Country: Project:MULTINATIONAL: ROAD CORRIDOR PROJECTPHASE I, – CUAMBA ROAD PROJECT Financing:African Development Bank Abstract:LOT C CUAMBA (114 KM LENGTH) Sector:Roadways Contract/Bid Number:Contract 112/DIPRO/2010; Request for expression of interest Deadline:11 March 2011

This request for expressions of interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in Development Business on the 2 July 2009.

The Republic of Mozambique has received a loan from the African Development Fund (ADF) to finance jointly with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the ExportImport Bank of Korea (EXIM) the abovementioned project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of the loans for eligible payments for consulting services for supervision of the civil work contract:

Contract 112/DIPRO/2010: Lot C Malema Cuamba (114 km length)

The scope of services under this assignment includes, but is not limited to:

Supervision of Rehabilitation Works Contract to ensure that the works comply with approved design, drawings, specifications, conditions of contract and sound engineering practice Approval of contractors working drawings Certifying payments Preparation of monthly and quarterly progress reports Preparation of final construction report and as built drawings of all completed works Preparation of project completion report Supervision of maintenance activities during the maintenance defects liability period, etc.

The National Roads Administration (ANE), which is the executing agency of the project, now invites consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the services referred to above. Interested firms must provide a statement of capability indicating the firms experience and qualification to provide the required services through submission of brochures, description of comparable assignments in similar conditions and availability of resources and appropriate skills among staff.

A shortlist of six firms will be compiled in accordance with the procedures set out in the African Developments rules and procedures for the Use of Consultants. The shortlisted firms will be invited to submit technical and financial proposals. The selection of a consulting firm for the services will be through an evaluation of the proposals received based on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS).

Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address below on or before 15:00 hours on 11 March 2011 clearly marked: Expression of interest for consultancy services for supervision for Lot C Malema Cuamba:

Contact:Administracao Nacional de Estradas (ANE). Gabinete do Director Geral. Av. de Mocambique 1225. C.P. 403. Maputo, Mocambique. Tel: (2581) 476163/7. Fax: (2581) 477235. Email: [email protected]