Thrill U. THE PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS OF AMUSEMENT PARK RIDES Middle School © Copyrighted by Dr. Joseph S. Elias. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9986753. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Dorney Park/Kutztown University Thrill U. Middle School Edition Introduction Kutztown University of Pennsylvania and Dorney Park are delighted to present to you one of the latest editions to our Thrill U. series, The Middle School Interdisciplinary Science edition. A team of teachers from the Lehigh Valley led by Jeffrey Bartman and Brandi Murphy from the Parkland School District developed the middle school edition. The foundation for the middle school series is science. However, in keeping with the essence of middle school philosophy, the activities are designed to be interdisciplinary. All learning events are documented in accordance with the Pennsylvania State Standards. Science and mathematics process skills are emphasized along with content and processes taken from PA State Standards in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Your students will enjoy the thrill of the rides all while measuring, calculating, diagramming and writing. We give you and your students plenty to do on Thrill U. Day. On the 12th of May, we have a pavilion waiting for you, our university students will be anxious to assist, and park personnel will have the park looking beautiful and fully operational. Please contact me
[email protected] for more information or visit our web page at: Dorney Park Thrill U.