Ewenny Walk details

Distance: Approx 8.5 miles ​ Time: Approx 4.5 hours ​ Access: Moderate-hard difficulty, some steep inclines, river ​ crossings over stepping stones or footbridge, not suitable for wheelchairs and buggies, walking boots or other suitable footwear required

Parking: Free Parking on Abbey Road nr Priory ​ Walking Route


1. Start your walk at . Ewenny Priory was a monastery of the Benedictine ​ Order, founded in the twelfth century. With the Priory to the right and the Ewenny river ​ to the left, follow the road to the end, turning right into the field through a kissing gate following the Valeways Millennium Trial (VMT). The VMT will take you to the bottom of the field, over a stone stile and along a paved footpath towards . Go over a second stone stile and carefully cross the road, and climb over a third stile.

2. Cross over the residential road and continue onto the path opposite, uphill leading to a path surrounded by open fields. At the top of the hill, the path bends to the left. Passing through another gate, the path becomes a stone track.

3. Pass through the kissing gate and carefully cross the road, turning slightly to the right to re-join the footpath on the opposite side. Follow the yellow footpath arrows into the field past some farm buildings. Exit this field, turn left and follow Wick Road down hill, turning right at the road with a stone garage and green house on the corner.

4. Follow this road to the ford and take the steppingstones over the River Alun. Take the gate on the right and follow the path that leads under the railway bridge. The path bends to the left and pass through the gate, taking the steep narrow path on following the yellow footpath arrows, taking the right hand route when you come out onto the open field. Follow the path uphill, as it gradually bends round to the left, until a dry-stone wall appears on the left.

5. Follow the path down hill until , turning right onto Blackhall Road, turning left onto the B4265 and carefully cross the road. Take the path on the right that ​ leads to the twelfth century church of St Bridget. From the church, take the path to the ​ right, joining the Circular Walk, passing Pant Quarry to the right and Ogmore Golf Course on the left. Take the left path at the fork and continue onto Ogmore Road (B4524), turning left at the road.

6. The Pelican in Her Piety is situated on the main road, with the remains of downhill. Ogmore Castle was built by the Normans in the twelfth century and was the ​ residence of the de Londres family, who paid for the building of Ewenny Priory. At the castle, ​ either cross the Ewenny river at the stepping stones, or take the path on the far side of the castle and walk upriver to the footbridge. The stepping stones are a registered ancient ​ monument and would have been the main river crossing in the Middle Ages. On the other ​

side, follow the path that runs parallel to the river. Cross the stream at the footbridge and then turn left onto the road towards .

7. After the church, follow the road, climbing over the stone stile that appears on your right. Follow this path until you come to Home Farm then turn left. Follow the road as it turns right, then cross the stile to join the footpath immediately ahead.

8. Cross another stile and join the road at Coed-tyle, turning right towards the river. Cross at the bridge (looking out for traffic as this is very narrow), and then take the footpath to your left. Keeping the river to your left, follow the path, going through another kissing gate and under a low (6ft) underpass, until you reach a residential area.

9. Follow the houses to your right and then turn left and right again onto B4265. Then turn left and immediately right onto another road, which eventually passes under the railway line, and across a busy road.

10. Join the footpath that leads to Hernston Hall Farm, turn left until you see a footpath on your right – take this path crossing the river at the bridge and finish your walk at Ewenny Priory.