nr mrrr rem ttEKALD, fKIDA I, JU ITT O, 10YZ.~?Tllll i^fTTJrui3J*LI!iHT« and and of the Ninth at 141 Sixth a cabinet died at BeUcvue DEATHBDI WILLUMHBUKJ. Ate Barker, the It thoroughly built throughout, rtf'.ment, living tver^ street, maker, fhjDDBI a veiy strong voa'el. * r v«t.^ t ml round la Twenty-third Street, near Blx^ yesterday. found At rryfleltnc. An unknown man, a fireman on board the The Seawanhaka Yacht Club levcn year® of age, died suddenly at on ***tarn of Round Shoal, and the red Tie City in a Swelter in the Early AtKcrt Rose, twenty-Ave years of age, of 217 West Gaietla, brought from pier au North kteamshipRiver, 9 Grattan street. John Hailey, a bartender, dlea H?e edtre one iM Eighteenth street, a member of the Ninth regimvnt, died yesterday at Bellevue. / mddenly at the liquor store corner of Wythe w»is found on th« corner of Twenty-third atreet and William Bradley, aged forty, of 128 Roosevelt Yesterday. Regatta and Taylor street. William Vesey was avelue / Part of the Day. Sixth avenae and sent home. street, died from the heat yesterday at Bellevae. yesterday forenoon near his residence,qunitruck03 Julius oue of of 70 street. was a condition last .« John Weata, thirty-two years of age, of 503 East Jackson, thirty years age, Hymer He in dying . -t .j- *» ivvts lu iuo aornuuK «W| Fourteenth street, a member of Company C, First Rlvlngton street, was found on the corner of light. which nied to be removed, a tact that baa been wan on corner of Biccckcr and Greene streets, and sent home. Brilliant Celebration of the National In the paa* two day* Schr Mtantonomah demonstratedla artillery, found the Thirty-third Birthday up the ri var atroek on street and Fifth avenue and pent home. Frederick Anerhack, forty years of age, of 96 A00IDEHT8 IN WILLIAMSBURG. the name rook on whfcbeomingth«| at Oyster Bay.Contest on the Sound Between Blnaloa received inch ln'urles, but aa she waa Ught and rBOSTHATION AMD DEATH. Uenry Dives, of 130 Mott street, was found in the Watt street, died at his residence last night. the tide do wing, she wa» got off by the steamer Mattla; street by Oitlcer Anderson, of the Fourteenth Coroner Young will hold an Inquest. Yachts ef the First, Second and Third Charles & Patterson, twelve years of age, lost the Sargent without sustaining any Inlurles. We hope th^ aad taken homo. William McLonghltn, twenty-three years of age, £light of both his eyes by the explosion of a small appropriations for improvement* In the Merrliu&c will Ims William of of lfll Worthprecinct,died at his residence, l.uao Second avenue, last Classes.The Qlanoe Wins the First used where It moat needed." Ingram, forty years age, «n lannon. reside 203 Third street. was found In front of his home and sent to nlnht /Vti*s*n*kt* Vmintr will lliilil iikniuiuf. t.hlu His parents at The Rain and Btreet, Claas Prise.Time, 8h. 22m. 16s. 4rs. Ellen while in the of uduii o u*-«withii»t coast or AnucA.aooz on tbb Faljs in« i-ttrn iioHipiiai. morning. \ Moore, standing hallway mouth or r*» a* ion um. Fn-derick Madison, twentj-flve years of age, of Hannah Gardiner, twenty-nine years of nrre, of ler residence, 40 North Seventh street, was shot In The rock off the mouth of 8t John River, the discovery is Verified. 437 West street, a member of the 24s East Houston street, died last night at her he right Bhoulder. A plBtol bullet was extracted of which was announced In the uydrographlo Notice No "Old/Profeabilities" Thirty-Bcvcuth will hold an t rom the of her collar bone. The wound is ha* been examined Lieutenant th« wan found in tbe Eighth Coroner Young Inquest. realidence. Oyster Bay, July 4, 1872. region 21, by Archdeacon, of Seyenty-nlnth resriment, Catharine of In lot considered a one. Mrs. Moore has British Navy, and waa found to lie B, * N S ft-10 miles avenue, near Thirtieth street, and sent to Bellcvue Keegan, sixty years aire, living The Scawaohaka Yacht Club had a brilliant cele- dangerous of a mile the rear of 139 East Thirteenth street, was fonnd J10 idea of how she was shot or by whom. John from Cape Herme* and one-sixth from the shore. Hospital. The bratlou of the Fourth at their headquarters, Oyster seventeen of at 844 There are but« feet ol' water over It at »rlng low tide, Lawrence Byrne, thirty-five years of age, of 778 dead In bed last night t>y Mary Mctiuire. }rord, years age, residing with a deep channel between it and the shore. tieaven't Thunder and Lightning Single in Nigth avenue, was fonnd in Carmine street, near will hold an Inquest. CoronerBay, Long Island. The Atlantic Yacht Club were r street, was severely Injured in the right Loriner Along the coa"t. between the rivers Baschee and Varick, and sent home. Martha Hutchinson, (lfty-fonr years of age, died Invited to be present at their regatta, and yester- by the discharge of a ramrod. Caleb Abrahams,temue are numerous rocks at 1 to ft cable* from the ihore.Cmkomass, the Celebration. Itan Burns, years of age, living in last night at her residence. Coroner Young will jestdlng in Orchard street, areenpolnt, lost a linger Bearings by coinpssi Day'* twenty-live hold an day the sun dawned upon a trim little fleet riding t the of a By order or the Bureau of Navigation. Nineteenth street, between Seventh and Eighth inquest. iy premature discharge pistol. R H W\ MAN, U H N, Hydrogranher. avenues, a member of the Ninth was John Kakin, years of age, no home, died in at anchor off the steamboat dock. Among the Captain June regiment, the offortyMo. 14 Baxter street last Hydrographic Office, Washington, DC, 17,1872. found oa the corner of avenue and hallway uight. were the schooners Peerless and ' Eighth visiting yachts ^3TTTT>T»T*rn *TT1 TTT rt ' street, and sent to the Ninth regimentTwentyseventhCoroner Young will hold an inquest. and the Nixon and ifohth paciric.a new robal nacr. YESTERDAY'S VICTIMS. armory. Mystic sloops Nimbus, Qui Vive, |anirrin u JXLWS. Captain O A Schletnan. of the Norwegian ship Anna* of 728 Eltewhere. Josephine. The readouts of Bay are reports that on October 19, 1888, at 4:4ft PM, he passed & John C. Church, twenty-eight years age, of Cam ot Sunstroke Oyster coral reef at a distance ot half a mile. This rcot Is level East Ninth street, a member of the Ninth IN BROOKLYN. good citizens, and with proper zeal theyundoubtedlyAlmanac for Mew York.-Thia Day. with the water'#edge. and the sea break* heavily over It. was taken sick on the corner ofEighth avenueregiment, commenced the celobration at an Length about \% miles north and south, width about half and Thirty-fourth street and sent home. Samuel McGarvey, 19 Orattan street, detonating early a mile east and west Immediate chronouietrlc Nfaxety-seven Cases Found by the Polfte of in near his hour. The D. R. Martin, which was chartered by t5un rises 4 34 Moon sets.... eve gavu lat 16 OS N, Ion 178 !*> W. observation* Mary Murtha, forty years age, living years of age, died suddenly twentyseven By order of the Bureau of Navigation. street, near Fourth avenue, was sent to the afternoon. the club to take their guests and lady friends £>un sets. 7 33 water... ere 8 23 n mh! Twenty-two Deaths at Park the of the Ninetyeighth from sunstroke yesterday residence High B WYMAN, Captain U t» N, TTydrographer. Hospital by police Twenty-third William 82 was round tho course, arrived shortly before ten A. M. Hydrographic Office, Washington, DC, Jane 17, 1872. the Precinct. Teser, Clymer street, reported OCEAN STEAMERS* Whs'tmrn, Hospitals. John Leary, twenty-one years of age was sent to last evening to be dying from the effects of the The competing yachts wore drawn up in their lines the Park the ol the Bark Alaska, Fisher, of NB, wm In Research Bay, Van Hospital by police heat. to the eastward of the steamboat dock. The Judges, jDATK8 OF DEPARTURE KHOM NEW YORK FOR THB Pieman's Linn, March 21, having taken sincc leaving; squad. Mr. P. Foster and Mr. were on bonrd the D. MONTH OP XLV. Ppyal 118 bhls sii, (KM do wh oil en t 4ft 0 lh* hone.3SS bhls Yesterday, very likely, was the last or the hoated Ceorge Sparrow, forty-flve yeors of age, of Michael Donahue, 922 Bergen stroet, was Young, IxO1 do wh oil and 4.YJ0 lbs bo'iu all t months R. course was to Slmmeri. »ViW*. OHrv. si>, told, out< Term, lor which, no doubt, rnuuy thousands of Dutches* county, N. Y., a member of Artillery on tUtt corner of Fulton and Clermontsunstruck,Martin. Tho from tho moorings DrMm/Ui-m. Hud experienced very h«vy weather while right a, was struck down by the heat In Company last Red Buoy No. 2, off Lloyd's dock, leaving it on the Baltic the severest Capt Fisher hail ever known, butwhaling,hoi owners of fainting bodies will ba duly thankful. street, near Eighth avenue, and sent homeTwentyfifthby evening. avenues, j IJnlv d.. (Liverpool.. 19 Broadway. apeak* in the highest terms ot the sailing and weathen asserted himself the A Mr. Hunnington, of Jersey City, was prostrated port hand; tliencc to Cow Buoy, off Shippan <'alit'ornia July A.. [Glasgow.... 7 Bowling ii.een qti:>l'tle* of tin- A'a ka, frequently maae 39) miles 'Old Probabilities" has Immensely, police. Iain 6..IBremen. 2 BowIingGrecn lu 2t hours. Would touchhav-n{ai Carrie of Randall's wns He was sent it on the starboard and of |July 10 Monganui, and thence -irntf has done honor to the trade of piophecy. Montgomery, Island, by the heat yesterday afternoon. to Point, Conn., leaving hand, <'ity Antwerp.. IJuIy 6.. Liverpool.. Broadway. to the Arctic. i proceed found in Eighteenth street, near Seventh avenue, his home the home, passing to the eustward off Red Buoy No. ' remen Uuly 9.. Bremen.... 7. Bowling Green Bark Morning Star, Allen, of NB, waa at Talcahuanot morning, however, his prophetic soul, couldYesterdayand sent home. by police. Viseonsin IJiilylO.. Liverpool.. 29 Broadwav. Muy 14, to sail next da direct- for home. ceaulc July 27.. Liverpool.. It Broadway. Porta. i through the and In the afternoon until James of 337 K'hrf.Owner. Ft. Ill. Foreign forenoon, Gillespie, Washington street, being Taken to College Hospital, Henry street. ClUnce Cot?im 0 Harrv virden, Collin*, for New Orleans: A H Curtis,iHatteras: any street and sent home. Rosa Thompson, twenty-eight years of age, steamship Erin (Br), Lawson, London Juno 10 and Ouptill; Almon of William of of 83R East ran start. I lavro 18th, with mdse and 121 passengers, to F W J Nickels; Tliof-Owen, Rowell, Atherton; sayings Meyer, thirty-six years age, at No. 489 Ninth avenue, New York, diedresiding 'lurst Had moderate and fine weather all the Selrna, Kicha-ilsoli; R B Uove, liarkness; M A Herrerfi. "Tire OLD MAN AT WASHINGTON." Houston street, was found in avenue A and sent at No. 78 Walcott The A preparatory whistle was blown, and a few mln- passage, (Br), French, and Mary J Wilbur tRr), Mundy, unc; schrfl street, yesterday. suddenlyiitoa n(toru'arik nt llli IKtti. lfiH. 11 Hiw-niul wliisllo y une 20, lat 48 45, Ion 9 18, passed ship Kllen Austin, from W L Norton, for New York; United uome. Coroner was notllled to hold au over the for same bark Burroughs, States* AKUiii IUUBU wuu wuic iu nupua iimt runci wuuiu 8. It. of of 11 .Tones inquest started the third clas*. Tlie second went at luanape Hamburg: time, Highflyer (Br), Bennett, and Louisa Williston, Kstival, unc. Murray, fifty yars age, street, liodv. iouikI east; 2ftth. lat 45 51, Ion S3 13, ship Maeauley, from Movii.i.k, July 3.Arrived, steamship Anglla, Smalls come to tliis terribly afflicted city were was found in narrow street and sent home. John Daley, forty-five years of age, tiled yesterday lib. 20m. ICS. and t lie first at lib. 23m. 428. There Liverpool lor Baltimore: 30tli, lat 41 48, Ion 57 65, gulp C B New York (and sailed for Edward yours of age, no Is was hardly a breath of air during tho early lazeltliie, from Philadelphia tor Antwerp. Glasgow). The sun still poured down his shaftsdisappointed.of Carrol, twe'ity-four afternoon, It supposed from the excessive heat. Australia June Makai'aiho, June 14.Bark ilva, from New York, i* home, was sent to Bellevue Hospital by the police Deceased was a bartender in a liquor store, comer but shortly before eleven a light air sprangmorning,up Steamship (Br), Hedderwick, Glasgow Crosslin,' the bar. The following vessels aro on the bar white lire with undiminished fnry, and Gotham from 2, via Moville 23d, with md.-:e and 471 passengers, to a to all been detained of the Sixteenth precinct. of Myrtle avenue and Taylor street. tlia southwest,which, gradually strengthening, ; Bros Had winds to waling chance cross, having several, winced and undei the There Michael years of age, of sent them oif at a gait. The tldo was about strong westerly Cape Race;Henlersondays:.brigs Marehatia (Hoi), for yucenstown for orders;, groaned punishment. Kavanagh, thirty-eight CARES IN JERSEY CITY. lively linen tine weather. L< ora for New Gurtina destination 406 East Eleventh Btreet, was sent from the Tenth the first of the ebb. The fleet started out of tho au Prlnco Juno 23. (Hoi), York; (Uol), was no relief to be found from either breeze or Mrs. Longhbergh, a resident of 204 Grove street, Steamship Vicksburg. Morrill, Port not also one Krtn h , station house to his horn. with booms and oil their and 'la Oonalves 28th. witn mdse to P W June kiuiwn; brig shade The of the precinct was prostrated from tho effects of the heat and way outsprcaders Jibs, Kentgen. 30, PtvwouTii, July 4.Arrived, steamship Allcmannhi. anywhere. speculations Charles Creamer, thirty years of age, of 37 was sent to tho City Hospital. other ingenious contrivances to catch air. When at 2756, ion 73 .'0, spoke brig Lizzie J Bigelow, Cook, Brar.di, New York (and lett for Hamburg). here ns to when there would be a restoration street, died at his homo at live o'clock last, John who resides at 130 Steuben dead alt and inter hauling around Buoy No. 2 they lonnd to Boston. 1'U. June 21.In port brk* biephcn BUhop, weatherwise Mulberry McGrath, street, lutd sheets to Cow Steamship Ariadne, Doano, Galveston June 25 and Key 1'ono«,for New fordo. to existence liai become ridiculous from nlgi.t The Coroner will hold an inquest this was overcome by the heat at eleven o'clock In the a pretty run,with started, Buoy, Vest 29th, with mdse and passengers, to G II Maltorv A York, Idg; Rising Sun, do, Bussell, ordinary off Point. 'o. American Porta. and we were to be on morning. forenoon. Shiypan repeated failures, likely now. John Daily, nineteen years of age. of 4fl8 West A middle-aged man, who was a passenger on the PASSING RED BUOY. Steamship Old Dominion, Bourne, Richmond, City ALEXANDRIA, July 2.Sailed, sehrs Lookout, Boston* the rrlorioiiB Fourth, with a day's record that would Thirty-third street, was found In Delancey street Erie train from Paterson to The yachts passed the Red Buoy as follows:. 'olntnnd Norfolk, with mdse and passengers, to the Old Lorenzo rish, do: Rebecca Florence, do; Julia K ami sent home. Hallway Jersey Olt.y, Dominion Hteamshln On. Wlilets, beat any wo had yet had. Neither parade nor became so oupressed from the heat that when the'. II. M. 8. Nam*.II. M 8. Steamship Volunteer, Bloodgood, Philadelphia, with Bridgeport. William liradie, forty-nine years of age, of 123 train arrived at the depot in Jersey City, about four Mint U 47 OS Glance 11 49 00 ndsc. to J APPONAUG, July S.Arrived, schr Helen, Searle, music, no? climea could even for a while dispel the Roosevelt was sent to the Park Oottie 11 48 13 Undine 11 49 03 Lorillard. South Amboy. street, Hospital by o'clock, he was quite exhausted. The policeman ISlaiius 11 48 10 8alus 11 51 30 Bark Maria Agusta (Rwe), Boden, Tarragona r>2 dnya, BOSTON, July 3.Arrived, steamship Siberia, Harrison; heavy, Bombrc thongs that occupied the police of the Fourth precinct. on duty at the depot pulled him roughly by the vlth mdse to Fnnch, Edye A Co. Tasscd Gibraltar Slay Liverpool via tjueenstown; barks Seraflno (Ital), Zuniin, TI B PKOrLK'S nEADS, Dennis Mesdal. no home, was found in Chatham arm off the car, and the unfortunate man The Clara, a jib and mainsail yacht, belonging to I); teok the southern pus ape, and had light \ariuble Genoa: Howiun.i (Tuckor) Surinam: schrs Jesse Hartu street and sent to the Park Hospital. was left at the till ho about Mr. Foster, and the Favorite, a yacht that was to veather; was 0 day* west o; Bermuda. liar', Darlen, Gas Susan. Mitchol, Elizabethport; Suliote. nor was the even those who depot died, Bark Mario (Kr), Bernard, Point-a-l'itre, Gnad. 20 days, A holiday enioyed by George Hendricks, thirty-seven years of age, of two hours after his arrival. A physician was sent have sailed in the second class, but did not arrive in vlth to E A fiuau ir Son. H;id DexUi-, Port Johnson; Sarah Reed, Reed, Hobokend wotp was fonnd in near both in with the fleet before «ugar variable weather. Silver i«pray, Chad wick, Roudout coolest in temperature. The heat was really Long Island, Thirty-fifth street, lor, but he refused to attend unless lie should receive time, joined they Cleared.Shtp Importer, Avery, St John, N B; oartt Intolerable, during the forenoon and early Fifth avenue, and sent home. a guarantee for payment. Had the poor suffnrer turned the Ked Buoy. A number of the Simon dp Vlssert vessel to master. Had due weather. Cephas Starrett, Babbidge, Pensacola; schr Emma Ii An unknown man, thirty-five years of age, was received even a slight attendance his life might Club yachts were also out, andAtlanticthe Bark Norma (Hr), Coalfleet, Cail arien 11 day*, with Rich, illggings, llaytl. Also cloared, brig Mary E Thayer* vary few people were to be seen onafternoonthe found In near Seventh fleet made a very to E D Morgan A t'o; vessel 'o(iE Cook. Wuh tidaysMifar schrs W Thirty-first street, avenue, have been spared. This is only one of the many strking spectacle lorth of Hatter with winds arid calms. Hand, Port Jeil'er»on; George Whistler, Jr, Cross principal thoroughfares In comparison with and sent to Bellevue Hospital. cases that would receive some investigation from the Sound, with their white sail* dottingcrossingthe us, light by, Albany; Kefcioti Harvey, Parker. New York; Ann of of 141 West water like so swans. The BrIff Navasota (of Boston), Slater. Messina March '.'9, Johns,in. Surinam. work days, and those who did venture out Riley, forty years age, any authorities except the Police Commissioners or many wild-winged rlth fruit to Chamberlain, l'lioli s A Co; vessel to 8 C and Summervillc, ordinary street, was found in Fortieth street,Seventeenthnear The man was a breeze was pretty fresh, and when the Salus hauled 'jouJ A Co. Gibraltar took the Sailed.Sieamshlp Aries; ship Importer; from th«( a remorseful not in Jersey City. apparently German, Pas«eil April 12; northern Hosd <, ship Charles A Farwell; and from the channel; presented appearance, any way Sixth avenue, and sent home. and he had purchased a hat in , up on the wind her topmast wout over, not liking lassage, and had strong westci ly gales to Ion 1.1; from ship St James. significant of celebrating anything. There was John Hyau, twenty-two years of age, of 43 West Paterson.the way the balloon jib topsail was pulling. The hence light easterly wind*; was 20 days west of the BALTIMORE, July 2.Arrived, ship Grey Eagle, was round In near however was soon and she InnkAprils, in tho Mediterranean, was hoarded by a Rio Andes. schrs Cofllnj nothing or Thirty-!)!st street, Broadway, IN nOBOKEN. wreck, cleared, sped which broke cabin tho Janeiro: baifc Davis, Matanzos; Centra) lively, exciting demonstratively Twenry-j-lxth street, and sent home. Thomas Brown was stricken down at seven after the other a belt of Icavy sea, windows, filling cabin America, Roberts, Cardenas; Easton, Carroll, Harbor; lu the and even the competitors, leaving viih; also stove water tank and hatch house and Jas people, boyB did notpatriotic. Henry Cole, of East Hartford, Conn., was found In o'clock in the and he died two hours foam lu her The Glance was carrying Island: O'Donohue. Warren, Bangor. the Hall and evening, seething itarted everything on deck. April 12. off Europa l'olnt, Cleared.Barks Pinrnix (Br), McKenzle, Pictou; Tems in sending off firecrackers either enthusiasmexhibit City Park sent to the Park Hospital. afterwards.her canvass well and doing some good sailing. ipoke bark Sunshine, Richmond, from Trapani for New or Buenos Nlora William rears of was on (Arg), Wilson, Montevideo Ayres; or a supply, the truth being very few of the Moffat, thirty age, found The little boats rounded buoy No. 19 as ioUows:. rork; 13tl«, off Capo Sparta), brig Lily, of Richmond, ?larNor), Hunne, Bristol, E: Wave Vuecu (Br), Peak, Newry, the comer of Church and Cedar streets, and sent to The Thermometer. Name. B. U. 8. Aam*. II. M. 8. Vom Leghorn tor Boston; May 31, lat 38 30, Ion 52 411, wan 1; brigs Psstora (Sp), Rolg, Barcelona; Lone Star (Br); machines were in their possession and theinfernal the Park Hospital. Mi«t12 25 35 Cutilo 1....12 39 40 oarded by tho crew of a Greek brig from Sierra Leone; Kenealv, Wilmington. NC; sehrs II W Foster, Rich, The following tabid gives the indications of the hey were destitute of water and provisions; gave them 6 New Bedford. ' heat palsied their patriotism. In theInfernalJames Smith, found at the corner of Twenty-fifth Clurn 12 38 SO ilils of water and some ; Young Teazer, Siocum, Boston Early street and Sixth avenue thermometer at iludnnt's IIeralp provisions. Sailed.Barks Kliza Oulton, Pictou, NS; Diana, Cork; afternoon many of the parties who had gone out of by Officer Hanley, of the pharmacy, and they started for the sfakoboat oft' Jones' dock. Urig C A Hoard (Br), Messsnger, Ponce, PR, 12 days, Templar, Montevideo; Vlnco, Queenstown. Twenty-ninth precinct, and taken to Bellevue. He Building, for yesterday, with a comparison of those The Clara had been sailing very well and it seemed vlth sugar to J V Onativla A Co; vessel to master. Had BANGOR, July 2.Arrived, schr Onward, Arey, New; town returned to the city looking as resides in Thirty-sixth street, between Tenth and unfortunate that she did not arrive in time to start Ine weather. York. i Eleventh and Is about of of same day last year Brig C M Reynolds (Br), Young, Matanxas 10 days, with MI8KRABLV PLAYED OUT avennes, twenty years age. with the rest of the fleet, as her chance of a prize Moses A BATH, Jnly 2.Arrived, schr Ida L Morton, McDonalds An unknown man waa found by officer Connolly 1871. 1872. 1871. 1872. would have been ngar to Taylor Co; vessel to Jed Frye A Co. Had Baltimore. aa if they had the ague, and moving homeward at corner of 3 A. M 715 83 3 P. M 87 08 very good. Ine weather. CHARLESTON, June 30.Sailed (not arrived), bark the Thlrty-llrst street and Seventh THE Y\CIIT8 MADE FAST TIME, BrigC M Comery, Cardenas 11 days,-with E. like so many tired sheep after a long Journey, and was taken to Bellevue. avenue,8 A. M 71 82 0 P.M 80 82 to YatesComery,A vessel to Smith A (Br), Shelldrat'.e, Newcastle, , Maria OA. M 80 80 9 P.M 82 78 getting round Cow Buoy, and by one o'clock they Porterlleld; Youngs, moasses July 4.Arrived, schr Lily, (torn New York, bound tq ftimbled, soiled and sweaty. The murky, piercing Frederick Madison, a baker, twenty-six years of were all liauli d up close and heading for Lloyd's Jo. New Orleans. J age, of 802 Eighth avenue, was picked up at the 12 M 84 04 Bchr J W Dodge, Taylor, Maracaibo 20 days, with coffee CASTINE, Me, June 29.Arrived, schr J H Lawrence, heat, in a word, so enveloped and envapored Neck The Glance had gradually widened tho gap 0 E l'avenstedt A vessel to J A A Had corner of Thirtieth street and Eighth avenue and Average to-day 84^ between her and the and was the Co; Stelsiin Co. Torrey, Philadelphia. and everything that it was Impossible to taken to Bellevue. Average for 4th of July last year 78Ji I'lidine, leading Ight southerly winds the entire passage; has been ftdavs DIUHTON. June 30.Arrived, schrs William Wallace, everybody racing fleet by half a mile. In the meanwhile the tortli of Hatteras; was detained Inside the bar 16days 8< Tillie E Wyman, ElizabethportJ any enjoyment from anything, from a An unknown persor was found in Centre street Vixen was tacklinir a new boat called the vniting for a chance to cross. June 13 snoke schr nil, Philadelphia; except derivestricken the heat iind was sent to Bellevue. oyster Hazlcton, Cuminings, do. state of coolness which it was next to an by Sallie, and she very nearly found her match. After I (Br), bound In; 14th. bark Ilva, 16 days from NewImlulse FALL RIVER, July J.Arrived, schr Manantlco, William Powers, twenrv-three years of age, of 20 THE SEVENTH AT SARATOGA. fleet were off Neck had to make a fork, crossing the bar; 23d, In Crooked Island passage, Philadelphia; John Brooks. Fox, Elizabethport; Jas to get. At about five Prince was tukeu to Bellevue. the Lloyd's they ^chr Mauna Loa, troni Nevasa for lialtimore; July 1, lat Clay8ole, o'clock, however,impossibility street, short leg and a long one to fetch buoy No. 2. The 5 Ion bark from Cunningham, Schofleld, Newburg. the wind to blow a little Aim Wood, twenty-nine vears old, of No. 308 jj 4ft, 7«, Asphodel (of Boston), for GALVESTON, June 2a.Cleared, brigJohanna, McCarty* began roughly and Discomforts and ot cl Glance passed that bnoy.first 2h. 4m. 60s., ilavana, 19 days ont. wYork. East Thirtieth street, was taken to Bellevue. First Ne _ _ _ . %i in a short time the dnst on t.h« st rent* was vhlrlml DUagremrnii followed by the Undine at 2h. 11m. 37s. The steam Schr Brothars (Hr). Rawllng, CarJena* IS days, with xyin.Arnvea, nam Horace oeais, siraun, new torn. Margaret . thirty-four years of age, a cook, Night. In Cttnip. V Detachment of the yachts Mischief and Wave escorted the yachts up "nolasscs to D R He Wolf A Co. Had light winds and Cleared.Schrs Nellie Shaw, Oatos, Pensacola, Samoa,' bout in all directions. Thunder and lightning was sunstruck at No. 120 East Twenty-seventh Guard for the Ziieutenant tho bay from the Sound. c alms. Howes, Philadelphia. soon followed. These certain indications of rain street, and was sent to Bellevue. Searching AT THE HOME STAKEBOAT. Schr Isaac Oliver, Pennell, Aux Cayes 12 days, with GLOUCESTER, July 8.Arrived, schrs Nellie M Powers* Aaron a was sent to the Park Colonel's Tent.The Remains ot the and coffee to XI Becker; vessel to Youngs, SmithlogroodA Lowe, and Phoenix. Thompson. Portland for New York; were gladly seen. In less than half an hour the Klslnger, German, The yachts arrived as followsc k>. Marion, Fle'cber, Saco for do; Josie. Look, and Persia U clouds became darker and unloosed a of Hospital. Canvass Found High and Dry.How Arriral. Actual Time. Schr Robert Myhan, Doane, Baracoa 10 days, with fruit Smith, Port Johnson lor Rockport; Kioka, Luke, sprinkling An unknown woman, thirty-five years of age, of Name.IT. M. 8. B. Jf. 8. u> Win Douglu") vessel to B J Upton, tlie precious moisture they had concealed so long, the Boys Tnrn-ln and 2 Wenbcrg. do for Salisbury; Croton, Wall, Elizabethport tor Ports' ad then followed No. 125 , was found in Centre Mint 15 32 2 55 22 Schr Mary Ellen (of Isllp, LI), Hawkins, Eleuthara 7 mouth: Gentile, Eldrldge, New York for Belfost. ! street and was taken to the Park Hospital. Salute ot a GloriousTurn-out.GloriousClara 2 32 Ii8 8 12 43 days, with pineapples to Jas Douglas; vessel to B J LUBEt', June 26.Sailed, schr Caroline Knight, A GOODLY SHOWER OF RAIN John mi* ayl*>U lance 2 45 58 3 23 IB l« Wenerg. Fanning, which made everybody rejoice, for it presaged the 17 Mott street, was overcome by heat In Roosevelt Schr B Webb, Gross, Kleuthera 7 days, with 27th.Sailed, «chr George B Somes, Pray (from Calais)* end of the murderous heat. The rafn, however, Chatham Street In Variety.Centres of Undine 2 57 04 3 Srt 49 n toT J Madge; vessel to C E Staples. plncaplesNew York, having repaired. did last street and was sent to the Park Hospital. Elaine 5 09 52 3 49 37 Schr Matthew Barter, Darlcn, Ga, 8 days, with 28th.Arrived, schrs Addie not long, hut the breeze continued to Mary Strehan, of age, onlv two Nevra.A Review tn Prospect. 11umber to H C LoudKinney,A Co Ryerson, Pike, Wentworth, come freshly frotn the southwest, and the rest of thirty-two years The result of the race was very satisfactory, as N8, tor New York; C PGerrUh, Armstrong, St John, NB,i days arrived from Ireland, was overcome by the Glen Mitchell, Saratoga, July, 4,1872. Commodore Swan won the first class with the Ki-hr Ridgewood, Derrlckson, Georgetown, 8C, 6 days, for Philadelphia; Huntress, Brown, New York. the evening was verv cooling. heat at Hfi Mulberry street, and was taken to the prize rlth naval stores to Dollner, Potter A Co; vessel to E D NEWBURYPOUT, July 2-Arrived, scbrs A F Howe, Several showers of rain fell nt Intervals with in a Park Hospital. The Seventh regiment, New York National Guard, Glance, Vice Commodore Willis the second class jlurlhut A Co. Philadelphia; Sinaloa, Avery, Port Johnson; Lottie la few hours, and the roar of the thunder and the did not a of It last prize with the Undine, and Mr. Townsend the third Bchr Lucy Elzey, Wilmington, NC, ft days, with Janvrin. Baltimore. Henry Gale, t wenty-five years of age, or 648 Eighth pass very comfortable night night class with the Mist. 1 iaval stores toWright,Perkins A Co. Cook, flashes of the lightning aided the artliicial fireworks was found In Grand street and sent NEW BEDFORD, July 2.Arrived, schr Mary A Susan* in making proper nois-, and in exhibiting genuine avenue, home. In camp, bat, as the boys did not come up here THE SCKl'B RACE. Schr Snowflake. Brown, Virginia. Snow, New York. Patrick Crandy was found at 243 East was a race Schr Exertion Forbell, schrs John H Perry, Kelly, taneiful brilliancy In honor o? our independence. street, and sent to Bellevue specially to find comlort, they were, of course, not In the afternoon there scrub for all Schr Lavinia, Osborn, Virginia. 3d.Arrived, Philadelphia; The be so Hospital.Twentyeighth the and working boats in the About Virginia. Palladium. Ityder, Port Johnson. evening grew to cool and pleasant Margaret Walsh, thirty-four years of age, a cook In dlnappointed. The fact is that the hurricane which oyster bay. Schr H T Wood, Wood. Virginia. Sailed.Schrs M E Coyne, Facemire, Georgetown, DC ; that tnousanus of people of all ages and the of Wm. K. 26 East seven started. The course was from the steamboat Schr Mott Bedell, Bedell, Virginia. WW Brainard, Rathburn, Elizabethport; Kate McLean. sizes crowded the streets to the air. family Gibson, Twenty-seventh ushered them into the camp played sad havoc with dock, round a stakeboat anchored off the residence Schr Magellan, Ifazleton, Virginia. Garllck. New York. get street. She was sent to Hellevue Hospital. Schr S J the result being that the several displays s the tents, and the first night In their new oi Mr. rosier on me »est, oay, ana uience noine. Hoyt, Crantner, Virginia. NEWPORT, July 2. PM.Arrived, schr Ann Turner, Janu Hennlry was found in the street by Officer came in ten minutes Uchr B F Reeves, Brannon, Virginia. Ellzabetnnort~ Sailed, fciirs Potter A of fireworks all over the city were well attended. Conklln, of the Fourteenth and sent to was decidedly full of soldiers' misfortunes. The sloop Lena ahead of the Schr C P Hoffman, Virginia. Ncrncv, HooperJ The relief the rain was so that precinct, residenceothers and won the pnrse of $100, which was Bowen, Bradbury, llaver*t-avn Caroline A Cornelia, Crowley* gained by great Bellevue Hospital. The Lieutenant Colonel's tent was exceed given Schr M G Farr, Conweli, Georgetown, DC. Somerset for New York. i congratulations on the event were generally passed paid Ing by the Seawanhakn and Atlantic Yacht clubs. Schr Clara, Burns, Georgetown, DC. Uelmont Pall River William Owens, twenty-three years of age, of 20 to The was and 3d.Arrived, brig Locke, Haskell, round. Prince street, was sent to Bellevne bv the great honor by the wind, no doubt out of respect day charming Oyster Hay and its Schr Oaks Ames, Humblin. Georgetown, DC. for New York; schr* Tillie E Wyman, Digbton, fordo (ana The number of sunstrokes was not so Hospital be Schr Ellas Moore, De Groot, Georgetown, DC. both sailed this Alida, Providence, for great police of the Fourteenth precinct. for his high rank. He felt sleepy at "taps," like charming surroundings may certainly B H AM); Knowles, do; as on the previous days oftte heated term, ou the success of their inauguralcongratulatedregatta. Schr Jones, Davis, Georgetown, DC, tor Falrhaven. Independence, Turner, Fall River fordo; Watchral, Gill, yesterdaymMaurice Hmuhani, forty years of age, no home everybody else, and, like a good boy, went The Atlantic Yacht Club Ueet left late in the even- Schr F N Tower, Rich, Portland 4 days, with lumber to New York. nor the number of deaths so many, as will be seen died at 1H3 Bowery last night. ,1 W Loud k Co. Sailed.Scbrs Warren Gates, Smith, Fall River for New from the following reports. his peaceful way to his quarters, full of lntr, homeward bound. A heavy thunder storm set Kate Somerset New John II. Moore, twenty-one years of nge, of 112 seven P. M. and continued some Passed Through Hell Gate. York; Kallehan, Avery, for York; Captain William K. Benjamin, company D, Hudson street, was found in the street and sent to a soldier's ambition to suircr all the ills In shortly after for Artist, Forrester, tor do. I Seventy-first regiment, N. (J., 8. N. Y., was sun hours. BOUND HOtTH. NEW HAVEN. July S.Arrived, schrs 0 B Shnltis, the Twenty-eighth Precinct station house. that camp life is heir to and all the other Steamship Acushnet, Rector, New Bedford for New RK No Trenton. ' yesterday morning, corner of Fifth avenuetrnckJulia of No. 6 died last fork, with mdse and passengers, to A Wood. Reading 49, Livlle, Hoboken; nd st After McCabe, Mulberry street, ills that the artifices of the owls of the YACHT BADE II? B0ST0H BAT. Ferguson Sailed.Schrs Mary Tlce, Dunham, New Brunswick; VJl Thirtieth rect. medical attendance he night at 23 bowery. The Coroner will hold an night Steamship Bolivar, Lawson, New Bedford for New S Hoiioken; M W H Alexandria. was conveyed home. could Invent. Sad to ami the fork. Thompson, upper. inquest. sav, truly, regimentonly Splendid Racing.The Sloop Coming, of Schr Mary Miller, Miller, Providence for New York. PHILADELPHIA, July 3.Arrived, steamship Yazoo, An unknown woman was found in Third avenue he found where his tent was erected Barrett, New Orleans via Havana; schrs Black Diamond. Victim* Found by the Police. insane from the heat, and sent to ltellevue thing originally Beverley, Ran* Over the Outside Course SchrSaran Maria, Knowlcs. Huntington for New York. Golden, Greenpoint; Cicero, Cookson, Bangor; Ann fr Hospital. was the floor. No tent was and a detail of Schr Maria Jones, llarvey, New Haven tor New York. Cannon, Outten, Bot-ton; A E Saflord, Powell, Pawtncketj The following persons were yesterday found by John Hersel, forty-six years of age, of 123 West visible, of 93 l-» Miles In Ih. 15m. 18a. Schr Caroline, A Cornelia, Snow, Wareham for New Estelle New L 8 Houston was found dead in the of the guard, after scouring the glen for miles fork, with nails to Parker Mills Co. Day, Carey, York; Levering. Corson, the police sufTe *lng from the etfects of the heat street, hallway around, Boston, July 4, 1872. E L Providence. his residence. succeeded In a small shred of the Schr Vandervoort, Vandervoort, Southampton for Cleared.Steamship Fruges (Br), Urquhart, Liverpool j Eliza Halpln, thirty years of age, of 135 Greenwich only finding The sailing regatta under the auspices of the city lSew York. ship King of Algeria (Br), Smith, Antwerp; barks Rachel In the branches of a oak that Bhades the Bohr J 11 Yonng, Ymincr, Kant Greenwich for New York. and Asna schrs street, was seut by the police of the Sixth precinct The Record at the Coroners' Office. big canvasof Boston took place The weather was a P New (Br), Harris, (Nor), Aaiholm, Stettin; Day's road far from the to-day. Schr Shultls, Young, Tlavnn for Hoboken. Lizzie Baker (Br), MfDonald, St John, NB; Cora Etta, to the Park Hospital. away camp limits. and a breeze added much to' Schr J G Hill, Richardson, Providence for New York. Uinot^F Ma1nin> n d lit HT,..-.! Catftllii TkAtr John Shaw, twenty-eight years of age and born iti good the delightful,Schr Native, for New with 8. II. of was OTHERS JUST SO. Andrew*, westport York, Carey. Ao; L 8 Levering, Corson. Providence; J K Man-! Hepburne, thirty-five years age, Ireland, died suddenly at 260 Hudson street. of the occasion. There were three racesenjoymentliath to Jod Frye A Co, ning, Uandy, Buxton; B Uartaide, Stanford, Boston; K tbund on the corner of Bond street and Several other tents were found wantTng when Schr A ITeaton, Kenny, Boston for New York. Norwich. Broadway Christopher Coughlln, seven months old, died for the three classes of yachts, the first course being Schr War for New York. XK%, McDevItt, ' sent to sought for, and it is expected that one or two of Steed, Phinney, Boston Liwm, July a.The Cope report* passed in last evening and Bellevue Hospital by Captain Allaire, of at 40 Hamilton street. of twenty-three and one-half the Schr Willard SaulsMiry. Handy. Boston for Rondout bark Marlanna 38 trom one suddenly them sailed down to the ^distance miles, Schr Boston for New VII, days l.ixbon. Also of the Broadway squad. John of and born village on their own sccond thirteen miles and the third nine miles. Champion, Clark, York, with ship's the Welsh brigs, first name not reported. A lew schra Horrigau, thirty-eight years age where will be itnees to Richardson A Wilcox. Only passing I hi* I'M. Wind hauled SK. John Gray, twenty-five years of age, of 416 East In died at 236 Elizabeth they obtainable when notaccount,The for the first race wereFor Schr John E Baylcy, Long, Bangor for New York, with E II Ireland, suddenly street. wanted. prizes sloops. lumlier to (ioo E Holvoke. PORTLAND, July 2.Arrived, brig Kennedy, street, was found on the* comer of First Beaufort, 80; achrs Kowena, Thurston, Hallctt, Thirty-sixth Mary Kyan, forty-six years of age and born in IN HtTMOR AND ON THE ALERT. prize, $100; second prize, $50. Schr Medford, Half, Bungor for Jersey City, with Harriet Fuller, Y7illard, New York. Eluabelhport; .avenne A and Twenty-sixth street, and sent to Ireland, died at 103 Kast Fourth street. However* th« gray coats made the best of the prize, $100; second prize, $60. 1 SchoonersFirst lumjer. Cleared.Schr Nellie M Power. Lowe, Red Hook. situation, and turned in in good order when the The second race was for centreboard boats.first Schr Reading RR No 40, Baldwin, New Haven for 3d.Cleared, bark Josephine, Haven, Montevideo. ]t«llevue Hospital. Michael Kelly, years of age and born 1 1.Arrived, 8 P twenty-flve drums beat the lights out. prize, $75; second prize, $30. Keel boats.First Steamer United Fall Elizaaethport.PORTSMOUTH, July brig Smith, Dodso, Thomasr Martin, twenty-one years of age, of 331 in died Bellevue wore second States, Darts, River for New York, New York; schrs Flora Linn, Cook, South AmboX; J Ireland, in Hospital yesterday They shaken up by the morning gun about prize, $75; prize, $30. , pith mdsc and passengers. Jova, Little, Philadelphia; East street, a member of hall-past lour o'clock this morning, after the officer The third race was for centreboard boats.first Steamer (lalatea, Providence tor New with Onward, Leland, llicardo Thirty-third Company A, morning from the eirccts of the heat, Deceased second third Nye, York, Brain hall, Hamilton, Port Johnson. Houdout; Ninth regiment, was found on the corner of Fourth of the day had decided the hour of sunrise by prize, $50; prize. $30; prize, $30. imdse and passengers. M.Arrived, brig Mj ronus, Hlogins, Philadelphia; selirt lived at 414 East Twenty-third street. the Hkkald tlme-guage. consultingKeel boats.First prize, $50; second prize, $30; Steamer Thetis, dale, Providence for New York, with Julia A Brick, Snta, New York: Python, Hade, houtlt treet and Broadway, and sent home. P. Schultz, thirty-five yeais of age and born in GLORIOUS sau TE OK the OLORIOITS fourth. third prize, $20. 1 mdse and passengers. Amboy: llnnuie VVesthrouk, Litll.'john, Port Johnson. FOR TUB FIRST BOUND FAST. July 8.Arrived, Nehru Oeorge F Brown, Michael J. Reed, thirty-five years of age, of 2.14 died from the effects of the heat. At noon a glorious Fourth of July salute of CLASS New PROVIDENCE, Germany, was the men there were sixteen and the Steamship Dlrlgo. Johnson. York for Portland. Godney, Albany; Surprise, Seaman, Trenton; Horizon, East Fourth street, a member of Company E, Bod.i <;a\ of born gun given, at the batterythirtysevenyachts entries, Steamship Ilatteras, Lawrence, New York for Boston. Leet, Rondout lor Pawtucket; itienzi, CoMolgb, an, thirty years age, in Ireland, handling the pieces in The was boats came in first, winning the prizes:. J W Kondout lor Boston. B was found on corner splendid style. day following Brig Drlnco, Caskill, F F ttandolph, Sieeiman, Elisabethport: HenryNewburg; Seventy-Orst renlmcnt, the of died at 32 Thompson street. observed as a regular holiday In camp. The Colonel A'ani*. n. M. 8. Schr Boston, Howard, Ell/.ahctliport for Boston. DiYerty, Nlekerson, do; Only Daughter, Tilbble, Port Bond street and Broadway, and sent to Bellevue A. O. at 114 Sixth allowed the boys to go to the village in great Coming Sloop 4 00 18 Schr Bcnlamln Rrevcs Reeves, Kondout for Boston. Johnson; Walrhful, Oill, New York; Ann Amelia. Allen,, Bedfish, fifty-Ave years, residing where themselves to Tartar Sloop4 M 46 Schr Crown Point, Taylor, Rondout tor Newliuryport do; Jamea M Freeman, do; Ida E Vail, .Norton, Uosoital. He aftcrw:iriin wont ti,»»» wa« found dead in bed they enjoyed their hearts'numbers, Schooner Schr Mansfield, Achom, Kondout for le. avenue, yesterday morning content the Fearless 4 2!» 07 Lynn. _ . Coxsack during day. Crowds of people, Vision Schooner 4 33 04 Schr Emma Watts, Atnbov for Taunton. Hailed.Schra Allen Middleton, Jr. Davis; Jennie Thomas Sherry, thlrty-one years oT age, of 767 by his daughter. visitors at the hotels, visited the S S mostly grounds, SECOND CI.ASSa Schr Scranton, King, Rondout for Middletown. Tooker, and N H Skinuer, Trasher, UeorgotowRnsalene,n, Sixth avenue, a member of the Ninth regiment, Mr. Brown, of was and early in the eveulng several hundred gathered Schr Thomas Hill, Iliil, Elizabeth port for Norwalk. DC; Freddie L Porter, small, Alexandra; Armenia, Geiman, twenty-flve years age, trtoftthur nn tlio rrraiwl at'inil r\t (Itn rnnn /i..nro.. in For the race for second class there were was struck down the sun Schr Kate Scranton, Steward, Ellcjbeihport for Cale; E FCabada. Swain; J H Hartlett. Harris, and I.".ea by on the corner of overcome by the heat corner of South Fifth avenue the hope of witnessing the evening parade. The entiles. The following Is the time of thethirtytwo Norwich.M Baxter, Laniuheai, Philadelphia; Favorite, Clark, street and Sixth avenue, lie was sent to and street and died in the rain d down in boats:. Schr Miranda, Hardv, Georgetown. DC, for New Haven. Rondout; R H Wilson, Harris, EiUabethport; E II Brazos, Fourteenth Amity Fifteenth precinct poun torrents, however, all the winning Schr Hasilngs, Chase, New York lor New Bedford. Smith, and Henry Lemuel, Jarvls, New York; Flying Bcllevne Hospital. station house soon afterwards. aii'l the parade dlil not take place, Namr.Clam. IT. M. S. Schr Josephine Caswell, Weehawken for Boston. Fiith, Moule, Humlnxton; Patron, Hubbard, Ore upon; Carroll died from the heat at 20Sth street the of the spectators. Whltecap Centreboard 2 21 25 Schr Win O New York for Providence. and .\ :w York. Robert Dempser, twenty-six years of ntre, of No. Lu'.'jr disgust Clytie Centreboard 2 24 2fi Irish, Lawrence, sloops Apollo, Freeman, Report, Hart, "<"> KEAIIY. Schr Jauies M Bayles, for PAWTuCKBT, July S.ArrlveJ, achrs B H Warlord, 1 Essex a member of ou.1 J ncuia <». n>cuij-K»cu jlwb MistKeel 2 42 03 Arnold, Ellzabethport II A street, Company II, ro-morowthe regiment will to Providence.Spraguc, Ellzabefhport; James Young, Barrett, do; , or hep and born In Ireland. By havejrot things Iinotfcne Keel3 17 32 Schr Weekj, for Fall River. Johnson, do; Danl T Wlllctu, Checsebro, regiment. was carried to the FifteenthKlfrhtyfOnrthAnn Bridget llealey, John Or.ntiam, two right in the camp and the new life will be fully WSaratoga, F.lizabcthport Burton, station house, from Fifth avenue and Callahan, Meanwhile several of THIRO 0I.AR8. Schr A Muillcr, Crawley, Ellzabethport for t; C smith, Chilli) s, do. Rondout; Kit unknown men from the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Inaugurated. the compnnles For the rare for third class there were Portsmouth.SOMERSET, July 1 Arrived, aclir* Jessie B Smith,. Srecinctsentli street, by Ofllcer Flood, and alter* ards scut and Ann Hrown, were reported dead at have determined to make their streets the most forty-eight Schr Madagascar, Oregg. Port Johnson for Cambridge. Pierce, Oeorgetown, DC; Ida della Torre, Davis, and Joa precincts. entries, and below In the time of the boats:. ' to Bellevue Hospital. Belle vue Hospital from the elect* of the heat. fashionable outs kirts alio'.i: town. The men oi the winning Schr Surge,, Port Johnson lor Portsmouth. P Cake. Scull, Philadelphia. Henry PHI, forty years of uge, offcast New York, JamM .Sweeney, thirty years of age, an Irl^h first company, Captain Alison, tuts so tar earned for VrfttM. Chut.If M V Schr Geo Brooks, Humphries, Hoboken for Portsmouth. VINEYARD HAVEN, July 3.Arrired, schra Isaac was hi ii t to the Park Hospital the of the themselve the of the Kanuy.... Ocutrobonrd 2 2fi 19 Schr Susan Daly, Port Johnson for Boston. Philailelph a tor Boston; Ira Bit is. Jersey City forAherton,do i by police latwrer, died while being taken from pier 2 North reputation "Irropre.^ibieV' Uikcu Mali Cm ire board 2 30 Schr Eli/a J Hoboken for Bridgeport Lizzie Weehawken for do: K S Oildersleeve, and Fourth Deceased lived at and have turned their street into a IW Kayuor, Nicholls, Major, ' precinct. of Itlver to Centre Street Hospital. perfect RipplA Centreboard 2 32 16 Schr Harry Blyth. Benson, New York for Portsmouth. Matunzas, Port Johnson lor do; Oertrude I'lumirier, Hal- Daniel Lleinun, forty-six years age, of No. 40 No. )l West street. street. Kvery tent has been made a featureChathamin Volnilt Keel 2 35 2fl Schr Sclo, Smith, Eli/.ubctliport for Pembroke. tlniore lor do; Archer Reeves, Philadelphia lor Forsyth street, fell from the second story tire JoKn l inn, about thirty vears of age, died in Itself, and a New Yorker would certainly tie Km» ,-t Keel 2 30 1ft Schr Mary C, Fulton, Eli/abethport for Sackvillo. ; Jennie Middleton, do lor Chelsea; Elvira, Salem of his residence to the yard ami was fatallyescapeCentre Street In Ills possession whh a if he hupprnod !>y chance to stroll Intoastonishedthe Jennie K'tel 2 37 02 Schr Mary Potter, Potter, Hoboken tor Norwalk lor Maehias; II K Oihson, Newburg for PortsmouthiElizabethport He was sent to Uellevue Hospital, when tho officer of the on Schr Maria Loulsu, Everett, oienns Point for Hartford. Webster Kelly, Bangor for Wilmington. Del; Connors, do inured. Hospital. tlim t»o»k in wl-ich was written "George Hall, 68 camp day U not for New York: Fannie Calais for do. Jhmen Smith, thirty-five years of aire, of Sout i street, corner of Pine." Ins Inspecting tours, for familiar (Jotnam business NOTE. Pike, wan at BAILED. Paased by.Schr A J Dyer, irom Calais for New York. utreet, near Tenth avenue, found Thlrty»Uxth126 Mary McC-jrnuck, a! out thirty years of age, was sltrns meet ow » eye at every turn, one tent has a YACHTING_ Sailed.Schrs Hudson, Delaware, Casco Lodge, E <1 West Twenty-filth street and sent to llcllevue hroi 'ilit to the Street from 10 Mott painted shingle ever the untnuioe Yacht N.Y.Y.O., Mr. from Now Steamships Citv of for Liverpool; Clmbria, Wlllard, Malabar, P C Lindsey, Olive, ulralTe. Centre Hospital hanging Resolute, Hatch, Limerick, Ac. Elizabeth, Hospital.street. to nil coiners that anybody can get n anitoxuclngYork for City Island, passed through Hell Gate yes- Hamburg; Columbia, Havana; Isaac Bell, Richmond, Teaser. chnile- Sawyer, Oliver Dyer, Sardinian, o It ofli< er Steed, of the Twenty-nln'h precinct, was 1 uknown man dM in Centre Street Hospital. kind of riatent pills to order for 11 given sumcertain Partridge and I'aciilc. taken sick on the corner oi i street terday. Marino DUaiters. July i.Arrived, schr* Mary E I'lerson, from Hobokei* wenty-screnth He w is brought In from pier 27 North River; v. as per Ik»\. Another tent is adorned witn a iatly and for Chelsea; Idaho, Rooklanil for New York. and ll'ttj avenue while on duty, arid ww sent to his in tlM' employ of a hi- hairdrc-tsinv card, while o' l. ;rs a c mudo Sen* StifALOA..Newhnryport, July 2. Schaloa, Avery, Sailed.All at Hi .unship cotnpany. THE GUARDS AT THE 'roui Port with rfn tons of for H belore reported, excepting schra Billow, R boiue West Thirtieth street. John Hlrseri, forty-three years of age and born in with placards giving the news of thepictares(|iieday GRENADIER ACADEMY, Johnson, coal Kingsbury, H Ollderslcove, U (I J« w«tt, Commodore Tucker, William. NtilioiiiH of :wk Fast 111th was >f Salisbury, In l>eating up the river on Tuesday morning, Conners. Webster «frllv. Idalm unit Knnnin IMIciv Hays, street, Germany, died n! m West Houston btreet. from various parts of the world. Of course the ind when near the An anchor was found on the cornet of 113th street and Third news Is solar This evening tlie celebrated hand of the English piers, mis-stayed. W AKKHAM, Jul* nchro Car« Ellen Montgomery, fifty jems old, born la till* not Always given rellubly, but s>ill dropped, nut iH'tore it brought up the current New K.Arrived, Lady Antrim, and was sent to Uellevue Hospital. avenue, died at 61 street seems to be aatlfied >vitii so there is no Orcn.ulier Guards, under the leadership of the her upon tlie South rock, where she iinnedlatelytor, York; Kplendld, I'hlnney, Hoboken. «»f of 64 country, Lalglit ; removed to *4 everybody it, iwung gangway Nulled.Hchr Jonn Randolph, Konbin*, New York. Joseph Price, twenty-nine years age. same street. complaint. l>an will make their filled. The owners have made arrangementsImmediately 2.Arrives, achr street, was found on the corner Of Filth avenue Ken was Godfrey, accomplisheda) dlf>cbargs the cargo. WAKKKN, July Niger, Thompson, Baxter Maigaret ley, twentv-slx venrs «*r age, of 43H The street thrown into great confusion this 111 concert ut. the of Music. It is Wcehawken. and Twenty-second street and "-nt to Hcllevue West Thirty-ninth street, died suddenly a: Iter home. afternoon ut the news tent by a dl»pnich from Academy appearance Bcrr Ashork. An unxnown three-masled schooner was Hailed.Schr 0«car F llawlny, Daylex, EllMbethport. HospltaL He niterwarun went hone. Coroner notified. Central Africa the newest kind of cablo, an as the ocenilon on which will ishore 4th Inst on the Middle Ground, near Weat Chop, John C. of South by only they playannounced Haven. Middle, aged thirty-eight 210 Rudolph Wangelln, fifty years of age, of lMtf nounclng that Livingstone will endeavor to get ou American soil outsiile the walls of the great Vineyard HlSCKlitAN EOtN. Filth avenue, was lound In Thirty-fourth street, E14ridge street, hang himself last night while in a home in time to pay the reglin«ut a vihlt in camp. home ofTlntainarre In Boston. Their most celebrated Ai.kx anpri a, Va, July S.Pilot John Keys, Just up, near Broadway, and sent to Uellevue Hospital. state of canted the heat. This was "rttan and is will l>e given, und tlie selection 1b the loaded bark hound out, heretofore repertrdre>orts divorces legally obtained from derangement by He haa dispatch signed, Icy," pieces expected off Cobb's as off. Morris osUorn, twenty-live years of iige, of 234 left a wife snd three children. Coroner notified. as one of the curiosities of the day. Certain to Include a number of morfeaux never before tgrnund Point, having gotten AbsoluteCourt* of different State* legal everywhere: East FHtydrst street, a member of the Coroners lieri man and Kecnan held most of after Stanley s ar» regarded them to the American It Is Gloccistkr, Mass, Jnly S.The schr Frances (of Boston) Ac., audit, tent can*; no uubltclty required;desertion,no the hieroglyphics signature by public. Introduced a tr>r Boston, with a cargo Advice Tree. regiment, was round In Sixth avenne,Seventyninthnear In a foot note as information to the a that New York will not have vhlleon passage from Rockport charge until divorce granted. fll and sent to l>ellevue Inquests. private explained'great pity >j paving stones, yesterday sprung a leak In the bay and M. IIOUrtK, Attorney, 180 Broadway. weiity-niuth street, Hospital. Catharine Hlckey, thirty-three years of age, a editor of the Hkrai.d. Added to which is a the opportunity of hearing them at leant itas obliged to put into Gloucester, where she sauk soon Charles Klgures, of 604 Caual street, a member of at 4l» East Twenty-third street, died at foot note giving the details of the half a dozen times, as there Is too much good music Uter Fort Wharf. .HERALD BRANCH' OKK11: K, BKO()KLVN, the Sixth was found near Fifth avenue domestic Interpreter's reaching corner ot Fulton avenue and Boerum street regiment, Jlellevue yesterday. meeting with Livingstone, which tho in tliem to be exhausted at a single concert. Let trnni H A. M Ui and street and sent home. correspondent's MIsetlUaMM* Open 8P.M. . Twenty-sixth James flnrttlj, aged thlrtv-elght, a driver, of translation says was airecting to witness. iih, however, be thankful for a chance of hearing F A fireman on board the steamer (ialateu, lying at died at Rellevue them at as the "Anvil the LAtmewtn.At Jonesport, Jane 72, ftom Capt Charles street, yesterday. Thirty-sixth THE OOVgKNOK IXPRtiTKD. uil, particularly chorus," larker's a schooner, 231.44 tons, n m, Geo divorces leoally obtained wok pier 27 North was scut to the I'ark Hospital a seaman, In is said a review the thousand vard, S-masted courts of different Sutcj. No Advic# the River,Twenty-sixth John Bishop, xiged thirty, residing To-morrow It grand will take big drum, twenty voices, bells, ; Watts master carpenter, built by Capt Barker, and Absolutethe publicity. J»y police of the precinct. Brooklyn, died at HelUtvue yesterday. plat e when the Governor win come to do the honors and other harmonic morudrogitlca of tbt cannonHub iwned principally by the builder and some ol the I'roe. Notary Public and CominiMioncr lor every Mate. JJcury McKcon, tlilr^-flve years of aire, a member Jjftjjii Sleuiaoe, ftged lortv-rlx, of No. 4t> Forsyth of the occasion. will be dcliclously wanting. who helned do the work ; the schooner's n»m«metallic*I* F. I. KINO. Couumillor-at-Law, M Broadway mk-.i*