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Vol. 42, No. 1 | August 1966

Bridgewater College

Follow this and additional works at: • Student Reflections '66 • New Alumni Constitution • '65- '66 Alumni Giving Report ■ August, 1966 The AUGUST, 1966 Volume XLII /J-ziltewafez No. 1 il II A Bridgewater College Bulletin In Th is Issue rt 1 See 1t,,, 2 As See It "Hats Off!" 3 Student Reflections '66 The B. C. students have a new tradi- tion and a special bulletin board in the 6 Bridgewater Briefs Eagle Eyrie where they "Tip the Hat" in recognition of out- standing students on 8 Eagle Sports Parade the campus. Certainly the Bridge- 10 Class Reunions, May 28, 1966 water constituency, students, faculty, 13 B. C. Eagle Report alumni, parents and friends can do the same Annual Alumni Fund Report for 1965-66 for three long-time Revised Class Reunion Schedule professors who are leaving the B. C. campus this year. New Alumni Constitution Our hats are off to Dr. W. Donald Clague '41BA, to Dr. Daniel S. Geiser and 21 Alumni Profile to Miss Ruth Howe '21BR. Each has filled strategic and significant positions at Class Notes Bridgewater for two decades or more. 25 Their areas of responsibility have been 2 difficult ones and often trying. Their 28 Wedding Bel Is loyalty and service to Bridgewater Col- lege have been devoted and unselfish. 29 Future Eagles Dr. W. Donald Clague, dean of stu- dents and professor of general science 30 Alumni Association Officers, 1966-67 for 23 years, has become Dean of Gradu- ate Studies and Director of Summer 31 Alumni Chapter Directory Sessions at La Verne College, Cal. Dr. Daniel S. Geiser, coach ana athletic director at Bridgewater for 20 years, has been appointed Director of PHOTO CREDITS: Paul Kline, 3-5; Hubert Gentry, 7, 10-11, 21, 23; College Ripples, Health, Physical Education and Rec- 1, 6-7; Don Honick, 22; Minor C. Miller, 24; Paul Wampler, 24 reation at American University. Miss Ruth S. Howe, associate pro- fessor and head of the Home Economics Department at Bridgewater, has retired Jacob F. Replogle '37 BA, Editor after 21 years on the B. C. faculty. The alumni and all the Bridgewater family "tip their hats" in appreciation to ADVISORY EDITORIAL BOARD these and other faithful teachers who Barbara Metzger Anderson '53 BS Doris Cline Egge '46 BA have served on the B. C. campus. Fred W. Swartz '58 BA Ellen Kay Layman '65 BS Sincerely,

Bridgewater College is a member of the American Alumni Council and of the American College Public Relations Association.

Jacob F. Replogle The Bridgewater College Bulletin is published nine times a year by Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Director of Alumni Va., August, September, October, November, December, February, March, April and June. The Bndgewater ALUMNUS is issued in August, December and April as a part of the Bulletin series. Entered as second-class Relations matte(at the pose office, Bridgewater, Va., under act of Congress of August 24, 1912. FRIENDSHIP Robin Machen '67 Friendship is coffee after supper, handball in the gym Bridgewater, Bank Street following the river, speaking to strangers. Friendship is pizza no money Newport flip-tops pipes Cherry Blend Friendship is not going to breakfast, country walks philosophizing pictures of flowers a bee in the heart of a jonquil. Friendship is not sleeping watching dawn light breaking Friendship is saying no words when you know you don't need to. Friendship is parting but not crying when it is gone. 3 - - STUDENTS have various ways of giving expression to their feelings and thoughts. For the last several years Bridgewater College students, ------, -i;\ - through the local campus chapter of ff,) ( '.-:-..._ r·,·· Pi Delta Epsilon, national honorary -·--- journalistic society, have published C :'.aI "'-:: fi ,4i:lJi l,,k- "-:i:=:t ;t" . -. - ., ' "' --""' annually, "REFLECTIONS," contain-

I/(,...___ -\...-.. .,,:, .,,:, -\...-.. I/(,...___ ,,.,, • IJ . , ing prose and poetry contributed by ti} ... rs $i_ - - students. _-:;. _-:;. ,._ ,._ - ) + f:P -· Here are but a few literary contribu- tions from this year's issue of "RE- • . It·, - "- ., +.--... J-,. FLECTIONS '66." Included are 5- 1 · - several art forms by students of the :r.(·1·) 0 ; --.t_ r · --·/,if\r- ,,., "- J, 2, ' l College Art Department also used in __.. "r '_""_,... ,...- _f-'-,;-,- _,_,.,____,-- 7 "REFLECTIONS." We are indebted to the advisors and staff of "REFLECTIONS '66" for use Cover illustrations for "REFLECTIONS of the following materials. Copies of '66" by Brenda Albright '66, Ldie "REFLECTIONS '66" are available Cobb '66 at the College Book Store at one dollar and fifteen cents each. TREE Nancy Rowe '66 Singularly silhouetted against the cold, gray wall of unearthy sky, Alone beneath a murky blanket of clouds, Awaiting the soft flaky finger of falling snow She extends her brown spiny arms up high.

Softly falls the filmy mass relentlessly on the naked limbs of her body Clothing her in a splendor unknown even by a king, Like a phantom silently stealing over the land Enveloping in its path everything.

Effortlessly she is buried beneath a living death of purity, Hidden are the flaws of her ugly, skinny arms, Suddenly she is queen of this silver realm of snowy oblivion Which has so furtively disclosed her unknown charms.

Even as the crystals gently falling Winter Scene, Oil Painting Give beauty to the ugly and deformed Leslie Cobb '66 Slyly from behind the gray mist peeking comes the light 4 So must the beauty of the tree be once again lay barren and forlorn.

POEM Barbara Turner '69 How can I tell you what I'm feeling today? The peace and quiet and solitude of an empty room The world outside seeming deep and far away The world inside just a dream and my imagination. How can I tell you what I'm thinking today? The mundane path of a day-to-day existence The bittersweet memories of the life that I have passed. The knowledge that makes me wonder what life is all about. How can I tell you what I'm hoping today? The true friends that overlook my weaknesses A faith in God that will remain through the crises of the years The serenity of living in a world enveloped in a liberating peace. Donna Spitler '66 Working on Sculptured Head

Pen and Ink 5 Patt! Layton '69

SILENCE Robin Machen '67 Silence is what friends are made of.

Silence has the tongue of the dusk-lit woods the fog-settling yellowly over the roads the standing puddles of crystalled water the sturdiness of measured foot- falls.

Silence writes in indelible ink the saga of Welded Steel Construction understanding. David Wayland '67 J. Alaric Bowman 'SIBA , , , , Named Dean J. Alaric Bowman, of Hagerstown, Graduation Is work, at least four have received out- Md., has been appointed the Dean standing fellowships. Family Affair of Students at Bridgewater College, Glen Mt. C. Bowman, Crawford, succeeding Dr. W. Donald Clague, Va., has received a Health, Education who resigned to become the Dean & Welfare Fellowship valued at $2400 of Graduate Studies of La Verne ro attend the University of Virginia (Cal.) College. in a Master of Arts in Teaching pro- For the past 11 years, Mr. Bowman gram. Glenn was a campus leader in has been employed by the Washing- drama and was a member of the Con- ton County (Md.) public school cert Choir. system. Five of those years he taught Joseph S. Browder, Salem, Va., was science in North Hagerstown High awarded a consistory Scottish Rite School and in Hagerstown Junior Col- Fellowship in government leadership lege. The last six years he was an ad- George Washington University. at ministrator and last summer he served Browder, a four-year letterman Mr. as coordinator of the Federal "Catch- and last year's co-captain in basketball, U p" program in the Hagerstown majored in history and won one of school system. the two $2,800 fellowships awarded to Mr. Bowman received a BA degree Virginia liberal arts college graduates. from Bridgewater in 1951 and an Eric E. Brumbaugh, son of Mr. and When Stephen "Steve" May grad- MS degree in education from the Mrs. M. C. Brumbaugh of Orlando, uated from Bridgewater College on University of Pennsylvania in 1960. Fla., received a NSF traineeship in May 29, he joined two other members He has done summer study on biochemistry valued at $2,400 from of his family in graduation experi- National Science Foundation grants at the chemistry department of the Uni- ences this year. Stevens Institute of Technology and versity of His mother, Mrs. (H. V.) Goldie Virginia. Mr. Brumbaugh, at the University of Maryland. He chemistry major, was a member of May, the same day received her a will also be serving this year as the the concert choir of Bridgewater Col- diploma from Madison College, hav- president of the Bridgewater College lege, the chorale, and accompanist for 6 ing completed her college work there Alumni Association, having been the male quartet. last August, and taught in the Broad- named to this position more than a way (Va.) Elementary School. John R. Strickler, Harrisonburg, year ago. Deborah (Mrs. John Breneman), Va. senior, was awarded a fellowship He is married to the former Kathryn his sister, graduated in June from the in English valued at $1,500, and will Reid '49BA and they have three Broadway (Va.) High School and will attend Appalachian State Teachers children: Richard, 19; Daniel, 14; become a freshman at Madison Col- College, Boone, N. C. and Barbara Ann, 10. Dean Bowman lege this fall. began his work on August 1. The May family leans to the teach- ing profession. Mr. H. V. May, a farmer of Timberville, Va., does sub- stitute teaching. Steve, a physical B. C. Librarian education major, will become a mem- Elected Head ber of the faculty of John C. Myers Intermediate School, Broadway, Va. Orland Wages, librarian of the Two sisters of Stephen are on the Alexander Mack Memorial Library, faculty of Broadway High School; a was named vice president elect of the sister-in-law in New Jersey received Christian Librarians' Fellowship at her degree in 1965, and a brother-in- their recent meeting in Fort Wayne, law is also a teacher. Ind. The CLF is composed of librarians B. C. Grads of church-related colleges in the Awarded Fellowships United States and Canada. As vice president, Mr. Wages will plan the Among the 1966 Bridgewater Col- program for the 1967 conference in lege graduates going on in graduate Kansas City, Mo. Dean J. Alaric Bowman I

B. C. Students Notification has also been received Eleven Join In Research that Bridgewater's Library Grant Re- B. C. F acuity quest for $5,000 for the past fiscal year has been approved. It is antici- Eleven new or returning faculty pated, although not certain, that a members have been announced for similar grant request opportunity will the coming 1966-67 Bridgewater Col- be presented to the college in the lege session. academic year of 1966-67. Returning to the B. C. faculty The library grant has also a matching are Mrs. Olive S. Bowman, assistant feature and book orders by all college professor of Mathematics (part-time); departments have already been proc- Mr. David G. Metzler, assistant essed and placed on order up to the professor of Philosophy and Religion ; full amount of the funds being made Dr. John W. Martin, Jr. '47BA, available. professor of Chemistry (on one- year leave); and Dr. William G. B. C. Junior Wins Willoughby, professor of Philosophy and Religion. Alumni Scholarship New members on the faculty and H. Emerson Poling, a member staff include Mr. A. G. Bortz, as- B. C. Seniors, Virginia L. Flory, of the 1967 class, was awarded the sistant professor of Music and director Milroy, Pa., and Eric E. Brumbaugh, Alumni Senior Scholarship for 1966-67. of the band; Mr. J. Alaric Bowman Orlando, Fla., prepare to make density A general science major, Mr. Poling '51BA, dean of students and assistant measurements on horse hemoglobin plans to study medicine. He is the professor of Mathematics; Mr. Donald in solution. This blood sample was son of Rev. Newton L. Poling, '37BA E. Corbin '59BA, assistant professor obtained at the U. S. Department of and Mrs. Poling, and has had a of Foreign Languages; Mrs. Anne D. Agriculture, Beltsville, Md. This is a brother, James '63BA, to graduate and Geller, assistant professor of History; biophysics research conducted at another brother, Edward, who was a Mr. Alden B. Pearson, Jr., instructor Bridgewater College in a joint effort freshman last year. in History (replacing Dr. Sappington by the Departments of Physics and The Alumni Scholarship is awarded for one year); Mr. W. Clifton Pritchett Chemistry under the sponsorship of annually to a member of the Junior '59BS, instructor in Music; Mr. James the National Science Foundation. Class who has exhibited academic and A. Reedy '61BA, director of Physical This fall Miss Flory will attend campus leadership. This year the Education and head baseball coach; Jefferson Medical College in Phila- value of the award was increased to and Mr. Melvin D. Wampler, as- 7 delphia while Mr. Brumbaugh will three hundred dollars, and will be ap- sistant Business Manager. pursue graduate study· in biophysics plied to Mr. Paling's expenses next and biochemistry at the University of year. Alumni Office Moved Mr. Emerson Virginia. Poling has sung in The Bridgewater Alumni Offices, the concert choir, served as ac- located on the first floor of Founders' companist to the male college quartet, Hall on the B. C. campus for the last worked as a student assistant in the B. C. Receives dozen has been moved to the college library and is president of the r,ears, Grants second floor of the Flory House, used Brethren Service Fellowship. He is as an administrative annex. A matching grant of $25,268 has an associate member of Lambda The expanding program of the been awarded to Bridgewater College Society, the B. C. honor society, and Admissions and financial aid offices for acquisition of laboratory and other is active in the Council on Religious necessitated increased space and they special equipment. Affairs. have been moved into the former Under Title VI of the Higher Educa- alumni offices. The Director of tion Act of 1965, Bridgewater has Alumni Relations now has one of the been notified that this grant has been second floor rooms of the Annex with approved by the Federal Government the office secretary using a desk in the for the academic year of 1966-67. It hall. is to be matched by Bridgewater Col- lege (primarily from allocations already ALUMNI SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP within departmental budgets) and col- valued at $300 is received by H. Emerson Poling '67, Windber, Pa., from President- lege departments are moving ahead elect J. Alaric Bowman 'SlBA, as Alumni to clear purchases with the college President Garland F. Miller '33 (left) business office. looks on approvingly. Myers and Reedy Named to Physical Ed Posts Football ,Eagles Report September 4 In a modification of departmental responsibilities in the B. C. Physical Coach Kenneth Day will get the Education Department, James A. 1966 football squad underway as Reedy '61BA was named director of approximately 56 hopefuls get down Physical Education and baseball coach. to pre-season training on Monday, Melvin 1. Myers '52BA, Eagle September 5 on the Bridgewater basketball coach, was made director campus. of men's intercollegiate athletics while It will be a sophomore-dominated at the same time continuing as head squad with only three seniors and basketball coach. The changes were nine juniors returning. Coach Day necessitated by the resignation of Dr. expects about twenty sophomore re- Dan Geiser who had doubled as both turnees and about twenty-four fresh- B. C. Athletic Director director of physical education and men trying out. Resigns director of athletics. Team captain will be 210-lb. Guy Mr. Reedy at Bridgewater lettered Stull, an offensive tackle and defensive Dr. Daniel S. Geiser, director of in baseball, basketball, golf, and end who was honored on both the athletics and coach of baseball at tennis ; but it was in basketball in Mason-Dixon Conference and All Bridgewater College since 1946, re- which he starred, scoring over 2,000 Virginia Small College teams in 1965 signed to become director of health, points during his college career. as a defensive end. Other players who physical education and recreation at are counted on to be a big help this American University, Washington, Since graduation from Bridgewater, fall are: Tom Glasgow, junior full- D. C., beginning August 1. His "Jim" has been teaching physical 8 education and Harrison- back; Bob Prater, junior linebacker; academic rank will be full professor- coaching in Mike McDonald, sophomore end; ship. burg (Va.). last year he received a Barry Myers, sophomore guard; and Coach Geiser, during the past 20 Master of Arts degree from California State College, long Beach, and is John Pribanic, junior end. years, initiated and organized the From the incoming freshmen, it is physical education major curriculum currently working on his Ph.D. at hoped that several will be relied upon and the physical education teacher- Virginia. to fill existing vacancies in the interior training program at Bridgewater. For Mr. Myers as a student at Bridge- line and offensive backfield. 16 years he doubled as athletic director water lettered in football, basketball, The Eagles open their football and coach of both basketball and base- and track. He coached successfully season against Gallaudet College in ball. During the last four years, he at New Windsor, Md.; Kenbridge Washington, D. C. on Saturday, has coached only baseball besides (Va.) High; Robert E. lee High, October 1. teaching. Staunton, Va.; and Andrew lewis Dr. Geiser, a native of Waynesboro, High, Salem, Va., before coming back Pa., graduated from Juniata College to Bridgewater as head basketball Tennis Eaglettes in 1962. Have Winning Season where he was awarded 13 letters in coach baseball, basketball, football and track. Professor Reedy as director of last spring's Eaglette tennis team He pursued graduate work at Ohio physical education will supervise the posted a 7-win, 3-loss season under State and Columbia University where academic program of the department the coaching of Miss laura Mapp. he received a doctor of education de- and coordinate the various facets of losses were suffered from the strong gree in 1960. He is past president the physical education program. Pro- teams of Mary Baldwin, Randolph- of the Mason-Dixon Intercollegiate fessor Myers will coordinate all phases Macon Women's College and Madi- Athletic Conference and has served of the men's intercollegiate athletic son. In two matches with Madison Bridgewater College effectively. His program and will represent Bridge- they split 3-2 each time, winning one wife, Elizabeth G. Geiser, will con- water in the Mason-Dixon Conference. time and losing the second time. tinue to teach in the B.C. English de- Miss laura Mapp. will continue to Carol Bucher, Lynn Clark, Diane partment this coming year. head the women's physical education Helbert, Yvonne Kauffman, Beverly program. Mr. Paul Gunsten will Marcum, Susan Monger, Dee Morris, direct the intramural program, coach and Margie Young composed the HOMECOMING golf and assist in football. Mr. Varsity squad. The Junior Varsity also Sat. Oct. 22, 1966 Kenneth Day will serve as head foot- captured 4 matches while losing only 2. ball coach and teach several courses. B. C. Baseball B. C. Eagle Miss Championship Majol's Dl'aftee With a well-balanced team, coached In the June major league baseball by Dan Geiser, the Eagles posted a draft, Eddie Cook, B. C.'s sophomore strong 9 won and 3 lost abbreviated shortstop from Walkersville, Md., season record. Rain cancelled any was the 19th draft choice of the Wash- hope of pulling off the Mason-Dixon ington Senators. A versatile hard- Conference, Southern Division cham- hitting 19-year-old athlete, Eddie has pionship. Two games scheduled with played the outfield, shortstop, and American University, later declared pitched. He also earned his letter in M-D champs, were never played be- basketball. cause the regular games were rained Cook will be a key man for the out and never made up. Eagles in the next two years. If, and it is a big if, the games had been rescheduled and B. C. would Nipe and Leavell have won them, Bridgewater would Take Alumni Golf have tied for the southern tide. In the Sixth Annual Alumni Golf Among the bright spots of this Tournament, held on Friday, May 27, year's contenders were Senior Yager on the Ingleside Hotel course, two Marks in the outfield, Eddie Cook veterans walked off with the top and Guy Stull in the infield, Ted Style A-$29.00 honors. Reavis behind the plate and pitchers Mervil B. Leavell '27BA, posted the Bob Nida, Dennis Sanger and Mike low gross win with a 79, while Dr. Jacobs. ,,, a George Nipe '41BA, won the low Missed next year will be graduates (Calloway) handicap trophy with a ,z,(dtjeev-a,te,i Vt Yager Marks, Hubert Roop, Wayne score of 71. This was the fourth time Shifflett, and Bob Nida. in the six years that Leavell has walked Four different styles of off with top honors. Paul Hatcher popular chairs to choose B. C. Eagles '66BS, came in second, three strokes from: On M-D All-Star Teams behind, with an 82. Co-captain Yager Marks '66BA, Gross Handi- Net A. Captain's Chair (all Name cap black) 9 slugging Bridgewater College out- George M. Nipe '41 91 20 71 fielder, was named to the Mason- Mervil B. Leavell '27 79 6 73 Captain's Chair (Cherry Paul Hatcher '66 82 9 73 Dixon Conference 1966 All-Star base- J. Ward Long '38 84 11 73 arms) either-$29.00 ball team. Though bothered with Grant Rush '49 95 19 74 Horace G. Miller '36 96 21 75 B. Boston Rocker, $28.00 injuries, the scrappy Eagle posted a W. Donald Clague '41 97 22 75 .440 hitting average for the season. Raymond I. Hoover '27 89 13 76 C. Side Chair, $18.00 C. B. Reubush, Jr., '49 91 15 76 Named for honorable mention were Edwin L. Turner '26 101 25 76 two other Bridgewater Eagles, Guy Earl Walston '50 92 15 77 All chairs are designed for Dick Kincaid '63 99 22 77 beauty and comfort, black Stull, rugged first baseman, and Robert Frank Moyers '38 90 12 78 "Bob" Nida, B. C.'s pitching artist. John Sayre '51 103 25 78 trimmed . in gold, with the Bridgewater College seal screened in gold. 1966 To insure delivery before EAGLE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Christmas, orders must be September 24 Open placed by November 1. De- October 1 Gallaudet College Away livery by express, F. 0. B. October 8 Hampden-Sydney College Home October Randolph-Macon College Home 15 Send order and check to: October 22 Frostburg College Homecoming October 29 Washington & Lee University Away Alumni Office November 5 W estem Maryland College Away Bridgewater College, November Shepherd College Home (Parents Day) 12 Bridgewater, Va. 22812 November 19 Open CLASS OF 1916: Reunion luncheon brought only three members of the class (I. to r.) Mattie Miller Texiere, Bertie Wiseman Crickenberger, her daughter, and Dr. Robert K. Burns.

Class Reunions

CLASS OF 1926 dined in the Blue Ridge Hall Social Room with the following persons present: Seated, Mary Cline Stoddard, Mrs. Frank Cline, Frank P. Cline, S. Blair Myers, Mrs. Myers, Effie E. Ikenberry, Cecil Ikenberry. Standing, Virgil L. Mathias, Mrs. Mathias, M. Guy West, Mrs. West, Lester W. Huffman, Alvin T. Kline, Edna Miller Kline, Mrs. Cubbage, Saylor C. Cubbage, Earl M. Zigler, Mrs. Zigler, Paul R. Compher and Mrs. Compher. CLASSES OF '35, '36 AND '37 met together for luncheon at the Belle Meade Restaurant. Not all are shown. Approxi- mately 43 heard B. C. College President Wayne F. Geisert (center at head table) speak.

Alumni Day Mar2s 11 1966

CLASS OF 1941 with spouses and families ate their reunion luncheon in the new Pure Village Restaurant operated by Oak K. Early '10 and son, Kermit Early '47BA. B. C. Alumni Association Transact Important Business

Among the important matters of these two funds brought their report R. Lowell Wine '41BA, chairman of business transacted by the Alumni to the Association Executive Com- Hollins College Department of Sta- Board of Directors and the Asso- mittee and Board of Directors. In the tistics; Vice-president, Edwin C. Stone ciation on Alumni Day, May 28, light of changing needs and in- '61BA, attorney at law, Radford, Va.; 1966, were endowment fund merger, creased community motel facilities, Secretary, Ina Mason Shank '48BS, constitution changes, setting of a it was recommended "chat the funds Mt. Crawford, Va.; and Treasurer, 1966-67 Alumni Fund goal, and the earmarked as Alumni Lodge Funds Theron C. Garst '33, Pet Dairies, election of national officers. become a pare of the Alumni En- Roanoke, Va. dowment Fund, the earnings from Endowment Fund Merger which may be used co support a Alumni Constitution Changes For many years the Bridgewater scholarship program or other needs Several major changes will take College Alumni Association has had of the Association. It is proposed that place as a result of the adoption of a two endowment funds primarily in- a footnote be made when reporting new constitution for the Bridgewater vested in Bridgewater College Devel- the total Endowment Fund chat if at College Alumni Association. opment Bonds. One fund, known any time in the future the Alumni One of the significant changes as "the Bridgewater College Alumni Association desires to use the princi- is that of membership. In the future, Fund" has a value of $3,500 from pal of the Lodge Fund for project only those students who have com- which the only disbursement has purposes in keeping with the original pleted one academic year will be eligible. been the annual alumni senior scholar- intent of the fund, it may do so by At present, those included needed to ship award. action of the Executive Committee have regularly enrolled for at least The B. C. Alumni Lodge Fund had and the Association." one semester. This is not retroactive been established as early as 1945 The Board and the Association ap- and all present alumni, whether from to provide funds for providing an proved this action of merger. The the academies or other merged col- 12 alumni headquarters or center on the consolidated funds of the B. C. leges, are still included. B. C. campus. Active solicitation was Alumni Endowment now amount The Board of Directors will in- carried on for several years but in to $14,511.06, of which $2,011.06 clude a representative from the senior 1948 it was decided to postpone are in savings and $12,500 invested in class among its membership. This is further activity on the Lodge project Bridgewater College bonds. new. Officers of the Association will because of a major need for a women's henceforth be elected by a mail Alumni Officers Elected residence which would have an alumni ballot of the entire Bridgewater Col- reception room and two bedrooms The Alumni Board of Directors, lege Alumni Association rather than furnished by the alumni. with the approval of the Alumni by the Board itself. Lastly, the new From 1948 on, no activity has Association, elected the following constitution spells out chat the Asso- been carried on to complete the alumni officers for 1966-67: President, J. ciation shall engage in an annual lodge project, but the money in- Alaric Bowman 'SlBA, new B. C. appeal for support in behalf of the vested in college Development Bonds. dean of students, formerly from college. Ocher editorial and minor A committee to study the merger of Hagerstown, Md.; President-elect, Dr. clarifications were made.

Save this Special Insert containing the Annual Alumni Fund Report for 1965-66, the revised Class Reunion Schedule, and the Bridgewater College Alumni Association new Constitution. B. C. EAGLE REPORT

►Annual Alumni Fund Report for 1965-66 ►Revised Class Reunion Schedule ►New Alumni Constitution

Bridgewater College Alumni Association August 1, '1966

(Save for future reference) Bridgewater Alumni Annual Giving Surpasses Last Year ;\ LUMNI GIVING to Bridgewater a large group of loyal alumni who same order as last year with the Class fl College for the year 1965-66 served either as visitors in the five of 1949 holding on to first place; which closed last June 30, exceeded alumni areas where campaigns were and the Class of 1950 tied with the the previous year by slightly more put on or as class managers in the Class of 1948 for second place. Two than $2,500. One thousand ninety- mail appeal. years ago (1963-64) the Class of 1950 six (1,096) alumni contributed Among the Top Ten classes in was first and the Class of 1949 second. $67,430.33 from July 1, 1965 through Amount Contributed, the Class of 1951 Noteworthy is the fact that the June 30, 1966. This compares with far outstripped the others because of relatively recent Class of 1964 placed the previous year of 1964-65 when the significant memorial gift of Dr. in the Top Ten in the Number of 1,069 alumni contributed $64,772.88. and Mrs. Raymond F. Moore, Jr., in Contributors over many of the older With the number of alumni con- memory of their little daughter, Kathy. and more affluent groups of alumni. tributors increased by only twenty- Of the remaining classes in this Their example of loyalty and sharing seven, the percentage of participa- category, five are repeaters from last is an inspiration to all other classes the tion remained at same level as year with the Class of 1928 moving and all alumni. chat of last year, 17% (based last year up from fifth place to second. The While the alumni did not reach on 6200 alumni and this year on 6400 Class of 1930 rose from eighth to goal alumni). fourth place; 1933 dropped from third the stated of $100,000, all are The average size of gift increased to fifth; 1923 from second to seventh; commended for their participation, slightly from $60.59 in 1964-65 to and the Class of 1925 went from and it is hoped that more will share that of $61.41 the past year. fourth to tenth place. this year in going beyond the new The emphases on alumni giving had In the Top Ten classes in the goal of $75,000 by next June 30. excellent leadership in Mr. Winston Number of Contributors a regular The following is the annual report 0. Weaver '47BA, as National Alumni yearly battle continued between the of Bridgewater College alumni giving Fund Chairman, Mr. Garland F. Miller Classes of 1949 and 1950 for top for the past fiscal year, 1965-66, '33 Alumni Association president, and honors. They finished in exactly the ending June 30:

1891-10.0U 1908-72.50 1914-410.00 Joseph A. Bossennan Nora Shipman Ferris G. L. Brown William D. Evers Anna Huffman Foley 14 Hugh E. Cline E. E. Bowman Dal 1898-25.0U Warren F. Miller Perry F. Crabill 1918-1,017.00 Norman R. Baumgardner BR Minor C. and Agnes Shipmr,11 Miller Ida Glick Craun F. B. Layman, Sr. Dal Ernest M. Wampler, Class Agent Sarah Dove Boaz Dal Bertha Thomas Huffman 1899-15.00 1909-170.50 Orville C. Flory Melva Barnhart Sutherland E. C. Geiman William T. Sanger Ruth Klein Leister BR Emory N. and Mattie Flora Smith Dal Flora Hoover Bowman 1915-520.00 Mattie Ro!!er Zigler Sylvia White Bowman Dal 1900-55.00 A. C. Garber Minor M. Myers, Class Agent John T. and Zella Neff Myers J.M. 1:nrly Harry Coffey Lowell N. Layman Dal S. Nora Miller Craun Ethel Bowman Wright Nora Phillips Flory Ernest M. Wampler Lortie Miller Kline Mary Kagey Phillips Carter V. Good Forrest D. Click Paul Hounshell 1901-l10.0U Mary E. Cline Simon D. Glick 1910-210.00 Carson F. Holsinger Ethel Sipe Seese Aub,ev A. Houser Dal Edna Good Woglom W. S. Brandenburg llR Alben R. Leatherman Dal Walter R. Hooker Lewis Clower Bertha 1Vi11e Garst Dal Minor M. Myers 1902-60.00 Nora Miller Sayre Mattie Burns Glick 1919-2,350.00 Jennie Weyb.-iRht Wolfe BR Viola H11/fman Schurr Cora E. Beard BR J. B. Dillon Dal Mary Zigler Mason 0. L. Miller, Class Agent J. D. Wine BR Walter I. Bowman Mabel Harley Hersch 1911-230.00 Frances Mo11111 Moxley BR 1903-5.00 0. L. Miller Reuel B Pritchett Dal 1916-1,112.50 Arthur M. and Flora Nininger Brugh Dal Betrie Emor SundergilJ BR Rerrha Kee.ey Moyer BR Robert K. Burns, Cbss Agent Albert C. and Ollie 1vfoore Schue BR Man· Thomas Bowma BR Valley Miller Myers Robert L. Smith BR Robert K. Burns Paul N. Garber 1904-65.00 J. D. Markwood Glenna Crumpacker Showalter Dal Guy N. Hartman William M. Painter Lula Judy Moomaw Delphia Miller Wright Leota S111ltz Maiden W. A. Myers E. Garber Mattie Miller Texicre 1912-55.0U John W. McNair 1920-813.0U 1905-5.UU Galen B. Myers Amos Holsinger, Class Agent J. C. Flora Dal l e r tr: (i?cJ7/k r : Randall G. Spoerlein BR Jonas G. Eller Dal 1911-922.;u Mattie V. Glick 1906-185.Ul> Grace Miller Dunivi11 0. S. Miller, Class Age11, Oliver W. Jordan H. F. Myers Fleta Fi/er Bennett Howard E. Kline 19 I 3-l,5b5.UU H. E. Miller Margaret Dove Layman D,I Mollie Zigler Myers Byron M. Flory, Sr. Stella Miller A. D. Miller Oscar S. Miller EHa Miller 1907-340.00 Gladys Cline Hooker Katherine Flory Blougb Margaret Smucker Zigler Edith P[ofl/z Roop BR Edith Phillips Garber Warren D. Bowman Sdvia B11r11J Sanger William S. Line"·eaver Lois Amy Eller Dal Ethel ]Vise Bosserman Fred H. Morehead Ina Graham Akers M. A. Bowman Dal Maude Lee Thomas Annie Good Senger Annie Rexrode Baitingt'r Escher McAvoy Ankrum Earl C. Holsinger Nina Kinzie Moomaw Dal J. Price Bowman Ray S. Cline Miriam Bowman 1921-957.00 1926-640.00 Eva Nair Huffman Olive Fike Huffman Cecil 0. Showalter Dawn Trump Strickler J. Quinter Miller, Class Agent Virgil D. Mathias, Class Agent Elsie Hollen Harley Herman S. Miller Sadie SPoerlein Eckard BR Ruby Eller Foster Dal William J. Garber G. W. and Avis Mundy Swarr, S. Ruth Howe BR Mabel Glick Smith Galen D. Wine Truman F. Garber Ruth Weybritht Stauffer BR Edwin L. Turner Marie Quinn Hoffman Arthur G. Wheeler Elmer L. and Ina Ruth Miller Huffman Frank Y. Garber Mildred Thompson Bowman Maurice G. Wright J. Quinter Miller Mabel Showalter Driver Frances Brumbaugh Huffman Lois Sanger McGuffin Olive M. Wampler Effie Earfy Ikenberry J. Harold Funk Claudia Thomasson Compton Effie Pence Miller C. D. and Eula Rmbmh Miller Raymond J. Corbin Chester I. Harley Ethel Cline Garber Saylor C. Cubbage Nellie Jones Young Ernest Y. Miller J. Paul Glick Marrin Q. Miller Dal Francis F. Wayland James H. Bryan John D. Kramer Virginia Fi/er Wampler Edna Wine Everette L. May Edna Dotterer Jones BR Earl M. Zigler Ruth Miller Nininger Edith Norman Effie Naff Eller Dal M. Guy West Harold E. Bowman Dal Harvey H. Scott William M. Shanklin BR Homer V. Miller Evelyn Roop Miller Stanley B. Watson BR Vernie Wright Olive Miller Grove Esther Long Allender Kenneth L. Strite John M. Roller Frank P. Cline J. Harold Funk Olden D. Mitchell Milton D. Royer BR Otis R. Kiracofe Fred S. Garst Katie Spigle Eller Dal Claude and Nancy Flory Harris Rosanelle Shoemaker Hartman (special class gifts will also be recorded 1936-796.13 in 1966-67) 1931-1,332.50 J. Nelson Liskey, Class Agent 1927-1,040.00 1922-1,635.50 Alice T. Spoerlein, Class Agent Minnie Roller Wagensd1ein John M. Kline,Jr., Class Agent Robert L. Strickler R. Lee Humbert, Class Agent Herman D. Bowman Dal Paul W. Shiflet John M. Kline, Jr. John B. May Rufus B. King J.C. Harshbarger Earl F. Seese Dal Ernest E. Munczing Reba Hartman Wine 0. F. Foley Katherine Maxwell Ikenberry Joseph W. Miller Ma11rice K. Henry Raymond D. Cool G. Elmer Myers Esther Pence Garber Olive Shafer Long Leonard C. Carter Dal (Deceased) A. Olivia Cool Dorothy Miller Myers Mary Catherine Fultz J. M. and Ruth Pence Garber Verna Kinzie LaRue Bertha Driver Gassett Mary Helen Carter Armentrout Samuel A. McDaniel BR A. Joseph and Orpha Hm Caricofe Joseph F. Wine, Sr. R. Marcus Whitmore May L. Cline J. B. Huffman Dorothy Yates Crist J. Nelson Liskey M. R. Wolfe BR Raymond I. Hoover Gladys Huff Bailey Ethel May Montgomery Howard S. Zigler John M. Dunn Nellie Marshall Marquess Zander M. Foley Olive Miller Whisenant Merle Senger Bickers Ella Vest Phillips Roy C. Perdue Lola Conner Arey Ilda Bittinger Ziegler Madge Keiter Rhea Wampler Miller Cecil J. Wine Mary Catherine Miller Ingraham Paul B. Sanger, Sr. Ford Secrist BR Reba Miller Hillyard 7-1,346.37 R. Lee Humbert Virgie Hess Miller Alice Tucker Spoerlein 193 Ruth H. Cline Cora Click Fisher Richard Shrum, Class Agent Ada Carter Dewese Mary Englar McKinney BR Lula A. Miller Kathryn Eller Peters 1932-911.00 C. Sherrill Armentrout Naomi H. Coffman BR Kathryn Peters Crumpacker John W. Myers, Class Agent Vera Mitchell Harouff 1928-2,534.63 James W. Moyers, Sr. Ethel Pritchett Kintner 1923-1,680.00 Walter S. Flory, Jr., Class Agent S. Earl Mitchell Raymon E. Eller Emma Seehorn Smith Robert B. Garber Earl D. Flory, Class Agent Glennon C. Brown Everett E. and Elva J\fi/1,r Wilfoni; Max A. Murray Ray F. Harris James 0. Smith R. Cline Kinzie Emma Miller Miller Dal Edna Wine F. Paul Brown Mary Jane Gum Sellers Patience Cline Harshbarger Gretchen Pittinger Spoerlern BR Dove Fike Miller Margaret Flory Wampler Millard G. Wilson BR Ola Hollen Evers Elizabeth Vest Fitzwater Jacob F. Replogle J.M. Bennett Edna Miller Miller Mark E. Myers Richard C. Shrum Marguerite Nofsinger Horn Dal Margaret Early Muntzing J. W., Jr. and Lorraine R1mhart Myers Lewis B. Kaylor 0. F. Bowman David W. Huffman Elsie A. Martin Adtain B. Leatherman Harper S. Will Hiram C. Arey Robert M. Flory Lurene Hartman Durna John B. Wampler Roy J. and Nellie Compton Hildebrand Earl D. Flory Samuel A. Harley Evelyn Blose Row Eva Craun Bowman J. Emmert Ikenberry Arlene Guyton Runkles Marvin Clingenpeel Dal Cecil C. Ikenberrv· Walter S., Jr., and Nellie Thomas Flory 1938-730.00 Homer C. Hess Mary J11amzing Munczing 1933-1,977-'.)9 Frank A. Strickler Frank Moyers, Class Agent 15 Nellie Hockman Cline Ernest C. Spoerlein 1924-1,147.50 Gladys Lohr Hoover Jacob S. Huffman Emerson C. Gambill Virginia Stump Powell Wenonah Wright Mayo Bernard S. Logan Willard H. Humbert, Class Agenc Galen G. Craun Edgar L. Crumpacker Georgie Hough Holden Dorothy Rode/fer Hilt Berkley 0. Bowman BR R. Douglas Nininger Theron C. and Rhea Cody Gam Dee H. Craun Frances Utz Moyers H. LeRoy Scharon Gay M:tthias Smith Vera Woodie Mitchell Norman A. Seese, Jr. Marie T. Cox Boyd Harshbarger Paul D. Horst Ruby Harris Burson BR Robert M. Burgess Mabel Speicher Weitzell BR Rudolph Glick Paul G. Kline Esther Leatherman Cosby Herman L. Horn Harold L. Garber Edna Steward Northam Ora Ba/Jley Earhart Guy E. Wampler Frank Moyers Kenneth S. Kinzie BR Raymond R. Peters Melvin I-I. Fitzwater Elizabeth Boggs Densie Cool Cline Roy C. Perdue H. Gus Muntzing S. Homer and Dorothy Myers Beachy BR John Alvis Brown Dal W. H. Humbert Anna Elizabeth Blo!lgh Williams 1939-1,089.50 Grace Bowlus Carl H. Welch Kneessi BR 1929-1,368.23 Garland F. Miller Mrs. Arlene R. May, Class Agent Violette Hoover Brooks W. Harold Row H. Edward Shull Edward K. Ziegler, Class Agent Mary Naff Layman Carrie Click Smith Horace V. Cox J. Albert Wine Philip R. Milton Grace Bowman Koons Henry Eller George S. Row Mary Reed Rice Isaac J. Sanger M. Alma Kline Margaret Wampler Strate J.P. Flora S. Edgar Rusmiselle T. G. Halterman Dal Ruth Fike Terry Ethel Stone Koger Anna Garber Crist Jesse S. Fifer Adeen Adams Selden Arlene Ringgold May Herbert S. Garst Mattie Miller Michael J. Hiram Zigler Orval S. Garber Wilbur S. Pence Robert M. Seese Robert M. McKinney BR L. Paul Miller Kathryn i'\1yers Miller Clarence R. Bowman 1934-945.50 Sylvia Shafer Strickler Quinter R. Slaubaugh John A. Derr, Class Agent Rosa Wagoner Kinzie l925-l,590.00 Cleo Driver Miller Genevieve Cormts Brooks Stanley B. Cline Paul R. Will Carl W. Irwin Nelson T. Huffman, Class Agent Alda Huffman Knupp Robert L. and Clark Elizabeth Sanger Spilter Evelyn Sherfy Miriam Ho/singe,· Butler Kersh F. C. Rittenhouse BR Bruce I-I. Flora John W. and Nell Boitnott Edwin F. Shumaker Helen Dern Eyler Mary Summers Miller BR Edward K. Ziegler BR Carl Weimer [da Ward Bowman BR H. Early Beahm Virginia Pope Garber Fred R. Woodie Roy M. Foster Dal Clarence A. and Willie Frances Turner Carrie Hollen Simmons Naomi Miller West Phillips Elvert F. Miller Nelson T. Huffman Crystal Driver Wakeman Christine Beahm Hess Ralph G. Myers Bernard N. King BR Miriam Blough Simpson Rebecca Swartz Wilson BR Ralph Crist Leona Zigler Row John W. Duma Lora Miller Clower Ruth Win, Ogden Galen E. Fike Gilbert C. and Virginia Han·is Cosden Roy H. Wright Robert A. Miller 1930-2,247.12 James C. A. Thompson Helen Early Ruby Ollie P. Jones BR Hollen G. Helbert Anna Harris Flory Gilbert Rachel Myers Zigler R. Kinzie, Class Agent Ora Winkels Rich Gladys Jone, Shanklin BR J. Cline Bowman BR 1940-780.00 Marjorie Graybill Sanger Ruth C. Bowman Caleb H. Smith W. Paul Coffman 1935-1,364.7 3 Mrs. Eva Lee Appl, Class Agent R. Hoover Ferne Gilbert Ray Kinzie Olden D. Mitchell, Class Agent Lowell A. Miller Mary Crumpacker Garber Dal Edna Wampler Pence Ralph D. Alley Naomi Ruth Zigler Rupel R. Carlton Cupp Edgar S. and Edna Wyn11 Martin Mildred Langre/1 Glessner Dororby Petcher Quimby H. Gerald Guyton William L. Simmons J. Alaric Bowman Paul F. Crist Jean G. Eckard Mary Jennings Hoover Harold Mmstrong J. R. Gambill Emmert F. Bittinger Carl Simmons, Jr. M. L. Jenkins Roland Z. Mey Mary Ellen Miller Phibbs Charles Ashby Katherine Coffman Bowman Mary Semeney Kline Rebecca Bowman Johnson Mazie Kirby Wampler Alfred Ray Cline Galen B. Crist Thurman T. Lloyd Gochenour Elizabeth Early McDermott Harold E. Skelton Ellen Cline Wyrick Harold R. and Ermina / Iii//,,. Fetcher Melba Dove Ritchie M. Willard Miller Donald S. Myers Dwight E. Wratchford George A. West Rhett R. Petcher John W. Gosnell Harley R. Shull Raymond N. W. Lawrence and Norma Oates Miller Clayton and Jacqueline Grove Towers ClydeW. Rea J. Fred and Eva Lee White Sencindiver Larry C. Smith Wendell Flory 1946-346.66 David E. McKalips Eva Lee Kindig Appl Harold S. Moyer Loren S. Simpson Mrs. Geraldine z. Glick, Class Agent Martha Cupp Mary Catherine Bradb11rn Rose 1949-1,871.00 Doris CHne Egge Owen G. Stultz Bar bar a Roller Smith Alvin Class Joseph L. Early Anna Hartman Hall E. Conner, Agent Victor E. Glick E. Kathleen Skelton Emory C. Eby 1952-610.00 Carlton Shickel William S. Ray Gerald Margaret Schmidt Garner David C. Simmons Roller, Class Agent Geneva Kohne Strawderman 1941-1,265.87 Edgar and Shirley Pelcher Wilkerson Lowell W. Miller Maxine Wakeman Burkholder Rhoene Zimmerman Johnson Mary Helen Click Arnold W. Donald Clague, Class Agent Allen S. Harvey, Jr. John L. Hopkins, Ill Grant Simmons Fred M. Bowman Robert Reeves Gar Miley Jobn E. Bowman Marie Mason Flory A. Owen Shifllett Carleton Gilbert Harper Lois Miller Callary Elizabeth Wolfki/J Rogers Louise Garst Showalter John E. Foltz George M. and Louise Bowman Nipe Wendell L. and Elaine Robertro11 Smith Michael W. Gaynor J. Hubert Showalter Lawrence Rice Helena Crouse Hand Herman W. Brubaker Gerald Roller William Bane. Jr. Loleine Barnhart Fisher William R. Johnson Margie Kahle Conner William Z. Cline Ava Lee W,J,on Miller Kathryn Reid Bowman Merle Crouse Frederick D., Jr. and Louise Wampler Ben Hoover Carroll Goodridge Elwood Humphreys Dove Lillian Tragmr Brumbaugh Peggy Jo Eller Eustace Meador Edgar A. and Frances Wilson Flora Harold R. White John W. Whitmore Alvin E. Conner William C. Naylor Mary V. Mi/1,r Wampler Wanda Martin Bowman Paige K. Gordon Carroll S. Ringgold Marvin E. Deavers W. Donald Clague A. V. and Dorothy Bennett Prather Herbert E. Ruby TOP TEN CLASSES H. N., Jr. and Virginia Bittinger Whitten 1953-965,50 Charles W. Hertzler By Amount Contributed Joseph B. Jordan Mrs. Barbara Metzger Anderson, 1942-327.50 Francis L. Hunt Class Agent Dawn K. Glick Leon Garber, Class Agent Rank Class Amount Louie T. Hargett Nancy Layman Berthoff A. Radford Compton Theron J. Liskey 1951 $11,245.00 John L. Miller Helen Wine Shick el Lucile Harvey Sines Annabelle Bittinger Whitacre Edward G. and Peggy Bower Merzger Wilda Huffman Wenger 2 1928 2,534.63 William D. Sager Evelyn Flory Showalter W. Bernelle Hill Galen E. Bowman Otis D. Kitchen Winifred Wright Nichols 3 1919 2,350.00 Gilbert C. Walbridge Donald K. Funkhouser Ira M. Wine 4 1930 2,247.12 Stanley R. Wampler J. H. Caricofe Robert Kinzie Barbara Dove Gosnell Mary Lee Wampler Spangler Mildred F. Mundy 5 1933 1,977.99 Roger K. Hoover Charles H. Simmons Margaret Wampler Strate Elaine Mclauchlin Lowder Janet E. Smith Harry B. Bowman 6 1956 1,729.25 Charles M. and Marilee Miller Sackett John K. Boitnott D. Stanley Houser 7 1923 1,680.00 Flemmie Getz Stultz Marion E. Mason Janer Evers Foster Janet Eller Coffman Otho Leon Garber 8 1955 1,638.00 James E. Utterback, Jr. Margaret Henry Ikenberry 1950-1,163.18 Barbara Metzger Anderson 9 1922 1,635.50 Doris Moyer Whirmore 10 1925 1,590.00 Allen and Juanita Clague, Class Agents Betty Judy Hylton 1943-890.00 Dorothy Richardson Teates Dean L. Egge Paul M. Kline Paul W. Fetcher, Class Agent Boward Heatwole, Jr. Elaine Myers White W. W. and Anne Boltz Howdershell Wayne E. Spangler Esther V. Flory Lucille Jordan Didawick 16 Carl F. Smith Philip and Nancy Garst Trout Harold D. and Mary Hoover SITiith 1947-741.25 Charles D. Johnson 19'4-1,382,50 Wayne L. Myers William E. Reish S. Flory Diehl Roy H. Hodges, Class Agent Robert H. and Margaret Fa11lkne,· Horn S. F. Gouldthorpe, Class Agent Garnett E. Phibbs Myron S. Miller Thomas H. and Louise Bt·dnh"m Jenkins OmerM. Long John K. Gott John D. and Marian Sadd Layman R. Russell Bixler Clyde Pugh Raymond W. Flory Peggy Wright Miller Lois May Rhodes Paul W. Petcher Jack E. Maphis J. Paul and Priscilla Wakeman Wampler Norman 0. Wagenschein WiUiam K. Schmid Bruce D. and Mary White Graham Wilma Kline Robertson Carroll H. Mason Olive Craun Grove Louise Goodman Quaintance William West Thomas Phyllis CttPP Miller Ann Wright Johnson Byron J. Wampler, Jr. Glenn S. Garner Marrin Spangler Betry Scrogum Clague Bruce Pope Carolyn Lantz Hatcher Mervin and Constance Dewese Cripe Betty Naff Caricofe Burdine Hyden Davis Bernice Hooker Walter John W. Hepfer Allen M. and Juanita Simmon, Clague Robert D. Hutchinson Winston 0. Weaver Harold R. and Mary Hooker Weybright Henry C. Ikenberry Anna Mae Myers Clinton E. Debusk Donald N. Link 1944-520.00 Fred F. and Dorris Berry Wampler Janet Carter Miller Charles S. Kiracofe, Jr. Carl N. Shull G. W. Pegram, Jr. Joan MyerJ Mason Mrs. Wanda A. Houff, Class Agent J. D. Hicks Claude K. Hylton Sylvia Seese Bieber Mary Ann Flory Cline Tressie Myers Dawn Arey Smith Anne Frysinier Shiffiet Paul B. Foster Elizabeth Shaver Wray Esther Wilson Petchet Cbarles L. Snyder Robert L. Cameron Anna Jane Swiger Scharon Barbara Judy Taylor Joyce DeBo/1 Miller Hardenia Click Zigler Max Carpenter Louise Roller Burtner Carrie Lee Swift Smith Franklin C. Wilson Cesar Claudio and Patticia Harryman Wanda Arnold Houff 1948-1,375.75 Lowell H. and Pauline Myers Boothe Quinones Doris Miller Good Wallace Reed William L. Dovel Lucille Shober Johnson M. B. Plecker, Jr. Richard R. Miller Norma Bowman Bixler Robert K. Minnick Helen Mason McKalips 1955-1,638.00 Mary Garber Geiser Winfred and Betty Klint Beckner L. Daniel Burtner Clark B. and Dorothy Prigel Jamison Frances Roller Crabill Wallace Hatcher, Class Agent Nancy Miller Littlepage Everette Wm. Clem Warren C. Garber Pauline Gilber1 Miller Charlotte Graham Garner 1951-11,245.00 Ray B. Miller Betty Jean Miller Garber Charles William Blair Doris Finks Flory Harold C. Shickel J. Alaric Bowman, Class Agent Jane Grimm Simmons Lorraine Texiere Fike Ruth Funkhouser Mmstrong Richard Berry Irene Sanderson Beahm H. Byrd Teter Galen H. Dellinger Lauree F. Hersch Alfred L. Cupp William D. Wampler Arlyn S. Arnold Donald Lee Shoemaker John G. Hassett Harold Hetsch Shelvin Lee Mey Quinton 0. Carr Guy F. Didawick Marie Vm Thomas Marian Schmidt Gross John E. and Gaynelle w,.mp/er Sayre Fern Jenkins Washburn 1945-627.00 David M. Brillhart Earle, Jr. and Jean Kiser Fike Wallace Hatcher Donald S. Myers, Class Agent Nancy R. Duckworth Kurtz E. Alderman Alma Phibbs Kitchen John Robson Ivan J. and Peggy Glick Masoa Betty Phillips Howlert Miriam Mason Holl M. Louise Bowman Callahan Kathryn Vest Reish Peggy Moore Marks Jesse D. Robertson Aleene Wright Craun Raymond F.,Jr. and Verna C

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Article 1-N rune 5. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year be- ginning July l, and shall not succeed themselves This organization shall be called the Bridgewater College excepting the recording secretary, treasurer, and Alumni Association. director of alumni relations. The director of alumni relations shall be appointed by the usual procedure of college administrative appointments, subject to con- Article II-Purposes currence by the Board of Directors. The purposes of this Association are to promote by or- 6. The officers of the Association together with two other ganized effort the interests and welfare of Bridgewater alumni appointed annually by the president, shall College and to foster mutually beneficial relations between constitute the Executive Committee of the Board. the college and its alumni.

Article III-Membership Article V-Duties of Officers 1. All persons who have earned a degree, certificate, I. The affairs of this Association shall be administered diploma or who have completed one academic year by the Board of Directors. Members of the Board at Bridgewater College, shall be eligible for member- shall also be responsible for the strengthening and ship in this Association. supervising the general alumni activities in the local areas where they reside, assisting chapter or club 2. All members of the faculty and of the Board of officers in the promotion of the local program and the Trustees and all persons who have received honorary general public relations of the Association, club or degrees from Bridgewater College shall be honorary chapter, and the college. members of this Association. Honorary members are entitled to all rights and privileges of the organization 2. The president of the Association shall preside at the except those of voting and holding office. meetings of the Association and shall serve as chair- man of the Board of Directors and of the Executive 3. All former students of Bridgewater, Blue Ridge and Committee. Daleville College who are presently members of this Association but who do not correspond with the 3. The president-elect shall, in the absence of the presi- foregoing requirements shall automatically retain dent, preside over meetings, act in behalf of the presi- 19 their membership in this Association. dent at the president's request, and succeed to the presidency. 4. The vice-president is next in line to serve the function Article IV-Officers as outlined for the president-elect but this officer does 1. The officers of the Association shall be president, not automatically succeed to president-elect. president-elect, vice-president, recording secretary, treasurer and director of alumni relations. 5. The director of alumni relations shall be the executive secretary and the promotional officer of the Asso- 2. There shall be a Board of Directors composed of not ciation, furthering the interests of local chapters and less than seven members at large; one selected by each serving the general welfare of the Association. He chapter; and the college senior class president or shall attend all meetings of the Association, the designate, all confirmed by the Board. Directors Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee. may not serve more than two consecutive terms but may be eligible for re-election after a year's ab- He shall be responsible for all alumni publications, sence from the Board. issue calls for meetings, and shall perform any other appropriate duties assigned to him by the 3. The term of office of the directors shall be three years Board of Directors. beginning July 1, and they shall be elected so that the terms of approximately one-third of the Board's 6. The recording secretary shall be responsible for the membership shall expire each year. minutes of the Association, of the Board of Directors, and of the Executive Committee, and shall cooperate 4. The officers of this Association shall be elected by a with the director of alumni relations in promoting the plurality of the votes cast by the Association member- interest of the Association. ship in an annual spring election conducted by mail and shall be confirmed by the Board of Directors in 7. The treasurer of the Association shall be the custodian their annual meeting. of the permanent funds of the Association. He shall The officers may be elected from outside the mem- receive all funds and make all disbursements at the bership of the Board of Directors but shall be mem- direction of the director of alumni relations as author- bers of the Board during their terms of office. ized by the Board of Directors. He shall attend all meetings of the Association, the Board of Direcrors, By-Laws and the Executive Committee. 1. At any meeting of the Association, regularly and 8. The Executive Commictee shall be responsible for the properly called, those present constitute a quorum. execution of matters referred to it by the Board of Directors, and shall report such action to the Directors 2. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of at their next meeting. It shall have the power to make 40 per cent of the members of the Board or their recommendations to the Board of Directors. The officially appointed representatives. act Executive Committee is authorized co for the be Association on urgent action before 3. The permanent funds of the Association shall matters requiring invested by the treasurer of Association the next meeting the Board of Directors, such carefully the of with the approval of the directors. All investments Directors. actions to be reported to the shall be properly secured. 9. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to 4. The accounts of the treasurer of the Association shall fill all vacancies in the general organization and m be audited annually by a committee appointed for local chapters when necessary. that purpose by the president of the Association. A complete financial statement shall be made at the Article VI-Meetings annual meeting of the Association. 1. The Association may hold a general meeting at the 5. The organization and fiscal year of the Association college at the time of Commencement and/or at shall be from July 1 to June 30. such times as authorized by the Board of Directors. 6. The executive offices of the Association shall be Notice of date, time, and place of meetings shall be maintained at Bridgewater College. sent by the Alumni Office, at lease one month prior to the meeting. 7. Nominations for officers of the Association shall be made by a nominating committee of three appointed 2. The Board of Directors shall hold its annual meeting by the president of the Association and approved by at the time of the college Commencement and such the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors ocher meetings as may be designated by the Asso- prior to the time that they carry out its function. ciation president and director of alumni relations. 8. The activities of the Association are financed as a 3. The Executive Committee shall meet at the request of part of the college operating program. The Executive the Association president and/or the director of Committee of the Association shall prepare and alumni relations. submit to the college administration an annual operating budget prior to the spring meeting of the College Board of Trustees. The annual budget of the Article VII-Chapters Association shall be later reported to the Association 1. Groups of Bridgewater alumni (and/or former stu- Board of Directors as approved by the College Board dents of Blue Ridge or Daleville College) may or- of Trustees. 20 ganize themselves into local chapters or clubs upon 9. The Association shall engage in an annual appeal for the application from at least five bona fide alumni or contributions to the college seeking to enlist the upon the suggestion of the Executive Committee of substantial support of all loyal alumni in the welfare the Association. and berrerment of their alma mater. Such gifts shall 2. The formation of chapters or clubs shall be approved go directly to the college and shall be known as the by the Board of Directors. Bridgewater College Alumni Fund. 3. Chapters or clubs should hold at least one meeting 10. The director of alumni relations shall notify each annually in order to maintain good standing in the chapter or club concerning the expiration date of the Association. term of office of its representative on the Board of Directors. Article VIII-Amendments 11. The president of the college shall be an ex-officio member of the Association's Board of Directors and 1. The constitution and/or by-laws may be amended its Executive Committee. at any regular meeting of the Association by vote of cwo-thirds of those present, provided notice of such 12. The Association Board of Directors and/ or the proposed change shall have been given in the call for Executive Committee shall appoint such committees the meeting issued at least one month before the day as they deem necessary to plan and carry out the needs appointed for the meeting. and program of the Association.

Save this Insert for future reference concerning the Alumni Association Con- stitution, the new Class Reunion Schedule or the Alumni Annual Giving Report. B. C. Alumnus Appointed Supervisor A '7',eopte4,,,_ , , Mr. Paul B. Sanger, Jr. '42BS, band director for 15 years at the Robert E. Lee High School, Staunton, Va., has "I Remember When ... " been appointed state assistant super- Bridgewater Gave Its First B.A. Degree visor of music in the field of instru- mental consultation. which Mr. Brown was president for a The position is of one of three re- short period. Even then, experimental cently created in the state school projects were carried on in the use of system office. He will visit various electrical machines to produce shock. Virginia schools and will work in Perhaps one of the most vivid areas where new band programs have memories of his college days for Rev. been started. Brown was the destruction of the Mr. Sanger, besides his high school college's main building on December work in Staunton, is president of the 31, 1889, less than 24 hours from the Virginia Music Educators' Associa- dedication of the local Presbyterian tion, was director of the Stonewall church. George Brown was present Brigade Band, and choir director of at both historical events. Had the fire the Pleasant Valley Church of the occurred while the dormitory was Brethren, near Weyers Cave, Va. Rev. George L. Brown '91BA occupied by students, a real tragedy Interestingly, Paul's brother, Robert might have occurred. G. Sanger '49BS, of Lovingston, Va., HIS year was the 75th anniversary After a week, the college trustees is succeeding him as band director at T of the conferring of the first decided to continue the school. They Robert E. Lee High School. Both Bachelor of Arts degrees by Bridge- found homes for the teachers and have a master of music degree with water College. Only one surviving pupils. Mr. Brown recalls how an old Paul receiving his at DePaul Uni- member of that first collegiate gradu- factory building, near the Presbyterian versity, along with a B.D. degree from ating class is still living, the Rev. church, was divided into rooms and Bethany Theological Seminary, and George L. Brown, retired Presbyterian made into a makeshift classroom Robert getting his master's from minister. building. In the spring and summer Northwestern. 21 Rev. Brown, now 92 years of age, of 1890 the trustees built two buildings Before going to the Lee High School but keen of mind and spirit, resides to replace the burned-out one. A two- in Staunton, Mr. Paul Sanger taught in the Sunnyside Presbyterian Home, story frame dormitory was built on music at Bridgewater College for four Massanetta Springs, near Harrison- the site of the destroyed building and years. burg, Va. He has served pastorates in became the original Wardo Hall. A Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, Kansas, main building was erected for class- and Arkansas. A son of the first pastor rooms and offices, originally named of the Bridgewater Presbyterian Stanley Hall. It later was moved back, Church, Rev. Brown started at B.C. brick veneered, and renamed Memorial when he was twelve and graduated Hall. when he was seventeen. Recipients Mr. Brown still vividly remembers of the first B.A. degrees from any the graduation in the old chapel of Brethren institution were John M. Stanley Hall on June 1, 1891, when Coffman, minister and teacher; John Professor Walter B. Yount, then a A. Garber, educator and government student of the University of Virginia, executive; and Rev. George L. Brown. presented the diplomas and conferred Bridgewater's earliest graduate re- the degrees on the three candidates. calls with clarity and fondness the Afterward, Mr. Fry, the town under- early days of the school. There were taker, provided dinner outside follow- about 100 students in all the depart- ing the graduation exercise. ments of the college. Even in those Rev. George Brown went on to early days one of the favorite sports do graduate work at George Peabody was that of complaining about the College in Nashville, Tenn., and Union food. Extra-curricular activities in- Seminary, then at Hampden-Sydney cluded the Elite Literary Society, of College. Paul B. Sanger, Jr. '42BS B. C. Alumni In "Who's Who" At least eight Bridgewater alumni are listed in the last edition (Vol. XXII, 1965-66) of "Who's Who in American Education." Those known to be included in the new edition are Dr. Raymond N. Andes '40BA, Chairman of the Foreign Language Department, Bridgewater College; Wayne S. Bowman '52BA, Supervisor of English, Va. State Dept. of Education; Mrs. Georgie Hough Winston 0. Weaver '47BA, Leader Holden '28BA, Director of Public In Presidential Prayer Breakfasts Relations, Gallaudet College; Rufus B. King '36BA, Director of Develop- Winston 0. Weaver '47BA, presi- Carlson of Kansas (left), president ment, Manchester College; Jacob F. dent and general manager of the of International Christian Leadership, Replogle '37BA, Director of Alumni Rockingham Construction Co., Harri- Inc., and Mrs. Weaver (center). Relations, Bridgewater College; Dr. sonburg, Va., serves as an active vice In the interest of I.C.L., Mr. Weaver H. Dewey Thompson '22BS, Professor president and a member of the Board has traveled around the world and emeritus of Geology and Geography, of International Christian Leadership, given leadership in India, Brazil, Hunter College; Dr. Francis F. Way- Inc., sponsors of the Presidential , , and many other land '30BA, Chairman of the Depart- Prayer Breakfasts and other group international centers. He recently re- ment of History and Political Science, meetings to bring the ethical and turned from a world conference of Wagner College; and Dr. Homer C. spiritual values of Christ to business International Christian Leadership, Will '20BA, Professor emeritus of and political leaders. Inc., at Cambridge, England, and Biology, Juniata College. Mr. Weaver (right) is pictured visits to several European centers. Bridgewater's librarian, Orland serving as Master of Ceremonies at Besides his extensive I.C.L. re- Wages, was also included in this the Annual Leadership Banquet of sponsibilities, Mr. Weaver serves as a edition. Undoubtedly a number of the 14th Annual Presidential Prayer member of the Trustee Board of additional Bridgewater alumni were Breakfast on February 17 in the Bridgewater College, and last year's 22 included but the fact was not known. Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D. C. General Chairman of the B. C. The names of all such alumni should With him are U. S. Senator Frank Alumni Fund. be forwarded at once to the Bridge- water College Alumni Office.

Annual Conference Elects Alumni Dr. Raymond R. Peters '28BA, pastor at North Manchester, Ind., assumed the Moderatorship of the Church of the Brethren following the Louisville, Kentucky, Annual Con- ference, and will serve for this year. Dr. Robert L. Sherfy '34BA, pastor of the Bridgewater, Va., Church, was elected Conference Reader for the Louisville meeting and served through- out the 180th recorded Brethren Con- ference. Dr. M. Guy West '26BA, pastor LOUISVILLE, KY., Bridgewater College Luncheon, held on Saturday, June 25, 1966, of the York, Pa., Church of the during the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, heard (1. to r.) Rev. Earle W. Fike, Jr. 'SlBA, Oakbrook, Ill., as toastmaster; Dr. Wayne F. Geisert, College Brethren, was named Moderator-Elect President; and Dr. Raymond R. Peters '28BA, N. Manchester, Ind. and Conference and will serve as Church Moderator Moderator-Elect, who addressed the 200 or more B. C. alumni and friends. for the year 1967-68. Lula Miller '22 Dear Fellow Alumni, Alumnus Of The Year For the first time in the twenty-one How long has it been since you visited the College campus? If it has been more than a couple of years, you will have trouble years since the establishment of the recognizing Bridgewater College. Bridgewater has grown. We feel "Alumnus of the Year" Award in that it is bigger and better than ever. 1945, an alumna was honored on May 28, 1966. Miss Lula A. Miller, The College is proud of her Alumni and her Alumni can be Class of 1922, and a long-time resident proud of her. After all, what success the College achieves can be attributed in a large measure to you, and what success you have of Washington, D. C., was presented achieved is, I'm sure, attributable in a large measure to Bridgewater. the award at the Annual Alumni You took something from Bridgewater, but you left something of Banquet in Rebecca Hall on the yourself at the College. evening of Alumni Day. A rather retiring person, Miss Bridgewater College is more than the buildings and grounds, the faculty and administration. Bridgewater College is also you, Miller was recognized for her un- her Alumni. Be proud of her. Help her grow. Send your financial selfish service as a science teacher for contributions, yes, but she needs more than that. Send your ideas more than thirty years in the Eastern for making her a better college. Let people know about your Alma High School, Washington, D. C., and Mater. Find good students and interest them in Bridgewater. Visit for her concern for all mankind as the campus, or drop us a line and let the College know about you. witnessed by her volunteer service to A new year is starting for the Alumni Association and for the Navajo Indians, European work camps College. We hope it will be a good year for your local association and her two years of service in the and for you personally. We look forward to hearing from you in Peace Corps in Nepal following her coming the year. professional retirement in 1962. Sincerely, Rarely has there been a local chapter meeting or an Alumni Association gathering that Miss Miller did not attend. She will be returning to the area of her birth when she moves back to take up a residence near the J. Alaric Bowman, '51 BA, President Bridgewater College Alumni Association Bridgewater Home. 23

HOMECOMING and CLASS REUNIONS 1960 1956 1961 1965 1962 Saturday, October 22, 1966

ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR AWARD is presented to Miss Lula A. Miller '22BA by Cecil C. Ikenberry '28BA, Alumni Association treasurer. Dean W. Donald Clague '41BA (right), the banquet toast- master, shares in the happy occasion. B. C. Alumni Informal Reunions

RIDGEWATER College alumni Whenever a couple of B. C. former B have the strangest way of getting students get together, you can know together-whether it is at happy there is good fellowship. Here are wedding anniversaries, professional two interesting and certainly different meetings, or even in the hospital. such occasions.

MINOR C. MILLERS marked their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday after- noon, June 12, 1966, at their home at 112 W. College St., Bridgewater, Va. Dr. Minor C. Miller '14BA, retired B. C. professor and Va. State Council of Churches executive, and his wife, Agnes Shipman Miller '14BA, were married June 7, 1916, by the late Dr. John S. Flory. Their honor attendants shown (left and right), Miss Blanche Rowe, Richmond, Va. and Dr. Charles Huffman, Harrisonburg, Va., also were graduates in the Bridgewater College Class of 1914. All of the Minor C. Miller children are graduates of Bridgewater College, and two grandchildren are now students at the college. All were present for the an- niversary celebration.


TEACHERS ALUMNI RECEPTIONS M. T. A., Baltimore-Oct. 13 Civic Center, 3-5 p.m. V. E. A., Richmond-Nov. 3 Marshall Hotel, 3-5 p.m.

THREE BRIDGEWATER CLASS- MATES, graduates in the 1954 Class, get together when Harold Weybright (right) had major surgery in the Manassas, Va., Hospital. Dr. Paul Wampler (center) was the surgeon, and Dr. Claude Hylton (left) was the assisting doctor at the operation. Incidentally, all three of the wives are also B. C. graduates. F. Wise Driver '29BA, Bridgewater, Va., has retired after teaching for 42 years in schools of Rockingham and Augusta , , , Counties of Virginia. Dr. Edward K. Ziegler '29BA, pastor '15 publications for the American Chemical of the Oakton (Va.) Church of the Brethren, will become pastor in residence at Bethany Rev. T. wife Society and recently returned from a round- John Glick '15BA and his Theological Seminary from September to Effie Glick 'llBE, were the-world tour with his wife. Evers honored on November, and on December 1 will become May 15 Lester W. Huffman '26, insurance agent by the Timberville (Va.) Church of pastor of the Bakersfield (Cal.) Church of the its for the Stace Farm Ins. Co. for many years, Brethren in Homecoming ob- the Brethren. servance, recognizing them as the con- has had time for two cruises to the West gregation's first pastor. Indies, the visiting of all stares of the U. S., Dr. Roy M. Hoover '15BA, former all provinces of Canada, and eight '33 director of medical services at the Woodrow countries in Europe. Dr. Jacob S. Huffman '33BA, has served Wilson Rehabilitation Center, Fishersville, Effie Early Ikenberry '26BA, for the as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Va., was honored at a testimonial dinner last ten years teacher of chemistry at Turner Bridgewater (Va.) Home for Aging since on April 25, 1966. Ashby High School, Dayton, Va., has its formation. retired after 27 years of public school Paul G. Kline '33BA, Edom, Va., as- '17 teaching. She is the wife of Cecil C. sistant principal and mathematics teacher Ikenberry '28BA and the mother of at Broadway (Va.) High School, has retired Joseph A. Bosserman '17, celebrated his Carolyn I. Weaver '56BA and LaVonne I. 40th anniversary as an agent for Pacific from the teaching profession after 41 years Grubb '59BA. of teaching. Mutual Life Insurance Co., where he has Virgil L. Mathias '26BA, employed earned the industry's National Quality Dr. George Row '33BA, is serving as with the U. S. Post Office at Mathias, president of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Award eleven times and is a "Top Star" in W. Va., is also a director ofRuritan National his company's sales honor group. Men's Garden Club, succeeding retiring and a former president of the Mutual president, Charles W. Wampler, Jr. '35. Protection Assn. of W. Va. '20 S. Blair Myers '26BA, instructor of '35 Dr. Homer C. Will '20BA, professor of vocational agriculture, Kellam High School, biology emeritus, Juniata College, was Virginia Beach, Va., is past president of the Chester I. Harley '35BA, execurive honored by having a two-level biology unit Princess Anne County and Virginia Beach secretary of che Sourhern Ohio District of of the new Brumbaugh Science Center of City Education Assn., and is vice president the Church of the Brethren, also recently that institution named for him. of the State Classroom Teachers' Assn. served as secretary of the Ohio Council of Earl M. Zigler '26BA, former mis- Churches. '22 sionary in India, is pastor of the Pleasant Dr. Everette L. May '35BA, Chief of the View and Sharpsburg Churches of the Section on Medicinal Chemistry, National Dr. Ruth H. Cline '22BA, formerly a Brethren and chairman of the Middle Institutes of Health, in January and Feb- professor at Eastern Illinois State College, Maryland District Board. ruary made a trip around the world lecturing will be teaching English literature next year 25 in London, Delhi, Tokyo, San Francisco in Pierce College, Athens, Greece. '27 and New York. Jacob Charles Harshbarger '22BA, Dr. Ernest Y. Miller '35, Stamford Conn., was honored on March 15 by the Harrison- Rev. A.Joseph Caricofe '27BA, formerly is patent agent (pharmaceuticals) with the burg (Va.) Exchange Club with their first pastor of the Mountville (Pa.) Church of American Cyanamid Co. "Book of Golden Deeds" Award for his the Brethren, has accepted the pastorate of Maurice G. Wright '35BA, is a Com- many years of serving the medical needs of the Mt. Olivet Church of the Brethren, modity Industry Economist with the U. S. the community. near Timberville, Va. Forest Service. '24 '28 '36 The late Frank S. Driver '24BA, was honored posthumously on April 26 when a Charles "Rip" Engle '28BR, retired Mary Helen Carter Armentrout · 36BA, plaque was presented to his widow by Penn State football coach, has invented a is serving as a member and past chairman U.S. Sen Harry F. Byrd, Jr., on behalf of the new team game called "Angle Ball," which of the Advisory Council to the Rockingham Virginia Council on Social Welfare. was premiered this spring by cwo Pa. high Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, school teams. Harrisonburg, Va. Dr. J. Boyd Harshbarger '28BA, head '26 R. Emory Bowman '36BA, is a super- of the Dept. of Statistics, V.P.I. and past visor of data processing in the General Ernest F. Bowman '26, was elected president of the Virginia Academy of Electric Co. plant at Salem, Va. president of the newly organized Rocking- Science, was presented the Distinguished '36BA, is now ham Coin Club and vice president of the Service Award of the Virginia Academy at Dr. William L. Brown Vice President and Director of Research of Shenandoah Valley Coin Club. Donald its annual meeting in May. R. Myers '65BS, also serves as secretary of the Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company, Des Moines, Iowa. the Rockingham Club. '29 Paul R. Compher, Sr. '26, has been Kermit P. Flora '36BA, serves as head of assistant sales manager for the Manhattan Rev. Clarence R. Bowman '29BA, the Science Department of the Franklin Co., having been employed by them for 37 formerly pastor of the Staunton (Va.) Church County (Va.) Junior High School. His years. of the Brethren, has accepted the pastorate wife, Pauline Maxwell Flora '35BA, is Saylor C. Cubbage '26BA, a retired of the Unity and Fairview congregations, head of the Mathematics Department of the D. C. school teacher, is an abstractor for near New Market, Va. same school. Mary Catherine Fultz '36BA, edu- is serving on the Executive Board of the Rebecca Elizabeth Morris Hickman cational missionary at Kinjo College, Japan, Virginia State Dental Assistants Assn. '41, is an instructor in education and in the has been working toward a Ph.D. in English Mary Jane Gum Sellers '37, homemaker Laboratory School of the Un iversity of at the University of Virginia during the past and substitute teacher of Churchville, Va., Missouri. year. has been president of che women of the DeWitt T. Miller '41BA, assistant super- Maurice K. Henry '36BA, publisher of church of Lexington Presbytery. intendent of Albemarle County (Va.) the Middlesboro (Ky.) Daily News and public schools, has completed residential general manager of Radio Station WMIK, requirements and final examination for a '39 is serving as president of the Tri-State Out- doctorate in education at the U niversicy of door Advertising Company. Mary Reed Rice '39BA, principal of che Virginia, Charlottesville. Rev. Harvey L. Huntley '36BA, pastor Westside Elementary School (Roanoke, Va.) Rev. Carroll S. Ringgold '41BA, of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, is also serving chis year as one of the vice- pastor of the Maple Spring Church of the Augusta, Ga., is president of a local in- presidents of the local PTA. Brethren, Holsopple, Pa., is serving on the vestment club and for the last six years has General Brotherhood Board of the Church served on the scoring committee for the '41 of the Brethren. famed Master Golf Tournament. Dr. Shirley Hoover Taylor '41BA, Ethel May Montgomery '36BA, em- William W. Bane '41BA, public school Staff Technician of the Institute of Molec- ployed in the office of the N & W Railway, teacher in Burlington, W. Va., was a mem- ular Biophysics, State University, Roanoke, Va., has been treasurer of Chapter ber of the Church of the Brethren Standing was in Europe and Britain with her family 19 of the Nat. Ry. Business Women's Club Committee in 1965 and 1966. this summer, attending St. Andrews Uni- and parliamentary advisor of the Pilot Club James F. Bowman, Jr. '41, salesman for versity in Scocland. of Roanoke. the Edmonds Ford Motor Co., Arlington, John W. Whitmore '41BA, is a tool Samuel F. Sanger '36BA, Blackstone, Va., has been stare athletic director of the design engineer for the Jamison Cold Va., farmer and general manager of the American Legion and has coached Liccle Storage Door Co., Hagerstown, Md. Farmers Coop. Fertilizer Purchasers plant, League and American Legion baseball, Dr. R. Lowell Wine '41BA, chairman has been District Governor of Ruritan basketball and football for 22 years. His and professor of statistics, Hollins College National. wife, Margaret Friddle Bowman '41BA, is (Va.) is a fellow of the Am. Assn. for the R. Marcus Whitmore '36BA, a mechani- Division Manager for Beauty Counselors, Advancement of Science and in 1964 had cal engineer at the U. S. Army Biological Inc. his book, "Statistics for Scientists and Center at Fort Detrick, Md., is serving as Rev. Ralph D. Bowman '41BA, pastor Engineers" published. president of the Frederick, Md., Litcle of the McFarland (Cal.) Church of the League. Brethren, served on the Annual Conference Harry K. Zeller, Jr. '36BA, senior Standing Committee at Louisville, Ky., for '43 minister in the La Verne (Cal.) Church of the fourth rime. Rev. Byron J. Wampler, Jr. '43BA, the Brethren, attended the Mansfield William Z. Cline '41BA, serves as pastor of che Longmeadow Church of che Summer Session, Oxford University last Executive Vice President for the Foundation Brethren, near Hagerstown, Md., has been month while in England as an exchange for Modern Arc, New York City. acting District Secretary for Middle Mary- minister. Francis B. Cosby '41BA, is serving land. His wife, Mary Virginia Miller 26 as a supply officer of the U. S. Navy at the Wampler '41BA, is teaching mentally Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, . retarded children in a special education '37 Kathryn Shaver Culp '41BA, besides center in Hagerstown, Md. Rev. Raymon E. Eller '37BA, pastor of being a mother of two teenage girls and the Oakland Church of the Brethren, housewife to a busy furniture businessman, Gettysburg, 0., has served as president teaches the fourth grade in the West End '46 of the Ohio State Brethren Pastor's Con- Elementary School of Rome, Ga. Rev. Fred M. Bowman '46BA, pastor ference and president of the Darke County Ray A. Diehl '41, retired from the U. S. of the Dayton and Garbers Church of the Brethren Ministerial Assn. Air Force a year ago and is now living near Brethren congregations, was one of a Dr. Robert B. Garber '37BA, is an Washington and working for the U. S. selected group to attend the Second North officer of and serving as a psychological Weather Bureau. American Home and Family Life Conference consultant to management for Rohrer, Dr. Fred Dove, Jr. '41BA, Hagerstown, in Hamilton, Ontario, May 30-June 3. Hibler & Replogle, New York City. Md., physician, has his private pilot's Allen S. Harvey, Jr. '46, was promoted Dr. Warren J. Huffman '37BA, pro- license and besides being a B. C. Trustee, to an assistant vice president of the First fessor of Health Education at the University is a past president of the Hagerstown Rotary National Bank, Harrisonburg, Va., where he of Illinois, has six significant research pro- Club and on the Board of Directors of the has been employed for the lase 19 years. grams in progress including a "School Hagerstown Goodwill Industries. His wife, Smoking Education Study" which is a 3-year Louise Wampler Dove '41BA, has served contract valued at $157,002 from the U. S. as president of the Women's Auxiliary '47 Public Health Service. Washington County Medical Society. Paul B. Foster '47BA, is the new dean of Roy J. Hildebrand '37BA, trust officer John C. Eller '41BA, formerly executive Smith Hall at William Fleming High School, of the Harrisonburg, Va., First National director of the Bethany Brethren Hospital, Roanoke, Va. Bank, has been appointed to the 14-member is now the Executive Director of the Am. Committee on Trusts by the Virginia Protestant Hospital Assn. '48 Bankers' Association. Dr. G. Wayne Glick '41BA, recencly Norman M. Humberson '37, Somerset, named president of Keuka College, Keuka, Carl Simmons, Jr. '48BA, is serving as Pa., is employed as a clerk in Clapper's N. Y., has had his book, "Adolf Von a Neighborhood Development Counselor Manufacturing Co., Meyersdale, Pa. Harnack," published by Harper and Row with the Baltimore (Md.) Community Ruth E. Sanger '37, dental assistant to as one rn a series on Makers of Modern Action Agency which administers the pro- Dr. F. L. Leonard '17, Bridgewater, Va., Theology. gram in the local war on poverty. '49 Dr. William W. Thomas '52, professor Anne Haynes Price '57BA, has been of philosophy and religion at Lindenwood appointed dean women of La Verne Dr. William S. Ray '49BA, formerly of of College, St. Charles, Mo., taught at Bridge- (Cal.) College. the University of North Carolina at Greens- water in this summer session. boro, has accepted a position as professor Rev. Albert L. Sauls '57BA, formerly of psychology in the Department of pastor of the Peters Creek Church of the Psychology of the University of Pirrsburgh. '53 Brethren, Roanoke, Va., will become pastor of the Oakton (Va.) Church of the Brethren. Frank W. Beahm, Jr. '53BS, has been Ben F. Wade '57BA, received the Ph.D. '50 named president-elect of the Roanoke (Va.) degree in theology on May 20 from the Education Association. John K. Gott '50BA, assistant super- Hartford Seminary Foundation. He is on Carroll K. Jones '53BA, Elkton (Va.) visor of libraries for Fairfax County (Va.) the faculty of the United Seminary, Dayton, Elementary School principal and president Schools, is co-author of a new book issued 0. of the Rockingham County Education by the Fauquier County Civil War Centen- Dr. Dale L. Wampler '57BA, was pro- Assn., will become principal of the John W. nial Committee and is entitled, "The Years moted to the rank of associate professor Wayland Intermediate School, near Bridge- of Anguish." of chemistry at Juniata College, Hunting- water, Va., this month. The new school is Dr. Richard A. Jones '50BA, formerly don, Pa., where he is chairman of the de- named in memory of one of B. C.'s famed deputy chief of pathology at the U. S. partment of chemistry. Public Health Service in Staten Island, alumni historians and writers who graduated in 1899. Reba K. Wood '57, is serving as cor- N. Y., has been appointed pathologist at responding secretary of the Lambda chapter the new Carroll County General Hospital, of the Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority of Westminster, Md., in his home community. '54 Roanoke, Va. Wallace A. Reed '50, is owner of the Dr. Claude K. Hylton '54BA, Manassas, Reed's Tastee Freez shop of Roanoke, Va., Va., is president of the Prince William '58 and is currently president of the Bonsack County Medical Society and is vice president (Va.) Ruriran Club. of the Virginia Chapter Flying Physicians Martin L. Cline '58BA, Wilson Memorial Laird L. Rush '50BA, a native and Association. High School teacher, was appointed a state former teacher in Rockingham County Harry L. Simmers '54BS, has completed parole and probation officer for the Staunton (Va.) has been named Director of Student doctoral studies at West Virginia Uni- district. Activities at Ferrum (Va.) Junior College. versity and has joined the faculty of the William "Bill" Wenzel '58BA, athletic Dr. Carl N. Shull 'SOBS, has been pro- Music Department of Elizabethtown Col- director and head baseball and basketball moted from associate professor to pro- lege, Pa. coach at Culpeper (Va.) High School, was fessor and appointed head of the Music named Coach of the Year last academic Department of Elizabethtown College. '55 year by the Piedmont Basketball Officials Dr. Martin 0. L. Spangler '50BA and Coaches Assn. formerly professor of chemistry at King Dr. Charles W. Blair '55BA, has been College, Bristol, Tenn., has been appointed promoted to professor of education at to a similar post at Elizabethtown (Pa.) Madison College. '59 College. Rev. Robert Bowman '55, formerly Eugene A. Braun '59BS, formerly with pastor of the Easton (Md.) Church of the the U. S. Coast Guard, is now teaching in 27 '51 Brethren, has been appointed instructor of the Business Science Department of the Biblical Studies in the Waka Schools, Harry Bowers '51BA, head basketball Northern Virginia Technical College, Nigeria, and leaves in August with his Bailey's Crossroads, Va. coach at Harrisonburg (Va.) High School, family for their new field of service. resigned to become director of athletics Mary Jo Sheets Mitchell '59BS, has for the Harrisonburg City Recreation De- accepted a teaching position in the Broad- '56 partment. way (Va.) High School while her husband, Rev. David L. Rogers '51 BA, pastor of Kenneth E. Harper '56BA, is serving as Arthur, teaches at Montevideo High School. the Central Church of the Brethren, Roa- principal of the Masons Cove Elementary She will also take graduate work in business noke, Va., has been elected president of the School in Roanoke County, Va. education at Madison College at night. Roanoke Ministers Conference for the Rev. Jack W. Heintzleman '56BS, Garry R. Rupert '59BA, formerly year 1966-67. formerly pastor near Chapel Hill, N. C., teacher in the Bridgewater (Va.) Elementary Dr. Robert E. Ziegler '51BA, a former has become the minister of the Bridgewater School, has been appointed principal of the public school administrator in Illinois and (Va.) Presbyterian Church. Keezletown (Va.) Elementary School. faculty member at the University of Wis- Roland L. Zimmerman '59BS, formerly consin, has been appointed Administrative '57 vocational guidance counselor and co- Associate with the rank of associate pro- ordinator of Albemarle High School, has fessor at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. James 0. Bowman '57BA, is serving as been appointed principal of the Greenwood Director of Guidance at George C. Marshall Elementary School in Albemarle County, High School in Fairfax County, Va. Va. '52 Frederic R. Eichelman '57BA, principal Donald Link '52 and Nancy Moore at the School Administration Building, Link '57BA, have gone to Nigeria, West Salem, Va., is serving as president of the '60 Africa, to teach in the Waka Training School. Roanoke County (Va.) Education Associ- Michael D. Cox '60, read a paper entitled, There are now six former B. C. students tion. "A Numerical Investigation of the Oceanic serving in this school and vicinity. Lawrence S. Pence '57BA, coached his General Circulation" in a symposium on the Lowell W. Miller '52BA, Harrisonburg, Turner Ashby High School (Dayton, Va.) Problems of Investigations of Mathematical- Va., realtor, was named secretary-treasurer basketball team to the Virginia state semi- Hydrodynamical Process in the Sea as a of the 1300-member Shenandoah Council finals in March. His team was district part of an International Oceanographic of the United Commercial Travelers. champion and quarter-final state winner, Symposium in Moscow, Russia, in May. Dr. Robert M. Flora '6oBA, formerly Medical College of Virginia on June 4, Vivian L. Costello '65BA, is returning research associate in the microbiology de- 1966. He will be interning in Norfolk, Va. to the University of Missouri where she is partment of Vanderbilt University, has been Phillip E. Mancha '62BA, after com- raking graduate work in French. She taught appointed an assistant professor in the pleting all preliminary studies for his Ph.D. this summer in the Bridgewater College chemistry department of American Uni- in History at Duke University, has been Summer Session. versity, Washington, D. C. appointed to a teaching position on the D. Miller Davis '65BA, and wife, Phyllis Thomas Gillie '60BS, is employed as an faculty of University College of the Uni- Lantz Davis '65BA, are serving as directors insurance claims adjustor by a general versity of Maryland Overseas Program. with the permanent staff of the Brethren adjustment bureau. He is assigned to the Atlantic Division. Volunteer Service of the training units at Lt. Richard S. Hildebrand '6oBA, will Robert D. Sherfy '62BA, who received New Windsor, Md. be transferred from Ocean Springs, Miss., his B.D. degree in May from Bethany Mary Louise Hobbs '65BA, after re- to ENT AFB in on August 30 Theological Seminary, has accepted the ceiving her Master's degree in library science where he will be a computer maintenance call of the Manchester (Ind.) Church of the at the University of Illinois, has accepted officer for the Air Defense Command. Brethren, to be its associate pastor. a position as librarian in Fairfax County, Wayne B. Kinzie '60BA, received his Eugene C. Tutwiler III '62, was awarded Va. Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology from a doctor's degree in veterinary medicine Nathan H. Miller '65BA, will enter the University of Georgia on June 4 and at the University of Georgia on June 4. the T. C. Williams Law School of the Uni- plans to do research and clinical work at the versity of Richmond (Va.) this fall after Milledgeville (Ga.) State Hospital. '63 teaching last year in Waynesboro, Va. Dr. Charles K. McFarland '60BA, this Beverly Ann Wallich '65BA, taught past year professor of history at South- Janet L. Bowman '63BA, received a in this year's B. C. Summer Session and western Louisiana U., has accepted a NSF fellowship to the Summer Biology is returning to Florida State University to position as assistant professor of history Institute at the University of Maryland. She continue her graduate studies in mathe- at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, hopes also to attend the Graduate School matics. Texas. Shelva Dove McFarland '58BA, in the fall to work on a Master's degree. who taught in the S. L. campus training Frederick S. Early '63, received an school, will continue her graduate studies at associate of arts degree in accounting from TCU. Strayer Junior College, Washington, D. C., IT'S NEWS! Charles E. Pasley '60BA, is doing gradu- in July. When Any Alumnus- John B. Edwards '63BS, was promoted ate study in the Linguistics Department of marries to warehouse foreman at Walker-Virginia the University of Chicago, concentrating on • changes positions plant in Harrisonburg Va. Inda-European linguistics. has a new offspring Philip L. Kincheloe '63BS, received a Kenneth R. Railey '60BS, is serving as • moves, has new address Master of Business Administration degree music supervisor at the Mingus Union • receives honor or election High School and Cottonwood Elementary from American University, Washington, School at Cottonwood, Ariz. D. C., on June 5, 1966. Send Information to the Wilfred E. Nolen '63BA, has been James Y. Taylor '60BS, has been as- Alumni Office signed to Langley Research Center's Lunar named to the youth ministries staff of the Church of the Brethren, effective September Bridgewater College 28 Orbiter Project Office as an administrative Bridgewater, Va. 22812 assistant to the Technical Representative of 1, 1966. the Contracting Officer. The Lunar Orbiter is NASA's follow-up to Surveyor and 1s '64 expected to be launched in late summer. Rev. Hugh T. Harris '64BA, formerly pastor of the Rectortown Methodist Charge, '61 has been appointed associate pastor of the Franconia Methodist Church, Alexandria, Deanna F. Higdon '61BA, Knoxville, Va. He is also a senior at Wesley Theo- Md., received her Master of Education logical Seminary. degree from American University, Washing- Naomi Jean Phibbs '63 and Frederick ton, D. C., on June 5, 1966. Paul V. Phibbs, Jr. '64BA, having W. Burgwald '63BS, April 17, 1965, in the C. Larrie Kline '61BA, is serving as a recently earned a MS degree from the Uni- First Church of the Brethren, Pulaski, Va. consultant for Westinghouse and is located versity of Georgia, has been awarded a pre- They are now residing at Box 55, Nokes- at Key West, Fla., until November. In doctoral traineeship for the study of bio- ville, Va. January he will return to Northern Illinois chemical problems in animal reproduction. Linda Harper and Carlton Henry Cox University to get his Master's degree. This grant by the University will enable '65BA, July 30, 1965, in Danville, Va. They Bonnie Williams Ruger '61BA, is Mr. Phibbs to conduct research for a are at home at Box 41, Dry Fork, Va. teaching first grade at Rio Del Mar School doctorate degree in biochemistry. Margaret Anne (Peggy) Ringgold in Aptos, Cal. Donald C. Simmons '64BA, is employed '64BA and Stanley Hutchison, August 1, Richard L. Valentine '61BA, has re- as a chemist for du Pont in Waynesboro, Va. 1965, in the Ridgely (Md.) Church of the ceived the degree of Master of Social Wark Jerry D. Varner '64BA, recently gradu- Brethren. They are at home in Ridgely, Md. at Florida State University. ated third highest in his class at the U. S. Mrs. Helen V. Sheely and Dr. Everette Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. L. May '35BA, December 1, 1965. They '65 are at home at 6509 Westland Road, '62 Bethesda, Md. Carole Shelly Hively '62BA, is serving Carlton R. Allender, Jr. '65BA, after Betty Ann Garber '62BA and Donald this year as the president of the Plains teaching a year in the Stevensville (Md.) Walter Sullivan, March 19, 1966, in the District Woman's Club (Broadway, Va.). High School, is entering the University of Broadway (Va.) Presbyterian Church. They Dr. Harold E. Huffman '62BA, received Maryland Medical School for the study of are at home at Apt. 205, 12809 Twinbrook the doctor of medicine degree from the medicine. Parkway, Rockville, Md. Myralynn Ann Birdsong and Eugene Virginia Susann Long '65BA and Norma Aist Diehl '58BA and Fred A. Calvin Tutwiler III '62, March 27, 1966, Charles David Jones '65BA, June 19, Diehl '60BA, a daughter, Tracey Cathlin, in the Milledge Avenue Baptise Church, 1966, in the Frederick (Md.) Church of the born February 14, 1966. Athens, Ga. They are at home. Brethren. They will be at home at State Carolyn Baum Railey and Kenneth R. Patricia Mayanne Follmar '66BA and College, Pa. Railey '60BS, identical twins, Michele Dean Lee Weber '68, March 28, 1966, in Lois Lane Boyers and Gary James Dawn and Marilyn Diane, born April 4, the Chapel of All Saints Episcopal Church, Shifflett '69, June 25, 1966, in the Keezle- 1966. Chevy Chase, Md. They are at home in town (Va.) Methodist Church. They are Sylvia Kline Bowman '57BA and Bridgewater. at home in McGaheysville, Va. James 0. Bowman '57BA, a daughter, Mary Elaine Tucker and Marion Lee June Ellen Wilberger and John Bane Lavonne Kay, born April 14, 1966. Powell '65BS, April 30, 1966, in the Edwards '63BS, June 25, 1966, in the Mill Gladys Pfister Moss '58BA and Paul W. Memorial Methodist Church, Lynchburg, Creek Church of the Brethren, Port Re- Moss '63BA, a daughter, Victoria Anne, Va. They are at home at 523 E. Burks St., public, Va. They are at home in Dayton, born April 17, 1966. Covington, Va. Va. Janice Bryant Shober '59BA and Linda Kay Carpenter and Marshall David Dorothy Ann Schmoyer '65BA and Dwight W. Shober '58BS, a daughter, Fry, Jr. '64BA, May 7, 1966, in the Trinity John Boyd Harshbarger, June 25, 1966, in Susan Gale, born April 19, 1966. United Church of Christ, Mc. Crawford, Va. the Annandale (Va.) Presbyterian Church. Paula Smith VanDomelen '58 and They are at home in Staunton, Va. Virginia Lee Browne '65BA and John E. VanDomelen, a daughter, Elizabeth Dorothy Jane Hollenberg '64BS and Douglas Newton Terry, July 2, 1966, in the Dawn, born April 19, 1966. Harry L. Light, May 7, 1966, in the Dale- Trinity Methodist Church, Mclean, Va. Jane Jarrels Wenger '59 and Donald L. ville (Va.) Church of the Brethren. They are at home at Rt. 1, Mt. Crawford, Va. Wenger, a son, Jon Thomas, April 19, 1966. Melody Lee Hensley and John Robert Margaret Anne Kessinger and Jerome Gerald Myers Harris and Hugh T. Branner '64BS, May 14, 1966, in the Cayton Arnett, Jr. '63BA, July 2, 1966, Harris '64BA, a son, Charles Wesley, Elkton (Va.) Evangelical United Brethren in the First Methodist Church, Beckley, born April 25, 1966. Church. They are at home in Harrisonburg, W. Va. They will be at home at 505 Bur- Jacqueline Britt Reed and Wallace A. Va. roughs St., Morgantown, W. Va. Reed '50, a daughter, Betina Annette, born Joyce Wort Yoder and Wilfred E. Mary Faith Davis '66BA and Gerald April 30, 1966. Nolen '63BA, June 10, 1966, in the Bethany Ernest Fawley, Jr. '66BA, August 6, 1966, Joan Strawderman Haag and Lloyd D. Theological Seminary, Oak Brook, Ill. in the Okeechobee (Fla.) First Baptist Haag '51BA, a daughter, Pamela Sue, born They are at home in Elgin, Ill. Church. They will be at home at "Hickory May 3, 1966. Margaret Lee McHenry and James Hill," Front Royal, Va. Deborah McFarland Allender and R. Bruce Allender '67, a son, Gregory Brian, Franklin Printz, Jr. '66BS, June 11, 1966, Ruth Elaine McGlachery and Stephen born May 6, 1966. in the Shenandoah (Va.) Baptist Church. Charles Crandall '66BA, July 2, 1966, in Sara Bodkin Wine and Max B. Wine Linda Kay Simmons '66BA and Daniel the Arlington Forest Methodist Church, '50BA, a daughter, Melissa Suzanne, born H. Williams '65BA, June 12, 1966, in the Alexandria, Va. Stephen is in the Air Force. September 14, 1965, adopted May 14, 1966. Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, near Dorothy Ann Stanek and Harry Israel Marion Wright Clark '53BA and Bridgewater, Va. They will be at home in Rinehart, Jr. '62BA, July 3, 1966, in the George V. Clark '53BA, a son, George Forestville, Md. Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Naval Air Edward, born June 7, 1966. Brenda Gail Albright '66BA and 29 Station, Oceana, Va. They are at home at Lois Hartman Webb '59BA and Ronald Carlton Reay Allender, Jr. '65BA, June 33 Club Drive, Frederick College, Porcs- S. Webb, a son, Randall Stuart, born May 18, 1966, in the Meyersdale (Pa.) Church mourh, Va. 31, 1966. of the Brethren. They will be at home in Carole Faye Gochenour '66BA and Baltimore, Md. Jackson Lee Michael, July 23, 1966, in the Susan Ellen Dove and Larry Richard Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren, Huffman '64BA, June 18, 1966, in the Weyers Cave, Va. They are at home on Ju iltUUtriam ... Singers Glen (Va.) Evangelical United Rt. 2, Stuarts Draft, Va. JJ: ...'... ,., · ,..._' ..¼ Brethren Church. They are at home in Harrisonburg, Va. William R. Ebaugh '08BR, Myersdale, Patricia Arnelda Megee '66BA and Pa., January 30, 1966. Bruce Darrow McLauchlin, Jr. '66BA, Future Eagles ... Mary Nininger Newbill '04Dal, Roa- June 18, 1966, in the Sr. Paul Episcopal noke, Va., March, 1966. Church, Georgerown, Del. Dr. J. Maurice Henry '09, revered pro- fessor of history emeritus of Bridgewater Mary Adrienne Kosmecki '65BA and Shirley Funkhouser Holmes '64 and College, April 14, 1966, after a long illness. Richard Sanger McGuffin '65BA, June 18, Herbert F. Holmes, a son, Lorne Blaine, Minor W. Garber '10, Harrisonburg, 1966, in the First Congregational Church on Born May 21, 1965. Va., April 24, 1966. the Green, Norwalk, Conn. They will be at Beverly Wampler Lineweaver '57BS Leonard C. Carter '20Dal, Bassett, Va., home in Richmond, Va. and Joseph A. Lineweaver, a son, Daniel May 8, 1966, Ann Marie Weyant '65BS and Robert Olin, born July 10, 1965. Rev. J. Galen Wampler '25BA, Harri- Eugene Baker '66BA, June 18, 1966, in the Nancy Robinson Heinrzleman and Jack sonburg, Va., May 17, 1966. First Church of the Brethren, York, Pa. W. Heintzleman '56BA, a daughter, Carl S. Feller '12, Toms Brook, Va., They will be at home at 325 S. Richards St., Karen Law, born December 10, 1965. May 22, 1966. Bedford, Pa. Paige Snell Alexander '59 and Joseph Landon Crawford Burns '20, West- Carol Ann Williams and Gary Nelson Moore Alexander '57BA, a daughter, minster, Md., May 23, 1966. Rodeffer '65BA, June 18, 1966, in St. Molly Snell, born December 30, 1965. Dr. Minor Wine Thomas, '18BA, John's Catholic Church, Woodstock, Va. Jane Wayland Brewster '62BA and Radford, Va., July 3, 1966. They are at home this summer in Dayron, Elton J. Brewster, a son, Garland Francis, Erman L. Myers '13, Bridgewater, Va., Va. born January 20, 1966. June 31, 1966. OFFICERS FOR 1966-67 Bridgewater College Alumni Association

PRESIDENT ...... J. Alaric Bowman 'SlBA Bridgewater, Va. 22812

PRESIDENT-ELECT ...... R. Lowell Wine '41BA Rt. 1, Box 311, Roanoke, Va. 24012 VICE PRESIDENT ...... Edwin C. Stone '61BA 613 Downey St., Radford, Va. 24141 SECRETARY ...... Ina Mason Shank '48BS Mt. Crawford, Va. 22841 TREASURER ...... Theron C. Garst '33 1541 Shamrock Rd., N. W., Roanoke, Va. 24017

Appointed to the Executive Committee Pauline Rowland '30BA, Rt. 6, Hagerstown, Md. 21741 Cecil C. Ikenberry '28BA, College Woods Drive, Bridgewater, Va. 22812 Dr. Wayne F. Geisert, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va. 22812


Term expiring in 1967 Carl McDaniels '51BA, 5935 N. Fourth St., Donald L. Glick '49BA, Port Republic, Va. Arlington, Va. 22203 24471 Jesse D. Robertson '45BA, 1606 Terrace Sc., John D. Layman '54BA, 216 Lee Dr., Staunton, Va. 24401 Roland Zimmerman '59BS, 608 Farrish St., Charlottesville, Va. 22901 (Charlottesville Waynesboro, Va. 22980 (Augusta County Robert H. Dinsc '52BA, Cedar Hill Rd., Chapter) Chapter) Randallstown, Md. 21133 (Baltimore James A. Reedy '61BA, Rt. 1, Bridgewater, Chapter) Olive Shafer Long '36BA, Middletown, Md. 21769 (Cumberland Valley Chapter) Va. 22812 (Dayton-Bridgewater Chapter) Charles Sackecc '49BA, Box 328, West- Macy A. Bowman '18Dal, Rt. 2, Box 179, George V. Clark '53BA, 507 Ardmore Pl., minster, Md. 21157 (Carroll County Fairfax, Va. 22030 (Fairfax-Prince William Chapter) Martinsville, Va. 24113 (Henry County Chapter) Chapter) Fred Fifer, Sr. '31BA, , Del. 19934· Helen Via Bower '38BA, Rt. 1, Box 109F, W. Wallace Hatcher '55BA, Rt. 1, Broad- (Delmarva Chapter) St. Cloud, Fla. 32769 (Florida Chapter) way, Va. 22815 (No. Rockingham Chap- Harold S. Moyer '51BA, P. 0. Box 3463, Melvin G. Leisure '58BA, Boones Mill, Va. ter) Roanoke, Va. 24012 (Roanoke Chapter) 24065 (Franklin County Chapter) Allegra H. Hess '6oBA, 36 Orange St., Dee H. Craun '26, 1673 Condor Ave., Nor- George W. Kemper '48, McGaheysville, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 (So. Pennsylvania folk, Va. 23518· (Tidewacer Chapter) Va. 22840 (Harrisonburg-E. Rockingham Chapter) Chapter) J. Albert Wine '30, 1000 Elko Ave., Colonial Hgts., Va. 23834 (Richmond Chapter) Term expiring in 1968 Term expiring in 1969 Wayne B. Hamilton '34BR, Oakland, Md. Garland F. Miller '33, Rt. 2, Bridgewater, J. Alaric Bowman '51BA, Bridgewater, Va. 21550 (Upper Potomac Valley Chapter) Va. 22812 22812 Franklin D. Sink '61BA, 420 Ridge Rd., Herman L. Horn '24BA, South College Paul B. Foster '47BA, Rt. 1, Box 315B, Greenbelt, Md. 20770 (Washington Hill, Canton, Missouri 63435 Roanoke, Va. 24012 Chapter) BRIDGEWATER ALUMNI DIRECTORY Presidents and Secretaries of Local Chapters and Groups 1966-67

Augusta County Sec.-Treas., James H. Legg '62BS, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Margaret Schmidt Pres., Richard Gordon '59BA, 7840 Pemberton Dr., Dayton, Ohio Garner '46BS, 617 Cherry Hill Dr., Staunton, Va. 45418 Rt. 1, Box 197, Broadway, Va. 22815 24401 Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Vera Mitchell Harouff Delmarva Pennsylvania 37BA, 1804 North Dr., Staunton, Va. Pres., Harold Holsinger '35, Pres., James Flora '52BA, 24401 Greensboro, Md. 21639 801 E. Oak St., Palmyra, Pa. 17078 Sec., Mrs. Roland Sanger, Sec., Mrs. Sylvia Seese Bieber '47BA, Baltimore Rt. 1, Cordova, Md. 21625 201 S. Third St., Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Pres. (open) Sec.-Treas., Rose Marie Baker '6SBS, Fairfax-Prince William Richmond Box Rt. 3, 473, Bel Air, Md. 21014 Pres., Philip M. Wine '59BA, Pres., Norman Wagenschein '47, 525 Stonewall 812 W. 28th St., Richmond, Va. 23225 California Rd., Manassas, Va. 22110 Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Catherine Crist Strickler Convener, Harry K. Zeller '36BA, Sec.-Treas., James 0. Bowman '57BA, '66, 2220 Fifth St., La Verne, Calif. 91750 Rt. 1, Box 36A, Manassas, Va. 22110 Box 10, 7611 Jefferson Davis Highway, Richmond, Va. 23234 Carroll County Pres., Robert McKinney '24BR, Florida Roanoke Ridge Rd., Westminster, 21157 Pres., M. R. Zigler '16BA, 52 Md. Pres., R. Lowell Wine '41BA, Sec., Mrs. Shirley Gentry Knight '56, Sebring Manor, P. 0. Box 273, Sebring, Rt. 1, Box 311, Roanoke, Va. 24012 Manchester, Md. Fla. 33870 21102 Frances Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Esther Chambers Wolfe Sec., L. Sanderson '33 Dal, Charlottesville '55, Rt. 11, Box 112, Roanoke, Va. 24019 Pres., George E. Hall '46BA, 268 Weightman Ave., Sebring, Fla. Tennessee Rt. 4, Box 96, Charlottesville, Va. 22901 33870 Pres., Anna Cebrat '36BA, 31 Sec. (open) 106 Thornton Rd., Oak Ridge, Tenn. Franklin County 37832 Chicago Pres., Jack A. Bowman '6oBA, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Shirley McCracken Pres., Robert D. Sherfy '62BA, Rt. 4, Rocky Mount, Va. 24151 Spire '57, 506 E. 9th St., N. Manchester, Ind. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Mary Alice Ankrum 1365 Warpath Dr., Kingsport, Tenn. 46962 Bowman, Rt. 1, Boones Mill, Va. 24065 Sec., Mrs. Virginia Bittinger Whitten 37664 '49BS, Harrisonburg-E. Rockingham Tidewater 449 Hilltop Rd., Elgin, Ill. 60121 Pres., Terry Slaubaugh '61BA, Pres., Mrs. Frances Roller Crabill '48BA, Rt. 1, McGaheysville, Va. 22840 Cumberland Valley 35 Eastwood Dr., Denbigh, Va. 23602 Sec.-Treas., Robert Gooden '49, Pres., Maurice E. Grossnickle '40, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Barbara Wade Snead 302 Morgan Ave., Elkton, Va. 22827 Burkimville, Md. 21718 ssBS, Sec., Mrs. Dorothy Idleman Brown 704 Big Bechel Rd., Hampton, Va. 23366 Henry County '31BA, Pres., Price E. Bowman '21 Dal, Sharpsburg Pike, Rt. 3, Hagerstown, Upper Potomac Bassett, Va. 24055 Md. 21741 Pres., Walter H. Boone '30BA, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Judy Beckner Patterson 77 Third St., Keyser, W. Va. 26726 Dayton-Bridgewater '63BA, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Prema Bittinger Lips- Pres., Leroy Harsh '60BA, Apt. 5, Sherwood Manor, Bassett, Va. comb '27, 302 W. View St., Bridgewater, Va. 24055 SOC St., Keyser, W. Va. 26126 22812 Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Helen Wine Shickel New York Washington '53BS, Convener, Robert B. Garber '37BA, Pres., Alfred V. J. Prather '49BA, 115 Dry River Rd., Bridgewater, Va. 27 Bedford Place, Glen Rock, N. J. 5506 Parkston Rd., Washington, D. C. 22812 07452 20016 Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Majorie Graybill Sanger Dayton, Ohio North Rockingham '25BA, Pres., Butler Sizemore '64BA, Pres., Mrs. Arlene Ringgold May '39BA, 2610 Riviera St., Marlow Hgcs., Washing- Potsdam, Ohio 45361 Timberville, Va. 22853 ton D. C. 20031 HOMECOMING Saturdav, October 22, 1966

Fall Calendar of Events • Alumni Board of Directors, 9 :30 a. m. 1966 • Traditional Homecoming Parade and Floats, 1 :00 p. m. • Football, B. C. Eagles and Frostburg State September Bobcats 8-10 Meetings of the Faculty • Alumni Reception for all after football game 13-15 Faculty-Student Planning Conference • Class Reunion Dinners: 1956, 1960-61-62, 15-17 Registration of Freshmen 1965 19-20 Registration of Upperclassmen • College Chorale Concert, Cole Hall, 7 :30 21 Convocation and Classes Begin p.m. 29 Lyceum, "The Tempest," American Classi- cal Theatre, Cole Hall, 8 :00 p. m.

October 1 Football, Gallaudet-Away 6 Girls' Hockey, Home-3 :00 p. m. 7- 8 Alumni Officers' Workshop 8 Girls' Hockey, Home-12 Noon Cross-Country, Richmond, Home- 12 :30 p. m. Football, Hampden-Sydney-Home 13 Girls' Hockey, Home-3 :00 p. m. 15 Football, Randolph-Macon-Home 17-18 Danforth Lecturer, Kay Baxter 18 Cross-Country, Lynchburg, Home- 4 :30 p. m. 22 HOMECOMING Football, Frostburg State College 2 :00 p. m. Cross-Country-Away 29 Football, Washington & Lee-Away Girls' Hockey, Home-2 :00 p. m.

OJ November ,r,"' :, 0... - (1) (Q C 1 Girls' Hockey, Home-3 :00 p. m. (1) OJ 5 Football, Western Maryland-Away ffl" ""' 0 0... Cross-Country, Little Eight, Home- ---t- (Q 3 :00 p. m. (1) ►(1) ,""' -f 10 Visiting Lecturer (tentative) "' 0 < ,r, (1) 11-12 Pinion Players, Drama ""' ... 12 Parents' Day (Q n Football, Shepherd, Home :J 0 )> 0 r r 17 Visiting Scholar (tentative) r C N ffl 19 Basketball, Alumni-Varsity, Home N s 23-28 Thanksgiving Vacation (X) " z C N 0:, l/) C r r -f z