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The most notable quality of our patriarch Yitzchak is that he is the we treat others, than that is a greatness that is attainable for all of son of Avraham, the first Jew, and the father of Yaakov who was us: the patriarch of the 12 Tribes. Yet Yitzchak is associated with the “People say that finishes Bavli and attribute of Gevurah, strength, because continuity (though often Yerushalmi every year. I can’t compete with him- it’s out of my underappreciated) requires a lot of strength and resolve. When league. But if you tell me that even though time is so valuable Shlomo Hamelech writes in Kohelet (4:12) “a three-stranded cord for Rav Chaim, he still gives of himself to others… now that’s will not quickly be broken” it is the middle string that should be something I can do as well.” credited most with keeping everything together. As we pay tribute Rav Dovid was that perfect blend of greatness in and to Rabbi Dovid Feinstein z’l, who passed away on November 6, greatness of character, masterfully tied together with a big dose of one cannot help but note the strength he exhibited in following in humility and humanity. It wasn’t unusual for Rav Feinstein to be in the path of his illustrious father, Rav . his office dealing with complex halachic questions or serious Rav Moshe Feinstein would say that his son Dovid knew all of meetings with esteemed , and at the same time helping a : “Ask my Dovid’l, he knows it all.” Rabbi Dovid Feinstein boy from the elementary school who popped in to say he’d lost a began his Torah studies as an 8 year old boy at Tiferes quarter in the soda machine, or his soda can had gotten stuck. The - and never left. Rabbi Dovid Feinstein was the guardian school’s basketballs were kept in his office, and as they came of his father’s halachic legacy. Any questions or clarifications before recess to get the balls, the boys received encouragement regarding Rav Moshe’s legal positions or responsa, Igrot Moshe, from Rav Feinstein to “enjoy the game” and “play well.” were addressed to his son Rav Dovid. Rav Elyashiv referred to Rav Halachic decision making is an art, not a science. Of course to Dovid as “the of America.” On occasion when Americans answer questions one needs to know what the law is as codified would ask Rav Elyashiv a shayla, he would tell them to direct their through the ages. But one also needs to know how to evaluate and question to America. (Similarly, a close student shared that the incorporate other halachic values that might need to be considered. esteem was mutual, and Rav Dovid would abide by rulings made This is sometimes referred to as “the fifth chelek of Shulchan by Rav Elyashiv.) Aruch” and includes meta-values that are part of the entire system The content of Rav Dovid Feinstein’s ideas will live on in his of Jewish practice, and not attached to any particular law. One students, his published works, his recorded remarks, and his many time, a young man served as Chazzan in a at the yeshivah, notebooks of manuscripts that hopefully will now be published and and he mixed up the brachot in repetition of the Amidah. He grew made available. But I’d like to utilize this article to give tribute to more flustered as people started to correct him, but the Rosh the content of Rav Dovid Feinstein’s character. Yeshivah waved him on, telling him to continue. After davening, Rabbi Nissan Alpert, in his eulogy (in 1986) for Rabbi Moshe someone approached with a Berurah, showing Rav Dovid Feinstein z’l, explained that “chesed and emet (truth) are not the halachah that the chazzan should go back and correct himself. compatible concepts. Kindness flows from the heart … Truth is “I know the ,” Rav Dovid said, “but to humiliate established by the brain… When chesed and emet are mentioned someone in public? Malbin pnei chaveiro b’rabbim?!” together in the Torah, the word chesed always precedes the word Rav Dovid had a chumra not to eat chometz for a few days after emet…” This is because a person's first reaction must be kindness. Pesach, uncomfortable with the way the bakeries conducted their Only afterwards should one set off in search of truth. When a sales of chometz. One year, the day after Pesach was on Friday, so beggar asks for a handout, don't wait until you check out his in order to make sure Rav Dovid had challahs for , a credentials. Give him something right away. When an institution student got to work purchasing the various ingredients from needs financial assistance, don't call for an audit to determine permitted sources so that challah could be home made for Shabbat. exactly what the problem is. When a young author comes for an “Wait, which of the local bakeries were open for Pesach?” Rav approbation, give it to him! That was Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Dovid asked. The student replied that two of the local bakeries had philosophy in life. been open for Pesach, selling kosher for Pesach products, and the Moreover, Rav Dovid Feinstein believed that this attribute of third bakery had been closed a whole Yom Tov. “Rivkah didn’t chesed was the true mark of his father’s greatness. In an article by have parnassah for eight days,” Rav Feinstein said, referring to the Yisroel Besser (Mishpacha Magazine November 11, 2020) Rav owner of the bakery which had been closed, “so we should buy Dovid is quoted as saying the following: from her.” While his personal stringency was legitimate, it was put “The world will gain nothing by knowing how many times my aside to help a fellow Jew. father finished Shas, or that he was fluent in all of Torah The memory of Rav Dovid Feinstein should serve as inspiration shebe’al peh, like Rabi Akiva Eiger or the Chasam . When for each of us to improve the content of our character. During this people speak of my father, they speak of his compassion, how he pandemic we have relied upon great Torah leaders to help us had time for children, for brokenhearted individuals. The bigger navigate these complicated and uncertain times. No less have we a person is, the more chesed he must do, and that’s how we relied upon the greatness of ordinary people who have performed know who the true talmidei chachamim are.” acts of chesed, both large and small, to help us get through these Rav Dovid went on to explain that if greatness is measured dark times. Let us appreciate the content of one’s character as exclusively in terms of intellectual acuity, then such greatness is much as we do the content of one’s ideas, and let us achieve the out of reach for many of us. But if greatness is measured by how greatness that is within each of us to attain. RABBI YOSEF WEINSTOCK


Looking Forward - Finally leadership of our shul, have been hard at work for months As I write this message, the first hints of a light at the end on planning how to ensure its continued greatness and of this long tunnel are emerging. With the availability of ongoing improvement and growth. the first COVID vaccines for select populations, it is finally possible to imagine a return to our pre-pandemic As the pandemic has dragged on, many institutions have conception of a normal life. It remains hard to believe that taken advantage of the opportunity to pause and take we have been through an entire cycle of all the Jewish stock of where they are. While that is part of our approach, holidays during this pandemic. there is also a certain element of full reset - learning new approaches to reach our members and restructuring existing ones to maximize the impact and reach of the Young Israel of Hollywood-Fort Lauderdale. These can include continuing the virtual platforms that have been so

What began with a tentative, restrained Purim, cycled through all of the shalosh regalim and Yamim Noraim, until finally gathering up Chanukah in the pandemically adjusted celebrations.

vital to so many during these many months; re- envisioning how we use our facility and design our tefilah and learning options; redeploying and expanding our rabbinic staff; and continuing to re-evaluate the religious, service and social needs of the community.

With all that has been difficult, and all of the loss and hardship that COVID has wrought and brought, hopefully we can also find some redeeming qualities in the time we have spent spread out or apart. The best way to do so, will be to optimize our institution for when we can get back together

While it is still impossible to predict exactly when normal DAVID LASKO, President life will resume, the advent of the vaccine, along with the improvements in treatment, has certainly brought that life into better focus. Rest assured, the professional and lay


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While we request that our community and friends patronize the businesses advertised in our bulletin, we do not endorse the Kashrus reliability of any establishment or product. Please consult our Rabbi. YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE JANUARY 2021 PAGE 7

EATING IN THE CORRECT ORDER Rabbi Adam Frieberg [email protected]

Tu B’Shvat sedarim are quite an interesting custom. As already mentioned, wheat, which is the first of the While there is a lot to say about their origin, their underlying seven species listed in the Torah, teaches us that when bread is kabalistic themes and their cultural proliferation in recent present, it is also the first thing to be eaten (after netilat times, on a simple level, involve eating many different foods, yedayim and reciting Hamotzei), except regarding Friday night in one sitting, without consuming any bread. Since a halachic and Shabbat afternoon meals, as discussed above. If wheat is meal is not initiated, due to the lack of bread, there is a need to baked into something that requires a Mezonot blessing, than say many berachot on different types of foods. This raises that too would take priority over anything else, except for many questions about the correct order to say the various bread. blessings. If wine is on the table, it would then be drunk, with the On the most basic level, if one has foods of many notable Shabbat exception mentioned above. different types, the order of berachot is as follows: 1) When we start dealing with fruits and vegetables, that is Hamotzei, 2) Mezonot, 3) Hagefen, 4)Haetz or Haadama, 5) when extra attention must be paid. If we are dealing with Shehakol. However, we will see that it is often not so multiple fruits, which all receive the blessing of borei pri straightforward. ha’etz, we say the beracha over the more important food. One irregularity that jumps out right from the get-go is a Importance is defined not by what you prefer. Firstly, we must weekly practice we all have that violates the order described determine if any of the fruits are one of the seven species. If above. Each Friday night and Shabbat afternoon, when we sit so, they receive the blessing and that blessing permits eating down to our Shabbat meals, which are halachically any of the other fruits that are in front of you. If more than one categorized as meals due to the presence of bread, Hamotzei is of the fruits available are part of the seven species, the order of in fact not the first blessing we say, despite being listed in the importantance is olives, dates, grapes, figs and then first position above. While this would seem to violate the pomegranates4. If none of the fruits present are part of the proper order of berachot, it is necessary for us to begin with shivat haminim, than a whole fruit would be prioritized. If that to sanctify the day and establish that the meal is is not a relevant factor, than a fruit that you regularly prefer happening to honor the day we have just sanctified. In would take precedence. If none of that helps you prioritize, talmudic times1, when each person sat at their own small table, than the final factor would be choosing to say the blessing on the order of blessings was not violated as each personal table the larger fruit. was not brought out until after the Kiddush had been recited. However, when dealing with one fruit and one vegetable5, Since there was no bread in front of them, it was not being whether or not the item is part of the shivat haminim is no ignored at the time of the Kiddush. Tosfot explain that longer the first factor. The primary factor now becomes which nowadays where it would be a big hassle to bring out the fruit or vegetable is whole. If that does not help your decision, entire table after Kiddush, we cover the challah in an attempt then the beracha is recited on the fruit or vegetable you to pretend it is not there, and therefore, it is not being passed generally prefer. Only if neither of those factors is relevant, over in its correct place in the sequence of berachot. While then you factor in which one is part of the shivat haminim, and that obviously does not fully do the trick, in this case the if that is not relevant then we default to the fruit whose priority to sanctify Shabbat and the meal with Kiddush takes blessing is Haetz. precedence over the proper order of berachot. This is the One important caveat to keep in mind as you try to make source for why children are often taught that we cover the all of these mental calculations: All of these laws only apply challah as not to embarrass it; the potential embarrassment when you plan to eat all of the foods in question imminently, stems from being ignored as the first item that should be and when eating one before the other would not ruin the blessed at any meal2. culinary experience. So if that glass of water sitting on your Regarding the order of berachot, while it sounds simple table looks really refreshing as you order from your menu, enough, there are many quirks and exceptions to these before you have time to wash on the complimentary bread, complicated laws. One that is specifically related to Tu feel free to say a shehakol and take a sip. B’Shvat is the special importance given to the seven species of food/shivat haminim that are used to praise the land of Israel3. Perhaps we are familiar that these seven foods (two grains and five fruits) are given special priority in the laws of berachot. But what exactly is that priority and when does that priority apply, and when does it not?

1 Tractate 100b 4 This is determined by the proximity of the fruit to the word “land” 2 Tur, quoting a Yerushalmi that does not seem to be found in our in the verse (Devarim 8:8); please note that the word “land” appears current editions. twice in the verse. 3 Devarim, 8:7-8 5 In this context, I refer not to their scientific nor biological designation, but rather to one item that receives a ha’etz blessing and one that receives a ha’adama blessing

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While we request that our community and friends patronize the businesses advertised in our bulletin, we do not endorse the Kashrus reliability of any establishment or product. Please consult our Rabbi. YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE JANUARY 2021 PAGE 9


ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE MISHNAH. The had plenty of work in Saladin’s palace. (Nasser English translation of the Mishnah is, in my humble and Saddam Hussein both loved Saladin.) opinion, its best work. To my knowledge, it was done before, THE . The Torah Temimah, a popular at least three times. commentary on the Torah, was written by Rabbi Baruch In 1933, published his English rendition, HaLevi Epstein (1860-1941). He was the son of the Aruch and it is quite good. Danby (1889-1953) was a non-Jewish HaShulchan, Rabbi , rabbi of British Hebraist. He went to Yerushalayim in 1919 first as a Novardok. Rav Baruch was a child prodigy who entered the librarian and later a canon of the Anglican Cathedral of St. famed Volozhin at the tender age of 13. (The Rosh George until 1936, when he was appointed professor of Yeshiva in Volozhin was his uncle, the Netziv.) After leaving Hebrew at Oxford. He translated Tannaitic legal codes and the yeshiva, he turned down offers to become a Rav. He some of the Rambam’s Code of Jewish Law. He was one of stayed in Pinsk and became a bank manager. During World the first Christian Hebraist to take modern Hebrew seriously. War I, he wrote his memoirs, the Mekor Baruch, in four Professor , of Brown University, also volumes, in which he wrote that his family name was originally translated the Mishnah. He gave some of his work to his Benveniste, a Sephardic Israel family that went to Spain. The teacher, Rabbi of the Jewish Theological family eventually left Spain and moved to Germany, where it Seminary, who trashed it. Literally, threw it in the trash can. It was well received in the city of Epstein. They adopted the seemed that Neusner allowed some of his students to do name of the city as their new family name. He came to some of the translation work. America in 1923, but didn’t find suitable employment and The more popular English translation was by Philip returned to Europe. The Nazis invaded Pinsk when Rav Blackman, who was born in 1904 and came to the US in 1923. Epstein was elderly (either 80 or 81), and two days later he I failed to discover anything more about him in my research. died in the Jewish hospital as a result of a fire at the hospital. (Help anybody?) RAV SAFRA’S INFLUENCE. There is a famous story of Rav DROPSIE COLLEGE. Aaron Dropsie (1822-1905) Safra in the Talmud. He was praying and a buyer made an was a US attorney, businessman, philanthropist, and patron offer to buy an item. Not getting a response, (Rav Safra was of Jewish learning. He was born in Philadelphia, of a Dutch praying) the buyer kept upping the offer. When Rav Safra Jewish immigrant father and a Christian mother. He fully finished, he said he would accept the initial price! Rabbi Leo embraced at the age of 14 and became a vigorous Jung told the story of the Beer, Sondheimer and Co. In 1870, proponent of traditional Judaism in America. He was a disciple just before the Franco-German war, Mr. Beer left his office for of Isaac Leeser. He did not support the forming of the Jewish Shabbat. His company had the copper and other metals the Theological Seminary. He assigned his fortune to the creation war ministry required, and they sent a series of telegrams of Dropsie College. The college ceased to grant degrees in offering him more and more for the metals, but none were 1986, and soon thereafter became a part of the University of answered due to Shabbat. On Sunday morning, Mr. Beer Pennsylvania. Its name changed several times and I believe returned to the office, and recalling the Rav Safra story, Beer it is now called the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. said he would accept the initial offer. The ministry was so Noted graduates of Dropsie were Philip Birnbaum (of impressed that it made his company its main supplier and so fame), Bernard Revel (first president of ), “established its global significance.” (Thanks to Rabbi David Benzion Netanyahu (Bibi’s father; he also taught there.) Wolfe of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, taken from his article DOCTOR MAIMONIDES. Moses ben Maimon (1135, Spain- in the Jewish Week.) 1204, Egypt) was a true Jewish scholar. In the earlier years of RABBI CHAIM BERLIN. (1832-1912) He was the oldest son his adult life, he was supported by his youngest brother, of the Netziv, the of Volozhin. He was David, a successful businessman. David drowned in the appointed the Rabbi of Moscow in 1871. Seven years later he Indian Ocean on a business trip, with most of the family’s left Moscow to assist his father in Volozhin. In 1891, he was financial resources. This loss drove Maimonides into a year- appointed Rosh Yeshiva in Volozhin, which was quite long severe depression, out of which he emerged as a doctor. controversial, since many students felt that Rabbi Chaim He ultimately became the personal physician of the sultan of Soloveitchik was more deserving. When the yeshiva closed, Egypt, Saladin. In the book, Jerusalem the Biography by he left Volozhin. He eventually settled in Yerushalayim in Montefiore, it mentions that Maimonides was one of 24 1906 and became the assistant to the Rabbi of Yerushalayim, doctors employed by the sultan. Saladin (1137-1193) was the Rabbi . When Rav Salant died, he took over. founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, an empire that included He died in 1912 and was buried in Har HaZeitim. The yeshiva Egypt, Syria, Upper Mesopotamia, Yemen, and Israel, and Tiferes Bachurin was established in in 1904. In some of Northern Africa. He had only one wife, who bore him 1914, the yeshiva was renamed Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin no children. One biographer wrote that Saladin was survived at the suggestion of Rav Chaim’s youngest brother by 17 sons and one daughter. He had other children who pre- Berlin of Yerushalayim. Rav Meir later Hebraisized his last deceased him. Modern views of Saladin are drawn from his name to Bar Ilan, and has a university named for him. fictional depiction in a novel by Sir Walter Scott (The

Talisman) and in Lessing’s play Nathan the Wise. So

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YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE JANUARY 2021 PAGE 13 SIMCHAS FROM OUR FAMILIES MAZAL TOV TO: BIRTHS  Ari & Cheryl Pearl on the birth of their granddaughter to their children Harry & Tamara  Joel & Barbara Coplowitz on the birth of their grandson to Mara & Michael Anidjar, and to Michael’s parents Isaac & Reina Anidjar BNAI MITZVOT  Alex Eisenberger upon the celebration of his Bar Mitzvah, and to Alex’s parents Chesky & Talia Eisenberger, siblings Yitzi, Zevi, and Lily, grandparents Sharon & Steven Glueck, Robert Eisenberger, Lisa Eisenberger, and great- grandparents Selma Jacobs and Debbie & Asher Fensterheim ENGAGEMENTS & MARRIAGES  Carol Carmel on the engagement of her son Michael Ben-David to Daniella Hazan of Montreal, and to Michael’s sister & brother-in-law Jessica & Amiel Lindenbaum, Daniella’s parents Albert & Dalila Hazan and her uncle & aunt Sammy & Ronit Bentolila  David & Goldie Berger on the marriage of their daughter Sivan to Dave Stulberger, and to Dave's parents Jerry & Gloria Stulberger of Woodmere, NY  Wally & Fay Fingerer on the engagement of their grandson Jake Reichel to Hailey Dobin of Miami Beach  Aryeh & Avigail Posner on the engagement of their son Ronnie to Alexandra Paige of Rockland County, NY, and to Ronnie's sister Eden, Alex's parents Mark & Debbi Paige and Marla Paige and siblings Ryan and Taylor ALSO MAZAL TOV TO:  The Daf Yomi participants who finished Masechet  Rabbi Fred Klein on receiving the MCCJ of the year silver medallion award for his commitment to interfaith dialogue and his service to the Jewish community at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation  Sandra Veszi Einhorn on being honored as The Alliance 2020 Partner Council Leadership Honoree WE WARMLY THANK OUR SHABBAT SPONSORS: TORAH DIALOGUE: Jeff Resnick to commemorate the yahrzeit of his beloved father Stanley Resnick, Shalom ben Devorah and Dovid Halevi OUR CONDOLENCES TO: May they be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem  Cheryl (& Ari) Pearl and family on the loss of her grandmother Regina Peterseil  Salomon (& Esther) Imiak on the loss of his mother Fanny Imiak  Tiffany (& Aryeh) Fraser on the loss of her grandfather Mordechai ben Mina Glickman  David (& Chava) Berkower on the loss of his father Lary Berkower  Meghann (& Ben) Schwartz on the loss of her father Michael Colton  Sheldon Estreicher on the loss of his mother Sarah Kestenbaum, and to Michael Estreicher on the loss of his grandmother

Dovi & Yael Greenberger

We moved from West Hempstead, NY and live on 39th Avenue in Emerald Hills. Dovi is an administrator at a Home Health Care company. Yael is in education. We enjoy outdoor activities, sports, spending time with family and friends. We are excited to join the Hollywood community, look forward to meeting everyone, and look forward to becoming active members of the shul. ~Dovi & Yael

If you recently joined the shul and would like to be featured in next month's bulletin, contact [email protected]

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While we request that our community and friends patronize the businesses advertised in our bulletin, we do not endorse the Kashrus reliability of any establishment or product. Please consult our Rabbi.

You can create a Jewish Legacy:

 By passing on your values to your family and your community  By perpetuating the culture and programs you love here  By becoming a part of something larger than your self  By ensuring the vitality of our kehillah in the future

To find out how, please contact one of our Life and Legacy Team Members:

 Sheldon Estreicher-mobile: 614.288.4835 email: [email protected]  Reva Homnick-office: 954.966.7877 email: [email protected]  Carol Lasek-mobile: 954.494.5567 email: [email protected]  Sharon Ness-mobile: 786.423.7083 email: [email protected]  Myra Shulkes-mobile: 954.599.5211 email: [email protected]  Rabbi Yosef Weinstock-mobile: 646.229.6452 email: [email protected]

We’d like to thank and recognize those that have made a commitment to the success and continuation of the Young Israel of Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale by signing a Declaration of Intent (DOI) to assure our future.

Anonymous Mr. Tsachi & Dr. Jessica Baitner Mr. Marc & Dr. Lori Ben-Ezra Mr. Howard Bienenfeld & Mrs. Carol Lasek Mrs. Sandra Edelboim Dr. Sheldon Estreicher Rabbi & Mrs. Yoni & Rachel Fein Mr. & Mrs. Shaya & Miriam Gutleizer Mr. Eli & Dr. Shani Hagler Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov & Reva Homnick Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Susana Kaweblum Dr. & Mrs. David & Amy Lasko Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Sharon Ness Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Cheryl Pearl Mrs. Myra Shulkes Mr. & Mrs. Maish & Tziviah Staiman Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Jessica Wasserstrom Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef & Rebecca Weinstock Mr. & Mrs. Brett & Robin Zuckerman

YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE JANUARY 2021 PAGE 19 DONATIONS Sheldon & Lynda Levin Abby’s Closet Javier Lopez Clothing for needy children in memory of Abby Ginsberg Daniel & Anniel Nagler in honor of Noah & Rachelle Lewinger Herb & Edith Fishler in memory of Salomon Imiak’s mother Aviel & Atara Raab to commemorate yahrzeit Fannie Imiak David & Joan Kornbluth in memory of Salomon Imiak’s mother Boaz & Daniela Rosenblat commemorate yahrzeit Fannie Imiak Ira Schwalb to commemorate yahrzeit In memory of David Berkower’s father Lary Berkower Sam & Heather Sered to commemorate yahrzeit Steven Sheinman in appreciation of his aliyah

Charity Fund Yacov Shemesh in appreciation of his aliyah Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Stewart Slomowitz to commemorate yahrzeit Ben J. & Dorit Genet in memory of Salomon Imiak’s mother Maish & Tziviah Staiman to commemorate yahrzeit Fannie Imiak Jayne & Iz Warman to commemorate yahrzeit Jonathan & Susana Kaweblum Allan & Miriam Weiner in memory of Lary Berkower Aaron & Michelle Moses Fred & Lori Wittlin Alan & Joan Weinstock to commemorate yahrzeit R. Joel Weiss to commemorate yahrzeit Jewish Education Fund Fred & Lori Wittlin in memory of Salomon Imiak’s mother Funding to local Jewish schools Fannie Imiak Billy & Batzi Berman in honor of the birth of David & Sandy In memory of David Berkower’s father Lary Berkower Epstein’s new great-granddaughter Leonard & Risa Yudkowitz in memory of Michael Chesal’s In honor of the birth of Gary & Sandy Bloom’s father Nat Chesal granddaughter In memory of Debbie Zisquit’s sister Joanne Tepler In memory of Salomon Imiak’s mother Fannie Imiak Jonathan & Susana Kaweblum Tomchei Shabbos Seforim Fund Shabbat Meals for needy families in the community Prayer Books and Library Books Joe & Robin Andisman in memory of Michael Chesal’s father Nat Eli & Goldie Berman to commemorate yahrzeit Chesal Neil & Deborah Cohen and the Chames family in memory of Stephen & Sharon Clements Salomon Imiak’s mother Fannie Imiak Joel & Barbara Coplowitz Philippe & Stacey Lieberman to commemorate yahrzeit Ezra & Caroline Greenberg, Philippe & Stacey Lieberman Shul Willy & Harriette Moses in gratitude to Wally & Fay Fingerer for Synagogue Operating Budget their friendship Isaac Bassan to commemorate yahrzeit Fred & Lori Wittlin Kalmann & Rucha Baumann to commemorate yahrzeit Marc & Lori Ben-Ezra in memory of Salomon Imiak’s mother Fannie Imiak Samuel & Ronit Bentolila to commemorate the yahrzeit of Sammy’s father Howard & Carol Bienenfeld in honor of Dr. Wally Fingerer for his kindness In honor of Dr. Stuart Courtney for his kindness Gary & Sandra Bloom wishing a refuah shleimah to Jessica Baitner In memory of Salomon Imiak’s mother Fannie Imiak Carl & Debra Drucker to commemorate yahrzeit Benji Epstein Herb & Edith Fishler in memory of Gerald Mayerhoff’s mother Roberta Mayerhoff In honor of the marriage of Marc & Vivien Hammerman’s daughter Esther to Igor Chernomzav In honor of Stephen & Roni Kurtz son Isaac’s engagement to Reizl Halikman In appreciation of the kindness of Lisa Baratz In appreciation of his aliyot Norman & Sandra Goldglantz to commemorate yizkor

Mark & Crissy Kogan in appreciation of his aliyot Sol & Deborah Lerer to commemorate yahrzeit


Q: I bought a set of used metal pots from a non-Jew. Do I kasher them first or do I tovel them first? A: (YD 121:2) writes that one should first kasher the pot and afterwards immerse it in a mikvah.

Q: Is there a bracha or prayer to be recited upon receiving the CoVID 19 vaccination? A: The accessibility of a vaccine for this terrible virus within such a short period of time is a true miracle of modern medicine; accomplished through human ingenuity and Divine assistance. We must thank Hashem for allowing us to reach this moment. Some suggest that the blessing of Shehecheyanu is therefore appropriate (ie “thank You Hashem for keeping us alive, maintaining us and allowing us to reach this moment”). Others say that when a person receives something new that is of benefit to him/herself as well as others, then the appropriate blessing is “HaTov V’HaMeitiv”. Since the CoVID 19 vaccine protects you as well as others, perhaps this is the appropriate blessing to say. When it is my turn, I will say the bracha of HaTov V’Hameitiv upon being vaccinated. Some are unsure whether either bracha is appropriate for this particular situation. Since in Halacha there is a concept that one avoids saying a blessing that is in doubt, some Rabbis suggest a prayer be recited in lieu of a blessing. One traditional prayer that is recited before taking medication or treatments is: “Yehi ratzon milfanecha, Ado-nai Elo-hai, she’yehai eisek zeh li li’refuah ki rofai chinam atta.” “May it be Your will, Lord my God, that this activity will bring healing to me, for You are the free Healer.” Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu composed a new prayer to be recited before receiving the CoVID 19 vaccine: מודִ ים אֲנַחְ נּו לָ ְך ה' א - ל הֵ י נ ּו ֵו א- ילהֵ אֲ בותֵ ינּו א -להֵיכָל בָשָ ר. אבֹורֵ רְ פּואֹות.שאַתָ ה חונֵן לְאָדָ םדַ עַ ת ּומְ דלַמֵ לֶא נוׁשבִ ינָה לִמְ צֹא ּולְהַמְ צִ יא חִ ּסּון לַמַ גֵפָ ה. יְהִ י רָ צֹוןמִ לְפָ נֶיָךׁשֶהַחִ ּסּון הַ זֶה יִמְ נַע אֶ ת הִ תְפַשְ טּותהַמַ גֵפָ הוְיַצִ יל חַ יִים ׁשֶ ל יאַלְפֵ רְ בָ בֹותבָ עֹולָ םכֻּלֹו The appropriate time to say any prayer would be immediately prior to receiving the first dose of the vaccine.


Please be advised that Artichoke Hummus products are not certified by KVH. This affects the following brands: Cedar's, Shop-Rite Supermarket/Wakefern, Joseph's, Simply Enjoy, Sprouts Farmers Market, Green Way, Little Salad Bar, Wellsley Farms, Lidl US, LLC, Price Chopper

Spices that require Kosher certification: According to the CRC the following spices require kosher certification:  All Smoked Spices  Chili Powders  Horseradish (powder, granulated, dehydrated etc.)  Wasabi Powder  Fresh Chopped Garlic

Gerber Sitter 2nd Foods baby foods have OU certification on many, but not all, varieties. Check each product carefully for the OU symbol. Gerber Supported Sitter 1st Foods are not OU certified.

GreenWorld Best Foods Marshmallows bear an unauthorized OK kosher symbol. These products are NOT certified by OK Kosher Certification.

All products, including pasta and cheese products, sold by Good Health, Inc. bear an unauthorized ORB kosher symbol.

Mimi's Ravioli bear an unauthorized KOF-K. The products are not kosher.

Commercially sold riced cauliflower that is raw, plain and was pre-washed after being riced, is permitted to be used without certification. The cRc has determined that plain riced cauliflower from Trader Joes, Birdseye and Green Giant meet these criteria and are acceptable at this time.

ORB UPDATES New facilities: o SoBol, 9224 Glades Road, Boca Raton, 33434 561-485-4200, is certified dairy, not Cholov Yisroel o Carmela’s, 7300 W. Camino Real, Boca Raton, 33433 561-544-8100, is certified dairy, Cholov Yisroel and Pas Yisroel No longer certified: o Happeas, 2893 Stirling Road, Hollywood, has permanently closed due to Covid

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February 2021 Young Israel of Hollywood-Ft.

Shevat- 5781 Lauderdale Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 (19 Shevat) 2 (20 Shevat) 3 (21 Shevat) 4 (22 Shevat) 5 (23 Shevat) 6 (24 Shevat) Yitro S. 6:15a,6:45a,7:15a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a S. 6:15a,6:45a,7:15a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a Shabbat Mevarchim Plag Mincha 4:45p Plag Mincha 4:45p Plag Mincha 4:45p Plag Mincha 4:45p Earliest Mincha 1:03p Parshat Shekalim Mincha 5:55p Mincha 5:55p Mincha 5:55p Mincha 5:55p Earliest candle lighting Sunrise 7:03a 4:58p Latest Shema 9:48a Candle lighting 5:48p Latest Amidah 10:44a Mincha 5:55p Earliest Mincha 1:03p Sunset 6:07p Mincha 2:30p & 5:45p Sunset 6:08p Havdalah 6:47p 7 (25 Shevat) 8 (26 Shevat) 9 (27 Shevat) 10 (28 Shevat) 11 (29 Shevat) 12 (30 Shevat) 13 (1 Adar) Mishpatim S.7:15a,8:00a,8:30,9:00a S. 6:15a,6:45a,7:15a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a S. 6:15a,6:45a,7:15a,8:00a Rosh Chodesh Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar Plag Mincha 4:50p Plag Mincha 4:50p Plag Mincha 4:50p Plag Mincha 4:50p Plag Mincha 4:50p S.6:00a,6:30a,7:00a,8:00a Sunrise 6:58a Mincha 6:00p Mincha 6:00p Mincha 6:00p Mincha 6:00p Mincha 6:00p Earliest Mincha 1:04p Latest Shema 9:45a Earliest candle lighting Latest Amidah 10:42a 5:02p Earliest Mincha 1:04p Candle lighting 5:53p Mincha 2:30p & 5:50p Mincha 6:00p Sunset 6:13p Sunset 6:12p Havdalah 6:52p 14 (2 Adar) 15 (3 Adar) 16 (4 Adar) 17 (5 Adar) 18 (6 Adar) 19 (7 Adar) 20 (8 Adar) Terumah S.7:15a,8:00a,8:30,9:00a Presidents' Day S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a S. 6:15a,6:45a,7:15a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00,7:30a,8:00a Parshat Zachor Plag Mincha 4:50p S.6:15a,6:45a,7:15a,8:00a, Plag Mincha 4:50p Plag Mincha 4:50p Plag Mincha 4:50p Earliest Mincha 1:04p Sunrise 6:53a Mincha 6:05p 9:00a Mincha 6:05p Mincha 6:05p Mincha 6:05p Earliest candle lighting Latest Shema 9:43a Plag Mincha 4:50p 5:06p Latest Amidah 10:40a Mincha 6:05p Candle lighting 5:58p Earliest Mincha 1:04p Mincha 6:05p Mincha 2:30p & 5:55p Sunset 6:16p Sunset 6:17p Havdalah 6:56p 21 (9 Adar) 22 (10 Adar) 23 (11 Adar) 24 (12 Adar) 25 (13 Adar) 26 (14 Adar) 27 (15 Adar) Tetzaveh S.7:15a,8:00a,8:30,9:00a S. 6:15a,6:45a,7:15a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a S. 6:15a,7:00a,7:30a,8:00a Taanit Esther Purim Shushan Purim Plag Mincha 4:55p Plag Mincha 4:55p Plag Mincha 4:55p Plag Mincha 4:55p Erev Purim S. 6:30a,8:30a Sunrise 6:47a Mincha 6:10p Mincha 6:10p Mincha 6:10p Mincha 6:10p Fast Starts 5:39a Mincha 6:10p Latest Shema 9:40a S. 6:00a,6:30a,7:00a,8:00a Candle Lighting 6:02p Latest Amidah 10:37a Plag Mincha 4:55p Earliest Mincha 1:03p Mincha 6:10p Mincha 2:30a & 6:00p Fast Ends 6:59p Sunset 6:21p Havdalah 7:01p 28 (16 Adar) S.7:15a,8:00a,8:30,9:00a Plag Mincha 4:55p Mincha 6:10p

SHABBAT SPONSORS FOR THE NEW YEAR 5781 Thank you our generous sponsors who through their kindness make the deliveries and drive-by give-a-ways possible while we can’t be together yet for kiddushim or seuda shlishit. We sent you

 ŠƒŽŽƒŠ•ǡ™‡Šƒ†ƒ†”‹˜‡„›‹ ‡ ”‡ƒ‰‹˜‡ǦƒǦ™ƒ›”‡ǦŠƒ˜—‘–ǡ™‡

†‡Ž‹˜‡”‡†ƒ‘•Š ƒŠƒƒŠ‰‹ˆ–„ƒ ™‹–Šƒˆƒ–ƒ•–‹  „ƒ‹‰†‡‘•–”ƒ–‹‘Ǥ‘™ǡ  Theˆ‘”Šƒ—ƒŠ family of Rabbi ǦDr.ˆ”‡•Š„ƒ‡† ‘‘‹‡•Ǩ Ted Abramson ( ” ) in honorŠƒ›‘—ˆ‘”’ƒ”–‡”‹‰™‹–Š—•Ǥ of the  Paul & Yvonne Ginsberg in honor of all their children & Daf Yomi Participants L’hagdil Torah u’leha’adirah. grandchildren.  Sally Aaron in honor of her grandchildren, Josh and Sharona  Bob & Debbie Hirsch in memory of his parents Murray & Whisler, and great-granddaughter Willow (Nessa) Whisler. Roslyn Hirsch ( ” ) and in honor of their children &  Earl & Donna Barron in memory of his father and mother Jack grandchildren. & Sarah Barron ( ” ).  Vera & Charles Hirsh in honor of their children &  Dror & Avivit Ben-Aharon grandchildren.  Dani Bengio in honor of the behind-the scene individuals of  Doron & DV Kahn for a refuah shleimah for all those in need. our Shul (both lay & professional) who continuously toil to  Lev & Raya Kandinov in honor of their parents and children. make sure we stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Kogan family  Gary & Sandra Bloom in honor of their children and  Steven & Lauren Kimmel grandchildren.  Doris & Jonathan Konovitch in memory of Jonathan’s parents,  Alvin & Tamara Cohen in honor of their children Stephen & Rabbi Harold & Bernyce Konovitch ( ” ), Jonathan’s sister Elana and their grandchildren Sammy & Ben Nawy. Robyn L. Konovitch ( ” ) and Doris’ father Walter Berger ( ” ).  Stuart & Tova Courtney in loving memory of Tova’s parents  Shelly & Lynda Levin in memory of her parents Sol & Faye Asher & Masha Moshkovsky ( ” ), Tova’s brother Chanon Comet ( ” ) and his parents Dr. Hyman & Dorothy Levin ( ” ). Moshkovsky ( ” ), & Stuart’s parents Richard & Frieda  Anniel & Danny Nagler in memory of her father Tom Seghi ( ” ). Courtney ( ” ) & Tova’s beloved aunt and uncle Rivka &  Ira Posner & Sheila Klee Shabtai Moshkovsky ( ” ).  Dr. & Mrs. Sam & Deborah Rand & Jacob Bean in blessed  Edward & Jamie Czinn in memory of Ed’s sister Aliza Sherman memory of Dr. Rand ( ” ) and Rabbi Yaacov Yosef ( ” ). Rand ( ” ). .( ” ) שלמה פינחס  The Danis family in memory of Susu’s mother Elka bat Yisroel  Sean Ritterman in memory of his father and father, Yitzhak Binim ben Dovid, ( ” ) & Stephen’s father  Howard & Ellen Rotterdam in memory of our parents ( ” ) Aharon ben Shimon ( ” ). and in honor of their children and grandchildren.  Belle Davis in honor of Rabbi Edward & Meira Davis and in  Daniel & Deborah Salama memory of Martin Davis ( ” ), & Daryl Klonoff ( ” )  Jeffrey and Risa Schiff in memory of her beloved parents  Jordan & Tammy Ditchek Natalie and Philip Manas ( ” ) & aunt Miriam Silverman ( ” ).  Wally & Fay Fingerer  Randi & Jason Schulman in honor of their children.  Lippy & Mati Fischman  Islon & Eve Seliger in honor of their grandchildren.  Herb and Edith Fishler in memory of their parents ( ” ).  Myra Shulkes & family in loving memory of Dr. Howard Shulkes  Stephanie & Meyer Friedman in loving memory of Stephanie’s ( ” ). parents Selma & Herman Halper ( ” ), grandparents Bella &  Maish & Tziviah Staiman in memory of her beloved mother Moshe Aharon Spindel ( ” ), Bella & David Halper ( ” ), Aunt Judie Warman ( ” ). & Uncle Estelle & Herbert Adelstein ( ” ), Great Aunt Ceilia  Ronald & Risa Steiner in honor of their wonderful children & Halper ( ” ), and Meyer’s parents Rose & Moshe Aharon grandchildren.  David & Haya Tepper and family in honor of Tzahal. Friedman ( ” ) & sister Hinda Pessel Friedman ( ” ).  Keith & Jessica Wasserstrom in honor of great grandparents,  Marla & Stan Frohlinger in honor of their children and Barry and Glenda Wasserstrom. grandchildren.  Larry & Judy Weiss in memory of their beloved daughter  Skin Center, Dr. Barry & Jillian Galitzer in honor of their Elizabeth Susan Weiss ( ” ), his beloved father Seymour S. parents Josh & Debbie Galitzer and Abba & Sandy Borowich and their children, Ashley, Andrew & Steven. Weiss ( ” ) and beloved mother Roslyn L. Weiss ( ” ) and  Natalio & Monica Ghitelman in memory of his father Moises Judy’s beloved father Benjamin Hammerman ( ” ). Ghitelman ( ” ).  Arlene Weiss in memory of her beloved husband Milt and her beloved parents Jack and Sarah Barron ( ).  Ira & Miriam Ginsberg in memory of their beloved parents ” Abe & Tillie Simon ( ” ), Max & Hana Ginsberg ( ” ).  Fred & Lori Wittlin in honor of their children & grandchildren.

Please call the office: 954-966-7877 or email: [email protected] to join this list of generous families!

Young Israel of Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale 3291 Stirling Road Ft. Lauderdale,Young Israel FL of33312 Hollywood -Ft. Lauderdale Nonprofit www.yih.org3291 Stirling Road Organization 954.966.7877 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 U.S. POSTAGENonprofit PAID Change Service Requested FT LAUDOrganization FL

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Young Israel of Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale Permit No. 3329

3291 Stirling Road

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Nonprofit Organization

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