Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of -Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri


1. INTRODUCTION NHAI has taken the arduous task to up-grade the existing 2 lane road of NH-3 in to four lane divided highway in the state of MP on DBFOT pattern. The project road starts at km 15.600 of NH-75 and ends at km 236.00 of NH-3. The project highway passes through mainly forest, agriculture, barren and built-up area. This section of NH-3 connects major cities like Gwalior, Mohana & Shivpuri in the state of . The road is proposed to be upgraded to 4-lane configuration by improving/strengthening of the existing 2-lane carriageway. The project highway crosses the and many other reserve forests. The existing traffic is varying 13000 to 21000 PCUs along the existing highway. The Traffic volume count was carried out at 3 locations. Details are given in Table 1 The widening proposals are recommended considering the technical, social & environmental parameters. To upgrade the existing carriageway and free flow of traffic on the proposed highway various proposals are made i.e bypasses in built-up area, realignment to improve existing geometry, ROB & RUB to avoid delay at the time of railway crossing, flyovers, VUP & PUP are proposed at crossing with National Highway, State Highway or Major Roads to reduce the no of accident and user friendly flow of traffic.

Table 1: Traffic Volume at Different Locations PCUs Locations Total Tollable Vehicles Total Traffic

Km 126.000 14428 17413

Km 174.000 12307 12890

Km 220.000 12580 13874

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 1 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

Project Map

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 2 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

2. PROPOSED ROW & WIDENING SCEHME The proposed ROW throughout the project corridor is proposed 60 m. Additional land to be acquired for Rest area and TOLL PLAZA. In the Madhav National Park stretch (between km 216 to km 222 of NH-3) land acquisition will not be carried out. Up-gradation of this stretch will be done within available ROW. The widening of the road from 2- lane to 4-lane carriageway is proposed based on traffic census data. The proposed widening summary is listed in Table 2. Table 2: Proposed Widening Scheme Existing km Design S. No. Length Widening Scheme From To Gwalior 1 15+600 (NH 75) 1.65 New Construction without SR bypass 2 0.8 ROB location Gwalior bypass 3 12.95 New Construction without SR 4 130+000 135+500 5.5 LHS widening Without SR 5 135+500 136+500 1 Toll Plaza 6 136+500 137+850 1.35 RHS widening Without Service Road 7 137+850 139+500 1.7 Ghat Section 8 139+500 140+750 1.25 Eccentric widening in Ghat Section 9 140+750 142+500 1.65 Ghat Section 10 142+500 145+400 2.9 LHS widening Without SR 11 145+400 147+000 1.65 Concentric Widening with Both Side SR 12 147+000 168+700 21.7 LHS widening Without SR 13 Mohana bypass 4.4 New Construction without SR 14 172+750 179+400 6.5 LHS widening Without SR 15 179+400 180+400 1.1 New Construction without SR 16 180+400 189+300 8.85 LHS widening Without SR 17 189+300 189+750 0.5 New Construction without SR 18 189+750 191+300 1.45 LHS widening With SR both Side 19 191+300 195+500 4.3 LHS widening Without SR 20 195+500 196+500 1 Toll Plaza 21 196+500 210+150 13.65 LHS widening Without SR 22 210+150 212+400 2.3 Concentric Widening with Both Side SR 23 212+400 214+600 2.15 LHS widening Without SR 24 214+600 215+300 0.7 New Construction without SR 25 215+300 221+500 6.35 Concentric Widening With SR 26 1.5 New Construction without SR 27 0.8 ROB location 28 Shivpuri bypass 4.35 New Construction without SR 29 1 Vehicular Underpass/Flyovers 30 4.9 New Construction without SR

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 3 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

31 0.8 ROB location 32 3.75 New Construction without SR 33 235+200 236+000 0.85 LHS widening Without SR Design Length 125.300

3. BYPASS & REALIGNMENT PROPOSALS The present existing alignment of NH-3 passes through many small villages/ towns where the present road becomes narrower and there is a no space for further improvement. To reduce the demolition of built-up structures, to avoid the problem of traffic congestion, alternative routes have been proposed in terms of bypasses to divert the traffic from urban areas. The proposed bypass locations on the project road are presented in Table 3. To improve the existing geometry realignments are proposed at given locations in Table 4.

Table 3: Proposed Bypass Stretches for Gwalior-Shivpuri (From km 15.600 of NH-75 to km 236.00 of NH-3) Sr. Name of Existing km Proposed km Length No Bypass Start km End km Start km End km 15+600 of NH- 1 Gwalior 130+00 0 15+400 15.4 75 2 Mohana 168+700 172+750 54+100 58+500 4.4 3 Shivpuri 221+500 235+200 107+350 124+450 17.1

Table 4: Proposed Realignment Locations

S. No. Existing km Design Ch. Length (km)

1 137+850 139+500 23+250 24+950 1.700 2 140+750 142+500 26+200 27+850 1.650 3 179+400 180+400 65+000 66+100 1.100 4 189+300 189+750 74+950 75+450 0.500 5 214+600 215+300 100+300 101+000 0.700 Total Length 5.65

4. JUNCTION IMPROVEMENTS / GRADE SEPARATED JUNCTIONS Project highway connects with 2 national highways i.e., NH-25 and NH-75 through its traverse. List of Flyovers and Vehicular Under Passes are given in Table 5.

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 4 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

Table 5: Locations of Proposed VUP

Existing Design Chainage Name of Proposed Structural S. No. Location Chainage RME Intersecting roads Configuration Shivpuri 1 - New 4 Lane (Clear Bypass 114+467 SH-06 Height 5.5m)

5. ROB/ RUB Proposed Project road crosses railway lines at 3 locations along it traverse. ROBs are proposed at the crossing locations. Locations are given in Table 6.

Table 6: Locations of Proposed ROBs

S. Existing Proposed Structural Total width Location Design Chainage no Structure Configuration of structure

Gwalior 1 2+050 - New 4 Lane 2x12 by-pass Shivpuri 2 109+900 - New 4 Lane 2x12 by-pass Shivpuri 3 121+040 - New 4 Lane 2x12 by-pass

6. PEDESTRIAN UNDERPASS / CATTLE UNDERPASS Safety aspects multiply when an existing 2- lane carriageway is converted into 4-lane configuration. It will, therefore, be prudent to take care of this aspect in villages/urban area with habitation by roadside. The proposed alignment is designed as partially controlled highway and thus providing safe cross movement if prudent and for these reason pedestrian underpasses/cattle underpasses are provided at various locations as given in Table 7.

Table 7: Proposed Pedestrian/Cattle Under Passes

Design Name of Proposed S. Existing Proposed Total width of Chainage Intersecting Structural no Chainage Span Structure RME Roads Configuration Gwalior New 4 Lane(Clear 1 10+505 - 1x7 2x12.0 by-pass Height 4.0m) New 4 Lane(Clear 2 139+500 25+025 - 1x7 2x12.0 Height 4.0m) New 6 Lane(Clear 3 146+000 31+402 Ghatigaon 1x7 2x14.0 Height 4.0m) New 4 Lane(Clear 4 159+500 44+955 - 1x7 2x12.0 Height 4.0m)

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 5 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

Design Name of Proposed S. Existing Proposed Total width of Chainage Intersecting Structural no Chainage Span Structure RME Roads Configuration Mohana Mohana New 4 Lane(Clear 5 55+827 1x7 2x12.0 By-pass Village Height 4.0m) New 4 Lane(Clear 6 173+450 59+212 - 1x7 2x12.0 Height 4.0m) New 4 Lane(Clear 7 182+800 68+512 - 1x7 2x12.0 Height 4.0m) New 4 Lane(Clear 8 190+600 76+209 - 1x7 2x12.0 Height 4.0m) Shivpuri New 4 Lane(Clear 9 108+562 - 1x7 2x12.0 by-pass Height 4.0m)

7. MAJOR BRIDGES Major bridges are proposed at following locations as given in Table 8

Table 8: Locations of Major Bridge

Name of Bridge Existing Design Ch. Proposed Structure Total width of the S. no Bridge No. Ch Configuration Structure RME

Mauver New 2 Lane +Existing 1 169/4 168+360 53+792 1x12 Bridge 2 lane

Parvati Mohana 2 - 57+875 New 4 Lane 2x12 River By-pass

New 2 Lane +Existing 3 River 177/2 176+200 61+785 1x12 2 lane

4 Nallah 198/10 197+1085 83+678 New 4 Lane 2x12

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 6 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

8. PROPOSED LOCATIONS FOR TOLL PLAZA & SERCVICE ROA 2 toll plazas are proposed at km 136& km 196. The service road is proposed at various urban locations for safe flow of local vehicles, merging & diverging the NH traffic/local traffic. Table 9: Proposed Location for Service road along the Project Highway

S. No. Existing Start km Existing End km Start Chainage End Chainage Length (km)

1 145+400 147+000 30+750 32+400 1.650

2 189+750 191+250 75+450 76+900 1.450

3 210+100 212+300 95+850 98+150 2.300

4 Shivpuri Bypass 114+000 115+000 1.000

Total Length of Road 6.400

Length of Service Road in RHS = 6.400km Length of Service Road in LHS = 6.400 km Total Length of Service Road 12.800 km 9. LAND USE PATTERN & RESETTLEMENT Detailing about land ownership will be come after completion land acquisition Plan. The distribution of available land & requirement of land for up-gradation the existing highway is as follows. Total Land = 750Ha Available Land = 290. Ha Land to be Acquired = 460Ha Land to be acquired through Agriculture Land-221 Ha Built-up Area=18 Ha Barren Land- 140 Ha Forest Area=59 Ha Based on survey data, to upgrade the existing carriageway nearly 375 structure will be demolished. The project corridor runs through reserve forest stretches in between Gwalior to Shivpuri. Length between Gwalior to Shivpuri is identified to be passing through Son-Bird sanctuary (Right Side) from km 126.00 to km 148.00 and Madhav National Park (both side) from km 216.00 to km 222.00. Table 10: Reserved Forest Land

Type of Stretches in which S.No. Name of Forest Name of Village Forest forest lies 1 Aalri RF Gwalior bypass Sikroda 2 Santu RF Gwalior bypass Puratilatha 3 Santu RF km131- km33 Kuradpur Panihar

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 7 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

Type of Stretches in which S.No. Name of Forest Name of Village Forest forest lies 4 Ghatti Gaon RF km 136- km 140 L/S Ghanti Gaon 5 Aron RF km 136- km 140 R/S Panihar 6 Ghatti Gaon RF km 140- km 145 L/S Ghnti Gaon Nayapura 7 Aron RF km 140- km 150.500 R/S Sirsa 8 Kandhar RF km 154.400- km 156 R/S Narpura 9 Sankota RF km 176- km 178 Sultangarh Tikula 10 Bhangarh PF km 180- km 184 Bhangarh 11 Kalhotra PF km 185- km 188 12 Subhashpura PF km 188- km 189 Shubhaspura, Nayagaon 13 Bhar PF km 190- km 191 Shubhaspura 14 Khari RF km 194- km 195 Murkhera 15 Murkhera PF km 195- km 197 Murkhera 16 Garaghat PF km 197- km 198 L/S 17 Jhonpri RF km 197- km 198 R/S 18 Raipur PF km 198- km 201 R/S Raipur 19 Karai Ahmedpur PF km 198- km 201 L/S Karai Ahmedpur 20 Nayagaon PF km 203.500- km 208 Patara, Karai 21 Karai Bara PF km 204.500- km 208 Nayagaon 22 Satanwara RF km 213- km 216.400 Satanwara Madhav National Wild km 216.400- km 221.500 Mamori, Narai Khurd, 23 Park life Khubat Khoh.

10. SUMMARY OF PROJECT FEATURES The following are the salient proposed features of the Project Highway.

Table 11: Salient Features of the Project Road Name of Project Gwalior to Shivpuri NH-3 Features Particulars Start Point Km 15.600 of NH-75 End Point Km 236.00 of NH-3 Length of Four Lanning Road (km) 125.300 Overlay 72.25 km

Consulting Engineers Group Ltd, Jaipur 8 Feasibility Study Report of Rehabilitation and Upgrading to Four Laning with Paved Shoulder Configuration of Gwalior-Dewas Section of NH-3 in the State of MP Package I: Gwalior to Shivpuri

Name of Project Gwalior to Shivpuri NH-3 Reconstruction 16 km Major Bridge (Nos) 4 Minor Bridges (Nos) 49 Flyovers (Nos) - ROB (Nos) 3 Vehicular Underpasses (Nos) 1 PUP/CUP (Nos) 9 (i) No. of Toll Plazas (Nos) 2 ( km 136, km 196)

(j) Length of Service roads (km) 12.800 km (k) Average Base Traffic/(PCU)-2011at Toll Plaza 14036 PCUs; in PCUs Length of Concentric Widening 10.300 km Length of New Construction 44.55 km Length of Eccentric Widening 70.45 km (m) No. of Bypasses Gwalior –15.4km Mohana -4.4 Km

Shivpuri- 17.1km

Length= 36.9 km Bus Bays (Nos) 2*13 Major road Junctions (Nos) 6 Culverts (Nos) 146

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