

club, and our ways, by some extra- jture at all. I don't believe you can ordinary coincidence, happened to paint." CLASSIFIED lie in the same direction. ) "Good morning. Miss Somervilre." ADVERTISEMENTS "How does the picture progress?" I said. "After that, you will hardly "Personally ' I asked. I have chosen expect me to speak to yon. Here EIGHTY allegorical subject. I call It FIVE OR an j will take THOUSAND HAVE DIED at your door, and I we are 'Waiting.' " my wounded self off in a hansom." Wanted at once?3 live, energetic "That, is original." Bendtng-in day came and went, canvassers, either sex. salary or "Isn't it? Originality Is quite a and one morning I called at the commission; 1017 Virginia ay*., Spo- hobby of mine. I intend to repre- j Somerville's and asked to see Mar- kane. sent a beautiful young lady dressed jorie. She started up as I came in, Carpenters and builders to use our FAMOUS in creation of white, ' STARVATION stand- IN a neat and endeavored to mend some trou- surplus stock of fir doors, windows, Ing bridge drop on a rustic with her back hle or other with a wholly inade- frames, celling, flooring, and to a rather sweet thing in Ttirner- quate pocket handkerchief. siding at bedrock prices. We can aave Lum- esque sunsets." I said, "Marjorle. do tell me you money. ber Co., North end Division St. bridge Nine Hundred Deaths a Day and a Million "I see. And how does the title what's tho mattter. Has the picture Phor.e 1208. apply?" been rejected?" "She Is supposed to be waiting "Yes." A sob from the sofa. More Are on the Verge of Death for a gentleman to whom she is de- "Never mind. We're both in the " Newspaper solicitor votedly attached. He Is at present lame subscription wanted, call at Spokane Pre** office. not in sight. But in one corner of "I see now how silly I was ever to From Starvation SIC Krone street. the canvas an angel form, in whom think I could paint." the acute observer will readily "Marjorie, say 'Yes.'" Inside work of any kind. Hava recognize Fame, heralds his ap- whisper from the SO years' experience in grocery. Aq- By Special Cable. ger-mad crowds, In the "Yes." In a and herds proach with a few notes from a dress 1528 Sharp »ye. Beat refer- CADIZ, , Oct. 9.?Bands of field decimated. sofa. gold trumpet. An expression of In- "Marjorle," I said, after a long si- ences. Irell armed robbers have appeared The direct cause of the is tense but natural gratification lence, you know why I came In the country adjacent to Cadiz, a prolonged drouth, "do BSVOATXOXAX. which has re- shines on the face of the beautiful today? wanted ask to take adding the of the famine I to you to terrors sulted in the almost entire loss of young lady." Utrn telegraphy and railroad ac- me in spite of that absurd wager." salary In Aadalusia. the harvests of grains, olives and "I suppose so." counting;; $50 to »100 a month robbing "But you won it." assured our graduate*) under bond. They are burning and the oranges, and in a lessening of qual- *» "And how Is yours getting on, "No. It was a drawn game. My Our six school* the large*' Ameri- farms of the small farmers and the ity and quantity of the wines. ca and endorsed by all railroads. and what is It to be?" allegory failed to impress the com- Writ* for catalogue. Mor*e School houses of the big landowners, and Indirectly, the magnitude of the "I am painting a landscape." mittee." of Telegraphy. Cincinnati. O, Buf- do not hesitate at murder and phy- disaster that has overtaken Anda- falo, N. V., Atlanta. Qa.. La Croea*. "With figures?" "What! You were refused?" Wis., Texarkana, Tax.. Ban Franclaco, sical outrage. lusia is due to the medieval agricul- "There's a cow in one corner." "My picture was. I was accepted. Cat The governor has called for rein- tural methods of the peasants. The "Nothing else?" By you. Don't move." forcements of gendarmery and it thriftless FOB SALE?MISCnSLJ^ASrSOUS. are and un- "No." Another long silence. may be necessary to send troops. enterprising they and till their soil "Then I feel secure. The presi- "We'll take to photography," I Our surplus stock of Mr Is going under hardly better conditions than dent, wavering between the merits said at last thoughtfully. "Share the fast at the following prices: when their country was under the Doors 5X panel No. 1 $U0 of our respective landscapes, will same camera and develop off the dominion of Door and window frames $1 to SI.SS the . The land is remember my beautiful young lady, plate." same No. 2 clear ceiling. 6 and 8 ft (13.00 owned by wealthy Spaniards who and the thing will done. I be see Marjorie sat up suddenly. 2 drop siding, 6 & 8 ft. $15 livo either abroad or in Madrid, and him No. clear at this moment, his face one "Do you know," she said, "I don't 4 inch flooring 910 and «V who squeeze the peasants heart- large expanse of admiration." mind so very, very much the Tou had better take advantage of lessly. about "Indeed?" picture. I never did think very these prices. Jenklns-Lucllwita Lum- The Madrid government is at- street "Yes. Now perhaps, under the highly of the academy. You know, ber Co., North end of Division tempting to tho bridge, 1200. alleviate distress circumstances, you would like to re- it's so?so? ?" Phone tire from the and acknowl- contest "Yes, isn't it?" I said. "Exactly oast on* oxotsibo. edge my superiority?" what. I have always thought about "I shall do nothing of the sort. I it. move." Positively highest price* paid Urn Don't M, don't believe you are painting a pic- She did not move. cast off clothing. Nl2l SUvetu. 1711. ANDALUSIAONCE THE fUIL OBaTiBBSW Standard rust * lea Caw aMM WHJBRH FAMINE KILLS. front. Tat IH Carbonado, Boo* INDIAN TERRITORY HAS Bprings and Summit coaX Martin Special Correspondence The GOLD OF SPAIN Dolan. manager. of PURSE Frets, j sawn ooooa. Spain. Oct. 9?For saooara . j Tho name Andalusia Is really a corruption of Vandalusla, Highest (or han4 three months the district of Anna- ' moaning AMAZING price paid second the land of the . GOVERNMENT lusia, In the south of Spain, having furniture. Tel. M. SOS. 114 Rlrar- Because of its remarkable fertility In ancient times Anda- tt-t an about large Illinois, ?tda area as as lusia was called the "gold purse" of Spain. grip has been In the of one of the Aadalusians are magnificently graceful, handsome, strong Staff Correspondence to The Press. White children outnumber Indians OTinia amd caaukmxmm worn worst schools, the country has ever and picturesque in their attire. TAHLEQUAH, I. T., Oct. 9?ln- at these but the whites known. j dian Territory, home of three- have no voice In their management. Parisian Dyeing at Cleaning WorTH The best of the famous fighting bulls of Spain come from An- * Dress Pleating Factory, Ik, A. Deaths are occurring at the rate ' quarters of million of free, intelli- The attendance at the day schools dalusia. a Lehmann. proprietor, haa moved to more than 900 a day. of the five nations last year of i So also do the toreadors and matadors who fight the bulls. gent has an amazing was: 305 First avenue, near HowarsV Since the famine Intense ' Choctaw, became Cordova, Seville, and Jaen, the centers of Moham- government. Probably the sultan Indian children 3590, Phoa* HIT. No solicitors. 10,000 people directly CONCOURSE OF HALF- have died medan culture, industry and commerce, were situated in Aada- UPPER PICTURE SHOWS A GREAT of Jolo could beat it. Even a zemst- 75,000 OF TOWN HALL AT SEVILLE, nsmo Tmajrsrn am from starvation, and have lusia. STARVED PEOPLE IN FRONT TSIE vo would better It. succumhfVTO disease contracted or LISTENING TO PROMISES OF RELIEF FROM PUBLIC WORKS When the snn of Raphael set In , painting arose in An- This scheme of government is a freight, furniture, ftaggag* \u25a0**> by lack of nourishment. MINISTER, COUNT DE parcel delivery. (?? aggravated dalusia in new form in the schools of Velasquez, Murlllo and ROMANONES. Jumble of rule by Indian agents, T*L tl*-* famine population LOWER PICTURE DELEGATION OF The area has a Cano at Seville. IN THE IS A STARVING federal Judges with unheard of Ju- Of 3,500,000. and of these 1,000,000 ADDRESSING COUNT DE ROMANONES. HE IS THE MOBsxsatosnra. In 1492 Granada, the last stand of Moorish civilization, was WORKMEN risdiction and Indians; of federal are poor peasants directly affected MAN IN THE LONG COAT. taken by the forces of united Christian Spain. and Indian law with a flavor of the Charl** Staler. lit Paetflo av*noa by the disaster. prisons country by building of The are "Smiling Andalusia" was the home of learning and art when more than It has undertaken, be- >p the the Arkansas statutes. South of N. P. depot. lIS-M overflowing with peasants who have ?ailways aud ports to encourage the northern Kurope was buried in the mists of the Dark Ages. cause of the general poverty of In most things there Is felt the committed petty crimes to compel nvestment of capital in Andalusia. department Andalusia is a sunshine spot of the earth in romance and Spain, pres- power of the interior at to ami it is feared that the require Initial ex- the authorities arrest them and history. This would an Washington. $1 opens a checking The ent famine will leave a permanent account supply them with in the Jails. penditure by the government of The only peace force outside the People's Bank, 112 Mill. Long Hundreds of hands of peasants effect on Andalusia. The only plan 120.000,000, to be followed by much towns is composed of hours. roam about the country, pillaging J that can be of permanent value to nore, and Spain can not afford to farms and country houses to obtain I caused by the famine, but without expert advisers, and under his direc the district would be a vast under- spend such a large amount. food for themselves and their fami- striking success. Count Komanones, tlon relief works have been started. taking by the government to revo- Enlightened Spaniards fear that Th* Steam Clothe* l»i>**tng a**a» shops, public The government spending lies. Btltcbef grocery stores the minister of works, has is $2,000,. lutionize the existing system of Andalusia is on the way of becom- pany will French dry clean and aria* and bakeries In the towns and cities made an extensive tour of the af- 000 for work and kitchens. agriculture, by the construction of ,ng a second India, with famine a your suit for 10* or your irwueste t*» have been repeatedly rilled by hun- j flicted district, with a company of The government can not do much reservoirs and canals and to devel- regular yearly occurrence. lte; only t to It minute* required; good dreaatng rooms; alterations aatd repairing, tit gsooad arena*, rtasa* The act In Itself, Howard says, It can be safely said in advance lltl. was demonstrated to be a success, that it will prove the sensation of and he will Immediately put it on the country and will bring wealth VOI f'THI BBlTi BtTXATS, DARING OF DARE-DEVIL the road. to the inventor. MOST you ACTS Do want beat In tTss the lets city for the money? Be* aa today! w* will show you. Fin* lot*, aa oai Una, sm and list; tit down aa* IB a month, for a few days only. ©Mir Puiy §£p®iryo Northern Investment Co., tit Blvar*

umWt satJssa ssMB a? \u25a0 saaaTat ? asm side avenue. Phon* 1111. A. P. McKcllop, a Muskogee attorney, Is president of the Anti- Horse Thief associatiou which has 8000 members. He is a Creek Indian. $1900 buys a new. modern, nve> room cottage Bridge "How He Won the Wager" The Cherokee Female seminary at Tahlequah. shown here, may on avenue, close in; nice lawn, big shade trees. be purchased hy the government when statehood comes. Terms. marshals. white 6427; , Indians $1700?Buys six-room cottage, "Waiting" Proved More Successful year's Academy picture, then?" modern; Secretary Hitchcock's subordi- 1758, whites Creek, Indians new and $300 cash. Than the "Cow in the Corner." "No. Did you?" 5805: nate-' have company of Indian po- 547, whites 3155; Seminole, Indians LICHTY ft CO.. "No. That, however, was simply a 64 Jamieson Block. - department's 71, 838; Cherokee, Tel. IS9S. because there was no such picture. lice who enforce the whites Indians By P. G. Wodehouse. have t>so6, whites 5199. Now, look here, Marjorie, we aro orders hut no authority in The Indians sgturanr (Copyright, 1905, by the Newspaper re svoast. going to make a sporting bargain. criminal eases. maintain separate schools for col- Enterprise Association.) towns have self-government ored Loan* eaj furniture, ptanoa, Wo will each paint a picture for The children. arra?. Marjorie was sitting under the »t».; private; no delay, A. the Academy this year, and who- to a largo extent, the Arkansas mu- It will be the duty of congress a. Ba*> cedar the tennis lawn. It seem- nicipal having aatt SIS-S Th* Booker*. at-l on ever paints the better one has his laws been extended next winter to provide a new sys- ed to me that the best way of territory by LATEST OF ALL HAIR-RAIBING, or not to her) over the act of con- tem. The tril>al governments will her (it Is likely be Loan* on long at short STUNTS IS AN spending my morning would be to gress. This permits be dissolve ! ttsaa FOOL-KILLING way In the matter. Do you agree?" the whites to next March and their Daniel Broa. 117 Hyde Mock. tt-4 THAT A go and sit under the cedar on the govern themselves control of the AUTOMOBILE TURNS > "Very well. It's very silly." in the cities, but schools will end at IN THE tennis lawn, too. the law does not give power that time. In the absence of legis- SOMERSAULT HIGH "Silly! Good gracious. It's a iifo then riws Bsonss. "Marjorle," I said. in many things necessary for lation the country AIR. and death matter to me." the districts would tf you want a loan, go to P. BVoa> From constantly playing Juliet to development of be entirely Marjorle left next day. A fort- a community, without schools except ford. Sit Main avea-a. « Statf Correspondence of Tho l'ross. my Romeo. Marjorie has developed judges such as might night later I met her in town. I Bight federal preside over be established 0., Oct. 9.?"Loop- a habit of reading my thoughts only through private SILUMBUI, was coming down the steps of my the courts in the territory. enterprise. In the NOTICE. ing Loop," "leaping Gap," distinctly the the which at times 1 find In- They have to pass upon everything cities the educational facilities are Notice Is hereby given that Ro "The Demon Dash," and other convenient. of the from the probating of wills to suits best. The most imposing umine i.. Bogardus, who was re aerial acts which have startled "I should make you wretched," involving millions. They preside at buildings in many of the new towns cently convicted and sentenced t« thousands, are amateur perform- she said. the trials of criminals ranging all are those provided for school pur- the state penitentiary at Walla compared Walla, on charge of ances to a new midair "Not at all." said I politely. the way from "bootleggers" to mur- poses, and they will compare favor- the embezzle moot, applied to specialty which was given Its first Marjorie appeared to ponder. derers. ably with school in has the governot the houses state of the state of Washington, and successful test at Sellsvllle "You'd hate the sight of me in of Hon a Outside the cities there is no pub- towns the same size. orable A. E. Mead, for pardon recontly In tho presence of a few couple of said she. a years," lic school system. The thousands of All the money due the Indians, and that the matter will be heart friends of Nick Howard, the In- "By that time you would adore whites living there are obliged to singly or collectively, from the sale in Olympia, Washington, on ttu ventor. me so passionately that you organize private day schools or send of lands, coal or gas royalties, 10th ot October, 1905, at II Tho act In Is riding of am an m., brief the wouldn't notice it. 1 acquir- their children to Indian schools and leases or the tribal tax pass through o'clock a. or as soon there down a platform, ; after as the matter can be an automobile ed but once acquired, never pay for the privilege. The Indian the hands of I). H. Kelsey. heard an In- the In- KOMAINE L. constructed In tho shape of I lost." Schools are managed hy officials of I agent. BOGARDUS, He has 100 assistants. By E. M verted S, and on tho momentum "Will it make you conceited the dian HEYBURN. If I five civilized tribes in co-opera- The office handled last year over theory of a figure 8. Tho lower end you something?" tell tion with government supervisors. $3.u00,000 belonging to the la cmxm platform, daring i Indians. of the for a distance of and sensationalism had been remained In the air almost a min- "Impossible." Dr. Milaa' Nervine not only pre- 10 feet, swings on a pivot aud when reached. ute, both of them revolving all tho "Well, it Isn't you I object to. It's vents la grippe if tuken In time, rersary celebrations this evening. bul the auto Btrikes a trigger almost at Harry Spicer of Arlington, who time, although the time was only a the being married at all yet." ANNIVERSARY OF is a remarkable cure for all the after- ?Just The great Chicago fire burned the end, a huge spring Is released. has u««lstcd Mr. Howard, was se- few seconds. "Now, that Is a concession. My effects, which usually follow the dis- Iboul 88 hours and during that caused by The front of the platform then lected to make tho first trip, a task When the machine came within suit, then I take, is practically THE CHICAGO time ease, the nerve-wrecking LIRE lestroyed, within a aches and . Sold by druggists, shoots upward, throwing the auto which he accepted without the six feet of the nllghting platform smiled upon? Tell district about me the worst. four miles long aud mile who guarantee to refund money foi into tho air a distance of 27 feet. slightest evidence of fear. It assumed upright position, you one wide, an and An> a woman with a mission?" fSerlpps News Association.) i 17,410 houses, tirst bottle If tt gives no benetlt. The bo great Spicer strapped himself to Bplcer be including the city momentum Is the ma- the could seen with his hands "Well, I suppose I am, In a way. CHICAGO, Oct. !» -Today Is the toil!, the courthouse with all Its TBtOUBX.Bg chine makeß a complete revolution auto, placed a leather hat resem- still holding to the wheel. I want to paint." thirty-fourth anniversary of tho day JWAZT 1 records, the postoffice and many Don't sleep with your trouble*. and is carried forward 35 feet. bling a football protector upon his The auto struck the alighting 'Couldn't you go on which Mrs O'l.oary's famous II painting on ather public buildings. you have palpitation, short breath, On completing tho turn It lands head and, grasping the propelling plat form in safety, and when yen were Mrs rebounded Me." cow kicked over a burning kerosene | In cheat, side and ahouldera, upon specially wheel with both hands, gave again, a constructed the came down then pitched for- "Of court c not. 1 should get lamp in its stable on DeKoven choking sensation, fainting spoils. "alighting platform." signal FOR SALE. to release the auto. ward and fell on Its side, carrying lazy." street and started a fire which I JithYulty In sleeping on loft aide, and The trial was successful, The machine at part One tlrst-class moving pic- attempt once plunged of the temporary platform, "We eouid work together, i also swept through the whole city and Ivtlison you feel anxious übnut It, don't sloes and those who, with blanched faces down the incline at a terrific rate of which had been elevated live feet, am an artist of peculiar merit." destroyed It. The event is not gen- ture and stereontleon machine, com- until you huve procured a bottle ol huge speed. Dr. Miles' Heart and you and quaking hearts, saw the to the ground. Spleer was picked "You?" erally celebrated, but several so- bined 000 feet films and slides, also Cure, cat rest assured you have a never-faillm] machine with Its driver revolving To those who witnessed the event up slightly dated, but was not in "Decidedly. You didn't II \s cieties, among them the Old Set- light Up hy or see the THE PICTURE BEEN RB- electric arc remedy tor your HRtictiona. If first In tho air, agreed that tho acme in it seemed that the auto and Spicer the least Injured. of the press light. aye. Comments on my last HOOTED?" -1 tiers aud Pioneers, will hold nnnl- 33* Muln P, JUlckford. bottle, fulls to benefit, money back.