list of Private recognised Schools in District as on November (2015)

S No. Name of the Institution Location status/level

1 Bisco Memorial Nowgam 12 th 2 R-M-P Hr Secondary School Budgam 12 th 3 Babul Ilem Budgam 12 th 4 Hussani MHSS Wadipora 12 th 5 Bright Horizon Humhama 12 th 6 RMP HSS 12 th 7 SAMIE Beeruwah 12 th 8 Bright Mission BK Pora 12 th 9 Babul Qira Gund CheckPora 10th 10 Islamic Public School BK Pora 10th 11 Sheikh Ul Alam Wagoora 10th 12 IPS Khanda 10th 13 Islamic High School Kralpra 10th 14 Glory Mission Checkpora 10th 15 valley Gopalpora 10th 16 Sanik Edu Instt Drambugh 10th 17 Hanifiya Islamic Instt Drambugh 10th 18 New Angles Garden Wathoora 10th 19 Alamdar High School Mochowa 10th 20 Shaheen Public School 10th 21 Islamic Educational Institute Soibugh 10th 22 Public Model School Wadwan 10th 23 Army Good Will Hanjik 10th 24 Mohamadiya School Sebdan 10th 25 Shahi Hamdan Bemina 10th 26 Mehdi Public School HMT 10th 27 Oxford School Budgam 10th 28 Lucky Star Public Budgam 10th 29 New Spring Buds Budgam 10th 30 Islamic Educational Institute Budgam 10th 31 Springs Buds 10th 32 Vision Public School Humhama 10th 33 Kashmir valley Humhama 10th 34 Al Ameen Chinar Humhama 10th 35 Green Field Huroo 10th 36 Islamic Educational Trust Budgam 10th 37 JK Public School Humhama 10th 38 Chinar Valley School Humhama 10th 39 Al Asma Budgam 10th 40 Celestial Buds Pub 10th 41 Sheikh Ul Alam Mission 10th 42 SMQ Namthehal 10th 43 Sheikh Ul Alam Panzan 10th 44 Gousia Coperative HS Panzan 10th 45 Green View PS Magam 10th 46 Sahmas Memorial Shamasabad 10th 47 Sheikh Kremshora 10th 48 Mazharul Haq High Scho Beeruwah 10th 49 Salfia Institute Gundipora 10th 50 Imamia Public School Chattergam 8th 51 Mehboob Ulalam Puhroo 8th 52 Shadab Puclic School Puhroo 8th 53 Islamic Edu Instt Bugam 8th 54 Islamic Edu Instt Kuzwera 8th 55 Noor Ul Aloom Gowherpora 8th 56 Sheikh Ul Alam Bugam 8th 57 Ahmad Eud Instt Summerbugh 8th 58 New Way Soiteng 8th 59 Mew High Land Wanbal 8th 60 Islamic Educational Institute Wagoora 8th 61 Islamic Edu Instt Wathoora 8th 62 New Standard Kralpora 8th 63 Nisar Edu Instt Nowbugh 8th 64 New Dreem Land Wathoora 8th 65 Aploo Edu Instt Mochowa 8th 66 Kids Heewan Sathoo 8th 67 Islamic Educational Institute 8th 68 Syed Mohd Model Kenihama 8th 69 Banat Instt of Education BK Pora 8th 70 Muslim Public school Rakshalina 8th 71 Tiny Buds Summerbugh 8th 72 Alamdar Edu Instt summerbugh 8th 73 Sabir Abdullah Gopalpora 8th 74 Islamic Educational Institute Sebdan 8th 75 Shaheen Islamic Daharmunah 8th 76 Gulshan Ed.Instt Sholipora 8th 77 Islamic Educational Institute Waterhail 8th 78 Islamic Educational Institute Sholipora 8th 79 Salfia Islamic School Aarth 8th 80 Safvi School Mirgund 8th 81 Islamic Educational Institute NS Pora 8th 82 Hussani Pub School Bemina 8th 83 Shaheen Public School Graind 8th 84 Imamia Public school 8th 85 Sheikh Noor ud din Wadwan 8th 86 Islamic Educational Institute Ompora 8th 87 Mother Khatija HC Ompora 8th 88 Mohammadia Model Narkara 8th 89 Apex School Reshipora 8th 90 Royal Public School Ompora 8th 91 Kite High land Rangreet 8th 92 Faiz Ul Aloom PS Humhama 8th 93 Salsabeel Educational Humhama 8th 94 Holly Mission Narbal 8th 95 Holly Faith Sozeith 8th 96 Sheikh Ahmad Memor Kanihama 8th 97 Al Ahad Educational Narbal 8th 98 Shuknag Edu Instt Makhama 8th 99 Public Model School Sozeith 8th 100 New Mission Kirmanabad 8th 101 Salfia Edu Instt Rusoo 8th 102 Soliah Idrualul Uloom Narbal 8th 103 Islamia Edu Instt SK Pora 8th 104 Hanifiya Angloo Arbaic Kawoosa 8th 105 Gazaliya Mem Instt Narbal 8th 106 Shaheen Edu Instt SK Pora 8th 107 Shaikhal Alam Kawoosa K 8th 108 Hanifia ud din Meeripora 8th 109 Mehbool ul alam P/S Bandgam 8th 110 Hanifia Edu Instt Mazahama 8th 111 Memorial Scocia buds Kanihama 8th 112 Islamic Educational Institute Chadoora 8th 113 Islamic Educational Institute Hanjoora 8th 114 Maki Memorial Instt Buchroo 8th 115 Islamic Educational Institute Sogam 8th 116 Islamic Model School Ranger 8th 117 Islamic Educational Institute Buchroo 8th 118 Sheikh Ul Alam Charishief 8th 119 Alamdar Charishrief 8th 120 Noorani Public school Trajbal 8th 121 Bright Mission Alamdar C 8th 122 Syed Ali Public school Pakherpora 8th 123 Islamic Educational Institute Charwani 8th 124 Alamdar Wakf Model Charishrief 8th 125 Shamas Ul Arifeen Mo Talab Kalan 8th 126 Nund Reshi Memorial Charishrief 8th 127 Life Zaloosa 8th 128 Noorani PS Qaisermulla 8th 129 Sheikh Ul Alam, Nagam 8th 130 Islamic Educational Institute Wadipora 8th 131 Islamic Educational Institute Badipora 8th 132 Islamic Educational Institute Dawalatpora 8th 133 Islamic Educational Institute Loolipora 8th 134 Model Academy School Hayatpora 8th 135 Noorani PS Nagam 8th 136 Alamdar PMS Magam 8th 137 Imamia PS Iskenderpora 8th 138 Khosar PS Khag 8th 139 Gulshan PS Hazerpora 8th 140 Allama Iqbal Islamic Khanshib 8th 141 Syed Sulleh Memorial Khanshib 8th 142 Sahme Hidayat P/S Raithan 8th 143 Alhamza Public School Raithan 8th 144 Yousuf Foundation Kalshipora 8th 145 Stream View P/S Shamasabad 8th 146 Islamic Educational Institute Bugroo 8th 147 Islamic Educational Institute 8th 148 Brilliant PS Handjan 8th 149 Sir Syed Model Palpora 8th 150 Model PS Panewa 8th 151 Imaamia PS Ichgam 8th 152 Islamic Educational Institute Choon 8th 153 Iqbal Memoiral Instt Kremshora 8th 154 Islamic Educational Institute Kandoora 8th 155 Islamic Educational Institute CC Pora 8th 156 Sadi Memorial Zanigam 8th 157 Evergeen Edu.Instt Zogoo 8th 158 Evergreen Aarth 8th 159 Aga Syed Yousuf Shipora 8th 160 Holi Child Gopalpora 5th 161 Cross Road Wathoora 5th 162 Urchins Land Wathoora 5th 163 Future Era Dangerpora 5th 164 Lumnious Candle BK Pora 5th 165 Bright Star BK Pora 5th 166 Falcon Memorial Checkpora 5th 167 Moulana Azad Mem BK Pora 5th 168 Ein Posh Mission School C.Pora Kalan 5th 169 Ahli Bayat Pub school Sanzipora 5th 170 Gousia Edu Instt Aribagh 5th 171 Mind Creater Edu Instt Doniwari 5th 172 Al Shurooq Kralpora 5th 173 Sheikh-Uloom Kultreh 5th 174 Model Public Institute Khanda 5th 175 Science and tech NS Pora 5th 176 Imamia Public school Labertal 5th 177 Shaheen Islamic school Pymus 5th 178 Public Model School Warsangam 5th 179 National Instt.f Edu Soibugh 5th 180 Public Model School Gutapora 5th 181 Iqra Public School Hakermulla 5th 182 Imam-i-Sajad Soibugh 5th 183 Sans Pariel School Bemina 5th 184 Raident Educational Institute KC Bemina 5th 185 Gousia Pub Ed Instt Humhama 5th 186 Baitul Ilem PS Mahwara 5th 187 Sky High Syed Abad Sheikhpora 5th 188 Oxbridge Valley School Narkara 5th 189 Mount Litra Reshipora 5th 190 Orchids School Narkara 5th 191 Chanir Ad Bridge Rangreet 5th 192 Baba Reshi Reshipora 5th 193 Baba Hanief ud din Rathsun 5th 194 Islamic Educational Institute Watalpora 5th 195 Islamic Educational Institute Makhama 5th 196 Evergreen Green Public Kanir 5th 197 Islamia Pub lic School Surasyar 5th 198 Libra Education Institute Zoohama 5th 199 Islamic Educational Institute Dadaompora 5th 200 Syed Jaffer Memorial Mehnoor 5th 201 Alamdar Mission Suresyar 5th 202 Islamic Educational Institute Suresyar 5th 203 Jehlum Valley PS Chadoora 5th 204 New Era Future Kralwari 5th 205 IMI Kanir 5th 206 Islamic Educational Institute Doodganga 5th 207 Islamic Educational Institute Yarikalan 5th 208 Central Coperative HS Panzan 5th 209 Syed Davood Memorial Hushroo 5th 210 Islamic Educational Institute Branwar 5th 211 Alamdar Buddings Dalwan 5th 212 Alamdar Model School Kakwaring 5th 213 Islamic Educational Institute Kanidajan 5th 214 Alamdar Edu Instt Charipora 5th 215 Moon Land Pakherpora 5th 216 Nobel Mission Futlipora 5th 217 Eric Bisco School Pakherpora 5th 218 Alamdar PS Nowpora 5th 219 Safe Kids care Borwah 5th 220 Sadaqi Sir H.Batpora 5th 221 Green Land PS Dalipora 5th 222 Blossom Edu Instt Sarie 5th 223 Peac School Nagam 5th 224 Bright Future Loolipora 5th 225 Maqbooli Aam School Gogjipathri 5th 226 Oxford PS Pet Kanihama 5th 227 Baba Latief ud din Poshker 5th 228 Majhoor Edu Instt Kandhama 5th 229 Kastoorwan Khag 5th 230 Masoom PS H.Suresh 5th 231 Rural Edu Socity 5th 232 Zeal Edu Instt Adina 5th 233 Nund Reshi Memorial H.Suresh 5th 234 Sunshine P/S Bugroo 5th 235 Noorani P/S Arigam 5th 236 Shaheen P/S Kenoora 5th 237 Holly Mission Public school Watred 5th 238 Islamic Educational Institute CD Pora 5th 239 Rose Land Parnewa 5th 240 Sheikh Ul alam Mem Dreygam 5th 241 SNB Beeruwah Arwah 5th 242 Suknag Beeruwah 5th 243 Islamic Educational Institute Najan 5th 244 SAMIE Lalpora 5th 245 Umulbneen Public School H Panzoo 5th 246 Holly Mission Public Sail 5th 247 Islamic Educational Institute Arizal 5th 248 Al Jawahar Chill 5th 249 Royal Edge Public School Khag 5th 250 Nowrozbaba Mem School Khag 5th 251 Elite Educational Instiiutte Khag 5th 252 Tawheeda Education Instt Rakshalina 5th 253 Al Fahad Waterhail 5th 254 JAKALI Rangreat 5th 255 Institute of Advanced Study Gulwanpora 5th 256 Ranbow International School Gogo 5th 257 Generation Next Edu. Institute Hanjoora 5th 258 Muthari Public School Parisabad 5th 259 Global School of Education Arigam 5th 260 Iqra Public School Khanpora Khag 5th 261 Smart Brain Educational Institure Gurwait 5th 262 Al-Hira Educational Institute Gangipora 5th

263 IPTS Heights Khanshib 5th 264 Cambridge School of Modern Education Utligam 5th 265 City of Knowledge PS Parnewa 5th 266 Kindergaten Public School Khanda 5th 267 Sheikh-ul-alam Public School Bon-Makhama 5th 268 Kashmir Public School Batapora 5th Sd- Chief Education Officer Budgam.