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. , la • • UNITE, D NATIONS Press Services Office of Publ:f.c Information United Hatio;.1s, N.Y. (For use of infm."lration media -- not an official record) Press Release SG/1267 17 July 1962 r..lETHERLANDS STATEMENT AT RESUMED PRIVATE TALKS ON WEST NEW GUINEA

The follmring is the text of the opening statement by J. Herman van Roijen, 1ead of the delegation at the resumed private talks on \-lest Ne'\oT Guinea,

~eleased by the Acting Secretary-General's office today:

"The Net'herlands delegation is very happy at the resumption of these secret )reliminary talks and I personally welcome the return of Ambassador Malik* to

~hese 'hospitable surroundings. He are very glad that Ambassador Bunker** has found it possible again to be present as third party at these negotiations. "I shouJd like to take this opportunity of making a short statement. I wish

~o do so in order to take away any uncertainty which the Government of Indonesia nay still feel with regard to the position and attitude of the Netherlands Government in respect of the Bunker proposals. "I therefore wish to repeat what I have already said to Mr. Zain,*** my Indones:!.an colle'::lgue in vJashington. "The Netherlands Government accepts the Bunker proposals in principle. This •.neans that my governr:1ent accepts the sequence of events as laid down in Points 2 and 3 of those proposals. After the phase of UN administration there will be a period Jf full administrative control by Indonesia followed after a number of years, still to be specified, by the exercise of the right of self-determination of the Papuans. "The acceptance by the Netherlands Government of the foregoing is subject only to the one condition mentioned in Point 4 of the Bunker proposals, namely tlwt the Jovernment of the Netherlands receives adequate guarantees for safeguarding the interests, including the right of self-determination, of the Papuans."

* *** *

*Adam Malik, of I ndonesia. **Ells'\oTorth Bunker, of the . ***Zairin Zain, of Indonesia. I


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• -73

Jlll,z. u-.. t Cllllt

Ii \ cc Mr. Stavropoulo~ ,..- para·. l only

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July 21, 1962

My dear Mr. Secretary General:

I am enclosing a copy of a memorandum I mentioned in our telephone conversation this morning. This contains the points for formal negotiations between the Governments of Indonesia and the Netherlands on which there has been a meeting of the minds, as a result of our discussions here. While it is understood that these points do not represent definite commitments by each side, I believe it is fair to say that, except for changes in wording, looking toward further clarification, both sides are agreed as to the sub­ stance of the memorandum.

I shall make it a point to keep you informed of day­ to-day developments here.

With kindest regards,

Sincerely yours,

Ellsworth Bunker

His Excellency U Thant, Acting Secretary General of the , New York, N. Y. \ #

Jul7 21, 1962

My a..r Mr. Sec:ret&z7 OeD.eral:

I - encloat na a CfiP7 ~ a _,randua I MDticmed 1n our telepbaDe cca •~tiGD tld.a .oming. ftia CGDtatna the pointe for tomal neaotiatiGDa betwen tbe Oo'f'e~t• of ID4ol1ea1a and the Bet.MrleD4a 011 vld.ch ture baa beeD a -tin& of the mnda, aa a reeult of our ti8CWIII1oo• bere. vtd.le it ia Ullderstooa tbat the8e pointa do DOt repreect 4e1"1n1te c~:tamta 'b1 each aide, I believ. i t 1• talr to aq that, except tor 1n 11101'JU.D&, l ()C]k1na to.ant turtller cl.ar1t1c&tiaa, llotb a14ea are asr-4 aa to tbe nb­ at.Dce of the _,raD..._.

I aball ..&• 1t a point to keep JUU ~I'MCl ~ d.q­ ~ deftl~t· be:re.

V1 tla kiDcleat J'e8IIIU'

B:l.a Bxellmcy u !bult, Acting Sec.retal7 O..ral of tile UD1te4 kt1Gil8, Wew York, B. Y. SECRETARY-GENERAL 1 August 1962

The following Aide Me.aire vas handed over to Mr. Subandrio 1 Foreign Minister of' Indonesia, on 31 July 1962, at his request, after consultation with Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker:


1he following is BfY under standi~ in regard to the modalities of' the transfer of' authority over West Bev Guinea (We st Irian):

1. The author!ty of' the GoverDDent of' the Xetberlands over the ter- ritory will be terminated when the Special Representative of' the Secretary­ Gemral takes charge. On the same day the United liations flag will be hoisted.

2. Prom tlle sa.e date tha withdrawal and repatriation of' tlle anaed forces of' the lletherlande will be&in und_er the supervision of' the Secretary­ General's Special Representative and will be concluded as soon as possible.

3. On 1 Jarmary 1963 the Indonesian flag will be hoisted side by side vith the United Jlations flag.

4. The transfer of' author! ty to Indonesia will be effected as soon as posaible after 1 May 1963. ~ U ~ant Acting secretary-General Y.Lol.-.!~ 1• .tftdaa1r'ar ot atllori~ G'Nr ... Gai.. <••t Ir

t.lae •1~r~- Oftr -lll'el.a't;.:t1ft of tM lleelN'tar7- -·,.,...- t hca tM - data u.-- Witai-Ml art:.a.rl&Dla will a 111111llm' .. BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS



SubJ ot to t .. f· o mplifioation dumng formal n1Go·1 tins, re ent t· QB o h1 Governments ot Indonesia

d 1;he th 1 d i h ve , ached .rt .. l · minary understanding on th ollo ng 1 rn 1ts o" set ' m nt of the West Ne OUinea d. aput : l .. t f r nil ag m nt · twe n th Governments of t tberl d ·as been signed and ratified

by oth pa.L-... ,c cr.:o1 t nds and Indonesia will Jointly sponsor a re J ution . t l e United Nations under the

terms or h1oh th n ral ~sembly takes note of the to 1 B.gr (a< l7. owle e s the le of the United

N tions in ·he aid ei · t.) ! and authorizes the Acting

Secretary . ~.:. t he tasks entl'USted to hi o 2 A1't th on j :h .o ution rererred t o in paragraph 1 , f the Netherlands will

t.a.ns er ~1. ~ a t rri tory to a United tio Te uthority (UNTEA) upon the

iv of h· Uni· at .. o s Administrator appo nted in ceo'rdao 4. The UNTEA Will i n turn t ans:ler th 1m1 · a at1on onesi a in aooordanoe with - 2 with p agraph 6 at r th i ni iaJ. phase of United Nations administration

Ir 19(1 ~ t t he t. f of admdnistration to th UNTEA aft ;h tion the resolution by th

n ral Asaem .'fT th th N therlaods will invite the . c . eral to s nd a repres ntativ t aons J one · ek to ten day-s) Wit tl Net of " terri tory prior to the l·t r' 4ep Net. lan s Governor Will depart prior to t 1 :Lval or th t d Nations Administrator. Au t d Natio trator, cceptabl to the Governm nts o Indcne 1 s, 111 be appointed by the

Ac. ting Secret~ ll": Oe J." 1 of t r. s United Nations. chief executive otticer o the UNTEA, :111 av . fUll uthorlty under the direction o the Acting e t 1 to administer the territory for the penoc· ."' Unit · lla ·1 ne aam1n1strat1o i n acoordanc w.... th the t o" tl • The Unit d Nat: .. ons ·A wlll have diacreti.on to transfe all o. part o, the a · atrat1on to Indonesia at any tilllG ar e 1 ·he i li 1al o United Nations adm1nistrat1o , but t full cont rol until the mom~ " ot tran::~ er o£ 1 ad 11 etration to Indonesiaa 1 .. The 1 J t i ng Sec t y l provide the UNTEA with h sc ty d ations Administrator a

I !l h to .ll p l · ~lplement exist ing Papuan

)01. :! i h )f' · and order.

u~l" -. ti N t ionn l.ll gradually be replaced · y Ind nas · an t the i nitial phase ot

Urdt ~ t1ons l;i • ll United Nations secur1ty ON \l lll t • to t transfer of adminis-

t ti n t o n

~ to 1 A w-111 be plao d

y the hi r by non-~toh, non- Indon 1

f ioi for I ( UNTEA . The United N tions

n1at a to.... 1 •• L o mploy on a tempo ary ·han t op n.ttch officials

n s the UNTEA. As many Pap..t as o b. ug1 i nto adm1nistrative

:md ·.. ec.b a:toal ·~ve nt there are not enough

a ill d Dut c >:' .,a_:>u< 1 p na l~ the UNTEA will have

aut 1 ity to Loy rs nnel. - . e JNTEA anc ill g rm ee fully the rights) :l.ncludl g t hE Jf fre. a · -e~h , f reedom or movem nt

ant of s£ernt 1~ · f '"" i' •3 j ~"hab .t s of the area.. These

t toiill in c.1dP- t 1 :uflt · ;; r>- ~hts of the :inhabitants ot the - 4

of th te~i tory t the time f tran fer of adm1n1etrat1on to the UNTEA. rubJ pt1ons listed in Annex B .. th UNTE an -· ter t ian ""dministration will take o r xi ting . tch o 1 t to the inh bi tant • l)J.r1ng t p riod o . n1 ted N ion dmini at ration there will be £ nt for In on si n to and fro the territor,y.

~1. I di tel t tl r~ f · administrati n to the

U ited N tio 1 he tn TEA 11 rid ly publicize and explain

th te o.f IAlt .- 1do e 1 greements Will ir .... orm · he po t"on onoern.n th transfer of adm1n1Dtration to Indo 1a the p v s o for the act of s lf-

d e nation e d t.o in graph _.

2. Crt n Unit d tiorw pe o 1 will rem n after th t fer of a- inist tion to don sia to dvise, assist

and particip in ro~ the act or rree choice i n acco ance th par aph ___ •

• To th xt .nt t at th . are c nsistent wi.th the letter and spirt t of th agre ment, xi ting la a and regulations 111 remain in effect. The TE and later the Indonesian n1strat1on 111 th pa er to pror lgate new 1 s

and gul tion or th m 'i1 thin the spirit and agre nt.

14 'l'h rep ve coun 1., rill be consulted prior t o the

iD U 0

. stln law re, la.tio a 15. Vacancie s - 5 -

15 Vaoanci s in the rep tiv oouncils cauaecl b7 tbe

departure or Dutch national J or tor other reasons, will

tilled as ppropri t c ist~nt with existing

1 f)ialation '3 e eti , or- by appointment by the ~. p nt ive oou 11 dll be consult d prior to the

poi tment c sen tiv So 16. Aft r tt t sr .r o admiru trat1on to Indonesia, efforts t71 1 ma in accor c h pres nt Ind.on sian pr t1ce to cc 1 rat th ton o th peopl e in local gov rnment t ugh p odic -ections; however, the terms cts of the act ot t oic •

17 o 'l'h United N ions lldr nist tor Will s nd periodic reports

to the Acti ~ cretar:v ne al on th princi pal aspects ot t impl ntation or th Sec tary bmi .full report t o the Governments of In nea1a d tb N ther ds and may sub t , at his

disc tion, n~ ports to the General Assembl7 or to al U t d N 1ona mb r .. 8. iho ero1se c • a 11'-det rm1 tion should b completed not 1 t :r th .ter the transfer ot tull dm:1. st t1 n to onesia(l 9. T.h qv1est1ona to vat d on fill be formulated i n auoh a ay to · t th 1nha 1tants t o deci de (a ) whether they

Wia w1ab to m r1t I do s ; or (b) h th r they wish to s G t s • 20 1 an to ign nationals wil to part1 1 act or ael£-d t rminat o nt of th signing of' th th act ot e lf- etermin t1o inclur ing t rted after 1945 d wh to t residence arter the rminati n tl n1. t ationo

• admdnistration 1 b he Netherlands. t d Indonesia will

onsu t d by e Act tary General in the p paration • t th bdg ~ h Acting c tary Gene 11111 1n ..

• 0 t will take precedenc ov: r y p Vi.ou t ew OUi. a. Previous t at an ng West N w Guinea ay t rminat d or ad 1uat d eeasar,r to contorm to the

t 1'1118 .o th tch- doneei eemanto 23. '!h A ting e t will end avor to provide such t chnical iatan in th fi lds of adDdn1atration d

eonomia p e a t_o d so 1 df)'""lopment as t Uni.ted

N tiona Admin! trato ecessaey o After th tranat r

0 st ·ion to Indo J the size and compo 1tion ot tl t c 1 t ~ er onn 1 1. ill be

01 t fJt'\·uo1!'91"\'nru:.nt of don 1 n h

i. 24

d l

t t b en u t

O'Tto~~~~ntl!ltnt of th arti J nt tion, _th1

I t: th c1 o

y nt of t e rito • ..


l. It is regretted that through a staff oversight the ~ Memoire

of July 31 was not immediately made known to the Dutch Government. Any

inconvenience which this oversight may have caused also is sincerely regretted.

The SYG hopes f~bassador van Roijen will convey to the Dutch Government these


2. The matter of the raising of the Indonesian flag on January 1, 1963

arose when Dr. Subandrio suggested and strongly importuned that such a

symoblic gesture would greatly facilitate President Sukarno's approval of

the preliminary understanding. Anxious above all to remove any possible

obstacles to agreement, the SYG, a~ticipating that he would be in full

administrative control of the territory at the time and perceiving no strong

objection to such a gesture, agreed to Dr. Subandrio's suggestion. This

and other understandings regarding the modalities of interim UN administration

of the territory were embodied in an Aide Memoire.

3. The SyG's sole aim is to see a constructive and peaceful solution

of the dispute. In this connection, the progress already achieved has been deeply gratifying and it is clearly recognised that Ambassador van Roijen

personally deserves much credit. 4. The SYG understands fully the proportions of the present problem and the need to take steps to rectify any possible misunderstanding which

may have arisen in The Hague. Although the understanding reaching on July 31

with Dr. Subandrio cannot - and the Amb&asador will appreciate the sensitivities

of the situation - be rescinded, measures are available for solving this

essentially minor matter. One effective means might be to send a letter to

both the Netherlands and Indonesia requesting that, in addition to the UN I flag, the Dutch flag continue to be displayed until the end of 1962 and tbat - 2 - the Indonesian flag be flown thereafter. This would symbolize the le3itimate interest of both sides and would be especially appropriate in view of the interim and temporary nature of the UN administration. The Ambassador's reaction to this sug5estion would be appreciated. :r.tter fraa U Thant to Sukarno and De Qual

Your Excellenciest With reference to the preliminary understanding regarding West New

Guinea reached between your .:issaries on J~ 31, 1962 and in anticipation that this understanding will form the substantial part of a tonu.l agreement to be signed D,y the designated representatives of your respective governments on appraximateq August 15, 1962, I wish to advise, in view of the prospective administrative function envisioned tor 11f1' office, as tollCMJI

(1) Upon ratification of the agreement by your goverDDlents and adoption, as envisaged by the agreement, of an appropriate resolution by the UHGA, I will undertake full and exclusive administrative and executive control of the territory in accordance with the agreement and all other administrative authority in the territory will terminate illmediately.

(2) As from the beginning of United Nations administration, all Dd.litary, police and other forces or a similar nature present in the territo:cy will be

UDder the authority of the United Nations administrator. Netherlands military forces will be repatriated as rapi~ as possible, and vhf 1 awcl:biug repatria%i1• &a aet be a&~agad ia •B¥ IIi lt L&lJ opaa: aGiOS"'..

(3) The flag of the United Nations will be displayed in the territory during the entire period of United Nations administration. Additi.o~, in view of the temporary nature of United Nations administration and in order that tbe legitimate concern of the Dutch and Indonesian Govermuents be properly symbolized, I request tbat the tlag of the Kingdan of the

Netherlands •

- 2 -

Netherlands also be novn until tbe end of 1962 and that the flag ot tbe

Republic of Indonesia be flown in the territory beginning January 11 1963. I bave selected this date as appropriate to the spirit of the accord

between you.

U T:baht Acting Secretary-General



1. A copy of the Aide Memoire of July 31 has been handed to the Dutch

Government as a matter of course. President Sukarno's public reference to

the document - although the text has not been made public - has been followed

by a strong and adverse Dutch reaction to its content, ~specially with I respect to the raising of the Indonesian flag on January 1, 1963. The

Dutch state that the existence of the Aide Memoire will very likely be an

obstacle to the pr2viously envisioned prompt ratification of the agreement

by the Parliament and may well result in a Cabinet crisis which would further

becloud the matter.

2. Upon reflection, the Secretary-General has coniuded that, although a ~irm understanding had been reached, issuance of the Aide Memoire (possibly " influenced by a misinterpretation of the nuances of the Dutch attitude) was

premature. 3. Without wishing to derogate from the understanding reached on July 31,

the Secretary General is convinced it now is essential that steps be taken to

correct the misunderstanding that has arisen. This is necessary to ensure

prompt and favorable ratification by the Neth~rlands.

4. The SYG is sure that Dr. Subandrio is sensitive to the problem that

has arisen and will "rish to cooperate generously ~ ri t h the SYG in solving what

essentially is a very minor matter. At least two means of solution appear

evident: (a) Withdrawal of the ~ Memoire with adequ~te notice to the Dutch that such action has been taken and that the withdrawal has been recognised - 2 - by Indonesia. ·rbis would not affect the understanding of July 31.

(b) Despatch of an additional letter addressed to both governments. This would have the advantage of clearing the written record and would avoid possible future inferences of duplicity, which while unsupportable, would be disadvantageous to both the UN and Indonesia. Provision for f~ing (in addition to the UN flag) the Dutch flag until the end of the year and there­ after the Indonesian flag would obviate what otherwise might be viewed as illogical or even partial action should the Indonesian flag be raised on

January 1, 1963 while the Dutch flag bas been lowered permanently at the beginning of UN administration.

5· The SYG appreciates fully the significance to Indonesia of agreement on the West New Guinea dispute and recognises that the signing of an agree­ ment immediately prior to the National Day is of special gratification.

Thus, Indonesia will have a unique opportunity not only to rejoice at having achieved a major national goal but also) and perhaps of more pro- found long-term significance) to lay the ground-work for restored fruitful confidence in Dutch-Indonesia relations, an opportunity for President Sukarno to extend the hand of friendship. Public discussion on that occasion of the understanding of July 31 might easily be misunderstood and the SYG is certain that Indonesian leaders will wish to exercise prudent public discretion. New York, 10 August 1962


I have the honour to inform you that during this week two more groups of Indonesians have infiltrated into West New Guinea. The first group, consisting of forty men, landed from boats during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday on the island of Was, West of the Onin peninsula. During the night from Thursday to Friday, according to information received from the local inhabitants, about one hundred and forty Indonesians, who had also arrived in boats, landed near the village of Wey on the island of Misool, one of the Radja Ampat islands west of Sorong. The inhabitants were told by members of this group that more infiltrators would follow. Both groups of infiltrators were located by Netherlands armed forces. Investigations showed that the landings were made from speedboats specially constructed for this action. On the island of Misool the first exchange of fire between Netherlands troops and infiltrators took place today. The Netherlands Government has instructed me to protest against this Indonesian action at a time when negotiations between the Netherlands and Indonesia are taking place under your responsibility. I would be grateful if you would kindly circulate this letter as a Security Council document. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,

The Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations New York C.W.A. Schurmann

I I •

New York, 10 August 1962 Sir, I have the honour to inform you that th eth rlands Government, wishing to gJ.ve expre s ion to its continui ng concern t or t he welfare of the po ula tion of e t New Qui n a i n the event that t he cont lat e agre ent between t he etherl anda and Indonesia cone m i n West e Guinea is signed and ratified, ha decided to ke availabl e to you ann lly t h of t en million dollars . I t i s the intenti on of Go vern nt that this a should be allott by you to the Unite N t iona or any of its s ecia lized agenci es as a contri- bution to any ro es of t echni cal a ssistance, undertaken by one or ore of th for th ole b net1t or the opul ation of the territory of est New 1nea .

I have been authorized to state that, if you acce t y Gove - ent ' otter, t he above- enti oned s will be plac d a t your dis osal during ach ot the next th years . I f , a t the nd of t hat r iod, the ben f i ts a ccruetn to t he po~ul a tion ot est N Guinea fro these grants are satisfactory, Gove ent will continue king the same yearly dona t ions until t he end or the y r enti oned for t he exerci se of the right of sel t-determin tion by t he o ulation or Wes t Ne Guinea in t he agre ent between t h Netherl ands and Indonesi a . I hould be gra.te.tul to you if you uld kindl7 i nform the Indone 1an Gove ent of this otter and. 1 t me kno whether 1 t is a ccept& le to you and t o the . I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient s rvant,

Tb Acting Secretar.y-General of the United ations C • • .A • Schurmann ·_ e_w., ____ York _ . ~~t L~~ ...

1-l'en> o.vn . ~~ fJ~~ (~(,).,

Tk ~L of t_,~ N.&v3~

/. ~a4rj-~~. l... ~~ 1- lk~ N~ ~~- 3.~f..~~ ~ '--tt. L!;. 4-. ~· ~L { ~~-

Subjects to be discussed at 11.00 a.m., Monday, 13th of August 1962. '!be Question of West Rev Guinea

1. Cessation of hostilities. 2. Size of United Bations Contingent. 3. Supply to Indonesian paratroops already in the territory. 4. Question of indonesian prisoners. c -vv- A, 5c Hu/1 ffl !ltv" ?~&4\ . ¥· 0} 74o ~~ to hu ilt'r

4o "- U eu- {L'R. /./,._1ef~. cf> ~,.. (! 0

Composition of the Netherlands Delegation at the discussions on

1} August on the question of West Bew Ouinea:

D,r. J .H. van Royen Betherlands Ambassador to the u.s.A.

Admiral H.H.L. Pr()pper Former Chaii'JIS.n of Joint Chiefs of Staff

Mr. c .w .A. SchUrma.nn Perm.Rep of the :Retherlands to the U.N.

Jhr. J .L.R. Huydel!:oper Councelor of Embassy, Betherlands Embassy, Washington D.C.

Colonel c. Kosten RBA

Colonel J .E. Harders BJIAF

Commander E .H. 'ftl1 Rees RBI' CCJimo•itiOil or the l.ep'tiOD a' t..h. 41•cu.••iou Oil

13 oa ua. •U on csr n ... J

Dl" • 'J ·• • YaD 8o)-en •-.&or to the f.a.A.

W ri.l. ....L. PriJppar :roa--r aaa:uw.n 0~ Joi.Dt an.~. 0~ I ~

llr • C.v .A. BchlliiWUIL Pera.•p o~ tM •ta.rlim4• to ..._ .1. Ar. J .L.a. 11u;ra. oper

Colo 1 C. I'D•t.n

Coloael '3 ·•· ._...r• 110

Q:ii~DAer • ·•· "tU ... -

l \.lN"{)owfSIA.,.; 7:H:Lec?ATJDAI j ;_ 1( HI I) /J-j IT ·. /c~'jbnM ~~~~. /. :!JR' w 13~ tV..DlT/N/ro ktESh'uffi?'~pO 6 , 241RIIJ/ 24#1/ 6. SC!JO;VO S'c(RJO/vcw:LJRo 7 S'C/..?JJARNo /70.1/.0.eb,r&--~ 5. SC/e4E'.a/O h!/-(:JJo?~A/I'O?CJ j. .52;-'./t? .O/t/0 Sl?Ci/0 .ZW'IAR.tJo /0 , /?4-!!lt/CiAI'J~~ II. /444?4-TffD¥


~~ -b, L ..L:., ~ """ ~· 11 If~ w,,_,

7l_ . Q •. ._,~ { w~ N~ ~ ~--- 1. s~.~ · ~ fJ-p,_...... J~. ~~------­ '"l. ~ 1- ~td. rv~' ~· __3 ~~b~~~~~~~~ - -- 4-. R v--~ 1;- ~ ~~. -- -- S'. ~~ c{- Pc..p.,o.l) ~ C~ ,-.~).k~ 1r~? -- '· 6L~1~~.Cbr.~rt~?) F~ +~-cL ~1:o:tfL..L1~'~1f:_ - --- ~' -- 7. S't-t:__:j; ~ tt_ ~ 1 ~ 1L ~· ~·-~- -- ?. N~ 1 \J,r~. ~-~t:v ~ ~ tt- ~~-

{. rt\j • ._ ! &., 1- u .('(. ~ ~ tt..._ ~~ ~- --

(c A- ~ <(f.'c.... ~t.tf- ~ u .rv, ~~. ~--- I I

13 August 1962

Indonesian Delegation attending discussions regarding the Question of West !lew Guinea (West Irian)

Morning of 13 August and part of afternoon (military discussions)

Dr. Subandrio Minister for Foreign Affairs ) joined the meeting Dr. Sukardjo Wirjopranoto Perm.Rep. of Indonesia to the UN ) in afternoon

Rhidajat Lt.General, Indonesian Army Adam Malik Ambassador of Indonesia to Moscow Suwito Kusumowidagdo Deputy to the Foreign Minister Amb. Sudjarwo Achma.d Jusu:f Colonel, Indonesian A.nsry Sri Moeljono Herlam-Bang Colonel, Indonesian Airforce Djelani Colonel, Indonesian lfavy L. Mu.nthe, Lt.Colonel, Indonesian Army S. Surjotjondro Department of Foreign Affairs, Chief, Cabinet of Ministe:r:

Indonesian Delegation - list as given in afternoon: 1. Dr. Subandrio 2. Khouw Bian Tie 3. Sutikno Slamet 4. Suwito 5 • Za.irin Za.in 6. Sujono Surjotjondro 7• Sudjarwo Tjondronegoro 8. Sukardjo Wirjopranoto 9. SuJudno Brotodiaardjo 10. Panggabean 11. Marathon • ../ . ../ . ~ . • • 12 August 1962

Subjects to be discussed on Mond!y, l~th of August 1962

The Question of West :Rev Guinea

1. Secretary-General's Special Representative V"" 2. Size of United Jlations Contingent v"~. Supply to Indonesian paratroops already in the territory V4. The question of Indonesian prisoners 5· Status of Papuans abroad (Consular question) Liaison office! 6. Restoration of' diplomatic relations (Exchange of letters!) Form of letters to be agreed to at the time of signing the agreement 1. Statements at the ceremoey of signi:ng the agreement a. lfumber of u.x. non-military personnel in the first phase 9. Wumber of U .R. personnel in the second phase 10. A small office staff at U.I. Headquarters. I ~


..-- ....'· 5· Aide M.emoire

Financial Arrangements Envisaged For the United Nations Admini tration of West New Guinea (We~t Irian)

is note has been prepared in response to the request by the repr esentati ves of the Government s of t he Netherlands and Indonesia for an explanation of c rtain f inancial arrangements Which the Acting Secreta r-General envi sages in respect or the United Nations administrati on f We t New Guinea (West Ir.:i.an) ..

It i s understood and agreed t hat t he entire costs arising from and in connexion with the United Nations administration of the er ritory will be borne in equ.a.l. shares by the two Governments, and that the f unds required by t he Or ganizati on in this connexion will be made available t o it in advance of i t s need to expend t he funds o

'Xhe Secretary·..General will prepare, in consultation with the two Government s, a budge covering the tot al anticipated costs involved in its administration o the Territor,y, and will request the two Government s to make advances of fund in such currencies and at such time(s ) as may be required t o cover the anti cipated costso

The f unds de available by t he Gover nments to the Organization will be tre.ated as 11 trust ftmds'' in accordance with United Nations Financial Regulations 6o6 and 6o7 and will be administered in accordance wit h the established United Nat i ons financial regulations and rules r elating t o trust funds , reserve and special accounts, and, in parti cular, United Nations Financial Regulations lO.l(d), 10o2 and l ln3 rel ting to t he arrangement s in respect of (a) the maintenance of an int ernal financial ontrol to provide for an effecti ve current examination and/or r view of f inancial transactions in order to ensure t he regular i tT of the re eipt, custody and disposal of t.he funds, the conformity of b i gat ns and expenditures wi.th the purposes and rules relating to the trust fun s, and the economic use of' these resources; ·' - 2 ~

(b) providing that no obliga~ions shall be incurred until allotments or other appropriate authorizations have been made in writing under the authority of the Se cretary~General and (c) maintaining a separate special account for all funds received in t rust from the Governments~

As soon as possible after the termination o! the United Nations responsibility for awatnistration of the Territory an audited statement of t he income and expenditures arising from and in connexion with its administration of the Terr i t ory will be rendered to the t wo Governments, and any balance of funds in t he trust fund t hat are not required to . cover co~mnitments entered int.o by the Organi zati on in thi s connexion will be r efunded in equal shares to the t wo Goverrunentso

If6 after preparation of the initial budget, unforeseen develop­ ments should oceur giving rise to the need for additional funds from t he two Governments, t he Secretary-General \-.ould prepare a supplemental budget in consultation with the two Government s, and r equest such additional deposita in the trust fund as would be requiredo

It may be anticipated that the budget est~ates would consist of two major parte, the fi r st relat ing to what may be described as the normal territ orial operations and ac counts~ and the second relating to expenses to be incurred by t he United i'ations for starr and other costs (sal aries, UgNo pension contributions, insurance, travel expenses, communications costs , etc o) which may not be dealt with appropriately as part of the normal t erritorial operat ions" The second part of the budget would leo include the costs of any security personnel that might be required and for which no provision has been made in the existing budget for t he Ter ritor,

Subject to any need for appreciab e salar,y and wage rate increases for territorial employees during the period of the United Nations Administrati on of the Territory, or appreciabl e incr eases in t he coste of materials and services required for the Territory, it may be anticipated t hat the amount requi red under the first part of t he budget would not exceed appreciably, and might be somewhat les3, t han seven~ t welfths of the 1962 budget for the Ter ritory est ablish d b,y the Government of t he Netherlands .. - 3-

The amount required under the second part of the budget 'h'Ould be limited by the Secretary-General to the minimum essential requirements !or the effective and efficient discharge of the United Nations responsibilities in connexion tdth its administration of the Territor.vo

13 August 1962 ANNEXA.

Top Dutch officials to be replaced as rapidly as possible with non-Dutch, non-Indonesian officials {par. 8 of preliminary Wlderstanding).

L Government

Head Government Information Bureau 1 Head Popular Information Service 1 rr. Department of Internal Affairs Director 1 Divisional Commissioners {"Residenten" ): 6 1. Hollandia 2. Biak 3. Manokwari 4. Fakfak 5. Merauke 6. Central Highlands. Administrative Head of the General Police 1 m. De!>artment of Finance Director 1

IV. Dep::rtment of Social Affairs and Justice

Director 1 v. Department of Public Health Director 1

VL Department of Ctiltural Affairs (including Education) Director 1 Head Broadcasting System i

VJI. Dewrtment of Economic Affairs Director 1

16 sub-total AnnexA - 2 - vm. Department of Transport and Power 16 Director 1 IX. Department of Public WorkS Director 1 Total 18 To: His Excellency Minister Subandrio Minister of Foreign Affairs, of the Republic of Indonesia, NEW YORK, C.

Monsieur le Ministre, We have the honour to confirm herewith the points of understanding reached between our two delegations relating to budgetary matters and to the currency in circulation in \vest New Guinea. 1) itli th the vie\IJ' to preparing the budget for the UNTEA period in accordance with point 23 of the agreement between our

two countries concerning vlest New Guinea, a committee will be set up as soon as possible consisting of representatives of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in order to collect the necessary information and to make appropriate recommendations to the Secretary-General. This committee will also study any problems concerning the currency in circulation in 1;Jest New Guinea. The committee will make recommendations to the Secretary-General concerning the amount to be placed at the disposal of the U.N. administra­ tor by the Netherlands and the Indonesian Governments at the beginning of the UNTEA period. In formulating its recommendations on the budget the committee will be guided by the principles and the spirit of the agreement.

2) -2- 2) The administration of West New Guinea will be transferred to the U.N. administrator with all the assetsj and liabilities existing at the moment of transfer. The Netherlands administration will provide the administrator with a general inventory of all the assets and liabilities including the amount of New Guinea guilder currency notes in circulation on the day of transfer.

3) The liabilities of the Netherlands administration in Mew Guinea which will be taken over by the U.N. administrator in accordance with paragraph 2 above will not include the pension obligations to members of the New Guinea administration who are Netherlands nationals nor the costs involved in the repatration of those officials. These costs will be porne by the Netherlands Government. This applies to those officials who will leave New Guinea prior to or at the time of the transfer of the administration to UNTEA as provided for in paragraph 8 of the agreement, as well as those officials who will continue to serve under the U.N. administration.

4) In establishing the budget for the UNTEA period the U.N. administrator will make his calculations on the basis of a rate of exchange for the New Guinea guilder at US $ 1.00 = N.G.fl. 3.60.

5) In accordance with paragraph 10 of the agreement the foreign exchange regulations in West New Guinea at the -time- • ••

-3- time of transfer of the administration to UNTEA, will be maintained. The administrator may, however, modify these regulations in the interest of the inhabitants of the territory in order to avoid capital transfer which might seriously jeopardize the economic situation in the territory and the economic development programs which are in progress. 6) The currency in circulation in \:lest New Guinea at the time of transfer of the administration to UNTEA will be maintained until after the termination of the first phase of the UNTEA administration. Notwithstanding the stipulations contained in paragraph 10 of the agreement, the UNTEA administrator should in the second phase of his administration withdraw from circulation the New Guinea guilder currency notes in exchange for rupiah bank notes. The International Monetary Fund should be requested to recommend the rate of exchange to be applied. Upon this exchange the New Guinea guilder currency notes 'lillill cease to have the value. of legal tender and should be destroyed under the supervision of UNTEA. The Indonesian government undertakes to provide the administrator with the l;'UP1ah notes required for this exchange. -We should be grateful lf you could confirm the above points. Accept, Monsieur le Mif.istre, the assurances of our highest consideration. J.H. van Roijen C.W.A. Schurmann • ••

1.- Cessation of hostilities is to take place at 0001 GMT on Thursday, August 16, 1962. As from that moment the following rules \"Vill be observed:

a) Cease fire by both parties. b) The Netherlands will not reinforce their military forces in West New Guinea. c) Indonesia will move no materip and no personnel of any kind across the line drawn on the attached chart, except for the purposes indicated in paragraphs 3 and 5.

2.- The cessation of hostilities will be communicated to the

Netherlands and Indonesian armed forces by the following means:

a) Messages transmitted through Indonesian and Netherlands radiostations and via other means of communication at the disposal of the Nether•lands authorities in l.lest New Guinea. b) The dropping of leaflets in the areas concerned in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.

3.- In order to overcome the special difficulties in communi­ cating the cease fire to Indonesian forces in West New­ Guinea territory a prearranged flight will be carried out

by an Indonesian aircraft, with the purpose of dropping leaflets on which a text approved by the U.N. will be printed. On this flight an observer from the United Nations - will - . ..

r.. <..: -

1 l. ill be on boarc1 of the i)lune. 'l h~ obsc:.;'v -:;:..' Lill :ceport J

in aGvance and afte~ th ~ flight, on the tim ~ ~nd the route

of the flight anc the u ~eas of droppinG leaflets.

P, e.n,~ e~... s 4 ... Inc~one~ia ag1..,..;es to inst:.:u ct the oomwe:?s of .i. ts armed

forc..:s in test N.-.H·.- Guinea to concentr·ate '""t once in tho~l" tAr~e , .. i. :z. • ... 1~..::as ~ near SoronG) ~~i..:.imana and F'ak ... ·r.l;:.

5... The Indonesian govel..,mnent ~·..rill deliver by one single unarmed merchant vessel at the port of Sol"Ong non warlike supplies required for the members of the Indonesian

armed forces in ~fest New Guinea for a period of two months. These supplies will be taken over at Sorong by a represen­

tativa of the United Nations 1 who will be responsible for their onHard distribution. This distribution will be carried out by if necessary U.N. aircraft and whereever

re~uired with the assistance of transport facilities made available by the Netherlands authorities to the U.N. representative,

6,- With a view to carrying out the arrangements mentioned under items 3, 4 and 5, a U.N. liaison and an Indonesian liaison consisting of two officers will be established at a Netherlands forces headquarters in Viest New Guinea. '· J.ll be on board of the )1"-ne. ·rh8 obsc:.,... v..:;:..' \:ill report)

in aGvance and afte~ th ~ flight, on the tim ~ ~nd the route of the flight an\t the c). j:eas of' droppinc:; leaflets.

4.- In(~oneBia agl";;;es to 1Dst..-u ct the numue::'s of .i. ts armed

fo:rc\;;s in \.est Nc..n·; Guinet:~ to concentrate c..<.t once in their

5.- The Indonesian government "t-'1111 deliver by one single unarmed merchant vessel at the port of Sorong non warlike supplies required for the members of the Indonesian

armed forces in ~iest New Guinea for a period of two months. These supplies will be taken over at Sorong by a represen­

tative of the United Nations 1 who will be responsible for their onward distribution. This distribution will be carried out by if necessary U.N. aircraft and whereever

rec~uired \"lith the assistance of transport facilities made available by the Netherlands authorities to the U.N. representative.

?·- With a view to carrying out the arrangements mentioned

under items 3 1 4 and 51 a U.N. liaison and an Indonesian liaison consisting of two officers will be established at a Netherlands forces headquarters in West New Guinea. . .

Description of Demarcation Line mentioned in item 1 c.

Line connecting the following positions: Intersection of Australian border and South coast of New Guinea (Irian) 0 10 South 0 141 East

0 10 South 0 136 East

0 5 40• South 0 136 East

0 4 South 0 132 East

0 1 45' South 0 129 East

0 1 10' South 0 129 East

0 2 25' North 0 132 East

0 2 South 0 141 East

Intersection of Australian border and North coast of New Guinea (Irian). 1. Cessation of hostilities is to take place at 0001 GMT on Saturday

August 18, 1962. As fran that moment the following rules will be


a) Cease fire by both parties.

b) The Netherlands and Indonesia will not reinforce their military

forces in West New Guinea (West Irian) nor resupply them with

military material.

c) The Secretary-General will assign United Nations personnel (i) to

observe the implanentation of this agreement and (ii) in particular

to take necessary steps for the prevention of any acts endangering

the security of forces of both parties to this agreement.

d) Any incidents that might occur will be i.Dmediately reported by the

party concerned to the United Nations personnel in order that they

may take the necessary measures to restore the situation in

consultation with both parties.

2. The cessation of hostilities will be communicated to the Netherlands

and Indonesian armed forces by the following means:

a) Messages transmitted through Indonesian and Netherlands radio­

stations and via other means of communication.

b) The dropping of leafiets in the areas concerned in accordance

with the provisions of paragraph 3.

3. In order to overcane the special difficulties in cnnmnnicating the

cease fire to Indonesian forces in West New Guinea (West Irian)

territory pre-arranged flights will be carried out by Indonesian

aircraft, with the purpose of dropping leaflets on which a text

approved by the U.N. will be printed. The Indonesian authorities

... ; ... agree to enable the distribution of this pamphlet to isolated posts

as soon as possible and not later than a fortnight from the cessation

of hostilities. On these flights United Nations observers will be

on board. The observers will report, in advance and after the flight,

on the time and the route of the flight and the areas of dropping


4. To facilitate resupply of Indonesian troops in West New Guinea.

(West Irian) and in order that they may be under the authority of

and at the disposal of the Secretary-General at the appropriate time,

Indonesia will make the necessary arrangements with regard to their

location in s~lected areas, in agreement with the United Nations.

The United Nations will act in consultation herein with the

Netherlands Administrative Authorities.

5. The ~~supply of non-military material to the Indonesian armed

forces in West New Guinea. (West Irian) will be effected by the

United Nations in cooperation with Netherlands and Indonesian

authorities. The United Nations may use one or two unarmed

Indonesian vessels for transport to one or more ports agreeable to

the Netherlands authorities.

Air supply will be carried out by the United Nations in its own


6. With a view to carrying out the arrangements mentioned under

itEIII.s 3, 4 and 5, a U.N. liaison and an Indonesian liaison

consisting of three officers will be established at a Netherlands

forces headquarters in West New Guinea (West Irian). Military

Liaison Officers will be included in the Permanent Missions to the

United Nations of the Netherlands and Indonesia for liaison with the Secretary-General's Office. ... ; ... 7. A United Nations security force composed of an infantry battalion

with ancillary arms and services will be placed by the Secretary­

General at the disposal of the United Nations Administration in

West New Guinea (West Irian) by 1 October 1962 to primarily

supplement the existing Papuan Police in the task of maintaining

law and order.

8. The Netherlands Goverrment will make arrangements through the

intermediary of the Secretary-General to repatriate Indonesian

prisoners as soon as possible after the signing of the Agreement

concerning West New Guinea (West Irian). •••••

••••• I •••••

••••• New York, 14 August 1962 Sir, I deeply regret having to report to you once again on new acts of hostility committed by the Republic of Indonesia with utter disregard for the fact that the nego­ tiations between the delegations of the Kingdom of the Nether­ lands and the Republic of Indonesia are proceeding at United Nations Headquarters under your guidance and have already reached a stage where they seem close to completion. The acts referred to above, and which took place just after I had informed you of other such acts in my letter of August 10, 1962, are the following: 1/ At 9.50 p.m. on August 11, 1962 radar echos showed that six small, fast ships were heading from the North coast of the island of Ceram in North Easterly direction straight for the village of Wey on the South coast of the island of Misool, with a speed of 24 miles per hour. It was near this village that between 100 and 140 Indonesians had landed in the night from 9 to 10 August. At a distance of 15 miles from the coast of Misool the Indonesian ships were intercepted by Netherlands forces. There was firing from both sides and shortly after­ wards the Indonesian ships changed their course and returned to North Ceram. 2/ Between 11 p.m. on August 13, 1962 and 2 a.m. on August 14, 1962 radar posts reported that a number of Indone­ sian planes of the Hercules type were entering the air abov~ West New Guinea from Ceram and the Key islands. At 1.40 a.m. two of these planes reached the neighbourhood of Merauke after having flown in a large arc around the South coast of West New Guinea.

At about~ the same time other planes penetrated to the neighbourhoods of Sorong, Taminabuan and Kaimana. In all there were between 6 and 7 planes. It is estimated that, in all probability, several hundred parachu­ tists were droppedo My Government has instructed me t o protest a gain against these violations of Netherlands territory and to request you, as before, to circulate this letter as a Security Council document. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,

The Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations

NEW YORK c. Schurmann I~I.J/ From Ramses:

The following from Dutch correspondent~: 1. according to a leak the Dutch Cabinet decided today, after a stormy session, to go ahead and sign the agreement tomorrow at 3 p.m.

2. Mr. Malek has been going around trying to explain to the Dutch that the recent landings were not for any aggressive purposes

and sh:mld not be taken serious~ - he sounded very embarrassed.

Of course I am passing this on for what it is worth. Or. J ••• ...... J • • .... • J •

•• • • J • at 19EQ

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1. 1bl auttDr1t.7 ot the Yer...t ot t bl llat.blrl.aDiltl owr tbe terri.tor7 ld.ll bo t t.d e1al. Repre..atat:iw ot -GeMr t.akea obarp. OD ... cla7 'l'.M UDi i.iou tla& ld.ll .. boilrt.ecl.

2. hoa the •- date t he wit.hdrulal ud repatriatioD ot the U1IIJid t aroea of the erl&Dit• w1ll be&in meter the aapeniaia:l of ral'• Spec1al BaJreMntatin aD4 v1ll. lie concl •• .. pH lll.ble • ). OD 1 1963 cma BiaD tla& vUl. be boht.ecl aide br aida with the Unit --~W.I B tlaae 4. n. tranat r ot aut.hor1ttf to Indm:l•m.a 1d.ll be ettect.ecl u IIOOil aa poe Ill. 'ble attar 1 llq 196 ).

Cert,itied trua w ot alcle •dre t.o "• banclrio• F at.er o t Indoneaia, on 31 JalJ 1962.

/ 1. autmrlt-7 ot Be'I;.M:rla~Jib OWl" terri.t.o ey ld.ll be ~IU.Il&~~a al hT~ l.-:l' or ret.&l"::r-G-ar.al. takes t1.ba... Uot - >oi.Uoll- tla& 1ld.ll - ·- 2. a the •- date &J'illld. t ot th t.herl.&Diie lll1ll a. 0 t t.be ~' • ~P'lllal.tl~ co •• 80QD ... able.

'· 1 Jaw..,. b;r e.idAI with

4. t.raneter ot authDI'J.t, to lDciDDaaia 1d.ll be attected. u .. bl• aft, 1 .,. 1963.


CertJ.t:Led ~ w ot alcle at d" h&Dded nip ef eJa, OD 3l.

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ai.d.... _U. IIADG184 to IDdDDa~ Clll 31. Jfll¥ 1962. \ "'

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'aftll'tia "*'* ..... 1 ,_11'\ ,. • . ...tr -·

--~~oA-4. .z;, 1/ ,~""-&,.~~ ~ IS I u 15 Aupat 1962

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'1 Dtee-ber 1.962 1M Jle1ibm~laliiiti f'lliC Will 'be atnack, '· aD4 the I .IIIIIG-8il.D f'lal& 'rill be atea a1 b7 aide W1 tb the Ua1te4 .. fiiC·

c.rt1t1e4 ~ ce1p7 ~ a1 ' rr.! to • o, Fareip llildner o~ lwlapeaia, • 15 Allpat l9(e

}~ f'o :ll.t ~~ lhlra.() ~~ C4t t) ~r,' 0 () ~If) lJ) I

Md the DICIIOM18111Jl tJ.aa will be ho1n.ct side by &14e v1th t)ac.

Certit1e4 tzw CGpJ' Of ai.S.,--.WN IU... ICI l'onip 111111 ot IDiloaes1&, fle· ..... I

AJ. .-::lt".alilll 'to 'b7 • ia liZ"'~~~.&~~r ~ au'UIDriv ot •t

1. !ba au~ "t7 ot tile ot t.be owr terr1tor.r Will be terai•tect wh8n tM cial •~Miltatift ot tbe ~r.tary-GnaraJ. • cbarp. tbl - ~ tM te4 •tiou tlal w1ll be bo1.-te4.

2. :tM - :te .t:hl!tr.-.1 u4 :rw,atriatioll ot the ...a, force• ot tM . ttierl.Uillj rill --- aaer IRqMtr'YiaiOD ot tbl •cre1iar;y-Gnaral' • c1al ~MDtatift u4 Will be cl: u IIOOil u poni'bla.

' . OD tM - ot tM tna81'er ot •11ibc1:11 't7 to U. WA1 te4 t i tM. lu4a f]C Y111 be laD18te4 •1 .. ai.. W1 tM ~tM •t1 n.... u4 1 t Will fi7 11 '1 19fie •

.a... tnuter ot •tlaority to ~aia ¥111 be eftec"tecl u u poaai'bl.e an.r 1 - 196' •

· 'DU~ Actiaa lecretarT-Oit-raJ I ..


lw York, '9 J U&l7 196.3

n.r !mbaeaador BuDk:er 1 I take great pl.. ure 1n •-.din& 7cu a ah et ot tirat day ot issue at 1 u a token eouYmir ,ot 7aur cloae oc tion with th qu•t.ioo. ot Guin• (W•t Irian). I once again upresa to ;rau .,. appreciation tor 7our aldl.l.tul untiring effort• 1 which ontribut.ed ao greatl7 to bring to an end the diapute betwMn th epublic ot IMoneeia and the lin o! the llether l.anda oYer at w Guinea ( • t Irian). th eJ:7 beat wiah tor a 7 and rwardin& I.r tor 100 and 701D" taail.T, I r ,