Parshat February 21, 2015 2 Adar, 5775

TORAH Jonathan Sacks on Parshat Terumah Artscroll, 444 to do with this? It order them to stop. A Hertz, 326 The sequence of parshiyot, Terumah, seems an odd way to end the remarkable proposition is , , book. The answer, it seems to being framed: It is not what Maftir and , is me, is profound. First, recall the God does for us that Artscroll, 1157 puzzling in many ways. history of the until transforms us. It is what we Hertz, 336 First, it outlines the now. It has been a long series of do for God. So long as every construction of the complaints. They complained crisis was dealt with by Tabernacle, the portable when the first intervention of and miracles, the Israelites BAR house of worship the Moses made their situation remained in a state of SCOTT MAYER Israelites built and carried worse. Then, at the Red Sea, dependency. Their default with them through the they said to Moses, “Was it response was complaint. For desert, in exhaustive and because there were no graves in them to grow to adulthood exhausting detail. The Egypt that you brought us to the and responsibility, there had Times narrative takes almost the desert to die? What have you to be a transition from

whole of the last third of done to us by bringing us out of passive recipients of God’s the . Why Egypt? Didn’t we say to you in blessings to active creators. Candle Lighting 5:17 pm so long? Why such detail? Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us The people had to become The Tabernacle was, after serve the Egyptians’? It would God’s “partners in the work of

Friday Mincha 5:20 pm all, only a temporary have been better for us to serve creation.”That, I believe, is home for the Divine the Egyptians than to die in the what the sages meant when

Hashkama 8:00 am presence, eventually desert!” (Ex. 14: 11-12). After they said, “Call them not superseded by the Temple crossing the sea they continued ‘your children’ but ‘your Parsha Shiur 8:30 am in . Besides to complain, first about the lack builders.’” People have to which, why is the making of water, then that the water was become builders if they are to Main Shul 9:00 am of the Mishkan in the bitter, then at the lack of food, grow from childhood to book of Exodus at all? Its then about the lack of water adulthood. Beit 9:15 am natural place seems to be again. Then, within weeks of the revelation at Sinai – the only is God’s call to Youth Minyan 8:30 am in the book of , Leviticus, which is time in history God appeared to responsibility. He does not an entire nation – they made a want us to rely on miracles. Shiur 4:15 pm overwhelmingly devoted to an account of the . If an unprecedented He does not want us to be service of the Mishkan sequence of miracles cannot dependent on others. He

Mincha 5:15 pm and the sacrifices that bring about a mature response wants us to become His were offered there. The on the part of the people, what partners, recognizing that Ends 6:26 pm book of Exodus, by will? what we have, we have from contrast, could be Him, but what we make of Sunday Feb. 22 7:30/8:30 am subtitled, “the birth of a It is then that God said: Let them what we have is up to us, our nation.” It is about the build something together. This choices and our effort. This is Mon. Thur. 6:35/7:45 am transition of the Israelites simple command transformed not an easy balance to from a family to a people the Israelites. During the whole achieve. It is easy to live a Tues., Wed. Fri. 6:45/7:45 am and their journey from construction of the tabernacle life of dependency. It is slavery to freedom. It there were no complaints. The equally easy in the opposite Mincha 5:25 pm rises to a climax with the people contributed, some , direction to slip into the covenant made between some , some bronze, some mistake of saying “My power Latest Times for God and the people at brought skins and drapes, others and the strength of my hands Shema/Shemoneh Esrei Mount Sinai. What has the gave their time and skill. They have produced this wealth for gave so much that Moses had to me” (Deut. 8: 17). The February 14 9:31/10:24 am Kiddush is Bima flowers Seudah Shlishit February 21 9:26/10:20 am sponsored by are sponsored by is sponsored by Kimberly & Jason Mayer Susan Mayer, Donna & Joseph Next Shabbat in honor of and Tetzaveh-Zachor Hecht the Bar Mitzvah of Myrna & Harvey Green, in memory of their son Scott. in honor of Candle Lighting 5:25 pm her father the Bar Mitzvah of David Gad, z"l. their grandson Scott. Mincha 5:25 pm 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 Shabbat Announcements Parshat Terumah 5775

Jewish view of the human condition is that everything we otherwise, were individuals to depend wholly on the state, achieve is due to our own efforts, but equally and essentially then democratic freedom would be at risk. In one of the most the result of God’s blessing. haunting passages of his masterwork, Democracy in America, he says that democracies are at risk of a completely new form The building of the Tabernacle was the first great project the of oppression for which there is no precedent in the past. It Israelites undertook together. It involved their generosity and will happen, he says, when people exist solely in and for them- skill. It gave them the chance to give back to God a little of selves, leaving the pursuit of the common good to the govern- what He had given them. It conferred on them the dignity of ment. This would then be what life would be like: Above this labor and creative endeavor. It brought to closure their birth as race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which a nation and it symbolized the challenge of the future. The takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to society they were summoned to create in the land of Israel watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, would be one in which everyone would play their part. It was to provident and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent become – in the phrase I used as the title of one of my books – if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for man- “the home we build together.” hood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, From this we see that one of the greatest challenges of provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happi- leadership is to give people the chance to give, to contribute, to ness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be participate. That requires self-restraint, tzimtzum, on the part the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it pro- of the leader, creating the space for others to lead. As the vides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, saying goes: “When there is a good leader, the people say: The facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, leader did it. When there is a great leader, the people say: We directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and did it ourselves.” subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living? This brings us to the fundamental distinction in politics between State and Society. The state represents what is done for us by Tocqueville wrote these words in the 1830s, and there is a risk the machinery of government, through the instrumentality of that this is what some European societies are becoming like laws, courts, taxation and public spending. Society is what we today: all state, no society; all government, little or no com- do for one another through communities, voluntary munity. Tocqueville was not a religious writer. He makes no associations, charities and welfare organizations. Judaism, I reference to the Hebrew Bible. But the fear he has is precisely believe, has a marked preference for society rather than state, what the book of Exodus documents. When a central power – precisely because it recognizes – it is the central theme of the even when this is God Himself – does everything on behalf of book of Exodus – that it is what we do for others, not what the people, they remain in a state of arrested development. others or God does for us, that transforms us. The Jewish They complain instead of acting. They give way easily to des- formula, I believe, is: small state, big society. The person who pair. When the leader, in this case Moses, is missing, they do had the deepest insight into the nature of democratic society foolish things, none more so than making a golden calf. There was Alexis de Tocqueville. Visiting America in the 1830s he saw is only one solution: to make the people co-architects of their that its strength lay in what he called the “art of association,” own destiny, to get them to build something together, to the tendency of Americans to come together in communities shape them into a team and show them that they are not and voluntary groups to help one another, rather than leaving helpless, that they are responsible and capable of collaborative the task to a centralized government. Were it ever to be action. Genesis begins with God creating the universe as a home for human beings. Exodus ends with human beings cre- GNS Yoetzet Halacha Dena Block welcomes your questions about mikvah, observance ating the Mishkan, as a ‘home’ for God. Hence the basic princi- of taharat mishpacha (halacha relating to married life) ple of Judaism, that we are called on to become co-creators and women's health, as it connects to Jewish law. Reach with God. And hence too the corollary: that leaders do not do out to her at: the work on behalf of the people. They teach people how to Phone: (516) 320-9818 do the work themselves. It is not what God does for us but Email: [email protected] All conversations/ emails what we do for God that allows us to reach dignity and responsibility.

Great Neck Synagogue

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck , NY 11023 516-487-6100

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ian Lichter, Assistant Rabbi Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Rabbi Sholom Jensen, Youth Director Zehava & Dr. Michael Atlas, Youth Directors Mark Twersky, Executive Director Dr. James Frisch, Assistant Director Rabbi Avraham Bronstein, Program Director Ari Lipsky, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Hal Chadow, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board Dena Block, Yoetzet Halacha 516-320-9818 GNS February Chesed Collection Don’t know what to do with medical supplies you no longer need? DONATE THEM To help underserved people, clinics and hospitals, in US, Israel, Haiti, and Africa. FEBRUARY 3RD – FEBRUARY 23RD LEAVE SUPPLIES BY FRONT DOOR: 13 CHURCH STREET GREAT NECK

WE ARE COLLECTING: wheel chairs, canes, walkers, commodes, eyeglasses, bandages, cribs, drains, tubing, face masks, gloves, catheters, IV kits, soap, autoclaves, shower seats, raised toilet seats, hospital beds, crutches, sutures, braces, etc. NO PRESCRIPTION MEDS NO POST EXPIRATION DATES

Donations will be distributed by:

FOR MORE INFO, CALL Nechama 516-773-3572

ANNOUNCEMENTS Rabbi polakoff’s shabbos drasha through 5775, is dedi- WITHIN OUR FAMILY cated in memory of PINCHAS BEN YOSEPH For other such opportunities please contact Howard Wolf Mazal Tov to Kimberly & Jason Mayer on the Bar Mitzvah 212-686-9800 Ext 220 of their son, Scott. Mazal Tov to Paige & Aidan on the Bar RABBI POLAKOFF-OPEN OFFICE HOURS Mitzvah of their big brother, also to the proud grandparents, to Rabbi Polakoff is in Israel till Feb. 19th our member Susan Mayer , and to Myrna & Harvey Green, Rabbi Polakoff will have open office hours each week on Tuesday from on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson. 10am - noon and on Thursday from 1:00pm - 3:30 pm. Barring any Mazal Tov to Shulamit & Moosa Soleimani on the birth of a emergencies, he will be in his office during these times so please feel grandson born to their children Talia & Liron David. free drop by to shmooze, discuss issues about GNS, share personal Mazal Tov to Susan Mayer on the birth of granddaughter, concerns or learn some . He can be reached at other times through the synagogue office (516-487-6100), through his cell phone born to her children, Stuart & Stacy Mayer. 516-637-3674 (call or text) or through email at [email protected]. Mazal Tov to Brenda & Ed Parver on birth of a granddaughter born to Rebecca & Elly Gamss, sister to Elisha, Atara and HASHKAMA KIDDUSH Yakira. Hashkama Kiddush is sponsored by Milt & Ruth Mitzner in memory Mazal Tov to Charles & Rori Sassoon & Brenda Anne Shapiro, Morris David Mitzner and Pearl of Milt’s siblings, Sassoon-Rosmarin on the birth of a granddaughter born to Drucker. Carolyn & Ronnie Ebrani. YOUTH NEWS Saturday night youth soccer has been cancelled. YOUTH SNACKS MATAN BAT MITZVAH PROGRAM Snacks this Shabbat are sponsored by Galit & Grant Reichlin in honor If you are interested in participating, please contact Rabbi Lichter at of Leora's 3rd birthday. [email protected]. In order for the program to take place, there needs to be interest of a minimum of ten girls. MEN’S CLUB SAT. FEB. 21, 8:00 – 11:30 PM COMMUNITY NEWS Join us for the first TENNIS EXTRAVAGANZA run by both Men’s NSHA DIAMOND JUBILEE JOURNAL DINNER , MARCH 24TH Club and Sisterhood. Additional sponsor Yonni Mrejen, Celebrating 60 years, honoring, and Marcy Aharon & Jonathan Tennis, Food and Good Friends, Singles, Men’s Doubles, Women’s and Stefanie Hazghyian. There will be a memorial tribute to its Doubles, Mixed Doubles. Please let us know if you are a Beginner, In- Honorary Dean and First Principal, Rabbi Dr. Ephraim & Rebbetzin termediate or Advanced. Come to Play. Prices for Couples, $75 for Food Elaine Wolf, its long time former Principal, Rabbi Nathan Horowitz & Tennis, $50 for Food. Prices for Singles, $37.50 for Food & Tennis, and its long time former Dean Of Students, Rabbi Aron Sternberg, z"l. $25 for Food. Play and Eat or Just Socialize & Eat. For info: Jack Lipsky Those wishing to help, please contact Glenn Zuckerman or Laura Co- (516) 384-1482 [email protected]. hen. They are asking for any old photos of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Wolf, Rabbi SUN. MAR 15, 10:00 AM: Breakfast and talk by authors Horowitz or Rabbi Sternberg from their yearbooks, old journals or per- Hershey Friedman and Linda Weiser Friedman on their new sonal photos that will help in the video tribute chaired by Sharon book, God Laughed: Sources of Jewish Humor. Goldwyn, Judy Blatter and Debbie Hollander. For further info, to SUN MAR 29, 9:30 AM: The Annual Rabbinic Dialogue to be held at place an ad and/or to make a reservation, please contact Arnie Flatow Temple Beth this year. at [email protected] or call the Business office at 487-8687 x2. SUN MAR. 29, 5:00 PM: Join us as the Islanders Hockey team play the Red Wings at the Coliseum. Tickets $40 (for paid-up Men's MAGAZINES Club members). Contact Steve Blumner 639-8941. Still collecting for N.S.U. Hospital. Must be no older than three (3) months. Please cut off your name and address labels (do not rip off) GN EIRUV ASSOCIATION APPEAL and bring them to shul office. Our annual appeal for the GN Eiruv Association was sent out in January. For those of you who have already donated, we sincerely appreciate Saturday, 2 Adar your support. For those who have not, we would greatly appreciate Michele Wolf for Philip Berman your support at this time. The suggested donation is $180 per family. Sunday, 3 Adar If you are able to give more that is a tremendous help; if you are Milton Mitzner for Pearl Ducker unable to give the suggested donation, any contribution is greatly Leon Schwechter for Israel Schwechter appreciated. Please mail your checks to GN Eiruv Association, P.O. Box William Wolff for Rebecca Rachel Wolff 234243, Great Neck, NY 11023. You may also donate on line at Monday, 4 Adar you for your support!! Steven Berkowitz for Jack Berkowitz Lev Dynkin for Shasha Mindel Lider DIARIES Y Donna Hecht for David Gad This year we will not be mailing the Jack Herskowitz Emergency Milton Mitzner for Anne Shapiro Fund Diaries as in the past. We have them available in the office for A Tuesday, 5 Adar pick-up where you can drop off your donation and get it at the same Brenda Parver for Ida Altman time. Shellie Zuckerman for Aaron Feinerman H Wednesday, 6 Adar PURIM CARDS Melvin Breite for Stanley Breite The Sisterhood will once again have Purim cards. Please email R Phillis Kirsch for Charles Zuckerman Judy Lillien at [email protected] or call 516-487-6845 to place your Ina Lax for Ethel Schoenfeld order. You may call the shul office as well. Cards are 10 for 25 dollars Z Phillis Weinberg for Sadye Herschkowitz or 3 dollars each. There is a limited supply. Don’t be left out. Gerda Weissfeld for Max Weissfeld Thursday, 7 Adar SECURITY E Gilbert Aronowitz for Fannie Aronowitz In an effort to improve security in accessing our building, the code to Robin Bours for Harold David Siegel enter the building has been changed effective 1/13/15. To obtain the I Dan Horowitz for Robert Horowitz new code, please email [email protected]. or [email protected]. Michelle Landsman for Robert Horowitz There are a limited number of key fobs available (no need to enter a T Mitchell J. Siegel for Rachel Siegel code if you have a key fob). The cost is $25 to obtain a key fob: Murray Weiss for Anna Weiss Contact Jim Frisch in the office. Friday, 8 Adar Norman Fisher for Henry Fisher AIPAC CONVENTION Naeema Pomerantz for Rachamim Soleimani The AIPAC Policy Conference will take place March 1-3 in Wash. Moosa Soleimani for Rahamim Soleimani DC. Rabbi Polakoff will be leading our delegation. Miki Yakubovich for Reuven Yehuda ben Dov Visit to register and take part in this historic event.