Case Study #03 City showcase .

Where brands meet people Clear Channel International Case Study City Showcase Where brands meet people #03 Antwerp

With more than 500,000 residents, The busy port is the second largest in Antwerp Portfolio Antwerp is ’s second largest city Europe, whilst the increasing number Belgium. overview. and also one of the country’s top three of designer retailers and over 25 economic centres. More than 85,000 museums, means that it is a popular companies are based in the city centre choice with tourists from Europe and and the surrounding area, and in total, beyond. Amongst Clear Channel’s employ almost 250,000 people. portfolio of products in the city are new street furniture solutions and upscale This fashionable city is the world’s billboards, as well as several Clear number one production and Channel Play digital opportunities in trade centre, making it an increasingly the beautiful Antwerp train station. attractive prospect for global advertisers.

The world’s leading diamond centre is also Europe’s second busiest port. Its growing range of designer shops, museums and excellent transport links, makes this stylish city a popular destination for tourists and a prime location for advertisers. Key sites. The numbers.

1,765,000 The number of people living in the Antwerp province

500,000 + The number of residents based in the city centre

313,000 Street furniture Billboards Passengers passing through With the recent gain of the prestigious Clear Channel holds billboards at the digitally enabled Antwerp contract for the bus shelters in Antwerp, some of the best addresses in the station per week Clear Channel can pride itself on offering city, delivering both high impact advertisers 2m² solutions in a variety of and coverage. The panoramic 85,000 locations. With 80% of Antwerp’s 2m² format offers advertisers exceptional Companies located in the city surfaces in the city centre, adjacent creative opportunities. Billboards are municipalities and the subway network, located in strategic districts and around #1 Clear Channel can give coverage of up highly populated and economically The world’s number one to 96% of Antwerp’s population from a affluent areas. diamond centre seven day campaign.

Smart bikes Digital Since June 2011, Clear Channel has Clear Channel has recently launched offered a public bike service called Velo- the first digital networks in Belgium with Antwerpen. 85 Velo stations with 1000 3 main networks, each with a presence bikes are located every 400 meters in in Antwerp Central Station. Advertisers the city centre. The stations are situated have the choice between 12 upscale near busy bus or tram stations, public vertical 70” screens; 2 horizontal 4:1 buildings and important crossroads. In screens and 4 vertical 70” screens a second phase, the number of stations located in the high speed train zone. will be increased to 150, equipped with These screens can be bought locally or 1800 bikes by 2013. combined within a network.