World Conference for Action Against , Lagos, Nigeria, 22 - 26 August 1977: Statements - VI

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Alternative title Notes and Documents - Centre Against ApartheidConf. 15 Author/Creator United Nations Centre against Apartheid Contributor Peoli, Isidoro M., Florin, Peter, Al-Haddawi, Abdul J., Abdulah, Frank, Martynenko, Vladimir N., Snegirev Publisher United Nations, New York Date 1977-12-00 Resource type Reports Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa, Nigeria Coverage (temporal) 1977 Source Northwestern University Libraries Description Statement by H.E. Mr. Isidoro Malmierca Peoli, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. Statement by H.E. Mr. Peter Florin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic. Statement by H.E. Mr. Abdul Jabbar Al-Haddawi, Head of Delegation of Iraq. Statement by H.E. Mr. Frank Abdulah, Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago tho the United Nations. Statement by H.E. Mr. Vladimir N. Martynenko, Permanent Representative of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic to the United Nations. Statement by H.E. Mr. Snegirev, Head of Department,Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Union of SovietSocialist Republics. Format extent 22 page(s) (length/size) World Conference for Action

World Conference for Action against Apartheid Lagos, Nigeria, 22-26 August NO -I Cn TES AND DOdUMhiii* FK3 f1978 Conf. 15 December 1977 WORLD CONFERECE FQ R ACT iON AGAINST APARTHID (Lagos, Nigeria, 22-26 August 1977) Statements - VI Statement by H.E. Mr. Isidoro Malmierca Peoli, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba ...... Statement by H.E. Mr. Peter Florin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic ...... Statement by H.E. Mr. Abdul Jabbar Al-Haddawi, Head of Delegation of Iraq ...... Statement by H.E. Mr. Frank Abdulah, Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago the the United Nations ...... Statement by H.E. Mfr. Vladimir N. Martynenko, Permanent Representative of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic to the United Nations ...... Statement by H.E. Mr. Snegirev, Head of Department, iinistry for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ...... 7-00378 PageL * All material in these notes and documents may be freely reprinted. Acknowledgement, together with a copy of the publication containing the reprint, would be appreciated.

STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. ISIDORO MALMIERCA PEOLI, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba* Distinguished delegates, In emphasizing the great importance which it attaches to this Conference, the Cuban delegation wishes to express its deepest gratitude to the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for its efforts to ensure that the Conference has far- reaching effects and for its contribution to the struggle of the longsuffering African people against the repugnant system known as apartheid. Mounting military threat of the apartheid r4gime Distinguished delegates, In 1963, the Security Council of the United Nations called on all Member States to institute an arms embargo against the minority white regime of South Africa. In that year South Africa's military expenditure was estimated at approximately 200 million U.S. dollars, whereas its expenditure in the present year is estimated at more than 2,000 million U.S. dollars, of which approximately 1,200 million are earmarked for arms imports. The arms come mainly from the United States, either directly or manufactured under licence in other countries, and from , the United Kingdom and Italy. Fourteen years have elapsed since 7 August 1963, when Security Council resolution 181 (1963) calling for an arms embargo against South Africa was adopted. During that time, the army, which maintains the apartheid system in South Africa, has illegally occupied the Territory of Namibia in violation of repeated United Nations decisions, and invaded the People's Republic of Angola in 1975 in an attempt to extend the odious system of apartheid by armed force to other African peoples, has increased its modern military technology to the point where it now possesses more than 1,000 military aircraft, more than 500 tanks and more than 1,000 armoured cars, not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of other pieces of equipment from radar and helicopters to automatic rifles. What reason can there be for such developments, except the usual motive of profit for the monopolies committed to the production and consequently the sale of arms? As early as 1958, the North American journal World Affairs, analysing the significance of Africa in the context of the future plans of NATO, referred to that continent as "a strategic point from which counter-attacks could be launched against the socialist camp, especially if Western Europe were to remain neutral in the event of war". There is a hidden purpose behind this statement, namely to use South Africa against the African peoples. * Original in Spanish.

Under that plan, the Atlantic alliance was to seek a solid basis of support in which it could entrench itself in order to fulfil its "emergency plans for crisis situations". In those circumstances, and in a continent where the struggle for progress was growing at a dizzy pace, few countries offered all the essential features of such a base, namely, political stability combined with the potential for economic growth, a strategic location, and an anti-communist outlook. The choice fell on South Africa, which fully met those conditions and which, in addition, possesses vast deposits of gold and rare minerals, of which uranium is one of the most valuable. In combating apartheid, we come by analysis to the conclusion that it is a specific expression of colonialism and capitalism. Apartheid is synonymous with fascism, as is shown by the inhuman conditions in which the 18 million black inhabitants of South Africa are living. Let us be clear about this; we must tackle the root cause, not the symptoms of the disease. This is also the reason why the imperialist Powers, sometimes by subterfuge and sometimes quite openly, continue to support the racist regime of South Africa. As a result of the struggle of the African peoples, the policy of apartheid is beginning to affect the interests of the transnational corporations. This is why certain capitalist circles are convinced that apartheid must change its image in order to prevent a revolution breaking out in South Africa as a result of the frustrated anger of the oppressed South African masses. They are devising various plans, from the establishment of "bantustans" to the granting of certain rights to the black majority, allowing them access to skilled and semi-skilled jobs. By so doing, they are also fulfilling the urgent need for national economic development. Despite the regime's rigid press censorship, the mood of rebellion has recently become so intense that the international press almost daily reports demonstrations and assassinations among students and workers in Soweto, Durban, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth. In view of this mood of rebellion and the struggle against apartheid, our solidarity must not be limited to the rhetoric of formal statements,especially when they contradict the actual facts. The people of Angola needed more than expressions of solidarity to confront and expel from their territory the invasion by the South African army, just as today the SWAPO freedom fighters are calling for genuine support, a death blow to the Vorster r6gime, which would lead to the abandonment of Namibia by the illegal occupying force, and just as the freedom fighters of the Patriotic Front are seeking material support in their struggle against the minority racist regime of Ian Smith, which, in addition to crushing the people of , has launched various military attacks against Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana. The people of South Africa do not want the apartheid r4gime to be replaced by another in which the majority would continue to be abused, ignored, exploited and discriminated against.

We cannot today denounce the odious system of apartheid and meet tomorrow at another conference at which we would have to express our solidarity with the victims of its successors. We do not want the of South Africa, instead of dying as at Sharpeville or Soweto, to die as in Georgia or Watts. If they are going to die, let it be in fighting for freedom and genuine independence, like those who fell in vanquishing the mercenary invasion of Playa Gir6n, those who drove the South African troops from the soil of Angola, or those who expelled the American occupying forces from Viet Nam. We want a majority Government in South Africa, a Government representing the people, the black African people, whose worthiest and most legitimate representatives are the freedom fighters of the African National Congress. Cuba pledges full support for the liberation struggle Distinguished delegates, The Cuban people, faithful to their internationalist principles, consider that at this juncture, at a time which is of exceptional historical importance for the liberation of the African continent, it is nec'ssary to make every sacrifice in order to make a militant contribution to this task of liberation. The Cuban delegation will support the idea of making 1978 a United Nations year of solidarity with the peoples suffering under apartheid. Cuba supports the proposal for an international convention against apartheid in sports. Our country, in accordance with the basic principles of its foreign policy, pledges full support for the cause of the peoples of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia, and to that end has established a Committee of Solidarity with them. At the same time, at this Conference we reaffirm our intention of continuing to offer all the assistance within our modest means in order to contribute to the efforts of those who are struggling to free humanity from the last manifestations of colonialism and . Distinguished delegates, The racist r6gime which governs South Africa not only oppresses the black people in their own territory but also, as we saw when it attacked the infant People's Republic of Angola, constitutes a threat to peace and international security. Moreover, the Pretoria r~gime is daily strengthening its links with the most despicable and cruel dictatorships of Latin America, offering them tempting loans and economic collaboration. It is a well-known fact that the Pretoria r~gime maintains close links, including military co-operation, with the Government of Tel Aviv. There is contin'"l talk of the imperialist plans to establish a so-called "South Atlantic Pact", which would embrace not only South Africa, but also reactionary Latin American r6gimes and the United States. The Pretoria r6gime is collaborating with the imperialist Powers in various fields: in politics, in science and in military matters. Not long ago, the Paris Government supplied an atomic plant to South Africa, a country which already possesses a Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Pretoria which, with the assistance of foreign experts, trains high-level experts in atomic research. Their work is used by the Southern Universities' Nuclear Institute and by the South African Atomic Energy Board, which operates the Pelindaba reactor. Our delegation condemns this collaboration, being of the view that it is designed to bolster the racist minority and is an additional threat to the independent countries of Africa. It is also contrary to the policy of dgtente and peace so much desired by nations, and we warn against the dangers of such activities. The South African imperialist phenomenon is an established fact, and we are convinced that only united action by the progressive and peace-loving forces in the world can halt South Africa's aggressive drive, which is dictated by the very nature of its r~gime. Cuba will continue, as in the past, resolutely to support every action aimed at weakening South Africa's expansionist activities, not only in the military sphere, but also in the political, economic and cultural fields. The development of the national liberation movement in the African continent has gained renewed vigour with the victories achieved in the former Portuguese colonies, and more recently with the defeat inflicted on the South African racists when they trampled the native soil of Angola. The area occupied for so many centuries by the colonialists in Africa has suddenly shrunk, and attention is today focused on the elimination of the last ;c. strongholds of colonialism and racism in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa. To struggle for the complete liberation of those territories is the principal task of the progressive forces and of the peoples devoted to freedom and justice. In that connexion, the President of our Council of State, Fidel Castro, has said: "I think that the struggle against colonialism, fascism and racism in southern Africa is the most important and pressing problem, the major challenge which faces Africa, particularly black Africa. This struggle will undoubtedly be hard and long." We are confident that the results of this Conference will contribute to the successful outcome of that struggle.

STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. PETER FLORIN, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic The Government and the people of the German Democratic Republic convey solidarity greetings to this significant World Conference for Action against Apartheid, and especially to the host country, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, a State which strongly committed itself to the cause of the liberation of Africa. For international solidarity against apartheid The ever growing number of crimes committed by the Vorster regime has induced a storm of protest all over the world. The international solidarity with the oppressed peoples of South Africa increases the pressure on the racist rggimes and their henchmen. It is an important source of energy for the peoples in southern Africa in the struggle for their national and social liberation. To give fresh impetus to this struggle, and to strive for measures appropriate to lead it to victory - this will be the endeavour of our Conference. The development since the Great October Socialist Revolution, which 60 years ago opened up a new era in the history of mankind, has proved that the wheels of history cannot be stopped or turned back. The Socialist States consider the struggle for the final liquidation of all forms of colonial and racist and exploitation, as well as the striving for the consolidation and extension of political detente and for the ending of the arms race, as an indivisible task. In his message of greeting to this World Conference, Mr. Erich Honecker, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and Chairman of the Council of State of the German Democratic Republic, once more underlined: "The German Democratic Republic refuses to maintain any kind of relations with the apartheid rggime. It regards the national liberation movements as the legitimate representatives of their peoples. Linked with them by bonds of solidarity, the GDR will continue to give active support to the struggle against colonialism, neo-colonialism and racism." This fundamental support is not only of moral and politica' nature, but includes also activities in foreign policy, such as numerous measures of material support for the liberation movements. The German Democratic Republic was among the first States that signed and ratified the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.

Mr. President, With cruel terror against the population and with increased aggression against independent African neighbour States, the racist regimes try to preserve their domination. In view of this situation the fighting peoples of South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe need still more effective, comprehensive support from the United Nations and its Member States. The speedy and consequent realization by all Member States of the United Nations resolutions, including the Programme of Action against Apartheid, adopted at the thirtyfirst session of the United Nations General Assembly, would be suitable in order to put an end to the fascist machinations of the racists. Unfortunately, again and again we get new information on comprehensive economic and military support rendered to the apartheid regime by certain States. Thus, resolutions of the United Nations are severely violated. Verbal, rhetorical protests against apartheid cannot divert attention from these unequivocal facts. The transnational corporations increase their activities in southern Africa. The study of the Commission on Transnational Corporations provides evidence on the extent and intensity of these activities. Recently we learned from Western European capitals that a code of conduct for the activities of the corporations was to be drafted. In this connexion economic sanctions, demanded by the majority of States, are rejected from the very beginning. But even the elaboration of such a document came to a standstill because there were no legal ways and means, as pretended, against those corporations engaged in southern Africa. It is well known to many nationally liberated States and to the socialist countries, too, in what way certain circles handle imperialist economic boycotts. It is a matter of fact that the activities of transnational corporations are covered and furthered by Government circles of Western States. Apartheid regime: a threat to peace Mr. President, At present we witness a growing threat to peace and international security, provoked by the apartheid regime. The Vorster rggime feverishly rearms. Since 1975 its military budget has doubled. There are States where mercenaries are recruited without any hindrance. Certain NATO circles and Israel render the racist rggime manifold support in building up its own armament industry. In February the American magazine Newsweek once more pointed to the fact that South Africa would soon produce more uranium fuel than it needed for its own nuclear industry, and that there would remain enough enriched uranium for the production of atom bombs. With whose help this development became possible - that is pretty well known.

Nuclear weapons in the hands of the Vorster regime would lead to an immense aggravation of the situation in southern Africa, and not only in this region. There would be a growing danger of a nuclear war. Speedy and resolute countermeasures are necessary. I expect that this World Conference will issue an appeal to all States in this respect. At their recent Summit the OAU member States demanded the immediate termination of all military and nuclear collaboration with the Republic of South Africa. The GDR fully supports this demand. Coercive measures against the apartheid r~gime, in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter - an effective arms embargo, sanctions and the termination of any kind of investments - are urgently necessary. We are of the opinion that an effective international isolation of the apartheid regime, an isolation which includes all kinds of relations, will be the way to bring about decisive positive changes in South Africa. The regime of Pretoria is an illegal one. The people of South Africa like the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe - have the right, under the leadership of their national liberation movement, to fight with all means for their national self-determination, and to choose their own way of social and economic development. The GDR shares the view that the manoeuvres of certain circles and the racist r6gimes directed at setting up puppet regimes in Namibia and Zimbabwe, and at putting a camouflage mask on the apartheid regime while the old structures of power and exploitation are to be preserved, will not solve the vital problems in southern Africa. Today basic changes in the south of this continent are on the agenda, so that all African peoples will finally be free. The relevant United Nations resolutions, the results of the recent Summit of the African States and this World Conference show what has to be done.

-8- STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. ABDUL JABBAR AL-HADDAWI, Head of delegation of Iraq Mr. President, The Iraqi delegation is honoured to convey to this august Conference the greetings and best wishes of the people of Iraq and their Government and to assure the Conference of our firm belief in the cause for which it is convened. I am also honoured to extend, on behalf of my delegation, our warm appreciation for the friendly people of Nigeria and their Government under the wise leadership of their Head of State, His Excellency General Obasanjo. Our admiration goes to you personally, Mr. President, for the able manner in which you conduct our meetings and the friendly atmosphere you created for us. Many faces of apartheid Mr. President, Since their early days of colonial settlement in South Africa, the Afrikaners and other white communities have incessantly worked for the notorious practice of apartheid. They pursued their work throughout the years until they maintained their full dominance over the entire land and its people. At later stages several groups of them were even attracted by Hitler's Nazism. The idea of the "master race" and the concern with white purity appealed to them. Apartheid is not only an amalgamated myth of race superiority and uniqueness of culture; it is also a manifestation of hatred, selfishness and imperialist-inspired evil. Apartheid is an economic system of deep-rooted ramification and hegemony. Hence the racist regime in South Africa had always maintained co-operation and collaboration with the imperialists, the reactionaries and the isolated States in the world. The collaboration of certain capitalist countries with South Africa is a help to the entrenched racists and constitutes betrayal of the legitimate struggle of the African people. Several capitalist countries still encourage capital investment in South Africa, extend loans and maintain commercial relations with it, in disregard of the United Nations, the OAU and the movement of non-aligned States. The white minority has promulgated arbitrary laws of land acquisition and property confiscation and maintained full control over industry, trade and mining. The great masses of the black people are always kept in need and subjected to the agony of forced or cheap labour.

Naturally, apartheid brought strong opposition from African nationalism throughout the continent and from both white and non-white world opinion. The racist r6gime, however, has responded ruthlessly by massacres, executions, detentions, tortures and whipping. Apartheid, needless to say, is a major cause of turmoil and instability in the continent, so much so that it always invites rivalry among foreign Powers and stimulates international polarization. Mr. President, We should not be oblivious to the affinity between apartheid and an identical ideology which has been transplanted in the heart of the Arab world by the white man too. I am refering to Zionism, which is another aggressive, expansionist, racist movement, both in theory and in practice. It is racist in theory because it preaches that the Jews are the chosen people, hence they are a super race. It advocates that all the Jews of the world are united, not only in a common faith, but especially as members of an ethnic community that should create a State reserved for them alone (Juden Staat). And, in order to achieve that, they evicted the Arabs of Palestine from their homeland to make room for the incoming Jews. They too, like the South Africans, resorted to oppression and promulgated arbitrary laws which effectively made the Arabs of Palestine either secondclass citizens or forced them to leave their own country. Since its creation, Israel has established very close relations with the racial r~gime of South Africa in every field - including the nuclear field. It is therefore beyond any doubt that the present advancement of South Africa in nuclear production and acquisition of nuclear materials has been greatly augmented by Israel. Moreover, South Africa imports most of its weapons from Israel to shoot men, women and children in Soweto and other townships. Proposals for action Mr. President, As we meet here today, to intensify our campaign against apartheid and to devise a practical action programme that will enable us to eradicate this evil, the Iraqi delegation is of the opinion that our deliberations will not be completed unless we tackle all forms of racism and racial . Mr. President, The Iraqi delegation would suggest the following proposals to be incorporated in the programme of action: 1. To recognize armed struggle as the major means of liberation and to extend every possible financial, military, political and moral support to African liberation movements.

-10- We, in Iraq, uphold the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes, yet we came to realize that such methods are no more effective nor are they adequate in eradicating apartheid, racism and colonialism. My country has, I am proud to say, effectively maintained strong relations with the freedom fighters and liberation movements in this continent. We shall continue to do so. 2. To intensify and fully implement economic, political, cultural and sports sanctions against the racist regimes. This would entail that those capitalist countries which have refused to observe the sanctions should enact laws to deter their multinational corporations, monopolies and citizens from future dealings with the Pretoria regime. Moreover, African countries should be encouraged to nationalize multinational corporations and abolish monopolies which operate in this continent. 3. The underlying unity, the common historical roots and deep similarity between apartheid, Zionism and all other forms of should be underscored. They should be dealt with under one subject because they are a constant threat to peace and humanity. 4. All States which still maintain diplomatic relations with South Africa should sever them without further ado. It is said that there are over two dozen diplomatic missions in Pretoria at present. 5. Member States of the United Nations which have not yet signed or ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid should do so immediately. 6. The United Nations should be called upon to take effective measures against mercenaries by withholding any legal status from them and consider their profession as a crime, subject to capital punishment. 7. Complete embargo on all racist r6gimes in the field of nuclear technology should be observed. All prior commitments made to South Africa by any Power in this field should be declared void.

-11- STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. FRANK ABDULAH, Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations ivir. President, The delegation of Trinidad and Toba-o associates itself with the remarks of previous speakers who have paid tribute to the Government and people of Nigeria for their commnitment to the eradication of colonialism, racism and apartheid in Africa. Trinidad and Tobago considers that there is no more fitting place in which a WJorld Conference for Action against Apartheid could have been convened. The fact that more than two thirds of the membership of the United Nations together with specialized agencies, non-governmental organizations and scores of individuals have assembled here in Lagos for this Conference serves to emphasize the critical concern of the world community for, and their support of, the oppressed peoples of South Africa, struggling against the dehumanizing conditions they are forced to endure as a result of the policy of apartheid applied to them by the racist regime of South Africa. Cancer of apartheid must be eliminated The situation in the whole of southern Africa has entered a crucial stage and what must be done to bring freedom, justice, peace and human dignity to the oppressed peoples of this region must be done now if a holocaust of unforeseeable dimension, with implications far beyond the shores of Africa, is to be avoided. The dangerous path of racial bigotry pursued by the Vorster regime is like a cancerous growth in the body of Africa, spreading its malignant tentacles into Zimbabwe and Namibia. WThat we who are assembled here today must bend our collective will to do is to apply the surgeon's knife to this cancer so that the body of Africa and indeed of the whole world can be rid of this evil sickness. M'y delegation does not need to recall to this Conference the inhuman and degrading effects of the system of apartheid in South Africa. Its violence affects every inhabitant of South Africa be they black, Coloured or white, for the numerous laws and regulations by which the system of apartheid is enforced denies every inhabitant the right to freely exercise his or her political, economic, cultural and social rights. This is the irony of apartheid, for true freedom in any society is inlivisible. In the face of ever-widening world public opinion against anartheid, the South African regime has not been prepared to undertake serious measures to introduce meaningful change in its policy of apartheid. The events of June 1976 in Soweto anI other black townships and the continuing confrontation between the forces of repression and the black inhabitants, particularly the

-12- young black students, should serve as a clear and unmistakable warning to the racist regime of Pretoria that the inhuman policy of apartheid will no longer be tolerated. The elimination of some of the forms of petty apartheid, which has been the response of the Vorster r6gime to these warning signs, is totally irrelevant. Nothing has been done to halt the daily series of mass arrests, detentions, banning orders, torture and other acts of violence against black South Africans. Nothing has been done to halt the sterile development of the so-called homelands or bantustans or to improve the quality of life for the blacks in any appreciable degree. Meanwhile, we have witnessed the turning of South Africa into an armed camp with a military budget that has grown from 200 million dollars in the 1960's to 2 billion dollars in 1977. Of this latter amount, over one billion dollars will be spent in Western countries to buy armaments. A much more chilling fact, however, has been the ease with which the racist regime has been permitted to acquire a nuclear weapon capacity. We cannot but ask ourselves to what purpose? What destruction will a r~gime that has shown its utter disregard for human life by shooting down unarmed students wreak upon the world with a weapon of such awesome power? Which one of those Western countries responsible fcr putting it into the hands of a bigoted racist minority, such as the Vorster regime in South Africa, is prepared to guarantee that not one single black African will suffer just from the testing of a nuclear device in South Africa? Mr. President, We are not alarmists but the prospect of nuclear weapons in the hands of the racist regime of South Africa is too terrifying for the rest of the world and we would therefore urge those who have the responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security in the world to act now before it is too late to impose a strict and obligatory arms embargo against South Africa and to require the nuclear suppliers' club to cease all nuclear transactions with South Africa. Action by Trinidad and Tobago against apartheid Mr. President, I do not intend to take much more of this Conference's time. Suffice it for me to say that Trinidad and Tobago has an abiding interest in seeing majority rule achieved in South Africa now. As a member of the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid, we have fully supported the numerous resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and taken steps to implement their provisions. They include, in particular, those relating to the breaking off of diplomatic and other official relations with South Africa, the closure of our ports to South African vessels and aircraft, the severance of all trade and financial relations, the suspension of cultural, educational and other exchanges with the racist regime and the refusal to grant visas to persons travelling on South African passports. In addition, we have contributed to the various United Nations funds for South Africa and offered scholarships for the training of Africans in our own institutions.

-13- We realize, however, that these efforts on the part of Trinidad and Tobago will not result in the termination of the evil system of apartheid. Only the collective and determined action of the whole international community can bring this about. Regretfully, there are some Governments which have the capacity to deter South Africa from its chosen path of racial bigotry and oppression but which have been unwilling to do more than pay lip service to the cause of freedom, justice and human dignity in southern Africa. We condemn the attitude of these Governments and call on them now to take action to halt any further investment in South Africa by financial and economic interests under their national jurisdiction. If measures such as these and others, contained in the Programme of Action against Apartheid adopted in the United Nations General Assembly resolution 31/6 J of 9 November 1976, were put into immediate effect by every member State of the international community, the days of the apartheid r6gime in South Africa would be numbered. Mr. President, Trinidad and Tobago intends to do its part.

STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. VLADIMIR N. MARTYNIENKO, Permanent Representative of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic to the United Nations* Mr. President, The delegation of the Ukrainian SSR would like to express its belief that the World Conference for Action against Apartheid, convened in your capital, will successfully conclude its work and will become a very important milestone in the struggle for the elimination of racism and apartheid in South Africa. Unite against the apartheid regime It is the first time that the United Nations General Assembly has decided to hold such a wide and universal conference, in terms of scale and representation, for actions against apartheid. This testifies to the primary importance it attaches tc this problem, as well as to the fact that the struggle against apartheid and racism has entered its final and decisive stage. Although the Conference is convened for the first time, the items on its agenda are not new. The United Nations has been dealing with the problem of racism in South Africa for 31 years. The inhuman and criminal character of apartheid and racism have been completely exposed and condemned by the overwhelming majority of countries and by all honest people of the planet. The peoples of the world are now demanding immediate actions against the racists, actions which would put an end as soon as possible to their numerous crimes. While the South African racists are in power, the blood of the oppressed African people is being shed. Thousands of innocent people, including children, are being imprisoned and subjected to inhuman tortures. The settlements of indigenous inhabitants of the country are being destroyed by bulldozers and the masses of inhabitants are being deported. The racist regime is carrying out before our eyes a massive and monstrous operation aimed at depriving the millions of Africans of their homeland by driving them to reservations "bantustans" - designed to be a source of slave labour. It has occupied Namibia, gives support to the racist r~gime in Southern and carries out impudent acts of aggression against neighbouring independent African countries. It is not a secret why this racist regime has been able to remain in power in South Africa and carry out its policy of apartheid with impunity in defiance of all the resolutions and decisions of the United Nations. The roots sustaining South Africa run to the West, mainly to the NATO member States. It is these countries which go on expanding co-operation with the regime in political, military, economic, nuclear and other areas. Certain circles in the West are pursuing the policy of collusion with the spiritual successors of the Nazis - the racists of South Africa - trying to use them as a stronghold of imperialism and to prevent progressive changes in the south of the African continent. * Original in Russian

-15- The growing aggressive character of the South African racist regime, and its increasing threat to international peace and security, require more than ever the consolidation of all anti-colonial and anti-imperialist forces in their common struggle for the complete elimination of colonialism, racism and apartheid in South Africa. The importance of this unity acquires urgency in view of the intensified manoeuvres of the racist regimes and the imperialist circles aimed at imposing a nec-colonialist solution to the problems in southern Africa. Many representatives of African countries and liberation movements underlined here that this Conference must contribute to the unity and solidarity of African countries and all those who struggle against colonialism, racism and apartheid. The delegation of the Ukrainian SSR firmly associates itself with this stand. In this connexion, fairy tales of one delegation concerning wolves and paper tigers sounded out of tune here. Such fairy tales are one more attempt to sow discord among fighters against apartheid, instead of strengthening solidarity. That delegation used the rostrum of this Conference in order to put a veil on the facts, known to all, about the common stand which the Power represented by that delegation takes in union with the forces of imperialism and reaction against the national liberation movement of the peoples of South Africa. Mr. President, The delegation of the Ukrainian SSR would like also to emphasize that the Governments and the ruling circles of NATO countries bear responsibility for the probable acquisition by the racists in the near future of nuclear weapons, which would increase immensely the threat to international peace and to the very existence of the African people in South Africa. The close co-operation of certain Western circles, who sometimes try to act as the champions of "£, with the South African racists, who have raised the violation of human rights to the level of national policy, clearly exposes the hypocrisy of these circles. When it comes to the interests of imperialism in southern Africa, these so-called champions of "human rights" keep silent, but do not remain inactive, and make use of a series of means designed to perpetuate the regime of apartheid. The policy of the Ukrainian SSR against apartheid The delegation of the Ukrainian SSR fully supports the demands made by the delegations of African States and by other countries, as well as by the representatives of national liberation movements of South Africa, to Western countries to stop completely and immediately their co-operation with the racist r6gimes in all areas and to refrain from putting up obstacles to the imposition by the Security Council of mandatory sanctions against the racists. We are convinced that the final act of the Conference should reflect the will of all honest people of the world and demand resolutely the immediate end of any co- operation with the racists in the political, military, economic, commercial, financial and other areas. For it is logical to raise a long overdue question: how long, contrary to all the decisions of the United Nations, will this co-operation last? By condemning resolutely the criminal policy and the practices of apartheid and demanding its immediate elimination as a system, the Ukrainian SSR fully supports the courageous struggle of the oppressed peoples in southern Africa for their liberation, against racism, apartheid and colonialism. This position of principle stems from the nature of our socialist State, which was born as a result of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the sixtieth anniversary of which will be celebrated this year by progressive mankind. The Great October Revolution has, in fact, played a historic role by facilitating the national liberation struggle of peoples and by furthering the disintegration of world colonial systems. Proceeding from its position of principle of solidarity with the fighters against imperialism, colonialism, racism and social repression, the Ukrainian SSR has been giving assistance and support to the people of South Africa and their national liberation movement. This assistance includes support on the international scene, including in the United Nations, as well as the provision of opportunities for the representatives of the oppressed people of South Africa to receive education in the educational establishments of the Ukrainian SSR, and regular contributions to the International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa. Consistent support to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movements is being provided by the public organizations of the Ukrainian SSR. The position of principle of the Ukrainian SSR is made evident by its active participation as a member of the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid in an international campaign for complete and immediate elimination of the criminal system of apartheid and the policy of racial discrimination. Our delegation would like also to point out that the Ukrainian SSR observes strictly all relevant decisions of the United Nations and was among the first countries which signed and ratified the International Convention for the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.

-17 We also support the recommendation of the sixty-second session of the Economic and Social Council to declare the year 1978 as the "International Anti-Apartheid Year." In conclusion, Mr. President, our delegation would like once more to wish the World Conference the successful conclusion of its task - to work out actions aimed at the speedy elimination of apartheid in South Africa. STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. SNEGIREV, Head of Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics* Mr. President, The delegation of the considers the convocation of the World Conference for Action against Apartheid to be of great importance. We believe that such a conference will assist in taking effective international measures as steps towards the liquidation of the disgraceful system of apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa. The fact that our Conference is meeting in Lagos, the capital of a country which has done and is doing so much for eradication of colonialism, racism and apartheid in the south of the continent, strengthens this belief of c.:xs. The Conference has gathered, as Leonid Brezhnev, President of the USSR, noted in his message of greetings, "'in an atmosphere of continuing detente, the strengthening of peace and security which is largely due to the successes achieved in recent years in the elimination of the system of colonial oppression in Africa and elsewhere in the world". Our agenda: the final liquidation of apartheid And now we have on the agenda the burning question, that is, the final liquidation of all remnants of the colonial yoke, hotbeds of colonialism and racism. On the African continent such hotbeds still exist in South Africa, which in addition has occupied Namibia and extended its racist laws to that territory, and in Southern Rhodesia. South African racists are notorious for their cruelty, as they resort to police terror and repression, commit acts of massacre against the country's black population and deprive it of elementary human rights. The policy of apartheid conducted by Vorster's racist regime is a flagrant violation of United Nations principles, a crime against humanity. We join in the calls upon States which have not yet done so to accede to the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. One can hardly hope that the racist regime in South Africa will voluntarily give up its privileges and agree to the liquidation of the disgraceful apartheid system. * Original in Russian

-19- This is, in particular, testified to by the fact that, in response to powerful uprisings of the suppressed majority in South Africa signifying the decisive turning-point in the liberation struggle against apartheid, the racists of Pretoria aggravate massacres of the African population and speed up militarization of the country. In attempts to stop by arms the inevitable elimination of colonial and racist orders in southern Africa, they resort to acts of aggression against the neighbouring African States. The situation in the south of the continent caused by the present course of the South African racist regime is the source of tension in this region and is fraught with dangerous consequences for free and independent development of African countries. Moreover, it represents a threat to peace and security not only in Africa, but in the whole world. Particular concern is caused by the fact that, according to reliable information, the efforts for the creation of nuclear weapons are now close to completion in South Africa, and direct preparations for nuclear tests are being carried out. Development of nuclear potential by the racist regime in South Africa is a danger not only to African States. Atomic weapons in the hands of racists in Pretoria would have the gravest consequences for international peace and security of peoples all over the world. The TASS News Agency drew attention to these facts in its statement of 9 August. To bar South Africa from creating nuclear weapons, to prevent the danger of its proliferation - this is the urgent task of all States, of the United Nations and of the international community. The Soviet Union is ready to contribute by all means, in co-operation with other countries, to the achievement of this aim. No crehas any doubt whatsoever that the political, economic and military assistance and support by the Western countries, above all by the NATO countries, and Israel, to the Vorster racist regime allows the latter to persist in conducting the inhuman policy of apartheid inside the country and to commit aggressive acts against independent African States. Thus, as collaborators of South Africa's racist rggime, the imperialist circles of the West are responsible for the preservation of the shameful racist order and the system of apartheid in the Republic of South Africa. The accomplices in the crimes of apartheid are the Western monopolies that are feeding the Vorster regime. Of great importance for the successful struggle for complete elimination of colonialism, racism and apartheid is the unity of all anti-colonial and anti- imperialist forces, and vigilance in respect of unceasing imperialist intrigues against national liberation movements and countries liberated from the colonial yoke. The entire experience of the national liberation movement

-20- in Africa shows that the unity of the forces of liberation, and their close co- operation with the countries of socialist community and all the progressive forces in the world, is a most powerful weapon in the struggle against racism and colonialism. Soviet stand against colonialism and racism From the moment of victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution 60 year ago, the Soviet Union has consistently upheld the principles of equality and self-determination, and supported the peoples struggling against colonial oppression and racial discrimination. Since then the Leninist principles of foreign policy of the Soviet State have remained unchanged. The Programme of Further Struggle for Peace and International Co-operation, for Freedom and Independence of Peoples, proclaimed by the twenty-fifth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in February 1976, recognizes as one of the most important international tasks the need to eliminate all the remnants of the system of colonial oppression, infringement of equality and independence of peoples, and all the hotbeds of colonialism and racism. The unshakable Leninist principle of support for the struggle of peoples for national liberation and social progress acquires the force of law in the new USSR Constitution. The position of the Soviet Union in respect of the burning problems of southern Africa has always been and remains clear and definite: the Soviet Union has strictly followed and is following the decisions and recommendations of the United Nations on the problem of racism and apartheid in South Africa; the Soviet Union has always rendered and will further render all possible support and assistance to the peoples of southern Africa conducting a just struggle against colonialism, racism and apartheid. We feel that this Conference should work out further specific measures aimed at the elimination of apartheid, and not confine itself to the reiteration of the decisions adopted earlier. Our Conference should lead to the adoption of effective measures, including the enforcement of sanctions envisaged ty the United Nations Charter, against the racist regime in Pretoria. Only in this way is it possible to ensure progress in solving the problem of eliminating apartheid in South Africa and providing the African majority with the right to live in conditions of peace and freedom. The elimination of the shameful hotbed of colonialism and racism in the Republic of South Africa would be of great importance also for the improvement of the international situation in general and for removing the obstacles in the way to lasting peace.

-21 In his message of greetings to the participants of this Conference, the President of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, L.I. Brezhnev, expressed the conviction that "the Conference will contribute in a fitting manner to the support of the just struggle of the peoples of southern Africa against apartheid and racial discrimination, for independence, freedom and equality". The Soviet delegation is ready to co-operate with other participants in the Conference in working out a programme of effective action against apartheid, in the belief that its realization should speed up the process of liberation of the indigenous population of South Africa from the colonial and racist oppression.