The documents attached to the following agenda have a legal binding only if they have been confirmed by the Municipal Council.

Please check with the administration to find out if any modification and/or withdrawals of subjects have been made.

The documents are available in accessible formats upon request.

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The Corporation of The Nation Municipality Agenda

Meeting Number: 2020-07 Type: Regular Date: March 23, 2020 Time: 1:00 p.m. Location: Town hall, 958 Route 500 West, Casselman Chair: François St-Amour, Mayor Prepared by: Aimée Roy, Deputy Clerk


Due to the risks related to the spread of COVID-19 and in an effort to mitigate its propagation by way of social distancing, the members of the public will not be permitted at this council meeting.

To promote transparency, the council meeting will be recorded and published as soon as possible on YouTube in the days following the meeting. A link to the YouTube video will be added to our website under the Agendas and Minutes’ Section as well as published on our Facebook page

Questions? Call us at 613-764-5444 extension 235 or email [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

1. Call to order and Prayer 2. Changes and Additions to Agenda 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest 5. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings 5.1 Regular meeting dated March 9, 2020

6. Adoption of Recommendations of the Municipal Council Committees None

7. Receiving of Monthly Reports from the Appointed Municipal Officials

7.1 Cécile Maisonneuve, Treasurer

7.1.1 Report – Development Charges

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7.1.2 Report – Request for Quotes Mobile Services and Data Services

7.2 Josée Brizard, CAO-Clerk

7.2.1 Report AD-05-2020 Recommendation for the General Insurance and Risk Management Services

7.2.2 Municipality of Callandar Resolution to petition the provincial government to waive restrictions on electronic participation in Council meetings for the duration of the COVID- 19 pandemic

7.3 François St-Amour, Mayor Request the United Counties of Prescott and Russell to lift the half-load restrictions on certain county roads

8. Notice of Proposed Motions 8.1 Marie-Noëlle Lanthier, Councillor To support resolution from County of Haliburton Tourism Oriented Destination Signage Fee Increases

9. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings None

10. Delegations None

11. Applications for Prescott-Russell Land Division Committee None

12. Municipal By-laws 12.1 By-law 47-2020 Amendment to By-law 97-2015 – Council Procedures

13. Approval of the Variance Report and Accounts Payable 13.1 Accounts payable

14. Other Business 14.1 Donation Requests

14.1.1 Duck and Feather Festival

14.1.2 Curd Festival

14.1.3 Parents’ Council St-Isidore School

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14.1.4 UCFO St-Albert Confections of articles for CHEO

14.2 Casselman Super Pull Request – liquor licence

15. Various Monthly Reports 15.1 Eastern Health Unit Outbreak Advisory

15.2 City of Ottawa Land application of biosolids

16. Correspondence 16.1 Correspondence from the Ontario Government

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Small-Scale, On-Farm, Agri-Food Business Property Tax Rate Program

16.2 Correspondence from municipal partners

Eastern Ontario Health Unit Medical Officer of Health Expands COVID-19 Directives in Response to Ontario State of Emergency, Residents encouraged to “Stay Home, Stay Safe”

Prescott-Russell Chamber of Commerce General Annual Meeting Canceled Message regarding COVID-19

South Nation Conservation Ontario’s Flood Strategy & SNC’s Updated Conservation Authority Jurisdiction

16.3 Correspondence from Associations

AMO Newsletter – March 9th, 2020 Newsletter – March 12th, 2020 Newsletter – March 19th, 2020 Queen’s Park Update: New Provincial Legislation to Allow Virtual Municipal Council Meetings

AMCTO COVID-19 Preparation and Response

17. Coming Events None

18. Closed Session

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18.1 Receiving of minutes of the closed session of March 9th, 2020

18.2 Cécile Maisonneuve, Director of Human Resources Labour relations or employee negotiations:

18.2.1 Report H-1-2020 Employees affected by the municipal service interruptions due to COVID-19

18.2.2 Report H-2-2020 Employee benefits

19. Confirming By-law 20. Adjournment

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Corporation de la municipalité de La Nation Procès-verbal

Numéro de réunion : 2020-06 Type : Ordinaire Date : 9 mars 2020 Heure : 16h00 – Huis-clos 18h00 – Réunion ordinaire Endroit : Hôtel de ville, 958, route 500 ouest, Casselman Président : François St-Amour, Maire Préparé par : Aimée Roy, Greffière adjointe Présence des membres du Conseil : Maire François St-Amour Oui Conseillère quartier 1 Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Oui Conseiller quartier 2 Alain Mainville Oui Conseiller quartier 3 Danik Forgues Oui Conseiller quartier 4 Francis Brière Oui

Présence des membres du personnel municipal : Josée Brizard, DG-Greffière Cécile Maisonneuve, Trésorière Guylain Laflèche, Urbaniste Daniel R. Desforges, Gérant des infrastructures environnementales Daniel Desforges, Chef d’équipe secteur est Benjamin Bercier, Gestionnaire du développement économique et touristique Tobias Hovey, Chef Pompier Aimée Roy, Greffière adjointe

Présence des invités : Louis Prévost, Directeur – Comté unis de Prescott et Russell Sylvain Boudreault, Urbaniste - Comté unis de Prescott et Russell

1. Ouverture de l’assemblée et prière Résolution 124-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier

Qu’il soit résolu que la présente assemblée soit ouverte.



2. Modifications et additions à l’ordre du jour Aucune

3. Adoption de l’ordre du jour Résolution 125-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que l’ordre du jour soit accepté incluant les modifications apportées séance tenante, le cas échéant.


4. Déclaration de conflit d’intérêt Danik Forgues dit que le promoteur du 31 rue Bourque est un ami, mais qu’il n’a aucuns intérêts pécuniaires. Le commissaire à l’intégrité de La Nation, M. John Saywell, a été consulté à ce sujet et a déclaré qu’il n’y avait aucun conflit d’intérêts. Cela dit, M. Saywell a demandé au Conseiller Forgues de le déclarer publiquement.

5. Adoption des procès-verbaux des réunions précédentes 5.1 Réunion ordinaire du 24 février 2020

5.2 Réunion de zonage du 24 février 2020

Résolution 128-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que les procès-verbaux des assemblée suivantes soient adoptés tel que présentés : - Procès-verbal de la réunion ordinaire daté le 24 février 2020 - Procès-verbal de la réunion de zonage daté le 24 février 2020


6. Adoption des recommandations des comités du conseil municipal Aucune

7. Réception des rapports mensuels des membres de l’administration 7.1 Cécile Maisonneuve Limite de remboursement annuelle (LRA) pour l’année 2020

7.2 Daniel R. Desforges, Gérant des infrastructures environnementales Augmentation des tarifs de recyclage – Recycle Action – Document à suivre

Résolution 129-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier


Appuyée par Danik Forgues

Attendu que Recycle Action nous a avisé d’une augmentation du prix par tonne pour le déchargement de nos produits recyclable à son usine; et

Attendu que nous pouvons annuler notre contrat avec Recycle Action en donnant un avis de trois mois;

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve la recommandation telle que décrite dans le rapport EN-01-2020 afin d’accepter l’augmentation du taux de la tonne du recyclage.


7.3 Daniel Desforges, Chef d’équipe secteur est Rapport TP-10-2020 Remorque / Boite chauffante à asphalte

Résolution 130-2020 Proposé par Francis Brière Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve la recommandation telle que décrite dans le rapport TP-10-2020 pour l’achat d’une remorque / boite à asphalte.


7.4 Benjamin Bercier, Gestionnaire du développement économique et touristique

7.4.1 Rapport EC-03-2020 PAFO – Vidéos promotionnelles de La Nation

Résolution 131-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Danik Forgues

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil accepte le rapport EC-03-2020 portant sur les vidéos promotionnels.


7.4.2 Rapport EC-04-2020 Sommaire du rapport de Champs libre stratégies

Résolution 132-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil accepte le rapport final « Composantes stratégique en développement économique » produit par la firme Champ libre stratégies;


Qu’il soit aussi résolu que le Conseil appuie le plan de travail préparé par le Département du développement économique tel que décrit dans le rapport EC-04-2020.


7.5 Guylain Laflèche, Directeur de l’urbanisme

7.5.1 Rapport ZBL-7-2016 31, rue Bourque

7.5.2 Rapport ZBL-27-2019 2251, Chemin de comté 8

7.6 Aimée Roy, Greffière adjointe

7.6.1 Rapport AD-04-2020 Révision de la politique AD-2018-01 sur les dons municipaux

Résolution 133-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Danik Forgues

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve la révision de la politique AD- 2018-1 portant sur les dons municipaux, telle que présenté dans le rapport AD-04-2020.


7.6.2 Termes de référence Comité directeur du patrimoine & de la culture de la municipalité de La Nation

Résolution 134-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve les termes de référence du Comité directeur du patrimoine & de la culture de la municipalité de La Nation, tel que présenté le 9 mars 2020.


7.7 Leroux Consulting Rapport du Surintendant de drainage – février 2020

Résolution 135-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil accepte le rapport du Superintendant de drainage, Leroux Consulting, pour le mois de février 2020.



8. Avis de motions proposées Aucune

9. Affaires découlant des réunions précédentes Aucune

10. Délégations Aucune

11. Demandes au comité de division de terrains de Prescott-Russell Aucune

12. Règlements municipaux 12.1 Règlement 6-2020 Délégation de pouvoirs

Résolution 136-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Francis Brière

Qu’il soit résolu que le règlement n° 6-2020, étant un règlement visant à établir une politique portant sur la délégation de pouvoirs aux officiers de la municipalité de La Nation, soit lu et adopté en 1ère, 2ième et 3ième lecture.


12.2 Règlement 21-2020 Modification au règlement de zonage 31 rue Bourque

Résolution 137-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Danik Forgues

Qu’il soit résolu que le règlement 21-2020 étant un règlement modifiant le règlement de zonage 2-2006 de la municipalité de La Nation pour la propriété au 31 rue Bourque à Limoges soit lu et adopté en 1ère, 2ième et 3ème lecture.

Vote Enregistré Conseillère Marie-Noëlle Lanthier, Non Conseiller Alain Mainville, Oui Conseiller Danik Forgues, Oui Conseiller, Francis Brière, Non Maire François St-Amour, Oui


12.3 Règlement 24-2020 Modification au règlement de zonage 2251, Chemin de comté 8

Résolution 138-2020


Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le règlement 24-2020 étant un règlement modifiant le règlement de zonage 2-2006 de la municipalité de La Nation pour la propriété au 2251 chemin de comté #8, soit lu et adopté en 1ère, 2ième et 3ème lecture.


13. Approbation du rapport de variance et comptes fournisseurs 13.1 Comptes Payable

Résolution 139-2020 Proposé par Francis Brière Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve les comptes payables jusqu’au 15 mars 2020. Pièce justificative 05 : 611 763.16$


14. Autres 14.1 Demande de dons

14.1.1 Corps de cadets 2804 Casselman

Résolution 140-2020 Proposé par Francis Brière Appuyée par Danik Forgues

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don au Corps de cadets 2804 de Casselman de 700$, 500$ provenant des CUPR, 100$ du quartier 2, et 100$ du quartier 3


14.1.2 Club optimiste de Casselman

Résolution 141-2020 Proposé par Alain Mainville Appuyée par Danik Forgues

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don au Club Optimiste de Casselman de 250$, provenant du compte de don des CUPR

Adoptée 14.1.3 Chevaliers de Colomb conseil 9239 St-Albert

Résolution 142-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Francis Brière


Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don au Chevaliers de Colomb conseil 9239 St-Albert de 800$, 700$ provenant du quartier 3, et 100$ des CUPR


14.1.4 Fondation CURE Aucune action.

14.1.5 Fermières de Fournier

Résolution 143-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don au Fermières de Fournier de 300$, 200$ provenant du quartier 1, et 100$ du Maire


14.1.6 Groupe communautaire de St-Albert Coopérative Inc.

Résolution 144-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don au Groupe communautaire de St-Albert Coopérative Inc. de 2 500$, 2 200$ provenant du quartier 3, 100$ du Maire, et 200$ des CUPR


14.1.7 Conseil des parents – École élémentaire catholique Saint-Isidore Aucune action.

14.1.8 Riceville Agricultural Society

Résolution 145-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don au Riceville Agricultural Society de 2 000$, 500$ provenant des CUPR, et 1 500$ du quartier 1


14.1.9 Société historique St-Bernardin Aucune action.

14.1.10 Paroisse St-Bernard de Fournier


Résolution 146-2020 Proposé par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don à la Paroisse St-Bernard de Fournier de 700$, 500$ provenant du quartier 1, et 200$ du maire.


14.1.11 Groupes d’âge d’or, Annexe A de la politique AD-2018-01

Résolution 147-2020 Proposé par Alain Mainville Appuyée par Danik Forgues

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don aux groupes d’âge d’or, telle que décrite à l’annexe A de la politique AD- 2018-01 révisé le 9 mars 2020, de 500$ chaque provenant du compte de don des CUPR.

Club le Bonheur, Club le Réveil, Nation Area Seniors, Club Renaissance, Club André Deguire, Comité consultatif de St-Bernardin


14.1.12 Club optimistes, Annexe A de la politique AD-2018-01

Résolution 148-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Francis Brière

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve de remettre un don aux clubs d’optimiste, telle que décrite à l’annexe A de la politique AD-2018-01 révisé le 9 mars 2020, de 500$ chaque provenant du compte de don des CUPR.

Clubs optimistes de Limoges, St-Albert et St-Isidore


Francis Brière a quitté la chambre à 19h24 Francis Brière a retourné dans la chambre à 19h26

15. Rapports mensuels divers 15.1 Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario Avis de flambées

15.2 John Saywell, Commissaire à l’intégrité municipal Rapport annuel 2019 pour CUPR, Hawkesbury-Est, Hawkesbury, Alfred- Plantagenet, Casselman, La Nation, Russell, et Clarence-Rockland

16. Correspondance


16.1 Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario (AFMO) Écho municipale – infolettre

16.2 Association of Municipalities in Ontario (AMO) Watchfile – infolettre

16.3 County of Frontenac Office de protection de la nature

16.4 County of Haliburton Augmentation des frais pour la signalisation touristique

16.5 Ministère des Affaires municipales et du Logement Déclaration de principe provincial de 2020

16.6 Northumberland County Office de protection de la nature

16.7 Municipality South Huron Mise en application de la Sécurité dans les fermes familiales

16.8 Township of Madoc Office de la protection de la nature

16.9 Township of Madoc Office de la protection de la nature

16.10 Township of Tyendinaga Perturbations ferroviaires et le projet Coastal GasLink

Résolution 149-2020 Proposé par Francis Brière Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que la correspondance telle que décrite à l’ordre du jour du 9 mars 2020 soit reçue.


17. Événements à venir Aucune

18. Huis clos Ajournement

Résolution 126-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que la présente assemblée soit ajournée 16h03 pour une session à huis clos pour les motifs suivant;

Des relations de travail ou des négociations avec le personnel;


Une position, un projet, une ligne de conduite, une norme ou une instruction devant être observé par la municipalité ou le conseil local, ou pour son compte, dans le cadre d’une négociation actuelle ou éventuelle; Adoptée

Réouverture de l’assemblée

Résolution 127-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier

Qu’il soit résolu que la présente assemblée soit rouverte à 16h38


18.1 Réception des procès-verbaux des sessions à huis clos du 10 et 24 février 2020

18.2 Louis Prévost, Directeur – CUPR Sylvain Boudreault, Urbaniste – CUPR Négociation – terrain vacant Une position, un projet, une ligne de conduite, une norme ou une instruction devant être observé par la municipalité ou le conseil local, ou pour son compte, dans le cadre d’une négociation actuelle ou éventuelle;

18.3 Tobias Hovey, Chef Pompier Rapport FD-03-2020 – Politiques sur les honoraires FD-9-2018 Des relations de travail ou des négociations avec le personnel;

Résolution 150-2020 Proposé par Francis Brière Appuyée par Marie-Noëlle Lanthier

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil approuve le rapport FD-03-2020, présenter en huis clos le 9 mars 2020, afin d’adopter la politique sur les honoraires FD-9-2018


19. Règlement pour confirmer les procédures du Conseil Résolution 151-2020 Proposé par Danik Forgues Appuyée par Alain Mainville

Qu’il soit résolu que le règlement no 25-2020, pour confirmer les procédures du Conseil à sa réunion ordinaire du 9 mars 2020, soit lu et adopté en 1re, 2e et 3e lecture.


20. Ajournement Résolution 152-2020 Proposé par Alain Mainville Appuyée par Danik Forgues


Qu’il soit résolu que la présente assemblée soit ajournée à 19h36



The Corporation of The Nation Municipality Minutes

Meeting Number: 2020-06 Type: Regular Date: March 9, 2020 Time: 4:00 p.m. – Closed Session 6:00 p.m. – Regular Meeting Location: Town hall, 958 Route 500 West, Casselman Chair: François St-Amour, Mayor Prepared by: Aimée Roy, Deputy Clerk

Presence of Council Members Mayor François St-Amour Yes Councillor ward 1 Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Yes Councillor ward 2 Alain Mainville Yes Councillor ward 3 Danik Forgues Yes Councillor ward 4 Francis Brière Yes

Presence of Municipal Staff Josée Brizard, CAO-Clerk Cécile Maisonneuve, Treasurer Guylain Laflèche, Director of Planning Daniel R. Desforges, Environnemental Infrastructure Manager Daniel Desforges, Lead Man East Sector Benjamin Bercier, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism Tobias Hovey, Fire Chief Aimée Roy, Deputy Clerk

Presence of guests Louis Prévost, Director – United Counties of Prescott and Russell Sylvain Boudreault, Planner – United Counties of Prescott and Russell

1. Call to order and Prayer Resolution 124-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier


Be it resolved that the present meeting be opened.


2. Changes and Additions to Agenda None

3. Adoption of Agenda Resolution 125-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that the agenda be accepted, including the modifications made forthwith, as applicable.


4. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Danik Forgues stated that the promotor of the project for 31 Bourque is a friend, but he has no pecuniary interest. The Nation’s Integrity Commissioner, Mr. John Saywell, was consulted on this matter and declared there was no conflict of interest. That said, Mr. Saywell asked that Councillor Forgues state it publicly.

5. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings 5.1 Regular meeting dated February 24, 2020

5.2 Zoning meeting dated February 24, 2020

Resolution 128-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Danik Forgues

Be it resolved that the following minutes of meetings be adopted as presented: - Minutes of the regular meeting dated February 24, 2020. - Minutes of the zoning meeting dated February 24, 2020.


6. Adoption of Recommendations of the Municipal Council Committees None

7. Receiving of Monthly Reports from the Appointed Municipal Officials 7.1 Cécile Maisonneuve, Treausurer 2020 Annual Repayment Limit (ARL)

7.2 Daniel R. Desforges, Environnemental Infrastructure Manager Increase in recycling fees – Recycle Action – document to follow

Resolution 129-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Danik Forgues


Whereas Recycle Action has advised us of their increase of their rate per tonne for the unloading of our recycling products at their plant; and

Whereas we can cancel our contract with Recycle Action by giving them a three month notice;

Be it resolved that Council approves the recommendation, as described in the report EN-01-2020, to accept the increase in fee per tonne for recycling.


7.3 Daniel Desforges, Lead Man East Sector Report TP-10-2020 Asphalt hot box / reclaimer

Resolution 130-2020 Moved by Francis Brière Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council approves the recommendation as descried in the report TP-10-2020 for the purchase of a hot box / reclaimer.


7.4 Benjamin Bercier, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism

7.4.1 Report EC-03-2020 PAFO – Promotional videos project

Resolution 131-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Danik Forgues

Be it resolved that Council accepts the report EC-03-2020 concerning the promotional videos.


7.4.2 Report EC-04-2020 Report Summary of Champs libre strategies

Resolution 132-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council accepts the final report prepared by Champ libre strategies entitled “Composantes stratégique en développement économique”;

Be it also resolved that Council supports the work plan prepared by the Economic Development Department, as described in the report EC-04- 2020.



7.5 Guylain Laflèche, Planning Director

7.5.1 Report ZBL-7-2016 31 Bourque Street

7.5.2 Report ZBL-27-2019 2251 County Road 8

7.6 Aimée Roy, Deputy Clerk

7.6.1 Report AD-04-2020 Revision of the Municipal Donation Policy – AD-2018-01

Resolution 133-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Danik Forgues

Be it resolved that Council approves the revision of the policy AD-2018-1, concerning municipal donations, as presented in the report AD-04-2020.


7.6.2 Terms of Reference The Nation Municipality Heritage and Culture Steering Committee

Resolution 134-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council approves the terms of reference for The Nation Municipality Heritage & Culture Steering Committee, as presented on March 9th, 2020.


7.7 Leroux Consulting

Drainage Superintendent Report – February 2020

Resolution 135-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council accepts Leroux Consulting’s Drainage Superintendent Report for the month of February 2020.


8. Notice of Proposed Motions None


9. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings None

10. Delegations None

11. Applications for Prescott-Russell Land Division Committee None

12. Municipal By-laws 12.1 By-law 6-2020 Delegation of Authority

Resolution 136-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Francis Brière

Be it resolved that By-Law n° 6-2020, being a by-law to adopt a policy regarding delegation of authority to various officers of The Nation Municipality, be read and adopted in 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading.


12.2 By-law 21-2020 Zoning By-Law Amendment 31 Bourque Street

Resolution 137-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Danik Forgues

Be it resolved that By-law 21-2020 being a by-law to amend Zoning By- law 2-2006 of The Nation Municipality for the property bearing 31 Bourque Street in Limoges, be read and adopted in 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading. Recorded Vote: Councillor Marie-Noëlle Lanthier, No Councillor Alain Mainville, Yes Councillor Danik Forgues, Yes Councillor Francis Brière, No Mayor François St-Amour, Yes


12.3 By-Law 24-2020 Zoning By-Law Amendment 2251 County Road 8

Resolution 138-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Alain Mainville


Be it resolved that By-law 24-2020 being a by-law to amend Zoning By- law 2-2006 of The Nation Municipality for the property at 2251 County Road #8, be read and adopted in 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading.


13. Approval of the Variance Report and Accounts Payable 13.1 Accounts payable

Resolution 139-2020 Moved by Francis Brière Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council approves the accounts payable up to March 15, 2020

Voucher 05: $611,763.16


14. Other Business 14.1 Donation Request

14.1.1 Casselman Cadets 2804

Resolution 140-2020 Moved by Francis Brière Seconded by Danik Forgues

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to the Corps de cadets 2804 Casselman of $700, $500 to be taken from the UCPR, $100 from ward 2, and $100 from ward 3 donation account.


14.1.2 Casselman Optimist Club

Resolution 141-2020 Moved by Alain Mainville Seconded by Danik Forgues

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to the Casselman Optimist Club of $250, to be taken from the UCPR’s donation account.


14.1.3 Knights of Columbus, 9239 St-Albert

Resolution 142-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Francis Brière


Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to the Knights of Columbus 9239 St-Albert of $800, $700 to be taken from ward 3, and $100 from the UCPR’s donation account.


14.1.4 CURE Foundation No action taken. 14.1.5 Fermières de Fournier

Resolution 143-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to the Fermières de Fournier of $300, $200 from ward 1, and $100 from the mayor’s account.


14.1.6 Groupes Communautaire de St-Albert Coopératives Inc.

Resolution 144-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to the Groupe communautaire de St-Albert of $2,500, $200 from the UCPR, $100 from the Mayor, and $2,200 from ward donation account.


14.1.7 Parent’s Council – École élémentaire catholique Saint-Isidore No action taken.

14.1.8 Riceville Agricultural Society

Resolution 145-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to the Riceville Agricultural Society of $2,000, $1,500 from ward 1, and $500 from the UCPR’s donation account.


14.1.9 Société historique St-Bernardin No action taken.

14.1.10 St-Bernard Parish, Fournier

Resolution 146-2020 Moved by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier


Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to Fournier’s St- Bernard Parish of $700, $500 from ward 1, and $200 from the Mayor’s donation account.


14.1.11 Seniors’ Clubs, Annex A of Policy AD-2018-01

Resolution 148-2020 Moved by Alain Mainville Seconded by Danik Forgues

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to Senior’s Clubs as listed in Annexe A of policy AD-2018-01, as revised on March 9, 2020, of $500 each, to be taken from the UCPR’s donation account.

Club le Bonheur, Club le Reveil, Nation Area Seniors, Club Renaissance, Club André Deguire, Comité consultatif de St-Bernardin.


14.1.12 Optimist Clubs, Annex A of Policy AD-2018-01

Resolution 147-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Francis Brière

Be it resolved that Council approves giving a donation to Optimist Clubs as revised in Annex A of Policy AD-2018-01, as revised on March 9, 2020, of $500 each, to be taken from the UCPR’s donation account.

Optimist Club of Limoges, St-Albert and St-Isidore


Francis Brière left the chamber at 7:24 p.m. Francis Brière returned at 7:26 p.m.

15. Various Monthly Reports

15.1 Health Unit Outbreak Advisory

15.2 John Saywell, Municipal Integrity Commissioner Annual Report 2019 for UCPR, East-Hawkesbury, Hawkesbury, Alfred- Plantagenet, Casselman, The Nation, Russel and Clarence-Rockland

16. Correspondence 16.1 AFMO Municipal Echo Newsletter


16.2 AMO Watchlife Newsletter

16.3 County of Frontenac Conservation Authorities

16.4 County of Haliburton Tourism Oriented Destination Signage Fee Increase

16.5 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Provincial Policy Statement 2020

16.6 Northumberland County Conservation Authorities

16.7 Municipality South Huron Enforcement for Safety on Family Farms

16.8 Township of Madoc Conservation Authorities

16.9 Township of Puslinch Bill 132 – Aggregate Resources Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act

16.10 Township of Tyendinaga Rail disruptions and Costal GasLink Project

Resolution 149-2020 Moved by Francis Brière Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that the correspondence as listed on the March 9, 2020 agenda be received.


17. Coming Events None

18. Closed Sessions


Resolution 126-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that the present meeting be adjourned at 4:01 p.m. for a closed session for the following purposes:

A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board;


Labour relations or employee negotiations;


Reopening of the meeting

Resolution 127-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier

Be it resolved that the present meeting be re-opened at 4:38 p.m.


18.1 Receiving of minutes of closed sessions dated February 10 and 24 2020

Louis Prévost, Director – UCPR 18.2 Sylvain Boudreault, Planner – UCPR Negotiations – Vacant Land

A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board;

Tobias Hovey, Fire Chief 18.3 Report FD-03-2020 – Honorarium Policy FD-9-2018 Labour relations or employee negotiations;

Resolution 150-2020 Moved by Francis Brière Seconded by Marie-Noëlle Lanthier

Be it resolved that Council approves the report FD-03-2020, presented in closed session on March 9th, 2020, to adopt the Honorarium Policy FD-9- 2018.


19. Confirming By-law Resolution 151-2020 Moved by Danik Forgues Seconded by Alain Mainville

Be it resolved that By-law no. 25-2020 to confirm the proceedings of Council at its regular meeting of March 09, 2020 be read and adopted in 1st, 2nd and 3rd reading


20. Adjournment Resolution 152-2020 Moved by Alain Mainville Seconded by Danik Forgues


Be it resolved that the present meeting be adjourned at 7:36 p.m.


______François St-Amour, Mayor Josée Brizard, CAO-Clerk

March 20, 2020

The Nation Municipality 958 Route 500 West Casselman, ON K0A 1M0

RE: The Nation Municipality 2020 Development Charges Background Study Progress report for Municipal Council

We are pleased to provide this progress report to Council, as we work through the background research and prepare the Background Study and By-law for Development Charges in the Nation Municipality.

The current Development Charges By-law will expire on June 1, 2020. The current residential Development Charges in effect in the Nation Municipality range from $2,181.53 per unit for an Apartment or Multiple Attached Dwelling to $4,120.66 for a Single Detached Dwelling Unit. The Development Charge for Non-Residential was $1.05 per square foot until the end of 2018 and there has been no Development Charge for Non-Residential levied since the beginning of 2019.

Prior to the adoption of a new Development Charges By-law in 2020, the Municipality is required to complete a new Development Charges Background Study in order to identify services to which the Development Charges will relate for the next five years. ZanderPlan was awarded the contract on February 25th.

Changes were made to the Development Charges Act and to the Planning Act with the enactment of Ontario’s Bill 108 More Homes, More Choices Act in June of 2019. The Development Charges Act now clearly sets out a specific list of services for which development charges may be applied. When considering the Nation Municipality’s 2015 DC study, only Public Works and Fire Protection were initially deemed eligible as a result of Bill 108. However, in February 2020, the Ontario government proposed additional services that could be funded through development charges, including libraries and recreation services. While these proposed changes have not been enacted as of this date, in consultation with municipal staff this Background Study will assume that General Government, Library and Recreation services will be eligible categories within the new Development Charge Bylaw for the Nation Municipality.

Population growth in the Nation is projected to increase by 1.5% annually for the next ten years, attaining a total population of 15,476 residents by the end of 2029. Residential

P.O. Box 20148 Perth, Ontario K7H 3M6 ph. 613-264-9600 fax: 613-264-9609

Page 1

development is expected to average 74 new dwellings per year over the next ten years, for a total of 741 new dwellings. Commercial and industrial development is expected to be modest.

A capital program has been prepared in the Background Study for each of the Nation Municipality’s development charge service categories. Each program identifies the capital projects that will be required to service the Municipality as it grows over the next 10 years. The forecast was developed collaboratively with Municipal staff and details each growth-related project and its cost (the gross cost is adjusted as required by the Development Charges Act).

The Nation’s 2020 Development Charge must not include an increase that would result in the level of service exceeding the average level over the past ten year period. Per capita Average Service Levels have been determined for each of the service categories in this study, based on the assessed value of property/ buildings and the replacement cost for vehicles/ equipment:

General Government N/A Fire Department $528 per capita Public Works TBC Recreation $564 per capita Library $33 per capita

Most recently, Municipal staff and the Consultants have jointly prepared the list of eligible capital projects for 2020 to 2029. The ‘growth-related’ portion of each project has been determined and these range from 7.5% to 80%.

In summary, the proposed 2020-2029 Capital Projects with gross (unadjusted) cost by service category are as follows:

1. General Government: this service category includes corporate studies related to growth (Official Plan update and two DC studies). 2. Fire Department: three new dry hydrants, replacement of two existing vehicles, purchase of three new (additional) vehicles, new/ replacement equipment and replacement of the St Albert Fire Station (2029). Total gross cost of all projects is $3,054,021. 3. Public Works: includes growth related roads projects, continuation of Innovation and Fournier garages DC collection, and growth-related equipment. The total gross cost of all Public Works projects is $2,818,744.43 (note: missing two intersection upgrades) 4. Recreation: completion of the Recreation Master Plan, design and construction of the Limoges Recreation Complex (2020 and 2021), a new walkway and bike path, convert the Bowling Alley in St Isidore Arena, construct new Dog Park, replace the Zamboni, further development of Savage Park, replace the Recreation Department pick-up and

P.O. Box 20148 Perth, Ontario K7H 3M6 ph. 613-264-9600 fax: 613-264-9609

Page 2

relocate the outdoor rink at St Isidore Park. Total gross cost of all projects is $10,855,120. 5. Library: expand the collection of reading materials at the Limoges branch, new shelving/ work stations and the relocate of the Limoges branch (2027). Total gross cost of all projects is $506,000.

Here is the proposed schedule to complete the Development Charges Study:

March 31st Complete remaining sections of the Draft Report (calculation of DC’s, implementation)

April 2nd Post draft report for 60-day public review on Municipal website (as required by the Development Charges Act), hard copies to be provided by the Municipality

April 6th Consultants present draft report to Council for feedback; staff present list of 2020-2029 Capital Projects for approval by Council

May 4th Notice of the Public Meeting is posted on the Municipal website (20 days)

May 25th Public meeting presentation by Consultants (during regular Council meeting)

June 1st Municipal staff present the final report and Bylaw to Council for approval

June 2nd Implementation of new Development Charges

We are well aware of the Covid-19 situation that is happening, and appreciate that the proposed Council and Committee meetings may not happen as described above. The Consultants will continue to work with Municipal staff to achieve these targets as much as possible.

Respectfully submitted by:

Tracy Zander Clem Pelot Steve Arends ZanderPlan Inc. Clem Pelot Consulting Jp2g Consultants

P.O. Box 20148 Perth, Ontario K7H 3M6 ph. 613-264-9600 fax: 613-264-9609

Page 3


Contract de cellulaire

RAPPORT NO.: F-07-2020 DATE: 23 mars 2020


Nous avons reçu deux soumissions pour le service de cellulaire, une de Bell Mobilité et l’autre de Telus notre fournisseur présent.

We have received two quotation for the cellular services. One from Bell Mobility and from Telus our present provider.


Suite au soumissions reçu et selon l’analyse il est recommander d’annuler le contrat avec Telus et de faire un nouveau contrat avec Bell Mobilité pour un terme de 24 mois et peux être renouvelé au même taux pour un autre terme de 24 mois. Nous aurons une économie de 588.81$ pour un service plus complet..

Request :

After receiving and analysis of the RFQ , we recommend to cancel the contract with Telus and have a new contract with Bell for a term of 24 months and it may be extended for another 24 months. The saving will be $588.81 monthly.

Recommandation :

Que le contrat soit signé avec Bell Mobilité

We recommend to sign the contract with Bell Mobility

Cécile Maisonneuve Trésorière

Municipalité de La Nation


Rapport No. AD-05-2020 Date : 23 mars 2020


Le bureau de la Greffe a publié un appel d’offres le 31 janvier 2020 pour les services d’assurances générales et de gestions de risques pour la période du 31 mars 2020 au 31 mars 2021. L’échéancier était le 28 février 2020 à 12h00 (midi). L’appel d’offres a été publié sur notre site Web et MERX.

L’appel d’offres demandait :  Assurance responsabilité civile générale des entités publiques  Extension spéciale de la couverture  Erreurs et omissions des agents publics  SPF 6 - Automobile standard non-propriétaire  Suivez le formulaire Assurance responsabilité civile excédentaire  Automobile appartenant  Assurance responsabilité environnementale  Assurance contre le crime  Assurance habitation  Assurance panne de matériel (chaudière et machinerie)  Assurance accident des fonctionnaires municipaux  Assurance contre les maladies graves des fonctionnaires municipaux  Assurance médicale d'urgence hors province pour les fonctionnaires municipaux  Assurance accident des bénévoles


Nous avons reçu que deux soumissions. La directrice générale-greffière, la trésorière et la greffière adjointe ont examiné et évalué les deux soumissions. La soumission la plus basse reçue était de Frank Cowan Company (Halpenny Insurance Brokers Ltd) pour une prime de 311 868,00 $, TVH en sus. La différence de coût entre la soumission la plus élevée et la plus basse est de 56 507,00 $.

Points saillants sur Frank Cowan Company:  Un leader reconnu dans la prestation de programmes d’assurance spécialisés, y compris la gestion des risques et les services de réclamations aux municipalités;  Plus de 90 ans d’expérience en assurances municipales;  Travaille avec d’importants partenaires municipaux, tels que l’AMO, l’AMCTO, la FCM et ROMA.


Pour 2019, 343 028,00 $ ont été budgétés pour notre prime d'assurance, et 36 516,00 $ ont été payés, déductible inclus. Le budget de 2020 prévoyait 381 883,00 $ pour la prime d'assurance. Cela représente une économie de 70 015,00 $.


Le bureau de la Greffe recommande d'accepter la soumission de la Frank Cowan Company (Halpenny Insurance Brokers Ltd) pour une prime annuelle de 311 868,00 $, TVH en sus.

Josée Brizard DG-Greffière

The Nation Municipality


Report NO. AD-05-2020 Date: March 23rd, 2020


The Clerk’s Office issued a Request for Proposals on January 31st, 2020 for General Insurance and Risk Management Services for the term of March 31st, 2020 to March 31st, 2021. Bids were to be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon), local time, on February 28th, 2020. The RFP was published on our website and MERX.

The RFP requested coverage for:  Public Entity General Liability Insurance  Special Extension of Coverage  Public Officials’ Errors and Omissions  SPF 6 – Standard Non-Owned Automobile  Follow Form Excess Liability Insurance  Owned Automobile  Environmental Liability Insurance  Crime Insurance  Property Insurance  Equipment Breakdown (Boiler and Machinery) Insurance  Municipal Officials’ Accident Insurance  Municipal Officials’ Critical Illness Insurance  Municipal Officials Out-of-Province Emergency Medical Insurance  Volunteer Accident Insurance


Only two bids were received. The CAO-Clerk, Treasurer, and Deputy Clerk reviewed and evaluated the two submissions. The lowest bid received was from Frank Cowan Company (Halpenny Insurance Brokers Ltd) for a premium of $311,868.00 plus applicable HST. The cost difference between the highest and lowest bid is $56,507.00.

The highlights about the Frank Cowan Company:  A renown leader in providing specialized insurance programs, including risk management and claims services to municipalities;  More than 90 years of experience in municipal insurance;  Works with important municipal partners such as AMO, FCM, AMCTO & ROMA;


For 2019, $343,028.00 was budgeted for our insurance premium, and $36,516.00 was paid including deductible. The 2020 Budget earmarked $381,883.00 for the insurance premium. This represents a savings of $70,015.00.


The Clerk’s Office recommends accepting the bid of the Frank Cowan Company (Halpenny Insurance Brokers Ltd) for a yearly premium of $311,868.00 plus applicable HST.

Josée Brizard CAO-Clerk



Type: Ordinaire / Regular Date: 23 mars / March 23, 2020 Résolution No.: ______

Proposée par/Moved by: Marie-Noëlle Lanthier □ Alain Mainville □ Danik Forgues □ Francis Brière □ Appuyée par/Seconded by: Marie-Noëlle Lanthier □ Alain Mainville □ Danik Forgues □ Francis Brière □


Entendu que les commerces dans les régions Whereas businesses in the rural areas of the rurales dans les Comtés unis de Prescott et United Counties of Prescott and Russell are Russell sont défavorisé par les restrictions à disadvantaged by certain half-load restrictions demi-charges sur certains chemins des comtés; on county roads;

Et entendu qu’il est jugé opportun d’encourager And whereas it is deemed expedient to les commerces et le mouvement des biens dans encourage businesses and the movement of les régions rurales; goods within the rural areas;

Qu’il soit résolu que le Conseil de la municipalité Be it resolved that the Council of The Nation de La Nation demande aux Comtés unis de Municipality asks the United Counties of Prescott et Russell de lever les restrictions à Prescott and Russell to lift the half-load demi-charges sur les chemins de comtés restrictions on the following county roads: suivants : - Starting in Pendleton, County Road 19 - À partir de Pendleton, le chemin comté southbound towards County Road 8; 19 en direction sud ver le chemin de - Then, County Road 8 southbound comté 8; towards Highway 417; - Ensuite, le chemin de comté 8 en - At the Highway 417’s 79 Exit, County direction sud vers l’autoroute 417; Road 5 southbound until Rocky Hill - À partir de la sortie 70 de l’autoroute Road. 417, le chemin de comté 5 en direction sud jusqu’à le chemin Rocky Hill.

Recorded Vote/Vote Enregistré Yea Nay Cette résolution est: Marie-Noëlle Lanthier This resolution is: Alain Mainville Adoptée/Carried Danik Forgues Rejetée/Defeated: Francis Brière Modifiée/Amended: François St-Amour


Nom / Name: ______, ______a (ont) déclaré ses (leur) intérêts, laissé son (leur) siège(s) et quitté la salle du Conseil./Disclosed his (her, their) interest, vacated his (her, their) seat(s) and left Council chambers.

______Greffière Clerk


BY-LAW NO. 47-2020

BEING a By-Law to amend by-law No. 97-2015 to regulate the proceedings of Council and its local boards, the conduct of its members and the calling of meetings.

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 238(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended, every Council of a municipality shall adopt a procedure By-Law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings;

AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of The Nation Municipality deems it essential to provide regulations for the orderly administration of business of Council and a defined basis for matters of procedure;

AND WHEREAS in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Premier of Ontario has declared a state of emergency;

AND WHEREAS Bill 187 amended the Municipal Act 2001 by adding subsections 3.3 (a) that will allow a member of Council, local board or of a committee who is participating electronically in a meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any point in time; and (b) a member of council, of a local board or of a committee of either of them can participate electronically in a meeting that is closed to the public;

AND WHEREAS Bill 187 amended the Municipal Act 2001 by adding subsection 3.4 stating that a municipality or local board may hold a special meeting to amend an applicable procedure by-law for the purpose of subsection (3.3) during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in all or parts of the municipality under section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and despite subsection 3.1, a member participating electronically in such a special meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any time during the meeting.

THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of The Nation Municipality enacts as follows:

That By Law No 97-2015 be amended as follows by adding the following sections:

Under Section 4 Special Meetings:

4.6 The Municipality or local board may hold a special meeting to amend an applicable procedure by-law for the purpose of subsection 3.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001, during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in all or parts of the municipality under section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and despite subsection 3.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, a member participating electronically in such a special meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any time during the meeting.

Under Section 6 Meetings Open to the Public:

6.2 i. During any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in or part of the municipality under section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act:

(a) a member of Council, local board or of a committee who is participating electronically in a meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any point in time;

(b) a member of council, of a local board or of a committee of either of them can participate electronically in a meeting that is closed to the public;

6.8 At the meetings of Council only, the use of cameras, electric lighting equipment, flash bulbs, recording equipment, television cameras and any other device of a mechanical, electronic or similar nature used for transcribing of recording proceedings by auditory or visual means by members of the public, including accredited and other representatives of any new media whatsoever, may be permitted as long as it does not interfere with the proceedings and shall be subject to the approval and/or direction of the Mayor unless otherwise decided by the Council.


______Francois St. Amour, Mayor Josée Brizard, CAO-Clerk

2 3/19/2020 11:24am The Nation Municipality/Municipalite de La Nation Page 1 Page Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Caisse Populaire Nouvel-horizon Inc.-603910 For The Date Range From 03/11/2020 To 03/24/2020 For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared Cheques - Computer Generated, eCheque

Cheque # / eCheque ID Type Date Vendor Name Amount Status 10707 C 03/24/2020 7 A.L. BLAIR CONSTRUCTION LTD $224.78 O

10708 C 03/24/2020 135 Eastern Ontario Road Supervisors Association $300.00 O

10709 C 03/24/2020 182 GARRY SURCH MULTI-SERVICES $468.84 O

10710 C 03/24/2020 194 HOVEY TOBIAS $108.96 O

10711 C 03/24/2020 198 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC $6.29 O

10712 C 03/24/2020 198 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC $28.93 O

10713 C 03/24/2020 198 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC $7.64 O

10714 C 03/24/2020 198 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC $121.93 O

10715 C 03/24/2020 198 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC $118.75 O

10716 C 03/24/2020 198 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC $79.44 O

10717 C 03/24/2020 198 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC $5.09 O

10718 C 03/24/2020 227 LAFLECHE SALES AND SERVICE $155.69 O

10719 C 03/24/2020 231 LALONDE PAUL $320.00 O

10720 C 03/24/2020 239 LASCELLES ENGINEERING LTD $8,514.36 O

10721 C 03/24/2020 248 LEGAULT MARCEL $200.00 O

10722 C 03/24/2020 287 M.I.G STRUCTURAL STEEL $84.75 O

10723 C 03/24/2020 294 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION $66.00 O

10724 C 03/24/2020 367 RECEVEUR GENERAL DU $677.58 O

10725 C 03/24/2020 409 ST-ISIDORE VALU MART $24.04 O

10726 C 03/24/2020 502 RICEVILLE AGRICULTURE SOCIETY $2,000.00 O

10727 C 03/24/2020 506 PETTY CASH - ST ISIDORE ARENA $342.75 O

10728 C 03/24/2020 667 CLUB DU BONHEUR DE LIMOGES $500.00 O

10729 C 03/24/2020 780 SAUNDERS BOOK COMPANY $832.23 O


10731 C 03/24/2020 816 CLUB OPTIMISTE DE CASSELMAN $250.00 O

10732 C 03/24/2020 825 CLUB OPTIMISTE DE ST-ALBERT $500.00 O

10733 C 03/24/2020 920 CLUB DES FERMIERES DE FOURNIER $300.00 O

10734 C 03/24/2020 956 CLUB OPTIMISTE DE LIMOGES $500.00 O

10735 C 03/24/2020 1003 DATAFIX $1,779.75 O

10736 C 03/24/2020 1021 MAIZE SIDING & EAVESTROUGHING INC $435.05 O

10737 C 03/24/2020 1151 OTTAWA COMPRESSOR SERVICES $1,322.95 O

10738 C 03/24/2020 1163 CLUB LES BONS AMIS 50+ $500.00 O

10739 C 03/24/2020 1194 GROUPE MATERIAUX GODIN INC. $444.72 O

10740 C 03/24/2020 1335 CLUB RENAISSANCE ST ISIDORE $500.00 O

10741 C 03/24/2020 1440 NATION AREA SENIORS' CLUB $500.00 O 3/19/2020 11:24am The Nation Municipality/Municipalite de La Nation Page 2 Page Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Caisse Populaire Nouvel-horizon Inc.-603910 For The Date Range From 03/11/2020 To 03/24/2020 For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared Cheques - Computer Generated, eCheque

Cheque # / eCheque ID Type Date Vendor Name Amount Status 10742 C 03/24/2020 1597 FORGUES, DANIK $141.67 O

10743 C 03/24/2020 1608 FIRE MARSHAL'S PUBLIC FIRE SAFETY COUNCIL $100.00 O

10744 C 03/24/2020 1621 PAROISSE SAINT-BERNARD DE FOURNIER $700.00 O

10745 C 03/24/2020 1803 MAINVILLE, ALAIN $579.07 O

10746 C 03/24/2020 1878 GROUPE COMMUNAUTAIRE DE ST-ALBERT $2,500.00 O

10747 C 03/24/2020 1878 GROUPE COMMUNAUTAIRE DE ST-ALBERT $3,200.00 O

10748 C 03/24/2020 1972 BEAU'S ALL NATURAL BREWING $561.50 O

10749 C 03/24/2020 1973 BRASSERIE TUQUE DE BROUE BREWERY INC. $335.04 O

10750 C 03/24/2020 2040 CLUB OPTIMISTE ST-ISIDORE $500.00 O

10751 C 03/24/2020 2113 CORPS DE CADETS 2804 DE CASSELMAN $700.00 O

10752 C 03/24/2020 2199 PPE SOLUTIONS INC. $155.19 O

10753 C 03/24/2020 2245 BOULANGER INDUSTRIAL GROUP $88.73 O

10754 C 03/24/2020 2256 LA BRASSERIE ETIENNE BRÛLÉ $241.52 O

10755 C 03/24/2020 2449 MICHAEL PAQUET $5,650.00 O

10756 C 03/24/2020 2534 CAROLINE PRÉVOST $200.00 O

10757 C 03/24/2020 2546 GENEVIEVE ATWOOD $100.00 O

10758 C 03/24/2020 2602 STEPHANE GUERTIN / EFFET PAPILLON $4,520.00 O

10759 C 03/24/2020 2609 REGIMBAL PROMOTION LTD $169.50 O

10760 C 03/24/2020 2610 QUESNEL JEREMIE $50.00 O

10761 C 03/24/2020 2612 JOEY WHITE CUSTOM AIRBRUSH STUDIO $400.00 O

59710 E 03/24/2020 11 ABC DISPOSAL $588.51 O

59711 E 03/24/2020 13 ACKLANDS - GRAINGER INC $56.05 O

59712 E 03/24/2020 20 AIR LIQUIDE CANADA INC $174.32 O

59713 E 03/24/2020 30 AUTO PARTS EXTRA PIECES D'AUTO $1,616.25 O

59714 E 03/24/2020 35 BATTLESHIELD INDUSTRIES LTD $902.46 O

59715 E 03/24/2020 36 BDO DUNWOODY SRL/LLP $16,769.20 O

59716 E 03/24/2020 65 BRAZEAU SANITATION INC $259.90 O

59717 E 03/24/2020 71 BYTOWN LUMBER $927.23 O

59718 E 03/24/2020 75 CADUCEON ENTREPRISES INC $1,069.97 O

59719 E 03/24/2020 78 CAPITAL ELEVATOR LTD $353.69 O

59720 E 03/24/2020 80 MAXIBURO LTEE $1,019.71 O

59721 E 03/24/2020 86 CASSEL BREWERY COMPANY LTD $672.25 O

59722 E 03/24/2020 89 CASSELMAN CEMENT $491.55 O

59723 E 03/24/2020 91 CASSELMAN GAS BAR $163.58 O

59724 E 03/24/2020 101 LBEL INC $364.31 O 3/19/2020 11:24am The Nation Municipality/Municipalite de La Nation Page 3 Page Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Caisse Populaire Nouvel-horizon Inc.-603910 For The Date Range From 03/11/2020 To 03/24/2020 For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared Cheques - Computer Generated, eCheque

Cheque # / eCheque ID Type Date Vendor Name Amount Status 59725 E 03/24/2020 116 LA COOP UNIFRONTIERES $483.49 O

59726 E 03/24/2020 117 COOPERATIVE AGRICOLE D'EMBRUN $3,364.61 O

59727 E 03/24/2020 119 CRANE SUPPLY $149.85 O

59728 E 03/24/2020 145 ELECTROTEK INC $2,395.49 O

59729 E 03/24/2020 147 ENTREPRISE BOURDEAU $58.08 O

59730 E 03/24/2020 152 EVANS UTILITY AND MUNICIPAL $715.97 O

59731 E 03/24/2020 158 FERNAND DENIS INC $377.94 O

59732 E 03/24/2020 171 FUTURE OFFICE PRODUCTS $1,093.59 O

59733 E 03/24/2020 174 BERCIER ELECTRIC INC $218.20 O

59734 E 03/24/2020 176 GAETAN AUTO BODY $1,695.00 O

59735 E 03/24/2020 200 IMPRIMERIE SERGE PRINTING $465.24 O

59736 E 03/24/2020 202 J.B. MOBILE MECHANIC INC $8,297.34 O

59737 E 03/24/2020 204 J.R BRISSON EQUIP LTEE $16,676.29 O

59738 E 03/24/2020 225 GFL ENVIRONMENTAL INC $6,534.73 O

59739 E 03/24/2020 244 LE REFLET $273.46 O

59740 E 03/24/2020 255 LEROUX JEANNE $98.45 O

59741 E 03/24/2020 262 LES SERVICES EXP INC $5,435.30 O

59742 E 03/24/2020 264 LEVAC PROPANE INC $3,365.26 O

59743 E 03/24/2020 281 MCINTOSH PERRY CONSULTING ENG. $6,406.25 O

59744 E 03/24/2020 313 OMERS $57,505.06 O

59745 E 03/24/2020 323 PAPETERIE GERMAIN INC $270.71 O

59746 E 03/24/2020 351 PNEU LANDRIAULT TIRE $815.75 O

59747 E 03/24/2020 359 PUROLATOR COURRIER LTD $73.65 O

59748 E 03/24/2020 360 R.M. LEDUC ET CIE $277.93 O

59749 E 03/24/2020 364 RAPCO EQUIPMENT INC $338.89 O

59750 E 03/24/2020 431 THE COMPUTER MEDIA GROUP $1,211.52 O

59751 E 03/24/2020 449 UNIPRO ST-ISIDORE $53.54 O

59752 E 03/24/2020 450 UNITED COUNTIES OF PRESCOTT & $612.00 O

59753 E 03/24/2020 455 USTI CANADA INC $3.44 O

59754 E 03/24/2020 458 VIA RAIL CANADA INC $1,395.00 O

59755 E 03/24/2020 471 WATHIER WELDING PRODUCTS $707.18 O

59756 E 03/24/2020 476 XPLORNET COMMUNICATIONS INC $84.73 O

59757 E 03/24/2020 512 RECYCLE ACTION $3,335.76 O

59758 E 03/24/2020 514 GENDRON RICHARD $200.00 O

59759 E 03/24/2020 639 LE CLUB LE REVEIL DE FOURNIER $500.00 O 3/19/2020 11:24am The Nation Municipality/Municipalite de La Nation Page 4 Page Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Caisse Populaire Nouvel-horizon Inc.-603910 For The Date Range From 03/11/2020 To 03/24/2020 For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared Cheques - Computer Generated, eCheque

Cheque # / eCheque ID Type Date Vendor Name Amount Status 59760 E 03/24/2020 821 S & L WASTETECH INC $820.03 O

59761 E 03/24/2020 954 CDW CANADA INC. $313.10 O

59762 E 03/24/2020 999 ONTARIO LIBRARY SERVICE - NORTH $176.00 O

59763 E 03/24/2020 1063 MALBEUF TECH SOLUTIONS $3,944.49 O

59764 E 03/24/2020 1276 CAPITAL CONTROLS $9,643.65 O

59765 E 03/24/2020 1375 ALIMPLUS INC $2,192.68 O

59766 E 03/24/2020 1615 R.V ANDERSON ASSOCIATIES LIMITED $3,381.53 O

59767 E 03/24/2020 1760 CADE SERVICES INC. $5,981.61 O

59768 E 03/24/2020 1773 A.D.R. DISTRIBUTION $95.34 O

59769 E 03/24/2020 1842 SELECTCOM INC $2,258.70 O

59770 E 03/24/2020 1902 MATERIAUX PONT-MASSON RONA $128.40 O

59771 E 03/24/2020 2031 HACH SALES & SERVICE CANADA LP $4,788.73 O

59772 E 03/24/2020 2088 CASSELMAN TIRECRAFT $63.28 O

59773 E 03/24/2020 2261 MD AUTO CARE INC $607.80 O

59774 E 03/24/2020 2423 W.O. STINSON & SON LTD. $15,220.06 O

59775 E 03/24/2020 2547 BENJAMIN BERCIER $67.80 O

59776 E 03/24/2020 2600 JULIEN BENOIT $1,500.00 O

B2B2C E 03/24/2020 560 B2B2C $216.96 O

BELL CANADA E 03/24/2020 46 BELL CANADA $1,342.61 O


THE BEER STORE E 03/24/2020 42 THE BEER STORE $1,582.37 O


TOTAL VOUCHER: $327,351.95 Aimée Roy

From: "[email protected]" Sent: March 15, 2020 3:43 PM To: Josée Brizard; Aimée Roy Subject: New submission from Dons Municipaux

Nom de l’organisation : FESTIVAL DU CANARD ET DE LA PLUME Adresse postale CP 386, 4165 COUNTY RD 3 ST ISIDORE, ONTARIO K0C 2B0 Canada Map It Numéro de téléphone (613) 524-2231 Adresse courriel [email protected] Nom de la personne ressource : BRIGITTE SOULIGNY Numéro de tél. de la personne ressource : (613) 850-2235 Courriel de la personne ressource : [email protected] Votre demande est pour :

 Une activité / événement

Montant demandé : $2500 Si le montant est plus que l’année précédente, veuillez justifier : L'année nous avions demander pour $2500 et nous avons recu $2250 Il est arrivée dans les annéés passer que la Municipalité nous avait donner $2500 et pour raison x, Ca fait 2 ans que nous avons recu seulement $2250. Nous aimerions cette année si possible recevoir $2500. Nom de l’activité ou liste des activités : Festival du Canard et de la Plume - Vendredi : Spectacle de Philippe Bond et Alexandre Bisaillon ainsi que le groupe de musique The Optics -Samedi: Vendors Market/ activités pour les jeunes (gratuits) / spectacle bénéfice pour Cheo/ Exposition de vieux tracteurs..... Courses de Canard et le tout va ce cloturer avec un souper en haut de l'arena Description de l’activité ou liste des activités : - Vendredi : Spectacle de Philippe Bond et Alexandre Bisaillon ainsi que le groupe de musique The Optics -Samedi: Vendors Market/ activités pour les jeunes (gratuits) / spectacle bénéfice pour Cheo/ esposition de vieux tracteurs...... Courses de Canard et le tout va ce cloturer avec un souper en haut de l'arena

1 Date de début / fin de l’activité ou dates des activités : Le Festival débute vendredi le 12 juin 2020 et ce termine samedi soir le 13 juin 2020 Endroit(s) de l’activité / des activités : vendredi soir: en haut dans la salle de l'Arena de St Isidore samedi: dehors et a l'interieur de l'arena,,,,,, Est-ce que vous chargez un frais d’admission?

 Non

Décrire comment la contribution de La Nation sera-t-elle reconnue : Il y a aucun frais pour rentrer a notre festival. Nous chargons $45.00 pour l'achat d'unbillet pour aller voir le spectacle d'humour le vendredi soir. Votre don nous aidera a payer les frais qui engendre ce festival tel que; spectacle humour/ activité pour les enfants/ le souper etc...... Comme vous le savez, les profits seront séparé a part égale entre les associations: Pompier de St Isidore/ Chevalier de Colombs/ Club Optimiste de St Isidore ainsi que le festival.

J'ai déja soumis ma demande pour le Festival 2020 le 14 octobre 2019. On m'a demander de vous la re-soumettre pour que celle-ci sois présenté dans l'année 2020. En attachement, voici la lettre que je vous ai envoyer le 14 octobre 2019. Document

 demande-de-don-de-la-Nation-2020.docx

Le cas échéant, l’organisme consent à remettre un rapport au Conseil de La Nation :

 Oui

Date de la soumission de cette demande 03/15/2020


Aimée Roy

From: "[email protected]" Sent: March 10, 2020 5:28 PM To: Josée Brizard; Aimée Roy Subject: New submission from Dons Municipaux

Nom de l’organisation : Conseil de parents de l'École Élémentaire de St-Isidore Adresse postale 20 rue de l'École St-Isidore, Ontario K0C 2B0 Canada Map It Numéro de téléphone (613) 295-5646 Adresse courriel [email protected] Nom de la personne ressource : Lucie De Repentigny Numéro de tél. de la personne ressource : (613) 295-5646 Courriel de la personne ressource : [email protected] Votre demande est pour :

 Une activité / événement

Montant demandé : Maximum que vous pouvez donner Si le montant est plus que l’année précédente, veuillez justifier : Avec la grève de zèle qui se passe présentement dans les écoles, toutes les activités y compris les campagnes de financement sont mises en attente ou même annulé. C'est malheureux, car c'est les élèves qui en souffrent. Nom de l’activité ou liste des activités : BBQ annuel communautaire Description de l’activité ou liste des activités : BBQ communautaire, structures de jeux gonflables, marché des artisans/commerçants de la communauté Date de début / fin de l’activité ou dates des activités : Mercredi 17 juin 2020 de 16h30 à 20h00 Endroit(s) de l’activité / des activités :

1 Dans la cour de l'École St-Isidore, en cas de pluie le tout se fera à l'aréna de St-Isidore. Est-ce que vous chargez un frais d’admission?

 Non

Décrire comment la contribution de La Nation sera-t-elle reconnue : Comme à chaque année, la municipalité de la Nation fait parti de nos commanditaires principaux. L'annonce des commanditaires est faites tout au long de la soirée, ainsi que notre grand tableau au milieu de l'événement. Il y aura aussi beaucoup de photos et remerciements sur la page Facebook de notre belle école. Le cas échéant, l’organisme consent à remettre un rapport au Conseil de La Nation :

 Oui

Date de la soumission de cette demande 03/10/2020



Adresse postale: C .I'. 13D sf -Af)Y-'If.J J ani ..J(oA sco

Nurnero de telephone: &13- <18:; - ;Lq IS" Telecopieur ou courriel:

Nom de la personne ressource: LOuise Lc-{_;!OLl-JI

Numero de tel. de la person ne ressource: (p, 5- 9& 1- ;;,;qJ-;> Courriel:

SECTION B - SOMMAlRE DE LA DEMANDE Votre demande est pour: 0 Une activite I evenement; [klActivites pour l'annee:

A noter qu'un seul don sera remis par organisation par annee.

Montant demands: 35"0 < QC) $

Si le montant est plus que l'annee precedents, veuillez justifier:

Nom de l'activite ou Iiste des activites: ad~ 01£ yy\(:Je~i·~j POLiC COl) fed/cl" dar j;cJ-e.:" POLAr (J-1eD, . . _ Description de l'activite ou liste des activites: CQ.r.J-ediuf\ cA'0rJicJ€.-$ tyo4.rCHGX.)

Date de debut I fin de l'activlte ou dates des activites: dLt("'Q"li +cnde..

Endroit(s) de l'activite I des activites:

Est-ce que vous chargez un frais d'admission? DOui lIB"Non, le frais est $.

Decrire comment la contribution de La Nation sera-t-ells reconnue: t'n.ell) ho,),\ e- 1- (,e,{'A€. CCf'C·- lo'5 d-e. no';> r-i-i.A.\,,\ ;0'15 1- .e.'Ipcr:;,,'fl'or\ ci e.: n05 don,> c;. C HeO Si la somme remise ca I'organisme est plus de 500 $, it est requis d'envoyer un rapport decrivant comment les fonds ont ete utilises pour votre evenement ou vos ev~nements.

Le cas echeant, I'organisme consent a remettre un rapport au Conseil de La Nation:

OOui ID Non

/) W ~ /5 016."-5 .::)020 ~~,~ ~ t!Q'!" -.) l .'- . v .~ Signature du requerant Date

N'oubliez pas de soumettre votre ectivit« a [email protected] afin qu'eile puisse etre ajoutee a notre calendrier des evenemenis c.ommunautaire!


Current Outbreaks Please be advised that the following facilities are or were experiencing outbreaks. Date Format: Year-Month-Day DATE: 2020-03-18


Residence Prescott Hawkesbury Respiratory Unknown 2020-03-17 2020-03-17 Russell

Le Manoir Caledonia St-Isidore Enteric Unknown 2020-03-16 2020-03-16

Community Living Alexandria Enteric Unknown 2020-03-16 2020-03-16 Glengarry

Place Mont Roc Hawkesbury Respiratory Unknown 2020-03-06 2020-03-12 2020-03-12

Pension du Bonheur Alfred Respiratory Influenza A 2020-03-06 2020-03-13 2020-03-06

Heartwood Cornwall Enteric Novovirus 2020-03-02 2020-03-16 2020-03-02

Hartford Chartwell Morrisburg Enteric Unknown 2020-03-02 2020-03-02

Parisien Manor Cornwall Respiratory Unknown 2020-03-01 2020-03-16 2020-03-02

Heritage Heights Cornwall Enteric Novovirus 2020-02-24 2020-03-13 2020-02-24

Manoir Carillon Chute-à- Respiratory RSV 2020-02-20 2020-02-28 2020-02-28 Blondeau

Garden Villa Retirement Chesterville Respiratory Coronavirus (Not COVID-19) & 2020-02-12 2020-02-26 2020-02-26 Residence Parainfluenza

Local Influenza Activity No influenza cases and outbreaks have been reported in our region. For provincial influenza activity, click here. For national influenza activity, click here. Click here to return to the previous page. Click here to return to the home page.

If you require this information in an alternate format, or to obtain a copy of our Accessible Client Services policy, call 1 800 267-7120 and press 0, or email [email protected]

 Flambées en cours Prenez note qu'une flambée est en cours dans les établissements suivants. Format de la date : année-mois-jour DATE: 2020-03-18


Residence Prescott Hawkesbury Respiratoire Inconnu 2020-03-17 2020-03-17 Russell

Le Manoir Caledonia St-Isidore Entériques Inconnu 2020-03-16 2020-03-16

Community Living Alexandria Entériques Inconnu 2020-03-16 2020-03-16 Glengarry

Place Mont Roc Hawkesbury Respiratoire Inconnu 2020-03-06 2020-03-12 2020-03-12

Pension du Bonheur Alfred Respiratoire Influenza A 2020-03-06 2020-03-13 2020-03-06

Heartwood Cornwall Entériques Novovirus 2020-03-02 2020-03-16 2020-03-02

Hartford Chartwell Morrisburg Entériques Inconnu 2020-03-02 2020-03-02

Parisien Manor Cornwall Respiratoire Inconnu 2020-03-01 2020-03-16 2020-03-02

Heritage Heights Cornwall Entériques Novovirus 2020-02-24 2020-03-13 2020-02-24

Manoir Carillon Chute-à- Respiratoire RSV 2020-02-20 2020-02-28 2020-02-28 Blondeau

Garden Villa Retirement Chesterville Respiratoire Coronavirus (Not COVID-19) 2020-02-12 2020-02-26 2020-02-26 Residence & Parainfluenza

Activité grippale dans la région Aucun cas d’influenza et flambées est signalé dans la région. Cliquer ici pour connaître l'activité grippale dans la province Cliquer ici pour connaître l'activité grippale au pays. Cliquez ici pour retourner à la page précédente. Cliquez ici pour retourner à la page d’accueil.

Si les renseignements sont requis dans un autre format, ou pour obtenir une copie de notre politique sur l’accessibilité à nos services, appelez au 1 800 267-7120 et faites le 0, ou envoyez un courriel à [email protected]


13 March 2020


Dear Sir or Madam:

We wish to notify you that we plan to land-apply municipal biosolids on agricultural land located on Lots 13 & 14 Concession VIII Caledonia (see attached map). Biosolids are a fertilizer and soil- building material produced from treated wastewater at the City of Ottawa's Robert O. Pickard Environmental Centre.

Biosolids contain organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which are essential for crop production. Biosolids also contain micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc, which are also essential for plant growth.

Many steps are taken to ensure that land application of biosolids is both safe and beneficial. The Government of Ontario has regulations governing the treatment and application of biosolids - including the Nutrient Management Act. Further to these requirements, the City has implemented enhanced guidelines that incorporate additional safeguards recommended by Ottawa's Medical Officer of Health.

Like other organic fertilizers, including manure, biosolids land application may result in odour during spreading. To minimise the impact of odours on nearby residents, biosolids are incorporated into the soil within 2 hours of spreading. Please visit and search biosolids to find additional information on the program.

Third High Farms has been contracted by the City of Ottawa to manage the land application of biosolids, which includes hauling, spreading and incorporating the biosolids on agricultural land.

Land application activities (delivery, spreading) will take place this spring. Depending upon weather conditions, we expect to start this site no earlier than 1 April 2020 and we anticipate that it will take no more than 3 days to complete.

If your property abuts the land application site you may request a free well sample. Samples will be taken both before and after land application (within four weeks prior to application, and between 10 and 12 weeks following land application).

To request well water sampling or for more information about the City's biosolids beneficial use program, please contact:

Erik Apedaile Office: 613-260-2411 Toll Free: 1-877-360-3830 [email protected]

For more information about the City's biosolids beneficial use program, please contact:

Adriana Hulse Biosolids Program Coordinator 613-580-2424 ext: 23364 [email protected]

Cc: Mme. Josée Brizard, Clerk, Municipality of The Nation

Ref: 1590


le 13 mars 2020


Madame, Monsieur,

Nous tenons à vous aviser que nous avons l’intention d’épandre des biosolides municipaux sur les terres agricoles situées sur les lots 13 et 14 de la concession 8 Caledonia (voir la carte ci- jointe). Les biosolides, qui sont utilisés pour la fertilisation et l’amendement du sol, sont produits à partir d’eaux usées traitées au Centre Environnemental Robert-O.-Pickard de la Ville d’Ottawa.

Les biosolides contiennent des matières organiques et des éléments nutritifs comme l’azote et le phosphore, qui sont essentiels à la production agricole. Les biosolides contiennent également des oligoéléments comme le calcium, le magnésium, le cuivre et le zinc, qui sont aussi essentiels à la croissance des plantes.

De nombreuses mesures sont prises pour que l’épandage des biosolides soit à la fois bénéfique et sans risque. Le gouvernement de l’Ontario régit le traitement et l’épandage de biosolides, notamment grâce à la Loi de 2002 sur la gestion des éléments nutritifs. Outre cette réglementation, la Ville d’Ottawa a approuvé des lignes directrices encore plus rigoureuses, qui intègrent des mesures de sécurité supplémentaires recommandées par le médecin chef en santé publique de la Ville d’Ottawa.

Comme d’autres engrais organiques, dont le fumier, les biosolides peuvent dégager des odeurs lors de l’épandage. Pour minimiser l'impact des odoeurs pour les résidents du voisinage, les biosolides sont incorporés dans le sol dans les deux heures suivant l’épandage. Rendez-vous à et tapez « biosolides » dans l’outil de recherche pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur le programme.

La Ville a retenu les services de la société Third High Farms pour gérer le programme d’épandage de biosolides, qui comprend le transport, l’épandage et l’incorporation des biosolides dans les terres agricoles.

Les activités d’épandage (livraison, épandage) se dérouleront ce printemps. Nous comptons commencer les travaux sur ce site au plus tôt le 1 avril 2020, si le temps le permet. Ils ne devraient pas prendre plus de 3 jours.

Si votre terrain est adjacent au site, vous pouvez demander un échantillonnage gratuit de l’eau de votre puits. Le cas échéant, des échantillons seront prélevés avant et après l’épandage (soit dans les 4 semaines précédant les travaux et de 10 à 12 semaines après).

Pour demander l’échantillonnage de l’eau de votre puits ou pour en savoir plus sur le programme d’épandage de biosolides de la Ville d’Ottawa, veuillez communiquer avec :

Erik Apedaile Bureau : 613-260-2411 Sans frais : 877-360-3830 [email protected]

Pour en savoir plus sur le programme d’épandage de biosolides de la Ville d’Ottawa, veuillez communiquer avec :

Adriana Hulse Coordonnatrice du Programme des Biosolides 613-580-2424 ext: 23364 [email protected]

Cc: Mme. Josée Brizard, Greffière, Municipalité de La Nation Ref: 1590

Powered by TCPDF ( SITE : 1590 Notification Map

× Residence Road Surface Water Spreadable Area Setback Area (No Spreading) COUNTY RD 22

1:4,000 DATE: 21 February 2020 §

1411 ×

City of Ottawa Biosolids Land Application Program

CONC 9 DRAWING NUMBER 1420 × 1590-0220-01

0 25 50 100 Meters 1543 Botsford Street Basemap Imagery Courtesy of LIO 2019 Ottawa Ontario K1G 0P8 Resident Notification Biosolids Land Application Program

Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario Le 17 mars 2020 POUR PUBLICATION IMMÉDIATE

Le Médecin hygiéniste augmente les directives concernant le COVID-19 en réponse à la situation d’urgence décrétée en Ontario Les résidents sont incités à « rester en sécurité à la maison »

Mardi, le 17 mars, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a déclaré une situation d’urgence provinciale en vertu de l’article 7.0.1 (1) de la Loi sur la protection civile et la gestion des situations d'urgence, afin de limiter et ralentir la propagation du COVID-19 en Ontario. En vertu de cette déclaration et des décrets qui y sont associés, les établissements suivants dans la région du BSEO, ainsi que dans le reste de la province, sont dès maintenant tenus par la loi de fermer immédiatement :  Tous les établissements qui offrent des programmes récréatifs en salle  Tous les gymnases  Toutes les bibliothèques publiques  Toutes les écoles privées  Toutes les garderies agréées  Tous les théâtres, y compris ceux qui proposent des spectacles de musique, de danse et d'autres formes artistiques, ainsi que les cinémas qui diffusent des films  Toutes les salles de concert  Tous les bars et boîtes de nuit  Tous les restaurants avec service à la table. Les entreprises qui offrent des aliments à emporter et la possibilité de livraison sont encouragées à continuer de fournir leurs services au public, puisque ces options aident à limiter les interactions sociales parmi les gens.  Il est aussi interdit d'organiser tout événement public de plus de cinquante personnes, y compris des défilés, des manifestations, et des services collectifs aux lieux de culte.  À noter : Le décret ne s’applique pas au transport en commun, aux centres commerciaux, aux épiceries ni aux pharmacies pour l’instant.

De plus, j’ai émis les directives suivantes :  Les Églises et les lieux de culte devraient fermer.  Restez et travaillez à la maison autant que possible et évitez les sorties non essentielles.  Les adultes âgés de plus de 70 ans ne devraient quitter leur foyer que si c’est absolument nécessaire.  Évitez tous les voyages internationaux non essentiels. Les résidents qui ont voyagé à l’extérieur du Canada doivent aussi s’auto-isoler pendant 14 jours dès leur retour.

Ces décrets resteront en vigueur jusqu'au 31 mars 2020, date à laquelle ils seront réévalués et leur prolongation sera envisagée, à moins qu'il n'y ait été mis fin d'ici là. Les résidents doivent prendre avis qu’une expansion de ces directives peut être nécessaire selon les circonstances. « Nous incitons tout le monde à rester à la maison, en toute sécurité si c’est possible », dit Dr Roumeliotis. Il ajoute que les mesures ci-dessus aideront à protéger tous les résidents, incluant ceux qui sont les plus vulnérables. Elles aideront d’ailleurs à assurer que les professionnels de la santé puissent concentrer leurs efforts sur ceux et celles qui en ont le plus besoin. Le BSEO continue de collaborer avec ses partenaires des paliers régional, provincial et fédéral à la surveillance et à la prise en charge de cette situation en pleine évolution. De plus amples renseignements et mises à jour sur le COVID-19 sont disponibles sur les sites ci- dessous :  - Renseignements généraux et mises à jour locales  - Renseignements généraux et mises à jour du ministère de la Santé de l’Ontario. Les mises à jour sur l’état des cas en Ontario sont présentées chaque jour à 10h30 et à 17h30.  - Renseignements généraux et mises à jour nationales  Suivez le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario sur Twitter ou Facebook pour y lire les mises à jour locales.


Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant ce communiqué de presse, contactez Sandra Labelle au 613-933-1375, poste 1218.

Eastern Ontario Health Unit March 17, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Medical Officer of Health Expands COVID-19 Directives in Response to Ontario State of Emergency Residents encouraged to “Stay Home, Stay Safe”

On Tuesday, March 17th, the Government of Ontario declared a provincial state of emergency, under 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, in order to limit and slow the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario. As a result of this declaration and its associated orders, the following establishments in the EOHU region, as well as the rest of the province, are legally required to close immediately:  All facilities providing indoor recreational programs  All gyms  All public libraries  All private schools  All licensed childcare centres  All theatres including those offering live performances of music, dance, and other art forms, as well as cinemas that show movies  All concert venues  All bars and nightclubs  All dine-in restaurants. Businesses that provide food takeout and delivery options are encouraged to continue providing their services to the public, as these options will help limit social interactions between people.  All organized public events of over fifty people are also prohibited, including parades and events and communal services within places of worship.  Note: The order does not yet apply to public transit, shopping malls, grocery stores or pharmacies.

In addition, Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health, has issued the following directives:  Churches and places of worship should close.  Stay/work at home as much as possible and avoid non-essential outings.  Adults over the age of 70 should not leave their home unless absolutely necessary.  Avoid non-essential international travel. Residents who have travelled outside of Canada, including to the United States, must self-isolate for 14 days upon their return.

These orders will remain in place until March 31, 2020, at which point they will be reassessed and considered for extension, unless they are terminated earlier. Residents should be advised that there is a possibility that the orders may expand, depending on circumstances. “We’re encouraging everyone to stay home, and stay safe, wherever possible,” says Dr. Roumeliotis. He adds that the above measures will help protect all residents, including those who are most vulnerable. They will also help ensure that healthcare professionals can focus their efforts on those who need it most. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit is continuing to work with partners at the regional, provincial and federal levels to monitor and respond to this evolving situation. More information and updates on COVID-19 can be found at the sites below:  - General information and local updates  - General information and updates from Ontario’s Ministry of Health. Updates on the status of Ontario cases are made daily at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.  - General information and national updates  Follow the Eastern Ontario Health Unit on Twitter or Facebook for local updates.

-30- For more information about this press release, please contact Sandra Labelle at 613-933-1375, ext. 1218.

From: Marcel Blanchard [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: March 18, 2020 9:06 AM To: [email protected] Subject: ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DE PRESCOTT-RUSSELL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUEL GENERAL MEETING

En raison de la situation actuelle en lien avec le coronavirus (COVID-19), je désire vous informer que l’Assemblée générale annuelle de la chambre de commerce de Prescott-Russell, annoncée pour le 8 avril 2020, est remise jusqu’à nouvel ordre.

Due to the existing situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19), I wish to inform you that the Annual General Meeting of the Prescott-Russell Chamber of Commerce, scheduled for April 8th 2020, is postponed until further notice.

Votre présidente,

Julie Brisson

From: Marcel Blanchard To: [email protected] Subject: MESSAGE DE VOTRE CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET SOUTIENS AUX ENTREPRISES - COVID-19 Date: March 19, 2020 4:06:14 PM


L'évolution rapide des circonstances entourant COVID-19 a un impact mondial sans précédent. La CCPRCC avec l’aide de nos partenaires de différents paliers gouvernementaux, surveillons de près la situation et travaillons avec diligence pour

éviter toute interruption du service. Par mesure de précaution et pour aider à minimiser le risque d'exposition à COVID-19 nous avons annulé toutes les réunions en face à face non essentielle et rassemblement qui étaient prévus d’ici la fin du mois d’avril 2020. La prochaine rencontre du conseil d’administration et/ou toute réunion d’urgence nécessaire se feront par vidéoconférence, et ce, jusqu’à nouvel ordre.

Durant cette crise et au cours des mois qui suivront, nous sommes conscients que les entreprises de notre région seront mises à l’épreuve et certains vivront des moments plus difficiles.

Il est important que vous sachiez que vous n’êtes jamais seule et que plusieurs ressources existent pour vous. Le gouvernement du Canada a aussi annoncé la mise en place d’un plan d’urgence qui inclut plusieurs nouvelles ressources et programme d’assouplissement du fardeau fiscal.

Nous partageons aujourd’hui avec vous plusieurs liens utiles que vous pouvez consulter au besoin. Sachez que nous suivons de près l’évolution de COVID-19 et de l’impact qu’elle pourrait avoir sur l’économie de la région.

Nous continuerons de vous tenir au courant des différentes initiatives et ressources disponibles.

Votre présidente, Julie Brisson

Voici les liens :

Gouvernement du Canada: Maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) : Ressources pour les entreprises canadiennes : campagne/ressources-entreprises-COVID-19-business-resources.aspx?lang=fra response-plan-support-for-canadians-and-businesses.html

BDC - Soutien pour les entrepreneurs touchés par le coronavirus COVID-19:

EDC - Coronavirus et chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales : approvisionnement-mondiales.html

Assurance emploi : Maladie à coronavirus (COVID-19) – Emploi et Développement social Canada : social/ministere/avis/coronavirus.html

Ministère de la Santé (Ontario) - Le nouveau coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) :

Chambre de commerce du Canada - Préparation à une pandémie :

Organisation mondiale de la santé -


To: Mayor François St. Amour, Council, CAO Josée Brizard From: John Mesman, Team Lead, Communications and Outreach Date: March 13, 2020 RE: Ontario’s Flood Strategy & SNC’s Updated Conservation Authority Jurisdiction

South Nation Conservation Authority Jurisdiction in Clarence-Rockland:

SNC’s environmental programs and services are now available to the City of Clarence- Rockland and its residents along the .

The expansion was unanimously approved by SNC’s Board of Directors at a meeting held on February 20th at the request of the City’s Municipal Council, who voted in support of joining the Conservation Authority’s jurisdiction on February 3rd.

Formal notice of expansion was provided on March 6thto theHon. John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, and the Hon. Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

The enlargement expands upon Clarence-Rockland’s existing 197 square-kilometers within the SNC jurisdiction to include the community of Rockland and the Ottawa River.

SNC’s watershed jurisdiction comprising of 16 member municipalities in Eastern Ontario is now 4,446 total square-kilometers. See attached press release for more information.

Update to Ontario’s Flood Strategy:

Ontario’s Special Adviser on Flooding, Mr. Doug McNeil, met with local agencies at Ottawa City Hall on September 5, 2019. Mr. McNeil was tasked with reviewing Ontario’s current flood mitigation strategies and to advise the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on opportunities to improve the Province’s resilience to flooding.

On March 9, 2020, John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, released Ontario’s Flooding Strategy clearing indicating Conservation Authorities will have a continued role to play in the shared responsibility on strengthening the approach to flooding.

"We're listening to people from across the province who have been affected by flooding, and that is why we're taking a whole-of-government approach and calling on the federal government, our municipal partners, conservation authorities, industry and Indigenous communities to work with us to implement the actions contained in this strategy."

38 rue Victoria Street, Finch, ON K0C 1K0 Tel: 613-984-2948 Fax: 613-984-2872 Toll Free: 1-877-984-2948

The Strategy focuses on five priority areas:

• Understanding Flood Risk through updated floodplain mapping and increasing access to flood-related information.

• Strengthening Governance through provincial policy to ensure local development is directed away from areas where flooding and erosion present unacceptable risks.

• Enhancing Flood Preparedness using state-of-the art science and technology.

• Enhancing Response and Recovery by improving how we receive and respond to municipal requests for assistance.

• Investing in Flood Risk Reduction by working with the federal government to increase investment in critical areas like mapping and infrastructure.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you want more information.


______John Mesman, Team Lead, Communications and Outreach South Nation Conservation


Destinataires : Maire François St. Amour, Conseil, DG Josée Brizard De : John Mesman, chef d'équipe, Communications et sensibilisation Date : Le 13 mars 2020 Objet : Stratégie ontarienne de lutte contre les inondations et élargissement de la compétence de la CNS

Compétence de la Conservation de la Nation Sud à Clarence-Rockland :

Les programmes et services environnementaux de la CNS sont maintenant fournis à la Cité de Clarence-Rockland et ses résidents le long de la rivière des Outaouais.

L'expansion a été approuvée à l'unanimité par le conseil d'administration de la CNS lors d'une réunion tenue le 20 février à la demande du conseil municipal de la Cité, qui a voté en faveur de l'adhésion au territoire de compétence de l'Office de protection de la nature le 3 février.

Un avis officiel d'expansion a été remis le 6 mars à l'honorable John Yakabuski, ministre des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts, et à l'honorable Jeff Yurek, ministre de l'Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs.

Cette expansion vient s'ajouter aux 197 kilomètres carrés de Clarence-Rockland, actuellement sous la compétence de la CNS, pour inclure la collectivité de Rockland et la rivière des Outaouais.

Le bassin versant de la CNS, qui comprend 16 municipalités membres dans l'Est de l`Ontario, couvre maintenant 4 446 kilomètres carrés. Voir le communiqué de presse ci-joint pour plus d'informations.

Mise à jour de la Stratégie ontarienne de lutte contre les inondations :

Le conseiller spécial de l'Ontario sur les inondations, M. Doug McNeil, a rencontré les agences locales à l'hôtel de ville d'Ottawa le 5 septembre 2019. M. McNeil a été chargé d'examiner les stratégies actuelles d'atténuation des inondations de l'Ontario et de conseiller le ministre des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts (MNRF) sur les possibilités d'améliorer la résilience de la province aux inondations.

Le 9 mars 2020, John Yakabuski, ministre des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts, a rendu public le document sur la Stratégie ontarienne de lutte contre les inondations, indiquant clairement que les offices de protection de la nature auront un rôle continu à jouer dans la responsabilité partagée du renforcement des mesures à l'égard des inondations.

« Nous sommes à l'écoute des personnes de toute la province qui ont été touchées par les inondations, et c'est pourquoi nous adoptons une approche pangouvernementale et demandons au gouvernement fédéral, à nos partenaires municipaux, aux offices de protection de la nature, à l'industrie et aux communautés autochtones de travailler avec nous pour mettre en œuvre les mesures contenues dans cette stratégie. »

La stratégie se concentre sur cinq domaines prioritaires :

• Cerner les risques d'inondation grâce à une cartographie actualisée des plaines inondables et à un meilleur accès aux informations relatives aux inondations. • Renforcer la gouvernance grâce à une politique provinciale visant à garantir que le développement local soit orienté à l'écart des zones où les inondations et l'érosion présentent des risques inacceptables. • Améliorer la préparation aux inondations en utilisant les sciences et les technologies de pointe. • Améliorer les capacités d'intervention et de rétablissement en améliorant la façon dont nous recevons et répondons aux demandes d'aide des municipalités. • Investir dans la réduction des risques d'inondation en travaillant avec le gouvernement fédéral pour augmenter les investissements dans des domaines critiques comme la cartographie et les infrastructures.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez plus d'informations.

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer,

______John Mesman, Chef d'équipe, Communications et sensibilisation Conservation de la Nation Sud

Aimée Roy

From: AMO Communications Sent: March 5, 2020 10:00 AM To: Aimée Roy Subject: AMO WatchFile - March 5, 2020

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March 5, 2020 In This Issue - Call for submissions now open: The P.J. Marshall Municipal Innovation Award. - Main Street Revitalization Initiative coming to an end. - Register today for the Waste Diversion Batteries Webinar – March 11th. - COVID-19 Update. - Ministry of Transportation Discussion: Off-Road Vehicles and Municipal Roads. - Spring Time in Paris - Room booking now open for OSUM 2020 Conference. - 164 days remaining until the AMO 2020 Conference! - Showcase at the AMO Annual Conference - August 2020. - Only 1 session left in AMO’s popular social media webinar series. - Municipal cybersecurity best practices development. - Tires Webinar: Municipal Group Buying Program. - Facilities maintenance equipment webinar: Municipal Group Buying Program. - Careers with AMO and Norfolk County.

AMO Matters The P.J. Marshall Municipal Innovation Award showcases projects implemented by Ontario municipalities that point to tangible outcomes from new, more cost effective ways of providing public services and facilities.

All Main Street projects must have all eligible costs spent by March 31, 2020. Once spent, complete and submit the final report by May 15, 2020. Communication activities should also be considered. Contact Adam Garcia with questions.

To learn more about the new batteries regulation, register for AMO’s webinar on March 11th from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Provincial Matters As the scope of the COVID- 19 outbreak continues to increase internationally, the risk in Ontario remains low. Ontario continues to work to make sure the province’s

1 readiness to contain and respond to a range of outbreak scenarios. For the most up- to-date and accurate information about coronavirus, this Government of Ontario site is the place to find it.

The Ministry of Transportation is hosting a virtual discussion with municipal governments regarding proposals on municipal authority to permit off-road vehicles on municipal roads. The meeting will be held 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m, Tuesday, March 10th. Please confirm attendance by email: [email protected] or by phone at 437.777.7850. Meeting details: Click here to join the Zoom Meeting, or, to dial in: 647.558.0588 (Meeting ID 853 683 617).

Eye on Events Ilona Dougherty, a leading thinker on engaging new generations in the work place and community, is one of the exciting speakers participating in the 2020 OSUM Conference. Spring Time in Paris will be hosted by Brant County April 29 through May 1. Registration and room booking are now available.

Join us in Ottawa from August 16 - 19 for AMO’s Annual General Meeting and Conference. Visit the AMO website for details and registration information.

Are you a municipal supplier or vendor? Do you have a product or service that would benefit the municipal sector? For AMO and municipal industry partners, this Conference is an unparalleled opportunity to make and solidify relationships with the municipal sector. Showcase your products or services at the AMO Conference in Ottawa, from August 16 - 19, 2020. Reserve your booth today!

As elected officials living in the spotlight, effective communication is essential! Designed to help you navigate social media effectively, these 1 hour lunch & learn workshops provide the tactics to promote good news, manage issues professionally, and leverage traditional and social media. Register now for the last webinar scheduled March 25.

Technation's initiative brings industry, government, and academic experts together with municipal leaders to collaboratively develop cybersecurity best practices for municipalities. Municipalities with populations between 10,000 to 25,000 are encouraged to attend. The event will be held Thursday, March 26, 7:30 a.m - 3:00 p.m., in Waterloo, Ontario. Please register here.

LAS Webinar March 11 @ 10am – The Municipal Group Buying Program’s Tire Offering helps municipalities access high quality tires at great prices from suppliers Goodyear, Michelin, Kal-Tire, and Tirecraft. Save time and money sourcing tires for all your needs, from small cars to heavy construction equipment. Register here.

Webinar March 25 @ 10am – The Capital Purchasing offering under the popular Group Buying Program includes solutions to keep your facilities running smoothly. Join us to hear how Acklands Grainger can supply your maintenance and repair needs saving you time and operating dollars. Register here.


2 Events Intern - AMO. This is a temporary position of up to 12.5 weeks. Assisting the Special Events Coordinator, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing support for the development and delivery of AMO’s Annual Conference. The Intern will also provide support for other AMO events and training. Please apply in confidence by March 20, 2020 at 12 noon.

General Manager, Planning & Development - Norfolk County. Reports to: Chief Administrative Officer. Status: Permanent, Full Time. Location: Simcoe, ON. Closing date for applications: March 19, 2020. Click here to apply for this position.

About AMO AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario's 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario's and Canada's political system. Follow @AMOPolicy on Twitter!

AMO Contacts AMO Watch File Tel: 416.971.9856 Conferences/Events Policy and Funding Programs LAS Local Authority Services MEPCO Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario ONE Investment Media Inquiries Tel: 416.729.5425 Municipal Wire, Career/Employment and Council Resolution Distributions

*Disclaimer: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is unable to provide any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party submissions. Distribution of these items does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or services mentioned.

Association of Municipalities of Ontario Please consider the environment 200 University Ave. Suite 801,Toronto ON Canada M5H 3C6 before printing this. To unsubscribe, please click here

3 AMO WatchFile not displaying correctly? View the online version Add [email protected] to your safe list

March 12, 2020 In This Issue - COVID-19 update. - Reminder - AMO President’s call for Blue Box resolutions. - Call for submissions: The P.J. Marshall Municipal Innovation Award. - Main Street Revitalization Initiative coming to an end. - Managing Occupational Health & Safety easily and effectively. - eSCRIBE Lite: A digital meeting management solution for small municipalities. - Excess Soils/Brownfield webinar - back by popular demand. - Registration now open for OSUM 2020 Conference: Spring Time in Paris. - The AMO 2020 Conference is fast approaching! - Showcase your products at the AMO Conference - August 2020. - Only 1 session remaining in AMO’s popular social media webinar series. - BEACON Digital Therapy - Innovative mental health care support. - Municipal cybersecurity best practices development - EVENT CANCELLED. - Carbon tax one year later. - Spring is coming, are your culverts ready? - Facilities maintenance equipment webinar: Municipal Group Buying Program. - Resolution concerning violence against paramedics and health care workers. - Careers with AMO, World Council on City Data, Lakeshore and Guelph.

COVID-19 Update As the COVID-19 outbreak increases internationally, the risk in Ontario continues to remain low. The Ontario government is now updating its coronavirus website twice daily. For the most up-to-date and accurate information about coronavirus, this Government of Ontario site is the place to find it.

AMO Matters A reminder that for municipalities with Blue Box programs, AMO’s President has called for resolutions on transition timing by June 30, 2020. Contact Dave Gordon or Amber Crawford if you require more information.

The P.J. Marshall Municipal Innovation Award showcases projects implemented by Ontario municipalities that point to tangible outcomes from new, more cost effective ways of providing public services and facilities.

All Main Street projects must have all eligible costs spent by March 31, 2020. Once spent, complete and submit the final report by May 15, 2020. Communication activities should also be considered. Contact Adam Garcia with questions.

Managing Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) due diligence can be challenging, regardless of size of municipality. AMO’s partner, 4S Consulting Services Inc., offers a program tailored for smaller municipalities to ensure they are in compliance with OHS requirements. eSCRIBE, AMO’s partner of cloud-based meeting management solutions for public sector boards and councils, has unveiled eSCRIBE Lite. Learn how this program can help smaller municipalities cross the digital divide.

Provincial Matters Miss the recent MECP webinar about On-Site and Excess Soil Management Regulation and Amendments to Records of Site Condition (Brownfields) Regulation? MECP is offering another webinar - April 2, 1-4 pm - to provide municipalities an opportunity to learn more. Register here.

Eye on Events Spring Time in Paris will be hosted by Brant County April 29 - May 1. Registration and room booking are now available. The OSUM Trade Show is a great opportunity to build lasting relationships with municipal decision makers - Reserve your booth today!

Join us in Ottawa from August 16 - 19 for AMO’s Annual General Meeting and Conference. Visit the AMO website for details and registration information.

Are you a municipal supplier or vendor? Do you have a product or service that would benefit the municipal sector? For AMO and municipal industry partners, this Conference is an unparalleled opportunity to make and solidify relationships with the municipal sector. Showcase your products or services at the AMO Conference in Ottawa, from August 16 - 19, 2020. Reserve your booth today!

As elected officials living in the spotlight, effective communication is essential! Designed to help you navigate social media effectively, these 1 hour lunch & learn workshops provide the tactics to promote good news, manage issues professionally, and leverage traditional and social media. Register now for the last webinar on April 1.

AMO is exploring partnerships to provide innovative ways of helping members support the mental health of their employees. Join us on March 26 at noon for a webinar where we will demonstrate how you can help your employees, and their dependents, easily access effective mental health care through BEACON.

As a precautionary measure in response to COVID-19, Technation’s in-person event scheduled for March 26 in Waterloo has been cancelled. Technation is exploring an online/virtual alternative so municipal leaders can participate in developing cybersecurity best practices. Contact Randy Purse for more information.

LAS Need more information about the Carbon Tax? Read our latest blog for more information on what municipalities can expect almost one year after the tax was introduced.

Get ready for spring with the LAS Culvert Offering. Armtec’s infrastructure products are sure to save you time and money on your drainage, bridge and road construction projects. Contact Tanner (Southern Ontario) or Ainsley (Northern Ontario) to learn about other exciting offerings in our Municipal Group Buying Program.

Webinar March 25 @ 10am – The Capital Purchasing offering under the popular Group Buying Program includes solutions to keep your facilities running smoothly. Join us to hear how Acklands Grainger can supply your maintenance and repair needs saving you time and operating dollars. Register here. Municipal Wire A Peterborough County resolution resolves to support Bill C-211, an Act to amend the Criminal Code (assaults against health care professionals and first responders), and urges the Federal Government to pass Bill C-211.

Careers Events Intern - AMO. This is a temporary position of up to 12.5 weeks. Assisting the Special Events Coordinator, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing support for the development and delivery of AMO’s Annual Conference. The Intern will also provide support for other AMO events and training. Please apply in confidence by March 20, 2020 at 12 noon.

Manager, Global City Relations and Business Development – World Council on City Data (WCCD). Reporting to the WCCD Senior Executive Team, the Manager of Global City Relations and Business Development will have responsibilities across the organization, including several direct reports who liaise daily with cities and stakeholders worldwide. Please send a CV and a one-page letter of motivation to [email protected] by March 22, 2020. This position is based in Toronto.

Purchasing Specialist - Town of Lakeshore. Reports to: Manager of Financial Analysis. This position is being posted under the provisions of the Collective Agreement between C.U.P.E. Local 702.4 and the Town of Lakeshore. Qualified applicants are invited to visit Town of Lakeshore Careers to view the full job description of the position and to submit your application. The deadline to apply is March 23, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.

General Manager, Planning & Building Services/Chief Planner - City of Guelph. Reports to: Deputy CAO, Infrastructure, Development & Enterprise Services. Qualified applicants can apply using our online application system by Tuesday, March 31, 2020. All applicants must complete the online questionnaire specific to this position at the time they submit their resume and cover letter in order to be considered. Please visit the job posting listed on our careers page and click on the “Apply for this job” button. Instructions will follow.

About AMO AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario's 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario's and Canada's political system. Follow @AMOPolicy on Twitter!

AMO Contacts AMO Watch File Tel: 416.971.9856 Conferences/Events Policy and Funding Programs LAS Local Authority Services MEPCO Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario ONE Investment Media Inquiries Tel: 416.729.5425 Municipal Wire, Career/Employment and Council Resolution Distributions

*Disclaimer: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is unable to provide any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party submissions. Distribution of these items does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or services mentioned.

Association of Municipalities of Ontario Please consider the environment 200 University Ave. Suite 801,Toronto ON Canada M5H 3C6 before printing this. To unsubscribe, please click here

Aimée Roy

From: AMO Communications Sent: March 19, 2020 10:01 AM To: Aimée Roy Subject: AMO WatchFile - March 19, 2020

AMO WatchFile not displaying correctly? View the online version Add [email protected] to your safe list

March 19, 2020 In This Issue - COVID-19 update. - Social Media in a Crisis webinar available free. - AMO President’s call for Blue Box resolutions. - BEACON Digital Therapy - Innovative mental health care support. - Cancellation Notice: OSUM 2020 Conference: Spring Time in Paris. - AMO Conference planning responds to COVID-19. - Showcase your products at the AMO Conference - August 2020. - Only 1 session remaining in AMO’s popular social media webinar series. - LAS Blog: COVID-19 - What it Means for AMO and LAS. - Facilities Maintenance Equipment webinar: Municipal Group Buying Program. - Capital Purchasing webinar: Municipal Group Buying Program. - ONE Investment - HISA rate update. - MEPCO Board meeting update. - County of Renfrew - Service Delivery Improvement Project RFP. - Careers with Bruce County and Burlington.

COVID-19 Update With a provincial emergency declaration in place and municipal governments taking appropriate local emergency action, AMO will continue to keep you informed on the municipal aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the most up-to-date and accurate provincial COVID-19 information about coronavirus, the best source is the Government of Ontario site. AMO has put together a one-stop COVID-19 page with all the links and information you might need at this time.

AMO Matters To support municipal communicators during the pandemic, AMO has made the recent one-hour Social Media Webinar, ‘Social Media Use During a Crisis,’ available to view for free via YouTube.

1 A reminder that for municipalities with Blue Box programs, AMO’s President has called for resolutions on transition timing by June 30, 2020. Contact Dave Gordon or Amber Crawford if you require more information.

AMO is exploring partnerships to provide innovative ways of helping members support the mental health of their employees. Join us on March 26 at noon for a webinar where we will demonstrate how you can help your employees, and their dependents, easily access effective mental health care through BEACON.

Eye on Events In response to the current COVID-19 situation, the OSUM 2020 Conference scheduled to have occurred in Brant County, April 29 - May 1 has been cancelled. The OSUM Executive is currently considering next steps. For all refunds please contact [email protected].

OSUM, FONOM, and NOMA conferences are cancelled. Planning for the AMO conference in August continues. If it proceeds as planned, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic will be a key topic of learning and discussion. Visit the AMO website for details and registration information.

Are you a municipal supplier or vendor? Do you have a product or service that would benefit the municipal sector? For AMO and municipal industry partners, this Conference is an unparalleled opportunity to make and solidify relationships with the municipal sector. Showcase your products or services at the AMO Conference in Ottawa, from August 16 - 19, 2020. Reserve your booth today!

As elected officials living in the spotlight, effective communication is essential! Designed to help you navigate social media effectively, these 1 hour lunch & learn workshops provide the tactics to promote good news, manage issues professionally, and leverage traditional and social media. Register now for the last webinar on April 1.

LAS Las Blog: AMO and LAS are adapting to ensure our work can continue as Ontario faces COVID-19. Click here to learn what this means for the normal operations of AMO and LAS.

Register for our Facilities Maintenance webinar to be held March 25 at 10am. Join us to learn how Grainger can supply for your building maintenance, repair and operations needs. Just one of the many categories under the popular Capital Purchasing offering!

Webinar April 8 @ 10am - All products under our Capital Purchasing offering are procured through Sourcewell, North America’s trusted leader in municipal cooperative procurement. Find out about their processes and how your municipality can take advantage of national contracts on hundreds of pre-qualified products. Register today.

ONE Investment HISA Rate Update: Due to the Bank of Canada’s second interest rate cut in the month of March in response to the coronavirus, the Bank has reduced Prime Rate to 2.95%. New effective rate for HISA is 1.415% (based on Bank Prime Rate less 1.535%) as of March 17, 2020. For more information, click here.


Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario (MEPCO) The MEPCO Board met this week and the newsletter is available now. It includes details of two plan changes being considered by OMERS, as well as highlights from the meeting.

Municipal Wire Request for Proposals are being accepted by the County of Renfrew for the services of a qualified consultant to undertake a comprehensive review of its services and organization. Submission deadline: 12:00 p.m. EST, April 9, 2020.

Careers Corporate Communications Specialist - County of Bruce. Reports to: Chief Administrative Officer. Applicants should review the entire job posting, and then apply online at County of Bruce, following the outlined process. Deadline for applications is 12:00 midnight on Sunday, March 29, 2020.

Corporate Fleet Business Improvement Specialist - City of Burlington. Employment Status: Contact position (8 months). Department: Roads, Parks and Forestry. Reports to: Manager, Fleet Services & Operations Centre. Posting closes: April 1, 2020. To apply, please visit Burlington Career Opportunities and click on "View Jobs". Please note applications are only accepted online.

About AMO AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario's 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario's and Canada's political system. Follow @AMOPolicy on Twitter!

AMO Contacts AMO Watch File Tel: 416.971.9856 Conferences/Events Policy and Funding Programs LAS Local Authority Services MEPCO Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario ONE Investment Media Inquiries Tel: 416.729.5425 Municipal Wire, Career/Employment and Council Resolution Distributions

*Disclaimer: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is unable to provide any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party submissions. Distribution of these items does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or services mentioned.

Association of Municipalities of Ontario Please consider the environment 200 University Ave. Suite 801,Toronto ON Canada M5H 3C6 before printing this. To unsubscribe, please click here


4 Aimée Roy

From: AMCTO | The Municipal Experts Sent: March 12, 2020 4:39 PM To: Aimée Roy Subject: COVID-19 Preparation and Response

View this email in your browser.

| | About AMCTO Education & Events Advocacy & Policy

March 12, 2020

COVID-19 Preparation and Response

In light of the COVID-19 preparations here in Ontario, we wanted to communicate to members and customers about our plans moving forward.

While the number of cases worldwide is changing quickly, the risk to Canadians—including Ontarians—continues to be low but the federal government has warned the situation could quickly change.

The Public Health Agency of Canada has a strategy focused on containment of the virus through thorough testing, identification, and isolation of individuals who have travelled to countries where there have been significant outbreaks or been in contact with someone who has tested positive.

Within Ontario, the government is working to ensure it is prepared to contain and respond to the attack including establishing assessment centers, launching a self-assessment tool, and ensure active screening for all staff, volunteers, family members, and new and returning residents in long- term care homes.

AMCTO is working diligently to engage in active prevention efforts, which includes:

 Consulting with local public health units for in-person AMCTO events;  Examining alternative delivery options for AMCTO programming, as necessary;

1  Communicating with all contracted venues for upcoming events to ensure they are using the appropriate disinfectants (as per Public Health guidelines) to clean all rooms and gathering spaces.

As the situation develops, AMCTO staff will be closely monitoring the recommendations of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care as well as Ontario Chief Medical Officer. Contingency plans will be developed for upcoming events should there be a change in the containment strategy.

Moreover, please be assured that AMCTO will continually assess the merit of holding our upcoming in-person events (Annual Conference, Workshops, Forums, Courses etc.). We ask you check our website and member based communications for ongoing updates.

For up-to-date information and resources pertaining to COVID-19, please regularly check the Ontario webpage below:

Ontario Government: COVID-19 Updates

AMCTO | The Municipal Experts 2680 Skymark Avenue, Suite 610, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5L6

Tel: (905) 602-4294 | Fax: (905) 602-4295


2 From: AMO Communications To: Josée Brizard Subject: Queen’s Park Update: New Provincial Legislation to Allow Virtual Municipal Council Meetings Date: March 19, 2020 3:42:16 PM

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AMO Policy Update

March 19, 2020

Queen’s Park Update: New Provincial Legislation to Allow Virtual Municipal Council Meetings

During today’s emergency legislative session at Queen’s Park, the Province introduced the Municipal Emergency Act, 2020 to assist municipal governments and local boards during the COVID-19 emergency (Ontario News Release). This legislation, and the Employment Standards Amendment Act (Infectious Disease Emergencies), 2020, have now received unanimous consent in the Legislature.

Top of mind for municipal governments has been the ability to ensure councils, council committees, and municipal boards can meet virtually to make key decisions without needing to meet physically – given societal necessity for social distancing and isolation.

The Municipal Act, 2001 and the City of Toronto Act, 2006, have been amended to provide that, during municipal or provincial emergencies, members of councils, local boards and committees who participate electronically in open and closed meetings, may be counted for the purposes of quorum. Use of this emergency provision will be at each municipal council’s discretion. At this point, today’s legislation has not been publicly posted. The House is now recessed until March 25th at 4pm when the Finance Minister will deliver an economic update.

“Municipalities have a key role to play in COVID-19 response, management, and recovery. If passed, this legislation will ensure municipal councils can continue to conduct the important business of municipal government and maintain the local and regional services Ontarians rely on most”. Jamie McGarvey, AMO President, and Mayor, Parry Sound

AMO would like to thank the Province and all parties for their support of today’s legislation.

Also, under the Municipal Emergency Act, 2020 is an amendment to allow the Lieutenant Governor in Council (i.e., Cabinet) to make regulations imposing limits and conditions on the powers of a municipality with respect to s. 129 of the Municipal Act. This will allow the Province to make a regulation overriding noise by-laws enabling 24- hour delivery of critical goods throughout Ontario for up to 18 months. This will support the supply chains of grocery stores and pharmacies and other key services.

We also understand that previously stated deadlines for current provincial consultations are being reconsidered in light of the COVID-19 emergency, such as an extension of the DC/CBC consultation. As AMO learns of consultation extensions of municipal interest, we will update members.

AMO will continue to work closely with the provincial government to make sure municipal governments have the ability to respond effectively to the COVID-19 and keep their communities safe and healthy. The Province today has dealt with the priority municipal concern, and they are aware of other municipal concerns such as the need to pause the statutory clocks under some provincial legislation at this time. Please continue to make us aware of any provincial legislative or regulatory barriers municipalities may be encountering that inhibit your ability during this emergency.

AMO Contact: Monika Turner, Director of Policy, [email protected].

*Disclaimer: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is unable to provide any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party submissions. Distribution of these items does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or services mentioned.

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Bill 187

(Chapter 4 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2020)

An Act to amend the Municipal Act, 2001 and the City of Toronto Act, 2006

The Hon. S. Clark Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

1st Reading March 19, 2020 2nd Reading March 19, 2020 3rd Reading March 19, 2020 Royal Assent March 19, 2020

EXPLANATORY NOTE This Explanatory Note was written as a reader’s aid to Bill 187 and does not form part of the law. Bill 187 has been enacted as Chapter 4 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2020. The Municipal Act, 2001 and the City of Toronto Act, 2006 are amended to provide that, during emergencies, should they choose to, members of councils, local boards and committees who participate electronically in open and closed meetings may be counted for purposes of quorum. The Municipal Act, 2001 is also amended to allow the Lieutenant Governor in Council to make regulations imposing limits and conditions on the powers of a municipality under section 129 of the Act.

Bill 187 2020

An Act to amend the Municipal Act, 2001 and the City of Toronto Act, 2006

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: Municipal Act, 2001 1 Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001 is amended by adding the following subsections: Electronic participation, emergencies (3.3) The applicable procedure by-law may provide that, during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in all or part of the municipality under section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, (a) despite subsection (3.1), a member of a council, of a local board or of a committee of either of them who is participating electronically in a meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any point in time; and (b) despite subsection (3.2), a member of a council, of a local board or of a committee of either of them can participate electronically in a meeting that is closed to the public. Same, procedure by-law (3.4) A municipality or local board may hold a special meeting to amend an applicable procedure by-law for the purposes of subsection (3.3) during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in all or part of the municipality under section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and despite subsection (3.1), a member participating electronically in such a special meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any time during the meeting. 2 Subsection 451.1 (1) of the Act is amended by striking out “sections 9, 10 and 11” and substituting “sections 9, 10, 11 and 129”. City of Toronto Act, 2006 3 Section 189 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 is amended by adding the following subsections: Electronic participation, emergencies (4.2) The applicable procedure by-law may provide that, during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in all or part of the City under section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, (a) despite subsection (4), a member of city council, of a local board of the City or of a committee of either of them who is participating electronically in a meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any point in time; and (b) despite subsection (4.1), a member of city council, of a local board of the City or of a committee of either of them can participate electronically in a meeting that is closed to the public. Same, procedure by-law (4.3) The city council or a local board of the City may hold a special meeting to amend an applicable procedure by-law for the purposes of subsection (4.2) during any period where an emergency has been declared to exist in all or part of the City under section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and despite subsection (4), a member participating electronically in such a special meeting may be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any time during the meeting. Role of head of council (4.4) Despite anything in this or any other Act, only the head of council may call a special meeting of city council for the purposes of subsection (4.3). Commencement 4 This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent. Short title 5 The short title of this Act is the Municipal Emergency Act, 2020.