World Aids Day lighting of candles in remembrance of all those who succumbed to HIV/AIDS.

mkhanyakude was Gwala, for successfully meeting was accompanied by, among applauded by their 90-90-90 targets by 2020," others, the Mayors: KwaZulu Natal he said. This was during the Umkhanyakude District U Premier Sihle Zikalala World Aids Day 2020 Municipality Cllr T.S. Mkhombo, for exceptional performance in celebration which was held at Umhlabuyalingana LM Cllr N.S. dealing with HIV/AIDS. "We Manguzi under Mthethwa and Umtubatuba LM applaud, in particular, the Umhlabuyalingana Local Cllr V.T. Ncamphalala. districts of Ugu, uMzinyathi, Municipality in Umkhanyakude Premier also encouraged young uMkhanyakude and Harry on 1st December 2020. Premier people to abstain from having


1 World Aids Day 2020 in Umkhanyakude

sex for as long as possible. Should you discover that you a deadly global pandemic that "Young people must abstain are positive, start taking is currently gripping South from sex and when they do Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Africa and KwaZulu-Natal. decide to have a partner, they and do so in strict compliance He urged community members must get tested together and with the guidelines," he said. to keep distance, wash hands, ensure they use condoms. The The Premier also noted that avoid crowds and practice all call is for all of us to “Cheka this year’s World Aids Day took precautions by government to Impilo” – to check regularly to place in the midst of Covid-19, curb the spread of Covid-19. make sure they are negative.




2 Launch of 16 Days of No Violence against Women and Children

th n 25 November “In 2020, we launch the 16 and patriarchy. “Let us stop 2020, KwaZulu- Days Campaign under the telling our children that Natal Premier theme of, “Women’s libanjwa lishisa emendweni. O Sihle Zikalala Economic Justice for a Let us also stop gossiping made a strong appeal to non-violent and non-sexist and mocking women who communities to take an ”. This theme is decide to leave abusive uncompromising stand supported by the national husbands – akukona against violence directed at call to action which says, ukwehluleka ukushiya women and children. “Working together to Build a umuntu okuhlukumezayo. Society where Morality takes We know that most of these Premier Zikalala was Prevalence.” speaking at the provincial launch of 16 Days Campaign The Premier emphasized SAMPLE PHOTO of No-Violence Against that the violationsSOURCED: IALCH Women and Children held in upon victims is not of their Municipality, own doing. “We want to Gunjaneni area, in the stress that it can never be a Umkhanyakude District. fault of a woman to be violated or killed by a man or KwaZulu-Natal was identified her partner. It is not women in April 2019 as experiencing or the victims that must escalation in violent crimes, change, but the men who especially contact crimes, abuse and rape,” he said. including murder and attempted murders, The Premier called on our aggravated robberies, sexual traditional leaders and offence and assault GBH. religious leaders to play their Premier told the community part in rooting out sexism


3 Covid-19 screening and testing is done in Public areas

mkhanyakude Health PremierSAMPLE Mr Sihle PHOTO Zikalala was 09th October 2020. District is closely delightedSOURCED: to hear IALCH such as he The district development model monitoring its was being screened for Covid- aims to accelerate, align and U Covid-19 cases; 19 at Sisizakele Special School integrate service delivery under during each at Bhambanani in ward 12 a single development plan per government/community under Local Municipality. district or metro that is gathering there are teams This was during District developed jointly by national, dealing with screening for Development Model (DDM) provincial and local government Covid-19 and testing is done if launch for UMkhanyakude on as well as business, labour and necessary. Kwazulu-Natal community in each district.

Premier Zikalala Visited Gunjaneni Clinic


remier Sihle Zikalala visited Gunjaneni Clinic in Mtubatuba Local Municipality on 25th November 2020. His purpose was to establish how does the clinic deal with Gender Based Violence vic- tims. This was part of the launch of 16 Days of No Violence Against Women and Children. Prem- P ier was accompanied by Mayors Cllr T.S. Mkhombo and Cllr V.T. Ncamphalala.



UMtubatuba Local Municipality Mayor led “Nqo Nqo Sikhulekile

ayor of Mtubatuba Local M Municipality Cllr VT Ncamphalala and Speaker Cllr DR Ntuli led a health programme called "Nqo Nqo Sikhulekile eKhaya" around Mtubatuba on 3rd November 2020. Nqo Nqo Sikhulekile eKhaya is a programme launched by MEC for Health in KwaZulu-Natal Ms Nomagugu Simelane- Zulu last year (2019); through this initiative, health workers conduct door-to-door once a month in community households identified by Community Health Workers; during these visits, health services officials ie nurses, doctors, programme has previously been are provided on the spot and physiotherapists, social workers, done in Jozini LM, relevant referrals are done if pharmacists, etc. These officials UMhlabuyalingana LM and Big 5 need be. were from different health LM. Various health services were facilities in the district. This rendered to the community by multi-disciplinary team of health SAMPLE PHOTO SOURCED: IALCH

Health services were rendered to community members at the comfort of their homes


5 Women Empowerment Session

omen Empowerment session was done at Umkhanyakude Health District. Women empowerment session was aimed at encouraging women gain confidence, practice self-care, and support each other’s personal or professional success. W Various topics were discussed by women when they shared ideas, information, experiences and addressed each other’s questions. Women agreed that such sessions will not be a once off; but will continue in order to uplift and support each other in various spheres of life.

Continues on page 7 06

6 Celebration of Mental Health Day in Umkhanyakude

istrict Mental Health members as we believe that no Coordinator with Mental employee can produce an excellent Health and Psychoso- service delivery where as their wellbeing is not prioritized. cial D Response Team hosted a Mental Different speakers were invited to Health Awareness to advice our health care UMkhanyakude Health personnel. District Office Staff. Speakers were District Mental Health This day, 10th October is Coordinator, Mr. SG Ncwane, and recognized as Word “Word Mental Mrs. Bongekile Mbatha from KZN Health Day”. Therefore, this day Liquor Authority, Ms. Zama Kunene was all about the staff mental (Clinical Psychologist), Nonhlanhla Mthimkhulu (Social wellness. This campaign was SAMPLE PHOTO hosted in order to promote a Worker)SOURCED: and Ms. IALCH ZA Nkosi (Depression survivor). healthy life style to our staff

Continues on page 8






WRITER, DESIGNER &PHOTOGRAPHER EDITOR he District Director and the entire Management wish you all a happy festive season with your families and friends. It has been a challenging year for all of us, especially because we are operating in a health sector; since T we all know, 2020 was riddled by the Covid-19 pandemic; through which lives were lost and livelihoods interrupted; but we thank Almighty for keeping us thus far.

It is not yet over, we are currently experiencing the 2nd wave of Covid-19 pandemic, Umkhanyakude is no exception; therefore we are urged not to let our guard down. Let us continue to wash hands, wear masks, social distance, stay at home, avoid gatherings and protect ourselves and families even more. The management team wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New year.