|»ibuig, Mi :'mtitoinplntibri of thb.'Baiino 3IAS0N, . . . , MICHIGAN .ruopa and take po«HiM)-ion of the jail at once, ation.—OooryeMacDonald, .-:.' ,-.j tolaMrapholUae loaood a'diapatcb^ to M^, (iiirlWd, Honal GuUawore ruceivd from hundreds, many of ing tioura, waa eager to fa k. Hla mind waa clear. waa over In Detroit. Midi. Hero he'tried to Nteal PVBUSHKD TIWKSaA t1>irty-il4>'(n ji^emoiiVand flve children. atioIiBH, and in wonderitig what ia the at LniiK llnuoli,,nr to tin. narAold, aeiiipr, Iu Ulilo, Very ruMiteotfully CIIAULKH Oun>:.vu. wlMmi wuit) U'ldah ofllcials, u-klnt; informatmn and lla had great oonfldenca that I.e waa IwuroTing and away without paying bla board-hill, waa arrcaird in niatter ^iiltt tli<)ni IH kept: diligeutlycin- Oninlnir laai)(l:niit of tbo room, coiiiilatit^ydnrllJK axpruaalnu re^rnt over ilie uvent. .Minlatiir Lowell would ultimately recover, He aaked about Ihe • MiSi ry P^:^iXIcGn|itt, the well-known You become more the viler, fforitclis*, TM.K WITtf THK AHHAKHIN. ibi* lutorloi! of the Ntate, and, white being taken hack- vteta': amnnff'^tlio UUed bj; tbo i|i«ooiit;rEdlway thU!p1i,Yiilli)aii«']onu.«onMl.la>lnn, hii|il at 11 o'cliiok, wua not at all comuinnlcutivu, duclinlnK cur;iy to asaaaain, but from the desorlption waa unable to re­ to Detroit In the. car«, Junqied fnwi tbe traiu and priuBRi— T/ioiiiaa-.a' JCompin. • -"i •":• j iil(>yea ,fiM:''aa^indefinite. iicnOil—tro!/ 'Hie oaaaMsln waa taken t'j juil by Jjiouts, AuHtin MASON. ^RaatiKky brdMor aqdlowner Ofixuntiing horsev diSMter m,iliaxiopi^;5, J'':^, • ,|;. • M'lTB tlie'lwd bnyaof the Priinliitniit, Hafryand'Junie*'. md Bt^klnfl' and DutActive Mcl^fn.>sli. Thu fnllowiuK expretis any ojiluioii «a to ibu ocouritincu, or aa t'> call hun. Ilennflrenul much pain at timaa in bta eHcai>rd, It waa at ilrat thought that be bad bt«n '.IT takes a.'.bold mail to roir his-own-' Ti'iricH. Vi?" •:',.; '•'•" ;-,,'• ,- ^ • ':•' Hurry lit a tall, Htiuit Imy, in thi) nitiKhliiirh 'od n( ill, ; nvtirsation t tok phuui on thdr way ti tlie Jail t' th(i:vifcct on the Hrltirh vvopUi tn ca*-u Ourtleld lugs, but did not at fuy time complain. Aa to the kited, but tbta, unfortunately, turned out to ba tm •, (jolj Otfergoni'who was commissioned altbuiigh lie- look* a triflii uliliir. The yaunKitr bov, McKlfresh said; "I asked him, * Where are you ah'ould die.' 'I olefrrain'urM ol the llrltliih Cabinet, and grt-atdeliLHiratlon. thiit. If it waaGotl'a will that he No, U3 Randolph'Street,'and employed aa an in* l^-:teo Mexican Government to inquire iiitu .'ri.m'/' *I uin u uativu'lMirii Anmrlcan, Isiru In Freaks of tlio Telegraph. buhuviNl vnry liravt'ly thrimiitioiit tlm whr-Je allair. JliiejiRo.' He Huld he was.a lawyer und u tha dofriun. one from the Quoi-n ot WindtTir, usklnR for the mum die, ho wae ready to go and wua not afraid to aurance agent. . '. . . POUTICAIL POIM TS. Ar,ti ijp-liill work wlien wo would do; all A SAFE AND SURC latitst Informutloi), unde^cprcMshtK relict at the at­ die. t the cnnso of the Morelcs bridge disaster, has Names aro nJwiiys a great stuinbling- THK HXi:iTMK.VT IN W,\lMIIMJ'rilN. t asked MVtiy did you do this? ' and he replied,*! Hla dl-honesty, however, dro^T bim out of tbo down liiil wiien wo HuU'or,—.liaUuy. REIMEDY FOR lid it to save tho ltei)ub;]ouri iHirty.' ' What IN ^iiiir tempt made U|KIU Mr. Oarlleld's life. Secretary Blalnn bax liccn deluged by telogntoaof HEWS OF THE WEEK. In tho ballot at Albany for Senator, reported tliat the sole causa was the defvotivo blot'k to tho dorks, nnd addresses are lloforu thrf PriiHlduiit waM rt'iiiovt'd fruitl thn drpot hutdneaa, and he aiH^nt hla time from thut iieriod till No .\r\N is more niiseriiblo Ihuu ho nu oiiii waa piiniiittnd t.i uiitnr uxccpt IIIOHU wl4U^t' } the iilfuct tliat, alllinllKli ttie I'mai- with him in the vay wu cant cuiry a Hinfjlu at Orantfe, Ciiyalt^Ka county, Ohio (hft«iim mres Hunator Joneii, of Nowla, oallad at the White distinct fa.sliion; and, although tlio post- purpoae of guttiug noma clean olothea aud a decent '• Bi' a flnaaoial i article < the London the long term Depow had SO, Keriian 40, und tliiitiid Stauis, Dnrin,' thu year 2,811-i were e.--- (Itiiit wiM not di'ail, In wan mortally wuiindud. 'i'lntn .iije.' Ho tlmn asld to nie, 'Who uro yciiY' aid I re­ from C.uvu^and), Nov. i», IHHt. )J.>th his parenta were IL'uae and Infornie I the uiembera of tbe Cabinet that meal. Diirinn thn national catui>aign iaat year be No liii'K enn ho iittiiil.y iniserablo that olliee peraistontly reminds us, on the a Klouni Hiemeit to tiuttlii iluwn up- n thu eity llliu a plied, M deteotivH ofilcer of this depnrtmeut.' 'Yon of Now KuKlaiid stock. His father was a farmer iu Yice Proaident Arthur bod arrived in tbe city aod Budilenty iiuiwarud in N^w Vock,,at tha haadqnar- Timet adviseH the iviUidraual of tho EnRliiib Piatt 27. Tho faiil has developoj that State taljlislied KUil 1,4U:J diteontiuued, Thu number Neuralgia, ^tlck to me,' he luild, *and havr n:e put in thu tjilrd- niodnrjito clromnstanuM, and died whunJamu wua is lieigliteued by thtiiuughteraudlovuof forms given us to write our telegrams' WasMniitflL . great pail, anil thu \»-4 noncoiimu of iwplu-waited waa bin guest, and would like lo aee the Paea deal If torn of tho Motional and State Commlttoea.. He bad '^refiregontitlVesfrom tho' Moiietuy'Oo'nroronca; ' \'3onattff SesHidna wns iiidiofcd fbrbrilJery, and of I'osiiiiaster.-, euiiiinis.-0(l a stout Iwy- one toaee the Proaldeut toLOept tha memben of hia Work on the Yorktomi centennial YOUTH is the tiiRsol andsilken (lower of this advice, like most other advice, is tlvea of adyinK man waltiux Iu the antivroont nf tlie activity to a broader ryNere, He produced . tingle (gold) Ktaudord, and'ouly entoiod tUo oonfereneo between the Itenublioan factions chtintiornf deaili.' VVbfit you Ko back to the depi>t 3TU will ftiid that X hood In the ruKlfad ottt-floor Ife wjileh flUad hi." faiQlIy. a printed apeeob \rblcb be aa'd' he bad da- monumont, wliieh is to coiit $100,000, will be but too often nogleoted. Henco many eariier ya.ra at farm work and cauaI-4lriviiiH, and lovo ; age is tlio full corn, ripe uud solid l»-ft two bundlcM of pni ara at tho nowa hbtnd, whjuh KX-HOMATon OONKMHO. liveved at varioua pmnlii, and . tried to gel ' bi-metalUo conferGuou out of oomplinicnt to was held in tbo evening, and it is stated that Thu aiiopuiiHu waa dreadful, Iliutneaa men and will MXplnin all.' I a»-keNoia ilviuK aou>. I oontcmp aled tUla thiuff auothor direotlon. He theruford entered Geauga the basis of Depow for tho long term and tUliy reo Yvered from tbo awful uewa, be left hla Waablngton in queat of a OouaiiUnlp, hia olalm Nv 'Til* tianl to ri'iuili ttjo ti|> U>1); those into whose hands they tall, and Diarrhoea, the di-pnt, and utrnvo painfully tn leurn or dl\'liiu for the hist ^ix wuoka, and would Imva shot hini wtien Academy, nea.* bta motber'K home, and, working bia . Oornoll University crow has completed man it Co, nnnouneo tho extent of busincs Nameil Guiteao. annwtbliiK alMiit the wnuiidnl man within. At laat ntoni and p>c«d thoughtfully along (he balla of tha Ing the poliMcal anr%icea ha had rendered fturlug tbe Conkliug for tbo short one. Who w nl(t cutoli tlih liriKlit i-'nir. of (he foniitiiii who, iiuwitting that any error has bueu lie M^tut away nith Mr«. Qarflutd, but I looked at her way, wua able, ut ttie ago of 'i4 yuan*, to enter the arrangomont* to row at Vieuu«* Aug. 6. tho door npiMiod auil auiiiu of the doclora u;«n« out Fifth Avenue Hotel "I hardly know what to cnmpalgtt. He aim bore wilh biia a peLltion' xUmed failures for the llrst six months in 1881, In Min-t wateli lor tiio wati-r to driip, nnd ah') looked -o had ttiat I ohauKetl my inlmL' On iinlor vlasa at WilUama (Maa^'.) College, from wbioli nsy,** he remarked to a party of gantleman by one or two.jpeople nf, thla olty, who had put their iniu'to, forthwith act upon them. It is The throng pnwaeil otnaoly aniiiiiil thnui nud Ixfrgt'd nmvtiitia thn Jail the people there did not aeetn to Bon Amana, the rebel chief of Orau, The Bepublican State Committee of number they amount to 2,802, as compared EDUOATION begins tlio gentleman, but Dysentery. '.(or liifnrniaiinn. ''llio medical (yen liald i '• Uo la iegradni'edwith honor In IMM, Ho thou uonneot- who mot binu ^ I waa prepared for lUmoit namea to tbe dooument aimply In order to get ild of related that a woman residing in some know unythlnfriabont tboamuunlnatlon, ahd. when edhiniael;'wltb the little colluga at Ulrom, Portngo Virginia met in Riuhraond, Juno 28, with full notduail; hatauntlu any ImnieiTiatn i|jiik;ur, and In anything ratlier than thla. When X aaw bim* and without being aware of tbo laaoaUy feat- Algeria, ii said by spies to. have murdered tho with 2,407 iu the (Irsthalf of 1830, and 4,01f rein'iug, good eoininiiiy and rollocliou WH took btm tnalda tha doori Mr. Rtua, the' Dapiity ooiioty, Ohlo.vai*'Pri>f« and latorsMitea^reaidcnt, th tt dlapatoh In Generml A.rttiur'a hauda uraa In the man'a character. He hung arfHiod ihera' smiiU street in Manchester once r4j- Full and Accurate Details of the tact thnra am linpoa nf bla rocuv* VVardi'Ji, aays, * Thin man has been here before' I ranks, John F, Lewis took tbo chair, but soon in 1871t, Tho liabilities for the lirst half are must liiiisji l«m.—Locke. ery," The purport of thetio wnrd« wa^ and IntTidenUtiy flllud the pulpit-of (.'-amplMllita toKlay I waa almoct ftunned. I felt aa if I oonld all through ttae apriog montba, but reiumed, to thla French .aoldiers captured by bim, and Rpared ceiwd what iippeared to be a suninior.s rhen aakul him, * Have you ever tx-en hare heforoT' churohiM', to which dlltlca1 oareer Vtegan in IflAD wltb an election der of Ltncohi. All I have to ray further, gentle­ .lolved that a convention bo held in Lynchburg unity anbHidod In lutouHity. Thon tbnrH..waH a I ocmldu't, but to oonie Monday.' I axkod, * What man, IH ftnniing to go to liln room and throwing up ablu interview* with protulnent meu Iu oil partn of issued by Dnn, Wyiuan & Co. contains reports imve i.onie. — fUtarlci JMckciiK. ei Ml versa tion witli another woinati who WBN your object In IrxiklnK throuKh?' He aald, *I to the Ohio Hanatn, and the outbreak of the Civil the United Htataa louthlug the great crime that baa eomot baa no bead worth spoiiking of, but an •rtii Itifl iiioriiltiB of Ratiirday, Jii'y 2, in thfl runnnyl- ntir on the outer mlt;e of thn crowd, and the {loitple War, In IHOl, oi>euid to him a wider Ufa. Ha waul hia haudaj may Ho-niin he'p our wmntry I" nil Aug. 10, to which no person would be eli- Sti.MK itiirn w-Iili (iw.tribi may reaii dm HeM, was in the siime carriiigi!, and who she wore moved off riKht and left, and every way. It wanted to aeu what anrt of qiiartara I voiild havo to ao atartled tbe Country, All claaaea, In all aaotloiia— immcneo tail vbich is 7,000,000 longuou iu from forl.v-four trade centers, nearly all of vnnia rul roud a«i>ot in WwhliiKton, by awrlon J. to the field aa Otdonol of the Forty-accoud Ohio MoMcir eorAKxr>^TT. i!ible as a delegate who had participated in tho .Aliil jilaiil Willi laiuttls w-lieru llu-,v kill; found '.vas ahso going to see lierlinsbiiiid, waa to nrnkoroom lor an ambu'anco whiolt had iMMin occupy.' I tnen ncarohod him, and, when I pulled North, 8outh| £aa. and Weat—are uuauiuioua which mdicalu a highly-prosperous condition •au]tB5ti,of Ilhiitih Onn ulint liifljotffd ainurone>«h ofl* hiaahooH, lia aald, *01vo me my ionin from the catch cold ou thia stone paveimmt. I told him he Tha Prealdent la given up aa bayood recovery. the da^t»rdly de^d. 1'be act la generally looked longer and then to disappear for sevcnty-ftnur had been expecting to receive a tele­ couldn't have them, and he aald, 'Oivnnie a pair of pated in t>ie earlier oanipaigna of Ken­ He in dying tmder tha Inflneuoe of oplatea. upon aa that of a crazy adv nturpr, an irteaponirlbla ored), of Uoukingbam, was elected Chairman, AND wcnml Mh .t eiit'.TttI tha ImvtT liifl Hido from thu bulld'ntf til the \-uhicle, and o timorous to be woal- Scalds, the Meuiphln and Charli-aton railroad. In *>anuary, whitdi ia oi^nsidert'd a fatal aymptom. The ab> and eboclied by the inteblgenoa that for set oil' without llie telegiuni. I'lirtlier (^tiivL-d this Khot be fell tn thu floor. ThoaMuidn ilhu WftH Imrue Inside, and WBH followed by Hiirubon Socrotary Lincoln aald (hit Im knew thu aasaaaln lKfi;i, he f>ecania Chief of Staff to Oen. Rooocrans, in was murdered while (raveling on iiii expreiis for fioni'rnss, tiiy, — 'J/lumds J'ciinr, BMH", who had nttendt^d htfii fr.- liarliy revealed the fact that tlieii-names orlfdout: ••PrefldeiitOorflnld ii dnad, Arthur id by f(uneral reputation in Cbloaf{o, II« had heard of thu Army of tha Cumberland, and Imre prominent train from Lou'lon to Brighton, and hid corpse and other phyalolana. The f rluudii nt tho wounded set in. and his fever in riniur. Powerful opiatenare nothing waa thought of or talked of but tho one ab- Ireniely favorable, Tho necestilyof so.no eaii- Uim qiittn ofton in connecilnu with HnolaliAiic or- ahareinall tUo nampaigns tu Muldlu Tonneivea in aorbiug theme. No occurrence in the battry of Ibe Tho Iowa Republican State Conven­ THE best die nnd the onnniiig Jive, were'the same; that tlmir linsoiiiids' Toothache l*n>-iduiit, and thu utjiUurtN aru »\inuKB ** hopo ia dead." Dr. itllai country, except the abooting of Preaidnnt Lluoobu lion is attlni saino lime iiidieated, names \wvc. the same ; tinit lln-y both oti tho i>-»Iiw). I L'uvu tt lettor for aoii. Hhurnmn oloNed botwpoii him, hia future, and tho thou- twii» hn had aomn tomi>orary oonnedliui with tha flplcuoiis military aorvice woaat the battle of Cbluka- tion, held at Dos .Mniiio-i, June 20, called to tin Ciinni.^ci goes ivlieiid and i-oules the I'nni- AND •andii who atood in the hiKhwaya and bj-waya of the rufUKCit bi concede the wor»*, baa cauaed auoh a universal frellng of horror JUid Horr Most, editor of the Cominunist lived ill Hiestime cpiarler in ^fniiehester; thnt will Rxplalti ovorythlug." Ho wu at onco hiir. At lea*>t tio oaded talmsidf a lawyer, nnd XMT' nuuga. For bla conduct in that battla ho waa pro­ ludigtiaUon chair IIuu, iTaines Wilson, Tbodelegatos in at­ p irl.s mid fall.s in tliu diteli, Cowardiee oityawalthiff thn end. haps had picked up a Ilttlu practice. As iioon ai moted tit a Major Oenei*aahip. HOP* RierrvEfl. paper Friihcil. was Bcntcnocil in tho C'eutrul Tiic Chicago Times 1ms olitniiied tlio nnd it linally tnim^pired lliiit tlm leie- .'-Hir-.t-d hy Iwo otlK-om in the depot, and, alnioNt bt>- WAHMZNO ON, July 4, D:in a, m. tendance numbered 1,010. Hon, Jelin V, Slniic skull-iH mid po[)uliiti..s Miu earth. Headache. BKOIlRTAIir 1II.AINK*H ttTAT'-'MRST. Hecretary Idnoohi announced iu tho Whltu Houao TBS P&R^IDBNT'H TBOUHLB. views of f,;e Western Stale Uoards of Agri- tlie mime of tho arwasHln, all of the Necrutarica of the In ISfia tho dintrlct long repre^nted In Congreaa The general aymptonui of thol^roaidantaremiwh WAH INO'OH, July 3. Cdmin 1 Court, London, to eixtocn moiitlis' gr.iin wliiidi liiid been delivered to llio FUU MALL ItV foni thu crowd could roalizo whut had hapiwnod, the Soorotary liluiuu waa not ffoiittf with thu party, tut by Joshua It. Olddlngs had made Oen. Garfield a was made permanent Chairman. An infornia IF lie really thinks tliei'o is no distinc- \U. 1>RUli(>'ISTS. went down to bid the PmHidimtROOonId cull him to mind. Col. Crook, I>HX>O< iMtttur. He is coiiNcixUH, und ituya if it. won not for Tbe only thing that arcmed to trouble the Preai­ cnlliire as lo the growing erojis. In Ohio tin iirst woninii wis the vory one v-liiuli tlm OHMUrtHiu luid Imeii tal;on t-i juil. l'r»m tho volumin­ CnngreNimau-olciit, and, with ttin asi>umb'dng of the ttie p:iin In his feet he woiijd fuel UH well OH he ever uuprisonmont, with hard labor, for huvai^^ tiiin between virtue and vice, wli.y, sir, "ThtiPitMlUeut and I woru walkiuK arm iu arm toward dally, hat* had aKrrut deal to do with tiim,aiidiiavn. dnnt waa why the man Khould havo ahot blm. Ha ballot for Cinvernnr gave Hherninn 410 votes seeoiid iiiid been waiting lor—tlm error ous nwwM of tclogruphio dinp»tc'hu« to tho d-illy pruBH Houae, in Douemtwr, lHer of lottem aakcd It. and be did not itae «by the mun f>bould the saiiio as in bS.SO, and only ton or twelvi Tho PrtJBldunt liBtl allghtiid from hla oarrliitiu and Col, OriioTriia'd: "Of ooursu you know tliot tho Oen, Ourflcld WHS elected a Senator of the united warning him to taku care of his t>cruonal aufety, uutX league, was shot dead at his resideuoo uo.ir was made nnanimons. On tho tlair exeellent tliiiig.s fur those wlio know just­ likely altributablt! to want of distinct- |>coii:o who wero around shortl; afterward have somo have klbed bim on that aucouut. He had never be­ bnsliels per acru are looked for. Incliana wiw pttur^inK throu^li tlio ladien' roon» to tho can*. of that bloo(l,on their,iMirsona.' Whib) Hour-u bus l>o<;o,me, In lutler years, a sort of States, nk tho succe*«Bor of Thurman (Democrat), bj he ia coiuitontiy gnurded bv dotnetivea, lieved that be bud a pumonal enemy, or at least niio Cu'etlu inland, County Kerry, U'elKud. ballot O. H, Jlmning, of Can-i.ll ly hiiw to iiiiiii'eeiii(;u llmir value, Tluiro ni'ss in the writing. Another envious Wlion iiboiit Ilvti f«ot iuHido of tho room, thHaiwaHMin, headtjuartora 'for ad tlie liiuiric^. iu tlw'country.'• the 'L'oRiBlatnre of Ob'o. in January, 1830. Oen. ruoM iHK mii-;sinKNT. tta>-t would wtah to lake bin life. Tha Preiident bia uxpecis a crop of only 30,000,0(10 bUfiliels, lu. Mr. Illulneatao ffuvu a very Interesting account Ourtlo'd'a term an Senator would begin tha -Ith of ease of i;oineideneo of which we liavo _j>^ wlio was within three fout of hliii, Urud OUH Bhi>t. Wo amoontlniiary iM^innlnuuduted with tetters fiom WASIIINOTON. July 5. aeemed over aluca tbe ahooting to have no other A land-Blide is in progress above LuUu eonnty, was nominated for Lloiitenant (kive:- lire men, iiuwevc.r, wliti judge of both of hia talk with the Prcaldent that morntm; ROIUK March, l^til, but thu political eventa f iH8() decru*Ml Tlio Hocretary of Statu haf lasued tho following: against 47,(W(i,000 lust year, ibo quality bciiu: 'I'ho PrfiKidoiit waa da/.od, nnd ninda no at4flinpt at down in the carriaKo. *iho PreHidcut haid lo Mr. cra/.y peep o, und tiu-ru is h'lnlly u day thut some trouble on bla mind. All through thti day bo knit nur, /instill Adams, of Dubiirine, was selected innu the benuty ol' the eovi'riiig, lieard was that of a telegram addressed, Homn luuutlo does not call at the White Ibnua upon that ha shuuid, Inst^'ad, hi jiiaiiguratod I^reaideut of KXKCUTIVK MAJ4KI0.S, WASHINII J O.V, D. C.,) up hia courago, never losing hope of hla uttim:ito 'J'huru, Cantou of Come, Snrilzcrland. Ou thr ex'-'ellent \Vi.-;eonsin has a large aci'cagu in •lolf-pnituotion. Socr^tury Dlattie hod turned toward Itlaiiio: "You have no idea bow lujipy I am tbia thn Uni ed Status on that dav. 'I'wo tliiiif.'s tlinii (itialt not loiii; for, if tboil love u ".Tolin Ktillingwist!, Jh'ookdenn, ur. oimpry s ime very important mlaslon who ausiros asjwcial July 4—11 p. m. ( ' recovery. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ land r,re meadown and houscii, and tho whole is as eandidato for Supreme .ludge, and John \V. ChtuUmr. ThiianHaMHin lUed a rooond nho: within morning'. I fei\) like .a b rytliin^' aoeiiiH .-ipring, but a half breadth of winter •.,-heat. iiiiiiii M-reiu-: Mirkby Loiisdiile,"from iiolicrt Slilling- nml encii with the Pri-Hidt*nt. Mo»t of the poo| *« Ut.KAi.l.SO TM.'. NKWH TU TIIK OOon OIJ> MOTHEn. To the Pros*; uin Hi'couda from tlio ftrat. The ProHiiunt fell, to ^o HO wid'. 'i'he funding op-rutlous aro al; KUU- On bt-diu'f of Provident und Mm. Gurllold I dodre gradually sliding into tho lako. In the Cnnluii Ackers for Superintendent of Public Instruc­ .\ woman to thy wiff, Uioiiuli .-bo were a crowao'J cfi«nful, and I think w« hitvo Rotren tlirou^h our who cull ate iwrfectly hurmless. Ouileau inner, to CLKVKHNU, Ohio, July 'wledgnient of tho verynnmeroUH MICHIGAN XEVVS. of Griuons 1,'iM sboop with their Bhepherdo tion. qtll'tftl; by hard times. Thu piiople seem to Iw wltti DK, and I messages of condoli.-nceiind iJtTcct.on wh»*h huvuboen board estimates tho spring-wheat croj) at halt at oneo to liini at a hotel wliicli he iudi- I'onm, tnHht!d to him and nil*ul iiphiM head. Socro- tliliik we (!:in look forward now to h:ivintt a very has been o miin^ '.n und ti'tiun out of liere was bi okf-ii to hia mottier this fore no- n. And Mm lieeoini, borrow-ed money—tliDll[;li tlio ever sineo tho 4lJi of March. He came b> rocuivi'd since Saturday morning from almost evory THE Maxim electric light will bemnu- were overwhelmed by an avalanche, Tlie raonotcnons balloting at Albany smiliiiM li-ndt r say i5,ited, in Leeds, Tlie address " Brook- (livy Jtluinu UIHO ruahud Ui tho tiHiilMunce of tlio Prim- itucee-Hfnl adniini-tratlou." Ho naid: 'M um HO Kho had IK on s(t much ovorcomo by ttiu fatal that of last year, and tho whiter sown at 44 mo 0)10 inortiimr In Aiirll, In my oHh^e, nnd ui-i:id)>tit whirh resulted Li thn deiith of Thoina*( Sbttu iu thu ViiUm. From thu booth an Ixjunti- nhowH little change. For the snort term, on Tlrt III. wi I not dtmiaiul tlm debt until the .iudu- idunt. Tho anfaHHln piiauod out t4>wurd B Htnsit, witil KIlti^Aed wiUi the sltuatipn, HO well satintbtd ufiictured in East ijaginaw. Tlio leaders of tho Home-Rule party per cent. dean " was in some way altered, and the Absorption threw hN card down upon my desk uud suith 'I Onrheld and .Mrs. Arnold that the family had kepi fnlly UH from the North, und from countrlua lje- iiieiit day. Jmt Caut. Purku, tho ticfeut af<»nt, Jumped through with the past, thai I feel now tliat I can ^o to New yond thn HCUH, huvu oume jiiesnugeri of anxious ilio 'Jnih nit., Potter had 52 sniiportcrs, Wheeler tek'fjram was delivered to\\t my jiawt tnuiblei and have a Rood, wholeinms HWi-r thum in tictnll. 1 ihert-foro u-k the newspa­ nan got 52 votes, Depow 50, and Piatt 28, during tho last fiscal year, with an nggregati- All tlxplaiiittieii. neighborhood of Kirkby Lonsdale. depot po-ieeman, ran np urni took hold of the iiHHaK- rest." .Mr Ul i,i« says that be never ti':w tlio Prr^i* iilzod. Wo'l, after that I MTIU out and told Mr, funeral, which took p'uee at Hedford ^i le,'/ Irixh elcctora tbroaghout Great Uritain to BAFEniid AIISOLUTE cure for Malaria io Uiideaii that he could i ot seo the PrO'^idunt. The to-day. In annnuneltij? In r Intention, she r»- pers to cxpres-for tho Pr(»sldent und Mrs. Ciitlud Tlie reason why snow at great eleva­ This uni'ortunato man, who had not .4.n. und itiinimliiiie'y afterward (.-flloiir Scott UIMO rtt-nt in Huch a .joyful mood, f id bo was tnlkim? in THE Suporvisora Lave voted to build a In (he ballot at Albany on the SOth capital of .70,4(10,700, N'inelceu banks, with an Its vnriotit types. P'USidout WU.H I'tiMa'jod. One day, however, be did niuikod; ^'Last HutUiday Thonias was Inirled, b^ ttic do»*p grutitudo which they feel for ihJ devot.ou remember '• tho ingratitude of Liberal mem lieard from his brother Kobert for sinue (.ool: hold of hun. Pitrlio kit the trtht;errt have him, thiptvflii With bun in tlm ladies' waltiuu '"'•'"ti when ol their fe'Iow-countrymun ond frionda abroad in aggregato capital of S-1,(12(1,000, went into vol- tions does not melt, but rtrimtins periiiii- the l(.'Uob!u a-sait>Iii came upon tliuiii and tired tlu Hucceod iu KcttinK by u*, and «of. In with tlie KOII- duy C.irnulia. I womlor wlio it will bJ next Sun­ new Court House nt Saginuw, costing ult., fur Conkling's Hucccasor, Potter had 53 Dr. HOilnian** Pad in « (rennlnesnd rad­ •tn-l tnriit«l Im atte tiou to iha I'.tMldent, Hoip orat i>rowd, and pronetitjd Ids b nd to thu Pru%idont. thla hour ol" huavy ofllictloii. bera who are ardent in tbo cause of coer­ uent, is owing t-i'i tho fact that tlie heat twenty yetirs, at once started ol'f in two whr.ts ih"^ laid the PrttHub'iit low. Mr. Il't-h'< day '.'" Mrs. Trowliridge, ut whoso h use Mrs. Oiir- «101,0()0. nntary liquidation, and tiierj has been no fail­ <~'nm(>, and the VitiHidcnt waa taken up-Mtair.>',. Hu That wan some tiin.j a,'O, however. Tliu I'roident tbi;d was, thou nuit lor Mrs, Larrulwo, another JAMKH G. BLAINK, votes, Wliocler 43 and Conkling 32, For tho stormy, wintry weather, reached Leeds ical remedy, WITHOUT TAKING MKDICINE, htniKOif bad a narrow oseape, ai he stnod oxaeily in cion," and wboso election wag Bssijited by liish received from the sun is thrown olV into •.'uiti notuwi>nl ui.ti lie waa luid down, ^\him he tr<*atnd him as hndld a'l that cla sof callers, und daughter. W hen the latior urrlvml Mra. Ouiilrsld in- Socrotary of State. Mou.sT HALEY township, Midland long term, Kernan bad 53 supporters, Deijew ure of a national bank during the yeiir. The Ine with the Preslilent, and, hud it not IM^CU for tlic Totea, the stellar space so rapidly by radiation ill the evening, and waa told by the It wn» the FIR.ST orticle of the lilnd th«t w»t MHlifd that hJK ahoort ho takfii nlT, f.iyiiif; IH) full pain -•ittemiJt r-f tho a.^sashin to cscupo uftcr bavbiK made Kot nd of him a-* oawiiy HK p-wlltle, wi h'lUt m liinji ipiirud if she was golm,' to .Mrs, Ariio'd'i fimoral, HOrf-XiCHH. couut.y, sutfered considerable damage any promiiMis ono way or the other. .Since thun be 51 aad Piatt 28, A motion in tho Assembly to number of such banks now in oxistonoo is 2,122. landku'd that he ctaild not i-eu hi:-, Introduced to ttie public gcneriilly. It was tho in UiH to*)!. AH rtiion UH hiw (ih'HiH wfi-ii n-MmJV(!(i, ho the twoi-hotH, hotnomiKlithuvualiarMtliia crazy fury. Mfs. Lurrats-u mpded thtit sho guosHcd t'hu could WA-iriNO ON, Julv r>—6 a. m. A Paris dispatch reports the appear­ and retlection, that the sun fiuls to raise h'la been coinioK I't^re evi'ry d.iy. He WUB a vory not, as Honiethlng liud hapi>cnL-d, ao tliu slsturri from a tornado, The ooinnge of the United States mints OKIGIN'AL PAP, and wa> dcvited by DH, •aid to Hfcrrtary Windom: " tlo riKht lionie now . Tho Prufildont ia aiill alive, but thuto Is little if any adjeurn sine die ou Saturday was ta­ the teniperatiu'o of the snuw to t.lie melt­ brother tliat night, iia ho was very far pouuliar man—so pu.Millar that 1 Irivo iiiiido a slfetcli thought it iKiHt not to go. K.iLAM.izoo parties clnim to have ance of a new und wondurlul eontagiou re- ami r-end u ti-letfrum to MrH Oiirllold, wayiiiK; * I fM rKCUKTAUV I INOOl.N'ri HTAT KMENT. hope of hla ult.matu recovery. Hu dozed at intui- for tho year ending June 30, 1831, was as fol­ from well, and bad goue to bed. The HOL.MAN alone. of ttlm and h re tho Cidoind oiHuied bin i ook ami valn at- night, and at tlmea continued to complain of acmbhiiK leprosy at Tuuiuuse. llied, the Demoorats voting in tho neg­ ing point, Tho snow evaporates, Imt it .xiiihii«!tu;lI ske't h that Im bad iiiiide of "What has hupiHi .edV" inriulred Mr«. Garfleld. bought over 81,000,000 worth of wool next nioniiiig he was ushered into liobert paiu In hia feet. ative. The Grand Jury indicted A. D. Barber lows ; Gold, $78,73.'l,S(i4; silver, *i7,(»4!),- does not melt, Tlio sunmiiis of the Tie struck out from ttia benten path nnd m,idQ a t*i}I her to come to WuhhliiKton imnnHliat*dy," TUIH Lim,-olu fnid no one could have foitiseeu tho im:|- Gu b;a'i a-jvorui weeks uuc. Tho p^eici! hkctch '» We liNVB heard that Jum^u is hurt,"replied Mra. there and elsewhere this seusou. Bnssia wants more ships of war, and Lttirulsu, AN INTlillVrKW WITH TUK ASSASSIN, 000,75 I other metal, if405,109.(l5, making a to­ Slilling\vis':;'s room, expecting to see Ids NEW WAY, .No sooner had he rendered the un- (liHpiitch watt Htiiit, uml a «pcolat tr..iu wau ut onco itt-nt, and the duration nf its ocimrruncu WUH hardy roprescn'H a itiun with a cood torebo ^d, c'l'iir s'ur- for paying E, It, Phelps 1512,500 with which to Hinialnyas, for instantre, must receive thr<*t* sied ntoiuitedordoriiiiH tor jttiyHieianK. hill biok a Htenograplier \siih him, and thu Inbir- for receiving from Joseph Dickson §7,(i0» for aelf confronted b.y an utter stranger !— ce.ssful enterprise, started up nnd have since fol­ of the PruMidcnt wero almoHt .InNtantuneomi. alwiya worn a l>!ne gray suit, a' d a b'wifk, d rty liu(. •*'iho Lord htdp nm!''exclaimed Mra. Garfinld. glish sparrow with his little bow uud ar­ in tho Henley regatta, the Cornell on tlieui, iiotwitlistandiiig which tlio The PrcK'dcnt was laid npihac.iuch at thu di-put. 1 he t'Xi.'laniation of the ussassin f.illowi'd as He bud tiet'U very impmhmt and itiHO'cnt to most of Mrn, Lurralir:e uKaured hnr motlior that the latetd vii-w lusred for ihrou hours, Tho DlHtrict Attorney the same purpose, Phelps was also arraigned, Tremor of Great Oruterfs. lowed in his footsteps as closely as the law will 'Iho do.Trt weic(fuarde:l aKaiiiMt the ly-owd that Im- refiiae t to glvu tu the pruf«N thu atory told by thu row. crew were " a bad third " in tbo race for the snow is not molted. And m spite of the quickly, and in tbtt brief SiicondN of the occurrenca the poop'o about the VVIdte HmiHs and has nnuoynd rei>ortrt were favorab.e, anr, Ulleii, nun of the moit ness of the depiit otHcers and soiim of tbo locu' olll- arrest. Unsaid thiit hn came in one d.iy andciUled " When did yen hear of thin?" queried Mra. Oar- answ..'r tounuggustion madn by CoL CorkhlU that iu a cramped, jerky, slow style. the iiir of these altitudes, eviiponition is rikilll'u; of t:.« army anrBeoiiri, mid a ho t of Itwal it was a horrible cr.me, of which he was guilty— btit sixty-ftvo wore required. 'J'ho latest sensa­ WAUM.SG, Not only do they FAIL TO CUKE, cialfi prevt^iitod anything like riot that uaa for a few for some htatiouery und card><, uii horrible that all having"' any ooiinoction Coleman's mustard warehouse, at tniiiu'iil capiiallst.s. but in disappnintitig the purchaser they bring uiomoutH tliremeind. The prlnoner was conveyed to uiie one of tlie birBO au'e-rooiiiH of thu Wlilto ** Vest4fnlay noon; but wo thnufiht b««rtt not lo tell offer recently, tion at .VIbany is a scandal involving tliu uanic .specill. Lutlier, to lii.s ]a.st yeai'is, tivm- dent did not IOHA cotiBOtnuBiieHo, but hla pul-e ran to the Ct-ntrui H utloti Injfoni tho crowd fully rcal- House oa a private nffloe. Ho would c^'iiie up thcro wil.b him in any way wmild be FUHpotded of iH-ing At low (.•leviitioii.s, where the snow­ doubt and oditini on the prlnclpiil nf AbnorpM down to ^ri, and after a tUort time Im you. The uuwu watt not as favorub.u aa to-day,"waa iuiplicrtled with Mm—rrow Bonm statlom-ry uud v\rlte u lot of U-ttors, ho wouhl tcUall." Hu then told all tbe iucidunt.'. of merchandise and lumbermeu, iit' Bos- Cfil. Kuiigerl'ord, sat sido by side in a •rnK I'liK.siDKsr'a WONUKHPI'I. NKU'K. " You were vorj* thnunhtf ul. I am glad you didn't Tho National Liberal party of Ger­ same is true of l-tobert Hall. Mr, Gough of heat even less than at tho siuiiiiiits, for a timu to be fatal. Iteporta tlmt d>-uth had al- ami Iu fact wan malil) u hlnuclf ao iip ch hla life in WaHhlngton, Irom his arrival hero until On Uie announeemeiit of a ballot for GENUINE and ONLY TUUEE.XrONENT, ivady reMUlled i-pi-cdily bucamo outnmr. CrowdH Said Dr. Mlisa: ^^Prom thu very ll rat tha Preal- tell mo," Nuid Mra. Oartle d, uddhig ttiat ^he ttiouglii tliH attuiu]>tod aHHUMirinutloiu Ha told where he lived, common, are insolvent. Liabilities tsti- eoiifesseH that Ue is ahvay.s in a tre.'ji'or pro.seeuiiim box iu a Paris theatc-r. They nt hnme that yerturduy 0 »'. Crrtolc Mii'jfn-ted to him many proposes to demand the reduction of thu tho long term at Albany, on the 1st inst., tla- the snow melts and disaiipears. This gathered uvory where; eurria CM li'ojUcd every cronti- dniit bus b. i*n idui^ky and bnivn. ludood, he haa at soumthiiig tiud happened, au she hud noticed that whiU he did fri'in day to day, where hu rot:uived mated ut *35,00'J. liKiked eoniphieiwitly ovw tho vast and Every imitation Is an emiihatic endorse­ th'tt he waa 0"cronchi n II|H)|I Itio p i\-iloKus of thn thu manners of her dauKhbtrs bad Ifuen iiuouliur t^ in efimiug before an aiidieine. Mu'iy we must attribute to the inlliieiiee of Ini;; every one Hcenied wild wiUi ovoiti^mtMit. Tlte tuut'S I'een m an alniost-frollesome mood. I never, hla mouay, who lent it to him, whom ho knows leiTO of servico in the army froui three jeui's nuniB of Tbnmas C, Piatt was withdrawn, at ment of the Euhstantial wnrih of tho genutns ojllee, and that be con'd mt niv.- Iiini any more atu- ward tier during yesterday. Slieaddmli **Uowdou:d of the leaders of the House of Commous lirilliaiit iisseniblagi?, public drpariiri- nta nt oncii nu-iM-nd d burtiiiCHH, and u nil my experience, met with auch a patient. I tionnry. This sofiui'd to irritate Ouiteau very muoh, and adHociuted with, and whure hu bought h a THERE is a colored farm hand in Kal­ to two. ai'puKms vajior. At high elevations tlm ne\cr have hcen Hucli nerve—no\cr have fetin such anybtidy l>u lio uoid-heurtud un to want to kill my- his own request, and that of Crowley was auli- article, A poor one is never copied. nearly tlte whole pni)Ulatlon of Wanhintft.'n poured Gtiiten at all Union soMKlit to produce nn improNsion pistol. Ho reiterated the Htatniiiuiit cohtuined in amazoo, named William erooks, who i» in England have given similar testi­ "Bong tong nudieiiee," said Mr. INfac- out into tliM t*tact The air waa fresh and crihp: (MobnisH, tjueh ri!lf-po Hitshiru, Thu Pru i- baby?" his published letter that bin moUvu in ahoot- stituted, Tho ballot for tho long term gavi. air is dry, and allows tlie heat radiated upon the Secretary that bo was a v.-ry ptiwerfiil poll- Ttu-kish brigands have captured the kay U~i Col, Huiigerford, Eacli Genuine Iloltnan Pad heart the wind wuti from the fea; a mom lovtdy day hud deut has dtricus> her grandson; party. Ho told how he bod formed the p an and weighs 250 jjouuds. - Cunning said iie could always tell in nd- low oleviitii.'iis a very luiiisiuerable por­ " Wee," replied the Colonel to our ,uimalMU ti-.vatmoHphtirnnfa Wafrtjhi){ton8iimmer,ilie at the depot he fhno]( mo by. thu hand uid aald, Harry A. Garfleld, Exocxitive Manalon, Woahington, and when, how long he had brooded ujion it, and Hirsch, uud demand X'15,(JU0 rnn^om. and Cornell 15, Fur the short term Potter b:i' IIOLMAN TAD CO,, wilh the nhi)%'0 Trade. umt rliook hands wiih him. (icn. LOKUU looked at vnui.'o when ho was about to make one ilolin, air wan a-* frn-h an a Northern se'ihlde reHoct. Tlio *U'1«^ liowiaitC'and it has beuu *U:1ML howlalt? him as if be mii;h' hnvo known bim nnd miifbt IJ. C: how it hud becomo u llxnil factlu hia mind th -t the JAY GOULD says that, if nothing un­ tion of Hie heat nidiuted from the snow Mark printed in green, JZii]/ \ol10 tVithotlt It. Preriident hiniKii'f was iu a happy uud chatty mood at ditlVreiit t me all tbo afternoon." '•Yos,"Huid only mUvation of the Itupiiblic n p rty wua thn 48 voteii, Wlioelor 3S, and Couliling 28, Tin ''Elect—cram de la—bote tong, eh?" not have known liliu, and pas.'^i-d on. Then Tho nowa waa broken to mo thia morning, and foreseen happens, within three yean of his best si)Jeelu!S liy a eliill niiiniiig is absorbed in passing tVrougli tlie at- that niiTTuinK whi^n he left the u liltii Hnur'n. Ue was Cien. Jumos, '• tie hht>ok lue by thu hand down at the ahiHiked me vo^f muoti. Since rewdvlng your biU- duuth of tho PrtMl.Jeut Ue suoniH to have -aid very Biibory Investii;aling Cnmmittee held a meet Oulteiiii came to OriMik und saiil: ^'There, .i d''p'>t b.v K.-crntary It'.idne uud 0.»I. I'uttiur'Kirkwood—he is here—tio is older than I;' look?" Tho proof of OuItoiiirM lunacy lies In thn puthy of mother, siatera and friends and oalnUy ab.ut bis crime, glorying in it, AN old man, who was ouce a well-to- Tlie Bradford oil district is alive with The Colonel then shook hands M'ith tho Utirkwtill. 'I'hc carnii^'n thui folUiWt d him crintai.cii and he ttiuu turned to Kirkwood, and all thut Kirk- ond e>iiicee no ^ynlp''onle of regret ut ita WASHINGTON NOTES. most impressive .-^jieakera in I'arli-imeiit. thus riidiateil, being of the same (lualily Intturs thut he has written. lie U IOIIKM to the class ELIZ^OAftPIKLU. do blinker in Detroit, now receives a reg­ •enl free nn np-ilicitioti. Addrcsi hiritwolioyn, liiirryiuiil .Iniiier', uml Din It-ekwoll wood could way waa, ^Dovdish, iniamous.'^ A FA<»rraa FOUIITII. comnil»'Kion, On hu contrary, he in iis flrmly con- excitemi-nt over two rich strikes across tho He was known us the "Prince Hiipertof Comstoek millionaire and congratulated of crazy in-ii who feel it their duty to send each day as that wliii'li the snow itself radiuU-s, is HOii of Col. Umjkwcll. Of thu Ciiblnut olU.:er«bt)iddi' AiinivAi. or at H. CIAUPIKI.I>. a dully mlHslVH to tlui Whito tlouKo. His Ii'tterH huvn Oov. Cullom has issued tho following t vinc< d a^ ever thut it was hia duty to kill tbu Pro !• ular stipend of SI per week from the him on his flow of Frenoli, - Mr, iralnc, Mesr^rM. Hunt, Liucutu. MacVeaffh and dent, and snys that bu-h*)! him with preuimly the lino in Now York, flowing 100 to ISO barrclr Attorney General j...ac'Veagh itmi.st.s debate," nnd seemed so seU'-possf.sseil au on this iiei.'onnt absorbed by tlie snow. HOLMAN PAD CO., Tho most iimcli'iiit epiaoda of tho day wot the bociiue HO notorious that they are simply thrown SrATK or ILLINOIK, ICxKouriVK DF.PAUTMVNT,> foor Commiiisioners toward his support. •V t/anu'H wertt at thu depot, Into the waste-busiiet without botn'.? opeiiod. At SruLNOFiKMs July 11, 1881. / Hmu feeling that be would have shot a rebel had he per day. that there will bono "let-up" in Iho star- to be ineapablo of embiirra.'jsivieiit. But LiMloor none of it is relUeted, like llial Tlio eurt4iin went iiji, and one of the [A 0. /;irx'j]i2,j 714 itroadivnr, IV. liome-uomiUR • f Mra. O^rtlold. A dispatch hud been in tho army. His talk ou this aubject is appar­ hecn sent to hnr early in ihn day to oi>me. Tha dla- thn hrst |iart of t'ln adiubihtrutiou Ids letters In pr^biand proniHirity the iienple of IllinolHand THE laying of. tho corner stone of a lie said: siars lla^lled like a meteor before the ently that of a fanatic, 'i'ho only regret that, be ex- In a quaiTcl between two lads, aged route prosecution, the President and tho Cii'ii- received from the sun. The consu- ISSIOK THK WIIITK IIOUHK, palch was curofu ly wordid so as not iie«.MjIussly to of the Union were preparing to celebrate tliu ii)r>th Catholic cathoilriil at Marqiit'tte attracted slieciatoi'.'!, aunlvermry of American bid pendencn, wh^n the prorfsea at ull in that Ihe President la not dead. He net hCtn^s (leterniincd to go to iho root of the "When I am going to speak, my throat ipieliee is, that the iieat tlins iil.isorbuil The PrfHidfiit wa^ takiui to llio White llonm! on a rJuriu her, A iieremptory dispitcli v^us sent to auid that he learned with sorr w thut hu In growing W and Ifl, respectively, in Coston, the younger mattress in a police .imbulancti about iO oVock, JthUu Hwttyiie, v\ho wua w th her, tochorteru Hjieeial nppa ling iiewH broke upon them that, on Huturdsy delegations from all over tho Upper Pen­ nnd lips are iis dry as tlio.se of a man necumiil itos in the snow till ineltiiig " iMiignifeel: ! " cried the Colonel, „. ..f. ..,l,lroHv,.r) *n '1... p '(^vfiliMlt. (V^Il••••lttll»(ti•'l.• llilU bettor. This waa early in the afternoon, and ha one shot thn other, inflicting a fatal wound. buHlllL'.-ts', LrH)ktn« up iiw he intched the cntranco bo caw (Join. train and britttf her "11 as rapitt y us pi.!c. All morning hn-t, the rrcaideiit of tbu United States wa- insula. The cathedral is to cost $125,- "Tray beau 1 " shouted Mr, M, nn 111! policy and Riviufi him very elaborate mlvlci\ Hhot by an uii»aa-y tliii iitmosplifiMMiiiiiueiitl.v tlmt he wiiH not no baiTy iu.jun-il ua hatl been in- though dangerously wounded, •^till lives, und, ut tho THE nmnl>er of dogs already buried lined Uvu hhilliuga in n-iluUelpliia for a brcacli rtailro.id.s. w.is disini.-itfod by .Secretary K'rlc- "Toot sweet! " yelle'd .loliii. thoro wiiM aery; ''Oh, there they cnmol" 'I'lu-re Tliore waa uothinf? lij'thu way of i-ense in the coin. then issuing by Dr. B Is.'', Oultcuu feefl's ut the one of llie most fliu-nt debaters ever itiininislied, )ieii)elual snuw v,-uiihl cover imried. Art he wan luuu;,'hl in np<'n the nt^Mit wtu'it three carriaK-**** and ttio horsi-s attuebcd t i DiunicatloiiH from be«inuIiiK to end. If Ihe loltei'H writing ot thik proclamation, ut midnight pn«i:odiuK' idua thut tic is an ortUnary criiuinul, tmd desirud in Adrian, thiti .yef>r, .according to-bill of tho anli-lirewovkii act, viiisBed in 17'21 'ivood. Tho reason for Ibis action was v. vii.- known, iiaid lie never rose in Pnrliainviit oiU'globe ilo«'ii to Ilu; seaslioro. !tl, is After the pln.v ^luekiiy drew Hie .shnnidera of policnnuiii, he paKj^ed Mrn. U am wure lushed i.ito a f;a*]i.p. H.i furionriuii.l were not artful picpiirittbmH ond wero tlm h'ucKt thu Fourth of July, the uttending physicia. s report to save himself from punishment. Oii the contrary, Dainuin tht'aiitc-rooni be ow, and kitt-eil liiMhnnd Hwift wrrc tht^yciiminK iliat bur.dy ha-itlieyup- tliat tliu wound is not necessiu'ry fatal, an01 on tainly convict him of ini-nnlty uhon tladr roudin;^," dition gives h po thut be may iiltlinately recover. nuitund his plun to kill thy PiiJ.-Idciit bo uxperloneod ceeds the total number returned by the ear : nptohiHown brdrnoui, wlicm MrH. Ciarlbild was mo^l uraeious iUajuHiy IUMK Ovorgu IhoFirst oi his action lo the Secrolaiy of the Interior, am it is one of the eompeiLsiilioiis of imttiiv, levrl llinli nt tin; liigli.-r Ifvel, niiil b.v .hn Ki'ave', and tho (IIIHO hliick carriau'o and black WHKUKKOKK, I. Shii'by M. Oiilimn, Governor when he wus >-u his way to juil. 'i'liecarriugo thatlie Supervi.sors lor taxation. HUk ao b-n^s UIMI laid up MI tlut hcil, A couHultitiun ll Tt-iis botoitKiiiK to tho I'ri'K.iIiM.l's own of the State of Illinois, do recommend to the not to the officers of the Centra! Pni.-i:;i Hint the nervous ti'inperainmit wbieh eontaet with Hie snow must li ml to tin ll "I tkin't mind tfliin' ye, I siaike i)ISI»ATCII TO MINl-TKIt I.OWKtl,. hired to tuko him to tho O.M.gre-tsionul Oomctury wus Eiigliimi''), Tliu m;itiirttruto niijisling un tliu of phyi-ieiiiUrt wu» at oiirc l.tld. I^Ery. lif. I-ld^'on stablt! eanic witn a whirl up in fr.mt of the Ait niu-y pfopki of this State, thut, in their public eere- really intended bi carry hint b'tho jai', which ud- ilaliaii r..< well as T ilo l''r,ii<'li—doyoiiV" W.\suiN*«To.s', .Tuly a. • BouwA C.ADOTTE, 0 lialf-brced, at­ railroad. oeension.'s the trembling is also one of it iLUii-r at the former Ihaii at llie hill.e-r In a prpimniitnu of Protr.xlilo of Iron, renivUn \\aa in'talltd a.s nnr e. tlul. ibirkwti'l tint upon the 'i-ni-ni', ami. wi-re rhoekcd by a bluu-tro:iti''t moihin'.- monlea on to-morrow, Ihey munlfei't, by appro- joiiiM tbo cemetery. He Imd the ourriuKe i-eady and flue buiiii; paid in ahiihugs, tlio del'undiiut biid, watehiitd tluf Pi'csldi-ul, wlii'o Mr. (btuup tlnj The following wart forwar)iiit<*M. ».»i,«i.i.-luHMl with the i^e" who stood there waitli ^, The colored man on prliito cxprc-^slons, thoir ihuiiktujiCAS to Alniighty waiting for him, and had IiiHtructod thu driver to Vffri-lalilc AroiNiilit.':;. Kn»I(ir:-t^ hurry quickly us possible tn tho ceniotery whon he in a skill' to Mackinac City, but, as lie llie air is v.uriiu'r mainly m ro:i.sei|Uini".M I'rolus-sii.n. ami rcfomiiH.-niU'i! dy DILMII for i9y»- wari p'iiccil in ch>ir{!i) of the (!aht\ All the pliyftli;lanrt iu iitHrblc. The Attirucy Cioueml niu forward, WASHI.SOT-.N, -Tuly'J. f Pret-ldontof tho Uniteiiiv; (,'ti.st of t'aiiiii'r^ itiiil hot-liou.-e."—.V//. •'•!• ! 'tijf I'fd; ipa-t. l><*C*!«l:i. <.-'t*n(ls* weiu pule and ti-unibin^; with tixelieniL-ut'. The tel/.-ti t'f door cf the currluK" and openrd it. ,Iusi ho still lies in great danger. liud too much flic-water on board, tho of tin; iiilhieiiee nl' nqiieoiis vapoi-, ai.il r;iiiou. VV:iiit,(irVit:ilit;»', ^'rrvatiu l*roB« To.bmuM UuHflnV. LoweP, MlnlHter, etc , London: Pn>Idiiit war* th.- C'H'.'t'Ht pur-ion in tluMM-'in. Uo buek of him came nmnim,' litilu damos Gariluid, In teUininnv wherool, I hereto wot my hand, und .skill' want iishoie withoiit him, ho hav­ Albany, hist week. bunds, i.-:snc(l under the acts of .Inlyll, K',ii Criuiitiiil.s. lliat were Hie (inaiility of vapor i-i'ihn'eil trillt(»lis <'iii>n from K-Vrrr* The Picsident of t o United Stilee was shot thi- There is no one here who iKiIieveii thnt the crime iiiii<3 /.Mis'oiilc I'liMlv :iit(9 !!''<• %-f>I*. IL serve* wa.s nDriVclIy chci rfid, uud Imi liat-iy .inleriMl di- >ot:nt,' Kocktve.l und Mis. :MacVuu^li. mnrnin^ by^un uH.'iaH in mtniod Cliarlu<* (.iiiitiMU. cause the groat soa' i f the Statu to bo atllxcd. ing fallen overboard uud droivued. By tho cnpsizing of a yaeht on Long line! .1-111, 20, lt;71, v.-bich will be paid Oct. I. A Biaf'fir.i'oiiT woman slipped down has uny p diilcal siKiiiibvincn whutuvor. Th.i Dif- Til r CiibTorniii Le!;i.-.l:ii.nri) not long to till! airiount. in i|iiestiaii, tlm ilili'or- rvt:ry inir|;ost: WULTU a 'I'o.vifj ia t:uccbFa.r>'' patiOh s to bu Hfut 11 hifi Wifn and up'tlifr. to ciaif.ni- tlm weapon wus a liirue-fiz.'.l revolver. Tin; I'lcul- Dono ut .S[)r.nnllo!d tho day and date above minied. triet Alton ey siiys that Ouiteau now talks very little on a bitiiiiiin skin, till' oiilv e.isii on iTo- I dlct ruiuorri oi liirt d'ii:th tbat mi'^ht have reuchial Kvery b'nd wiiH btw'.-d !H Mrs. (rirlleld «S'pped dcnthad .lust roucbnd the ll.rtmi.u'e and PtUinuar S. M. Oui.t.oM. TiiG question where tlio Stata niili- IsbinU pound, live (if a suilini,' p:iny of suven l.SSl. ago jmlili.sliei'l a report jir-'pniv.l b_y euee oi' triiiiieriiUu'e at the two positions of hi- Htalwurtism. At any rate, whether hu does or oi'd, wii boliovo. SatiufaflureJ Ly The Dr. Ilarler Medicine Co., S(. Loaii, Uicni. M'f*o ut(d,\ out. Tlmre wint) truces ol t.:i!r.H ijb.uii M'T rttti.iu ut (d)out twenty mino.b'H paNt ',), Intend lu*. Hv the Oovornor: Henry D. I>emtint, Secretary of would not bo gri.'iit. 111 tlm fiill she dl'ni,'.t,'iil I not, there is a imneral foe ing horn that it IK cr.-o'ly tiir.y onoiinipinent, to bo held iu .August, yor.ng licopio were drowned. Cliaii'.'.ellor llartson, oi' N^ui.i, Cbnirninii i-ytri. .Shi' rthtJWf.in o otll.•r^IynMo^ w akm-M. Her With a pjrtion of bl.-t (!ubin> 1, to louvo ou thu Mniitcd Stuto. unjii.-t to ho d tho stalwarts in any way rospi n.'-ilile Tlie jnililie-ilebl .stiiteuu'iit i.s.siie(.l tTuly a man douu willi her, will h ll lis The follonliir I'l ono of xV.v. vi-ry many tCBttmo* The liedroout wan elnaroil of iiM but Ihn physi- riliuil bu located is ulrea'd.v begiuuiug to uhilt^ v.f am ri-ci-h In^ i!;illy; I tlo b.iyspram,' inrwanl and crlid ; " Oh, nuun- CoLUunUH, Ohio, July :i, for the crlmiual vugu i. s of a man who is not Tho Yiilo and Hiii'vurd Lioiifc rnco iit (.!' tiie Coiiiniitti-i' ou I'risons, vliicli ciirred iK-fore, elan-;, the prrrifiuit ntb ndanth f)f tlic IMvhidi'i.f and nxpre'i.s train for New Y rk. I r.itle in tlin currluue 1 is as follows: ~1 hlnljiii'it Xru':- (7ej;f/.-iii.'i;.-~Siinu* lliro** niniiih!" njTo I lippan th» ina." 'J'luit \ia.'4 al he said. .Stu' prisi'.'l hi.-* hiiuii 0-jv. Foster ha.-t isHued the Jollowmg proclumu- uba.iluui.y cruzy, but in a mi>^t dolndKi no discussi^a. Among the points uieu- I'liiitiiiiis some Kfiirt'iiiig sbiLlslics. '.Ilu' 'i'hc Pcusien OHieo. bih twctr-nn-. Wi tInMut'ml>'-*rH ot Ibe t!ablnutlvu .Man-Ion. and wu^ Now London, Ot., was won by thn Vale crow I y ?n per cent, linnds iiFH (if int. U.MiTi:i:'.s ti;tt.N 'I'nNU'. (iptiii Ihi; ai!- in thu h)i!i lidjiui'lut; the bedroom, \vlu*rtt they rtt- vi'alknih' by liis ciil..' MIIOII ho wa-* shot. Tii- iiM-aNniu liiui: fomitlo. No one, of rourKR, thinks that liouod, thu ijutioual park, on-tho island cost of nniiiilainil •riiiiiiials nnd pan- vliT i}f ni:tin* rViiMitIs win* l;iiiv, Ilu vliiiUM. I waa uincy General a-il leadliiK Imr lilto boy, him Conkling or Arthur, or any other Htalwart, had any­ two lenKtliH. V'aleV time for tbo tl.rec-ir.ili.- l'*;ve y.i:r emits On tiirnieg over lii.-^ onii.'o to his snciiesaar, maiucil uiitb tavoralilc ^yhiptoms bejfnu ti appfiir WHH imniodlntrly arri;sted, anil ti e I'rosideiit was K.XKCL'nv'K Di;i'AnT.Mi:NT, Oovmisou's OFI'ICI;,) 'rii.1-: .MAiiKK IS. riilliThij:'riiiii frftiitntl drliilliv t-i f^wU un cxtL-m Jtartitd up Iho sicp.f. Thon cumo M i lit* iiav- Coi.u.Mnu.«, Ohio, July 11,18HI. |' thing dirt ctly to do with the shooting of Iho Ires.- if llni-'kiimw, seems td ba the most J-'.mr and oiic-liall iii-r eeiils.... pi'l's is shown as loili JW Col. Dudley, Mr. I'entley, Connnissiuiier of (liitr my I;i!u;r\v:if;ir:((''!('itiM;rly liMnh ;iSMiiieti) mo. At twiwity miMUti'.> of It oVhu:!:, Ihirry Onrli-id '.\ Id, wofpin^, a pleuKanr-:uced little lass in conveyed to u jirlvalu roiun in the st iJioii iMHiIiu;,', ounrie wus ;;2:i;i! Jlarviii'd'a wiw ii^Jil.O, SuggRst'o!is are coming bi me to counsel .May.u-s deiit, but they or Ihuir frlondH here ^uy that au utlorl i'liur i.er ci-iit... *. Peiii-ioiiH. made (be foUowiiii; st:iti.in"iits as jt; A viu'jiilun uf a ni'.'iilh illil li-ji f;lv*; nn; luuuh re* danhoil into the private tid'-Kmpli om.-.j in the White ,'rii.'. S.io was fo lowed hy .Mr?, It itdtwci', a and sur;,Mi:al aid at ouce siiinnimieil. Uolnsuo'v I'avorably thought of. l.-.-il-Pi'liillaii-i l .•f ra'l it i ..•j:!,;'.H,s7ii N'i:v,- VoKU. lU'f. iMiL cti lliu f.ialrary, w.i-y IVrllowcil hv ln- flouRo and sunt a disp'dch to M:n. HM/:i O irliflo. (at tM'unty niiuntcs I^IHI ID) bmn nuuiivoil to the K\- oleiti-H «rid vidngi'H uud the p.xiplu of tlm statu to ii< making tu car.t odii.m upon thum by reuHon of the A cycloiiQ \a Tangier sound, Clicsa- Iti-IiniiMin,' I'ortilii'iiitis Cr.liii'-a:- anil l.l;|.i'i's teiLii ..?---',:i--l,s I'. tbo eonditkin in wii'eh bowniikl leave(licit.l'ii.'e, ... V. ':• (((.I'J 0.1 •*iiiiw-whiii! hairoil lady, wlionu itppi-aranc<: of Hhootiug. THK Flint laul Pure Marquette Eail- Navy jjeuriiiiii I'liiid I'y. ciTan.tl i.rn.-lniiliin ami rtinl.in^' i-hlll.'i. AL tliU hi« grandiiitHhiT, Niiyinu tliat the doctorV opinion ecutlvo .Mau-ii n. Tli.i HUrxiMinsiu co Miiltatiou re- Hiispond tbi' usual Fourth of Ju y ee!£'bruti''.n, and ISlll—I' .p-iaili'iM of I'a a.:. I Sl.-iii...-< ..:i ,-ll.".,:i;ii and as (d the fiilure iif t'le poa-ion I'urv.o;: tliiii- I lifi.'an th'.* ti-ti vf vtiiir Iwr.N 'I'O.NIC. frnrn Vt'Ut 'fnliicsK did not corrcs]» mi witfi tli" jt ay oiul Company is building a machino peiiico Ijay, Iiifted iiiau-iy four lur.iiv, «r.<;ui;d i; then wurt Unit, the wound wad not fatal. A c >usulta- if her hair. A •erNunt or two with wraps followi-d, K"rd bis wounds an very serious, Iboupb not nererf- Kiibstitt.tu theri-for uxmciiit's in hurmoi.y with t!it; OtnTKAUN UKOnUT^ I'ritiiiiials aji-l li.Mip.-r.-- i.iiinuilly ...fi.'i -.lia I'.il li.N 1' II wlili'h I ri'alM-.'tl :i.1rnfii>l tniiu(-ensioiis ^rallied diiriii.; u tlon win had ut It o'eock, ami .Sur;,'eiHi Thny wallti-d qnlt-'Iily up-htairs. Thorn was hardly sarily fujul. Ills vltjorout heal'li Kives stnt. n hopes utdvor-iul feeling of dlstrors over tho nl- [Troiu tho O.nnagn Ti dmiio.] sliop at East Saginaw 300 by 100 oii the nninber of BCi.oonei'S and li.-ihing boats, and l;,7ll-l'.i|iii;nlloli rf l.-lil.d .-eili-^...... as,.-.-is,a:.| ... -1 111 I.I 1 1.1 fptiiillJ. Tiinolfi fiii-'ivy n.'tiMM<,'i anil 1 fmiiul that .Matlin-d di'lil, » a,' the year w-ill be about li.'),(KM, eseiiisive of tlie i:iy natirrai J'ort-o \v;iH nm piTiiiancnLly alJiittMl. I Oenornl Uurnos fald a few nmnmut.'* after­ idrye tJiinioiiK the few spi-i!tuti'i's who wati-h-.d of hi> recovery. Ho has not lost COIIKCIOUSIIUHS fur a temptod urt.-a-^sination of tho Proldent. Thoru Outtoau iH u mun now ;iu years of u^e. Ilo \va,t Cvniiimes ami p iii.-r.-i aiiiiually .;tii,ii;iii,-i'ii .. I -j'j („. I -M sugtiehtions b Ing s.i lucirtily in »ecio:d with my a[i'ouud, Tith tracks for nine oiigiues in­ ciiiiscd the los.i lif u.;Vi'r.il lives. I.eijnl tiinders IHIi,"-! l,.'!.'!! h.iv« iifitid iliri'c hoiilcti of ihc'JViNtr. I^tiict; u.Hlnff ward that u Ihnil examiuatiou would bii ihc patliotlt^ liiuni.'-i'iiiu u^'of tin! poor wi>iu an wiio moiiieul. Inforni our .Mini^itor'* in Ibimpe. born .11 Ficeport, 111., where his father -tho cashier will show an out- i War of )H12 pensions. 'J'liis is an inereasi of ... 1 •<7 1... 1 '.'S own fctdings, I uarnoslly roqncHt that thn J.ieop u us- f.Vrtbin.trs of il.-posit... !l,liuri, I It 1 hnvu iIuiiMlulcc-thu lalnir thai ] uvcr dlil In the made at ;f o'clock in tlui altoruonu. The p-dient'* •iiid KuiVercil so much. .Sonictlilnn td' biT I-CHOIIUH .IAMUS O. II^AKsi'', .S'crotary of State, oi u hai.k f. r many yonrs, but now dead—wus a re­ side. Five new IUOKUI engines havo Tl is enhnilated that Hie I'Oil SI IS I'or more tbati 0 ]>er eeiit. ci\er tlie nini.ber graitted r.ii ,.n .111 Meuiblu ill the chnrchcH at lil::j()a. ni. ami enuuge In Went. l-'rn('ti(;lial elirreney 7,Ul.'i,a.'):l IS eni- ^\inu tinio (pimici's, and that In the 1 torestof the country the Uiut present udvicos give hopo for thu ree..,very of tlieie, however, was noithor vory loi'g nor u very ferers. some disease of which tlieFo was a, reciiid. .Moy a They Msfi'd, and thou slie, after a moniont or two. anil Anally lutt tho Com nuntty, demanding .'rs of war and veteran soldiers, umoiiut- Cusli 111 treasury ani,*!:),!!.-) and trial oi erimiiials, but >imply to For Sale by Druggists and General Dtaleri Everywhere pa Hcd into u Hide I'MIUU, t'l-urlm; tiutt hhc would U')t Thanka for your dispatch ami your iirnmii-e of fur­ CiiAiit.KS FoHTKn, Governor. work of iii-.vt yuarjaiid coiitiiuie to ineroasn l-'noeii-l.'iuiey Wh le Wniler K.\ .. .' 7.1 (II. I'l -J.-) very lar«t' (I -rluK ball, ami the edwe-* wore rnnjod. ther iniornmiion. W. .S. HANCOCK. SriiiNOKiiiMi, 111,. Ju y ;i, thu return of thn $7.0 which ho tiad put ng to 072 veteran soldiers and 229 sur-- Col,, attacked a party of fifty-four ciiizons ami their niaintenanee in prison. (lonil nit;iMlivSiiriiiK l- %.. fi im til. .1 I'.il till ub e to control bcr'olf In bis slKlit. A moni'Mit into ttiu cdinmou fund whou he entered thu Debt lesH ea-.h In trcas-iiry ,Sl,«4l). .VJ-,SII tilt! nuinbor of auuiial selilenu iit-i until the .. 1 Jii (.r, I I'J 'J'h.i I'rcHJdtuit «HJ» very brave ami oollcit d. He T two at'tervvanl she was setii in coupuny with fUlANl's WO'-P. TlIK 1>AT AFTKIl—MOl*. nn. FKKMNit, Community there, Tldu waa at flrnt rofuaed vivoi's of Confederate hospitality, os killed five of them. Cant, Cjirnll, with men l>.ereaw: during' .himj. liai, I.V.I claims that aro ixniding bu' ii.'.i, .vet reached lull.*'' .S viiyno aod t-or boy •laiiit!-*. 'l'!mb.v||-Hl Thu following dispatch wuB received by Secretary WASHINOTOS, July :t. Marrying in Ill-IIeallii. •N'-. •'I.'^i'rius' ii:i m: I III wim conllmuilly lea^HU lug tbomi at>out him, and bim, uud in If^flHlio l>6gun a unit aguiunt theCom- tnanifested by Tod, Winder, Wirtz & of tho Nmth cavalry, wefit iu pursuit of tlii' Iirereahe Hiiieo .Time till, ISfiu lul, .',i:i,-isa his arm about his mothor's wairit uml ho wan d ilnu' Lincoln fr-'Ui Oon. Orant; iTedidcnt Oarlleld »till lives. 'Ihat Mich is the Olirrenllialiilltiijs— for ttdjustniiiiit have l».eii li.veil. .-M'ter tlnit -1.1 1,1'. -17 nui N) not a HluK't-'woid of complaint, Whcu I>r. iitunityfor tho recovery of tlda m.-ney. Fina ly, A pruniiueut Ea-.lerii pliysiiuan lins il7 Hi as ICHH bundi'd him a llJr|^eKla^B if vUiinkv, tlm Pn-ni- Ids hoHl tocoiiso:i- hur. She ver nearly bi-ok(»tlown I'U.nKiioN, N, .L, July 'J. fact in lurgoly duo to his vlg runs eoiu-t'tution, hi- wlih tho aid of Mr. Geortro ScovH'e, lawyer, who tiod Co,, imder instructions from Jeff Davis, redskin a. lalereHt due and tiniiaid 2,l'J.-.,.'sl-l Ibo work will again fall baci! intn its usini' To .Secretary Lincoln, WuHbiUKton: ttMiiimrale hub.ts, his lobtist liridth und his indomit- .» related Hint he was eonsultiid by two llVK—No. 'J I'll 111' ti7 dt-nt Haid, with a r-nu c, aw he took it: •* Ptiet r, you 'ifter this, liut In a momuut uhe ro;jui!ied her r^elt- inurrif.vl his Hl'iter, be aucceedod in getting noniu of THE following is condeusod frorii Part Iltlit on which Inlerest lias eeasdd r.,--j;i,H(i.-, course. Ttie settleiiir-nts m .\t year ought to control. Pit) ihO dispatch me the condlliou of tho Presidr-nt. ablu pIuuU. As Secrctury Wiiidoni remarked this 7l.s,IWll Ml i«. 1 (111 will make me drunk '' AfUir tho rcactl.ui and tlie it buck, and, after a very bri.f renidpiice in New An accident on tho Chicago, Bnrh'ng- Itili-rf'sl thureoii....., , eoiisiiraptives as to the ]iropriety of niar- reach 'rum 4,0.tllill to ni.i.WI, ]'"irst, (l.ire rttimulaulH inelinnl him to do/.e tho hope that ho News rooiVK) coutlict^ 1 bopo thu most favorable morning; " if the lTei.idoiit bad not been one of the York, hecamo to this city, whore hu opiiearod in [I., relating to lito insurance, of the Clotd ami HlIvercnrtiIi(!nt tooiiKUKtMi back from Jbirtou, Thu Secretary of State leccived from Sir Kdward Lihrury, from wh ch be waa ohurged with Htuallng locomotive j the part remaining behind was nin Total , ,,$ ;;4!i,M,-ii.-i loved i.iaeli iilher ardeiilly, and I'niild Jio; inetuding that reii;;vi.d frciii the w.nk upon the .. 1 17 fiii 1 so theru wan a (inntiuued strtjiim of diplomatic callers mlned, yet choorful. •'• niis s •emt to dr- lered 2,901, ivprebontiiig ,'J5,597.714 of .. 1 ll fi.l 1 17 a t:o!or'-d luiul;innn. tie i^aiil ho wanted to ^m Tli.irntou, tho llrlti-h Minister, tiio followiiiK telc- .^rme iMoks, Ho waw proiouut4:d, but wua Available assets— be happy apart, Ilu eoniisoled tli<;iii to lie"' records, equal to nearly SO per ci t und othi'lalH. limy wciti reeoived Jti thelnibMuy, Ki'iini. diiioil L'^'idf-i). 'iD'y 'J, lOjb'i p. in,: srritw thu President's mental oondltimi perfectly. acquitted, and afterwards brought auit insurance. Frriiuiiiins recoiyod, $1,052,- into by another advancing stocli train, and two ^ i!itVi(i:i,4in -1.1 (.1. 4li to ii on wood Couictery in a short time, and Ho has a soul that kiiowN no ftuir, und, wiifu hu nn- Ciit-li In treasury marry, nnd they did so, Tliey lived lo- Tliird, there will bo a large'ine-.-ease ill the near tht! I'rcHidt"lit M private room. Iferc, no ttered wunti-d till! hackmiiU to dri*o \i ry fast when To Sir r.dwanl Thornton, British Ambanaador, against the associutiuu. Toward the tl.l lritiiitefl it for an Inntunt to cioa of 187U ho marrird a yoimglady iu thlnoity ally incurred, $418,(537. 'ihe nundier of law as nioditied last winter, ongliccunsidi.r. bly .. till for tho haok on condition that the haekninn should Tho Quenn dnsircfl that you willatoncR oxprni's li'S, interest iiayablu in lawful inunuy, dozen years, lu.d died at idiout lliii same day, all of the reprc-cutatvu men ut Wanldnuton. unnerve him or to cloud his fucndtles. Hia pnln, and movod with her, to Nvw York, whnra they lived policies in force in Michigan is 20,858 ; The members of the nation.al and tho ..III 'i;-| (ii.lll ,111 drive fast, Whuii utopped, the as^asnin was KOIUR liernnrrow with wlrch she Ian'enrned of tho att^-mpt which haH b en at tluios iutoiiH.', bus bosn bornu Iiiineiiial niit--t«iidiim...... | lo iiiereaso the niimlier of c aims that will be 1'he.i,'nfH dt>*>rM which aeparate the larKO, with) hall lipm the President'M life, and her waniioft hope ituhupplL for a tew monlhn, and nho finally got a State Biiards of Health mot at Chicago iind din- time. .-Veeordiiig to the jiliysieal school ,(ii> it; to tho hack he had cnff'flL'^U nod ) o ii sltitcd thut it with patiunt (rliccrfuliicHs, No murmur ban co- lusuruuoe covered, $39,441,212, . The Inleresl aeerucd and not .yot jiaid i,ii;w,7ii.', setthid. These adviiiila;.;es, tojetla-r with the n. nf tJi.* W»ttt>' H uiHc froMi itw> 'or Ui* VM of the evet-ii- wasimporciint forhlm to Round dolivur a mc.-tfUkia for hts recovery. Mer Mnjosfy wi shun for full and riivotcu from him on acoouut of bia cruo ty and ilU 131', 1.0 U IS. tiva oniren were uloaed nnd looked. Tlw oorre*- captd lilni. JIu has been UK tender i.mi connidoraUi cuaaod the question of piovontiag tho spread Iiiterf'St paid liy United Ktates 4U,ous,.'ai(i of thinkers, tluy should have ri'maiiicd character of the eliiiiia before referred ' lo, tuCleii. S OUANVII.I,K. IM in the hours of lUs greatest vigor and joyou«not»s. of this State be amended at tlio, next oCsmaU-poi. Interest reisiid ny transiiortiiiion of to tho prixitto port of the houMe, In the flc- Mi-..rtu't't. iUto.dlflbMtliy onaocountof hia cheat ng the hotola .years in solibiry diseontent, (.)f eoiirse niiniber of allow.incou. Wo have ex- .. Ill l.i) i..1 neitjhiiorhood of 11 o'clock, Thia hallway AUTiiun'rt oosnoi.r.soK, aesuon so that the reserve in the valua­ • mails ]<,.i2(i,ia« Tho foUowIiif,' tcluh'ram was mccivod by SecruUry During Clin night, allhongh the wound wua not out of ttieir lioard bi«s, was Ininrifoncd tu Ludlow The congregation of tho Kov, (Mayor) ny cash p.'i.viituiits of 5 par cent, of nut haustod the )eiihien ap|iroiiriati.'n this KVU .. W (..) s,- wm durketied. PaHhluff down thla to Following la ftcop y of tho letterp street jnll, and was rolcar^cd only by the oserllons of tliere ran bo no gtmeral inlo for ea.scs in I'llUH—Jlo.-s ..10 Ml liClC 7-1 tiio iixtromo end, atiotber u\ti*H door, nlno niiiine: prolwd, nifdlcal testawuiu,«nipIoyedby ihesurireoiif tion of poli ies slmll bo bused on 4 in­ earliiiuis. c-i.-^ms .year, S,'in„'!0'J,!lO(i.CS, and Ji avi; In en cent'd, uud the prlvato r )om o( Gen. TothoWbltaHouae KKW YonK, .Tuly 3. otHcln<4 at No. ITO'^tfth avenue, and lining f->ra stead of 4\ per cent, intorekt, i •• Thn Hon. TnmoH O. llLiiiioSecrutary of Stuto, Wiiah- a:t«rnativ« ol two poHiti'uu. They suld it was o.thcr him a letter ankliig him not to run for office 8tat4iH ;M,U7,'.Ml lie judged ou its own merits,—Cinviii- CI-NOl.N.S'ATl Cbirlie d waH p-Hhcd. It IH a jar^re, Hpueiou" room. The Prcaldout'fl trairlo death wan » aad ncccHsIty, threat thn Clifton UoiHe, l-ol'lng to pay his bill .. 1 ni ,«l I SO Tht* ftirnituro in a Ibtht wood. Tho eurpet is d'lrk, iut,'ton: lodged in the lower edge of tho ritiht lobo of thn ielled to carry over into ,fnly nearly nil the but it will unite the llopuhllcan party in tmvu tbo liver, or that it had pa^si d through that portion of at this hotel, ufl he hud fuiled to pay it ut HO ABOUT 10 o'clock Tuesday evening, the again. He responded that he would not. tm/i Oa:i:l/c, inl 111 ovoriun with Hinall crlnif^oii roscH and t^ti-ai.'^'mv; Yoiir telugram with iti deploralilo narratl^ii day nnd June setilnnenrs, I think they w.11 .. *» republic. Life la a flimsy droam, and It matters lit­ tbe'tveraudw n Indued in tbo antoitor wall of tbo innny others, he wua nucnniuri'y ujuclud. The rellected light from the light-lionstj; on f .. ail ft) 411 vincB. Thti room itHi'lf wtin irodfratnly dail.'en**, tle when onaRoea. A human life ia of sma 1 liiiport- did not ntMch mu iiromptly, o^iuft to my ab­ following > niir ho wun over at No. 147 LftSallo street, Oinciuuati is to have new stock-yards, MISCEIiI^NEOTTS GZEANINGS. requiio for tiio first pa.Miieiitsabout .ffjO,e(lu,fluO. leioiittli liKht comiuH iu frtuu tlm Houtb-rn wlmlown sence. I am profound'y sh icked at the abdomen. I'hrough tho night morphine wns con. TWELVE years ago Oei r^o Smith, of (III tw •nofc Duriiie the war MiouwindH of brave boyH went HtantlyuNOd to deaden tho puin, and for other re- and Mas milking an effort to live at the Guult Ilouau, tho outer isluud, ouo of'the Apostle,, 'i'his, added to tho exi eeted iiiiToase in the I'uKU—.M>.-r;s ..1.. 0 :n'J.-! (<'i>in .111 to Miflit up the ••I'oi"- lib »iit tim hM 'rhore !"'• '•'"" dfondfuluewH. The hopes yon t(ia,UOO capital was aubscribcd. Columbia ouunty, N, Y,, mniTiedr, pretty down without A toar. I presume tho Preside t wits preRBlvepurpoHifl. but wus pur out of ttMrn for hla pocullarltiun. Dur­ islands, Lake Superior, Avnsyisitile at IkUasia thinks that if Kngland can pro­ flottlomont next year, will trim; the amoniit for ., 11 ei) 11.' OatiVe'd, witti hiw head all htly HUpporled ftChrliiMau, and that hu Hill bo happier in Paradise wind tlm horror nf lhetlr^t aunouncoiuent, T await ing this year hn wont to New York and iigaiu ro- fiirtluy Into'Iijiouiro with the Kreatost ufixIMy. Kx- Ice wan alan constantly used to provnnt Inflamma­ Prom March 1 to June 29, this year, test against the action of Foihana in Ainerici, girl named Carrie .Miller, After several next year ii]) lo nearlv or quite sOO,(iOO,OllO, so TOLKDO. upon u low pillow. Half nieliuliiK upon thu than here. Itwid bu no worpe for Miv, Ourlield, i^^unicd tliu pract CO of the law thcr'>. Owmg to bis Ontonagon. The light-housia is distant .. 1 111 (i). ] 'Jfl bed near himiniH C;»l. U c.k^el}m a Rray twemi p^•H.^ to the I'nuide-t and JUiorc abiitit libu my Krlei tion, and tho wound waa continually hwabbod, irrugolailtlt'K wtnn intruhtod with tlie collectbm years of wedded life a wealthy bachelor tlieiv) will bo reqiiirii.l for tbo piiiisinns next dear Koul, to part witli her I nsbaml thia way than Mrs. OarHe'd IH very cortiiin that her liusbaml wid about fifty-two miles, iii ji west- tho number of liogs packed iu Giiieago wan soiiiething should be done by Eiiropoaii powers . , 1 '20 (if. 1 'J I hy natural death. He la liable to RO at any time, iiii.l i-yiiipathy, in wbkJi the whole Anioricul p^npli of dob.a—for hn col uotod hla share llntt uud fell in love with Carrie, and George con­ your an anpropnntion of .f-IO,0110,000 in addition ..ult I'.*"..- .1 .... I.h -t 1>..... ••^7,'O.f ntto..MvA. wllijiih.. (!. A. AuTiii.'u. recover. The Pru-ldenthlniFelf Hhurea thlsoplninn. northwest course from this ^pniiiit,. 1,225,000 against 1,500,000 lor tbo currespond- lo limit the conspiracies of exiled NihihslB, ,, -IS W 411 anyway, I had no ir-\dll unainst tho PrcKideiit. hen ut Ids clionl do tbo roct of tho collecting to the 4,10.11011,010 already loipnipriatod. New .. tin In) 117 ly at tho ProHldentto antioipnta ovory morementof Once only hivs ho felt that h!a hoiira wore numborud, for him o'f—lio was written up ex ousivoly by sented to sell all right, tiHo and inter­ Fc'uFiic anil tNlckl}- PcrNnnm I!la death waa apolitical neciHNity. lamaluw.er, when, at Ida own request, at a timn when he seemed The light was made visible froni'reflec­ iug season last year. claims coalinne to eoine in very rai idl.v. There UKI'UOIT, bin will almost hef re tho utturancA,.' « thoolOKlan and a poUtielaii, I am a stalwart tif hu THK ri-UIMNll IH KNai.JlK11. tlui New York IkraUl^ hla pi-aotlcos' being com- Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Booth and Mr. est in lit r for tho sum of .$2,000, The to bo (linking rapidly, tho pby^ielftlm told him that tion ou the uun'oooof tho srater, the lake have been lllerl tins year upward of 30,000 .. (1 f)0 (^ 7 'JI Rfcnvor thorv'tiillty hj immuliKt n rainrso n( irimlot- The Htolid ami faithful hoiiHo stewftrd ntood at tha •tnlwurla. I wtm witJi Oon. Oraut and the ivt-'t of LONDON; July 3, monleil on hi vory unfavoraWe terma. After Soutb. .r, H, Jle'Vioker arrived in New York on the head of thu lied, and one or two moHHonRern woro ItdnlilRnnoe of tlxi ntt'^mpt tn anitasfdmitoiVosi- tha chances wcro that ho had not many hours tn lieiug culm, and as thelightliouaois ))e- money was paid, George resigned his now orn'inal claims." .. 1 IH (1.) 1 111 our men in Now York during tbeoanvaKK. I have this article ho sued the juipur for $l(Hi.ftO0, and iu tiir'n Slomiicli Olllorii. Hui numl ii'piilirinviKnr nt and riuit^'t'd about, oU^viiif; the ordera of tho phyrticlann. dont O.irflo d W.IM received h. re about OoVock yt-a- live. But it waa only for'^a ^el'V^h'•rt lime tin" be Oirt-.ljur of thut year returned ttvCwcuco, In steamship Uotlmia from Livoipool, wife, and lent tho S'2,000 to his broHier ,. M (n) f.'J wmic papnni for tho prosp wliloh I hhal) .'eavowllh seemed to.fcel that hlaoudwaa near, and, efon tbcni low the borii!on,.as viewed ^ from- hiere, Five persons were killed and five in­ (dl 41 lillm-nl.v.i nioitlc'lno in iisii. GoniTnl iliililllly. luvnr and .Mr.-i, Dr. tld-ion, mo celebrated woman doctor of llyron \ndruwAaud hiu co'-joiirna ists at No. I,l-.;i) torday, crualihf; lie most Inteiiso fxcitomniit nniouF^ January, lHi7, liu broku out with his rdllglouu All iMiineiisc Snggpsdoii, ,. 411 ho was not doapondent. / The American Protestant Association •Abncr, of Dutchess county, to bo in­ ll.uil.av (periaiiital) ,, 1 Ml (.11 'J m n«iin, iij'»|Mj|iBia. cointiipi.tlon, iliiiuln;ill»ni iiail nthiir the city, \Win wta one of thn prhiclpikl phyflieliDd Now York aveuun, where all rejiorters cau HLV them. A.mericuiis. Ad sorbt of Hpecnatlrns were indulROd inaiiti. Ilo had concolvoil tbo idea thut the iVeo nd the roHected light wiis thrown ilpiou tlio jured by tho bursting of tbo boilers of tbo ill, .Souio th iiiuht it was d<>ni- by HoclitJinfs, ns part vested in improvements upini a farm. A BoKton young lady of ciilehaw, who ..17 60 (..U7 7.5 inidnilimnrooimip.nloyriuniivod liy it, A«li UIUBU who "•t''»U'boi' 11 ^^r^ rb.rhe'tl, wm n so In thf room. I am now goinff to jail. OIIAUI.KS OI;ITI:AU, Late In the niuht ha talked of p^eaaant thlngi*. and coining 01 Olwliit occiirn d atthotimo of thu dastruc- cali^ surface of water, ^whiohiidtediiUik steamboat Pbai.'toti, near Mnysvillo, Ky. Tho hold its tbiriy-first annual convention in Phila­ IN'WAN.U'OLia Hliu is a tall, broad-Hhnuldorod, mbuHt-lookltig wom- of 11 'mnorid p'an for the ii-sa sluiitlon of tho rulerp • 1 cunfcd with tliQ wntchiug ph nlcian, Dr. B Ins, tion of Junisa cm, and that we were not I.Ymg un-, Now he wanta the money back and sues is mtieli iiijnoyed liy tho aturiug of rudo linvii iieod It what It Ima douo fur tlipin, iMi, dro-Hcd In plain, rattier NMdy-Iooklnf( Tlie folowiiiR lotlor WUH found ou thoidroeL ehort- of the various nountrios, as Intoly announoftd in tbo what tho effect upon bis (tho PreHldotit'n) career dor t'e ii.w di-punsalion. lie tried to enlorco Ihivo mirror, cugtitig the V^tlected ii^i.vti nt; tliu. boat was racing when tbo disaster occurred. delphia, Samuel Liggett, of that cit,v, win , 1 in {•?, 1 17 for it, and it is in the prosoculioti of this young men in the hor.-c-cnrs, and who Ciirts—>in. 2 ,. <.i f.i) 4*1 tsr- I'-or Hiiln liy all Dmwliitii imd D.!:ili,rii/.ino, IXer yol uwlRh-Kray hair ly after auiteuu'a arrest, Tho envoi..po uasim- Souia i^ t prowrammo. flujipoi-liif.' Auoh t. • won:d have iHion hud a brother of Dr. BUSH (who doc'riiir'.s thniUKh mciures delivered in Ibo city, and distnni-e of 'fifty-two^inilo^'iu a long,- Dick Wood, a nbtorioiia character in ek'cteil Grand Ktaster, and John Pibo, of Ch. .. till (iR till w:t^< cull trboit, and oonilwd down ntraig t poalcd and uddrwpo*!: *'P'enH0 dollvor at onco to bt» iiie ciiKB, It wan tho unlvor-nl watt Oartield'H boon ooninunlon) failed to roturn to thr.uigh ptimphlotR ami l>o >ks winch ho prin od. In uiit that George's tiue marital history ia is, moreovi.'i', beyond her years a slirewd wish that tlio iiHsiiffiln aliou'd novor IHI July of that year hu wau arro.stcd on a diuruu of uin- lirilliuut sti'oaiii ollbm. ^—Qiitanaaoti^'' oagn, Deputy Grand Master. iSAS'r i.!llKUTV, [•.V. Itki'U munM. .She wnro ^old-howod KlaHPoa tliat Oen. Sherman or hla flrat aHaiatinit in uharjio of tho liiin a $10 m to which he had lost-. " L'tm loss of ih .t Miner, ...,..•...•...... ,^.....••^ . . Woatcfu Teicaa, was t-akon from tho Sheriff, bronglit to light. Aimer set-j up a coun­ jndgo of liumaii nnlure, lias di.seovered ,, n in (3 fir, n THE NEW EDUCATION wf.vn e.mliutialiv f^UUni^ oil' from horlons, Uiin h0.io, I \l'itr DupartJiioiiK" jioruiltblil til ruuch the jail ffivn, ft waa nlno hoped holQ," Huid tho Pro.id.nt, "might huvo proventud near Cariso, and shot to doatli. A furious wind and rain storm pro ter claim for board, washing, clotlios a simple nunedy ngiiinst the di.scomfort. .. n uo (t6 (1 (11 . i M (/i i 7.-. A firo dcHtroyed flvo buildings at vailed over a large Boction of Ohio, cansin;. and Bupplios, and threatena George with She re]KirtH thnt by gazing at the shoes .. 0 7r, Cn) tl 4U OyorsbiU'B, Tcnn,, tho other night. much injury to Ufo and property. The utorui HI criminal prodecutiou for theft. of such silent admirers with a look of ,.300 & * nj p. O. "uVVi-'.NVw'iSo'ii.^^onn. U the; redkless wanderings of vicious fanatic indulging in maniac dreams, band." He looked up to the lady with JEWEI.ERN. in Ivc onr republic of Its tcgltliniito head, and dc- M. 3. Ilnck.—Fuhiltiiro. 'muiid that iill the power of the repniillc be put Iron Works. Sayers JL' Phelps.—Hai'dwaro. m» mind, or or organs which delight in yet the deed is demoralizing in its in­ an anxious face, and said: "I want LIA8 OULVETlTuoiUoHirwiilcto^^ 111 force ui iHinlsh all tiuch ntteiupts, and that 1 E jewelry, Kilverwnre, etc, Repairing done. we pledge oumolvet anew to remedy all OTlls by befouling oharaoters. No Just man fluence. The fatal results of it will be her to, go to bed. Will you tell her the taillotnloiic. O. M.nAItNES. S. EJARVI.S. JOSEPH LUGKIt will hold him responsible for the de­ to give men antagonistic to the presi­ that I say If she will undress and go to Tliiirmlajr, July 7, 1S81. C, MERHY,Jeweler, and dealer In watclius, THE GRAND SUCCESS OF TkunitjiJidj 7, 1881. J , clovkN, Jewelry, HJlverwarc, and musical A .MOTION WA.S ."NfADK sires of ah assassin whom he in no dent the power which be wielded to bed I will turn right over, and I feel InstrumontK, RopnlrlnK a Rpoclalty, Call! to strike out the last clause of the reso­ LAN8IN0 IRON WORKS, THEamount iwld for peuslbnadur­ way prompted, any more than they their discomfiture. The weapons he sure that when I know she Is In bed I BiisIniBss Cards. lution relative to the attempted assas­ Manufiicturcrs of ing the flsoal year, ending June SO, would for the ravings of a maniac; used against them may fall by this act can go to sleep and sleep all night. ADDITIONAL LOCAL, sination of I'residentGarlleld, reading and all virtuous minded people are into their hands. The fact will be an Tell iier," he exclaimed with sudden ATT4»KarKVN. as follows: "and that we pledge our­ SAYERS tc PHELPS, waBfea,882,897. : .;; • : The Ba])tlst Chureh Ladles' Society, quite ready to believe that no man in ever-present temptation to future an­ energy, "that I will sleep all night If M. D. CHATTERTON, selves anew to remedy all evils by the Farm £DK Portable Saw Mills, If you want anything In the line of Furniture, don't fail to give me nt their annual meeting, Tuesday, IT must be made a crime in this frieze the nation is more thoroughly shocked tagonists of the Incumbent of the pres­ she will only do what I ask." Mrs. a call before you buy, I have a TTORNKY AT LAW, MASON, .MlCit.- ballot alone." One man said that he circular Nnw MIIIH, Rollcrii BHU All Hindu of land to teaclii as communists do, tbat A llavlriKS yeiiiH cxpcrloiico an .1IUIK<> "f elected the following offleers for the -OP THE- and horrified by the crime than Mr. idency. Wliat fanaticism has now James eon veyed the message to Mrs. Proliato, I mal«« proljiite practice ii specialty. would rather pay ijiStK) (In "Hat" money Iron,and KtiPlnc Wurk, BulldliiKIron. ensuing year: assassinat^ion is a virtue. Arthur.—JPoat and Tribune. done, unscrupulous ambition nuiy here­ Gai'fleld, who said to her at once: "Go perhaps), than to have those words go BrldKc BoliH and all klndioflla- after find Its advantage in doing. It back ami tell him that I am undres­ First-Class Stock to Select From. C F NCWKIRK I'tcKliloHt—Mrs. K, F. JIciicli. cblnerr and CaHtldgg, CoMMUMiSM is the liigliest crime TTORNEY-Vr LAW. INSURANCE AND Vlccl'icsiiUiiii—Mis. U. nnlilwlii. out as the sentiments of the grcenbaek ORITEAU'S MOTIVE. is not so nmch that Arthur and the sing." She retin-ned with theanswer, cal!ccMon» lo Ills face, exceedingly interoi|tlng. Several prom^ ing.kind for years. He has lived by dents and the factions behind them, der scene with moistened eyes and RUSSELL C. 08TRANDER, The ballot may answer for u time, but anteed. Buy yonrmnclilnery athoine, where stock Hian usual for the " this method of solving factional quar­ tremulous lips. It is an episode in a TTORNEY AT LAW, ROOM W I'. O. Ajid pierced Ills own wltli a lovely gliUer; repnlrs can be (|iilckly obtained. inent men iiidicted for attempted bri­ imposing upon the credulity of ehrls- In fact, everything in the line that is M'anted, at BiUtdlriK, LaaHlni;, Mich. Then soft slio iiiiirimired, witli winniiig sriico, so many of themhavedeelarcdin favor rels will always present Itself to the A bery, and one lending candidate for U. tiian, people and of all who could be great career M'hieh will leave an Im­ "Do I love, you, (JeorgeJ Well, I flioiilrttf it- of bayoneting the bondholder and JARVIS. BARNES A CO. n. P. IIEN-DEIiSON'. OEO. F. DAY. S. senoitori the hero of a, scandal. At persuaded by his specious manner to daring and the conseienecless, as well pression on every soul that hoimrs a Prices that will Compare with Detroit, Jack­ tor." —Grniid Lfdj/u Inilcpeiuleiil. burning the bonds, and so often has Spring and Summer Trade of ISSI, as to the lunatic and fanatic.—Free HENDERSON & DAY, trust him. And he has hoped to pro­ noble life, profounder far than the most son, or Grand Rapids. A TXORNEYS .VND COUNSELORS .\T the cty been raised that "nitro-glycer- Clocks.—J. C. Berry. this rate what are the people of New And hope to receive as liberal a share of patrdnage oa usual, as the goods York state to expect by the time the long his course of imposition by sad­ brilliant flights of his lofty rhetoric or A. law. .OlIIco over First National bank, Ine is as cheap In the United States ns 1 make a specialty in MaHoii, Jdch. DIINN.-To Mr. and Mrs.Clias Dunn,of White are bought at the lowest CASH market rates and will be sold ; dling himself upon the government. his bravest feat at arms. in Russia," that with commendable legislature succeeds in electing two THE"7JIIEAT SUFFEKER. Oak, a boy. Weight, (I pounds. at a rea.'sonable profit. ' United States senators. The president seemed to his corrupted It is there on the sick bed, thoughts Crankiiess they refuse to be bound as KLOX! mind the one impediment in liis way. President Garfield has never appear­ ful of his feeble wife, tender to his iWARKIKII. to their action in eoiningdays. CURTAINS # LAMBERQUINS, L. A. SNELU M." D," THERE is a mournful satisfaction in ed in a moreadmlrable light before tlie children, gentle to his friends, patient \\RITNKy-.SMlTlI.-I« LniHiiig. ,lulv I, liv The efforts made by the president to OMCEOl'-VTHlCrilVSlCIANANDSUR- liev. L. B. roller. Cliiirlos E. Whitney anil ELOX! Among ovir Specialties will be found Refrigerators, Ice Cream noting how the people have laid aside purify all departments of the govern­ comitry than he has sincethe criminal under sufU'ring and submissive to his In making them complete or ftirnlshing nuiterial. Everything delivered geon. Office lit rcKldcnce, <'f>i' Maple .Miss -Miiry A. Smith, both of Del;*. at the nearest Deiiot or at your House. J)(ui't forget the jilacc, nniHl D'sts. Ollloo lioiirs fniiii X to 2:;i(i r. M. Freezers, Ice Chests, Vapor Stoves, Oil Stoves^ Granite all party and factional feeling during ment, and his insistance on the execu­ assault upon his life. The people have God, tliiit .Tames A. Garfield lies re­ ,T0IINSON--I>UUMN.-Iii l.iiiisliig, .fiily I, bv Fvn.\iTi;Ri:. seen him struggling out of property; vealed in the full measure of his great P. H. BUMPUS, M. D., llev. W, K. Sjiciicer, Mr. .Vlnoii L. •Tolinson o'f OLOX! Iron Ware, Pat. Sheep Markers, Biding aind Driving the hour of the nation's trial. Every- tive right to Judge of the character 128 and 124 Washington Ave., Lansinp, Mich. t.iigriiiige, Ohio, uiid Miss KItiu Uriiian of liave seen him a plodding laborer; an ness.—J'oHl and TriOune. e IC'K Lunfing titwiiKtilp, body seems to liave forgotten party and fitness of appointees, seemed to up stairs. NlKtil. calliiau- Whips, and the finest line of American Table and earnest scholar, a devoted patroit; a H worth block, affiliations and only remember that this wretch a personal attack upon swci'cd atolllcc. Pntlmte Court. H. C. RANSOM, OLOX! Pocket Cutlery to be found in Central Mich. himself, for, whether Justly or other­ bnive and skillful soldier; a brilliant WASHINGTON. M. J. BUCK. they are citizens of a common country, LEWIS P. MAY. M. D., and under the shadow of a terrible wise, he regarded an appointment as orator; a profound and honest states­ {l&Ohi our rcituktr Ocji'vcspoiuiant.) •nilVSIClAN AND SUUtir.iXV. (iFFirK Following are tlie proceedings in the Kos. 141 Id 143 Mlln St, certain but for the president. How man ; a chani]ilon of the poor and op­ WASiri.NO'ioN IXC, .Inly 2, ISSI. I la Cook niock. opposite rlic I'osiolltcc. JAl'KSO.V. lUS HIS .\EW We also Invite your inspection of our Grand Display of calamity. ^^^^^^^^^ Caiinou & ])u Hols.—Hnrdwiiro. Siglit calls answered at the oftlcc. probate court up to and Including CLOCKS! much lies back of this, that Is yet un­ pressed, and finally a firm and impar­ The close of the fiscal year, the last .TulyO: IT would be well for those who are Spx*ingf Stocic -AT— known, whether his mind has been in­ tial president, superior to flattery ; un­ day of .Tune, generally brings with it, W. W. ROOT, M. D., I» the estiito of Krcd Trosicl, insane, I.etiers so much taken up with the glowing •WILL HE I.V OF fluenced Ijy the scoundrels of the star disturbed liy vituperation and unswerv- in (he capital, some changes more or FFICE AT UESIDENCE. ofspeclnl unardiaashi|i ie^iiied to A. O, llcineai, accounts of the fertile soil, salubrious STOP A^MOIVLBNT] ~ Miisou (in Saturday_ , s a nd S, taught by Jfiss Uelle nusouitcns. the coiiimissioncr of agricuKure, and R. W. H. .MOUSE, OFinClO I.V THE what it is In Mlclxigan. Failure to un­ in the Oneida community, and cer­ From the monient ho fell ujion the Swoot blocl^ Wright. Those marked with an aster­ r.oans and discounts 81i!l,S12 71 it is generidly understood that General IIVCLXJ13IIVO EVEII.YTPIIJVG. D Overiinia.s 71s ;« derstand this fact has caused ninny tainly aided by its conmiunistic teach­ floor of the depot, he ajipreciated the isk liave been orderly and have not IJ. M. lloiuls to secure circulation KIO.IHBI CK) Carmen, M'IIO was the former chief ARVIIITKOrN A.>U IIIUMJKKS. farmers to feel the pangs of bitter dis­ ing. He has been a well-dressed, oliy- full gravity of his situation, and he whispered during the entire term of 111 Hue iroiii npiiroved reserve ni,'eiit.s.. !{|,W.'i SI clerk, will bo re-instated. The pros- Due from oilier National liaiiks i,S'J7 Hi) The Immense success of the Banner & Winner Cooking Stoves Is proved appointment when their crops Imve contemplated it with heroic christian S. A. PADDOCK A CO., weeks ending .Tune ii, ISSI : lloalestate,I'uniitiire.and tl.xtui'es.,. '2,;v\o IS) tongucd tramp, a levyer of blackniail, Section Knives for all Moiving IM^achines. (.'uiTiMit e.\|iensesiind tn.vcs paid 1,1121 (W calmness. His faculties have been un­ uro forofViec in the treasury depart­ RCHITl-Xri-S, CONTUACTORS, AND •.MnyTatnmdgu, Illnach Tnlnindge, beyond a doubt. We are daily receiving these Stoves. When In want of a proved an entire failure. The wheat and a swindling thief, and he has had llHlldcrs, and in-opriotors of liic Mason Checks nnd otiier cash items 31) liO clouded and his temper at all times has ment is very great, and it is reported Finest assortment of Stoves ever in the city, including A .Scymmir Talniadgu, 'Cora lliirkness, mils of oilier banks 215 IJO first-class Cook Stove, at prices to suit you, call and see us. We keep on hand land of Texas, 08 a rule, is no easier sense enough to play his long game of liinilioryard ami piaiiing mill. Siisli, doors, Walter llnrUness, Karl Ilarliness, that General .T. B. Hawley, the former THE CROWNING GLORY, the finest Stove and IdliKis at wiiolcsalc and i-etnii. Eniclioniii paper currency, nickels the Jackson Fire Clay Drain and Sewer Tile. Orders filled by the ear lot at to work than Michigan land, and the ImiKisition and crime and escape pun­ been sweet and serene, cheerful and •I.utie Markhiiiii Katie Markhani, and pennies i.-, 00 ever placed in the market. •Ilannali I.oiit;, Ilarvciy Crowl, Spci'ie ;l,|()7 ,SI) firm. able assistant secretary, will take the Herliert C'rowl, climate is enervating. Tiie railroads ishment except In a few Instances. •i«>'i'i:i.K. Homer Orowi, l.e.i-'al tcndi'r notes O'M DO A moment after the wounding, when jiosition once more. Kliner Olils, Artliiir Olds, lli'diinption fund wllli U. «. treas­ are exhorbltant in their charges for He lias been cunning and bold by A fine lot of Whips. Mny Itlond. (iiMinio olirlsilan, urer (.> iK'r cent, of circulation) •I,.5()0 00 40,000 IBS. FAINT the palsy of the first shock was upon DONNELLY HOUSE, llertieClirlslian .lohnie Wiliett. MANUFACTURERS PRICES. transportation, and many a farm can turns; too clover and too bold to be The president h:is appointed ^ir. B. Ida Wiliett, .lust received which I will retail at him, his thoughts turned to the loving Hanging Lamps and Chandeliers. ASON, Mirif. ii..i. iio.vNEi.r.Y, rno- Harry Hodges, Total. .... i-M,SM -17 bo purchiised for less than the cost of either an imbecile or a fanatical ma­ S. l'"oster U. S. mai'shal for the district prlcioi\ Tlic largest, best, aiui most ciim- Mnry llanly, S. L. Hiirdy, We are Manufacturers Agents for Plate, Cut, Stained and Ornamented invalid wife at Long Bratich, and lie Table and Pocket Cutlery. Mniodious hotel in the city. 'J'libicstlllod witli •Znda Ives, Franl< Ives. I.IAIIII.ITIKS. improvements. These facts speak for niac. of Indiana in the place of General W. Bll tlio delicacies of tlie season. lirst-class Earnest, Clurit, I.iiltie Clark, Capital slock paid in Jll»l,n(H) IK) Glass for Stores, Dwellings, smd Front Doors. Orders fllled on the shortest dictated to her a dis|iatcli marked for •.May .Murphy, Hiiriiliis fund •M.mi m VITliolesale Prices themselves. There is no state In the Dudley, who has assumed the office Kainple rooms. Gondstablcaccoinnionatlons. Ella I.ayrneli. Lizzie Murphy, notice. • '•" And in this last cunning crime he its tlioughtful tenderness. Near railroad depot, IJndiviirn'i;«. C'oiireiitions, Meetiiig.—Meelinf! of the slate lioard uf efpia!- HO! HO! lives of the officers of government, but ed by a lofty purjxjse, willing to com­ H. WOOD KEEPS ROOKS, S'l'ATI(1N- I do not tiiink you can live many itatloH, toegtaliiish the county Taluation, for NtMvcoiiib, Eiidicott & Co. FARMERFmSUKAIOE PA1.A0E p against the lives of prominent pri­ mit a crime and suffer the severest On the last day of June, Mr. James THAT ARE BARGAINS. . ery and News. Postotlicc lilock. hours." G live years to come, vate citizens. Not long since. In the penalty for the accomplishment of Gilfillan, the (reasurer of the Uniled .\U(;. ii'2, at Cadillac—.Vninml niecting of the "God's will be done," he firmly re- ' F. W. HAVENS, HA! THE CONTmENTAL INS. CO., court house In Mason, a public sjieakcr that purpose, but he was a thief, turn­ S(a(cs, miiilest. lor .^ug. 17-20, at Charlotte. you to call and get familiar Avith our ninto way of (loins business, I sholl close mi The deed which sent a thrill of hor­ mail in the room. All tlicse critical infonimtlon write InO. !•". A lllor, secretiiry, dangerous elements of our society. We division of the treasury department, All Opportunity which Consum­ Eden. .Samuel Sliiidan.prosldfiit liaiisville. .Store wlietlier you wish to pureliase or a'?t°elJ''tM2ar "' «"•"«'"•'". i««». ""S believe in the time honored republican ror through the country sixteen years Imui's were marked by a perfect self- who lias just returned from an investi­ Kenl Kstnte 'iyaiisrer.x. not. YOU AltE HEARTILY WEL­ ago has been repeated. A second wan­ control and a wonderful loving thouyht- COME. TRAVELTI^UBLICI doctrine of freedom of speech and press, gation into the accoiiiifs of the Pacific ers Should Improve. Jlasiin |{usiiu'.ss Dirot'tory. The following are tlie real estate Strictly Cash Business! but at the same time, we fully rcnli/.e ton, uncalled-for andatrocious uttemjit fulnoss of others. His mind was fixed Keception and Toilet rooms fitted up Tho mail route Irom Dansvllio to Mason railroads, slated that (liere was a great tran.saetioiis reeorded in the books of on the Millinery lloor, where you can having been discontlnned, tho subscriber And...r„_. as .I . shal„ rl have— no* P*""1 " accounts,can that this privilege ceases to be right to gratify, under public pretexts, pri­ upon his wife, his children and his demanil for laboring men on (he North­ Tiiere never was, it is sale to say there never will be a lietter opjiortunity will hereafter run a vehlclo iivcr tho road jlvomycHsi vate and insane revenge, calls the for con.sunier.s to |Hircliase to advantage; in otiicr words to secure belter value the register of deeds of Ingham counly rest and refresh yourself. Toiletnxitns daily (Sunda.V8 and the-Ith of,Inly excepted) airord to givcuet bmyy makin customorg n s tho bon- when used to the manifest Injury of motlier. He forgot that he was a suf­ ern Pacific railroad, now being con­ on ever,y lloor. Call in and lay aside for tlio conveyance of passonucrs, express, for their money tliaii we are prcijarcd to ollor tbroughoul the present month, for the Meek ending July 1, 18S1, nnd freight, at rensonablo rates, leaving Dan.s- the very principle it was intended to American people to face the grave and ferer to remember that lie was a hus- Jf. '^^Vodter.v, lUKl'Virovislons, Asli street.' your satchel or wrap, they will ijo well structed in Washington territory, and wliicli fact slio'iild lie of sulllc.icnl inipoilaiice to all prudent peojilc to induce •lllontao'elock A. M. and urrlvlni;atMB.son Best Loin Stenk startling fact that, whatever its cause, Ijaiid, a father and a son. He feared where theeonsideration isfl(M) or over: taken Ciii'e of, and make yourself at at or before 10 o'clock A. M., roturnlnKiitsuch ISc protect. If these Inllaramatory speeches also on the Atlaiitic-l'acific railroad, lliciii topufcliase not only for present wants, but feu- future consuni|ition, as Pork " be It private malice, taking form in the efli'Ct of tlie terrible news mion siiniples of the jiriecs that will lie(;uiTent the following colunin of jiarliculars Geo. IC. firove to Niiacv A. Grove, n 2(1 feet home. View our Store and Goods tit times each day ns shnll best promote the ISO and publications could be confined to which is built in Mexico, almost any A/a"f^i;;V!^!^,^fliif^:;o;;li?-1.i:;c^'ca§ ulf lots 1 ami 1!, block 110, l.ansini;, (.'iOO. your leisure, tnul if you tlnd anything J have found Just the place to buy oonvcnlcncc of the puklle, .Shoulder Steaks and Roasts.." IOO freakish Insanity, party strife, or fac­ Mi's. Garfield, and he was anxious to is resiiectfully suluniltcd. S. 11. C'araier to James W. Twaits, Jr., a parcel the common sense portion of our com­ number of men could get immediate U.li.W. llAUSTEliitCn, deiilers In (iro- you need, it will be cliecked, find de­ CEO. W. CLYNN. StewlngPloces 0@7c tional bitterness, a spirit of assassina­ have her and their daugliter Mollie cerics, drill's, sowing niac'lilnes, elc.elc. ua lot 2, block il!, haiisiiiK, SII,r>(IU. livered to you on tlie train, free of munity, there would be no danger to employment, in eilherof the twoliiies. TUOMEY BROS., Mason, Mich, .laaies W. Twaits, Jr., to S. ll.Carmer, undivid­ And Ererfthluff Else lu Fro|iortion. be apprehended, but we must remem­ tion infests this republic as well as tlie witli liini, that he niiglit reassure Vi'o will oiler on ed ;-,; of lot -I, and part of let .I, and laoro, Luns- clnirge. In order (o clean up stock, The star route investigation does not I»ltl'4i«il>irs. ins, !(1,.'J00. and tlnd out how we stand, prepara­ ber that there Is a class in every com­ kingdoms and empires of the older them, if jiossible, and look upon them seem to niiiUc iiiiieh jirogress, but one irlsliiiiilii|M)tliecm'.v. Mary .\. nrinvn to GOD. M. Daytoa, uJ^J of lot tory to buying a new and ininicnse 10 CENTSAMONIH, continents. Against it, no mildness for the last time if it .was decreed that M.WII.I.IAM.S.druL' I'J, liluck .1, .loroine's addition, hiinsln;;, $1,209. munity who arc always ripe for a instance has been IOUIKI where a star Jrl. i'l'escriiilloii carefulltuny coiiiiioundodcoiii|ioii . stock Cor fail trade, we liave eom- For Poultry and Game, N|»lco(I and Wliiliie.v ,Iones lo M.L. Coleaniii, lot I, of W. riot, and wliom such speeches and pub­ of temperament, or kindness of dis­ lie slioiiUi (lie. And after his wile Friday Morning, June 24th, 1881, menced to make SWEEPING ItE- PrcNMcd Ilcer. Cnll at MCj- route lias not been cxpeUU. ant ought long since to have been lie- may never be known, but its etleet All r.incn Crash (nilv Hic iier yard, usually sold jit It-V.c. , liiiery, .•mil liincy (,'0(»ls. .Miiiii street. tliing we .sell, are as low as anyone's, Piatforms, Igan •^'"•'°"'='J""'-t» '"ly lu Central Mloh- times and to begin to take some pre­ oflel'Ci'l to iiei'Ibrm (lie , Onondanii, 81,,'Wt), NEWCOMB, ENDICOTT & CO., Open and Top Buggies, of it witli moderation, sliould it prove York 'I'irnca writes: "At llie end nl' permitted to go unchecked, will occa­ Of course lie got the colliract. The se­ Extraordinary Bargains in Bleached and Unbleach­ T>ICK II11 IIS. n111nulad 11 re and repair liools Sani'l U. Colwell 10 Wni. Cook, oU of fiw!,;^ reriw ISiiiMinu;, M'oitdn'iiril Arc, J'\i and shoe .. Siiop in e.vpress liulidlu'.;. secllon','.•!, Dellii, S1,.«0. •* sion severe misfortune to the people of to be the result of any consjii racy to iiliout Vi minutes the door opened, and cret ol'llio nialter is thatlhe contractor ed Muslins. I>r M'HKOIIM this nation. owns a stage route aiui carries on an ")(lil vanls good Jileaelied Jtliisliiis at 7c per yard. CONVEVANCING. (III acres on iilS section t, I.eroy, Sl,(iii|). anil Kvtirj-lliiiiK In lliv I.iiiv of were no tears in her eyes, and slio l,u(ilt yiirds extra (|iialily Itlcached ^ruslln at lllc per yard. Win. W. JIiilliuws to I.iiclnda M. (Jrnfoot, lot piLF..S! I'II.IM!! PILKS!!!—.\ sure euro Tliat tiie stJilwart leaders had any ex)iross business. He is willing to pny O. ICI-'.i.i.V. c-ONViOVAXCiOil AND NO- • found at last. No one need sutler, A walked -wilh a firm step and took her l,(lilfl vards '•I;'riiit of the jionni" at tlie low price of lie per yaril. lar%'I'lililli'. S|ieel.-il iill.'iillon t-'lveii to 21. block .'1, Frencli's snbilivlsion, Lansing, Slio. part or lot in the crime connnitted at lor carrying lliicle Sam's mail in ordci' E sure cure for the lllind, Illeeillii;,', Iteiiiiii,' and NO TAINT UPON THE VICE-PKESI. seal, in (lie library. She was very 'ilio yards ji(ieli(or in the ex­ .'1,(1(10 yards extra (|iiali(y Unlileaclied Muslin at (i and 7c per yard." iiarliiieius. i:illlce K'.ti Wiisliliiflon Avenue, und u 1 rods of 11 and 12, block IPI, Lunsin". Ulceratiu;.'riles has licen illsirovereil I1.V Dr. f AGON & CARBIAGE WORK. DENT. brave iiiul bore u)i luibly tinder the Liiiisin;.', .Midi. S2,,^)00. Williams (an Indian rcinod,v) callnii I>r. Wil­ for a moment to believe. Were it so, press liiisiness. Consuiners cannot liiil to advaiK.'C tlieir intciesls liy taUing advantage of great blow wliicli liad fallen tijion lier. Edmund I'arnnilee to ,Ins. O. Ilndden, w'/S of liams' luiilan Olntmeut. .V single box has one might well despair of tlio rejiublie. this ()]iporlnnity to imrchase Muslins Utr tlie prices are extravagantly low. Call nwl.i fectloii .S, and a inircel on seel Ion ,'i, 117 acres, No sensible person will be misled by As she left the room Mrs. .Tames pass­ The i)apcrs relating lo the trial of and get our iiriccs het'oi'e jiurcliasing elsewhere. .iiisci:i,i.Axi:»»i's. Lansing', ti,OU0. cured Ilio worstciiroiiiccasesof 2'iandllOycars The end is nigh. Indeed, the end 1ms AVhitlaker, the colored cadel, have staiidlni,'. No one need sutler live mIniiteH the boast of the president's assassin, T Kit and line O. M. liiirncs lo A. O. Diil)ois,lot II, block 12, Tho above stock, which is extensive, will be ed in. Tile President was siiiiling, reiiched the war dejiartnient. They JIaMiii, £1,050. nfler iipiilyiHK' this wondei'lul .sooliilii)^ nieill- that "Arthur Is now president." It Is come. Between a Nniiolconlc empire Great Bargains in Calicos, Cambrics and Ginghams. , .i_i. <:•• rriatreliuiliter, llepiilrlii! : iieat.elieait. Ibuiul at tlio Carriage .Shop of and lie lieekoned-with his finger to the consist of about 7,001) un'^vti of foolscap U. G, C. K.N-ifJiiT, Ucgister. cliie. Lotions, Iiistruiiienis and Electuaries the misfortune of the vice-president or a Bussian despotism and such a I'e- jiMjier in miimiscript, lioiind in ~'2 vol- 2 (10(1 yards good (|iialily Calicos at the low price of 'ic jier yard. tliA i!iC llUUSli, Win. it. (Mark, proprietor. lio more Imriii than K'OOII. Wiillnms' Oiiit,- lady to iijiproach. She leaned over the / liestoiio didlar a day house in the cliy, that his name is linked with the assas­ public there would be nothing to uiiics. AVilli tlu'iii wereall the exhib­ ' A very handsome assorliiicnt of new and desirable styles I'or suninicr wear. C monlab.sorljs the tumors, allays tlio intense President and he said: 'Have you LdllU yard's Dress Cainhra.'s (dark colors) at "c per yard. WHAT 'JIIE FIATIST.S TIIINK. sination, and he Is sincerely to be com­ choose. It is true that tlie stalwart its, including lilliogra]ilier's sheets of jf. imi:^;.si:it loans money, laiys uolcs, itcliiiiK (parMeuIiiriy at nielli, after KOttiiif; met Crete'." Mrs. Garfield's christian nialclied papei', the luin kiiH'e, scissors 2,(i(«i yards Chighanis at the low iii'ioc of Kle jier yard. . and iiiuki.' collec-llons; also rlre liisin- lic'l'iiNC lo I*I« the thought that a dreadful crime was foreknowledge of It; that it was not S slating that Tresideiit Garfield was Cleveland, says about Dr. Williams' Indian And will bo .sold ns cheap a.s any work of tho act; how did she bear it?' was the has the limits of thceitiesorNcw York Jiest (|iialily I'lald Sliirtings only lie per yard. I'iio Ointment: "I have u.sed scores of pile r tlio ltni,—(/r<(iililc. lb., Prime Goose I-'oatli-j ave ns lnn9eent of it as, Alexander's Mrs. Garfield is now?" "Oh, yes," The stateiiieiit of the condition of the TUOMEY BROS., ATTOltNlOV-Vr f.A\\'. OFFICE Whereas, we, tliu rupreseiitutlvus of the na­ crs(l5c. J, W. Slorrison $1.50 a YEAE; son was of the murder of his father. away. public debt, to be issued to-day, will in Unyncr block over City Makery, tional ereonlnck party of iho union,are hero ktC'o,43 •letl'crson AVO, Mrs. .Tames answered, "she is close by, probably show a reduction for the met In tiie cause id'Justice and liumuiiity, wo Dr. Kermott's mandrake pills cure lioad- A. M. HALL. Detroit. SAMI'LE free* All Innuendoes to the contrary are but is/Lj^soi7n a week. JlSadny Kt homo otially mado Cojtiy .1 C DttUSVlUo, Stay 2d, ISSI. '^^^1^

o, , , InisineBB go," mid—then Jones gave the leading organ of Southern Bourbon son- is understood that Gen. Keiter will be easy of explanation, Thbir presenoo Can TOM COBWiy. and tho opinion' of > tbeRO forty men IB ..bid fellow u reoeipt.aiid rushed baok and timeut, admits, with Senator Hampton, USEPUi:; IIIN'I-M. Iv the boweiR are alnegUb and the liver tor­ It wuulil >li> 7uii goiHl to know. booked by all tho Ohio influouce, and as worth moro than that of tho 100,000,C«0 took but all the miabellaneoiis and gen­ that there have been "irregularities" be ooeoiintod for on the score of some A Few' Ancctloie* of (ho 'JVan— Hta pid aoe Kidiioy-WorL MRS. LYDI& E PINKHUr. OF LIM. IIISS, TO FARniSRfl/AND .. • Blnqe J li. n, we.hHTM iiui nuB.lilm, ho is the warm personal friend iiud, for­ betide,' The . conoluMon . of uno 'wise To DBiVB away rooehcH, use a past* of - \;lni)'l>iiln,. eral matter :tliat> was. left, and as he took and frauds in the elections of that State, deep oriick or disturbance of the earth Woalern Heawrvo I'>>[p«rlence« mer colleague of the President, it is at some time, yet what, they tire doing oiauiR worth nitire than that of a tlioii- pow'derod ohloride of lime, two parts, ' THKESHERMEN. ' This buy iliai we kiiuvr niiil luVetl u '.but '"tlie liilit "hiiiidfiir'a frluiid {came but it boldly justifies them by the right ;€^NWi (•'roiii tliu OIoYclmul UiraliL] SOME femalca have jiiat been nrroslod It you wuit to tmy rfirether».CIo9t9 „. . WaiMlluererMwagiilii..: ;-,; highly probable that his ulovabioit to tho dii'nd fool. Is this tho Httrrt'iidiT oi pri­ aud oiiu part ol any fatly HtibHtanco, throngli the olUcij and'critically examin­ of. revoIuti')n, It snys that what was there mid what supports them id a mys­ MoraorieR of 1840 nra to-day like tho in Ki-ntiieky for the luainifaeturo of il IttilUr*, Hiir'*.l'*iicfr» or T i!iifffll4fk.' Sjieakership woKid be a gratitloatiou to tery,' for the'cla.v is lio way rieh,''tliough vate judgment ? Not at till. Ifc is tho Ceiiher PiirtalflV or Tracitlon; u> uif •' Oat brcringthsiwmswsitnvebliii ing his surrouudiugs, said, , "SUo Finn- done in 187f., in 1878 and in 1880—that liiKtory of im almost imknown or for­ Ii' a little vinegar or somo cider is licit wliisky. This is the'first i^cordod Kir tlireublnft. luwing or for senenu CoiuiM hitiiie to lilt to-iliiy. Mr. Garfield. It reinaias to. bo seen it is wormy. Tiiey certainly are a great nioio reoo^iilion of tlio trust that we iuutanco of a woman keeping still. tinrptiieij, tiux thu vStarvMl Roa*. doodle ia a good paper, Jpues, but I do is the violenoo and fraud by whinh gotten tinio. That wtu) jiroctically be- ir.i-ved willi stove polish it will not take .It an<) |i>''' to gobble any more of tho good places •fliat it is now tli« duty of every wise non'l ni«i 111 (lie ICiiiiko. liiitruted Pnmptilo't (Rent IraM'^- THIIHK IIIH iiinii ho luilln fn iirr, ever saw. Why don't you change it? fiindiimeutul right—was necessary. But piirngrapl), nnd befuro tho day of rapid aud the blacking ia nut likely to fly oil' wrlia to TUB AU1.TMAM A TAILoa Willi 11 tiMU'a liNik III III* fiii:"! in the gift o'f the jieople, or whether tiroaeher immediately, to iiiirodiieo th«' Auk Brnfrfd^ln for "Itou^h on ItiitH." It oloars % i^asssssA^courAiiT , Maniiliid: O.' '. .' . I'm certain I never would let such a head it holds it to be no longer necessary. Then aud Now. transit; luid Tom Gorwin, tlio king of iu lino dust. Is liii Willi iiiliiM lif lliiiliMiribiitons she wilfbo invited to stand a little baok now version iiiio hia Sabbath ministra ont rutti, iaii;c', rniiclicH, llicH, bud-biiBB. Uia. Tne Iwt tiiiy'a ulileu |iluuj. appear on a pajier of mine." "All The Democratic party have resolved, as There are those who, like a class in Btninpi.'rH, was tho first man to introduoo " where she can BOO just as well," In tious, iiiid of tlu) privatti Christian to UEO ants may he banished from a pan­ . I riglit," said Jones, and oil' came tho it says, " ty carry tho elections by Soloinoii's day, atiirm, with moiirnfui ridicule and Hiirvusm ou tho Htiiinp and Eii.EKT'« IJxThAt'T oy TAII 4J«C SVILD Ciir.nRi Vfv mitt llie laiiisli Hint miilfl raunlc till) language of the President hinisolf, use, it tor his ilovotioiis.—The fnde- try or Btora-rooin by strewing the head. • "Now, Mr. Foreman," ho con- hook or by crook," and, liav- emphasis, "that the former days were make thi'Di rtKiieeeHH. Pretty soon tlicre- sholvos with a small fiuiiiitity of cloves, has tiuwi iiRi;il for twenty yiinrrt, tiiKl'liiriiic that Wli"r«vijr tbii IIMI IBIV wi-iit, "Ohio has had al>out enough." Gen. pt:iidcnt. • '• . '' . uine liiiH Hfivud iniiiiy very valiiiiblu iivoH, Do . I'liU lu 111 iiuaifiiillo link'', winmme,. , liuued, .Vlock up tho forms, and'sond lietter than those." It is a foolish af- iifter Ooorgo D. Prentice, tho grcnt ing Buoceedcd, tho colored vote be- Koifor is now in WMahingtou busily at either whole or groiuid 'Wo use the not ni't'lcct II ooiigli or cold until it ifl too late. IIU t'yci have u grain'iiiteiil: them down to the press room," The Armatiim, sincerely but igiioraiitly made fotinjcr of llio Loiiisviilo Courier-Jour­ W>- kiiow lis la tliiiiu!"! HIIII |ilnnning iug disciplined and suppressed, tho work preparing for the contest. Kprlnir nnia Numnif.>r liiir hcuttli all |.:ood drn(;^iHtH. Itt. BayievenbariDOBBIIfS* , With hliita.iif the vniiiahcd hiyliood This is all the more important now, coiistiiutly loiuled aud cocked iu the To aiiiiSAfJ steel engravings: Secure "Iiijilamirvel, thoiightriiKaoi); . tliQ -^matl... boy, 'and . all the rest of r.dher than to another, but to assure the days. 'Yet a Hartford church, toward xlioiild be oxcvetlingly eari ful aliont their dial f:i.iBCTRI€ lOAP or your Oro* owing to tho vacancy caused l)y.tlio two light-haud drawer of his desk, and at thin miiiKaii, aud at no tinio nliould thoy bii the engravings with drawing pins ou a : Ami :yet oiiuea back Ihii lunging them were standing around the Flaji- very existence of the people. The plea the close of tlie last century, had for its Chicago & North-AVesteru I'nRE Con Livijii On. inado from Btleoted For llio lior wa heni«(iiilh iiiu^t inlaa, New York Senators resigning their Avlieiiever a stranger darkened his e Or.OKKT! IIKHT (.O.VWrRirCTKD! trotiblduof tbo aUiinach or bowi Iu. All drtig- ad. Ask blm to (ITS yon • bill Democrats to keep the control the hundlu of tho weaixiu, and ten tiiues KijneeKe lemon juice iiixin Iliis salt, so as liot a sign of anything on it but column tho name of Strong k Smith, 'ihu firm 1I1.;.ST Kl^Uiri'KI)! ami Imiicu tlui gintu BcU it. • and shipped them by thousands to Oay- of tho standing committees of the in u doy.eii ilia precaiitiou wim entirely to dissolve a eousideralilo pait of it. or It. rules, with uothiug between. "How is failed, and the mutister, to avoid the pi-rior to any of the olhcr OIIB in market. onue—"I am tho savior of society." Senate. Other complications may arise IiBADZNG RAZLWir portint^iit. The iieoplo had to be edii- Now elevate oneend of tho boai'd BO as to TflElfEWsiPAPEB. this?" said each to the other, "and Sheriff, shut iiimself up in his house. I^oranco ({iititinff Xatrn. 3d. Hnii •• bit bill and yonr That iraporiiil worthy continued the sal­ that may aflfoct the choice of tho next —OK Til K - vvAiM up to this uew idea of freedom of form an angle of forty-live degrees with NATL'iiAi. |iu;i'oluaiii, deprived of IIH eolor mid LYDiA E. PII\SKHAM'8 whore's that foul editor, to impose on us Ho went forth cm Sundiiys, as no writ The Duke of WellingtoiK being asked tiMfikiiih Jeaea. IMKsr wflke riapilaadle. vation of society in similar ways for Speaker, and give it to some of tho less tlie press, and the border mind was tiie the liorizon. Pour, lastly, ou tho ou- diHiij,Tu<..itoiu udor iii.iioia diKiillaiiuu iiiul ilic rull addreit. could IM) served ou that day, and preached WEST AND NORTH-WEST! by a young aspirant for Parliainentary VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Uratra a rt>w Nkruibrs fraai Natarw. in this way?" While they wore thus somo years. When one body of citizens prominent candidates. The Democrats first to lie worked u]>ou, aud by the graying, boding water irom a tea kettle Hid ol iicids or iillcaiius, IB wliul lli'j Ciibiiliiiii is to his congregation. It Is tlio short ami Ix'st rmilc hiHweun Ctilmeo honors as to tho best method of getting luiidi! IriMii. As now inipiovud iind pert eel id i: I3 a Popltlve Cqro 4lli. We will mall YOV FREB (From tha Staulraiir tie Herald.1- talking, the davil came in with a letter aunoiiuoe that the destruction of the have lioen trying to effect a fusion with Itta'id fjouins of a Preutiee. until tho salt and lemon juice are all and nil imliits In tho ear of tho Hoiitto, said, "Hit down IB a U'liiitifnt prepiiriition, mid iiurlorniB nil The editor of the Evening Flapdoodle from the editor, wliich tlm oht man read equal rights of another body is iudis- He was esteemed an eloquent and de­ Knrlhern lllliiols, lima, luknln, Wjumlnc, washed oil'; the engraving will then ap­ for all tbnie Palnnil CompliiInU and ^entrneiM* •even beautirol card*, In tlz coK the Greenbackers and thus seiMire an when you are done, niid don't quote LUivl IB cl;iiiiii.'d lor it ats a ijau' rontorcr. to 'he crowd. It ran as follows : vout preiuilier, and his people loved him. Krbntnha. <'itlirurnl«, Urririiii. .trlzmna. I'lik, The fund of stories which tke older pear perfectly clean and free from stains. Mdcommon toourbcKtfvmitlo iiopulatlou* sat in Lis Baiiotum' the' otLer moriiitig, (jonsablo to tlui peace ot tne commuuity, election, but tho certainty of Dingley's It will euro cntlrrly llio wonit form of Feniftlo Com* on and go'd, repreientlns Sbak- A few, however, would occasionally I'liltirudu, Itfahii, Hontaiia. .Serada, and fiir Latiu.;' just'before .beginning his day's work, and "Dear friends, you all think you it is mere anarchy, and not bloody an­ election in Maine in place ot Frye, and class of ijoliticiiiiis continue to toll of It must bo dried gradually on the H.imc UNCI.15 .SASI S CkiNDfiio.v rowDKim are rcc- ptniiitH, nil ovarlau trouhlce, Inllammfttlon and Cicera venture to say that ho ought never tu Oonviu will iie\ur bo exhausted. I striiek A friend of Gen. ilackaon's, who used board or ou some smootfi surface. oniineiidcd t-y i-'tO'.'U-tiwiuirB uiio hiivo UHiril •poare't" Seven Ages or Blan." thought ho had brought his paper about know how to ruu a newspaper, and wiiou archy ouly because there is no resist­ tho disaffection of Speor, ot Gourgiii, a Council Bluffs, Omaha, tlon, Falllnir and DisplaceniciitP, nnd tlio conccqucat fiO accompany him while "stumping" tlioin «R tiio iH'rit HoriiH mid Ciitllo .Mi'dichic to as near porfeotiou oa possible for an ordi- ance. former Democrat, makes all these Bour­ leave tho pulpit, while, hero ami ther.', DENVER, LEADVILLE. one of these men of 18.10 recently, and Eplnnl 'Wculciibss, and 1B pArtlcuIuly lulcptod t9 tbe ran come to mo with your sngcfosti.ins I Tiinncssee, hud never hoard of thu JJiike's No iiAiiv knows until slio has tried it bu liiid. If tlio iinimiil IB .S^TitKny, Spirit!o;i', or Cliaiigo vt LI.'o. ' nnry-sized town close to a half dozen big bon schemeB as baseless as a dream, Olio would bo found bold enough to inti­ •Jhe relations which ho gave mo are 'well J late to tell you differently, so I have fol­ SALT LAKE, SAN FSANCISCO, advice. how miieli she may change the aspect; of haB no iippetitu, tliusu PowJerB iiru un i.M'd- It will dlsBolvo nm!«peHumorsfromit.cuttni3!n cities, and he was wondering how ho much to tho disappoiutmeiit of sly Sam mate t'liit he ought never to outer it. worth repeatuig. lowed your advice and you see what you things about the house by using a little Ifiit ri'tunly, iiimovi-ry owner of sloiik will do tin cirly stcKo of tiovflopineiit. Tlio ter.denc"io cMi- Randall and irascible Joo Blaukb'uni.— 'I'his minister once issued a prospectus A mass-meijting in tho centw-l portion On one occasion, just as the Goiioral well lo Iry thiiif, Tlioy aru prepared bv llio CL-nititt huitioi-& tliero iu checked vco't^pccdllybylttiUBe. " might furthir improve it, when his cogi­ have as tlie result. If you will be kind The Charleston News says that this DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY. varnish. On a sunshiuy day take the Chivano Journal: for a volume of sermons, luid just after frilur lEniilds, lies .HiilncH. ('iilnRihUH, and nil of iho State was adilressed by C'orwin was about coticluiiiug a speech at a bar- Etumurt l'i'0|)rietary Co., Obioai,'0, 11!.. a'veiy It removfsfalntnctiH, flatulency. dcLtroysoll cnvlnff I. L. CRAfilN & CO., tations were interrupted by an acquaint­ enough to mind your own business half suppression of equal rights is no longer riilnit In the Trrrllnrli's. and in« U>HI, AIM hi'cuo, the friend whispered: "Giv.. old cliiiirs and tables out on "tho porch reliablo llmi, uiid Bold by all good driiggi.ita| forstlinulanta, nnd rcIIovi-H weaUncsu of tlio rtonmch. ance comiug in.' met Trumbull, tho poet, who was an and tho elder Tom Eiving. Ewiiig spoko as well as I do mine, and try to think necessary. But certainly it cau not ex­ r»r .Mllwitukrr, lirrrn Htty.»tilikinh MirhoKan. them a little Latin, General; give them or by an open door, and, after tli rough It cures Ulontlnp, nundachct, Kurrous ppootration, "Hello, Mr. Scissors," he facetiously irregular attendant at church. :(luri|iirllr, Fund du Lnr. HMIci'lown, llouvlil'iil, in tho foieuoon and Corwin was to fol­ General iXtbillty, EIcciileiBDciii), Dcprosilon and Indi- 116 South Fourth St., I know a little something, while you pect that its word will be taken upon a little Latin " '"'' •" ' ly dusting and wiping off with a damp HAVI: .your child from aolioH and piino and said, "writing up editorials with the Noblcnicii as Waiten. "When will your sermons bo out?" Nrt'iiuli, .UjinuHbii, *x Haul, .UhiiicapiillK, Huron, low ill tho tifteruoou. Ewiiig delivered The siigge.il ion caused Kivi! newiife mid vi^ior to iiB feublo hody. Ho (Ciftlon. don't know it all, I will give you a good the subject. Mr. Frye's illustrations of Vulva, I'liriro, IINinnri^k, HIniHiii, Lsrriiln and Iht^ .SorihwcKl. sues of the eaiiipaign. There Avas not a. he knew nothing of Latin. But, recall­ and liiiniileSB, Uu. IIOLMA'N'S 1'AU !ibs6r]jlioii and Lncliaclic, la alwayo i)onnanent:y cureIA E, riN*IkUAM*S VEGETABLE COU- your dtitlea avoid '< town iiko-this witli long cditoriulii ? Give Carolina show liy uncontradicted testi­ Che item was sliowu to the manager at Iiiilio Sliiiri'; .Mlelii;:uii Ceiiirul, llalllninrti ,& is good to rub furuitura with, but the nlirlit work, to reu' giren it an hour's study.' The celebrated pulpit'orator,. .Tohn M. I iliiii, Ki. Wayiiu and I'enii.s.vlviinln, anil i;iii- ner aMr. CVirwin ijuid : the cheers of the delighted groundlings. I'AItll.l.A A.VIJ .S'i'lM.I.VUlA, or IlI.OOll A.VI) POCXUifl prcparod at '£!3 and SU5 Wustom Aveauo, itimulaiitnand ua« tore brain nei'veand i us short ones. You can't mold pulilic mony that at Edgefield Court House Dolnionico's, and ho was asked if tliero greatest care must be exercised to pre­ I^nn, Masib I'l-ico Ql. 61x boCtleuf ur $fi, B<;Dt by mall Hop Bittors. . woHte, UHO Hop r "I am yours truly, Mason, of New Ycrk, mice called on lliis eimii'V liiamrrruiik Ifys, anil tliu ICaiikakoa It is amu.iiiig to uutice tho fancy that LlVl-:!! SYlilJl', will ri'illijrti i.uiiUli In tin, |iliyrtii..|il iir- sentiment, you must simply echo it." were any truth in it Ho shook his "Yon made a great mistake, Ewuig, vent any oil being left on the wood to in tho form of villa, otno In tho form of lozengei, on If ynu aro younff and I BufforJns from any In* nearly 2,000 colored Kepulilioaiis were unil Pan IliiiHlIe Houli.'S, igtioruut jiersous who rattle aroi'ind in ;.'iini/fLIIoii. U ihiibtruii;;tlii.iiini.' b.vnip, f itiii.11111 tu tiillc., dificrctloii or dliiulpaE "HEZKKIAH JONKS, divine, .\s he wa.s leaving, he stumbli d iu your siieeeh tliis morning." attract dust. It imist bo rubbed until receipt of price, Ql per box for cither, Uri. Pinlcbam tlon I iryIf yo* u nr- u iiinr- ! Thou ho left, and Joiiestold hia ai^aociato not allowed to vote; at .Tohustone's, head and smiled. I'liise CiinnerllnnH mudti at .luncllon I'olnlK. somo ollicial position have for quoting iinil Ihu II|.:.ST lil.OUl> I'UUIl.'lKlt ..vi,riti.i..iivuriiil, ried or stnfflo, old or I youus'youus'imiii miiferlnil „r from , "Eilitor Fhipiloodle." on a defiietive door-step and almost fell. Mr. Ewing looked exceedingly sur­ you would not know, o.\cept by tho im­ liiiiiiip Scnilul.^, Sypliil tic (liMiniurii, Wim^ni'.h of lliu freelyunHworE all IvlUin of Inquiry. 6end for pampli* poorhcnltb or laiiffuiKh | inff ou a bed of ilck* not to write any long editorials that day, in the same county, 400 or 500 culoreil "Every now and then," he said, It In lliii OXI.Y l.l.\t: r linir Latin word.-i. Of their meaning they Jot. AddrcM tu above. Sfention thio Faper* ncH% rbly on H O p I [Bitter*. Then these good people looked at " Why don't you wend your ways?' prised anl^itiiijuii ot lllu Itluuil, Lirur, Nofomllr Phould boirithoutLTDIAC PINKBAM'8 nuuUy from Boiue FlajidiioUla just to suit every subscriber Generiilly, iiowever. it is about a waiter .said, when asked why he ined a certain that your iryftflm ] form of K Idney one colored man was killed, and no ef­ win ?" { Kiil.'K-.yh, Suiiiiiuili, ,SU n, titu. LTVXHt PrLT^. They euro coiutlpatlon, bUloufOMf , net-rta clcanBlnff, ton- ^ who wanted a ohaugo. In a halt' hour and not one said a word except the pro­ "I was waiting tor a Manoit," replied .PiiUmaulIotfl Dining Cars disauie tbat mlfflft 1 fort has been made by the authorities who 19 a nobleman." "big" word, "it sounds well." aod torpidity of tho liver. S5 ceuta per box. I ln(r or itlmulutln^, I bavobpcnpratcntcd fane man, who remarked, "Damme, the the clerical wit " Why, you talked to those people's A iiox constructed as follows will an­ HAICKR'S I'Al.N' P.VJ^'ACKA iiu.iii lutii in mfin mill rrithoat intoxleattng, I 1 by a timely uso of along came a wicked follow who talked to bring the criminals to justice. At " la it not a fact that oceasioiiiilly you Mar Sold by all Urugfflati. *es t a II o Hop editor is right; let's go and mind our Let those who deny that society, or briuiiM. Tlioy hain't got any brains. Somo years ago there was a ,Tndgo in swer very well in lieu of an expensive l)u;ir.t. NopBltt«rs uow.-p i))or a long while, ond then said other places in tho district cannon have a nobleniiiii aniiing you?" even tiio church, has made progress, re- Lord, wait till I got up this uftoruooji one of the Western Slatis who was fond ice chest; Take two dry-gooda boxes, nU. UOOKICS WOIIM SYUUl' iniiOuilIr ilcitroyu ho didn't see any uso of Sunday roailing, own business," and Jones crept out from " It is not at all unlikely. There are CHICAGO aui'ciilL BLUFFS. WOK.MS. AGENTS WANTED QUICK toMiltbe were planted, Ijarricades erected, anil and tidk ut tho pit of their stomiielis ; of lardmg liis judgments with Latin one i^ix inches smaller in each direction naTayrnKftf** nor any other religious matter in a pa­ behind the counter, and that evening fliKit that no distiller of gin, even if lie [ pfpaia, kiUney> the voters assaulted with Cayenne i)epper plenty of noblemen iiliroad who are very PuUmau Sleepers on all Night Trains. phriLses. It mattered not what the than the other. Put ouo inside the oth­ D. I. O. issued a tip-top paper, chuck full of nil combined the oratorio d gifts of White then you'll soo them givo attention. REVISED NEW TESTAMENT ot urinary corn-] llor, and if it was his ho would bounce it thrown in tliair eye.s, and driven fioui [loor, and aometiuics are hard jint to it Insist upon Tlclti't. Acmits Miillliii; yon Tick- • 70 A WKICK.. Ct'jHiliiyiit. lionieiia.'lIynNifle. Oimtly plaint, Uueavel la an Aiolut. field and Hall, could now bo |)astor of They'll ajipreeiato that." phrase meant, all wius grist that eiimo to er, and pack tho space \vith somo non- Now t'fadu fi>r A^i^ntB. .ifnst titsirtibie niiUou. l^ou- of Iho §tomaeh, anU IrrMlfltft. nil. Tho editor said nothing, but when sorts of personal and local items, and .or a good meal. In »sucli cases they i!ls via tills niiiil. K.N'iitiiliiii yniir 'I'li.keLs iiiiil */ioutlitfi„i,. AildriisK 'I'liuc A wn. Tnrm* nnd $5 rmtfll a few minutes, and a pious old party Alt Ticket .Vsi.'iits .sull Tli.l;i.is liy this r.hio. CELLULOID lfjwnareffm<, , Boldbydrod. at all. Those facts are more sigiiifieant. I'lien there are fast young uoblonion nounced the jiidgment of tho court in ice, aud use a bag of sawdust, or any $66?,eT"-"-'''*"'Atldruai -li. UAI.LETI' A (.;<>., PurtiHnd.Ale. I nly w c a k anA] irlKtu. Benillur Almost all spiders leave a cablo be­ M.dlVI.V lllilJllITT, thought l»e was overst.iidying. They , lowinlrltcd.try dropped in. As he kiiow a good deal thau the assertion of tho J\'ewn that such wlio run through their means and enii- tJie following style : other non-condncting matter, for a lid. NEVER ClrcuUr. Domestic Life in Spain. hind as they travel from point to point. •id V.r. ii lirn'l Ma K'M'lilniffo, wroto to his father iu regard tn the mat- EYE-CLASSES. I Ut It mmfi about tho business in its moral iispuct, proei'odings are no longer necessary, grat»i. They have not been brouglit ii[) There shoiUd bo some provision for lwU)*D IrlCn montli, Urftdnati't icii«rHntepd pay •avttyour •or Bimu The eominon geometric spider (epolra WESTWARD. iic'iyi tor. Mr. Corwin tiildressed his sou us "<5eiitlenien, the points iu this ca.so ho talked along, and at Inst said that no Nowhere is the sentiuu-nt of home to any business ; they are uimciiiiaintod tag offioM. Addriii VALVHTINK BKOI.. JanMTilla.Wlt ReproBenting the choiceflt-Belcctcd Tortoino- life. It has •vo CO., riiey show that what was thought to lie follows on the subject; are whether the prisoner at the bar took drainage from the bottom of the box. •aved hun-i FAIL newspaper could bo decent wliioli ad­ stronger than in Spain. The Spanish diadniiKi) slnxits out lines with great Slioll and Amber. The liiilitoHt, liniuliioiiKiiit, •Mkt>in,«,T. nei.'etsary four and five years ago i.» with the ways of American life. But the said log-ehain liir.ri caii.-ar- court. " Your Honor iiitist make a bat­ W #^ |« I dt/ huIlKoiKln by Hiiinp.o. i'hnyuio .<$k%'c.^V UADVTioTVBxtai or ass OHLX asNcnia ho went and ordered all that matter set tho harsh exercise of parental autliority. and observed that while it was hanging top with \s()oleii cloths nnd spread a iiM'rt In «v')r>' family. Nnntt ttiii iiutlvo lunii, woll ceuoni- frauds of the Southern kind in New Yiirli ing beer in tho Bowery. We have liad liap.s, tJian iu any othor portion of the ter verdict than that,, for I don't know HHjnilcd. n<'i"t Jiiiplv. \ddrM-a, with %t..'inip, ^>^ aside. So far, .Tones thought he was This is the rule. I do not moan to thus snsiieiided and pcrfiHitly motionless blanket over the whole. If more con J. JC. JOIIN'Eil'O.N'. l\ O. ll.ix ;WJ, SynicunH, K. V. in ISfjS, in Tweed's palmy days, and tlie.v .loblemeii occasionally among our corps State. He was fond «)f reiating.ajieo- what to do whtli the prisoner." ;anif rttutiiit M iJl not »kti>ii»il, Pl-iyf*xprosMor mail «nd (:«(. property and character cannot submit to have i/li heard of the \\Njsterii .Kesei-Vf, I now liuib'lis 111 iho di-ietor for Inn joke, but In; in K'.diKiy and Ijiv..r Cure, ^ Mmin. cnid or Mlvtir-iil'iti-d. In In tb. World. 1 1848 and kitchen receipts, and odds anil ;he steps of thothronehave been .splashed that one of tho caV>lea had found an an- o/ eonttnuoit* and tueetutfut ftuH. be ruled by ignorance and dishonesty, of them woruing in a mine or herding presuuie, and BO 1 need not partieulnrly not Ko wtil plt'it-si'd with It, tiH It cuut him A WATCHES, !i:(il(l,$'J6ii:MiIv(irnrnu'k o .$( fti. with r.iyal blood shedby prineoly ln\nds. diorage, it cut tho one by which I held Pet SiiiicrKtiti the house by one of educated, Imshispet.'^uporstition. Some alike attest tho unbendingsenso of person­ .,,y,.^M\^, the chihlrou cry for." Again was Jones do if it were turned topsy-turvy by elec­ or u Count."—Nf.ui York ,Snn. Once 11)1011 a time a spinster lady groat men hive lielieved in omens, while Uf?.o AXLE GREASE. the vei-y re.speetiiblu cilixeiis, and took silent and later gave orders for the ex- al dignity that .still infects tliis people. Wlir.N a boy walks with a girl as Tlii> .Mlrhii'iiri (VnintI mllroiul, ivlth its fon others have thought that to omit; a oer- Wcllitllti . .„. Dr.l In (lie M'orld. l.rt (he aenuin*. KT. tion laws. To this, however, the reply lived ill Airth who could count us " »»i-knv» hii. nmrlliiii.s III ('hiciif^n, iill(.u'(i.s tin* l^lo.^l (l!ri-'i;t my .sc'Jt in front of the big, Jiigh juilpit, MA.NUA'TI'AN BOUK CO., 10 W. Htll St., N.V. I'.O. Eoi DiHrkk ~ andand' 1It. I)ul»iou of all this ;objoctionablo matter Alight word between husbands .and though he were afraid somo ouo would itni) Hi'sirahlL* roiUf oi'iravcl ihiin MI(!tiJt!iin lo many golden guineas iia ever "Tibby taiu act was to invite mischief ujion Ked frnitur'a. VKVWUIiUR. was made by tho President in his inau­ ProUt 111 itlack >Vulinits. wliicli xvas bo:;ed uj) on tlie side nf the and waited for the next one. He came wives sometimes goes unexplained, and .SCO him, the girl is his aister. If htt all pniiitK in Kmisns, Ni.'hni.*'U:i, Cnlonnlo, Fowler" did. Beside this s])inster themselves. Napoleon was an example gural addiess, Ho admitted the danger Toxns, Minnrs'otii, Dakota, Mnnilolia, t'ti;,, Ht4% wall half Wiiy up to the ceiling, iMiially, Orrr I.OOO.OOO Acreti pretty soon, and ho had a coflin lor ii the rift between them widens through Tho smartest Texan, and, in fact, the walks so close to her as to nearly crowd lived 11 bachelor of somewhat iiarsimoni- of tile lirst class, and Dr. iTohuson of the of CliolcH Piiniiinit Luub J\ AGENTS WASTED FOB that arises from the ignorance of the Sm'fi iiml uloso i!nnnt*(M.i(ms can ulwiiyK be re­ aft.i-r li jkrolongwl, deaililiJio stillui.'.ss, a life. I know some houses where the •niartest farmer, I have ever met, is old her against the feucu, shots the sister of lied upon at Cliii-niin U'llti Jthniimli traiiiH for oiifi habit.-, and ijn.ssioiiately i'ntid of Ihe second, Neu' IVeat coat and a shroud for n handkerchief, and voter, mid that bad local governuieut is man iiro.se bnclc iu the eeuter of tlu; wile enters at one door, and the husband .Sim Graves, who lives on a l.OOOacre somo one else. tiir west. Hutr.s aio as low as thi; lowent, "yellow (.leordies." The two made it he smelt like the dust which blows oil' of an evil which, ought to be prevented. pHrries Koinii wi*.>ii this .spring vill tlnil It to room and said: 'I. uoniiiiate jMr, .'foiia- M. Passy had tho following anecdote DIBLE REVISION ft skeleton. Said he, "Jones, I like your at another ;wliereif they meet on the stairs farm west oi Wii.xahatchie, in Central th(»ir- inlri'fsi io fonr.sipon(l with Ilt-nry O, tli;i and agreed to get married. Uefore from (ien! Kapp himself, who, on liis But he truly added that suicide i.s thiw iCtlwurds for Ciiiurinanof tJ'isiufet- The hMt nnd oheapeet llhtNiratM edition of the R«t- paper, but what do you run that funny tlioy do not salute each other. Uiider Texas. After Mr. Gra'.x's had shown mo Went won li. tlin f;iMU»ml pa.ssouirer nmi ticlcot Ihe wedding, Iiowever, the luiiu opened return from the siege of I)antzie, hav­ fImd New Teilament. MlUIoni of p -onle are widftng foi STEAM.POWBR BCPARATORS inA not a remedy. Tho violation of the '•'jgasrasKg; iic*.'nt at Ciiica^o, who will olHwrruUy inir*irt ing.' A not Iter man got up in ajiutlier It. Do not bn decelffd by t le Gheap John puhtishnra nl I'Oiiiplrte .Stontn OutHts of match letaoualitieK business in it for? it's silly, stale, and die'same roof they have lived for y.Mus Ills cattle and cotton, he took me over to any tlrHli-nl iniomuition rolat.ive to rato.i.con- his mouth too wide, and boasted what ing occasion to sjieak to the Emperor, For.i inferlrir «d.tl;ini. Kaa that the cnpjryou buy contain! rintttt Traction iJiniriiiCH und I'lnlu fintftnea freedom of the b.illot is a crime part of t.lu) room and said : ' I .sefoud 150 fine enicrATltiir^ on stnel nnd woud. A. enta are ever econ tn tlie American luarkot flatter thau last year's nlo witli the bottle and have-not spoken. One word would .~eo his woods. lUMilinn.*:, llnio orirains, and lowest fares. Do he would do after lie got; po:ises..-ioti of entered his cabinet without being an­ lowaR. A multitude nf fptieiat f'eaturea avd imprcvmunU which, if continued, will destroy the not piirclia.';*! your tii.'keu nor w)ntract, your till! motion.' After a while lujol.iier iiiiiu C«l«r 1_ , eolnlnur monav leUinff thia edition, fjend fo** oiroulart. •'Well, what ot it?" I said, as he IN. H. DOWNS' liis wife's tocher. .•Vgood-uutiired friend nounced. for 1881. to;futlior with tuperior quaUtitf tn eanatruo* left open. What does a man want to lie.al all discord, and that word will never ri>l;;lii tinlil yoii li, vo hoard iVoiu th« Michi­ tion and tnnteriaU uot drauniud of bv otiior maUert. Govornmoiit itself. The Soutliern Bour­ got up and .'•aid: ' iron hevall inaiivd tlic BniiiRli oillcs Oil RiiQilolph St., Chicago, IIIIL Chlcaco. HI. laugh for anyhow? This is a vale of lie spoken by either. They cannot bo pointed to a teii-aere forest gan t.Vntral —there are always iilciily about—eou- He funnd him in such profound medi­ Four filzoH of SopRrator/), from G to IS lioraa bon jiolicy is correction of ignorance VEQETASLE BALSAMIC inutiiin and till) Kjciiiul. 'i'ou thatfavur tiiir>acity,J'or »teain or horer. hnwer. divorced—the olmrch is inexorable. "'What ot it?' Wliy, thorn's black veyed this iui'iinniilion to tlni bride, wllo tation that iiisfutrunee was Uut iidticod. tears and we should always remember and vice by fraud and corruption. iSoiisi- it say aye, contrary no. i\J.r. Joiiatliaii Two Htyjpa of •• .MniintctI'' lIorKO-Pnwerfl. that in the uncertainty of lit'o death niny They will not iuciu- tho scandal of a walnuts, sir. Ten neres of 'em. iipi'iK.'d her eyes and ut ouoo niiiile ii]) The (ri'lienil, si'i'ili.c,' that he did nut Rfki\ tM(\ FtiL't nr 8olcJctt iiDilei'tin' !\.|1,1 ;;c!i. iiL-iMii,iil:i.u lit (iiiily lili!,'^ tho editor, "If I have to buy a new of- love making in bis house without hi.-, bushel, ain't they? I'll g,.t-100 bii.-liels till] iiiiii of ;;i.'e [l. IS luiiiu'diately in i'roat of you—most would have been dne to what the leailing st.int U6e proves the fact tli.it no|n •'J! tlioii,n-at I. would bri.'iik that droti- of asking' for an i-.'cpl.inatiii. ••'.•-.•.ily fleu." Kight after dinnora man of busino.ss previous suggestion. He refused his this year. That's 81,000. A Imnilreil ilie bride at niu'i' repiicii : , til 'iViiii'i i U-illianM" .Bourbon paper calls justiiiablo irregu­ cough reiiiea./ has stood the test a Dry Goods, i.shin'...s 1.11- liiil iny.self. J. told, my I'uiini- proclivities came in and said he didn't eonsont, and the young peopli! were larities—that is. vioh'noo and fviiid. ilolliirs an acre is gnml rent for laud e.st stiiries, 1 erueked my bfst Juki's in And, lieeouiing griuliiidly more ex­ A Mllm, Geiille MM. like Ita'.DZix' Iilivii'» Groceries, see any use of "the.Mo silly little per- mivrried without it. Tlio fatluT and .son- Since Senator Hampton and tho iVw/^.f worth .Slo an acre, iiin't it?" lirol'itsion. I luvisliod ri.jj.iarku that "it's not 1110 he waiils, il'.-; l!i<; j.oin'li. cited, he e.\ciiuuieil ; "'it liiis never Y'liir fiimliy i^li.v-iol(in.if (ir-n-'iiltfd.wn! -liiHiTro.i ViUo ••,:«:. :A-^. mill ;i.uii i.ni' luiUo, ali..Jidimed nit!; .1 bt-liold it oi; all f;reiil ynu tli'it it. 'H iiiHiuii'.vi-iist. nil t iiipplyi-loonicliy ; Boniils and tlicm short local items that in-law wont oil' on a campaign, fought, both admit the fact, there need bo no " Well, what else?" I iihinirod, grow­ F.ir a.I". y.riT} whiTP. Wall Paper and • voiild lay a. iSoutliei'ii Ohio luidiuuce up IJe eaii niiirfy it if he likes, but. Jir'Ji oiTii.sinna, Iteominund'. me to advatiee, | . Farincrii, and Tlircnhcriiioii nro Invlteil to didn't amount to aiivtliiiiT anvivuv." If and were woniulod in iho .same battli;. further Democratic denial of it; and ing interested. with the [ileiiii.sy. But all were us .sol­ iioTt-r iniirry me." }'~itr II liiOK tiitii:ih ]) II t-M(l(.ii tuiH I (It'll invitnior.. iUvdHtiiruto llilfl vtatchienji Xlii'onlJlutr Machlnerjr, Window Cui'tains. mill vliut to me i.s a, sure signof sileei'..;.s. th" rein illiitlilij I'tl: c n n[ l-Iii-uliicity tn .Mtiiticnl r, Oirvulara fwnt free. Adrlruuu it was his paper he would have some­ The General was asked to reeomniend when South Carolina or any other State "The trees," continued Mr. Graves, emn as though j was pronouncing tlie Then she slowly eiirf.seyed iiud left tifmhiu-nt, Iml. tlud rt*'t hl:taiil' .ul Kli'ft..':4! Ar-- •> fflille \Vnnh Rriislii'.s uiid Llnii>, Pnlnt-i anil OIK •P!i pilan.udiuil ilMiir IIIL'II L-iist huvi) iiiii'ii'iril it | NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO, thing of a higher nature or lot tho place his sonin-law for promotion. "I have takes tlie same energetic course in pur­ •'are growing nil iue.li a year. When Dr. Baxter's Mandrake funeral onitioti overCoeIc Koliin. Oeeii- her astoni'-hed brideyfnt'^'''lo to ti'iiuti tlii.> iiiiiiinil n.-iiu'(jy wiiliin j Tiir|i!-nilnii and .litimii, I'lislitr 1)11, .Uiirhlni! OII, Bnttin Crank. Mlohlgtiti» go bare. Jones listened and told the no .son-in-law!" "I meanyonrdaughler's they are 20 years old thoy'will be nine- sioiially 1 would see a fellow put his iuinipiC'te liewililerinoiil. Somo of the jiliiiijod by somo as a .s_viii]itoiii ot' oiio of tiK'-rciich Ol nil. r suing and puni.sbing such " irregniari- lillLliSiinil :s, Ihils aid * tip.s, Ovcrull.s Nod-.ubt many podpio will b" iisit'iiishful tn . foreman to whiick out all that sort of Im.sband." "I have no ilaughter." "I ti.'eii inches throiigli, A bhiek-wnliiut hands to his face and band down as speelators e.xpressird thi.'iii.seh'cs in irords thi^.so impuiidilig oiiiiuplic attauks to luiirii lliiit rilt'utiluiiy 1H (inn oi' tho iii. ht I'tlit: livo 1 tios" as Congress took m dealing with Will cure Jaundice, Dyspcpsis, and l!ruily-.tludr. FUMIS, stuff at once. Then ho felt easier, till a tree nineteen inehea through is worth though in devotion, but when his face iikiij to those of the Glasgow biiihe when whii-.h it is woll known ho was subji'ot. I-AXA'iiVKs kn iwn. Wiiili* OIIIIH fjiucl: .v, n. IH 1 ri.'fer to Lieut. Don Fiilano do Tal. those in New York, the cry of free vote Liver Con'vjiaints, Indijjcstion, ] nt tho wiuii) lltiKi luirtui-'t'y hjirinlonw, (iiiViirjnu'J lot of pretty girls came in, ond, after llo is a good olUcor. Ho distinguished f>io, j\ly 2,000 trees ten years from eanie up it was again solemn, ho suit! : Ijiii'd Nolson had a boliof in iiiui;ii.s, rai'.iciiUy In t-is rtrtpiict Intiii Mm l^.J-.tmil cjw and fair count will have lost its force. and all disen'scB arising from Bil- Crockery & Glassware, thiiritcmiiiniiniinly^dlil. Thu lititoro.tnn diVuril j UBT OF mSEASKU ' making a purchase, asked him what a himself greatly in tho recei.it ull'air." now will bo worth .SuO.OOO. It I don't iousncsa. Price 35 cts. per buttle. " Sfy conscience I but wuiniiii nv Wi! know, by tho iiorsoahoo liu had nailed ttinipiintry HI lot, nutIo;ivu tlm in Jivi'Miai \vm>o j Until then a ".solid South" will bo op­ ".•Vt length i gave up iit despair. iilH-TO'icjii iiitack,' nd, tf t hrxi h-ibitimily, mrl-1 newspaper was filled full of ndvertiso- "Ah! otrn cosii! "said the grim father-in- want to cut them all, I can cut halt of For d.ilc Kvaiywhtr*. I.umiis iinil (tiodtts, .stoiio r'hnrns iinil flrorlvS, strange cnstiuners." to tho luniiiuiast of tho Viotory, of ALWAYS CDRABLS B7 VSXNO posed as tlie great imtionnl danger—not Mulls of nil kiiiiis, .Milk I'liii.s, I'low OILSMIIKH After we ware ull out of the elmreli one ctiftly doraiiKu ihn iiifM-nitl ortfitiiti, ut> any ruKU- K nients for; nobody ever read them, and them and then raise a bushel of wiilnuts which his ooltiu was madt). lar iViictlUuni-r will atllini. law. His hate could not overcome his vindietivoly. but sinijjly because it will ami I'liinis liir nil itiinls of J'iow.s. of them camo up to me, and, doubling AiIvvrtiHiiitr ClteiiLs:. one said she was going to stop taking to the tree—that is, get S'.Ji.'iOO a year liKMlt AJOH.tSON'S \Vt'ki'i^i tin; 'riiomsim I'low iiiui thofSyrii- To ([iioto iinothor aud very difl'croui senso of justice. Tho youth got his iMiiiiii Government liy force and fruuil.— liinisclf 111) '^vitli laughter, ho said: It hp.s lit'conio BO coniiiioii lo ii'iit.j tlio li(.r,'in- the paper if he was going to till it up for the crop. Two huinlred and lifty |.iisiil.'lilili.il riow.iinil V()Wli.si;:nilivatoi'; nXmy olasii ol mind from that of oitliur of tho MEXICAN |iromotion,but hisGeuerai willuotreoog- J{(i.vp(:r'n \VGI:I;IIJ. AHNICA AND OIL (.'iollii'.s \\'rlii<.n.rs,iiiiil jL full llni! of 'I'lilmcTO " 'Mr. Ooiwinc, you said some of tho niiig of an elegant, interiMiiii^' artlolu iiiiil tnen that way. Jones told tlm young lady he dollara an acre is fiiir rent for .'Sllj land, run it into Bonio advoi'tLseineni, that wo iivniil groat 1)1011 ineutiouod, a.s iutlueucod by TheLoMoiifTalvaDicGeDeraKir nize him at the club. of tlii.'iiissL klnii. .\ full llm-of l.'oilts.Hliovul.s, .(lo-ho-he) funniest (te he-iie) things I Spiiiles, eli:. Tul-ilii niiil l'u<.'kijl Ciaiury. all Bueh dieiilB and Bhuply cull attention to lii... llio Kiimo couaidiiration for tho rnliug of would have a paper to suit every one, or ain't it ?"—l.v.titiv friim San Antonio, LINIMENTl •ever heered (te-hc-he). I tin declare l^l.JiVI:!jn .•nlB will (Iml liniiii.|||iii<) i,rii,f in Mt woiuliir. MUSTAKG rather made after the suctgestions of Speaker of Ihe >'ext House. 'r<:xnn, Tor .ttfan and JOeaaU you come pretty near making me laugh Ho DhliiH rntvh On. iiB po..iBilJle, lo iiidueo i.ieoplu to ^ivr liiem ouu habit of Dr. Jolui.soii. ^ 111 .ilni"!'' ni'nvnl'iil .''" '" """''' "'" ''"""'''" "•"' "• •""-•i"'""" »" l"i:iinviiili.iico, wlillnl it. rimimliiil I'lfuJt every ouo, and ho hoped she would not The Speiikersbi]) of the next House ot Wo tJiUo, In o.Neliiins;o for KDOUM, iright out in meeting.' Worms :5()t) l>ii, •! imiMEirr. Eeprcseutatives is already attracting compounded, i'rice 25c and 50c. " What a terrible calamity tliat.would UBC u.'iyth iij; el.HC.—J'nichlaiai A'iai-rlimir. dered out every 'nd.' and smack scenes smongthe l!usliinou of Nebraska, The Gold Hill (Nevaila) Nnrx reports Wheat, Oats, Corn, entorcd a doorway without uountiiig a F.ir Kill' III iiiiruiMi'il..i' ..inil IIIHII liy i considerable attention among members- t'ur l»le Efor;nlu>t«. I, have been. IJtit to the'Wes'tern ilfserva riii.|.iiil n: till. iiiii.|.. Villi diiiK.tiuna.'icciiiiiiniiiyi.itfu uuiiuriitiir. j-;riiry niiiil brln«H niiist'uriit.iyin ' li.lturii'l or mruiN FUUD. OFlItnUU. the iliseuvery of a queer species of wunna A lliiiiiiiiKi iliiilijc. oortaiu luimber of stopH, and HO judging Ir.jiii lll.iH. iiwiiic lliiiin. f and smooth, and waited for and when tlio ranoher slapixid him on '^ »i- .."jitKvri^ViWNtiaiao-jWfcjuttw^r Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Yankee a laugh in the house of wor.slii|i ttKcumatlim,' Soratolica, elect, and the different candidates are ill the fai'e of the Lord Loriiemino, near tho distauco that tho last atcp shouKl l*|.||.i* .'..I <»;.. .Ill ili'itli'i'. iii'K iiiillifirl7.i.r tlie .stiine, be an utijiardotiable MU,'' wiw Imtl lic'l'iiro .Jiistinn Oiiry on tlio Willi li'"•li p 'lIll Il you iiiuT|i.v..,-r, „„any'MVi^tluriiw,''•M'afJM'Wi, ••.II.IU . "M«(1aib,'H[ilnkinir, iiHuii I fitinsa and DItca, Spavin, Cracka, but poetry, and that was his abomina­ "What." work. Tho iirominont candidates are a .solid stratum f>t stiff chi.v, 70:) feet a. cortiiiu foot.. Ill Ihtt CMu-r.ihir. .vurt'ai!0 of the earth, amid fpplciL of linuKL'lioKl i'lU'iiiliiro. Bjiuot that, on moro than ouo occa.siou, Coutractedainaclaa tiamcneaa. ' WIIITi: «AU. 'n;nl, because it was meant for magazines.. "Smile?" Michigan iviil Rood of Maine n« strong the vein matter of that portion of the Of course, the translation will receive "Itiippt'itrH Unit yon tnnk about uvery- whou ho had failed to tinio liimsolf, ho Stlirjalnu, Hnrlnny, Fonndara, Conistock. Siiperint'-ndfiit McDougal rctiiruod to corruot hia stop;j. Bnokaehe, lind that sort of papers. ' Jones took it "I don't catch your reference." ci)ntin.go,iita, llow Mr. Hiscock's can­ oriticisni. It asks it and can endure it. tlmiK ill iiif,'lit." .siiii.1 till! cuiii't, sternly. Spraini, Stralna, touiid quite anuinbcrof tiiemViy sonking Wo. have souietinies lu'. now going on in Albany, it is imjio.ssiblo Ono Sunday, within tlio last 100 years, Ji again, and a woman came in, and said "Try some of the hair of the dog which deliiuet relies of antediluvian timos, but A wonUIiy liuly, who hail passed tho tutioii in advance. Wo have been will- toiuvs fbii'liiig iu lii.s oyu.^, "I IM ii (iuo and all esttmiU dlaeuM. iiiulkTerrLurtarMcMali to say; otlierwisp wo should regard him tho sorvico luid connueuuod iu a ooiuitry tho fashion notes wore no good, because are all alive aud kiekiiig, incredible as niiiWlo ago witJioiit marrying, oiio day iiu< to do it, and tho ren.son is simiile. iFotftonna UH in familr,at«bloand atook yaxd lib bityot'i," I'ljcMiot stovo, worth at Ica.st twonty-five cliuroh, a fow niilos from Penrith, whou the magazines had them all in greater "I cannot grasp—" as a strong candidate. it may appear. These queer little siib- tuoU lllioll liova.'lt u litisljalal. U) tho '\Ve do not .set oui solves up against the dolliirs." ill walked a woiuiiu in a giay cloak, ac- TnBBESTOFAIX quantity, and another thing she didn't t..rranean worms are about tlinie-quar- Malntifot Intmlort, in Ihe VnttedSmitt.OimiKta, grout siu'iivi'ia of lior iTieiiils. Wliun niost eoniiK'tent sclinlars of the world. "N' mi lato your poison." Of course, no one will wonder that ony tho ovout like, was the markets. "What good "My poison!" Ohio should have a candiilato. The •Ofic* liiailed in IVUHtilnslan, direrlln •miiMi'fe (/)« Tlii.'ir conclii-iions will Jinvo fobeiincept- ivsknd lii.s lliiiior, kindly. with oyos aud mouth most fearfully UP. M1.:TT.\UR'S HE/VDACnE PII,I.S euro most wonderfully In a rery inch in dinnieler. short and ihiok, ro'cm- t'li'ierf Slatet I'atrrJOjnct, uieart nbltttalleml la all )iail iiartially aubsitlod, a iioigliliov vout- Miort tlinu lioth SICK and Ni:ilVOU»:JI33:U>ACIIi:; nnd wiaio noUn;; on was them!" she said. "I don't know," "Crook yourellmw ?" State that has already tho PreaidiMit, od at last. Xow the twenty-live English "Hunii," replifid Uu" nifin, reluctantly. ngiipo, and tho trio took their soatB, in b ingsomespeciosotgrnb. Eaohisiucn-joi i'll.f iii //ii.«itiriii< wi.'A iirealer firod.'pf w.waml ilritpalr.ti lurocl t(i asU uu lixplaiuaioii ot tlm imex- tlio iifn'min fi.VHtcm, ricnnso tlio fttomac!L . of c:ccc.sa of bilobUo. nroduoinfproduolnsff a he replied, "so I'll throw 'emout." "I "I'm in thediir!:," tho Chief .TnstioH of the Supremo Cmirt., anii laa catl, tliiiH»Hitr jinfeiil atlnnttyt.tehn are ato and Ihe thirteen .\inericuti revisers were, TIic cimi't wii.s linrit'd in tlionglit, ami all modesty, ueai' tho door. By-and-by rcs KUd/ar tonded agniiLst tlium »iiigie-luuiilod for n e.\'i)ic.':!B u wise opinion on the stibjoet Jones began to look around, and as ho "The—" aViroad—not to mention the prominent n ri>]iu iifouif " Giititf^for ublaiainfi IWentn," VJMCH ivd-liot stovft wlion ill! liad enc'li a good Tho to.\.t wiiH onorgcticialiy repeated, was studyiiig, a small boy said to him "Sample?" tiguro which Mr. Hayes and Julni Shor- At his forward end iqipeiirs a vieioiis- in eeiil/tCF, la aim ailitmn, niid ci)nlniHar.iimiile!e in- long limo, but tiniiUy realized that'if I nf the new trunsliitiou of tho Greek KIIOW i.s not, iu my opinion, wliolIy bad. iiiid tho luiiiistor'a eye Heemod oiust that "marriage and death notices was "Sample what ?" mail cut in tho last administration— looking little head, and aix legs or feeleri-i idnirlioiixiiiiiiuliiiililitin l'Me»lii,'and ullifT intltiable wished to retain po.s«o.ssioii of my iioma 'J.'estiinient. They hiivo now devoted Ooiiiiiiloriiig Ilia a.isiHriiition.s, X think lio toward tho x^m-ty soatod behind tho door. mnlirr, IVr ri^frr lollif OfrMiui'AintricaH Snlional uiuni.'FREE, mighty thin readin'," and .Tones slung capabhi of being easily tuldeil whoii be '. would have to tiall in reiiitineeniuiita. their most piitieiit'study to tho subjeet dii.sdrvct.s iiiiiuli iTodit." "Paint your nose?" could not well afford to seo the Spoakor- Jr.iil:. Wuilihiiilim, H. ().: lite Kii'ial Swfdith, Kor Our frioiul iu gray stoou up, and, with A full Rlio box of tliofio vnlimblo nLLS, with fnll dlrectlonn tor a com. I rsr-NICBVOUB DP.BIUTY, Lout'MnnhmHt them clear out into tho corner. After "Paint my nose!" sbip bestowed upon Romo oilier State, draws bad: iiitfj his HIKI*. On top of hiii wr'iinn.nmt liimldi Unnlltmt,al H'luhinglim; Won John hud Kuvved in tlio army, uiidur- ^ for live years. They have with the ut­ "Lut liiin go," Kliontcd tho spoula'or.s, tho voice of a "ahuphordoss on ii SVoat- jilcto cu-.'«, innlliiU to niiy iirtilrc-is on rooo'.iit of nino tlircu-cotit postaco ' nnnrovKl KItictn>-Miii;notiti ilnltiitiil AtiMirbanl bead is a small heluH..tor cover, of Iho UUe CliiefJualire II. .•<. OmrhiJ Liuimt. stood tiiutics and was eo'ol and liravo, btjuiiiia. For nalo by nil druggists nt S5c, HoUi I'l'oprlotors, I Pud ciiinhini.d; Rixif nf-Pud, 7x10 tncheft—four. this change liei wont over into the count­ "Take some whisky—gin—eo.gnne— like Iowa, for e.xamplo, that only givo lo lilt iMvi'iliio/lh' U. .S'. MenI OtJUce. ami lo Utaa most pn'tienco siiidi'od ev(!ry word and tlirfuviiig up tluiir bats, and tho man moi'oland foil," replied to thia question ; IMiiinii larcnr til iiuitiierfl. Pii n.it immli MMny ing room, and an old man was tliero drink somotliing stron'g with me '•' Yon I bo B'publican ticket, hvst fall about, sanio inateritd as t!je s-liell, so that wlieii twi uiid Ucmlem i>J (XmonttSrfim ertty .state. and so I luarriod him.' Two of t.liu weifilicd (-very consideriili'Hi that will wii.s tukoii oiitml' c'lin'fcoii tlio .slinnldcr.i "I'loiiso, sir, I'so I'liity JoiU'H, o' Wet IJEO\VN CEianc.U. C03ir.,\XV, Ciltlmoro, srd. 1 i|i|.>ty|ii l|ai llollB wliiin yiiu cnn ijot tlm Inlaul-' \ I inimiriHl ttir it'J; "KlHCtrlo Llxlit.!' KsMooluma: waiting to pay his siibsci'iption. "It's a don't seem to catch onto no kind of a SO.nOOiniijority! he hauls in loraHUiio'/.oiii'.seU'-protiietion Aiiiieu! I.4»UIS IIAUMKIt A fo., HalMlon girls woro disuliurgo.l, 'and now iho noeitv to the niore hasty critic.* of their ol' tho crowd, Lator iu the diiy, whou sleddiile, an' iliia is our Bub an' oui |jMbor,0ttnt frconniienkMlj •o.ilml, do,. •• r''' good paper, .Tones, but in this place you his top-piece ov helmet just closos the /I/ Vnlmln ond AUutnea* at ixtw, tA Z)f oil iJuMin^ thing is ovonal' tliaii it iisod to ho. '\Vo work. The le.sult is that of tlie'r united I'oggy, uu' wu'sogii'aii to roerith to soi il •,;- . D.8 ». MATIIBWS i'CXJ.. hint. Won't drink somo whi;ilry and But Gen. Keiter is a good tnnn, a lilighlly iiiobriiittlil, lio afiknowlcdgod 01,66 and 88'ftttU Ave.iuc, tlUlnngo. Ilt__; sugar T'—Central VU,ij (JSIcl).) Item. brave soldier and a fnithfid and honest holn iucel,y. Wliy Ibis bard i-hell cover­ Wuxblnicton, U. V. 1 moan to hold thu fui'tov i'' i." wisdom. Put now against tlie judgment that lio had only livud in K'eno nix our iCiiuey, an' wu thowt we'd ju.it come of all the rest of tho Engliiili-S|:ii!iikii:g nioiith.H, and hi.s popidarity waned.— in an' soc what yii were ma.ekoti, an' gii O.N.U. No. 28 a riM^t. I" w-vid the judgment oi l;!io.-e forty men C.'rtr.vo/i C'it,i/ (JVrr.) -•I/yjcrj/, IIRN WUITINU TO.ADVEIITINliltlt,; .W. . nleiuo any you aaw ibo ndverilaouDiii 111 tlila piiper. : "m^

cento per day for one penon, and about THE GBEAT CELESTIAL EVENT. MASON MARKETS. Medical. Legal.; { ^gti^jl»^ 2S cehraa'meal at the dining ball or at Cnrenilly Corrortod IJ|i to Thnrndny: the boarding cottases. A season ticket No one event has ever shown the Noon of Kiioli Woek. STATE OK OKO. W. DUTLEK, J)E- to the lectures andlessons costs $1.50; a ICnawesBWil mrNwe* ' E ceuaod. Stale ofMlclilKan, CDiiiitr oMnKlmui, growth of American science more dis­ OKAi:f. or Iiu.lnuiM,wciiikr 1 BH. At n Dcniiloii or tbo prolmle cnurt for the coun­ day ticket 25 cents, and a single lecture r man of liit- ty or Ingham, holdeii at the prnliute nlHce, In the Thnnday, July 7» 1881.' tinctly than the interest iieople have WHEAT, I 01@l 10 ened by Ihs •train o( 1 •cntolllnKonrni 10 cents. Of course a number of jieo- your dutiv. aTola nlKlit work, to roi. city of Mnaon, on the 2!)il day of Jiiiio, in the pie clubbiug together, and renting a taken in the present great comet. The COBN, fiiUiooiir, Jior biwliel 2.5(31 2R iitlmnlrtnUand ui* . tort* hrain ofrvoaud year one thousand ol^dit liinidreil mid elubty-oiio. rNADILLA.X OATS, white, per liusliol 83® 4D Hop Mittara. I waatu, UM> Hop •• Present, Gun. K. Glllum, JudRo nfiirabnto. tent or moms, could do their own fact that its discovery was made by It]rau*ra]raanft>adl 1 auirarinf f ram any is. OATS, mixed, por bUMltol iSi® SO In the matter or the eiilHte orOoo. W. Bntler, cooking and live still more cheaply, or dlKcrotlun ur dlMp*! Itloni ir jmu aro mat* deceased. A «ood Cllb^WMMtMl, More Conatn- private citizens and with the naked TIMOTHY SEKUHOIIH ut ®.-| 20 rtoil or •invlii, oldorl 'ouna, (Uif»rlii« f rqni one could board aiid room at the hotel goorU«lu."M«^^uiJ On rondlnp and flilns the iietltloD. duly Torlflod, blea, Ele. eye, and by many hundreds in all CLOVEn SEED, (old) ®i) UO .iBIttar* fJ!i(..*>o • . tixl et •*«• or Isnuc llutlcr, prayiuR timt administration or Unadllla is in want of more consta­ for $2.00 per day. Whoofur jn«»r«, "" ouaandidia an. said estate may he granted to William VanVrao- I wish I could meet at Lakeside ]>arts of the land at about the same MISCEIiI-ANKOVS. I wti.nuTiir !•>«'"' I I nuailTtrom aouia ken, or suiiio othemultalile poraon. bles. We bad use for one a few days that your .ywni I every Sunday school teacher, every time, proves that ])eople do search and SALT, Sngiunw, per barrel 1 2>@1 So ' iw.ia.'.lc»ii«liijf,{un.' Ula«aM tbat imifLin, Tlierciipun It Is ordered, tliut the ;)d day or ago to impannel a jury on adltcb, and BEANS, white, per biiHhol 1 ra@i 25 lux or atitniilatlnv, have ti'Hili iiroTi'litcd AuKUHl, at ton o'clock In the ribrenoon, be as' J • 1 VOL. XXnL~NO. 28. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JULY U, 1881. member of C. L, S. C, and many study the skies, and take nn interest in wlthmit(ii('>x(i.«(rilj, I ra tlinuly vnuot sljfiied (or the heurlni; or snld petition ,,, i -bi-.i'.i,;:';!-.. 'j :--: maii is laid up with in carbuncle ou his and wealth during the lost ten years biiteeln, btoitit.f lllilti euro for the persons inlercHted In said estate, or the pen­ FCBI,tilRXn EVEBY THVBaDAY, BY.i is visiting at E; F.Meach's, meeting of the council: the town of Stockbrldge. universe, and the advance of civiliza­ APPIJE.S, dried, perponnd ® S liter oriurvn ft HOP l|ilruiiktjnituH3| dency ursuid petition, and the hcarins tliereolhy ann. for horses and is never' so happy as .Kord'a'5'i'106t.'Ba«aar.''''')>:'-i.:^':.;.'.i'.''' 'mt • fasterthan any other state in the Union. lluau uf upiuiUi The cominittee to whoni was referred Mason may bo ahead in having ladies tion is marked more clearly in this CHEUUIIiM, dried, per pound © 8 rou will noi htobiiuoui or causlni; a co|iy or this order to be puhllshcd in the • ( V. J. TEPPT. Geo. S. Clapp, on attorney of St. when leading, riding or driving one. the i)etition of F. W. Webb and 82 Sootlbn knives and .rivets forall'kln^ a of In 1850, her population was 212,502; cured iryoiluuE lluArcotlc*. iNiiiiAM CnuA'TV NKWS, a newspaper printed and . Quite a itumber of our oitizona atten­ teach for notliing and pay a bonus be­ in 1800,004,215: in 1870,818,579; and in respect than In almost any other. The PEACHES, dried, per pound 8® 10 circulated In said county orlneham, rorthreo suc­ Joseph, has been visiting Prof. D. P. At the time of the accident he was others, ask that the petition be laid on mowers and reapers,'at' CANNON'J: DtrBois. Hop Btttoral , RoltlttydrufT- cessive weeks prcviuns to said day orheorinf;. ded Barnum's circus at Lansing, Wed­ sides, but district No. 1, (the Bird 1880, 1,-502,574. present comet, from careful views se­ ONIONS, perbiiHlicl SO@l 00 ltyausr«iilm;| Oat yaar, $1.50; (i. meiilliii 7S nalii Mr.* Siiiioions. the table and the committee discharged • ,•'.'..' aibn«jr",to'lo«»,.';'."-'^., • nii>tn. Huudfur nesday. leading a horse outof the barn of Win. district) of Unadilltt, has an enviable The taxable property of the state lu cured at the Warner observatory, LAND PLA.STI.:il, per Inn ,•; 00®,') 56 ily weak andl, NEVER Circular. (A true copy.) OEO. F. OII.LAM, fflonlht, 40 etnti—la adMaM. from farther duty: upon same, .On by the Bodl Estate Agent,' JOHNDITN^BAOK.' . WOOL, per pound SOraittJ^j fawiitiriU'd.tryl; "llwl JndBeori'robato. Mrs. Lewis, nee Evu Moody, return­ H. Clark, wbpii'''tho librsb stepped on motion the request:of.tlic committee reputation for marrying ma'ams, for 1850 was $52,740,473 ; in 1800, $207,702.- it I It mityll Hopunms ADVERTISINQ RATCt. The street commissioner is graveling scarcely a lady teaches this school but Rochester, N. Y., proves to be a most I,IVK .STOCK .\SI> MKATS. • aveyourl: •TU CO., ed to her home in Colwell, Montcalm the little too of Bert's left foot, limpu- wos>grantedi) -, ,., -• ,•.,.•; .;•;., •••.-,•/-'' .'::;.'i rnraliarel'^ FarM'llavet.i ". 335, and has since then kept ]>aco with llfo- . Itlhoal j FAILI OTICK TO VACATK AM.EV. — CITY Our odvertliiliiR rate* made known aloflloo, MoRobcrtstreet wliicli has been recent^ i.By buying Amiiture' or mn,''parties are sure goes directly to the stateof matrimony. the increase of population. During marvelous one. Its tail proper, strange C.VTTLE, per UK) poun(l.i S 50(5H 00 •nved hun- IMtlmttr, A* f• Clerk's Olllce. Mason, Mich., June 7lh 1881. Buslne88carda$lallnepei|year. ; Co., this morning. tating the same as completely and well UNFINIflHED BUSINESS. ' ' The present teacher, judging from BEEF, dressed, per lOn pouniN 5 OogiT 00 drada. A Toronto, Out. Notice is hercliy itiven that ut a incctiuijortbe BuslnoaglocalaUvocoutaperllneeach and ly graded. to get nni>8oo;da as IidonptkoepseooBil band. the past few years theannual value of a to say curved originally in nn ojjposite euinmon cuiincll or the city orMnaua, helantthe as'a surgeon could have done. The By Aid. Williams: ... : \':i looks, will soon be going to the above HOGS, per 100 pounil.s I OOilHn 00 everyInaertlon. -.-..t •:.,. •:.;;•. ,,/. Mrs. D. Wright, of Yevay, started I .'sell new rurnltufe cheaper than, can' be few of her leading articles of export direction to that most common with cduucll rooms or snld city, on Holiday evening, IklnrrlAKe, birtli, nnd death notlcos tree. The new side walk oh the south side little fellow ran home without assist­ Jiuolvea, Thatnsldewalkbe ordered to be laid bouglit at any.oUibr store Iii the'coiinty,'' Ex- hained state. has been as follows: cotton, $30,(100,- POIIK, dressed, per 100 pounds 0 '5@7 00 il niie II, l.S8l,t he rollowini; preamble and resolution Obituary notlcos, reaolutlona (if reapoct, on the iilghtof the 4th of July for on the west aide or McKobert strect.ln rtont or- comets, became suddenly obsorbed by SlI0ULr>EU."3, per pound @ fi I was adopted: cardaortlinukSiOto., AvooentsaUne; ' of east Asli street lately ordered Ijy the ance and when his too was broiight to bniine tiie'qiiality of niy goo^^^iind got prices. 000; cattle, $0,000,000 ; hides, $1,800,000 I Ily Aid. Mclinn : Syracuse, N. .Y. to visit her parents. lots D-18 block .OS, lotsS-18 block 48,' lots 0-18 '"• '" '"•••'•• '• ••••W;'B.''Ht;NTlii!V. ItORTIl AUUELIUS. wool, $1,500,000; fruits and otlier ex­ a most vigorous oll'-shoot, or secondary HAM.S, per pound S(a 0 common council, is nearly completed. him remarked that he didn't care for J)Iock 17. Said walk lo^be eooatrticted in accord; NViiKUKASiThueoininoa council or the cltyor Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Webb returned, anco with the ordinance ou sldcwulks and. that • I, :'i ports, $3,000,000. tail, which stretched upward nearly CHICKENS, per pound @ S can fieneriil ll»bllllr,Slck .Mason lias been petitioned by UcorKoO.Mcadand THE NEWS: JOB ROOM the toe, but his vacation was spoiled; aaid walk bo laid within.'thirty days:!- Alao 'that- , PinjB.Iiunilier t;or Bale .Cheap. Duntli—STew CnrrlH«n —SpeiuliHB the lIUII.nl.VG MATKltlAI.. Ilendackv, Illllouaiioan, otliei'S owners ol land in the vicinity orhlocknuni- Griscom has survived his 15 days Friday, from Rochester via. Niagara the street commiaalonet give the proper, notice We quote the following from n cir­ sixty degrees, and eould be seen even i hcrsl\',orthtiorl;,'liialplutorsaldclt.yorMiisou, to Being laid up was harder for Bert to ' Or wlil excbaiige for Wood. Etiqulro.of E. Fourth—Moliooi CloNeil. etc. WATER LIME, per barrel @1 75 Dyapepnin. IndlBVatiou, ( IN auppllod M'lth the beat machinery tlint fast, in the nainoof suH'oring human­ to the ownera dr the above doacrlued premiaoi,- cular issued by the Texas & Pacilic to Pi DraconiSj more than twenty de­ HOW ' vacate the alley platted In salil block, for reasons Fails, where thcy^bave been visiting. bear than the loss of a toe. Adopted aa rollowa:'. Teaa,' Aldermen' Bsyner, A,'WebsteratH;'P, Hpndenoh'a idwbfflcb. .SO L. Smith, of Mason, passed the 4th railroad, relating to the subject of edu­ C.VLCINED PLA.STEIt, pur barri'l... @2 50 ' Anandd Livelilvorr Cninplnini ln'carod siiucdlly j set forth in said potltluu, and it aiipeaiintt to inouoy can buy, titled ror Htoara power, a large ity Griscom don't afflict us with a lec­ Keed, Uehan.llay, Williams, Brown-O; 'nnya— ' ill this vicinity. grees above the North Star. PLASTEKING HAIlt, perliushel ® iJO nn[email protected] 50 I ciMiiicll on the third Miindavof.luly.next.tn-wit: ' Ucr.i, etc., enabllnif us to do Job PrlntlDH on his brother, Chas. Fitch, a visit Satur­ By Aid, Brown: ' ,'• ';',', ;f'' ; The activity around tlio nucleus of LI.ME, per barrel @1 10 only need Intake IIOP.'H AND I Oil Monday cveiiinK, the cl|.'htecnlh day of July, short notice, at low prices, and In the Asix year oliisoii of William Gunn very narrow escape from death by ilght- to lit every time. , 71w4 ., . BEECII'IS: Sotr. Webb district, last Friday. tions of u school fund which In u few MALT IIITTEBS, which I.SSt, at cl;,'ht o'clocic ou said evening', and at tliu day. Mr. Fitch is the superintendent Renolveil, That a 'sidewalk' bo ordered' to bo. the lie;ul showing great ina.sses of mat­ L.VriT, pcrtlioHSiUiil ft 1 •.•••>E.l .W ning during the severe thunder storm Several in this vicinity commenced years will provide amply (br the edu­ YOU net dlrwtly nn the Staiiinch, coniniou cciiincll room in said city of Mason, be BEST POSSIBLE MANNERI fell through the railroad bridge north of the public schools of Pontiac. laid on tbo south side or Maple street in -.',\,.'••., , Honeyto..l4>an. cation of all the children in the state. ter—its extreme length—its sudden aj)- Ltvur, Kldnoya. and the lilood, ren- and Is ll.xed as the time and pliu'o where aud which passed over this place Tuesday. rront or lots 1, 2, 3, i, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, or harvesting wheat this M'eek, Ltvur,K when this council will meet to hear any objec­ of,the depot, on Wwlncsdivy, and block 40. ,<3ald walk to be constrocted 'On loiig iinio. ,', ' ' ' C.'H. SAOKBIDEB. (ivnthiK 111" nyntum and dostmylns I We do UB good workos con bo obtained any­ Mr. Albert Rose returned last Satur­ Died.—At her home in AureliHs, Mrs. It gives for the purpose of constitut­ pearance and its plienomenal actions, Meat Markel;-]!. IMWH. (ivnthiK tions ttiat may be made to the proposed vacation bruised his face badly. Ho was mowing grass on his farni near In accordance with' tho ordinance goverulna the . . ^e Want to Boy Jb'or, Caslit ing a permanent .school fund, all the liave justly made it a cau.se of great dlsonscdlsonrti'. of said iilley above relerrcii to, und that notice of where, and pnrtloa In need or coinraorolal or day front Grand Rapids, to commence laving or sidewalks, a>d that aaid Walk bo laid Charles Jennings, June 24th. ymi always eantlnuo wiirkliiB said meciln;;,to.wlt: A copy of tills resolution luiicy Job Printing or any description nro the city and had concluded to unhitch Within lirtecn days: Also that the street cum-, Wood, Logs and Lu'mben .Any person having alternate sections of land reserved out . lie piibllslicd at least lour successive weeks in The Saghiaw Division of the M. C. work for the Democrat. Mr. Rose E. J. ]JiilIcii has recently j>urchased wonder and comment. It is a vexed "H - O - O - P - E - E liny and iiluht without uldlni; requested to call, examine styles, luid obtain by reason of the storm. He liad'ciom- nilnsloner give tho proper notice to the ownera of Ash,'ciierryi'or|'W'nliiut; logs or' litmbpr, will of grant.s licrotofbre made, or that may I one of the lunvspapers ]>ublished in this city, be- R. K. has cqinmcnccd laying a side­ gives flattering accounts of the prosper­ the above deacribcd premises. Adopted as rol- do yteW to see ns.' Wood cohtrdcte'd for future n three seated j)latform gear carriage, herealtcr be made to railroads, etc.; question as to whom the honor of dis­ CAN naturi? HOP.SANIUHALT ' i fore tlie llMie u]ipointed ror such meetlli;;, as prices bororo placing their order.s. menccd to drop the tugs' from the nia- lows: Yeas, Aldermen Haynor; Reed, Melian, Tiianufaetured by GrllHn & Rogers, of IIITTlllTTEItI S nniiriah, Ntri-niilhea, and ; aforesaid, track preparatory to taking away gravel ity of our former citizen, Mr. Harry May, Wllliama, Brown—0; nays—none, •; delivery, • Offlod at N.'A;:Durinlbg'B stored'or al.so one-half of the public doniain of covery, and the AVarner prize of $200 NUl»pnrl tilt! i-allru system. WE QDAnANTEE PKUFKOT SATiaKACTION. chlne when suddenly ; his Jeft arm .^lason. NUPpnt I .Notice is also nlvcn th.it a nioetin^ of llie from the hogsback for Saginaw and Dean, who is partner with W. F. Cor­ By Aid, Brown: , : .; ElUworth.&Co's.. ; £. £..K£t:i.iCB iS;:Co. the .state and all money that may come are due. Tliere are hundreds of claim­ not cull cspi'iislvi. iluctiirs wlion appeared to bo ablaze with liglit and The bible class will entertain at the to the state from any jiortion of tlie I comaioii council lo hear objections to the ])ro- Bay City. nell in a large job printing establish­ . Resolved, That the city clerk be and lie,Is here]' lln'diion 'd; Beeil, Real''Estate AKcnts. next Sunday-school concert. A large ants from all parts of the Northern [flick, iMit use HOP!* ANI» i poseil vacation of said alley, will be held at llio NEWS NOTES. ho was feiledto the ground. His arm by directed to flive notice of the liillui; or the .same. It also sets ajiiirt annually, one- DO ftlAl.T IIITTEKS*. iiii'l «.iv" eoiiucll nioiiis on .Monday evening, July 18,1S8I, One of our excitable citizens upon ment in Grand Rapids. special aaaoasmeiit roll ror ronatructlnx the Blm •'•••'Moson,Mlcli.'' • "'•• •'•'•'• '••'••'• 68tr. portion of the class possess a rare musi­ fourth of the general revenue of the Hemisiiliere, and ranging in time over at. -S o'clock. and legs wore completely benumbed by street grade, and that therewill be a meeting: dr 1llnii1 nilss nianeyaail NUll'erliiK. cal talent. Therefore something grand state, and a poll tax of one dollar ujion a period of "> days, but it is almost cer­ TUw.j WM. M. VANVHANKEN, Oily Clerk. TltAYELERS> GUIDE. hearing of Mr. Reeves experience with A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs, the shook but liis sight and perception the conncll and board or asaegaors, on Monday, fieft'IlMndeil, Blieiirii . may be expected. each male inhabitant between theagcs I Is NttT a lleverauo, but ii Med- electricity exclaimed, • "How careless evonln;;, Aiimistl, 1881; at eight o'clocic to hear, At, '''. ,' ' 'CANNOJf Si DtrBois. tain that the first view of it was obtain­ icinv. Rcincnilicr the name Is A/IOHTGAOE S.vr.K.-DEKAUl.T HAVING J., I.. A N. DlvlMiOH M. €. Bnllrond. F. W. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrltt were clear. As ho fell he noticed that objections thereto. Adopted us rollows : Yeua, Miss Kate Murdock closed school in of 21 and CO years for the benetlt of the ed by some private citizen, and not by IT;conuMisc d of .1 worils. Iff. been made In tlie conditions of a certain people are getting with lightning! why and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Squires, both horses fell also. M'". Doll Abbott Aldermen Kiiyiier, Keed, Wliiiama, Brown;i ...Couie.Ono,! Come All, ."; ,. public schools. In August, 1S7S, the iiinrt^UKe iiiiide aud e.'ceciiled by Klijali \, Saii- TraliiH loaro Mason iu< follows, by Chicago Mehan,May—Ojnays-none. ' both great and sninll, anil sottlo .up.j^ourafr district Xo. 12, lastFriday. She return­ an astronomer; and it is also iiretty If oiv is the time. Meat is foril and Maria A. Suiifnrd, bis wife, lateoftlie time, which Is sovontooii minutes slower than didn't the mail carry a lightning rod'."' Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bunnell nnd Mr. who was at work near by saw theaccl- ed to her home in Dexter, Saturd.ay, pemianent scliool fund amounted to TRADE MARK . hlown In bottle. city of l.anslni;, liu-bam county, Mlcbli;nn, to Ma.son time. Through tickets east or west ; NEW'BITSINES.S.''-• counts at once,/or J muat have tttciiionei/. ¥3,38"),570.01. In addition to this, the sure, that an Amenean deserves the high, and the farmers give it •loliu Powers of tlie same jibtce, oeariiii; ilate the ror sale by M. J. Murray, ticket agent, and Mrs. E. Culver, started Saturday dent and ran to the assistance of Mr. On motion of Aid; Mebari the clerk ' estt. '•' "• '•' 'd. Gl'HtrNTiNaTON. aceompanied by Mrs. G. W. Wilson IILACK label, REII letters. Aak t'ur mil itiiv of Miircli. 1S7II, and rcconlud in the olllce OOINO NOllTH, OOINQ HOCTU. A tenant house belonging to F. S. and Ella Presley. .school fund lias about .S,(.M)(»,000 acres of credit of luiving seen it before any of the IteKl.^ter of Ueeds of In^'liaiij connly, Mlcli night for Pleasant' Lake, wjicro they Beeves. He found both'horses dead, was instructed todrawnn order of two alternate sections of land located by to the butcher, so that all he Free Triul Iloltlc. Malt 8:02 a,in. Moll lfl:Mp.m, Fitch at Fltchburg w.a.s burned on Tuesr Fariuers nairoyers. ^ Those in this vicinity that Mere European. Tlie name of the first di.s- lea 1 theL'lib day of May. 1S7«, in l.iber f) of E.tpress 3:13 p.m. Express.. I();*ln.m, expect to camp out for a couple of Mr. Reeves nearly helpless, and his hundred dollars oii thbMcRobert street Call at Sayofs etc jiPliclps aiid' see something railroad and other comniuiies, and over gets is clear profit and he can Murt|,'at,'es, iiaue 111, on which morli'aj:e and note Way fiolght., fl:;iO a.m."NVa y tVolglit. UtOSp.m, day. Ne.ii'ly everything wassaved ex­ grade fund in favor of Phillip Nice as linauciajly enibarassed wentto tlie river 30,000,01)1) of acres uiiuer the clause, eoverer will be duly published. a':conipaiiylii;; tlie same, there is claimed to be Thro' fr'Bht..;8:05 p.m. Jaokson a 7:15 p.m, cept the stove. The Are was caused by weeks. They provided themselves shirt-sleeve pii his left arm torn to new for ro'arklrigdndregisterin g ciittle, sheep July 4, to wade in the water, chew gum due al tills dale ibe sum of three handredaud part payment .for labor ou MoRot>crt 'nnd'swlrio.' • • •' • ' • .'•••.': '"•; 'half of tlie public domain of tliestate.' just as well trust you as not. eleven (S.'1U) ilollars. And the said niorlsnge with tents, baggage and all' thoconiforts shreds. It was nearly three quarters and amuse themselves in various other The value which tliis great eoniet New AtlvortiNementa Tliiit Wocb. the stovo-pipe being too near tlie wood street grade. Motion )i III iiNoleNN I.lfo liiMiiritiivu. II. S mi ill, of I he city of.Iacksoii,,Tacksoii connty, The' party arrived at the lake' at two to u.se his left arm and legs. Tho skin ban, May, Williams, Brown—0; nays as it is tlie first large one which has Mlclili;aii, wlilcb asNl<;nnii?iit waa recorded lu tile Special Assessinent Roll—City. Our forcmaiii has been .sick tliis week, —none,'-'^'' • • yL''!yj:-.:u"f>'-^' dry'gobds store. Cheap. Inquire "of '' appeared since tlie di.scovory of tlie tel­ WHAT SHARE HAVE YOU IN IT? said re;^lsler's olllce on the I'Jtb flay of .Auf^nsr. o'clock Sunday morning, where, tliey on his arm was blackened and smhrted •" ••••••• P; VANnri'ER, Onondaga', Mich. " KIXSIETIIXE. Tliu public school system of tliestate I.STii, III Ubirl'-' of Mortuaijcs, on ]>a;;e .'i^li, and •<, -•• ,,!NOW Ullsl•lCNl«IJOOillll• but his grit Wfis good and he has man­ asthougliithad been burned by 11 re. On motion a committee of three was is as yet in its infancy, but under exist­ escope, and it is almost certain that HENRY FETERS. Tliere is a money value In your l.-ipsed life lii- no suit or other proceeiiiiiKS at law or In equity aged to keep things moving. Our were joined by Dr. H. H.-Cook,'and ap]M)inted to investigate the matter of '"."' Auiei'the "Barber. '" siiraiicu pulley. No mailer liow loni,' slnci! liavlnn been instituted to recover the debt secur- For Sale—I); B.IIorrlngton. Tiie'horsdsnever'moved after they fell. All IiitorcNlliiiC Ilntcii of IICIIIN from ing laws recently adopted, no commuH- the elements can be determined, so any premium lias lieeii paid. To ileteniilne eil t>y said mort|;ui;e, or any part tiiereof; Notice employes till deserve great credit for entered immediately upon.the plea.s- city printing. The: Mayor appointed' Will'give yo'ti'iitiotter shnvd'qir hnlr-cut than tlint VlUiiKf). ity need be without ample and good He keeps a large stock of tliat value, and how to si>cni'e It, eiiiisiiH Tin' is bi-rcby i-'iveu tbat by virtue of the iiower of To Horsemen—W. 11, Clark. • urcs of camp life. No mark was lofton tho animals show­ as such committee. Aids.: Brown, May • nny other bdrber'ln the city;''' Shop- lilt door that the exact formation of comets may I.ll'e Insurance Policy Holders' As.soclaMiiii ot sale euiitaiiied In said morti^a^e, I sliatl sell at cheerfully working overtime in order school facilities. The growth of the , t^H^-. Look out for 1.1W suit soon. Choice Meats constantly on the Uiilteil Slates. piililic auction, to tbo hieliest bidder, on the 51 li ing where the ffital fluid struck, but Meliaii. i : . , , • • . : north of post btlloo..' ;• •:'! '..i J.:-! ••<•;• system during the jinst year has been be known hereafter. • OHERItnm WANTED. that our readers' should get their paper By Aid. Bayngr: ,,, . .; ,: ;.,.-v The comet has created (juite u talk day of A iii,'ii.-t, ne.vt, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of Numerous cases'of sun-stroke have the h6ad.s of bpth'-hoi;ses inimediately '"" . Fnriii For Saie.'^ ^';',' ,•'', for the past week. marked and satisliiutory as evidenced hand. By the way, if you Ilial day, at the front iloor of tlie court-lioni^e, in We willpay a lihcrcd caithpricc for ou time. liemh'cil. That the common council ortjiii; city by the increasing nunil.)er of schools A >'\UnOn' KSCAPK LIFE INSURANCE CLAIMS Of ALL KINDS the city of .Mason, (ilial lieln;; the building in occurred during the recent warm pufled out to an. unusual size. It was order the conatrnetionor a stone ciily.e|'t,!icross GO acres. Inquire of J. L. FtrhLk'ii. Harvesting will eonimence here the which the circuit court of said connty is licld) all the chcrricH wo nan get picked with The storm of wind and rain Tuesday tlie creek on eimt Ash street. .Also to'gravel said established anil inerouse in attendance. happen to have the money at COLLECTED. the premises discribeii in said mortirage, to-wit: weather. Twelve tit Cincinnati, live an .o.xpcrienco Mr. Reeves will not, de­ f. . ' ,. (ShortH«f'ruit'F'o'r','Sale.'.''. first of next week. KxiinrlKiivPli liy Tilrn, UnrtlvM »•• IIf>r The iinrlli sixty (liu) acres of the east half of the the staiun 0)1. .: JWNT& ELLIS. street rromB street east to the city ilinilta.' On At the beginning of the year ISSO the Hndose IwotlireiMM'nt staiiipstolnsiife ans­ took the i'oof from the barn of Geo. H. at St. Louis and seven at Louisville. sire to have repeated. , . K inolioh said reaolntioh wuarererrcu to tlie alroet Seven cbws from' twd tb''flyb'years old, Ave Trip Kroiii I,«iii)f llriiiivli. hand he won't be mad if you northeasioimrler of section twenty-nine (2!>), In eominlttec. .•,-•....-j.-.-i. i.. .^.i^.r ,• S. Stetler is repairing the foundation enrolled scholastic population of the wer, and we will Klve our time liuinswerlii.,' towiisiiip three (^H. north of rtini^t.. one (1) cast, Procter of White Oak. Several men biills, IVom bhoyeiir old nnd upwards;' lu- .^•our letters, tinil ttjtinioii /'rcr, .Smaller ]>lnces give the.same propor- under his mill, also putthii; .some rc- slate anion II ted to 2;iO,.')i,'7, and thenum- A Washington special to the Timcx Iii'^'baiii coiiiiiy, .Mlclii|;aii. or so much tiiereof as Giii'tlold will recover. ••:• The'following claims"wferp presented qulra of C, R. BACKUS, Wllllainston. '' pay him for your meat. -Vddre.ss, will satlsl'r ttie iiiiioiiiit (hie thereon, ami Interest were in the building but fortunately ion. "Amtmgtho Clouds," a briglit.little liaii-s on his house. ber of organized schools to 4,54.S, .says; "ft seems that during the r-, '•> ••.•'r^nr^ :—H-i rrr-U;r'f) from Ibis date at ten per cent, per annum, and People are .s-jckiiig for comfort in no one was hurt. Rumors of accidents daily printed on tho 'ijummit of Mt. and referred to tho flnaoce coniinittec: Rev. Jlr. Haze, of Lansings preached 111 nearly all the recently oi'ganize«'* !?!!'''"*"!l«',.,-[ to a large congregation at tlie M. E. western i'rontiereouiities, few coiiiniun- sale, 'I'lio above sate is for accrued interest and ci'owilL'il summer 'i'e.-iorts. from lightning in variou.s parts of the Wa.shington, is thoroughly impressed team 913 00 ' EnqnlrontN. A.I)uiinInS'8''^tdre',' or'of A. ton there was a very narrow escapee Wviiiiriil Nl»l<^ AKf-'iilN, will Itu made subject to the lien of siiid morlj;age, colonies of bees, Jias had in the montli G. IJ, Uarnaliy, to 1 day's'liilior, seirand Ellsworth ra Dolliir SIOI'L'.IIMS liouii ro-(j|)i,.|u-Ml al Why complain thai, you ai-i. hlllious, or of Hilled .May ^M, l.SSI. " lillwli • on the place lie recently purchased of eign Mi.ssloii, and he is sorry now that 2d, 2flOpoiiijds ofwhitocloveraiid bass- Andrew ,T. Tallmnn, to 14 nights' watch..:.;.°17,U The Fourth passed off very quietly and high schools approaching, if not Mie old nuinliiir, II;! Wondwiiril Ave, l>ulnill. ln(ll|?eslIon, .sick headaelu! or nervous dchilltv can imagine tho raptures that eilitor . SO AcreiFwriU;. ^]'or. Bale. ,, ,,, iuthis place, most of tlie iunaliitauts AVhen witliin two miles of Bowie Sta­ .\ eoRllal Inrll.'illiiii is<..\ti..n(UMl mall lo look i .i.sTATi.; Ol'' JOHN c. IIANK.S, DK- O. M. Barnes. he did not get him one in Siberia or wood honey, On inotion, council adjburned for , '\yitltln two arid .pncflialf.iiVll.cs pifMa^bij, on eiiualing those to bo found in tlie old­ MiniUKUaiKl exaniliwi i>ur aiiw ami itli..f,'aiil,I when one hox ol' Dr. Kerniott's pills will i.ur'e would cxpcricnco if he"slibuld see tlie went to Lansing and Eaton Pvapids to you. 70wlll Ji ceased. State of.Michigan, cunnty of Ing- Iceland. Tliat is just like Bob. Ho one week. ,1 one of the best'roods'.ieadinS''put'bir'th6'city, er states," tion, .sixteen miles from AVashington, sttM^lt. New novfltlt's reeelveii tially. 1 haulI , ss. At a session of the proiiatc court Freddie Williams has got a new Just ns wd go to press, we are in­ celebrate. "real editors" who staid at homo : WM. M. VANVRANKEN, i bnly a small paytiiont required ilbwh', thd'btil- An appropriation has been made and the parallel rod on the side of tlie en­ lor said county, lioUIen at the proliste othce, Cohiinbia bicycle, which he rides as don't want any one to go to a hot place City Clerk. Married.—In this place.-, Sunday, in the city of .Mason, ou the 1st day formed that OIlio Gritlln, son of R. F. "About seventy-flvo editors of news- ance on long time lifal low rate of Interest'^ a law pa.ssed tor establishing two uni­ gine broke, while the wheels were of June, ill the year one thousand eight but is willing to .send them to the next July 3d, by the Rev. W. W. Smith, versities, one for white, and one for J. C. stoves.—Agriciiltnral Iiuploiiioiits. well as some of the older boys. Griffln, of this city, had his right hand pa liei-s in tlie Wolverine State, some of Apply to ..'W£nBdkMi:Ai>,Ci.oTniEits; making at least ^2•'A^ revolutions per liiiiulred and eighty-one. Present, Geo, h\ Gil- best place and let them freeze. ' •*")ll . . MASON; HICB. ISIr. Joseph Taylor to Miss A. D. Col- colored students, and it is probable him. Judge of I'rob'alt!, The residence of Jolm Dun.sbaelc cut olf by a buzz saw, through the tliem with their M'ives nnd others with BUSINESS LOCALS. lins, both of Aurelius, Mich. that they will be located at Austin, minute. Tlie rod is a steel bar, which In the matter of the estate of Jiditi C. Ilanes, proaoiits ii decidedly improved appear­ Mrs. Wm. Schuffman, living one knuckles, completely severing the their sisters, tlieir cousins or their ••''•-''•.:--?•''••» •"•'•Bloiiey'to'tonn '• the state capitol. eomieets the wheels, and is about lleceased. auiits, are witli the Evcninr/ Netun ox- The conmuinity was veiy much On reading and lllliig the petition, iliily veri. ance under a fresli coat of i)aiiit. mile east of Onondaga, committed sui­ fmgor.s. The liand was dressed by Dr. oursitm party "from Detroit to the. XoliominmlorIhiaheml will be innortcdat the On real estate (it.the-ofllco of J. M. Dresser, shocked, on Saturday last, to hear that twelve feet long, si.\ inches wide and lied, of Samuel Skailah, adininlstralor of said es­ rate0/JivecentHpa'line, eachinscrtion. A'on^ oyer Lowe, Siiie^dic.o.> blink. . CiStf lITS'rOBY OF TJII-: r.OXK .S'J'Alt. tate, pniyiiig tliat the time for disposiiigof tbo The masons arc at worit on tlie foun­ cide Saturday cvenlngby hanging her­ C. H. Sack rider. Sea."" As most readers of this paper ticeiiuierted/orteM than twenty-five centn. President Garfield had been shot and AVhen old Governor iSmitii was pro­ four inches tiiick. As tlie engine con­ ell'ucis of saidestMte, and for settling said estate, are probably aware, Michigan has Physlolaiis cliilni Hops und Molt blttcra are died in a very short time after. But may be extended one year from tlieimte hereof. dation of.T. B.Dwinell's new residence self in a barn. .She was discovered visional governor of this embryo re- tinued to tliunder along, iilthougli the boN't FbRClt A gang of juvenile thieves was un­ been peculiarly fortunate in tho char­ • 'to HorMninen. the best. .., ...... ,.; . j, ,,'. ' ou Sunday we were very happily sur- 'rbcreiipon it is ordered, thatKriday, the Sth d.iy Sunday niorniiig. Some adectionate ]niblic, tlie territory of Texas, (I think of July next, at one o'clock iii liie after- on tlio corner of 3D and Elm streets.' earthed at Grand Ledge on Jlonday, acter of her original colonization and 12..B. PAUTuii>aK, one of the best, and most ]>rised to learn that he was yet alive engineer immediately reversed the Tlint I tun .still on liaiul with ti full lino of Farm Iniploinciit.s, coiiwi.stiig of vers(?s were found pinned to the stall. RendG.W. Glynn's "ad" In another col- in 1S43,) it became necessary to send steam and jnit on the air brakes, tlie noon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, Tlie baud boys coiitempiato a picnic and seven oreightarrcsts made. Their much of her subsequent settlement. e.\iieriuneed iiorseman and yeterluiiry Surgeons uinn—"To the traveling PUblloiV / •. and that there was a prospect of his some otiicial documents to New Or­ and that the licirs at law of said ducfitised, and The habitual'use of morphine is sup­ Slio is thoNow England of the West. in the Stute, has taken charge of the "Clark locovery. broken rod lioinieed with each revolu­ all other persons interested in said estate, are re- to l^leasaiit Lalte. Tliey will probably "rubber's cave" was dug out of tho ' .(ioaleit!.SeMeK'l''.".'r^ •:r..: leans. The gentleman who was to (liilred to appear ut a sitssion ot said court, tiien posed to have been tlio cause of tlie The standitrd of iutcllectiial w'brk of House" barn for the chguing year; All persons —^— bank of the river, and contained the :I have taken the agoucy.for tlio Buffalo take the documents insisted tliat tliey tion of the wheels, tore \\\i the ties and lo be bobbin at tlie iirobale olllce In the city of go .Saturday night and return Sunday rash act. all kinds in that state is liigh. She having sick, di^ieasod, or lame horses .will do Letter from Mrs. Ceo. W. IJarlow. Mason, and show I'.aiise, if any tlieru be, why the necessaries for .siich'a resort, as prescrib­ has furnished to tho world some of the well to call on him; IJestand cheapest Feed and Scales, and will fui;nlsh any ^Izo Scale atmau- should have .some kind of a seal. The considerably damaged lliat.sideof the prayer of till! ]>etitioiier should ntd. tie granted; ed in the dime novels. most notable lirtists, as Randolph Boarding Stable in the city, . •.: iirabjurpr's Price. Fnrihpr'S:, pliUform scales DETKOIT, .Tuly 4th, ISSl. provisional governor had not adojitcd engine. This continued for about two D. M. OSBORNE'S and It is fIIrt her ordered.tliat a copy of lliis order he Tlic sidewalk in front of the Baptist At a nioeting of some of our citizens any, but while tjdkiiig it over .some piitillslied In TiiK IN'OIIAM CUIINTV NKWS, a an amount was subscrilied sullicieiit to Rogers; orators, as Anson Burllngaiuc ; Will, H. CiABK, Proprleter. alwayso'li liiind, ' C.'E.EATON. EDITOM NKWS :—It is hard to write one observed a five-pointed Ijrass but­ miles before a stop eould beellected, .so newspaper printed and eircutated in said county church has been repaired. An improve­ Notwitbslanding.the warm weather poets, as Will Carletbn ; inventors, as . L:J—L^—•' '; •;.•»•.);;; . about or think of anything just now, great headway had been aei|uired. An for iliree successive weeks previous lo said raise the premiums for trotting races our local coiiirrins are fllled with seri­ Edison; writew for juveniles, as Mrs. Fur Snlel ,ForSal«.' .. ; A • ton on tiie governor's old overcoat. It day of Uearhi'g. GKO. F. GII.I.AM, ment .sadl.v neodeil in some other parts Tlio best work horse In Ingham county. If Init the attempted assassination of (A true copy) TOwl Jildgu of I'robaie. at the meeting of tlio Inghimi County EllaFarman Pratt; Jurists, as Judge Throe lino 'W'ork or Routl norscs, 1 new gon- President Garfield. This city is pro­ was cut oft instantly and used as a eye witne.ss states that as the train (lew of the city. ous accidents wliieh hn.ye.happened in not taken this week, will bo taken to Saginaw, state .seal. Agricultural Society to $400. We Thos. M. Cooley; Journalists, states­ iilno Brewster Sldo-Biir.Top•.BiJggy, Harness, foundly moved ; nothing else is talKed by Bowie Station splinters of sliatter- Self-Bind- OilTtiAUK SAM-;,—DKF.VUI.T HAVING !,' .Sid Culver is sportiii'.? a splendid tho city and vicinity; ^JTIipse who be­ men, and the rest of the brain-wbrkefs, its former owner desirlniS'to pnrchiiso. 'Inqnlre Robes/Ciitter/etc. i'nquiro bf AV. M. cilNE, of. The latest telegrams wore announc­ Arriving in New Orleans, the new.s- ed ties filled the air. Had the engine M been made in the i>aynicnt of two hundred may expect some llrst-chiss races. lieve in tho prophesies of Mother Shij)- at the City saw-mill, of D, B,' UAnniNoTON. ntth'o marble works,'' ''-' ' ' ' • '' ilBstf ami thirty-one dollars and nincty-eigliteeiits now new l)it!yclo. It is nickel plated and that are known in the later history of ed from tlie various pulpits yesterday pajier reporters seeing the imnre.ssion Tlie society is bound to make the humanity. The liieu who furnl.sh the Jiason, Jnly 12, . . Iw, of the live-pointed button on tlie wax, left the track the Pullman car would ebiliiied to be due ami iiiipniu upon a certain makes a flno npiicarance with .Sid. ton will iiavotheiri faith''strengthened I'lnuoa nnd Orirann.''.,'' at all services, and the deepest feeling iiii.ingage bearing date tlie sixili day of Deceiiitier the next meeting excel anything daily and wpckly mental pabuluni of Woshnlliiell more plitnos and brgatis'this was everywhere shown. announced It as an emblem of the Lone have iieen splintered Into kindling ers with A, n: 1.^71.1, and executed In- Matililii J, IJpdiUi... in her superstitious priedidtlohs. Graham Crackers, Milk Crackers and Ginger astride of tlio saddle. heretofore. the Beautiful'Peninsulas must be men year than over before, for we are determined Star state, and It has ever since been wood, and all on board been killed. of Mason, Michigan, to llarney U, Uiiyiier. of of thought as well as action. Tho edi­ Snaps, at Howard's Centi'Sl Grocery. At the dedication of the Trunilnill been recognized as such. More nnon. Veviiy, Michigan, ami recordeil the same day it S. A. Paddock's horse became fright­ Prof. P. B.;.Rp.se; Tpriiiorly of tho toundorsell them nil, nnd that Is ihokey not« Ave. Pros. Chapel, yesterday afternoon, Another engine was sent out from was executed In the olllct of the Kegister of The examination of Chester Cook, torial gathering to-day upon tho slopes .''lO Bo.xes Magnetic Soap, 8 cents a bar, at tosuccoas. Organs from tSO undPlanosfrom C. L. R AA'ashington, and ^frs. Garfield's car Deeds for Ingham Comity, Stale of Michigan, in ened Monday morning and ran about Michigan ilniverslty,' litis accepted the and at tho summit of Mt. Washington AS'lien Dr. Pierson announced n tele­ Cord or Libi-rtlfiy-tiireeof .Mortgiigcsoii page one hundred charged with enticing Alice Hawkins, 7111' Howard's Central Grocery, S1I15 iipwjirds. >Vrlto to us for terms; .. , and eighty live, and no suit or proiiecding in law • four rods before he was stojipcd. No position of chemist in a manufacturing is therefore, the more. notable.- .Some gram saying that the President was was brought to the city. Tlie accident a girl under 10 years of age, from her Strnynd. ;. . ., BAKKlli&TitAYBn, ' Ji.aving good rest and hopes of his recov­ Advertised Letter List. or chancery having been instituted to recover any damage. Try it again. company in Chicago at nmuch higher of the ablest of Michigan journalists— delayed the arrival of the party about part tiiereof, and the power of sale therein eoii- parents, for purposes of concubinage, Broke into my iiremises, two. miles cast or An isi Meiid Blbok, Lnnsliig. , ery were strengthening, an audible .AfAsosr, .Inly 1. salary than he received while in the as Mr. W. S. George, editor-in-chief of J. Ti.Bcinont Is. the authorized agent SOt half an hour. Railroad men .say it laliicd having become absolute, by virtue of the Sain'i Bradsliaw, of Grand Ledge, was coiiti lined before Justice Hammonil thcL'an.sIng licpublican, nnd'head of relius Centre, the 20th or Jmie,.alarge spotted^ sigh of relief came up from that large niiiliop, KiimiK!! M. llylu, Wlllio W. Wire, statute insiicli case made and provliled; Notice emjiloy of the state. Before departing Mnsbh'.' ••'••' • . ' ! • •' • * •.. ,'.'' Ilrmvur, Mru. Lvllia Multicc, yu». Flum isalmost a miracle the engine did not is lu'reby glvi'.n thatupou Sslnrday, the iiuvcn- claims to have been the flrst discoverer the well-known Arm of stute ])rinters— sow, whicii tho owner can have by Identifying audience and a happier look appeared MoGinw, .1. n. Frida.y. After the defense had sworn ou every face, wlcli here and tliere nnrnliurt, Uoo. jump the track, and then all on board tceiitli day of September next at one o'clock in of the comet, Jiaviug seen It about i.' for bis now flelil of labor, ho was are detained until, subseciuent excur­ properly and paying damaj;es. Bloiiey to £onii, . . ' ' Ciirtix, Churlc!8 Pulinur. J. v. Ibe nl'ternoon, I shall sell at piilillcaiictlon lothe two witnesses, they rested the case. 71w!)p " >t, O. MKAD. on farm property, nt low rate of interest.' In­ au expression of thankfulness. Stuwiirt. Gcoryu presented with an'elegant autograph sions of the season, or will not lie able Gregory, A. It. would have been instantly killed. bigtiest bidder, at the front door of the Ingham o'clock on tlio morning of the 21st of On motion of defendant's attorney, the quire of CJIAS. FITCH, Abstract oillco. IlnmmuiKl, Mrn. Cullii Taylor, C. N. County Court'tiouse in the City of .Mason, (said album, prefaced by kindly exprcslonsof to visit the Mountains at nil this year. All Itinds 01 Suit Fish cheap, at , Well, I wish to tell my IMason friends Poi'soiis oalUng lor thci aliovo lollorH ulionld Court-iiousu being the place where the Circuit June. That bents us. Ne.\t. prisoner was then discharged from But the excui'sion includes some strong 8iiy lulvorll.sucl. F. T. AwiiiioiiT. V. SI. SINGLE REAPERS, . 73tf HUNT ds ELLIS. V . No Hospital iree through your columns, that I should Court for saidcuiinty Is held) so niucli of the laud respect, sympathy and friendship, and men, nevertheless. Mr. W. P. Stock­ Beiiorts from the Eveninff Netvn ex­ custody. . No,palatial hospital needed for Hop; Bitters be very glad to meet them at Lakeside cmtiraced ill said mortgiige as sliull he necessary signed by the entire graduating class of ing, a leading writer upon tho Detroit Oxen lor Nale.'. AVJI.VT Bi:c'Ojri.;s OF A'JCTOIUA'.S to satisfy tlie amount due upon saiti mortgage, patients^ nor large-salaried'talented piilTers to this summer, during the Sunday school —UMTII— cursionists indicate tliat they tire thor­ One yoke rtrst-elnsM o.\on, coining live years AHBAKAM LINXOLN'S CKUKW. — wltti the interest at ten per cent, and all legal The Central MIchigiin trotting, pac­ '81 of over 90 members, also by 5U of Post and Tribune, tho, cliiof organ of toll what Hop Bitters wlll'do or ciiro, as they toll encampment, whicli opens July 21st Oi.i) DKESSKS.—The following adver­ costs, together with an attorney fee of twenty- When a member of congress, knowing oughly enjoying themselves and will ing and running circuit races open at the class of '70, who had been pupils Micliiguii republicanism, is with it; old. In good order for heavy work; 'Tliroo their own story by their,co'rtain ii'iid'dbsoluto and closes Aug. 3d. The summer tisement apjieared recently in a New live didlars covenanteii tor tlierein. Tlie land also Gil R. Osmun, state editor of tho miles west of Mn.son fiilr ground. ,, .1 | science school oi)en8 to-day and closes his religious ciiaracter, asked him descriiied in and covered by said mortgage Is probably not be home until the latter Eaton Rapids, July 27 to 31) (fourdays,) uniler him. cures at'homoT '• • '••'I'-.'i J'"".•• ' '^n,; York paper: "Ladles deslrlous of pur­ BOTH REAE AND FRONT CUT MOWERS, lots one and two in tilock six In Grlllin's uddi- Evening-News, and one of the most ac­ "iltf C. ii. PintMi-s.' Aug. Ctli. In addition to the S. S. "why he did not join .some church?" part of next week. This Is comforting nnd promises to bo the best ever lield chasing articles from the wardrobe of lion to llie City of Mason, in Inghuni County, Our enterprising ice cream man, complished bicyclists in the North­ A AaeMtioii. Normal closs work, there are on the Mr. Lincoln replied, "Because I Lave and COMBINED MACHINES, Mleblgan. to tlio sweltering boys at home. there. Purses, $2,300. The track is in west ; Mr. Smith of tlie Ithaca Journal, The best line of colfeosevor shown In'tho city Whether It pays to"aUow the ilrat aiages of encampment programme many line Queen A^ictorhi can do so by calling on IIAUNKV C. K.VVNKB, Mortgagee, Truman >Saraw, had a laugliable runa­ and many others. All hail,the brainy at Howard's Central Grocery. .• •: lectures on science, and In fact there found difliculty, without mental reser­ I.IJciK.s liKKii, Attorney for Mortgagee. A Bergen county girl siutt'ed the arm the best condition and the stable ac­ a diacaso'to rodiiiib th'o systonij causing a long Mrs.Martin, AVcstFortieth street." IJaled .Mason, June 8-,!, l88l, TSwIH way last Saturday afternoon, while de­ men of Michigan! May tlio pure illnesa.'and largo,doctor bills,: wb6»v bapV and are daily, popular science lectures, lec­ vation, in giving my a.ssent to their of an old coat with liay, placed it commodations first - class. A largo 910,000 Bnnkrnpt, Stock, ' The vender of the east-ofi clothing told livering his refrigerating luxury. As breath of the Mountains and the brac­ maltblttera will! help aiid.:ciire>youit Aak for a tures on literature, and other inter­ long and complicated confessions of number of fine horses will bo present. ing wash of tlio sea recuperate and re­ Has Jitst boon purchased'by-AI Vf. Park- Plows, Spring- around lier waist, andsat near the win­ ho was attempting to mount his wagon 'freo..bottlo.;i,.:. ^;-!. .-.-i; .;•.•,!!•, n',i,:i Laiighlin, the former from Ingham for come so imbued with the spirit of as­ ran around to tho alley leading MA.SON, July 11,1881. BorrleN 'anil oiierri«a Iter 'Cahnlnirj Viich'olBca'cy as Bii'xter"».MBndrokoBittot^,.| self,'that church will I join with all oquiil, unil for pleiisnro Leave your, orders with Howard A Son, '\i' pher and map maker, and professor money it brings among them. Tlie or heiiltli is far Htiperlor larceny and the latter from Oakland sassination, that ho is talking of hitv- to his stable, dexterously iiuload- Council met iiv regular session, lu Oxford University: Dr. J. H. Vin­ to uny other outdoor 'Vandorcook, or,Fra'/.cl ife Mehon,;and I wlll'i ,' I As a'llMmont fbr barsos.iHoiity and'Johnson's my heart." discarded garb of Britain's greatness for assault with intent to kill, escaped ing his long haired devil taken out ing tho ice near the back door of Sa- and was ctdled to oraeri.by Mayor .'ArnlcMfind^Oll Iilnamonlisaoeqnallod.'Mtclircs cent, who is to be there July .-«•. .sport. Thonrt of riding deliver thorn at your houses, i.ll72tr, Is ouslly ueiiulrcd, niul back of the hogsback and slaughtered. Clark, Present, Aidermon lltiyner, 2.3th, 26th, 27th, and Is to deliver having been packed in bundles Is Jaokson Wagons. from the keepers while working in the raw's restaurant, where tho horse Beed, Mohan. ' . •,,,:,,. WM. H.|Oyiti>H0t.T. Hpraliis, Bruises and L%inea.e>s< at once;...,/, Circuit Court Proceedings. the exerulso is rcuoin- Wo tremble whenever we hear a rap­ three regular lectures, hold six sessions transported by night to the residence mended by the inodiuiil woods on the prison farm Saturday doubtless supposed it belonged. Tho There not being a (]iioruin present, 'nentlatvjr.'' .',••.'' , •A'' , ,;/; ,^,'vi..-;W«rldiMi:€)«'urfB«—-I'^lj :\ of a Sunday school congress, a primary profession its a inoiin.s id foot-step ii])proaehing our sanctum, Circuit court convened July 5th, and of a Mrs. Murks, who receives it from In fact aiiytliint; In the of rcnowing health nnd afternoon.—yacAsow Citizen. wagon was badly damaged, which on motion council a^ourncd until to-' . Best Upper or tower sets ;Teetb, .(Celluloid jAdvonolng yo^r»,|paro„slokncsii,".dlsappolnt. teacher's meeting, conduct a C. L. S. Mtrongth as It brings In­ morrow evening at 8 o'clock. ,, transacted the following business: the trusted carrier and returns the Diana, Ella and Bena Dislcr were for fear the crazy quill-driver is coming would have been the only serious lo.ss, or.KubborPlates)oniy8S.Cash. .. ,„ ., ; I 1fli^pnt,, and ,lierpdltiUT prodtaposlMpn.^T- allfii '. C. reunion, round table meetings, to act Ion utmost every to wreak vengcnco upon, our devoted W.M. M. VANVRANKEN, .A. P. yAH.DSUSBN, operate to turn, tUe^Jialj'gra^j ond .olthor of and besides all the above, on the even- I.SSUE.S OF FACT. money. She does with it what ladies mu.scIo of Hie body. arrested by oflloer Neely, Monday on but for tho accommodating neighbors. Soiul ;t-eont stamp for head for some imnglnnry injury. City Clerk. Dat'row Block. Tltl ,Maaon^ them Iholines. ittp shc^'protii'dtiircily.. AYKR'S iug of the 27th of July, he delivers the George M. Dayton vs. Abrum Van- and gentlemen, who deal in cast oil 'Jl-pago ilUiHlriitcd cntii- complaint of Matilda Castorct and .Some of these rushed to tho place 1-' HA'tB''Vf(Mh'.wllirc'^tbra'fo'dcd'or.griiyi light annual address to the members of the logHc, eonlalningprico- No iiso talking,'can't' boat them''Helling duser—assumpsit. Appeal. Order en­ clothing, plebeian or regal, the world brought before. Justice Hammond, AVe have received the summer pro­ where the frozen water bad slopped MASON, July 12,1881. or rod hair tii'd irieH' brown ^br' deep lijack, os C. L. S. C's. On the same evening tered reforming the previous order and llsLsaiid lull Information. Goods clienp ut Ford's 5 d lOct. Ilnzikar. :72tf <^ occurs his noted lecture "Our Young over do with their wares. It finds a charged with keeping a house of ill- gramme of the Chicago Driving Park, out of the wagon and zealously tried to Coiincii met pursuant to atjjourn- moyha-dedred. It^iranons 'aiuI'-clcaiiscii'tho amending declaration, on motion of ready sale in London, at comparatively THE P01>E JIF'G CO., prevent the aaino from being wa.sted. iiieiit and was called to order by Mayor' Ncaip,'giving it u'healUiyi action. I It rembvoa Folks." Hon. G. R. Wendllng is on plaintiffs attorneys. m7 Wiislilngton 8t„ Hnsloii. MII.SB. fame. Tlioir trial was .set down for which will hold d nieoting July 19, 20, I'olltlclnns ReeoiumenilJita .', i>i)d.ctire«,dandrafl( and humbrs..- JJy itatuso the programme for two lectures, on the enormous prices, to ladles who desire One rising young professional, in his Clark. Present, Aldermen Bayner, CRiMrxAr.. Tuesday, and, In default of bail, they 21, 22 and 23,1881, and will bo, in all Reed, Mohan, May, Williams, Brown. ,.,llauy liolitlciane who ,have used,Hall's Ci' '^mW ^'^l»,ehW^*«>i and o now,growth will 26th and 29th. Dr. Plerson's lectures to possess some souvenir of their sov­ zeal, tried to get u 100 ))ound block of tarrh Ciiro say Itwlll sorely cure. . _. !• arc on the 27th and 28th. Tlve City of Lansing vs. Plulbert were comhilttcd to Jail. • respects, the greatest trotting event of Minutes of two last meetings rentl ereign. In free America the demand !l M M ico into his two quart pitcher, and in and approved. ', . ,' ; not tlkii)UJ)j;fa,,pr the glandiiiibcoifedi, Jta of- Webster—keeping saloon without li­ There are on the programme several Our citizens mis.sed a decided treat the season. 900,000 in piirses will bp Ilonin' to'] Rent.' fecUiorebpiintlfiilly filibwh"'6ii,brasii3r,",wcait, cense. Appeal from justice court. is equally great. The customers are all ^GANGER competed for, entries for which closed his haste he filled it so full that it will REPORT OK COMMITTKES. i ' ' fine biblical lectures, a biblical museum by not attending the lecture of Prof. Inquire at'Donnelly Honse. Nohb-'bnt' ijoii or sickly liillifi' ba'jwiilbli'ii'few opplidtitibns Conviction affirmed and prisoner Aned natives, but they gush over the rem­ never hold'water again. This same Tlio flnancb committee ropprtod liack i..'l and many other attractions which $30 or 30 days in the Lansing city pen­ j\i;eokeon Tuesday evonlng. The Prof. with the unprccedonted ; nuinber sponsible parties ne'cd'apply, t wWpWtluce'lho gl6fi«JniKdiH'oSlines»bf youth. nants of royal flnery witli as much E. W. BECKEH, Salesman. young man n,fterward3 had the, un­ tlie following . claims rccominonding. T-Ml l.Ul'l' want of space forbids me to mention. itentiary. Stay of proceedings entered IsiiJferlor tonoiio nnd equalled by few of 185, incluiling every; flrst-closs '••r r'f.r ....-I HJiraflclaaniil Rtirosiil i|!lt;!6pemtl6n;^itisin- Lakeside is 12 miles beyond Put-in- fervor as any full-fledged cockney toady jrl^out the UH or the Knife or Cauitle-Ertlng blushing liardilioqd to declare that tho their allbvyancb.at footing:' iaapn|«A1rie>ak;livcdn«lng,'and Is baj^^ Bay. From Toledo a round trip ticket allowing defendant 30 days in which MSilohjei. UI.OIBS, TUKOBS.and all SOBOnLOOi ill his recitations mid' Impersonations. trotter in AmMlcn. Every nrrnnge- O. L, Barnaby.. ...31a SS to move for a new trial or settle a bill ever could. The flrstthin g they do isOpposit e Clark House. Mason, Mioh. BIMA8II tueceuruily tnttfi. Btai tot Clnulai horse and wagon hadrun clear through John Spearo,..,,. ...., •-yia|.ftfl.<'w(y>9i»bltju*lfli,«nd,ricl»ii««i oMoBb; i to Lakeside, on the steamer Woite, Is His rendering of the "Creed of the ment has been made by the manage-, .... .1 m of exceptions. to kiss them; the next is to try them his r'cccptiiclOj and that. Sviis what A.P, Drake,.,,,;.,,,,'.;,,;...... am, liM9Wt*!^v,-.|* (^TO^i^W/; WWok'i oil .nor; idye;-; ' SI.75,1 believe. A round trip ticket (iTiog run putiouiub Bolls" was one Qf theilnest recitations mcnt.tliat'will cpi}tlucc to the'comfort A. .r.iTttllman.,'..,.,;,;-..,,, ....• 17 Sn from Detroit to Lakeside, by steamer CHAN'CEBV. on. Then they commenso to criticise .•fe/l 111 49ni"'':'}"J' o'hpiuo. Samples worth SSrroe caused its dilapidated appearance.' - , Wm. It; VanVranken.., ;,'.'.'I5 00 VJ IJipaU Address OllniiM4.eo.,l'ortland,.Maine. to wliieh. wc have ever 1 istcncd. of those who attend the meeting..,. „ > , ->n.„ ,-,-• ,>,••,•..->L]i''*""M"*;!'? onjten>al|r,"nnd keeps itlToah ' Alaska, would perhaps be less, John Herrlck vs. J. W. HInchey— them; but there's one thing they never . / Boport accepted; .u>..) I for'siilbby hlih.f-'t''>i«!'i': '.(; illj ! ..:ii.- ,-... i..l.ii..ifri ;i.v,-iI'ffi.;-,or .liJri'(i«.!.'-•"'•' | i>if'•i" I n ;}»l' ;' 4- •iUiiifnrtn^n.-s^iSii-n.li fi(p,v:^ If one returned the same day. Thebil l to discharge mortgage. Order en­ do, which is refuse to pay the price. Dr, Kerniott's Comimund Kxtractof WIHow cost of lodging would bo from 2.5 to 35 J. C. STEVES. IH now the groat roniody In the euro ol ague, •'••:''".,'•'•'; ' '."''•.'^'••••••': '• •,''JtU'JV:"'rti--'':..':"• tered setting aside default of defendant. chill fever and all typettoflntormltteiitrovorH,

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